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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 85 KB, 504x703, 11855626_10152987411160474_1576682493067863962_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8723576 No.8723576 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is sagging

>> No.8723578
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>> No.8723582
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>> No.8723585
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>> No.8723640

Where did her legs go?
Why is that wig so gross?

>> No.8724117

A couple nitpicks, sure. But I see no itas here.

>> No.8724129

I beg to differ:
>girl on the left has wrist cuffs that don't match the skirt, brown shoes (and no other brown in the coord)
>second to the left has a flower crown paired with a skirt that has no flower theme, hair is in a ponytail
>third to the left is rocking boob loaf, her shoes resemble converse, the skirt of her weird jsk thing? looks sad and deflated
>girl on the far right looks like she at least has some clue of what she's doing.

>> No.8724158

all dat bodyline

>> No.8724162

Holy shit anon. You need to know your brand.




And there are floral patterns in that coord the one girl is wearing. The crown itself just doesn't match and whole top area is bad. You may want to take a step back.

>> No.8725292

Man, you should stop defending them, they look horrible.

>> No.8725298
File: 95 KB, 720x720, 11012620_10206218725601756_6915984056275011718_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8725300

>mfw i thought this was my comm for a second
i'm really surprised i haven't seen photos of my comm in an ita thread yet, only one girl who is in the fb group who never shows up to meets ended up in an ita thread and it was some fugly coord she posted to CoF

>> No.8725304

Is that meant to be lolita though? It just looks like steampunk (with pretty meh hair) to me, doesn't even look like she's wearing a petti.

>> No.8725306

Not that anon, but just because they look horrible doesn't mean you can just make up reasons as to why. You have to be fair about these things or else you just wind up looking like a blind douche bag.

>> No.8725308

If you're too new to recognize that ita bait dress, you're too new to participate in this conversation.

>> No.8725310

Pretty sure she is wearing a petti (hence the skirt shape)
Don't secongnize that skirt but I think it says infanta on it
It's not really steampunk either...
sticking random fears onto things doesn't make it steampunk

>> No.8725312

Nah you can see she is wearing a (shitty and deflating) peti, and imo it clearly looks like one of those special snowflake steampunk/lolita outfits that manage to get BOTH styles completely wrong.

>> No.8725316

In their defense I also don't reCOGnize that dress and I have been in lolita for a long long time. I can see why it is ita bait though...

>> No.8725317

Just because someone wears something from a lolita brand doesn't necessarily make it lolita, just asking if lolita was intended at all.

It looks pretty flat to me, but it could be the angle. And yeah it's not good steampunk either, but it looks more like an attempt at steampunk than at lolita imo.

>> No.8725319

Fair enough.

>> No.8725323
File: 371 KB, 500x281, 1433912078141[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from a lolita brand
>still trying not to act new

>> No.8725325

I don't know if it's the angle or not, but it looks too long.

And like it's from a "old west" sort of outfit. Just look at the boots, fringe on the dress and the leather. Ignore the cogs and you have it.

>> No.8725327

you know the dress, you just wanted to make that pun
and I'm proud of you

>> No.8725331

Oh you

>> No.8725338

I am always shocked I haven't seen my comm in an ita thread too. There are some pretty cringey meets that go on.

Some of the individual members get posted once in a while but I'm surprised none of the full comm photos have been put here.

>> No.8725364

I've only seen one person from our comm posted and I agree their hair is consistently awful.

>> No.8725368
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>> No.8725371
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>> No.8725372

>someone from my old comm gets posted
i was waiting for this day.

>> No.8725375
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>> No.8725379
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>> No.8725381
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>> No.8725386
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>> No.8725391

My my anon, where were you that you had to get subjected to this?

>> No.8725393
File: 343 KB, 1024x683, 21220265990_1c4802203b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8725397

Nope just going through the lolita fashion tag on Tumblr which could definitely count as being subjected to something however.

