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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 460x276, Help.Support.Advice.Guidance.Assistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8673920 No.8673920 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is in autosage.

>> No.8673925
File: 73 KB, 960x720, Hanky_Tug!_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody seen an apron with a back like this in real life? The top strip is really throwing me off, and I'm not sure how to interpret it because of the simplistic style of the games and it looks so stupid as just a plain strip across.

>> No.8674294
File: 38 KB, 480x643, 12096245_931094000289910_2251597905888749038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help my find the panties on the right?

The closest I've got was "open side panties" on ebay, but they don't have the bottom part, over the legs

(thanks to who sent me to this thread)

>> No.8674574
File: 102 KB, 636x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting, since the last thread ended pretty quick after my post.

Does anyone know where the pic related Kikuchi Makoto outfit (from Idolm@ster) is from? I know I've seen that dress before somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

>> No.8675720
File: 406 KB, 590x744, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what the name of the staff in pic related is? Googling "hook staff lantern" and similar bring up nothing but gardening shit. I'm assuming it has an actual name...?

Just looking to accessorize my Plague Doctor outfit for Halloween and I think it'd be cool to walk around with at night.

Thanks for the help, folks.

>> No.8675811

I'm pretty sure that's not a lantern but an incense burner of some sort, maybe even a thurible. Plague doctors used to burn herbs and incense after all. Don't know the exact name though, sorry.

>> No.8675817

Is wearing a corset and binder at the same time a bad idea?

>> No.8675823

honestly your best bet would be to get a pair of biker shorts and cut out the sides/modify the hem into a V. Wouldnt be that hard tbh

>> No.8675827

Try looking up "Japanese serving apron" or something, I know I've seen similar apron straps before along with the typical asian cross-strap aprons.

>> No.8675829

Yes, unless your end goal is indeed back and ribcage damage

>> No.8675888

looks like one of the things meant to hold a bird feeder tbh
check a home and garden store

>> No.8675901

Thanks for the heads up anon I'll try just a binder to see if that cures my frumpyness. Being a short Lolita has its perks but short torso + boobs = frump for days

>> No.8675969
File: 111 KB, 696x911, flapjack_png_by_jeixonx-d338x2p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pants should I get like pic related. So far I've only found blue spandex, and jeans are a cop out. As a guy I'm not sure where to look....

>> No.8676040
File: 146 KB, 459x1000, Free-Shipping-Lake-font-b-Blue-b-font-Color-Headless-Zentai-font-b-Unitard-b-font-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try mens unitards, dance tights, or like items. Browse some dance supply sites.

>> No.8676291

Any ideas where I can find a wig like this?


>> No.8676315
File: 106 KB, 512x720, 686Hanayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on how to make the orange... Orange textured? I was thinking of making the sphere out of thin foam stabilizer and covering it in spandex or something like that but it will just look like an orange sphere that way.

>> No.8676359
File: 163 KB, 500x523, tumblr_lm846ord4M1qisbe6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know of a bigger way to inflate this pattern, or if not know of a way to to paint it by hand (like making a basic template that could work)?

or should i just wing it and try my luck?

Also should I paint it on before I sew the fabric or after since it's going to be used on a vest and armsocks.

>> No.8676364

You could try a light layer of wall texture spray?

though of course it might be easier (and less of a hassle) to just buy an orange costume

>> No.8676366

I saw these on taobao, if I remember, they are a replica of some Japanese brand.

>> No.8676374

Forgot my question, but I need white eyelashes, I don't mind getting white falsies, or buying blacking one and painting them, but wouldn't that mix with my black lashes?

>> No.8676384

You need to vectorize the image. Look up tutorials and pick out one that you like, there's a lot.

>> No.8676385

you can use priming mascara, which is white.

>> No.8676387

Most of the orange costumes I found online were just flat orange spandex with no texture.

I wonder if I sprayed the foam underneath with an especially lumpy spackle if the texture would show through the spandex overtop?
Maybe I should just settle for flat orange and maybe paint on some lighter orange dots at the bottom like in the image.

>> No.8676459

Well, i mean from the picture it doesnt look like the orange that Hanayo is wearing has texture on it at all.

>> No.8676493
File: 56 KB, 640x480, nkSr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardware/home improvement store. outdoor section, lighting and look for hurricane lantern holders you will find something similar.

>> No.8676523

I thought the spots at the bottom were an artistic representation of the texture but you could be right

>> No.8676584
File: 3.30 MB, 3648x2736, DSC03847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway to prevent/cover/hide these herpe bubbles that appear in my plastidip when im coating the foam

>> No.8676587

Have you tried a heat gun and smoothing it out? Another alternative, silicone caulk to use as filler?

>> No.8676626

Oh yeah no thats on the actual fabric, its not texturing. You can buy that exact costume for about 30usd.

>> No.8676669

would heating it melt it slightly so it could be smoothed? I also have kwik seal that i could possibly use would that suffice in place of silicone caulk?

>> No.8676674

heating it will soften it so you can smooth the rubber out and kwik seal should work too. any kind of flexible adhesive will do the trick it's like filling holes in drywall with jointing compound.

But don't use joint compound it's brittle and the first time it flexes the stuff will crumble and fall out.

>> No.8676714
File: 95 KB, 1206x834, winter wyvern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/.

I briefly visited you guys to make a complicated first-time cosplay to win a bet and damn, you guys came through for me. So first, thanks for that. It was pretty horrible but I met all the conditions for the bet, had a good time, heck, three or four people even took photos of it.

Secondly, I was wondering if you had any tips for a beginner wanting to cosplay (pic related, not the best picture, but there is an in-game model so there's no ambiguity in making it). This time, I'm not just satisfied with "good enough" and time (6 months) and money are not an issue. This is the last time I will ever be going to a convention with friends for a long long time, we're getting a hotel room, and we want to go out with a bang. What's a good starting point?

>> No.8676927
File: 123 KB, 348x530, sashay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out what kind of material to make Ferid's thigh-highs from without much luck. I've gotten suggestions of vinyl but I'm not a big fan of a shine or matte look, though also not sure if I should go straight for a stretch fabric or something with more body. Doesn't help I'm a complete novice at different fabrics and what their names are/mean.

>> No.8677312
File: 22 KB, 300x500, Setanta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since no one answered me in the last thread (except for the FE-Lord-anon) i'm going to pester you guys again.
I don't know what materials to use for the golden endings of the scarf.
And what technique to use for knitting.

>> No.8677318

The image is packed with details, but very small. Inflating the image won't help you much because it'll just be big and blurry. Turning it into a vector won't help much either because there's not enough information in the image for any algorithms to work properly.

I think you need to find a bigger image first, if possible. If you can't, then you basically have to reproduce the pattern by hand.

>> No.8677321

They don't look like actual boots to me. The toe of his shoes are much darker than the rest, so these seem more like super high gaiters. Leather would be the optimal choice for me, but pleather or certain vinyl's will work despite your objections to it. I personally think that would get the best visual representation.

>> No.8677323

They would be leather. Go for a decent pleather if leather's out of budget/skill for working with. You're contradicting yourself by saying shiny or matt look - matt is teh opposite of shiny.

>> No.8677362
File: 295 KB, 1280x935, Dispel-Battle-for-Zendikar-MtG-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fabrics would you suggest I use for the varied parts of this character's outfit? Been looking through options but it'd be nice to hear the thoughts others more experienced than I would have on it


>> No.8677386

Yup, but with Joann coupons I bet I can make it for $15

>> No.8677495

Yeah I realized how dumb that sounded soon after posting. Wrong wording whoops. Thanks for the advice though. Do you have any recommendations for places to buy online? My local Joanns is kind of lacking.

>> No.8678380
File: 153 KB, 899x600, IMG_5235-angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a blouse to use in a cosplay. It's 100% polyester, that thin silky kind of brocade sort of stuff. But I need this to be dingy, raggedy, and antique looking. I plan on tea-staining to dull out the color, and roughing up the edges with sandpaper. But is there a good way to remove the shine? I wonder if the fabric softener method for wigs would work?

