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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8703648 No.8703648 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread >>8699107

Some Lolita-Related Threads
Comm Thread >>8702389
CoF Thread >>8702884
Coord Help >>8689365
Dream Dress Thread >>8694705
Stupid Lolita Questions >>8686235
Old-School Lolita >>8688812
International Lolita Day >>8699332
Indie Thread >>8671548
Price Check Thread >>8683617
Worn Thread >>8690934

Lolita Guidebook created by /cgl/

Do you have a favorite lolita collab item? Do you own pieces? For me it's this set from IW, since I loved Mawaru Penguindrum. I don't own anything except a planner I got as a GLB extra.

>> No.8703656

About that profession group being talked about from the last thread:

Totally into that idea. As shitty as facebook is, it does give the widest reach, and easiest platform. And allows for similar people to discover the group.

>> No.8703657

Good job anon, this can help newbies who come in here.

My fav collab piece is AP x Wish Me Mell Tea time Jsk. It is pretty adorable.

>> No.8703658

my favourite collabs are probably metamorphose x macross frontier, btssb x koitsukihime and aatp x akira

i own one of the koitsukihime collab pieces, it's gorgeous and exactly what i wanted it to be

>> No.8703662

Why does the guidebook say MM has the smallest bust size out of the major brands? It doesn't. As discussed in the last thread, they tend to be very big and not adjustable

>> No.8703681

Popped this up in my feed, who want to go to this event "Celebrate the Doll Life with the Cast and BOOZE!!"?

>> No.8703687

Typically Mary Magdalenes bust size is 88cm with a waist of 66cm with no give room.

>> No.8703688

I love the new format

Also in regards to the professional group, Google+ is not a bad idea, everyone has multiple emails at this point, it is way less creepy and invasive than FB

>> No.8703695

Does anyone know if any of the major brand released a calendar this year? I'm talking about the notebook ones like pic related. Iused the chocolate one from AP this year and I'd love to get a new brand one.

>> No.8703697
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Oops dropped pic.

>> No.8703725

I'm on my way down to the post office to pick up my first ever lucky pack! I'm so excited, this is better than christmas

>> No.8703726

I would love if any brand did a collab with Ai Yazawa. She has a good taste in fashion and what lolita is so it's a dream. But Ai hasn't come back yet from her haitus yet sadly. But one could dream ~

>> No.8703730

Excited for you, anon! Which lucky pack is it?

>> No.8703732

Exactly, it's unproportionately large and on the larger side anyway.

>> No.8703735

I just feel like a lot of people look at the mm measurements and don't own anything from them. My waist is no way near 66cm but I fit into all my mm just fine.

>> No.8703737


I really, really wish that there was a separate platform that wasn't so personal, like livejournal, where we could have a community like setting for things like this. Tumblr doesn't allow for communication, and I'd really rather not use FB because of all the little things they do to invade your privacy.

Nonetheless, I think I'm desperate enough this sort of thing that I'll just make another account on FB for the group.

>> No.8703770
File: 248 KB, 1071x1070, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The small EGL moitie pack. ngl I'm a little bit disappointed because I was hoping for more all black or bxw. Maybe next time!

>> No.8703791

Pretty blouse though. I guess you're forced to go moitie blue now.

>> No.8703892

I second Google plus. Honestly its more important to me that its not connected to Facebook. My coworkers know, but it's annoying when they see/post on tagged photos.

>> No.8703896

Beautiful lucky pack, but yeah, I understand why you rather have a black dress. But that's the gamble with a blind lucky pack I guess.
I love that blouse, it's gorgeous.
How much did you pay for the lucky pack?

>> No.8703928

someone asked me if I wanted to do a trade for a handbag from marks and spencers. britanons, is this a high end shop, a department store, or what? I said no since I really just want money but I was just wondering.

>> No.8703931 [DELETED] 

Not a Britfag but a Eirofag I with a lot of Brit friends and I've been to England several times.
I can tell you M&S is not high end at all, unless you are trading for cheapish taobao it's ok but if it's brand, fuck no.

>> No.8703934

They sell food and clothing. Go figure

>> No.8703935

Not a Britfag but a Eurofag with a lot of Brit friends and I've also been to England several times.
I can tell you M&S is not high end at all, unless you are trading for cheapish taobao it *might* be ok (really depends on both the value of the bad and your own item) but if it's brand, fuck no.

>> No.8704050

Topkek it isn't

>> No.8704066

Personally I like wxb, I'd buy it from you if I didn't have 5+dresses that I've been waiting for pop up

>> No.8704091
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What price would be reasonable for unworn Funeral procession JSK I?

>> No.8704095

Shit, missed price check thread, sorry CGL

>> No.8704098

Does anyone know if maidenclothing offers free domestic shipping over a certain amount? I'm afraid I might be confusing them with WW

>> No.8704100

So has anyone else still not been charged for their Holy Lantern MTO? I received an email that my order had been accepted back on 10/26 but the money is still in my account and it's making me nervous. Dream Marine's MTO came out immediately and stayed out, and I know a couple of other people who have been charged, so what gives?

>> No.8704114

Also, I'm not showing a hold or a refund, it's just not there. It seems really strange that they would charge people in waves but I think they also switched to a new banking service recently too? I just don't know.

>> No.8704117

I have kind of a silly noob question about wearing lolita at theme parks. I'm planning a trip to Disney next year, and I've read plenty of discussions on general stuff like how to avoid being thrown out of the park. But does anyone have any advice on what to wear/not wear if I'm planning to ride a bunch of roller coasters? I'm specifically worried about wigs. I almost always wear wigs, and although I usually secure them with hair combs and bobby pins, I'm worried they might fly off on a roller coaster. Has anyone had any experience with this? Is it better to just wear natural hair?

>> No.8704120

No way! Would you mind giving your measurements and names of some dresses you fit?

>> No.8704131

Don't wear Lolita to Disney.

>> No.8704143

Yeah, don't wear a wig. Even if if doesn't fly off, it'll still get tangled really quickly

>> No.8704148

If you're going to do roller coasters, then I highly recommend a braided hairstyle whether you choose to use a wig or not. Braids will look cute and not look immediately messy after being in the wind.

>> No.8704153

A properly pinned wig won't fly off, but as others have said, a longer wig will get tangled very quickly. If you do opt for a wig, a short style or braids would be best. If you're worried about wig security, look up theater wig wear tutorials.

>> No.8704162

How many of you actually utilize a removable collar on a dress?

>> No.8704170
File: 302 KB, 720x1018, 201512-kera01-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of a stupid question about metamorphose pre orders..., but how long does metamorphose take to send you the email asking for payment after they send you the first confirmation e-mail?

>> No.8704186

Why would anyone take the risk of buying such an expensive dress if all that is reported is the tiny size? Yeah no.

>> No.8704193

it can take anywhere from half a day to a week in my experience. i've never had them fail to send the invoice though, you're in good hands.

>> No.8704195

thanks anon!

>> No.8704202

Can someone dump a few good examples of ero? Thanks

>> No.8704205

I hate it when there are no new exciting new releases coming. APs new Twinkle Sky looks kinda meh and the theme is starting to feel washed out..

>> No.8704219

I use a discord server for my lolita group. There's more information if you look it up but basically the creator of the group can set up different roles with pernissions (mods for example) and different channels that could work for different topics.

Here's something that explains it better if you wanna try it. Plus invites can be temporary so its easier to not have randoms getting in.

>> No.8704223

That's stunning - very jealous!

>> No.8704232

They're pretty meh. You're looking at £20-30, so possibly worth it for a cheap Taobao bag if it's cute. Haven't seen them ever do anything loliable, though.

>> No.8704274
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Where is currently the "best" place to sell brand? I have a lot of items to sell but I can't seem to figure out which platform is being used/browsed the most.

