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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8649769 No.8649769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a boyfriend or significant other? How do they treat your /cgl/ habits and hobbies?

>> No.8649776

My boyfriend is very supportive despite the fact hes kinda normie. Even before datung he was aware I was into Lolita fashion and liked it. I feel fortunate enough to date someone who doesnt only love me but supports what makes me happy.
For my birthday he wven got me Haenulis rerelease of their stained glass print, a dream dress of mine.

>> No.8649783

I actually met my boyfriend whilst in cosplay, advertising a college club (illustration, not anime, there was a competition for who could recruit the most people in one day) and he likes that I do it. He doesn't like me wearing revealing costumes, but he understand that he has to deal with that. He doesn't understand why I won't have sex in cosplay, either. I might buy a cheap taobao costume just to indulge him.

He won't go to a con with me, and doesn't really want to cosplay with me, because the one con he went to, he went on the quietest day, didn't have much money, wore an anime cosplay to a comics event and didn't wear a wig, so no-one took any photos or anything. He's really dramatic and loves showing off, so I reckon if I got him in a proper cosplay, with the right hair/wig, he'd love it. I want to surprise him with a cosplay and get him to go to a con with me just once - get a hotel, have lots of spending money, good food, good event and do an awesome cosplay from a series he loves, and if he doesn't like it then, I won't mention it again. Cosplay is just a massive part of my life, as are cons, and I'd like him to at least understand why I love it so much.

I'm also into gyaru/lolita and he HATES those, but I don't really care, especially because I'm not as invested and will probably grow out of those.

>> No.8649814

Me and my boyfriend are both into anime. He cosplays with me and was very supportive and encouraged me to get into lolita when i said i was interested in it. He has recently been getting into lolita as well. We both kinda rubbed off on each other. I got him into lolita and he got me into firearms.

>> No.8649830

I met my husband at a convention, he cosplays too. He's always suggesting that I cosplay characters he wants to fuck and he likes it when I do sexy costumes. I always make sure my costumes are machine washable, so I don't really care about having sex in them.

>> No.8649840

My boyfriend cares very little for lolita but he is very happy that I have a hobby I am so passionate about. He dresses fairly alternative though being into the punk scene and having a sweet mohawk. Also he constantly supports me and knows a lot about the fashion despite his lack of interest.It's aldo really great because has a good eye for fashion in general and helps me coord quite often. He helped me gain confidence to go out in public with lolita and I am very grateful for that.

>> No.8649849

I didn't get into Lolita until after I met my boyfriend and he's been such a trooper. He doesn't care for the Ruffles and my favorite style, sweet. He's not into alternative fashion but likes when other people wear it. However he lets me be spoiled and wear it when we go out and endures the gawkers and onlookers like a champ.

>> No.8649857

I actually met my current boyfriend during a cgl meetup. Extremely supportive cause obviously, he knew about cons and cosplay. He's not as interested in cosplay -- like he wants to cosplay but he doesnt make cosplay plans or anything like most cosplayers -- but it's very adorable when he does want to do cosplay couple with me.
We want to do Zen and Rei from persona Q for our next con!

>> No.8649862

I just got into lolita fashion and my boyfriend doesn't understand it, but he's really happy that the fashion makes me feel good about myself since I've been depressed for a few years now. He offered to get me some things for a coord I'm working on so I think he's getting used to it.

>> No.8649870

I wear gothic and classic lolita and my boyfriend likes it, especially gothic. When he met me I was a trad/western goth, so that makes sense. He supports my hobby and is excited when I get new dresses. It's pretty cool.

>> No.8649887

Girlfriend is just starting to get into it. She isn't much of an anime nut like I am but she's into western stuff. Only been to 2 conventions before but she enjoyed them, looking to do more in the future.

Though she doesn't get why I buy animu figures, she sees them as pointless. Same goes for doujins (and hates that I buy them, though I don't really care)

>> No.8649888

I met my boyfriend while in cosplay on omegle, we've been dating 3 years, and though we're long distance we visit 2 times a year (2 weeks and 1~ month each time, its really tough and frustrating but w/e i guess).

He likes my cosplays kind of. He never says anything's good or nice (or bad) even though I know he thinks they are okay because "everyone else compliments you, it's not like you don't know it's nice." He doesn't really understand HIS opinion is what matters to me but w/e.

I made him his first cosplay this summer & he had a lot of fun. He said he didnt want to do it at first (i didn't know, he told me after) but he said he was happy I made him because he enjoyed it and liked making his prop, too. We have 3 more cosplays planned now and he seems really excited. I've made 2 cosplays for the intent of having between us during more ~private times~, but so far we haven't really done anything with them bc with the distance I'm really adamant about not wasting time when we're together and spending 1 hour to get into cosplay just for 20 minutes of wear is a waste of time to me.

As for lolita he seems to like it, but says he doesn't like being around me in it because "he feels under dressed", so I'm trying to help him get his own style going on. He wants me to buy more lolita and wear it daily instead of on occasion, but I can't afford to.

He likes anime/video games a lot more than I do and if it wasn't for him I probably would've never found or indulged in half or more of my favorites.

>> No.8649913
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Found a pic of us. Our first couple cosplay

>> No.8649917

>i'm ok with wearing sexy revealing costumes in public
>i'm ok with all the attention i get from random guys
>i won't wear sexy costumes for my bf

good gal

>> No.8649922
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>Tfw no cute boyfriend to dress up and vicariously live cosplay dreams through

>> No.8649934

My boyfriend isn't really into anime (he likes watching Sailor Moon though). We met via RPing Assassin's Creed, so we have similar interests. He likes lolita and thinks it is very cute, and he already knows about cosplays and stuff.

>> No.8649951

Why does he hates those?

>> No.8649955

I got into lolita after I married. SO was supportive, although he feels weird when we're out together whenever he's wearing his normie clothing and I'm wearing OTT, which is perfectly understandable.

I usually wear lolita only when going out by myself, meeting with friends, or the occasional casual Friday.

What's interesting is that he likes seeing me more in sweet, and isn't as much into gothic and classic, whereas my tastes are inverse to that.

>> No.8649960

He sounds like a cunt

>> No.8649966
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My boyfriend is a big metalhead; Chubby, long hair, long beard, wears band shirts and cargo shorts all day every day. Sometimes Hawaiian shirts.
>Loves Otome and Classic Lolita.
>So proud of me for sewing a lot of my own clothes.
>Feels bad when I get dressed up because he wants to be 'fancy' too.

I think that he feels like he's not good enough/embarrassing in comparison sometimes, which is fucking crushing. I'm going to start making vests and jackets to match some coords for him. Maybe buy him some dress slacks.

>> No.8649975

Either you're really ugly or you have low standards.

>> No.8649976
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my bf wont cosplay boys so i always have to find girl pairings -_-;;;

>> No.8649979

my boyfriend is a normal fag. He does like some toonami animus though which is a plus.
He occasionally teases me for my hobbies, or flat out doesn't understand, but for the most part is very supportive. I think he's more bothered by the fact I don't like shounen animus than anything else.

but he's also an ill-tempered alcoholic. So if were ever fighting over something, it's more because of that than my shit taste in animus.

>> No.8649981

Either you're a shitposter or you're the kind of person who let's her 10/10 chad beat the shit out of her and cheat on a regular basis because 'dose abs tho.'

>> No.8649988

Boyfriend is also a normalfag.. Kinda just sprung the "oh by the way here is my lolita wardrobe" thing on him and gave him no time to object.

I've been out with him in lolita a couple of times and he doesn't seem to care an overly large amount.. even managed to train him to know what is considered "ita" and what isn't!

Pretty much he doesn't give a shit about how I dress and what not, more about how much money I spend on everything.. which is fine with me!

>> No.8649989 [DELETED] 

>long hair
>long beard
>cargo shorts
>hawaiian shirts


>> No.8649994

>long hair
>long beard
>cargo shorts
>hawaiian shirts


>> No.8650024
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We call that the Ronnie style

>> No.8650030

Did you reply to the wrong post? That girl just has a boyfriend who thinks lolita looks neat...

Just help him out with clothes a little. I know a lot of metalhead guys who used to look like complete messes but who have since sort of moved into what people call "corporate goth" style, and they all look pretty decent.

Sounds like a pretty good boyfriend, anon.

>> No.8650072

That sounds like the opposite of hell to me. Unless he makes a bad girl. Does he make a bad girl?

>> No.8650089

My bf is the same way but i love it. He makes such a cute girl and we always get a lot of attention when we're together at cons. Plus i'm a huge yuri fangirl.

>> No.8650101

We met in World of Warcraft and so, it would not be uncommon for him to have the same interests as I do. He doesn't cosplay and has weird opinions of the Lolita dresses I show him. It's usually the same comments of "cute" or "not cute."

He can give some constructive comments if he knows what to focus on. He loves his toys. He collects Kamen Rider, Third Party Transformers and Bandaid. He understands if I have to be up for a reservation. He does the same thing with his pre-order nights but he is quicker than I am with securing items.

It's like an understanding. He knows the difference from AP, Baby and AatP like I know that difference between a figma, a figuart and a Starscream

>> No.8650103

i think hes very cute in cosplay but he is definitely no trap. his get a lot more attention than mine do actually

but sometimes you just wanna kiss your husbando and that aint ever gonna happen

>> No.8650108

Ah i can get that. I guess i'm lucky i'm such a super faggot i kinda prefer girls so my bf cosplaying girls just lets me live out my yuri waifu fantasies

>> No.8650110

Bf loves cosplaying with me, helping me with cosplays, coming up with ideas, etc. He also admires my lolita outfits and gets excited when I wear em.

>> No.8650116

I have a pretty normal fag boyfriend but he dresses pretty well everyday. He doesn't mind Lolita and he's bought me Lolita books (he knows he has ita taste and lacks online shopping skills to buy anything else). I haven't worn it out with him because we don't get much time out together and I usually keep Lolita for meet ups. I wore a salopette coord in class before we were dating but I'm not sure he thought anything of it. Hes from a small European village (maybe an hour away from a big city) so I know his family isn't going to understand unless it's around karnival

>> No.8650126

yes and he is very supportive <3 he thinks its cute. were just getting into cosplay. im not much into games like he is, but i do stream with him sometimes.we both like anime.

>> No.8650143

Sort of related but after a breakup, would you expect costumes you've worked on and paid materials for to be returned to you, even if they were made for your once significant other?

>> No.8650154

My boyfriend has played some, uh, interesting characters in stage performances so he doesn't get to judge me for calmly dressing up like a cartoon character at a small convention

>> No.8650160

I wouldn't expect them to be returned, but if I were the one who got given the costumes I'd want to give them back.

>> No.8650169 [DELETED] 

i read some of these posts and i hope you realize that your bf is only dating you because they want to fulfill a fantasy of having sex with a lolita...

>> No.8650192
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>tfw trap
>tfw no gf to cosplay & lolita together
>tfw no yuri times in the room
>tfw too scared to hit on girls at cons

>> No.8650773
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He sounds like a manchild

>> No.8650776
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>> No.8650777
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I'm a cosplayer and so is my bf. We also have similar tastes in anime and games and the types of characters we like work well together, so couple cosplays happen pretty often.
Pic related.

>> No.8650780
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>shounen animus
>he's also an ill-tempered alcoholic
Okay question, why the fuck you still there?

>> No.8650798

Boyfriend wants to fuck me while I'm wearing lolita and he doesn't understand why I find the thought gross.

>> No.8650804

your face is super cute! Can't really see your costumes but they look pretty good.

