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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 20 KB, 611x155, patreon-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8727105 No.8727105 [Reply] [Original]

I know this comes up on here every so often but whats /cgl/'s thoughts on cosplayers using Patreon?

Ive seen alot of cosplayers I know start these and I have had some friends insist I should try the same. I am a fairly accomplished male cosplayer but I don't think guys tend to have much success with the platform since it tends to encourage things like prints, which aren't nearly as big a thing for male cosplayers.

>> No.8727107

Personally? I don't have much issue with it. As long as the person donating is getting something in return. Like a thank you email for lower amounts and so on. It is a monthly thing after all. If you can give something in return I don't see it as awful. But it was hacked recently so I'd be careful.

>> No.8727132

As long as you give good rewards to the people who are doing you a huge favor by giving you their hard-earned money. It peeves me to no end when people ask for money and give nothing in return, like they feel entitled to their fans' money.

I can be good for popular cosplayers with a big fanbase because they expect you to keep producing new things fast and that gets expensive. If you're an absolute nobody though, or your cosplays aren't anything extravagant/cost very little money, it's pathetic.

>> No.8727135

>. It peeves me to no end when people ask for money and give nothing in return, like they feel entitled to their fans' money.

No one is forcing anyone to hand over their money. If someone just wanted to hand me 100 bucks every month just cause they like me? Hey thank you.

>> No.8727137

Artists, ok. Cosplayers just do it to avoid having to get a real job.

>> No.8727138

Please use the archives and stop beating the dead horse

>> No.8727139

You should still give them something in return. That's what decent people do.

>> No.8727150


U just give them pictures of your cosplay

>> No.8728138
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Any hate I have for it is rooted in jealousy. I wish I could have legions of betas throwing sometimes considerable amounts of cash at me.

I consider myself pretty, but nowhere near talented enough at crafting (or marketing myself), so I just kinda quietly seethe every time I see screenshots of successful Patreons haha.

>> No.8728238

If you have a Patreon, I pretty much lose all respect for you as a person and as a cosplayer. If you need somebody to pay for your hobby, you're clearly maladjusted and I want nothing to do with you.

>> No.8728274

Game players, hobbiest and other individuals in more offbeat mediums are often sponsored by their family and friends. If people like you work enough to help you pay for it then your fans are getting enjoyment out of this.

>> No.8728343

What's the difference than just having a store and not begging.
In b4 someone says you don't have to donate: just because you aren't begging doesn't mean you are basically a homeless person holding a cup out and rattling it around

>> No.8728345

I agree with this and most other cosplayers or organizations won't work with you once you have one.

>> No.8728358


Depends heavily on what content you output. Something like sakichan and red media letter makes some sort of sense as sakichan provides backers with tutorials and high quality psd of her art while RLM gives you behind the scenes that isn't released elsewhere.

What does backing a cosplayer do for you? Rarely do I see any that output something back for the backers other than an empty thanks and maybe a print

>> No.8728384

No one is getting enjoyment from it besides herself. Its selfish. Robbing virgins isnt something to be proud of. Anyone who uses family or friends to get personal gain for fame clearly doesn't understand what family or friendship is. It just didn't look good and won't win you the support of others doing the same by themselves out of love for the fandom. They're walking advertisement. Who the fuck do you know who likes ads?

>> No.8728430

People who love the individuals cosutmes gets enjoyment from seeing that person continue to make and model outfits. The people who have successful Patreon's do not get all of their funds from family and friends.

Also this is no different from people using the website to fund their video series, trips, games and other passion projects

>> No.8728458

That first sentence is exactly what all people with a gofundme or some other begging tool say. The people who have successful Patreons gave up their dignity to use their fans as piggy banks. No one really gives a shit about you making and wearing costumes other than hoping they'll eventually get you to suck their dick one day for donating money to you.

>> No.8729131
File: 636 KB, 1196x648, pateeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Examples guys. This chick produces some of the shittiest stuff and her rewards are so crappy. Highest one: YOU CAN PLAY A GAME WITH HER ONCE A MONTH! OH GOODY!
>Pledge $200.00 or more per month

>3 patrons (Limited 7 of 10 left)

> Do you game ? Well guess what we're gaming buddies now! At least one gaming night monthly
>Cosplay polaroid
> Attending the same con? You're on the list for an exclusive a group coffee/drink/dinner during the convention weekend!
> More things! Consider yourselves the Envy Us Beta Testers! The elite and my elder gods of creation. That means prototypes to new products, apparel, and events! As new milestones get reached more goodies will be added. Guaranteed one premium update a month!

>> No.8729427 [DELETED] 

She used to be a cosplay deviant so I'm sure people are getting nudes as rewards. Pretty easy to get money from people when you give them everything

>> No.8729439

Any examples of cosplayers that use the platform well? Ones that don't come off like total borderline camwhores? Do any really good prop or armor makers have a patreon following?

>> No.8729583

Anyone using patreon who isn't producing original, non-fanart content is a joke. I cannot stand this entitled trend- you are not entitled to money for being a self 'important' fan. Patreon and similar sites should be for funding new and original ideas, not lazy nerds.

>> No.8729620

No, because there's nothing a cosplayer can really offer other than prints that they can just do in a store. Other than that it's just bullshit stuff and usually nudes. They should just own up to the fact that they can't live off their cosplay and just grow up and get a job.

>> No.8729635
File: 82 KB, 231x389, Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 18.56.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about cosplayers and patreon is that none of them seem to know how to actually utilise it properly. So you end up seeing dumb stuff like this as their first milestone goal.

>> No.8729646

$2,500 for two costumes? You've got to be shitting me. Get fucked.

>> No.8729757 [DELETED] 

Have you seen her without photoshop? Some anon keeps posting the gross image everywhere. Her editor is doing her huge favors, but she's probably paying him in sex because without him you can see how cellulite, saggy, stretchmark infested she is. Don't forget her bad acne all over her face. Her skin is just awful. I feel really bad for her Patreons people. She's hung out with DoomKitty too much and is picking up not only the shitty editing, but the attitude as well.

>> No.8729789
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They'd probably make more money commissioning props, or selling patterns or eBooks and shit. You're not really doing anyone a favor by cosplaying so I'd imagine people would get bored of shelling out cash every two weeks. It's not like Indiegogo where you pay only once and get a prize, you pay every two weeks or so and the prizes are usually things you could get for way cheaper in a one-time payment (i.e. prints).

But most Patreon whores don't have any real construction skills and just want free money so they don't have to work like real adults. Patreon is basically welfare checks for cosplayers.

>> No.8729799
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>> No.8729802

what the hell is this

>> No.8729805
File: 546 KB, 1142x649, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some porn game where you breed animals by having sex with them. those rule 34 people sure love spending their money.

>> No.8729808
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>> No.8729810
File: 614 KB, 1220x767, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8729811

I'm surprised anyone would be willing to support such a disgusting beast.

I bet it's her mom.

>> No.8729813
File: 305 KB, 1224x657, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8729815
File: 865 KB, 1365x2048, 1419028279377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me money boizzz~~

>> No.8729817
File: 346 KB, 1204x705, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! It's Berry!