>> No.8678383

I should add, the pic here is not the actual color of the material. It's a light beigey pink.

>> No.8678396

You can try but I don't think tea-staining would work well on polyester. You'll need a dye meant for synthetics.

>> No.8678431


Shit, you're right. Didn't even think of that. In that case I might do a diluted acrylic paint wash. That might remove the shine anyway.

>> No.8678441

how do I deal with fuckboys on social media?
I started a cosplay page for the purpose of networking with other cosplayers/enthusiasts at cons, but I guess even without advertising my page anywhere online and only handing out cards to people who I like and want to interact with I'm starting to get creepy dudes commenting on my images. It's nothing too extreme but it's really awkward.
I don't want to delete my page, since 90% of my interactions on there have been really positive, and if creepy guys are finding my pictures, I'd rather it be on a page than on my personal account with my real name.
That being said, how is the best way to deal with these comments?
I try and be polite for "nice, but a bit too forward comments" like "you're so beautiful" and stuff like that and just say thank you, but when it gets beyond that point I don't know what's the best thing to do. Do I delete the comment and then ignore it? Contact them one on one and explain why it made me uncomfortable? I feel inclined to do this because I'm a really direct person but they have to know already that it's making people uncomfortable, right? There's no way my trying to talk to them about it is going to do any good for anyone.
... help?

>> No.8678448

So I was looking up prop rules at a con before I make my sword prop, but I saw this: "Sword-like props may not be made of metal, or have a hardened edge if made of other materials (such as wood, plastic, or laminate)."

What exactly do they mean by hardened edge? I'm making the edge of my sword out of a polypropylene sheet for reference.

>> No.8678456

Just ignore them; why should it matter what they say? If it makes you that uncomfortable just delete and ignore, no need to make a fuss over it. You should not have to talk to each and every person to tell them to stop acting a certain way. You're posting pictures of yourself online, of course lots of different people will find it. I had someone find my personal Facebook profile and they messaged me and complimented me at first, but when it got to the point that he was asking what my daily schedule would be like so he could talk to me when I'm free, I ignored it. He left me alone after I never responded. I have had dozens of people worse than that, but it's not that hard to just ignore people. Even if you make a post on your page telling them to stop, what are the odds of them reading it? Just delete, ignore, and if you can: block them.

>> No.8678479
File: 76 KB, 600x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a con coming up next February and I'm thinking of going as Pearl from Steven Universe. I think the outfit is pretty easy to find and get together but the spear is something I'm not sure how to make.. I mostly want my costume to look nice but cheap to make

>> No.8678497

For my spear, I cut a spiral out of craft foam, stretched it the proper shape, and glued it on to a piece of pvc pipe. I carved the butt end out of a block of foam from michael's and I made the details out of clay. Then I paper mached the whole thing, sanded it, painted it, and sealed it. All this can be done for, like, less than $20 and it looks good as long as its sanded smooth.

>> No.8678514

Try a layer of Future floor polish, followed by Krylon semi-gloss

Put a fan over it
The moving air extracts bubbles

I suggest using a long strip of Styrene for the spiral, then strengthening it with fiberglass or epoxy

>> No.8678829


Damn, even a little advice would be awesome.

>> No.8678999
File: 423 KB, 498x616, animeshock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the human equivalent of these faces? How do I make them without looking retarded?

>> No.8679079

My next cosplay I'm wearing a mid thigh pencil skirt. I was planning on wearing dance tights to make my legs look super nice, but I'm also a little worried about wearing such a short skin without spandex booty shorts on underneath. Should I just not worry about it and wear tights only? What have you done for your short skirt cosplays?

>> No.8679087

I mean.... I don't get why wearing tights would have any bearing on whether you wear shorts underneath or not? Wear them or don't, this doesn't seem like the kind of thing you need to consult the internet on....

>> No.8679089

The bottom two look okay, but you will look like weeb trash if you try to do the top one.

>> No.8679101

even the bottom two I can't picture. If anyone has examples of real life people making these faces it'd be super appreciated, I'm having no luck.

>> No.8679180

Imagine scenarios that would elicit the same or similar emotions. For example bottom left you get a text you weren't expecting but brightens your day. Top you think the food is horrible but you have to eat it and smile anyway. Keep the brow turned up but open your eyes a bit and turn the open-mouthed smile into a cheesy grin. Basically just go for similar emotion and exaggerate a little.

>> No.8679323

I need a recommendation for a good Tomoko Kuroki wig.

>> No.8679378

cringey tutorial but good spear

>> No.8679729

So I've never cosplayed before and I plan to go to a con next year as kars from jjba. I have no idea where to even begin making a costume though. Even though I'm going to practically be nude, I still need the loincloth, boots, and headwrap.

>> No.8680052
File: 457 KB, 545x774, cosplayruffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this crinkled effect with fabric on the highlighted area?

>> No.8680072
File: 123 KB, 306x426, Fox(clear).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm doing a personified Star Fox cosplay for Halloween. I would like to put an LED in the gun, which I know how to do, however, I would like for the LED to only be on when I pull the trigger. I can't find any guides for doing this. Is it possible?

>> No.8680084

That's just the drape of the fabric. Imagine a handkerchief or scarf tied around your neck, its going to "crinkle" in that spot.

>> No.8680117
File: 15 KB, 846x448, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it so the circuit completes when you pull the trigger. So think like a push button torch, without the clicking in. It should be fairly simple to make, something like pic related, where the black wire touches the contact on the other side to complete the circuit

>> No.8680125

The battery pack I have for it is a switch, so unfortunately that won't work. But! After seeing that diagram I thought of a simpler solution of just putting the switch where the trigger is so I can drag my finger across it as I click the trigger and it looks like the same effect. Thanks!

>> No.8680691

Ah yeah, but how would I get that effect when the top "end" of the fabric is a straight line?

>> No.8680757

Well, first off, it won't be a straight line, it should have more of a C shape to it. Secondly, it is going around the curve of the back of your neck and over your shoulders, which will cause it to bunch up and fold and give that crease you see there.

>> No.8680973

It's called a shephard's hook, and like other anons have said look in home improvement stores for one. They're to hold lanterns/birdfeeders/etc in gardens. It'll probably have a two-pronged thing to stick in the ground at the bottom, but a few minutes with a hacksaw will fix that.

>> No.8681125
File: 2 KB, 259x170, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you feel up to it, you can get a limit switch like this from RadioShack or out of printers. The switch activates when the metal spring is pressed down, and automatically deactivates when you let go. You would put this right behind the gun's trigger.

>> No.8681219
File: 623 KB, 1920x1080, 2759281-eli[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eli cosplay
Pretty happy after my trip to an army/navy surplus and a Michael's and my paint job on the back but I have a couple small things that are bothering me. One is giving the sleeves an organic torn look and two is more of a personal grooming matter.

>Torn sleeves
What's good way to make torn fabric look 'organic'? In my experience just cutting it with scissors or a knife looks ratty as fuck and kind of a fake. I've heard burning it, depending on the fabric, looks legit. Can anyone confirm? Probably going to cut it just under where I want the length and burn the rest.

>Spray tan and body hair
I've got a bit of a farmers tan and while not immediately noticeable it started to bother me. Would a spray on tan or a tan cream cover that up? If so does anyone have any advice -- never done anything showing so much skin before or applied this stuff. Likewise I've got medium hair legs and I've never shaved anywhere besides my face before. Any good guides for male shaving, legs specifically?

Also what's something good to make clothes and skin look dirty? Preferably something I can go out and pick up instead of order online.

>> No.8681224

Holy shit you'll shave your legs the exact same way all women do. You're not special just because you're a dude.

>> No.8681240


I am not, nor have I ever been a woman.

