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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8658835 No.8658835 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8611130 is autosaging.

List incoming!

>> No.8658837
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What is otome-kei?
>Japanese for 'maiden'
>Focuses on a feminine and quirky look
>No set rules
>Outfits often use colour popping, interesting print combinations, and contrasting materials
>Generally has a kitsch or twee vibe
>Sometimes overlaps with casual lolita but is still a separate style

Main otome brands:
>Emily Temple Cute/Shirley Temple Cute
>Jane Marple
>Leur Getter

Other Suitable Brands*:

>Ank Rogue
>Axes Femme
>Candy Stripper
>Franche Lippee
>Lois Crayon
>Lolita brands (accessories, legwear, bags, mini skirts, cardigans/boleros)
>Melantrick Hemlighet
>Merlot Camp
>Wonder Rocket

Suitable Non-Japanese Brands*:
>Alannah Hill
>Cath Kidston
>Hello Bones Jones (Indie)
>Miss Patina
>Mulberry Chronicles (Indie)
>Peppermint Fox (Indie)

Non-japanese Socks/Shoes*:
>Sock Dreams, Teja Jamilla
>Melissa Shoes, Bait Footwear, Dkode Shoes, Neosen, Fleuvog

*NB: these brands are not all specifically otome, but sometimes produce suitable items

>> No.8658840
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Appreciation Blogs:


Individual Blogs**:

**NB: Many of these blogs dabble in both lolita and otome or exist in the grey area between the two. There's also varying experience levels.

>> No.8659127

Just to get things started, does anyone collect old JM or 80s kawaii brands like Maid Lane Revue? (Would say vintage JM but that seems weird since it's all 90s and 00s)

The earliest piece in my collection that I've got an actual date for is 1994, but it needs restoration work on the leather fastenings. Heart label is the dream, of course.

>> No.8659569

I don't do this yet but I am interested. Do you have any pictures you'd be willing to share of the older pieces in your collection? I'd love to see them!

Also major thanks to the gulls in the last thread who were sharing academic papers on shoujo culture. Those were fascinating links and I'm still working my way through a few of them.

>> No.8659802

Can I request pictures of coords with skirts/shorter dresses? I have an ETC skirt that hits about a centimeter below my fingertips when I have my hands at my sides and other skirts I've been looking at are the same length, but I'm struggling to coord them in a way that says otome.

>> No.8659849
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Do salos work?

>> No.8659859

Yes! Anything that's about the length of the one in the picture you posted.

>> No.8660650

Yes but it's so damn hard to find that shit. Please please please post your collection!!

>> No.8660831
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>> No.8660834
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>> No.8662056

Does anyone have links to otome-able sewing patterns?

>> No.8662119
File: 150 KB, 795x1143, 6262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this one recently, i think i'll add a peter pan collar and it'll work nicely for otome

>> No.8662198
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>> No.8662274
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Got in on the mccalls sale
I'm just learning to sew so they're simple/ samey I guess
There's a pleated jsk in ONS 6 (in the back section) that looks like an otome one as well.

>> No.8662302
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My dress looks longer in this piece because of the angle, it actually barely covers me. A lot of my OPs fall mid-thigh and I'm not svelte enough to pull it off, shit sucks.
Anyway I like patterned opaque tights/ long OTKs (some of my ETC ones reach my upper thigh, it's ridiculous) when weather permits. It's more about your styling than length. Keep it cute or elegant. The trade off for short skirts is a higher neckline, generally, but tights can make something feel more modest. You could go 60s style and pair a short skirt with opaque tights and boots. I've noticed MILK stuff tends to be rather short too so some of their pictures might help.

>> No.8662572
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>> No.8662574 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8662577 [DELETED] 


>> No.8662579
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>> No.8662634

It's not a paper or anything, but I was hunting around the internet for seiso hair inspiration and came across this blog post again.


>Fashion in Japan is explicitly costume... Yet even with the gyaru — who wear a uniform of sorts based in working class delinquent subculture — everything about the style is allowed to be obvious play as long as the adherents use approved symbols (leopard print, heavy makeup, dyed hair, general gaudiness). Extreme costume, rather than natural aspect of their daily lives, marks the affiliation.

It makes a distinction that might help some beginners out: What makes otome otome (and any other Jfashion) is embracing the "try-hard" elements of the look despite our "cool" sensibilities telling us otherwise. While still keeping things cute, clean-lined, and shoujo. It's something I've noticed before but not quite been able to articulate. I thiiink someone mentions that it's like you're in costume as yourself?

The comments are a worthwhile read, especially on magazine culture (and the debate about where the lensless glasses trend started). Speaking of...


>Consumers embrace a total, well-defined “taste culture” in which to consume, and once inside that group — usually defined by a specific magazine — they buy goods very faithfully to that culture.

Which is interesting, because in the earlier days of western Lolita, I remember some people being confused about the idea of a subculture that was based around consumerism and not music. Although tbh, it seems like most new western subcultures are following the same formula these days (but using digital instead of magazines), so I don't know if it's necessarily so much just a Japanese phenomenon now, or if it was ever particularly unique.

This is really making me want to read more studies about the dissemination of trends across different markets.

>> No.8662947
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Sure! I can at least show you my (probable) oldest JM piece. It's not the 1994 skirt I was talking about (that's in storage, as you might guess I don't get the chance to wear much of my vintage. If you think western 80s vintage is hard to wear in a modernish daily-wear way, this is difficult x10), but it's got a few interesting features.

Sorry for the photo quality btw.

Don't have an exact date on the jacket, but it has one of the earliest JM labels in it, which would make it late 80s roughly? I totally bought it for the label despite it being a bit of an inexplicable tan color.

Also, very unique cut. The shoulders are cut large and padded out in 80s fashion with built in shoulder pads, but the waist is cut very trim with an additional tab on the back for tightening. I've noticed similar tailoring with other 80s brands - the coord is anchored with a very small waist while tops are cut very loose in comparison. Also, the length of this and similar pieces makes me think it was designed for a person an inch or two shorter than JM designs for today. Something to keep in mind if you're wanting to wear vintage.

Extremely solid stitching too, I think this jacket could survive a house being dropped on it.

As for collecting this stuff, I've always had the most luck with consignment shops over Y!J. Especially the smaller consignment shops. There's not much competition, so you can pick up a bit of a bargain. The only problem is where to store it all if you're not buying to wear...

>> No.8662968

Does anyone know any aliexpress or ebay shops that sell otome or otome-able items?

>> No.8664269

show me more I'm in love

>> No.8664624

That's good advice, thank you. I have a few OTKs but there's a gap between where it ends and where the dress starts and since otome means looking like a maiden, I'm not sure if that's appropriate.

Thank you to the anon/s dumping pics too, these are a huge help.

>> No.8664641

Balancing out shorter skirts with more coverage up top might also help. Maybe layering on a blazer in addition to long socks or tights.

Of course, if you're Australian and moving into summer now, maybe a lightweight crochet cardigan for extra coverage?

>> No.8665428
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Short Skirts I feel have such a cute vibe in Otome style! Showing leg is fine, as others said just wear a modest top

>> No.8668209
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I don't know about specific shops but here's some stuff from my AE wishlist I've collected in threads.
The only one I can vouch for is 8, it's as ill-fitting as it looks in the picture but it can be easily tailored and the print looks just as good in person.










>> No.8668224

Part 2/2
I still have more blouses, more cardigans, and some socks/tights saved but I got lazy with the collages, though I can post links if you're interested.










>> No.8668227
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Fuck me, I dropped the image.

>> No.8668293

I ordered #7, I can do a review if anyone wants it. I ordered the same cardigan in navy off taobao and it's really soft and nice.
Ideally I'd like to hunt down the real deal too someday.

>> No.8668313

Just a heads up to anons who don't like replicas:
3, 6, and 9 are all Cath Kidston knockoffs, and 7 is a fint replica.