>> No.8729820

>23 years old

Disregard that trash.

>> No.8729825

I want to create a patreon but i have no idea what to give as rewards or anything. I've been trying to make some extra money since my boyfriend has been in the hospital and is fighting some major bills. The only semi-talent I have is drawing but.. drawing patreons always seem really weird. I've seen people offer tutorials but there's not a damn thing I do that is special. I guess I could just take commissions but I'd want another source of income as well..

>> No.8729826
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>> No.8729828
File: 660 KB, 1232x762, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of everything that is in the community, don't fucking make one unless you already have a huge following of preferably over 200k people on any specific social media site.

>> No.8729833
File: 490 KB, 1281x759, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8729838
File: 522 KB, 1199x749, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8729841

If you're a shitty artist then why do you think you're special enough for a Patreon?

No one's going to support you if you have nothing to bring to the table.

>> No.8729846
File: 382 KB, 1213x765, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With your help, I will not be limited in my choice of materials and techniques in order to improve and maintain the quality of my cosplays.
>quality of my cosplays.

>> No.8729852
File: 473 KB, 1226x764, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill give Vivka this, she DOES make her own stuff and some of it looks cool and she does do alternative modeling as well, but she should shut down her GoFundMe if she has a Patreon. GoFundMe is NOT a place for cosplay.

>> No.8729859
File: 453 KB, 1226x764, coslife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8729861

I wouldn't say I'm shitty, but I lack a bit of motivation and direction. I've had bunches of commissions over the years and people seemingly like my art.

I've just always offered things for free (except commissions). I post my art on tumblr and twitter for anyone to view and I've never denied anyone the use of my art if they wanted it for blog things or whatever, except for commissioned pieces of course. I just can't figure out what people would pay for, or what kind of "rewards" they would get. There are plenty artists I like, but I dont support them on patreon because they don't really offer anything special... but they still end up getting a TON of backers.

>> No.8729866

Then try etsy first. Don't use Patreon.

>> No.8729887

How about you get an adult job and be an adult?

>> No.8729896

She does nudes. It's easy to get a bunch of money when you show off your tits and everything else. Patreons are a clear sign that you can't make it as a cosplayer full time. Instead of having dignity they just start beggin. It's also a dead end for cosplayers. Your labeled a loser and if you're hoping for a professional career, you flushed that down the shitter.

>> No.8729910

I used to not care about these slutty types in cosplay attention seeking, but I draw the line at e-begging and putting out for cash. This is a sugar baby that happens to wear cosplay. You buy her nudes, pay to play games, go on dates with her at cons.

>> No.8729911

I've got a job, and my boyfriend and I had both saved up some cash to get married and move out of our parents houses. Though now because of his injury (AVM) he's facing a huge, huge huge amount of bills. All of that money we saved is going towards that, and his parents are both retired but now taking care of him fulltime. He probably wont be able to go back to work within the next year.

Yeah making some extra money on the side would be great. I'm just trying to think up something that I can do with the time I have now.

>> No.8729926

Patreon for cosplay is shameless.
Get a real job, honestly.

>> No.8729932

I'm fucking done.

>> No.8730710

This guy used kickstarter and it was a huge success

>> No.8730727

What bothers me about Patreon is that it is a great concept for certain types of skilled artists, and some but few cosplayers actually fit that criteria.

The problem is that because lesser and attention-begging cosplayers see this, they think that they are just as entitled and with more materials, will somehow magically be amazing cosplayers, as well as whore all the attention. So basically, it ruins it for the people who actually deserve it, because they now look like dicks looking for a free ride.

>> No.8730747
File: 116 KB, 728x513, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just Darshelle now. Anyone know why Lyz dropped off this?

>> No.8730789

If someone is giving me money, why would I say no? They might spend it on drugs anyway.

Beside, isn't this the same argument for streamers

>> No.8730899

This. Patreon is for artists, creators of stuff that's for everyone. Not cosplayers trying to make their own costumes. It's pathetic and a sign you aren't really a cosplayer, you just want to make money off of people

>> No.8730941
File: 188 KB, 1150x844, underbust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gone down since this pic

since she started doing less sexy stuff

>> No.8731397

I support some artists on patreon, my feelings towards it are that I support them because they produce content that I like and I'd rather they have the flexibility to spend extra time making more of that content than getting a reward from them. If they have to put time into individual rewards then that takes away time from them making the content I like, which defeats the purpose. I like the little blog posts and sneak peaks they post on patreon, but I don't want them spending any serious time on that stuff.

But if you need immediate cash, patreon isn't a great place to start. Why not open up commissions? It would be more money faster. Also I'm not one to commission a ton art, but someone I've been following for a while has some medical bills I'd be happy to throw down some money for a piece. It's understandable if you don't want to look like you're milking your boyfriend's situation, but on the flip side I'm happy to give money to someone who is trying to earn it honestly for a good reason.

>> No.8731408

that's comforting to hear. I guess opening commissions is the way to go for this. Some friends had suggested putting a link to donations someplace on my tumblr or DA but that seems worse than making a crummy patreon.

Guess it's time to figure out how much to charge for drawings.

>> No.8731458

I stumbled upon this one some time ago and it really set me off. They claim to get more tha 1000§ per month, with some of the patreons even giving more than 100 bucks per motnhs. They life in a shitload thirworld european country though, where no one has the money to pay that much. Scam & pretentious? I wonder...

Also, is that levi a guy or a girl? I smell a fuckboi that rides the yaoi train on a clit and I absolutely hate those people.

>> No.8731939 [DELETED] 

Being a girl is so easy!
Just pretend to like things that nerds like, show off a little skin, and literally get paid to exist. Welcome to 2015.

>> No.8731978 [DELETED] 

They're female NEETs is what they are. Most of them are fat/ugly and lazy just like the male NEETs.

>> No.8732002 [DELETED] 

Hey gais, I let my tits out once and suddenly a bunch of neckbeards want to fuck me! Pay me money and maybe I will notice you for 5 seconds!

>> No.8732007

Because she didn't want to be lumped with darshelle stealing all of journey beyond funds to go con tripping.

>> No.8732008 [DELETED] 

They're hella smart though
They know their target audience and how to milk beta keklords of their sem-I mean, money.

>> No.8732030 [DELETED] 

I mean, if you count copying all the other coswhores' technique (which is essentially one step: showing cleavage no matter how fat or disgusting you are) as smart. It's a good way to make money if you're uneducated white trash, but it doesn't require a whole lot of thinking.

>> No.8732071

she's still in the video and info though?

>> No.8732133

I don't quite agree- I was thinking cosplayers could put up exclusive tutorials and costume walkthroughs as rewards. Even stuff like tips on using certain materials could be worth something. I'm not saying people should live off cosplay, but if they get creative, they can offer a lot more than just prints.

>> No.8732235

Why? Plenty of cosplayers do this for free. There are tons of tutorials online on how to make anything. There's nothing a cosplayer can show someone how to make that someone hasn't already shown online without asking money for it.