>> No.8725400

sauce on the shoes?
it looks like she tied sleeves to her hat

Not ita, just fat and the styling isn't very lolita, even if she's going for casual

>> No.8725450

>Maxi dress thing far left, probably just along for the ride
Hope she wasn't trying to be lolita, the bag confuses me though.
>Bear hat front row right, no blouse
I thought her dress was some hot topic thing for a second
>Back row behind bear-hat-chan
Not too bad, needs a wig and socks/tights
>Glasses-bracelet next to her in the back
The glasses are unfortunate
>Hat-glasses-gross hair combo in the front
She looks like an explorer
>Grey dress in the back, boobloaf-chan
Not a bad wig
>Blondy-brella with the red glasses
Her boobs are eating the JSK
I feel like he's their teacher or something and this is just the kind of shit he likes to wear
>Birkenstocks on the far right
Like that llama though

On second thought, why are they all wearing glasses?

>> No.8725467

Oh my glob,you're right-They are all wearing glasses. Not just that pic but the whole thread. What the heck

>> No.8725480
File: 388 KB, 512x512, ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my glob

>> No.8725559

Yeah, it's not like lolita appropriate shoes, coording, and decent quality accessories are a thing, or anything.

>> No.8725562

This could be alright as otome if she added a cardigan, imo

>> No.8725563


Eh, I can see what she was going for. I think there are more nitpicks on this one. Not saying it's good but she's a cute girl and I think there's potential here if she gets the right items.

>> No.8725566

Goddamn why would anyone go out in public looking like that

>> No.8725568

She looks like a fat Batty.

>> No.8725601


>> No.8725689

it really annoys me when people who are bigger than me on top are smaller than me on bottom.

>> No.8725695

some of them are really cute; you sound super salty.

>> No.8725698

What shoes are those does anyone know?

>> No.8725704

Shoes are a brazilian shop called Unicorn Holic. They sell custom-made shoes, that one may be a replica of Jane Marple.

>> No.8728090
File: 50 KB, 599x799, tumblr_ny2zciuNzM1upammno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That costume-tier fabric

>> No.8728102

Them Ardene tights

>> No.8728153
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>> No.8728158
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>> No.8728184

Wouldnt call this ita..it is a themed coord for an event

>> No.8728198

None of these girls are ita, just below average.

>> No.8728202


>> No.8728203

It's a bad themed coord, so it's ita. You can theme a coord and have it still be good.

>> No.8728205

That top ruins it. Even a plain blouse would be lovely.

>> No.8728232

wtf, themed or not that's beyond horrid

>> No.8728255
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 11249636_10153666167674774_6279600702140699158_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8728305

Ohh my god I was about to post that, just saw it on CoF. Wth is that entire outfit

>> No.8728308

I'm not seeing what's so awful? She needs to swap out the shoes and get a better petti, but this is hardly ita-thread material.

>> No.8728329
File: 207 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_ny0tdjZfSa1uxrfmeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know is decent but upper neck kills it

>> No.8728342

>I know its decent
Then your in the wrong thread. Go to nitpick

>> No.8728423

don't worry anon, it's ita as fuck

>> No.8728433

No one cares, seriously.

>> No.8728449
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>> No.8728460
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I wouldn't call this ita but...
Cheetah print... And plaid?!

>> No.8728466

I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. I was so confused to why it had been posted.

>> No.8728469

Any nice examples of this being co-orded properly?

>> No.8728504
File: 31 KB, 600x400, CUN02NPUYAEXmQl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8728505


Uh, that's clearly Ermine anon. As in those white giant capes kings wore with the black spots.

>> No.8728512

I think anon meant the beret, which is cheeta printed.

>> No.8728518

Yeah I was referring to the beret.

>> No.8728530
File: 163 KB, 1108x1300, 20083241-Royal-gold-crown-with-many-jewels-decorations-and-ermine-fur-isolated-on-white-background-Clipping-p-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was supposed to emulate that fur that crowns sometimes have.