>> No.8650811

I recently got into lolita and my boyfriend also wants to look 'fancy' too. One day I will be rich enough to buy him boz instead of just sewing crappy stuff for him.

Go for it anon! You'll look so cute together with matching co-ords!

>> No.8650813

My boyfriend has no problem with my interest in lolita. He encourages me to do what I love and is very supportive of my sewing and actually is very good at giving me opinions when I'm working on a new coord.
He bought me an AP dress for xmas this year and usually buys me a nice dress every year, he has pretty good taste.
I'm hoping to go to one of the bigger events sometime soon and he said he'd like to dress up with me. He gives me a lot of confidence.

>> No.8650855

>Dating someone who doesnt support or share your interests
>Dating someone who has to "tolerate" your hobbies
Why do straight girls do this to themselves ishygddts

>> No.8650916
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I'm married. I met my husband in high school.We were kind of amazed we found someone else who liked anime and stuff because our school is full of rednecks. He was pretty impressed that I make my costumes and wanted to go to a con. I took him and he loves dressing up now too. He went into the military and got stationed in Japan, and really wanted me to come stay with him. We lived there for a year and a half and I really miss it. Now he'll be in Korea for a year and I couldn't go, it sucks. I'm hoping with making more costumes and having some of my first conventions to return to will make the time go fast.

>> No.8650932

My BF and I have been together since we were teenagers, we met in school. He likes comics though and I like anime (although he likes some anime too).
He actually doesn't like lolita but he doesn't care that I wear it or anything. I like AP stuff but he thinks mary magdalene style stuff is better/he likes that. I think he would be more interested in lolita if there was a male equivalent (he's asked me before and I've showed him ouji but he didn't really like it, that and he's 6'2 so it'd be hard to find brand to fit).
We both like arts and crafts, he likes sewing and knitting. We've only cosplayed once together but are planning on doing it some more. It's hard to find something that we can match together though since he'd prefer to do comic cosplays and I'd prefer anime. I think we are going to just consult each other and take it in turns so we're both happy.

>> No.8650969

My boyfriend is /k/. He doesn't understand clothing at all (once asked why my normalfag dress was wrinkled when it was ruched) so it's not like me wearing lolita makes a difference. I don't understand guns at all. We're both introverted nerds, though, so what we do most of the time is stay indoors watching movies together.

>> No.8650980



>> No.8651000

He finds really OTT styles, anything not really normie a bit embarrassing. He loves my himekaji clothes though, and has bought some for me in the past. He also had an ex gf who wore lolita who it ended badly with. And even I can admit a lot of gyaru looks ugly and tacky as hell. I still love it though.

Tbh can you blame someone for not wanting to spend $100+ on travel and con tickets as well as food and shit when the only con you've ever been to was crap? Dude's just a bit normie. He does shit like driving me home from college if I'm homesick, a 5 hour drive one way, cooks for me almost every day of the week because I work late, does loads of little things like packing my lunches with notes in and bringing me breakfast in bed, and is a 10/10 looks wise when I'm a 7 at a push on a good day. His attitude to /cgl/ shit isn't great, but I don't particularly want to join in on his D&D nights so it's even.

I feel like you meant to reply to me, so, yes, basically. I would be okay with wearing sexy costumes for my bf, he could go to a con and wear a mankini for all I care, but fuck getting cum on my costumes. They cost a lot, took fucking ages to make, and can't go in a washing machine. Most people would say the same. Did you miss where I said I'd buy a taobao costume just for that?

>> No.8651005

it's a complicated subject

sometimes it is "because he makes me so happy!" and you don't drop the cosplay bomb til later or the other happy parts are (in your mind) counteracting the part where he doesn't like what you do and you just kind of gloss it over. sometimes it is "he'll change (his mind)" or "I can get him to change (his mind)." sometimes it is the "because I don't want to be alone." this is especially more relevant the later in life a girl is but usually not a problem for cosplayers since most are still in their early years where they meet so many new people.

>> No.8651056

My boyfriend and I used to dislike each other, actually; but after we got to know one another, we found out that we actually went very well together.

He doesn't cosplay or wear alternative fashion, but he's super supportive and even helps me. He likes making props with me, it really cuts the load work in half and I am thankful for it. He's also happy to take my cosplay pictures for me and we edit them together, it's fun. He even helps me to buy materials sometimes when I am short or if he sees something that could be useful to me and I am not around. He doesn't quite get the sewing side of cosplay, but he's always willing to help me pick out fabrics or at least help me match colors as best as possible.

As for lolita, he thinks it's really cute and likes seeing me in my dresses, mainly because I look really happy while in them and he likes seeing that shit. He doesn't mind being seen with me in public when I am dolled up and is quick to tell off strangers when they try anything stupid. Though, he's 6ft+ so that helps keep most people at bay.
Just like with cosplay, he's willing to buy me lolita at most any time but I don't let him, I think lolita should be my sole responsibility and it's a lot more expensive than the few materials he buys me for prop-making.

I seriously lucked out.

>> No.8651096

Your boyfriend sounds like a man-child and needs to be punted.

I used to date guys in the cosplay scene but most of them are way into how they look? They pretty much acted like they could get any chick that walked around.

At the same time though, any non-cosplay guys I dated didn't really get what I did and some found it a bit weird or wanted to use it for sexual fantasies and I'm not about that life.

5vr making the worst choices in men.

>> No.8651177

My boyfriend is into comics and gaming, so he likes going to conventions, but he doesn't like going with me if I'm cosplaying. He gets annoyed at how often I get stopped for pictures, and he doesn't want to waste his days going to shoots and things like that. I totally understand, but I miss going to cons with him. I think I've convinced him to come to Comikaze with me because some non-cosplaying friends are going, so he'll have people to hang out with.

>> No.8651200

My boyfriend doesn't really care. He's actually pretty alright and game for cosplaying, but he's not much of an anime fan-- more video games than anything, but that's alright because I'm not super into anime, either. We actually plan on doing a sorta-couple (same game, non-related characters) cosplay as Father Gascoigne and the Doll from Bloodborne, so that'll be fun.

We went to a con together this year and it was pretty fun, he enjoyed it as much as me, even though he didn't cosplay and I did. He wasn't a huge fan of people taking pictures of me, though, because he mainly wanted to enjoy the festivities without being stopped every so often.

He's also alright with my lolita/jfashion interests. He's an ex-/fa/, so he doesn't get all pissy about buying expensive clothes. He's always supportive with "That looks really cute/nice!" or "You look very pretty.", so even though he's not "completely" interested, I still like that he at least tries to care/be supportive.

>not wanting to join in on your bf's D&D nights
gay, it's like you don't even want to make a kawaii halfling and be a qt tiny chaotic good barbarian.

>> No.8651248

I'm still into animu, but mostly keep this to myself since my boyfriend has no interest for animu anyway. I don't mind, I have enough friends to share the hobby with and I'd rather watch my animu in private. No need to explain my guilty pleasure for Boys love, fanfiction, shipping and all the other weeaboo trash I secretly do. I rarely attend cons and when I do so, I do with friends.

I don't cosplay and I don't intend to. I only wear Lolita and once in a while Otome (introduced both as "J-fashion" to him); he likes the clothes and generally likes more unusual clothes. He is a bit unused to the attention I get from time to time, but since I wear mostly Classic or Otome I don't get that many stares. He even asked me if I can take him to a meet up but honestly I have no big interest in taking him. Meet ups are "my time" with the girls, where I wear more OTT outfits, talk trash and gossip about other Lolitas, marvel about the newest release and in general don't do much of interest for the bf, so I don't really see a reason to drag him with me. It would mostly be boring for him anyway. I might take him one day if there's an appropriate opportunity.
He's a poorfag student right now so no qt bf Lolita gifts for me, gonna have to continue to buy burando myself.

He does like comics and is into gaming. I'm only a casual gamer but once in a while we play the same games (he has pretty good taste in games). Sadly, his clothing style is pretty normalfag.

But he's adorable, he really loves me, he likes my clothing style, he does all sorts of cute things, is supportive of my hobbies and you can have an intelligent conversation with him. I'm pretty happy with him right now.

>> No.8651283

I started cosplaying before I even met my boyfriend, but I used to buy most of my cosplay stuff; once we started dating he took up sewing and now he sews our cosplay himself (I mostly do the prop stuff because I'm better at that)! It's really fun having a built in cosplay buddy, I think pairs look better than solo cosplays too! He already liked anime and stuff before we started dating but I think my collecting habits rubbed off on him

>> No.8651289

Everyone does this.

>> No.8651297
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I'm really into the cosplay scene and have been doing it for quite a while and my boyfriend wasn't aware of that before we started dating. He's still really supportive but he is a HUGE /fa/ggot. He's going to be doing his first cosplay with me this month so I'm really excited, but he likes shows that fit his weird "aesthetic" and he likes to put his own twist on it so we do have to work around that in a sense. His first cosplay is Kaneki Ken, but he wants to wear Cabana Homme shoes and Balmain jeans and I don't want to deal with his autism when they inevitably get dirty.

On the other hand I'm also really into figurine collecting and he doesn't mind that either. He listens to me whine about sculpts and pre-orders we both got into building gunpla together.

>> No.8651299

My bf is very supportive of my lolita, he discusses new releases/coords ideas/events with me and he bought me a JSK for our first anniversary! He said he might like to wear a matching outfit someday but I wouldn't take him to a meetup or big brand event, he would get really bored.

He's not interested in j-fash or anything /cgl/ himself (big history, strategy games and tabletop gaming nerd) but he likes to see me happy and I like seeing him happy about his stuff, so it works out. He's adorable, I'm so happy with him.

>> No.8651304 [DELETED] 

dating a dirty monkey. Wow.

>> No.8651314

Anon pls post pictures

>muh otp

>> No.8651325

I watch a lot of anime together with my boyfriend. He supports my cosplay ways and goes with me to cons. He finds them amusing because "there's so many kids!" He recently destroyed my dreams of making a couple cosplay, as he does not want the attention and feels happy holding things and taking pictures.

>> No.8651333 [DELETED] 

wow he sounds like a cuck! do you peg him often?

>> No.8651343
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>> No.8651360

>go to Anime StL last year for shits and nostalgia
>wearing ott sweet
>I know no one likes it anymore, but I like it
>meet guy
>he likes my coord
>nice guy
>I'm lonely
>no friends, no bf
>get his number
>how bad could he be right?
>oh bitch, you don't know yet
>he comes over to my place a couple weeks later
>sees all muh rori hung up on the walls
>landlord wouldn't let me paint, I have to decorate somehow
>he immediately just makes a face like :s
>like a fucking 90s emoticon, he makes this face
>I ask him what's up
>he straight tells me, "This is a little creepy. Why do you have baby clothes on your walls?"
>I say "Okay one, you met me in one of these dresses,"
>"that one, right there, the one I am pointing at,"
>"two, who the fuck walks into someones house and calls there shit creepy before they even close the door?"
>he says, "I just thought you were wearing it for the con."
>I say, "So the whole explaining that this is the most important thing in my life, the thing I spend all my money on, that didn't tip you off?"
>he says, "I thought you were exaggerating."
>I say, "Well I wasn't. This is my life, and you insulted it. Hope you didn't drive far; have a good night."
>then I gently pushed him back outside

tl;dr no, I do not have a boyfriend.

>> No.8651362

Husband pays the bills and tries to learn my wardrobe; he congratulated me when I found my holy grail dress. Girlfriend just rolls her eyes.