>> No.8732399
File: 157 KB, 1116x952, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's done. I'm calling bullshit on her reasoning tho.

>> No.8732403

Well then what's the real reason?

>> No.8732404

See >>8732007

>> No.8735137

Yooooooo she's getting a breast reduction? She's on Botched TV right now in the states.

>> No.8735346

You say "use their fans as piggy banks" like it's a bad thing.

>> No.8735393

It's pretty sad and pathetic actually. It's one thing to sell them a print or something legit but openly begging neck beards is pretty weak. Then again no one looks at people doing this like they have any self-worth anyways either. The minute you go down that route, you're pretty much looked at like pathetic trash whether people say it to your face or not.

>> No.8735404

I felt guilty about opening up something like a gofundme or similar for local people to donate. The funding is for a friend who got screwed over money wise by the community. But people are belong fundraise. It was to be for locals so at the end I would host a function as thanks to them.

This thread makes me feel a little better knowing I wasn't being selfish. I got a second job to pay for my cosplay.

>> No.8735407

is journey beyond drama even a thing? pretty sure nobody cares at this poit

>> No.8735520

I give you more respect anon for getting a second job than any cosplayer that get other people to pay for their shit

>> No.8735534

> complains about cosplayer using Patreon instead of getting a "real job"
> cosplayer makes $3K+ a month on Patreon

Yeah, I'll take the patreon over a "real job" thanks.

>> No.8735546

There's a cosplay patreon with those numbers?

>> No.8735569

Vivka's she's on 3.9K a month.

>> No.8735585

How do you make a successful patreon?

>> No.8735730

Living the dream then. Has to be the only one with a number like that.

A combination of being an attention whore, prostitute, self promoter, pretty, popular, and lucky. You have to find a good niche, a fan base that'll give you money, a way to convince them to give you money, looks, determination, and a lot of luck. Being popular alone won't get you money. It's a perfect storm.

>> No.8735734

She does nudes it's not that hard

Don't expect anyone's respect once you do

>> No.8735785


>implying all donators are dudes
>implying all cosplayers are chicks

>> No.8736312

She was only on there to promote herself. She got nothing done at all after the doctors said shed have to reduce her size a little. She said she changed her mind about getting stuff done because of that. She talked about her youtube a lot.

>> No.8736328


I don't really see it as needing someone to pay for your hobby.

I have a few really talented friends that have Patreons because they release build tutorials and a bunch of other things that's actually WORTH something. Not just "$5 a month gets you secret prints!".

I don't mind if people have Patreons if they actually have a REASON for having them, such as educational things and exclusive things that actually matter.

>> No.8736702

What actually "matter" is very subjective though

>> No.8736717


This. To a lot of sad nerds, titty > function.

>> No.8737641

Yeah and seeing as how all the drama went down before the patreon was even started, that obviously isnt the reason she's quitting.

>> No.8738052

it's fucking bullshit. fund your own hobby.

>> No.8738071

Well I guess cosplay will forever be a hobby instead of an artform with mindsets like this

>> No.8738075

Cosplay will always be a hobby. The only way it becomes art is if someone is an accomplished seamstress or something and that's about 1% of all cosplayers

>> No.8738081

"Cosplay is an art form" <--- sad excuse made by cosplayers trying to justify asking people to pay for their "art". But patreon is for artists and cosplay is an art. Cosplay is not a fucking art and never will be seen as a real art form.

>> No.8738091

> Cosplay is not a fucking art and never will be seen as a real art form.
That's what she said.

>> No.8738295

I think if you're creating your own original designs for costumes then it is art. But if you're doing a cosplay of a canon character it makes you as much of an artist as someone who paints by number.

I consider it more an elitist hobby than art.

>> No.8738367

Well, do you consider someone who paints other people as artists? What about theatre? The "character design" is already made, after all. I think that cosplay is an art form, seeing as you have to translate 2D to 3D and that requires a bit of creativity at times. Not going to act like it's some unique hipster thing, but it still classifies as art.

>> No.8738496


You're stupid. Everything that goes into making a costume is an artform, regardless of what the end result is. Sewing is an art, sculpting is an art, mold making, 3d printing, painting is an art and they are all used in cosplay and costume making, anyone stating otherwise is in denial.

Shut you're stupid failed mouth. Retards like you are the cancer of this hobby.

>> No.8738600

Cosplay is to art as golf is to sports.

You sound so fucking butthurt omg. Did your Patreon fail so you had to come here and share your asspain?

>> No.8738636

Npe, don't have a patreon and never cared to make one. You're the butthurt one that people are getting money for their 'artwork' that you oh so hate calling art.
Just stop being in denial because it makes you look pretty sad.

>> No.8738646

Can I make money if I dont want to be nude?

>> No.8738651

You are in denial if you think cosplay will ever be seen as a legitimate form of art. Costume design is an art. Mold making is an art. Leatherwork is an art. These are all legitimate professions that work in a professional industry like movie making, theatrical design or fashion. A cosplayer making a costume to go to a convention in and show off or to make prints to sell online will never be seen as a professional art form. Sure, those things used in cosplay are forms of art but you will never hear cosplay regarded as a professional work of art. Especially not at the level 99% of cosplayer produce.

>> No.8738672

This does not surprise me at all that it's one of Travis Photography's photos

Sure, she's not the prettiest, but she definitely looks a million times better than this in person

He, on the other hand, is probably the worst photographer ever, and he's not improving at all. Most of my friends have used him at some point and everything looks about this bad.

>> No.8738802

Lol please. I only posted that cosplay isn't art. I never complained about people's patreons, >>8738295 was my first post in this entire thread.

I can tell how buttmad you are based on how you type. Calm down, I get that you're not an artist like you so badly want to be but that's not my fault. All I did was point it out.

>> No.8738883

Weather you want to accept it or not, creating a cosplay is creating art regardless of how shitty or how professional it looks.

>> No.8738885

>>8738651 professional work of art

If they are making money, then yes it is a professional work of art.

>> No.8738887


Not the anon you are replying to but why so salty?

>> No.8738889

When people create shit fan art, it's still art. Cosplay is no different.

>> No.8738893

Cosplay is crafting.
Crafting is art so Cosplay is art.

Why is this even a discussion?

>> No.8738896


Because cosplayers are not artists.

>> No.8738912

Why so dumb?

>> No.8738935

Well, I consider golf a sport so... Yes.

>> No.8738948

I mean it is gonna be in the Olympic, and in my opinion, Olympic is pretty much as sport as it can get.

>> No.8738952

You can say the same thing about singers

>> No.8739298
File: 83 KB, 1135x691, hoes&amp;fgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Because cosplayers are not artists.
True dat. Most of em are either hoes or fagots.

>> No.8739462
File: 35 KB, 468x394, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seagulls bitching about being artists when you can tell by the self post/progress threads that everyone here has "art" skills the equivalent of crayon-drawn Sonic OCs on Deviant Art

Maybe if you have crafting skills like LillyxAndra or Volpin you could be considered artists. But let's be real here, none of you cunts have any artistic talent to speak of.

