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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 182 KB, 2048x1228, 12244272_10206135541722335_1808142347858028766_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8730163 No.8730163 [Reply] [Original]

Are they worth it or are you better off watching Youtube?

>> No.8730225

never heard of them. are they any good?

>> No.8730233

Every single one of them is still learning.

You will probably not learn much.

>> No.8730238

I have done a photography panel at a convention before, and it was well received.

If the the lecturer knows what they're talking about and they're engaging AND entertaining, you'll get something out of it.

If not, you shouldn't waste your time.

>> No.8730240

they promise "trade secret". I'm mildly interested

>> No.8730261
File: 123 KB, 2048x1357, geeked cyclops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is who you're going to learn "Post production" from.

>> No.8730264

Literally who?

>> No.8730295
File: 63 KB, 640x960, 12027318_892467587495159_6353550101290385224_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lighting? This is the guy talking about lighting?

>> No.8730303

I fucking lol'd.

Why are they doing this to themselves?

The best part is, I don't even have to talk shit. Anyone can tell that this is not a group you want to learn photography from.

>> No.8730326

Blind leading the blind. The only thing I like is that they did include someone for cosplayer perspective.

>learning etiquette
>from the most obnoxious looking one
>who is technically flipping you off


>> No.8730346

I lol'ed.

>> No.8730379

Isn't post production and photo retouching the same thing? These guys are so ass backwards

>> No.8730416

Ok to be fair, that guy has taken hall shots of me and was very polite and nice when he did so.

Whoever designed that poster should be shot though.

>> No.8730453

Look up the cosplayer for the cosplayer persepctive. She considers herself a cosplay celebrity role model

>> No.8730463

i can see one being composing and the other being beauty

>> No.8730465

What does being polite and nice have to do with photography?

>> No.8730467

does she have a page? found her persona facebook. her cosplays are no good

>> No.8730468

if you can't see the problem they're trying to address, then you're part of the problem

>> No.8730484

Being nice and polite isn't going to get you booked for work.

LOL @ me showing a shit portfolio to a potential client, then saying, "Why don't you want to hire me? I'm so polite and nice!"

>> No.8730486
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>> No.8730492

I saw her screaming at cosplayers on my feed because they weren't getting a response from the convention and she's now head of social media for them.

>> No.8730493
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>> No.8730575
File: 180 KB, 1365x2048, 12120103_892459880829263_1352804239127186773_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. Did he suck Laboy's dick and put a gun to his head to go to the con and recommend him?

>> No.8730614

these photos are all very unflattering.

>> No.8730618

Oh I believe you, but he's doing a terrible job at portraying himself professionally. I know it's a laid-back convention setting, but it's still work.

If you show a cosplayer an amazing portfolio and act like an asshole, you're gonna get your own /cgl/ thread about how much of an asshole you are, and everyone will warn each other not to work with you.

Do you get away with acting like a douchebag at your day job or what?

>> No.8730705
File: 57 KB, 638x960, 10411963_844240732315641_6035812584563789826_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up Adaina Velez Modeling Page on Facebook

>> No.8730706

I just checked out geeked's work, and they are fcking grotesque. why would anyone think he qualifies to talk post production?

>> No.8731028

Lol. "Modeling Page".

I never want this thread to die. These people are hilarious.

>> No.8731059

Surprised Laboy isn't in this, he could talk about his career or lack of one. At least Ed can now hold it over Jason's head that he's been on a panel even if shitty, while Laboy hasn't.

>> No.8731374

Yeah I know, she looks like a woman going through midlife crisis trying to beat using cosplay

>> No.8731436

how old is she anyway? mid 30s?

>> No.8731637

Everyone is always still learning. You cant know everything in my opinion.

>> No.8731695

Yeah but for a panel, those leading it should know something. It's like having students teach a class in college.

>> No.8731709

You can learn something, everyone has a different perspective and take on something. Even if it is something little.
And its not like they are saying its "Advanced Photography"

get off your high horses.

>> No.8731756

Yes they are, these guys are telling people to hit their panel to learn trade secrets. You defending them so hard you have to be one of the listed

>> No.8731766
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>> No.8731777
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My horse will remain high. If you're going to purport to teach me something, you have to show me that you have a grasp on what it is you're teaching.