>> No.8651369

Good decision, tbh. If he didn't get all those clues, he doesn't get the booty.

>> No.8651379

Thanks fam

>> No.8651382
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>tfw no qt mori fae gf to contrast my cyberpunk aesthetic

>> No.8651386

It looks like most of you in a relationship people met the other person either in hs or college. But what about the rest of us who didn't hook up in education? Anyone have luck with partners found in online dating or whatever?

>> No.8651391

My boyfriend always watched some very few anime but since we got in the relationship 5 years ago, it increased quite a lot. Because of my hobby we were going to cons together and that probably got him into wanting to do cosplays too, only with the difference that he makes actual armor as game cosplayas as he has been into that kind of thing before we even met.

>> No.8651395

>Your boyfriend sounds like a man-child and needs to be punted.

You guys are actually dressing up as little girls though, no self awareness? Or just typical separate set of standards for women?

>> No.8651397

>>8651391 here, I met my bf online via FB (he added me as I was friends with a friend who used to be into alt fashion) and some day I was bored and wanted to meet with somebody for gothic clothing shopping and he was the first one avaiable.

>> No.8651403

Dressing a particular way often has little to do with a person's personality.
For example, if you were only allowed to dress cute if you /weren't/ a shitty person, there wouldn't be an lolitas hardly.

>> No.8651404

I met my gf on Neopets

Kepe looking anon

>> No.8651409

Or maybe you're just a shallow bitch

>> No.8651410

>walk into a house of a girl you're interested in, but have only met once
>fancy dresses pinned up on all walls like posters

Like, sure, he may have been a git, but you can see why that is actually kinda creepy, right? Who uses a dress as a wall decoration, especially an expensive one?

If you were talking at length about how much you spend on Lolita and how it's a big part of your life, it was probably akin to walking into a house with like 50 cats.

Sounds like you both dodged a bullet.

>> No.8651413

some efame lolitas put their dresses on their walls for display purposes, milkyfawn used to do it

>> No.8651414

Well shouldn't he have expected to walk into a house with 50 dresses then?

>> No.8651415
File: 351 KB, 1600x1065, milkyfawnroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone walked in here and insulted milkyfawn's shit, I bet she would have punched him in the face.

>> No.8651421

Well sure, but he he took one step into /my/ house and immediately insulted it.
After I told him that all I care about in the world is lolita fashion, and that I literally have all my dresses and shit on display.
I didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination.
That aside, it was really rude.

>> No.8651422

The only time I've ever compromised my interests/hobbies/self-expression for a relationship, I was under 18.
Any self respecting adult with half a brain shouldn't be doing this to themselves, especially in the year 2015

>> No.8651423

*lots* of lolitas use dresses as well decorations. just take a look over at the room thread >>8619282

>> No.8651426

Everyone as in, not just straight girls. Not literally every human being. My bad, should've been more clear.

>> No.8651435

>once asked why my normalfag dress was wrinkled when it was ruched

>> No.8651454

I don't cosplay anymore, and have never gotten into actual jfash (yet), but I still really enjoy both from afar as an interest rather than a hobby.

My boyfriend and I are both geeks. I'm definitely the more weeaboo one while he is into gaming and comics, but we both absolutely love animation, western and eastern.

We love watching cartoons together, browsing 4chan and looking at the bad cosplay threads, following our favorite independent animators online, and going to cons. He is always happy to listen to me talk about lolita or moeshit, while I love watching him play games. He was so proud when I sewed my first skirt recently and encourages me to pursue my interests. He's my best friend, and I actually owe you seagulls for giving me the courage to enter the relationship. So thank you guys, I couldn't be happier.

>> No.8651457

I met my boyfriend at an underground concert at someone's garage.

Just be social.

>> No.8651474

Separate standards for women. You see them in basically every single thread this place has related to relationships

>> No.8651492

I really love my bf for the shits he puts up with from me. I like lolita and jfash, I cosplay, I have a big anime figure collection, and I also collect dolls. He isn't what I'd consider a normie, but he definitely doesn't let on to enjoying anime the way I tend to do. Bless his soul for carrying all my bags at cons. He's also learning how to use nice cameras so he can do shoots with me instead of finding photogs which is nice!

>> No.8651498

w2c /cgl/ gf

>> No.8651522

Oh no you dont

>> No.8651538

This tbh fam ;_;

>> No.8651562

>After I told him that all I care about in the world is lolita fashion, and that I literally have all my dresses and shit on display.
gonna be honest, if you hadn't pushed him out the door he probably would have turned around and walked on his own. that or judged whether or not he wanted to put his dick in crazy because if anyone had a collection of anything on the walls and said it was their everything and only thing there's a good chance they're crazy.

>> No.8651613

Still no loss for her. How dare people have hobbies they are passionate about?

>she literally tells him she spends all her money and free time on the hobby and how it's the most important thing of her life
>he is still surprised
Why even bother to come visit her if you consider this crazy? He sounds like a douche who just wanted to put his dick in her and thought she'd probably be easy because she's weird. Otherwise there's no reason for him to come over if he thinks of her behaviour as creepy.
I mean I wouldn't mind if he wasn't comfortable or disliked her hobby, it indeed comes off as weird, but rather cut contact with the chick and move on.

>> No.8651615

This anon. I realized in my life it's better to be single (ehm... i'm working on this, it's really hard) rather than be with someone that doesn't undestand your hobbies or worse, hate them. You can't change people, you can't expect to change them. Many people, not only girls, need to be happy to themselves first instead to get in a relationship with someone not suitable because they don't want to be alone. At least in this thread there are good couples that respect themselves and like their hobbies even if they don't share everything.
Hopefully you didn't get together with him, imagine life with... it would have been hellish.
Anon, that would be cute!I like contrasting styles in couples.
>mfw not into mori but i wear lolita and otome, still want to try mori
>mfw i love edgy/gothic looks on guys that contrast a bit with my style

>> No.8651620

it's the difference between hearing someone say "I LOVE the harry potter series! I worship it!" and going to their home and seeing it set up as a shrine to harry potter. Yes, they do love harry potter, and in ways you had no clue.

>> No.8651627

I wear mori, my girlfriend is into stuff like EMODA and yaponskii. She doesn't get it at all but likes me in it and saves things to point out to me when she sees something that reminds her of the style.

>> No.8651657

> Many people, not only girls, need to be happy to themselves first instead to get in a relationship with someone not suitable because they don't want to be alone.
This is wise and something not enough people realize. I remember when I broke up with my first long term gf and I went single for a couple years just putting my life together and living on my own. You learn a lot about yourself and the kind of person you are after living alone for a while. Being alone is a hard skill to learn but it is very important if you want to have an equal relationship with someone and not just a couple of mutually dependent people shacking up for a while. It helps a relationship be created out of mutual desire and not out of one or more persons involved being emotionally stunted and needing someone else to take care of them.

Sorry for the blogpost. I get long winded and indulgent when I talk about things like this. It's like how recovering alcoholics will drone on and on about the dangers of the demon drink, because they lived it and know and hate to see other people fall into the same trap.

>> No.8651658

Seems to me like anon was more open. Imagine someone saying "I LOVE Harry Potter! I live for it! In fact, I spend most of my disposable income on merchandise, I collect the books and hang up posters, and my whole flat is decorated with it! It's simply my life!" all while you meet them at a Harry Potter fan meeting, dressed in Harry Potter-cosplay. Would you still be surprised when you get a glimpse in their flat and see everything is stuffed with Harry Potter crap?
Or imagine meeting a guy at a con telling you "I LOVE anime and cosplay! It is my life! I spend all of my disposable income on figurines, posters, dakimakuras, waifus, all my freetime on crafting cosplays,it is simply my most burning passion!!" all while being in cosplay at a convention.

Again, I don't really blame the guy for not liking it, it is a bit weird and extreme. But not unexpected.

>> No.8651667

I met my then boyfriend before I got into lolita so he's been there for the whole crazy journey. He doesn't really get it, but he's supportive and pays for it.

>> No.8651671

My boyfriend doesn't like lolita but tries to show interest. He has really bad taste tough and doesn't understand why I spend so much money on dresses, but he owns 20+ shirts of the same football club.

>> No.8651678

It seems you're more likely to have luck if you meet on a site that pertains to your interests rather than a site like OKCupid. I met my boyfriend through a map post on /r9k/ (kinda embarrassing but it turned out we had friends in common and went to the same highschool 3 grades apart) and so we had dorky things in common. I suppose it works for real life places too if you want to have these kinds of things in common, or at least an understanding/acceptance of them

>> No.8651684

I'm glad you first got your stuff together after a breakup. I'm doing the same, for example spending time in my hobbies, finish exams, overcome fears and issues that could damage relationships like being obsessive and co-dependent (i'm like that, slowly i'm working on it). Most couples in co-dependent situations never work or if they last, only to not be alone. Guys and girls have to be happy to be themselves, but many don't realize this. Neither older people in their 60s at times. You are right about to be alone, i'm still with my parents (university and my only jfash fund is a shop online), until i end university i won't move or until i find a job that pay enough every basic need and not ending to not being able to pay rent.
Some sites suggest to improve yourself if you desire a healthy relationship. I just feel bad when people just get into relationships with shitty people, mental unstable ones that never get responsibility of their behaviour. Infact, the people that are co-dependent (even the guys or girls that seem strong could be!!) end always with the same person type, the same mental patterns. It's like a carousel that never end until they get the lesson.
I talk a lot about this like you because i experienced a series of events that make me made aware of all this. I'm glad on 4chan there is people that thinks the same.

>> No.8651713

I feel bad going up to people at stuff like concerts and cons and events though. :/ They came here for the event not for me

>> No.8651717

I'd assume any person talking like that was just exaggerating as a joke or something

>> No.8651732
File: 42 KB, 650x600, 7878788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got hitched with high school crush, both weebs, both too poor to cosplay at the time, she became a sjw with autismal tastes (superwholock), and hated on "anime" cosplayers. Split up, then find out she was a closet lolita before the sjw change and was too shy to explore it. I became a cosplayer in the end.Now avoid normies who hit on me, already now how much it sucks to have someone hate your hobby.
couldve gone better.

>> No.8651752

>I'm glad on 4chan there is people that thinks the same.
Agreed, it's nice to see that I'm not alone in that respect. It's funny, people worry all the time about wasting time or part of their lives getting things together, but it really is necessary to take your time. If it takes x amount of years who cares if the result is that you're a more rounded, complex person?

I dunno where I'm going with this but the point is I think what you're doing is rad and I wish you all the best.

>> No.8651884

Some waste time in what they shouldn't waste (addiction to substances,too much work, etc) or they believe to have all their things together when instead, isn't what they really want. I realized the life i'm doing isn't what i wish, but first i need to improve myself to go further. Not sure how much time would take (months, years, who knows) but as you said that doesn't matter, i worry too much about trivial things (time passing) rather than don't caring much and not thinking.
Thank you anon!I wish you too the best, also someone with our same or similar interests/minds, we can wait for them.
>and especially not a story to be told on the feels thread but something to be proud like in this thread

>> No.8651896
File: 82 KB, 540x540, whenthememesosupremeyougottareee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-plz be my wetware idoru we can cuddle and watch I mean visu-grozz manly japanimation for manly men such as myself

>> No.8651899

>has bad experience with crazy weeb gf
>avoids normies because of this

Are you from Oz? Cuz that shit's flushing backwards.

>> No.8651951
File: 214 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a cosplayer too and has actually helped me branch out from being a "buying" cosplayer to a "making" cosplayer. I've learned so much from him!