>> No.8739468

That depends. Are we talking Freddie Mercury or Miley Cyrus?

>> No.8740263

Just like every art, there are a lot of sucky people. But the top one are still artists, right? Then can they not Patreon?

>> No.8740768

The top ones make more than enough money off of commissions and business oppurtunities that they wouldn't need to beg for money. Neither of those I mentioned have Patreons, they sell their shit for thousands of dollars and open up shops.

If you find yourself having to beg for money to keep up your hobby, you're probably not very good at it.

>> No.8740777

This needs to be said to every cosplay chick right now wanting to be a "professional cosplayer" and then running a patreon. You failed. You can't do it without begging then just stop and get a real job. Save some dignity.

>> No.8740800

Lol who wouldnt work with you over owning a patreon gtfo.

>> No.8740842

> Save some dignity.
Dignity is overrated, fgt.

>> No.8740938

Cons won't and neither will a lot of sponsors. You put out a bad image of just wanting money. Why would they want to associate with that?

>> No.8740950

Only people with nothing going for themselves in life find dignity over-rated. If you're smart or are able to make something of yourself, self respect, dignity and other people's respect matters a lot. People that don't care about that, are trash. Did your patreon or Kickstarter crash and burn and now you need a reason to feel better about yourself?

>> No.8740951

> Why would they want to associate with that?
"Oh wow, did you see that patreon chich on that con!? It's like they invited her just for her showing boobs or something. People are just a bunch of greedy tartlets nowerdays, nobody does it for pure dignity...".
Meh, dude, you live in a fairy world.

>> No.8740953

Sure dude, selfrespect and dignity will one day pull you out of your moms basement. Keep working on it!

>> No.8741051

Got me out of there a long time ago without having to lower myself to trash to do it. But keep thinking that begging people for help and mooching off the rest of society will get you anywhere in the long run.
Honestly samefag sounds butthurt. Did this all hit a core? Are you now realizing people think others using crowdfunding to pay for their hobbies that they will never make an actual career out of are trash?

>> No.8741180

You're making progress right infront of our eyes, anon. Just 1,5 hours you made it to the front door into the wild. We're so proud.
But hey, you're back here, "Ehhhh!" sorry pal, you couldn't make it out in the longrun. Guess you're still just up to gaining self-esteem in a cubicle or behind of a KFC stand.

Try more, buddy, or, "Just do it!" if you know what I mean.

>> No.8741259
File: 534 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-29-13-26-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus wants your money.


>> No.8741404

>less than 50k/year
>living the dream

I can see it being a dream to have that much additional income if you still worked a full-time job. You still have to pay taxes on that money, whether or not you consider it a job.

>> No.8741668

Are you jealous that she's able to make more money than you?

>> No.8741676

A NEET makes more money than that

>> No.8741705

She isnt even relevant anymore.

>> No.8741847

What about Sakimi chan, she makes a lot with selling her prints, but she still does a patreon

>> No.8742384

And you know most of those cosplayers with a gofundme or patreon aren't claiming that shit on taxes or saving any for taxes. They are spending it all on bullshit stuff. Most of the time people do crowdfunding is because they are fuck all with managing their money in the first place.

>> No.8742405

Paetron is okay
Kickstarter is not

>> No.8742426

I wonder if she has a real job or if she's just lazy and wants free money for drawing only fan art portraits. She's talented enough that she *could* get a well-paying job illustrating.

I don't blame her, though. $700k a year for doing close to nothing must be nice. Too bad Patreon most likely won't be around forever so she had better save that shit and look into getting a normal job in the future.

>> No.8742487

All she does is copy other people's art and uses a different coloring method, yet she makes nearly a million dollars every year. I'm surprised she hasn't been sued yet.

I wonder what would happen if someone contacted Disney, Nintendo, and all of the other companies she steals from and sent them the link to her Patreon.

>> No.8742490
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dropped pic

>> No.8742500

>I wonder what would happen if someone contacted Disney, Nintendo, and all of the other companies she steals from and sent them the link to her Patreon.
I'm feeling evil today. I think I'm going to do this.

>> No.8742503

I may be a little salty but I couldn't in good conscience profit from fanart and the related porn in the way she does, shows that she has little artistic integrity, its just asking for a lawsuit though I think what she does through patreon falls into a legal grey area of copyright.

>> No.8742514
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Just contacted Nintendo. Now for Disney.

>> No.8742528

For cosplayers both are shameless begging
For artists I can see some value

>> No.8742536
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I am so evil.

>> No.8742562

It's mostly just stupid that she makes all that money when all she does is copy instead of creating her own stuff. She's not being creative, nor is her art changing or improving, she's just a one-trick pony with her basic portraits with a solid color background. Also, She easily makes more than five times as much as the people who actually designed all the characters she draws. It's not really fair to the original artists, you know?

>> No.8742563

>fuck people who draw fanart porn from money
there's a reason why Japan turns a blind eye to it
it's how ALL their fucking animators get into the industry

>> No.8742564

>using references is stealing
>blah blah blah
They're not going to do anything.
You're wasting both your time and theirs.

>> No.8742566

Companies generally don't care when artists make a little extra cash selling crafts related to their IP, but when they start raking in cash like Sakimi, they tend to get pissed.

>> No.8742574

It's not stealing but it is copying. Even if it's not illegal it's not very respectful to become so wealthy by copying someone else's art.

I really like her work but I feel like I'd be much more inclined to donate to her if she was making original art, but w/e.

>> No.8742581

If copying art is so damn easy then anybody should be able to sit down, trace a picture, and instantly ART.
Here's the protip: Coloring is easily 75% of art. You can't "copy" coloring. Sakimi's rendering is absolutely godlike.

>> No.8742584

It's another person's DESIGN though, and a lot of her drawings don't look much different structure-wise than they do in the movies. She colored them in but they're not her characters or her designs. It is copying.

>> No.8742597

People are forgetting that both Nintendo and Disney were supporters of SOPA, which would have made even uploading fan art illegal. I'd imagine they wouldn't like what Sakimi's doing.

>> No.8742744

She pumps out costumes for patron on the regular and the costume quality has been going downhill. I can see her not wanting to put all of her time into it anymore.

>> No.8745130
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Welp.... Thoughts on this? I know Volpin used to post on here in back in the day. Seems like everyone is jumping on this bandwagon. How long till the bubble bursts?

>> No.8745220

It's already starting too. A lot of girls that first started one, their donation numbers have been dropping

>> No.8745241

>Sakimi's rendering is absolutely godlike.
I think she's one of those artists whose stuff looks okay now but will look like shit down the road, like a lot of stuff that used to be popular on DA back in the day.

>> No.8745246

You could say the same about kron, who is also known for making large amounts of money on Patreon for drawing overrendered girls with sameface and redrawing over other people's art for an added bonus.

>> No.8745248

Yfw Disney does nothing about it

>> No.8745264

> She's not being creative, nor is her art changing
Who gives a crap about that? People will always pay for fammiliar stuff.
> it's not very respectful to become so wealthy by copying someone else's
You are one of those fairyland type of people, right?