>> No.8668460

I honestly don't know why you'd even buy fint replica's, they're cheap enough second hand.. sad days

>> No.8668576

I'm trying to get my hands on this Leur Getter dress. I have no idea what the name for it is. They don't sell it on their website anymore, anyone know where I would have the best chance of finding it?

>> No.8668605

It's a pretty self-explanatory name, haha. Royal Cat.

It comes up surprisingly often and for quite cheap! I missed out on the blue JSK for $200 a couple of months back.

>> No.8668654

thank you so much anon! I need this beautiful dress.

>> No.8668731

I ordered 6 in grey, i can do a review as well. I also got bear socks to coordinate, black brogues, lace off white blouse and bag... idk...black heart bag?The cat bag from AE seems pretty odd to coordinate with this dress.
>grey is a bit hard to coord in otome in my opinion

>> No.8668811

This is amazing, anon. I think I might be small enough to fit into some of their older pieces, I might have to start collecting soon. Seconding the request for more pics of your vintage stuff! And thank you for posting.

>> No.8668812

I'd appreciate reviews and pictures if you've got em!

>> No.8668819

How are you wearing number 8? Just a large belt? I really like the pattern on that but I don't know how to make it work. Thanks for the list of items, anon.

Add in jewel tones, red in particular for pops of color. Grey can be tricky but when it works, it works really well.

>> No.8668838

I actually took it in a bit so it doesn't fit the way it does on the picture. I haven't given much thought to what colors and accessories to wear it with yet though.

>> No.8668846

They have the pink version on their outlet website enfant-official for sale

>> No.8668851

Not the person you're replying to, but I'd probably still buy it since I didn't know it was a replica and even now that I do, it's a basic enough design that I wouldn't mind just getting this instead of scouring the internet for an original.

>> No.8668863

I hope it fits too!
Oh i thought red as well, wine red to be precise. Navy would be good too? Maybe i should create a small collage.

>> No.8668913
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I tried to coordinate wine and grey, for me it's a bit meh. Maybe it needs better wine red accessories and a better necklace but i don't know what. Any advice?If i coord it with grey, white and black it's easier.

>> No.8668961

Add in navy and maybe a tiny pop of that mustard yellow color Jane Marple often uses. It's looking pretty cute already though.

>> No.8669041

How is the combination of navy+black received in otome? Does it depend on how it's implemented, or is it still a no?

>> No.8669081

I personally don't mind it. Has a bit of a school uniform feel, especially if you go with a blackwatch tartan and black legwear/shoes. Probably looks the best when the navy and black aren't too close in color though.

It's actually not too far out of bounds in normie fashion either. Current advice for men's suits is to wear navy with black shoes.

>> No.8669347

Thank so much anon for the advice!Navy would be interesting... maybe a navy cardi or the bag?Mustard yellow... mmm... a bit difficult to put here, i would dare the headbow but not sure. I'm not used to navy and mustard yellow (mfw almost all black wardrobe with hints of pink and red), coordinating more otome like is a challenge for me.

>> No.8669451

Honestly I love dark grey with either a dusty or a bubblegum pink.

Grey x dusty pink x wine would be nice.

>> No.8669461

Same here anon, grey and pink is one of my favourite colour combos

>> No.8669486

It's a gorgeous combo with pearl accessories.

>> No.8669548
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I have a challenge for you gulls.
This monstrosity is from Jane Marple.
Can you coordinate it to make it otome?

>> No.8669565

Where is that headbow from anon? Im obsessed with it.
Also that blouse, I love this coord.

>> No.8669575


wow. I have one of these, but it was handmade and the colors were 100% more complementary. Someone at JM be trippin'

>> No.8669588

Are those ties?
Dad-kei is a thing now?

>> No.8669593
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So I wasn't sure where better to ask this. I think that quite a few of my lolita outfits skew otome and am tempted to post them to the daily otome community. I worry though that it'll annoy people to see it in both that and daily lolita. I realize that many people think it's either otome or lolita, but I picture more of a ven-diagram myself.


Pic unrelated, just one of my favorite etc pieces.

>> No.8669605
File: 61 KB, 592x598, frame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give it a shot, anon. Bloomsbury inspired coord. English, bookish, with a bit of a 20s elongated silhouette.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, I think half this stuff just exists in my imagination.

>skirt monstrosity
>JM frame blouse, pictured at left.
>Fitted knit button-up vest in forest green with gold seed bead detailing. Either little beaded flowers or just scattered all over the vest, plus a touch of crochet-in lace on the edges. I might have to knit this at some point.
>Long wool overcoat in grey or black, mid-length. Velvet lapels, a bit like the shape of a Crombie coat?
>Lightweight long woolen ribbed socks in off-white, like the cashmere ones Base Range do
>Lace up brogue boots, black. I think Church's still make these for women.
>Black velvet brimmed hat with flower corsage.
>Briefcase or satchel-style bag, black.
>Wavy bob haircut.
>Antique gold earrings featuring roses to go with the Bloomsbury theme.
>Lose the braces.

>> No.8669637

this sounds so wonderful until i remember that awful skirt is part of the outfit

>> No.8669640

I'll see what snaps I can get! I'm a bit shit with getting the fine details to show up (and I'm lazy with photos - big reason why I've never been much for selling), but might as well give it a go on few things.

That's great!
Yeah, the sizing isn't as scary as you'd expect for an '80s Japanese brand A 24in or lower waist measurement is probably going to be most versatile for the really early stuff when looking at skirts in particular, late 90s (depending on cut) and early 2000s from JM aren't actually far off modern sizing from what I've seen (though they didn't have those comfy wrap skirts). The main problem tends to be in other brands - particularly with vintage Pink House. I swear I saw a listing for a Pink House skirt once that listed a 20in waist, though that could have been a seller error.

>> No.8669644

That's why it's a challenge!

If it makes it better, you can always imagine the monstrosity's been replaced with a long version of one of the many book print skirts.

>> No.8669671
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This is kinda too much fun. I went for an equestrian theme for this one. The horse pin would go on the vest and the horns pin on the beret.

It still is a truly ugly skirt.

>> No.8669702
File: 776 KB, 997x663, tieskirt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another attempt. I went for a botany student/researcher inspiration? I wanted to do something that would show off the suspenders.

>> No.8669708

Hey, if a coordinate works, it works. As long as you're willing to take concrit when things skew too lolita, it should be fine.

>> No.8669995

sauce on shoes?

also does someone know where to buy bererts like the Jane Marple one that won't cost me a fortune?

>> No.8670002

Generally how is the quality on Aliexpress items? Is it a crapshoot?

>> No.8670009

>complains about colors not being complementary
then coordinating it with that vest >>8669671
Seriously there's nothing wrong with the colors on that skirt.

>> No.8670135

I don't think they'd be hard to diy, you can easily buy a plain beret and sew a large pompom to it.

>> No.8670151

The hat's called a Tam O'Shanter or a Tam. They sell them pretty much everywhere they sell kilts. Sometimes traditional-style Scottish knitting companies sell them for autumn too.

>> No.8670298

Agree with pink x grey!I have a frilly dusty pink turtleneck from taobao, some bows, i need a pink bag or i can leave the lace blouse add a pink bag and a bow. When the jsk arrives, i would try some combinations.

>> No.8670308

Thank you anon, i never expected my coord would be that good, i have a lolita mentality where i need to be a bit matchy matchy, otome is refreshing in fact of being more free to coordinate.
The blouse is from Zara!This year they sell otome-able lace blouses.
Sorry for the italian link, i can't find it on the US site.
Similar bunny bow headband

>> No.8670414

Oh my god I love this blouse.

Thanks anon, I'm excited to see the pictures!

And yeah, 24 inch waist is doable for me but 20 inches? That's just never gonna happen on my body, even if I went full anorexic.

>> No.8670419

The skirt is well and truly hideous, but this is a pretty cute coord otherwise (especially if I imagine it with any other skirt). That blouse is adorable and I love the combination of black, emerald green and tan/gold.

Honestly you're good at this, anon! I couldn't come up with a single way to wear that dad-kei skirt but these are cute.

>> No.8670514

It's Etsy-seller-kei.

