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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 36 KB, 800x200, ild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8699332 No.8699332 [Reply] [Original]

It's probably a little early for this, but have you started planning for ILD yet?

Is your comm doing anything fun?

Let's share!

>> No.8700033

Shit when is ILD again?

>> No.8700036

International Lolita Day. Twice a year one in June one in December.

>> No.8700040

Oh sorry misread your comment thought you said "what". I want to say it's usually the first Saturday in December.

>> No.8700058

My comm is having a meet up but its $60 dollars just to sit around some french house and look at vendors stuff and eat small hors d'oeuvres. The last ILD from the same host was amazing and the two hour unlimited sandwiches as awesome but I am not willing to pay $60 just to sit around for hours and talk to friends and just eat crackers with cheese on it.

>> No.8700127

My comm is putting on a screening of Kamikaze Girls in a theater and I'm actually pretty excited that it's not another tea or museum or something. I like tea and all, but this seems cooler and interesting I guess?

>> No.8700135

My family is in town that weekend, so I probably won't be able to do much of anything. I host/plan most of my comm's events, so everyone is expecting me to plan something nice. I'm trying to encourage a couple other people to do it this year. I would hate for people to be stuck with a short cafe meet (about all I'd be able to manage) just because I'm busy. I want them to have fun!

>> No.8700147

my comm is having a private tea and I'm really excited for it! i guess the tea room part of the venue isn't open on the weekends but it is for us since we're having a private event. no normies, woohoo! not that i hate normies completely but it's gonna be really nice to just have a swanky ILD tea with just me and the rest of my comm, uninterrupted and undisturbed. i think there's also going to be a photographer there so that will be fun. the mods did a really great job i think!

>> No.8700201

Awww I'm so glad that got funded! I won't be able to make it but it looks like it's going to be so much fun!

>> No.8700205

Oh we're in the same comm. I'm really looking forward to it, the host obviously put a lot of time and thought into it with the other girls, and last year's tea was so nice too! I'm excited that it's earlier this year so that we'll have nice lighting for the photographer!

I really do love our comm/comm members..

>> No.8700238

Wow, I'm in that comm too! Super excited for the meet.

>> No.8700254

Fuuuuck. I wish I wasn't buying a new computer this month.

>> No.8700318

I'm in the same comm as you! I'm looking forward to this event, I'm proud of our comm for putting together such a big event with so many people. I hope it goes successfully.

>> No.8700382

I'm proud too! I think it will be really nice too, since there are raffle prizes and food included and I think everyone gets a goodie bag. That is pretty cool for how (relatively) cheap it is. Now to decide what I'm wearing!

>> No.8700388

I'm sooo jelly of you girls, a few people from my comm are heading over a few states to join in but I don't think I'd be able to make it. I hope we can get something like that eventually!

>> No.8700391


>> No.8700392

My birthday falls on ild this year so that's exciting. I really want to visit my friend in another comm/city thst is pretty far but we'll see since its about a month away.

>> No.8700411

Yea. I wish we were having something better in the place like a tea party or something and not just sit around and talk and sample small food and look at vendors for $60. It's not very appealing in that sense t.b.h

>> No.8700430

My comm isn't doing anything, and I'll probably just be sitting at home wasting away on the internet that day.

>> No.8700652

I'm planning a meet for my comm. I've never celebrated ILD before even though I've been in the fashion for a few years.

>> No.8700656

You're not alone, anon, my comm doesn't have anything planned either so I'll probably be doing the same.

>> No.8700847

ahh me too! yes I'm so glad we made it!! I'm nervous as all hell though. my anxiety tells me no but I already paid so it's too late! I've also never seen the movie so I will hold off on watching it until the meet. I hope no one talks a lot during it, since it is a "lolita staple"

>> No.8700849

>me too
I mean, I'm also in that comm!

>> No.8700855

My comm is in the town I go to college in. I won't be around for winter ILD because I'll be home for the holidays. I might even be working then.

>> No.8703256

Looks like my comm is having ILD after all.

>> No.8703720

I'm going to my first ILD, standard tea party affair but i'm still super excited. Just got everything ordered for my coord this morning. Super excited.

>> No.8703755

our comm is doing something similar, hosting at an overpriced venue to eat sandwiches.

>> No.8703772

Hello fellow comm members are any of you all entering any of the coord contests? I ordered the finishing touches for my kitschy coord last night and I am so ready to do this thing.

>> No.8703782

Atleast you will get food like sandwiches, but we aren't getting anything but cocktail party food. How much does your event cost?

But I like how my comm is trying to be more active but with $60+, I can get a pretty decent meal at a good place.

>> No.8703902

the last 2 posts you replied to were replying to a different post than the kamikaze girls one btw

>> No.8704046

Opps, thanks anon.

