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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 53 KB, 500x375, gen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8682471 No.8682471 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread a kill >>8677397
HL 2nd MTO >>8674587
tenso/shopping services >>8671204

is the horror garden hype really dead? is it safe for me to have hope now?

>> No.8682485

i wonder too. CT said some time ago she can get me the skirt but was full for the OP. now i'm wondering if i'll actually have a shot at the OP since it was my first choice. not holding my breath though.

>> No.8682489

I haven't heard much about HG on this board which surprises me. I might actually try to get it on release day then.

>> No.8682493

tbh the hype will never end until everyone stops having a boner for AP's hot topic goffick prints

In other news, how many of you are going to try for Dreamy Jewel? I really like it in pink, but I have no idea if this one is going to be a hit or not.

>> No.8682495

I'm thinking about going for it. I really hope that the charges come through on my CC do that I can pay enough for it when it comes

>> No.8682501

my Secret Laboratory JSK just shipped yaaay

I don't really have a coord ready for it, though, especially not an interesting Halloween one. Still debating whether I'll wear it in a mediocre way for Halloween or just not bother at all for now and pull out all the stops next year. If it even arrives on time, that is.

>> No.8682539
File: 18 KB, 767x115, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to search for pictures of a Baby dress being worn
>this is top recommended search


>> No.8682554

Google is a wonderful thing.

>> No.8682571


Can someone tell me why all the coords look terrible in this fashion show but it is their third year of doing it?

>> No.8682608

Anyone have any other recommendations for an in-store SS other than TP or CT?

Probably should have asked in the tenso thread but it seemed kinda dead

Just getting really curious from all the people who have this magical SS who gets them stuff

>> No.8682630

If that MC says "like" one more time i swear to god

>> No.8682637

I'm going to go for it in pink too, probably, but I haven't really decided for sure.

>> No.8682779

I'm looking for a black chiffon underskirt, but I need it before December, and I'm worried it won't make it on time if I order from taobao. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm looking for one about 65-70cm if that helps.

>> No.8682798

Lady Sloth or Glitter Tale

>> No.8682818

The coords were mostly fone, but who the hell hired that announcer? She's so incredibly misinformed and clearly didn't practice at all
"Like ummm....yeah. colors like that"

>> No.8682840

Lady sloth maybe, but how long it takes will depend on her queue. I would send a note saying you need it by a certain time asking what the current wait is. Because you could either get in 2 weeks or get it right around the beginning of december.

>> No.8683009
File: 48 KB, 290x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get a beret like this?

>> No.8683015

Tried looking up pictures, but couldn't find them because I'm stupid. Does anyone have pics of dreamy jewel?

>> No.8683017
File: 113 KB, 422x750, tumblr_nuthccXqMc1qbuhibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one I can find for now, but I know there is more

>> No.8683019

>wearing oldschool
>not wearing RHS, or big chunky shoes
>instead wearing flats


Also that MC is terribly retarded.

>> No.8683020

Peacockalorum on etsy has chiffon underskirts - you can get custom sizing and decide the number of ruffles too =]
Message and ask for a time-frame maybe?

>> No.8683021

Go through the Lolita Updates post for the series.

>> No.8683023

Does anyone know where that chiffon cape is from the first is wearing?

>> No.8683024
File: 74 KB, 640x640, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F2f2ac80d8c884bebebafd65b6726142e%2Ftumblr_noelfimJmm1s7bke7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard you can buy shoes direct from Antaina without an as but the only information I can find is a live journal post from 2012, has anyone had any success doing this?

>> No.8683025
File: 38 KB, 540x960, aatp hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't there a bunch of people looking for Aatp witch hats?
Theres one up on LSE

>> No.8683036

All those way too short skirts. Shironuri girl is the worst, the dress barely covers her butt, with the sweet lolitas being close.

>> No.8683037


Yeah, you just email yoyo.0510@hotmail.com and tell them what you want to buy. It's on their taobao shop in the description.

Send a link or a photo + size + color and any special info needed.

>> No.8683040

Damn, why are so many of them so fat?

>> No.8683046

Yes, it is still possible. I ordered my last pair a year ago. You should find the contact info on one of their taobao sites.
With ordering directly it is possible to get any style in any color they have. They even do costum sizing, as in you measure your feet and tey make the shoes according to it. I do have to say the accuarcy isn't always that good. I have two pairs, one fitting perfect and one being slightly too norrow despite the same measurements.

>> No.8683079

Thanks for that, just noticed the email on their taobao page.

Have ordered with a tb ss before but just learnt I can go direct which should save me time and money.

>> No.8683084

Time, yes. Possibly not money. They don't get discounted EMS like shopping services do, and the last time I ordered with them, they ONLY shipped via EMS, which was quite costly.

But it made ordering the custom shoes I wanted a lot easier, because there wasn't a middleman to mess up the communication.

>> No.8683101

Different anon, but I was just about to order directly from them. The shoes I want are just really basic tea parties in a largeish-normal size, but I want the beige soles like AP's shoes. Do you reccomend using a SS or reseller instead then?

>> No.8683110

If you're not ordering multiple pairs, especially if you have a taobao order already going, using a middleman might be better. You can also ask an*tai*na for a quote on shipping before you order, to compare the cost to what a shopping service would charge. I haven't bought from them in a while, so they might offer other shipping options now.

>> No.8683191

Thanks anon. I've actually never ordered from taobao before, maybe I'll get a blouse or something else I need too then use a ss.

>> No.8683192

Is Bunny House still in business? I wanted to buy a blouse but it hasn't been posted in like over a year and their page looks dead

>> No.8683232

Yes they are, I just bought a blouse from them. Still waiting for it in the mail, but for some reason they have two different Facebook pages? I think the most recent one is the one with less likes - either way the most recent one will have posted about a giveaway on it and have just over 2 thousand likes. It's also definitely them and not a scam because they link to the same Google forms page as the other page. I have no idea why they have a second page and have kept the other one up.

>> No.8683240

Just put in a direct order with them and they gave me the option for ems and airmail. I was also able to ask for a shoe in a colour not shown, which they sent me back a picture of another shoe and asked if that was the colour I wanted.

Also asked for my foot measurements, her English is very good which makes it super easy compared to dealing with a broken English tb ss. If you don't need custom shoes and are ordering other tb things, an ss is probably the way to go however.