>> No.8728539

It's ermine. They're probably trying to emulate the trim of the dress.

>> No.8728542

If you look closely, the beret has circles. Ermine doesn't have circles, they're dots or small lines.

>> No.8728543

for a moment i thought her arms were a couch and her real arms were behind a pillow (the brown space). holy fuck

>> No.8728545

It's not ermine and it failed to look like it is.

>> No.8728557

>that background
God please, please tell me this isn't Belgium...

>> No.8728560

That's Belgium.

>> No.8728577

I hate this country omg

>> No.8728583
File: 312 KB, 800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not that bad and a step in the right direction, though this is the coord that does steamlita right for me

>> No.8728592

This is definitely a nit-pick. Aside from the beret being a bit off, everything else looks fine. There's a good balance of colour.

>> No.8728624

It's certainly not ita in a "searing your eyes" way, but while all the individual pieces look nice together it doesn't quite match.

> Sock pattern matches nothing and is not right color
> Shoe color perhaps matches sock polka dots but doesn't fit the other colors
> stark white of t-shirt (?) and headbow stand out too much in comparison to the cardigan covering up.
I believe the white is supposed to match the white in the print but it doesn't quite work here due to scarcity of the white.
> Off-color ruffle on cardigan
And if someone wants to be extremely nitpick of the sort that can only be found on 4chan
> fingernail color doesn't match

Personally I think its okay for some casual going, but I can see the errors. The biggest errors that stands out is probably the sock+shoe combo or the stark white.

>> No.8728654

lmao it's not decent at all. the hair, clown shoes, colors, random blouse that doesn't match

>> No.8728675
File: 114 KB, 500x623, tumblr_ny0y8joKJJ1qzeipro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8728677

Not ita.

>> No.8728679

Not quite ita. But it does need work

>> No.8728682

This is not ita. Seriously guys post real itas.

>> No.8728731

lel are you blind?
or ita as fuck

>> No.8728743

Are you the girl in the pic or really, really new?

>> No.8728803
File: 63 KB, 600x450, CUJW447WEAAbrX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one on the left

>> No.8728836

And the one on the right if that monstrosity is supposed to be lolita

>> No.8728856


>> No.8728887
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>> No.8728891
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>> No.8728908

This isn't nearly as bad as some of the others above. She just needs better socks and wristcuffs or bracelets or something, and maybe an underskirt.

>> No.8728919

This is pretty cute. I think she needs to clean up the color palette as her blues and pinks don't quite match but really not that bad.

>> No.8728956
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>> No.8728973
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>> No.8729001

Her legs and socks are both so shiny

>> No.8729018

ew is that dress dirty?
probably latex or something
you are blind
that dress is horrible, it needs to be burned
her makeup is completely inappropriate too
i know she's going for "pastel goth" but that shit should not be combined with lolita (which that even isn't)

>> No.8729020

I googled them and can't find them
Am I dumb or are they hard to find?

>> No.8729038

The cathedral veil trend begins!
At least right put in some effort, left looks like she'd never heard of hair, makeup, or fit before.

>> No.8729060
File: 156 KB, 968x672, 3921513_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8729095

What's so terrible about it? The print is subtle, construction looks decent. It's no worse than Holy Lantern and that's definitely been coorded in similar ways. And Holy Lantern is probably about that short. It needs work but it could be fixed with a few simple changes.

>> No.8729101
File: 66 KB, 400x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ft. Shitty ap replica

>> No.8729124

What's happening on /cgl/ today?


>> No.8729197

>The cathedral veil trend begins
Anon it's been going on for a while now. Where have you been?

>> No.8729199

Minori looks so sad in this lol

>> No.8729206



>> No.8729207

She's cute, nitpick desu anon

>> No.8729209

Her browns dont match well and her roots need to be done or at least get a wig. That would make it a pretty good coord.

