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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 108 KB, 440x660, 756202_m_01_440_660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8725339 No.8725339 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread hit the image limit, here's a new one to fill the void.

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
>Seifuku or blazer?
>One-peice or two?
>Did you school ever have a uniform?
>If not, why do you nanchatte?

>> No.8725345

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
I mostly do modern but I'd be down to research more about old-fashioned and see if I could pull it off!

>Seifuku or blazer?
Blazer, def. Well, I'll do a seifuku one-piece but wearing a sailor top feels too cosplay to me.

>One-peice or two?
Either! I have one summery dress and a wintery one coming in the mail.

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
No, we had a "unified dress code" which is essentially: where your school shirt or a polo and some type of pants that go past your knees. Borrring
>If not, why do you nanchatte?
It allows me to look cute but professional at the same time. I always feel so put together when I'm wearing it!

>> No.8725359

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Old-fashioned! Showa-style is the best, it looks very cute and a bit romantic, due to the sailor motif or old-fashioned style of dress.

>Seifuku or blazer?
Seifuku all the way, blazers are for normies.

>One-peice or two?
Hard to answer. One-peice is best for formal occasions, two-peice is best for practical times.

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
Sadly not. I don't live in one of those countries. I envy those who did.

>If not, why do you nanchatte?
Sailor moon gave me a seifuku obsession, and since that day it has been my dream to wear a cute sailor outfit like that.

Also, I like Edwardian style dresses, which many one-peice or sailor motifs hearken to.

>> No.8725366
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Links ahoy!
(I know it's not much, but I hope they're at least a little helpful to anyone looking for some uniforms!)

>> No.8725367
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>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
I like modern, but old fashion looks interesting. it just doesn't read as nanchatte to me as much, but that's because I got into nanchatte through kogal.
>Seifuku or blazer?
Why not both? Though I usually wear a blazer.
>One-peice or two?
Two- more versatility.
>Did you school ever have a uniform?
>If not, why do you nanchatte?
A girl in my class wore nanchatte to school and everyone loved it. Because of her wearing that cute outfit, I and two other girls became friends with her and began exploring cute fashion together. It's been really fun.

>> No.8725395

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Old-fashioned, hands down. They remind me of those old corny all girls school shoujo manga which I have the biggest soft spot for.
>Seifuku or blazer?
Don't make me choooose. I think they're equally cute. As much as I love a navy blue seifuku I just can't say no to a blazer.
>One-peice or two?
Again, with me being indeceisive as fuck I'm gonna have to go with both.
>Did you school ever have a uniform?
Throughout elementary and part of middle school. I despised it. Awful kakhi trousers and burgundy polos every single day.
>If not, why do you nanchatte?
I can't think of a more eloquent way to say that I do it to lowkey live out my gross weeby fantasies. Japanese uniforms make me weak.

I'd love to see more posts like the OP pic. It's so gorgeous.

>> No.8725712

There was a spreadsheet with shop links.

>> No.8725743

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
both are equally good, but modern on myself

>Seifuku or blazer?

>One-peice or two?
two piece, it's easier to change things up

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
yup, 12 years of school. straya m8

>If not, why do you nanchatte?
feel like this is still relevant even to people who've had to wear uniforms throughout school
nanchatte is just cute, and the uniform is quite different to what i used to wear in high school. plus, i love reading shoujo and it's just another way to weeb out (and live out my high school fantasies of being kawaii in short skirts)

>> No.8726053

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Sukeban all the way. I prefer long skirts in general and I have a mature-ish face so I can't really do cute.

>Seifuku or blazer?
I usually wear a blazer because I don't think I can pull seifukus off. It always feels very cosplay to me. The closest I have is a sort of navy and white pseudo sailor collared jersey tunic I bought from a second hand platform but when I wear it, literally everyone calls me Sailor Moon. Even when I wear it with pants.

>One-peice or two?
Two, since I'm also tall for Asian clothing and most one pieces will come higher up my thigh than I'm comfortable with.

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
Yes. I wore a uniform for the first 18 years of my life from pre-school all the way through A levels. Most of them were pretty ugly and when I had to wear my Junior College's uniform, I shortened the skirt and tucked the shirt tighter to show off my figure, only to be creeped on 1000% more often, so I've gotten a rather bad association with short skirts.

>If not, why do you nanchatte?
I like it because its a nice feminine fashion that you can adapt to most lifestyles. You can choose to wear your skirt at your thigh, knee or wherever length you want and it still looks good. You can dress it up or down to suit the occasion too.
I need to wear pants for my current job as it involves a lot of bending down and crawling under tables so I can't wear my usual dresses or skirts so I've been a bit bummed out about that.