>> No.8683244

Wow that was a boring asf update AP

>> No.8683245

Just two cutsews, right? I really thought that Dream Jewel would be released

>> No.8683253

a bow, wrist cuffs, cutsews and the otks from the whipped series. A anon from the previous thread found a pic of the dreamy jewel tab. Another anon said that they reserved it and was due to pick it up this weekend (although that could be nothing but a shit post/red herring) Could be a delayed release. keep refreshing just in case..

they also restocked last week's series with more bonnets and skirt as well as the black colourway of the OP.

Looks like instore they're releasing the collection looks for this season, and the candy that they're handing out has the british bear print on it. Maybe that's next?

>> No.8683271


Step 1. Buy a black beret

Step 2. Tie a black ribbon into a bow.

Step 3. Sew that ribbon onto the beret.

>> No.8683278

Do I dare selfpost in /fa/'s waywt thread to see the reactions? It's so damn tempting.

>> No.8683279

Here's the Dream Jewel tab right here actually: https://angelicpretty-onlineshop.com/products/list.php?category_id=183

>> No.8683297
File: 31 KB, 564x750, 8b9c909e11e84bf24e00c2976182ff1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone what is the name of this style of dress?

>> No.8683301


>> No.8683303


Was browsing through looking for SDD and found a puppet circus op for 1600.
I can't say I've ever seen the op before.

>> No.8683317
File: 138 KB, 650x465, teaparty_photo-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there is a list of the names of the dresses from the BABY仕掛けのフェアリーテール~POP UP Labyrinthへようこそ~/BABY POP UP Labyrinth fashion show? There are a few I really want to get when they come out but I don't know their names. Not sure if it was released publicly yet ofc, but any help would be wonderful.

>> No.8683321

That listing has been up forever. No one wants pink, especially not at that price.

>> No.8683328


>> No.8683330

I knew pink was unpopular, but I thought this was the red listing.
What do you think it'll eventually sell for?

>> No.8683336


I think theres a few images up on the lolita updates page with kota wearing them with the names next to her

>> No.8683347

Is that the one on facebook? I just took a peek and I can't seem to find it, I will keep looking but if you have links I would be super appreciative!

>> No.8683352

Nvm I found the pics, but there are no dress names. Is it safe to assume they aren't out yet?

>> No.8683360

This was extremely unprofessional for the MC to be unprepared for the show. Also, country lolita was just regular sweet lolita and showed off Erinne's elephant legs stuck in OTKs

>> No.8683364

I'm sure the ones with dakota wearing the pieces? has the names, let me find them again

>> No.8683376

I'm glad I didn't buy those socks from AP USA. They were hard to see in the preview and now I can see that they're kinda ugly

>> No.8683378


I'm not sure what to think, there's literally 0 information.

>> No.8683379

Thank you both!

>> No.8683380


If you're talking about the dresses in >>8683317, the pastoral print (Misako Aoki's print), the sentimental circus print, the Disney Alice print, the alice dresses, are already out. The back row looks like it might be the roses dancing dinner print, which has been released as well.

You're really better off checking Baby's site to see if your dress has been released or not, rather than hunting down a list of names and then coming back to ask us how to reserve them or when they're available. Most of the time we don't have the official names until Baby announces it anyway, up until last week Florence's Medicine Chest was simply referred to as the medical print by seagulls.


>> No.8683410
File: 366 KB, 1833x2000, 11950435_953169854729696_7193242744330556704_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing lolita on a male wig head cracks me up

>> No.8683420
File: 65 KB, 516x335, Puppet Circus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing what the red colourway looks like

>> No.8683438

They'll just call you fat regardless of your size. Lmao don't go there anon, it was alright a couple years ago but has gotten pretty bad this year. I think it's gotten younger or older, can't tell which but they don't know anything about fashion anymore

>> No.8683470

Wow that petti the black girl in sweet is wearing looks terrible. Makes the dress look to overstuffed.

And too short dresses everywhere.

>> No.8683488

Anybody know what the current going rate for the original Twinkle Journey in pink/wine is? What about with the matching headbow?

>> No.8683489

Is anyone else in the Frilly-Free-For-All group? I seriously can't handle this shit. Everyone in it is an ita, a moron, or both. I didn't expect particularly stimulating conversation when I joined but some of the posts are pretty terrible.

>> No.8683505

I went to pick up my dreamy jewel reserve...AP said they are expecting it soon. Sounds like all the Holy Lantern BS pushed back things. I want my damn dress. T^T

>> No.8683518

oh, so it was supposed to be released this week? Damn ap, you slippin.

On a side note, are there any lolitas from Kyoto here? How's the AP there?

>> No.8683561
File: 31 KB, 385x579, 10431456_1143826078962277_4212697513102577188_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this set, minus the blouse. I've been wracking my brain and websites for something that would look good but I'm not quite sure what to look for aside from something similar. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.8683565

Ever though of navy? It can be a really nice combo. You can also probably hit up a craft store and find similar roses to those on the waistcoat, and replace them over buttons of whatever else. Get a cute jabot to match the set.

>> No.8683576
File: 61 KB, 400x628, infantanavyblouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example. Can also coord with sailor stuff easily.

>> No.8683618

I recently sold something on LM, now the buyer has asked me to send to an address not listed in their paypal (i think it's for a daughter living on campus?).
Am I rude for saying no?
I told them I can't send to the other address as that voids my seller protection but somehow I feel kinda... bad about saying I won't but at the same time I just want to feel protected.

>> No.8683627

Tell them to change the address on paypal

>> No.8683631

No, you're completely right and not rude at all.

>> No.8683655

>that ugly ass logo

Looks like weabs who want don't actually want to work or understand how to run a business

>> No.8683665

They can add the address into their paypal. When you invoice them the buyer would select the campus address when paying. If they've already paid refund it and invoice again. Easy peasy.

>> No.8683667

Secrets are up

>> No.8683669

Where are the secrets posted?

>> No.8683670

Behind the Bows on Livejournal

>> No.8683671

Just ask them to change the Paypal address, it should be no problem unless the campus address is in another country (I had to make a whole new account when I studied abroad last year).

>> No.8683673


>> No.8683696

are there any good lolita pinterest boards?

