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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 4 KB, 238x172, notkawaiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8699138 No.8699138 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for a secret/confession thread. I begin.

I always need to have someone from cute jfash to ""stalk"" not in a "i wanna wear her skin" or "i wanna touch her bum" way, i just need to have some interesting person to stalk it makes my life feel more interesting? Look at their rooms,purchases,outfits,... I used to stalk some casual sweet lolita that lived in Paris years ago but she stopped lolita and became super normal. I used to stalk some lolita on a forum (when it was a thing) a bit but she stopped too. Years ago i did the same with Kotakoti and Venus for a while then got bored when they became boring at the end of 2012.
Now i have no one to stalk but the archives to look at what i can find...I'm so bored really. I would never ever follow them in real life if i saw them, probably just sneak to see if they are doing something nice but just leave.
I have kind of a OCD behaviour so it's pretty normal for me to become obsessed with some crap except i hide it and it's just people or things like old school sweet lolita for example (where i will stalk old lolita forums). But it's my secret though, no one knows about that.

>> No.8699150

I made a cosplayer cry for entertainment. It was the last time I intentionally trolled anyone on camera and I felt bad ever since.

>> No.8699218

obsessed with old school lolita and will stalk every single early 2000 thing on the internet about it

>> No.8699222

My girlfriend likes to fuck me in full ouji coords. She has a thing for defiling princes, so the more expensive the coord the better.
At first I didnt know what to think about fucking in brando but now its really exciting.

>> No.8699258

I always bid in the last minute of a bidding war,just to piss japanese Lolitas off.If my rival seems like another shopping service,I will play fair and overbid them directly.

>> No.8699299

I like you

>> No.8699309

i have different personas i use to discuss lolita on /cgl/

i samefag, shill, start popular threads and memes, and i don't even wear lolita

never been accused of samefagging or bullshitting either, it's always when i am just stating an honest opinion that paranoia-chans cry samefag

>> No.8699351

stop fucking posting that shit everywhere

>> No.8699357

I imagine how popular I'll be at the next con in my cosplay despite it being generic, though expensive to get right. In all likelihood it won't be popular.

>> No.8699366

I once bought 50 dicks off of ebay and sucked them all

>> No.8699412 [DELETED] 

I have a /jp/ boyfriend and we share touhou project fumos

>> No.8699426

This, I've seen the same thing months ago.

>> No.8699443 [DELETED] 

I have a /jp/ bf, to whom I share touhou fumos with

>> No.8699449

I have a /jp/ bf, to whom I share touhou fumos with

>> No.8699516

I got someone removed from the comm and turned her friends against her. They all love me now and think she is crazy, it is perfect.

>> No.8699549


>> No.8699559

A lot of my con friends aren't particularly famous or super popular, but they always seem to know EVERYONE whenever they go and get free stuff/favours done/snuck into VIP or closed events/have great parties and social circles and it really makes me jealous.

I have no want for fame or anything but just knowing people well enough that they look forward to seeing you and let you take like $20 worth of free shit for their booths or tickets to a concert for free or just planning to hang out with you for the afternoon instead of a quick passby hello would be amazing. There are some people that recognize me at cons and enjoy my presence to chat with for a bit but I can't seem to break that barrier from "nice con acquaintance" to "actual friend"

>> No.8699567

Same, anon, my friends know really good photographers who shoot them for free but I struggle to make any photographer friends. Clearly I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.8699594

Ah, sorry here but i never posted that until today but i saw some similar anon but that was with Kota i think...I never got THAT obsessed over her, or venus. I would like, just obsessively check their blog and stuff about them on tumblr or PULL anonymously but...

>> No.8699599

I think a lot of people are weird and find people to stalk online, anon. I've seen a few things like this but I remember them being about Dakota and whatever her sister's name is.

>> No.8699631


>> No.8699639

what did you do

>> No.8699642

Spoony used to stalk Dakota and had a folder of Lolita/jfash Asians saved, desu I thought this thread was made by her

>> No.8699674


>> No.8699694

Nope not Spoony either whoever this is (tripfag?), just a sad little french anonlita

>> No.8699789

Try actually making real friends instead of making friends with people you can get free stuff out of.

>> No.8699841
File: 940 KB, 1135x800, yes, in a row.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700282

I originally posted the isaki video and I feel really bad about it. I only posted it to contribute to the board (not a lolita but I lurk a lot). I had no idea it'd blow up so much.

>> No.8700287

I buy brand I can't fit into when I find really good deals then just let it rot in the back of my closet.

>> No.8700307

I got bitched out in a bst thread a while back for "lowballing" some anon on a dress that she was honestly asking too much for, and I'm 99% certain it was the seller calling me a cunt about it. I didn't care enough to remember her screen name on lm, but occasionally I see the same dress (up for even less than what i offered in the thread) and really hope it's the same girl. I hope you are never able to sell it, you dumb bitch.

