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File: 79 KB, 743x693, Unpopular opinion I'm not a big fan of people just asking if Any photographer wants to shoot Because it feels like the person doesn't have a specific direction of what they want and is willing to just shoot whatever style a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8700663 No.8700663 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8700677

I am going to second this actually. It is a turn off because for people complaining about not getting cool looking photos from photographers, they post stuff in groups saying 'ANY' photographer. They get settled with a guy with a shitty commercial Nikkon. Instead of, you know, looking up photographers or asking what photographers are going to be attending and then looking up their work to see if you are interested in shooting with them and their style.

Its lazy for cosplayers an this is coming from a cosplayer. I don't shoot with someone unless I know their style will suit my cosplay or what I have in mind for photos. I would prefer to work with someone who actually bothers processing photos properly than just some random guy from a Facebook page that messages me from a forum post who does early 2000s type MS Paint tier work.

>> No.8700740

>I am going to second this actually. It is a turn off because for people complaining about not getting cool looking photos from photographers, they post stuff in groups saying 'ANY' photographer.

From what I see, "Any" is just what people say because no one would normally ask to shoot said people. Big cosplayers don't need to do this, considering the fact that photographers are getting in line to get shoots with them.

>> No.8700786

replace "photographer" with "cosplayer". same deal. step off your high horse, Martin.

>> No.8701025

On one hand I see exactly what he means and I agree. I wouldn't see someone just going around saying "Any photographer will do I just want pictures" as someone serious.

On another, I don't blame some cosplayers for not knowing all the photogs and would rather call out to photogs (any and all out there) who may be shooting at a convention.

I guess it's how one reads it and how it's said. "Are there any other photogs out there" vs. "Are there any photogs that can shoot me" for example.

>> No.8701033

I'm a cosplayer and I kinda agree, it's feels really lazy, doing research and seeking out photographers seems a lot more effective way to get the kind of photos you want.
Plus it shows which cosplayers don't want to pay for pictures. Which cool you don't want to pay, save that money, but don't be upset if no photographers want to answer your call.

>> No.8701048

I just thought it meant people had multiple photographers on their friends list that had work they liked and so they'd be willing to shoot with any of them. I didn't think it meant an open call to any photographer that might happen to see it, unless I guess they post it on the con's page.

>> No.8701061

It can also be an insult too. Say the cosplayer has already shot with multiple togs from different event. The togs who see this cosplayer might be lead to believe they are not good enough for them etc.

>> No.8701067

Cont. As they haven't been considered even though the cosplayer doesn't actually have any issues with photos. It's like a way to be blacklisted by togs who have shot with them?

>> No.8701069


I haven't thought of it this way but you raise a pretty good point, in regards to willingness to pay for pictures.


>> No.8701328

Doesn't mean he's not a fuckwad anymore regardless.

>> No.8701342

I actually saw this post of his right after several people on my feed had made multiple statuses asking for phtographers to shoot them. I found it really annoying because they did it for a lot of their costumes, like "I'm wearing this costume right now who wants to shoot" or "Does anybody wanna shoot my _____ cosplay?" And for all of these statuses they were either at a convention or it was right after one and it just seemed so lazy. Like, you could have scheduled that shit ahead of time instead of making people cater to you. These were fairly popular cosplayers too so I'm sure they know plenty of photogs and it just came off as abusing their popularity in a way.

>> No.8701390

This this this. Why would anyone have shitty photogs on their friends list. They're obviously asking all of their photog friends for which is available to shoot during that time.
MW is an idiot

>> No.8701759

MW is probably jelly seeing cosplayers he shot with going for after other people. The truth is, cosplayers should shoot with different togs so they have different style photos back and then pick and choose the style they like that may suit their character costume, not stick exclusive to one tog, just like togs are allowed to shoot different cosplayers. Same thing isn't it?

>> No.8701830

What the fuck is with photographers acting like they are high class shit. Even Darkain, after all his fawning over magical girl bullshit, is switching gears so hard you can hear them grinding and is like, "I want to do dark grungy shit fuck yeah, magical spoopy suck" are you guys made that no one wants to photograph your tits and rather photograph the ones you made so popular?

>> No.8701865


Care to rephrase that last part, anon?

>> No.8701878

"Are photographers mad that no one considers them famous and rather photograph the tits they made famous rather then said photographers tits."

>> No.8701883


Cheers for the rephrasing I guess I was caught off by the "made" part. Still a little puzzled by that last part of "photographers tits" but hey whatev- ohhh I get it now.

Ahhhahaha the race for fame is a petty one it sure is

>> No.8701910

Cosplayers who do that aren't ~super serious~ about cosplay or "modelling". They are literally looking for ANY decent photos of their costume. It's hobby costuming, not a magazine shoot.

>> No.8701989
File: 299 KB, 968x1068, vincewhineynoises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad you brought this up because I never wtf'd harder at any of his rants than I did at this one. The dude literally begs to shoot anyone who mentions sailor moon and then whines when a lot of people ask him to shoot them??

>> No.8702026
File: 1.29 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-07-23-06-07-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inform vince that it's okay, I'll gladly pull up quick and retrieve his magical idol spoopys. He can photog grunge shit all he likes, I have no problemishes with the idols and magical girls.