>> No.8729217

now this is a true fucking ita

>> No.8729247

Newfags, itas with shit taste and/or the subjects of the respective photos.

>> No.8729446

Not ita, just fat and tacky.

Is that putumayo? Most of their stuff is too short for lolita anyway, but damn.

>> No.8729462

Relax, tryhard. The name's right on the dress. You don't need to huff around like a female neckbeard.

>> No.8729566

It's tacky, ugly, and way too short. And the bib collar looks terrible
Is that a friend of yours? Is that why you're defneding her tacky ass?

>> No.8729582

This cut is awful on her. Makes her look like a box.

>> No.8729600
File: 246 KB, 785x1086, 1504291_10152190533937146_1953298063_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on gulls, y'all need to try harder.

>> No.8729606

Judging from the badge and the background, these are all from Otakon 2013.

>> No.8729630

That whale not ita??
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.8729632
File: 1.22 MB, 440x300, tumblr_inline_nsgianA80i1qhv8ul_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8729645

That is an old pic..right?...

>> No.8729656

Fat doesn't make you ita dumb fuck

>> No.8729657

No but shit-tier replicas and raccoon eye make up definitely do.

>> No.8729704


Ah, sorry, didn't even notice the beret. You're right, that is definitely not ermine up there. A shame, because otherwise I think this actually looks nice. Personally I'd change shoes and wash the white tights because there's a giant smudge, but the dress and the hairstyle are quite pretty.

>> No.8729766
File: 254 KB, 2048x1366, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of this photo.

>> No.8729888

Hambeast wearing skeleton otks, oh the irony.

>> No.8729891

It's clearly a Halloween meet though. Really like the guro cake coord.

>> No.8729898

She's actually improved.

>> No.8729912

Red with red bonnet and mossbager jsk are cute

>> No.8730194

Oh goddammit i know this is ita but the ita i was in the 90s still likes this. Damn this look brings me back

>> No.8730259
File: 170 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nvpbreaRpP1uugo10o3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of a nitpick but...

>> No.8730277

fat people don't have skeletons I guess

>> No.8730278

That lipstick has to go.

>> No.8730311

>more of nitpick
Seriously go to the nitpick thread if its nitpick. Its not that hard

>> No.8730316

You should be a little less obvious about complimenting yourself on CGL.

>> No.8730336

Second to right looks like the girl who kept posting in the draw thread with the same ugly picture with the black lipstick.

>> No.8730339

Agreed. Like i dont even see a guro coord? Where the fuck are you looking?

>> No.8730350

This is okay, more nitpick. That armband and collar definitely have to go.

I actually really love the sleeves on her blouse. It reminds me of Super Sailor Moon and I really want it. Anyone know sauce, or the sauce of the pic?

>> No.8730369
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>> No.8730382
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Tagged as #dd/lg

>> No.8730391

there is none and im not gonna make one right now

>> No.8730404

Here >>8730399

>> No.8730415
File: 120 KB, 522x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off of CoF
>nothing matches

>> No.8730427


>> No.8730716

Can anyone tell me what dress girl in pink is wearing? (I like the off-shoulder style that's why)

>> No.8730726

I think the flash/bad lighting is making it seem shinier than it is. If it was shit-tier shiny fabric, it would be reflecting much more than it is.

>> No.8730728

>knows it's not ita
>posts it anyway
Don't be that person.

I hate nymphettes so much, I can't even express it.

>> No.8730729

Well, that's something I didn't know about her...

>> No.8730731 [DELETED] 

Also, wtf is that icon? Seriously? This is the reason why we don't get taken seriously

So, She's a lolita, a stripper, and a little? Pdx already has a sour image due to the drama with Jareth/unicorn-kin dude and all the mother fucking 'I'm out of spoons!' We don't need this type of shit in our comm

>> No.8730739 [DELETED] 

She's such a fucking whore, posting all the time on facebook about how she made some guy jizz in his kilt or complaining about only making $5 in tips one night

She's basically known as the Portland Prostitute. All of her coords have her tits hanging out. I'm surprised she even has a shirt under the JSK, I don't think I've ever seen her in a blouse, her tits are usually hiked up.