>> No.8700502

I used to wear nothing but a plain black zentai suit around my apartment just to make my roommate uncomfortable after he said he didn't like me hanging around the apartment in just in my underwear because it was "gay". He never said anything, but his face went all funny whenever I came downstairs in it. I would cook full meals and watch tv and everything in it. It just became a habit.

>> No.8700524

I hate conventions and I hate every single one of you. I go only to shit up the con experience for the rest of you.

>> No.8700528

I bought Nameless Poem just because some dumb bitch in my comm wanted it. I've worn it once, and am thinking about selling it now. I'm just happy she didn't get it

>> No.8700571


As for me, I'm selling off some of my lolita to buy yaoi - manga, art books, merch, etc. the feels I get from seeing cute anime boys fucking far outweighs the anxiety and perfectionism that lolita breeds in me.

>> No.8700580

M8 i feel you there
Me and my girlfriend do the same thing

>> No.8700661

there is a indiegogo for a lolita convention in the MW and I tempted just to drop 5k for the fund raiser just for the hell of it.
It seems like it would make people's day. I would love to see that happen.

>> No.8700682

why do people type words like that?

>> No.8700776

I made myself not like a past dream dress and my first regret (of not buying) because my ex best friend owns it three different cuts and the most popular color way of that cut. That friend wearing that dress inspired a efame Lolita to become a Lolita as well.

>> No.8700835

I only ever cosplay to impress these two people I know. I like the attention, don't get me wrong, but deep down I know these two people don't really care. I still do it.

>> No.8700839


the last 3 guys i've dated
in cosplay as opposed to lolita though so
how do you not freak out about ruining that shit? it's so beautiful and expensive (jealousy)

>> No.8700905

I have a crush on a beautiful Lolita. I'll never tell her-she has a boyfriend, so it'd surely just annoy or frustrate. Feels bad man.

>> No.8700966

Some days I feel bad for not getting along with certain Lolita's, but then I look at threads like these and realize that the loudest majority of the community is full of idiots that sound like they're straight out of mean girls.

>> No.8700975

Why would you ever feel bad about it, she deserved everything she got

>> No.8700987

I guess you're not very good at it, are you?

1/10 made me reply

I stalked Milkyfawn's pages up until she drifted out of the spotlight, and then some a little bit.

>> No.8701026

She's just a dork who obviously couldn't handle social media pressures. This doesn't mean she deserved it. She couldn't even defend herself without people laughing at her face. Anything that she said or done came straight from fear and being naive. She seems like she'd be a nice (annoying) girl otherwise.

>> No.8701028

except ya know she's racist

>> No.8701041

I have spent more money dressing up my friends in cosplay and making them outfits than I ever have myself. $200 on a costume for a guy I like, charge him $5 just to get time alone with husbando

>> No.8701044

>charge him $5
Why even charge him at all at that point? He can't be stupid enough to think that's a normal price, even with a friend discount.

>> No.8701047

Fuck, my phone messed up $50 I meant.

>> No.8701050

What video? Did I miss something?

>> No.8701052

Now that's a price someone could fall for.

>> No.8701059

What video? Details!

>> No.8701064

The Isaki Tahashi "Stop threatening to rape my cat!" video.

And at one point she said making fun of someone for having tattoos is the same thing as making fun of someone for being black. And when people called her out on it she said "oh well black people can just bleach their skin nbd."

>> No.8701070

My secret is I am sooo obsessed with this current Kate drama I spent like 3 hours reading about it and stalking her social media last night and making BtB secrets about her. I even had a dream last night about Kate. I dreamt that Kate was in my comm and she asked me if I had been talking shit about her online, and I lied and said no. Then I got paranoid (in the dream) that she was going to send her friends over to my house and check my computer to find out it was open to cgl and lolcow threads about her.

>> No.8701112

Holy shit are you me?

>> No.8701154

Well me and my gf make sure not to get any of our "juices" on the clothing, plus the petites kind of act as a barrier for the clothing itself.
We both love our lolita dresses/ouji items and pay good money, so we are just careful.
>mfw i eat her out in full lolita = top tier turn on

>> No.8701291

>newfag alert

>> No.8701306

This sounds like something Kate would post

>> No.8701307

I wish I started into cosplay sooner, now I feel like the old guy hanging out with kids.

>> No.8704269

Dunno if anyone else has posted similar, but since I got really into lolita, regular people look like filthy unmatched hobo's with no class or panache. I suck now. I really judge people who aren't perfect. And my own standards are ridiculously high. This is from a girl who once wore leggings as pants.

>> No.8704273

But also like something half of cgl would post if they were honest

same, but lolita

>> No.8704294

I honestly don't get the hate on leggings as pants in the first place (unless you think the semi-see through underwear crease showing leggings are all leggings?). Every fuccboi wears skinny jeans tight enough to be leggings anyway. Leggings can absolutely work, but like most clothing it really depends on what it's with and what it's made of.

