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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 524x394, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8716134 No.8716134 [Reply] [Original]

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

New Store Spreadsheet:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

Anon that will translate stuff: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os

>> No.8716161

Always like the old thread.
Nice edition though.

>> No.8716163

Old thread

>> No.8716187
File: 820 KB, 1249x487, tbrorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized how hard it would be to sit there and stare at the pictures of my stuff that came in but I can't ship yet because I'm waiting on 15 more items.

>> No.8716201

Omg, link to the wand?

>> No.8716213
File: 130 KB, 600x450, TB1gYBiJXXXXXbeXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a selfie stick wand. Best kind, especially when they're $3.50 each.


>> No.8716215
File: 3.96 MB, 4800x2702, I feel the shipping already...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wallet and bank are not going to be happy about the shipping quote..

Andddd I am still finding more shit to buy..

Waiting on last items to arrive and then I will split the order and leave the custom items to wait so I can't add any more..

>> No.8716218

So much pretty stuff, anon!

>> No.8716283


>> No.8716303

If I use taobao's integrated forwarding service, is it possible for them to check the size of something? Ive had issues when purchasing some shoes in the past, recieving the wrong size and color alltogether.

>> No.8716355

yes, most likely. It will be troublesome because they don't reply very fast most of the time, but judging from the fact that I have had to contact them a couple times about storage of my items only to have them tell me that an item is missing (I had to go out of my way to inquire about my items, but at least this indicates that they check your items before storing them), you can also probably ask them to put a request to the warehouse to check color/size.

>> No.8716389
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x2000, my1111order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought like $300 worth of stuff? I found the paper tape and zakka section and plus size mori sweaters.

>> No.8716402

post socks bls, the cat ones
and those meguca slippers

>> No.8716405

i've found a few stores that make really cute, girly lingerie but i've mostly found panties. anybody have any recommended stores for very feminine, ruffly, etc. kind of lingerie? typing "lace bra" and such only brings up the generic shit that every big store sells the same of.

>> No.8716410

Link to the sailor dress please?

>> No.8716413

cat socks (if I'm getting 10 pairs automatically, I'll just regift them to friends) http://world.taobao.com/item/522916617537.htm
meguca slippers (preorder to ship in Dec) http://world.taobao.com/item/524035414787.htm

cmloli sailor dress http://world.taobao.com/item/40007066241.htm

>> No.8716435
File: 93 KB, 749x792, pgrhbdxnajtqf002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bread dress and blouse just arrived at my ss's office. It looks really good but I'm still waiting to see it in person. Kinda wishing I got it in burgundy because that ribbon edge is a different enough shade to look off but the print popped better on a mint background. I'm so excited gulls!

>> No.8716469

I know that taobaoring is sometimes really on top of things, and other times abhorrently slow. Does anyone know if they're still working at a decent speed right now? Maybe once the 11/11 settles down? Or is there another one that would provide faster service for now?

>> No.8716491

Yo, this is INCREDIBLY cute! Did you link to it last thread? I really want one.

>> No.8716500

Do you mind giving a review when you get them? Thinking about getting one for a gift.

>> No.8716522

if this isn't what you want, post pics of what style you're looking for. found these searching "princess bra"

>> No.8716523

I got the burgundy but no pic from SS. I will try to remember to throw some pics up when it actually gets here.

>> No.8716525

No, somebody else did a few threads ago and that's where I saw it. It was apparently a preorder but I contacted them about it and they seem to just be taking orders whenever now so you should go get it anon!

>> No.8716528

Please do!

>> No.8716548

Is that blouse still avaliable? Sauce?

>> No.8716578

dumb q: does anybody know if taobaoring will buy anime merch? i'm a bit confused on what they consider intellectual property rights

>> No.8716597
File: 513 KB, 1025x768, photovisi-download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bough supplies for crafts and stuff, then thought why not get some stuff for myself?
Queue wallet crying.

>> No.8716598

omgosh link to store shop please!

>> No.8716599
File: 499 KB, 1025x619, photovisi-download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and part 2
Ended up doing some Christmas gift shopping

>> No.8716606

anyone know of tb lolita brands that have anything christmas-y/winter appropriate out yet? saw that neverland released a velvet jsk and it looks alright but i keep reading so-so reviews about their quality so that makes me weary.

anon, is that listing for the glasses or the chain?

>> No.8716608


>> No.8716676

Links to the duck bowls and socks please

>> No.8716744

Fellow duck fan~

Here are the socks-

Anddd the bowls, which are sent at random-

Somewhat relevant although not requested..
In my hunt for ducks I also found this candy? Not sure if youre interested?




Might die if you eat random Taobao candy.. but yah know.. DUCKS!

>> No.8716821

Yeah, they'll buy it.

>> No.8716823
File: 396 KB, 746x1966, TB2Y_HkfVXXXXaiXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!2445547155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shark purse + wallet combo. Getting it for a Christmas gift.


>> No.8716827

Sure thing! Might be a while since I've got that order shipping together with my 11.11 order via SAL and none of my 11.11 stuff has come in yet.

>> No.8716856

nah, this is awesome, anon! thanks so much!

>> No.8716906

Am I missing something in the new store spreadsheet? I thought there were more categories besides wigs and beauty.

>> No.8716967

sauce on the grey wig?

>> No.8716971

link to the penguin sweater?

>> No.8717036

Giraffe shirt link please

>> No.8717043

Yes! Link please!!

>> No.8717122

Can I please have a link to the bottom pair or poka dot pants?

>> No.8717160
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x1000, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current christmas cart. still working on it before i pull the trigger next weekend. probably gonna cheap out and do the slowboat shipping because i know EMS will kill me and also so it'll arrive around xmas. sorry for the huge ass file!

>> No.8717169

I think so? Right now they only have the option to pay the balance due on the blouse but I think you can just shoot them a message.

Here you go!

>> No.8717172
File: 518 KB, 700x513, lingerie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes, forgot the lingerie.

>> No.8717175

Link to the green dress and floral crown please

>> No.8717176

What are those little boxes in the top row, decorative postage stamps? Also dat banana windbreaker. Beautiful.

>> No.8717183

i think so! they're really cute and since everything is so cheap, you have to reach a minimum amount since they have free shipping, so i threw them in. also, i had to have that banana windbreaker as soon as i saw it.

>> No.8717219

Ahh the candy is so cute. Thanks anon!

>> No.8717222

Thanks so much!

>> No.8717232

>probably gonna cheap out and do the slowboat shipping because i know EMS will kill me and also so it'll arrive around xmas
I only hope and pray it actually gets to you before the new year, anon. personally I'd be afraid to gamble on ordering in the middle of november and getting it before the holidays, unless you're already really close to china.

>> No.8717235

Link to those stickers? They look like Rilakkuma from here...