>> No.8683701

>only 14

>> No.8683704

I'm going to my first meet up in a week or so, and I don't know which outfit to wear. The theme is autumn/halloween, so I had planned a really cute coord with autumnal colours, oak leaf and acorn brooch, etc. However, I realized that most of my accessories won't be here in time, so I'm worried it will look really basic and thus bad. I have the basics (jsk, blouse, socks, shoes, etc.) as well as some very simple accessories (a small hair clip I made and a couple pearl bracelets) but nothing else.
I have several other dresses that I could wear and coordinate a little more elaborately, but they don't fit the theme. Should I go with one of those anyways?

tl;dr Which is the better choice for your first meet up: wearing a basic bitch coord that fits the theme or wearing a more finished coord that doesn't go with the theme at all?

>> No.8683709

Show us what you have so far! There are more autumn appropriate colours besides that of the leaves.

>> No.8683722
File: 305 KB, 406x497, LS base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have so far for my "autumn" coord. This isn't the exact IW blouse I have, but it's pretty close, and my shoes are a bit darker than these. For the hair accessory, I made a simple bow that I was going to attach the brooch from the collar to.

>> No.8683728

Uhm.. That coord seems fine to me. How extravagant do you need to be?

>> No.8683730

It's looking really cute anon! I don't think it looks basic at all. I say go with it and just do your hair in a neat little updo/half updo. Have fun on your first meet!!

>> No.8683737

Pfft. It's perfect as is! If you feel you need something extra for the time being, you can always go find some matching ribbons/mushroom barettes or something for accessories from a Claire's or craft store..

>> No.8683738
File: 1.32 MB, 1150x850, 9kfqYHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have a Grand Budapest Hotel print
Why even live?

>> No.8683754

Okay, thanks seagulls. I was worried because it seems like people are going a bit more elaborate, and I often see girls nitpicked here for not wearing "enough" accessories.

>> No.8683760

You could add more accessories but the thing is, you don't need to. The coord works well. Also, I've seen more people being praised for simple coords in the CoF thread these days.

>> No.8683769

Not good enough. To be truly a perfect lolita coordinate, you need a magical little squirrel friend to sit on your head. Trufax.

>> No.8683827

Thanks for the reply! I was mainly looking for the names of the pink sold color Rapunzel coord (2:00) and the really long nightgown looking coord. (6:52)


>> No.8683832

Oh sorry, and I will keep my out there as well as the other info you gave me, I just thought I should specify about which ones I wanted more info about. Thanks!

>> No.8683871

I wouldn't be surprised if we get one from IW if they see the movie and like it.

>> No.8683914

Check the price check thread, maybe they've got an idea.

>> No.8683931

how has lolita been creeping in to other aspects of your life? I have to write an essay for my english class, was sweating it cause I really wasn't sure what to write about, esp since the essay doesn't need to be super intense, just needs to demonstrated that i understand how to write a particular essay (it's a 101 class). still had no idea what to write about until today when I was browsing FB groups and decided to just write about a lolita-related subject.

>> No.8683939

I do everything I can to avoid writing about lolita

>> No.8683945

Persuasive essay- why fatty chans who demand replicas are hurting lolita in the west?

>> No.8683967

i was going to avoid bringing it up in school too but honestly i can't think of anything else, and i know the essay will turn out better if i pick a subject i enjoy. definitely gonna avoid mentioning it by name though

>> No.8683975

I try to keep it out of my professional life (which is easy since I'm a STEMfag) but practically everything I do in my free time that isn't video games is something I got into because of lolita. I started sewing and knitting to make my own stuff, got into baking, history and period novels because muh lifestyle and whenever I feel like drawing I draw cute girls in pretty dresses because that's what I'm mainly interested in. I sometimes worry if I seem super boring to anyone not into lolita but hey whatever I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.8683998

That's a really cute coordinate, you don't "need more".
By the way, is the JSK collar detachable ?

>> No.8684100

Can anyone tell me their experiences with AP-USA's anniversary tea party? I'm tempted to go but I don't want to waste the money to fly out there if it's nothing exciting.

>> No.8684138
File: 36 KB, 360x480, img20090816_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a place that sells hats like the VM one? I know vintage could be an answer but I mean one that's as small and cute and available buy it now.

>> No.8684143

Lolita interests you and you probably know enough to write a simple essay on it. There are much more embarrassing hobbies than a specific alternative japanese fashion.
It was the opposite with me. I got into lolita (only classical) because of my interest in modern era european culture.

>> No.8684183

Could it really? Never thought navy and cream would go together. Sounds interesting though and I'll think about it!

>> No.8684223

Guys I need some opinions. What do you guys think about wearing lolita to work for halloween? Bad idea?

>> No.8684225

I'm also interested, especially if they come in colors like green, red, and navy!

>> No.8684227

No, but if you wear it as a costume once, if you ever decide to wear it another time people will think you are in a costume and it will be so much harder to explain that it isn't

>> No.8684235

go for it. post pics and a greentext story of your experience afterward.

>> No.8684276

This. It can definitely be fun and isn't necessarily a bad idea but good luck convincing anyone who sees you that lolita isn't a Halloween dolly costume afterwards.

>> No.8684288
File: 151 KB, 431x700, tumblr_lu63436o7L1qj9gz4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are bloomers peeking out a bit still in style?

>> No.8684293

I want to say trapeze, but I could be wrong. I hope another anon with more knowledge comes along.

>> No.8684302

Am I the only one who thinks many lolitas posting on groups like CoF just look.. sad/bored/annoyed in most of their pictures..? Maybe it's just me? I get that having a more neutral/blank faces avoid expression lines and generally give a more "doll-like" look but sometimes I wish I saw more lolitas smiling and can't help but wonder if they are happy. If fills my heart whenever I see a girl smile brightly in a coord she loves and feels nice in.

>> No.8684306

Only for old school coords.

>> No.8684308

Not that anon but yes it is.

>> No.8684310

I never laugh or smile because my smile is a tragedy.

>> No.8684313

Same. All gums and lopsided dimples.

>> No.8684315

I'm not a member, but post caps to the internet comm thread if there's one up.

>> No.8684317

I saw the post for this and immediately cringed.

>> No.8684319

I have a meet up in a couple hours (in the evening) and I'll have to take transit quite a ways. I'll be by myself and I'm kind of scared because it'll probably be dark. What can I do?

>> No.8684325

Depends highly on where you live

>> No.8684344

Like the other anon said it highly depends on where you live. I would ask if anyone else will be taking your train home and ask to walk/ride together. I live in a pretty safe city for the most part, but whether I'm in a good part of the city or not, whenever I come home on the train from a meet and it's dark out, I walk to the station with other girls and I only go where I need to go in order to get home. My commute includes getting on the subway and then on a regular train, so if I wish to get food or go to the bathroom I only do it when I get to the train station. Unless your train gets particularly dangerous at night, you should be fine if you just go straight home afterwards, and if your meet is in the dark, just straight to the meet.

