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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 71 KB, 960x702, 1442823237677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8663168 No.8663168 [Reply] [Original]

old thread a kill >>8657176

>> No.8663178
File: 89 KB, 480x640, Florence's Medicine Chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really cute and will be up for reservation soon

>> No.8663188

>using this pic
don't surprise us like that anon, gosh
>tfw am so fucking ready for Favorite Ribbon

>> No.8663198

my body is so ready for this release. I'm getting the Doris JSK + hat + tights but im not sure about the colourway.. but the ivory looks nice.

>> No.8663200


Oh no,
The apothecary drawer bodice. All those tiny medicine bottles. I wanted to hate this. My bank account needed me to hate this.

>> No.8663211

I love this except the print

Who else is horrified at the theme? Imagine trying to find drug themed jewelry

>> No.8663285

>drug themed jewelry
Amazing. I hope they release some.

>> No.8663305

What is so great about this dress? The design is so mediocre. I feel like people only want it because it has Misako's name attached to it.

>> No.8663307

Morphine pills for earrings, old style cocaine bottle necklace.

>> No.8663342

Gulls, when using an SS, do you ever ask them to marked down the value of your package? How much do you usually mark it down? I'm about to make a large order, but I really don't want to pay an additional 100+ on my package.

>> No.8663358

Almost every SS does it by default. I'd just send them an email beforehand if I wasn't certain, though.

>> No.8663361

I always ask- no point in using them otherwise (majority of the time). I've had large boxes marked as 900-2500 yen used clothes with no issue before and taobao SS often mark my order as $15. Depends on your country for actually scrutinising declarations.

>> No.8663560

Trying to buy something on yahoo auctions and I saw this in the description: 発送
Does the seller mean that cash on delivery is an option or does she mean that this is the preferred method of payment?

>> No.8663569

I had an SS ask me how much to mark it once and SS are usually pretty comfortable as declaring the package at whatever amount but the amount limits how much insurance you can get. So if you live in an area where packages often go missing, you might not want to mark it down. If you live in a safe area with high customs fees, it's a good idea.

>> No.8663577

Is that the whole text? Nothing else? I assume they would specify that you can choose the payment method, because with just that, I see no reason to think that it's an "option", nor a "preferred method of payment", just straight up how you're supposed to pay. I can type a question for you in japanese if you have any way of contacting the seller, although first it'd be good if you pasted more of the text if there's any more info provided.

>> No.8663597


Yoooooo the JSK here is so cute. When I saw the OP modeled at the show the print and cut looked hideous.

Probably a wish list dress, holding out for the chocolate strawberry print I also saw at the show.

>> No.8663598

The original comment was all it said in the shipping section, I think. This is the complete description:






Thanks, Anon.

>> No.8663613

I agree. The blue robe, I would kill for. But My favorite ribbon isn't that cute at all

>> No.8663619

Well, the seller is saying that you can ask questions if there's anything you're unsure of. Everything else doesn't say anything about the shipping. Anyway, here's something you could send them:
I recommend asking if your shopping service accepts cash-on-delivery first, before sending this question.

>> No.8663623
File: 89 KB, 480x640, Btssb X Misako Favorite Ribbon stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That color is disgusting but it's my holy grail dress in blue.
You have to look at the small detail shots to really get it.
the fabric has small little bows all over.

>> No.8663634

Okay, thanks so much, Anon!

>> No.8663841

Hey gulls, I was up late last night and had an idea that I would like some opinions on.

Due to life circumstances I haven't been able to work for a while, and wont be for at least 6 more months and its killing me. Well, I thought about going through all the stuff lying around my house to sell (most of it is my deceased grandmothers collection of pottery/tea sets/mirrors/antique things) and I thought maybe it would be neat to remake all these things into new, clean, lolita-esq deco items?

I have a literal basement and 3 rooms full of it. Would anyone be interested in something along the lines of that? Or was this just a bored lolis stupid idea.

>> No.8663851

Can I ask some dumb FromJapan questions?

Like do I bid in yen amounts? or USD?

>※ Even with the above selection made, we shall retain any invoice for this sale from the seller. Additionally, we shall dispose of any leaflets, catalogs, etc included in the shipment. If you wish to receive the original item receipt, or included leaflets, cards, etc then please let us know via the contact form before the items arrival and we shall organize for these to be retained.

※ If you select to keep the sellers original packing, this may increase the size and weight of your shipment. Please take into account that this may increase the shipping cost of your shipment.

This is my first time doing this - but how much would shipping increase for something like this? and what's the average weight of one lolita dress anyway? Are they heavy? Total newfag and I only have one dress but it doesn't seem that heavy, even with all the lining.

(Sorry I've only ever used TaobaoRing and the like, I've never bid on any Japanese sites.)

>> No.8663855

Try to sell it as-is first, people pay a lot for that stuff in original condition. Also check each piece to assess it's value in case you are holding something really good and make sure you get a good price.

>> No.8663899

speak for yourself, pink x brown is one of my favorite color combos
agreed about the small details though

>> No.8663924

>Like do I bid in yen amounts? or USD?
You bid in yen. I believe if you are bidding on Y! Japan, it's required that you place a deposit. You enter the amount of yen you want transfer and it will convert automatically. I always enter more than my max bid because there's a 200 yen + 5% fee. For Mbok and other shopping orders, I don't think you need a deposit, you can just pay with card or Paypal.

> but how much would shipping increase for something like this?
I have no idea, since I've never asked them to keep it, but I feel like it wouldn't increase much if it's just paper? I just like for them to condense it as much as possible.

>and what's the average weight of one lolita dress anyway? Are they heavy?
Fururun has a nice little chart for average lolita dress weights, so scroll down here: http://www.fururun.com/index-e.html

It really depends on the material. A velvet dress is going to weigh a lot more than a cotton dress. If you ship one dress, it'll probably between 2,000 to 3,500 yen. My most expenive package was at 12,920 yen, and it was like three jumperskirts (one of them was Gather Chiffon, which is pretty heavy), two headbows and some gloves.

Two main items will probably be upwards of 5,000 yen, and three will be upwards of 5,000.

Hope that helps!

>> No.8663928

*whoops sorry, three is upwards of around 7,000

>> No.8663971

When will AP USA finally ship out the Holy Lantern dresses??

>> No.8663975
File: 37 KB, 432x403, Men in Frills 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pink x brown is one of my favorite color combos
My nigga. Neapolitan colours a best.

