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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.8676807

I think I love you, anon.

>> No.8676812

>that first post

this thread is doomed

>> No.8676819

>Does anyone have a Chinese laser cutting service they could recommend? I've been getting weaving frames cut locally and the costs keep creeping up. I'm looking to get stuff cut on 4mm bamboo or other sustainable wood.

Hey anon, if you're still looking and haven't found anything, would you mind telling how much you're paying for it now or discussing it privately through email? I have a laser cutter, and if it's fiscally reasonable I can try to provide something cheaper than what you're currently paying, and quicker than if you had to ship it from overseas.

>> No.8676852

> dat button display
Kek, nice attention to detail.

>> No.8676875

Bumping my question :_:

>> No.8676881
File: 163 KB, 513x419, Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 10.58.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please never use this image ever again

>> No.8677009

Don't know if I should ask here or in UK thread, but which UK con (preferably England) is best for sales? I do mostly jewellery/charms and plushies, no prints, if that factors in.

>> No.8677241
File: 36 KB, 300x493, 20151017-mami-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just getting started on making charms, I'd love some feedback. I'm pretty happy with it but since it's my first charm, I'm sure I'm overlooking something.
Do you think this would sell? Please don't be gentle, as the Dutch market is a real bitch to sell to!

>> No.8677281
File: 156 KB, 319x508, mami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall it's quite cute but imo your colours feel kind of dull/washed out. I just put a curves adjustment layer over this to try to give it a bit more impact which can be fun to play with especially for a series like pmmm where each character has a different colour. Also the pose feels a bit stiff. I like the way she's holding the rifles, but her shoulders and hips are both straight across which makes the pose less interesting than it could be. I know she's quite a "proper" character but if you try doing this pose yourself you should see what I mean.

I don't know how useful this info is in terms of it selling but I hope it's helpful for you even if it's just for future ref?

>> No.8677370

If you look at the official posts you'll see they're working on official merch so they are providing an alternative.

>> No.8677377
File: 157 KB, 1200x508, mamimami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the above anon but I suggest you be careful with editing as you can lose the original character palette easily. Some people like to overlay a colour to the overall image to add warmth or contrast which can add a bit of impact but it's easy to overdo. It really depends on what you like though.

Original > Colour Boost > Colour Shift > Yellow Theme

I think the design is quite cute and would sell if you made the other girls. Yellow theme would work if you then did a pinker Madoka, redder Kyoko etc. I'm not so sure about the third one but it's just an example.

>> No.8677642

I think you need more variation in the thickness of the lines especially in her hair and those ^ folds of her skirt

>> No.8677723

I've been thinking about fanart commissions and fanart merchandise for a while and what do you guys think about how it's technically illegal?

I mean I've been seeing some people get really butthurt about it, though if I'd draw only original stuff, nobody would buy it, already having to compete with people underpricing their work, stealing and selling, and even other fanart.
The only thing I've got going for me is that people want to buy a keychain of their favorite character.

>> No.8677731

suck it up and just do some fucking fanart, stop feeling guilty for making money in one of the few ways an artist can in this capitalistic hell of a world

>> No.8677732

Adding on to what other anons are saying, her mouth is really far over to the right. Looks a bit goofy having her mouth and nose so far apart.

>> No.8677743

Unless you're straight out making bootleg merch, you're not harming anyone. If anything, you're boosting the media by providing what the fans want.

>> No.8677781

My fucking sides anon. I love you. Made my shitty old booth 50000x better.

>> No.8678028

face is no good

>> No.8678046

can someone post the original drawings again please

>> No.8678058
File: 1003 KB, 1244x1200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the original drawing but have this

>> No.8678073

Gotta make the moe idols fugly as hell I guess

>> No.8678075
File: 460 KB, 1280x586, 1440792376427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8678078


Goddamnit, that damn Love Live lineup practically triggers me, it has given me nightmares every time I see it posted.

Can we all unanimously agree it is one of the worst pieces of shit?

>> No.8678084

Why does it say Lily White? Is it some Love Live thing or some dumb racist tumblr thing?

>> No.8678087

it's a love live thing for the subgroup

>> No.8678093

Lily white is a subgroup of the main 9 girls. There are two other subgroups

>> No.8678168

Yeah whoever "fixed" this still didn't fix it. God damn the original artist needs to learn how the female ribcage works and reference some fucking legs.

>> No.8678495

What do you guys think of making charms/merch of characters in a well-known art style from a different series? Eg characters in the animal crossing villager art style

>> No.8678509

yes, I think yes

>> No.8678510

Anyone have photos of half table setup displays? I see a lot of good full table ones, but the half tables usually look meh.

>> No.8678736

Seconding this. I'm doing things a bit backwards and my first con I'll have a full table (it's a small local con) and then a month later I'll be doing a half table at a bigger, much more expensive con. It's going to be hard to scale back!

>> No.8678751

You have to admit that it's a hell of a lot better though, it's amazing what removing armpit hair can do.

>> No.8678875

Dear god, who keeps creating these?

Asking out of genuine curiosity since I want to see if they trashed any other characters as badly

>> No.8679015
File: 76 KB, 740x753, ss+(2015-10-21+at+10.37.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda just starting my endeavor into selling art, and was wondering if I should make this a charm, sticker, print, or just trash it completely?

>> No.8679040

Idk if bait... But just to be safe: trash this. The cat barely looks like a cat, the slogan is outdated and overused. Even ignoring those two things, this looks like something you made in Paint, it's not appealing at all. Practice some more, don't waste your money on making products just yet.

>> No.8679104
File: 58 KB, 541x669, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not bait. Haha. Didn't think it was that bad. I'm going to scrap it, but could you explain to me why it's unrecognizable as a cat?

And I'll admit to low quality, it was originally a doodle, and I posted the lower res one on accident.

Is it still un-salvageable even at a higher quality and sans outdated phrase?

>> No.8679161
File: 165 KB, 1589x663, foranon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here, I think if you made it as part of a sticker set it could be cute but there's something off with the face. It's got a Hobbes nose and unless you're going for that it's not really working. Honestly I'd take the nose off completely and add a mouth but that might just be style preference.
>pic related

>> No.8679189

Ahhh, thank you so much anon! Those little changes made it a million times cuter! I appreciate it!

>> No.8679215

Another anon here. If you plan to have your kitty black, please consider coloring the face elements a lighter color(Check out nyanpire, kutusita nyanko or chococat for example)

>> No.8679387

Adding onto everything everyone has said - please use an actual font for the box - or consider putting the text not on the box at all. Your handwriting makes the whole thing seem not as polished.

>> No.8679557

I'm hoping to do an acrylic charm order soon, does anyone have recommendations in which service to go with? I've heard good things about Chillypig and Inkit but the price with Alibaba seems a little to good to pass up.

>> No.8679698

Go for inkit imo they are the nicest looking ones

>> No.8679739

The linework is pretty thick and messy at points. Thick outline is okay but then the whiskers and inner lines have no variation in their width which looks cheap. Since it's just a random cat you need to make it somewhat unique for people to be interested in it but it's very flat, design and colour wise.
You should be working on your art before you think about selling. I've seen a couple of people post here saying they want to sell but then they only have one or two samples they've ever drawn. You're just going to be disappointed when you don't make a profit unless you manage to get lucky by selling lots of fanart.

>> No.8679765
File: 191 KB, 318x360, 1442944956350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing a booth with a friend (our first for both of us) and she's got 20 sticker designs to sell, how many of each would you say would be fine for a smallish con? 10 of each design, 15-20 for more popular series/characters? I have no idea where to start for stickers.

>> No.8679783

>Can we all unanimously agree it is one of the worst pieces of shit?
We already do, anon.

>> No.8679833
File: 38 KB, 300x493, mami-fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all, thanks for the concrit, much appreciated! Here's an updated version.

Yeeeaahhh washed out colours are a pretty big issue with all my work. I always need some contrast/curves adjustments at the end. Then I look back at the original and am genuinely surprised how I did not see how drab it was. Need to get on that...
How'd you get the third one if I may ask? The, er. instagram filter-y one? I kinda like it.

I kinda like the look of the lines being the same thickness. You're right though, it doesn't work well on the skirt folds at all. Fixed that.

I moved her mouth over a bit, not sure if I like it better like this though. It's more "correct" but I think she loses a bit of character, if that makes sense?


>> No.8679924
File: 159 KB, 300x493, idk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but it's just not an appealing face. style etc whatever i just wouldn't buy it. didn't want to say anything earlier but since someone else brought it up and you couldn't understand.. (not saying my edit is perfect but just compare how your features don't even line up with her chin and how her eyelid tops look like second eyebrows and her left eye is melting off idk)

>> No.8679956

Can we just take a minute to laugh at the Paige drama going on in the facebook group right now..

>> No.8679968

Is it actually possible for her to post and there be zero drama? Jeez.

>> No.8679976
File: 166 KB, 300x493, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the melting eyes are fine, just stylistic. >>8679833 just needs to remove the really high eyelids (which makes her look droopy) and make the nose less awkwardly beak-y.

>> No.8679988

All my bets, water bottles, and fresh towels in feverworm's corner

>> No.8679994

Your edit just looks creepy, to be honest.

I like how it looks, the colors still could use some work and I think the mouth has a strange position, but I like it and would buy it if I was a fan of her.

