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8667583 No.8667583 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>8663168
rerelease thread so this one isn't clogged with HL >>8666442

>> No.8667594
File: 332 KB, 900x505, lolitadesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re posting due to old thread dying quickly after posted.
I got my LolitaDesu lucky pack order in today. I'm a bit mixed on it, these are the first lolita items I've ever had. I'm a bit mixed because of the amount of items-I ordered the extra large size which is over 300 dollars and says "contains 5-11 items" I received 7- three of those being headbows and one being a low quality off brand tote bag. I'm pretty happy with the items themselves, especially the blouse I got.
Overall I got three headbows, one blouse, one skirt, one JSK, and a bag thing. I also ordered some OTKs for 10 dollars. Sorry for potato picture.

>> No.8667624

thansk for the mini review and pic, anon! do you remember what your parameters were?

>> No.8667646

I mostly just asked for navy blue items that weren't OTT sweet, I mainly asked for larger second hand items.

>> No.8667708

Bless from Michael anon, it's not the same, but Bless from Raphael just went up on lacemarket.

>> No.8667729

That's pretty disappointing compared to the other anon with the choco/biscuit (?) themed pack. I get that she needs to make a profit from them, but this pack could easily be bought for less than $200 from CC or y!japan.

>> No.8667773

I really like the JSK you got, anon.

>> No.8667775

Your mini review is now causing me to pause in my decision to get the large lucky pack this weekend. Would you say it's worth it if it's a smaller size pack or to avoid entirely?

>> No.8667812

I am choco/biscuit pack anon. So far I have ordered two packs one large one xxl. I am very pleased with both and felt they were worth the money. I have a third size xxl on the way.
To be honest I think it comes down to how picky you are about items. These packs work for me because A) I love lucky packs more than life B) I ask for casual items for mostly wardrobe padding and mix and match. As long as it fits me and my theme I am not picky and I am very lazy. Its worth it to me to have a fun surprise box full of items I dont have to hunt down. I have only sold two items out of my boxes.

I think if you are very particular or looking for big ticket items it may not be for you.
To the anon with the navy pack, that jsk is totally adorable. It was at one time my dream dress, I may be a little bit jealous.
Sorry if any massive typos Im on mobile.

>> No.8667842

I'd say it'd be good to get a medium pack to test it out, a medium pack will probably come with a skirt + blouse and some accessories.

The only reason I was a little disappointing was because I thought I'd get like two dresses or two skirts + what I got because of the price. I still think it's a good deal-probably really good if you're trying to get accessories, blouses, and skirts.

>> No.8667903

Where is this from? Is that a taobao shop?

>> No.8667928

the post says where it is from, ffs

>> No.8668326

This lucky pack is probably better if you already got a basic wardrobe and just want more random shit. Otherwise getting three headbows but no legs wear is useless for you.

>> No.8668345
File: 34 KB, 345x437, 154003-m-01-dl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IW posted blind lucky packs for Halloween. 1 skirt + 2 dresses/jsks for the retail price of 1 jsk. Kind of surprised they didn't include blouses as I thought that's the major reason girls bought IW lucky packs, but I guess it's better than receiving an outfit that barely goes together.


They also opened reservation for Fantasy Night Sky again, if anybody missed out on that, although some items are already sold out.

I don't really know whether to post here or in the releases thread, but the releases thread is mostly Holy Lantern, so I figured it'd be more useful here for gulls who aren't spending all their money on Holy Lantern instead.

>> No.8668350

Does anyone know the name of that BABY jsk?

>> No.8668365
File: 285 KB, 1161x816, replica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real? Is som,ebody really trying to sell a Replica on Lacemarket?? Of Holy Lantern even?

>> No.8668373

Not OP, but it's Maria Antonio. Interestingly, the French on it translates to "Everyday, Marie is very depressed because of her studies"

>> No.8668392

FFS, how is that still up? The mods don't give a shit at all, I reported that over 24 hours ago

>> No.8668548
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you gulls think I could sell little witches hats like pic related? It's made from wool coating fabric, silk organza and wool felt flowers. Obviously I could change up the flowers as I'm not /totally/ in love with them but what do you guys think?
Sorry if pic is sideways, I'm on my phone.

>> No.8668556

nervous newby question: is wearing scarves with Lolita an okay thing? I don't see it a lot but I just got a cute infinity scarf and thought it'd be cute (this is for a kuro coord btw)

>> No.8668561

Yes, please do. I would buy that shit in a heartbeat

>> No.8668567

depends on how. like a winter scarf, granny scarf, religious scarf?

>> No.8668570
File: 373 KB, 1500x1430, il_fullxfull.384583058_d1y9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is talking about this kind of scarf

>> No.8668571

yeah like this but less thick

>> No.8668575

different anon but I think they look too modern for lolita.

>> No.8668582

I think something like that could work with classic lolita if it was the right type of scarf. Something with a finer yard perhaps, but IDK about other styles.

>> No.8668593

I like scarves with lolita because I like texture in lolita, especially on solid coordinates. But it's going to depend on the rest of the outfit, too. A super sleek outfit with a knit scarf is going to be out of place. But something that has a bit more emphasis on texture to begin with (like some of the deconstructed knit you see used by h.naoto, or the layered textures in AatP and Boz pieces), it could work.

Personally, I used a sort of open-knit scarf that had a sort of "tattered" look for a Halloween witch coord a few years ago. It worked well for that particular outfit, but any other combination would have been awkward and out of place.

Maybe put together a test coord and post to the coord help thread?

>> No.8668604

Thanks for the help anon! I happen to be doing a witch coord too. I think I'll switch to a thin scarf that matched the fabric better OR switch to a shawl.

>> No.8668607

Yeah, no worries. Just try different things and see how you go. Texture is something that I feel like a lot of lolitas ignore or misuse (like those bloody Baby replica socks), so I'm always excited when I see people work it well with their coords.

>> No.8668616

I love the look of this, if it's customisable that would be a massive draw.

>> No.8668634

infinity scarves are not lolita. maybe try something a bit more traditional with fine yarn or cute embroidery?

twinkie chan's novelty scarves would go all right with sweet lolita, and vintage scarves would go well with classic lolita. it all boils down to what your look will be.

>> No.8668636

I have a friend who has no idea what otome is, and just seems to think its lolita with less poof, which I know it is in some ways, but I does KINDA have rules, and it irks me when I buy a dress for casual j-fash, and she always goes 'ooh you could totally wear that for otome'
Like no. What.

Maybe I should have put this in the vent thread..

>> No.8668642


There's an otome thread, maybe you can start a topic on what is otome and what isn't?


>> No.8668742

this might be OT, but i tend to dress my lolita in more subdued colors/cuts (low poof) with cardigans, ankle socks, berets. etc. would it be closer to casual lolita or otome? It's the same way I wear my milk or JM pieces. I've been meaning to ask this to avoid pissing anyone off by accident.

>> No.8668756

Just recieved my Angelic Pretty JSK today and it doesn't fit. Going from the measurements from Lolibrary it definetely should fit or at least shouldn't be THAT small. It looks like it shrinked as a whole (the dress is hardly covering my butt, I'm 160cm). The dress ist from 2010.

Gulls, what to do? Is it normal that AP fucks up measurements like this? Should the seller has informed me? I'm lost.

>> No.8668763

Did you consider that dresses ride up when your bust is big and the hemline rises because of the petti?

>> No.8668766

what dress is it?

>> No.8668767


Grab a measuring tape and check the measurements, see if they're true to lolibrary? Keep in mind that dresses from before 2013 had a tendency to be smaller, so something like the jsk straps not being adjustable can contribute to the dress not sitting properly on you even though the measurements look like they should fit.