>> No.8684346

It's not considered fashionable these days, no. Like >>8684306 said it's a lot more acceptable in old school, but I will admit that I have a pair of long-ish bloomers that I wear with coords that aren't old school just because I like the look. I think what matters most is that your coord looks good, not whether certain elements of it are "in style" or not. If it works with your coord and you like it, wear peeking bloomers if you want.

>> No.8684396

Here are some tips from a lolita living in a highly urban/downtown space. My city is quite safe overall but there are the odd nights that shit does happen so I take some light precautions.
Keep your phone charged. Research your route and stick to well lit areas. Wear comfortable shoes, or carry flats to switch into while travelling. There's nothing worse than feeling vulnerable because you can't move quickly. Check in with a friend to let them know when you arrive somewhere.
Number one tip, keep your phone safe. It's your number one resource to get help if you need it, and just having my phone in my pocket with my hand on it makes me feel so much safer.

>> No.8684411

my city is fairly safe, but there's always crazy people on the train as it gets later, especially since it's a Saturday. I posted on the page asking if anyone else was taking transit but there was no response

>> No.8684419

thanks, I'll do that! I'm also wearing normal shoes for both comfort and to blend in slightly more

>> No.8684423

>crazy people on the train
Says the lolita

>> No.8684441

Please go home with someone, get someone to pick you up or an Uber idk
I got reminded of that other lolita that got raped when she was ditched by her friend at night, and don't want that happening to other gulls

>> No.8684482


I did it last year and I'm doing it again this year. My coworkers know I'm into 'japanese fashion' though, I get my packages sent to work and open them at my desk and shit, so they know it's not a costume to me. I do work in NYC though so it's not THAT weird here.

>> No.8684496
File: 65 KB, 599x795, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F923cb232a5f5738f2c69c39bd5d82114%2Ftumblr_nwqkqrjzeL1sd87t7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have info about this? Elizabeth Unicorn by ap?

>> No.8684497

I have no idea why/where that original post came from, but now I really want this. Damn.

>> No.8684500

m8, where do you think you are?

>> No.8684507

>I got reminded of that other lolita that got raped when she was ditched by her friend at nigh
whoa whoa whoa wait what the fuck

>> No.8684513

I would honestly suggest anyone in an urban setting, or even just to lolitas since our clothes probably put a large target on our backs, to look into safetrek.

It's an app, and when you feel threatened you hold your thumb on a button. If you let go of the button, there's an option to put in a pin. If you don't put in the pin fast enough, it will call the police for you. So if someone attacks you, and you let go of the button, it can call for you.

It sounds like a good safety measure in general to me though.

>> No.8684617
File: 41 KB, 736x552, mendls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to watch that movie, anon. I'm thinking of basing a comm meet around watching it and having all sorts of confections/crafts from it to hand out. It's my favourite movie. It's silly, sweet, and aesthetically pleasing. Perfect for lolitas!

>> No.8684645

What's the highest price Holy Lantern has sold for? (that we are able to have kept track of, cause I know sometimes you may not know due to sales arranged privately over PM and whatnot)

>> No.8684673

Who deleted all the moitie items on hellolace and why?

>> No.8684740

looks to be about the same cut as http://www.lolibrary.org/apparel/sugar-hearts-jsk and http://lolibrary.org/apparel/polkadot-chiffon-cutie-ribbon-jsk which is just an empire-waisted jsk with a tiered skirt.

>> No.8684748

NO, I LOVE THE MOVIE. I'm just uncertain as to why this came up, lmao. That sounds awesome tho.

>> No.8684751

And never underestimate the value of a good, bright flashlight.

>> No.8684768

Wes Anderson-kei

>> No.8684786
File: 100 KB, 400x533, its so cute kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this print? its so cute

>> No.8684787

I'm pretty sure sure it was the one that sold for $900. Though with the rerelease and 2 MTOs I doubt that will ever happen again.

>> No.8684789

>comparing wearing frilly dresses to being drunk and screaming at and touching strangers on the train

>> No.8684796
File: 77 KB, 488x720, miss-point-earl-grey-tea-vintage-college-style-wool-lolita-vest-and-skirt-set-yuan-128_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is college lolita a legitimate substyle? I see it popping up more and more especially among Taobaobrands

>> No.8684802

not really, this stuff is consistently released by brand all the time (since the days of old school).

>> No.8684823

I've done it a few times. I pretty much will take any excuse to dress up, and I found out that a few of my coworkers also know about the fashion in the process! I would just be mindful of getting dirty/too hot. It's also worth noting that I was wearing a costume coordinate, not just "lolita is my costume"

>> No.8684851

Strawberry Parlour by AP

>> No.8684872

>college lolita


>> No.8684904

Aesthetic includes tartans, cute laptop bags, dark eye under circles, starbucks coffee, debt, and a sense of disillusionment with adulthood.

>> No.8684908

I wore a Moitie op without a petti for my company's Halloween party. It depends on how accepting your colleagues are and how they dress.

>> No.8684914

I did it last year and will do it again this year, but I would go with a theme (pirate, vampire, etc.) so it's more costumey.

>> No.8684947
File: 116 KB, 426x640, 15_10_25_341_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closetchild's update makes me want to do gothic variations of what are normally sweet themes.

>Country Moitie

>> No.8684950
File: 50 KB, 426x640, 15_10_25_351_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sailor Moitie

>> No.8685166

the saturation levels here are way too high

>> No.8685171

sub-substyles are STEM (basically that aesthetic but with more emphasis on death and sleeplessness) and liberal arts (this style is heavily founded on a need to scream out "WE WORK AS HARD AS STEM MAJORS TOO" at every single opportunity)

>> No.8685172

I dare someone to google college lolita

>> No.8685173

Hellolace has been abandoned for years, likely part of their data got purged, and no one is around anymore to care. I'm pretty sure the lolibrary people have all the dat from hellolace

>> No.8685176

Wasn't it because one of the girls who ran hellolace died?

>> No.8685178


>> No.8685186

no, one of the lolibrary girls died. hellolace has just always been shit.

>> No.8685195
File: 1.57 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-25-08-03-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Challenge accepted. It's surprisingly clean. I expected loads of porn or sexy school girls.

>> No.8685197

no, that was >>8685186
but it was pretty much abandoned.