>> No.8651982

I met my gf writing gay Transformers. No regrets.

>> No.8651987

you niggas have good taste in toku

>> No.8652049
File: 166 KB, 640x766, tumblr_nmt7im9awl1qmg9wro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dated a boy for a year who liked anime and video games, the basics and he even went to cons and had a furry sister. (though he didn't cosplay) I cosplayed before i met him so of course i expected him to accept it but he ended up throwing a major fit every time i went to a convention. He would get mad and call me an attention whore and said i only had fun at conventions if everyone was looking at me. I asked him to cosplay with me a few time and he rejected me saying that he would never waste his money on stupid shit. In his words he said that i take cosplay to hard because i went the whole weekend instead of just one of the days and when i cosplay he sees me as a giant gross nerd. i pointed out that he watches more anime than me and that his sister cosplays 9 tails he insisted it was different because "shes a furry and we only go for one day!"
Tbh it was extremely depressing and i even stopped watching anime and cosplaying for a whole year because dealing with his wining wasn't worth it. even when i tried to break up with him he'd find a way to manipulated me into coming back.
BUT thats all over now once i got a tattoo he broke up with me and even after he tried to "apologize" and rope me back in i finally put my foot down are refused him.
Ive been watching so much anime since then its amazing.

tl;dr I dated a dick who loved anime but oddly hated anything to do with ME and anime

>> No.8652061
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>> No.8652067

He sounds like someone from /r9k/.
>calling people stupid motherfuckers
>says there when he means their
What a fucking tool.

>> No.8652083

ayyyy this is some really good advice

>> No.8652107

Her own post had plenty of grammatical errors too.

>> No.8652113

>but I find people that take it far and long are stupid motherfuckers that don't know what else to do with there lives

That's really fucked up. I'm pretty sure he's only saying this because he wants to put as much distance between himself and cosplayers i.e. hiding his true powerlevel. There'd be no reason to do this unless he's got deep insecurities or worries about his future.

>> No.8652117

Being a male lolita, it's rather hard to find a gf since I dress up in clothes that are considered girly. Any normie girl has asked me, "Are you gay?" "Are you bi-curious of your gender?" or the best question was "Do you want to become Caitlyn Jenner?" I would rather not date or be a relationship with another girl because something like will come up in a relationship.

On the upside, I get to enjoy spending my own money on brand.

>> No.8652120

Yeah, but she's not going around acting like she's better than other people while simultaneously making stupid mistakes.

>> No.8652121

Are you a guy or a girl.

>> No.8652134

Yea i'm not going to try and make up excuse for that i know my grammar is atrocious.
im not really sure what his problem was but i think your right about the insecurities thing. In our whole relationship he was insanely jealous and controlling. I think he was just really worried about me leaving him? He even got mad at me once for wearing a skirt to the mall without him.

>> No.8652139

That's your problem.

>> No.8652149

ah i really didn't mean for that top line to sound so condescending.
sage for being stupid.

>> No.8652172

Wow what a faggot.
>You're only allowed to take your hobbies as seriously as I ALLOW YOU TO!!!
I mean, fuck, unless you were living on the streets sucking dick for cosplay advice I doubt you were taking it "too far."

Also the whole thing with him despising your interest in something he has in interest in probably means he has some identity issues. Dude doesn't like to see his hobbies being done by other people since it's like holding up a mirror. The fact that it was enough to make you stop doing something harmless that you enjoyed is enough to tell me he's not a good person. Good move putting your foot down, it can be a very hard thing to do.

>> No.8652214


>> No.8652230

Then you're fucked.

>> No.8652239

u cut me deep. Is it really bad?

>> No.8652242

Yes. Girls never make the first move so if you can't or won't make one for whatever reason that's basically an automatic life sentence to being alone.

>> No.8652251

ohhhh. I thought you were telling me I was fucked on meeting someone _ever_, not that I just had to nut up and start talking to girls.

>> No.8652257

You are though

>> No.8652294
File: 94 KB, 310x327, tumblr_ntng06Oxrm1uoves2o6_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a thing for a guy, we've only known each other for like 3 months
>drag him with some friends to a con
>he sees what cosplay is, seems really impressed that i do it
>we start dating
>a year and a month later
>he doesnt like going to cons with me anymore because i constantly ask him to hold my stuff and drag him to my shoots

He's very generous and knows how much I enjoy this hobby. He's cosplayed with me before too but ehh, hes over it.

>> No.8652340
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>> No.8652348

>caring this much about dressing up as a fictional person

As long as your SO doesn't stop you from doing what you like, it really doesn't matter. Plenty of happy couples have differing interests.

>why are faggots so immature
That's the better question.

>> No.8652350

>bf and i both trashy weebs
>gives me free reign to dress as slutty as i want for cosplay

>> No.8652413

My husband and I are both nerds but he isn't the type of guy who would have gone to cons on his own. We cosplay together, taking turns on who decides the cosplay. I always choose cute shit and he gets me to cosplay shounen stuff. I end up being pretty boy protags and he is often a villain.

I find it funny because I imagined I'd be able to do lots of couple cosplays with him but he always wants to do stuff like Link and Ganondorf.

As for lolita (I mostly dress old school) he doesn't really care what I wear. I mean were married so what is he going to do divorce me because I want to wear a strange dress?

>> No.8652421

I feel like cons are different than concerts/shows--I go to cons to socialize with people who have the same interests as me, pretty specifically, and I think a lot of other people do the same. I do go to concerts specifically for the music, though, so I can understand why you'd feel that way in that situation. But talk to people at cons! Men, women, whatever. Try to just be friendly, not overly flirtatious/sexual/harrass-y, and it should work out for you.

Sorry about your bad experiences, anon

They're avoiding normies because their weeb gf turned out to not like their weeb-y hobbies, anon. It's not totally logical but it makes sense at the same time.

>> No.8652427

I met my now husband at Fanimecon 2009. Which is crazy because at the time he was living in Texas and the only reason he had gone was to meet up with Friends. He was pretty normie even for a guy who works for a videogame company. We met when in the hallway and we were both just chilling to the side. He struck up a conversation. Plus the whirlwind of a convention watching the sunrise together thinking I wasn't even looking for love yet here he is asking me out. I told him I'd think about it because I wasn't sure I was ready for a relationship. He said he'd call me. I didn't think he was serious either. We've been married for 3 years now. He's always been accepting of my lolita fashion .(he even helps me choose what looks the best on me. He is so fashionable when it comes to dressing me but he's more of a jeans and graphics t guy) I love and adore him and he's so wonderful I'm surprised someone like me was so lucky by chance to meet someone like him . He buys me brand every now and then and he takes care of me. I truly am spoiled by him.

>> No.8652428

Met a normie-tier dude; we ended up being part of a Halloween costume group together and I helped sew his outfit (probably about when he learned that I'm a cosplayer). We've been dating for nearly two years.

He's very r/MFA (Uniqlo, JCrew, H&M, etc) but he likes that I cosplay because I like it and get excited about it. He's never gone to a convention and I don't think I'd push him into going to one unless it was western content and/or had a guest he was interested in.
>he's sweet
>he also has one Star Wars "dream costume" that I'd love to help him accomplish, but it has a helmet and I'm not yet comfortable making those well
>tfw no vacuform setup

>> No.8652429

got mad at me once for wearing a skirt to the mall without him.

Yeah he's an insecure dude if he was pulling shit like that. I can almost understand being weirded out by cosplay but like, being a baby about your gf wearing a skirt to the mall? That's ridiculous.

>> No.8652537

My boyfriend totally hates lolita in general, but he likes it on me, because he thinks it looks cute. He would rather I switch to classic than my sweet style now, so I am considering going into sweer/classic. Not only for him, but I really like the style too. He watches anime and had done a few cosplays with me, went to cons and such, but it was mostly for me and not himself even though he had fun. He doesn't mind us going out when I wear lolita either. He says he would dislike lolita more if it was not for me, since he thinks it is too oot even if toned down a lot. He likes fairy kei a lot though.

>> No.8652609


>> No.8652626

>tfw no cosplay bf to couple cosplay with and be generally cute with

how get

>> No.8652628

i met my boyfriend on 4chan, he doed not care for sweet lolita but really loves gothic, also when i (rarely) cosplay, he loves it . i want to dominate him while wearing gothic lolita, but he does not like mean femdom and worries he would cum on my clothes

>> No.8652631

well HELLO there

>> No.8652633

I think lolitas who decorate their room in a very girly manner and have their dresses hung up on their wall are crazy and should not expect a boyfriend to be okay with this.
Whenever I go to the room threads to seek advice I see those children's rooms and leave immediately. It looks like a girly NEET lives there, nothing you can show friends or relatives when they come over, like this is the only thing your life is about.
Creepy, why not have an awesome rococo decor or vintage furniture with pastels?

>> No.8652683


>> No.8652692


Not only that, but it's a terrible idea for the dress too. Unless the owner of the room is keeping her blinds/curtains drawn 24/7, the dresses are going to fade and accumulate way more dust than they would if they were actually being properly kept. I'll admit I have lolita decor in my bedroom, but I actually put effort into it. I made prints out of my favorite prints and hung those. Using clothing as decoration is bizarre.

>> No.8652695

>tfw gf won't rp with me in bed wearing cosplays

>> No.8652865

Eh, a room isn't exactly the first thing you see when you're getting to know someone. By the time I see your room I've probably spent enough time with you to have a rough gauge if you're a weeb or not.

And really, if a girl is nice to me and we click, and she's got her life together, why would I care if her rooms all decked out in frilly shit? It's her space.

>> No.8652878

Asking a lolita out in my Comm would be a terrible idea and hooking up with a girl at a Con is another bad idea. I guess that leaves me with nothing.

Maybe I should wait until a girl asks me out.

>> No.8652886


near, but unless you're a dude who's interested in dudes you're gonna be barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.8652924

When I have guests over for the first time they usually want a room-tour, because it's common for adults to show off what you managed to do with your apartment.
And if a girl has a room decked with girly weeb-shit do you really think she could compromise and make a nice mature apartment once you move together?
Look at the rooms in the room thread. Do you think any of them live with their SO?

>> No.8652994

Literally no different from a guy who has sports shit plastered everywhere

>> No.8653001

This must be cultural because I have never in my life done a room tour of my condo. Neither have any of my friends.

The only people I know who do this are my parents, and they've got a fuckbig house AND this is only when they're throwing a party and someone gets curious and asks to see the house

>> No.8653004

Also, (should have been a same reply) why couldn't we compromise by having the weeb room? Posters dresses whatever. Stick my video game shit in there too so we're hanging out and chatting while I'm playing and she's sewing a cosplay or shitposting on here or whatever the fuck you people do all day.

>> No.8653018

>asking out someone who has the same interests as you is bad
Just don't be creepy about it and move on if she says no. Also don't go asking everyone in a row as that would just seem really fucking desperate.

>> No.8653064

I never said I have dolls and shit lying around, I literally just have my dresses displayed.
The rest of my apartment is just typical shabby chic.

>> No.8653084

I'm not normie and infact i like guys that crossdress, especially lolita or other jfash. Just don't date normies please, they would never understand lolita, especially if a guy wear it.

>> No.8653101

My boyfriend goes on /m/ and /k/ and occasionally comes here for storytime now that he knows I go on here. He enjoys the crazy lolita drama like the PD thread on the farm and supports my lolita habit.