>> No.8670612

Is it just me or are most girls who wear otome pretty tiny? Where can I find pics of Otome-kei girls that are larger? Not really plussized, but nos as petite as most are. I am 5'11 and I weigh 159 pounds, and most Otome brand dresses dont' fit me or look really bad on me. I'm aware that there are indie brands and many other options, but I'd love to see some fellow bigger girls to see how they can pull of wearing ETC for example. I almost always feel like a giant... and I don't feel like this in Lolita :(

>> No.8670653

If those shoes are the ones I have (by Born or an offshoot of them?) they're really comfortable, anon. Just so you know ahead of time. Hella great all day, better than regular flats.

>> No.8670859

Question time!

>Where did you first hear about otome kei?
>What do you like about otome?
>How would you describe your otome style? What are your current inspirations?
>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?

>> No.8671316

Hey anon, most of the otome bloggers you'll find on the OP's list aren't what you'd call skinny minis.
I jump between waist size 73cm to 76cm (size UK10 to 12) depending on my diet choice for the wk. In saying that, ETC & Leur Getter JSKs fits just fine (no boob loaf) the ETC skirts and JM mini skirts size 68cm I think hugs the smallest part of my waist (I'd be sporting underskirts for modesty plus adding length) but the JM Jsk fits like a glove.
Use Lolibrary for measurements, look at the bloggers for examples and give it a go. Good luck!

>> No.8671340
File: 140 KB, 540x721, tumblr_nn0tebmTiX1uqzcweo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this. Say what you will about her appearance, but I think her outfit is really cute. I think the skirt is Jane Marple? I hear that JM's stuff runs a little bigger so if you're looking to wear brand you should probably look into them.

>> No.8671355
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>> No.8671363

I suspect JM designs dresses for different sizes every collection so they can cater to a few different age demographics. The wrap skirts and skirts that technically fit lower on the waist tend to be 72cm, and they sometimes have elasticated waist options.

>> No.8672024


Forever 21 eyeburn kei.
Jane Marple doesn't run big at all. I have a 83 cm bust and even then I barely fit into their jsks.

>> No.8672038

It's people not understanding the concept of ease.

>> No.8672079

I actually really like her outfit, what's wrong with it?
I had the impression that otome girls were chill but you're just as bad as the lolitas.

>> No.8672092

Most people here are lolita first and otome second. Otome is forever the style people wear because they can't wear lolita every day.

That said, my first instinct is that the skirt is a bit of an awkward length. It'd probably work better an inch or two longer or an inch shorter and with tights if it was shorter. Also, the cardigan being buttoned somewhere would help pull things together.

>> No.8672096

A lot of lolitas are into otome so I don't think that's really valid point.
Her overall silhouette is frumpy. The skirt is slightly too short for her, the cardigan makes her look bulky. The short socks and flat shoes don't flatter her legs at all.

Is this bait or are you the girl in the picture??

>> No.8672139

Some of their skirts have elastic waistbands. I have an 82 cm bust and some of their JSKs are sack-like on me. They're not supposed to be close-fitted, but there's a line between cute and loose and 1980s kindergarten teacher jumper.

>> No.8672144

Dans le Salon is marketed at older women and does generally run pretty large by Japanese standards.

>> No.8672161

It's more than just DLS though. You can go through any mainline JM collection and there'll be a small range of sizes implicitly represented.

>> No.8672167

That's usually design ease.

>> No.8672170

I'm not and never have been a lolita, otome and other Jfashion are my mainstay. Otome is not as fastidious about matching colours and overall has less rules than lolita but you shouldn't mistake that for "Oh hey otome means I can wear whatever, not put any thought or effort into my outfits, anything goes". The other anons are right in their critique of whats wrong with the outfit so I won't repeat what's already been said. Just remember, whilst there is less of a perceived bitchy reputation surrounding otome, many either wear lolita or used to so the critical nature is bound to filter through, and also this isn't a hug-box. The criticisms are mostly constructive so use them to improve.

>> No.8672214

I'm neither the girl in the picture or baiting, just genuinely confused. I do see what you mean with your criticisms and agree with them but calling it "f21 eyeburn kei" or implying she didn't put in any thought or effort is a bit much since, overall, it doesn't look that bad.
I realize that a lot of girls that wear otome also wear lolita, it definitely shows here.
Anon saying this isn't a hugbox is right though, that's my mistake.

>> No.8672226

Anon, you're getting a bit dramatic over two posts. People are going to have differences of opinion and ways of expressing themselves. Every group is going to have its saltier members and its more laid back members.

>> No.8672253

Due to her size it just looks like generic twee/retro girl.

>> No.8672255

Yeah, that's true. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so defensive.

>> No.8672268

Damn it, I probably should have posted: >>8671937 here instead.

>> No.8672286

I don't know, I really think it could be nudged in a more otome direction with some quirkier pieces of jewelry and a really unusual pair of shoes.

>> No.8672296

This is potentially stupid, but does anyone remember what the multistrap Target shoes were called? Did anyone do a review of those? I really want them if they worked out.

>> No.8672361

They were the Sly Strappy Buckle Booties. I think they were Xhilaration but I'm not too sure about that. I own them in brown and they're pretty sturdy. They fit really well too.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can get them anymore, unless you find them secondhand somewhere.

>> No.8672767

Thanks for that! They are indeed gone, but it's nice to have a name just in case they crop up again!

>> No.8672875

I'm 88cm bust and the only jsk that ran small on me was Royal Library

>> No.8672882


>> No.8672886

>this item is out of stock
Shoot me, /cgl/. I'm dumb.

>> No.8673581
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Thanks for the list! Here's my contributions! Not sure if everyone will agree that they fall into this style, but hopefully others contribute some stuff!











>> No.8673625

I weigh 158 and jane marple is too big for me..

>> No.8673656

At 5'11" though?

I'm 140lb at 5'10", but my chest would never fit JM (or pretty much any other Japanese brand) unless they're particular oversized and I cinch the waist.

>> No.8673677

People are built differently despite being a similar weight, who would have guessed.

>> No.8673691

Have there ever been enough otome in one place for someone to hold an otome meetup?

>> No.8673788

I have similar ones and matte, they are made of real leather. Yes, they are confier than flats... i can walk eternally with them, usually i have a hard time to find shoes that are confy, lolita shoes are so unconfortable but oxfords brogues are perfect.

>> No.8673807

It's been sitting at the rack in Closet Child Shinjuku for ages.

>> No.8673946

Aww, dude, thanks for trying, though. When I looked for it I got really excited when I saw that eBay listing too!

>> No.8674279
File: 1.30 MB, 1672x744, psf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some plus size friendly stuff.







>> No.8675164

I'm 5'10, 68kg, and otome brands fit me fine. I have a petite upper body though, all my weight goes to my butt and hips but I do have wide-ish shoulders. I look waifish although I'm not really.

It depends where you naturally store fat as to how well the items will fit you. Leur getter is pretty good if you have a larger chest and is also cut long so are a great length for taller people (avoid the sack OPs though, they are short in my experience). Jane Marple OPs are loose and boxy in shape, so I tend to find the JSKs more flattering because they have a ribbon I can cinch in the waist and I don't have issues with the shoulders being too narrow or the sleeves being too short (which can happen with their OPs for me).

You just need to get familiar with the cuts that will fit your body shape properly. There's a lot of variety among the brands!

>> No.8675272

Strictly not speaking. Otome girls don't really move en mass. Think of it as more casual low key hang out with like minded ppl, not some attention impact fashion that you'd get from lolita.

>> No.8675287

Are Jane Marple bags real leather? I'm tempted to get one but it's not really worth it if they're not...

>> No.8675290


Hahahahaha aaaahahahaha!

>> No.8675293

Nothing in Japan will ever be made out of real leather - It's a tiny little island which just has no room for cattle of any kind. It's why they don't drink milk.

They're still well made, obviously; Probably better than MOST faux leather specifically because they've had to get good at it.