>> No.8685212

I'm planning to, but I also wear toned down coords to work at least once a week. Just make sure if you do it to go all out w/ a theme.

>> No.8685220

Some brands still sell longer bloomers (IW has some right now) and I really enjoy them. With the longer dress/underskirt craze right now, they just straight wouldn't work.

>> No.8685244


Hellolace was run by boxx2gentica, she is, as far as anyone knows, alive and well. She was looking for someone to do a massive amount of coding work for hellolace for free and couldn't find anyone last I heard. Hellolace, when it was up to date was not bad.

However, Hellolace has always been a closed contribution system, where only a small group of specific people are permitted to add items. It's thought that it may not be possible to add items right now without a programmer, or there is no one with access who is still interested.

The motie items randomly vanished and there was never an explanation. Lolibrary did not have all of that data at the time (Motie has always been weaker on lolibrary than IW, AP and Baby). I do not know if it has since been added.

The person who passed away was the head lolibrarian. However, there are multiple other lolibrarians and many people contribute because anyone can add items to lolibrary, so, while it's very sad, and of course has made a difference in who is adding stuff to lolibrary, it's not going to cause lolibrary to shut down or anything else. There are multiple people looking after it to make sure it stays online.

>> No.8685278

Does anyone know where Chibi is located? Is it Osaka?

>> No.8685289

...CDC rehash? Bleh.


>> No.8685313

Looks like something from taobao

>> No.8685319

ok I actually really like this a lot
It's like AP does IW but wow

>> No.8685324

why are there so few secrets? Is btb going to shit once and for all?

>> No.8685342

There are such things as slow weeks. People asked the same thing in the comments for the secrets. Secrets have been consistent, there just hasn't been much to talk about this week. If you are worried about the lack of secrets, go make secrets.

>> No.8685354

I would wear the fuck out of this.
>cute nautical dress
>red knit beanie with kawaii sea life accessories

>> No.8685430

Fucking kek

>> No.8685434
File: 137 KB, 338x377, 1356649128898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8685456

What on earth is remotely IW about that?

I wish it would so shit would just be concentrated in one-two places. Secrets haven't been relevant/interesting in years, imo.

>> No.8685467

The unicorns and emblems are reminiscent of what IW has been doing lately. I'm not saying it looks like IW because it doesn't, I'm saying it reminds me of IW because of the motifs

>> No.8685486
File: 459 KB, 588x478, ap-crest2006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crests have been done by like every brand. Here is AP crest stuff from 2006.

Also, Unicorns and lions are in the royal crest.

Also, IW horses came well after AP doing horses.

>> No.8685617

diff, but what are the main brand stores in Sendai?
also, does Closet Child have a Sendai location?

>> No.8685624

i hope so

>> No.8685632
File: 373 KB, 600x604, rJhvulx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really bad for this girl. I don't know what she's like personally but that's a lot of very specific hate.

>> No.8685639

I always liked her videos. I think she has an interesting fashion style, it's a bit frumpy but it suits her.

My question - I have ginormous tits. How can I look good in lolita? I wear boleros because they cover the nasty stretched out back shirring of dresses, but then the bodice of the dress sits so low that I practically have cleavage!
Also any hints for selling on Lacemarket? I've decided to sell all of my too small clothes that I planned on having breast reduction surgery to fit, but now don't want to.

>> No.8685640
File: 142 KB, 960x761, 11937922_900933216621106_1982201991007242990_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When dresses reach this level of OTT-ness, is it still lolita?

>> No.8685644

holy fuck what dress is this?

>> No.8685653

yes? Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.8685656


According to the wardrobe post this was swiped from, according to a reverse google search...
Robe à la française by: Schneeweischen / snow-maiden88

>> No.8685658

She's selling it on one of the FB sales groups

>> No.8685728

Dat ouji brought it.
No one else came close

>> No.8685929

The holy lantern thread is saging so I hope its OK to ask here, is anyone else still waiting for their 2nd confirmation email on their order?

>> No.8686067

Does the indie brand Katharsis still exist? I see it on some brand lists, but the web address given seems to be going to some forum about sex lol

>> No.8686074
File: 26 KB, 350x276, 763_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it's just about covering your cleavage while wearing a bolero over a jsk, wear a sleeveless blouse under your jsk (try looking for korean office lady wear on ebay, aliexpress or taobao), or one of these collar things (if they're long enough. IW makes them occassionally).

Quite frankly stretched out back shirring really doesn't seem to bother most folks as long as you still fit decently into the dress (and if you don't, it's going to show in other places). I'd say it's more important to get good foundation garments to lift your boobs and hold them in place before resorting to boleros.

>> No.8686105

That's called a dickey

>> No.8686128
File: 67 KB, 317x458, meta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody know the name of this print?

>> No.8686131

I don't know what to do, I haven't heard from Japonica since Tuesday. I know I lost one of my auctions yesterday but they didn't even tell me. Do I email them?

>> No.8686183


Thank you anon, I've been trying to remember what they were called for the past week now.

>> No.8686214
File: 37 KB, 300x400, 107405030069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metamorphose Ornament Print

>> No.8686264

can someone link to or tell me how to find the sales post?

>> No.8686299

I think it was on LSE I remember she said the skirt was silk so try search SILK within that group

>> No.8686308

First, invest in a good bra if you haven't already. A well-fitted bra will improve the fit of clothes, your posture, and overall comfort. Don't go to VS, as they abuse the sister-sizing system to maximize sales; instead go to Nordstrom or a bra boutique to get a proper fitting. Once you know your correct size, either buy there (will likely be expensive, but convenient), or go on websites like Bravissimo or Fig Leaves and order a few different sizes for each bra you want to try out (they have great returns policies). You will need at least two well-fitted bras so that you can rotate between them.

Second, taobao custom sizing. There are a few lolita brands like Atelier Pierrot and which stock shirred blouses with busts going up to 120cm, but depending on the design they may not be to your tastes (also, Atelier Pierrot has a slow secondhand cycle because people tend to keep their pieces).

Stick to blouse-and-skirt combos, or OPs.

>> No.8686327

She has videos? Can i have a link please ?i remember her very first coords on d_l. Shes imptoved so much. I have talked to her a few times and she seems nice. I never hear anything negative about her...so i too wonder what this is about?

>> No.8686354

I would email them. I just heard from them within the last day on an auction I won.

>> No.8686376

If you check the In-Store Shopping section on CT's website you can see which brand stores she has access to. Also, Closet Child is a Tokyo-only chain, but they're opening a branch in Osaka this December.