>> No.8663976

Good fucking question. Sometime soon hopefully.

>> No.8663984

I hate what FromJapan did to their site. Looks horrible and ease of use has gone down dramatically.

>> No.8663989

Hey thanks, you're very informative!

>> No.8663999

Yeah people are more likely to pay for it as it is (maybe wouldn't hurt to clean anything dirty), than to pay for it after you've tried to deco them up.

>> No.8664012

I hate the brown ribbon.
The change is design is ugly af sorry.
Original Ribbon design is 100% nicer. If it just said Baby, the Stars Shine Bright without all the weird checkerboard shit id like it a lot more I guess

>> No.8664022

Has anyone noticed the brand name insert in the print? They added Baby as one of the ingredient drawers.
"Ah yes for this medicine I'll need a dash of roses, some cypress and a pinch of baby..."

I just wish they used the bottle part of the print for the skirt... just the drawers looks plain and boring.

>> No.8664029
File: 290 KB, 720x1018, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is all my hopes and dreams in a print - colour, motifs, etc. But the cuts are so ugly and the accessories uninspired (seriously, just a regular rectangle headdress and no mini witch hat or burando cat eats?)
I was really hoping for a round collar bustle JSK like they did for Brass band cat.

>> No.8664034

do you ever feel like you're too ugly for lolita?

>> No.8664040

Sometimes, but it won't stop me from trying. I also look better in wigs/lenses/lolita makeup than I do without.

>> No.8664042

yeah, but then i slap some make up and contacts on and it's good again

what makes you feel ugly though? root it out and work on that feature specifically

>> No.8664082
File: 222 KB, 360x420, 110530081809-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cape has cat ears.

>> No.8664083

Is Meta going to switch over to Tenso like AP? Browsing the site for the new release and there's a link in the sidebar.

>> No.8664084

I am going to do that with the stuff that is branded, but most of what I am talking about repainting is single pieces of pottery and dishware.

Side-note I found 6 tea sets from japan made in the 1930s/40s and they are super cool.

>> No.8664106

I really love the print but I feel like the cuts are super meh. Plus the print just looks so busy when it's actually on a dress too.

>> No.8664107

There are other issues that concern me much more. Ugliness isn't one of them.

>> No.8664115

that wasn't pretentious at all lmao

>> No.8664126

The theme is the best part, anon

>> No.8664130

My body was not ready to see this at 8:30 in the morning.

If I end up not being able to deal with the any of the cuts, I'm just going to alter it. I don't feel bad doing that to Meta.

>> No.8664132
File: 19 KB, 307x212, 1444509010808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664133

The OP is really cute though. And what's wrong with the accessories, are you not usually into meta stuff?

>> No.8664139

Grrrl, have you seen what most lolitas look like? I feel like a goddess in this fashion.

Look for pics of other lolitas on sites besides here. /cgl/ isn't an accurate representation of what girls in the fashion look like over all since we generally repost the best dressed and pretty girls, unless the thread specifically calls for bad looking ones. If you are ugly, you'll feel like you belong and if you're not that bad looking you'll feel like a model in comparison.

>> No.8664141

She said the accessories are boring. They kind of are. Come on Meta, where is my SS Nazi Librarian Hat with Cat Ears?

>> No.8664154

You might like to coord with these in the green colorway! They feel witchy IMO

>> No.8664184

I like your attitude.

>> No.8664223

So cute!

>> No.8664274


I doubt it.

But a few weeks back I emailed them asking if it was okay for me to send the items to Tenso, just in case there were any issues. My guess is they probably thought it'd be a good idea to put up a Tenso banner to indicate that they can ship items to Tenso, especially if other lolitas have been emailing them.

>> No.8664291
File: 114 KB, 503x398, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of e-fame thirsty lolitas, she's not even trying to hide it.

>> No.8664301

i was at RuffleCon, i did not see this. why are you posting something a month old anyway?

>> No.8664324

Not a lolita. Into Jfash. Yes she is the e-fame. Don't hate the player hate the game.

>> No.8664343

Are there any lolita/loliable aliexpress or ebay shops for accessories and dresses? I know it's a long shot but just wondering if anyones found any diamonds in the rough

>> No.8664367

Infanta has an official Aliexpress store, that's all I know though

>> No.8664390

She is not efame. She begs for money and plays the pity party game.

>> No.8664493
File: 57 KB, 558x872, 11059915_452902201549044_4429561033245723776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My inner 13-year old is screaming for this h.Naoto x Disney collab

>> No.8664528


am i just being paranoia-chan or do all of these posts/some of these posts sound similar in writing style lol

>> No.8664542

So I only just started regularly dressing in lolita this year, and now winter is coming up in the northern hemisphere. I'm just wondering how the heck do you guys keep your butts from freezing off? Do you wear thermal tights underneath your regular ones? Special thermal butt-warming bloomers? Should I fork out the dough for a long, aristo-length coat?

I wear mostly gothic so I'm thinking maybe I'll just switch to like, plain black wool tights or something for the winter and just wear knee-height boots but I'm still worried about my actual ass area. Seems like the skirt and petticoat leaves that area exposed to the cold. Maybe I'll knit some wool bloomers, heh.

>> No.8664550

Yeah. Kinda tame for a Halloween release, I think. I was expecting more themed accessories rather than that - cat ears on a cape isn't really out there

>> No.8664552

A cute coat or two is definitely a must. I also switch from OTKs to fleece-lined leggings and cozy socks (hidden by boots). IIRC Classical Puppets also makes "winter" petticoats that are lined.

>> No.8664556

I'm eyeing a winter coat from Moitie right now. How much should I be under the listed measurements for it to fit? I'm worried I'll be too big for it even though I fit into brand. The listed measurements seem a bit unreasonable for a winter coat!

>> No.8664562

What kind of coat is best? Or just anything warm will suffice? Like between a thick cape or waist length coat or skirt length or long length, is any one of those specifically more efficient?

>> No.8664649

who gives a fuck

>> No.8664660

Are you mad someone caught you samefagging to bring attention to yourself? If not you need to chill out anon

>> No.8664679

i am the second anon quoted. the last two use weird constructions of "efame" but otherwise you may be paranoid, yes.

>> No.8664683

Anyone has an idea when favorite ribbon might be coming out?

>> No.8664685
File: 55 KB, 600x450, CQ4pxJbUwAEbV8T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same anon, same.

>> No.8664721

Your paranoid and annoying>>8664660
Not even same fagging. I'm the last mention.