Lolita and JFashion in general kept me on the look out for things exactly like that in clothing. I don't cringe when anyone's poorly dressed unless they're a neckbeard or weeb because those hit close to home, but I do mentally add, subtract, and change things on outfits I see on the street.

>> No.8704326

The problem is those dumb asses who wear thick, opaque tights ('leggings') as pants when they are classed as a type of undergarment.. Leggings as in the yoga-style thick stretch material is ok. However camel toe is never ok, which can happen with both styles.

>> No.8704358

you/Kate otp

>> No.8704377

I appreciate the sentiment, but that isn't an argument, because tank tops and skirts were (are) underwear.

>> No.8704392

I camwhore for money. Good money.

>> No.8704398

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with >>8704377. That doesn't hold much water for me. You can get camel toe in a ton of things, that's a matter of fit. I don't clutch my pearls at that either, but I'm careful to make sure it's not happening to me.

Also: There's still an entire world of patterned legging or textured legging outside of the two you're talking about.

>> No.8704783

How much money can you make an hour?

>> No.8704788

You know those types of tights with gussets? Those aren't tights nor pants, those are hosiery. That's what I was referring to, sorry I should have been more clear. Girls around my town have been wearing them as pants and calling them leggings.

>> No.8704793

I tried getting a sugar daddy for lolita, he gave me $50 right up front, then an additional $25 later

I've also had guys offer to buy my used cosplay attack on titan boots. $50+ he'd give me the money to buy myself a new pair. I regret not taking him up on that offer.

>> No.8704799

dont sell yourself short. that is peanuts if he's a real SD

>> No.8704844

I was going to continue, but I'm afraid of my nudes getting out there and someone recognizing me from /cgl/

I'm terrified of people from cgl finding out, I'd be ridiculed so badly I'd have to leave lolita

>> No.8704858

what if she's bisexual and Polyamorous.

>> No.8704875


Bro if that's your biggest concern you have not seen the world yet. Nudes can ruin your professional life. Don't do it.

>> No.8704879


It isn't just being dork that the first insult they can think of is 'you have chlamydia.'

She needs an ass whupping desu.

>> No.8704911

That's what I meant, I'm afraid of /cgl/ getting a hold of them, then my work place

That's why I stopped completely, not that my face was ever in any of them, but still

>> No.8704930

That's a fine if not unlikely point, but how do you even go about asking that without offending?

>> No.8704960


>> No.8705002


You. have been posting. This everywhere.

Multiple times.


>> No.8705010

Funnily enough, if that anon x kate was real, a lot of people would probably like kate for some weird, twisted, objectifying reason. And I bet if given the opportunity, she would definitely do it to be in the spotlight again.

>> No.8705127

Are you me?

>> No.8705213

I was on sadpanda and I saw this one doujin of some bitchy girl wearing an AP JSK getting tricked into getting gang raped. I know it shouldn't make me giddy but the character reminded me of some bitch from my comm with the same exact dress and attitude.

>> No.8705214

What the hell, this was already posted word for word in another thread, as well as >>8699138
What's going on?

>> No.8705218

That sounds disgusting, I'm totally not down the the gangrape part, but can you post a sfw panel of the character in her dress? I kind of want to see what a lolita would even look like drawn in the typical hentai style.

>> No.8705223

The most I've made an hour was $35, but my hotter friend has made $50+/hr and we've both made over $4000 in private sessions.

>> No.8705224

link? F-for research

>> No.8705234
File: 814 KB, 697x1012, 2015-11-07 10.21.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cover has a better shot of the print but it's not exactly sfw.

The title is something along the lines of "Beating up a host club addict" if you want to google.

>> No.8705276

Where??? I'd fund that, there is not nearly enough to do here

>> No.8705282

>typical hentai style
do you even doujin?

>> No.8705637

hmm, valid point back at you. finding out if someone is Bi is usually easier than finding out if they are Polyamorous. Unless they are the type to tell everyone. i guess bring up a discussion about relationships. casually mention that you're attracted to females as part of the convo. Like "I myself am bisexual/a lesbian, so my views on blah blah blah are.." then talk about Polyamory. At that point i would directly ask (hopefully not in a group) if she is open to it. if she says no, just say that it is awesome that she has such a close relationship with her BF, end it with that he must be a nice guy. (not that you can't have a great relationship when you're poly but it's easier to close those things with a compliment). Think it over, good luck! I'm Bi and in a commited relationship with a guy but every now and then i get a huge crush on a girl. My heart wont let me be more than monogamous but damn, i think about it sometimes. the BF wouldn't mind actually. but then men think they can get in on it often...that's a no no for me. Whoa i'm ranting. Ok good luck!

>> No.8705660

Go "this might be a weird question, but do you and your bf have an open relationship?" Generally what she's interested in will follow after that, if she answers yes. To be more subtle about it you can ask about how she and her bf met and what kind of relationships she's had before.

