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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8666442 No.8666442 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for all the Holy Lantern-fags so they don't clog the general.

>> No.8666467
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>> No.8666470
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>> No.8666516

Does she think she's special for not liking it?
Seriously people like this are really annoying special snowflakes.

>> No.8666522

I can understand it not being your thing but how exactly is this tacky?

>> No.8666526

The most important question here: can I buy more than one dress?

>> No.8666530

Whelp. I guess it's time to plan out a Chandelure themed coord to wear for next Halloween.

>> No.8666538
File: 88 KB, 540x720, 1655909_1163542313658102_8545662039233669825_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad the BxW colorway looks nothing like the swatches. It looks like a navy dress with a washed out blue-ish white print. Couldn't they just brought back the black colorway? Or at least chose the new navy instead of the new BxW. I love almost all of the colorway of Holy Lantern but this one looks really ugly to me.

>> No.8666539

I am so stoked about the rerelease of the zipper style JSK. I was not impressed when they didn't release it the first time.

>> No.8666540

I'm curious about this too. There's no mention of a limit being enforced when I Google translated AP's post. If there was a limit I feel like they'd say so, since they tend to with new releases (i.e. one main piece and 2 accessories like for HL's release a few weeks back)

>> No.8666543

Kind of sad that they're not rereleasing the black x black but oh well. Do you think that colorway will still go for $500+?

I already have HL in white from the 1st release and I'm debating whether to buy a 2nd one. I hardly wear mine as it is but that's partly just because it's such a rare and expensive dress that I'm always afraid of getting it dirty. If I got a 2nd I think I'd want it in wine.

I feel really bad for all the people who've bought this dress for scalped prices over the years.

>> No.8666545

Does anyone have the first release? I hopped on the first rerelease and the dress is too long on me for my liking.

>> No.8666546

sorry too sound like a noob, but are the accessories also MTO or will I have to fight someone to get a pair of socks?

>> No.8666559

Everything pictured will be MTO

>> No.8666572

so, how do reservations work exactly? do they send you an invoice when the item is ready?

>> No.8666600

I'm wondering this as well

>> No.8666605

You pay up front when you place your order, just like buying normally from AP. Then they mail it out when it's ready.

>> No.8666622

so I should order all the accessories I want during the reservation period then? there's a few I'm waffling on but if this is my only chance to get them I guess I'll just buy them and sell if I don't want them

>> No.8666624

When is the reservation period?

>> No.8666634

Oct 17-25 starting at 18:00 JST for online reservations

>> No.8666658

Is this exclusive for the jp site?
I've never used tenso before

>> No.8666677

I think someone said AP USA will be doing the mto as well

>> No.8666683

Not a fan of Holy Lantern but is there a need to shit on people's dream? This is friggin awesome news to those who missed out. Be happy for them! Doesn't flake a skin off your nose?

>> No.8666706

>Literally google "How to order from Angelic Pretty with Tenso

>First 5 or so results have guides for the new websites

The newbs are getting lazier and lazier these days, I was also surprised at the number of questions in the Facebook thread.

>> No.8666714


>> No.8666718
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Can't wait to see all the terribad ita coords from the desperate noobs buying this because of the hype.

>> No.8666721

I wish AP would do more photoshoots (and I know this is me being greedy because how different can the new release fit from the previous Holy Lanterns) because I am wishy washy as fuck and worried the skirt will make me look boxy and long torso'd since I'm short and thin but....square-ish. I've got a waist but it's slight.

>> No.8666733

Does anyone else think that the recent re-releases and the new plus size friendly cut was actually fueled by the Oo Jia Holy Lantern replica?

>> No.8666740

Bumping this since people keep replying to the other thread.

I'm really happy this got a MTO for all the people who really wanted it. Meanwhile I'm just happy to get the bat bag!

>> No.8666742

The original zipper cut was also plus size friendly. I think they just included it because of customer demand.

>> No.8666746

There were already terribad coords (and they're AMAZINGLY bad for such a simple print). Went deep into Instagram for worn pics when trying to decide which one to get. I've seen leggings with flesh colored open jelly flats worn with it.

>> No.8666748
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Color choosing question: I never had the expectation that I would be able to pick the exact color and cut I wanted so now with this amazing MTO I have NO idea which to choose. Originally I loved the white zipper jsk and while I still do, I feel like it might be hard to coord. I am thinking of going for the black zippered JSK instead but I don't know how it will look since they haven't made that combo yet and I am worried about the gold zippers looking weird like on the original all black zipper JSK. (I would go for the high waist JSK but I don't like how that cut sits on me.) I am so torn! I feel like the lavender and wine are easiest to coord but I don't really want either color and while pink would be cute, I really wanted this to be as gothic as it can be. I also just turned 30 and feel the pink doesn't match my age as well anymore.

For any indecisive gulls like me, could we possibly post some coords in this thread too? Especially with the new black x white fabric? I already went through all the tagged pics on tumblr and I still feel as confused as ever.

>> No.8666749
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I misread this as "god" and now I'm laughing my ass off
there is no god in Holy Lantern
just regret and an empty wallet

>> No.8666753

Will it have the same measurements as the last release? Also I'd like to see how it would fit on someone who is 6ft tall. Does anyone have any worn pics of it on a tall girl?
>I already kind of know the answer....it won't fit well
>why must my dream dresses remain dreams

>> No.8666765

It's a simple print but I think the biggest thing is, as much as I love this print, it's kind of fodder for that "bittersweet"/pastel goth/tumblrcore type fashion. So the terribad coords tend to be from special snowflakes trying to be unique and different.

>> No.8666768


>> No.8666769
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>mfw the navy colorway becomes one of the most sought after because it's the rare one now
God damn it I just wanted a navy zipper JSK.

>> No.8666783

can someone make a tiled background of the pink holy lantern print?

>> No.8666788

Need pics too. Us tall lolitas want to know too. Tall Lolitas FB page is in a shitstorm too with the announcement last night.

>> No.8666798

>mfw holy lantern is top tier dream dress
>mfw car breaks down again
Hopefully I can buy it from someone at a non scalped price

>> No.8666808

*I should add I also went through instagram tags after writing this too

>> No.8666812

why educate yourself when you can be a kawaii clueless innocent rori?