>> No.8664792
File: 254 KB, 360x420, 120530060039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got my Little Squirrel OP today, and I am absolutely in love with it. The only small problem is that as soon as I took it out of the bag, a piece of the brooch fell off. When I took a closer look I found that the most pieces of the brooch had been hot glued together. this really took me by surprise because obviously the dress is high quality, why would they go and use something like hot glue? It'll be easy to fix at least.

Just thought I'd give fair warning to those purchasing the dress to be easy with the brooch.

>> No.8664897

Meta as just been emptying my bank account for weeks. I think I've wanted every release they've had since Dark Knight Guardian.

> Maybe mini-JSK in emerald will stick for awhile

>> No.8664906

How is the quality of Q-pot jewelry? Considering its price tag if its just costume tier I'll pass on buying anything from them.

>> No.8664957

I believe it's all 14k gold plated

>> No.8665042

What dresses have fur on the bottom or around the neck?
Little Squirrel and SDD are recent examples of this, but are there many others?
I ask because I love those dresses because of the fur detailing.

>> No.8665061


If the tea sets are Noritake you could be sitting on a goldmine

>> No.8665080

What are the chances of disney's latest alice/baby collab series going on sale? I ask because I've noticed they've put the accessories for the dreamy luna collab on sale. And so far only the tights/headbow have sold out.

>> No.8665122
File: 203 KB, 576x1024, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fcd1dcbfdbda4c986a7edced629fa4f6a%2Ftumblr_nuthccXqMc1qbuhibo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so did I just miss this release or what because I haven't heard jack shit about it

>> No.8665176

Dreamy Jewel. It hasn't been released yet, but it was in the latest Kera and Spoon before that.

>> No.8665180

I'm interested in a Bunny House petti, the reviews I've seen about them are very good; but those are just first impressions.
I wanna know if they last a good while or deflate after the first few wears.
Also, I found their FB but I am unsure how to order from them.
Do I send a message to their FB or do they have a formal shop somewhere?

>> No.8665184
File: 1.86 MB, 5608x1752, disney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got autistic and made a chart of dresses that tie in with disney princesses that aren't just general fairytale prints.

>> No.8665188

Oh wait, wait. I see the form now.
Forget that part.

I'd still like to know about their life span, though.

>> No.8665192

>forgetting Beauty and the Rose Promise

>> No.8665218

I've had one for six months, worn several times under heavy cotton dresses. It spent the last three months stuffed in a drawer and it's still about the same. I have heard that they do deflate eventually as the material loses stiffness, but I'm pretty sure they still last longer than tulle.

>> No.8665232

That release falls under the general fairytale print category since it isn't a collab, isn't based on any of belle's dresses and doesn't have a disney print.

>> No.8665268

Crap 1 day left in the auction. Anyone know?

>> No.8665273

>That godawful Tangled print.

I don't care if it's precious burando - It's a straight up children's Disney costume.

>> No.8665283

I completely agree. It makes me sad because Rapunzel is my favorite princess too. I can only hope a better collab comes around one day.

>> No.8665318

yeah, but then I look in the ita thread and then make myself feel like I put enough wig/lenses/makeup on to make me feel better

>> No.8665340

I would buy any wearables if you put them on LM. Antique jewelry and bags would be way more loliable than the normie shit I've seen some idiots post there

>> No.8665362

But it's not general, it's specifically from BatB. If you're going to only do collabs and ones you think look like their dresses then you're missing a shit ton of pieces that are all specific to one story. That looks less costumey too. The yellow Belle one looks like a cosplay despite being brand. The one you chose for Aurora doesn't seem to be based off her at all.

>> No.8665378

You'll want a few extra cm at the bare minimum. You need ample room if you want to be able to button it comfortably, especially if you want to wear a cardigan or anything else underneath.

>> No.8665426
File: 66 KB, 490x304, Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 9.38.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this email from MM. Looks like we're getting our dresses in late October if we're lucky.

>> No.8665456


>> No.8665459

This is coming from AP's Ameblo blog: http://ameblo.jp/ap-onlineshop/entry-12084069238.html

>> No.8665462


think the people who gave money to scalpers are kicking themselves?

>> No.8665464

am I reading correctly that there's a pink color?

>> No.8665465
File: 451 KB, 595x842, pop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna drop this here

>> No.8665471

I'm excited but another part of me is just screaming "LET IT DIE" because I'm getting so sick of seeing it.
>Still gonna try and get an OP

>> No.8665477

oh my god

>> No.8665481

I can't afford this right now. I need that original JSK tho...and the bag. Fuck.

>> No.8665485

I am so excited I am vibrating. I snagged the skirt with the first re-release and was utterly blown away with how amazing it was. Now the zipper jsk will be mine and the bow I missed the last time

>> No.8665486

Yup, Ivory, Pink, Lavender, Wine, and Black colorways.

>> No.8665487

I notce they have the new black colorway, but what about the new navy one? I'd kill for the navy in the zipper cut, I think... but there's no preview at all of that colorway :(

>> No.8665489

Not this shit again

>> No.8665491

>zipper jsk
Welp, bye money, it was nice knowing you.

>> No.8665492

Is it a MTO or just reservation?

>> No.8665494


>> No.8665495

They aren't bringing bAck the navy colorway, anon

>> No.8665496

MTO with no reservation limits

hell yes

>> No.8665498

wait wait wait does this mean PINK OP

>> No.8665499

>they're doing the zipper jsk

Ouch, bet that annoys the people who settled for the non-zip jsk last release.
>also dat bat baggums <3

>> No.8665502

Is that bat bag gonna be included in the MTO as well? Because hot damn if it is!

>> No.8665503

>wait i'm new
>MTO for how long?!

>> No.8665504

so since this is gonna be an MTO what would be a worthwhile color to get? between the wine and black colorway. I'm guessing wine? I like both equally so I don't care which one I have, so I guess I just want to put my money towards the one that will be more coveted lol

>> No.8665506


between 10/17 - 10/25

lavender is most popular, then wine and not sure where the new black sits

>> No.8665508

But is it actually a make to order? It does not say order production anywhere (confused)

>> No.8665510

mte exactly...

>> No.8665514

Yesssss bat bag! I'm all about that

>> No.8665515

I can't lie, I'm honestly happy to see it being released again. This dress is a dream item for so many that now maybe finally everyone who wants it will have a decent chance of getting it, without having to pay $500+ for the damn thing.