>> No.8675301


Thanks I guessed that was the case, their website does say 'real leather' though so I figured I might as well check... WHY WOULD THEY LIE

>> No.8675307

Anons.. JM does use real leather. I don't know about their bags but i know their shoes are for sure.

>> No.8675356


Jane Marple definitely uses leather for their bags. I have several and they're all leather. It even says so on their website for most bag listings.

>> No.8675364

Japan does have cattle actually...

>> No.8675380

You are retarded. Japanese people love milk even though most are lactose intolerant. They even feed it to their elementary school children at lunch.

Most of JMs bags are real leather but some are not. Fake leather is 合皮

>> No.8675384

Japan isn't that small really. It's comparable to California. There are cattle in California.
Also, kobe beef?

>> No.8675411

You're both right and wrong. Real leather as well as beef are expensive in Japan because much of it is imported. Apparently that has made fake leather more acceptable since most lolita brands sell $100+ plastic shoes which would be really fucking weird in Europe or America in my experience.

>> No.8675484

And we're forgetting about Japan's ice cream craze in the 80s.

My 2 cents: all my Jane bags and shoes are real leather.

>> No.8675529

This site got linked in the kimono thread. Thought it might be relevant to our interests too. It's an interactive color wheel. http://paletton.com/

>> No.8675565

There are more than two of us commenting.

You are right, leather is very expensive in Japan so it is seen as more of a luxury material. In the West it's a slightly more pricy but standard and expected material.

It rains a lot in Japan so they promote fake leather as easier to care for when it gets wet (im not sure about that but ok).

>> No.8675586

I own three JM bags, and they are all real leather. I also own three pairs of shoes and they are also real leather.

From my experience all of their shoes use real leather and most bags, but not all.
The new book bag uses fake leather (which also explains the cheaper price for JM standards).

>> No.8675905
File: 242 KB, 800x600, 20150918_1053659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Leur Getter have a practice of not having items online and in store only?

I've been seeing these shoes and would really like them, but would like to avoid getting an in store SS if I don't have to.

Although I doubt they are leather in which I will probably need to settle for JM ones (even if they are bit clunky in comparison).

>> No.8676070

There are a few different JM four strap shoe models out there. I remember one particular pair from about 10 years ago, a lot more streamlined like the Leur Getter shoes with some delicate ruffles. You might get lucky with a reissue one season.

>> No.8676176
File: 38 KB, 640x480, Xk0oSOH1EE-h (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I'm guessing you mean pic related. I wonder what's the chance they'd re-release them or something similar.
They really are gorgeous. I love and have a pair of the clunky kinds, but wouldn't mind something a bit more elegant too.
Here's to hoping Leur Getter puts them online eventually too.

>> No.8676504
File: 880 KB, 1200x1591, plaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me the process by which items are released by Jane Marple online? I can't get an item I want via a SS because it's not going to be available in the store near her but I still want to try for it. Is there ANY way to know when the items will be added to the online store so I can prepare?

>> No.8676512

Out of all the tartans they could have chosen, they went with Antique Buchanan.

>> No.8676520

Girls be going ballistic about that colorway though

>> No.8676529

Try another SS. I've used the "Muuh SS y Blog" on facebook a couple of times to get my JM items

>> No.8676534

Well it's an inspired choice, I'll give them that. At least it wasn't MacLeod.

One day my dreams will come true and they'll do a snow queen themed collection with the Arctic and Antarctic tartans.

>> No.8676555

I'm not sure I hablas enough espanol to make this a reality...

>> No.8676633

I think it's the perfect choice for Otome. Dose complementary colours.

>> No.8676739

I tend think the oranges can be a tough sell sometimes depending on hair color and skin undertones, just from seeing the tartan in action before. However, it'll be interesting to see how exactly the colors turn out IRL. Warm/dark brown hair in particular coordinates phenomenally.

The Graham tartan with its adjacent colors, however, I can fully get behind. The Royal Stewart... eh, it's the tartan equivalent of white noise. Guess it's marketable enough.

>> No.8677249
File: 155 KB, 921x1385, ress5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /otome/, hey. Pst.

I feel like I should point out that the seams/hem aren't puckered, they just got damp without being dried properly. Don't buy cheap handsteamers.

>> No.8677253

AHHH it's so cute anon! Is this the only colorway you'll have for this print, and when can i buy this?

>> No.8677256

I need that on my body..
Are there going to be different sizes ? Is there any chance I can wear that dress with my 95 cm bust?

>> No.8677261

If anyone is keen on the cuffed OP in red, I reserved it ages ago through chibi and now that I've got the invoice I'm kind of regretting it. I'd be pretty happy to sell it on to ease my conscience a bit.

>> No.8677285
File: 204 KB, 936x302, buns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only had a sample printing of this colourway, but I am considering rose x sax or something similar?
Preorders will open up on the 1st!

Yup! There will be two sizes. It has a deeper bust curve than most brand pieces and slide-adjustable straps to fit different body types a bit better.
The larger size will fit between 92-98cm before it becomes too loose or tight.

I'm 95cm too, so I'll admit it was a bit biased. Huehueh.

>> No.8677304

Good luck getting rid of the most boring colorway anon.

>> No.8677334 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8677341
File: 1.73 MB, 300x147, 1442322013839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what that means!

>> No.8677343

You should do ivory! I don't wear pastel colors but I'd love it in beige or ivory

>> No.8677344
File: 31 KB, 500x313, shutupandtakemymoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related

Not pic related. Uploaded wrong reaction image.

>> No.8678461

Seconding beige.

>> No.8678655
File: 403 KB, 1247x737, beige bunners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! I'm just really paranoid about annoying people when I post. Nobody likes a shill.

Something like thiiiis?

>> No.8678670

This is perfect anon! If you do this color i'd definitely buy it

>> No.8678676

Needs more color IMO. Blue umbrellas?

>> No.8678692

Lovely illustrations, anon, it's very nice! I'm going to be completely honest though and tell you I dislike the font at the bottom of the skirt. It turns the design into something amateur and less elegant.

>> No.8678879

Anon please post as much as you want, it's such a joy to see the stuff you come up with!

I agree with this anon though. I understand wanting to put your signature on it but it could use more fortunate placement.

>> No.8678959

not that anon, but do you know of any decent beret patterns?

>> No.8679126

Are you looking for sewn or knit?

>> No.8679229
File: 255 KB, 480x541, 93f8a264-6786-4002-bc88-6487256a038e..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8668293 here, I got the cardigan in today.

It's really well made, I really like it. Feels very close to a real fint cardigan I had. It has the fint tag too which I was kinda 'uhhh' about. I don't think the taobao one I got had the tag.
Sizing isn't too generous, it's got a fair bit of stretch but it might look kinda weird around the arms if you're plus sized.
The shop also sent some freebies which was nice.

>> No.8679301

I think the shoes are from miz mooz

>> No.8679315

Would you happen to still have a link to the Taobao one?

>> No.8679421

>Where did you first hear about otome kei?
Last year?
>What do you like about otome?
The quirky-ness and vintage feel.
>How would you describe your otome style?
Very 70s vintage with a dash of sweetness.
>What are your current inspirations?
Old ETC and vintage photos.
>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
Jane Marple is my favorite brand but my favorite print is the ETC biscuit print.
>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
I would love more woodland prints, I think they really capture the otome feel.
>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
Sweet/casual lolita. Most of my wardrobe is baby/aatp
>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?
I'm a beginner, but I think the best advice I can give is to not be matchy-matchy.

>> No.8679482

I bought 7, it's probably the sturdiest thing I've ordered from AE.

>> No.8681546
File: 111 KB, 300x466, blackwood1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where did you first hear about otome kei?
Ah, 2006. I remember it well.

>What do you like about otome?
Colors, themes, motifs, kooky tailoring. All of it, really. It was love at first sight.

>How would you describe your otome style? What are your current inspirations?
Bookish. I've had German expressionism and the Taisho period on my mind. Also rewatched Hausu recently, so I keep coming back to this idea of horror shoujo.

>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
Jane Marple and Old Library forever.