>> No.8686417
File: 552 KB, 476x616, more than it says its worth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a replica, isn't it?

>> No.8686484

What, no. Shirring can stretch a lot. New much?

>> No.8686485

They said they needed the space so they got deleted. I use this though: http://web.archive.org/web/20130328004256/http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/moi-meme-moitie

>> No.8686487

What would make you think this is a replica....
>being this new

>> No.8686514

Is there still a place where I can sell my replica?
>I want this carppy dress out of my closet.

>> No.8686528

There are a few groups that still alow replicas. Someone posted a link to one in the plus sized sales groups thread after they banned reps

>> No.8686530

Here, in the BST thread? There are some gulls who buy replicas for projects.

>> No.8686598

LM apparently doesn't care now

>> No.8686614

If all else fails, try eBay for those delicious itabux

>> No.8686617

I'm not in the plus size group so I don't know. Where did they link to? Another FB group? If yes do you know the name?

I always thought gulls hate replicas to death but yeah, I'll try it! Thank you!

Don't want to risk getting banned or any other restricitons tbh

>> No.8686619

They said on Facebook that replicas aren't a priority even if they're illegal. So I think you'd be fine. Even if they did something, it would probably be a warning.

>> No.8686621

Thanks anon!!

>> No.8686626

What replica and how much are you asking?

>> No.8686689

OTT pop up labyrinth dresses are on out on reservations page.
tfw $2000 dresses.

>> No.8686716

I wonder how many people will get those super ott expensive ones. Let me live through you, rich anons

>> No.8686814


>> No.8687012
File: 752 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry the photos are from Instagram but can any one ID this sock? Is it AP dreamland or did this come out with a different series?

>> No.8687016

Why not just ask the IGer?

>> No.8687041


I will try that, thanks!
What is wrong with jsks? I have mainly jsks, one skirt (which I plan on selling) and no ops.

>> No.8687050

I've tried asking them about other items and they haven't replied. I think their English may not be the greatest

>> No.8687250

Who here /pastoralinthegreengrass/ I just spent way too fucking much because I decided not to buy holy lantern and just bought random old sets instead. But damn I just checked baby's site and now I am pretty obsessed with this print. I can't decide if I want the jsk or the skirt

>> No.8687636

Lmao i dont know which is funnier
>thinking this is a replica
>thinking she can get $200 for this

>> No.8687636,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think it was sold... congrats for the person who got it.

>> No.8687636,2 [INTERNAL] 

It's sold. She doesn't have in her album anymore. Who bought it? how much was it?

>> No.8688012

I got my Meta lucky pack today, is anyone interested in a review? I'm a little underwhelmed but not disappointed. More or less what I was expecting.

>> No.8688037

I'd be interested to see what you got!

>> No.8688070

Unforunately I can't take a photo at this time but for the most part I was able to identify every item. To list everything off:
Juicy Basket Lace Up JSK - Pink
Romantic Alphabet Jacket - Grey
Romantic Alphabet Shorts - Grey
Rose Leopard Corset - Mint
Little Ballerina T-Shirt - White
Flower Bouquet Ribbon Hair Combs - Green
Fluffy Ribbon Alice Band - Beige
Sailor Ribbon Alice Band - Blue
Sweet Candy OTKs - Sax
Ivory socks
Organdie Pannier - Black
Double Pocket 3 Way Bag - Gold

The 3 Way bag came with a protective bag cover. The ivory socks were the only item I couldn't identify. They have little gold details up the sides and are pretty versatile.

I ordered the larger pack on accident actually. Overall it wasn't bad, some stuff I feel like I can sell if needed while others I feel like I could make work and try new things. This was my first lucky pack. I was hoping for some one off pieces made from spare fabric of other prints and less "here is everything that didn't sell during clearance." (Which I was also expecting. I was just hoping maybe I'd get something with a more recent print?) I'd love to see what anyone else gets if they bought one!

>> No.8688084

Some girl posted a video of hers on a comment on the lucky pack thread on lolita updates! I think she got the same socks as you. So far, nothing I'm actually bummed missing out on.

>> No.8688100

Just watched it. I'm surprised people are still getting the bubble bath skirt! And yes, those ivory socks are the same ones I got. I wanted one of the cropped sweaters like what she has, but I'm overall pleased. I probably could've passed this one, but it was really exciting to open up!

>> No.8688137
File: 250 KB, 658x274, halternecks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of blouses do you wear underneath halter neck jsks during warmer weather? It seems to hot for the high neck blouses.

>> No.8688152
File: 51 KB, 450x600, 50000_600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone suggested blouses with a lower neckline, basically you're only wearing it for the sleeves and hiding the blouse entirely under the jsk.

Alternatively, you can try a bolero, if you get one that ties just under the collar you can lay the collar over the bolero, it's pretty cute.

>> No.8688155

They're ETC

>> No.8688156

I usually do highneck blouses, but the light, summerweight, short sleeve ones. Baby has done some adorable dobby cotton blouses in the past. Same for IW.

>> No.8688158

Dream of Lolita Milky Planet neckholder JSK in black. I thought about maybe 40€/44$? But I'm open to offers, I don't know how much you can ask for this.

>> No.8688170

strapless bra

>> No.8688368

Thanks for that anon! Lolibrary's Moitie section isn't too great.

>> No.8688393

Just a heads up, looks like Hellolace got taken down by l33t hax0rs.

>> No.8688397

adding to this, do not go there without a script blocker

>> No.8688429
File: 29 KB, 269x533, 1435256398259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone identify this OP for me? I know it's older Moitie but I have no idea what it's called or where I can find more pictures of it.
>found this picture by searching "stay puft marshmallow man" in the archives

>> No.8688431

Not sure where to post this... but is it a reasonable complaint if an item you received, the color looks nothing like the pictures? I checked the description and she didn't mention her photos were off too. Just kinda bugs me since the color is like, 5 shades lighter in person and not what I need for my coord.

>> No.8688436

Come on anon, do some research first. This took me one minute on lolibrary.

>> No.8688438

Monitors can be different, lighting can be bad, the white balancing on their camera might be bad. If you didn't check for stock images or ask them to take pictures in natural light, I don't think you have a leg to stand on unless they sent you an item of a different color.

>> No.8688468
File: 160 KB, 600x700, meta_princesswardrobejskset_2014 (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the socks are from that princess wardrobe set they had.