>> No.8665516

I'm not going to lie I just started sobbing I'm so excited about this

>> No.8665518

Does this mean the Chinese lolitas went postal about not getting it the last time?

>> No.8665520

I kind of want pink zipper jsk.

>> No.8665521

That is the colorway I really wanted too.
Ah well, saving money... I guess.

But I am tempted by the white

>> No.8665529

>tfw you're deciding between
>red op
>lav op
>pink op
>pink zipper jsk
>and you only have money for one

>> No.8665531

IKR?? there's an anon selling their navy skirt set in the BST which I'm kind of tempted by but i also kind of want the jsk in lavender... decisions

>> No.8665540
File: 106 KB, 266x500, pour-one-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the poor girls that bought it for super scalped prices after the last release.

>> No.8665541

Thank you for this! There's Haenuli's Dreaming Cinderella as well. There's some other Disney related ones like Maleficent if you want to go x2 autisms and do villains as well.

>> No.8665550

>tfw you got your first ever sought-after dress and then they MTO it

Time to go back to mediocre, wardrobe....

>> No.8665552

If it's going to be a MTO, is it ok for tall lolitas?

Holy Lantern is a short dress ffs.

>> No.8665553

The new release is 10cm longer; you should be good.

>> No.8665557

I hope AP US is going to be doing the MTO order because I'm using one of my credit cards that the Japanese website doesn't accept.

>> No.8665559

Did you buy it because you liked it, or did you buy it just so you could show it off?

>> No.8665560

Do you need an SS for MTOs, or can you order like a regular intl. order from the JP site?

>> No.8665562

First time doing a MTO so I wanna know...how exactly is it gonna work?
Just go to the site and buy it and they'll send it out when it's done or is it more complicated than that?

>> No.8665563

I bought it because I wanted it since the first release, so I'll definitely still enjoy it, but I was having fun with the idea of having a rare dress.

>> No.8665565

jsk is short as fuck, probably would look cute with black detailed underskirt though
op will depend on what length they decide to use

>> No.8665576

yeah I know lavender is the most popular but it just doesn't really go with my wardrobe, as cute as it is too. so I guess wine zipper jsk it is then!

I also feel bad for the people who just bought the other JSK cut with the last release, but really wanted the zipper cut instead, but don't have the money for this release, lol.

>> No.8665577

In fairness anon I have popular prints from previous MTOs that are still generally regarded as desired and rare. You have to understand that the dress will likely still be popular/desired because the people buying will be less likely to resell.

I didn't see the price drop for my items by much. Granted I can't get $600+ for some of them anymore, but it's still comfortably above retail in the $400-$500 range.

>> No.8665580

I could do an SS who would accept my Paypal but I imagine all the ones I know are probably already bogged down by the mad rush of people. Or not, suppose it doesn't hurt to ask.

Individual SS's can be tricky because there's often a purchase limit.

>> No.8665582

Oh and also yes you can order from the japanese website. Just make an account with them and sign up on tenso.

>> No.8665584

The Japanese website says they accept Tenso, so...does that include reservations? (Google translate isn't being very helpful). I would hate to order this dress only to miss out cause I didn't follow the rules e.e

>> No.8665585

Do you guys think that AP USA will handling MTO reservations as well?
Or will Chibitenshi be my best bet for a MTO?

>> No.8665586

Is there a limit on main pieces?

I don't really understand the translation


こちらはOnline Shopのルールとなります。

>> No.8665588

I don't even really like this print or have anything that would work in a coord with it, but I have the money and kind of like the zipper jsk. Do you guys think it would be worth the time and effort to try to get it? I wouldn't ever scalp anything, I would maybe wear it once or twice.

I typically wear classic, I have a lot of offwhite accessories and shoes, the only black top I have is a lace bolero. Should I do this? And what SS should I use if I do (I always buy secondhand, I was afraid of the cost of a SS)

>> No.8665589

Are there pictures of the pink colorway swatches?

>> No.8665593

I love the JSK because of the bodice design with the front zippers and the corsage shape to cover my boobs. Not a fan of the OP.

>> No.8665594

Why even bother if you're not actually that into the print.

>> No.8665596

Yes I bet that zipper JSK looks great in pink.

>> No.8665600

pink x black with gold accents from the zippers

>> No.8665602

Because the zipper jsk is so unique looking. It's way more edgy than anything I own, and I do like the wine and lavender colors. I am just afraid that I'll look ita since I don't have any religious or Gothic looking jewelry/ accessories

>> No.8665608

Can someone tell me what the two prices mean?
Is it a before and after tax thing or what?

>> No.8665614

yep, top price is with tax and bottom is without.

>> No.8665618

Alright, thanks.

>> No.8665624

Yeah, I want it but in a way I don't.
>credit card can't handle it
>sold off the majority of my goth stuff
>crosses on it when I don't care for their symbolism

I think I'll get the bag and be satisfied with that.

>> No.8665627


someone is already trying to tell a made-to-order skirt? wtf?

>> No.8665630
File: 53 KB, 600x652, 488329-5175-2015-10-14436325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got so confused i typo-ed.

i'm crying at this proof photo

>> No.8665631

given that they're from hong kong, maybe the english is just shit and they meant the reason they're selling the skirt is because the MTO is happening?
idk, why would she specify worn once, etc if she was trying to sell the MTO

>> No.8665633

As long as you like the print and cut then go for it. You can always buy stuff to go with it. Just don't get something you don't really care for or are ehhh about.

>> No.8665636

I like the print but it's not my usual style. I kind of want to get it just to wear a few times then resell, since it's easily available for now, but will it still be going for above retail after getting an MTO? (I'd probably be selling after next halloween, most likely)

>> No.8665638


Wtf is that shit.
>Worn once and cleaned. Still perfect condition.

What? Are they gonna wear the skirt once and then send it to the buyer??
Or do they have the skirt and they just wanna replace it with the new one when it arrives????

>> No.8665643

I'm just happy that all the scalpers are fucked now. Feels so good to know that people who actually want the print are going to get it!

>> No.8665646

That proof photo... Lmao. Why would you guarantee buyers your stuff will be dirty

I agree, she isn't trying to sell the MTO, just the skirt she already had

>> No.8665650

Just adding to the nooblet questions.
Is it just the bat bag? Are they doing the pouch bag too?

>> No.8665651

and that those who gave money to scalpers will feel dumb as hell now for not waiting a couple weeks

>> No.8665656

People and their damn animals I swear. Why don't some people understand that proof pics with ANIMALS isn't appropriate?