>> No.8705696

>just looked it up
>that cover
Nice dress detail there though

>> No.8705733

i think you said it better than i did above... do this!

>> No.8705735

I've loved Lolita from afar for four years because I'm a big ol sac of garbage who can't stick to a consistent weight loss regimen.

>> No.8705742

Did you find it by searching "beating up a host club addict?" I need to know... Because I'm... Also doing research...

>> No.8705744

Just add on 'hentai' or else you'll get ouran hs hits.

>> No.8705756

Holy shit it's milky planet down to the print. I wonder why they felt the need to go that far?
The second page is enough for me to feel the violence is too much, I can't read it. Someone else can suffer it and report back if there's anything interesting,

>> No.8705771
File: 56 KB, 686x686, 1416660265681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took one for the team. It's pretty damn hardcore, not for the faint-hearted.
She has a bear purse, like most real lolitas she doesn't have many friends, and is on anti-depressants. She also cuts. That's about it for interesting things.
>pic related, me rn

>> No.8705773
File: 523 KB, 1711x1200, MILKY PLANET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the cover. censored the nsfw bits, but you get the idea.

>> No.8705781
File: 10 KB, 247x248, 1445987792209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh she's nineteen like me and kind of look like me when i put my hair up haha cute i wonder what manga is this fr-...

>> No.8705791
File: 108 KB, 424x450, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8705796

>kind of look like me
are you fucking kidding me
she looks like a SUPER GENERIC anime character
I 100% doubt you look like an anime character at all
fucking delusional girls in this fashion

>> No.8705799

Eh, it was boring. Only managed to make it to where she throws up for the second time. It's not too bad in my opinion, but I'm a BDSM fan (though not into heavy pain). The worst for me is that she got kicked in the stomach once.

They force her to get drunk, sure, but she goes into it knowing that she's going to fuck for money. And she really wants to in order to help her husbando.

It was bland.

>> No.8705801

Ok so I read it.
I'm in tears now hugging my real life teddy bear.
This is absolutely horrifying and horrible and makes me happy i don't have a boyfriend and still got my virginity.
>tfw have milky planet
I...think i'm gonna sell it i was gonna do so anyway...

>> No.8705804

No off course, but i mean when i put my hair up in curly ponytails it looks alike? Idk. I don't LOOK like an anime character for sure, but because of the hair you know.

>> No.8705809
File: 15 KB, 400x350, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8705812

I never thought I'd see two different variations of the words 'vomit loli' before

>> No.8705813

read it
tldr: terrible fucked up shit
i regret everything

>> No.8705817
File: 164 KB, 500x519, 1416725083099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personally think it was really sexy! i have milky planet too, haha. im more of a yaoi/shota type of girl though, but i still will admit this was hot.

>> No.8705818
File: 25 KB, 351x347, 1445987713915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c...can we please change the subject please? i don't wanna think about this fucking piece of trash hentai anymore

>> No.8705822

>not bad
you are seriously fucked up. I'm into BDSM (light pain) but holy shit this was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8705823

is her leg broken?

>> No.8705826

nah just looks like the artist drew the ass too wide
i feel bad about the last page though

>> No.8705829

Oh come on, there's worse doujins out there. At least she didn't die.

>> No.8705831

>makes me happy i don't have a boyfriend and still got my virginity

Because if you had a boyfriend this would happen to you?

>> No.8705832

didnt she? I thought this was what was implied on the last page, by the teddy bear in the garbage

>> No.8705834

Eh, maybe. But I'm going off what the tags are saying. Usually it indicates as such.

>> No.8705835
File: 13 KB, 200x245, 1322546320312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was so sure that bear was going to end up stuffed inside her

>> No.8705839
File: 34 KB, 640x719, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh please, the only reason people are losing their shit over this is because shes a lolita! if she were just your average typical hentai girl, no one would give this a second thought. and plus we all know theres MUCH worse things out though, like cmon. she didnt even lose any limbs.

>> No.8705840

I can't find it
Can someone link me please? I just get ohshc stuff

>> No.8705849

just google beating up a mental host club frequenter

>> No.8705850

Just type in "beating up" into Ex with Doujin and Manga highlighted, should be the only result

>> No.8705861
File: 294 KB, 500x252, luvit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to the feels thread to vent about my recent breakup and such but ended up there.
I just had a goddamn panick attack over a goddamn hentai doujin. Let me explain.
>am lolita
>had lots of bad stuff happening in life boohoo >leads to depression and such
>recovering from depression and an abusive relationship atm
>boyfriendo was asking for money and i was being too dumb to quit since he was basically the only one i had
i fucking lost my shit at the teddybear part. I just began crying so hard and shaking so hard
>have a usakumya bag that this very boyfriend offered me for my birthday. Lolita was his "fetish" actually but i "respected" that he would say "I respect your fashion choice so respect me having this as a kink"
>was pressuring me into having moar cash, working moar,..and i was so stupid and so attached to him i considered sex work somehow.
I don't dress super sweet or have milky planet,... but holy fucking shit...
Seeing this made me realize what could happen.
I'm happy i woke up one day and realized how much of a dumbfuck i was and kicked his ass last week...I'm so lonely but so much safer now...

