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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8652280 No.8652280 [Reply] [Original]

Now People Can Find It! Edition

>Who's going?
>Any Panels Planned
>Where's the CGL meetup?
>Panels to avoid
>What do you like?
>What do you hate?
Con Countdown:

>> No.8652370


>> No.8652373

Don't bump your own thread an hour after making it. Especially at 2:30am our time. The board doesn't move fast enough for it. Have some patience.

>> No.8653212

>panels to avoid
literally all of the yaoi panels. If youve gone to one, you've been to them all.
>what do you like
So many great cosplayers, the attendance is amazing every year. Lots of people to meet. Streetpasses coming out of my ears. Dealer Room and AA aren't too bad.
I know a lot of people complain about it but I love the 2-part venue they have going on. If I get bored in the cobo/marriot, I can just hop the people mover to the other building.
>what do you hate
fucking lazy staff. Schedules never being released over 5 days prior to the con itself. Official con program booklet never has the fucking schedule in it either. I also hear AA is shit if you're actually an artist that wants to sell and actually get the table space you fucking paid for.

>> No.8653569

I caught over 200 miis on my ds looking foward to catching more

>> No.8653607

Does anyone know if the liquor store at the ren center sells sake?

>> No.8653646

I'm glad I left the Youma facebook group. Shit's full of idiots. Daily threads be like:

>> No.8653647

Oh and the people who ask if youmacon costs money and then are confused as to why

>> No.8653845

I'm looking forward to the YoumaIdol thing. One of my friends got in and I'm living vicariously through them lmao.

>> No.8653939 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 480x1196, rnhZ2aQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this schedule? http://pastebin.com/y2MJuLin

>> No.8653948

Panel schedule is out.


>No girls allowed: Why a culture that excludes isn't a culture is back.

God damn it.

>> No.8653952


Fuck. There's also a diversity in cartoons panel that I fear will be another sjw suckfest.

On the plus side, props for the schedule actually coming out a few weeks early.

>> No.8653953


Makes me really wish I would have submitted my panel application.

>> No.8653959


What was it if you mind me asking?

>> No.8653969


Cosplay roasting.

Pretty much we make fun of people for a half hour. I wanted it to be me and my friends but after that kinda fell through I thought it might be a good idea to let audience members also join to.

I never did a panel before, let alone by myself and specially never done a roast of someone, let alone random strangers.

The other was con horror stories.

>> No.8653976

Also Photoshoots aren't listed yet fffffffff.

>> No.8653977


Shit I would've gone to either one of those two.

>> No.8654003

I want to smash that fuck who does the Armor Academy panels. He was rude to me when I asked about his supplier once in the dealer's area. Dude's a fucking pansy; the garbage he makes isn't armor, it's jewelry at best.

>> No.8654035

>Who's going?
Me and the rest of the local nerds here

>Any Panels Planned
I plan to attend both TFS panels and whatever else tickles my fancy.

>Where's the CGL meetup?
Was that ever decided?

>Panels to avoid
No Girls Allowed and that diversity panel. Also any FNAF and SU panels.

>What do you like?
The game room, the room parties, getting candy from con goers on Halloween, eating Shwarmas with friends, seeing all the cool cosplayers, and attending panels.

>What do you hate?
The crowdedness of the people mover and having blistered feet when walking all the way to and from Cobo because I'm impatient. I'm a little upset about the rave's playlists too.
Not from what I've seen, but it might be behind the shelf. If you don't see it there, try the liquor store in Greektown. I definitely remember seeing some there.

I could only see Thursday and part of Friday. Looks ok panel wise.

>No girls allowed: Why a culture that excludes isn't a culture is back.

Oh god no.

>> No.8654038

I'm in the schedule sheet now. Going to be adding those in as they come tonight.

>> No.8654048

>Who's going?
Me! I'm going as Sans on friday and then tf2 engineer on saturday.