>> No.8681263


>reading comprehension

>> No.8681267

Let me break it down even more simply, since I didn't say that you were a woman, and you seem to have trouble with understanding simple concepts. Get something to lather up your legs. Shaving cream, the kind you use on your face, will do just fine. Get in the shower and get your legs wet. Apply the lather to all the areas you want to shave. Use a razor to shave against the grain everywhere you want to remove hair. Rinse out your razor often to get rid of the hair. Repeat until you have hairless legs.

>> No.8681360

Burning only works on synthetic fabrics, and it is a slow process and it's only really good for a torn edge and not s worn and frayed edge. Try going at the edges with sand paper.
As for the dirtying up of fabrics, look up a product called Schmere.

>> No.8681404


Schemer work on skin as well as clothes? Is there a good substitute you can pick up offline instead. Getting a little late to order stuff for me.

>> No.8681436

For the tears start by jabbing holes around where you want the tear to go, like perforating paper, then try tearing it like that. Make the holes sloppy and uneven and start a little further down than you want it to be just incase. You will probably still need to trim in some places. Burning does't usually look right unless it's supposed to be burnt.

>> No.8681627

Where could I find a pink tracksuit for men? I just can't find any on internet.

>> No.8681640

The big question is how do you plan on learning to float in 6 months.

>> No.8681644

To be honest those just look like they are supposed to be tassels, you should be able to look up tutorials of them but how are you imagining them? I'm more inclined towards crochet but I can try andbhrlp with my limited knitttin knowledge.

>> No.8681650


Is that just a clever way of saying "at your skill level, that is fucking impossible you overambitious little shit" or are you referring to the fact that she can fly?

>> No.8681692

Neat! Never heard of those. I tried taking apart my nerf gun today and it's sort of molded together so I can't really do anything like that I don't think, all I can do is barely stick a switch battery near the opening. :\

>> No.8681749
File: 135 KB, 774x1032, epic_skyrim_dragon_cosplayer_by_master_kankuro-d4tnam9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sort of cracking a joke. Have you done any research on that type of cosplay? Have you thought about how you'll translate that design into real life? Do you want a more realistic design or humanoid design? I know there aren't any WW cosplays out there, but there are tons of dragon cosplays in general so there should be lots of examples and tutorials out there.

>> No.8681810
File: 9 KB, 188x192, joeseph joestar part 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone had experience with fake beards? trying to do pick related.

>> No.8681854

>it's a bat

good meme

>> No.8681917


My previous cosplay involved making an animal-type mask, feet, hands and a big dress.
I basically bullshitted through all of that (hands were basically two hand-shaped cut-outs of faux fur, feet were made by my mother, which turned out amazing). The mask was by far the hardest thing to do, and when I found myself confused beyond all hell as to how to make it from foam, I opted for plastic sewing grid for the structure, and it turned out... pretty awful. It was the first cosplay I had ever made, and the objective was "win a bet" not "make a perfect cosplay", so that's a LITTLE background knowledge.

I do know that a relatively simple and neat-looking Toothless tutorial exists that involves a hoodie, which gives me some idea as to how some people approached dragons, but its relatively cartoony and I'm not sure how much of that would be helpful. I'm digging a bit deeper to see what else I could find.

As for humanoid or realistic, I want to go as close to realistic as possible, not sort of a gajinka sort of thing. Like, I'd still need to be able to stand up, but if I walked on all fours it should look the same as Winter Wyvern. The convenience is that because she's a wyvern, the wings are the same things as arms, so that takes out one level of complexity. That picture seems relatively acceptable, but if at all possible I'd like to commit with the rest of the costume and have scaled legs and jagged feet.

I guess basically, there are a lot of components to the whole thing and I'm not sure how to tackle this in a systematic manner.

>> No.8681925

get a womans one in a size big enough for you, or look for special breast cancer related sites that sell pink shit.

Cut the squares to shape and sew them together and spirit gum to your face.

>> No.8681931

thanks anon

>> No.8682224

whats the name of the website with the cheap accessories?
everything is $1 iirc

>> No.8682228

Are you thinking of shopmissa?

>> No.8682253
File: 91 KB, 311x522, Asriel (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going for a more humanoid version of asriel (which means face paint! hooray.) i have everything covered but, im stuck on what to do for the feet and hands. any ideas?

>> No.8682258

forgot to add, but what kind of hairstyle do you think asriel would have? i have one idea on what it'd be but more input would be nice!

>> No.8682259

yaaaaaaa, thanks anon!!!!!!1

>> No.8682263

No problem! I plan on getting a shit ton of stuff from there soon those $1 makeup brushes are just way too tempting

>> No.8682450

What's the difference between concealer and foundation and how can I tell? I keep seeing products on amazon say they are both concealer and foundation or just makeup. I am able to find specific shades of concealer though.

>> No.8682552

That's what I tried but I can only find velour shit, no polyester or anything.

>> No.8682619

Foundation is usually a powder, cream, or mousse product that is meant to be the color of your skin (or very close) that will be applied all over your face to give your skin a uniform appearance. Concealer is usually a cream that is applied only to specific features you are trying to hide (acne, moles, scars, etc). Concealer is often not skin colored (different colors are used to "cancel out" other colors). Personally, I have used a concentrated amount of foundation as concealer, which may explain the funky descriptions you're seeing.

>> No.8682675
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to use fabric glue to fix a piece of fabric that had come loose after I'd ironed it on.

Long story short some of the glue spread too far when I applied pressure and now there's this unsightly stain.

Is there any way I can fix this or is my jacket fucked?

>> No.8682697

does someone have that image that shows what kind of petticoat goes with what shape of dress?

>> No.8682760

Get a towel, place it over top of the stain and iron it. Some of the glue will come up on the towel. Do it again and again until most of the glue is gone. After that, you can try removing any leftover bits by blotting it with a tiny bit of acetone, but only do this if your fabric has been pre-washed, and test it in an inconspicuous area. You don't want the acetone fading any of the dye in the fabric.

>> No.8682785
File: 44 KB, 400x543, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the Ouji thread but never got an answer, so I'll try it here instead (makes more sense here anyway, whoops).

Looking at pic related on My Lolita Dress, but the difference between vest bust measurement (92 cm) and the suitable bust measurement (<86 cm) is throwing me off. Is one better to abide by? My bust is 91 cm,and the next size up has a waist measurement about 8 cm too big, and I don't want the thing to look baggy if I order the larger size instead.

>> No.8682787
File: 57 KB, 400x302, 47109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any real uniforms that resemble Dessler's? More specifically, any used recently enough to actually find? The only sufficiently similar uniform I've found so far is Imperial German cavalry, which is pretty difficult to get.

>> No.8682791

I have a pair of leather boots. Just normal, long boots. They are perfect except the shaft (I think, not native english speaker) is too bloody tight. My shins don't fit into those. I only got these on once or twice, and the other time it felt like they cut my circulation. Not to mention they didn't look proper, the shaft was folded like crap.

Can I try to stretch those in any way by myself, or should I just go visit a cobbler and ask him if they can be fixed? They're completely made of leather, if it matters.

>> No.8682944

Get shoe shaft stretchers, they exist.

Also make your legs skinnier by diet and exercise.

>> No.8682948

Your statement doesn't really make sense. Velour is a type of textile, polyester is a synthetic fiber. Most cheap velour will be made of polyester.

>> No.8682950

I once got faux fur in decent quality and cut it to shapes I needed, glued to a fabric backing, and spirit gum'ed all of it to my face for a fake beard.

>> No.8682989

Wow, I didn't know they did velour with something else than cotton, my bad. I was thinking about something like a shell suit.

>> No.8683193

I would like to buy something from Taobao and need some advice / recommendation. This would be my first time ordering there. I'm already as far that I know that I need an agency to conclude the deal.

In my case, I need someone to mail the stuff to Germany. Can anyone recommend a reliable and trustworthy agency?
How many fees do I have to calculate into it?

>> No.8683247

Super late, but those are predator rat panties.

>> No.8683255
File: 256 KB, 822x686, Rachnea4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, is there a way to make a Rachnea cosplay? I was thinking about walking on her two front legs and bringing the back legs down for pictures.