AP has mixed up the measurements of one of their lucky pack jsks before, they swapped the special set jsk measurements with the jsk set measurements for one particular year and then somebody on egl threw a bit of a fit over it. So yes, it sometimes happens.

Unfortunately it's simply a chance you take when you buy online. You can certainly hedge your bets by finding out how it looks like on other people (this is why we have a worn thread, if you can figure ou the measurements of the girls wearing them you can guess how the dress should sit on you), or asking the seller if they can verify the measurements before you buy (but even the seller can only do so much, most of them can only take flat measurements), or asking other girls whether the measurements are true to size. Still, things like this sometimes happens, it's just your luck if it's the one dress that looks good on other people but not you, or maybe no one else has this dress and could not warn you that the measurements aren't accurate.

If you had asked the seller about the measurements and they don't match up with what you measure from the dress, you can contact the seller and try to negotiate a refund or return.

If you didn't, then it's not really the sellers fault. Your best bet is to either sell on the dress yourself or have it altered to suit your body.

>> No.8668784

Oh yeah I definitely need that jsk. Relating too hard to that shit. Thanks for letting me know anon! Much appreciated

>> No.8668791

again i think this is more of an Otome Gen conversation but I'll say to me it depends on how you're coording them. If there's less poof but everything is still as matchy-matchy as it would be for a regular coordinate, to me that's casual lolita. If you're doing interesting color/pattern combinations, and using quirkier hats and socks and stuff like that, it's otome to me.

Totally a personal opinion though.

>> No.8668798

Haha, that dress belongs in the wtf burando threads.

>> No.8668809
File: 95 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many girls like that in my comm. They think if you wear emikyu or jane marple it instantly makes it otome?

I recently got pic related and when I added it to my wardrobe on fb I got lots of "I didn't know you were into otome" comments. I'm going to wear it on casual days with a cupcake petti, tights and alice bow.

>> No.8668830


There's a middle ground where otome and casual lolita can overlap, some outfits can be both, or one but with the other's influence.

The first consideration is that you meet the criteria of whatever you're tagging. So if it's lolita, it should at least have the lolita poof going on, the skirt should not be so flat people have to start guessing whether or not you're even wearing one very flat petticoat or nothing at all. For otome, at least it should meet the casual girly feel of otome, you should not look like an overdressed princess. And if it's neither, then don't tag it as either at all.

The other consideration is a comparison that another anon made, lolita is very dressed up next to otome, she likened it to a wedding cake versus a plain lattice pie. So if your outfit is very fancy or your dress has tiers of ruffles, lolita is the better tag for it, if it has a simple silhoutte (fun prints are ok), then otome is the better tag for it.

A third consideration, if you've already thought about the other two and are still somewhat on the fence, go with the major brands in your outfit. So say, if you're not very poofy but moderately fancy, tag it according to most of the brands you're wearing, lolita for mainly lolita brands, or otome if you're mainly wearing otome brands.

Most of the time I see girls get riled up over people not understanding the otome tag like venting anon above, or people who use the otome tag to excuse a fugly lolita outfit, making otome seem like the dumping ground for lolita rejects. If you don't fall into either one, then I wouldn't sweat the minor details too much. Just wear your outfits and be really cute.

>> No.8668836

Thank you very much for your replies!

Yes I did. I compared to my other AP dresses I own and know they fit. I also wore a bra that doesn't push my bust. I think it's because of the too small bodice.

Candy Treat JSK without the shirring.

I already flat measured and going from there 5-7 cm are missing to the official measurements at bust and waist.
I didn't ask the seller because I trusted Lolibrary, up to now I never had problems. I guess I learned from it, but now I also know I can forget about other older releases with similar cuts.

>> No.8668842

The dress itself is otome though. It doesn't really work with lolita outfits.

>> No.8668848

>The other consideration is a comparison that another anon made, lolita is very dressed up next to otome, she likened it to a wedding cake versus a plain lattice pie. So if your outfit is very fancy or your dress has tiers of ruffles, lolita is the better tag for it, if it has a simple silhoutte (fun prints are ok), then otome is the better tag for it.

This is really flawed. There are lots of simpler lolita dresses. Gothic dresses for one aren't normally ruffly.

>> No.8668859


Hmmm, now that you mention it, I guess maybe the simple silhoutte is not the right criteria? But there is something about otome that seems simple and effortless, whereas with lolita there's a feeling of artful arrangement, if you get what I mean?

Sorry, I guess I'm not all that great at pinpointing exactly where it goes from one to the other.

>> No.8668861

thanks for the feedback! I kept it in lolita gen since it's predominantly lolita items/brands just dressed down. I don't sweat the details, but it's just for future reference in case it comes up. Both responses are super helpful!

>> No.8668866

#relatable though, amirite?

>> No.8668874

Does anyone have taobao shop suggestions for stores that sell bloomers?

>> No.8668876

I really want to get into making hats/headwear for lolita. What kind of things are people interested in? I'm especially interested in making bigger, fancier hats like gainsborough hats working my way up to more intricate/detailed styles of bonnets like the 3F ones. Would also do other types of headwear like boater hats, fascinators, combs/clips, rectangle headdresses, nicer quality floral headbands, etc.

>> No.8668877

Oh jeeze. Non shirred items from 5 years ago are really tiny anon. I'd try and trade it for any of the shirring JSKs if you like the print. If the dress did shrink check the seams inside of the dress - they'll be warped.

>> No.8668897

Literally everyone is dying for the flat sort of rococo hat you can never find. Please make some.
Although boater hats that won't get squashed in transit are welcome, just more hats in general.
It's better to be a bit more expensive and actually nice than it is to be cheap looking.

>> No.8668898

I'd personally be interested in straw hats, bowler hats and berets that are large enough to accommodate a wig. I've had too many hats specifically meant for lolita that are too small whenever I wear a wig with them.

>> No.8668912

A fine knit cashmere one could look nice with a classic coord.
Chunky knit ones are a bit too mori.

>> No.8668923

Well, didn't know that. Fuck.
Seams don't look warped, I'm not a professional but I'd say they're pretty even and flat.

>> No.8668928

Rerelease unrelated AP Japan question:

I ordered something on the 8th and still haven't seen the charge show up on my card. Is this normal? The package just hit customs and I'll have it tomorrow or Monday. Did I possibly get a freebie or is the charge going to randomly go through eventually?

>> No.8668957

nooblet question:
what dress is in OPs pic? looks like Boz?
..I fucking want it.

>> No.8668971

I don't think the silhouette is what makes something otome or not, more the level of detail and accessorizing. "Artful arrangement" is a good way of putting it. It's not the level of ruffliness but the level of, how should I say this, general decoration maybe? I think the wedding cake vs lattice pie is still a good idiom.

>> No.8668973

Yes it is Boz. That background is the Boz Osaka store. Also it's a blouse, a skirt and a vest I think. Not a dress.

>> No.8669024

I don't need this right now... At least not this week...

>> No.8669026

shit i wasn't expecting this until like november-december

>> No.8669029

happens a lot, charge will go through eventually

>> No.8669031

hey cgl, I know we're all hyped for favourite ribbon and holy lantern and just releases in general


what the HELL happened to sweet rebel? I've not seen any Kate mockery in these recent weeks (it's a breath of fresh air) but she's in Japan, being cringeworthy. She's jetsetting but as far as I know her camera crew aren't tagging along. What's going on, will we ever have our documentary about kate's life, and how she savours?????

>> No.8669048

Stop self-posting. It's embarrassing

>> No.8669064

diff but kek. i don't think you know what that means anon.
meanwhile i am still sick of hearing about kate. just forget about her and don't give her more attention.

>> No.8669076

Anon seems to be implying that Kate is so thirsty for attention that she would make "negative" posts about herself in order to steer the conversation back to her.