>> No.8666829

I /just/ fucking bought a dress, I can't drop $230 on YET ANOTHER dress. What the fuck AP. What the fuck.

>> No.8666847

To be honest it is probably one of the few pieces that will look decent with an underskirt, and I do have one that will look nice. But I just want a dress that will look nice on my long legs
>inb4 IW. Or baby's long tealength dresses.

>> No.8666850

Okay so I know everyone is probably sick of tenso questions but I actually have one that needs answering
am I being completely dumb???

When tenso ask for your name, there are two boxes, one that is 'full name' and one that is ''full name in alphabet'

I thought the latter would be in katakana so I put my name in katakana in there but it only let me put english in there. Then I put my name in katakana in the first box instead, and that worked. Is it meant to be like that?
Is it meant to be katakana in the first, english in the second?

>> No.8666855

Same position. I will going after the pink zipper one but I just can't seem to find any coords of the zipper one

>> No.8666868

Yes, that's correct!

>> No.8666874

I'm currently debating between the lavender and wine colorways, but I heard AP's stock photos are inaccurate as to how the wine actually looks. How much darker is it than in the stock photos? Is it still relatively easy to see the print?

>> No.8666876

It's definitely about 2 shades darker in person

>> No.8666889

That's the weird thing. I haven't seen bittersweet or pastel goth with it (and we maaaaaaaaaaaaaaay have reached the tail end of those trends), but a lot lot of really bad gothic, or casual gothic. Or casual lolita.

>> No.8666891
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It's much darker. Looks more like brick red than fire engine red

>> No.8666892

GOD, that red is gorgeous though.

>> No.8666898

How long would it take to get the dress? I've never done a MTO before so I don't know how long it takes to make them, ship to tenso, and ship to me

>> No.8666902

This MTO should ship out sometime in March

>> No.8666908

So I'm planning on getting the OP in wine, and the bow clip in black, but I'm not sure what to do for leg wear so I need some advice. Which do you guys think would pair best with the wine OP: the ivory/gold tights to tie in the white, or the black/gold tights? I'm leaning a little more towards white but the black seem good too aaaa I'm conflicted

>> No.8666917

aaah thank you, I only ever buy second hand so I was worrying that AP will take one look at my details and go 'nope. banned for life!'
>tfw holy lantern is making you think irrationally

>> No.8666933
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Does anyone know what the lavender colorway looks like in person? A lot of the pictures online make it look like it has a blue undertone instead of purple like I'd expect from lavender.

And I don't suppose anyone has managed to see what the pink looks like in person, maybe from the special set that just came out?

>> No.8666939

Someone is scalping the pink set on Lacemarket so you could probably check that out

>> No.8666944

I'm also curious. I'm only 170cm but I'm still worried it'll look like a shirt on me

>> No.8666950

...and we care because? Get a vacuum cleaner and get rid of that sand.

>> No.8666967

when can you order for the mto? ;_;

>> No.8666968
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172 here

I'll probably get a black underskirt to bring the length down. I know taller lolitas can rock the shorter skirts but I have thick legs and that ain't cute on me

Would be my first time ordering an AP dress too, I'm feeling a mixture of terror and excitement. If I don't get the dress I'm for sure grabbing that bag because holy shit it's a BAT

>> No.8667001

It's mentioned already in the thread. Your newfag is showing.

>> No.8667017
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Does anybody know what the shoulder measurements are for the OP? I've seen some people saying they're around 14 inches across,is that accurate?

Also, how functional are the waist ties? Do they actually work for pulling in the waist or are the more of a decorative thing?

>> No.8667018
File: 150 KB, 650x357, 1443856284093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Casually looking into this thread
> Don't really care about Holy Lantern, just curious
> See this picture and the gorgeous colors
> Dammit, I want it too now

>> No.8667023

Yeah, it's my first AP thing too. I never bothered looking into it before because it would be way too expensive for something that'll be so short! I'll be going the underskirt too.

>> No.8667065

In hindsight it might be unfair to put a limit on the amount of dresses you can get, because now those people that bought HL the last go round can now get another dress too.

>> No.8667073

I looked on instagram and can't find any busty girls wearing the regular jsk, it will probably look awkward on my chest but god I want this dress, is there hope?

>> No.8667082
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So what color/cut is everyone going after?

I'm looking into getting the OP in wine and the white zipper JSK in white.

>> No.8667085


>> No.8667088

I want the OP in either wine or lavender... I can't decide on the color.

>> No.8667104

wait, is it true the black x black (black x grey?) is being included in this rerelease after all? and i don't mean the black x ivory

>> No.8667105

Lavender zipper JSK and possibly Wine HW JSK

>> No.8667108

I want the OP in any colorway

But something major just came up, so I'll wait to get it after it's been scalped

>mfw I'll pay like $500 for the OP in any colorway

>> No.8667111

Some Victorian Maiden pieces look nice on taller girls and sit at or below knee level which is nice.

>> No.8667118

No its not

>> No.8667120

I really want the zipper style JSK in pink but it depends if I have the funds by that point in time.

>> No.8667125

Because this MTO is going to be so popular, the market is going to get flooded with 3rd release HLs, you won't have to worry about scalping too much tbh. High Demand + Low Quantity = High Price. High Demand + High Quantity = Low Price. That's basically what's happened to MBP too

>> No.8667127

Will sizing go up when the reservation opens? Trying to gauge which cut will be better for me.

>> No.8667140

Well, the prices probably won't be outrageous like they have been, but it's likely to retain retail or slightly above. Celestial was MTO and it still goes for pretty high prices.

>> No.8667144


I know the regular JSK is unpopular, but it's an easier cut for me to wear casually (I like the zipper cut but it's pretty ornate and would limit how often I could wear it out), so I'm probably going for that in pink and a black bow clip. I like the socks, but they won't go with anything else in my closet...

>> No.8667146

Good job for posting a friends-locked status update. Some "friend" you are.

>> No.8667152

Oh no someone doesn't like something, whatever shall we do?

I'm actually saddened to see people taking this seriously/being defensive over it. Who curr, not everyone is going to love it, and clearly this wasn't meant for /cgl/.