>> No.8679997

Oh, I like this edit a lot.

>> No.8680001

That's fine lol

Yea it really is the eyelids isn't it? I mean i still think the the face looks.. unappealing/unskilled but at least now it matches the rest of the drawing in skill level where as before it definitely stood out as worse. Half lidded eyes can be hard to pull off and op just gotta remember sometimes less is more.

>> No.8680016

Man she's such a typical tumblr idiot I swear.

>> No.8680021


Aaaaaaand the group's mod likes her OH MY GOD I'M JUST GONNA AVOID EVERYTHING YOU SAID comment.

I really cannot stand either of them.

>> No.8680023

The eyelids kind of resemble American television style. I don't think it meshed very well since the rest of the drawing is very soft toned, anime style.

[spoiler] I also have a personal distaste for those type of eyelids [/nospoileresoncgl]

>> No.8680031

You'd think that with the amount of drama she ALWAYS seems to cause that she'd have either been kicked out or left the group herself by now

>> No.8680036

I honestly would respect and appreciate her opinions so much more if she wasn't so fucking insufferable and bratty about them.

I mean, yes, representation is super important, fat people absolutely deserve to be represented in media, it's fine to draw skinny characters as fat.

But when you end your posts with "lol" or "so funny" it's like... why do I want to even consider the opinions of an actual 12 year old. If this issue is important to you, write in a way that we can see that.

>> No.8680063

as a newbie, where do i find this dramu

>> No.8680064


I'm REALLY interested to see how her kickstarter pans out. I can't believe she got 6 fucking thousand dollars for leggings and skirts and she has no prior experience making clothes, let alone for the plus sized market.

>> No.8680066

got everything capped in case of bawwletion

Right. I respect the gist of Paige's opinion but the way she's phrasing it makes her sound like a typical immature Tumblrina. Continuing to dig her nails into anyone who disagrees with her isn't doing her any favors either.

>> No.8680073

Agreed, I like the style of the original even if it's not perfect and I would likely consider a Sayaka one if I saw it in AA. I think it needs a little more adjustment with the colors but overall it's cute.

>> No.8680081

Nevermind, google is my friend.

>> No.8680093

all of paprika studios' drawings either make the character look lifeless or high

>> No.8680094

I really feel like she should've looked further into clothing design before jumping into doing that silly kickstarter, all her designs are very ugly and generic and there's no reason to buy them.

Like, look at official merch clothing. The Evangelion Unit leggings that were popular a couple of years ago or the Sailor Moon dresses by Living Dead Clothing are good examples, there was time and effort put into designing them rather than just drawing 1 or two things and copy pasting it all into a boring pattern.

>> No.8680095

I don't even dislike her art (though I think her "finished" piece need more cleaning up and personally I can only see someone cosplaying wonder woman as opposed to it actually being her) but hot damn her attitude is atrocious.

>> No.8680098

Besides artcow, are there any print shops that don't pay attention to copyright images when they print?

this isn't really for artist alley, but I've missed out on limited edition things and I wanted to make my own version, just for myself. nothing really special, just me being a sore loser.
it would be for things with a quanity of one piece, not bulk.

>> No.8680113
File: 37 KB, 300x493, mamiedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color in Photoshop. I made the second one first by increasing the blacks/neutrals a tiny bit to increase contrast and then boosted the yellows quite a bit. I can't remember what I exactly did with the third one though as I didn't save the file sorry. It would have been another Selective Color layer experimenting with everything and then maybe a Color Fill layer on Soft Light.

I don't think these edits are much of an improvement. Removing the eyelids and replacing a dot nose loses a lot of character she had. I would keep the nose but maybe soften the eyelids somehow as when removed they leave a lot of awkward blank space since her eyes are squished. Moving the eyebrows might help.

>> No.8680133

Questions for anyone who has ordered from vograce:

what's the turnaround for charms, roughly? i'm considering doing a group order in the new year with some friends, but some may need the charms for fairly early spring. Just curious as to how long it takes to make and receive an order .

And for keychains and phone straps etc, do they come assembled with the straps already attached to the charm, or do the charms and findings come separately for you to assemble yourself?

>> No.8680179
File: 122 KB, 375x390, 1294055868352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw paige hall stalked my twitter to call me a fatphobe

>> No.8680192

I'm on your side, but to be 100%, you did post the screenshot with no names blocked out. While I would totally believe that Paige would stalk your shit to find that, it's just as likely that one of your 1,500 followers sent it to her.

>> No.8680199

>to be 100% fair
I fucked up

>> No.8680200

Who drew this? Is there a tumblr page?

>> No.8680207

i'm still not sure how what i said to her equates to me being phobic of anything.
unless paigephobic is a thing

>> No.8680217

Ye no, I don't disagree with you on that at all. Just trying to give even the biggest tumblrina the benefit of the doubt and say that it's perfectly reasonable to say she didn't stalk your twitter account.

>> No.8680218

Uh, you disagreed with an oppressed person. If you disagree with a homosexual, it makes you homophobic. If you disagree with a fattie, it makes you fatphobic. Duh~ White cis scum are never right.

>> No.8680222

it's magicaltomato or something like that

>> No.8680233

She's just being incendiary

>> No.8680247

I haven't actually gotten my charms yet so someone will have to add to this, but I think it depends on you, because Coco works fast.

I literally just finalized my charms today, but it took about 5 days only because a) time difference lol and b) I was all fussy and had her basically reborder/resize my charms like 4 times before I was satisfied (I kept finding mistakes in my designs, which I feel terrible about..). But when we finalized the design she was able to make samples within a day and was ready to make the rest of the order as soon as I gave her the okay. She also mentioned that shipping would take around 4-6 days, about which I'm not sure because I haven't actually gotten it yet, but with that the whole process is pretty speedy. If you are really confident with your designs it should be even faster.

And yes, they attach the keychains and provide bags, though I'm not sure if they actually bag the charms for you...

>> No.8680255

They bag charms too

My roomie got an order from vograce. I think total turnaround was around 2 weeks?

>> No.8680277

i feel like i just fell into an elaborate trap

>> No.8680279

Kylin has gone mia or something bc she has not responded in a few weeks when she had been pretty speedy up until then...,

>> No.8680318

is it gone? did I miss it?
caps plz

>> No.8680346

∠(ᐛ 」∠)

>> No.8680357


>> No.8680397
File: 398 KB, 1896x792, drama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry some of the text was lost, thread is gone now. Rose picture up on top was the one referred to.

>> No.8680398

what happened

>> No.8680406

she's a jerk.

>> No.8680416

Wow I just got a response from Vicky saying kylin "is not in company for many weeks"
She got fired?! Sick?? JESUS....

>> No.8680435
File: 45 KB, 500x333, tumblr_nmk9f3m0iQ1u8r1qdo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That considering the art style that Rose is fine proportion wise. Nonpreg Rose was curvy but not huge.

>> No.8680702

I recently ordered through Vograce and honestly Coco is such a joy to work with. I've ordered from them twice and because I live in CA, the package usually gets here super fast. The first time it got to me within a day or so of Coco mailing it out and this time I received it in about 4 days but only because it unfortunately got caught over the weekend so the post office wasn't open so it was stuck in Hong Kong for a bit.

Here's a timeline if you're interested:

Oct 10 (2 AM) - Emailed Coco charm designs, received outlines/mock up images from Coco, had to ask her to fix a mistake on my part
Oct 11 - New outlines received and okayed, given a price quote
Oct 12 - Payment made
Oct 13 - Coco sends sample pictures
Oct 16 - Charms mailed out
Oct 20 - Charms received

About a 10 day turnaround. Maybe a little bit longer if you're not on the West Coast.

>> No.8680706

Oh jesus I realized that I wrote a huge runon sentence. I'm sorry it's late here.

>> No.8680778

Can you give us her to email anon? I don't want to go through the clusterfuck that is alibaba

>> No.8681000

>>8677241 here, thanks again for the concrit. I'll not post the updated version because I feel awkward filling up the thread with 20 edits of the same picture haha. But I'm reading it all and taking it into account!
I think the face thing is partly stylistic preference and partly me not being very experienced with deformed proportions, so as someone said I gotta experiment with "less is more".

I'll probably do a full set of these. Might post an update here at that point if people are interested. Until then, thanks again for the tips!

>> No.8681015

That Rose doesn't look thin, she just looks like not a shapeless blob. If characters being not-a-blobs is a problem, then she should lock herself in her echo chamber permanently.

>> No.8681020

What do you guys use to protect the printing on your charms? I know places like ink it and zap have gloss and that's pretty protective but since vograce doesn't offer a gloss option on the print, it's more likely to chip over time. I used nail polish on some of the charms I bought in past but I feel like that'd be a waste if I were to do it to products that I am selling. Maybe a spray sealant or mod podge? I also have a friend saying we can try polyurethane gloss, whatever that is.

>> No.8681024

Doesn't Vograce put epoxy over their clear charms too?

>> No.8681025

Oh please, don't expect anything intelligent from Paige when she's already stolen several artists drawings and literally traced over them

>> No.8681043

JiMi is going to do a washi tape order with a min of 70 rolls. I'm guessing they will be 2 bucks each? How expensive was AANI's washi tape go?

>> No.8681048

Whoa, I know about her other Wonder Woman rip off that she sold but there's more?