I really need to be more careful when posting from my phone

>> No.8704278

How does this work? I know you can rent out a theater but for those who have done it before, can you explain? Do you pay at the theater or pay the host to rent it out? I want to see if I can manage to do this myself but I want to be prepared and the movie theater in mind didn't provide a lot of information.

>> No.8704285

Or the one planning the event but i used to work for Regal back in the day. What you do is call the theater and ask to rent a single screen for a party/event. Then if you want to show a movie other then what the theater has to play you will have to contact the copyright holder for what you want to show and pay them as well.

>> No.8704316

Renting from a corporate chain can be really expensive its much better to try and find a single screen or independent cinema. If your charging money for people to get in you have to get the rights to the film Which runs about $250

>> No.8704439

I want to enter one, but I have no idea what to wear. Might just skip the contests and stick with something simple.

>> No.8704710

You just call the theater and rent it out, and yes, if you are watching a movie in there (instead of, I don't know, a powerpoint or something) it is way more expensive. Our Comm's event is $37 per person based on 100 people going, which covers food and goody bags as well as the theater for 4 or 5 hours. I think it must not be too high a price, but you do have to get a large group to make it feasible.

You should enter anyway! Think of all the people who will probably NOT enter. Put effort in and you could probably win either by default or just actually taking time on your coord. Or just be comfy for movie-watchin. I plan on an ugly holiday sweater coord, but I am also helping with the event, so no contest for me.

>> No.8704792

Yeah my thing is that I've worn so many simple Coords (I have a limited wardrobe) but the girl who won the last Christmas coord contest isn't going to be there so she's helping me out because, she really loves Christmas.

>> No.8704934

>Then if you want to show a movie other then what the theater has to play you will have to contact the copyright holder for what you want to show and pay them as well

Then if this is the case, how does one go about asking rights for a overseas movie like Kamikaze Girls?

>> No.8705136

someone correct me if I'm wrong on this, but doesn't VIZ Media still own the overseas rights to Kamikaze Girls? If so I would think it's just a matter of contacting them.

>> No.8705416

This year my friend decided to host a com event instead of us just doing something ourselves. It would be cool except all these new trashy ita's that just joined are going. It's going to be a shitshow. I don't want to even be seen in public with these people, but I don't want to leave my friend to have to deal with it alone.

>> No.8705715

Like >>8705136 said you would contact cut media if you live in the United States or whoever the copyright holder is wherever you live.

>> No.8706006
File: 448 KB, 462x423, 89d6c8ca46628add1cda854f2d6cd44f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ILD is the same day as my birthday this year, so I'm super excited to have a dual meet with some of my close friends. We're doing a high tea and then going ice skating afterwards. I was thinking about making everyone little pins, similar to pic related, as like a thank you for coming kind of thing. Not sure what kind of design I should do though? Obviously not going to rip off PepFox, just using it as a comparison.

>> No.8706136


Why not plan a mini meet? It's not too late, still a month away!

>> No.8706233

>date and venue finalized for comm ILD event
>it's fancy af
>all my coords are basic as hell
>sweats nervously

It probably isn't a big deal but man now I feel a little pressured...

>> No.8706239

I will give you the same advice I gave to my friend: whether your coord is basic as hell or OTT af, just wear an ILD coord that makes you feel good. maybe it's your favorite dress, a dress you haven't worn yet, something new you want to try out, etc. just something that will really make you feel your best.

and since its ILD don't feel pressured to go super OTT either; even if it's more simple than usual super dressy, accessorized coords just try to make sure the coord is as nice as you can make it.

>> No.8706372

I did not know Viz owned rights to Kamikaze Girls.
And ahhhh I see now, makes sense to me. I honestly did not know you can do that before. Thanks ya'll.

>> No.8706374

Go in a coord that you feel good in. Just because a lot will go in OTT does not mean you have to go in it as well. If you like your simple coords, go for it!

>> No.8706385

Same here, it's my first ever ILD
I'm gonna work hard to make a nice coord for this event.
>super nervous

>> No.8706407

We are in the same comm, and honestly, with so many events coming up that are OTT in nature, it really doesn't matter as long as you look nice and well puttogether. I have a decent closet but only two really OTT dresses, so I just wear them again and again with some minor changes for fancy events.

>> No.8706412

Oh shit, have we hung out before?

Yeah, I guess I"m getting a little hyped up because it's ILD and it's supposed to be kind of a big deal or whatever. At the end of the day, though, there always seems to be a mix of OTT and not.

Hope to see you around, anon!

>> No.8706437

So jelly of all these comms with their scheduled activities, I have a closet of dresses I've yet to wear.