>> No.8667153

Well, of course it will remain retail but it won't be 2-3x the price

>> No.8667154

Is the OP really plus size friendly though? I know it has a free waist but the bust is 92 cm, just trying to figure out how big it really is. AP has been weird with their sizing, or at least in my experience... I have a 94 cm bust and one of their dresses that supposedly went up to 101 cm barely fits me in the bust.

>> No.8667162

except that melty berry princess wasn't that popular in the western scence to begin with. I can't remember any time that it got scalped successfully.
DDC, Celestial and Comsic, other very popular MTOs, are still going for above retail. Especially Celestial, Cosmic is decreasing a bit latley. DDC depeneds higly on the colorway, but you get at least retail except for the black colorway.
Long story short I don't think prices will decrease that much for HL. My prediction is that lavender and wine OP and zipper JSK will stay way above retail, maybe pink too. White OP and zipper JSK will be close. The Black colorway as well as the high waisted JSK will be above retail, but not much. I have no idea for the skirt though.

>> No.8667163

Op is not plus size friendly. It's really only meant for super tiny girls.

>> No.8667171

I know that there is an in-store limit. I was wondering what the limit online is. I was hoping to get double accessories

>> No.8667175

I'm getting the OP in Lavender, as that has always been one of my dream dresses, and I'll also get the zipper jsk in wine. I certainly hope we can get more than one dress in one go. Google translate says something about a reservation limit of one reservation per person, but I hope I can get more than one dress.

>> No.8667182

Does Treasure Japan or other SS's do reservations?

>> No.8667190

Oh shit, I fucked up then. I put my English name for both, now what the fuck do I do?

>> No.8667193

I was iffy about it at first too, but HL has grown on me and I always get happy over these MTO's for other lolitas. It helps get rid of awful AP scalping. Why is she so angry?

>> No.8667207

Ugh... man. I'm not plus size but I have a bigger bust. This sucks, I want it.

>> No.8667213
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>> No.8667218

The sizing will most likely mirror the last releases. OP will most likely be the new measurements along with the high waist jsk. Zipper jsk will most likely be true to the original measurements

>> No.8667220

I honestly can't decide between the three pink cuts. I'm a Bcup and I'm still worried about the OP not looking right on me.

>> No.8667223

She doesn't seem angry, just like she's expressing an opinion that happens to not align with most of cgl.

>> No.8667225

I want the OP so bad but I don't think it'll fit me unfortunately. Better off going with the JSK instead of risking it.

Does anyone know which colorway was the most popular with the second release?

>> No.8667231

I agree even though I think comparing it to whip magic is a bit much. It would be one thing if this was being said on RC or some other more public place but come on.

>> No.8667249

Me too. I already own the zipper JSK in a different color, so I'm thinking either the OP or the other JSK. I love the OP but high collars look like such shit on me.

>> No.8667260

Does anyone know how much the OP's waist can be cinched in with the waist ties? Can it be given close to an hour glass shape or is does it always have a sack shape?

>> No.8667262

I love it because it embodies 'bittersweet' for me without being tacky. No neon ponies or shiny eyeball bobbles

>> No.8667264

You mean a sweet/gothic dress?

>> No.8667268

I've always loved that bottom cut above all else

>> No.8667269

Yep. If I only wore what people liked, I'd have nothing to wear at all, and have even more people hating me because I'd be naked.

That said, I really do like Holy Lantern, but I think I may sit it out. There's other things I want a lot more at the moment.

>> No.8667274

I'm going for the white zipper jsk and maybe the bat bag

>> No.8667301

Are there any photos of the bat bag? I love the design but I don't know how well the sparkliness sits with me.

>> No.8667316 [DELETED] 

Omfg this makes me even more confused.

Should I do the ivory, black, or pink zippered JSK?

Help me anons you are my only hope.

>> No.8667333

Omfg this makes me even more confused.

Should I do the ivory or pink zippered JSK?

Help me anons you are my only hope.

>> No.8667342

Fuck sake anon, send me your money because you obviously don't deserve it.

But real talk, make a collage of what's in your wardrobe and have a look at what you can best coord with each colourway already, also consider if you have 'too many' pink or ivory main pieces.
Then, flip a coin.

Personally I prefer ivory but matching your whites and then keeping them white is hell.

>> No.8667348

Just measure from your shoulder down with a tape to see roughly where the hem will hit. You can also compare that length to other things in your closet. For example I have a short normie dress that's pushing it lengthwise for me, and the HL OP is like 5cm shorter than it so there's no way I could wear it.

>> No.8667362

just get both anon

getting 2x zipper jsks in pink for my best friend and I and the regular jsk in white!

>> No.8667406
File: 79 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can edit your name in your account info no problem. I did the same thing and went back to check it, but it says "e.g. John Smith" for both of them on my page...so I think it's fine?

>> No.8667413

What's the chances of getting the bat bag later on/if it will cost more etc? Don't know if I should spend the extra money at the moment

>> No.8667419

I'm not sure if you are kidding or not because I'm not sure how being indecisive makes me not deserve it, but if you are kidding ignore this, I'm just confused. I do hope you can get what you want regardless though.

Problem is, I always wanted the ivory zipper JSK ever since it first came out. I have a pastel OTT sweet wardrobe only, so I have to get pieces to match regardless. I mainly have mint, sax and lavender though, only 1 pink dress which is very different shades than the HL pink. (Sugary carnival.)

Sorry, I should have specified. I am going to have to buy additional pieces for both colors regardless. If the pink didn't come out I would definitely get the ivory, but the pink appearing made me want it just as much.

I guess TLDR; which one would look nicer and be easier to make multiple coords?

I wish I could but I can't. I was debating getting a skirt of the other though, but the skirt cut is so strange and I am not sure how I would coord it.

>> No.8667437

Yeah, that's what confused me. I don't know if I should change it to be on the safe side or just keep it that way.

>> No.8667458

I did the same fuck up. I thought that the first field was in English and the 2nd in Japanese. Then that didn't work. Then it didn't like me using my full name including my middle names. I just got fed up and entered first & last both in English. They really should clarify that.