>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
This would never happen, but Nancy Drew! Imagine cute little 40s skirt and sweater set combos, magnifying glass necklaces, headbands. Call it "Girl Detective" or something.

>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
I usually go minimalist in Cos style these days when I'm dressing up and not wearing otome. Favorite brand: it changes collection to collection.
In Jfashion, I kinda want to give New Tora a go... Tried lolita for a year ages ago but it didn't really stick.

>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?
Invest in good underwear. Get fitted with a quality bra with uplift no matter what size you are and get underwear that sits on your natural waist for when wearing dresses and high waisted skirts. It makes a difference.

>> No.8681885
File: 410 KB, 1229x535, text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anons! I really do appreciate concrit.

The original plan was to hide the text in the ribbons, but then I felt like it needed some white at the hem for weight. Another idea is just to have it scroll across the entire hem in cursive, giving it a kind of 'lacy' look?

>> No.8681919

I'll be honest, I love the art but I would not buy a dress with the words "hello bones jones" printed across the hem, regardless of the font. It's much cuter and classier without it.

>> No.8681954

I like the idea of the text in the ribbon! I do see what you mean about it needing something around the hem, I just don't think repeated writing is that something.

>> No.8681960

I don't know if you actually see much of the text in the picture of the sample? The white text disappears in the pale fabric when viewed at a distance.

>> No.8681994

It would be noticeable on the blue fabric though.

>> No.8682005

On this though >>8677249. It blends in quite a lot. It's why I'd say skipping the font at the bottom might be better since it would really have to have a lightweight dark outline to be legible from a medium distance, which might in turn mess with the balance.

>> No.8682131

I'm gonna cry this is so cute

>> No.8682179

It is better off without the text. It adds nothing to the design and just seems redundant. Plus being a type nerd the font just doesn't fit the illustration style and isn't well executed. It looks like a last minute thought tbh. I've never liked how lolita and otome brands emblazon their prints with their names.

I think if you want to add something, you should illustrate something instead.

>> No.8682240

I'm keeping an eye out on your store

>> No.8682264
File: 42 KB, 350x244, 6a00e55450e71788330105370f646c970b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Where did you first hear about otome kei?
Probably here, but I got into lolita years ago through the fruits books and admired a range of fashions. I really like casual lolita, and was excited to hear there was a style that developed this.

>>What do you like about otome?
I want to dress like I'm from the famous 5, or Milly Molly Mandy. Pretty much I aspire to be a children's book character of a young lady.

>>How would you describe your otome style?
Currently I'm all about boots, ankle socks, sleeveless dress and cardigan. Lots of olive greens and pinks with a splash of red.

>>What are your current inspirations?
Being myself, shouwa era japan(esp 1950s-1970s print), handmade accessories.

>>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
I like that otome isn't really about brands, it's about the feeling, to me. Favourite print isn't a print, but polka dots. If I had to pick a proper print, etc dot rabbit.

>>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
Pink and red and beige and olive, polka dots, longer hemlines, overskirts and tartan.

>>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
I used to wear a lot of lolita, but otherwise I wear punk inspired fashions combined with plain main pieces.
>>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?
Enjoy yourself and dress to your size. Don't go labelling your outfit, you should look and feel natural, like they are just clothes, not like you've studied and replicated a style.

>> No.8682279

Would love to see the bows in a soft royal or cornflower blue, possibly with polka dots in the same off-white as the raindrops. I agree with the others about the text, I really don't think it's necessary, not helped by my hatred of relatively expensive clothing with writing all over it, especially the brand name.

It's a really cute design though anon, it's really adorable without being sickly sweet, I just think it needs a bit of a color pop for contrast between the umbrellas and the bows.

>> No.8682394


Thank you so much anon, I've looked at a few but not any suitable for otome or lolita.

>> No.8682407

If you don't mind paying, this pattern is apparently easy to make and modify: https://www.etsy.com/listing/220164364/vintage-sewing-pattern-french-beret-and

>> No.8682670

I'm probably wrong, but it looks like that pattern uses a circle and another same-sized circle with a hole in it the size of the wearer's head. It'd be a shame to pay $13 for something that simple. But like I said, I'm probably wrong, sorry.

>> No.8682736

How do you use this? I'm a little stumped by all the buttons.

>> No.8682749

You select a primary color on the wheel. Then above the wheel you can select palettes. The first selected one will be monochrome, then there's adjacent colors, triad and tetrad. You will see on the wheel what that means. Then there's some other options like changing the angle between colors or adding another complementary color.

>> No.8682764

> hatred of relatively expensive clothing with writing all over it, especially the brand name.

I'm trying to get over my hatred of this too, because I love so many dresses with writing, but it's so hard.

>> No.8682977
File: 50 KB, 250x333, 2831280534_8fe280113c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's awful, though, because a) you're a walking billboard and b) the person who is interested or nosey in your outfit will read back to you the words on your dress. I wore this magnificent OP exactly once to an art opening because people kept reading "Innocent World" back to me in a confounded voice, and there was only so many times I could tell them it was a japanese fashion brand before my voice turned to bitch voice. Also the shirring makes me feel like I'm wrapped in a blanket, but alas. I can't imagine the embarassment of "angelic pretty" or "baby the stars shine bright"..

>> No.8683121

God, I know your pain.

Some of my favorite dresses are Moitie but the writing is so stupid, I can't deal with it. "Elegant Gothic Lolita Aristocrat Vampire Romance." I don't want to walk around with that on my skirt.

>> No.8683124


>> No.8683214

Inspired by another thread, also because debate and discussion is fun. Do you see otome as having a lifestyle, or is it more of a loose philosophy? (Or neither)

>> No.8683216

how the fuck does german expressionism tie in with otome?

>> No.8683367

You don't need everything to be 100% otome approved to be inspired by it. In that case, I mostly use color palette, shapes, and mood in that period of film while keeping to the overall concept of otome. Girlish 1920s elongated silhouette with velvet as a primary texture and off-kilter prints. My JM Bremen Town Musicians skirt gets a lot of use.

It ties in really well with Taisho inspiration since a lot of the modern horror aesthetic for that period directly lifts from Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and I have a huge interest in the shoujo archetype in J-horror.

Anyways, I get new references about once a month, so who knows? Might be inspired by Royal Doulton or vintage valentines or something next.

>> No.8683616
File: 296 KB, 339x560, jane marple op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this suggestion anon. She was able to get me the dress I wanted which was only released in store. I ended up with the socks as well so I'm really happy.

I've wanted a navy/green long-sleeved tartan print with white cuffs and collar from Jane Marple for literal years.

>> No.8683630
File: 468 KB, 1280x853, otome1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8683633
File: 107 KB, 500x378, minton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Where did you first hear about otome kei?
I can't remember for sure as it was some time ago. I became fascinated with it when I started to follow Fanny Rosie on tumblr (even if she doesn't classify herself as anything).

>>What do you like about otome?
I like that it is more versatile for everyday wear than lolita. I like the prevalence of colors (especially jewel tones) that are harder to find in lolita. I like that the style itself is versatile as long as you include some whimsy. I like that I can wear my otome branded dresses as otome or classic lolita depending on the coord.

>>How would you describe your otome style? What are your current inspirations?
I really see otome as a spectrum, on the one hand there are people who make really bright, poppy, and youthful coords and on the other there are those who work with darker colors and more somber themes to create a mature look. So like >>8658840 is more youthful otome and >>8683630 is more mature. I tend to go towards the more mature side of otome. I idolize Fanny Rosie, a lot of her coords to me feel like that I would consider a more mature otome look.

>>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
Jane Marple, and JM's Strawberry Label

>>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
Jane Marple could make a killer mushroom print. That or Tartan with added print elements like coats of arms, crowns, fleur de lis, etc.

>>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
Classic Lolita. I like Innocent World but mostly I utilize my Jane Marple dresses for these styles. When doing lolita with those garments I tend to go a lot more monochromatic.

>>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?
Find inspiration pictures, make mockup coords, just inundate yourself with the style until you feel like you understand the "feel" of otome. It's harder to coord than lolita imho.