Fucking disgusting

>> No.8730749

I'm out of spoons?

>> No.8730750

the spoon theory

Where you only get like 10 spoons in one day, getting out of bed costs you a spoon, getting dressed is like 3 spoons, going to the grocery store is 5 spoons. And once you run out of spoons, you're supposed to just lie around and do nothing for the rest of the day. It was created for those with crippling physical disorders, but every tumblrina is using it now as an excuse not to do stuff

>> No.8730766

Yes, but most itas are usually fat.

>> No.8730768

The dress with the cakes on it?

>> No.8730771

>Gross hair
>Gross make-up
>Socks look like they came from Walmart
>Shoe don't match at all

The blouse, vest, and skirt are beautiful... just not on her. She is a waste of good clothing.

>> No.8730777

That's gross..I can only imagine what kind of free loading, spoiled people the ones who do that are.

>> No.8730782
File: 25 KB, 239x200, Normies+_9b8218e812a151d314ed2b3d8a81c45b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8730825

Oh good, I'm not the only person who wondered that.

>> No.8730856

>curling ribbon in her wig
>foot pose makes her look like an amputee

>> No.8730867

Is it bad that I like this?

>> No.8730905

The bodyline ICECREAM dress, you mean? How in the hell is that one guro?

>> No.8730908

I think anon means the coord with the IW pie dress.

>> No.8730958

whats up with the creepy dude?

>> No.8730960

i can't stand this girl, she's so goddamn obnoxious.

>> No.8730961

No. It's not ita, its old school.

>> No.8730978

She looks like Adele

>> No.8731085

It's just flash photography.

No the black one with the round and heart shaped cakes. She's next to the perfect one in red. Or are those not cakes? I'm not a native speaker. Is there a different word for it?

>> No.8731153

...no she doesnt?

>> No.8731221
File: 141 KB, 717x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this

>> No.8731240

The mess around her is just as gross as the outfit.

>> No.8731241

jfc clean your damn room

>> No.8731244


>> No.8731306

Still gross. Lol "perfect one"

>> No.8731310

What the fuck is with the whiteface in the corner?

>> No.8731332

Yosuke knock off.

>> No.8731339

She is so damn pretty tho.

>> No.8731412

She looks like she's trying to be Annie from LoL

>> No.8731474
File: 140 KB, 686x960, rori desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8731786
File: 224 KB, 480x304, yess.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's lunchables. duh.

>> No.8731797

This is when you need to edit out everything around you.

>> No.8731808

I legitimately cannot decide if that is a large child or a baby faced woman

>> No.8731811
File: 1.02 MB, 1166x821, 00673-TrkyChed-052214 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it

>> No.8731894

Violet Lunchell

>> No.8732165

That's not irony.

>> No.8732167

Wait I'm high.

>> No.8732208

Creepy. Keep your sex life out of Lolita. At least publicly.

>> No.8732213

this will sound weird but from looking at her body I think it's just a large child alternatively the other chick may be a tiny woman lol

>> No.8732215 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 960x720, itas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I do not go to meetups anymore.

>> No.8732225

Not even, anon. Try harder

>> No.8732230

Only like 2 look kind of bad. Take it to the nitpick thread newfag, nowhere near ita status

>> No.8732237

They all look sweet. Good thing you left.

>> No.8732261

Are you kidding? I spot at least four terrible coordinates.

>> No.8732263

You know, the last time someone did this in my comm, she was laughed off /cgl/ for being a sub-par dresser. Just sayin'.

>> No.8732267

my comm is so much worse anon please stop complaining and post better ita

>> No.8732272


>> No.8732273

Fill in your god damn eyebrows.