Personally I am happy to not have her around in any way, shape, or form. Anon if you thirst for Kate drama go post her latest shitty coord in the CoF thread or something.

>> No.8669090


She's done it before

>> No.8669106

Does anyone know how the reservation for Baby's Favorite Ribbon works? The site mentions October 22nd but is there a limit on the number of pieces being sold? Will it be a bloodbath or can I just use a regular s.s. that's willing to buy reservation items?

>> No.8669113

This is such blatant self-posting it nearly seems fake. Just nearly though.

>> No.8669115

wait, is the pink x red being rereleased as well?

>> No.8669141

nope, not even close :^)

>> No.8669145

again, nope, but whatever. It's nice to see that people still think she's self posting after that one massive cock up tbh

>> No.8669149

Yes!! Oh god I was going to buy a Holy Lantern JSK but now this comes up... I feel like my mom and my husband are hanging off a cliff and I can only save one.

>> No.8669151

Yes it is. It makes me really excited. I would be okay with the pink and brown but this is even better

>> No.8669154

>not re-releasing blue
You have lost my love, BABY

>> No.8669155

Saaame. My head is on the larger side of normal anyway, so once you add a wig, forget about hats.

>> No.8669156

my wallet is thankful they rereleased it in colours I will never wear

>> No.8669157


It's dead and she's too embarrassed to say so.

>> No.8669160

I reckon the director saw all the backlash, realised that even if it was produced it wouldn't be taken seriously by normies or lolitas and that it was futile.

>> No.8669168

>not seen any Kate mockery in these recent weeks
>she's in Japan
Those two are probably correlated...

>> No.8669198

oh shiiiiiiiit
no time to self post when you're hanging with misako

>> No.8669233

>No black

Fuck you Baby. Fuck you.

>> No.8669237

Lol! Stop it. Leave the girl alone. Jeez.

>> No.8669239

I thought they were planning on filming in Japan? I think she is alone atm but who knows if they will film her later on since she is there for the whole month.

>> No.8669244

just go to lolcow ffs, why do people care about someone who doesn't deserve it

>> No.8669247
File: 320 KB, 500x752, 100_111211_Boz_2_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in simpler headwear for stuff like Victorian Maiden classic or Boz aristo. Kind of similar to some of the Antique Beast hats but in more varied colors.

>> No.8669254
File: 3.82 MB, 5782x2250, 1439426619134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying she wouldn't?

Also she got like 1 backer on her kickstarter, no interest means no shitty documentary.

>> No.8669257

Wasn't this proven on lolcow with some random girl's phone saving the files in huge sizes? They made her do a few tests--it's on kate's thread on lolcow.

>> No.8669265

Ya just stop.

>> No.8669289

The only thing that's stopping this is the girl who posted it back pedaled and said she was a "friend"

>> No.8669463

I was the one who made that anon do tests, it's definitely not Kate. Photos she saves on her phone save at a larger size than the facebook file for some random reason. Got her to do tests with a specific random photo I chose from the group, and it checks out.
I think it was two different people. Posting a picture someone sent you in an imgur album on a Closet of Frills specific thread makes no fucking sense, so pretty sure that one would have been Kate trying to cover up. The anon on lolcow was very responsive and proved herself, though.

Anyone who thinks the final "confession" is real is retarded because she had posted that picture on her Facebook days before.

>> No.8669467

If kate is in japan without her crew does that mean she's getting pics with tripod-san like Pixyteri?

>> No.8669581

I don't Lolita, like, at all. In the least, but I would totally wear this.

Which got me wondering: what is the general opinion on that? Would people be overly offended if I just wore this as an everyday dress? Or, would that be 'wrong'? Just curious, mostly.

>> No.8669591

You can wear your clothes however you want, people only get salty if you insist that it's a lolita outfit when it's not.

>> No.8669600

Not really, unless it's VM, MM or a Moitie JSK/skirt. 5 years ago isn't that long anyway.

Did you also measure the length?

>> No.8669604

That makes sense.

>> No.8669639


As someone who is on the brink of fitting/not fitting many of AP's clothes, 5 years ago makes a lot of difference. Heck, even this year and last year made a huge diference.

5 years ago I wouldn't try for any of the non shirred stuff. Dresses within the last 5 years though? I have a couple of non shirred dresses that fit me, and according to their official measurements there's a handful more that can accommodate me with room to spare. All of these are releases from the last 5 years. There might be something from older than 5 years than can fit me, but that would be a rarity, whereas now it's an even toss up whether a dress is likely to fit me or not..

Sometime this year/last year AP started making more and more dresses with longer shoulder straps or even two buttonholes. Releases from just three years ago tended to have shorter shoulder straps, so it was impossible to add inches to the bodice by lengthening the shoulder straps, unless you added your own material.

>> No.8669653

No one would care, it's just a plain black skirt.

>> No.8669689

Gulls, I just came to a sad realization. Since HL has the MTO this week, we only have two more weeks until Halloween. Horror Garden should come out sometime between then. But with the amount of time it takes for items to get to Tenso then to ship out.... unless if you're in Japan, I don't think any of us will have Horror Garden in time for Halloween.

>> No.8669694

Fair enough, I've only owned a few AP dresses but they were definitely much smaller in say 2007/8 than 2010. That's around when things started getting significantly bigger.

>> No.8669697

This has already been disproven. Stop stirring up shit with lies. Only shows your desperate vendetta.

>> No.8669699
File: 34 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.815055525_dw7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill for more hats like this

>> No.8669700

What are your measurements if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.8669703

Sorry to ask this, but which brand is releasing Horror Garden? I haven't heard of the dress until now, I'd like to check it out.

>> No.8669705

Nevermind, I found it. It looks nice, but there's another release AP's doing that I'm more interested in.

>> No.8669835

How long is the wait right now on CP's pettis? I'd like to order but I loathe the wait.

>> No.8669839

Do lolitas rewear coordinates?

>> No.8669852

I do it, I don't have a large enough wardrobe not to rewear them

>> No.8669862

How much of a faux pas would it be if I went to an AP tea party wearing a jsk from taobao or bodyline? I suspect a huge one because designers and such but I just want to hear from other people who have actually been to brand tea parties.

I only have an AP parasol and berry bag and I bought them both earlier on when I first started lolita before settling on classic/gothic.

Should I just buy a cheaper JSK for the tea party? A friend told me they'll let you in as long as you have something small from AP but I feel like this is a go-big-or-go-home kind of thing. (By go big I mean at least the main piece, not a purse or a hairbow.)

I had the idea to put together a country coord with the bodyline jsk or an AP jsk I found on LM, but it's winter..

>> No.8669902

read >>8669463

You sure sound salty asf anon, you sure you're not the one with the vendetta?

>> No.8669923

You can't attend if your main piece isn't AP. They say that on the dress code. And if this is for the anniversary party, you'd be almost as laughed at as Tiferet and her mutilated CTP if you showed up in taobao/bodyline.

>> No.8669932


I don't mind. Bust 92cm, goes down to 90,88-ish cm with a sports bra, making aatp dresses also hit-or-miss. Waist 72cm. Measurements aside I have a slightly longer torso that makes it difficult to fit into certain dresses.

What wouldn't I give for a lolita shop near me where I can walk in and try on clothes, I'm on the outer limits of a lot of dresses.

>> No.8669950

Depends on the party. If you are talking about the SF store, except for the anniversary party, the events are hosted by Harajuku Hearts, so anything that is affiliated with them should also be okay. Just call or email and ask.

>> No.8669956
File: 63 KB, 599x417, CRbHuWMU8AE0nDf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one excited for this? Maybe I just haven't been looking properly but I've seen zero hype for this on /cgl/. It may be clipart-y but I love me some witchy libraries and black cats.