Now I'm just waiting for verification and I'm worried that they'll deny me 'cause again, long ass full name and various organizations abbreviate my middle names weirdly or just leave off the first one. But I used a bank bill as proof that has the first & last plus address in the format I entered it on Tenso so I dunno. Just more annoyed than anything.

>> No.8667461

Tenso Question:

I am in the US. Am I required to do the identification process?

>> No.8667473

Yes. It's a Japanese law for forwarding services (I think) so criminal proceeds can't be sent overseas or some such.

>> No.8667483

How long does it take for them to verify your account after that? I'm getting ready to make an account but I wont have time to scan my ID until after work tonight. Will I be able to preorder my dress tomorrow?

>> No.8667489

Sage for doubleposting.
I figured it out.

>> No.8667492

They literally tell you all of this on their website...

>> No.8667498

Me too, anon.

>> No.8667501

Too lazy to do the math, anyone know what time/date the MTO will start on the US east coast?

>> No.8667505

yea, that pink zipper pretty much sealed it for me. I hope that I can manage to get it

>> No.8667506

What I'm wondering is how strict they are with the verification process. I didn't feel comfortable taking my bank statement out of the envelope and showing it to them, so instead I just took a picture of the envelope itself . It has my address,name, and the name of my bank right on the envelope, so I hope that's good enough. There's no other info inside that they could use.

>> No.8667511

5am friday, I believe?

>> No.8667533

Is there a benefit to preordering right away? If it's open till the 25th, why not just wait till morning in your time zone?

>> No.8667537

Like other Anon said, it's on their website but I'll bite. Website said it'll take 2 biz days and I don't think they work weekends but the MTO is from the 17th to the 25 so you have time.

That's pretty much what I did, more or less. Can't remember which page but they did say you can blank out numbers or info that isn't important for them to see so I covered my health card # and took a pic of the address field of a piece of bank mail with the bank's logo. I don't get paper bill statements on their approved list so that'll have to do.

If somehow Tenso goes "lol no" I'll just try AP USA if they're gonna do the MTO and try not to cry too much when that USD to CAD rips my asshole.

>> No.8667539

Not that anon, but I think its a lot of habit. I woke up at 3a for a release from a non-lolita brand and it still hasn't sold out.

>> No.8667542

Do you not realize how preorders work? It's not like they let an infinite amount of people order... they have a set number and if they reach it sooner than the end date, they stop the offering the preorder. That's how every single preordered item works. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.8667543

I feel like I'm really over-stressing this. First I worry about Tenso not accepting my verification photo, and now I'm worried that AP might only allow one dress per person.

>> No.8667544

This is made to order though. With Celestial they had them opened to the end.

>> No.8667545

You're wrong though. The number of dresses that can be ordered doesnt have a limit.
It's a Made-To-Order not a pre-order

>> No.8667547

different anon but typically even made to orders have limits

>> No.8667550

That's why I was asking. Made to order implies they make the number ordered. It seems silly for them to limit something they plan to make. I guess that's AP for you. Thanks for letting me know anon.

>> No.8667551

i feel the same anon.
i think that i'll probably get the wine zipper JSK instead...

>> No.8667559

Breathe, it'll be fine. At the end of the day, it's just a dress. A fucking nice dress, but still a dress. You'll get through. No worries, eh.

I don't think there's a 1 per limit but I could be wrong.

>> No.8667567

There's never been a limit placed on the made to orders that AP's done in the past. I've done three myself since they started doing this back when DDC was made to order and I've always seen them up the entire time. However, this is the only made to order they've offered for any prints that have been extremely sought after and had an unusually high 2nd hand resale value. So who knows if they will actually get a crapton of orders. But usually the case is, if you want four of everything in every colorway you can get it if you have the money upfront. Likewise, if you want just want the bow or a pair of socks that you missed out on, you can get it.

>> No.8667573

Gorgeous line up

>> No.8667574

Ah, cool. This is my first MTO for AP and I did do a bit of Googling but didn't really find much so I was making educated guesses.

>> No.8667589

>if you want four of everything in every colorway you can get it if you have the money upfront.
now i'm wondering how many people actually can do this
especially people who can do it for every major popular release
that one girl who bought every colorway of Celestial comes to mind, but then that was just Celestial

>> No.8667628

They did the same with cherry marguerite and melty berry princess and mto reservations ended early because Chinese lolitas maxed it out. Don't wait.

>> No.8667631

Would it be safe to wait until its on APUSA or will it be maxed out by then?

>> No.8667635

AP USA hasn't even confirmed if they're doing it.

>> No.8667640

I called them earlier today and the person who picked up the phone said they would be

>> No.8667642

Can't see why they wouldn't, they had other MTO from this year.

>> No.8667644

They just announced it on their website, they're doing it.

>> No.8667647

They just tweeted about it too

>> No.8667648

Ignore this, they literally just posted within the minute about it lol.

>> No.8667652

So should I not purchase through AP's site then? I don't want to go through Tenso if I don't have to.

>> No.8667672

She's expressing it in a bitchy way as though she's special for not liking it.

>> No.8667674

so wait, if AP USA is releasing the MTO "this week" as well, does this mean the closing time of the MTO will be the same for both AP Japan and AP USA?

>> No.8667677

Yup seems like it. Pretty sure the Cherry Marguerite MTO was at the same time too.

>> No.8667678

>Being this overly sensitive
>Having to type essays online asking for shopping opinions because what is autonomy

lol wtf how do you even exist

I'm not risking it just in case there's a smaller limit on the USA site

>> No.8667687

Can anyone tell me how small the OP is? It says the bust is 92cm but it really doesn't even look like there's a defined bust area... just looks like a bunch of poof.

>> No.8667692

I am getting the lavender zipper JSK.

I went for the lavender and the navy high waisted JSKs on the re-release but failed. I only managed to get the socks.

I was going to bid on a navy JSK the day before the MTO was announced. Glad I didn't shell out for it.

Would have loved to get a navy zipper JSK or OP too though. Wonder why they chose to drop that colourway?

>> No.8667704

The black OP has my heart.