My photography teacher would kick a hole in my ass if I ever posted work with my name on it that looks like the stuff that was posted here.

I'm going to assume that's not their best work, even though what I'm reading here says it doesn't get much better. What are they trying to teach me? How to produce shit? I can do that just fine on my own.

>> No.8731789

>"these guys"
>geeked wrote that
no but you clearly look at his page you know how the guy talks, thats just how he talks hes eccentric and overzealous and exaggerates everything

>> No.8732097

ok assb

>> No.8732232

In terms of actual photography, lighting is probably the most important part that makes a good photo.

This is so fucking dumb, There is nobody talking about composition which is literally the most important point about general photography.

>> No.8732248

Most of the local cosplayers are not going to WinterCon because of how she has dealt with a credit situation on a photo that was for promo. She also works for the con and appointed herself as the end all day all person for their social media. She's a cunt.

>> No.8732337


Photography is all about lighting. Literally it's capturing light. How is this going to teach me anything if the person can not capture light properly?!?!

>> No.8732359

it's called style. there are more than one way to light a photo. it's not wrong just because it's different.

>> No.8732365


I appreciate the troll but if enough people say this shit there'll be that one person who actually thinks this is true.

You almost triggered me.

>> No.8732550

What is this?! Stop! I can't even. This is bloody awful

>> No.8732569


>> No.8732586

Dumbass, I said that because someone was discounting that guy's ability to talk about etiquette based solely on his photo. None of them are talented photographers and none of them should be giving a panel on the technical aspects of photography. Unbunch yourself.

>> No.8732603

Neko cosplay photography is actually pretty good. Please don't lump him with the rest.

>> No.8732735


oh my god

I know a lot of cosplayers aren't going but they aren't exactly local

>> No.8733682

Your sarcasm detector needs servicing.

He's better than they are. "Pretty good" is a stretch. Maybe he should stop slumming with them and host the panel by himself.

She ain't no model.

>> No.8733701

Neko isnt terrible, the girls not bad either but why those other guys I have no idea
they do some pretty unnecessary things or dont get raw right which theres no point in editing if you cant do that. you cant edit a badly shot photo.

>> No.8733851

i would attend a panel by julia and neko. not with this bunch of clowns

>> No.8733861

As an idea photography panels at conventions are great. You get to learn from people, ask questions, and receive answers in real time. Maybe get to watch a live demo and see how a photographer works a shoot without having to feel like a stalker.

In reality you'd probably be better off just watching an actual professional photographer's videos.

>> No.8734019

Calm down Adaina

>> No.8734035

This is why I say cosplay photographers should assist a photographer instead of "practicing" to get good.

Because most cosplay photographers don't know what a good photo is, they don't know what they're practicing to get. They don't look at magazines, they just go on Facebook and copy what the next guy is doing, that's why everyone is using Dutch angles like they're running out of them.

You can't teach an eye, but you can definitely coach one. Instead of charging people to learn, while giving them shit pictures (and becoming increasingly self-important in your shitty pictures), you should learn from someone who knows wtf they're doing.

>> No.8734056

Just looked up Neeko and he hit a con this weekend, but all his photos are not even properly white balanced. They're not even on auto WB

Sad because he does have some mediocre to decent photos on other cons

>> No.8734158


B&H offers seminars on their YouTube page I have no clue why cosplay photographers don't watch them. As someone who lives in NY I don't have the time to go to these things (except if I happen to be at Adorama at the time a speaker is there demonstrating things) but I always make sure I watch/read up on something before trying it out.

>> No.8734163


I just took a look at his page and I can't quite tell what you mean by not even properly white balanced. Especially since there's technically correct white balance and aesthetically correct white balance, and I don't see anything that's outstandingly off. Care to post an example?

>> No.8734174

if you look at his photos from new jersey comic expo they have a yellow tint to them. It's relatively fine for most of the photos, but when you go to a costume with green like the Gamora, the yellow pops more and makes the whole picture look sickly. I'm guessing he had his WB set to the cloudy setting

>> No.8734176

Yeah Big White Bazooka did a seminar for cosplay photography for Adorama I think. I heard Adorama contacted another cosplay photographer who was local, but they were busy so referred him instead

>> No.8734200


I kind of see what you mean. Maybe it's just me but it doesn't stand out so much that it becomes "sickly". Just... saturated.