>> No.8732293

Vendetta chan pls

>> No.8732318

babby's first coord?

>> No.8732411

That's alright, vendetta chan. We don't want you there anyway.

>> No.8732426

oh snap she'd make a good alternative model. she's pretty. bad coord but keep at it girl!

>> No.8732429


Where is Tifferet these days? What has she been up to? I'd go to her eljay but I'm afraid to look.

>> No.8732438

Lol Vendetta-chan. You showed up to one meet and decided you hated everyone because they didn't fawn over your coord. Sorry to tell you, but it was probably because you looked like shit.

>> No.8732444

>tfw in belgium
>tfw i am cuter than all of them
feels good

>> No.8732669

You need to try harder, vendetta-chan.

>> No.8732746

there's nothing wrong with Belgium though..

>> No.8732747

desu it's not hard to be cuter than the average Belgian person... they're generally nice people but their faces often just look a bit... off..

>> No.8732753

Good thing you left. We don't like two faced tumblr itas.

>> No.8732764

The sleeves are part of the peignoir. They remind me of SM too.

>> No.8732767
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>> No.8732802

Sorry your comm sucks anon but you're gonna have to accept that they're decent at dressing themselves.

>> No.8732821

This is some serious bullshit there anon sorry to tell you. There are uglies and off-looking faced people but so there is in murica and such.
I'm not trying to be rude i'm not offended or from Belgium for that matter but what makes you think that? It maybe depends where you went or which kind of people you saw?

>> No.8732828

It looks like she just farted

>> No.8732862

> tfw want to be as selective as Asians who refuse to sell overseas
> I never want to sell anything to a fcking nymphette ddlg public jizzer.

>> No.8732863

not even boobs can save the ugly that is in that face, holy shit. also put your cleavage away.

>> No.8732914

>inb4 incest jokes

>> No.8732918

>lie around all day

I use the spoons and I don't do this. You're supposed to do things that let you keep spoons, not exhaust them.

>> No.8732921

Same. I have a severe medical issue and this helps me stay on top of things and keep me from exhausting myself. I don't use it as an excuse to not go to work/have a social life/clean my house tho.

It can actually be helpful, but I can see how people would abuse it.

>> No.8733058
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>> No.8733062

>I feel so small in this
Well you don't look small in this.

>> No.8733078
File: 11 KB, 210x250, 1420241977850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she just put on every "kawaii" thing she owns? This is awful.

>> No.8733081

I'm scared.

>> No.8733082

FFS, it was an analogy made to explain why some people with chronic illness can function well on one day, then be passed out another.

People are actually counting/allotting themselves daily spoons now?!

>> No.8733086

Well, it is a theory that makes sense to put into practice. Just saying, it helps some people conceptualize their pain and shit.

>> No.8733130

>using actual spoons

Um no?

>> No.8733134

People abuse it all the time and use it as an excuse
'sorry I can't come to tonight's meet I'm out of spoons! What do you mean I can't have a refund?!'

I can see where it could be helpful, but a lot of people abuse it when they're not actually disabled or anything, they just want an excuse

>> No.8733145

I think this this is a cosplay of Effie from Lotte no Omocha.

>> No.8733160

You don't "give" yourself spoons. It was just an analogy to show some normie how it felt living with mental illness.

>> No.8733289

I didn't mean physical spoons. I meant that people above actually allot a set number of "spoons" per day. Which is fucking stupid.

See >>8733160

It was a fucking metamorphose/analogy. Not an actual counting system.

>> No.8733414

>carrying a real clock on a bag

My sides

>> No.8733484
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You realize they actually make real clock bags...

>> No.8733600


I just find the use of 'spoons' of all things is just kind of weird. I mean, keep doing you guys, but it was meant to be a nice story to illustrate that people with chronic diseases don't have the same capacity of performing activities of daily living like 'normies', not some sort of weird subjective/objective scale to go by.