>> No.8681065

according to the prices on the order google doc:
Not including boxes, unsure if this includes shipping.

$1.56-$1.16 for 15mm
$2.16-$1.66 for 25mm
$2.36-$1.81 for 30mm

>> No.8681109

Yes, but not on the print side

>> No.8681230

new here, unfamiliar with what you're talking about but I'm interested to know since I want to start selling charms. Is this someone you can buy charms in bulk from? What's the pricing like?

>> No.8681232

Read the docs in the OP.

>> No.8681234


>> No.8681242

In the end, did Vograce anon make a document with personal testimonies and basic information? It would be useful to put in the OP.

>> No.8681476

I bought some iridescent fusion film for my crafts but I was wondering if it could be used to laminate stickers, so I put the film over a sticker I had then I heated it with an iron and the film stuck nicely into the sticker. But I'm not sure if it will be paste for a long time. Anybody tried?

>> No.8681503

shit, sorry, i'm retarded

>> No.8681562

Expose it to a bit of steam and direct sunlight for a few days perhaps? Since it's a relatively new thing i'm not sure many here have tested the durability yet.

>> No.8681638
File: 105 KB, 305x508, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8681832

Hey guys
New to this, going to a smaller con to start.
Attendance previously was like 6-700 people, this year they're at a bigger venue.
How much stock do you guys recommend I bring? I'm bringing some prints, stickers, buttons, and charms.

>> No.8681851

I'd normally semi agree with being cool with making slimmer characters larger, but super hench female characters who are tall but still effeminate are really rare so she kinda is removing from diversity...

>> No.8681857

lol girl, no.

>> No.8681858
File: 167 KB, 300x493, mami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the problem everyone is trying to point out is that you drew the outline of her face as if she was facing straight forward.
however all the other features including her hair make it seem as if she is tilting her head to her right.
just move her mouth slightly more to our left/her right.
you can also try tweaking the right side of her jaw (stage right/but HER left) by shading it a little more or angling it different but just moving the mouth should be fine.

>> No.8681867

not being an asshole because I think this is pretty sweet, but god damn she looks blazed as hell

>> No.8681878
File: 157 KB, 882x1024, IMG_-jufv6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a small clear acrylic charm order from Acorn Press recently, would anybody be interested in a review of them?

>> No.8681889

Me! I'm waiting for jimi's charm photos so I can see the quality and choose which service should I use. Ink it is too expensive and Vograce leaves a big white border, not to mention every thing insde that's suposed to be clear turns out white.

>> No.8681902

Yes please. After the drama they had, I'd like to hear how they're doing now.

>> No.8681929

I'm also interested!
The pearlescent acrylic they offer seems pretty interesting, but I'd like to know about their print quality first.

>> No.8681936

Six of them just read as male yaoi body-types to me.

>> No.8681937

Where do you buy this magical product? Sorry if I've missed something obvious.

>> No.8681953

Oh! I will try this tomorrow! I'm still not sure what kind of style could fit that nice iridescence tho.

It's a film people use for their fairy miniatures. I actually bought for my resin pieces. I recently got the idea to use an iron to "laminate" stickers and so far it works but let's see what happens tomorrow. This is the listing where I bought it:

>> No.8682006
File: 2.60 MB, 2560x2560, 15-10-22-20-44-50-130_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So an issue I had with these charms is that the colors came out a lot different than what I was expecting. I put one right next to a sticker that I printed at home on a regular printer and the colors just look way off. The spot white and the double white turned out well though, so at least that wasn't a waste of money. Another big issue I had was that one out of the ten charms I ordered had cracks in it. I'm definitely sending a message to AP about these things and hoping that they'll refund me for them.

The white border is what kept me from trying Vograce too! Most of mine don't have a huge pixelly border, but a couple have a little bit of white sticking out.

Could you actually tell me about the drama? I always heard that people don't like Acorn Press, but when I tried looking more into them, there wasn't a lot out there. (I didn't look very far in the archives though)

I bought a sample pack that came with the new pearly acrylic! To be honest it comes off as more pinkish gray and the sparkliness isn't really visible... Even with the issues I had with these charms, I still prefer the print quality to Zap.

>> No.8682016

if you're part of the facebook group, at least 2 people had big problems. just search for acorn press, of course.

>> No.8682024

Ugh this image came out so big, sorry for the shitty phone quality and size.

I don't have a facebook and I'm not really big on the AA scene so I'm not part of the group, but I'll try finding their posts!

>> No.8682385

the drama was honestly you get what you pay for

>> No.8682503

Ya, I get that. I'm definitely not un-tilting her face, though, as that would only worsen the boring pose issue. I'll work on the jawline/mouth, thanks!

>> No.8682511

Hey you guys can I get a little advice? I did an anime con artist alley for the first time this year but most of my small selection was western (su,gf, spn, teen wolf) and I think I did pretty good but I wanted to put together some anime pieces for next year, problem is I've watched all the popular sports anime and while I loved them I don't feel passionate enough to actually draw something for them that isn't boring? I did watch Akira tho very recently for the first time and I want to do a big elaborate piece of that for myself but should I bother making prints of it? Would anime movie prints do well at anime cons ghibli and such? And is there any other classic animes that would do well (ex: flcl, cowboy bebop, fma etc)? These are the animes I'd grew up with and find more inspiration in. I was also thinking of drawing fantasy/horror AUS for sports anime for myself, but would prints of those do well at all? I'll probably end up drawing a lot of these anyway but I just want to know what I should invest in actually getting prints of? Also are there any modern popular fantasy/horror animes that do well? such as tokyo ghoul

>> No.8682541

I ordered from acorn press too and their printing quality was awful, there was a white line on all my charms, some were burned?? one design was completely see through when I told them about it, they offered to reprint the design free of charge and after that I never heard back from them nor did I ever see that design reprint. The images are blurry and on their solid charms a lot of the skin tones were basically solid white, they are very over saturated. I will never recommend acorn press to anyone. This was actually my first charm order ever and I blamed it on my files but after seeing everyone's reviews I am eager to try a higher quality printer to see the difference.

>> No.8682575
File: 512 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nqf356fpVu1tbaesyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this?????

>> No.8682576

cute style, but those legs are seriously out of place with the rest of this image

>> No.8682581

Has anyone heard back from animeboston pro row or katsucon yet? I'm getting antsy waiting for a response since those are my favorite cons and I'm really hoping to get into both this year.

>> No.8682635

Classics like FMA and FLCL always sell pretty well in my experience. And honestly sports anime AUs would probably sell too, as long as it's clear what the source material is-- prints of the Haikyuu guys in their volleyball uniforms are everywhere, so if you draw an AU, you might get more attention than you'd think.

>> No.8682685

What the fuck happen with Pana legs

>> No.8682768
File: 1.00 MB, 1044x1500, love live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the same artist who drew >>867807 this one is drawn before they made their 'speshul tumblr diversity!!!' drawing.
To be honest, I find this one a little bit more bearable to look at? Umi probably looks the best out of the bunch. Although Rin and the third years are a lost cause.

>>8682575 I love the style a lot but fuck Hanayo doesn't need thunder thighs

>> No.8682774

honoka is actually pretty cute in this, but the rest, yeesh.

>> No.8682777

All the girls are okay except 3rd years
Why the artist did that weird faces

>> No.8682792

Tumblr artists simultaneously try to make everything super diverse and avoid looking like anime. Which I can appreciate at a certain point but who would genuinely want that Nico face on their stuff?

>> No.8682822

seriously, i don't know how people think rose is fat. she clearly is not fat. people just latch on to anything.

>> No.8682904

It's amazing how tumblr's idea of diversity is to make everyone as ugly as possible. You want diversity so much, why not make them different kinds of hot? Some muscular, some with partly shaved heads, some with tattoos... you get to tick a lot of body positivity and inlcusion boxes AND your work won't look like ass! Amazing. It's like the whole obsession with fatness and really weird faces is just their sad version of a self-insert, trying to make themselves feel better about being unable to take the elevator with other people in case they break the chain, creating a fantasy land where obese and homely girls skyrocket to fame in an industry infamous for promoting extreme thinness and rigid beauty standards.
Oh wait.

>> No.8682946

They think not-skinny = fat.

>> No.8682966

Thankyou so much anon. I kind of need all of the sparkly things, and I've used angelina in it's fibre form, so this is really exciting. Thankyou for sharing your source and all the best with your stickers!

>> No.8683027

Anyone one else find it weird if an artist is phasing out items in their inventory so they decide to sell stuff off they made to OTHER ARTISTS, to add to the other person's inventory? Someone's attempting to do that in an AA group, with the pretense that her stuff does well, and it's just odd to me to even purchase another artist's old stock for the purpose of selling it as your own work.

>> No.8683053

Wait what? I've never heard of anyone doing that.

>> No.8683089

Their art is just ugly and not suited to something as kawaii as LL, thats all.

>> No.8683106
File: 135 KB, 960x576, 1440397105744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the fucking tranny in gen zed

pic very related.

>> No.8683287

Shit faces aside, is kotori a corpse? what is wrong with her skintone? In fact, this artist has no grasp of the way skin colour works at all.