>> No.8717238

damn, i totally forgot about that. nah, i'm in the usa but i was just being cheap. you're right, it's probably much better to spring for EMS and get things a little earlier than the holidays.

>> No.8717252

Sauces for all of these please!

>> No.8717256

sailor moon:

all the other stuff:

happy shopping, anon!

>> No.8717261

Link to the letterman jackets/cardigans, please?

>> No.8717333

Does anybody know what the difference between ePacket shipping and China Post Registered Airmaill shipping is? Does ePacket come with tracking? It's cheaper but I don't want to save a few bucks only to find I can't keep tabs on my package.
Also, those with experience with spreenow, do they round the weight up to the nearest kilogram?

>> No.8717338

anybody still have a pending second (duplicate) charge on their account from 11/11? one payment cleared, but there's a second one still marked as processing. I could have sworn it cleared up the day after on 11/12, but it's back again...

>> No.8717339

Source on banana jacket (sorry i can't read the url) and black x white cat sweater please anon?

>> No.8717343

>Those paws

>> No.8717348

cat sweater: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=523940688513
banana jacket: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=522693326011
happy shopping!!

>> No.8717351

they're cute AND cheap... treat yourself.

>> No.8717355

I was under the impression that you can track with both, though they might require specific websites to track them. Aliexpress is advertising its use of ePacket, which they claim can be tracked all the way to your door.

>> No.8717388

Does anyone know any taobaos more along the lines of otome? What chinese word would you use to search for otome there in general?

>> No.8717513

Bless you

>> No.8717522

Link to that horn headband please

Source to the bunny case(?) and that bunny hat?

>> No.8717534

Sorry anon, they were fukubukuro and sold out. Each one should have a different anime print on the back but TBR wasn't nice enough to take pictures of the backs for me.

Here's the shop they came from though!

>> No.8717540

there are a lot of listings for it because it's a liz lisa rip-off but it's only for the iphone! any variation of the title will probably bring up the other listings for it:

bunny hat: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=523883901263

>> No.8717591
File: 690 KB, 540x805, spring 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, that's a super cute haul! Link to the item that goes with this?

>> No.8717599

thanks so much! here you go, anon: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=520518717768

>> No.8717606

Nice!! Thanks bunches

>> No.8717728
File: 748 KB, 2000x2000, 4000 Hours in Photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mori Girl haul, just got into the fashion. I'd be willing to do a review on these items if anyone would like that.

>> No.8717735

Yes, please! Really interested in getting the scarves and tops you posted. Thanks!

>> No.8717736

Link to the tights on the top left and bottom right stripey ones?

>> No.8717784

Anon, did you order directly from taobao ?
Those slippers are very cute

>> No.8717787

Thank you!!

>> No.8717876

Alright then, I'll be sure to review it when it comes. Here's the tops:
Here's the scarves:
Here you go:

>> No.8717891

Anon if you're interested I have this dress's replica. It's in a light pink. I am in the US.

>> No.8717925

Wig- https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-6395425976.53.NkEePu&id=41146572020

Stickers (Yep! Rilakkuma!) - https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-5010411071.111.ZTvoj1&id=10704954449

>> No.8717975

Does anyone know any good stores with DIY iphone cases?

>> No.8717979
File: 219 KB, 400x400, TB1K0v_IXXXXXcXXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

penguin sweater- https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.233.JzIvjp&id=524257636110&ns=1&abbucket=20#detail

Giraffe shirt- https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=44745010314&spm=
And I ended up getting a giraffe sweater too, if you're a giraffe loving anon (pictured)

Green dress, got the mathematical version! https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=
can't find the link to the flower crown, sorry anon

Horn headband- https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-8113298633.110.tHvALr&id=39654846639

>> No.8717981

Link to the berry accessories? So cute.

>> No.8717986

Can anyone recommend some shabby chic home decor shops?

>> No.8718119

Anyone have any source for some fawn fur? my need has not been met

>> No.8718145

Yes, please do, anon! Maybe just a shot in natural lighting and a shot indoor lighting, if you could. I'd just like to see if the print still pops in burgandy and if the ribbon edge looks okay.

>> No.8718149
File: 870 KB, 996x500, tooboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what taobao store are these stock photos from?

>> No.8718205

Ahh~ I'll probably get mine before yours then but thanks eh!

>> No.8718215

You're a star, thanks anon!

>> No.8718232

Yeah, forwarding service is really easy? I think as long as you have Chrome auto translate everything, it's pretty straightforward, especially since there's a forwarding guide in the thread sticky? (Or used to be) The only problem that I've had was that they marked a CD as contraband and wouldn't ship it to me, probably since it's fragile? If you want custom sizing, definitely go with a SS unless you know the shop has an English speaker (neoludwig, Neverland lolita, etc) or just go for it

>> No.8718236
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1231, taobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splitting an order with my BF. Also building my first lolita coord- I'm pretty hyped.

>> No.8718248

You payed with alipay or credit card? I want to have alipay, but Im really lazy to do the steps with my bank about transfering and stuff. Forwarding is that nice?

>> No.8718251

sauce on the violin bag replica?

>> No.8718256

10双包邮 means if you buy 10 pair, postage is included

>> No.8718274
File: 421 KB, 720x576, 1402211263833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW mexifag and no forwarding service to my third world country

>> No.8718281

https://521feizhuliu.taobao.com/ but no guarantee those are still up. if you reverse image search you might be able to find them being sold by someone else, reuse of those photos is pretty common

>> No.8718298

thank you! wasn't looking for the exact items, I've just seen these images used a lot for clothes I kept finding/liking and wondered the source.

>> No.8718299

anon, what are your store sources for plus size mori sweaters? (curses giant tits)

>> No.8718300

aw fuck, that's super cute anon. i need that bread dress like air now.

>> No.8718361

Those were my exact sentiments anon.

>> No.8718370

sauce on cat beret plz

>> No.8718433

Link to the blue rose please!

>> No.8718435

Hey guys! I've been trekking through the Taobao store spreadsheet, and I'm having shit luck trying to find royal blue, high neck blouses (preferably short sleeved). Or, actually, royal blue shit in general. Knee socks or other accessories. I'm trying to put together a coord, and I'm having so much trouble. Can anyone point me in the right direction by chance? I feel stupid for asking, but I can't find shit. Maybe I should look elsewhere or get a western indie brand to make one custom or something, like damn. I'm surprised that cobalt blue isn't more popular considering Moitie?

>> No.8718568
File: 74 KB, 427x640, bread dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually made this a couple threads back when the hype first started, but forgot to post it. Now that it's relevant again, I feel like this is appropriate.

>> No.8718573

Here you go, they also have earrings too:

>> No.8718575
File: 872 KB, 500x180, tumblr_md40u5bPZD1rhfc5lo6_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8718582

sorry, i was sleeping. here you go!