Sorry for the depressing OT, have a happy Stocking image.

>> No.8705864

Also idk why the heck i quoted you ano n >>8705832 , sorry there.

>> No.8705870
File: 2.87 MB, 500x280, thread direction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8705874

why did you read in the first place? like if i was depressed and going through alot, i probably wouldent have read a hentai about a lolita getting gangraped.

>> No.8705876

www indiegogo com/projects/paradiso-a-midwest-egl-event#/
Is this what you were talking about anon? You should do it.

>> No.8705878

Why do you hate capital letters?

>> No.8705887
File: 488 KB, 500x636, ahhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i... i dont know why...

>> No.8705891
File: 104 KB, 854x960, thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8705895

Don't donate 5k.
But if you don't think it's going to be a major fuckup, donate between 5-40 dollars and then repost it on every facebook and tumblr you can find, even submit to to some, and mention the deadline is coming up soon.

I love events, but don't shoulder the cost of it alone.

>> No.8705962

diff but
heavy BDSM is a thing for a reason you know
extreme violence, degrading talk, humiliation, etc. can be a kink for some too
>don't even fucking talk about guro
>it would not surprise me if there was also guro hentai with lolitas
>trust me that'd be way worse

>> No.8705982
File: 625 KB, 500x278, ItCouldBeWorse inflatableanimals.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like how she was mentally unstable because hurrdurr, lolita = daddy issues, but otherwise it was your typical gangrape manga. 5/10, perfectly average.

>> No.8706061
File: 9 KB, 330x198, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last page actually made me cry a bit i'm so weak really. But that little teddy bear shred, it was so precious to her and she seems so unwell and miserable i just feel terrible after reading this...

>> No.8706097

I don't even fucking want to imagine this
Back on topic except for this horrible hentai with a mentally unstable lolita getting gangraped

>> No.8706107

>Back on topic
Why did you even feel the need to post then?
Get on topic if you want the thread to be on topic.

I want to hear more about the MW lolita con, I agree with >>8705895

>> No.8706112

I find weebs super annoying and try my best not to socialize with them, but at the same time, I feed off their energy when one of them sees me in lolita and begins fawning over how ~kawaii~ they think I look. Obviously everyone likes being complimented, but it's not even just that. I get a weird personal satisfaction knowing that most of the weebs that come up to me and sperg will never look as nice I do, and that they'll always look weird and fugly.

>> No.8706221

i purposely turned everyone in a cosplay group against one particular member and got him kicked out because i wanted to cosplay that character instead

>> No.8706335

P sure she did. Eyes went blank and she shit herself. Dying is what happens when you put straight fucking liquor in your asshole.

>> No.8706345

I've been out of cosplay/con scene for like four years now, and I'm really nervous to rejoin it. I've gotten back into sewing and I'm already starting up with a simple and easy cosplay to ease back into it, but I'm really nervous about going to cons again and knowing no one any more. I have a few hold over friends from years ago, but the rest I either fell out of contact with or left the scene too.

>> No.8706440

I found parts of it kinda hot? Maybe I'm screwed up. I hated the vomiting though. That was disgusting. I don't read a lot of doujin though.

>> No.8706808

You must have money out the wazzoo.

>> No.8706815
File: 204 KB, 1703x958, 1438150639995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather than 5k on the fundraiser, how about 5k to my paypal.

>> No.8706820

>tfw no wealthy lolita Onee-chan to dress you up and buy you things to show how much she cares for you, while you show your love in unending devotion and admiration.


>> No.8706878

>She was the only girl in my comm who was actually competition for me. Everyone else was ugly, fat, poor, old or couldn't coord. She is the only one to even come close to how many likes I get on Cof and she constantly brags about her "asian ouji". It was pathetic and I'm glad that I don't have to deal with her anymore. The part that was amazing to me was how easily everyone just dropped her and picked my side when I started the rumous. It was almost too easy.

>> No.8706918

I really wish I could be one of those super popular tumblr bloggers who get a shitton of stuff for free. I know how easy it would be to get popular by self-promoting and stuff (and just stopping once I got enough followers to start getting free shit) but I'm so against it morally it would make me feel awful. I know how easy it is to put on a fake persona on that site, but I would feel terrible about myself self-promoing on other people's posts and begging for sponsorships like some of these people do. I guess I'm just jealous after finding out some younger friends of mine who don't work are able to get so much stuff that I would have to save up a good while to get, and for pretty much nothing.

>> No.8706997

Don't worry gulls, it's just 2D. It's not like that actually happens in real life. People aren't that twisted.

>> No.8707024

I'm not sure how to read your comment. I'm going to go with sarcastic and cynical.