>> No.8653109
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, peachie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be cultural, but in my country your apartment is representative of yourself we have more freedom regarding painting your walls and decorating your rooms though). A messy room = a messy person, a whimsical apartment = a whimsical person, a weeb room = a child at heart. A person who is really hestitant to show his guests around be seem very secretive, weird and cold-ish. Of course you don't open our cupboards and let people dig through your stuff, but the general rule is too keep your apartmentl ike you could show it to you guests.

To your second part: a room with weeb stuff and girly weeb stuff would be a total clusterfuck, could be not decorated at all since nothing will fit and look random. And let me tell you, you won't like it either. You'll arrange and organize but always wonder why it doesn't seem quite right. You'll probably see other people's rooms an wonder why theirs look good. Maybe you'll wake up sameday and realize that you should ather keep generals themes going with weeb accents rather than forcing all your fandom shit into a room where aults are supposed to live.

But you are not in this position anyway or you'd now better.
To each their own of course, but rooms like pic related look unrefined and childish. Not because oc the oys and pinks, but rather because of the lack of style and thought that went into decoration.

>> No.8653114
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, shabbychic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, excuse all those typos, it's hard to type on my tablet keyboard.

A room like pic related would be perfect though. Girly, lace, frills, roses but still mature and carefully coordinated. Put in a few weeb accents like a cute alpacasso plush or a framed Imai Kira postcard and a mannequin for your favourite dress and you have a perfectly acceptable lolita bedroom you can easily show anybody you know.

>> No.8653130

My boyfriend was introduced to me by a friend of ours. I liked him a lot and we just clicked and his comment "Ah yes, I also read manga, like Bleach or One Piece." just sealed the deal with me. I would've never dreamed of a cute and nice guy like him to like the stuff I like and like me back! I couldn't ever date a normie, they would have zero tolerance for my hobbies. My boyfriend is not a fan of my girly hobbies, but at least mahou shoujo anime and lolita was nothing new to him.
And when I thought he didn't care for lolita at all he got me Holy Lantern and suggested I should buy the expensive make-up I like. I couldn't love him more! Now, after 3 years we moved together and I'm even allowed to decorate our apartment in a shabby chic/gothic/baoque manner.

>> No.8653137

I wasn't talking about your room specifically, I don't know how it looks anyway. I was talking about rooms like >>8653109 or milkyfawn's room.
Having your dressing hung up is a little creepy though; it suggests you are a little too obsessed with them and I doubt it will do them any good as well. How would you wear them then? Wouldn't there be a blank spot?

>> No.8653143

>Wouldn't there be a blank spot?
I don't have much company because
>you are a little too obsessed with them

>> No.8653145

>being this obsessive over someone else's personal space

>> No.8653151

>the little plastic vanity and chair
Okay, Peachy fucking has to be an ageplayer.
I held out hope for her for a long time, but that's it.
There is a fucking diaper under that petti.

>> No.8653159

It's not like I'm policing her personal room decoration, but I have this unpopular opinion that most lolita nd weebish bedrooms look shitty.
I've put mouch thought into my own decoration recently and I'm still in a process of finishing it (I'm really obsessive over finding the perfect piece for everything) so I've quite a few things to say about this topic.
My friends and family are impressed with what we came up with in a short time, but I'm just sitting here and deperately try to find the right nightstands, because I just can't seem to find black shabby chic ones.

>> No.8653166

She moved with her boyfriend this year and they both have their own rooms so she can keep hers kitschy weebish and he doesn't have to be bothered by it. Like, what sense of unity is this?
To each their own I guess.

>> No.8653169

I own my own home and have literally zero weeb or video game or geek shit put up. I never tour my house other than "there's the fridge and there's the bathroom." My house is minimalist and tidy because that's what I like looking at. If someone likes looking at dresses and frills, why not?

Why am I worried about what message my room would send when I spent a lot of time in it and other people don't? It's mine (or whomevers) own personal space, and by the time I'm seeing someone's bedroom I've already likely spent a lot of time with them so it's not like I'm gonna be surprised.

>> No.8653179

Ill give you "kitschy weebish" as fine but that's a preschool toy. Little weird item to have in your house if you don't have a kid.

>> No.8653187

Maybe it's one of her toys she had as a kid that she has fond memories with? I still have some of my old toys because I can't let go out them.

>> No.8653190

>room with weeb stuff and girly weeb stuff would be a total clusterfuck, could be not decorated at all since nothing will fit and look random
This is assuming a lot about their ability to arrange and choose items that will work well together.
>You'll probably see other people's rooms an wonder why theirs look good
>But you are not in this position anyway or you'd now better.
>rooms like pic related look unrefined and childish
No shit, this is Peachie's room and she's basically an adult baby who has a million pounds of clutter. If your room isn't buried in toys and you frame the art, you can work with mixing themes a little and compromising.

This is such an autistic reply. Are you roleplaying as a home decorator or something?

>> No.8653194

This might be a cultural thing then, but a balance of "feeing comfortable in it" and "I can show it to other people" is really important to me and everyone I know, your apartment is your pride and joy. My relatives wanted to see my new apartment asap and even my coworkers (who are not that close to me)are still waiting for me to invite them and show my new flat. I know that japanese people handle this quite the opposite, your room your rules and barely anyone can step in, so there are cultural differences to this.

>> No.8653197

>oh noes, an opinion I don't like! A long one even!
>must be autist

oh yes, 4chan

>> No.8653221

What country / state are you from? I'm SoCal and seriously of all the homes I've been in I NEVER get a tour, and only see someone's room if there's a reason to go in there or someone's throwing a party in a small house and people take up pretty much every room.

Not buying it.

>> No.8653230

I'm from Germany. I bet a bunch of germans will now disagree with me and say it's not as important but it kinda depends on your social circle and I'm definitely one of the more obsessed ones in my circle.

>> No.8653332

If you are invited over to someone's house, don't they show you around? At least the living room and kitchen?

German Lolita here as well.
I can sorta confrim this. Whenever I visit new peopple they generally show you around the house.
BUT: Most people like to keep their bedroom private though. It's usually just the living room that's for display, and where you spend most of your time. I'd feel weird to be shown the bedroom unless it's a party or st. and I have to go in. The bedroom just has a more "intimate" and private feel to me.

EVERY room that is this cluttered will look weird. No matter if you stuff it with Lolita and toys or video games and animu merchandise. It has nothing to do with the theme but rather with the items she chose (the vanity table is questionable as fuck) and her tons and tons of stuff she displays everwhere. As said this would look bad with every hobby you have.

>> No.8653344

>Like, what sense of unity is this?
>To each their own I guess.
What's wrong with this? Honestly I'd love to keep a private room for myself when I move in with my partner, if we have the money for more rooms. I could decorate it the way I want it; no need to fight over Lolita dresses, purses, pictures etc. taking up space or over the question of displaying his gigantic Star Wars Lego space ship and vidya posters.
Just because you have a seperate rooms for your own interest doesn't mean you lose your sense of unity.

>> No.8653366

Yes I do. He really likes Lolita and know how it make me happy. Some times he buy stuff to me, but never as a surprise gift. Mostly like 'Oh it's so cute!' 'You want it?'. Which make me a little sad, like I feel in a weird sugar daddy situation, but on the other side, his taste in Lolita clothes are 100% trash, so a gift probably would be some shitty sateen mini skirt with horrible lace.

I was a complete noob in lolita when we started dating, but he encourage me to keep going and learn more about the fashion.
I'm happy that he think is cute and support me.

>> No.8653381

They are my cosplay slave. They make the costumes, while I wear them and get famous and get guest invites.

>> No.8653412 [DELETED] 

>Do you have a boyfriend or significant other?
Why even bother asking this.
Of course every girl does.

>> No.8653419

Someone is alone.

>> No.8653443 [DELETED] 

>trying to brag about doing something on easy mode

>> No.8653446


>> No.8653449
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I make my husband wizard costumes and nerdy shit.

>> No.8653462

I don't get why you're so afraid to just admit it. Not like you've got anything to lose.

>> No.8653466
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>> No.8653477

My boyfriend and I both wanted to cosplay, but didn't do it until we got together. We haven't really done actual couple costumes, just characters from the same thing. He makes props, helps me with fabric cutting, and usually takes care of anything with spray paint since I can't. I sew, do fine details on props, and paint.
Sometimes it's really stressful, but I like cosplaying with him a lot.

>> No.8653501

Met my girlfriend at a cosplay meetup. We usually trade OTPs for cosplay (I did Joseph/Susie Q for her and she did Remi/Rohan for me). Most recently we cosplayed Kagami/Aomine for laughs during Yaoicon.

We both love cosplaying together as we use it as a great chance to bond together. However one big side effect I need to correct is that there was this huge list of characters I was planning that got instantly tossed out when we became a couple. I find myself moreso picking characters from series she loves or matching her outfits.

>> No.8653512 [DELETED] 

>trying to act like getting into a relationship as a girl isn't so easy that a rock with the word "yes" written on it could do it

No anon you are the bait

>> No.8653529

My wife is very supportive with me when i cosplay. She even help me when i am late with my projects and at events.


>> No.8653544

Your living the dream.

>> No.8653578 [DELETED] 

>Men are pigs with no standards!!

>> No.8653609

>tfw guy
> tfw horribly shy
>tfw can't approach women due to shyness
>tfw the rare tunes that I do, they are taken

At least I have extra money to spend on myself and the girls that I am friends with enjoy my company.

>> No.8653611

Times not tunes you retarded phone.

>> No.8653616

Met girlfriend over 4 years ago at a con apparently, even tho I don't remember it at all haha.
She says she asked me for a photo and was so excited to see someone cosplaying from a series she liked that she really wanted to chat but was too shy at the con. I have shit memory apparently.
She then found my cosplay pics only after the con and dropped me a message, we started chatting very regularly ever since. Since we were both attending the same con next, we met up there and I felt butterflies as soon as we saw eachother and started chatting in person. Apparently she felt the same!
Since we live quite far apart, we started a long distance relationship but made a point to see eachother whenever we have holidays and if possible at cons. Unfortunately I had to move to another country and things get pretty hard but after so much we've been through these past 4 years, I don't want to let go for anything again (we had a bad breakup for about half a year, soon after I left the country and it was a huge mistake. I'm very thankful things worked out in the end).
We try to cosplay together/couple cosplays most of the time and have plenty fun doing photoshoots together, even if they're just silly closet cosplay stuff to get cutie photos for ourselves.
I'm just a liiitle sad she isn't into lolita in the slightest but oh well, she likes some other jfashions, can't complain.
Miss her to bits </3

>> No.8653622

Who are you quoting

>> No.8653640 [DELETED] 

hope you weren't expecting any sympathy from this place bro.

most women would like to have all shy or otherwise non-alpha males put to death.

>> No.8653650 [DELETED] 

I, a woman, would like to put to death a males who uses alpha/beta non ironically.

>> No.8653655 [DELETED] 

>wanting to murder people because they say something you don't like on the Internet

yep you're definitely a woman

>> No.8653658 [DELETED] 

Point 1. Not really. Just wanting to express myself a bit. I hate being shy, but I have learned to deal with it.

Point 2. Maybe the ultra-feminist dykes want me dead, but i doubt that every woman does. All of the women I know do like my company and have introduced me to others in their social circles. So the number of wo.en I k ow is free ng, just the relationship status has not.

>> No.8653661

Stupid phone. It will fix and not fix typos whenever it fucking wants. Final sentence should read as "the number of women I know is growing, just my relationship status has not changed."