>> No.8718643

Has anyone used Taobaospree lately?

I know they were having some issues with their PayPal a few months ago, but I really would rather not go with someone else seeing as I've gotten such great service from them in the past.

>> No.8718765


>> No.8719046
File: 855 KB, 640x360, 1446464739474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global direct shipping
>Literally next to china
>It's been 3 weeks already

>> No.8719083
File: 38 KB, 777x526, 12226951_179317902413246_7201676061704111689_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew, thank you! I was kinda worried for a second for that price!

epacket shipping is extremely fast and usually reliable to get to you within 7 days? I tend to choose any items with epacket shipping because it locks out sketchy sellers with long ass shipping time.

Alipay accepts credit cards? I'm not quite sure since I made an Alipay account a while back and all I do is put in my CSC code and expiration date now. Someone in my comm posted a quick tutorial, this shows that you can put in credit card or bank info.

>> No.8719125

Link to JoJo bag please?

>> No.8719188


>> No.8719192
File: 3.08 MB, 636x348, butwhy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question for others who direct buy! When your warehousing runs out, and they charge you the daily fee, do they charge your card daily or do you pay it all when you go to ship your items? Asking because the last card I used has been lost and deactivated, so I don't want to get my items forfeited or anything. Yet I don't see another amount popping up when I just look at the warehouse? I want to wait until all my items arrive to ship.

They're not short sleeved, but this shop popped into mind.



http://world.taobao.com/item/23627028279.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4004-12779604926.11.KMxlBF (Lists blues that don't have pics too)

I'd look more (I KNOW I've seen cobalt and royal blue in shops: check infanta and chess story and HMHM?), but I don't have any time right now. Good luck!

I've used them twice with their new paying system for items I can't direct buy, and it's fine. They are a tiny bit slower than in the past thanks to many employees leaving, but it's still reliable.

>> No.8719231

Thank you! I'm interested in that third linked blouse, but I'm also not sure of what their "peacock blue" looks like since there isn't a picture, heh. I've been trawling through stores for a while, and there's one nice HMHM blouse that I might try to get, but I'm not even certain that that blouse is the color I'm looking for! I didn't think it would be this hard to find a royal blue kind of blouse and accessories. I guess I might comb back through the Taobao spreadsheet shops again in case I missed something, but this is infuriating so far.

>> No.8719368

Np. Maybe you can ask them to send you a picture of the color? Also, you can just search general taobao by using terms in the dictionary from the first post. For example, string together the terms for blue, lolita, and blouse. Or use the specific kinds of blouse keywords you want with blue. Then you can filter the search results by a shop's feedback rating to push down dodgy crap shops, and wa-lah. I do a lot of my shopping like this. You have to slog through stuff, but you can find neat things.

>> No.8719581


sorry, world.taobao link.. Store is FoxCherry anyways!

>> No.8719606

Anyone here have experience being a taobao reseller?

>> No.8719614

link to the socks and the white dress?

>> No.8719621

Please sauce for those violin shoes!!! Maybe that dress as well.

>> No.8719645

Is global direct shipping just messing up with everyone, I suggest contacting them anon.

I was super near too and they messed it up. I don't think they would have sent it if I hadn't call them directly : (

>> No.8719655

Great haul and taste!!! would you mind telling the source for the acorn pin?

>> No.8719783

Your colour palette is amazing! Link to the white dress at the top?

>> No.8719821

I started trying to do this earlier as well - not only for blouses, but for socks as well since I wanted more accessories in the same color. There really wasn't much popping up, which is super disappointing. Either way, thank you for suggesting, even if my search has yet to yield much in the way of results. I'm eyeing LM for any moitie items, and there's one blouse I might try to snag, but I'd much rather try to snag something on Taobao for cheaper right now (although the Moitie would be an amazing addition to my wardrobe).

>> No.8719848

Bag: http://world.taobao.com/item/44928681019.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.Xg6CnE#detail

Dress: http://world.taobao.com/item/522947699949.htm?spm=a312a.7728556.1414651174895.5.5EP0mR&scm=1007.10146.12547.0&id=522947699949&pvid=b46b03c8-8995-40f7-80ef-4f66b2be313d

>> No.8719861

Oops, meant to link >>8719621

>> No.8720004

>three people participating in my taobao order
>one girl ordered six fucking pairs of shoes
>honestly don't know if I should charge her a higher percentage of the overseas shipping
>literally all she got was shoes

I'm honestly kind of torn desu. The other girl just got a couple wigs and a costume, and I got a costume and a bunch of upholstery trim. How much do shoes usually weigh down an order? I've never had shoes in any of my orders before.

>> No.8720012


shoes are going to be a majority of the weight, but remember that shipping is weighed by volume weight and not just by weight alone. So if the costume is relatively large too, shipping will be expensive.

>six pairs of shoes

your shipping costs hurt to think about. I just recently got three pairs of shoes alone and it was $120 EMS (with pruany's 55% off discount)

>> No.8720039


The costumes are just uniforms, and I think there's only three wigs in it besides that. The only other thing I can see being heavy is the trims I got, but they probably won't be quite as voluminous as the shoes.

I'm definitely charging her for more of the shipping now, even though I'm sure she'll pitch a fit over it. Six fucking pairs of shoes.

>> No.8720050

I wouldn't blame you for doing that, I was planning to do that for a future order for myself and one of my friends since we want to get a bunch of shoes. It just wouldn't be fair to charge the same price as others who have lightweight items.

>> No.8720076
File: 140 KB, 750x764, TB2XzmEgFXXXXajXXXXXXXXXXXX-57994025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8720088

You should.

You can ask your SS what the weight of the shoes are and then charge them accordingly. If that person bitch, tell that you don't order a steak dinner while the rest orders a salad and make them foot your half of the bill

>> No.8720107

as much as I cringe at the thought of people finding this in my apartment I really want one...

>> No.8720283

Thanks, anon. I already contacted them a week ago but I'll try again.

>> No.8720307

Hey guys, my boss wants to buy a few things for christmas off taobao and asked me to order them so some of the links she gave me are resellers (she wouldn't know that, though). Anyway, I've been finding the original links ok until now but I'm stumped on this one
Could anyone help me find the original listing/even one with some good feedback?

>> No.8720316

Oh my god. I'm perfectly fine with random memes becoming taobao goods, of all things. I might buy this for a white elephant gift party.

>> No.8720662

Has anyone seen/bought any decent cardigans recently? Especially those that might come in lavender? The search terms in the taobao dictionary keep getting me either blazers, styles unsuitable for lolita, or the wrong colours....

>> No.8720960

Has anyone ordered a custom made cosplay/dress through Yoybuy before? Are they alright with those or should I use another shopping service?