>> No.8684057

I found a Taobao store that has brooches and jewelry that could work for otome.
They appear to be located in the US so I'm not sure how that works in terms of an SS and shipping (at least for a customer that's located in the US).

>> No.8684128

These are great! Thanks for the rec.

>> No.8684379

I could see it having a lifestyle in the same way that lolitas have a lifestyle. I'd actually consider them linked since a lot of lolitas wear otome for toned-down, every-day wear, which to me is a way of keeping up with the lifestyle, and I'm sure a lot of the things that would come with it, like home decor and etiquette, overlap.
I personally don't really care for the lifestyle or the philosophy, and I actually feel bad about the latter since it makes me feel like I can't be into otome unless I care but it just doesn't interest me.
I just wear it because it's a fashion that tends to incorporate things that I find aesthetically pleasing, but I respect that people have deeper reasons than that.

>> No.8684439

Aw anon, don't feel bad. Everyone takes their own route in getting the otome aesthetic, the only thing that matters is that we all end up at the same general destination and look good.

>> No.8685866

>Where did you first hear about otome kei?

>What do you like about otome?
It's cute in a vintage way like lolita is but with the freedom to be more "artsy" with it.

>How would you describe your otome style? What are your current inspirations?
I've noticed that a lot of the outfits I put together or plan to put together lean more towards bright colors instead of autumn/winter ones.

>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
Probably Peppermint Fox. I don't even own any dresses from them yet but everything they've done is gorgeous. And even though I know a lot of people think it's hideous, ETC's Air Pop is the cutest thing to me.

>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
I don't know if I'd want PF to do it but I want more mushroom prints. And prints incorporating "magic" stuff like witches, potions, crystal balls, etc.

>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
I'm very normalfag outside of occasionally wearing otome. No favorite brands, just whatever's cheap and appealing.

>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?
Even though they share similarities, leave the lolita mentality at home.

>> No.8685894
File: 1.21 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151026_013605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this jsk today (it has red lines isnt just black and white). I got it from NunaLie (italian brand but i suppose there are shops in EU) how i can coord it? Wine red otks, black oxfords, red peter pan sweater and heart bag? Any link for some peterpan collar sweaters from Aliexpress that are good quality, please?

>> No.8686118

It might look cute with a black pussy bow blouse? One of those really big bows. Then add a cloche hat or two red plastic barrettes.

Also, since there's a lot more happening at the bottom of the skirt, maybe black tights or white lacy ankle length socks instead of OTKs. Then again, I haven't seen how they look.

>> No.8686175

The Bremen print might be a reference to 1920s Germany but the aesthetic of German Expressionism clashes completely with the feel of otome kei. I have the feeling that you are mixing up the look of the new woman or flapper with German Expressionism.

>> No.8686246

I don't see how using a color palette and being inspired by a style of set design equals going entirely off-piste? You can be inspired by multiple things. Look at how many off the wall themes JM has referenced while bringing it back to otome. I mean, the Beatles? Hello Kitty? Zoo animals? How about their animal print pieces or the camo line. It's one of the things I love about them.

Would Weimar culture sound more accurate to you. I can say Weimar culture and design, especially film posters and films.

>> No.8686419

>Where did you first hear about otome kei?
I was conflicted about wearing full lolita and had been toning it down a lot. A girl in my comm mistakenly called it otome kei which I looked up out of curiosity and instantly fell in love with the style.

>What do you like about otome?
I adore all the different prints and styles. It's definitely more fashionable than what I use to wear but isn't as dramatic and standout as lolita when in public

>How would you describe your otome style? What are your current inspirations?
Still very new and learning, but I want to make sweet love to anything Leur Getter touches so I'd say a lot of my style inspiration comes from looking up co-ords with their stuff.

>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
My favourite brand is Leur Getter, but a lot of my favourite prints are Emily Temple Cute. I'd say atm, my favourite print is stuffed bears and chocolate.

>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
I would be very honest and say there's probably someone much more experienced they could ask.

>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
At comm meets, I sometimes still wear full lolita, but I don't have a favourite brand. I just like what suits my style, and what fits correctly.

>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?
Lazy lolita is not otome

>> No.8687019

you could otome it up but it looks like it could be quite appropriate for something Larme inspired if that's your thing.

>> No.8687682

That is a good idea about the blouse, i tried to find one in shops offline in red but prices are too high for polyester low quality fabric. I should check taobao or AE. Red otks would work or in black with no patterns?
I love larme too, i never thought i could larme-fy this dress. Any suggestion to larme instead to otome?

>> No.8687988

Larme Larme Larme. Try the Larme thread. I'd personally like to see suggestions too, as it doesn't strike me as suitable for that style at all. If I saw that in a shop the first Jfashion I would think of using it in is otome or general cute Jfashion.

>> No.8688021

Honestly, larme was my first thought when I saw the dress.

>> No.8688347

I thought the same anon when i bought the dress, it's more a otome dress rather larme for me but let's try too larme if possible.

>> No.8688558

Someone wanted the Leur Getter Royal Cat dress in purple, right? It's on y!j now.

>> No.8689752

I am that person and I'm bidding on it, wish me luck!

>> No.8689787

you see black x white check appear a lot in larme too, pair it with some sheer white chiffon and black accessories and i think it would capture the look well

>> No.8689858

>Where did you first hear about otome kei?
/cgl/, I think? Maybe general web browsing for lolita way back in the day.
>What do you like about otome?
It's high-end and well coordinated but still distinctly casual/daily wear.
>How would you describe your otome style? What are your current inspirations?
Kitsch 1960's style and something kind of.. Folk/horror/spooky inspired (As separate styles. Not shoehorned together.)
>What's your favorite otome brand? What's your favorite print?
Leur Getter. My favourite piece is JM's Violin Embroidery jsk, though not really a print.
>If your favorite brand came to you and asked for an idea for a new print or collection, what would you choose?
Aw sheesh. Just keep doin' what you're doin', LG.
>Do you wear styles besides otome? What are they and do you have favorite brands?
Not really! I always did the cute kitsch thing and have just steadily steered my daily wear towards Otome styling.
>What advice would you give to beginners just starting out in otome?
Don't even THINK about comparing a coord to lolita while you're planning it.

>> No.8690143
File: 140 KB, 337x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought this meta JSK, and I was hoping to make an otome outfit. Any suggestions?

>> No.8690443

sorry for asking, but what is new tora? I've tried to google it, but no luck

>> No.8690700

I'd go with red as the third color. It definitely fits in with the card theme and it would add a nice pop. Maybe red stockings, cardigan, and purse?

>> No.8692495

how does the otome comm feel about replicas? I imagine it's not that much of a big deal since it's a every day style.

>> No.8692498

I actually think it's the opposite, at least for certain brands - Jane Marple, for example, is entirely about the exclusivity of the brand.

>> No.8692809

I think replicas are shit no matter that style you wear. Print replicas, that is, I think non-print replicas/knock offs are not that big of a deal because they're so widespread and mostly fairly generic.

>> No.8693095

What would any of you say the max bust measurement on a fully back-shirred Leur Getter jsk is?

>> No.8693102

Otome is mostly plain dresses not always ott so I think you can achieve the affect without having to own Jane Marple so you can achieve it even on a lower budget without buying replicas.

>> No.8693106

>mostly plain dresses
u wot though? I wouldn't deny it can work with a plain dress, but mostly is definitely wrong. It's mostly patterned dresses and all over prints.

>> No.8693123
File: 466 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops sorry I should've articulated better by plain I didn't mean solid color I just meant toned down patterns like they don't have to look like lolita print with crazy ott designs pic related

>> No.8693165

Maybe 105-110cm. I have 105cm and I still have a bit of room in the shirring, but more would probably be uncomfortable.

>> No.8693461

I have grey check dress jsk if someone want review pics....