>Lacemarket? Despite connection issues and horrible browsing
>Do people still post to Storenvy and link to LSE?

I have a good rating on eglfeedback but I never migrated selling to Lacemarket so I don't have any reviews there yet.

>> No.8704313

The Horror Garden bloodbath wasnt too bad. But AP updated their FB with restrictions about half an hour before the release and the restrictions weren't displayed on site.

How many people do you think fucked up? Isnt that really unfair?

>> No.8704315

Where are the restrictions posted?

>> No.8704318

that's stupid. looks like they just copypasted it from their HL post so dates are wrong too lol
>**All rules will be lifted on 10/5/15 (Mon) PST. You will be able to purchase just accessories after the rules are lifted.**
>it's 11/6/15

>> No.8704319

.... on FB

>> No.8704323

wait what?? oh shit i bought two main pieces, i hope i dont get banned ;(

>> No.8704330

>* Max Two (2) accessory per person/household.

I bought two bracelets, one ring, and one necklace with my skirt....... The rules are super unclear

Now I'm freaking out over the wording of its two accessories TOTAL or two of the same accessory??

>> No.8704331
File: 421 KB, 628x629, AP dunce-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol enjoy your ban and canceled order

>> No.8704332

by "wasn't too bad", how so? i missed it, so i'm curious

>> No.8704339

There's still a lot of shit left up on the website if you're interested. Hell I'm surprised to see all these main pieces left.

You should go ahead and call them about your order anon and get things fixed. It's their own fault for not directly telling you on each item that you're only allowed one main piece/2 accessories.

>> No.8704340

There are still dresses available

>> No.8704347

It's two accessories total anon. I'd call them up

>> No.8704350

I've never seen this many orders fucked up.... friends are just realizing their new restrictions on fb and people are freaking out.

>> No.8704371

my question went unanswered last time so posting again: does sporkii/pizzicato kei take custom orders? I've checked her store envy a few times recently and I never seem to see any echarpes in stock. I cannot tell if she isn't doing any right now or what. there's nothing in her faq that says she is accepting custom orders either. If she's busy right now or something or doesn't do echarpes anymore I guess I just don't want to bother her.

>> No.8704373

I'm pretty sure somewhere on the website, either on the reservation page or right before/after you check, doesn't it say they do not bill you until your pre-order has arrived? so that could be like, a week or two.

>> No.8704375

Just send her a fucking message

>> No.8704379

Just called in

They're cancelling orders that ordered more than 1 main piece, more than 2 accessories, or ordered accessories without main piece.

They're still processing them so at the end of the night they'll be sending out cancellation notices

If this is your first time offense, you'll be given a warning+flag

>basically AP fucked up and we get shit end of stick ^_^v

>> No.8704380

How do you handle unconfirmed addresses on paypal, should I outright refuse or should I talk to the buyer? It sounds like paypal will still protect the seller if the address is unconfirmed?

>> No.8704387
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Chill salty-chan.

>> No.8704406

I really like LM, I haven't tried selling my best stuff, though, just a few cheap accessory things. I checked out the tumblr sales page and it was garbage. Facebook sales are overwhelming and seem irritating how flaky and poor everyone is

>> No.8704415

Did you not see the pictures from the last thread?

>> No.8704500

WTF it doesn't even say those rules on FB. I just went through their recent posts about horror garden, and I'm not seeing anything about restrictions.

>> No.8704503

oh nevermind, I see them now. Fucking god damn it ...

>> No.8704522


Lol, I just called them to ask about when the rules will be lifted. I can't believe they still didn't catch that mistake and needed someone to call.
Rules will be lifted at midnight and any items that were in cancelled orders will be put up again. BUT the person on the phone said that even with the rules lifted, there's a limit up to 2 accessories...?? What the fuck

it's two accessories TOTAL.
accessories also mean tights, headbows AND jewelry

>> No.8704529 [DELETED] 


I'd try to contact the person out of courtesy. It could be that the person never had a seller point out to them that their address is unconfirmed, so they never bothered. Just say "excuse me, I noticed your address is unconfirmed on PayPal, could you please update your address information?"

If they seem hostile, it would be a red flag (it's just logging into the PayPal website and doing a series of a few clicks, why would one need to be angry about needing to do that?). Pay extra for signature confirmation. It'll cover your ass if the buyer later wants to claim that the package was never sent.

>> No.8704535


I'd try to first contact the person out of courtesy. It could be that the person never had a seller point out to them that their address is unconfirmed, so they never bothered. Just say "excuse me, I noticed your address is unconfirmed on PayPal, could you please update your address information?"

If they seem hostile, it would be a red flag (it's just a series of a few clicks, why would one need to be angry about that?). Pay extra for signature confirmation; it'll cover your ass if the buyer later wants to claim that the package was never sent. PayPal tends to side with the buyer more often, so having extra documents will help.

>> No.8704541

Your link doesn't work. Isn't that just for chat though? I'm interested in more of a community.

>> No.8704542

I had AP charges disappear off my card for more than a month after they showed in pending. I've heard things like that before as well. I think that's just how charges go with AP.

>> No.8704577

Thank you for your reply! I noticed they also didn't have a lot of feedback so asked for that, but yeah it's sending off bells, if they provide I'll have them sign as well.

>> No.8704587

Sorry that tumblr user changed their name.
But since you want a community, ignore this then. Sorry.

>> No.8704591

This is normal and happens all the time. Credit card payment is a two part process.

Part one - the merchant runs your card to make sure the info is correct. This places a hold. The hold is temporary and will go away after a period of time.

Part two - the merchant posts charges and you are actually charged. This only happens when the merchant physically completes this part of the process for all their recent charges.

Small stores do part 2 once a day, or once a week or even twice a month.

In other words, you WILL be charged. If you spend that money or anything, you WILL get fined by your bank for it.

>> No.8704594
File: 24 KB, 446x500, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704598

I just got an email from AP USA stating that my order status, for horror garden tights only.

>"New status: Sourcing from JP Warehouse"

Looks like they might now be enforcing the rules they stated on facebook?

>> No.8704600

Is there an easier way to get Boz? My SS never gets the really popular items in time. I also don't think there's any official resellers, even in Japan, unless I'm wrong?

>> No.8704608

I'd also like to know. My SS messed up the last order and I've been trying to get this stupid blouse for a year. I'm still fuming about that, I switched SS I was so mad.

>> No.8704613

I really like this format, anon!

I want to try and sell some of my pieces on Lacemarket auction, does anyone have advice on pricing?

>> No.8704618

Veteran's Day is upon us. Would it be considered offensive or disrespectful to wear Military Lolita this next week? My stepdad is a veteran and asked if I would wear it, but I'm afraid of offending others if we go out for Lunch or Dinner. I'm not wearing any medals or anything symbolic like that at all.

Is anyone else possibly thinking of wearing Military styled clothing?

>> No.8704625

>a veteran and asked if I would wear it
Who honestly gives a shit if you offend people? Everyone is offended by different things. If it doesn't offend an actual veteran, everyone else can suck it up.

>> No.8704630

honestly I think it really is going to depend on where you live. I will say though anon, if you are going to wear it only when going out with your step dad, then ask him for support in case someone gives you shit, since it sounds like he's asking you wear it? (that's how I interpreted this post at least) if someone decides to make a stink about it honestly, most people are gonna back down if a real veteran pops up and goes "well, i'm a vet and this is my daughter and i like it so i asked her to wear it."

also I would say it depends on how military your coord looks. if you're worried you may want to tone it down - i.e. not wearing any mini stewardess hats/garrison caps, putting a cardigan over the bodice of a JSK, etc.