>> No.8721039

Don't use Yoybuy for anything. Ever.

>> No.8721046


wtf anon how? I did a taobao order with a friend and she bought 4 pairs of shoes, it was only $90 (CAD, so less in USD) for us to ship.

>> No.8721085

Socks: http://world.taobao.com/item/38235468540.htm?fromSite=main
Dress: http://world.taobao.com/item/36152401212.htm?fromSite=main

Thank you, I felt kind of left out because most people tend to use white/browns/greens and I went all out. Here you go: http://world.taobao.com/item/36152401212.htm?fromSite=main

>> No.8721207

Which SS is the best for custom made items then? I've used Yoybuy before for buying just clothes and they've been fine, but I'd gladly have another SS recommended for me

>> No.8721222

Link to the Sailor Moon notebook?
Sauce on the cat and bunny berets?

Please and thank you!

>> No.8721231

Shoe anon again. Got the shipping quotes back from Pruany and it's not pretty. 23.4KG box, and my choices are $210 for SAL or $330 for EMS.

I'm never letting this girl in my taobao orders again. Six fucking pairs of shoes.

>> No.8721252

Jesus, anon! Make her pay the bulk of the shipping immediately before she flakes.

>> No.8721280

Tell her that she will have to pay for this horrible weight and if she refuses, then just say that her order won't be shipped or shipped separately. Holy shit.

>> No.8721287

Ask your SS to weigh and price the shoes separately

That is insane

>> No.8721376

Fucking hell. She better pay $100 or more!

>> No.8721652

link to spoon necklace?

>> No.8721895
File: 126 KB, 1200x1622, 1447717893463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any taobao stores that have hats similar to this? A simple embroided image, and non-structured.
Pic related is nice, but its $32 before shipping.

>> No.8721904
File: 45 KB, 400x400, T1Gz4FFU4cXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on what search terms to use for these sort of ribbon ties for blouses? Or the wider chiffon-ish ones? I found the listing for pic related on mufish, but it's down to really limited colour options
(I know it's basically just ribbon but i'd like to be able to just toss a whole ton of diff colours of these or similar into my order rather than making them)

>> No.8721915

search for school ribbon or school tie

>> No.8721919

I split shipping based on a star system. 1 star being low weight things and 5 stars being something like shoes.
Then rate everyone's items and get a percentage based on the total
>shoe-chan has 6 pairs of shoes so she has 30 stars
>anon1 has 12 stars
>anon2 has 10 stars
Shoe-chan would be 57.7% of the order weight so just figure out how much 57.7% of $210 is and that's how much she's gotta pay.

>> No.8721946

ah thank you! seem to have found some now using this

>> No.8721965


Shoe anon again. I did some guesstimation based on quantity and domestic shipping, and I think myself and shoe-chan are equally culpable in this mess. It's less 50/50 and more 40/40, with 40% shoes and 40% the heavy trims I got. The remaining 20% is wig-chan.

I feel like a numpty, honestly. Most of the trims are just thin eyelash fringes, but I got lengths of a couple beaded ones that ended up being heavier than I'd realized when I ordered them. I know better for next time, I guess.

Still not letting someone order six pairs of shoes ever again though.

>> No.8721999

reverse image search to pull up similar things

>> No.8722085
File: 51 KB, 450x337, Lolita Romance Old School Heart Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone find some old-school style staple items? I'm meaning the black socks with white lace toppers, black rectangle headdress with white lace, etc. I've been browsing, and the best I've gotten as far as accessories is a heart shaped black bag with white "lacing" on it. Pic related.

>> No.8722118 [DELETED] 

i think those are actually tiny shoes for dolls :(((

>> No.8722122

are those shoes for dolls??

>> No.8722123

They are.
Doesn't toalice have violin shoes?

>> No.8722132

Thank you so much dude, but how did you reverse image search on Taobao specifically? or do you mean reverse image search the taobao listing you gave me

>> No.8722162

are you on tw or world? you need to be on regular mainland www.taobao.com to get reverse image search. it'll show up in the search bar from the homepage.

>pls add to OP of future threads, this gets asked way too often

>> No.8722184

Gotcha, thanks a bunch

>> No.8722375

Does anyone know the search term or a shop that stocks cute metal purse frames like >>8721863 ??
I've tried translating a few terms, but they never bring up what I'm looking for.
And I can't find anything decent looking on western sites unless it's actually vintage and like $500

>> No.8722430

Those shoes are indeed for dolls, and they're adorable in person. They're based off the ToAlice shoes here:

>> No.8722487
File: 126 KB, 450x600, MS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my Misty Sky replica
This is the same dress as in MLD

Somebody was interested in a past thread

>Print is not as crisp as the original
>Color is darker than the original
>Lace is very good, net lace
>Construction is not perfect, the bodice does not fit well
>Looks good for daily use. Chiffon looks sturdy.
>Not a perfect replica, but overal quality is ok

>> No.8722499

oh, i'm not at my computer atm but i think i have a shop saved with a lot of them. i'll link you when i get home

>> No.8722580

Kinda miffed at taobaoring. If I pay DHL shipping I obviously want something quickly.. I paid Thursday morning and it just got shipped right now. :/

>> No.8722602

seriously, fuck them right now, I have been (and still am) having endless problems with them the past few months and i am seriously so pissed off

>> No.8722617

I had to remind them to refund me for an item that wasn't in stock after I paid and they automatically switched my SAL to Singapore Air on my last order which did save me money but at the same time my order didn't get picked up for days because of Singapore Air's delays in China and took forever to get here and tracking only worked up until it hit USA customs.

I'd switch but I've tried all the big shopping services at least once and had it go badly. Yoybuy, TaobaoNow, and TaobaoSpree never even got to my cart after three days so that's when I first switched to TaobaoRing.

>> No.8722670 [DELETED] 

Shitty small order is shitty and small, and I am hoping in my heart of hearts that it will arrive before ILD but yeah that is not likely.
I have too much navy in my wardrobe. I originally ordered the skirt in black but they sent navy and I rolled with it because fuck, 1/4 of my wardrobe is navy already and it took forever.

>> No.8722673
File: 1.13 MB, 1029x1027, hearwegoagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty small order is shitty and small, and I am hoping in my heart of hearts that it will arrive before ILD but yeah that is not likely.
I have too much navy in my wardrobe. I originally ordered the skirt in black but they sent navy and I rolled with it because fuck, 1/4 of my wardrobe is navy already and it took forever.

>> No.8722690

aw man i remember you posting about that, that sucks. I'm the anon who's been having all the coat trouble; placed my first ever taobao order in september and am still waiting on things to be fixed and drudging through delays that tbr promised wouldnt happen haha (and this is without pointing out the item missing from my order and the 3 others they got in the wrong colour, because if I do it'll probably delay everything even further yet again)
I want to make another small taobao order before christmas but i'm hesitant to go through all this again...