>> No.8735100

anyone going to the panel? I'm curious. trade ssecrets. i need the edge

>> No.8735305

no, but i am going to the convention. its a pretty weak con as it is if last year is any indication.

>> No.8735470

I heard a few people aren't going as a boycott, because they weren't crediting cosplayers or something, aside from the Adaina chick who apparently works for them. Head meh things about it

>> No.8737488

Here's your senpais


>> No.8737494
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>> No.8737497
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>> No.8737687

30 minutes of bullshit.

It's weird because I kinda am cool with Jaycee, but the rest of them... bleh.

>> No.8737712
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 12291116_911024622306122_4849552734217867079_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing because Ed is talking about getting the exposure right and yet his shit is cringeworthy

>> No.8737806

damn i need subtitles everytime ed talks

>> No.8737807
File: 193 KB, 1365x2048, 11229559_911024618972789_7510331200472076435_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he suppose to be the strobist?

>> No.8737981

maybe his monitor is poorly calibrated.

>> No.8738129

and his camera and his eye sight

>> No.8738242

Please stop taking these people seriously. Period. Sage for dumb thread.

>> No.8738261

Search on Youtube for other panels


>> No.8741801


I don't think sage works anymore.

But instead of saying that and leaving it as is lemme try it out myself.

>> No.8741803



>> No.8741805


Goes into options field not name field.

>> No.8742418

you must be one of the six dudes

>> No.8742436

I bet only 6 guys will show up to this shitshow.

>> No.8742437

Nah their friends will show up and then tell them how informative and awesome it was afterwards. Only reason these guys even get any work is because of friends who are ass kissers who are afraid to tell them otherwise.

>> No.8744010

The same with many of the cosfamous photographers and cosplayers. Most think they are grwat but can't find work outside of cosplay for all their talents

>> No.8744050

Not true, there's plenty of cosplayers who are camwhores

>> No.8744078

Less than 1,000 likes and half her photos are unflattering with her fatty tits hanging out.

>> No.8744123

but she's a professional cosplayer and model and a philanthropist!!!!!!!

>> No.8748417

Who's going to this mess this weekend? Geeked keeps talking about how he's gonna revolutionize photography with cinemagraphs to all his friends because he paid $300 for a shitty app

>> No.8748430

$300? What the hell? Just do that shit yourself in Photoshop. Fucking fake ass photographers. Pisses me off just like that other ass photographer who said she didnt need to learn white balance, as her PS actions can fix it.

>> No.8748442
File: 155 KB, 2048x1356, 12240942_1086244198060955_5711820465414198927_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was in nyc so I can check this out! I'd love to hear what they have to say so I can avoid shit like this!

>> No.8748604
File: 18 KB, 340x234, Cat-Laugh (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Geeked Photography
>Revolutionize photography


>> No.8748697

going solely for geeked and eds talk for lulz.

>> No.8748831
File: 64 KB, 720x960, HappyBlackMerchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professional Photography

>> No.8748840

Is that MC Ride?

>> No.8749014

Nah brah, Eugene Manning will be at Derpycon

>> No.8749166
File: 111 KB, 843x630, Huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This much is true

>> No.8749171

His reality of being a high skilled professional photographer is his fantasy

>> No.8750284

EMCP here.

Who are these people?


I don't think I understand what your criticism is. If it's the skimming off the top of her head, I did it, and the picture still looks amazing.

I'm still your senpai, and I'll never notice you.

>> No.8750352

Not EMCP here. What's being circled?

>> No.8750394

He cut off the top of her costume and part of the top of her head. Extremely amateur error.

>> No.8750415

After the atrocities we've seen in this thread, you coming at him for THAT? lol.

It sounds like you're saying that the only bad thing about his picture is that there's not enough of it.

>> No.8750563

Cutting off the top part of the head is actually pretty common in bon-cosplay photography. Now who's amateur. Lol

>> No.8750570
File: 201 KB, 2048x1367, 12248069_308801532647666_6752805297502504652_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blatant samefagging. It's common for even the better photographers to not light something quite right or accidentally get stuff like garbage cans in the background, but composition is Photography 101. If you can't even get your whole model's head in the shot it's a guarantee that you're sloppy and don't pay attention to details.