>> No.8667714

I have Wrapping Ribbon OP which has a 92 cm bust listed. I have a 99 cm bust, it fits without looking strained but I don't have a full range of motion in my shoulders/arms because the bust isn't meant to be over more than the max listed. It also looks a little strange - my bust looks too low even when I use sports bras/normal bras/etc (a problem I don't have with any of my other dresses and yes I have a correctly sized bra) just because it's designed for flatty chans. Unless you're planning to wear it with a long wing or a cardigan over it's probably not gonna look its best unless you're at 92 cm or under.

>> No.8667723

Thank you, that's really helpful. I'm a little over the max and as much as I want the OP, I think I'll end up going with the JSK just because it's more roomy.

>> No.8667738

>Wonder why they chose to drop that colourway?
I think it sold out the slowest for the bloodbath, but I dunno, for all people like to bitch about black/navy I thought it was lovely. Like a night sky's colors, which matched with the imagery really nicely.

>> No.8667750

Does anyone have the zipper JSK and is under the listed measurements?
I'm about ~76cm and worried about it being HUGE

>> No.8667751

does anyone have any pics of AP's black x silver bat bag, other than the stock photo?

can't decide kind of want both

>> No.8667753
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>>"Thank you for always using Angelic Pretty Shinjuku store. The reservation series "Cherry Marguerite and Melty Berry Princess" have reached their maximum reservation numbers at our store. We apologize for the inconvenience. Reservations at other stores will be open until tomorrow, please use those other stores"

Some stores maxed out, so I would assume there is a limit.

>> No.8667755

Did someone pee on your brand? Or are you always this salty?

>> No.8667759

it might be loose but idk, if you really love the dress then maybe think about getting it altered. as to whether this is gonna drastically affect the resale value, you might not be able to get above retail for it but it's holy lantern, someone will definitely be ready and waiting to buy it.

>> No.8667761

Were those MTOs or just reservations, though?

>> No.8667764

I'm 82cm and it's pretty loose on me.

>> No.8667767

Damn. Maybe I can get it altered to add corset lacing in the back.
Why is AP so big wtf.

>> No.8667776

mto and reservations are the same things for AP.

AP won't do reservations unless they are made to order. they've RERELEASED several series due to requests (dolly cat, misty sky, chocolate rosette, etc) but only few have made it to reservations (DDC, Celestial, cosmic, mbp)

>> No.8667780

I bet AP headquarters will have a massive money party next week

>> No.8667800

It's not going to be okay anon. Tenso just emailed me back saying that my bank statement wasn't enough. Apparently my name doesn't match (I can fix that), but I also have to provide something that shows my fucking birthday too. Since when did bank statements show a fucking birthday, why the fuck do they even ask for that? I just moved states and haven't been able to switch over my permit to a new one with my correct address and state. What the fuck do I do?

>> No.8667818

Can you order from AP USA? Or do you have a friend or partner that can order for you? (even just using their name, address?)

>> No.8667821

I can order from AP USA, I just want two dresses and I don't know if they'll allow that or not.

>> No.8667828

I do not live in the US, but can you try calling up the store and asking if they will have a limit on how many main pieces you can order?

Someone said they called up and asked about the MTO earlier.

>> No.8667830

If the address on your id is your parents, then a package just has to be sent there. Only the first package using tenso has to be that address, so order something else using tenso before March.

>> No.8667832

I thought there was no household limit on the MTO

>> No.8667833

It's because it has full back shirring.

AP's always been kinda for chubbier lolitas though. It's one of the few brands that can accommodate for ~100cm busts.

Get the OP if you wanna look dainty and cute since it's meant for smaller sized girls

>> No.8667836

You know what, fuck it. I'll just change my shipping address to match the one on my permit, and then change it back once I'm verified.

>> No.8667838

How quick did they end Cherry and Melty Berry? I just keep thinking I would need to wake up early Friday but my CC payment won't post till that evening .

>> No.8667843

Yeah, see >>8667753

>> No.8667846

I'm way too tall for the OP it'd be like a shirt on me. If not I would totally get it ;-;

>> No.8667858

I went to the AP online site in English and can't find the MTO, when I click on the holy lantern button, they're all "sold out "

Please help me, anons. I feel like a moron, can't find the MTO anywhere

>> No.8667862


the MTO period hasn't even started yet jfc

>> No.8667863

That's because you are a moron. The MTO doesn't start until the 17th.

>> No.8667874

>being this fucking new
The MTO dates have been posted several times, retard

>> No.8667876

Was planning on the high waisted jsk but found out the zipper jsk's measurements are a lot higher than listed, so zipper jsk in wine or white.

>> No.8667885

What are the measurements of the zipper JSK?

>> No.8667888

What would the max height that would fit the OP? I'm a rail, just tall af.

>> No.8667889

zipper jsk in wine! if I wasn't fat I would also try to go for the OP in black but oh well.

>> No.8667892

What? Where did you see that?

>> No.8667894
File: 172 KB, 500x600, 10061215_56133cdd72c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people are getting the bat bag?

>> No.8667896

So where do you go on the 17th, I know damn well what day it starts. I just was asking where you will go on that day to order

>> No.8667905

You will be able to find it on the front page of AP's store.

>> No.8667909

I'm 5'6'' but most lolita is short on me already.
The re-release is 10cm shorter than the original apparently though so I'm kind of reconsidering getting it.
Going by like this pic which is of the original release it's short af. And that girl doesn't look tall either so IDK >>8667017
Life is hard

>> No.8667911

Do you have to race to get a dress for MTO releases, or is it more laid back? I'm glad the USA store is doing a release because it makes it easier but idk if I wanna deal with the website going down. Id rather just wait until someone else sells theirs if its going to be hectic.

>> No.8667914

>Wonder why they chose to drop that colourway?
it was the slowest to sell out PLUS to maintain a little exclusivity at least.

>> No.8667918

I sure am. Its too good to pass up and I have a weakness for all kinds of bat accessories.

>> No.8667920

I'm so tempted, fuck. What's the difference between the gold and silver tho, just the sparkles?

>> No.8667922

zipper JSK is full back shirring and people are saying it will probably the same measurements as the first release, which if you look around on sales posts is said to go up to 110-115 cm

I want to but I'll probably skip out because of the price. I like it a lot but I'm not married to it. I guess I still have time to change my mind though!

what are the fit of these socks gonna be like? I'm someone with bigger calves so some OTK's fit like knee socks on me if they aren't super stretchy like meta's. I'm guessing no bueno if you don't have tiny calves?