>> No.8683299

OK, so JiMI put their prices finally.
I think they are a bit expensive? They go from $3 to $2.35(If you order 4 designs/300 rolls)

>> No.8683389

Yeah, I took a look at the doc today too and I was like damn...I've never made washi tape before, but that sounds a bit expensive. Doesn't sound worth it unless you're an established artist with a steady stream of sales (though anyone using Jimi probably already is, what with their 200 piece minimums lol).

>> No.8683454

Anyone know good shirt printing business?

>> No.8683765

Hey, I run a product feature blog and I've run out of stuff to post about.

Link me to your stuff, especially a product you're particularly fond of that you'd like me to post about

>> No.8683792
File: 26 KB, 570x321, il_570xN.769633660_gt0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


white fox tail with LED lights. Perfect for raves.

>> No.8683802

What do you guys do at slow conventions? Work on more products/draw, browse /cgl/, stare at people until they come over to your table, etc.

at a slow con now.

>> No.8683927

sorry to be such an annoying faggot but this question was me, maybe it would be better if I asked what attendance was like at cons you guys have been to, and how much you brought for those? Sorry, I just really have no idea where else to go for this

>> No.8683980

There is no real answer other than just bring as much as you can. You never know what is going to sell very well and what won't sell at all.

Its an unsatisfying answer, but that's it.

>> No.8684359

I'm just worried about having too much afterward, I don't know when the next time I can sell will be. I guess I can always try for online, though
Any advice is good advice, thanks!

>> No.8684363

5-10 copies of each (for prints, but I'm sure this could apply to those other products as well, maybe) is a good way to gauge what sells and what doesn't. I also see that it's a pretty good number since you won't have too many left over merch, if any. Better to sell out than not imo

>> No.8684369

I usually make more product, I mostly do accessories at artist alley. If I'm 100% done and can't make more stuff, I'll just draw or pray a friend comes over and chit chats. Otherwise I just people watch.

>> No.8684370

that sounds like a good number, thanks!

>> No.8684397
File: 207 KB, 768x1365, 20151024_181724-768x1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you always go over budget in the artist alley

>> No.8684454

Some prep work like cutting out button printouts or organizing/cleaning my table space. If I'm really at a loss I draw or play on my 3ds or read a book.

>> No.8684756

Google image reverse search has nothing, where is everyone finding these cringefests?

>> No.8684769

The original post was in those photo sets Tumblr does so I just cut and pasted them to one picture. But if you want to know who the artist is, their blog is tomatomagica. Those drawings took longer than I wanted to find, though.

>> No.8684953

Thinking of having my own anime chibi-themed booth soon. How many fandoms should I focus on? I notice it's usually 3 or 4 but then I'm afraid things won't sell.

>> No.8685218

I am so perplexed by her art. When she draws OCs or even some other fanart, there's variation but everyone looks human and healthy. I feel like her art just really, really isn't suited to a cutesy anime fandom.

>> No.8685501

Holy shit you're right. What the fuck? How does she think that the Set From Hell looks good when she does actually good art otherwise? I wuoldn't say it's just her style either. The entire bottom row is terrible and the middle row is decent, in comparison. If she'd done everyone in Honoka's style it would be a hell of a lot better. Not great, but better.

>> No.8685520
File: 1 KB, 88x22, tumblr_4444444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If she'd done everyone in Honoka's style it would be a hell of a lot better.
But then it won't be diverse. And you're not a good artist unless you make every character look drastically different from the last.

>> No.8685580

>anime chibi-themed booth
Whatever you do, learn how to draw well first. Don't be another Paprika Studios. Try Love Live and Attack on Titan. People are also suckers for Sailor Moon and Pokemon.

>> No.8686104

when have i ever traced tho lmao

>> No.8686122
File: 24 KB, 625x626, 1cc35a1fa512a81973f23687b11bed14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686132
File: 836 KB, 500x213, Loki Popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8686146
File: 83 KB, 750x899, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to show this to her.

>> No.8686147

She did it for tumblr brownie points

>> No.8686148
File: 10 KB, 515x87, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you apparently need to be shown this

>> No.8686150


>> No.8686156

I saw that, but I don't see how showing it to someone who was an asshole to someone about fanart is "tumblr drama".

>> No.8686166

Honestly everyone needs to be shown this. It's sad that people start shit over fanart, what the hell.

>> No.8686174
File: 114 KB, 480x599, Screenshot_2015-10-26-00-13-57-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late

>> No.8686191
File: 69 KB, 500x263, 099c279ce72f505d42f69fb3d2480f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck this girl

>> No.8686193
File: 28 KB, 554x274, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686199

the artist of that rose pic wasnt even "erasing diversity"

she was drawing rose about the same size as she was in the show

why is this still a thing

>> No.8686200
File: 67 KB, 400x406, AhahanoDemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686224

Depends on your output. Chibis generally tend to be fast and easy, so I feel like having a wide range would benefit you, especially because people aren't always buying for the quality of the art.

I think it's more important to have "complete sets," that way fans of that particular fandom are more inclined to buy multiple.

>> No.8686234

Unless they're amazing I just ignore chibi-themed booths, honestly. If that's your skill level then I suppose you can't help it, but fwiw I think most people find chibi-only artists to be a bit bottom of the barrel.

>> No.8686267
File: 9 KB, 199x240, oomoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone recommend a good casting silicone?

Clear resin in this case to dye is what is going in it but looking for a good brand for all of it really. I don't mind getting a digital scale so a mix that isn't 1:1 is just fine since I can measure it out.

I had some Smooth On OOMOO 30, but the damn pink part hardened somehow and the other half is useless without it. Had barely used any and the crap is expensive. So I'm looking for something maybe a little more in bulk maybe, catalyst needed is fine if it means I can avoid that happening in the future. Or if there is a better way to buy Smooth On outside of 30 bucks for a small can even that I may attempt again.

>> No.8686276

Honestly when I used to work at an art supply store we'd get returns on oomoo all the time because it had expired and one of the bottles became unusable. This was a few years ago, but at the time they had a cryptic code to decipher to figure out what the unit's expiration date was. Your best bet is to either buy from the source, or ask your art dealer to decipher that code for you and get a fresh kit.

I know this doesn't help much (my only experience with silicone is oomoo) but if you wanted to give it another try at least you know what the deal is with their stuff.

>> No.8686287

Actually that is pretty helpful. I'm pretty sure you are right and that is what happened because I know it was sealed so it wasn't air exposure. I had it awhile to be fair.

I just always see in online demonstrations people with giant plain jugs of silicone, but you have to add catalyst so its not 1:1 but looks like it would be more economical. I can do the math and measuring so seemed a good idea.

>> No.8686349
File: 136 KB, 638x825, weeb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nowhere near done yet but idk, what do you kids think? I'd want to make acrylic charms of it - my boyfriend doesn't think it will sell.

>> No.8686360

It's ugly. Make the thing in the trash a cute mascot instead of a ripoff of Sesame Street.

>> No.8686406

it bothers me that its off center

>> No.8686409

Some of her shit's okay and then there's shit where she actually regressed in her 'progress' pictures from 2012 what the heck

>> No.8686413
File: 104 KB, 438x685, weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess horrible people will like it. Some people will see humor in it being Oscar but regarding what the other anon said I don't know if people could connect with it if you made your own mascot. It would have to be a person covered in the usual weeb getup for people to go "haha that's me I'm a disgusting weeaboo." Making himself look weebier/cuter might help. I gave it a go but it's not really an improvement.
I would say it's a hard sell but people do seem to love this crap on Tumblr so who knows. If you have the time and money I'd say you may as well test the waters. If you appeal to that crowd with other fandoms then you could be bringing in the right audience.

>> No.8686421

a weeb version of oscar makes the most sense really, i mean thats the whole point of the joke. dont change it

>> No.8686491

Oh god that's one thing I hate about the tumblr crowd "YEAH UM I MOVED ON FROM DRAWING ANIME BECAUSE IT"S NOT DIVERSE ENOUGH"

>> No.8686509
File: 443 KB, 447x675, eveesnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of selling some eveelution charms/stickers and Disney Princess Pastel-goth kawaii desu prints. The print is by far incomplete but the lines are final and that's the first two evee stickers done. Thoughts?

>> No.8686516

That eevee's face looks really unsettling to me.

>> No.8686523

The trash can is the main part of the joke, isn't it? You could put literally anything in the trash can and it wouldn't change the joke. I personally wouldn't want an unsettling pink version of Oscar the Grouch on any merch and find this design ugly and unappealing, but if it were a parody of like, Pokemon (trubbish maybe?) or any other more relevant thing - something to do with weebishness - i would want it.

>> No.8686531

What exactly are you trying to go for here?
>pentagram straps
>oldschool tattoo style birds and diamonds
>deer antler flower crown
>Galaxy gradient in hair

There doesn't seem to be any link between the pokemon and Snow White at all, either.

>> No.8686537
File: 54 KB, 500x667, 328df9d8b6c7a9adf58cfc11ba39c844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eevees aren't part of the print, I just put them in the same image instead of posting twice, sorry if that was confusing?

> Disney Princess Pastel-goth kawaii desu.
You just...listed all the elements basically 90% of hipster-tumblrtards use as an aesthetic? Pic very related.