>> No.8707084
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>mfw imaging this happening to you specifically

>> No.8707113
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Anon you're horrible!!

>> No.8707119

I am always worrying if I smell at cons. I make sure to shower, Deo, cologne and all the jazz, but I smell even the hint of BO (even if it isn't me) and I start going into full panic mode. Worst thing is that when I think I smell I become more distant, which is not what I want to be. This is also true at work, where I can't be distant.

>> No.8707129

Agreeing with other anon, not worth it. You can always buy dresses, can't repair a ruined career from leaked nudes.

>> No.8707131

Damn, chill gull.

>> No.8707133

Holy shit, that was depressing, even for a gangrape story.

>> No.8707158

Ikr that was so fucking depressing i feel terrible now

>> No.8707210

Thanks for the link! We need more events

>> No.8707211

only bit that honestly was suprising to me was the scat, don't usually see much of that .
but honestly theres much worse out there, i just dislike the cp esque themes this one took when handeling a lolita character, like how she spoke ect.

>> No.8707213

Wait, so she reposted the video "To All the Haters"/renamed it to that? Holy shit she's got problems...

>> No.8707378

Uhh yea. It was hella lame.

>> No.8707539

This thread makes me want to have something like a seagull friday where we discuss and talk about strange/hilarious but unrelated stuff.

To be on topic,my secret is that I love every single one of you.

>> No.8707545

I'm down for seagull friday

>I love you too anon

>> No.8707566

So down for this. Pls make it real.
>i love you too anon
>tfw i feel a bit better now that i saw a "i love you" bc shit day

>> No.8707651

I want my bf to fuck me wearing lolita, clothed sex is my biggest fetish... but he hates wearing clothes and likes the feeling of skin on skin, anytime we do anything he rushes to take everything off. I don't even bother to tell him because he probably wouldn't enjoy it and as a result neither would I.

This is my yume

>> No.8707673


I know this feel. I shower 2-3 times a day even when I'm not at a Con. It's beginning to ruin my skin. Doesn't help that I'm highly sensitive to my own odour even when I wear deo, cologne / whatever. Everytime I take a shower it just all washes off.

I honestly just need to go cold turkey on showers.

>> No.8708421

I wash my hair about once a week. Additionally if it gets rained on. If it looks dirty before then ill wash just my bangs which usuallly solves it. It usually doesnt get greasy until day 7. I always wash my hair the day before the meet up just so no one can attempt to call me out on it.
My hair is incredibly thick and touches my butt. I cant sleep with it wet and it usually takes about 4 or so hours to dry in the area i live.
im also just incredibly lazy and often only really shower every other day. Skin is still better than all my closest friends. Their hair is greasy after skipping one day of shampooing

>strangers are always telling me how beautiful my hair is and touching it

>> No.8708517

For anyone still struggling to find the lolita manga thing

>> No.8708526

I sort of feel you. If I'm going somewhere nice or fancy I won't wash my hair for days (as long as possible, usually minimum 4 days, longer if I can) because after I wash it, it comes out amazing looking/feeling.

>> No.8708699

me too, anon! I've had people commenting that my hair's really silky...when it's just greasy from not being washed..

>> No.8708706

>I shower 2-3 times a day
I can't imagine doing this, maybe because I'm in a colder climate where it isn't completely necessary, but my skin ends up being really dry afterwards, and then really greasy.

You can get armpit guards for your clothes (I've heard panty liners work too) and carry around wet wipes if you think you're starting to smell.

>> No.8708710

As long as your hair isn't dirty, I don't see the problem. A lot of people with natual/curly hair don't wash it every week, it's not necessary for everybody. The reason your friends' hair is getting dirty after a single day is because they wash it often, it causes overproduction of oils. Because you only wash your hair once a week, you don't strip it of its oils all the time, and thus, it's healthier and doesn't overproduce making it greasy.
You're not dirty anon, you're actually taking great care of your hair! And you don't need to shower every day either, if it works for you to shower every other day, that's great. Your skin is the same as your hair, overwashing is bad for it.
So be proud!

>> No.8708713

Don't wash your hair if you can avoid it. Also, since the standard is to over wash hair, most people really cannot tell how greasy their hair really gets. The more you wash it and the more you strip the natural oil from the scalp, the scalp goes into overdrive and produces an excess of oils. You have to properly cleanse your scalp, reoil it, and then slowly wane off the showering. Your hair will thank you.

>> No.8708796

Me too anon, let's share our old school obsession together!
I'm virgin too (also a bit old to be lol) cause it's hard for me to fall in love but anon...not all bfs are rapey pieces of shit, you should check all the red flags and stuff to avoid shit guys. There are plenty of good and honest guys around, these aren't the ones that flatter you as crazy, make you lots of gifts.... the ones that at first are perfect aren't in reality. A good one wouldn't rush for a relationship, sex or anything that would make you feel unconfortable. But oh well i'm going too OT.
>that hentai was horrible
>and i'm one that read hentai doujins only when consensual and with same age characters
Anon, have a big hug. Hopefully that was just a stupid 2D thing. Btw, your bf sounds gross, i hope you can escape this situation.
Ew, i don't think that worked for me. I had to avoid to wash hair for a while during flu... my head was so itchy and heavy for the oils forming i was disgusted. I don't want to think to not wash my hair for weeks....