>> No.8669959

I don't, but if you're like the other anon and don't have enough pieces, then you're bound to

>> No.8669963

I think it was discussed in the last thread. The clip art doesn't look too impressive close up but very nice from further away. I really like the OP cut and the red colorway, because the grid pattern of the bookshelf seems more visible.

That depends if you're someone who wears it daily, in your free time or just to tea parties and meets.

>> No.8669966
File: 88 KB, 427x640, 1425334362257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely the gainsborough hats, perhaps just not quite as large? also things like this in the photo! (that might be gainsborough as well, im not well-versed on hats at all) with flowers and such?

>> No.8669975

You seem to have pretty standard measurements which are perfect for Baby, AP and Meta. Do you have a big gap between your bust and underbust like me? It makes the fit very awkward on dresses without shirring sometimes.

>> No.8669982

Holy lantern is way higher priority for most people and the cuts of this are pretty meh compared to Meta's usual stuff. That being said, I jumped on the short jsk in amethyst and the tights as soon as the release started. I think it'll be one of those meta prints that eventually makes it onto heaps of people's wishlists even though it's not selling out as quick as, say, daydreaming goldfish did

Not for big events, but for smaller meets and day to day stuff sure. I have about 30 dresses so I don't have to repeat outfits for meet ups

>> No.8669988

Meta has been killing me all year with releases. I'm hoping this doesn't sell our fast so I can snag it when I have better funds.

>> No.8670019

I love this so much... but I dn't have money atm.
Any clues of it popping out for sale later?

>> No.8670027


Well, they're common measurements -- for the garments themselves. Ideally you want to be a little bit under, ie- 86cm bust to fit into a dress with 88cm bust or 88cm to fit into a 92cm bust, instead of my 92cm bust that needs a sports bra to get down to 88cm, and 66-68cm waist instead of 70cm on the dot. At my size the right bra, or a little bit of binder or corseting helps me fit into a dress, but other times I come across a dress that is either cut a bit too short or too high for my long torso, or sometimes it's just a tad smaller than the official measurements listed, so I could "fit" but the seams look to be bursting, which is bad.

That's why I said I'm on the brink of fitting many dresses, sometimes it's just a mere 1-2cm in the bust that prevents me from pulling up the zipper, other times the dress makes me look like the Hulk in a princess dress. If I get lucky then the dress does actually fit and look good on me.


Sorry, overlooked this comment earlier. I think it's true that 2006/2007 dresses tended to be smaller than 2010 dresses, I think maybe the dresses started getting bigger in 2010, but maybe by luck I always liked the designs that were still made in smaller sizes. Even with the larger sizes it's not as if AP made a smooth transition to a bigger size, at the moment their sizing is all over the place, the high-waisted/trapeze dresses that have no measurements don't look good on anyone who isn't short and waifish anyway, so it's become more important to check the measurements of the dress now.

>> No.8670028

I've never owned a meta dress before, would the short Secret Lab jsk stretch enough to accommodate 96cm bust??

>> No.8670036

Meta's full back shirring is really stretchy, usually 100cm max in my experience. I'd say almost definitely it'll fit, but if your cup size is large you'll get heaps of riding up at the front and it may be a bit boobloafy (nothing near as bad as IW though)

>> No.8670039

I wouldn't count in it looking any good even if it fits. The bodice is already very low on the sides so I imagine it sitting more like a salopette if you max it. Maybe I'm stupid though.

>> No.8670067

Awesome. I own a few full shirring IW dresses already and they fit me fine, so hopefully this Meta should be okay, too. Thanks!

>> No.8670069

Dreamy Jewel is rumored to come out the 24th leaving Horror Garden to release on Halloween.

>> No.8670070

Is anyone planning to attend AP SF's 5th Anniversary party? I'm debating if I should get a ticket. I'd be coming from LA and don't know anyone else from the area or from SF that would be going.

>> No.8670074

my body is fuckin ready

>> No.8670148

I'm glad this isn't popular, because I don't have any money right now and I'm hoping it'll stay in stock until I can afford it. I'm gonna go for the OP or the long JSK in red when I have the money.

>> No.8670157

I want it but I just got the Witch in the Forest skirt, and Little Squirrel skirt and bag so I'm tapped out for a while which makes me mad because i need this. I hope they release a skirt cut later, I find skirts easier to coord.

>> No.8670173

I'm going, coming from LA as well.

>> No.8670178

Cool, good to know I wont be the only one making a long trek. How do you plan to get to SF? I'm looking into either driving or taking the Megabus.

>> No.8670180

I think I'm stupid because I can't figure out what time today Meta is going to release Secret Laboratory. Apparently google is telling me it should've already been release 4 in the morning for me.

>> No.8670183

It says it right here.

>> No.8670197


What's the longest people have waited for AP JP charges to go through? I'm bound to screw myself if it's not reflected on my balance soon.

>> No.8670206

Oh goodness no no! Holy shit I know better than that anon omg

It's a tea party at a smaller con hosted by Harajuku Hearts I believe? There isn't much info at the moment, so I didn't know if there's any set dress code.

I might just do that, thanks anon!

>> No.8670275

How accurate are JetJ's measurements usually? I'm a 88 bust 68 waist and I just ordered a size 2 OP because I figured that their measurements are for the garment instead of the person, but now I'm worried the dress is going to be baggy on me.

>> No.8670293

I really want the op too. In the same boat money wise.
Seriously considering the credit card, but I just made a huge payment on it and it would go to waste if I charge this.

>> No.8670345

I wish I had a card I could just charge this to. I did apply for one recently, and it got denied because apparently my credit was invalid/not found despite having a pretty good score. Now my score is fucked. I don't understand, but I'm going to see if I can work it out or something.

>> No.8670421

Am I the only one who gets annoyed at re-releases at times? If it took me years and lots of money to hunt down a rare expensive dress, having it re-released later just takes away all the fun. Now it won't be special anymore. Ugh.

>> No.8670424

shut up

>> No.8670429

I would love to hear answers about this too. I don't own any JetJ yet because the sizing has put me off, my measurements are similar to yours.

>> No.8670435

I mean, I feel like a lot of dresses that are re-released are still special? Like take a look at Misty Sky, it's still a prestige piece even after what, three or four re-releases? And it still goes for boatloads of money over retail. I have a feeling Holy Lantern and My Favorite Ribbon will both be like this as well.

>> No.8670444
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Don't be sad, anon!
Think of all the people that you'll be able to twin with now!

>> No.8670453

I had the same feel with vampire requiem and le cadre du chat.

After every one and their mom got these prints after the re-release and 100 horrible coords later I began to hate these prints and sold them off for good.

>> No.8670469


They're a little inconsisten unfortunately. I have both Feerie and Robe du Village, two dresses with exactly the same listed measurements. However, Feerie is definitely a little looser while Robe du Village is tight, almost boobloafy.

Someone has mentioned it has to do with the cut of their dresses, so my guess is if you got something cut more like Robe du Village it would be a little tighter than something that looks like Feerie, I guess.

>> No.8670472

This is why I don't give a shit about popular releases, this sad visage of entitlement.

>> No.8670479

Were you the person who paid $2000 for My Favorite Ribbon recently?

>> No.8670487

It's up on LM!

>> No.8670495

Depends if I have the dress or not when the rerelease is announced.

>> No.8670504

Anyone wear a binder/minimizer in lolita? I've got a fairly large bust, not enough to stop me from wearing lolita, but enough that I have to be super careful about anything with buttons down the front.

It'd just be nice to not have to worry about them getting in the way of wearing what I want to wear all the time. Anyway, if anyone has some suggestions I'd be super grateful.

>> No.8670522

How wide was the bust for Feerie, and if you don't mind me asking, how wide is your bust? My cup size is small enough that boobloaf will never be an issue, I'm more worried about sag.