>> No.8726126
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This photo just popped up on my dashboard, and it made me realise that, considering how cold it's getting and the time of year it is, these threads are sorely lacking in outdoors winter nanchatte coords, specifically duffel coats and overcoats. I'd love to see any relevant pics anyone has as it is getting pretty damn cold here and I'd like some inspo for keeping warm and toasty in our nanchatte during the winter months!

>> No.8726128
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Starting off with a few pics

>> No.8726130
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>> No.8726173
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I had a real WW2 Royal Navy duffel coat that I used to wear, thing was thick and heavy as a mofo, but it kept water out and warmth in like no other coat I've ever owned, some low life stole it from a place I was working at in London, I still rage internally about it ten years later!!

>> No.8727737

Bump because some peeps seem to be missing this

>> No.8727794


I have a WWII RAF overcoat, I agree - it's the warmest thing I own, the only problem is is that it's very long so I can't cycle with it on - trying to find a shorter nice coat that's as warm as my overcoat - an impossible task.

>> No.8728209

Does anyone have links for cute cardigans? I am looking for the common camel/beige one that is so common, but also others in different colours. Thanks!

>> No.8728221
File: 279 KB, 700x460, 20151120_190312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Haruta shoes. Has anyone tried them?

Customs charged me 90 quid to get them :(
Luckily I'm doing quite well off nowadays and didn't want to go to the trouble of having it sent back and sent again, but still... is this common?

>> No.8728226

UK right? Just bad luck I'm afraid.
How much were they?

>> No.8728272

How did they calculate that? I know there's the import fee, handling fee and actual customs fee but I can't believe it came to this much. I feel you anon

>> No.8728291

yep, UK. they were 24 pounds. Here is the calculation they did:

>import duty 20.87
>VAT 56.37
>handling fee 13.50

I kind of want to send the shop an email, but I'm afraid it would come off as shady requesting them to send it marked as "gift" or "other" instead of "merchandise".

I am definitely contacting customs.

>> No.8728367

>VAT 56.37
How can the VAT be more than the actual value of the item? This is a ripoff even by uk standards

>> No.8728410
File: 154 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of anyplace that has a coat with a similar style to pic related up for sale? I love the sailor collar and with all this talk it colder weather I'm definitely going to need something warmer to wear.

>> No.8728452
File: 25 KB, 219x220, 2014-New-Winter-Navy-Blue-Sailor-collar-Coat-Jacket-Fashion-Japanese-Cute-Body-line-coat-Wool.jpg_220x220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Loliloli shop for Lolita Princess' on aliexpress sells a similar jacket by the same brand. I also found pic related (pic for ants) on ali but it's admittedly not as cute.

>> No.8728500

Copied from old thread.

Nanchatteforfun-anon here, hi! It's lovely working with someone else for the blog as I've been real busy lately, I do have a question!

I originally had tagged up images as what items were worn, such as blue skirt, white blouse etc. However our new and lovely admin feels that tags describing general colour schemes are the way to go, like reds, blues, etc.

I'd love to know your guys opinion! I think either system works but we're putting this together for the comm so we'd love to have your input. Thanks!~

>> No.8728516

An extra tag for the colour scheme would be nice, yes.

>> No.8729337

Okay that's wrong, contacted royalmail?

>> No.8729445
File: 243 KB, 549x800, 1447201475525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original anon you're replying to. I live in the South so it's quite hot in here, but nothing too extreme neither. Overall, the weather is warm, not too cold nor too hot, so I can wear any kind of uniform I'd like, really.

>> No.8729482

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Old fashioned will forever be my first love, but sometimes I do modern. I love 60's catholic school uniforms.

>Seifuku or blazer?
Seifuku. Blazers make me look like a boxtroll.

>One-peice or two?
My absolute fave are one-piece sailor uniforms.

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
Yeah. A cheap stiff polo with a knee-length skort in navy and black shoes. I still hate it.

> why do you nanchatte?
I nanchatte because I always wanted to make cute school memories wearing cute uniforms, so I kinda live that dream.

>> No.8729529

Ank Rogue had a duffle coat in their fuku last year and have another this year as well.

>> No.8729557

What's their quality like?

>> No.8730983
File: 101 KB, 496x668, tumblr_mmps0lrz481qm9075o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
>Seifuku or blazer?
Both, but usually blazer. Seifuku looks a bit too cosplayish here
>One-peice or two?
>Did you school ever have a uniform?
No ;_;
>If not, why do you nanchatte?
I love how it looks. It makes me feel so cute yet its very comfortable and not weird looking at all.