That or you're an idiot and you think it's somehow poignant and different and ~*~edgy~*~. Which looks to be the case as most of your closeups have the top of people's heads sliced off. Fucking stop. You're not doing anyone any favors and the photos would look better properly composed.

>> No.8750615


Anon hit the nail on the head.

Also is right about composition and lighting.


Anon, you're right in some regard that compared to everything else here this is pretty tame. But for a self-proclaimed professional he has made such incredibly painful and amateur mistakes in composition. Something a man of his experience should have learned within the first few months of photography (especially cosplay photography).

The man doesn't understand what he's shooting.

>> No.8750626

>[wrong thing] is actually pretty common in [made up excuse]

Typical Eugene response. You come up with this kind of shit whenever anyone corrects you on the dumb shit you do. Keep walking, kid. You're not making yourself look any better.

>> No.8750874
File: 99 KB, 750x1015, Shape-Shift-Steven-Meisel-Vogue-Italia-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EMCP here again. You'll know when EMCP is here, because I have no problem saying, "EMCP here". I don't know why you would think that I have time to be in here samefagging to defend my work when I'm already a photographer with publications to my credit, and currently at a convention.

>I was going to show you examples of photos by celebrated photographers who have parts of their subjects omitted from the frame, but honestly, the most cursory Google search for "fashion advertising photography" will show you literally thousands of examples. I did attach this one from Steven Meisel, who makes a million dollars, per issue, shooting covers for Vogue Italia. He cuts the tops off his subject's heads and wardrobe, occasionally. And gets paid handsomely to do it. Who are you?

Not to mention, these aren't planned shoots; I don't have makeup or hair, or anything. I'm just grabbing cosplayers who walk by me and ask them to pose for me, and I get this result. I didn't have any equipment for the Love Live shot other than my camera and lens. It never occurred to you that I might have to cut off the top of a cosplayer's wig, or shoot something creatively, to cut out, for example, frizz from a wig being worn in the sun all day long in July? Or a costume flaw? A wardrobe malfunction?

The fact that you would go so hard for such a tiny "flaw" (your sentiment, not mine) is because you have an axe to grind concerning me.

>> No.8750924

Also EMCP.

in >>8750570:
> It's common for even the better photographers to not light something quite right or accidentally get stuff like garbage cans in the background, but composition is Photography 101. If you can't even get your whole model's head in the shot it's a guarantee that you're sloppy and don't pay attention to details.
>not light something quite right
>accidentally get stuff like garbage cans in the background
> composition is Photography 101
A composition master would never "accidentally" get anything in a shot, much less stuff like garbage cans.

This sentence shows me that you have no idea, not a hint of a clue, what you're talking about. I've worked under and learned from, the best. I shoot like they trained me to shoot.

I'm not going to be that guy and ask you to post your work, because honestly, I don't care. If you also light things not quite right or "accidentally" get garbage cans in your frame, it's because you, too, are a garbage can. You're not a rival photographer, you're just some guy (or girl) mad on the internet. You are kouhai. I will never notice you.

Honestly, I wouldn't even notice you now, if not for all of the other people who might think that because you use the word "composition" that you know what it means.

I'm not mad. Even if you were one of the photographers who are the topic of this thread trying to use me to take the focus off their work. In the past, I've had problems with some of the photographers mentioned in this thread. But, I respect and support all cosplayers and photographers, including the Aurora Artz team, and if I was at Wintercon, I would have gone to their panel.

I have high standards for myself because I want to do great work. If you think that makes me elitist or something, then I can't help your thinking that. But if you'd like to get to know who I am you can feel free to talk to me.

>> No.8750939


My nigga you aren't Steven Meisel why are you bringing his work into this? Do you even know WHY the rest of the headwear is cut off and why cutting off a sock head is not the same as cutting off a hat with design?

>these aren't planned shoots
>I didn't have any equipment (aside from camera and lens)

How about letting the cosplayer know if their wig is frizzing, offer them an opportunity to fix their clothing, and then shoot? Or maybe not pass your hall shit shots as advertisement of "professional work" and actually use your "Professional work" when making yourself available to do "Professional work"?

Like, come on. If you're gonna stroke your ego out there don't stroke it with shit. A handful of these cosplay people you shoot (aside from hall shoots) don't even have most of their cosplay in the frame. It's like taking a picture of food at a restaurant and focusing on the people dining and not the food.