>> No.8670525

Just avoid bodyline at any special gathering period. Or if you do wear it, wear it like you've got something to prove with layers of antique accessories and scoff anytime anyone asks you what you're wearing.

>> No.8670537

It's people you like make me laugh all the way to the PO when I am picking up my MTO.

>> No.8670546

idk, dude, I like the shit I buy based on how it looks. I liked the way Holy Lantern looked. I didn't get it for years. Now I am and that's nice.

I also loved Chocolate Rosette. I bought some pieces over retail (not, 600, but def around the $300 period on skirts) and I haven't gotten the piece I loved the most. I'm not mad at people who already have it. If it's re-re-re-released I won't be mad at people who get them easier and cheaper than I did.

You know what I'm going to do? Get more of what I like and appreciate the versions I got. Be happy for girls who waited for years.

Those are the only two big ones I've really loved but I think that's what the attitude should be. It's time to be grown ups. If you've been here long you should be exactly at the age to understand that.

>> No.8670568

No, that wasn't me anon. I thought about this because of the recent re-releases, but In my case, I had finally gotten my hands on Lotta and some months later the re-release was announced. How much does the new version go for now, in (not any more nordict) blue?

Hah, you're right actually. I should look at the brighter side of stuffs


>> No.8670574

This. If seeing a print everywhere/owned by a lot of people makes you feel this way then you never really loved it to begin with.

>> No.8670609

Yea, I get what you are saying. I also buy my shit based on how it looks, just to get that straigt.
But c'mon, you can't deny that there is also somewhat of a collector factor in there. Like, when you collect something, the best items are those that are rare. This is going to be a really stupid example, but that's how it works with jewels. They are rare, everybody wants them -> they are expensive. If they were to be found everywhere, they wouldn't be expensive and people wouldn't get nuts over them. Supply and demand, amirite?
I relate to that. And I'm pretty sure, a lot of Lolitas do. That's how much of the human mind works... you want the stuff that is difficult to get. I also have a lot of dreamdresses that are cheap. The dresses I want most are really, truly beautiful to me in all aspects (cut, color, fabric, theme, everything). But I also love some terribly expensive ones, and if they get re-released after I paid a lot and they were rare then and not anymore now and ... IKD. I feel like they loose some of their attraction, and that specific attraction has nothing to do with the beauty of the dress itself. it was just a special something that came along with that very beautiful dress. I love my clothes like I did before the re-releases, don't get me wrong.
And I know this is not a popular opinion, but I also think a lot of people just don't like to admit all that.
Sorry for the long rant tho, and sorry for my bad engrish.

>> No.8670615

You might want to get a credit check, anon, in case you got hit with identity theft.

>> No.8670624

Also, use creditkarma. It does soft pulls on your credit scores, not hard pulls like when you apply for a new CC or a loan, so using it will not hurt your credit score.

>> No.8670634

that was for the black x gold colorway though, which isn't being rereleased, so it'll probably keep its value or at least still sell within the 1000 ~ range. maybe the 800 ~ 900 range at the very least, but that's being highly optimistic after a sale for 2000.

>> No.8670645

I wear a binder for ouji and lolita. I use underworks' binders, high quality and not painful to wear.

>> No.8670669
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La robe vert Clair is over 700$ from what I'm reading on the site. I kind of don't care and want it anyway, even though that costs almost more than the rest of my dresses put together. I absolutely love it. Do you think the blue colorway would be better? Do I have to buy the matching headdress to have a good set when I eventually resell? I personally don't like it at all

However- I am super confused by pic related, how are you supposed to order and pay, then. I googled it to no avail

>> No.8670675

Look for the BTSSB international order guide.
Basically, you can't use Tenso with their web store, because if you give them a Japanese address, they only accept payment via Japanese bank transfer (which Tenso doesn't have).

>> No.8670682

Thanks. Do you understand the difference between the "unbleached ruffle" and "ivory frill" versions of the dress? I am clicking through the pictures and it isn't clear at all. The menu gives four colorways, but the pictures only seem to show two

>> No.8670693

Are you using an automatic translator? If so, turn it off.
There's four options because you should see two of each colorway, with one for each colorway being in Japanese and the other in English. If you're international, you have to purchase the English listing for the colorway you want (this also makes sure you get English customer service).

>> No.8670705

Which one did you get from underworks? Im in the market for a binder for the same reason but I don't know where to start

>> No.8670708

I bought a binder from Taobao to wear with some of my lolita outfits, brings me down from a 100cm bust to about 95cm and it's pretty comfy, only problem is to make sure the straps and such aren't peaking out.


>> No.8670719

Yes, that was the issue. I had it on to look at the AP site and never turned it off. Thank you

>> No.8670768

Which is??

>> No.8670796

These already sold out, but I'm a bit bummed they only offered size M/L. If they'd offered S/M I would have gone for it for sure.

I wonder what items will end up in the packs? I can't recall seeing them release Halloween packs before.

Any full-size hat that isn't a beret, pirate hat or a tophat. Or straw. I'm so thirsty for nice felted classic hats, like VM style ones and big gothic mourning hats.

>> No.8670866

I'm also at a loss for which color... I was in love with the blue at first, but now seeing the green, I'm not sure how I'll choose.

I don't think you need the headdress though, it's just a crown. It's not as if it were made out of matching material.

>> No.8670930

There's no "having a limited collector's item" factor for me. I like the dress, I buy it. DDC had a rerelease and that doesn't make me like DDC any less. Sure, there'll be more shitty coords out there, but so what? I'm going to still like my coord.

>> No.8670953

I don't know what to tell you. I grew out of that garbage hoardy collector attitude along with pokemon cards, and as a clinical psych person let me tell you: that is not how the human brain works. That's all social. Like, just so you know.

If you're going with that logic, why would you ever wear your collectible brand? Even if you're neat as hell, a small accident could stain it for life or rip it. Its value goes down the drain.

That weird rant you went on seems really specific, and that's specific to you.

And food for thought: something uniquely special to you can also be uniquely special to a ton of other people, independent of you. You aren't a special snowflake of taste and you can't fabricate a rarity or uniqueness. So the people you MIGHT see wearing the thing you love, they have every right to love it like that. The thing you own doesn't lose specialness.

I don't have to be best friends with someone wearing the same print as me, but my dress isn't sullied by them having it.

>> No.8670958

I do use credit karma, and there's nothing suspicious looking on my report. My paypal got hit a few months ago, but I sorted that out and kept a close eye on my credit after that because a credit card was added to the account in my name. Credit Karma never showed a new card opened up, so I assumed I was ok. I'll look into it again and hopefully get it all sorted out.

>> No.8670967

That came off as really fucking mean, but I don't know--I hope some of it makes you feel better if you have a rare piece that's no longer rare.

I should be more understanding of collectors who come into this with that layer to how they like a piece and I'm sorry if that came off as shitty and entirely dismissive.

>> No.8670997

Is anybody going to Disneyland lolita day?

>> No.8671065

we need more people who are willing to say shit like this instead of sugarcoating things.what you posted isn't mean at all. it's very straightforward and blunt without being rude or sounding condescending at all.

on a related note, if someone really loves a dress/print then by all means, let them enjoy it. you never really loved it if other people having it spoils the fun for you. you buy the thing to make yourself happy, not to sit on a throne of spoiled, self-entitlement.

>> No.8671098

I'm sure people are getting it even if they're not quite sure they want it but everyone loves it so I have to have it too.

>> No.8671144

Me! I dunno if I'll have the patience for those group photo ops though, my usual Disney routine is running around trying to go on as many rides as possible.
Also I will probably be wearing sneakers.