>> No.8665657

I wondered this as well, kind of.
Will things even go for retail after an MTO? I don't want to make a profit, just don't want to be stuck with something I can't sell or have to take a big loss on to sell in a couple years

>> No.8665664


Someone trying to get in one last hail mary to see if they can get that profit.

>> No.8665672

>no feedback
>no proof photos
>vague description

Hah, they wouldn't be getting anyone to buy that regardless.

>> No.8665675

Same here. From the comments on lolita updates, it's apparent that there are people who want it but can't pay for it right now, so there will still be people in the market for it in the future.

>> No.8665677

I still see misty sky stuff going for above retail prices. dunno if it's still up there but last night on yja I saw a pink misty sky jsk going for 120,000 yen. someone said it earlier in the thread but while prices should go down slightly, there's still going to be tons of people who don't get it this time around and also tons of people who are going to hold on to their dresses and not sell. also consider that certain people are more willing to fork out certain prices for certain dresses - you may not be able to sell it for 800 dollars but you probably could still sell it above retail? more if it's a set, too.

>> No.8665679

I think Holy Latern will catch at least retail for a while.

>> No.8665682

misty sky wasn't MTO though, it was only rereleased

>> No.8665685

Get lavender OP.

>> No.8665689

sorry to add to the noob questions but how should one go about making a reservation for this? since all the shopping services are probably filled up. I know there's tenso but I've never used that - I guess now is a good time to figure it out. could I use from japan's shopping proxy service?

>> No.8665692

It sounds like there's only a limit for instore based on each shops rules. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.8665696
File: 51 KB, 150x431, unnamed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the xl a year ago and it started out good, but deflated after 6 months. Pic related is what it looks like now. It's pretty light to medium poof now

>> No.8665698

if it's MTO, I don't know why people are freaking out about needing a SS. make a tenso account. during the reservation period, buy it with your card. use the tenso address. there you go. you're done.

>> No.8665710

>use your card
AP doesn't accept Discover.

>> No.8665713

that jsk that went for the 120k yen was the rarer first release jsk though right

>> No.8665714

help me gulls, I'm about to make some very bad life decisions because of this MTO

>tfw want it so bad but this part of the year is when I'm lowest in cash
>tfw could use my savings for it, but that is basically my emergency fund

>> No.8665716

can't you get a temporary or prepaid card or are those not accepted either?

>> No.8665717

If you buy it, sell some pieces to replace some of the money spent.

>> No.8665719

Do you have a credit card? That's what most people do rather than touch savings.

>> No.8665724

I don't see how it would work because I thought a name and an address had to match what's on the card. I've never heard of anyone doing that and being successful, although I'd be interested to hear how someone did it if anyone ITT has.

>> No.8665727

this is gonna sound really weird and like i'm 12, but i don't have any ID that they would accept for their verification thing. i don't drive so i don't have a license. i have a passport but it's recently expired and i haven't gotten the chance to renew it.

asking again, can i use from japan's shopping service for the mto?

>> No.8665731

Sorry for the noob questions but... they can't run out right? I don't get paid till the 23rd and I'd rather order after that. I know it shouldn't matter since it's MTO but I'm a little terrified that they'll close it early unexpectedly.

>> No.8665732

I want to get the OP so badly but I feel like it's going to be way too short on me. Can anyone who owns it tell me how it falls on them? I'm 169cm tall.

>> No.8665735

could close early, it happened with the melty berry princess MTO last time
but i think AP would've set a very high limit considering how far away the release date is and how many people must've contacted them to make this happen

>> No.8665740

So just to confirm, I can use my AP account with Tenso for the MTO right?

Hot damn I have been regretting not getting the zipper JSK since it came out, but now I have to decide... black or white. Ugh. That bat bag tho, yes yes YES.

>> No.8665746

Are you selling an ivory jsk or is it just someone who looks like you? I was looking at a listing for it earlier today and thought about buying but can't remember what the dress was

>> No.8665748

Just get Chibitenshi to do it.

>> No.8665751

This'll be on APUSA right?

>> No.8665752

What kind of ID does tenso require? And how do they verify/ how do you submit? I was thinking about getting one just for this MTO

>> No.8665756

People have asked on the fb page-no response yet.

>> No.8665757

Nah that's not me.

>> No.8665759

What accessories should I get to help with maintaining the value later on? Is just the headbow enough or do people expect tights and a bag? Sorry for the stupid questions, I just am nervous after seeing how little some good condition jsk's cost on LM, some are under 100

>> No.8665762

Does anyone know whether meta releases their stuff in store at the same time as online? I want this, but I'm going to Japan the week after they release it so could potentially buy it in store.

>> No.8665765

The headbow and usually the OTKs or tights. That's what is called a "set."

The bag is almost always sold separate.

>> No.8665769

I doubt HL will ever be under $100, anon. I'd buy the bow and the OTKs/tights if you want to be sure to sell it for a decent price later on, but buy it only because you want it, not because you want to sell it for a profit.

>> No.8665770

assuming AP usa gets the mto, would anyone be interested in a SS for that? to avoid tenso or customs or whatever.

>> No.8665779

You're confused anon.
You don't need a tenso account to order from AP US. They are literally in the USA.

>> No.8665782

Another anon said it's going to be 10cm longer

>> No.8665785

I think they meant to deal with fees on AP JP's site. However it should still be cheaper even with fees tacked onto the JP site order because of the exchange rate, and AP USA usually marks up their stuff a little (e.g. 30000yen JSK or OP for $310USD on AP USA)

And the shipping fees from AP USA to other parts of the world are astronomical I hear, so it may be better to just buy from the JP site.

>> No.8665790

That'd be amazing if it were true, ugh.

>> No.8665793

Can anyone confirm if it is going to be in AP USA or not? Has AP USA offered MTO items in the past? Hell, I don't even know if AP in general has even offered MTO. Does anyone have a fucking clue?

>> No.8665794

Does anyone know the arm circumference for the HL OP?

>> No.8665795


Is anyone else angry with AP making it MTO? They knew it was going to be a popular rerelease in the first place but they chose not to go with MTO for what reason? Honestly feels they rereleased to generate some hype so there'd be a bunch of people disappointed they didnt get it and hence more people would order the dress. Especially them releasing the zipper jsk now that wasnt in the initial rerelease... Just seems like they dont actually care about the customer base.