>> No.8653664

my boyfriend was amazingly sweet when it came to my dressing in lolita. he always told me how cute i was and would do everything for me when we went to cons. buckling my shoes, holding bags and whatnot for me when we went shopping. he was never once embarrassed and he told everyone about the stuff i liked, it made me really happy. He's just the sweetest thing ever. This thread was making me feel some crazy emotions because he just had a brain aneurysm last month, he's recovering and is on a good path but every time i look at my dresses, or any fashionable clothes for that matter it feels useless to put them on without him saying 'hey babe you look so cute' when i walk out my room.

>> No.8653670
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We met when we were teenagers, started dating 7 years later. Kind of like a childhood friend relationship.

>> No.8653685

They like the free stuff you buy them, not you.

They laugh about you behind your back

>> No.8653692

I was friends with my fiancee online until we met at a con and later we started dating. We both like anime, video games, dumb nerd shit, what have you. Usually I get inspired to cosplay something and he picks a character to go along with mine. I tell him he can pick and I'll go along with him but he says he doesn't care. He comes to lolita meets with me (when he can) and I go to his Jedi events (when I can). We both work so that makes differing schedules sometimes. We go to Nintendo events in the area together sometimes too for streetpasses and stuff.
I've asked him if making a lot of cosplays and wanting to go to cons and events a lot bothers him but he said he'd never get to go without me because he's not the most outgoing or social on his own so he appreciates me being a weeb and making him join haha

>> No.8653701

Met my gf at a con.
It feels weird, we met only at the con for like 3 years running, started chatting from day 1, but... fuck it, I was intimidated, alright?
She was a sparse older than I, but so worldly and experienced and all that shit, I thought there was no way she could see anything in a chucklefuck like me. Even then, I know who and what I am, and I am aware of perceptions, so I try to not be SUPER THIRSTY CREEP MODE when I can consciously stop it. It ended in drinks, and we parted ways.
Next year, we met again, and we both got riotously drunk, and she confessed to me, telling me how great I am and how wonderful it is that I am a part of her life, and I am desperately trying to not spill spaghetti everywhere in the face of something that I had long since shelved. It ended in drunk cuddles and giggling about our respective love of reading genres.
Next year... we skipped the games and spent most of the weekend fugging each others brains out like we were teens at prom. When we weren't in the room, we had sorta kinda inadvertently made a shipped couple cosplay, so had a lot of canoodling photos taken that were far too genuine in playful affection.
Now we are dating, and she is teaching me sewing and higher tier fashion design while I am teaching her liquor, guns, and aberrant bedroom habits.
All considered, not a bad end at all.

>> No.8653730

I didn't get into lolita until after my husband and I got engaged. He completely supports it. I dress in classic and he thinks it's cute as fuck. But he does think OTT sweet and shit like that looks a bit weird. He always helps me get ready, holds my bag if needed, tells me if my petti needs adjusting, etc. He also indulges me by listening to me go on about dramu that I'm sure he gives 0 shits about. Oh he just corrected me, he does give a few shits. Ok.

>> No.8653780

How about you just proofread your posts yourself before hitting post instead of hoping your phone catches everything.

>> No.8653791

You inspire me to man up and talk to girls at cons. Damn I'm paranoid I'm gonna look like a creep though.

>> No.8653795

As long as you're not ugly you'll be fine

>> No.8653796

Boyfriend of lolita here,

My girlfriend thought I was a normie when we met but she couldn't help revealing her power level to me in the process of explaining all of the frilly dress photos. She wasn't aware that I've visited 4chan since its inception.

She also reads this thread quite often. Hi, Alex!

>> No.8653801

My boyfriend and I met through a mutual of ours, started discussing general weeb shit we're into, and personal opinions on irl stuff. Found out we clicked really well, started dating. He's super sweet, really supportive of my cosplays and he's even trying to get into it himself! We recently attended AWA together, and he helped me with the more complicated parts of my outfit, he didn't even mind when people asked us to stop for pics. Also, we found Heidi. in the hallway, and he managed to ask them to take a picture with me since he's currently in level 3 Japanese. I'm really happy I decided to talk to him when I did, I've definitely never felt more supported and loved for who I am and what my passions are!

>> No.8653816 [DELETED] 

Its just a safe for work saying thats the same as dom or sub seme or uke.

>> No.8653825 [DELETED] 

What? No it's not. It's like that high test/low test bullshit.

>> No.8653832 [DELETED] 

I guess legbutt uses it incorrectly then oh well.

>> No.8653840 [DELETED] 

High test may be a stupid meme /fit/fags made up and spam, but alpha and beta are real scientific terms used to describe social hierarchy in animals. its effects may be lessened in human society, but its still very much there.

>> No.8653852 [DELETED] 


No, they aren't. If you're referring to the wolf study, alpha, beta, and omega were simply used to distinguish the wolves in the pack, not who is the leader. Stop pulling this bullshit, you and the fucking alpha-verse fanfic writers both.

>> No.8653856

I have never bought them anything.

>> No.8653873 [DELETED] 

What are you on m8

>> No.8653901 [DELETED] 


What is all this garbage. At the end of the day, you can clearly tell the difference between a man with high confidence in himself apart from an insecure wimp from a simple glance or conversation. The terminology doesn't matter.

>> No.8653909 [DELETED] 

Yeah exactly. Women love chads and despise all other men so much that they'd rather share 1 Chad with multiple other women.

>> No.8653911

That's 4chan's reply to everything. If you basically tell someone to chill their frozen salty tits, they label you an Auts because you aren't allowed to disagree with them. You're a double sperg if you passionately disagree with them.

>> No.8653919 [DELETED] 

>Yeah exactly. Women love chads and despise all other men so much that they'd rather share 1 Chad with multiple other women.

Go easy on the red pills there bro. Blacks are more likely to commit crimes, but that doesn't mean all blacks commit crimes.

>> No.8653930

The fuck are you talking about black people for. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

If it weren't true how else can you possibly explain the huge discrepancy between the number of single men vs single women? It's because women would rather share a top % Chad than settle for some bottom 90% beta

>> No.8653934


I'm trying to point that statistical generalizations cannot apply to individuals.

>> No.8653938

Ugh, this discussion again? Okay alpha / beta believers, do you think someone can switch categories? Amd how would they?

>> No.8653942

Magically be born taller and better looking

>> No.8653944

The beta to alpha switch is basically why /fit/ became a board.

>> No.8653947

Update: Gf found the post

>> No.8653957

You realize those stats have to come from somewhere right.

>> No.8653965

Yes, you basically just fake it until you make it. You people watch and pay extremely close attention to how different guys walk, talk, etc... Then you just emulate this behavior until you slowly develop your own confidence. Besides behavioral changes, there's obvious things like improving your dress and going to /fit/.

>> No.8653966

Non-seagull here
If I can ask something of the girls itt, for personal interest
1. Do you prefer assertive or submissive guys
2. Would you describe yourself as assertive, submissive, or just 'easygoing'

thank you

>> No.8653970

how about rather focusing on being alpha or beta you focus on being a normal functioning adult

>> No.8653971

Sorry bud, I assumed you were a grill my apologies

>> No.8653975

I'm just asking a question dude, what's the problem exactly

>> No.8653985

focusing on "alphas" or "betas" will never lead you to a functioning relationship. being domineering to overshadow other men won't help. being a pussy to suck up to women won't help. Just be good to others and good to yourself, then see where that leads you.

>> No.8653989

have you considered focusing on being ~reasonable~

>> No.8653992

1. Both? I want someone to tease, but not someone who will let me cave under me too easier. 2. Easy-going, I guess? I just adjust to the situation. The idea of just being assertive or just being submissive is completely foreign to me. Which is why I think the concepts of alpha and beta to be ridiculous. Confidence is something that can be learnt.

>> No.8653995

99.9999999999% of women prefer assertive. There's virtually no exceptions.

By merely asking you've already established yourself as non-assertive and all the women here are now disgusted and infuriated by your mere existence.

>> No.8653997

I'm not asking for relationship advice or anything, I'm just wondering seeing as /cgl/ has the highest girl population on this website

>> No.8653998

My wife is very supportive of my cosplaying and I jokingly call her my cosplay manager. She's fairly normal but she loves GITS SAC and has gone with me to a few cons. She also helped make me a better mask out for my Tuxedo Mask cosplay. She cut a mask out of soft foam and attached white pipe cleaners to wrap it around my glasses so I can still see. I love her so much.

>> No.8654005
File: 368 KB, 540x415, 9zj9Upv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleh. Relationships are weird. I have a story and my current relationshit status.

I met my longest SO at a con, he wasn't even in to anime just there to party. We ended up together for a long time and it was a really shitty relationship. Even though he loved cons he hated anime (just liked the low hanging fruit and ever-running room parties) so our entire relationship was a farce. I do lolita stuff on special occasions because very OTT/expensive closet and not much 'casual wear' and he really ground on me for not wearing it daily, even though I wasn't comfortable being OTT daily and had a real job I needed to wear normal business clothes for, and on weekends unless something was going on I was all about sweatpants. He assumed my con/meet up/event wear was a daily thing and me without make up on weekends was something we fought about ALL the time.

Still not sure if I can classify him as normie, but he found some high school weeb now so he can go to hell.

Nowadays, I'm single and I don't really fancy the idea of being with someone. I really appreciate having my private anime viewing jammie fests and not feeling like a bad person for not wearing make up all the time, but because of all the shitty things he used to say I feel like I am giving up on my social life out of fear.

I am seeing a guy, he is Japanese, not a citizen here, and we are pretty good friends. He puts up with my weeb and even enjoys some of the stuff I show him, and he likes the whole "jammies and chill with chromecast" thing so I'm thinking about dating him. I haven't decided because I am still pretty beat up over the last relationship.

oh well

>> No.8654012

Submissive. I also want to be the main breadwinner with my husband as a stay-at-home dad, and that's currently what we're doing.

>> No.8654015

I don't understand why you did this. Do you even understand why you did this? Girls doing this is why guys like me and >>8653909 are so jaded and salty.

>> No.8654022


why are there guys on this board even though

first of all, a lot of stuff was 'done' in that post so what are you referring to?

do people not get in relationships that not work out unless they're dating chad? who IS chad? why are you here? why are you talking about chad?

>> No.8654030

>why are there guys on this board even though
stupid question

>first of all, a lot of stuff was 'done' in that post so what are you referring to?
>We ended up together for a long time and it was a really shitty relationship.
Why put up with this? Were you afraid of not finding someone else?

>> No.8654039

>focusing on "alphas" or "betas" will never lead you to a functioning relationship
Yeah it lead you to being alone.

The most important thing to know about taking advice from women is that you should always do the opposite of what they say. No matter how much they preach about being kind or thoughtful they're always going to be going home with the muscley jock-esqe guy who's either indifferent or actively antagonist towards them.

When a woman gives advice it's basically a test.
>Did he do what I say? God what a fucking beta. Get this loser out of my sight.
>Did he not do what I say? Oh god what an alpha im getting so wet.

>> No.8654062

>1. Do you prefer assertive or submissive guys
I'm not into doormats, I need someone who can stand up to me when I'm being overly demanding. However, I don't want someone who's a dick and contrary just because he can. In the bedroom, I want a switch, and I quite like virgin boys.
>2. Would you describe yourself as assertive, submissive, or just 'easygoing'
Pretty assertive and a bit of a princess. One of my nicknames translates directly into English as "fiery chilli pepper", but it's in a complimentary way rather than a "aggressive bitch" way. It's hard to translate.

>> No.8654069

You sound underage

>> No.8654078

>translates directly into English
Which country?