>Lord Mana Sama forgive all my ita trespasses

>> No.8671201

Do you think the sizing will be true? I had fully committed my heart to buying this and figured out how to use the site on my mobile, and then I saw the waist measurements on the lolibrary post for it... 68 cm

I have a 69 cm waist and there doesn't appear to be shirring. I have two unshirred baby dresses that fit perfectly, but I have never tried to buy anything that is listed under 72cm.

Do you guys think this will run bigger than 68 or am I fucked

>> No.8671216

Get shapewear or lose weight. Ideally you need to be a couple centimeters under the listed measurements of an unshirred dress or it's going to be uncomfortable.

>> No.8671242
File: 36 KB, 540x360, tumblr_m8ze32lBYR1ranyb3o1_r1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in the comm thread, but has anyone been to Cafe Princess in Toronto? Is it worth checking out? I'll be in the city for a bit and am considering going one day.
Alternatively, if there are any other cute cafes/bakeries/shops in Toronto, I'd love to hear about them.
I'll be staying near the fashion district, if that means anything.

>> No.8671288

Hey anon, hope you're still around. Which size did you order? My bust is around your size, I'm interested in this!

>> No.8671294

It's good for photos, but the food is meh. Apparently our comm's held meets there before?

There are quite a few vintage stores on Queen West where you can find blouses and accessories if you're leaning towards classic. And they also have Mokuba, which I think is the lace and ribbon supplier for a lot of brands if you're into crafts.

Nadege isn't really lolita, but I really like their pastries so I recommend you checking them out too.

>> No.8671308

I've seen photos from the Toronto comm's meet ups there, actually. It does look cute, but if the food isn't great, I'll pass, since I'll be with a couple normie friends anyhow.
Nadege's pastries look amazing! I'll definitely check it out. If I have time, Mokuba is also something I'd be interested in browsing. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8671310

Looking on the website, it does say 68cm, but lolibrary says 70cm for 2013 release. Maybe the 2013 release was slightly larger and you could trade someone for it if it doesn't fit.

>> No.8671312

i found out that my house is being fumigated for termites. would it best if i took all of my lolita clothes with me when the process begins?

>> No.8671330

I would, personally

>> No.8671352

You should pack up and head out on the road, start a new life.

>> No.8671353

No, it came off as not as fucking sugarcoated as most social media. Don't apologise for the truth.

>> No.8671359

Oh, I was comparing to half shirring IW...you can get your boobs in there a lot of the time, but the bodices are seriously cut flat in the front so even if it stretches it boobloafs. Meta is more generous in its half shirring but you still don't really want to be above a C...

>> No.8671440
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>gets first piece of brand ever
>sweet girl room
>fits perfectly....
>.... except it's way too short
I'm only 5'4 too, but it hits me just above the knee

>> No.8671459

Just above the knee is fine. Too short would be around mid-thigh probably. Just wear a short underskirt if you're self-conscious.

>> No.8671553

Would also like to know as I'm close in bust size.

>> No.8671562

Pretty much irrelevant but still quoting because PT

I feel like PT would've made a really cute lolita. I remember how much better she looked with her natural hair and eye color and i feel like both would lend really well to the fashion.

I guess I just miss our queen a bit.

>> No.8671577

She's still active but she just posts dancing videos then takes them down a day later. She quit her job to practice full time to become an idoru. She thinks it's the only career route that suits her.

>> No.8671592

Been there several times for meets. Food isn't god-tier but it's alright for chilling and hanging out. I liked their green tea waffle dessert.

Also think that we can't do any official meets there anymore cause usually a lot of us show up and it's a small space. And I mean, small. Plus we tend to hang out for hours.

>> No.8671602

Lmao you're showing you don't know much about lolita if you think just above the knee is unacceptable. It's fine, AP did it on purpose, around 2010 (ott sweet era) ap was made shorter dresses intentionally. 5'4" is short, it's about the average Japanese girl height so quit your whinging and just wear it. 'Dresses should cover your knees' is just a general thing. Noobs taking this stuff as gospel, jfc.

>> No.8671614

It was a weird thing on btb, it was totally overblown, don't let it freak you out.

>> No.8671624

I agree with this.

Why does it matter if other people have the same dress as me when really, the only thing that should matter is that I like the print.

>> No.8671632

Any word on other colorways for my favorite ribbon? That brown and pink is not doing it for me...

>> No.8671635

Curious, do you have pictures of your pack?

>> No.8671641

If I wished a seller would have done a better job packaging, but was good otherwise, should I just leave positive feedback but mention the issue in it, or send them a message about it privately and give good feedback about it otherwise? Both seem kind of awkward but I think my purchase got a bit beat up in transit because of her.

>> No.8671645

Hey anons, I'm in a bit of a predicament. Someone bought an item I had for sale, but she doesn't have any feedback on her page, nor does she have any other forms of feedback.
I'm not sure what to do, should I have her pay as gift? Pay half as gift? I don't want to distrust her but if there is no reason to trust her... It's an expensive piece hence my dilemma.

>> No.8671648

no, send an invoice if you're that unsure! then if the buyer flakes, you have paypal seller protection that way.

>> No.8671663

Anon, they've put up the listing on the site, you can see the other colourway thats also coming out (it's red x pink)

>> No.8671668

Ah, thanks for the reassurement gulls! I was a bit worried, but now I'm feeling better about it!

>> No.8671670


sage for OT but pls anon

>> No.8671673

I still don't see a lot of VR being worn much now.

>> No.8671696

English isn't my first language, I'm very sorry!

>> No.8671731

Don't listen to >>8671648 since PP always sides with the buyer. Have her send the money

>> No.8671742

Send an invoice. Make sure that you take a lot of proof pics. Buyers do have to start somewhere, especially with no feedback but you also have to protect yourself

>> No.8671772

gulls, what happen to the winterball threads? I been making OC with /fa/ in MMM Iron Gate and went away for a week or so and there isn't anything anymore? Did the hype just die down?

>> No.8671775

They went into chatrooms

>> No.8671787
File: 144 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nwcofkd9ew1qgjjjyo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New nun OP from AP?

>> No.8671792


>> No.8671805

urgh gross asf

>> No.8671806

I bought the XXL and it fits me perfectly.

>> No.8671840

So... does mintymix still ship out/sell stuff?

Just making sure that I'll actually get something if I order from there. No hate, I'm merely curious.

>> No.8671843

Looks itchy.

>> No.8671845

Looks like a cute moitie AP blend aside from the fucking cheap pearl cross, I hate that shit.

>> No.8671853

Does Qutieland scam? My order hasn't updated past 'awaiting stock confirmation' even though they've sent me an invoice that I've paid over a week ago. Even immediately e-mailing them afterwards to let them know the transaction ID.

>> No.8671854

They are extremely bad with communication, but not a scammer.

>> No.8671856

How often does Antique Beast open their shop?

>> No.8671857

Once every two or three months.

>> No.8671862

looks low taobao-tier nasty.

>> No.8671892
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>that lace

>> No.8671901
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I really like Bobbette and Belle on Yonge st. The interior is cute and would go well with classic and the macarons were delicious
pic related is what it looks like inside

>> No.8671903

Usually around a week?

>> No.8671908

maybe we're getting more newfags and it's like a second summer because of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzQKH80zXT8

>> No.8671910

I managed to go there with like 12 people once and they didn't say anything

>> No.8671924

So is egl comm sales dead right now or something? I tried posting something there 2 days ago, and messaged a mod a day ago after nothing happened. Still no response and no rejection of my post in my email either.

>> No.8671928

Do people even use it anymore?

>> No.8671931

Newfag here but what are some good places to buy Lolita second hand?especially the old stuff

>> No.8671932

I'm only using it because I have a couple of things I WTB. I'd like to reach out as far as I can to see if I can find somebody who will sell them to me.