The birds are because...snow white? She does everything with animals? Same with the deer antlers, she's the only Disney Princess I could ever see getting away with a flower crown and antlers because she literally lives in a forest? Galaxy gradient and pentagram because 'woah so edgy'

>> No.8686549

>I just put them in the same image instead of posting twice
Sorry yeah, I missed that.
In both the front leg which is further away from us looks thicker than its counterpart, which doesn't make sense. The Flareon's furthest front leg looks twisted because of how we can see all the pads on its' foot at once, so you might want to change that.

It's good that you're aware of your market and how to sell out, but I'm repulsed by everything about that. You might as well make her a non-descript brown colour and fat with stretchmarks, and give her an undercut and a pronoun rosette.
Joking aside, she would be cuter if the nostrils were closer together and a little further down, introducing the tattoo elements to her arms would bring some cohesion. She has yaoi hands and googly eyes but that might be your style.

>> No.8686550
File: 47 KB, 447x274, eevees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eyes on the print are really unappealing. They swallow up her face but it doesn't come across as cute or ethereal. Uncanny valley.
I like the flowers, birds and scroll combined since it has that tattoo vibe but everything else clashes with that. The pasted texture is really cheap looking.

The Pokemon are a lot better for a con. There's some white edges around them though so make sure you check them on a coloured background before you completely finish them. They're looking a bit faint so add some contrast, especially to Eevee.

>> No.8686573

I'd recommend taking out the nose/nostrils? on Snow White. Maybe put a small shadow of a nose there, if you want? Her face looks really odd.

The Flareon's face looks stiff, as well.

>> No.8686734

The eyebrows(?), nose and and lips look really off. Her skirt looks really off-centre too, the lines on her bodice don't follow any of the lines on her skirt at all and the angle's strange. Her upper arms are too short imo, but that's not all that noticeable. Maybe pull her lower lashline up a little too, it makes her look strangely lizard-like as it is.
That aside, I like that you know your market. Her hair and the tattoo birds look cool, and I really like the apple. I know a lot of tumblrinas would like this as it is, but if you clean it up a little you'll have a much easier time selling this to the non-tumblr crowd.
Flareon on left looks too flat and undersaturated. If you add some depth to it and brighten it a bit it'll look a lot better. Right Flareon could do with being a tiny bit less saturated imo.
I'd be interested in seeing progress pics, it looks like it'll be an interesting piece.

>> No.8687043

...Is this a common thought? I want to do artist alleys just for fun, and chibis are the only things that i consistently enjoy drawing. My normal drawings definitely aren't print-tier anyways (Not the op btw).

>> No.8687080

It's very common imo. If your normal drawings aren't print-worthy, chances are your chibis aren't as good as you think they are.

>> No.8687087
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ideas for charms I'm throwing around.
Before I go through the process of doing them digitally I wanted to know if they look alright, stylistically? Anything I should change?

>> No.8687211

If you really want to sell, I'd try sharing a table with a friend. I really wouldn't depend on chibis alone to break even.

>> No.8687240

tbh weebs love chibis, if you are actually good at drawing them I don't see why you couldn't make a killing. Not sure what everyone else is talking about. Artist alley, as much as we wish it was, isn't actually a place where better quality ALWAYS makes the most cash.

>> No.8687300
File: 117 KB, 640x640, 8bbaba0024488bf480c86b1663783c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you that make and sell jewelry and charms and polymer clay stuff, I've got a few questions.
What's the best way to go about displaying earrings and necklaces that are attached to a piece of cardstock? pic related.
What do you use to store your charms and supplies? I've looked around at joanns but i can't decide which one is the best.

>> No.8687303

I use corkboards an pin them up usually, it works the best and looks cute.

>> No.8687304

Anon is that your stuff? Where can I buy it?

>> No.8687319

Yeah, that's what I was thinking would work best. Thanks!
Sadly no, it's one of the images that came up when I looked for charm packaging.

>> No.8687321
File: 106 KB, 991x579, charm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lines are weak and messy so it's kind of hard to judge the style overall. Most charms get their potential once coloured unless your lines are great and I can't really visualise your sketches as charms.
Her face is just a large circle so there's no definition in her cheek or jaw and then you drew the hair like her scalp doesn't exist. There needs to be a bit more volume around the top as the bow isn't inserted into her skull. Her eyes are drawn in two different styles so I'm not sure if you were experimenting but I'd say the eye we see on the right is better.
I think the blob hands and feet make a person appear lazy or inexperienced unless you can see the overall cuteness and quality in the finished product. Here they're uneven and you haven't given her shoes so your sketch isn't ready for digital. Make the hands look like they're gripping the broom.
In the movie her dress remains a rounded rectangular shape even when winds goes up so I'd soften the corners and curves. The sleeves should be a bit longer. The broom looks like she has a rifle between her legs but I'm awful with perspective so I'm not sure how to go about that. Maybe make her thighs/legs are a little bigger so the lines don't end up overwhelming them.

>> No.8687328

eye on the left looks much better tbh.

>> No.8687338

oh, yeah that edit looks way better, thanks!
I actually intend to make her hands and feet better, I just forgot about it before posting here, that's my bad. I should have cleaned up the sletch more before posting. I don't know what the fuck happened with that left eye.
I'll fix all that stuff up for sure, thanks again for the help

>> No.8687351
File: 176 KB, 800x503, indie_accessories_zps2a24b8b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys deal with being stuck near those Taobao reseller booths in AA? You know the ones I'm talking about.

>> No.8687490

About the same as I do when I'm near those chinese plush resellers (I sell handmade plush). I just continue to be friendly and polite and engage my customers like I normally do. If they're selling out in the open and the con doesn't care I can't do anything about it anyways. It is disheartening seeing people who don't know any better ooh and ahh over their items and purchase obvious bootlegs or things that were bought just to be resold (I freaking hate people who just buy pendants from Micheals and slap them on a regular chain or glue cabs on to ring bases) but it's whatever.

>> No.8687581

Does anybody know if uv gel for nail art is as hard as uv resin?

>> No.8687991

Anyone know a way I can make her face a bit less wide without redoing it all? I was thinking of doing the scouts, I'm assuming anything SM related sells well right? On top of that I'm a big fan myself...

>> No.8687996

Come on anon, really?

>> No.8688026

Did you drop your image? If you save all your layers it shouldn't be too hard to edit some lines but it's kind of hard to edit multiple shapes without losing quality or redrawing.

>> No.8688029

I like drawing cute-erotic stuff. Will I get pounded on as a pedo if I open the floodgates and enter the AA with that kind of stuff?

>> No.8688035

Post an example? Cute erotic and loli aren't the same thing so it really depends on your subject material and how you draw it.

>> No.8688045

Be careful of which AAs you apply to. Some AAs outright ban anything that could be considered nsfw, erotic art included.

>> No.8688049
File: 45 KB, 599x842, CRhu6Q5UEAEuOH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of stuff, for example, that treads the line between youth and sensuality without being explicitly explicit.

Pic related not my art, by the way. I'm not comfortable revealing my stuff here (yet).

>> No.8688063

That example is fine. It's hard to judge without actually seeing your work. Just don't sexualise things you shouldn't.

>> No.8688071

>Just don't sexualise things you shouldn't.
Uh oh, the thought police have arrived.

>> No.8688072

Drawn CP is illegal in my country, so yeah, I don't do anything too wild. I'm a little worried though, because recently it seems that SJWs are quick to pounce on anything that combines youthful/cute with eroticism and brand the artist as a pedophile/pedophile apologist. I'm not sure if I would experience the same backlash by participating in the AAs with that kind of art. I'm not the type of person who wants drama following them around.

>> No.8688074

Yeah, I've even seen people saying that aging up characters so they're 18+ in porn is somehow pedophilic, which is... the most nonsensical shit. I think as long as your stuff is "for the art" then people won't be as able to come after you.

>> No.8688076

The AA police can also arrive if there are complaints or rules but I don't know about that kind of stuff.

They can be. If you do feel like your art could be targeted then you might need to rethink what you should sell. These people are supposed to be buying your work so maybe you should just focus on the cute. You could do some more erotic pieces with some older looking characters you like maybe. Why aren't you comfortable with posting your work?

>> No.8688078

Uh oh, here comes the kiddy fucker white knight army.

>> No.8688088
File: 136 KB, 636x779, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never intended to sell this at cons, but general opinions on this kind of style? I just doodled it for a friend. I'm not particularly fond of it.

>> No.8688092

>drawings are the same as real people
Might want to see a shrink for that failure to separate fantasy from reality.

>> No.8688094

FWIW everyone I've ever known that's into shota art and dojinshi and whatever (can't really speak for loli) are gay/bi women. It's kind of weird but true. They have zero interest in any sort of real life guys but they find shota really cute/safe feeling I guess? I'm whatever about it, it doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.8688097

Yeah. I've seen people reach really far for things to be offended by, such as the use of the term 'shota' (it's not inherently sexual?).

Yeah, maybe I'll stick to just posting those types of things online. I enjoy drawing them so it's not an incredibly big deal to not profit off them. It's just that it would be nice to do work that I love.

I keep my erotic art private. It would defeat the point of going through all that effort if I just started linking my stuff everywhere. If you're asking why I keep my erotic art private... well, I don't know about you, but I think it's necessary to flaunt my sexuality around?

> gay/bi women
I can't argue against that.

>> No.8688122

Well it's weird to ask about selling it but you won't show it since it's a private thing. A lot more people would be seeing it once it's on your table with you sitting there.
I don't think sharing it is flaunting your sexuality since you're just asking if it's suitable or not.