>> No.8704634

Thanks anon

I'll definitely be toning it down, if anything, I have like a fuzzy black military hat like what they wear in Russia just because it's cold as fuck here already

I might just leave that at home though

Thanks both of you though! I really appreciate it

>> No.8704673

Cause some people actually care about those who served in war and the impression their clothing might convey to a day dedicated to honoring them. Clothing is communication and she just wants to know if she's sending the right message. There's nothing wrong with that, it's called having consideration for other people besides yourself.

My first impression was to wince a little, it's in the grey zone for me personally, it feels a little gauche, and I'm not sure wearing a Russian hat to a veteran ceremony would give the right impression. A trench coat with a poppy pin and vintage dress would seem more proper to me. But if you can find a way to tone it down while remaining respectful then I don't see a problem.

>> No.8704677

I plan on leaving the hat at home, just in case. Plus, it's rude to wear a hat indoors, especially on a holiday.

It won't really be a ceremony, just going to lunch or dinner to get burgers and shakes

>> No.8704681

Has anyone here ever gotten an order from APUSA put "on hold"? does anyone know what this means exactly? I've never had this happen before.

>> No.8704718

Does anyone know what sort of websites japanese lolitas post on?

>> No.8704730

I personally like Lacemarket despite all of its issues, and the BST thread here on /cgl/ usually works nicely for me as well.

I think you might be able to put a link to your egl feedback in the item description on LM, too.

>> No.8704803

look up recent completed auctions on different sites (LM, closetchild, whatever else people use)

>> No.8704827

So, I think somebody may have sold me a replica. I can't find anything about a replica of this specific dress, so how could I check and see if it's a replica?

(It's an AP Sugar Dream Dome OP in Navy)

>> No.8704828

what makes you think it's a replica?

>> No.8704841

When the fuck are they doing the second holy lantern MTO?!

>> No.8704842

It was pretty cheap and seems to be in perfect condition-- the seller seemed a little sketchy about it, to me, but it might just be me being paranoid.

Is there any way I could tell?

>> No.8704849

Not that anon but most people with 66cm waists don't have 88cm busts, or vice versa. It's not a large measurement on its own but it would be like a DD on someone that small probably. I'm 68-86 and am a D. My boobs aren't big but don't fit a lot of Japanese clothes very well. So even bigger than is pretty weird when the waist is even smaller. (also I know cup size isn't to do with waist/bust but I'm just going by my own)

>> No.8704851


Re-fucking-lax anon.

>> No.8704853


Sugar dream dome wasn't replicated as far as I know.

But check for tags, washing labels... Look up lace side by side comparisons and such

>> No.8704854

What happened to all the...pro-litas? Lo-pros? from last thread who wanted to network with others with professional jobs? I still have no idea what the best platform is, but was wondering about using a messaging service like a whatsapp group rather than social networking sites

>> No.8704857
File: 15 KB, 236x355, 69131f1dc041d64800fe25aa8aede3fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disabled vet here. It's a bit distasteful, but if you were asked to by a family member it kind of excuses it. There are no real uniform pieces as part of your coord right? Also, make 1000% sure that people don't assume you were a vet because that can get your ass beat really quickly. It's about as cringy as those camo purses dependant wives carry, so expect people to laugh behind your back about it, but what ever floats your boat I guess.

>> No.8704859

I did some googling, and the only sugar dream dome replica I can see that was made is the high waist JSK.

check all over the dress, in the lining, etc. is there a tag on it or no? how cheap are we talking here? it's entirely possible someone may have just chosen to get rid of their dress for cheap though I understand your paranoia. it would be helpful if maybe you shared some photos, like clear shots of the print, the trims/lace, any tags you can find, etc.

>> No.8704868

No one really decided. If someone wants to help mod, I don't mind making one on G+ as long as people will join.

>> No.8704878

Dreamy Jewel's been out a few hours and almost nothing is sold out. Weren't there a few of you anons who were interested in that set?

>> No.8704884

cause its ugly af

>> No.8704889

I thought she was doing a bit here and there...
Please come back Ai

>> No.8704907
File: 20 KB, 283x493, FB_IMG_1446452545783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be wearing this with a simple black wig and black boots. I just don't want to accidentally make a vet uncomfortable or offended by wearing this. I'm known for wearing Lolita on campus, but not really in the community just yet. I don't want them to think I'm wearing a costume or mocking them.

Thank you for your service anon, I hope you have a wonderful Veteran's Day

>> No.8704927


Got the high waist in pink. Only buying prints based on popularity is a newb mistake and you always regret it in the end.

I also imagine buyers are burned out from the last big releases and are waiting up for the next round of Holy Lantern.

>> No.8704937

It has been replicated

>> No.8704938

My guess is burnout, waiting for the other AP releases in the near future, and also it's kinda a little ugly/tacky.

>> No.8704970

Secrets are up!

>> No.8704999

wow, that was fast -
>some of those

>> No.8705004

I just wouldn't anon
Wait till December

>> No.8705009

hey guise did u kno 4chan is like full of murderers who are totally allowed to post pictures of their victims without repercussions for reals?!??

hide yo brand
hide yo frills
dem seagulls be killin everybody out there

>> No.8705011

it's midnight in SF and no stray jewelry from HG went up. I'm really sad, I want that ring in black.

>> No.8705016

>rude to wear a hat indoors
That's just for men, anon. Women are actually supposed to keep theirs on.

>> No.8705025

This happens on cgl too when some bitch gets 4 new JSK on release day from AP

(Jk, dont arrest me)

>> No.8705036

Pretty tame compared to what a shitstorm I thought it would be

>> No.8705054

How about something cute inspired by the era that women would wear? It'd be subtle and I think everyone would like it.

>> No.8705095

Well actually there is a listing for a replica for this dress here http://world.taobao.com/item/42538450079.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.2TxeWT#detail
Maybe look at the pictures in the review section and compare?

>> No.8705106

I'd join

>> No.8705131


Not really, as far as I know. There are the webshop, the main phsical Boz shops (there's head office in Tokyo, and shops in Osaka and Nagoya), Cutie, and Kera Shop Maria (Sapporo, Sendai, and Hiroshima). That's all that's listed on the webshop's website. I tend to stalk the shop blogs and facebook pages for releases.
Which SS do you use, Anons?

>> No.8705166

Look for tags and their location. Many times there will be an extra button attached. Unless the former owner used it. But I have a number of 2nd hand dresses that still have the buttons attached to the tag. There should be a care tag as well as a pink or purple AP tag. If it's not on the bodice, check the lining of the dress.

What is the fabric and print quality like? Most replicators use thinner fabrics, and the print quality is off. I know CDC from the one taobao shop is rather monochrome when IRL there's many subtle color differences.

What do the bows look like? Generally this is a red flag if the bow looks derpy or off.

What is the lace quality like? Compare the color and length and also the embroidery pattern/quality to either stock or owned photos.

There are occasionally sellers who will get rid of their items for cheap. Those are always a blessing. Check the person's feedback. Are they reputable? Do they currently wear or own replicas? Have they made any posts anywhere that are pro-replica in the recent past? Many people wore them as newbs and were pro-replica in the past but have since changed especially after brands began speaking out about them a few years ago. You can usually tell by their posting habits or coord photos. A lot of people use the same username everywhere.

>> No.8705226

Not sure if there is a better thread to post this, but I just came across this French program on a sweet lolita and found it pretty interesting/slightly cringy. No subs, unfortunately, but the girl is 28 and lives with her mother and stepdad.

>> No.8705230

18, not 28, sorry.

>> No.8705290

Yes please

>> No.8705293

I have the money I just think the print is ugly af. I'm not much on prints to begin with, it has to be a very cute, well-balanced print for me to buy something non solid

>> No.8705356

Alright, any ideas of what it should be called?
Another anon mentioned "Pro-litas".

>> No.8705361

What's with all the secrets about Kate? Did she left lolita?

>> No.8705392

I imagine no one bought it because it's ugly.