>> No.8683391
File: 59 KB, 398x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know any tutorials for making a faux fur coats?

>> No.8683441
File: 47 KB, 450x450, 10152247_561fae721eb02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about purchasing from radio-eva.jp
they just dropped a jacket and pants that I absolutely need

>> No.8683471

I am planning to get a Christmas present for my mom through y!a. Usually I use Japonica but since I'm trying to snipe bid instead.

So, do you guys have a preference between Buyee or FromJapan?

>> No.8683592
File: 53 KB, 362x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got a helmet that's close enough to the shape I want it for Akira's helmet but my airbrushes got lost while I was moving to another city.

I'm trying to get this project finished by January and I feel like the design is simple enough to handpaint it on if I need to but does anyone here have any experience in this?

I'm mostly concerned on whether to use Enamel or Acrylic, or if I should just grab a few spray paint cans instead.

>> No.8683710

Not the same anon but thanks so much! I really wanted these too. Do you know if their website ships outside Japan by any chance?

>> No.8683801

You'd probably have to use a shopping service like fromjapan, buyee, japonica, noppin etc.

>> No.8683843

just make your own instead of possibly altering a real vintage uniform.
it's probably way cheaper.
if you can't sew, commission it.

>> No.8683848

How do I make arrows for LARP without the regular archery arrows?

>> No.8683854

get the smaller one and use a minimizer bra. if you're a man, use the next size up and lift more.

>> No.8683942

Thank you! I'm a larger-busted girl, so my binder might help, too.

>> No.8684405
File: 6 KB, 150x267, BCapFig4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bald cap questions:
>I've looked on Amazon and eBay and can't find a plastic bald cap - the only available ones are latex. Can I apply creme-based makeup on top of these? (I heard that creme makeup breaks down latex?)

>Are these the correct products: spirit gum to adhere, Pros-Aide to blend the edges? Again - will creme makeup work with these?

Should I just buy the Graftobian plastic bald cap kit? Is it easily reusable? (because I'll need at least one practice run)

Sorry for all the questions, and thanks in advance!

>> No.8684414

How are salopettes supposed to be worn? I see them worn so many different ways, like what is it supposed to look like?

>> No.8684466

Well, I was hoping there'd be a similar uniform that isn't vintage. Yeah, it's going to be a lot cheaper to make it than buy a WWI uniform, but it'll be both cheaper and easier if there's a more recent uniform with a similar design.

>> No.8684664
File: 98 KB, 500x275, brainy threeboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a way but you wouldn't be able to walk around like that.

Try doing it similar to spray painting a Celty helmet and good luck anon.

Trying to do picture related and I have no idea. What do I do about making myself green? I'm sort of dark skinned and I'm trying to get this shade and tone. Also how much Green should I use?

Lastly how do I make the Legion belt?

>> No.8684672

replica austrian WWI uniform.

>> No.8684840
File: 151 KB, 1024x576, 6f420ee51c6b68de098167887da4393013a77ec7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me figure out how to make the grey designs for the jacket? I'm completely stuck. Thanks.

>> No.8684854

I'm looking for some 3dmg from Attack on Titan. I'm thinking about just sucking it up and spending the $500 on them.

Would it be cheaper to commission them from someone, and still have it look nice?

>> No.8685080

yeah some of that super cheap stuff might be great
i'm tempted to buy some of the eyeliners and stuff, but im not sure if thats "worth it" lol

>> No.8685248

I'm not sure what the requirements for LARP are but here is how to make arrows and a case:



>> No.8685251

3dmg? You mean the 3D gear? You can always make your own which would be a lot cheaper. If you commission them it depends on who you buy it from.

>> No.8685252

>3dmg? You mean the 3D gear?
No, they meant 3D MG as it is 3D Movement Gear, not just gear that is 3D.

>> No.8685283

Yeah they usually just call it 3D gear for short. I was asking was that what they wanted. Just making sure anon.

>> No.8685671
File: 121 KB, 566x313, Great Wolf Sif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as the Elite Knight and I want my dog to cosplay as Great Grey Wolf Sif. How do I get my dog to hold a sword? Do I use a muzzle like they use on dangerous dogs like pit bulls?

>> No.8685679

Please don't be mean to your dog for a cosplay. Just make a small, light replica of the sword out of foam or something and attach it to his collar.

>> No.8685700
File: 45 KB, 400x329, Fox_Reflector_device.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to go about making this reflector? I plan on putting an LED in it so it has to be hollow.

>> No.8685704

Seconding this.

>> No.8685871
File: 553 KB, 1296x968, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't working right

>> No.8685879
File: 22 KB, 320x240, max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do better

>> No.8685908

Doesn't he play fetch? Dogs usually like carrying crap. Definitely avoid the muzzle, especially in crowded places, it causes behavioural problems.

>> No.8685920
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogs usually like carrying crap.
Not this dog.

On second thought I don't know if I want to cosplay with him. He's def got the right body type to cosplay Sif, but then he goes and gets a dollar store ninja sword that looks NOTHING like Artorias' Greatsword.

>> No.8685923


>> No.8685927

That doesn't look like foam. Attach it at two points on his collar and make sure the weight is balanced on both sides.

>> No.8685943
File: 298 KB, 799x808, swordcolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post this in the last thread but I got a lot of different answers (and I don't remember some of them)

But any idea on how I should go about painting this?
I've already put down a layer of Plastidip(gray) and then black paint.
I remember someone suggesting I paint it brown and then a a layer of gold on top of it. So i went shopping and I was wondering which of these would work well, I will leaning towards the chestnut color because it's kinda in the middle of not too light and not too dark, but i can't really decide.
I don't need it to look amazing or super mega detailed (just okay to decent) since it's my first big prop, but any suggestions would be nice.

Also, any ideas on how i could possibly mount this thing via a strap or something? this thing is almost 7ft tall and about 15 or so pounds heavy and I don't want to lug it around and have it constantly get in the way of knocking things and other people over. I'd like to be able to put this thing on and off my back quickly.

>> No.8685947

if the jacket is already sewn together then a couple layers of fabric paint would be the best option. as for the design, you'll want to make a stencil. Though I'm sure someone in the game files you can find the texture for it and make the stencil

>> No.8685967

I haven't started making the cosplay yet. Do you have any idea how to make the grey part out of fabric? Like what techniques I should use? Ideally it should be completely embroidered but that's not really feasible for me at the moment.

I feel as if using fabric paint won't look that great since it'll be very flat.

>> No.8685973


>> No.8685975

holy shit I thought it was a fridge rack for some reason even though I saw the rustoleum part.

>> No.8685981

It's Maneuver Gear, not Movement Gear. Do you even Shingeki?

>> No.8685983


>> No.8685988

Thank you. That akatsuki cloud tutorial seems the most helpful!

>> No.8686035
File: 631 KB, 1489x2155, rachnera_s_secrets_by_smokeyandthebandit-d7fo4co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has two "legs" in front that I could walk on and just lean back on the spider back for photos and such.

>> No.8686044
File: 79 KB, 240x240, robo fortune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay mai waifu.
Would 3D modeling --> kigurumi-style papercraft be the only viable route?

>> No.8686108

Oh I see now anon. I was thinking about how you can be mobile in such an outfit since your first picture >>8683255 looks really big. I was thinking about how you can go into doors/on the convention floor.

You could probably make the legs using mannequin arms or tubing and attach them to your back with a harness but the issue is the second abdomen. It looks huge.

>tfw you should know this show and just don't.

>> No.8686110

For her 'head' or the whole outfit in general?

>> No.8686155
File: 118 KB, 625x320, rf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her head. I'm planning on using EVA foam for the body but the head has me stumped.

>> No.8686459
File: 2 KB, 105x157, satan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out the exact pattern I would use for this guys coat/cape/body thing. The most obvious would be something like a semicircle in the way that you do a cloak, but I feel like it would drape too much. I'd prefer to figure out a pattern that keeps it mostly smooth. At this point in time I think I'm also going to make the neck and head separately, because there's no way I can keep the whole thing smooth-ish in one piece.

