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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 167 KB, 494x540, 11535934_1641439909401747_5013688279608680581_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8688594 No.8688594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He groped my friend at NYCC, and I've been hearing multiple stories about him. I've seen him referred to as Black Luigi is some circles. Is he someone people should avoid?

>> No.8688693

Racist much?

>> No.8688699

Fight me on Facebook like a real man, bitch

>> No.8688717

That's Eugene Manning

>> No.8688720
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>> No.8688729
File: 21 KB, 160x206, FB_IMG_1445976604942-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 minutes into con creeping and chill and he gives you this look.

>> No.8688732

This. I don't see any proof of OP's claims.

>> No.8688738


This, it's creepy white dudes who do that shit. White girls are actually into us black guys as we have swag so we don't need to be creeps.

>> No.8688770

paging jkid

>> No.8688788


>> No.8688794

if the man in the OP pic was a female lolita, this thread would have been deleted already.

>> No.8688805

It's Adam H Wright, he's a well known con creep and an overall horrible human being. I've probably heard 40 stories about this dude. This accusation is one of many from him and I personally believe it.

>> No.8688811 [DELETED] 
File: 605 KB, 623x527, 1418964274549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger being a creep
Big shock.

>> No.8688821

This uy once challenged me to a fight... on Facebook. I've been to like 7 events where he was at... he hasn't thrown a punch yet.

I hope one day he gets the balls to...

...so I can put him on the news.

>> No.8688841

Back to /pol/

>> No.8688847 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey, how racist this post is

>> No.8688858
File: 39 KB, 444x428, blackluigi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8688883

I HATE this dude.


But this is a vendetta thread, and I thought they weren't allowed.

MODS, clean this shit up.

>> No.8688886

Because they have none.

All people say "m-muh stories I read online!"

>> No.8688892
File: 47 KB, 583x767, blackluigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8688896

That's fucking Eugene Manning of EMCP and is a known creep

>> No.8688898

It's times like this I'm glad my parents warned me to stay away from black guys. Call them racist, but its saved me a lot of trouble in the long run.

>> No.8688900

Is this another Vendetta thread by Stef?

>> No.8688909

Photogs are the exception to the rule. You can talk shut about them all you want.

>> No.8688942


Don't be ridiculous, Eugene is busy self promoting to waste time groping people.

>> No.8688982

Hey asshole, Adam didn't even go to NYCC. Stop your vendetta.

>> No.8688993

I've said this before and I will say this again. He is easily the first and only person I have personally dealt with who I would completely consider to be a psychopath. My experiences with him weren't completely terrible but I saw him lie and manipulate his friends, I saw him bully people online and constantly post and cause drama. I unfriended him on Facebook and he then tried destroying my reputation. Stay away from him, if I knew half the shit I know now before meeting him I would of stayed away from him.

>> No.8689009

So much samefagging. Are you that jealous of him? Haters gonna hate.

>> No.8689011

yeah because 16 posters in the thread with 27 means every one is samefagging

>> No.8689013

It's Kayhettin obviously!

>> No.8689015

Hi Stef!

>> No.8689030

>mewling, puking baby niglet
All babies are mewling and puking. All of them.

>> No.8689056

Lol was this after Sophia deleted his ass?

>> No.8689073

Did he sell his SL1 after white desert sun posted a bunch more photos

>> No.8689085
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>> No.8689097

oh boy! another fake story/vendetta thread!

>> No.8689099

how old is he

hes been around for ages

must be 40

>> No.8689105

He's 38 lmao

>> No.8689132

So what's so bad about this other than the whole 'say it to my face and not online and see what happens' thing? Cameras are fucking expensive, if someone's going to throw a hissyfit because someone wouldn't let them borrow a brand new one, then they're kind of a faggot.

>> No.8689138

sounds like Gerardo is a jerk. get your own camera, scrub.

>> No.8689153

All these newfags who don't get the Adam jokes

>> No.8689157

You have no idea what he's like and what he does. He's a scumbag.

>> No.8689173
File: 72 KB, 539x960, 12143113_10206574419371811_7856713573566111763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got a camera now so be jealous!

>> No.8689183

what did Adam/Eugene do to deserve this? this is almost bullying.

>> No.8689211

Wow, that picture sure fits the most basic requirements of being in focus. Wait...

>> No.8689220

Do you know where you are?

>> No.8689257

wait till the Black Liberation Front get a hold of this.