>> No.8667931
File: 63 KB, 1028x944, PUKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are supposedly the socks so youre probably fine if you're not as fat as her KEK

>> No.8667936

Just wait for everyone to sell theirs. XD

>> No.8667938

there's a bigger 'limit' for mto releases I guess, but if a release is very popular they can close early like some people in the thread have already mentioned with cherry marguerite.

but the MTO is also open for a few days, so even if everyone rushes to put their order in on the first day, it's not like you're never gonna get it - I seriously doubt they will hit the limit on the first day, too. also seems like the limit may be for stores only? either way, you'll be fine if you wait a bit. I think people are just getting prepped to do it ASAP because 1. it's holy lantern and everyone's excited and 2. people are just used to doing things asap.

however, in the case that mto's do fill up and they close up 2-3 days earlier than anticipated, don't wait too long either.

>> No.8667942

Ugh, Im considering AP USA for the MTO, but apparently they don't accept paypal, and they
> cannot deliver to a name or address that differs from that of the name and address on file with the card-issuing institute
Unless I:
>email or fax us unaltered copies of the following credentials:

> Credit card used to place the order, front and back.
> A valid Government issued picture ID such as Driver's License, State ID, Passport, or Military ID. (Sorry, school IDs will not be accepted)
> A utility bill, bank statement, pay stub, or lease/rental agreement, with the new address.
>Pay stubs
What a load of crap! you don't need that shit to sell me a dress. This is total bullshit.

>> No.8667943

Haha thanks, I really wanted something from the MTO but maybe if I look at enough bad coords, my HL lust will dissipate

>> No.8667945

Wow. What's wrong with just a credit card? Either the card goes through or it doesn't

>> No.8667946

Everything about this is awful

>> No.8667949

Not worth it anyway, anon. Their shipping prices are ridiculous. I know they must have their reasons but one of the few positives I saw for an online U.S. store was to save on shipping (and receive your package in a decent length of time) and you just don't, almost at all.

>> No.8667957

Lol, and on the confirmation email it says:
>We can deliver your products to an address other than yours! This is perfect to send birthday gifts direct to the birthday-person themselves.

...The address book only allows on entry. Liar.

>> No.8667958


I used an electric bill with my current address and just put it over the part of my driver's license with my old address on it when I took the picture. The name on the address matches the name on the license, which has my DOB on it, and I just submitted the image twice in their verification process. Once for the license option and once for the utility bill option. They didn't even ask questions even though I had to correct my bill with a pen because the electric company thinks my middle initial is a T instread of a P.

Tenso doesn't actually look very hard at the validity of the documents, I think they just need a certain number of matching criteria.

>> No.8667962

They claim it's "Under standard credit card regulations", but this is the first time I've heard about it.

>> No.8667965

Their website says that pretty much any kind of bill with your adress on it will do just fine (even phone bills!).

>> No.8667968


Yeah, but they also need something with your DOB on it, and the fuck kind of utility bill is gonna have your DOB on it?

>> No.8667976

where did this chick learn to coord?? seriously, her skills nonexistent. the purest definition of a brand ita, this is worse than french moitie ita.

>> No.8667999

I wish that the black/black colorway was back because I'd hop on the OP right away.

I hope that they do a re-release of Misty Sky soon...

>> No.8668003

They probably will not do another one until at least next year.

>> No.8668005

they've already done 3 releases of misty sky. never say never but I don't think they would do a fourth one.

>> No.8668013

Now, I am just waiting for a Cat's Tea Party re-release MTO

>> No.8668022

Are you new or something? That is never going to happen.

>> No.8668026

Same was said for a MTO Holy Lantern

>> No.8668029

holy shit I never even noticed, I was about ready to reserve things for myself but lol nope I'll just go with CT like I originally planned. I'll probably get my shit around the same time at roughly the same price, just without all the hoops to jump through since I live in an out of state dorm where I don't have any serious mail sent.

>> No.8668036
File: 120 KB, 783x960, 10484173_10152769824632594_8061322243049490747_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a black ruffly underskirt like the ones from little dipper, hear it is with another one if AP's sack dresses.

>> No.8668044

I wonder if there's a possibility of Chocolate Rosette being released again.... I know it was rereleased once, but AP doing Holy Lantern again gives me hope for what feels impossible, haha.

Now if AatP would do End of Immortal Eden again, my life would be complete.

>> No.8668048

This is cute!

If only I were not 5' ... Underskirts are so frumpy on me.

>> No.8668051

...hey AP, Lucky Key would look really great in emerald.
Just saying.
Since rereleases are a thing right now

>> No.8668088

Hey I'm getting mixed responses from "how to" guides about registering for AP...how do I enter my first and last name? According to Google traslate, 姓 is surname, and 名 is given name, but I see guides saying it's the other way around!!

>> No.8668089

That still blows my mind, Chinese lolitas are wild.

Is this print popular over there?

>> No.8668094

>slowest for the bloodbath
...So it sold out in 5 minutes instead of 3?

>> No.8668096 [DELETED] 

Okay you are definitely new or just completely retarded. CTP is an Imai Kira limited event release. Not a lot of people ordered it originally which is why it goes for so much secondhand now. They don't do MTOs for super unsuccessful prints, which is why there has been no Honey Cake MTO yet either. (Although I'm convinced if enough people express interest in a re-release they might consider it and a MTO.) I don't know who was saying that about HL but they were obviously equally retarded since it sold out immediately and had a high second market going rate ever since. But another release for a limited event-only print with art by a guest is just not going to happen, Gretchen.

>> No.8668100

Okay you are definitely new or just completely retarded. CTP is an Imai Kira limited event release. Not a lot of people ordered it originally which is why it goes for so much secondhand now. They don't do MTOs for super unsuccessful prints, which is why there has been no Honey Cake MTO yet either. (Although I'm convinced if enough people express interest in a re-release they might consider it and a MTO.) I don't know who was saying that about HL but they were obviously equally retarded since it sold out immediately and had a high second market going rate ever since. But another release for a limited event-only print with art by a guest is just not going to happen, Gretchen.