>> No.8722699

Damn your experience makes mine look like nothing. I really hope everything gets sorted out. Maybe they're just experiencing the curse? Seems like every shopping service that gets popular on /cgl/ has an inevitable downfall whether it's going shady like Yoybuy, bad customer service like TBR, or just plain running off with people's money like that one who scammed a bunch of seagulls.

>> No.8722714

Thanks, and yeeeeah you're probably right about the curse. Sometimes I feel like you just have to test your luck and keep rotating between services.
At least all the other wrong colour/missing items in my order are just cheap little accessories, but i'm just crossing every finger i have that they dont somehow mess up the colour of the coat a second time. (it was supposed to be wine with black cuffs/collar,they sent me a completely black coat. they sent it back but now i'm mildly worried i'm gonna end up with an entirely wine or wine and white one...)

>> No.8722717

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, anon. I'm going to try something other than TBR for my next order. I miss having Yoybuy's rewards for orders so maybe I'll find someone that offers that.

>> No.8722775

Please and thank you!

>> No.8722878

not sure if people knew this, but the limit for combining orders on the U.S. forwarding service is 20, meaning you can order from 20 different shops before having to make another shipment. I really wish I had known this before doing my 11/11 shopping..

>> No.8722900

about to do my first taobao order and i had heard good things about tbr but now im a little worried, what are other good suggestions for ss? i know most have both good and bad reviews but yea

>> No.8722944

I just got an order (3 items, I don't know if it matters) shipped from SpreeNow and everything has gone smoothly so far. My cart was checked and ordered within 24 hours, they got the details on a custom item right (I know because they send pictures if you ask), and they shipped stuff the immediate day after receiving my payment. They are also very quick to answer questions and very friendly and polite. My tracking number works so far, hopefully it doesn't die along the way. I was originally going to use TBR but the custom item I ordered required a deposit and TBR wasn't having that, but I've had such a good experience with SpreeNow that I don't even mind having to switch.

>> No.8722997

Can they do pre-orders too?

>> No.8723054

I believe so.

>> No.8723492

Anyone know what's up with taobaospree? I couldn't pay them through paypal and instead had to make a fake purchase through their shop.

>> No.8723613

Sauce on that owl sweater? I need it NOW

>> No.8723633

I don't use taobaospree but I've seen several anons mentioning they had to do that.

>> No.8723817

Should I be concerned about a product that has significantly more comments (46) compared to sales (9)?

>> No.8724127

Does anyone have experience with this store? I know it sells men's clothing, I found it in the OP spreadsheet and I like alot of the stuff they have, I was just wanting a second opinion before getting too invested in wanting to buy something.

>> No.8724135
File: 125 KB, 550x367, pansy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey! anyone know where i can find Fake flowers? im looking for fake pansy and a lot of them..
ive searched
Pansy/fake Pansy/ pansy flower/ fake pansy flower
and i mostly get seeds.

>> No.8724178

instead of "fake pansy flower" do fake flower + pansy, though there won't be very many results anyway

>> No.8724201

I've had to do it too but I'm still waiting for it to be shipped, if you check the archives one anon a while back said it worked out fine so here's hoping.
Good luck fellow TBS traveller.

>> No.8724227

It's a little inconvenient to pay that way, but I've used them and done it twice for things I couldn't direct buy. They're a little slower than last year because they're smaller, but they still worked hard to communicate with sellers and I got my stuff like normal.

>> No.8724274

Thanks for the review anon! Ive wanted to get some dresses from there to wear casually!

>> No.8724295

Could you share any finds anon? I'd love to see some more nanchatte things.

>> No.8724423

You mean reviews? I think the reviews are left over the entire lifespan of the item listing, whereas the sales history only lists who purchased within the last few weeks or so (I'm not sure how many days). So at least 46 people have purchased the item (though the actual purchase number is probably much more).

>> No.8724743

Oh, right, yeah reviews. Thank you, that clears some of my doubts, I was just a bit worried as the store only had a rating of 1 diamond and it's going to be my first time using the integrated forwarding service. Thanks

>> No.8724805
File: 1.44 MB, 500x281, aoharurequest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me? I guess it's because of the busy season since I've only had this problem once before, but two of the things I've bought haven't been shipped and it's been over a week for one, and near three weeks for the other. They're the main reasons I did the order though, so I'd hate to just have to ship the rest without these. They're both preorder dresses that I finished paying the final payment on (I also paid the deposit way back when).

Can someone translate a good "When will you ship this?" message? The one time I did this before, google translate apparently confused and kind of offended the seller? I guess it was too blunt?

Alternatively, maybe there is something in the listings that I'm missing on them being shipped later?

I bought one of each color of this: http://world.taobao.com/item/522710447898.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a1z09.2.0.0.V4ZzuR&_u=j2ds67v3687d (I've been waiting since the end of last month)

And then this http://world.taobao.com/item/523849326716.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a1z09.2.0.0.V4ZzuR&_u=j2ds67v365d9

>> No.8724897

What's with Kira Kira Jewelry? I wanted to order ~everything but it seems to be out of business?

>> No.8724915

it says in the description of the first dress that it'll get shipped out at the end of november, unless you've heard otherwise from the seller? doesn't say anything about the second one, though.

>> No.8724943
File: 370 KB, 268x160, aoharublushu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now I'm embarrassed. I thought it was that the end of people being able to pay was the end of November, not the shipping date. Other people have been receiving their dresses and leaving picture reviews, so I just assumed it was google translate flipping the sentence in a weird way.

I suppose I still need to craft a polite message for the sheep dress seller though. I don't want them to bristle like the last one I contacted.

>> No.8724998

Source on the skirt?

>> No.8725001

I haven't heard people mention them in a while... is Taobao Trends still a good place to order from? Just curious if anybody had ordered from them lately.

>> No.8725355

Nice! Source on the cactus tips and postage stamp things please?

>> No.8725385

cactus tops

postage stamps

and yep! that was the only reason i put this order together, i was so desperate to get a physical copy of SQ. and then i was like okay, fuck it, might as well go all out.

>> No.8725389

Anybody have preferred shops for lacy, girly garters/harnesses? Mostly looking for garters and garter belts.

>> No.8725418

whoops i fell asleep way early last night, here's your shop link anon!

here are the ones i'm getting, just a few simple solid colour ones with free shipping (unfortunately i don't have the links saved for all the more elaborate cute ones i had found, sorry!)

>> No.8725425

Just to be sure, forward shipping is also available to Canadia, right?

>> No.8725492

Thanks anon, there are perfect!
> purse frame translates to 'mouth gold' in Chinese
No wonder I couldn't find anything.