>> No.8671939

Closet Child is great, they add old school pieces pretty much every time they update their stock (mostly BTSSB but AP, Meta and IW as well) and they're usually very affordable.

Unrelated to your question but speaking of CC, they just updated their stock with a whole bunch of jackets, coats and capes.

>> No.8671950

Same, it's really lost its visibility even though it still sells typically for over retail. I think I've seen it worn once in the past year or so and that was in-person.

This is the only thing that really sucks about lolita sales these days- no good central place to post WTB's. cgl buythread won't reach a wide audience, egl is dead, fb doesn't really reach a wide audience either and is a terrible format. I really wish LM would open up a section for WTB listings because I feel like that's the only widely used place left with a decent (if poorly moderated) format.

>> No.8672013

It was really popular in 2011/2012, shortly after its re-release. There was a time, where you would find a new coord being posted on tumblr on a daily basis. I sold off my VR pieces in mid 2012. Half a year later though, the print fell into oblivion and in 2013 no one wore it anymore.

Even though the print lost its popularity and hype, it still doesn't make me want to have it again. i'll forever associate it with cringeworthy graveyard shoots and clashy gothic ita coords.

>> No.8672030

A prime example of special snowflake syndrome

>> No.8672037

Anyone have any updates on Horror Garden? I haven't heard anything over the screams of the HL bitches.

>> No.8672054

The owner is still around and goes to events, but I don't know if she actually maintains the site or does anything with it.

>> No.8672055

They have bad communication and are slow as fuck. Don't expect any quick responses, I've waited for months for orders from there and ended up just giving up and asking for a refund every time.

>> No.8672057

just a rumor, but only thing I've seen

>> No.8672076


>> No.8672078

If it helps you at all, I ordered something from there in like...2013 when the site seemed to be not that active (lots of sold out stuff that had been up there for awhile) and it shipped out to me just fine. I get the feeling that what's on the website now is just leftover stock she's still trying to move.

>> No.8672081

Is it worth it to sell "lolita" on etsy with all the taobao resellers on there now?
>when I say "lolita" I don't actually mean lolita but what you would find in the tag. With questionable fabrics and designs catering to weebs and 3edgy teens

>> No.8672082

Crap, didn't have the time to post mine.

>> No.8672086

post it here

>> No.8672087

Make a storenvy.
Advertise on Tumblr.
It's not exactly uncommon.

>> No.8672090

This is a really dumb question, but can you actually log out of the Japanese AP website?
I can't seem to find the link

>> No.8672099


>> No.8672181

I check it regularly, but have to PM sellers and can't post comments on anything since my join request (from months ago) was never accepted. Whoever the mods are need to step tf up or let someone else be a mod. The sellers I PM'd never PM'd me back, I guess they didn't really want to sell

>> No.8672184


>> No.8672185

wunderwelt has a bit more oldschool, but a tad more expensive than closetchild (if you don't count shipping that is)

>> No.8672201

But that doesn't tell anon HOW TO LOG OUT FROM THE ONLINE STORE

>> No.8672206
File: 61 KB, 426x640, 14_9_4_304_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's nothing special but I'm so happy I got this Moitie turtleneck for $9!! Best deal ever

>> No.8672213

>12 people
That is not a lot actually, when our comm went there for monthly meets the numbers were more like 20-25. And because we took up a lot of room, were a lot to deal with hung out a bit too long, it was clear that it was not really appropriate to continue to do meets like that anymore. They arent going to directly kick you out but you can tell when there is only 1-2 staff that it is a bit much.

It has been dead for a long while now. You are best to use fb for wtb, even if it is easy to get buried people do seem to look out for you and tag people for posts that fulfill their wants.

>> No.8672229
File: 74 KB, 427x640, HeZb2fV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

secrets are up!

>> No.8672241

very helpful anon

Maybe clear the cookies for the site?

>> No.8672245

That's a nice ass dress

>> No.8672257

On the topic of toronto~SO (sorry if it goes a bit off-topic as this question would be probably better on the comm thread), do you think people would be up for a meeting in a theatre or a classical music concert? I'm thinking of proposing the idea after I'm more familiarized with the people from the comm, but I dunno if many would be up for it.

>> No.8672258

Late reply, but thanks for that. When I stepped back I thought it was pretty selfish to not be understanding of people who paid a shitton for a rarity, but in retrospect, when I pay a lot for a dress (or when I pack up and say "I love this but I hit my limit, I'm not going to buy this even though I'm obsessed") I know exactly what the risk is and that it might get another release down the line.

I think the core of /cgl/ is like this too, just from the general attitudes of the Dream Dress threads, and I really like that.

>> No.8672266

They tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

Because that lace is ugly as shit

>> No.8672288

why do they keep putting out all this ugly 3edgy5me crap
where is my chocolate print in 4 shades of brown

>> No.8672310

Is that... a bread print? Did bread-chan finally get her print!?

>> No.8672336
File: 109 KB, 719x687, 11248068_10153122350862877_2252339164290131011_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what skirt is this? It was listed as AP but I can't seem to find it on lolibrary. Thanks!

>> No.8672368

there's a lot of stuff that's not on lolibrary, honestly. As a non-print and likely older item, you're probably going to have trouble finding the item's name. You might never find it. Just a word of warning, not trying to get you down.

>> No.8672372

Would someone who bought IW Moonlight Church in Navy and Black mind posting well-lit close-up photos of your print? I just got mine in Wine in the mail and I love it so much I'm almost considering getting other colors since they didn't sell out, but I'm curious to see the color fade details in the other colorways. I can't find well lit detail photos on tumblr or elsewhere.

>> No.8672376

for older stuff you might wanna try hellolace, they don't update anymore, but they sometimes do have older stuff listed that lolibrary doesn't

>> No.8672391

I really just wanted to know the item's name and official measurements. It's quite likely an older item as you said so I suppose I might not even find it. Thank you, anon!

I'll give it a look, thank you!

>> No.8672424

Probably because it's been selling well for them. Milky Cross, Holy Lantern, etc.

>> No.8672438

Lol everyone here hates it wouldn't surprise me if it ends up being really popular.

I like the concept but not the execution.

>> No.8672521
File: 143 KB, 854x653, 15-10-17-14-55-02-900_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is a ravenpuff

>> No.8672526

Something good in the comments?

>> No.8672528

a mix of ravenclaw and hufflepuff, duh

>> No.8672533

>never hearing about mixed houses in all your years on the internet

>> No.8672538

...She literally explained it in the post?

>> No.8672542

This is the cringiest shit ive ever seen. Please dont tell me this is common? Just pick one house fro christ sake. If you cant choose, take the fucking pottermore quiz jesus.

Reminds me back in high school anime club the mega weebs who wouldnt socialize with the rest of us, they would just talk about their Inuyasha OCs who were part wolf demon, dog demon, spider demon who also was part human jfc

>> No.8672545
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>> No.8672550


>> No.8672560

someone has obviously never been a harry potter fan, or encountered them. it's kind of laughable really. kek, do you even know what the HP fandom is like?

>> No.8672565

The nerd house and the nice house? Well doesn't that sound like the most Tumblr house ever.

>> No.8672566

and now this is reminding me of my days in the HP fandom. that was some scary shit. i'm glad i wasn't one of the active fans and was more of a lurker, heh. i wonder if i would have escaped alive had i not been a lurker.

>> No.8672568


>> No.8672570

>Draco In Leather Pants

>> No.8672574


>> No.8672576

>Cassandra Claire

>> No.8672581

>cringy shit
hello welcome to the HP fandom enjoy your stay
Although this one might be a bit worse because she still hasn't grown out of this nonsense and it's fucking 2015.

>> No.8672589

>mfw most lolitas doing HP coords probably haven't grown out of this nonsense tbh

>> No.8672670

Yeah, I think that's when it was decided not to do monthly meet-ups any more or I could be remembering incorrectly. Been a while.