>> No.8668114

Hooolyshit I am loling at the idiots who bought the black x white HW JSK for $710, $726, and $740 on lacemarket. That must suck. If they didn't support scalpers, they could have had 2 main pieces and a bunch of accessories for that much.

>> No.8668117

AaTP would kill my wallet completely if they ever rereleased End of Immortal Eden, Gloria or Bride of Death.

>> No.8668128

Yeah, but also the socks and hair clip were available on the site for at least a couple days afterward. So people weren't as crazy about it as all the other colorways, or so it seemed to me.

>> No.8668130

Does anyone have any pictures of the OP worn by busty girls? I'm trying to convince myself out of getting it (my bust size is 94 but I am also super short and tiny in every other aspect, if that helps)

>> No.8668135

Your salt is really delicious. Imai Kira already said she was open to the idea.

>> No.8668140

I'm really curious what went through their minds when they heard about the MTO after having bought their things for that much.

>> No.8668149

If Baby would rerelease Fragrant Rose Memories I'd be all smiles for days if I could get it. But I bet that print would be a bloodbath too.

>> No.8668151

TBH if I were any of them I would file a PP claim and return the dress. It's the one time I wouldn't rage at all about PP claims favoring the buyer.

>> No.8668152

If your bust is 94, I imagine getting a minimizer bra or even wearing a sports bra that flattens you out or a binder would help.

>> No.8668156

I wish I could have seen their faces. Especially Taffybeans'.

>> No.8668169

is she the one who bought that japanese scalpers set for like 910 usd on LM?

>> No.8668170

Soooo is it just me or does the OP look funny in the picture? It just feels like they put the wrong petticoat underneath or something.

>> No.8668172

That's not what bittersweet is, nor is that dress gothic

>> No.8668174

I think it may be because it's on a mannequin and the arms are posed in a way that kinda looks funky with the dress

>> No.8668175

Her legs don't look big though? Not thin, but not big either

>> No.8668178
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>> No.8668180
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>> No.8668185
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P sure this is a replica but I could be wrong.

Honesty unless your body type is waifish the OP will not good look on you. There aren't too many western girls with photos of the OP

If your bust size is between 90-100cm I highly recommend getting the zipper JSK. It likes 89cm FLAT and can stretch up to 115cm.

>> No.8668193
File: 39 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lies 89cm*

>> No.8668196

No but for about 700something. She deserves it too, she is a real shithead.

>> No.8668208

Yikes, these look like fancy muumuus. How unfortunate. I'm also a busty girl (91cm) so I guess I know to stay far, far away from the OP.

>> No.8668211

I thought it was 10 cm longer, anon....

>> No.8668215

10cm longer actually. Why in gods name would they make it shorter? Learn to read.

>> No.8668220

Does anyone know if AP USA allows in store pickups of MTOs? iirc it's based in SF, and I live about 2 hours from there by car. HL will clean out my dress budget for a while so I'd like to save on shipping if it's possible. I'd call the store to ask but they're closed right now.

>> No.8668234

depends on how tight you tie the waist ties, had a friend who tied it pretty tight and it actually had some sort of shape to it instead of a fancy gawfic muumuu.

>> No.8668236

OT but getting into lolita has made me love my bust size, I'm an 87 bust meaning from what I've seen, I'm meant to fit brand ideally

so for an eurofag, would ordering from JP be more reasonable?

>> No.8668238

Yeah I googled her username. 700 or so isn't too bad, since she got the set and "free" EMS shipping. The ones on y!a were just the dress and cost the same amount (plus SS/FJ/Japonica charges on top).

The one who bought pinoreum's one for a whooping 910 bucks must be licking her wounds now.

>> No.8668246

Wish I could see comparison photos. Like what their bust actually looks like - from these it's like they both have double G's going.

>> No.8668250

But then it would be like a mini-dress. Too lewd.

>> No.8668278

Is there something wrong with me, I think the fit on her is kinda cute

>> No.8668281
File: 100 KB, 458x750, tumblr_nw8fgzzs6W1s5fikco3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the second girl isn't that busty though, there's other pics on her tumblr wearing other muumuu dresses. i think it's the capelet she's wearing over and big petti makes her look like a triange with legs

tl;dr: ugly shape dress is ugly don't do it anon

>> No.8668282

eh, it barely reached the top of her knees, enough to see the 'melty' details on the otks.

>> No.8668283

do you mean the actual zipper is pink? It looks different from the others but my eyes are shit

>> No.8668288


all of them are gold zippers, its just lighting

>> No.8668305

It was just a brain fart I meant longer anons.

>> No.8668327
File: 437 KB, 717x1280, busty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this?

>> No.8668332

I'm getting the wine zipper with black bow-clip and bat bag. I already got the wine high-waist in the rerelease so I might sell one of them later on.

>> No.8668335

Yeah, Tenso emailed me too because I registered with my first and last name but my id's have some form of my middle names. But the fucking website kept giving me shit about my long ass name so that's why I did that. One id cut my first middle name out but kept the 2nd while another has the first one but shortens the 2nd one to the first letters.

God, what a pain in the ass. Bet I'm gonna get shit because my mail only has my first and last.

>> No.8668337

I keep convincing myself the OP will look good on me because I really want it to look good and I'm scared of it being mumu-esque. I'm not thin though (not fat either but I'm a lil chub lately). I'm smaller than this girl and I don't think she looks awful. Am I just delusional?

>> No.8668341

I think Chocolate Rosette would need a rerelease as well. It was popular on both releases and the second hand market and replicas are going strong, which is something AP doesn't like at all. But I think it's more of a spring release.

>> No.8668342

Except for the wig color and mix of pearls and gold, I like this coord. The headpiece was a really good choice. The wig is just too red and it looks like she's trying to match and failing, a more natural color would have been better. The breast area does look awkward but IMO she did a good job bringing attention away from that and balancing it out with the right petti.

>> No.8668376

It's terrible to say it, but I just know taobao is going to make a lot of these.
The design is really simple and it's attached to a china-famous print.