>> No.8654103

I already told you they all like assertive.

They won't give you straight answers because since you've made yourself out to be non-assertive they don't even want to speak to you.

>> No.8654149

>Virgin hunter
Ew, emotional disorders confirmed.

>> No.8654154

Stupid question. Neither, just be a nice and normal functioning adult.

>> No.8654160

I definitely don't consider my boyfriend a "Chad" or a "normie" when I think of him, but it seems like 4chan describes everyone who isn't into anime, tg, video games, alternative fashion, comic books, etc and/or isn't socially awkward as normies. So I guess if we all lived by 4chan definitions, he would be.
My boyfriend doesn't care if I cosplay or like anime, and thinks it's weird. He also doesn't like the people in my d&d group, but at this point in my life those aren't priorities so i couldn't care less. I would rather just have a loyal good looking boyfriend, who cuddles and cooks with me that I don't have to be politically correct around. Having a boyfriend to tell fat people jokes to is honestly the best.
Also >>8653909 is correct. I and I think most women are more likely to find confident guy who treats his girlfriend well more attractive than a loser who bitches on the internet for not having one.

>> No.8654185

Yep, only 23. Miss the part where I said I was around since 4chan started?

>> No.8654197

Not him but no one cares about how long you've been browsing, how old you are, if your gf saw this post or not. This is an anonymous image board for a reason, your personal identity isn't important.

>> No.8654226

lol. he was attractive to begin with. then you just delude yourself into think anything he does is "treating you well" even if it's not

>> No.8654258
File: 132 KB, 849x430, xsP8Tbn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never have a a qt dom OL wife while I stay at home to cook and clean and draw anime girls for patreon

>> No.8654261

Statistically, most marriages with the wife earning more end up failing, with the wife initiating the divorce.

Most women simply can't overcome their instincts.

>> No.8654265

You mean the instinct to look for someone better because you can?

>> No.8654268

Yes, hypergamy.

>> No.8654269

/redpill/ pls go

>> No.8654270

Numbers don't lie.

>> No.8654271

Well no shit, whoever has the most money has better prospects and ability to move upward or elsewhere is more likely to do so. I'm sure you'll find that when men earn more they're the ones who initiate divorce. I mean, look at the entire concept of trophy wives.

>> No.8654272

Nope. Women initiate more divorce in pretty much every circumstance. (especially since most laws and courts are inherently biased to make divorce favor women)

And men put virtually no thought into how much money a woman makes. Women however make a huge deal about how much a man makes. And that's not even for practical reasons. Even wealthy, successful women who would never actually have to worry about money almost exclusively want men who are even MORE wealthy and successful than themselves.

That's why I said most women can't overcome their instincts. Even if at first some of them think it'd be cool to be the breadwinner and have the man stay at home, almost all who try eventually grow to resent and leave the man because he's less successful than her.

>> No.8654275

They do when they are wrong or the person interpreting them is stupid and they don't help you at all with individual choices.
You could quote your granny just as well.

>> No.8654291

What makes you say that?

>> No.8654383

I used to browse cgl with my ex while lazing around in bed, he had a decent eye for it. current boyfriend doesn't really get the concept of what is ita and called lolita a costume the first few times I mentioned it, but he's slowly learning from his mistakes. cosplay is nothing new to him, he was a /b/tard for years (quit some time after meeting me, from his own initiative. he said he doesn't fit in with the virgin beta faggots anymore)

>> No.8654408
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>numbers don't lie

>> No.8654415

One of my favorite things about my bf is that he loves throwing shade on shitty/mediocre cosplays just as much as I do...

>> No.8654463

>He enjoys the crazy lolita drama like the PD thread on the farm and supports my lolita habit.
This is the only reason I visit this board.

I was going to mention something about how awful those rooms with walls full of dresses look like until I realized the walls on my room have so many sports team pennants that I can't fit any more without reorganizing them all...

>> No.8654487
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>> No.8654489

>ultra-feminist dykes
This kinda language is why grils dont like you m8. Even if they arent sjw-tier, it feels weird when guys talk about other girls like that.

>> No.8654516

Wow, thanks for that crash course in 4chan etiquette, I'll be sure to keep it in mind with regard to my future posting. I initially thought this was Facebook until you came and set me straight. From now on, I will not discuss anything about my personal identity in a thread about personal identity.


>> No.8654631

Guy advice here: If you recognize that you can be taken for a creep, then you are 60% of the way there to avoiding it.
Engage in smile talk, smile, be chatty and look her in the eye. Keep your hands to yourself, fuck, can't stress this enough because idiots keep doing it.
Frankly, if the conversation seems to be going somewhere, I default to inviting to coffee, something short, innocent enough sounding, but under the surface basically spells out "I am interested enough to want to know you away from prying eyes".
If she has her crew with her, however, expect those odds to drop 60%. You WILL get cockblocked unless you spin the entire group, and that is when you enter shit not even Merlin can foresee.
>had the bff invite me to her bed
>with her bf
>and the girl I was wooing
Standard personal grooming applies, if cosplaying, know what the fuck you are on about, girls are getting wise to the part time CosPlayer.

>> No.8654635

>do you think someone can switch categories?
Yes, it's actually easy.
>Amd how would they?
Actually believe in their own self worth, and act accordingly. It is literally that simple, so simple most people fuck it up.
See the outrageous, outlandish bullshit posted thus far.

>> No.8654691
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>> No.8654726

>you aren't allowed to call a woman anything even if they are that thing because it hurts muh feelings

So if a woman were to kill a dozen people I can't call them a psychopath murderer because it would make other women "feel weird".

This is why women will never be taken seriously, and why men will always collectively know to treat women like children in order to keep them in a good mood and be able to fuck them

>> No.8654739
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>Go to con
>Look for people to talk to
>Everyone 12-17 range
>no one over 20
>Good for convo, not for GFs
How do you do it? Where the fuck do you find these people? Fucking hell, the last con i went to was at a community college, and no one was even old enough to attend said college.

>> No.8654747

Oh god I feel this problem. There's two categories: "you're definitely a baby" and "I can't tell and I'm not gonna risk looking like a huge creep"

You can't even tell at hotel room parties because there's so much underage drinking

>> No.8654793

male seagull here.

my last relationship was with an assertive visual kei girl. i leaned toward the EGA side of vkei and she encouraged my dressing up. she wanted to pretend to be a gay vkei couple for photos at cons, telling me how to pose with her so it would look like i was dominating. but she initiated the relationship, initiated sex, and always pushed for more; she wanted to be "uke", yet didn't take "no" for an answer. (i.e. putting her hands down my pants after i said no, refusing to stop groping me until i had to physically throw her off.)

we were each other's first dating experience, with all of our damage and immaturity getting in the way of real intimacy. she did a lot of hurtful things and later claimed she only did them to keep my attention on her. meanwhile, i let her do those things because i felt i deserved them, and because i believed her when she said she couldn't live without me.

she wanted to be a stay at home wife, and didn't want me to be close to anyone but her. i wanted someone who pulled their weight income-wise, and if my SO was to be the only source of support in my life, she needed to be less mean-spirited. so, as soon as she found someone else we broke up without any drama.

since then i have become less of a doormat but i'm wary of dating within the jfash pool again. the type of people who crave attention, male or female, are bad relationship material because they are insecure and need constant interaction and devotion. i would consider dating someone who didn't care about efame, but i feel like i'm too sensitive for the demands of a woman or man who needs the spotlight always on them.

>> No.8654806

Most women hate any male that's a virgin past the age of 12. And not just "hate" as in "i'm not personally attracted to them", but hate as in "I want them to suffer the rest of their lives for the crime of not having sex before turning 13 like Chads do".

So much so that they'll even vilify and shame the few other women who don't mind virgins in an attempt to stop them from giving those virgins a way to become not-virgins.

>> No.8654819

You sound like someone who has never talked to a female before.

>> No.8654821

ok wizchan

>> No.8654825

Talk to them every day at works actually. Granted the subject of virginity doesn't often come up there, but plenty of women give their honest opinions online and of course you can tell just by studying their general behavior.

>> No.8654834

Nothing wrong with women wanting to take the virginity of boys.
There's way worse fetishes out there.

>> No.8654842

>people responding to that guy still

he starts out with outrageous claims then argues down to his real issues, which are the same every thread he infests. stop feeding him.

>> No.8654844

I feel like you have never actually seen a woman, but instead had a strange and lurid dream in which all women hated virgins simply because they're virgins and based your ideas of what women are like around that.

>> No.8654860

>mfw bf lost virginity at 13 and I felt creeped out by how early that was

>> No.8654863
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top kek. then please explain my boyfriend, who lost his virginity to me at the age of 22?

>vilifying and shame incoming

sometimes the bait is juicy enough to warrant taking a bite out of it

>> No.8654878

M8, attend a con and see the sort of people you're talking to. By my estimate, 30% of these girls are with guys even you'd laugh at, 69% are with guys who are no cooler than you are, who just happened to have a few more females in their social circle. They'll all tell you they're with super attractive guys though, your girlfriend would if she was with you too. Women don't register attraction the way that we do.

The last 1% are the JNigs of the world. Genuinely hot girls who are into cosplay because it supplements their income. You probably won't even see them with a guy at a con (unless they're taking a hoverhanded photo). Their pool is beyond that and this board completely hates them. This whole board is a really interesting glimpse into the female psyche.

>> No.8654963

I've noticed this! Maybe I'm a bad judge of male beauty but half the couples at cons I find myself thinking "she must really see something special in him, because the chub and pitted-out Zelda shirt don't exactly make him look good."

It does give me hope that my okay-in-the-right-light self will manage to date someone cute though.

>> No.8654980

>one girl says she likes virgins
>other woman responds with "ew you shouldn't like virgins you must have a mental disorder" implying hating virgins is so common among women that your brain must be broken if you don't
>now everyone going "where'd you get that you must just never talk to women"

>> No.8655010

>basing all girls on one convo
I know that October is the summer for cgl but if you are going to talk about what girls think at least understand that this is the board where you are assumed female by default. So nothing you assume or overhear will compare to actual girls giving their opinion.

>> No.8655015

Maybe, but good looking men are plenty, especially when your not ugly yourself.

>> No.8655033

The creepy part was that she implied she seeks out virgins. Most women don't care if you're a virgin or not.

>> No.8655049

And yet he was still your boyfriend. Had he not lost his virginity already you'd have just straight up never been with him

>> No.8655163

Didn't liked it, so I was always on the defensive and it was very annoying, we broke up a few months ago and I'm enjoying being single for now.

I should find someone though but I'm always afraid to look creepy when you are a mid-20 hitting on people.
Plus my country is boring, has very few cons and that job is taking me all my damn time.
Really, being with someone who understand your hobbies and lifestyle is a precious gift.

>> No.8655209

>tfw this sounds so much like my current lt relationship
It's the "I can't stand to be without you, so I'm going to do things that clearly hurt you so you stay" that gets to me the most...

>> No.8655250

>most women don't care if you're a virgin or not
Man that's just so untrue I can't even come up with anything snarky to say in response

>> No.8655307

get out as soon as you can. she didn't really love me, she just needed me to give her attention (and got scared and threatened when i didn't). there's deep psychological wounds on both sides of a relationship like this, and nothing good happens from keeping them open and bleeding.

i hope you can find space to heal.

>> No.8655320

Except guess what, this thread IS ABOUT PERSONAL IDENTITY. It's really embarrassing when an edgelord/edgelady like you tries to act smart and gets btfo.