>> No.8705434

>school has a cosplay club
>they're hosting a maid cafe today (ew)
>omw to a lolita meetup today
>waiting at the bus stop
>someone asks me if im part of the maid cafe
>not even wearing blackxwhite or anything that resembles a maid costume

>> No.8705443
File: 1.44 MB, 966x908, dreamyjewelbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really not that ugly...
(i want it because of the details in the print to be honest)

>> No.8705444

I wouldn't call it ugly
I'd get it but I look like shit in pink

>> No.8705448

I got the same dress! I'm really surprised that none of the colors and cuts have sold out, but I agree, I'm buying this print because I like it personally, not because I want to show off in something popular and rare.

>> No.8705450

maybe it's just the stock photos, but I think the problem is the details seem to get really muddled up from far away. now that I see the print in detail I do think it's quite pretty, but seeing something like the red stock photo makes me wanna barf, it looks so atrocious.

>> No.8705465

The art in the print is absolutely beautiful, but not something that should have been made into such a tiny print.
The appeal is in the really small details, but once printed they become very small and you can't see them, so it just looks overly busy and unrecognizable.

>> No.8705483

Check the archive. TL;DR- LACE is no more and Kate left the western lolita community.

>> No.8705486

The print is super-busy and has these ridiculous details, and then they made it a small all-over print. I think it's kitschy and unappealing. But whatever floats your boat, I guess. Someone's bound to like it.

>> No.8705517

This is not drawn, Just ps print of real items they took photos of right? I prefere the draw-style.

>> No.8705586

I really love the print close-up but I would have liked it better as a larger scale border print, the allover is too busy. Plus it looks better in lighter colors, like pink, which looks bad on me. I think an ivory colorway would have been nice too instead of red.

>> No.8705602
File: 45 KB, 480x640, 1540628440011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does someone know anything about this OP/coat by IW? I couldn't find anything on lolibrary or hellolace. I'm especially looking for it's name (maidenclothing translates it with happy/mary belle) and if it's an OP or a coat. also, are natural waist IW OPs generally long or short in the bodice part?

>> No.8705605


And yet everyone bought holy lantern.

>> No.8705607

nice one anon

>> No.8705673

Look up "Merry Belle" on Lolibrary.

>> No.8705709

I think a name that doesn't attract the shitters and weebs that just type in 'lolita' in the Facebook search and join every group.

Unsure what exactly that would be

>> No.8705736
File: 232 KB, 995x845, 113[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a question
What do you all think about wearing the newer OTT classic Baby prints (eg Traumerei, Labyrinth) without added underskirt?
I'm not a huge fan of the "frilly rocket" look, but I have a couple of these and I can't help but feel something is missing.
I'm also pretty tall, so I have extra reasons to wear an underskirt, not just for looks... however I just don't like them that much.

>> No.8705746

I agree. If they had made this into a bigger border, it would have been perfect

>> No.8705753

Seriously fuck underskirts. They only became a thing because someone started saying knees shouldn't be visible. I'm also tall and if my dresses are short so be it. Plus the lace on my otks is visible ayy

>> No.8705754

I have this and it's a relatively thin OP. IW tends to have shorter bodices, but this one is a tad bit longer and hits me at my natural waist. However, I believe it's smaller in the waist than their M size pieces usually are, bust is average size.

>> No.8705757

Well, it's G+ so shouldn't be that much of a problem. I just went with Lolita Professionals. If someone has a better idea, let me know, I can change it.

I couldn't find an appropriate image to use and it has to be really large (960x540). Any ideas anons? Should we have a survey for applicants to weed out randoms?

>> No.8705816

>They only became a thing because someone started saying knees shouldn't be visible
why did this become a thing to say, anyway?
who was the idiot that started it?

>> No.8705842

iirc it was Misako who started it. She said something about pale skin being kawaii and no knees

>> No.8705847

Sellers of underskirts?

>> No.8705855

Somehow I am tempted to start a movement like "real lolitas have knees". Unsure about the acronym though.

>> No.8705859


Apparently, that's what started it. She was giving prizes for outfits at an event, was asked why she chose certain outfits over others, and said she dislike the gap between a girl's skirt hems and her sock tops.

People took this to mean "OMG! NO KNEES!" and it just took off from there.

The idea that a skirt should be knee length of just below has been around since I first got into lolita, but only in the last couple of years have people really wigged out about it in the community. Before that, AP's slightly-above-knee-length dresses were hugely popular with OTKs, and before THAT people didn't care so much about length so long as you got the shape right; especially if it was brand, because you were limited on what you could get, and people would generally give you a pass on brand because it was more difficult to get and valued more highly on its own.

>> No.8705863


Don't. Even if it's ironic, god knows the SJWs will make it a real thing and that's the last thing this community needs.

>> No.8705868

Just joined with a random name, we are using random names right?

>> No.8705880

>she dislike the gap between a girl's skirt hems and her sock tops.
Longer socks = problem solved

>> No.8705883

This is the best idea I've seen in a while

>> No.8705894

It's not even a problem, though. It's purely a matter of one opinion being taken out of context and then people deciding that because a ~*~model-san~*~ said it, it must be gospel.

>> No.8705901

Don't worry, I have much better uses for my time.

I don't get the whole drama anyway - anyone with a bit of sense will cover enough of their thighs to achieve the correct silhouette. If that means knees are showing, so be it.

>> No.8705914

Feel free to use whatever name you want. I'm not using my real name either. Try to have something on your page that looks believable though, otherwise I have to accept blindly (I am at this point).

>> No.8705922

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we also kinda figure out in a thread (maybe it was that one, didn't read your link oops) that she didn't like it probably because in Japan the gap between the end of a skirt and the top of your socks means something kind of trendy/sexy? I forget what it's called but it begins with a z.

>> No.8705930

zettai ryouiki, it's kind of meme-ish

But yeah, that may have an influence.

>> No.8705932

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zettai_ry%C5%8Diki ?

>> No.8705936
File: 320 KB, 900x1344, misako_aoki_by_ikuma_daiki-d3007m5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks Misako is shady as hell? She got this stank face, like I know she's a model and that's her "job" and all, but her smile consistently looks fake, her eyes are so dead looking.

Everyone thinks she's the end-all-be-all for Lolita models, but every time she winds up in the middle of a "dramatic" situation like this or AM, she' inevitably ends up on the "bad" side.

I don't trust this bitch

>> No.8705938
File: 217 KB, 500x368, momoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna assume that since she is a lolita she is as bad as the rest of us

>> No.8705939

If anyone's looking for the horror bat otks, they're in stock in some stores. You'll have to use a ss to grab them as they're only COD.

>> No.8705945

I've been saying that since she founded the JLA. She's amazing at marketing herself, but lolita is her *job*. She wasn't a street snap model as a teen, she didn't wear lolita before she was hired to be a model.

>> No.8705952

i agree, she's really elevating lolita to a high status along with her, seems really self-motivated.

>> No.8705955

I don't feel like she's elevating lolita at all. At least, not in a positive sense. Perhaps that was the front/goal, but all I've seen it do is get her paid trips to other parts of the world.

The JLA was intended to "promote international community" and provide education on the fashion to mainstream sources. None of that has happened that I've seen.

>> No.8706034
File: 89 KB, 500x490, tumblr_mzjijf5Yz21ri5902o10_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strange question, as those dresses don't NEED underskirts. depending on the dress, they already sort of look layered anyway (as seen in your photo and pic related). underskirts are not a necessity, it's an accessory. if you don't like it, don't wear it.

i think those dresses can be really cute styled in a more simple, easy to wear way. if you think something is missing, it could be an accessory elsewhere?

>> No.8706047

so what you're saying is the misako is japanese kate...or is it that kate saw what misako did and was like "brilliant!" and tried to emulate it but failed because she's not as cunning as Boss Aoki

>> No.8706050

Why does every topic about lolita popularity have to come back to Kate? Genuinely curious.