>> No.8725533

shit, and i was gonna put in a small xmas order with them. welp.

>> No.8725642


>Look good, work super bad. A total of two pregnant pocket, a suture is not only a piece of cloth on the inside, it has another tunnel for a two-finger size. After a year apart is estimated to drop a bunch of clothes can change Kazakhstan. You can be tested before shipping it! Can!

So is this person saying the piece of clothing had holes etc in it and was generally bad quality?

>> No.8725651

Has anyone done preorders with separate deposit and remaining balance pages by themselves (without a ss) before?

Is it safe to basically put deposit page in cart, pay, wait for notice or date on remaining balance page, pay that and voila? Possibly having to message in between for sizing if not already an option on page. I have a friend in China doing an internship right now but her Chinese isn't so good and I don't really want to bother her with tons of Taobao stuff so it'd be easier for me to just buy and get it sent to her. I've done forwarding before for in stock items but not preorders because I didn't want to deal with limited warehouse storage days.

>> No.8725662

From what I see they're complaining that it looks good but the craftsmanship is extremely bad. They had 2 major problems with it, one was not stitched well and only had a piece of cloth on the inside and the other was that there's a hole the size of two thumbs. The rest is something complaining about how cheap they are and how they should quality check before mailing out.

Sorry if it's not super accurate this is the best I could do.

>> No.8725672

It's okay, I got the same sense and was just wanting confirmation. Thank you.

>> No.8725678

does anyone know what these are made of? The can't be real butterflies can they?

>> No.8725717


>> No.8725814

If anyone has gone over warehousing days, when do you pay the storage rent fees? Is it when I go to ship the stuff, or will it try to be charged daily? My card is getting replaced, so I can't check that, but it also hasn't given me error messages at the warehouse page.

I've done around 6 preorders (mostly for lolita dresses) directly. I just payed the deposit, checked back a lot (they don't give you notification messages), and then paid the final when it popped up. Three have come in just fine and were shipped within a couple days of paying the final payment. These latest two (one order has two dresses) are being very slow to ship, though one page apparently said to expect that and I missed it until an anon up there pointed it out. Might be the amount of orders that surprised the other, and the time of year. In any case, my warehousing weeps with how over the 20 days I am.

To sum it up, yeah, and it's easy. I'd imagine you can put the sizing info into the notes on the order page before confirming if they offer custom (don't assume they will).

>> No.8726007

I haven't gone over warehousing but when you pay for your shipping, there's a subtotal for warehousing storage fees.

>> No.8726031


The description does say "真蝴蝶翅膀", so it probably will be real wings

>> No.8726098
File: 21 KB, 181x60, Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 3.31.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pruany forgot to pack two of my items. Luckily I didn't need them urgently but I've messaged them about it and am waiting to see how this plays out.

>> No.8726103
File: 483 KB, 788x718, Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 3.26.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shitballs

>> No.8726137
File: 578 KB, 828x346, showbyrockscream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get it are the prices outrageous what am I mis-- holy shit

>> No.8726171

Boyfriend will be getting this for Christmas as pure joke gift.

>> No.8726386
File: 2.67 MB, 1500x1500, Untitled 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my haul!

I really love the BonBon jacket I bought. Does anyone know what their quality is like?

>> No.8726454

Thanks anon!

One of these things is not like the other taobao, lol. I laughed.

Cute haul! Can you link the sailor bag?

>> No.8726648
File: 388 KB, 750x1424, sakurasheets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get some cute room things like sheets, rugs, et cetera off of Taobao for my kids for Christmas and I've been able to find plenty of things for my daughter since she loves things with cute anime girls on it, but I've been trying to find Legend of Zelda sheets for my son and none of the search terms are working out. Has anybody happened to stumble upon Zelda room stuff?

>> No.8726673

this is the sailor moon bag


The black luna cat bag is from here


>> No.8726692

Damn those are cute sheets.

>> No.8726701

wait, did you get sent the actual skirt already? I thought it isn't released until later? I'm still waiting on my order...

>> No.8726703

im curious how shipping costs are with bulky items like bed sheets, i was looking at some cute ones like in the pic but wasnt sure if it was a bad idea (new to taobao lol). id love to hear your experience if you do an order!!

>> No.8726782

See, I was hoping to have a kotatsu shipped here one day

>> No.8726791
File: 147 KB, 1366x1104, furnitureanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful with that and carefully read through the reviews for mention of things like bed bugs first. You wouldn't want to end up like Furniture-Anon.

>> No.8726809

I would recommend installing Aliwangwang on your computer, which gives you notifications if any items have shipped. Also, the sellers might PM you if there's an out of stock item. When the remaining balance is due, the shop will mark the deposit item as "shipped" so you know to pay the rest.

AKA I'm using google translate and putting the Chinese translation next to the English, and mentioning to the seller that "I only speak English sorry!" It hasn't been a major issue yet.

>> No.8726823

The skirt is at my SS? I ordered on 2015.09.21 if that helps

>> No.8726901

Nice haul, link to heart bag and white bag with the pink pompom please?

>> No.8726922
File: 92 KB, 640x614, TB1EF03JFXXXXXAXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find these?

>> No.8726925
File: 104 KB, 660x792, sailormoon-samantha-vega-wallet2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong picture... Stupid phone

>> No.8726972

Just bought it recently! The price is slightly lower now too: http://world.taobao.com/item/520303293523.htm

>> No.8726993
File: 163 KB, 640x990, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering if anyone can help me with this. I'm trying to find a petticoat like this (in blue as well) on taobao but I can't seem to find any. Anyone know any shops that sells pettis like this (without a long preorder time?)

I've checked the spreadsheet but couldn't really find anything.

Also I took this image from a taobao reseller on eBay. Perhaps someone knows the original shop?

>> No.8727013


>> No.8727016

Link to Liz Lisa shoes?

>> No.8727025

Link to the blue-gray wig?

>> No.8727223
File: 66 KB, 600x800, I.W bolero replica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone seen any I.W replica boleros around?

>> No.8727236
File: 76 KB, 640x815, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can an anon who can understand Chinese or taobao in general help me? I'm trying to buy a cosplay and I already got the measurements translated for the most part, but the measurements just seem so off to me? Like they seem like baby sizes when measured? I'm confused?

>> No.8727290

The sizes look perfectly normal, what are you confused about? The units are cm and jing (2 jing = 1kg). If anything, the sizes look like they run a little big.

>> No.8727334
File: 26 KB, 657x203, Screenshot (447).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course right as I get ready to go to bed all my stuff comes in for my combined order. I hope I don't wake up to a terribly expensive shipping bill.

>> No.8727381


>> No.8727516

Thank you!