The rich chinese girls buy up all the prints so fast that it drives demand up, but then there's so many of the less affluent but desperately aspirational girls there that they can be enough of a demand for replicas.
I wish the brands made more of an effort to spread 'replicas kill us' ideas, but then I guess they are scared that more people will realise they can cheap out.

>> No.8668381

Are there any worn photos of the high waist JSK? I like the cut of the Zipper JSK, but I'm not too keen on the zipper.

>> No.8668385

Ok but they can get the dresses right now, in time for Halloween. MTO with March delivery is useless to those who want the print of the moment

>> No.8668388

The first time you use tenso they send only to the address verified. You can change it after the first parcel has been sent out

>> No.8668412

Thank you, this helped a lot!

>> No.8668417

Spoke too soon. At least I emailed them explaining my weird-ass situation so at least I know what piece of ID they're using. Hopefully now they'll verify my account.

>> No.8668439

This is going to sound really dumb, but I'm in the UK, will I be able to order from AP USA? It's way easier than having to go through tenso and to have to wait for them to confirm my ID

>> No.8668442

You can, but the international shipping prices are criminal!

>> No.8668452

would it be cheaper for me to use the japanese site and brave all the google translate and tenso? I really want holy lantern but I want it securely (and as cheaply as possible) and it's my first time ordering from brand so I'm nervous

>> No.8668458

Anytime there's a popular dress, there's always some special snowflake who feels the need to let the whole world know how much better their tastes are than everyone else's.

>> No.8668463
File: 96 KB, 595x842, hl-us-mto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Germany and US-shipping was about $45, while EMS from Japan with Tenso is 2800 yen ($25). On top of that the US branch always overprizes the dresses: the JSK is $290 without tax in the US and 29,00 yen in Japan (which is $245). If you have $65 to spare you can order from the US.
In my case I'll be hit with custom fees in both cases, but I can probably get away with showing them my Tenso invoice in the Japan-case which will save me another $100.

So Japan it is.

>> No.8668470


Just search the holy lantern special set tags on tumblr you'll find a bunch. It's the same cut

>> No.8668482

you realize that CTP was a MTO when it came out right? it's never going to be release again because of that reason.

>> No.8668488
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>> No.8668489

Dresses that only gained popularity later on never get a rerelease or MTO. Holy Lantern and Cosmic were popular since the day they were announced and AP got spammed with messages right after releases. Nobody really cared for CTP when it came out as an MTO and only got popular long after like Honey Cake. Honey Cake has a high resale value but it was sitting in stores when it came out so AP will never rerelease it.

>> No.8668490
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>> No.8668491
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There are a couple for you, anon

>> No.8668494
File: 91 KB, 500x625, tumblr_nw3evcJiYE1qiareho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is plus-sized, too

>> No.8668499
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>> No.8668515

I like this idea with the holy cross cutsew OP but I'm not sure if it looks dumb or not. I'll have to try this with mine.

>> No.8668551

actually, holy lantern took a while to sell out. it didnt sell out immediately. you dont know what youre talking about.

>> No.8668555

I thought I was just using a wonky yen to dollar converter... are the dresses really cheaper from AP's site compared to US?

>> No.8668557

Yes. AP USA probably has to pay import taxes

>> No.8668563

Oh thank god. I wanted to get the full set but couldn't afford it from AP USA. Looks like I'm going with the Japanese site.

>> No.8668565

Anon are you high as fuck

>> No.8668587

Is there ever a reason for a brand NOT to do made-to-orders?

>> No.8668597
File: 443 KB, 500x333, 2807005801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man.
Anyone know how long it took till they sold out?
>tfw I get paid on the 22nd

>> No.8668602

It loses its exclusivity, that's really the only reason I can think of. Also I'm not sure if brands could handle constant large waves of orders.

>> No.8668617
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Don't forget the best example

>> No.8668621

This is a hot mess

>> No.8668641
File: 370 KB, 800x450, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fe93178e3339ee31af257fb1e24be63b5%2Ftumblr_nw6ub5S67J1sxsd1uo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you guys.

This one you can see gold or silver chain straps

>> No.8668643
File: 337 KB, 480x854, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fdccbf7d9673cc847c7cd1a1ee847e966%2Ftumblr_nw6ub5S67J1sxsd1uo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a photo of the gold with the pleather strap.

>> No.8668644
File: 353 KB, 800x450, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9cf297ee8b86840fb9debe265a6cd3f8%2Ftumblr_nw6ub5S67J1sxsd1uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is of the two side by side in shit lighting

>> No.8668645
File: 342 KB, 480x854, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F24759bfe324cf25862a790a6107ef6d3%2Ftumblr_nw6ub5S67J1sxsd1uo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the silver bag.

>> No.8668647

Not only is she a brand ita, she's also annoying. She manages to aesthetically ruin every dress she buys, even if she can't fully zip them up when she wears them.

>> No.8668651

Your doing god's work, thank you!

>> No.8668653


>> No.8668655

Let's not kill a thread by making a new Holy Lantern thread and move the discussion to >>8666491 instead.

>> No.8668667

fuck off

>> No.8668670

> scalpers

That's not scalping.

>> No.8668672

What the fuck anon, they were just pointing it out because we're hitting bump limit. Who peed in your RHS?

>> No.8668675

Who knows, but maybe the online store isn't subject to such limits. There's a post in the archives about a Chinese SS that bought 60 boxes altogether of Melty Berry and Cherry Marguerite.

>> No.8668677

Why so salty anon? We don't need 3 threads floating around. Why not recycle? :^)

>> No.8668679


>> No.8668688

ayy lmao :^)

>> No.8668802

Ye boi no problem

>> No.8668803

>buy the dress last weekend for retail
>list it for $700+

Sorry you fell for it, but it is scalping.

>> No.8668845

Would I save on shipping if I ordered together with a friend?

>> No.8668926

This. I regret not buying it earlier, even secondhand for a bit over priced. But not like $600+ That's nuts.

>> No.8668947


>> No.8668998

>2 of the dresses on my wishlist
I kinda like the look of this

>> No.8670065

I am Chinese and not Japanese, but 姓 means surname and 名 means given name in ching chong, so maybe it would be the same for moonspeak.

>> No.8671070

there's a similar cutsew shirt. it's probably that, not the OP.