>> No.8731003

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Old-Fashioned all the way. I like mordern but it doesn't suit me
>Seifuku or blazer?
Like them both but I personally wear blazers
>One-peice or two?
Two piece
>Did you school ever have a uniform?
Yes - I still have it hanging in my wardrobe.
Private British girls school so pretty strict. For Years 7-11 (ages 11-16), a bottle green blazer and pleat or straight skirt that can be any length from 5cm above the knee to ankle length. Blazer has piping and the school logo on the front pocket. When I was about 14 I found a 1920s version of my school blazer in a charity shop so wore that for the rest of the years and wore it on the final day of Sixth Form.
Shirt that is a cream or pale yellow and bottle green tie with stripes of your school house (my house was a lighter green colour), in summer, clear tights or/ with ankle socks. Winter - black or bottlegreen tights or knee high socks. Black shoes - high heals preferred or brogues.
Sixth Form (ages 16-18), black pleat or fitted skirt, white shirt, tie in your house colour and a blazer in black or the school colours - I had a black boating jacket with yellow stripes I still wear.
>If not, why do you nanchatte?

I love nanchatte - it's smart and I like the preppie look. I prefer plaids and tartans.

>> No.8731041

It's pretty good, I like their stuff a lot.
Elizabunni did a pretty good review of her ank rogue lucky pack and had a coordinate post for everything too. Though obviously this year design is different, it's not that far off from last years and it's pretty cheap.

>> No.8732810

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Modern, all the way!

>Seifuku or blazer?
Blazer. The sailor top looks too much like cosplay to me.

>One-peice or two?
Two. Not a huge fan of the one-piece styles, but I think a dress shirt with a skirt is adorable!

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
It did and I hated having to wear it, haha. It wasn't a bad uniform: I had a black vest, a grey, black, and white plaid skirt and white polos, so the uniform was actually a good, generic colour scheme. It's just that the principles spent all day yelling at us to wear it properly and soon it became the most annoying thing to wear.

>If not, why do you nanchatte?
Honestly, I would expect people who wore a school uniform to be less likely to nanchatte, haha! I like it now because I like the uniform style and I can wear it however I want.

>> No.8733286
File: 151 KB, 1080x1776, 12297821_10201101744343895_244099405_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this at an op shop for a really good price despite the fact it doesn't fit my shoulders, I intend on making a pattern from it and altering it. I can't find what brand it is from trying to google translate but as this is an old school thread I thought people would appreciate it.

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Honestly I like both, I think modern is cuter stand alone but I like old school elements in other fashions like lolita
>Seifuku or blazer?
>One-peice or two?
Both have their merits, I think you can pull of more casual looks in one pieces.
>Did you school ever have a uniform?
Yes I did. Polo shirts with plaid plated skirts and a plaid dress.
>If not, why do you nanchatte?
I don't really, I more just admire the fashion.

>> No.8733327

Shit, that's soooo cute!
(I think it's more like the thread's got an old-school header, not so much theme). Do you have a fabric in mind?

...And now I realize what the other anons mean by 'polo', in Sweden it's a turtleneck shirt...

>> No.8733416
File: 269 KB, 1080x1776, 12295220_10201101822345845_406676337_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I want to make one out of wool like it for winter but I am going to make a more modified summer one out of this horoscope fabric. I'm going to probably try to match the blue for chiffon sleeves though and make the collar and cuffs white with the two stripes of blue ribbon/bias tape like most seifuku have. I also want to stiffen the fabric on the leo and turn it into a rosette to go with it.
Really? Thats a strange name to call them, they are just collared shirts, like what lads wear.

>> No.8733425

I love old school style like >>8733286

What are some good shops specifically for that kind of stuff?

>> No.8733426

That looks like an interesting choice for fabric! It'll fit the oldschool theme perfectly.

Why do I get the feeling most of us here are Brits.

>> No.8733434

I'm a little worried about the fabric choice, I think I am going to widen the pleats a bit because of it.
Actually I'm Australian, we have lads here too.

>> No.8733521
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>> No.8733708
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>> No.8733711
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>> No.8733714
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>> No.8733716
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>> No.8733720
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>> No.8733721
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>> No.8734088
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>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
Modern. I like the look of old-fashioned but I prefer to wear modern style.

>Seifuku or blazer?
Seifuku are cute but look a little costumey for me so I prefer blazers.

>One-peice or two?
Two piece!