>> No.8706052

This has nothing to do with Kate.

>> No.8706054

>She wasn't a street snap model as a teen

Yes she was. That's how she got discovered. People in street snaps aren't normally models though, they're people off the street, hence the name. Although the G&LB bible used to often include the models in it. Pretty sure she started modelling lolita in the early 2000s when it started to actually become recognisably lolita (although she did some shady Bodyline stuff first). It took awhile for Baby to latch onto her and once she started modelling for BL I believe she did get into lolita, maybe before. She's always loved otome at least.

>> No.8706060

Wait, she didn't wear it before modelling? That's news to me, I'd always assumed she was picked up for modelling because she wore the fashion.
Not to mention the enormous collection of dresses she has, surely if it was just "her job" she wouldn't blow so much money on it?

I mean, I still think she's shady, especially after the whole Kawaii Ambassador thing and the Leighs buying her pricey gifts after all the shit going down. I remember JLA making some half-assed statement about AM when it was brought to their attention, but did anything ever come of that?

>> No.8706063

>she wouldn't blow so much money on it?
I'm pretty sure most, if not all, is sponsered

>> No.8706066

sponsored? Like gifted from the brands she models for or?

>> No.8706069
File: 216 KB, 550x550, 1389580829667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm remembering the years correctly, like >>8706054 said, when she was in street snaps lolita wasn't really a thing yet and was still developing. By the time the bible came out in 2001 though she was modelling for Bodyline and afterwards for Baby. I genuinely think she loves lolita too and that's why she took those modelling gigs. I don't know if she was wearing lolita in her free time before modelling for BL though. She has done non-lolita modelling gigs before, I remember people being really shocked by a picture of her in jeans.

Wishing I had saved the super early pictures of her in Kera, but here's a BL one.

>> No.8706070

She actually looks older here than she does now, that's some straight up vampire shit.

>> No.8706073

Seems like I did get my dates wrong, apparently she was still modelling for BL in 2006: http://egl.livejournal.com/17576187.html?page=1

I thought she modelled for them and then moved on to Baby but I guess she did both around the same period.

>> No.8706088

I heard that she had a fight with baby's president because she made a sexual harassment claim against him which later she retracted. So that's why she was "demoted" to normal model at baby's annual party and the star spot was given to that dakota rose lady. Misako, you're slipping!

>> No.8706105

Holy shit what? As in Isobe? I never heard about that!

>> No.8706109

At what point is it okay to bug a seller about shipping? She told me she'd ship my item in 2-3 days; it's been 4 days now and I still haven't gotten any updates. We live in the same timezone too so I'm sure it's not that.

>> No.8706114

She has said in interviews that she was not, though. I'll see if I can find links, but I specifically remember her saying she wasn't into alt fashion in high school when she first was hired.

>> No.8706124
File: 69 KB, 631x391, 1446949023554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of what I see those days doesn't look much like "lolita" to me. We have on one hand the vintage look outfits that follow the lolita "rules" but don't really carry the whimsey aesthetic, super ott coords that should really count as costumes (but muh STREET FASHION) and then all of this chiffon stuff that looks cute and dainty, but is often worn with items that I imagine from western versions of cult party or larme kei.
Does anyone feel this way?
I just feel really disenchanted with the style and am in a slump.

Also, thoughts on pic related? Is the documentary still going to be a thing? Maybe the whole "leaving lolita" thing is a ploy to create drama, and this documentary will be to showcase the "toxic community"?

>> No.8706125
File: 467 KB, 389x563, misako-fruits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Misako age 17 (2001), street snapped for fruits

>> No.8706131

Yeah, you can see it with Rinrin even, she was wearing the HG skirt onto a plane a weekend before it was even released.

>> No.8706135

to be honest this guy sounds like a huge dick just from this alone and i don't blame kate for dropping him

>> No.8706142

>get burned by your client
>try and burn them in revenge
yeah no. not good. understandable, but that's not good business practice at all

>> No.8706148

dear god no please don't give carly more e-fame, she's becoming another kate at this rate

>> No.8706162

This is tacky af...

>> No.8706169

i don't see how it's tacky, other than the religious motifs and we know those are popular lately

>> No.8706220

>Most of what I see those days doesn't look much like "lolita" to me. We have on one hand the vintage look outfits that follow the lolita "rules" but don't really carry the whimsey aesthetic, super ott coords that should really count as costumes
I agree. That's why a lot of people are going back to old school, I think. It's all of the spirit of lolita without looking to costume-y.
But honestly, if it doesn't feel like a costume, I don't think it is. I wish people would stop calling "costume!" on OTT coords. People could mistake any kind of lolita outfit as a costume, even the most casual ones. If you base your entire coord on being acceptable to normalfags or not, that's pretty sad too.
Just look for more Japanese/Chinese based material instead of western. The western comm is pretty cancerous.

>> No.8706237

Lolita now is indeed very different that when it first began, but to be honest I prefer it this way. The current look resembles much more to that of Rococo and Victorian fashion, and that's why I got into the fashion.

>> No.8706244

That's strange, considering that she doesn't give a shit of other people are sexually harassed (AM).

>> No.8706247

It's probably bait

>> No.8706248

I feel like I love how OTT it can be, it feels like something really magical. But at the same time if you're too "plain" (aka not OTT) then you're boring/an ita. But being OTT requires far too much time and effort for an everyday fashion, which is something Lolita used to be for a lot of people. I really feel like for that reason it can't be seen as everyday wear with current trends. Idk how to feel about that.

>> No.8706257

>wish people would stop calling "costume!"
I can't see people wearing those outfits with huge staffs and sceptres and shit as an everyday fashion. Maybe it's still fashion, but it's not "wearable" fashion. I liken it to a costume because they only wear it to elaborate tea parties and those seem more like a dress up competition than an actual fashion meet up.

>> No.8706279

Wasn't the JLA partially Japan's own doing, though? I think it's to help the brands overseas as well.

As sinister as Misako conspiracy sounds, I'm going to believe she's more a figurehead for a lot of lolita businesses. If she has drama in her closet, then I really couldn't care less since she's done a lot in promotion for us overseas lolitas in particular. Lest any of you forget, there was a time when most Japanese brands wanted nothing to do with us. There's still quite a few that won't even ship overseas.

>> No.8706280
File: 110 KB, 589x720, tumblr_npptxjzdxi1rnelqxo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lolita fashion is evolving and moving on and you're not ready to let go
it's undeniable, even my precious btssb is just clusterfuck chiffon prints now.

>> No.8706283

>before she was hired to be a model.

She was hired at 16 to model. Of course she'd start promoting her image after that. I'm still looking for the interview, but she definitely said something to the effect of not being interested in fashion/her image before she was scouted. It's very possible that I'm mixing her up with someone else, of course, so if I find something where she specifically says otherwise, I'll post that too.

>> No.8706286

Only interview I've found so far was with Tokyo Rebel:


>Q. What first inspired you to do Lolita fashion?
>A. I was dressed in Lolita for the magazine named KERA and that inspired me.

>Q. How old were you when you first started modeling?
>A. I was about 15 years old.

This wasn't the interview I'm looking for though. The one I'm thinking of, she gave more detailed answers.

>> No.8706293

Jesus christ the prices on lm right now are fucking insane, baka.

>> No.8706296

That is bait. If Isobe was creeping on her, it would've happened long before when she was much younger. It's not like she's new to Baby, anon. She's been apart of the company for some time now. Also, she's modeled for actual companies with real creeps as the head (Mr. Yan) and I've never heard anything from her.

Misako goes overseas more than the other girls and is really less a simple model now. She works pretty hard for the overseas gig to promote lolita. Can you imagine if they made any of their other models did that? What if they made Dakota do it or Yuka since they're foreign too and English is their first language? I'd get so many keks. It'd come full circle. We can all ask Dakota in person why she doesn't look like her Photoshop and how much BtSSB she must own.