>Any planned
Bad Sonic Fanfiction is always an excellent read with friends so gotta go to that to start off the night

>Where's the CGL meetup?
Look last year the only person I saw that even made it was a frat boy who looked like they just wanted some pussy

>Panels to avoid
>Now That's What I Call Memes vol 1/2
at least they are the same day
what the fuck are they even going to have a panel about

>What do you like?
Hanging out with friends and making new friends in the cosplay group I'm in.

>what do you hate?
Stairs. So many god damned stairs.

>> No.8654112

there's your cgl meetup

>> No.8654165
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And then they complain about the group having rules to actually avoid posting that shit. Con people are fucking dumb.

>Who's going?
Me? I'll be in lolita most of the weekend.

>Any Panels Planned
The GG one on Thursday if I can make it, the TF2 panel, Lolita 101, and there's a couple horror panels I might check out. I just plan on going to more panels in general this year, I realized how much time I spend wandering around the con doing nothing and I want to make the most out of it.

>Where's the CGL meetup?
We still don't know and I couldn't find it to save my life last year, so hopefully we can make a decision.

>Panels to avoid
I'm not even anti-SJ but any of those panels are so cringey. I don't want to spend my con around People Who Are Upset at Things.

>What do you like?
People bring out some great cosplays, there's a ton of options for food, the game room is always amazing, and spending Halloween with weebs. I'll be catching up with a lot of friends I haven't had a chance to see much of lately. Also I'm looking forward to meeting up with the Toronto gulls again!
Also this sounds silly but I really like the lighting in the Ren Cen? It's so dark and relaxed compared to other con locations, probably awful for photos but it's cozy to me.

>What do you hate?
The layout of the Ren Cen still kicks my ass every year. So many stairs and escalators. How shitty rave people get Saturday night.

>> No.8654228

>getting dragged with friends to Youmacon
>not really excited because I haven't been to a con in 2 years and just isn't my scene anymore
>check guest list today

I'm sold

>> No.8654245

My friend is hosting that. From what I heard, it;'s nothing too sjw-y. Really sounds like it from the title though.

>> No.8654312 [DELETED] 

This con will continue to be a shitstorm so long as a certain special snowflake (cough cough https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Cory_Gough)) continues to be involved with it.

>> No.8654326

>No Live Action Mario Party

What happened?

>> No.8654634


To problematic.

>> No.8654674

cobo had a lot of misgivings with them

>> No.8654688

But don't you miss Darryl??

>> No.8654952 [DELETED] 

This guy has never been staff? Or at least never a co-con chair, DH or ADH.....
Youmacon is a shitstorm because most departments don't even start to do work until 4-3 months out, or at least the bulk of it. The fact that it's more about having friends than competent staffers, allowing people to continue to slack of year after year with no repercussions.

Also, Willow/Piper/Whatever you call yourself, Get your staff in line and tell them to get off 4chan.

>> No.8654956

YOUMACON y u Anounce guests after pre-reg is closed! i wanted to meet Lisa Ortiz

>> No.8654974

just wait in line like the rest of us ?
Why do so many people give up on youma after pre reg is closed ?
You can still ??? Get in ??????

>> No.8655040
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>Where's the CGL meetup?
>Was that ever decided?
>Look last year the only person I saw that even made it was a frat boy
>We still don't know and I couldn't find it to save my life last year, so hopefully we can make a decision.

This was good times in 2010. I'm glad the hotel doesn't think we might be terrorists with yellow exploding vans anymore though.

How does 4 o'clock Saturday at the orange squiggle double-sided s-couch in the Marriott lobby sound?

>> No.8655088

What the fuck. I thought those people were banned or something.


>> No.8655102


What happened at Shutocon?

>> No.8655104

>Now That's What I Call Memes vol 1/2
I want to go to see how cringe it is, but I don't want anyone to see I went to a meme panel

>> No.8655224

Shutocon is ridiculously SJW about everything. Even the JoJo panel stopped to talk about "Strong Women" and "People of Color"

>> No.8655229

I would prefer a little later myself, or sometime on Friday.

>> No.8655268


Jesus. I know they have that Safe Space shit going on, but really guys?

>> No.8655270

I thought they were banned as well.