>> No.8745861

>How long till the bubble bursts?

Pretty soon, at least as far as bottom feeders with nice tits go.

I'm hoping the artist (as in drawn stuff, not to start an argument again) side of patreon stays healthy--I've been contemplating getting into the porn for those sweet, sweet degenerate bux.

>> No.8746076

its disheartening donating to her because she used the money to for an obviously bought costume and calls herself an artist.

>> No.8746083

so many people have got in trouble for using licensed characters likeness in art. A lot of better artists who I've wanted to purchase prints from don't sell those images for this exact reason. I can't believe she hasn't gotten a cease and desist yet.

>> No.8746098

THIS. I saw a video on one where a cosplayer complained about having an actual job as a reason for needing money.

>> No.8746122


>> No.8746133

Thank you, you put it into actual words. I wish they could all see this instead of desperately trying to avoid having a job with a salary when they need it. There are skilled cosplayers making good money without using the site, and there are people who have time for making costumes and still have other jobs, its not keeping them from creating amazing things. These patreon cosplayers are just addicted to the hobby.

>> No.8746146

Cosplay can be art, but most cosplayers I know only fulfill the cos part. Very few play the parts. I'd consider actors more faithful, because at least they are acting like their characters, not just dressing like them.

>> No.8746168

What ticks me off are the ones you call themselves artists when:

- they purchase all their costumes and just happen to be pretty or well endowed

- they use someones else's photograph of them to make money.


>> No.8746189

This, I respect fan art as an artform (even if arguably low brow) but pushing cosplay from a hobby into an art form requires more than just updating a patreon. Pushing it into a professional marketing or entertaining practice takes more than a few bought likes, and the artist role should really involve some sort of conceptualising, self awareness or just something more technically skillful than just doing the same worbla thing as everyone else.
>inb4 but anything is art anon!

>> No.8746210

Fucking EnvyUs just posted a video about how it's ok to ask and promoting patreons. Isn't this the same chick that asked people to send her to a con because she HAD to meet David Tennant? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P279XfElPes&feature=youtu.be

This video is going to do nothing but convince more cosplayers to be lazy pieces of shit.

>> No.8746229

I know her and yeah she's just in it all for money. gives out nudes as rewards.

>> No.8746276

She called herself an artist but it seems like shes more of a model than an artist? It doesn't look like she actually makes any costumes?

>> No.8746288

She used to be a cosplay deviant, then she did nude web cams, then she went to cosplay and now this

>> No.8746409

It's a art.

>> No.8746428


oh they're artists. Con artists.

>> No.8746444

Just like the governement.

>> No.8746448

She's not an artist, she's a webcam girl. There's a video online with her and a dildo

>> No.8746454


life is easy when you have big tits

even if you are overweight

lots of betas out there willing to give you money for a bit of skin

>> No.8746457

makes you wonder what these girls are gonna do for money when they're 40

>> No.8746461

> what these girls are gonna do for money
Most likely not you. xoxoxo

>> No.8746514

No thanks I'm straight, nice try at being cute anon patreon cosplayer.

>> No.8746520

So they DO eventually plan on being prostitutes?

>> No.8746533

> No thanks I'm straight,
That's what she said.

>> No.8746605

It was a pathetic video of her trying to justify begging for money and then saying that she didn't want to get a job because jobs suck.

>> No.8746673

Reminded me of this TED talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/amanda_palmer_the_art_of_asking?language=en

>> No.8746689
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How long until she tries to leech off EYK for Koreaboos money and views.

>> No.8746700

The art of begging

>> No.8746717

Unfollowing her. I used to feel bad for her but now all she does is beg people for money

>> No.8746776


"But at the end of the day this is a full time job"


>> No.8748065

It's a lot easier if you are a girl.

>> No.8748073


I don't know about that, lots of examples are posted here where the amount donated wasn't exactly profitable

>> No.8748141


In a world of scrollscrollscroll, nice tits are definitely a foot in the door, so to speak.

It may not end up being that profitable, but they definitely have an easy in.

>> No.8748150


ah I understand your point now. I was reading as "you just need to be an attractive girl = profit"

>> No.8748211

I feel like if you are a guy, you will get shot down already before they even see your page, I don't really see many male patreon page

>> No.8748217


Totally, how many "famous" male cosplayers can you think of that command the amount that someone like jnig earns?

Not saying a guy couldn't but the odds are already againist you

>> No.8748262

I know her too. She doesn't really give a shit about her fans. The company she has been keeping lately has slowly turned her less from an actual nerd and into a money hungry bitch. She's left so many jobs because she suddenly gets an influx of money from photosets, then has to get a job because that money runs out, then she has to move, then gets another influx, and now she has a patreon so she is able to just quit her job. She buys her cosplays, her editing is Ivy Doomkitty tier which is shitty. She is pushing the idea that unsafe corset training is an okay thing.

She needs to go back to not being a huge money grubber because at least her presence was tolerable back then. You have people like Vivka who she is friends with, but at least Vivka has talent and makes her own stuff and is actually giving a fuck about what she cosplays whereas Envy is just a pandering annoyance.

>> No.8748267

that's because there are no beta women. Jnig isn't famous because she looks good, she's famous because men are desperate.

>> No.8748269
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she's gained all her weight back since she has left cosplay deviants and she was so proud of how much she lost. that explains the really horrible and obvious photoshopping that has been happening in her photos. she doesn't make anything herself either. she's worse than nigri in that fashion. it's really disappointing. she also doesn't know how to model, pose, or make anything beside one facial expression. i guess tits get you everywhere because ones like those make your fat look skinny.

>> No.8748284

She supports Amanda Palmer. She is seriously riding on those coat tails of the TED talk she did to try and make herself look better for her begging. She isn't the same as a musician. She buys her outfits, she doesn't pay her photographers, and she gives nudes as rewards. That's not even in the same realm as a costume maker, actor, musician.

>> No.8748287

I've seen a couple, but they're all real creator types that make nice stuff. I don't keep track of them, so I unfortunately couldn't link you.

>> No.8748294

Is it the Velma one with the Hitachi or a different one? I assume different, since Hitachis are vibrators and not meant for insertion like dildos.

>> No.8748298

It is an old one from freecams that she was selling for $9.99 per download. Its a huge black dildo that you can tell she was faking with. Its on places like RedTube and Hamster. She has desperately tried to get it offline, but too late. Once she got her name out she regretted it so much.

>> No.8748468

in order to have a Patreon you have to fill out the tax forms on the site before they even allow you to publish or get paid.

>> No.8748616
File: 406 KB, 1440x2037, Screenshot_2015-12-04-14-40-42-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I can't pay for my own hobby so I need you to!
> People won't give me enough commissions to make a living
>I don't want to give up a hobby just because I can't afford it!
>Give me money, I make you happy!

I'm usually all for cosplayers having Patrons and such, as long as it is used as a way for fans to show their support and not a source of income.
But it's entitled people like this who give others a bad name.