>> No.8693724

I'd love review pics, anon

>> No.8693914


>> No.8694077
File: 28 KB, 375x500, d30a5d08ae718bf5bca9fda11361062f43613c05. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone own a MILK coat?
Are they any warm? Going to be traveling around Europe in December and I'd love to have a cute coat!

>> No.8694787

Late reply sorry. You do but it's gingham which is like auto larme and different from check/plaid. Not for a second saying what is and isn't Larme as there isn't a rule but I just find it hard to see that dress on a fitting coord.

>> No.8695465

Can tenso be used to purchase items from Jane Marple?

>> No.8695472

Yes, just purchase as you would from Angelic Pretty. Look up a Tenso guide if you need help.

>> No.8695586
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 12191010_988026067935151_1903150286570589360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received the dress in almost a month, fabric is moderately thick and good for winter, doesn't wrinkle and i think also it doesn't get piling. It's very good quality for the price, sizing is a bit small. I bought the L size, but it's more a S-M, i have small boobs so it fits good. I don't think the dress could fit too big boobs, there is no shirring.
Pretty happy with this purchase. Would try it with my lace blouse or a pink frilly turtleneck.

>> No.8696726
File: 751 KB, 862x1146, pin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /otome/, I thought I'd post here to let everyone know that this collection has gone up for reservation 'til the 7th/Nov.

I took all of your advice into consideration and worked out a beige/cream colourway and a more suitable text for the print. Thanks, guys!

>A creamy 'chai latte' beige and cornflower blue.
>More of a Leur Getter 'signature'* than a Meta 'Plaster brand name everywhere.'
>*Only repeats twice on a dress.

Also I made these little buddies aw geez.

>> No.8696729

Just a heads up that the link on your Facebook post gives a 404 error.
Best of luck with the presale.

>> No.8696806

Oh crap! Fixed it, thanks!

>> No.8696901

Will custom sizing be available for this collection?

>> No.8696916
File: 753 KB, 864x1152, pin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. I wasn't going to offer it, but it IS mto, so there's really no reason not to! I'll update the page.

It'll be an extra $10 just to cover the time for adjustment, though.

>> No.8697251

Damn, now I'm really tempted, but gotta save money for some upcoming releases. It's really cute, I'll keep an eye on your stuff in the future!

>> No.8697261

Otome newb here. Does anyone have any tips for incorporating longer dresses (ankle length) into otome? Or maybe examples? I haven't seen it done very often and I didn't know if there was a reason for that or if I'm just not looking hard enough.

>> No.8697340

Love 7 so much, but there are no reviews anywhere

>> No.8697831

Excellent! Question, though-- the store page says reservations are open until November 16th, but your earlier post said November 7th. Did you perhaps mix up the number with the estimated shipping date, or?

>> No.8697903

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask this question, but I need some help identifying a jacket and I think this is the best thread for it.

A while ago (two or three months, I want to say) a gull posted a picture of a Jane Marple jacket that looked like a high school letterman style jacket. It had roses and writing on the back about a girl gang or something along those lines. For all my recent searching I can't seem to find anything like it.

Thanks in advance!

>> No.8697917

Was it posted on cgl? then you should be able to find it in the archives.

>> No.8697953
File: 150 KB, 450x620, 1425458119665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as Letterman jackets go I have this...

>> No.8697957
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 11005031_419412878224074_1589734126_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this. Only front facing pics as you can see but maybe someone else here can identify the jacket if it's this one.

>> No.8699024

I have a 88cm bust, would I fit into Jane Marple at all?
Some of their ops are listed at 92cm on their website which would suit me just fine, the jsks seem to be more in the 84-85 range though... i believe it's the same with most blouses?

>> No.8699028

Oh! My bad, I did mess it up. The reservations are from 2/Nov - 16/Nov, the shipping date is 7/Dec.

>> No.8699897

I'm looking to get into otome, but I was looking at dresses on lolibrary and almost nothing has measurements listed. Is there an average size for each brand?
I'm worried about my bust not fitting into the dresses I like, and it's frustrating having to google each item's measurements individually.

>> No.8699973

You can wear anything otome if your bust is under 32in and your waist is max 26in. Bigger and you should run dresses and skirts on a case by case basis.

>> No.8700319
File: 251 KB, 736x1123, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real Jane Marple? It's under $100 so I'm gonna assume no.

>> No.8700364

Plenty of JM goes for cheap secondhand. Especially the ugliger/plain/unpopular pieces. The only things from JM that commonly sell at or above retail are the nicer prints and four strap boots.

>> No.8700369

I have an 88cm bust and I fit fine in all JM dresses I own.
I own the new regimental jsk, and royal order. Both are super roomy and comfortable.
I have a regimental OP that is a little bit tight in the bust but not boobloafing.
I don't own any JM blouses so I cant help out there.

>> No.8700374

Well its fucking ugly so thats probably why its cheap

>> No.8700377

Oh it is, it's just cheap because it's hideous

>> No.8700917

Jane Marple's JSKs average 88 cm - 92 cm bust, huge waist. The regular line is often 90 cm, while Dans le Salon is 92 cm. Caveat with their JSKs is that they may not fit tall girls well. The torso length is actually quite long, but the armholes are cut high. Fixed waist Marple skirts fit around 24.5 - 25.5" waist (66 cm waistband measurement is common), but they do a fair number of skirts with elastic.

>> No.8701014


>tfw get paycheck 15th

Bless you HBJ. I can get this.

It'll be worth the 5 fucking hours of sleep i get a day.

>> No.8701143

thank you!

>> No.8701253

>Jane Marple's JSKs average 88 cm - 92 cm bust, huge waist.

That's good to hear, I was going to give up because huge fucking tits.

>> No.8701294

Just be careful on the way the bodice is constructed. The empire waisted/babydoll dresses and slips are really unforgiving.

>> No.8701784

Any examples of otome hairstyles without bangs? I'm weighing up whether I should get mine cut or not.

>> No.8701826

Received the bus dress today. It's really flattering on me. Thanks anon!

>> No.8702062

Could you post pictures of it/do a little review please?

>> No.8703855

The print kind of reminds me of those old coffee shops you walk into with the ugly retro wallpaper and wall decals.

>> No.8704270
File: 94 KB, 665x920, 12187753_10204692229097953_8853740545608375679_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me id this skirt? It's by Jane Marple

>> No.8704519

"Huge tits" and "fits an 88-90 cm dress with enough ease to not look like a stuffed sausage" does not compute. JM is cut boxy, too, so if you have an itty bitty teeny tiny ribcage and an F cup, it ain't gonna fit right.

>> No.8705575
File: 78 KB, 333x500, 10567182595_9f1fd1b512_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any pictures of this dress worn?
(Still not sure if I should consider it at all cause it'll probably look weird as hell worn in the UK)

>> No.8705731

Fellow UK anon here, if you wear otome or most Jfashions it's going to be considered out of the ordinary anyway, just go for it. Most people will probably just think its quirky (which otome is anyway) but cute. I'd wear it, and the London bus Cath Kidston dress, and I live in London. As long as somebody doesn't try to stuff you into a postbox you should be fine.

>> No.8705867

Another UK anon here. At least it doesn't look as weird as some of the more Queen-themed prints. The one they did for the Jubilee comes to mind.

>> No.8708204

Have any of you made your own otome dress or thinking about it? I just found a pattern I really like and I'm tempted.

>> No.8708243

Did you buy this off yja last night because i got outbid by 500 yen since i only had my slow ass phone on me, i died a little inside desu

>> No.8708673

I have made some JSKs that I wear with both otome and lolita with stripes, tartan, that sort of thing.
Just give it a try, the patterns are pretty simple and no one will say anything if it's nicely made.

>> No.8709076
File: 98 KB, 950x678, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me decide which from this series to get, /cgl/.I'm in love with all of them!
I feel like the grey is such a gorgeous colour, but it's almost summer here in Australia, and a summery milk tea dress would also be nice...

>> No.8709120

Do you have a favorite pattern you use? I was just going to use a skater dressish like pattern but I'd love to make something that works with otome and lolita.

>> No.8709130

Depends, would you say you have more warm or cool toned pieces in your wardrobe? Might be more useful to get something that you can already create coordinates with.