Even more embarrassing when SJW mods/janicucks remove my initial post for absolutely nothing. Can't handle the banter? >>>/reddit/

>> No.8655421

My fiance is super supportive. I even dragged him into a Pokemon cosplay group I was doing and he loved it. I feel really fortunate that he enjoyed it and wants to cosplay with me more.

>> No.8655440

You're the only one naming names and posting ages. Plus you're getting really butthurt over nothing. If you've been around so long you should understand why your comments are out of place. Tumblr even.

>> No.8655485

Speaking of fucking edgelords...

>> No.8655508

Please continue, I need to live virtually through you people.

>> No.8655557 [DELETED] 

>Tfw you have to tell every cosplay guy to take it off so they don't get cum on it because they have no consideration on where their bodily fluids may end up
That's so sweet of him.

>> No.8655560

>Tfw you have to tell every cosplay guy to take it off because they have no consideration for where their bodily fluids may end up
That's so sweet of him.

>> No.8655567

Half this thread is naming names and posting ages, tard.

I'm simply noting that the mods/janitors on this board are complete shit.

>> No.8655577

I just committed e-suicide

>> No.8655578

>He doesn't understand why I won't have sex in cosplay,

That's half the attraction of dating a cosplayer!
See >>8602175

>> No.8655592

Nobody cares faggot

>> No.8655610

you are literally the only person in this entire thread who posted a real life name or an age unless you count one namefag which I don't because they're not normal people. you're so cringey and defensive please go

>> No.8655634

pls kill yourself

>> No.8655640

They're right though you know.

Yeah the thread didn't exactly stay on topic but nobody else was using it to send messages by name to other people they know in real life. Or post updates about when that person got the message. If we wanted to subscribe to your blog we would, and wouldn't need to get updates on your life from 4chan.

>> No.8655641
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...I've NEVER, in my entire life, seen anyone take the hightest/lowtest, alpha/beta meemee as seriously as you.

>/fit/ or /sp/ or whoever the fuck made those memes as jokes
>People realized they were saying it ironically and found it funny
>People began to repeat it because the idea of someone taking it seriously was funny to them
>You came along
>You took it seriously

>> No.8655644

Not even them but
>being annoyed by people constantly spamming memes must mean you're taking the meme seriously
Kill yourself /fit/fag.
Oh wait let me guess, that post was just a meme too and I must be mad because I took it seriously :^)

>> No.8655647

In America, they'd call you a "spitfire" or a "moll."

Other useful synonyms would be
>Jail kick
>Biggle Bear
>High flyer
>Frequent Flyer
>Flyer Miles

or my personal favorite

>Myer Flyels

A few antonyms might be
>GruntGrunt, GruntGruntGrunt
>Low Flying



>> No.8655669

What America are you fucking talking about, because in this one I've heard MAYBE three of those words

>> No.8655708
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>> No.8655724

clearly they time traveled from the 20s anon. be sensitive to their culture.

>> No.8655759

No why.

>> No.8655891
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>Haven't been to many cons.
>Everytime I go get complimented on my face and told to cosplay
>Not artistic abilities whatsoever
>Keep getting hit on by underage girls
>Or random cosplayers who live across the country
>mfw don't have problem making friends at the con
>but never take it any further

Honestly so far it doesn't seem like cons are as horror story as people say on here, but I always feel like I should just avoid getting into bad situations. So I end up talking to a whole bunch of people but don't take it any further. Anyone have any tips on how to spot red flags at cons?

>> No.8655970
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>girlfriend is cosplaying for about 10 years now, both great at sewing and makeup/styling
>won't help me with makeup or wig styling, even though our skill difference is vast
>I have to ask my other friends for help most of the time
>most of her friends treat me like I'm her cosplay accessory
I should honestly do my own thing and rely on other people less. Being in a group with these extremely skilled and photogenic people just makes me feel awkward.

>> No.8655977

>Anyone have any tips on how to spot red flags at cons?
I just focus on hanging out with positive people and especially the ones that make time for me. If a person keeps whining/gossiping or I have to practically beg them to hang out with me, it's not worth it.

>> No.8656245


I am intensely and passionately curious as to what these could possibly be euphemisms for, especially since I am American.

>> No.8656272
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Someone's grouchy

>> No.8656494

which cons?

>> No.8656517


Are you guys just joking? Like, laughing your ass off over there at me?

>> No.8656537

No I very much have no idea what you're talking about. Like I've heard fiesty but that's it.

>> No.8656552

I've been seeing this guy for about a month or so, and the "I wear frilly dresses for fun" conversation hasn't happened yet. I'm wearing lolita in my profile picture and he still hasn't asked me about it, though I've been mentioned it a little in passing conversation, about accessories I'm making and stuff.
He plays League and some other mainstream vidya, but has a pretty normie taste in anime - he just watched SnK for the first time. I'm not sure how deep he's really willing to go lol. I'd like to date someone who is more passionate about our common interests, so I'm not sure how long we'll be together. I'm such a weeb and while I can hide my power level, I don't want to around my partner.

>> No.8656648

Are you wearing lolita in any other pictures? Cause I'm 100% positive he's creeped your profile by now and would know.

>> No.8656659

Yep, we met at speed dating at a local con. She focuses more on lolita than cosplay

>> No.8656665

Speed dating actually fucking worked? I'm blown away. How'd that experience go?

>> No.8656683

Oh yeah, he's definitely seen, we're friends on Facebook, and there's tagged photos of me from meets and stuff. He just... Hasn't questioned it at all? I don't know if it's because he doesn't know how to bring it up, or he just genuinely doesn't care.

>> No.8656686

My boyfriend has always liked cosplay and anime and he also liked ouji and has become progressively more and more fashionable over the years without my encouragement, he just likes to do it. It's nice, I don't have to shop for him and we can be a cute Lolita couple but still wear normalfag clothes and go out on dates.

>> No.8656820

To put it bluntly, I was pretty much the only guy there that wasn't creepy or autistic. The majority of the girls weren't the type I'd like, but the qt lolita I ended up with was impressed when I complimented her coord and knew the lingo.

>tfw intimate useless knowledge of /cgl/ came in handy for once

>> No.8656862

Couples that stay together are the ones that can compromise and at least tolerate each other's interests. Any BF you have will have different interests from you. You have to learn to tolerate what he likes and you don't. Relationships are about compromise.

>> No.8656880
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your girlfriend sounds like an absolute cunt and trouble until the end of your relationship. and i'm sorry, i know i just pretty much told you to break up with her, but your SO should support you in something you enjoy and strive to get better at, especially when they have all the fucking knowledge about it

>> No.8656886

>gurl are you wearing Milky Planet because you are looking SWEET

>> No.8656903

I've been single for years now and im ok with it. Being ocaisionally lonely is honestly a lot better than any relationship I've ever been in so I don't really want to try anymore. Sometimes I consider it but then when I actually start talking to guys my gut instincts just stop me in my tracks. I even went to one of those con speed date things and didn't get a single note so either they could tell I was a lost cause or I'm grosser than I think/undateable anyway.

>> No.8656917

Huh. I may have to try it then. I was avoiding it since I didn't wanna be associated with creepy guys, but I guess if the bar's that low all I have to do is not suck.

>> No.8656939

My gf likes to cosplay. we met in a 4chan guild in an mmo, turned out she lived in the same city as me. Ive been to a few cons with her and I dont really get it. All you do is walk around, look at people and buy stuff. Its cool when theres exclusive demos/previews/trailers for w/e big thing, but I dont think its worth it overall. People always give the excuse of "you can finally be yourself because everyone is a nerd!" but Im not autistic and not afraid of already being myself.

a while ago she told me shes a furry and wants to go to a furry con. I really dont know what to think of that. do any of you have experience with furrys?

>> No.8656941

That is a real good thing to do. I just want my cute room and not sharing a unisex couple bedroom.
>mfw almost my life single
>but at least now i can focus to get into new jfash like gothic lolita, larme kei and especially renew my room
I was a doormat as well, i'm a girl btw. I'm shocked how she was so horrible, i hate people that cross bounduaries and a no for them is a "yes, rape me". I'm totally with you about needy and craving attention people, usually the ones that are like that are big red flags, worse if they mention some mental illness as their excuse for their behaviour, whine to everyone and call them names and especially, are entitled to their behaviour/never say sorry for horrible things. Ah yes, my new red flag is how they behave with their parents, if they call their mom a bitch or dad an ass all the time for petty things, be sure they are abusive people.
>ew also that being a yaoi fake couple is so weird
>mfw i had an abusive gal friend so your story remember me of that
>oddly she dressed vk but in a crap way
Anon, good luck to find a good person for you, you seem a great guy to be with.

>> No.8656965

That's the spirit

>> No.8656966

To be fair, the level of detail and supposition is pretty autistic.

>> No.8656968

I struggle with this too, but before you go "relationships are awful and not worth it" look at what, specifically, led them to suck. (In my case, I realized I'd been bringing home hurt puppies and trying to help/fix them without realizing that you can't help people who don't want to help themselves, or some issues like mental illness are beyond my capacity to fix)

It's not "either I suck or being in a relationship sucks," there's room to grow and change what you're doing, so you can get into one that makes you happy.

>> No.8656982

My ex would always complain about wanting to cosplay with me but was too lazy to ever pursue the hobby. I would offer her simple character designs for beginners, tutorials, and have an entire arsenal of tools for her to use but she'd never follow through with it. More than once she'd make plans with me for a couples cosplay and I'd end up being the only one dressed up for the con. I think she expected me to hold her hand through the process but i was too proud to go the extra mile for someone so lazy about it. Dating someone with zero creativity was a fucking mistake, and I'm never doing it again.

>> No.8656987

>a while ago she told me shes a furry and wants to go to a furry con. I really dont know what to think of that. do any of you have experience with furrys?

dump her

>> No.8657007

Try to convince her to keep it within kemonomimi territory. If that fails dump her

>> No.8657012

do you guys have any reasons why I should dump her besides generic furry hatred?

>> No.8657023

>implying any other reasons are needed

>> No.8657024

She could ask you to fuck her in a furry costume. Do you really want to commit beastility while she's yiffing?

If there was a girl I was interested in and she was furry, it would be a major turnoff.

>> No.8657034

furries are always really emotionally immature, have poor impulse control, and start needless drama

>> No.8657036

So are most women in general but that hasn't stopped men from putting up with it all (at least not yet

>> No.8657039

that's a sign of immaturity and poor impulse control, plus you're trying to shitpost which creates needless drama.

>> No.8657052

she doesnt own a fursuit. we dressed up as a satyr and a minotaur for a larp once, so I guess she and I have half a suit each.
the bestiality comment is dumb as fuck. 99% of people on /cgl/ are in to lolita stuff. does that make them all pedophiles who want to fuck lolis?

are you aware of how ironic what you just said is?
you are telling someone to break up with their gf because the internet told you to hate them. thats very emotionally immature. you impulsively respond to every furry post, starting needless drama.

oh well Ill go ask around somewhere else. I just wanted to know if furry cons were any different than weeb cons. I assume theyre mostly the same, probably have more thirsty as hell raging autistics though

>> No.8657058

As someone who is a furry artist ( But isnt interested in the fursuit side or the yiffing side) I wouldn't do anything different, She may just enjoy the fact she can have her own character which can be any species she likes and she can have them doing 'human' things

If it's uncomfortable for you just say that you wouldn't like to attend that convention or something because I know some furries can be quite weird just like weebs at a normal con, All you have to do is support her and not be a dick like most people on the internet will be