>> No.8688518

Tried looking for a rerelease thread but I guess it saged.

I am now kinda hoping for AP to rerelease Melty Royal Chocolate Collar JSK and Chocolate Rosette.

It's like one of those where I don't want to hunt to own them but I will buy them when it goes for retail

>> No.8688526

>I guess it saged.
anon... might want to look up the meaning of the word before you use it.

saging for example.

>> No.8688552

Sorry, for some reason I knew that it meant it was essentially archived

>> No.8688779

Is the Bst and Facebook the best way to sell a Lolita item? Many gave up all hope with lacemarket.. Should I bother?

Also what's the best way to price something that's not on lace market, closet child ect in any other color way or even in the history. In Like new condition. Is there a certain percentage of retail?
It's an accessory that was released as a part of a series but could very easily go with many other coords.

>> No.8688785

Even tho LM has its flaws, it's where I've had my best luck selling these and it's always been painless for me. Just make sure to always check your buyer/seller's feedback before making a move.

I think the answer to your second question depends on age and popularity. Since you said it's not on LM, I'm going to assume it's not super popular, but someone out there will probably still be interested. I would keep it around or slightly under its market price unless it's an older item and then take it down from there.

>> No.8688845
File: 198 KB, 1024x1365, 12113460_10153689902137350_66112524154464271_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Horror Garden getting released this weekend or nah?

>> No.8688887

Is there anything cheaper than using FJ? I'm getting hit pretty hard with shipping this time around and wondering if there's any cheaper alternative.

>> No.8688895
File: 78 KB, 480x640, P12HC301-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad of an idea is it to buy a dress I plan on wearing on my wedding day when I'm currently single? I know tastes change over the years but I figure if that happens I can just sell the unworn dress. Since its a baby MTO and they explicitly stated they won't re-release it, I predict it'll keep its value.

>> No.8688919

What's the name of this print? Sweet Gingham yields nothing on lolibrary.

>> No.8688927

Their first one with the more likes facebook blocked access from them, if i can remember correctly. The second one is the same people.

>> No.8688943

Noob here, what actually is saging? I've never wanted to ask..

>> No.8688945

I'd say do it

My mother bought a wedding dress about 10 years ago that was from the 1920s, never expecting to wear it but liking it anyway - she's going to wear it next year when she does get married

>> No.8688952
File: 185 KB, 360x420, 120530110059-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with the Secret Laboratory series from Metamorphose and noticed the JSK has full back shirring. Is it safe to say that it would fit a 105cm or should a fatty chan dream on?

>> No.8688974

do eeeet

>> No.8688975

It would absolutely fit. Especially since it's Meta with full shirring. Go for it.

>> No.8688984
File: 156 KB, 800x774, Screenshot_2015-10-27-15-18-03~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cord help thread's dead. There's no handmade thread up.

So I posted this in the lolita sewing group and got a pretty positive response. Seems I did make the right choice with the wine colored fabric.

I want to wear it outside of Halloween, so I'd like suggestions on what headpiece Ichoicld buy or make to go with this. I really don't like bonnets. I plan to switch out the halloweenish jewelry to more classic/gothic inspired pieces.

>> No.8688988

Sorry, that should say "I should buy or make"

>> No.8688995

why not google it?

>> No.8688999

A vintage looking hat or headpiece with a small veil would look great.

>> No.8689007

I can't get into some of the FB groups or LJ despite good feedback as a buyer on LM. So no lol I can only buy things on LM. I would much rather use it, it's a good site just needs us to keep using it to keep it going

>> No.8689010

It's a bit crazy and I already have a constant fear of house fire ruining my collection. I like to see dresses in circulation for that reason, I want as many people as possible to enjoy them before something bad happens

>> No.8689020

I'm sorry but this is really fucking weird

>> No.8689024

It's not full around shirring though, just back. No zipper.

>> No.8689076

I don't think it would look good, just because it fits you it doesn't mean it looks good on you.

>> No.8689129

Has anyone ordered a Ank Rouge lucky pack? Is it worth it?

>> No.8689135


>> No.8689270

It will fit, but if you have a large cup size you will probably boobloaf like no one's business. Regardless of cup size it is guaranteed to ride up and be more empire waist. That being said, the straps seem slightly longer on this so if you aren't worried about it sitting higher up then go for it...

>> No.8689272

I don't. Short sleeved boleros/jackets and cardigans are where it's at

>> No.8689344

Horror garden this weekend.

Trying to decide between the OP or the JSK

>> No.8689350

Oh man I want the OP really bad but I don't want to risk it not fitting. I really wish they released measures with the announcements.

>> No.8689394
File: 54 KB, 440x587, tumblr_nivhgpoOuZ1st1jvko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to anons who own the milky cross headbow:

how does yours sit on your head? does the bow stick up like in pic related? mine sits oddly flat and it's pissing me off. (mine looks like the sax one here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAOfLWMU0AEjPYl.jpg))

how can i fix this?!

>> No.8689401

I assume the measures will be the same as other dresses with that cut so might want to check on those.

>> No.8689416

They look like diapers peeking out anon

>> No.8689425

Diapers and bloomers look completely different. If a diaper is hanging that low, I think it's long overdue to change it.

>> No.8689458
File: 695 KB, 1000x563, tumblr_nwwi9zlYZA1s5fikco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you buy from Jane Marple? I saw this today, I didn't know they made classic prints. Usually it looks so frumpy but this is so cute and I love it

>> No.8689463

I have the Wonder Party one and I just pinned the straps to do a cross-back so it wasn't halter anymore, and looked more like a regular JSK with cross straps. Then just wear it with a regular blouses.

>> No.8689483

I'm used to modifying the dresses anyway by adding more fabric to their already adjustable straps. Curious why you say it would ride up though. It's probably best I stay away as I have a large cup size but I'm still curious.

>> No.8689483,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm guessing british bear will cuz of all the pics.

>> No.8689493

Anyone has a tip on how to fix a wig's bangs or what can I do to repurpose it? A have a wig I messed up years ago and would like to know some ideas I can do with it.

>> No.8689527


It's not exactly safe, but everything I've owned from Meta I've been able to loan to friends with 100+cm busts (and one to a friend with linebacker shoulders), and most of them didn't even max out the shirring. I think you have a pretty good chance, actually.

If you're planning to pick it up secondhand anyway I guess you can ask again when people actually start owning the dress.

>> No.8689535

Do you know the name or any more info?

>> No.8689537

>I didn't know they made classic prints.