>> No.8709086

I have no idea why people are freaking out about this. You can't just read it and be like- "ok, that's pretty fucking weird"

95% of the comments here are omfg I cried!!1 like you spend your time calling girls fat on an anonymous image board and you can't deal with some shitty 5/10 hentai? What.

>> No.8709093

Girl I don't even sound like that, can you at least try a little harder if you're going to try and post as me? Thanks!

>> No.8709096

>hair begins to get a bit more oily at puberty
>freak the fuck out about it and start washing hair every day
>no-one tells me to do otherwise
>years later, used to it
>realise how bad it is for you
>but hair gets greasy after sleeping on it, two days and it's absolutely disgusting
I would love to not wash it even for a week just to see if it would help, but I have a job, friends, a boyfriend, stuff to do. I wish I could be a hermit and have gross hair for a while, but I don't know how people get through the initial grossness.

>> No.8709125
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As someone whose read a lot of fucked up doujins (not to fap to, I just have a weird fascination with fucked up porn.) I didn't think it was the worst thing ever. I've certainly seen more brutal in terms of mental/emotional anguish and physical abuse. The scat at the end was pretty gross tho. I'm just saying it could have been a lot more brutal. There's some stuff I've seen out there that really makes me question what the fuck kind of person could jerk off to it.

>Posting something cute to make up for the disturbing

>> No.8709133

dry shampoo and french braids, girl

>> No.8709141

Baby powder or dry shampoo will cut out excess oil without drying it out.

>> No.8709146

Rice powder is even better than cornstarch as a dry shampoo.

>> No.8709151

I used to wash my hair with Dawn Dish Soap daily

>> No.8709152 [DELETED] 

Oh Anon, that must've been so harsh on your hair

>> No.8709914

I returned home from a meetup and I was super horny. I masturbated in my lolita clothes while watching gay porn.

>> No.8710574

in a row?

>> No.8711302

I tell myself i'm against replica's and that I'd rather support the brands but as yet I have only ever bought secondhand, or sewn 'heavily inspired' almost-knockoffs of plain pieces (different colorways/trims etc). my only new piece is from taobao. I'm incredibly close to abandoning all morals and buying a replica of my DD (again a plain piece) because the replica's available are almost spot on to the extent that i have to really scutinize it to determine which one's real.
>still wont buy print replica's because as an "artist" I know what art theft feels like.

>> No.8711347

Washing your hair every day is bad for you?

>> No.8711376

Hats, scarves, braids, and dry shampoos are my BFF when my hair gets greasy.

Yes, it strips the oil from your hair.

>> No.8711405

Oily hair is ugly though.
I wash my hair every morning with shampoo+conditioner.

>> No.8711457


Your hair gets oily when it overproduces oil. When you wash every day, you dry it out, and your body sees that and produces extra to make up for our, and it gets oily. Try washing with just water every other day, then shampoo only one every few days, use dry shampoo or baby powder if it gets too oily.

>> No.8711480

I'm sorta heremitic but i wash my hair often, shower everyday and quick body care if i feel to do. I hate to be dirty even if someone don't see me. Occasionally i take my hair dirty for three days but really... i can't. They become so gross after two days, itchy scalp and i get really annoyed if i don't wash them. I also just wash them, dry quick quick and dont style them to have at least clean hair.
I tried baby powder when i was little but my hair were still gross.

>> No.8711482

It depends on your hair. I wash mine every day or it gets nasty, but my black friends can't wash theirs nearly as often. (I'm white.)

>> No.8711484

Rice powder or cornstarch also works as dry shampoo. Most of Bastiste is rice powder, I believe

>> No.8711527

You wouldn't know the extent of my sadism.

>> No.8711550

This is very sad, why do you do this if you aren't really even into Lolita? What a waste of time. Though I suspect about 1/3 of the people on here blabbing about Lolita don't really even actually wear it so I don't think you are unique in this odd behavior either. Ew. It's a bit creepy.