I get that in the original story they were at a restaurant and that was the only thing on hand, but the fact it's caught on as the verbal currency of choice for something as simple as energy levels makes me cringe.

>> No.8733617

Oh shit. That cheap plastic material made it look like those clocks they have at Walmart at a distance.

>> No.8733618

Doesn't make it any less tacky

>> No.8733696

The poster child for weeaboos everywhere

>> No.8733844

Topkek anon

She's complaining about getting hate mail, I kinda feel bad for her. She didn't tag it as lolita or ap, people just happened to find it

>> No.8733845

I think writing "Angelic Pretty" makes it appear in the tags or in the search.

>> No.8733846

Yeah, that's what it was

Tumblr changes it up so often it's hard to keep up

>> No.8733847

I actually own one of these, (exactly picture related) and its actually pretty cool. I like it better than the printed/embroidered ones. I nearly always get compliments on it when I wear it too.

>> No.8733890

She neither looks small and is too old looking in the face to look "nymphette"-ish

>> No.8733901

That's exactly what I was thinking?

Plus, aren't strippers typically attractive?

>> No.8733911

Yeah she's just an idiot and didn't mean any harm, but still. It irks a lot of Lolitas when someone uses their beloved fashion and makes it appear as if it was some kind of fetish.

>> No.8733931

Cute. Potential. Get rid of the cosplay wig, get a better petti and there you go.

>> No.8733932

the ones that work at high end clubs, maybe.

>> No.8733938

Nah, used to work as a cleaner in a strip club, and they had pictures of the girls on the walls. They were fuggo.

>welcome to Medway bruv

>> No.8733941
File: 94 KB, 333x500, 21375799420_d1e17c8ce2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting hildekitten
fucking easymode anon, thats almost as bad as posting french-moitie

>> No.8733988

Source for the JSK anyone?

>> No.8733996

Where did you get it? I like it, and reverse image search is giving me nothing.

>> No.8734041

I think that's Jock Circus by Infanta.

>> No.8734043

Here it is.


>> No.8734084

Every time I feel bad about my coords, I like to look through this thread because it makes me feel infinitely better.

>> No.8734104
File: 248 KB, 323x771, tumblr_nyay7pQiuu1sfdyhpo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this blouse

>> No.8734106

I kinda dig it. Like if this was coorded right I could imagine it being very cute in a milkmaid kinda way

>> No.8734273

Someone's fat gran's hand me downs

>> No.8734325

eBay, it's a vintage from the 80's. Got it for like $20. Dunno if there's still any on eBay tho.

>> No.8734360

I can understand how someone who has never seen a cherry pie with exposed filling can call it a "guro cake".
>implying I'm not keking my ass off about it though

>> No.8734381

if you look closely she's wearing some kind of severed finger necklace, I think that's where the original person got "guro" from.

I had to really look to see them though...

>> No.8734411

Yeah, It screams that the anon defending the "guro coord" with that cherry pie dress is either the girl herself or a friend.

>> No.8734478
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>> No.8734482
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>> No.8734485
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>> No.8734487
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>> No.8734490
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>> No.8734492
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>> No.8734494
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>> No.8734495

Is that handmade? If so there's even less reason to not have a petti, tulle is so cheap

>> No.8734497
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>> No.8734498

Haha where tf did you find these wow

>> No.8734499
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>> No.8734501

She said everything was thrifted.

>> No.8734503

Was meant for>>8734495

>> No.8734507

The sad thing is if the skirt was lolita appropriate it would kind of look like some of meta's stuff. That's pathetic that people are still trying to thrift lolita, that's the first thing people usually tell noobs (not to thrift but to go to bodyline if you can't afford brand)

>> No.8734540
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>> No.8734542
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>> No.8734543

This outfit is ok and salvageable.
This face isn't.

>> No.8734546
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>> No.8734549
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>> No.8734565
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>> No.8734570

Looks like a newbie. She'll probably improve with time.