>> No.8665797

I know APUSA had Cherry Marguerite MTO and Melty Berry Princess, not sure about the others.

>> No.8665799

Just stfu. If they didn't care they wouldn't make a MTO or even the re-release in the first place.

>> No.8665800
File: 99 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nw2qi5yi1R1qb33hgo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, but it looks longer here?

>> No.8665803

wtf is this girl a midget or something?? the 2015 release was the same length as the 2013, 79cm..

>> No.8665804

They're sneaky shits and I agree that they're generating hype, but at the same time I'm happy for the MTO and SUPER happy about them including the bag. I don't think I've ever seen a bag released with an MTO before...?

I wish AP would just switch to reservation-style like most other brands, but oh well.

>> No.8665807

I feel like I recognize this girl. isn't she the same one that bought little prince or w/e from haenuli and it was ridiculously proportioned on her?

>> No.8665808

What the fuck it's actually cute at this length.

>> No.8665816

AP USA has been consistently offering MTOs alongside AP JP's releases such as the aforementioned berry prints, Dream Marine, Celestial, etc., so it is very likely that they will for Holy Lantern as well.

>> No.8665831

The re-release was probably to test the waters to see how many still wanted it. I don't think you understand how flakey most lolitas are. In surveys and general they're all like "I will totally buy this and that and also this" and then at the end of it there are so many unsold items left.

>> No.8665846

>Wasn't interested in the rerelease
>Still Bought Lavender High Waist JSK
>Now deciding if I should get the zipper one

I am really happy for the gulls and Chinese who managed to make this happen for them, considering that it is a popular release. As much as I want to get the zipper JSK, I am sad to have to skip out on this.

A preorder for my boyfriend's Christmas came up so, I will have to focus on that instead.

>> No.8665853

I really wish they had just went with a straight up floating lantern print.

>> No.8665862

I only have like 2 main pieces right now... I don't think they'd sell, either. I'm trying to sell some other things but they seem to not be going, I'll have to try an auction site next which I am not happy about :l

no, I only have a debit enabled for online purchases. credit cards are rare over here

>> No.8665875

>doesn't care about the customer base
>does MTO to satisfy unmet demand

nice "logic", anon

>> No.8665884

>2 main pieces
>want to use safety savings
Please only buy it if you can manage to get the money beforehand because you sound new and irresponsible. Besides you will have to wait at least 6 months. That's a long time when you're still building your wardrobe.

>> No.8665907

I'm not actively building it or wearing the fashion outside yet, I'm prioritising actual life necessities, but this is too fucking good. I don't even fucking know if I'd dare wear it outside of the house since I'd be torn up by cgl/anyone else for not coording it well, but I just love the look of the zipper jsk too much. why can't it be holiday season yet...

I'll try to hold myself back but I can't make promises. thanks for being my voice of reason anon, I swear I've never been like this about a fucking dress before

>> No.8665917

that looks navy anyways, which isn't in the MTO

but i agree--why post proof pics of a skirt covered with fur with a cat on top of the item you're selling? people have allergies

>> No.8665918

How soon after? It looks like a reservation so it's not so much a matter of if things will run out but if the reservations will close before you get there. And then the in-store location may not have specific protocols in place for overseas customers to be able to reserve items.

>> No.8665926

holy shit sorry for off topic but that is what 2 of them are? I just googled and holy shit
Thank you anon for making me look into that I am literally stunned oh my god

>> No.8665930

No, she's just really short. I think she is 4ft 11in or something.

>> No.8665942

I pray that you have full sets and not missing some shit saucer that will ruin everything

>> No.8665945

Literal 75 + piece sets

>> No.8665957

>I don't even fucking know if I'd dare wear it outside of the house since I'd be torn up by cgl/anyone else for not coording it well

This is stupid anon. I wear my whole wardrobe in a casual/otome-ish manner and I even dare to post about it on tumblr and nobody ever cared about it. Really, cgl does not nearly care as much as you'd think. And even if you'd be posted in an ita or nitpick thread you'll be forgotten 2 days later. Cgl only cares about trainwrecks and lolcows.

>> No.8665962

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I'm super happy I can get the zipper JSK in red and the bat bag even if I already got the high-waist jsk and I'm happy for all those of us who were not successful.
But on the other hand I'm sad everybody and their dog will have this print, whether they actually like it or not. I fear I might get sick of my dream dress just because I'll be seeing it everywhere. I already fell out of love with my AB headdress because it's become so basic bitch.
Too bad they don't have the blackxblack colorway. I'll be stuck with two wine dresses, when I actually would love to own the black zipper and the red high-waist.

>> No.8665976

>I already fell out of love with my AB headdress because it's become so basic bitch.
Me too anon, me too. Moving on to the horned lizard stuff instead

>> No.8665978

Am I in a time loop?

>> No.8666000

No wait so we can order through Tenso right? Do they mark down package values as well?

>> No.8666045

shit I'm 4'11 too. Do you think people would be willing trade for the 1st release?

>> No.8666047

*willing to trade the OP from the 1st release for the 2nd?

my coherency skills are shit rn sorry

>> No.8666048

Navy had black flocking on it.

>> No.8666067

It fit me really well length wise and I am 178cm. It isn't the shortest dress I own. I think you'll be fine.

>> No.8666071

I think she's just trying to tell people that the 2nd re-release will only be out in March, so buy her skirt instead, and you can receive it now.

>> No.8666091

Why not just sell the high waist JSK and buy the zipper JSK with that?

>> No.8666116


Yes it does. It will ship to tenso like everything else

>> No.8666123

Yeah I was hoping it would be reservation plus normal release, but maybe not. I get there ten days after the reserve release date

>> No.8666162

It might be. You could try e-mailing them, they're pretty good at replying.

>> No.8666170

It's Meta.. They might even hold a set for you if you ask

>> No.8666189

I couldn't choose between the op or the zipper jsk so I got both.
Forgive me bank account.

I want the socks as well, but I'm decently tall and most otks and tights are short for me. Also I still have a hard time justifying $30 for socks that may not fit.
Any tallish girls have input for how AP fits?

>> No.8666192

Which SS are willing to mark down packages? I know it was mentioned a couple of threads ago but I just can't seem to find it

>> No.8666207

Being completely honest with you anon, I'm expecting this dress to still sell for a shit ton second hand even, so I doubt everybody is going to have this print. I'm not going to be able to get it this go round either, so I'm probably going to have to pay high scalped prices if I ever do want it.