>> No.8748634

>makes awesome cosplays as a hobby
>realizes people like cosplays
>suddenly sob story about how they can't afford to make cosplays for a living

THEN DONT FUCKING MAKE COSPLAYS FOR A LIVING. KEEP YOUR FUCKING BORING JOB AND MAKE SHIT ON A BUDGET. Damnit. Especially if you are GOOD at making cosplays. That shit drives me crazy.

>> No.8748749


what irks me about this is she offers nothing in return of value. If I donate 25$ I get a poster print. Not even a bloody tutorial!

Then I looked at her armor and I take it back, maybe not a tutorial from her as there are already noteworthy foam armor tutorials online that are free

>> No.8748843

I agree, we should blame the men

>> No.8748847

Gosh this is so embarassing to read. Does this guy have no shame and dignity?

Seriously, a cosplayer featuring a patreon makes me automatically lose all respect for him or her.

>> No.8748871
File: 14 KB, 220x220, grimace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W-9 forms are required for USA creators who receive more than $600 from Patreon in the current calendar year.
>We do not withhold any taxes from your funds raised on Patreon. Please consult your tax professional to understand your tax obligations.

>mfw i don't even know how to fill out the w-9
>mfw i just payed out for 200+ dollars for last month's donations

... i don't like being an adult.

>> No.8750252

I hate to admit I'm even friends with her and what's sad is she doesn't realize that most of her friends in the cosplay scene won't work with her anymore because of what she's become

>> No.8750587

I'm currently seeing this happen to someone I once considered a good friend. She puts money and internet fame above all else. She doesn't even make things for the enjoyment anymore, everything is driven by how much attention she will receive. I can see the damage it's done and the changes in her and the way she treats me and others.
I'm not sure if I should try to talk to her about it. I wouldn't even know what to say and I doubt she'd listen.

>> No.8750631

And it sucks because I saw her as an awesome model for what I wanted my cosplays to be, but she is just so gross now and the way she acts towards her fans now is really disheartening. She's doing all she can to keep selling herself out because she's trying to reach this tier of fame that, frankly, with her quality and actions won't ever get her. Her friend Ivy has fans and thats because she's a legit nerd and she treats her fans with respect. Yes her editing sucks and she doesn't look like she does in images, but Ivy straight up does own what she knows and makes her stuff. Envy is trying to follow this path with shortcuts. Even if that means lying to her fans and begging for money. Its disgusting. I refuse to work with her anymore because she has turned from being cool into a selfish bitch.

If only she could just remember why she was even popular to begin with. Yes it was boobs, but there was more charm to her when she wasn't so busy being in her own head and thinking about money. She was actually fun and pleasant.

>> No.8751465

> makes me automatically lose all respect for him or her.
Such serious words for a nobody.

>> No.8751977

Ivy Doomkitty?
She is popular with the BBW crowd, dont kid yourself that it's for her costume quality or anything else other than sex appeal.

>> No.8751991


I get annoyed when she's a judge for cosplay contest

>> No.8751993

She does know her stuff though unlike a lot of other popular cosplayers. Doesn't matter her is into her and what her target demographic is, she is actually knowledgeable about the shit she cosplays and isn't a fake geek like other cosplayers. Not saying her cosplays are good, but she certainly does better with knowing the source material.

>> No.8751994

Exactly. I'm >>8751993. She knows her material, but her cosplays are only good with the photoshop afterwards. Its just nice to see someone who actually cares about what they are cosplaying. She's a huge Marvel fan. Most girls just dress as what is sexy, but she has been into Marvel since she was little and can pretty much tell you anything about a character if you quiz her.

>> No.8752811

Hi Ivy

>> No.8752839

Try harder.

>> No.8752846

I don't know how you made the jump to that. I get that a lot of artists do fanart porn, that's been happening forever. Its when it gets to the sort of money she's making on it that I personally feel that its not really ok.

>> No.8754443
File: 147 KB, 534x800, 13597170563_9f77e7b546_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Ivy wouldn't talk shit about Envy, but Ivy also doesn't have a patreon offering people images of her nude.

>> No.8754450

this and that other photo of her are the only reasons you need to not take dtjaaam seriously as a photographer

>> No.8754463

She's not that good without photoshop and heavy makeup either though. Without makeup she looks 40 which is sad.

>> No.8754493

Somewhat related question.

Do you guys know any Patreons or know any cosplayers that post a lot of their techniques, tutorials? I love learning new ways to do things and honestly if it's Patreon I don't mind giving them a dollar a month or so.

>> No.8754499


Don't forget to donate to her cause she doesn't like having a job

>> No.8754500

what I was getting at is that no photographer worth a dime would have put his name on those photos. they're utter shit.

>> No.8754502

I wish that one girl who designs all those french inspired outfits on tumblr had one because Id love to donate to her, but she seems to make enough as is and posts how-tos for free which, frankly, cosplayers should be doing. Basically paying them for being 'idols'.

>> No.8754816

lyz brickley used to but she's just uploading her videos to you tube now.

>> No.8754826

Since her and Darshelle broke up??

>> No.8754920

> she doesn't like having a job
>having a job
Nigga, please...

>> No.8754954

I'm sure you can can always message her and ask her how to donate to her

>> No.8755591


Earlier this year Ani-Mia posted a rant exposing cosplay crowdfunding, how its wrong to ask for money to fund cosplay, explaining how at the end of the day they're hobbyists and its not a job. Looks like everyone forgot and this patreon cosplay shitstorm happened.

>> No.8755649
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>> No.8755656
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>> No.8755690
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>> No.8755760


Wow, such a piss poor amount of money

>> No.8755806


I despise her

>> No.8755815


Didn't she divorce her rich husband for no good reason?

>> No.8755857


>no good reason

If there was no prenup half of his shit is hers and she no longer has to fuck him.

>> No.8755864


They both cheated on each other

She is poor and has to rely on betabux from her fans

>> No.8755880

Ginny making a play for relevance in 2015 is fucking hilarious.

Envy's Patreon is such a joke, but I suppose good for her for being able to pull the wool over so many eyes. She wouldn't have half as many backers if it was more widely known that you can see her fucking herself silly with an oversized dildo, for free.

>> No.8755893 [DELETED] 

Ginny is a stereotypical feminazi tumblrina
How pathetic are the guys who donate to her just so she can make more videos telling them to check their privelige.

>> No.8755945

She has over a million and a half followers and she has to crowdfund. And people say there is money in cosplay. If there was she wouldn't be doing this. Or she's just fucking greedy. Either way, unfollowing her now. Then again the quality of her stuff has been falling since she got popular.

>> No.8755972


That many "followers" and low donation doesn't add up to me

>> No.8756052

Her "reach" number on the page is the real number of people who follow her. The giant number is for show so she can get booked places and are just people who liked the page and never looked at it again or fake accounts.

>> No.8756053

>has over a million and a half followers >has to crowdfund
Sounds about right. Gotta make herself believe her lifes work building a following wasnt for nothing.

>> No.8756054


Ooooooh makes sense

>> No.8756713

Awesome post found on facebook. Care to give her christmas presents?