>> No.8655278

Whats everyone cosplaying as?
>So I can pick you out of a crowd

>> No.8655292

Maybe Jotaro Kujo but probably nothing since I'm broke right now

>> No.8655353

Con staff simply said they've "decided to stop holding their event at cons". I'd never been, why would Cobi have problems with them?

I had also heard this, I was surprised. I thought it was because they had purposely lied about the contents of their panel? The head panelist had said it was just honest discussion about video games and being inclusive and then it ended up being the panelists yelling about Gamergate. I don't know if anything else happened.

Did anyone hear about Vic giving an underage girl alcohol at one of his panels last year? Did anything happen with that?

>> No.8655370

>Did anyone hear about Vic giving an underage girl alcohol at one of his panels last year? Did anything happen with that?

See I take all Vic rumors with a giant grain of salt because there's so many fucking rumors. To make matters worse at least one youma staffer repeatedly claimed he was banned for some petty sounding reason, only for him to come back the next year.

>> No.8655391

>Con staff simply said they've "decided to stop holding their event at cons".

Damn shame, I looked foward to this every year.

>I'd never been, why would Cobi have problems with them?

LAMP After Dark got pretty risque at times, maybe something in there?

>> No.8655451


Sad thing is Shutocon used be to a pretty chill con when it first started but went full tilt into SJW territory once it got huge. The Shutocon staff also tried running a video game con Labor Day weekend that had no guests of note and a horrible turnout. Lately the con head has been chipping out on Facebook because people tend to get Shutocon confused with Shotacon. Maybe you should've named your convention something that wouldn't be confused with porn?

>> No.8655472
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>Even the JoJo panel stopped to talk about "Strong Women" and "People of Color"

Lol I hope these aren't the people that's running the JoJo panel at Youmacon.

>> No.8655542

I seriously hope so too. I was actually planning on doing one at Youma but then got too busy with work and school to stop and plan it out.

>> No.8655691
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>Any Panels Planned
Hoping to catch any with Ian Sinclair if the lines aren't fucklong like every other year.

>Where's the CGL meetup?
Floor 8

>Panels to avoid
Basically all of them.

>What do you like?
Taking pictures of peoples cosplays and getting riggity riggity wrecked with friends at room parties. Meeting others artists in the dealers room is really fun too.

>What do you hate?
Rude as fuck volunteers, I know everyone gets run ragged when volunteering but I about got my head ripped off for asking a question after being lead in circles for half an hour. No thanks.

Cons getting so close, I'm excited but also worried because I still need to finish last minute cosplay stuff.

>> No.8655826

Sounds fine to me, there doesn't look like anything after 4 that day is going to be decent until like 10pm.

I'll go with you to cringe with you, anon.

>> No.8655841

I have a photoshoot at 4 shit.

>> No.8655918

The only lolita programming this con has is at 4:30, can we make it later in the evening?

>> No.8656278

Asked in the last thread but no one answered: what's the Charity Cosplay Ball like? Is it worth going to?

>> No.8656280

It's fun. Worth the money imo. Like prom, except you don't hate everyone.

>> No.8656300

Does anyone know how to enter the Masquerade?

>> No.8656320

The best idea, year after year, has been to do it before dinnertime. By 5:30 people would be heading to their rooms to figure out which pizza places deliver, or heading down to the Subway in the basement.

Also remember screw the McDonalds. Those guys are a-holes every year.

>> No.8656348

Is there much to do thursday night and friday morning/early afternoon? I'm afraid the con will be dead.

>> No.8656568


i was told in an email that they were going to have pre reg online for the masq, but when i emailed back to find out when they'd have it up, i never got a response.

you'll probably have to do it at the con

>> No.8656579

>Who's going?
Me and all my closest friends

>Any Panels Planned
Next time on Game Grumps: A Fan Panel
A Super Smash Bros Panel

>Where's the CGL meetup?

>Panels to avoid
I can't say since I don't go to many panels

>What do you like?
Game Room
All the people and cosplays
Seeing all my friends
Getting completely wasted
All the awesome restaurants downtown

>What do you hate?
Smelly weebs
Hood boogers popping up around the con

>> No.8657178

Yeah, that's exactly what I recall as well. It turned into a big mess about Gamergate.