>> No.8702055

I wonder how the regular girls and idols he shoots with will take to this, honestly. This is like a side slap in the face to them, although he's been the first to offer when there's a big magical girl shoot.

He could've made the post asking to do more grungy things without mentioning the idols and magical girls, because it's way too obvious now.

>> No.8702090


Reminds me of those who's say "I wanna do it for the Art maaaaan and express myself and not be apart of the man maaaaan"

>> No.8702136

You guys are getting it wrong. That's Vince whining for attention. It's the same typical cycle with him.
>Yeah precure and sailor moonies WOOOOOOTZ
>fuck you photoshop, it's your fault I get nothing for done
>my life sucks and I am typecasted!

Rinse and repeat. Add a little bit of whining about his back issues as he tries to fish for sympathy and you have Vince in a nut shell. You can always tell when the cycle is about to start again when you see him paying special attention to whatever cosplayer he thinks he has a chance with. The whining starts when they don't respond or pity him.

>> No.8702177

I have seen people do that on their public pages

>> No.8702262

Thirsty Black Luigi is on all my cosplayers' friends list. He's usually the first to jump in when Cosplayers post shit like this

>> No.8702282

This. Plus if you send out feelers, you're more likely to have a photog step up who knows the series and will take photos that are appropriate for the character.

Lol martin we aren't all cosfamous with 10000 connections, sometimes we're looking for new people to work with and we're afraid of approaching someone new and getting rejected at best, shit-talked to all the other photographers at worst.

>> No.8702351

Fuck off you entitled piece of shit. And no I'm not Martin. I just hate people who think they're entitled

>> No.8702571


Without context, I feel for this guy.

With context, I think the dude needs to shut up.

If I were him (without the context of begging and being an attention whore as some of you guys here say he is), I'd be more inclined to write a status like

"Hey guys, as much as I appreciate all the shoots I've done I would like to focus more on the style that inspires me for a while."

Gosh...some people just think people care too much.....

>> No.8703743

Welcome to cosplay, everyone think they are entitled little shit

>> No.8703753

Why doesn't he just, you know, not shoot shit he doesn't want to shoot? It's not like anyone is holding a gun to his head.

>> No.8704106

He's just mad people aren't going to him directly.

>> No.8704164

The comments were filled with people telling him to just say no and all he did was whine more and say BUT PPL DON'T UNDERSTNAD!! IVE TRIED!! but his definition of "trying" was agreeing to the shoot, and then complaining the whole time and wondering why people get confused/offended.

>> No.8704818

He literally shot love live a week ago. I would be so insulted if that was me, considering some of them have way more likes/popularity than him. Jesus.

>> No.8704826
File: 28 KB, 480x97, Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 11.37.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

martin, u ok?

>> No.8705133

here's the deal with vince, the dude has such low self esteem so he gotta "talk" the loudest, brag the most, and constant seeks attention to counter his esteem issue.
He bitched about quitting whatever for so many years and still hasn't done shit because he knows if he does quit, he losses people who would jack off his esteem
I only feel bad for all those people who haven't seen through his bullshit facade and realize vince doesn't provide any worth to their lives

Or, maybe i'm just salty he doesn't pay attention to me lol

>> No.8705137


Meh, martin might be a bit cocky, but it's just personal preference.

In modeling / photography world, this is called 'casting call'. some people like it, some people don't. the world ain't gonna end because people share different opinions and preferences

>> No.8705139

Get his dick hard and you will get attention. Just be whatever animu character he wants to bang and instant attention! Triple points for precure. D's or bigger tits bonus points.

>> No.8705232

None of you are real models/photographers. Let's be real.

>> No.8705341

That's not a casting call even, that's someone looking for a free shoot, plain and simple

>> No.8706123


>> No.8707071
File: 30 KB, 470x313, qDqwwLRiApCfyT7PKirB0ctif8pJoqnW2ZTBTxqPx5cKVgPpWFjxepIq0LlRN6jVw1xYwbcgRvOtW-Z7U2kO0H6LVkyp_JsgElSLyC10inNnJc2mkVcS7lCBeg=w470-h313-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And lemme guess you're a "real" photographer/model?

>> No.8707092

I'm a real photographer. *shrug*

>> No.8707121

Relax, anon. Never claimed I was. Because I'm not. Cosplay is just a hobby.

>> No.8707731

kek, guess it depends on your definition of 'real'

>> No.8707802

specific direction/style implies that cosphotographers are able to do anything other than point a camera lol

>> No.8708241
File: 381 KB, 1440x801, Screenshot_2015-11-09-01-39-30-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you were right, it was just another whine for attention. He even attacked someone in the thread pointing out his crybaby logic.

>> No.8708249


Give him a week to whine about it some more

>> No.8708538


>He even attacked someone in the thread pointing out his crybaby logic.

>> No.8708539


Wow, I just completely forgot to write my post.

I meant to add on to that "Why does anyone entertain the blatant cry for attention?"

>> No.8710042

Because it's political correct to coddle a piece of shit.

>> No.8714416

Dear lord Photogs seem to be worse than the cosfame whores these days why?

>> No.8714465

I see nothing wrong with this, regardless of the fact Martin Wong is an ass.