(Eh, if we're spamming here we can always move to the Comm thread)

I don't think you'd get much people for it. It'd probably be one of the smaller ones, not that it's a bad thing.

>> No.8672688

Exactly. I've been wanting HL for years so when the MTO came up I jumped on it. I know a decent amount of girls in my comm have or are going to purchase it and am I mad? Hell no, I'm amused and happy about it because other people like what I like and I feel like that appreciation is shared. I'm just waiting for a big enough event to pop up so we'll all show up wearing it and we can get a big group picture, scope out co-ords etc etc.

>> No.8672720

Well, a few people would be probably fun enough already. I guess when I get to know people (barely joined the group and don't know anyone) I'll ask if anyone's interested. Out of curiosity, which events gather more people usually?

>> No.8672762

Last meet I attended that had a good sized crowd was Beermeet but that was back in March. Did a tour of the Steam whistle brewery, then had dinner at the Amsterdam Brew house. Actually, no I think that was a lie. There was karaoke after a macaron meet. Think that was under 20ish people.

I think for something to attract a good size crowd, it has to be something that a lot of people can enjoy but not be too expensive like the ROM or AGO or something casual-ish. Not to say we don't have stuff like high tea. If it's something people really want and are willing to shell out for, there will be a crowd.

>> No.8672800

I hope Carly makes a video again soon, it's been a while.

>> No.8672821
File: 211 KB, 500x600, 02_519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does wearing chiffon during winter, in a cold place, look really stupid.
Really want sherbet marine, but thinking i'd have to wait a while to wear it.

>> No.8672844

...it looks almost as dumb as confusing chiffon for organza.

>> No.8672858

I think in her faq video she said she was going to get busy once school started back up again so we all might have to be patient. lots of people have midterms around this time so I imagine we might not see one for a bit

>> No.8672870
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1000, coord7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8672876

I don't.

>> No.8672877

I received my first pair of AP wristcuffs today, and they're pretty big on me. Is this normal? The only other pair I have are a KL pair, and those are almost too tight. Would it look weird if the wristcuffs can slide around on my arms?

>> No.8672885

Tbh meetings are better when you can be social, and Toronto is fond of food or drinking stuff. Now I have been to a movie meet up, but really is good if there is more than just the movie to chill after/before. Live theatre and classical music is not only not social but also expensive to do so you are unlikely to get interest. Even 'lolita' stuff like the alice in wonderland ballet doesnt do well for a meet because it isnt good planning wise.

The hard thing and something you cannot change is that meets are successful because of the people who want to go, and so if people see their friends are going it is more likely to be good. Both meets you refer to are made by popular lolitas in the comm, so obviously their friends will flock. It seems a bit clique to state it that way but I know people who only go if they see friends going. The other issue with big numbers is reservations, beermeet required reservations of both the tour and the restaurant well in advance, and a lot of places want a deposit. So in a way crowds are not the best, ideal size I say is around 10-12 people as it is good amount but manageable.

>> No.8672960

Thanks for the tip! I was hoping to find an actual 'log out' button somewhere though.

Does that mean nobody ever logs out from the online store? I feel a little unsafe because I set the site to remember my credit card details

>> No.8672964

I'm sure the site logs you out after a specific amount of time.

>> No.8672970

sorry anon. Im dead
thanks. giving me a lot of inspiration.

>> No.8672972

*i'm dumb*

>> No.8672973
File: 22 KB, 240x372, logoutfromAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a listing page, because it's not on the front page for some reason.
Scroll down the left side of the page, and click the button circled in the pic, it will log you out.

>> No.8672981

Thank you!! This was exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.8673054
File: 125 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.785366730_65dh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me advice on this headpiece I'm thinking of getting for a funeral themed coord? The lace looks like good quality to me, but what do you guys think?

>> No.8673069

IMO it seems like it will make your head look too small in a lolita coord if you wear it this way

>> No.8673086
File: 150 KB, 570x758, il_570xN.852272808_ddfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one anon?

>> No.8673111
File: 80 KB, 480x641, sweetdreamerveil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one looks better!
I personally like it when veils are layered with other stuff to create more volume, like pic related. Not sure if that's the image you're after, though.

>> No.8673151

I am a super big HP nerd. Read the series at least 7 times since i first started reading it in 2001. My sister and i grew up on a huge property and use to "play" hogwarts where we would write eachothers hogwarts letters, make and sell wands for wizard money so we could buy ingredients, potions, school supplies, ice had every fucking kind of hardy potter book and candy, know the movies by heart, up to date with pottermore, and before then i was all about the Warner Bros HP website. I'm as fucking nerdy as you can get for HP. I have never heard of a ravenpuff until today and it is the stupetest fucking thing ive ever heard of.

>> No.8673155

You are still way behind the times then.

>> No.8673162

I dont give a shit about socializing with even nerdier people then me online. Im nerd enough as is. I cant handle anyone worse then me. But maybe im just lucky because i know a few HP nerds irl? If we need to geek it out we have eachother. None of the others have heard about that cringe shit until i talked to them today. The only time i really ever socialize with people online is lolita. But lolita relies so much with the online comm. You dont need internet to geek out hard on the HP

>> No.8673176

>being this mad that you didn't know about HP cringe shit that most of the online HP fandom knows about

>> No.8673335
File: 755 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20151017_123230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all this harry potter talk going on I feel like sharing that I went on the studio tour yesterday.

>> No.8673482

I remember when I was young and pretty into harry potter I took that quiz and got slytherin and got really mad because I wanted to be gryiffindor for obvious reasons. I just took it again and got the same result and to be honest I can't even lie that its accurate any more. I used to have a crush on Malfoy anyway.

>> No.8673520


It's strange that you have that issue. The damn site logs me out constantly it's frustrating

>> No.8673590

Has anyone been having problems with chibitenshi lately? I've sent her a few bid requests, each with over a day and a half left but she never gets to them in time and I end up losing out. Can she just not keep up with all the orders?

>> No.8673592

She's probably busy with the Holy Lantern madness

>> No.8673593

She's been way behind on orders for months

>> No.8673645

I own the long version in black and its my favorite. It was my dream dress before I even got into lolita and if I ever fall out of the fashion I'll still keep my VR.

>> No.8673653

If that's the case, she should maybe stop taking as many orders or enlist in the help of a friend for a while. I was pretty irritated when she left on vacation without saying anything. She sent me an email saying she had just invoiced me and I had to pay within 8 hours or I wouldn't get my stuff until she came back and I was sleeping so of course I didn't send it in time. I had no idea she was even leaving the country until I woke up to that. I had to find a different ss after that, she used to be great, but now she just seems unorganized.

>> No.8673731

oh noo, i just had a dream dress pop up too
do you think i'll be okay if she has more than a day and a half to win them?
i guess she can use my max bid (which ngl is pretty high) but i was hoping to avoid that ugh
but once she bids will it automatically outbid anyone else who doesn't meet the highest bid even if she's not around to check?

>> No.8673887

Dude she posted it online plenty of times and it was talked about a lot on CGL that she was going on vacation. Follow her on Facebook. I've never had a problem with her.

>> No.8674034

I have to say, for as great as her reputation has always been, there have been a lot of complaints about her in the past several months. And I know she always has a lot of loyal customers defending her on here but I wonder when enough will be enough or if she'll be able to recover before that happens. I'd hate for her service to get overwhelmed to a tipping point.

>> No.8674043

What the fuck are you talking about. She practically posted every other week that she was going on vacation. Not her fault you're a dumbass who can't read

>> No.8674484

Exactly. I remember the same thing happening to other SS (like Mai) and for several months people defended her, sent her extra money for presents and spa days and shit. Eventually she just vanished.