>> No.8711636

This made me feel terrible and bought back terrible memories. I could have stopped, but I didn't. What is wrong with me... I just want to be a kawaii princess. :(

>> No.8713396

at once
can confirm i am the goddess who can fit 37 in my mouth at once
im a god among men

>> No.8713448


My boyfriend and I both crushed on my lolita friend and I found out shortly before she announced she was in a relationship that she liked me too. She was afraid to ask because I was 'taken', I was afraid of scaring her away, especially as I have always looked up to her as lolita senpai. We've all shared a bed, just nothing came of it and I guess deep down I didn't want to ruin our friendship or her reputation with anything sordid


>> No.8713465


Anon I have been there. I did crazy crazy things for this man because he knew how deep my insecurities ran and how much I liked frills. I busted him out of Customs ffs


That's the thing... This is so feasible and relatable it sent a shiver up my spine. Yes it's 2D but the world can be this twisted and scenarios like this do actually happen. The worst part is that the author's intent is that those aspects of the character that are going to make you want to sympathise/empathisize only makes what happens to her more disturbing. Yep, disturbing part is much less the manga itself, but that the whole point of getting off to it is the fact that it is disturbing. That awareness that this is completely screwed up but you're going to revel in it anyway

>> No.8713475


Meh, I'll probably get shit on for this but I really need to get this off my chest. Maybe someone can even armchair psychoanalyse me so here we go.

So just to preface, I'm into BDSM, I have a bit of a rape fetish, and have actually RP'ed rape fantasies with my boyfriend in controlled settings with no issue. I still have no idea why lolita hits me so hard out of all the stuff that could disturb me. We've roleplayed shit with even my job before and I had no issues with that. But mention anything involving lolita and sexual predators/stalkers and I get truly squicked out by that. I don't know why either. I normally don't bat an eye at rape hentai, but even just reading the description and other anons' reactions to it disturbed me on a very visceral level I can't describe.

I don't know man. I really cannot get into lolita and sex apparently.

>> No.8713521

I'm the one that posted this? lol are you me?

>> No.8713531

Maybe it was the aspect of someone loving something so much such enough to be lolita and having a passion that most can empathise with being violated so brutally that makes it disturbing?

In my case I find that the fact that (other than being a lolita) she was friendless, depressed and delusional (already mentally broken I guess) and STILL had that happen to her is what disturbs me deeply. Let's face it, if it was a normal, happy high school girl with tons of friends and good things I wouldn't have batted an eyelash. it'd just be every other gangrape hentai out there, maybe I'd even get off to it.

A lot of the mindbreak/gangrape hentai always has something about "punishing" the girl, punishing her for being too happy, for being too slutty, for being careless or gullible, etc. In this manga she really didn't do anything, and doesn't even scream "Noooo" like every hentai but immediately accepts her situation and they still keep being gratuitously violent to her, despite her not offering any resistance. It's pure sadism. Plus the fact that she's so relatable makes it way worse.

>> No.8713605

Nobody misuses greentext as badly as you and nobody would include that much irrelevant detail. Literally nobody sounds like that. You are a sad, pathetic person and it's obvious to us now how much of a sociopath you are. Maybe you should spend less time pretending to be me on an internet image board and more time reevaluating your priorities. By the way, I never spread any rumors. All I did was show them what you sent me and others came to their own conclusions through their interactions with you.

>> No.8713742

Same. I hate entry level weebs but I sure love the attention and the desperate "senpai pls notice me" attempts.

>> No.8713744

I read it in full and I was expecting some kind of insane guro slaughter fest with shit eating and all that but it was pretty meh. They just gangrape and mind break her and force her to get drunk. I think I'm way too desensitized when it comes to hentai because this is pretty plain for me.

>> No.8713920

sell it to me

>> No.8714014

I started cosplaying and going to cons back in 2000. I've always been of the opinion that cosplay should be fun. People getting their boobs out for likes and 'professional' cosplayers make me sick, they've forgotten the spirit of the hobby. Cosplay is dicking about in funny costumes and having a good time with fellow weebs.

...Deep down though, I'm a bit jealous of the cosplayers who make a shitload of money and get special VIP guest invites.

>> No.8714017

People have liking getting their boobs out for centuries, anon. If you have good tits, it's fun as hell to flaunt them.

>> No.8714043

I do this too. Honestly, I'll act stuck up so they go away if they're ugly and annoying. But I secretly enjoy it. If they're cute and I think they'd make a good lolita I'll be really nice and give them info on where to shop and whatnot.

>> No.8714051

I've got a new job stating soon and as much as I want it I'm worried the extra money will either trigger a fullblown shopaholic lifestyle. Up until now I've only had money I earned by selling wigs online but even then I've not put any aside in savings and instead spent it all on cosplay and convention trips and itabags because my mindset was "If I don't buy it now while I have the money, I'll never get it." because money was so uncertain with a hobby job like that.

>> No.8714072

i was blackmailed by a shopping service once, when i tried to buy from taobao. i feel so bad about it and no one at the time even cared because the company was so big.

>> No.8714111

Blackmailed how exactly?

>> No.8714977

I'd be your friend Anon. I'm not that great at photography, but because of that fact I don't charge.

>> No.8716661
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>> No.8716895

Not OP, but I'm guessing they found out her workplace and threatened to tell them that she wore Lolita or something.

>> No.8716899

Or maybe they threatened not to send items if the person didn't pay more money?