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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8727242 No.8727242 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start:
>it takes tons of time and skill to buy the materials and make a cosplay
>it often needs many different skills to make just a single cosplay such as wig styling, sewing, welding, knowledge of power tools
>more visually appealing
>Cosplayers often have to make costumes from scratch if they don't want to look like shit whereas Lolitas just buy tons of accessories and clothes
>cosplay is as much as of a financial commitment as Lolita but it is also a commitment to learn new skills and improve them

>> No.8727247
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>> No.8727264

But anon,
Lots of cosplayers are lazy and don't do what you say they do. They often do just buy their stuff and accessories and shit a lot of the time.
Making stuff isn't a thing lots are willing or able to do.

Many just build skill in online shopping

I'm not saying there aren't cosplayers who do put in a shit-ton of effort. There are, there really are.
But to say that universally, all are superior and more dedicated than lolitas is unfair. To say the opposite would be unfair as well.

Lolitas wig style, lolitas sew for some things too, even if it is dress repair
I bet most don't weld, but then very few cosplayers do either.

As for visually appealing, that's utterly subjective.

>> No.8727320

you forgot:
>half the time cosplayers cut corners and their hard work falls apart by the end of the day/con (don't tell me it doesn't, there's a reason so many cons have crowded repair stations with safety pins and hot glue everywhere)
>if we spend $200 on a dress, it's actually professional quality and lasts for years of repeated and versatile use
>they spend $200 on a dress and then inevitably pick the wrong fabric, leave raw edges or don't iron their fucking seams and it still looks like they bought it at a party store
>and then they only wear it once at an anime convention

>> No.8727471

shitty bait

>> No.8727513

Lolita is only dresses, wigs, and accessories and all of it is bought. It doesn't really go much more beyond that. It's self limiting and consumerist.

Cosplay has a massive variety of visual styles and skill sets simply because it encompasses any piece of fictional visual media created, ever. However, the majority are just as consumerist as lolitas.

This isn't really a fair comparison; it'd be like saying that the entire fiction section of the library is superior to the rack of fashion magazines by the checkout simply because it's bigger.

>> No.8727520
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>bait this obvious