They're not lolita but the fabric most of their stuff, especially the popular type works for classic.

>> No.8689556

Anything with meta's full back shirring can go up to a good 110ishcm max before it looks off.

>> No.8689620
File: 741 KB, 1020x1356, 2015-10-28_01.17.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Meta's Dark Night Guardian in a similar cut and I think it would fit! I'm another fattychan at 104cms actually, though our body shape may be different. I have a lot of fat widthwise and a small cup size so I don't really get huge boobloaf but I can't say if that'll happen to you.

Is right that the dress will ride up more. Since our bodies are bigger, it takes up more space widthwise so the length of the bodice shrinks, if that makes sense? I might adjust the straps on my own jsk as well, just a little bit scared of modifying it.

I'm assuming you're op. I think you still somewhat of a chance to make it work, since there's still a lot of stretch on the dress. You may need to alter it slightly though, as a warning. I'm posting a collage of my own coord specifically of the torso so you can see for yourself! Hope it helps!

>> No.8689631

>tfw I only joined the group to read potential drama.

>> No.8689632
File: 400 KB, 595x842, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, no Horror Garden Hype anymore?

>> No.8689635

How long does it typically take Wunderwelt to email you back with the shipping cost?

>> No.8689637

Ain't nobody got money for it now.

>> No.8689642

Cover the wig bangs with clip on bangs, or tuck the entire bang part under and use the wig as a fake ponytail.

>> No.8689643

I placed an order last week and waited two days before reaching out. They got to me the next day.

>> No.8689660

Any other NZ fags see Rachel Hunter murder Angelic Pretty?

>> No.8689664

Horror Garden is out.

Not so excited about it. The OP looks nice, but the bodice...

The black is terrbad

>> No.8689665

wait what?

>> No.8689668
File: 289 KB, 500x600, tumblr_nk7swkY0Sy1t0y2cqo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been doing a show where each week she goes to a country and explores their beauty secrets and the like. This week it was Japan. So obviously there was a brief segment on lolita fashion that involved her wearing pic related.

>> No.8689694

The headpiece would look so cute if it didn't have that random veil.. thing.. and that coffin.. and everything. Get rid of it AP.

>> No.8689700

AP why no bat collar blouse?

>> No.8689702
File: 406 KB, 517x919, 2015-10-28_01.02.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could do that for the wig I am having trouble with but this idea is going to help me for another wig! The current problem I forgot to mention is that the whole wig is a mixture of colors and the bangs part is a mixture of lavender and pink from pic related.

iirc, this is a old GLW before they became bad. Also I know the wig is hella shiny but I just need help on what to do with the bangs. Is there a website where I can buy a similar colored bangs like this wig?

>> No.8689705

Looks kinda 'meh'. Kinda like it in white, and the tights are nice.

>> No.8689707

Is creepy cute Lolita a thing? or is it some Tumblr shit?

>> No.8689716

The jury's out on that one. For the most part it's seen as Tumblr shit but every now and again someone will pop up to defend the few co-ords they believe did it well.

>> No.8689719

Most is seen as tumblr shit because most think you can just add some bats and some black shoes and call it a day when its a bit more complex than that. Creepy cute is literally a hit or miss which is why most people hate it because most are sadly very ill coorded outfits where the black or eyeballs or whatever are just being shoehorned but there are some cute coords and outfit where the creepy cute style works.

>> No.8689730

Uh JM does book prints and such very frequently...

>> No.8689772

It'd be okay if it weren't for the god awful chiffon

>> No.8689845

I tried googling last night but I had no luck. I might be wrong on this, but they *may* have been released around the same time as their drippy chocolate cardigan.

>> No.8689871

It's like they tried to mix a really nice gothic print with creepy cute dress designs and it bothers me.

>> No.8689888

I fucking love it. Bat collars for everyone. At least I'm still hyped.

>> No.8689889

Does anyone have the other shots of these? Did they have another photo of the white ?

>> No.8689918

I loved this until the crosses. God damn why must gothic lolita have crosses on fucking everything(?), I hate it and think it looks tacky as fuck - it's like they take a classy design then have to go all 13 year-old goth kid on its ass every damn time. God damn.

Yeah I'm sandy on this subject. Sorry.

>> No.8689922

I'll likely sit out on this release, unless if someone wants me to try to get an item for them.

>> No.8689924

I guess the pope is tacky

>> No.8689926

I'm really trying to decide whether I want to grab it or not. I might try to grab it but I don't have great luck on AP Japan

>> No.8689980

the pope is tacky

>> No.8690069

Uhh yeah? Who dresses as the pope and passes it as fashionable

>> No.8690285

Well im not too keen on any of the cuts. I usually go with the jsk but the bodice aside from the bat collar. I like the white and i like the skirt but i doubt it will go up to an 80cm waist so ill probably have to skip on it completely.

>> No.8690303

Where i dont see it

>> No.8690665

Sack back looks weird on a short dress. So does the use of sari silk. Yes, I'm picky.

I know what they're called but I will never not laugh at that name. Would love to know how they ended up being called that in the first place.

Insure that shit, anon.

>> No.8690804

I'm not sure where to go to find bangs similar to the wig. Maybe you can buy bangs in the same pink then dye in some lavender highlights like when cosplayers dye their wigs. Or buy some wig hair wefts in the two colors and attach them in the bang area following the same pattern of color. I only know of Arda wigs because people keep talking about it on here.

Although I'm not seeing what's wrong with the bangs beside maybe they could be trimmed more even.

>> No.8690898

Yup! Oh man, I wish they'd done her up properly not just had her chuck it on. Not that it would have suited her anyway, but maybe it wouldn't have been such a disaster... also I'm interested by the lolita categories she mentioned, did she butcher it or is that what it is in Japan and I didn't know?? 4 categories: gothic, sweetie, pop, and classic. Also calling that AP dress classic....

>> No.8690921

I''m saving my money for the wizard print. Whenever that will finally be released.

>> No.8691058

What wizard print?

>> No.8691195
File: 108 KB, 720x960, AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.8691197
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 17221_10153689923402350_629821752127052991_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8691201
File: 127 KB, 720x960, 11049547_916378331765209_2294335125301008132_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8691201,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you read some history book, people in the 1700s use asian fabrics in order to create their european dresses, this isn't uncommon. It totally fits the look too. I'm quite jealous of the girl that was able to purchase this.
To each their own I guess.

>> No.8691201,2 [INTERNAL] 


So getting that dress