>> No.8686634

Hey gulls, what are your recommendations for good opaque coloured tights to ship (cheaply?) to Europe? Mostly aiming this question at the Homestuck/SU crowd here.

I know I can technically get whatever Google comes up with but for all I know they'll turn out to be shit thin quality and I'm trying to avoid that.

>> No.8686787
File: 140 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m955pkXKG41qielizo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe look into how people do the cloaks for Journey? Seems like they don't have a ton of "drape" but have a similar shape?

>> No.8687232

Is there a good way to spruce up fake-leather boots? I got a pair that has a few rough spots and nicks in the material. Is there a good way to smooth out or cover up those spots?

>> No.8687261

I would say do it like a Kamen rider helmet considering that the 'hair' part you wouldn't be able to do like a wig. So make your own papercraft/pepakura model first then take it from there with foam or whatever model you want.

It's possible to make the yellow eyes pop out too but I don't have experience with that.

>> No.8687314

Ooo, I hadn't even considered how similar it is to a Rider helmet. Time to learn Blender!

>> No.8687641
File: 348 KB, 810x1080, tumblr_nmp9erCtPb1roujclo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so this is probably a really dumb question, but I'm looking for a certain type of trim/bias tape. The best reference I could find is what's used in this tutorial here. They call it "craft tape", but I'm not sure what to really call it or search for. It looks like it's a vinyl tape? I'm really just at a loss of what to search or look for, or what the technical term is.

>> No.8687654

It's called gum/gummed tape in the west.
The scan is too darn blurry to show what most of the text says.

>> No.8687661

buy aghanim's

>> No.8687693

Good luck anon! If you need more help come back!

>> No.8687941

Where's a good place to find cosplay commissioners, other than cosplay.com?

>> No.8687984

So I put in an expired colored contact lens stupidly. I noticed that it felt really dry and remembered that it was expired after maybe 10-20 mins of wearing them and removed them immediately. But it's been about 10-20 mins and there is a disconcerting residue left from the print on the lens around my eyes. (It almost looks like I'm still wearing contacts because the part that was covered by the lenses is still pure white but the surrounding area is slightly tinted)

am I gonna die or go blind, or do I just gotta sleep on it /cgl/?

>> No.8688161


Anon. This issue is no longer in the "ask internet strangers for advice" territory.

Rinse your eye out (with eye wash, if you have it), then go see an actual doctor or something. Let them take an irl look at your cornea and see if it's harmful or if you just need more eye wash.

>> No.8688372
File: 35 KB, 256x552, kogal4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question but I didn't see a dumb question thread and I don't think the Halloween thread is gonna be much help so I'm gonna ask here
Where do gulls get their loose socks from? like the kind you see kogal wear? They're cute and I know wildfox couture was making a near perfect pair a while ago, the only problem was that they said "wildfox" on them

>> No.8688803

coslook is also taking orders for Halloween

It's a hit or miss. If you go the Taobao route you have to just use a proxy and ask people do they take commissions.

>> No.8688807

You can buy Japanese loose socks as picture related on Ebay or Yahoo Japan auction using something like Tenso FS. Or even Aliexpress.

>> No.8688836

Isn't there a Facebook group for it? I think I saw one mentioned once, but I don't remember what it was or which thread it was in...

>> No.8688955

I'm looking at buying a wig for an upcoming cosplay and the character is depicted as having gray/white hair...I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding whether I buy a white wig or a gray wig.
What do you normally do anons?

>> No.8688956

Sorry wrong thread.

>> No.8688963


Which character is it?

>> No.8688985


Look for 'silver' wigs. Without knowing the character I'd say go gray since white can be really stark looking and grey is more natural.

>> No.8689002
File: 1.09 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with the outter portion of this. Does anyone have any idea on how to cut it out and have it be round but sit flat and smooth. When I tried the first time it came out too short and didn't cover the white completely. Any type of help would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.8689014

I meant to say cut out the fabric, posting from mobile, sorry!

>> No.8689218

There was but I don't either remember it or it doesn't exist anymore. I'll look. Did you try http://desustorage.org/ or Rebecca black?

>> No.8689334

Actually tried a Facebook search, and I found a pretty big group that's probably it. Still out to check the archives though, yeah. But thank you!

>> No.8689342

You're going to have to put a few darts in it.

>> No.8689441

Can someone help me find places to shop for cpk? Their isn't a thread for it anymore...

>> No.8689525
File: 79 KB, 230x466, Chie_Satonaka_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help finding/making a jacket like Chie Satonaka's from persona 4. I can only seem to find a whole costume, nowhere can I get just the jacket itself.

Anyone have any ideas how to make it or where I could get one? Preferably a place to get one.

>> No.8689549

Have you tried yellow packing tape?

>> No.8689592

Does anyone who has an astigmatism notice that HoneyColour doesn't have the base curve 8.7? Why do you think it is?
I want to order these but it isnt listed.

Should I contact them about it or do you think its not available?

>> No.8689600

noting, i want to order BaseCurve 8.7 because my normal contact lenses list that, as well as a DIAmeter of 14.5.

>> No.8689603

buy a green jacket, if you cant find one alike, sew it.
for the stripes use fabric paint and painters tape. for the pins, you can make real button pins or out of resin, clay ect.

>> No.8689950

You can find the whole costume on ebay or aliexpress and you can ask people to just make the jacket. I know because I thought about cosplay. So you're wrong on that or didn't try.

>> No.8690150

I own the official jacket and I want to get rid of it because it's too big for me (fits men's M or ladies' L~XL). Comes with the button pins, also official.

The button pins can be made with a button pin maker, or you can get a set from a Chinese store for cheap. They're not supposed to be resin or clay as >>8689603 suggested.

>> No.8690152

Just use Tenso. Is safe!

>> No.8690226

Any tips of painting styrofoam? It's white styrofoam, and I just want it to look like a smooth, hard white surface.

I'm trying this acrylic craft paint we had laying around but my paintbrush sucks, though it seems to work. Are there any better/easier alternatives to a smooth white finish?

>> No.8690395

you have to cover it in something else if you want it to be smooth
Styrofoam is a porous material and just painting it will never get it to be smooth
ps the propellant in spray paint will melt Styrofoam, don't use it

>> No.8690398

I believe predator rat does actually ship overseas. Some anon in an uchuu kei thread a while ago purchased directly from them

>> No.8690461

I bought some super bright orange 100% polyester stretch knit fabric. I want to mute it to be less bright and possibly more yellowey.
If I attempt to tea dye it will it make any difference at all? I've heard you're supposed to use 100% cotton for tea dying but if I have to deal with messy and fussy specialty fabric dye I'm just going to deal with my costume being super bright.

>> No.8690482

Boobs are too big for a dress I just bought, besides lose weight and hope my boobs go first, what alterations could I do? It has a mini shirring panel in the back

>> No.8690487

Get a binder

>> No.8690501

A minimizing bra will help.

>> No.8690513

I thought those were bad for you,

>> No.8690554

Not if you wear it right, get one that fits properly and don't wear it all fucking day.

>> No.8690620
File: 173 KB, 960x720, 1445147794262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this hard to make? i already have the helmet; the boots and the gun, but i dont know what to use to paint my face and to paint my clothes without looking like a green blob.

>> No.8691305
File: 93 KB, 1000x1333, Image-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone that knows how to work with lights help me with this costume?

Id like the light on the head to be adjustable in brightness, or have different levels of brightness if that makes sense. How would I go about it?

I'm worried about it getting too hot if I put it on my head as well. (for example if I attached it to a sort of helmet/hat), I was thinking about making most of the head out of foam and slotting the light in (so that its not too heavy) would this be a problem too?

Thanks in advance!

>> No.8691445

bought a cute salo, shits shorter than my other AP dresses by 5". i knew it'd be shorter, just not that much shorter. i'm 5'4, am i just too tall for these things or what? any other 'taller' gulls wear salos?