Nana Kuronoma
This great Super Sonico photo for free 8D If you buy one of my +18 Prints, you get this sweet photo for FREE as a little gift ・*:.。.

+18 Prints:

Feel free to check out my store for more Nana Stuff
[link removed]

Photographer: A&B Photography

You also ask me many times for my Amazon wishlist, because you want to send me a Christmas present. Tahts so nice from you and...okay...I will post you my lists v///v

Amazon.de - More Underwear and Games:
[link removed]

Amazon.com - Cosplay Stuff and Clothers
[link removed]

>> No.8756796


Every cosplayer with 100 likes or more has a wishlist

>> No.8756943

The ones with morals and dignity and understanding that its always going to be seen as a hobby don't.

>> No.8757499

Cool story, bro.

>> No.8758800

Is it just me or does it feel like these girls are just using patreon to go on trips with other peoples money?

>> No.8758892

theyre all just glorified cam girls, should just start an MFC account, probably make more money

>> No.8759173

Well. People are paying for it, why, that's the bigger question

>> No.8759365

I know Im not. Im just hoping some of the betas see this and have some sense slapped into them.

>> No.8759446

Then start shaming the betas, it's not like shaming the cosplayers will make them stop

>> No.8760021

I think they need to feel a little guilty as well.

>> No.8760582

Nah, that would be too logical.

>> No.8761801

I feel bad for a lot of these patreon cosplayers, either they have no idea if you have the skills you can make pretty much any good cosplay they are probably planning to make for 300 bucks and under or they do know that and are trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes so they can use the extra money for frivolous things.

>> No.8761834

Are they still friends? I saw Darshelle post something about her being a really good friend and publicly apologizing to her for something. The post is down now and I didn't think to screencap. Anyone else know?

>> No.8761847

Patreon doesn't work unless you have a following. It's basically a service that converts e-fame into cash currency. Even if you're a good cosplayer, nobody is going to donate to you since they know who you are, let alone care.

>> No.8762352

I think the bigger ones can't maintain their lifestyles anymore. So many of those chicks were going to Disney all the fucking time and now they have Patreons.

>> No.8762424

Which cosplayers do sexy photosets on patreon? Non nude is fine.

>> No.8762551

Beyond it being lazy and juvenile as fuck, getting people to fund your hobbies for you has some pretty dangerous long term problems.

Do self respecting people donate to these things? Of course not. The funds comes from awkward, beta fanboys who don't any better and think cashing in on cute girls is how to get their attention and approval.

These dudes have learned behavior of having to buy women but then when they come to cons we all cry "cosplay isn't consent!!!1" without thinking about where they get it from.

You can't use the neckbeards for a free lunch and then expect them to just disappear.

>> No.8762554

Careful anon......they will say you are victim blaming if you force them to face the reality of their actions.

>> No.8763452

aside form the cosplay drama on patreon

I am a digital artist and am interested in starting a Patreon. Since a lot of you seem to know a lot about it, I was hoping if you could give me some tips?
And also since you don't approve of cosplayers on patreon, would fanart be ok?
I do both original and fanart, but fanart is usually the way to go to gain people's interest

>> No.8763458

It's more like we know how to hate on patreon and not how to be successful. There's no surefire way for that. Part luck part skill part marketing part networking. As far as fanart goes well, cgl (4chan in general) tends to hate anything successful including people who used to post here and then got big. Things got toxic fast and haters come out of the woodwork. If you get popular off of fanart people here will hate you for it (see sakimi or whatever her name is).

>> No.8763571

It's kinda like Westbro church, if 4chan is against your, meaning you you have done something right

>> No.8763754

No so sure about that when these people are praising other successful cosplayers like Ani-Mia exposing how many cosplayers who crowdfund abuse it and use the money for other things than cosplay, and instead uses her influence to raise money for charity. You dont need to crowdfund to be a successful cosplayer. You do it when you dont want to work like the other ones did to get were they are. You do it when you have no idea how to convert your hobby into a business so you dont have to work for someone else to support yourself. I think were more upset over cosplayers using it rather than fine/digital artists who are subjected to huge debts after working hard in fancy schools and still cant find work THOSE are the people who should be using the website. Not the girls who are allergic to work, and dont advance their skills like they say they will. Not the ones who are even too lazy to deliver with their rewards so they say sorry theyre too busy making things and then post pictures on vacation. Not the ones who use the money to go on vacations because thats just not right. At they end of the day this hate is justified by simple morality.

>> No.8764341

Then you have some that are on their fourth gofundme

>> No.8764831

Destiny Nickelsen? She runs to gofundme every six months with some new reason for a gofundme

>> No.8764847

Now she says she offers Polaroids for her Patreon with just her in bras as rewards. So can we just confirm she's pretty much gone from cosplayer to almost whore?

>> No.8766101

Is Darshalle the only photographer that is doing a patreon? But she is also a cosplayer, so I don't think she counts.

>> No.8766942

Anyone else notice that at least four big cosplayers started a patreon in the past two weeks? It's begun.

>> No.8767518

That's because they are all lurking this thread.

>> No.8767535

I spend my betabux on attention whores

U mad /cgl/?

>> No.8767732
File: 124 KB, 640x561, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean when your model "cosplayers" are basically naked and 95% of the "cosplay photo" is Photoshop art, then you're just a digital artist on Patreon. But vaping through the whole "give me money for nudes" video? We get it, you're a creep.

>> No.8767768

Wow shes basically saying having a job is keeping her from making costumes meanwhile there are people who have time to create amazing things while juggling a job and a family. Plus a lot of these photos arent even of cosplay, just girls posing nude so the costume is photoshopped on them.

>> No.8767781

Hope they all realize how much credibility they lost. I know I used to follow a few of them but every time another cosplayer pops up using patreon I'm done.

>> No.8767827


Danica Rockwood? More like Danica sucks Rock hard Wood.

>> No.8767861


I don't think they care if money is the end goal...

>> No.8767873

They just made it so obvious. This whole time I looked at them as actually cosplayers but the truth comes out that I was about money the whole time.

>> No.8768242

I wouldn't support them, but I mean.. I looked through the gallery and a lot of the photos end products are pretty fucking cool looking. You have overshopped and then you have OVER SHOPPED. These are that cool inbetween hyper realistic images that I think look awesome as hell.

>> No.8768244


>> No.8768391

Nicole Marie Jean, Kristen Hughey and Stella Chu are the ones I saw recently

>> No.8768432

Cant blame a girl for taking money if people want to give

>> No.8768675 [DELETED] 


She is all over Central FL cons and she was across from my booth once. She is a very plain looking woman but the fat fedoras & beta-kilts gravitate towards her thinking she is in their range.

>> No.8769596

I don't think she is even doing photography anymore. her page is all selfies.

>> No.8769679

Martin Wong has a Patreon but maybe gets a couple hundred a month?

>> No.8769834
File: 158 KB, 160x180, nointerest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stella Chu
STELLA NOOOOOOOO Awe man... I still love her anyways, but I don't see why she needs one besides wanting to stop doing burlesque because she doesn't have it in her resume to apply anywhere else.