>> No.8666212

Potentially dumb question but when are we supposed to pay tenshi for preorder items? Because I've only used her for auctions so far and she always invoiced me after she got the items...

>> No.8666213

Idk about the holy lantern ones specifically, but the few AP otks I have are pretty long. Way, way longer and bigger around than Baby's.

>> No.8666214

I'm a first time customer and I had to input a $100 deposit

>> No.8666216

Thank you for the info! How many items did you order, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.8666218

She will invoice you after the MTO closes and confirmation is received. So you are looking at around the 28th

>> No.8666222

Yeah i've noticed that. IW's and AP's socks stretch really nicely over my knees and up my thighs but god baby's stuff hits mid knee and I'm a short as fuck chinese girl

>> No.8666223
File: 76 KB, 415x365, 1370219011255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spending way more on lolita this year than I planned to, but I can't help myself around flocky and velveteen

>> No.8666224

Wait a second, if it might be one dress per household, then how can they provide service for all of us. Sorry if I sound like a dumbass.

>> No.8666228

Probably getting friends and family to help out and first come first serve?

>> No.8666231

I was actually wondering about this too.

>> No.8666250

Surely if you're ordering through tenso this won't be a problem right? This is the first time I'm doing something like this.

>> No.8666256
File: 74 KB, 480x640, blessing from michael jsk front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, how did i miss this? http://ameblo.jp/s-baby-ap/entry-12063835913.html
I seem to be finding all of my dream dresses for sale 2 months after they've already sold. I'm on the mailing list but didn't hear anything about this. does anyone have anymore info or am I best off just hoping they'll keep rereleasing it to death like gatthered chiffon?

>> No.8666263

I am so salty right now. Won a dress on auctions for a great price and then the seller cancelled the bid because they don't want shopping services? Sorry my gaijin money is not good enough for you.

>> No.8666268


I'm so sorry anon!! Hopefully you can find it at an even better price soon.

>this is why I'm too afraid of bid sites

>> No.8666273

If you email them, it might end up like a sugar bouquet and just get re-released every year.

>> No.8666277

Thank you, anon, but I sincerely doubt it, I've never seen it go for that low (it wasn't a particularly coveted print, just a very good deal). Oh well, I' suppose I have some money set aside for AP's bat bag now.

>> No.8666281

just happened to me too, and the usual "this seller does not deal with proxies" didn't pop up on FJ so i assumed it would be fine
but as you say, good timing because now i have money for holy lantern as well

>> No.8666304

Not that anon but if she bought it on US release there is no way she could make it in time. Reservation ends before people have their rerelease dresses.

>> No.8666306

I thought there were no limits for the MTO?

>> No.8666345

Is placing a reservation with Tenso an issue if your address changes? I really want the Holy Lantern MTO but I'm moving next month. Will Tenso refuse to ship to my new address or anything like that?

>> No.8666357

I was trying to reserve the Margaretha jsk but now it's sold out. I really hope to get it when it's released. Otherwise I'll settle for the Louisa jsk.

>> No.8666359


Have you had a shipment from Tenso before? Your first shipment has to be to the address on the ID you provided. You can change it after that.

>> No.8666369

Ap USA is probably gonna do the rerelease as well and they require no id anon

>> No.8666370

If I wait to get Holy Lantern on the second hand market after MTOs are all shipped out would I still be paying out the ass? Should I just order during the reserve?
>mfw want to buy the zipper jsk but worried a dress I want more than HL will be released and I'll have no money

>> No.8666372

Your best bet is to always order from the reserve. I've never seen a popular print drop below retail secondhand just because of an MTO. You'll likely always be paying above retail or the retail amount with int'l shipping included in the sale price in addition to the secondhand seller's shipping.

>> No.8666374

Meant to reply to underage anon this is why I shouldn't post before 8am

>> No.8666379

Nope, this would be my first time. Thank you, anon! I'll either purchase something small before the reservation if possible, or ask my friend if she could order it for me.

>> No.8666401

My Moitie bat bag got damaged thanks to my mother and there are 4 dent marks in the front of it. They mostly go away after putting the hairdryer over them, but they come back when cooled down. Is there any way to make the marks permanently go away?

>> No.8666407

has anyone had issues with the Holy Lantern Onepiece shoulders fitting? I have 40cm shoulders and I know I probably shouldn't risk it but the op is my favorite cut..

>> No.8666412

so when a dress reservation happens, you reserve the dress and then it will come out at a later date. I know this is MTO, that means the stores won't be stocking anything right?

I'm just wondering, if I will need to reserve all the accessories I want now or if I will be able to get some later? I'm getting a jsk and a ribbon clip with chibitenshi but I'm not sure if I'll want socks and a ribbon clip in black. I guess if I decide I want that I can just reserve through ap usa.

>> No.8666427

:/ can ap fags just make a thread already, Lolita general is so clogged with holy lantern q's

>> No.8666443

Sometimes I feel like getting rid of my lolita stuff even though I don't want to at all and love it because I have no wear to put everything and I don't own my own house/move a bit so it's a huge bother. And it's kind of stressful when you have 30 shoes and they can get damaged so easily, same with bags and everything else really. It would help if I didn't spend all my money on lolita/have so much. How do people here with large wardrobes make do with space/what's your living/space situation like?

>> No.8666459
File: 8 KB, 223x226, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've a room for my lolita now, but still working on it. It's very big so there's no space maximisation going on, just keep buying rolling racks, am ruined if (when) I ever move again.

I moved four months ago, it was stressy but things went ok, the only things I dented were my normfag bags. I used my boyfriends t shirts to wrap all my lolita handbags and rolled them up around the odd shaped ones. I had them packed tight in a moving box that went last, the shoes were in boxes, wrapped, in a bigger box. The dresses were in blue strong rubble bags taped at the bottom, so I didn't get many creases. The movers joked they were transporting chopped up bodies cause they looked like torso's lying there. I had my coats in a blanket storage back wrapped in a quilt, they got a bit creased.

>> No.8666481

I was thinking of making a separate thread for releases in general, actually, since LG threads tend to be clogged by them. I thought people would find it superfluous though, so I didn't

>> No.8666492

you're welcome

>> No.8666512

Somebody already made a thread newfag.

>> No.8666519

I guess that's what I get for not checking the catalog but why was >>8666427 complaining if someone already made one then?

>> No.8666527

Because it was made just right after. Jesus, check the time stamps.