>> No.8691464
File: 113 KB, 1120x840, 1445811558164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I see whether an online offered wig is a good quality wig or crap? Would like to start with cosing, but I don't know shit about anything.

>> No.8691556

You're going to want to use LEDs because they are compact, lightweight, don't generate much heat, and dimmable. LEDs are directional, but that doesn't seen to be a problem since your head is a searchlight.

Probably an array of LEDs on a plate with a cloth diffuser over the array. There are simple PWM circuits that can control the brightness by simply turning a hidden knob.

Power is probably going to be 3-4 9V batteries, probably lasts an entire day or longer depending on brightnesd

>> No.8691638
File: 307 KB, 1167x1018, P6180784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This would probably be the fastest way to do it:
LED Strips
PWM LED dimmer

Most LED strips have intervals where you can cut them apart. Cut a few strips and arrange them on a plate. Solder the separate strips together with scrap wires. Connect strips to dimmer, then to batteries and it's done. If that sounds like something you want to do, then I can provide the specifics on the voltage / current / power / battery life in another post.

>> No.8691681

Read the reviews and check to see if it's a stock photo or not via google reverse image search.

Also read the description of the fibers.

>> No.8691683

Anon if you found a facebook group for commissions can you tell me the link if you could? I'm interested in getting one myself.

>> No.8691837


Doesn't sound too hard. Items from sellers with only a few to no reviews are a no-no then as a beginner?

>Also read the description of the fibers.

Any redflags regarding materials/fibers that gurantee you'll get a shitty 5$ wig?

>> No.8691848
File: 218 KB, 700x1200, costume353_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anywhere that sells good quality sexy santa costumes? I like the designs of bodyline's but the material looks pretty cheap.

>> No.8691895

Hey /cgl/, I have a wig that is heavily styled with hairspray, and I want to wash it out and try to start over again with the styling. What is the best way to go about this? I've googled how to wash a wig and all I'm seeing is basic tutorials. I just feel like this will probably take a little more effort than just "Wet wig, work in shampoo, rinse, dry".

>> No.8691902

no, that is literally all there is to it.

>> No.8691967

Try to find items from sellers with a good range of reviews unless you want to take a chance. I bought two wigs from a place that seemed shady and they ended up being really roomy and better than the 'official' ones but I bought from Taobao so I'm not sure if you are going to buy from Arda, etc.

There's heat-resistant fibers, kanekalon, regular 'silky straight' kanekalon, and the coarse kind used for ethnic hairstyles like yaki or jumbo braid. If in doubt ask but they usually have a description on the shop/item.

Off hand Epic cosplay wigs are good for styling but I have no idea how heat resistant they are. Arda are also good but the long ones tangle worse than two black girls fighting with weave and there's a few others (such as Japanese sellers.)

I personally use Arda and Taobao because I have a big head.

>> No.8692036

it really depends on your torso and leg length. short torso means it will cover more of your crotch
I wear a binder on a daily basis, ask me questions if you have any about them

>> No.8692069

Just shampoo it again if it's still dirty/full of product. There's not much else you can do. It's not like it's full of glue, hairspray is made to be able to be washed out of hair, so why should it be different with a wig?

>> No.8692141
File: 9 KB, 200x300, gajeelboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a gajeel redfox cosplay but I cant seem to find a good material to use that looks like metal that I can put on the boots, gloves and use to make the wristbands. pic related. I'm not sure what type of material it is.

>> No.8692147
File: 12 KB, 250x234, 1525382-250px_gajeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is another pic of him and the wristbands.

>> No.8692218

>need to adhere a small, 4" diameter object to styrofoam
>have craft glue and a higher-temp hot glue gun

I've read that styrofoam can let off harmful gas when melted, and my glue gun is pretty hot. Would it matter much if I did it outside, and given it's such a small amount? Or how could I stick this thing to it?

>> No.8692248


thanks so much for the detailed instructions! this is super helpful! I'll go and try this out soon.Bless you anon!

>> No.8692259

Don't stick it directly to the styrofoam. For one, it will break off, and two, it will melt the foam. Coat the styrofoam in gesso or something first. Do not use any sort of spray primers. once that is done, use something like e6000.

>> No.8692847
File: 285 KB, 373x481, crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have one of these scarves?

I want to make one in a color that will match my coat. I just want to make sure I understand the construction. Is it just a bow with a scrunchie type arm band in the base of the bow so it cinches?
I was just going to buy two scarves in the same colors and try it but I might as well ask.

>> No.8692868
File: 566 KB, 1000x1316, cute_dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a noob. Would this dress be worth buying? 90$ from what seems to be some shop owned by Milanoo. Is this a replica of something? Will it be worth it? I love all the different textures in it and the layers and stuff. Is there anything else like it that isn't so bloody expensive?


>> No.8692889

>Would this dress be worth buying?
>from what seems to be some shop owned by Milanoo

I don't get it, you answered your own question right away. No. No it is not worth it to buy anything from milanoo. I am 100% sure you can find that dress elsewhere.

>> No.8692890


>> No.8692894

nobody is going to help you unless you can learn to post in the correct thread.

>> No.8692897

what is the point of copy and pasting, also i did just post in the correct thread

>> No.8692900

How will I find it then? What do I search for? I don't even know all the fashion terms and stuff, seriously, I am so clueless it's not funny. I'm a simple man who just wants a cute dress.

>> No.8692902

No, you are STILL not in the halloween thread.

>> No.8692906

first step would be to see if you can't find the shop they stole the pictures from. Ask around to see if anyone recognizes the background. Do searches on taobao for crochet and lace lolita too.

>> No.8692974


>> No.8693019

Ty for the Info. Helps me out alot!

I was also thinking about using Taobao for such purposes, but I need to read first more about how things work, if I want to order from europe.

>> No.8693078

Not from Europe but I know you have to pay customs depending on the area and they charge different fees if you are using a FS or a SS. I say lurk in the Taobao threads and look at the google doc too along with the older threads in the RB archives.

>> No.8693873
File: 295 KB, 768x1041, great saiyaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on what materials to gather for a Great Saiyaman costume? I'm going for turban and sunglasses since I don't have the time to make a helmet from scratch.

>> No.8693884

Sorry! Haven't checked this thread, my bad.

I just Facebook searched "cosplay commissions" and a group with that name popped up that I snooped around in. I made a post that got replies pretty fast from what look to be talented costume-makers, so I'd call it a decent group (at least, so far)!

Hope this helps, anon! Make your cosplay dreams come true.

>> No.8694033

Does anyone know the most successful method to remove fabric dye from the skin?
Dying acccident, my whole hands are stained black. I managed to scrub a big part of it off with dish soap and a dish sponge but there are still very noticeable stains. Thanks in advance

>> No.8694090

i had the same problem a few weeks ago dying a wig with fabric dye. my hands looked like they had port wine stains for days
you just gotta wait it out and keep scrubbing, try different types of soap
i hope your halloween costume has gloves

>> No.8694193
File: 168 KB, 480x444, mETTATON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying Mettaton, current plan is to use my horde of upholstry foam for his soul and soul container, carve out the general shape then coat it with a few layers of resin and then paint over. the arms I'm gonna use long gloves, stitch them or hot glue them to the bodice and attatch circles of craft foam that have been spraypainted mettalic and use white magic gloves for the hands, I've already got the wig and makeup from a Nepeta cosplay. But how should I best go about the bodice? I was thinking use craft foam and maybe coat it with resin? Or use 1inch upholstry foam and cover it in fabric?

>> No.8694321

to be honest i don't know the first thing about binders, never were a thing i thought i would need/want. what binder do you wear? any type of binders to avoid? my tits are C bordering on D, anything i should know for bigger tatas? teach me, sensei

>> No.8694354

You can get yoga pants or maybe some tights for the bottoms. The cape you can make with a simple tutorial. Not sure about the rest.

>> No.8694355

What you would use for the wristbands you wouldn't really use for the boots. You can make the wristbands using foam or other methods and 'make' it look metalic. Actually you could probably do the same thing with the boots too if you know what you are doing.