>> No.8689359


>BTW, I know someone will get this to you,

He was right

>> No.8689362

Of all the people I've met in the con scene, Adam deserves this. He's bullied or attempted to bully other people before.

>> No.8689391

my favorite part is when he asked people to come to his status to say their peace, and everyone sided with them, he cowardly deleted the message.

lol. adam is such a joke

>> No.8689400


I wouldn't call it cowardice but more backing off in a bitch fashion. Like if someone were trying to pick a fight, get knocked right in the jaw just once and then pretend they didn't want to fight.

>> No.8689409

is this the full photo or crop? the composition is odd.

>> No.8689503

Will avoid

>> No.8689594

not the same person, newfag

>> No.8689601
File: 14 KB, 570x97, SeemsLegit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Searched "Black Luigi" on Facebook and he popped up instantly.

>> No.8689856

yeah, that's what he call himself. don't let your skin define who you are!

>> No.8689859

Wait really? When anyone calls him Black Luigi he gets really upset, I figured it was a name given to him to refer to his con creeping and douchebaggery.

>> No.8689893

Maybe he's embracing the name like AssB did with hers?

>> No.8689896

>Is he someone people should avoid?

From your first sentence you should be able to answer that yourself.

>> No.8689931

Not sure. first sentence is a lie. Adam did not attend NYCC.

>> No.8689939


>He groped my friend at NYCC
>He didn't attend NYCC

Again, I hate this guy, but if this is a confirmed bullshit libel thread, it should not exist.

All these faggot, coward, Tumblr-browsing, wouldn't-ever-throw-a-punch-except-in-GTA-V anona need to GTFO.

If you don't like him, be a man and punch him in the face, pussies.

>> No.8690214

>he groped my friend
>should he be avoided?
idk anon, you tell me

>> No.8690215

sounds like a betafag, like any other wannabe photographer.

>> No.8690280
File: 400 KB, 1024x736, 1438530597469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8690299

You held on to this screenshot for 8 years?

You're a fuckin' weirdo.

>> No.8690309

Oh look, it's Gerardo Flores! Adam didn't even go to NYCC.

MODS can kill the vendetta thread.

>> No.8690332

Or Stef from Chibi Media/Chibi Inu Tsuzuki. Girl, you need to grow up and realize you're in your thirties and not a 19 year old lolita princess who's kawaii. Nothing wrong with being an older cosplayer, but act your age!

>> No.8690338

That's funny coming from someone defending Adam. At 38 years old he's causing drama, bullying people and hitting on underage Sailor Moon cosplayers. When most people his age are home owners, married and have families. :3

Does that bother you at all Adam? The fact you are that awkward, pathetic fat middle aged man that only a hand full of people like and everyone else hates? How does it feel to know you will never find anyone and you will for the remainder of your life be lonely and miserable. <3

>> No.8690343


I lol'd. But still foul.

And this post is essentially the definition of a vendetta. Mods, do your fucking job. I don't want these faggots to see they can get away with this shit, and start libeling me.

>> No.8690346


You must be new if that screenshot doesn't look familiar in an Adam Wright shitfest thread.

>> No.8690364

You know what's surprising is that I have 100+ mutual friends with him on Facebook. I don't get it

>> No.8690370

Tons of people don't like you and come forward with their grievances against you and it's all lies and libel? Are you fucking kidding me dude, you have a problem. Besides my own unfortunate run in with you, there are so many people in the con scene who have a very poor opinion of you. Does this not ring any sort of bell in that fat Albert shaped head of yours?

>> No.8690498

And he's a scumbag coz he won't let someone borrow his gear? O K then

>> No.8690508

Exactly. Those who have issues with him go and deal with it rather then bitch on cgl. Fucken cowards

>> No.8690511

Why is he even bringing it out in public when it's a private matter? The fact he's "calling him out" by itself is scummy, and when he tried to instigate a witch hunt against Gerardo and it failed he deleted the post. That's scumbag behavior from Adam.

>> No.8690538


>> No.8690539

>he groped my friend
>should he be avoided

I'm trying really hard to make a comment OP, but I got nothing.

>> No.8690564

It'd be funny if Adam was in this thread and all the posts trying to out him were actually wrong. Like, if Adam was actually one of the other anons.

Like this >>8689015 anon

>> No.8690702


>> No.8692245

Is it confirmed that Adam actually posted in this thread?

>> No.8692247

came here to say that.