>> No.8770838

She only gets about $50/month from her Patreon at the moment, so I don't think it's going to help her stop doing burlesque any time soon.

>> No.8771095

Patreon is what cured SJW Tumblrina, they realized they can't force people to provide them with government aid and got jealous of those who have more money in the same field and so are now starting Patreons of their own where they have to be nice to people if they want backers.

>> No.8772933

Meh, in my experience you can be a whiny tumblrina and still panhandle online and get away with it. Just flash t&a while whining about how you can't have nice things and it is The Partiarchy's fault you can't pay rent. I still see people pulling this.

>> No.8772938

It's good for content creators, sadly it's too often used as tax evasion or "fund my life".
the latter probably applies to cosplayers who use it.
What exclusive content do they even have to offer? WIP pictures?

>> No.8773882

Any bets on who the next money hungry coschick will be? Can't call them a cosplayer anymore.

>> No.8773925

this pisses me off so much
>help me pay for my hormones that I persuaded the doctor to get
>help me pay for my cat's surgery
>my ABUSIVE parents told me to stop lying online and go back to studying, help me move out
>10 mins later
>look at this kawaii seifuku I got from spreepicky, hope daddy will like it uwuwuwu

>> No.8773950


Out of all the things on here the ddlg one pisses me off the most.

I don't know what it is about ddlg that sets off a nerve in me. It's not like I've seen much weirder kinks before.

>> No.8775888

Nigri posted asking her fans for suggestions on what they'd want to see in a Patreon.

>> No.8775904

sex hopefully

>> No.8775924


Suprised its taken her so long to get on board

>> No.8776062

It's literally the same thing. Using Sites like Patreon or Kickstarter are the same as begging.

>> No.8776283


>i accept free money from someone who may not know any better, and give them nothing in return
>i'm a good person

pick one

>> No.8776292
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you are a bad person, your parents should be ashamed of themselves because they clearly did not even try to raise you right.

>> No.8776297
File: 210 KB, 600x574, 1391437265110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare the numbers for patrons and amounts between male cosplayers and female cosplayers and then tell me, with a straight face, that cosplay is not about shaking your tits and ass on the internet for money from desperate men.

these women should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.8776457


>> No.8776461

>these women should be ashamed of themselves
uggo detected

>> No.8776517

All it does is show me that they're in it for the money and nothing else. Willing to do the very least for a few hundred bucks or a few grand at the very best?

>> No.8776594
File: 129 KB, 593x647, aaaa-No-fun-allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread. Cosplayers are not allowed to have Patreon pages.

>> No.8776622

What happened to cosplay being about fun and not grabbing as much money as you can off of socially awkward nerds?

>> No.8777288

You can say the same things for any singer or any artist

>> No.8777563


i'm just a guy who's tired of watching women sabotage their own empowerment movements.

>> No.8777695

ah the classic patreon owner reasoning. But we are artists

>> No.8777766


>everyone is creative
>everyone is an artist
>everyone is an entrepreneur
>everyone is the next steve jobs

kill me

>> No.8777771

>all women think the same, have the same ideals, and belong to the same movements
This is literally the same thing as "/b/ is not one person".

>> No.8777818


i'm just sayin, nobody can hear the feminist marches over the sound of their jnig fap sessions.

>> No.8777934

Does no one think about their fucking careers and futures ever? Or am I ~slut shamer~ for thinking this way?

Some random creeps are going to own laminated nudes of you in weird "costumes". What if you actually get a semi-decent profession someday and someone wants to use these against you? What if you get married and/or have kids? Will daughter be proud her mom dressed up as slutty Sailor Mercury and begged online? None of these people have foresight.

>> No.8778163

that's why you use a fake name. honestly 99% of the time cosplayers look nothing like their public appearance or photos in real life, so unless you are one of the dozen extremely well known ones it's entirely possible to do dumb shit online & have your future spouse & kids be unaware of it

>> No.8778168

> Does no one think about their fucking careers and futures ever?
What are you? A priest or their granny?

>> No.8778375

What are you? A whore?

>> No.8778444

No, I'm an adult and a realist. When the money from cosplay is gone and they want a job outside retail or fast food, they're fucked

>> No.8778544

Well I'm certantly not a whiny cunt as yourself, that's for sure.

> and they want a job outside retail or fast food, they're fucked
Personal experience?

>> No.8778876
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, 1404335623794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are treated like second-class citizens
>the patriarchy oppresses women
>but i can make six figures from men for doing nothing other than being sexually attractive to men on a website

so tell me, is feminism just a term for ugly women being jealous of hot women? are feminists trying to change men or change hot women?

>> No.8779225

>want a job outside retail or fast food, they're fucked
I actually have know someone who is a popular "cosplayer"
>This person relys heavily on sex appeal over craftsmanship.
>has things handed to them
>Before Patreon there were times when fans would just give them hundreds of dollars just because.
> no degree
>Only worked entry-level jobs entire life.
>wants to move to California to network w/ bigger named cosplayers as a ditch effort for more opportunities and maybe make better money than they ever could.
>has little to no skills on how to craft
>makes patreon because cant make enough money just selling prints and not working
>says they're using the money to get better at crafting
>instead uses money to buy cheap costumes online, acts like it was a big accomplishment to fans that the cosplay happened.
>Uses the rest to live off of and probably save to move.
>occasionally cancels on rewards
>cosplay/patreon has become something that must work for them because they never worked at bettering their life in the first place and dont intend to any way else.
>they were listed on this page
When in reality the number of cosplayers who are actually able to create a business off of cosplay without using patreon unlikely. Hell even well known cosplayers dont have alot of patreon pull that ever reaches more than 1000 a month.

>> No.8779236

Hunny I know a lot of ugly feminists who make side money posing in sexy cosplays or doing burlesque so thats clearly not the case.

>> No.8779263

I know at least three other girls with patreons that are exactly like that. That's the trend

>> No.8779640

Thats the thing. Did it ever occur to anyone that this might not last forever? You get older, your body sags, your face isnt as vibrant as it used to be and people stop giving you money or you rely on the past. When it comes down to it, 90% of most of these girls audiences could give less of a shit about how skilled and creative they got making the costume. Its all about the tits and face and waiting for the slim moment when you decide to do a nude set. These girls are nothing more than a sexual meat sack to these "fans" for a good 10 minutes of wacking it. They dont care about how quirky you are as long as they keep up the lingerie shoots thats all that matters and once thats gone theyre just gonna leave em. They arent special. They shouldnt act like theyre better. They're just a small name in a long list fap material. If they want that to be their lagacy then so be it but it wont last forever, and its gonna get ugly for then once its gone.

>> No.8780262


This. Most of the girls on the internet have pretty bangin; bodies but are total butterfaces without photoshop.

>> No.8783929

Yea, but you won't be banging any of them

>> No.8785065

I dont think he/she cares. The fact that youve marginalized them into just something he'd want to bang proves the point. It also shows how these self-proclaimed feminists cosplayers are degressing the movement by turning themselves into fap material for men rather than an actual person to make up for their lack of success they brought onto themselves in life.