>> No.8688140

That's true, but I haven't made a concrete decision to sell cute-erotic stuff yet therefore there's not really a need to expose my art?

I don't have any current intentions to travel, so I feel like no one would pay much attention if I keep a low profile and avoid broadcasting the erotic stuff through mass media. It's not like it's something that I'm ashamed about, it's more that I don't want it to incite drama if I can avoid it.

This thread has given me a vague idea on the kind of response I can expect to get though, so thanks for that.

>> No.8688186

Question! How do you guys feel regarding using free to use or pay to use bases for charms/stickers/prints whatever whatever? I'm getting kind of sick of drawing pretty generic looking chibis when there's quite a few out there similar enough to my style or that I could tweak and it'd be a few dollars to save me time. .

>> No.8688199

...Do you mean offering the bases, or using them for your products? For something like small stickers it might be okay, but I personally would never purchase any kind of merchandise that was obviously the same base edited to look like different characters. You'll always get people who will buy something just because it has X character or series, though.

>> No.8688215

That's pretty shitty. It's fine if you make your own but using a premade one is just lazy and makes me doubt your ability. People aren't going to know it's a bought base though so I guess they can't judge you. Either make one or two poses, like sitting or sleeping and then do a series using that base. In doing this you then limit what people may be interested in buying. Someone will probably be more likely to buy multiple charms of characters they like in different poses than those same characters in the exact same pose. You save time and then lose money.
I can't really understand how you don't have the patience to draw different poses and it's kind of sad if you can just buy something that replicates what you're capable of.

>> No.8688217
File: 187 KB, 387x438, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using them for products. On the one hand I feel like it's lazy and I probably also wouldn't buy from someone using a base. On the other hand I've bought adopts that use other people's bases because they're just too darn cute. So....if I'm willing to buy someone else's am I wrong to judge and use them for myself? It's a grey area for me. Probably won't though.

Looking for concrit on this sailormoon sticker, I posted mars a few threads back.

>> No.8688231

Adopts are a design though. You're spending the money to own the character itself where people purchase prints and stickers because they like the art and existing characters.

The hair doesn't make sense. The top part isn't attached to her head which makes it look like a floating hat and then the buns are disconnected or too large as well which also gives a floating effect. Nothing looks unified. The twintails probably need to be placed lower behind her head and then angled outwards a bit so they don't fall straight down.
The eyes are a weird style and they're placed unevenly on the face but you can't even see them through the massive bang.
Outfit and wand is nice but the legs are going too far to the right. Her own right leg needs to be straighter to support her weight.

>> No.8688267

I'd like to think I'm alright, it's just I'm not at a skill level to create worthy prints yet. If it helps I'm trying a more design-oriented approach (maybe more like icons) rather than an "art"-oriented approach.

I had a feeling doing masses of chibis would at least make things more interesting somehow compared to just a few.

I understand how you feel. Much of the time I find chibi designs very unappealing, uncanny or lacking in fundamentals which is why I kind of want to bring something "new" to the table while also getting some artist alley experience. The con is pretty small/local, so honestly I don't think I have much competition other than the merch vendors, bootleg poster sellers, and medicore artists. The only good artists just do purely comic fanart.

>> No.8688280
File: 147 KB, 390x438, an opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally would just avoid it and spend an extra couple of minutes sketching different poses.

forgive the messy 3 minute edit, just wanted a visual reference for what i'm pointing out. the most glaring problem to me is the face. It seems wonky and the eyes are really unfocused (and not in a characteristic, ditzy way). It seems odd that there's black lines for the blush when the rest of the lineart is pink toned. obvious noses tend to look pretty bad with chibi styles. It also seems weird to me when chibi styles have proportionate/small hands and then huge moonboot feet?

>> No.8688339

I've had a lot of my art stolen and turned into bases on DA so I don't trust those at all. It would be best if you just came up with your own poses, it's not that hard.

>> No.8688361

ty guys.
Yeah I could tell the face was off but before I was having issues with it being too wide and just no end of grief. Mostly because I'm trying to *kind of* get the same feel as the original drawings which were hair floaty and had crazy head proportions to start with, but saying so feels like an excuse? Her pose is the jumpy/floaty in air kind of one popular in magical girl shit so for me the supported weight took a backseat to the overall look to make it appear more 'shoujo'? Big bangs, small hands with moon boot feet are a style choice, no comment. Thank you for the edit, I forgot to recolour the facial lines - thanks for reminding me lol. Gonna work on the eyes more for sure though.

>> No.8688439

Her arms are two different lengths.

>> No.8688448

Is it just me or Vograce don't care if I provide cut lines. Or maybe I should conserve paths in Photoshop?

>> No.8688449

This looks a lot cuter.

>> No.8688494

I'd try to choose either small hands/feet or huge feet/hands combo. Now it's kind of stylely inconsistent and I think it would make it look more balanced.
I really like the flowey feel of the pigtails and how you're drawn those, I'd may try to get a same feel to the bangs as well? Since those looks kinda blocky at the moment. I know they imitate the original look but I think it would make the whole hairdo appear a whole entirety and not just two different parts.

>> No.8688673
File: 140 KB, 519x674, sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk i feel like my skills aren't anything special, but since a bunch of other people selfposted I guess i will too. here's a chibi of Sonic from One Punch Man i'm working on right now, would a set of all the characters be cute?

>> No.8688773

the style is cute but looks really lazily done, and pillow shading is for babies.

>> No.8688863

It's fairly cute and the proportions are well done. But the stripes on his jumpsuit are very uneven and the lines are all the same weight. The sparkles on his hair would look better in a solid color. When you shade, think about how the light is actually hitting the object, don't just throw highlights in the middle of everything.

>> No.8688972

Just sent in my first AA application & I am so nervous and excited at the same time. It's a very small local convention and I really hope I can get in!

They had a weird application process which was send in a note that you're interested and then they replied almost a month later... Which is why I didn't see their email until five days after they sent it. Hope that doesn't hurt my chances of getting in too much. They surely would have sent an email saying all the spaces have filled up if they did, right? Or put a notice on their website. Just me being nervous.

>> No.8688998
File: 741 KB, 635x848, TFQN-4vL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon in a previous thread said that they sold business card sized prints with fake TCG mechanics. It's pretty popular on pixiv and I bought some from RyuMoto and BKUB a couple years back. I was just wondering if this would work in the states as a good way to have some sort of "original art" for cons with fanart to original character rules.

>> No.8689003

>fake TCG mechanics.

make it an actual TCG (even a simple one) and I'll throw my money at you.

>> No.8689008

this would look a lot better if the bottom half of the face didn't look flattened and the lines were smooth/crisp. I get what you're trying to do with the highlights/detail on the body but given how simple the face/hair is it looks kind of disjointed.

>> No.8689017

I plan to make an actual TCG and have a site with all the graphics and templates so other artists can make, sell, and/or trade their own OC cards. I just wanted to throw the idea out there first because I don't really have much of a following.

>> No.8689034

>she's the only Disney Princess I could ever see getting away with a flower crown and antlers because she literally lives in a forest?
ok but what about Aurora

>> No.8689040

I think you have some good elements here, but they aren't really cohesive. Snow White's face is so generic. The birds and roses are innocent and pretty, then you have the sort of creepy cute apple, and then bodice is sort of sexy, and the hair and skirt are trippy color town. The worst part is honestly the face, though. Eeveelutions are cute enough, I agree about the contrast thing another anon mentioned.

>> No.8689094

But aurora already has crazy fancy loopy bangs and a crown AND a regular headband. Although I can 200% agree, a thorny rose crown would be awesome....

Thank you for the advice! I am rethinking the colour choices now and redoing the eyes since it's a creep factor for so many and I've changed the contrast/saturation for the eeveelutions.

>> No.8689111

Anyone keeping up with the HL drama in AANI? That Scott guy is so salty lmao.

>> No.8689254

It's hard to keep up, but holy dang what a mess.

Also, the HL family can eat a bag of dicks. What a terrible group of people to run a company

>> No.8689518

HL is shit but I don't think the discussion has anything to do with AANI. I mean, it's a craft store yeah, but everyone already knows it's run by terrible people.

That Scott guy got super heated but I kind of agree with some of the things he said. The BC thing sucked but I can get it for free through either my university's doctor or my regular gyno so I don't see it as a big deal that the company didn't want to pay for it. I laughed though when he got an admin warning and I think he's been booted.

>> No.8689532

Yeah he got booted because apparently an admin PM'd him and then he started shit with her. The other angry "I GUESS THIS GROUP IS ANTI-CHRISTIAN. YOU ARE ALL OPPRESSING ME!" guy flounced and left by himself after getting an admin warning.

Idk where you're located and where you attend school but I can't get free BC and my insurance doesn't cover it. Not like I need it not do I work for HL but if someone needed it, they would most likely need to pay for it in clinics in my area.

>> No.8689582

Yeah, the whole discussion really smacked of baiting to me, especially with the biased "source". I'd be fine with it if the thing had been framed as an informative discussion from the beginning instead of a thinly-veiled shitstorm starter.

>> No.8689633

Oh hey, you posted this on /ic/ not too long ago, right? I remember seeing it there.

The face really doesn't blend with the rest of the drawing at all, and doesn't look very good either. It looks like a mask, and that could probably be fixed with a more realistic hairline. An yeah I get it's DBZ hair but still

The colours are pretty underwhelming as well.