>> No.8694362

>cosplay commissions
It was the one at 9,000 people right? The only other one I see is the UK based one.

>> No.8694531
File: 19 KB, 640x478, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I might do Wuya for a con later this year but I'm baffled on how to recreate her hair. I can tell that I'm going to need to use foam and lots of wefts but I'm not sure where to start, exactly...

>> No.8694622
File: 1.50 MB, 1770x1158, oliviercollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a FMA military uniform. I want to use nice silver military braid trim for the edge of the uniform, but I'm not sure what to use for the buttoned straps on the cape or the belt. What kind of grey material might match silver braid trim and not look really tacky?


You could get a normal long wig in the color of the back hair (burgundy?) and then add a lacefront hairline in the bright color with a widow's peak. No use getting a burgundy wig with the lacefront already on it, since the front seems to be a different color from the rest (unless it's just really shiny?)

You'll need to fair the surface with something before you can paint it. Paper mache + sanding is a cheap way to do it.

PAX paint on your neck and hands (unless you opt for purple gloves) and your choice of greasepaint or water-based paint on your face. There are 100s of homestuck tutorials out there for turning this much of you into a different color.
You might set your greasepaints (should you use them) with bright pigmented powders instead of translucent powder for an extra kick of coverage. Just make sure they're matte.

Re: belt: look up tutorials for Batman's utility belt, there ought to be some out there and the concept seems similar.

>> No.8694699

Yep! 9,000-some members, and the cover photo of the "three kinds of services" thing.

>> No.8694882

Thanks anon.

>> No.8694885

I'm not sure about the cape but you thought about making the belt like you would any other gray belt? It seems to be that the strap that goes over Olivier's shoulder matches the belt.

I'll look it up because I recall someone doing something similar.

Also I'm anon >>8684664 so thanks.

>> No.8694898

Would this help?


>> No.8695089
File: 34 KB, 344x247, bison 4v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me a good armor creator using EVA foam for basic armor? Just need to make the simple shoulder, bracers and boots for M. Bison but I am just terrible with armor crafting from foam.

>> No.8695147

How would I sew some small pieces of worbla to clothing? Should I put the worbla over craft foam, but leave part of the foam uncovered at the back and sew the foam to the cloth? They're only small decos, so there wouldn't be any weight pulling at them

>> No.8695188
File: 1.22 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG1447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, I bought a grab bag at a convention yesterday, and I got this rubber strap inside it. It didn't come with a tag or anything to tell what the character is from. Could you guys help me if you know the character? Thanks!

>> No.8695191
File: 159 KB, 851x1000, inu-x-boku-ss-roromiya-kauta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody tell me some sites where to buy good quality and cheap stuff for her cosplay?

>> No.8695214

Anyone know of a simple boot cover tutorial, mainly one that doesn't deal with stretch fabric?
or one that uses foam perhaps?

>> No.8695225

Does anyone know of any good prop makers with open commission spaces? I need someone to make a pretty complicated mask for me, but I have no idea how to find someone like that.

>> No.8695229

what's the mask look like anon?

>> No.8695233

It's Majora's Mask! Maybe not THAT complicated, but it's definitely outside my skillset to make. Plus, I came into some money recently and I want to commission it so I can make sure it's all fancy and shit.

>> No.8695256

with some digging around I'm sure you can find them in taobao

>> No.8695439
File: 585 KB, 1606x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it good or bad to edit hall photos you take of other cosplayers? I have a high res camera that tends to make blemishes, pores, and fine lines really visible. But since I'm not being paid to shoop them (just casually taking pics to post in my gallery free of charge) I don't know if cosplayers would appreciate me editing unflattering photos of them, or taking them at all.

Pic related, what my photos look like.

>> No.8695673

maybe just attach velcro or snaps to both the clothing and the pieces you want attached, rather than trying to sew them on?

>> No.8695690

Of course it's good. Who wants photos of their blemishes?

Tho with a photo like that, you might want to soften the image instead.

>> No.8695697
File: 7 KB, 204x162, 1421223418062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing a really good con prep/budgeting guide a while back but forgot to bookmark it/note down the name. Lo and behold I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore, nor even find anything similar.
Anyone know of a decent one worth checking out?

>> No.8695749
File: 70 KB, 600x351, 20130318084924-DLC_Beowulf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to cosplay pic related, but having trouble working out that wolf headdress/hood thing. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to go about that? Also, the tank top has a strip of argyle plaid on it and I haven't been lucky in my amazon searches for any kind of tank top similar to that, so how would I go about applying that pattern across the chest of a blank tank top? Iron on? Paint?

>> No.8695932
File: 214 KB, 1200x1200, 8be6f920-8e36-4e3c-ac61-18e307f04901._V329840513_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, quick question but I'm doing a project and I want to draw on some felt. Does anyone have any fabric marker reccomendations? I want to make some white opaque lines on it. It there anything with kind of a brush tip in case I want to make more fine lines as well?

>> No.8695945

use actual paint or it's not going to work out. use fabric paint if it's going to be something you're wearing, acrylics will be fine otherwise. Generally speaking you're going to need to make multiple coats to make white opaque on a colored fabric so be prepared for that.

>> No.8695968

Ok, thank you!

>> No.8695973

Just use a ruler and if you need to make small lines, get a really fine brush!

>> No.8695976

Yes, fabric paint will work, but fabric paint markers can work just as well. I used Sharpie's fabric pens in silver and white for my Jack Frost and they worked great. The one thing you have to watch for is the type of fabric you're painting on. If it is anything that is prone to pilling, like wool, then it can clog up your pen and you'll want to clean the tip often. Now the pens themselves are only really useful for detailing and fine lines. For covering larger areas, then you will want to use fabric paint and get a variety of brushes.

>> No.8696004

Is there a brand of wig fiber specifically known for not tangling at the back of your neck during the day? I have a long Arda and I'm wondering if I could protect it with a couple rows of some other fiber back there.

Try fur suit tutorials to learn how to make fake animal heads.

>> No.8696072

It's Asahina Hikaru from Brothers Conflict

>> No.8696463


Try evil ted smith on YouTube for his foam tutorial. Basic and insightful that itll work well for your purposes

>> No.8696494

Anyone have a good tutorial on making your hips and butt bigger? I really want to deemphasize my rather large shoulders.

>> No.8696522

What are the new word filters?

>> No.8696531

Ignore the title, it should work on anyone.

>> No.8696624
File: 36 KB, 384x384, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be 5ft tall, 100 lbs, all around little
>want to be super accurate 7ft tall space marine

cgl, how the fuck do i make myself fit into the armor? i know im gonna need to construct stilts for the legs, but i don't want to suffer from trex syndrome with the arms. only problem is, i still want to be able to use my hands. should i sacrifice that mobility and just use sticks or construct a pulley system?

also, if anyone can recommend a good voice changer, i'd appreciate it. i don't want to sound like the tiny girl i am.
pic related, i wanna be big and strong

>> No.8696652

Does anyone have any experience on cheap ebay binders? I'm looking for a binder for crossplay. My boobs are on the smaller side.

>> No.8696666

>Experience on cheap ebay binders
They don't work and they are as good as the ones you get from Taobao. Suggestion is to not buy them there and go to Underworks, Les love boat or gc2b (get one to two sizes up) and get an actual binder.

>> No.8696667
File: 82 KB, 700x421, blazblue-central-fiction-55b21fea7e6a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to cosplay as Naoto from Blazblue. How can I hide my C/D cup boobs? I seen the Dante tutorial but that might not work in this case.

>> No.8696673

Welp, I figured 3euros plus free shipping for a working binder is to good to be true. I'll look into the shops you recommended, thanks a bunch!

>> No.8697111

If you need a Europe or UK based binder shop let me know anon.