>> No.8727718
File: 165 KB, 497x497, spreepicky_XL-4XL_Black_Neko_Strap_Dress_SP152394_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pluscutie despite listing this dress no longer have it in stock. They're a Taobao reseller, right? I've been mucking around with search terms but not finding this dress in plus size.


>> No.8728109
File: 108 KB, 750x1097, TB2xfRZhXXXXXXbXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!17501607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I undrestood the sizes here tight?

S - Shoulders 37cm, Waist 93, lenght 59, sleeve length 58

Or did I got everything wrong? It's a hoodie

>> No.8728194

Chick chan bag?! Where did you manage to get that?

>> No.8728211

I use TaobaoRing and I've made my first payment on the 11th of november; most of my items arrived at their wharehouse within 3 or 4 days, but two of them haven't arrived yet... should I be worried ?

>> No.8728241

i would love to get a kotatsu shipped here as well, but with that bedbugs story and the idea of those shipping rates i doubt i/ll ever go through with it :( :(

>> No.8728348

nah, everything's been slow since 11/11 with tbr, don't worry. some of it is shipping times but i think some of it is just them not getting around to unpacking/photographing quickly with the big rush of orders they have

>> No.8728555
File: 222 KB, 1270x480, 1111haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got all my 11/11 stuff in and I'm so glad I got my orders combined or I would have paid around $70 for shipping. Everything is either itabag stuff or Christmas gifts.

>> No.8728562

No need to worry. I had some items bought on 11/11 to arrive in 2-3 days but others took a week or more. I just got the last of my items last night from the 11th so do expect some delays.

>> No.8728616

Super cute haul! Do you still have the links to the arabian-styled nagisa keychain? Also, seeing your shipping price makes me so thankful for the discount direct ordering gets on shipping. I think I paid that much for DHL for an order a little heavier than that a couple months ago.

>> No.8728629

I really ought to switch to direct ordering but I'm waiting on my new debit card to arrive first since I recently switched banks.


>> No.8728714

not that anon but here: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=42114327501

>> No.8728747

Dude EMS shipping is the same cost, you got ripped off there

>> No.8728750

Look on plussizetaobao tumblr, also look up 4xl in the tb search bar, it usually turns up plus sized stuff

>> No.8728760

Bust 93cm, but otherwise yes you are correct

>> No.8728780
File: 14 KB, 866x197, Screenshot (449).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not?

>> No.8728831

Thanks! Don't worry I don't expect custom sizing, they offer sizes on the description but not as an option for the add to cart choices which is why i figured I would have to include the size I want somewhere in there before they mass produce the orders.

Thanks for the tip! Do they actually try to speak in English to after saying so? I'm okay with reading sizes, colors, numbers and dates but actually engaging in conversation would be a no go.

>> No.8728983

use reverse image search next time, see >>8722162

>> No.8729003

>placed an order 5 days ago
>everything has arrived to bhiner except for Antainia shoes
>I need them for a coord on the 5th

>> No.8729012

hope you DHL'd that shit

>> No.8729017

I used EMS I believe, I got an alert through bhiner saying DHL is having issues and is being checked at customs. And a lot of packaged are being sent back

>> No.8729036

That sucks anon, especially because they have a good discount on DHL. You could still make it if it's a small order which will get through the system faster. Good luck.

>> No.8729065


Yeh, thats the one I got!

>> No.8729073

I hope so, it's just a pair of shoes and a small item for the secret santa

>> No.8729129
File: 251 KB, 500x600, TB2vdR5hpXXXXboXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!245824174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure someone was looking for a replica of these a few threads back?

Just saw this pop up in my saved stores new items list..

Full price is 108cny I think

>> No.8729137

bless you anon

>> No.8729187

I ordered those!
I was told they're pre-order and haven't been made yet so there is a chance of no success?
If they end up succeeding I'll review them when I get them!

>> No.8729210

They suggest using fedex as an alternative, you could go for that instead?

>> No.8729218

Possibly! I've never used bhiner before, would they allow me to change it? I originally put EMS

>> No.8729256

I've never had to change shipping methods with them before, but I'd say it's worth messaging them about it if fedex operates in your country. It could also be cheaper if your order is heavier than 2kg, according to their shipping calculator.

I have noticed however that they can be a little slow with sending out tracking numbers (I've had to ask them every time when it was added within 3 days) so it might also be worth adding a little note to them to ship it out urgently and give you your tracking number too.

>> No.8729304

What is To Alice's official shop? I couldn't find it in the spreadsheet, and google is telling me tomybear. Just want to be sure.

>> No.8729448

link to the skirt second from the left on the top please? and the strawberry purse.

>> No.8729478

Which SS are you using? If that's all you're shipping the shipping charge looks quite expensive.

>> No.8729481

Yes, their username is tomybear.

>> No.8729483
File: 74 KB, 280x373, 02pk_67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piggybacking off this, I'm having trouble finding sweet boleros in AP's or Baby's style. All I can find are poorly made MM replicas.

>> No.8729492

Is there a place where people organize group orders for taobao? Is it even worth it?

I usually only want one or two things and I hate making an individual order for it knowing the shipping is going to be pretty high.

>> No.8729509
File: 7 KB, 256x192, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know search terms for happi?
There is no Chinese wikipedia page for it and the Japanese kanji pulls up comforters.
Any ideas?
My boyfriend and buddy want it for a Miku concert.

>> No.8729512

I wouldn't mind doing that. I am making an order soon but it is pretty small. More than yours, but small.
But are you willing to trust some girl on 4chan?
I would love to meet people who are interested in doing this once in awhile so I can order a few things more often.

>> No.8729514

you can find pretty cheap ones on ebay if you dont mind used ones.

>> No.8729526

I just paid EMS for about the same price? It might be because I'm on the lower end of 4kg.

Most of the time, they just respond with "OK". Also you should set up your Alipay account email, one shop sent me a small refund that way when I had to pay extra for custom sizing. (That's what the 1 yuan listings are usually for)

>> No.8729530

I've got this store bookmarked from ages ago. I don't know if they have pansies, but otherwise you might be able to get some keywords out of it, I guess?

>> No.8729613

Bumping my question

>> No.8729640

TaobaoRing and it's not really because even though it's not a lot of items, what I have is pretty heavy.

>2 backpacks
>1 school bag
>2 varsity jackets
>1 tshirt
>2 selfie wands
>1 full size purse
and then all the little items.

>> No.8729641

By DIY do you mean kits with rhinestones, cabochons, etc and a case that you're meant to arrange and glue on yourself? Or just crafted cases?

>> No.8729644

Where did you buy yours from because I'd switch if I got EMS for 4.65kg for $58.

>> No.8729659

Cool. I already have an alipay account from doing a forwarding order before. Thanks!

>> No.8729941

Roughly how long does it take for people to get all of their stuff to their SS? It's been about 6 days and I'm still waiting for shoes from Antainia?