>> No.8689638

If you really do end up doing that, let us know because I'd be really interested in it

>> No.8689645

if you're not planning on selling at a con why post it in an artist alley thread....? as other anon said, hairline is a little bizarre, the post is really weak even though i get the sense it's supposed to be a 'power pose'. the expression seems disconnected from the general feel of the image and the murky background doesn't really look great with the black lines/full color of the character. I kind of wish the shading was stronger and clean/sharp to go with the lines, but that's more of a stylistic preference.

>> No.8689817

No tumblrites are gonna jump on you in the AA for it, they don't leave their house and they don't confront people irl when they do. And if you keep out of western fandoms and just post your art without going too hard on building a cult of personality on top of that you'll probably fly under the radar online as well.

Honestly, I don't understand the extremely recent trend of getting offended at fanart and fanfic of vague-aged sports anime boys and idol girls acting even a little lascivious? Then people have to do the sad "I aged them up" defense because they're scared of the response. I mean there's baby rape doujins out there and the creepy very realistic styled stuff (that even scares the loli-loving fucks of /a/) they could be pissing their shit on instead. Or they could, y'know, be more concerned about helping real children from abuse instead of censoring fiction and bullying their fellow fans.

>> No.8689825

Don't forget to fix the legs on the eeveelutions.

I don't really understand it either, I get squicked out if people sexualise genuine loli/shota characters that definitely seem their age such as Sakura from CCS, but I really don't have a problem with people 'ageing up' characters as long as they look believably grown.
It's like saying that being attracted to grown Luke Skywalker is wrong because at some point there was child Luke Skywalker, or something.

I can see where things get blurry when you have 'ageless' characters, but there are more ways to show a adulthood than with cups size etc.

>> No.8689864

Kek more sparkly adhesive paper for me

>> No.8689936

I'm gonna leave my email for anyone that wants to contribute whether it's to improve some graphics or to beta test the actual gameplay.

>> No.8690075
File: 145 KB, 594x719, 1445931809339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna comment about the style since that's what you asked about. I think it's not too bad, not something that appeals to me personally but I think it would work regarding the general weeb crowd just fine, I'd just work the face and proportions tho. The nose, it's drawn a way too left and it looks like it's pictured from the side - and rise the nostrils-part. The mouth should be moved upwards, and the shape or style of the eyes don't match (another is oval, other round, another has the inner corner drawn, other hasn’t). Also, I know it's supposed to be simplified, but put more details into the ear (just couple of lines is enough so it doesn't look incomplete). The face is oddly pear shaped, I think. There should be hairline continuing after the ear a little bit so the hairdo wouldn't appear so flat.
I think I would scale the body part a bit shorter. That’s personal preference but I think the character has a bit too realistic proportions on the body and just a huge head compared to that.
But what bugs me the most I think, is the color usage. Shadows shouldn’t be the grayer version of the base color, especially if the light should be colored. Changing the shadows into a more cold or warmer hue makes a big difference. Study some color theory, that helps.
Your lineart seems rather nice, I'd may try to use colored lines at least in the lightly colored areas like the hair and the gloves and boots.
I think you have a good clean starting point. I’d work on the face and colors mainly and then see where I can get

>> No.8690153

Does any one think there is a market for oil paintings or traditional media art in artist alley threads? I really want to start selling my art but I have no idea where to start

>> No.8690234

Anyone know a good ratio of how much inventory to stock and attendees? I would hate to sell out quickly. Most of my fashion items I sell I would not be able to make easily on site.

>> No.8690290


There's definitely a market on etsy for that sort of stuff. I don't know so much about artist alleys... Maybe at comic book conventions with an older audience?

>> No.8690296
File: 15 KB, 575x133, howfarugunnnareach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8690326

Some cons have art shows where you can sell originals.

You could also photograph/scan your paintings and make prints of them if you wanted to sell in the artist alley.

>> No.8690433

I'm assuming it was an all out war below their tweets, possibly tons of shit against them since the tweet went places, so I can't blame them.

>> No.8690441

Basically, all the tumblrinas are now calling the SU staff "pedophilles" for telling everyone not to bully some artist that attempted suicide.

>> No.8690453

There's a difference between bullying and criticizing though. Of course, some people step over the line into bullying, but a lot of people are acting like the artist should also be immune to all criticism. Which, no, the second you post art online, you're up for criticism.

>> No.8690464

Lel, someone dug up his Tumblr likes and accused him of pedophilia for faving a Shimakaze drawing.

>> No.8690468

Is this artist the "skinny Rose" artist?

>> No.8690469


>> No.8690474

>but a lot of people are acting like the artist should also be immune to all criticism. Which, no, the second you post art online, you're up for criticism.
Well, no shit sherlock. Pretty sure the "leave zamii alone" crowd are only talking like that because the bullies are SO bad. There are reblogs of her latest post from people in their 20s - people who should know better - telling her they hope she dies.

>> No.8690502

So I'm looking to this artist blog and I don't see anything wrong with her art? What's the drama about?

>> No.8690558


>> No.8690643

I thought the gaming community was horrid when it came to digging too deep into people's life and Internet past, but SJWs sure are taking over first place fast.

>> No.8690650

Didn't Rebecca Sugar drawn ed edd & eddy porn or something?

>> No.8690651

Yes but those aren't anime so obviously different from shotas and lolis

>> No.8690796


shit, i've drawn worse porn than that when i was younger it's almost like everyone's fucking ~problematic~

>> No.8690800

Nobody cares because she made stephen universe and ed edd & eddy is ugly as shit. People only care when the characters look good.

>> No.8691030

I love SU but it also weirds me out that she based Stephen on her own younger brother and she puts his character in romantic situations with Connie. Plus all the fan shipping and suggestive pics of him. I have unintentionally seen a lot of lewd Stephen pics, why does the fanbase not care about those?

>> No.8691036


>> No.8691042

They do, iirc there are whole blogs dedicated to getting people to not draw the SU characters in adult situations

>> No.8691054
File: 19 KB, 468x133, Screenshot (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch must either be exaggerating for attention, or just be really, /really/ bad.
I've never had encountered anyone at a con, much less multiple people, that would come up and insult my shit to my face. Have you guys?

>> No.8691092

Can you find any art on their page? I think some people can make rude comments without realising but I doubt that people are going to comment that negatively to the artist's face. The last example is probably common but people would keep that information to themselves or just mutter it to a friend.
It seems like a weird thing to lie about so I wouldn't doubt that people are horrible like that but she could easily be exaggerating.

>> No.8691095


>> No.8691107

paige hall rage hall

>> No.8691179

I've had someone come up and say some shit really fucking loud and walks away in about 30 secs. What I figured was 2 things, one it was my first con, and second I was table partnered with someone thats been there for years, and the reason I tabled with her was because a certain friend of hers sorta bullied/threat her to not show her face near him. And we happen to been table set just a table down and behind that guy, so yeah I figured that one out of course. just another elitist jerk that thinks he is above most people and uses his friends to pull shit.

>> No.8691214

Nah, I've definitely heard versions of those. Maybe not to me specifically, but I've heard them in passing, especially that last one.

Don't underestimate how utterly fucktarded and rude socially awkward weebs can be (whether intentional or not)

>> No.8691217

Eh, once you start putting a price tag on your work and you're sitting in a room full of people doing the same thing, you're going to hear that shit. Like I have no issue telling someone in a game store, "your price is too high, I can get this on Amazon for $15 less" so I would have no problem saying to a friend "this art is mediocre, let's get that other girl's print."

>> No.8691241

I've been doing this for five years now, and I have never heard any of those. And I'm pretty shitty.

>> No.8691414

I've not heard stuff myself personally but too many artists from too many circles at different skill levels that don't know each other have complained about such comments so it's totally believable.

>> No.8691436

>characters look good

>> No.8691613

Those aren't even the same thing though, no one in that game store had any part in actually creating those games. Also I'm pretty sure they know about Amazon. If it's a chain those are prices someone else set so they can't really do anything about that and if it isn't a chain they obviously can't compete with Amazon's prices.

Honestly saying that shit privately is fine but doing it where the artist could hear it is rude and awkward even if you don't think so.

>> No.8691630
File: 5 KB, 281x256, 1341102948829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never had anyone say my art was bad to my face, but i have had some WEIRD encounters with congoers.

>girl comes directly up to my booth and addresses my helper
>friend politely says no and points to me
>i smile and say "hi!"
>girl looks at me, then back at friend
>friend and i exchange glances
>girl walks away

also, i wonder if anyone knows these two because i have a feeling they've done this before

>asian girl and white boyfriend approach table
>"wow your art is so cool, i love your animal crossing stickers. they're so much better than this other girl who drew lucky looking all girly. lucky is a boy, not a girl."
>mfw the artist she's talking about is my friend, say nothing
>they have the gall to bargain my handcut sticker packs down from 5 dollars to 8 for two packs
>lmao ok whatever please leave and never return
>they return the next day
>"UM we bought your stickers the other day but i left one of the packs i bought on the table. i wouldn't rip an artist off, don't worry! i'm telling the truth"
>i was watching my table like a hawk because i didn't trust them to begin with, know they got what they paid for
>pussy out for fear of them shit talking me around the convention and give them a third pack
>mfw they got 15 dollars worth of stickers from me for 8 dollars

>> No.8691664

>has the nerve to haggle AND lie
Fucking rude. I hope she doesn't sleep at night

>> No.8691677

Is haggling really that bad? I've done it once before on a sunday because I really wanted these two charms but they were $6 each and I only had $10. The artist said yes when I asked if she'd do 2 for 10 but was I being an asshole?