>> No.8706353

how so?

>> No.8706473

Veteran here. I'll be rocking military lolita too! So long as you don't claim to be a vet and correct people who mistake you for one, you'll be fine. Don't let super moto assholes ruin a nice day with your step-dad.

>> No.8706477

Thanks anon! I'll wear it anyways and make sure to correct people

Thank you for your service anon

>> No.8706497

I really hope the wine colorway is still around when it hits AP SF. It looks like that is one of the least popular colorways, so hopefully I'll be in luck when I have enough money to buy the OP.

>> No.8706537

I have no idea why people always whine about OTT and old school like they no longer exist. Go to just about any lolita online shop right now. Go look at some of their OPs and JSKs. I promise you, you will find at least one thing non-print, non-OTT, or old school. Not only that, it probably won't be as popular so more for you. Now, let the girls who want to do OTT actually do it and stop acting like it infringes on your personal fashion style and choices.

>> No.8706540

Dreamy Jewel confirmed for being a flop? Absolutely none of the colorways or any of the pieces are sold out right now Only a minor accessory from the series is sold out.

>> No.8706549
File: 638 KB, 700x1015, GLB57EGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate the term brolita. It doesn't suit the lolita aesthetic at all. If we absolute must use something gender specific, doesn't it make more sense to use lolito? Who even came up with brolita?

>> No.8706551

I don't see how current OTT print heavy chiffon resembled Victorian fashion. I think lolita today is the least like Victorian fashion.

>> No.8706565

No, brolita is cute.

>> No.8706566


As a brolita, I'm pretty alright with brolita. It's kinda cute. I'd just refer to myself as a lolita, but if there's a need to be gender specific, brolita is totally fine.

>> No.8706595

I would have bought it if there weren't any crosses.

>> No.8706600

Thanks fellow french anon ! I'm going to try watching it.

>> No.8706605

This. I don't get it when people compare the two, they look nothing alike. Lolita today looks more like 50s novelty prints and chiffon vomit.

>> No.8706606

it ain't italian

>> No.8706610

This guy sounds like a huge dick who's looking for every way to make his shitty docu happen. I hope Carly refuses.

>> No.8706616


>> No.8706623

Lolita comes from Spanish. Lolito comes from Spanish. It is literally the male equivalent to lolita, get it?

>> No.8706625

I agree. I think it's converged with the current girlier fashion trends which are vintage inspired - lace and chiffon, peter pan collars, velvet, even poofy sleeves and the fit and flare silhouette aren't uncommon now and definitely share elements with lolita. Contrast that to the boho, grunge, etc that came before in the 90s and early 00's.

>> No.8706627


It sounds stupid though. Really un-cute. Lolito. Sounds too much like a burrito full of laughs or something.

>> No.8706638

Brolita does sound horrible tough. English is not my first language so when I see/hear the word bro I just think of Barney's bro code. I'm a guy but I just call myself a lolita.

>> No.8706649
File: 79 KB, 562x960, 11051549_10153653414580968_1025995434_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, considering her position as a lolita icon', she's definitely one of the least attractive lolita models currently working.

Even when she was younger - She's just not particularly pretty.

>> No.8706698


Wait a week, then message her. She might have had something come up.

>> No.8706775

Deja de decir pendejadas. Lolito isn't even a real word. There isn't a male version of Dolores, so it's either Lola or Lolita. Lolo sounds like a joke or a cheap popsicle.

>> No.8706780
File: 29 KB, 256x364, BoxArtLolo1(US).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8706801
File: 473 KB, 1280x1918, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dresses can have a victorian feeling, it depends the way you coordinate them. I think the super heavy ott chiffon dresses are more meant for rococo or 1900's fashion, as others said.
However, I still fail to see how old school has a more victorian feeling.

>> No.8706851

This. Old school doesn't look victorian in the slightest to me. Like, at all. I think current lolita is far closer to looking victorian.

>> No.8706921
File: 28 KB, 704x396, zetsuboushita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to start a thread dedicated to how Japanese girls react to various j-fash things like >>8698991
>want to translate some of their nicebitchy replies to show you guys
>but the jans will probably delete it

>> No.8706923

Haha I just saw a super ugly handmade katuysha for 20$, I agree. Skirts for more than they cost new... What is up with that, i just noticed it yesterday

>> No.8706927

>burrito full of laughs

My sides

>> No.8706931

Just do it.

>> No.8706995

I'll give it a shot once I have some good stuff to post in it. Hopefully jan-chan doesn't ban me.

>> No.8707035

If they do ban you, go to farm in either /pt/ or /snow/

>> No.8707039

nah the jans would move it to /g/ because it doesn't fit pt or snow

back on topic
Which malco modes petticoat are most lolitas wearing?

>> No.8707043

I can appreciate good OTT but it kind of bothers me that every meetup there's OTT. If it's a big meet with a theme maybe, then yes go all out. But small meetups at say a cafe, museum, etc. No. I don't want to dictate what people wear I just think it's so unnecessary to do OTT all the time. I partially blame it on tumblr and other social media in order to get more attention/notes.

>> No.8707061

I own 580, it's got a very modest level of poof so it's better for daily coords or longer dresses that look silly with a lot of volume.

>> No.8707139

heads up: pretty sure "Gemma Anderson" on fb is the same person as "Fran Bow" who was very sketchy while trying to sell/trade a Decoration Dream JSK in black. she was banned from Angelic Pretty sales and still made a post under her new name with no feedback, ffs. "Gemma Anderson" also linked to the same lacemarket feedback (only one positive) as "Fran Bow" in another community iirc, also made the same wishlist post in another community (which isn't there on Angelic Pretty Sales.)

>> No.8707143

*Decoration Dream /OP/ in black

>> No.8707162

I have a 582 and it can be a bit much for daily wear like going on errands and stuff depending on how bold you are. That thing just doesn't quit.

>> No.8707204

I have jennifer and it's a great A-line

>> No.8707222

Would it support a velvet dress? I'm having trouble with all the pettis I own, they're fine for cotton but not velvet

>> No.8707323

Jumping on the petticoat questions train, I desperately need a new petti that can stand up to heavy fabrics. I've been using vintage ones but they've deflated to the point where stacking them doesn't cut it anymore.

I've heard Classical Puppets has been having problems, and that Bunny House ones deflate pretty quickly, so I'm not sure what's left. Dear Celine? Melikestea? Burando? mostly I'm curious if brand ones are worth it, I'm willing to drop $$$ on a good petti if it'll last me

>> No.8707340

Yes she is, and she's cute which is what Baby want. Have you even seen Chikage?

>> No.8707341

I'm not sure where it came from because I bought it secondhand, but I have a petti with a tag saying it's from 'Broken Doll' that I've found to be as good or better than my old pre-crapping out CP petti. It's an A-line but I'm sure you could easily stack or pin it up for bellshape.

There's also Malco Modes, but you'd have to do the same shaping tricks.

>> No.8707352
File: 21 KB, 288x352, 6da3a36a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To put things into perspective. Chikage is cute but she's far less conventionally pretty than Misako.

>> No.8707364

Was curious so I did some googling. I guess Broken Doll is a sister brand to Classical Puppets, they just do gothic stuff instead.

>> No.8707372

Hmm, interesting. For a bit more perspective, the pettis are very similar, the only differences I can think of other than the tag are that the lining and waistband casing is different- a slinky polyester on the BD one, and a cotton broadcloth lining on the CP one. The waistband on the CP one is slightly tighter, too.

>> No.8707393
File: 179 KB, 700x900, s505-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since winter is underway, I have a question about winter footwear. What the hell are you supposed to wear in gothic? Would boots like this work?