>> No.8734574
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>> No.8734577
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>> No.8734585
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>> No.8734586

Ugh, maybe I need to sleep - but I can't help feeling that if she were half her size and with a better hairstyle this would be cute. Not Lolita, but cute in an anime-esque way.

>> No.8734594

She has potential. I hope she improves with time.

>> No.8734674

She's a trans woman, get over it.

>> No.8734676

Needs bigger hair and no details directly under the chin. And better makeup. And that's just for the face.

>> No.8734724

He's always going to look like a damn creeper
>Isn't this that got that kicked from a CA comm for threating some chick?

>> No.8734749

No. They're from ATL comm. You're thinking of MB.

>> No.8734765
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>> No.8734771
File: 133 KB, 960x960, 12239560_10153681481505180_9054327814598895134_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ffs with the underskirts in sweet lolita knock this shit off

>> No.8734788

no hijab and she still looks like frumpy trash

>> No.8734805
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>> No.8734814

Even as an ita noob i knew this candy violet would be near impossible to pull off in that colorway

>> No.8734833

Ah! Pies! It's Innoccent World and called "Anniversary Pie" I suppose for a non native english speaker I can see where you get cake and pies confused. Now that I see the flesh necklace though, all I think of is Sweeny Todd

>> No.8734838

I believe that was supposed to be a Mrs. Lovett coord, in fact.

>> No.8734841

why do people think it's okay to post pictures of themselves in their messy rooms??

>> No.8734842

the proportions here are really throwing me

>> No.8734845

She looks way better without the hijab, just lose the underskirt and find better fitting dresses that won't give her massive boobloaf.

>> No.8734850

Positively tame by Meta's standards.

>> No.8734851

Her hair is cute and she has a petti, she's doing better than 90% of the girls in this thread even wearing the ugliest shit ever

>> No.8734857
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>> No.8734916

christ that chin

>> No.8734962
File: 81 KB, 960x639, 12278888_918330068253517_2199416937569782306_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick pitched a fit at not being able to bring all of her children to meets a couple of months ago, hadn't seen or heard from her until a con this weekend where she pushed all of her kids on stage in the cosplay comp.

>> No.8735173

That underskirt is disgusting and looks like it was made in 15 minutes. Ir probably would have been better with a pink one.

>> No.8735383

ughhhhhhh reminds me of my first coord in 2008

>> No.8735389

At what con is this even allowed?
>Shitty ita outfit
>kids in shitty store bought costumes
The fuck?

>> No.8735394

It's a Boz dress made out of shauntang which is gorgeous in person. Pleb much?

>> No.8735398

Woah, it's Cammie

>> No.8735399

Ew, everything but the skirt is horrible. The vest looks like that of a jester

>> No.8735409

I like her wig, burn everything else

>> No.8735413

the 4 on the right are cute, the rest need to move on to something else

>> No.8735442

I like how they get progressively fatter towards the left.

>> No.8735600

wow she should have invested in birth control so she could afford a decent coord. that's hideous. and the garters are so disgusting

>> No.8735643

That alternative girl looks cute, she just need a blouse and some mint to accent the ruffle of the skirt. Not ita, just nitpick.

>> No.8736004
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>> No.8736276

Sauce on the dress?

>> No.8736367

Shoes look beaten to shit

>> No.8736944

>J-Fashion Pride
Damn it, if you have any pride at all in J-Fashion, then you could at least attempt to look decent, right?

>> No.8737115

good GOD

>> No.8737120

Christ, she's hideous.

>> No.8737949

Angelic Shitty

>> No.8737952


>> No.8738222


>> No.8738260

the flag ruins everything

>> No.8738262

she should've wrapped herself up in the flag instead

>> No.8738372

When you get used to living like a slob, you don't even see the mess anymore.

>> No.8739817

ah Mikki. Speshul Autistic Rori Tumblrina.