>> No.8691685


Generally depends on your tone. If you ask with no expectations for it to be granted it's probably fine. I always say it doesn't hurt to ask if you're polite, but we can tell if someone's doing it because they're stingy and just want to see how far they can fleece an artist.

All assuming you don't ask for a huge discount and you are a nice person and didn't just insult another artist like that person did.

>> No.8691735

I think that he also doesn't want people using it as justification for erasure, because the people who draw Garnet white are gunna be ALL OVER those tweets. I doubt the Shimakaze thing is too big

>> No.8691751

I love to haggle in those situations because it usually is just me knocking off a buck or two to make someone's day. It feels good to see someone's face brighten up after the disappointment of them realizing they're just a wee bit short of something of mine they really wanted. (It's worth noting I do prints/charms/etc., mass produced stuff with low costs.
I wouldn't haggle down something handmade with a lot of time investment.)

What I don't appreciate so much is people haggling just because they can. You can usually tell just by the attitude of the person if they're just being cheap to be cheap. It pisses me off to accept a pushy haggle, and then see them take out a wad of cash. Please don't waste my time over a few bucks. In all likelihood, the time you spent having me engaged in the conversation led to me losing other sales.

>> No.8691791

Auto correct phone, my bad.

>> No.8692016

Same. Prints and buttons are cheap enough to produce that if it's Sunday, you're short, and you're nice to me, I'm happy to knock off a couple bucks. If you're an asshole who clearly doesn't respect artists, you're paying full price.

>> No.8692086

I see a lot of Sunday/Monday clearance sales in AA a lot....how do you guys feel about opening sales though? On the Friday, maybe a for a few hours after opening. As someone both in the AA and buys from the AA I can see why you'd want to do Sunday sales, but at the same time as a buyer, I get a bit salty when I see something I bought on Saturday for significantly cheaper on Sunday....whereas opening sales usually carry less sentiment. A friend of mine did an opening sale to test the waters with pricing, and She said it was a good idea. What do you guys think?

>> No.8692130

SU may not be moeblob tier cute, but it's a huge step up from Ed Edd &Eddy, which looks like animated chicken scratches. Admittedly it fits the weird tone of the series, but you cannot call the characters cute.
Depends on what you're selling and how much you're knocking off the price. Selling a £5 item for £4 is pretty fucking stupid, because you're losing a lot more cash than you're drawing sales in due to low prices. Don't do half price or less on anything unless you're desperate to shift stock, and even then I'd say leave it to Sunday. And, obviously, make sure that you're still making a profit.
Ask your friend how much she sold for normally vs during the sale, what she was selling, and if it was the sort of stuff you'd find on other tables at the AA. If you're the only person selling amigurumi in an AA swamped with prints, a sale is a good way to test prices without screwing other artists over. If your stuff is really similar to everyone else's (as in, you're all selling charms or prints, not in terms of style unless it's super different) then don't do it unless you're doing something like a 1 for £10, 3 for £20 deal.
Clearance sales are just that, clearance. It's stuff you want to get rid of for cheap. If you do have small items left over I suggest making lucky dips or grab bags or sth, it's a good way of having cheaper items on the table without shitting on your neighbours and without having to remark prices.
Hagglers can fuck right off if they're being entitled shits. If it's a child, or something they clearly love and clearly don't have the cash for, I will be more than happy to lower the price. If they start with the 'But I can get it at THIS TABLE for LESS' then tell them that they can buy the item from the cheaper table. Smile blandly and be firm yet polite. I've found that confrontational weebs tend to get confused when you don't buckle under the might of their logic.

>> No.8692191
File: 702 KB, 638x825, jetsetradio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a con I look at the sales of each of my prints to see which ones sold the most and which ones sold the least - This one sold the least at my last con, and I'd just like some feedback on it, so I can determine whether or not there's something seriously wrong with it, or if it's just because JSR isn't that popular. I think I had a handful of people recognize it but I didn't get many sales on it at all. I had a Sly Cooper print, on the other hand, and that one sold pretty decently, which surprised me. Any thoughts?

>> No.8692236

I'm probably the weird one, but I actually like when people haggle. I find it somewhat stimulating and it's not like I'm taking a huge hit since I stay within my profit margin. That being said, there's a difference between haggling and hassling. If the person is being rude to me or other artists, you can be sure I'll politely tell them that the fixed price is the best price I can offer (an asshole like) them.

>> No.8692240

I really like this-- it's clean with bright colors and visually appealing. I have no clue at all what series it's from, though, you're probably right that it was just unfamiliarity that led to decreased sales.

>> No.8692282

So I just got my charms from Vograce and I'm SO HAPPY/EXCITED AHH!!! BUT does anyone else have problems with dents here and there on the charms? I keep hoping there's some clear film on them and it's not actually the charm but alas, there's no film...haha.

>> No.8692295

Actually, adding on to my last post, does anyone have any experience dealing with charm defects in general from Vograce? Do they give you refunds or anything? I just found another charm with some kind of epoxy drop on it or something, lol. I wouldn't be so picky/demanding, but I got a rather small order so I was kind of depending on all of them to, at least, not have such a glaring defect.

>> No.8692363
File: 1.33 MB, 2400x3000, thuglife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to work on a new series of old school dinos? I don't really know how I feel about the first one. I'm not set on the text, feel free to suggest something else.

>> No.8692411

The colours look flat/desaturated? Not too big on the concept.

>> No.8692424

You can take photos and send them to which vograce client you worked with. They're pretty good thing replacing damaged goods.

>> No.8692580
File: 90 KB, 712x960, 2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vograce is doing spot whites on clears now. They'll also have colored acrylics and wood soon.

>> No.8692582

What do you think of the printing quality for clears? I got a few samples and idk, I thought it was a bit meh...kind of like Zap's.

Speaking of which, anyone order from Zap recently? A friend told me today they got some new HD printer that prints pretty well but I thought that was old news, am I wrong? Just wondering if it's worth ordering from them.

>> No.8692778

every few months they make a big to do abut getting new machines and new staff but the same problems keep cropping up. can't tell if they're just lying about the new stuff or if their top management is just worthless as fuck so it doesn't matter what equipment they get.

>> No.8692884

Was it an anime con? I do a lot of online vidya-related art sales, and I've found that for the most part, Sega IPs that aren't Sonic tend to mostly be popular with a somewhat older audience (mid-late 20s). The majority of buyers at anime cons tend to be in their teens/early 20s and didn't really grow up with Sega consoles.

>> No.8692989

The irony is that you/someone else made a screenshot of that post to try to weaponize it against the other post he made.

>> No.8693144

Looks better in the thumbnail. Make the colours more saturated, add texture (scales/fluffier green things) and highlight the eyes. Make the shadows a bit more prominent- use them to sculpt the head a bit- and add some highlights to the main body. I'd say that changing the background colour would be good, because the dino blends right into it. Also, if you can, try making the line thicknesses more varied- it looks really flat as is and the claws look weirdly clumsy.

>> No.8693282

Those who sell original art rather than fanart, what sort of things do you draw? What's your best seller? Asking mainly print type artists rather than crafters.

>> No.8693378

I sell original art as well as fanart at cons. I draw a lot of monsters and mythical creatures traditionally and made them into prints. I have a Chimera piece that's sold pretty well as well as some stickers of monster mouths.

>> No.8693446

The airbrush shading looks really bad and messy.

>> No.8693556

I'm expecting my new clear zap charms sometime next week or the week after that. If this thread is still around or people in the new thread are interested, I'll try comparing them to the clear charms I got in early 2015!

>> No.8693886

I'm hoping that maybe they'll get the gold metallic acrylic that zap has because that'd be awesome.

>> No.8693927

They've gotten a lot better from when they first introduced them. I wasn't impressed by them at first either. They're images were pretty low rez and had gradient issues. Then, a few months later, I did another sample order with them and they got a lot better. The charms done for AWA were a lot better than my last order from Zap (who dropped the bomb on me)

I'm hoping they fix is the border size. It's perfectly fine on large charms and stands but if you get something made that's smaller than 2 inches it's an eyesore.

You can ask. I showed Coco a photo of one of my colored charms Zap made and she had that color acrylic. I'm planning on getting some samples with the color done with both the sandwich style and printed directly on the acrylic.

>> No.8694487

link to your store? i'm digging your style!

>> No.8694819

I'd be very interested in a review.

>> No.8694923

>I'm hoping they fix is the border size.
This so much. I'm actually more concerned about the white border and parts inside the charm...

>> No.8695068

Do you also sell a lot of tf2 stuff

>> No.8695402

New thread >>8695400

>> No.8695805

those epoxy drops are actually really easy to pick off, and they don't leave a mark when theyre removed. Just try picking it off with your nails.

>> No.8695918

Actually, what's weird is that I had two or three with drops on them but the next day one of them was gone, I guess it rubbed off...But I have tried picking at the other ones but they won't come off. Maybe I'll try again.