Most of the winter-appropriate boots I can find would work well in aristo or punk, but don't really suit lolita. should I might give up and buy normalfag boots.

>> No.8707414

I think these are fine.
Imo, every simple lace-up boot will work, especially if you live in a climate where it gets cold it's more important that they actually keep your feet warm.

>> No.8707430

Melikestea. Tulle is scratchy, but can be restarched and doesn't die that quickly

>> No.8707472

I think those are fine, but I would say give thought as to whether you'll be fine walking with those on ice and snow, if your area gets very snowy.

>> No.8707549
File: 26 KB, 500x500, T2yVClXe4XXXXXXXXX_!!48415403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anons, I forgot about walking on the ice. I don't have access to my car anymore so I'd be doing a lot of walking. I think I'll get lower boots like pic related.

>> No.8707555
File: 548 KB, 1156x615, PXRU6313_705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel when normal-fag fashions make stuff that is loli-able?

Kate Spade has come out with some damn cute novelty bags this season that I think would go great with coords.
Then again, novelty bags are the easiest things you can get away with i suposse.

>> No.8707577

don't name drop if any names/usernames are revealed in the original text, add some context so it becomes more 'point of interest' than apparent drama stirring shit.

>> No.8707585

I'm not sure how I feel about these bags specifically (might have to see them in a coord to judge, I guess), but I like finding loliable pieces in unexpected, "normie" stores. As long as the quality and price tags are worth it, that is.
(I swear lolita fashion has turned me into such a snob, I can't buy regular clothes without meticulously checking fabric and lace quality)

>> No.8707626

This. There are more options than there used to be, but it doesn't mean you can't still wear the lolita that you loved x years ago.

>> No.8707763
File: 39 KB, 336x596, kates4147912867_q1_1-0._QL90_UX336_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kate Spade's been making novelty bags like that for years, it's practically their whole schtick. I think some anons were using the popcorn and milk carton purse (or knockoffs of them, anyway) with lolita or otome when they came out.

Strangely enough, I've been trying hard to match any of their bags to any of my dresses and have come up empty so far. The closest I've gotten is this shell bag, but I have Dream Marine in light colours, so a black bag is just not going to match.

>> No.8707792

I feel like "brolita" is some kind of "NO HOME" of japanese fashion. Even if you're a guy, you're still using lolita fashion, so why does it have a different name? Visual Kei is visual kei for both genders, same goes for fairy kei and others

>> No.8707797

"brolita" predates the fucking "bro code."

>> No.8707803

I meant

>> No.8707835

Ah, I've only recently gotten into the Kate Spade trend desu, I love how their store clerks dress, it's always very 1950s vintage and preppy.
I feel like the present purse could be something that could be corded easily, I feel like black & gold is such a popular color combo in Lolita lately.

>> No.8707927

How to make an account on lacebook? Do I need to be invited? Is it worth the trouble?

>> No.8707985

Betsey Johnson commonly makes novelty and general loliable bags, and Aldo has had some (that might be knockoffs? But not sure). Accessories like jewelry, bags and shoes are the easiest to get away with as loliables, I don't see how it's any issue.

>> No.8707994 [DELETED] 
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I'm so PISSED. I had the flu and a temperature yesterday and a long planned event today. I had been working on my props and accessories all fucking month. I got up this morning and I was absolutely fine and ready to go. Only to discover my boyfriend had gotten onto my social media and told everybody involved I was sick and couldn't come. I got up at 6 today to finish my shit and just as I'm ready to leave the house they text me saying they cancelled everything because of my bf's text.

I'M SO ANGRY AT HIM RIGHT NOW. I'VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS FOR MONTHS. My local community is small and shitty and it's rare for everyone to have the same time off. He's a normalfag and he doesn't understand the implications of cancelling on an event, especially one that I basically requested to happen. He thought I could just call up everyone the morning of and it would all be alright.

Now l look like a shitty flake to everyone. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.8708007

Vivienne Westwood


>> No.8708013

dtmfa. Why the fuck was he accessing your social media accounts anyway?

>> No.8708053

I am sure this was suppose to go to the vent or feels thread but damn. That is fucking shitty as hell but why did they cancel everything due to you being sick specifically?

>> No.8708057

And you are absolutely right. However it sucks a bit when you still want to participate online and share coords when people repetively say "maybe you should get a longer dress to hide the peeking bloomers" or "moar accessories" etc

>> No.8708125


Be careful with getting too excited. The gift box bag you posted, for eg, would work wonderfully with modern kurololita coords, or dresses with gold screenprints, which makes it pretty easy to coord, yes. But, the amount of shiny gold on it makes it look very modern, which immediately cuts out all old school lolita coords, the styles just clash too much. Additionally, most of the gift-box prints (eg- love ring gift box, wrapping ribbon, etc) tend to be sweet prints in pastels, which doesn't really go well with that much gold on the bag, even if you got the black colourway of the print. So it's not all that versatile, it only works with some specific styles.

That's the issue with loliables, as a newbie I got excited over finding normie things that look lolita, but once I actually tried to make a coord, it was a lot harder than it looked, even without trying to be all matchy some of the colours or styles can be so different, they don't look good together.

>> No.8708175

The feels/vent thread looked dead. He just took my phone and opened my messaging app. It's not the first time he's messaged my friends without my consent. We read each other's mail no problem, but I always ask for his permission replying to something, and it's usually a mutual. He's really sorry about it, but it doesnt stop me feeling like crap. I have nothing else planned and am just moping thinking about what I should have been doing.

It was a small event, just a few people, and I asked for it to happen. They cancelled on the venue etc. when he sent the message past midnight, so it can't be fixed now.

>> No.8708190 [DELETED] 

That's terrible! There's no way you can salvage the event or have it some other day? You should definitely explain to him how he fucked up.

>> No.8708209

Is Meta not doing the coordinate contest this year because of the shitstorm last fall?

>> No.8708227

You don't get the flu for one day. Shitty of him to get on your account and speak for you.

>> No.8708255
File: 56 KB, 300x200, kamikaze_girls1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Kamikaze Girls is the staple lolita film and I will not be shamed for liking bell sleeves or smaller pettis or the headdresses. Momoko is my inspiration.

>> No.8708294


Was it ever a yearly thing? I thought they just did it one time.

>> No.8708346 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 455x640, FX5VE4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was this about?
And has anyone ever got any kind of photo of ard or is she some lolcow who cant wear lolita so resells it?

>> No.8708354

They actually had two last year, for S/S and A/W so I was kinda hoping it would become an annual thing. It's a shame everything turned out so poorly.

>> No.8708374
File: 199 KB, 455x640, FX5VE4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was this concerning?
Have we seen ard yet?

>> No.8708383

He's sorry about, he did it to help you, there was no malicious reasons.
Forgive him, he did not meant bad.

Relax, don't discuss the issue if you are angry, wait until you relax. Then just make an agreement for next time, and remember he doesn't want to do bad to you.

>> No.8708400
File: 90 KB, 679x659, Usagiyouhinten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usagiyouhinten is having a month-long sale for overseas customers only

>> No.8708540
File: 22 KB, 736x373, 1432573293495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we have to make a purchase full price to get 1 5%off coupon and 1 10% coupon?

>> No.8708546

These are very similar to what Demonia do. I wear my Demonias a lot with my gothic mainly, but also wear flat knee-highs when the weather is too bad for the heels, but these don't work with all dresses. Things such as a smart riding boot style boot can work with some dresses, or a nice calf-length lace up boot.

>> No.8708550

Has anyone bought the AP shell purse knock offs on ebay? How are they? As long as the beads aren't falling off in the mail im tempted to get one of every color for $30 each to cord with my hoard of mermaid prints.