>> No.8750941


> I don't care.

You sure did type a lot for someone who doesn't care js

>> No.8750951

wow. i don't know you, but if those pictures really were your work, that's a lot of bragging for such a mediocre result...

>> No.8750963

There was no hat. It was a wig, and the fabric on either side of her head. I'd say you don't know what you're talking about, but at this point it's redundant.

You're right. It's time for my boudoir shoot anyway. Have a nice night.

>> No.8750967

Wow you seem like the damn most professionalist photographer there ever were.

>> No.8750970


Referring to the originally posted pic, you cut off a lot of the headwear on that Asian girl's head. So it wasn't a hat. Sue me. You still cut off a lot of what's part of her outfit. As opposed to the image you posted where there is no intricate design or reason to capture the entire headwear. The mind's eye can fill in the rest of the shape of a sock on a head. But whatever you cut off isn't meant to be cut off.

Try arguing against the points instead of the user and maybe you'll be taken more seriously as the "professional" you claim.

>> No.8751105

So like, since your here, you wanna comment on how you try and sleep with girls you shoot or flirt with them to the point they are uncomfortable?
Seriously dude, wtf.
And dont deny, theres mountains of screenshots from your convos in other threads.

Explain brah.
ps. that kind of behavior will always make you shitty photographer, no matter your creds.

>> No.8751221


Not EMCP here. I have heard of (and seen) him creepin' and trying to get closer to girls (and try to use his clout in his favor) often but I haven't actually seen any of the screenshots you talk about.

He really is too full of himself though for work that isn't really outstanding. He can't seem to take criticism (as seen in this thread) well without talking down his critics and speaking of himself highly and it just reeks of arrogance.

>You are kouhai. I will never notice you.

Come on, man. Even as a joke that really puts you down a handful of pegs in the photography totem pole.

>> No.8751300

I went but not to that panel. Its a pretty shitty convention to begin with. There's literally no reason for it to be 2 days since you can clear the show floor in about 30 minutes. I stuck around for the cosplay contest which was nice.
tfw you got candy from Superman Santa

>> No.8751313

...i'm like amateur hour and this hurts me

>> No.8751667

Did anyone go to this?

>> No.8751731

He also used to go under the alias of PM Photography so there are caps of that
and also emcp.

>> No.8751922


Care to share?

>> No.8751961

I believe some stuff is in this archived thread
But there are other tthreads too that theres caps of it just need to dig a bit more

>> No.8751974

Whys this suddenly a EMCP thread? He didn't even go to this con.

>> No.8751984

kek, whoever this EMCP guy is and if it's really him posting in this thread, he just lost a whole lot of potential clients (as if his terrible skills didn't do so already.)

Defending yourself on 4chan just digs your hole deeper and lets us laugh at you more, son.

Can't wait to see him in the next "Photographers to Avoid" thread.

>> No.8752048


I can show you the exact point it turned into an EMCP thread. Right here between these two posts:


>> No.8752206

This isn't an EMCP thread, this is a "let's try to distract from the awful photography here" thread.

>> No.8752376


Shut up, Eugene.

>> No.8752500

EMCP here what you all got to say? Lay it out there. Be a man

>> No.8752529


That's sexist and grammatically incorrect.

>> No.8752651

Read above, why do you flirt aggressively and try and sleep with cosplayers. Already laid it out there

>> No.8752926
File: 30 KB, 470x313, qDqwwLRiApCfyT7PKirB0ctif8pJoqnW2ZTBTxqPx5cKVgPpWFjxepIq0LlRN6jVw1xYwbcgRvOtW-Z7U2kO0H6LVkyp_JsgElSLyC10inNnJc2mkVcS7lCBeg=w470-h313-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8753297

Gone a week and come back to all this chaos, what the hell?

>> No.8754135

Still waiting for my answer EMCP
Man up, explain your bullshit.

>> No.8754721

>Acts tough about his "professional" skills
>tells people to man up
>Avoids 4chan when called out

The mark of insecurity.

>> No.8754876


Who the fuck is this dude?

>> No.8754898

mc ride

>> No.8755642

i have seen mc ride's naked torso up close, and i don't remember him being quite so chubby...