>> No.8697181

Cosplay a squat instead

>> No.8697193

Yo as someone who's helped a friend with a giant cosplay like this, eg halo hunter, your best bet is fashioning a sturdy arm extension. What id do for a space marine is make one arm with a pulley system so that you can still /kind of/ grab/push things/ use a hand, and make the other hand totally rigid grasping the weapon, so that the forearm and hand are one solid piece. This way you won't have to worry about carrying your weapon because it's attached to your arm, but you'll still have a free poseable hand for practical purposes. There's a bunch of tutorials for pvc stilts that can support a solid 150 lbs worth of weight, and if you want a solid voice changer you're going to have to shell out at least a hundred.

>> No.8697467

thanks anon! i wanted to have a pulley for one hand at least, so i guess sacrificing and making one hand/arm solid to hold my bolter isn't that bad. i'm really just worried about the shoulders and everything lining up correctly. i followed sterley's space marine build pretty closely and am gonna reinforce everything with pvc so it doesn't lose shape, but i'm still trying to add 2ft of height and width here.

>> No.8697485

**sylgian's build, which is pretty old now but still good.

>> No.8697600

super late, but try a mascara primer and use a few coats to cover everything. i believe loreal or revlon sells it (combined with the black mascara in a separate tube) for about five bucks. good luck, anon.

>> No.8697824
File: 63 KB, 600x800, bee1094f7796e962fca37b872808ed03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any good places to find good patterns/tutorials for clothes online?
Or does anyone have any tips for drafting own patterns?
I just got a decent sewing machine and I wanted to do something like pic related because I feel like it would be pretty simple, but I'm a bit lost when it comes to patterns..

>> No.8698144

wheres a good place to get inspo for some space themed stuff?

>> No.8698152

If you're just starting out, I highly recommend getting some commercial patterns and making those. Joann Fabrics has pattern sales pretty regularly and you can pick up patterns for a few bucks each. Drafting can be pretty tricky, especially if you're just starting out.

>> No.8698154

I asked this in the last wig thread but didn't get an answer.
Are there any wig brands that have 'fluffier' wigs as opposed to silky/weighted down wigs like Arda? I'm looking for something that is lighter and flips out easier.

>> No.8698232

Good idea, thanks anon!

>> No.8698241
File: 1.63 MB, 800x2804, no_stretch_boot_cover_tutorial_by_firelilycosplay-d2o87k0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No boot cover is simple.

>> No.8698421

Using a non-stretch fabric makes it harder since you'd have to put in darts and make other considerations to turn it into a very curvy 3D shape, unless you mean to have a wrinkly pile of fabric as the result.

>> No.8698497
File: 29 KB, 330x330, 1446523371990[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a replacement for Schmere it's too late for me to order anything else online. What's something else to make clothes and skin look dirty?

>> No.8698531

I cannot seem to cut a goddamned straight line when I'm cutting my nice fabric. Cheap mock up fabric? No problem, but every time I cut into my pricier stuff I fuck it up to hell.
I am just completely retarded or is there something I'm missing?

>> No.8698548

You might need new scissors, or at least sharped the ones you have. Aside from that, depending on the fabric, you can draw your cut lines out with either chalk, or erasable fabric markers.

>> No.8698804

You might be right, thanks. I talked to my boyfriend and it turns out he's been using my sewing scissors in the kitchen despite me telling him these are just for sewing. He said he'd buy me some new ones, we'll see when I try those.

>> No.8698825

Actually I need EU based! I don't mind ordering overseas but if there are EU based shops then that's definitely a plus.

>> No.8698835

dump that piece of shit

>> No.8698855
File: 2.75 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my thread doing this? I'm using a straight stitch but the bobbin side is trying to zig zag.

>> No.8698861

looks like the tension is fucked up. you also may be pulling it through too quickly.

>> No.8699382

These are located in the UK or Taiwan


There isn't a Europe mutually exclusive binder shop to my knowledge but I'll keep on looking

>> No.8699456

Does anyone have experience with buyer side paypal charge backs? I ordered some specific material for a costume, and when it came it turned out to be something different. I emailed to see if she'd mistakenly sent me the wrong thing, and she responded saying basically that she just doesn't really "pay attention" to what she's put in her listing and if I wanted to send it back she'd refund me. I feel this is ridiculous, since it wasn't a simple mistake. She specifically advertised an item (it was in the written item description and there was a picture) and sent me a cheaper, materially different item I cannot use. I do not want to take time out of my day to wait in line at the post office because she's an asshole. If I file a paypal charge back, will I be required to do this? Or is there some rule that the seller must send prepaid postage for a return?

>> No.8699484

Wow, that's ridiculous.

>> No.8699485

You should be covered under PayPal's ridiculous 180-day money back rule. Google or search through PayPal for the specifics. Your case should fall under "Item Not As Described" and you're basically entitled to a full refund if the seller doesn't respond and pay for your return shipping.

>> No.8699514

I know I can get a "not as described" refund, but if I'm reading paypal's rules right it seems like I may be required by paypal to return it at my own expense, which seems wrong. I was wondering if anyone had first hand experience. The item is not expensive (what I bought was $18 + shipping, what I was sent is worth about $10) but I'm pissy about the situation and don't feel like either I should have take on the cost and hassle of returning it without prepaid postage or she should get away with this kind of thing.

>> No.8699547

I had to return the item and pay for shipping myself. Can't remember if I got my shipping back or not but it depends.

My mom had to return some wigs and pay not only shipping but a 're processing fee' on top of that.

>> No.8699553

ugh. that is some bullshit. I guess I'll try to politely go through the seller first then, and hope she doesn't know she has all the power here. I can't even leave honest feedback because I bet I'd get hit with retaliatory negatives and I sell stuff through my etsy account and can't absorb a negative at my current feedback rating.

>> No.8699849
File: 97 KB, 444x852, Fuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shade of green should I do for Fuuka Yamagishi's wig? I plan to do her winter version (pic related). Her hair color in the game/anime is so inconsistent, it isn't funny.

>> No.8699854


>> No.8699876

>predator rat panties
Thanks, everyone. Really glad I finally know what to look for.

Great. I haven't ordered stuff from japan in a while, didn't know Tenso.

>> No.8699918

Dark teal like in the picture or a bit lighter like Hatsune Miku's hair color?

>> No.8699920
File: 4 KB, 320x238, 026c96cd0b843822035881eec058237f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn the difference, it may save your life.

>> No.8700120
File: 62 KB, 1733x975, Old2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one go about making Big Boss's Sneaking Suit from Ground Zeroes?
Would making one of those Zentai suits and then getting a harness and belt be a good option?

If its too difficult for me to make IIll probbaly just do an Ocelot Unit from MGSV

>> No.8700357

give us an update anon.

>> No.8701492
File: 1.42 MB, 1275x911, Vault_111_jumpsuit_male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time here from /v/, but this is going to be a year long process so I might as well jump right in.

I'm looking to make an extremely accurate Fallout 4 Vault Suit for Halloween and conventions next year.

The problem with the new Suits is they appear to be made of some kind of weird stretchy material.

What would most closely represent this stuff, and how do I find some / work with it?

There is one live action trailer with a suit made of something that looks like it which is my goal:

>> No.8701776
File: 13 KB, 326x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fabric is a work jumpsuit like pic related made out of? I'm going to be sewing one for a cosplay but I'm kind of stuck on what material to use.

Some of the ones I've found said that they're made of polyester. Is that a good one to use?

>> No.8701821


Heavy twill. I've cosplayed with one, and I just bought it from a workwear supplier and then stenciled my logos on it.

>> No.8701848

Are there any US retail chains that sell twill? Like does Joann or a similar type of store sell it?

>> No.8701872


Twill is a common fabric so probably, but I doubt they have much (if any) of a selection in the weight you need. You're looking for something almost like canvas. It's workwear. Think sturdy denim--denim is a type of twill with a specific dye pattern. In some places you'll want to wear safety glasses because it might get pretty thick to work with, so watch your needle.

>> No.8704123

As someone who doesn't have any skills to make my own costume, what is the best place to get a commission from?