>> No.8708562

either just buy a generic shell bag or the real ap you tacky bitch

>> No.8708566

Thanks! Would you say the quality is worth the price? Generally I see positive reviews for their stuff, would like to get /cgl/'s opinion as well. I was gonna go classics puppets but then I talked to a girl in my comm about it and she said that the CP petti she bought recently tore after one use (aka, they're still in the shitter)

>> No.8708572

would it be cheaper to use from japan or chibi tenshi? got an auction ending tomorrow with a BIN of 100,000 yen

>> No.8708579

I think they don't want to deal with it, it feels bad when you submit and get a handful of likes and then someone like briz buys thousands. If they do it again they should only make it designer's choice for the winners

>> No.8708584

Most shell bags are tiny coin purses you salty cunt. Point me in the direction of a cute larger sized shell bag that isnt $100+ or shut the fuck up. The AP bags themselves are generic as fuck anyways aside from the beading, and even then, that isnt a new groundbreaking design

>> No.8708588

Is Lacebook even a thing anymore. I have (had?) an account, haven't been on it in months. Just tried searching for the website, couldn't find it. Even the link on their FB page is dead. What happened?

>> No.8708597

Anon with 580 here; considering the price, I expected the lace at the hem to be better. It's a rather ugly and itchy sort of raschel lace, pretty disappointing, though not that much of a big deal as long as you wear shorts/bloomers/OTKs/tights and make sure the petti doesn't peek from under your dress. The fabric itself isn't itchy at all though and I do like the shape it gives, so it's not too bad.

>> No.8708608

I disagree, that's weird and controlling. Very troubling and disrespectful, I would not tolerate it >>8708175

>> No.8708610

Caring or not, that's fucking shitty
>Dating normalfags
>Not even once

>> No.8708668

Cancelling your partner's (or anyone's) plans without even asking them about it is disrespectful and patronizing. I'm sure anon's boyfriend is not trying to ruin her social life, but that shit would not fly with me.

>> No.8708674

Lmao and this is why you don't let your SO have access to your social media. My bf would never have the audacity to go into my accounts because he respects my privacy.

>> No.8708792

Gulls, I have a question about payment plans. Someone requested to buy an item in on a plan, but she opted for the untracked and uninsured shipping.

I asked her to send the payment installments as gift because she has 0 feedback, and because it seems suspicious to buy a $200 item and skimping on an additional $15 to get tracking. I told her if she opts to get tracking or insurance, then I would be happy to use invoices instead.

Am I out of line or is that fair?

>> No.8708797

I would charge for the tracking, otherwise, she could claim she never got said item and could say you never shipped it out, as you'd have to receipt

>> No.8708814

I never ask for tracking because it almost never works in my country and I'd rather save that money for other purchases, regarding how cheap you could think it is. 15$ is an important amount for something useless in my eyes.

>> No.8708819

>The feels/vent thread looked dead.
if it's over 310 replies, make a new one.

if it's not, just reply to it and the thread will revive.

figure this shit out before going offtopic you lazy newfag.

>> No.8708827

I have a question for people about Lacemarket. I've sold quite a few things through various lolita sales places before and have had pervious bad experiences with people who've had some negative feedback. Things have worked out in the end, but it's always been a huge hassle. WELL someone with quite a few negative feedbacks on LM just bought something of mine, and I'd really rather not sell to them. I don't want to deal with it. Can I refuse to sell to them based on feedback? Will I get negative feedback for doing so? Or should I just deal with the possibilities and sell to them?

Any advice is MUCH appreciated

>> No.8708834

AP 's shell bag design isnt "generic" since its a unique design and buying a replica is theft. Are you that dumb, poorfag?

>> No.8708844

depends honestly - what's the negative feedback for?

>> No.8708852

pretty much everything. Things sold not being as described (which doesn't really relate to my situation), but also not paying invoices and suddenly requesting a payment plan then backing out.

>> No.8708859

They can't trademark a design though? I thought it was only prints

Ap can't own the rights to a sea shell shaped bag

>> No.8708873

yikes, I guess it's your call then. you can always invoice them and if they give you trouble just immediately cancel, relist and give them bad feedback but I can understand just not wanting to sell to them at all

>> No.8708916
File: 57 KB, 704x960, 11422763_990505237650563_1812082615_n__68301.1444279119.1000.1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like you said, anon, the other seashell-shaped bags are completely different. The AP seashell-shaped bag looks pretty distinct. This isn't going to be the same thing as buying shoes with more than two straps across it and no one being able to recognise which teaparties they are because btssb and AP have both released so many different pairs of shoes with multiple straps that the design has become diluted and generic, this is a pretty specific design.

They can't trademark it since it's not a print, it's true, but girls out there will notice your taobao bag looks exactly similar to an AP design pearl-for-pearl, bow-for-bow. And then they're going to wonder what other replicas you're wearing. That's where the negativity will come from.

Swimmer did a few seashell bags that seems to approximate the size of the AP bags, if that helps (pic related). The Liz Lisa straw clutches aren't really that small (though they are smaller than AP/swimmer). There's also a holographic shell purse going around that's not really small either. If you're still stuck, go for something other than a seashell bag, for eg a wicker tote with a sunhat brings up images of the beach, or you could always do a generic pastel bag (which would work better with the rest of your wardrobe rather than being a one-coord bag). There's a lot of options, don't restrict yourself to THAT specific bag just because it's a set with the print.

>> No.8708953

I forgot about those holographic bags! Do you know where i would find them? I dont recal the name of the store.

>> No.8708974


Sorry, anon, I found them tacky so I never tracked them down. There's a few floating around on storenvy/etsy but I don't know who the original makers are.

>> No.8708982

Think someone in here was asking last thread but the floral notebook is opening up orders on November 15th.

>> No.8708984

Does BTSSB normally take very long to reply after you've paid for an item? I messaged them a few days ago letting them know I've made the payment but haven't recieved a reply yet.I haven't ordered from Baby in a long time so was just wondering.

>> No.8708985

They're from Titina Store on Etsy.

>> No.8708994

I won an auction 10 days ago via lacemarket and paid on the day.

"I've got a full time job but I'll send it ASAP"

Seller still hasn't shipped, what the hell?

Is this normal?

>> No.8709013

Seems to be normal, or at least I'm stuck in a completely similar situation for the third time in a row. Different seller each time.

Now I consider messaging them because shipping takes time, aand I'd like to have that relatively expensive dress.

>> No.8709015

No. Message them again, if they're unresponsive, give them a deadline until you open a dispute.

Being busy is one thing, but you should keep your buyers updated if it's going to take more than a few business days.

>> No.8709019

Ahh okay, it's highly annoying.

I had paid for next day shipping too so it's a double shitter

>> No.8709060

New general >>8709055

>> No.8709075

Holy shit that is not okay. I work full time and don't delay shipping more than a few days

>> No.8709156

Did you buy it from sweetstar?

>> No.8709211

Swimmer makes shell bags too Anon.

>> No.8709361

From Japan is definitely cheaper.

I don't think Baby confirms payment? They just email once they ship... At least I think most brands do this.

If it's in their TOS that they can take up to (more than 10 days) to ship, sit tight, since you should have read that and bought anyway. But if nothing is said about their shipping time, I'd message.

>> No.8709384

I too have the jennifer and find it's the perfect amount of poof, nothing weird about the shape, really soft and comfortable and holds it's own under velvet.

>> No.8709411

YOU need to have tracked and insured shipping because it protects YOU the seller. Even with gift payment she can chargeback through bank or CC company, leaving you with nothing

>> No.8709773

>. This isn't going to be the same thing as buying shoes with more than two straps across it and no one being able to recognise which teaparties they are because btssb and AP have both released so many different pairs of shoes with multiple straps that the design has become diluted and generic

AP's Tea Parties are still very specific though and Baby's shoes don't look like them at all.

>> No.8709776

I think Nasty Gal has/had them