>> No.8729997

The second skirt was actually a reservation item and has sold out, I managed to get it on 2.Taobao.

If you want to search for it is it by Magic Potion called The Moon Castle.

Link for bag though: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.51.iIRSru&id=39045506619&ns=1&abbucket=5#detail

>> No.8730145

I think any time you order from Antaina it's going to take a bit longer.

>> No.8730323
File: 29 KB, 1210x90, Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 9.54.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best SS for 2.taobao / ershou.taobao? (2nd hand market)

I know Taobao ring doesn't do it, but there's some items I really want from there.

>> No.8730356

I've always had good secondhand taobao experiences with spreenow. A few times when other SSs have refused or said the seller didn't reply (bhiner, etc.) they managed to get through. They also have some really cheap shipping options available for small orders, which suits me if I end up just buying the one 2ndhand thing.

>> No.8730397

Antaina takes a week if you're lucky. Custom is longer.

>> No.8730406


>> No.8730456

I've trusted people in BST threads, so I guess I would be down for this.

>> No.8730500

Can someone help me translate this? I think I have the jist from google translate, but I want to make sure it is that she's saying she'll send it the day after she gets it (because it's delayed) and return my shipping money, and not that she'll return all my money and not send it?


I should start learning some Chinese, since I shop there so often. Ugh. I hate leaving her hanging in the chat, but I don't want to confirm a refund on accident because I want the dress. I just want to know when I will actually get it.

>> No.8730509

Yah she's just apologizing and says that she'll refund the shipping to show her sincerity.

>> No.8730664

Fuck, I regret not ordering them sooner, I need them for ILD
>gonna hope someone is selling a pair
>then I'll have two
> oh well

>> No.8730690

Anyone from Australia or New Zealand browsing?
For the integrated forwarding service, what did you guys use? 4px?

>> No.8730844

I use 4px, arrives in a little less than a week

>> No.8731008

Anon, source on textures tights and whatever the penguins are?

>> No.8731121

i also used 4px, it came to New Zealand in less than 2 weeks or so. I used it again during 11.11 i'm waiting for an order at the moment

>> No.8731132

Thanks guys, went with them as well. Hopefully should be okay, my first time using that service.

>> No.8731204

I mean any place on Taobao that you can give an image and they put it on an iphone case. Sort of like the CowCow promotion. Sorry for bad English.

>> No.8731237

try checking the spreadsheet in the OP of the artist alley thread

>> No.8731299

Link to the flower headband and silver bow please!

>> No.8731324
File: 69 KB, 1333x520, artist thingie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did check there. Picture related. I'm trying to find something similar to the places that do Daiki and pillows but on Taobao so I can add it on my order. I'm not looking for Aliexpress. I have a image I just need a shop that can put the image on an iphnoe 5s case and send it to my SS

>> No.8731409
File: 23 KB, 958x271, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again, just wanting to make sure I've done this correctly. I followed the OP guide.

>> No.8731423

Not the other anon, but I just checked the dictionary for terms and strung them together. iphone5 + phone case + custom make. You can usually find whatever you're looking for by doing that or using google translate. A lot of different shops do it: >http://world.taobao.com/search/search.htm?_ksTS=1448228999465_19&spm=2015090701&search_type=0&_input_charset=utf-8&navigator=all&json=on&q=iphone5%E6%89%8B%E6%9C%BA%E5%A3%B3%20%E5%AE%9A%E5%81%9A&cna=G23VDgBAHGMCAUU3eLbYWeSq&callback=__jsonp_cb&abtest=_AB-LR854-LR895-PR854-PV895_2352

Hope that's what you meant.

>> No.8731473

Thanks anon and sorry about all of the trouble

>> No.8731633


If that anon isn't interested, I am!

>> No.8731708

Are there any guides or helpful tips for using 2.taobao ? I've got regular taobao down but I'm struggling with the secondhand one and there's usually a lot of stuff that I like on there.

>> No.8731925

You can't buy direct from there yet, and myself and other anon(s?) have had a 30-50% success rate of people actually sending stuff out. I think we all bought lolita though, so other items may have better seller success rate. Aside from that, just use google translate, translated wiki titles, and the dictionary to search. I hope you get sellers who actually send things out, good luck!

>> No.8731989

link to the glasses case please

>> No.8731993

sauce on all of the strawberry headpieces? thanks

>> No.8732062


>> No.8732172

Any idea how long orders take? Obviously, everything varies, but how long has it taken for some of you to get your items from the time of ordering through your S.S. and physically getting your items?

>> No.8732396

Yeah, they're saying it looks good, but the construction is really bad. It has a total of two pockets, and one of them isn't sewn closed and just has a piece of cloth inside, and the other one has a hole two fingers big. They could probably take the clothing apart a year later and find lots of change that fell out inside. Could they please do a qualify check before mailing stuff out. Basically.

>> No.8732620
File: 834 KB, 932x540, snsso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty small collage for my shitty small order.

>> No.8732663

If everything's in stock and no pre-orders or custom made stuff, probably two weeks was my max wait time for domestic shipping to my shopping service and that's because I ordered from a ton of stores.

As for international wait time.. it varies depending on what shipping method you use but if you're using SAL, I'm USA East Coast and I've never waited more than three weeks for mine to arrive.

>> No.8732664

>school bag
>selfie wand
Yassss. You'll have to do a review of your fancy selfie wand when you get it. I just got the cheap $3 basic versions.

>> No.8732670

Holy crap anon, sorry, I didn't see this. They've got a lot of animes to choose from and the price isn't too bad.

>> No.8732677

I get so anxious when waiting for taobao orders to arrive atmy SS, i check every day even tho i know they said it'll take 1 week before the stuff will even ship...

>> No.8732682

Same here anon. But even after they arrive I'm still checking, waiting for the glorious pictures of everything. I don't know how I was content ordering from shopping services that either didn't take photos for you or charged per photo.

>> No.8732685

I had a small order with nothing custom (around 9 items for 5 shops) and..

>it all arrived and i paid DHL shipping
>actually shipped
11/17 (thanks tbr+weekends)
>arrived west coast thru DHL

>> No.8732742

It's a gift but I'll do a quick review just to make sure everything works.

>selfie wand

>school bag

>> No.8732826

Does the Pastel Goth style have any certain terms to use on taobao? It's not in the dictionary and combining the terms for pastel and goth doesn't really work. I want to buy some stuff for a friend, so search terms and good shop links would be loved. I tried googling it, but almost all the links lead to dead shops.

>> No.8732898

new thread

>> No.8734191

link to rings?

>> No.8734193

Sauce on cat ring?

>> No.8734311

anon, I use the taobao forwarding service to USA, it's pretty convenient! see >>8734304