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
No, I graduated middle school about a year before they started wearing uniforms. Uniforms here are polo shirts and khaki/navy pants or skirts.

>If not, why do you nanchatte?
I love nanchatte because in high school I was a tomboy and never got the chance to really wear cute uniforms. I also didn't have many friends I could do places with after school and just enjoy being a teenager with so I love the idea of meeting other nanchattes and going on fun outings to museums or the zoo or something.

Also bonus question I'm adding for myself:

Female or male uniforms?
Both! I'm pretty androgynous (got that pretty boy kpop hairstyle and all) so I enjoy both female and male nanchatte.

>> No.8734096
File: 49 KB, 636x484, aeydwzef8faivykjxbcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't resist posting this one as well. A school had an 'exchange' day where students swapped uniforms. Girls wore the boys uniforms and vice versa.

>> No.8734211

Female or male uniforms?
>I prefer the preppy male look since gakurans would look really out of place, and I tend to wear it for casual. Female uniform is for dressing up and dates and stuff, there I prefer the seifuku.
Relevant to my interests

>> No.8734281

Besides Haruta, where else can I find shoes?

>> No.8737377

Any Black Friday sales going on?

>> No.8737389

AliExpress is having some with coupons for new mobile users. You can find some cardigans or bows at the very least.

>> No.8737462
File: 38 KB, 486x700, 1438128391837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some non-cardigan/blazer outfits

>> No.8737463
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>> No.8737467
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>> No.8737472
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Middle two

>> No.8737475
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>> No.8737480
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Last one

>> No.8737563
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>> No.8737565
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>> No.8742950
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Is this style technically nanchatte or?

>> No.8743247

I'm not sure, it depends on if you consider AKB48's outfits nanchatte since both are school uniform based but modified.

>> No.8743308

Do Haruta shoes run small or big? I'd like to get a pair from them but I'm just hesitant since I heard returns & exchanges are usually difficult.

>> No.8743331

It's just the boots that throw me off, really they make me want to say no to being nanchatte.

>> No.8743339

>Do you prefer old-fashioned style, or modern?
I like old fashioned school-inspired lolita, but all the nanchatte seifuku I do is more modern.

>Seifuku or blazer?
Jumpers and cardigans. Seifuku seem very cosplay-y and fetish-y to me, especially since in Japan they're much more common in junior high than high school. But my actual school had a blazer and I hated it, so I prefer knitwear.

>One-peice or two?
Two! More combinations.

>Did you school ever have a uniform?
Yep, pretty standard for the UK. Black blazer with school crest, white shirt, black tie with a coloured stripe, black trousers or a black skirt. Black jumper for older students or grey jumper for younger ones. I was glad that it was just black so it wasn't really embarrassing like people with weird-coloured uniforms, but it definitely wasn't cute and it was pretty uncomfortable. I never got to wear anything like pleated skirts, tartan or coloured knitwear. Went to a couple of different primary schools, both of them had polo shirts and ugly sweaters, with gingham summerdresses in their colours. Got no nostalgia for that.

>If not, why do you nanchatte?
Pleated skirts look so cute, and I love tartan and berets and satchels and OTK and thigh-high socks. I like them even in general more preppy-styled fashion. And I like being able to wear, say, a pastel pink sweater and pastel blue skirt, making something that's much cuter than any uniform IRL.

>> No.8744200

Not only the boots, the skirt is too costumey for nanchatte as well, but it's like>>8743247 said.
[spoiler]Retoree best girl[nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.8744521

Man, I wish my school's uniforms had been as cute as any of these. I'm convinced my school district decided to implement the ugliest uniforms possible, because they were intended to cut down on gang activity. I still love that oldschool uniform look, though!

>> No.8745944 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 365x718, 12312114_172539649764725_1602889339_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to selfpost?
Today i wore something inspired by the whole nanchatte thing. I think seifuku tend to look cosplay-ish but i really wanted to wear something sailor-like.
Everyone told me nice things so i'm reassured.

>> No.8751606


>> No.8751889

Anyone else waiting for the next big Bodyline sale to stock up on skirts? Usually I'm iffy about their quality but if you get one of the good skirts, they're fantastic and the pleats stay really well even after machine washing.

>> No.8752324
File: 190 KB, 700x1200, costume577-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, anon. I got one skirt for a halloween costume because I wasn't expecting good quality but it was actually really awesome and I use it for everyday wear now. :-)

>> No.8752328

That's actually one of the two I planned on ordering! Do you have any worn pictures of it because I'm not entirely sure how close to the stock photo the shades of pink are.