>> No.8666550

I'm 172cm/72 kg so I'm quite a lot larger than the target demographic. My Castle Mirage tights fit me very well. They don't look distorted either. My tip is to wear cheerleading briefs over the tights so they don't sag down on you.

>> No.8666562

I never understood why there wasn't one. I know there's the update group on FB, but they also have general lolita discussions groups on FB too and that doesn't stop lolita general threads here.

>> No.8666582

not to sound rude, but there's always so many dumb questions whenever there's a popular release. i'm appalled that there are so many gulls asking the same questions release after release on how to do something simple like order from AP's site. i guess we all start somewhere but gdi

>> No.8666587

How about making a pastebin answering the basic questions? That's how it is in the other boards.

>> No.8666589

that's not a bad idea. I've answered a couple questions here and in the new release thread, but a document of some kind with answers to basic questions that people could refer to would work.

>> No.8666621


We've never needed one. I've been through DDC, Celestial, Melty Berry/Berry Princess, Dream Marine, Cosmic MTOs and this is the first time I've seen the thread completely overrun with Tenso/AP noob questions.

Not sure if it means /cgl/ is getting more newbies, or if they're only crawling out of the woodwork for this particular release.

>> No.8666635

If they can't be bothered to google for guides (there are several floating around), what makes you think they'll actually look at a pastebin doc or sticky? People are just lazy, and most of the people who ask aren't regular gulls; they're just coming to the board and posting to be spoonfed.

>> No.8666637

Meta is on fayaa

>> No.8666682

Same, anon. Same. I feel like anything would have been better than that shit.

>> No.8666724

Has anyone ever used modcloth before? http://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/waltzing-in-a-winter-wonderland-dress
Was looking at that to use with one of my cardigans.

Not particularly lolita, but I was thinking with a petticoat, and some Baby accessories, I could make it work for a casual day outfit?

>> No.8666727

I want to like that Baby yellow ball gown thing, but the jellyfish-shaped skirt is a turnoff. I don't know if a better petti could fix that, or if it's just a weird cut.

>> No.8666729

The dress is cute, but I don't think that skirt is going to fit a petti. It looks very narrow.

>> No.8666766

ah it's not brand but I believe there's this http://www.my-lolita-dress.com/chess-story-dear-deer-embroidery-daily-wear-lolita-op-dress-cs-35
it's such a cute dress and I've been eyeing it for so long, does anyone know what the quality is like?

>> No.8666778

i don't have a solution, but i am sorry for your potential loss

>> No.8666869

i don't have that chess story release but the other dresses i have from them are definitely nice quality for the price

>> No.8666872

I stopped buying PL shoes, even from brand, and started buying Fluevogs and other real leather shoes. Same with handbags for the most part. Of course I wear more gothic/classic. But not having to worry about easily scuffing and ruining a pair of shoes or a handbag is so much easier, and everything is much higher quality and lasts a lot longer than my brand accessories were lasting for me.

>> No.8666912

thanks anon! I just don't want the material to end up being really shiny and gross or anything. Although if it was too bad I guess I could take off the collar and use it as a normie dress?

>> No.8666919

You do know we're talking about a thread for new releases in general, not specifically MTO releases, right? Lol, and here you are complaining about noobs needing to be spoonfed information.

>> No.8666992

Nothing pleases this one

>> No.8667058


Yes, anon, we've simply never needed a seperate thread to discuss new releases before. See the Meta release up above, it simply gets discussed and the thread moves on. That is how lolita general works.

I've also never seen this many basic "how do I order from AP" questions clog up lolita general before either.

Both of these things are true. What else do you want to say?

>> No.8667383

>whining this much

>> No.8667412


>We've never needed one. I've been through DDC, Celestial, Melty Berry/Berry Princess, Dream Marine, Cosmic MTOs and this is the first time I've seen the thread completely overrun with Tenso/AP noob questions.

You can admit you thought the topic was solely about MTO. It's OK.

>Yes, anon, we've simply never needed a seperate thread to discuss new releases before. See the Meta release up above, it simply gets discussed and the thread moves on. That is how lolita general works.

By that logic, lolita updates should be merged into rufflechat.

>> No.8667478
File: 332 KB, 900x505, lolitadesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got my LolitaDesu lucky pack order in today. I'm a bit mixed on it, these are the first lolita items I've ever had. I'm a bit mixed because of the amount of items-I ordered the extra large size which is over 300 dollars and says "contains 5-11 items" I received 7- three of those being headbows and one being a low quality off brand tote bag. I'm pretty happy with the items themselves, especially the blouse I got.
For the specifications of things I wanted I pretty much just said mainly navy blue things.
Overall I got three headbows, one blouse, one skirt, one JSK, and a bag thing. I also ordered some OTKs for 10 dollars. Sorry for potato picture.

>> No.8667504

So I have a unique problem...

I bought an op on LM from a seller in Australia. Everything went well until I received it. It was in very poor condition with yellowing from what I can only assume are sweat stains. The waist ties had been washed and the red dye had bled. So I opened a PP claim. Seller wouldn't respond, I eventually had to send it back (costing a ton because US international shipping).

It took forever to get my money from PayPal because the seller refused to pick it up from the post office. Eventually after 3 months, PayPal gave me my money back.

Today I find a note that I missed a delivery. What do you know, it's the op I sent back. The seller didn't even bother to pick it up, which implies PayPal fronted the cost of my refund. But now what do I do? This dress isn't really mine, but I don't even know who's it is. I feel bad selling it, but I'd feel bad wearing (if it turned out okay after I got it cleaned). Thoughts? I feel obligated to get it from the PO because they'll just send it back and it'll probably go to a lost mail warehouse.

>> No.8667531

Clean it and then resell. If they didn't bother to pick it up, especially knowingly, it's their loss. Maybe they did it out of guilt. Or don't resell and just keep it to wear anyway, for the same reason, their loss (especially if they did so out of guilt).

>> No.8667578

Thanks anon. I guess I'm just worried the seller might call me out on it or something even though it wasn't my fault. I guess I'll just have to risk it.

>> No.8667584

New thread >>8667583

>> No.8667919


>trolling this hard

Don't you have homework to do?

>> No.8671986
File: 211 KB, 576x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I saw this recent photo of a new release from AP (currently a special set just available in store), and are these cinema doll socks being used?

I know most shops use items that they have in stock to setup coords, and I've never seen them use something so old for a shot before.

This holy lanter rerelease and mto has me thinking up all kinds of theories...