>> No.8709245

I use otome no sewing book, my favorite is a fully back-shirred pattern from vol 2, but Vol 6. in particular has a pattern that looks perfect for otome. I have no pictures right now, I can scan some tomorrow if you want.

>> No.8709266

Where are you seeing this anon? I've been through their website/Tumblr/Facebook and haven't seen this anywhere.

>> No.8709586

I got it from the subscription email, but they've just put it up on their Facebook and website.

>> No.8709730

I have both warm tones and cool tones in my wardrobe, so that's why it's difficult to choose. I think I might go with the ivory!

>> No.8709783

Get the grey, I saw both in person at the tea party and while both were nice it was by far the best colourway. When they took it out, the whole room actually did a little gasp.

>> No.8709828
File: 149 KB, 1242x1393, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to use this pattern. I'll post the results.

>> No.8710501

I make my own. I make a lot of my own clothing in general. I still end up buying most of my pieces because print is such a big thing in otome and it's very hard to find the right prints in fabric, but I make my own solids, plaids, stripes stuff and I have one or two prints that work. The cuts are simple, so if you're a moderately good sewist you can make a piece that looks like brand.

>> No.8710573

>it's very hard to find the right prints in fabric,
It's one of the reasons why knitting is great for otome since you're basically designing your own fabric as you go. And you can actually get much higher quality knitwear than brand if you handmake since you have more control over yarn choice and techniques.

>> No.8710600

Really want the grey, it is one of my favourite colours to wear ! How is PepFox quality though? Worth the money?

>> No.8710607


I have a feeling there's going to be a bloodbath for the grey.

>> No.8710716

That's cute, please do!

Knitting is great, but you can't really knit a dress.

>> No.8710771

You can. Machine knitting might be easier for full dresses if you want a fine knit, but I have two JM skirts that would probably take me as long as a sweater to knit up by hand if I did them myself.

>> No.8710818

Can you post a picture? I'm really curious. I know you can knit dresses and skirts, but the ones I had in mind always looked a little off.

>> No.8710943

I was at their tea party and saw this in person, the quality is better than the previous release, and the colour is much nicer irl for the grey. Fabric is sturdy and has a nice sheen to it.

>> No.8710962

I always love their prints, but I wish that they would move on to another dress cut already.
I really hate this plain in the ass cut. It's modcloth skater dress tier imo.

>> No.8713836

Goodness, now I want it even more

>> No.8714962

How much will this release be?

>> No.8714981
File: 213 KB, 501x527, pepfox1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said it'll be $245, pic related

Me too, I hope I can snatch one.

>> No.8714999

Thanks anon! (I'm trash, I didn't check FB just the newsletter)

>> No.8715004

At least they're finally mixing it up with the lace and sash.

Will they ever use more than two monotone colors, though?

>> No.8715048

For anyone who gets this, could you please review it here maybe? I want to buy, but I just want to make sure it's worth that price.

Have they maybe mentioned anything about skirts?

>> No.8715065

Honestly, by the time someone has received it and reviewed it you won't have much chance at picking up your own..

>> No.8715079

Both are stunning. The grey has the wow factor but the milk tea colour is so easy to match with almost everything. I think I might try to get both.

>> No.8715105

You're probably right. I'm just wary of indie brands since I've been burned on some of them.

Would anyone say their dresses are worth the $200+?

>> No.8715107

I think the lace is just an underskirt. If you look at other pictures, there's no lace..

>> No.8715462

Where is that rosette from?

>> No.8715468

I've seen only positive reviews. The question is more whether you think such a simple item is worth the price tag. Not whether it's made well enough.

>> No.8715472 [DELETED] 

Who are you and do you make fat girl sizes?

>> No.8716505

I really wanted the grey but it sold out within seconds... At least I got the pale version and the headband to go with it.
I hope it's worth it.

>> No.8716507

Everything but the petite sold out quickly. Who else got one?
I am still on the fence about the brooches.

>> No.8716565

Same here, really hoping they do a re-release of this series. I'd like a couple of brooches but shipping cost more than an actual brooch with no cheaper options so it's slightly offputting.

>> No.8716609
File: 37 KB, 456x456, sweater jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls, what is your option about wearing a top over a JSK? I don't think it'll work well for lolita but I'm unsure about otome. The top of this JSK just seems like it'll be so plain.

Sorry for the bad editing, the JSK is the Tea Emblem in Milk Tea, the sweater is lavender and the teapot bag is silver. I'm thinking of maybe finding some lavender shoes and silver accessories.

>> No.8716616

Is this a troll?

>> No.8716643

Thats disgustingly ugly anon. Just wear a blouse jfc

>> No.8716776

I think a top over a JSK is fine, but certainly not this top.

>> No.8717042
File: 1.15 MB, 300x413, eyebleed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I offended your sensibility Anon.

Thanks for the advise, I still need to lurk more on otome blogs.

>> No.8717071
File: 471 KB, 819x614, JMknitskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of them. The other's a DLS below the knee straight skirt with intarsia flowers, so that might not be so interesting for the thread.

This one's JM with a mohair blend laceweight yarn. The flowers are done in stranded knitting and there are a few short rows on the bottom to add a bit of a flip to the skirt. The fact the yarn's lightweight definitely helps it keep its shape when it's worn instead of just being dragged down.

>> No.8717108

That looks really cosy. Not sure how I feel about i, but I can see this working!

>> No.8717132

It really is. It's my go-to winter ice skating, reading by the fire and baking Christmas cookies skirt.

>> No.8718012

Moss Badger.

>> No.8718606

It would look lumpy, wouldn't it? The neckline on the dress would be visible unless the knit top had thick fabric or was loose cut.

You're better off going for a peter pan collar blouse and a cardi. Maybe add jewelry and a hat if it still feels too plain.

>> No.8721288
File: 100 KB, 352x484, img_3_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's everyone planning on keeping warm this winter? I'm buying up more turtleneck jumpers to wear under JSKs. It's lucky it's in normie fashion right now. I'm really considering buying a black one with silver lurex woven in for wearing at Christmas. Or maybe just investing in a long sleeved velvet OP? Too many possibilities.

Alternatively for southern hemisphere otome, what are your plans for summer coords? Has anyone gone maximum otome and found a NWT JM swimsuit yet? I always liked the one on the left.

>> No.8721789
File: 32 KB, 250x344, tumblr_ntrg3c6nW31ubljkdo5_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are your plans for summer coords?
It's already 35°+ here so it's been hard to wear anything.

>How's everyone planning on keeping warm this winter
I'll be travelling abroad in January so I'll be hitting some colder weather. I was looking into turtlenecks as well and if I get super cold I was going to layer some thermal tops beneath.

>> No.8721813

I feel you. I'm short (5'2") but busty and stocky (28" waist). I love ETC and I wear it occasionally, but I often end up feeling like a lawn gnome haha. I'm trying to work on things that lengthen my silhouette, skirts + tops just aren't working because they make me look chunkier. Even though you're tall, I might recommend the same - wear longer one-piece items that will make you look more slender and less bulky. You'll still be tall, but come off as more elegant.

>> No.8721830

You wouldn't be happening to be going to Europe, would you? It's supposed to be pretty cold this year! Last time El Nino hit in 2010, I got snowed in for the first time ever. Layering up on thermals and wool was a lifesaver.

>> No.8721837
File: 97 KB, 600x600, Rose-Sachet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted the purple but missed out, so I got the Milk Tea JSK, matching bow, sweater brooch and the teabag brooch. I'm really excited, although I'm worried about staining. I typically avoid lighter-colored dresses.

>> No.8721951

Japan, actually. Not as cold as Europe but it'll still be a shock to my system.

>> No.8722917

Day late and a dollar short. What is the best way to get this secondhand?

>> No.8723937
File: 23 KB, 570x570, seersucker dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this cute seersucker dress. It sits slightly above knee length. Any ideas on how to coord it for otome?

>> No.8725357

>>8724093 new thread