>> No.8755876

I have never talked to EMCP but he reminds me of black Luigi

>> No.8755985

So did anyone actually go to the panel? Did anyone learn anything?

>> No.8756014

>fb search EMCP
>checks his photos
>mostly low teir

Learn to crop and frame. Seriously

>> No.8756051


It's a style that professionals use. You're too amateur to understand. He worked under the best of the best in the mountains.

>> No.8756063


Bro theres pics ITT so dark that you cant tell whos in the pic, but you got a hard on for EMCP.

So salty for no reason.

>> No.8756115


Welcome back, Eugene.

>> No.8756251

I got there just in time for the Q&A which was just one question. They were stumped on describing what a mask and a layer is in photoshop.

>> No.8756299


Maybe the 300$ app explains it better

>> No.8756370


Hahahaha are you serious? I'm hoping they have a video of it soon....

>> No.8756373

now i want to see the video

>> No.8756433
File: 112 KB, 895x896, IMG_20151209_173703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okkk pro photographer. What do I know about photography anyway

>> No.8756437

Heh no, I was more then intrigued since the constant attention towards EMCP was happening. Well can't be as bad as black luigi now can it

>> No.8756813

There's video that will be released

>> No.8756831

Well... that's pretty disheartening...

And surprising, since they all seem to use PS so much. I'm looking forward to this vid, though. Maybe there was never a second question because they couldn't answer the first one.

>> No.8756873

I heard he trained to photograph standing under waterfalls

>> No.8756888

I lol'd.

>> No.8756906

They ran out of time and there was another panel coming in

>> No.8756913

What were they talking about all that time that they only had enough time left for one question?

>> No.8757120

The "model" chick came super later so they held them up for time.

>> No.8757193


What a diva

>> No.8757207


Show up on bloody time is lesson number 1

>> No.8757218

>He worked under the best of the best in the mountains.

I thought only coffee beans and weed is found up there.

>> No.8757335

wasn't she the organizer of the panel?

>> No.8758264

Yeah she was and she was winging it

>> No.8758272

so does anyone actually have any images from the convention?

>> No.8758384
File: 29 KB, 720x480, 12316114_485458581640686_7782010522277857663_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Dave's Cosplay photography on Facebook

>> No.8758473
File: 8 KB, 192x228, deebo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8759270
File: 73 KB, 1404x936, 66666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8759293
File: 87 KB, 1404x936, 12357128_485459438307267_1700405713702945424_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real pros

>> No.8759357

Is it just me or does anyone else find it ironic a panel about photography has shit lighting? Or is it the photographer who took these pics also shit?

>> No.8759363
File: 69 KB, 400x400, you are not alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8759738

lol. that reflector is working hard,.

>> No.8761693

Are we really going to let this die without talking about what actually happened at this panel?

>> No.8761811

not much we can do until you upload the video

>> No.8764099

Found them

>> No.8764101

part 2

>> No.8764204

God this is so bad

>> No.8764296

what the hell is up with these miniature segments?

>> No.8764325

I was looking for trade secrets

So far I'm getting common sense.

>> No.8764436

I meant decent photos, those are pretty shit

>> No.8764452

why are you expecting decent photos from a panel on photography?

>> No.8764899

are there more? these segments seemed like filler material

>> No.8764910


I learned literally nothing from this.

The model chick's whole segment was basically, "Hurr durr photographers are perverts, hurr". Nothing on posing, nothing on finding the light, nothing about researching your character, nothing.

The photographers who talked said nothing about gear, lighting, composition, logistics, nothing.

Is there more to this, or is this it?

>> No.8764929

there's more, just waiting for the rest of the videos to be uploaded by the ass who shot this. no idea why they are uploading it in small segments

>> No.8764932

They must be really horny to touch that. I kept thinking she was a 40 year old hag

I almost thought it was Laboy shooting the photos

>> No.8764939

to minimize the adverse reaction... like the way they space out vaccinations so you dont die..

dem eye bags doe

>> No.8764952

probably to make it look like they have more videos and to draw hits

>> No.8765037

How old is this chick? She looks even older than yaya.

>> No.8765064
File: 267 KB, 1024x1365, yayahan_adainavelez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old enough to know her only valuable assets and contribution to the cosplay community

>> No.8765460

>titty tattoo
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