>> No.8657185

No worries, we're giving them a chaperone to make sure they stay on topic. If they stray into that bullshit, they're out.

>> No.8657187

So...uh, isnt gamergate over? Didn't someone win? I was kinda under a rock.

>> No.8657209

I've checked forums and sent an e-mail, but haven't gotten any solid information on metal armor. I've seen people with a few pieces metal armor before, but I'm wearing quite a lot of it.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I don't know where else to ask at this point.

>> No.8657214

Metal armor is okay.

It's metal weapons that can be a problem.

Because you might accidentally a metal weapon in your hands, but aren't going to accidentally some metal armor.

>> No.8657223


There's been changes because of it, but there's still fringes on both sides active, plus with Anita/Zoe speaking at the UN there's been a small resurgence.


I almost want to go again just to see the staff end it when it inevitably goes there.

>> No.8657245

That's amazing. Thank you.

>> No.8657250

Bummer. If you guys get together Friday, or do a bar meet or something later on Saturday keep us posted, I don't think I'll be free until six or so.

>> No.8657313

>So...uh, isnt gamergate over?
It was over when the whole point of it twisted into the hands of whomever the flavor of the month is.
But to answer your question, no, not really. It's just not as in your face as it was before.

>> No.8657424

does this count for a large metal tool? I mean I guess I could swing it and bad times could happen but I didn't know for sure

>> No.8657684

>does this count for a large metal tool?
A tool? You mean like giant metal scissors?

You could accidentally some scissors.

Or do you mean like a giant mace?

You could accidentally a mace as well.

Giant binoculars? Eh... are the edges sharp?

You might be able to accidentally some sharp ass binoculars.

>> No.8657692

The local comm has a meetup planned for 1:00 Saturday in the Wintergarden, well before the 101 panel if you wanted to attend that. It's not a public event on Facebook but I know they had non-Michigan lolitas show up last year and were perfectly fine about it.

>> No.8657700

Michigan Frill-itia? I wish I could join you guys, but the dress I ordered, the seller basically lol-noped on. I got refunded but man.

>> No.8658084

A big ass wrench. So it could be a mace if you squint hard enough.

>> No.8658234

I was practicing with my steel mace once (5 lbs.). I accidentally the mace and it rocketed off through the air and hit the ground 20 meters behind me, then bounced and went another 10 meters.

>> No.8658882

I'm actually in the comm, I'll definitely be attending! I'd still like to make it to the panel, but if not I'm still looking forward to the meet a lot, it sounds really fun.

Aw anon, if you mean the meet, you should come anyway! Everyone's super nice, you don't have to wear lolita to come hang out.

>> No.8658908

I want a bouncy ball mace. It sounds cool.

>> No.8659234
File: 53 KB, 598x394, l_306bba1bbecab4ba26f25abb2850104d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are there only 5 pictures in this thread?

>> No.8659237
File: 448 KB, 1200x1600, iPhone2 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--------An old version of Tibbers.

>> No.8659240

Man that's some hair ya had there

>> No.8659256
File: 652 KB, 1200x1600, Y2009 384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took balls to wear this outfit.

3 of 'em.

>> No.8659260
File: 737 KB, 1600x1200, Youma 2010 (94).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Then I made the mistake of dating a hair stylist.

<---------Saving up to build Totoro armor.

>> No.8659269
File: 3.07 MB, 4320x3240, Youmacon 2011 364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8659271
File: 3.10 MB, 4320x3240, iPhone 9-20-12 058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homestuckers really close to where they belong.

>(in the river)

Just kidding! :D

>catchpa: select boats

>> No.8659353

I should have planned a warmer costume, I had no idea it would get this cold/windy this early in michigan.
What do you skimpy cosplayers do for the trek between cobo and marriott? inb4 have your bf carry it for you, I'm going alone the entire weekend and dont want to have to lug around a big jacket with me the entire con.

>> No.8659358

I wore a Vesperia Judith cosplay a couple years ago and just kinda toughed it out. I rode the people mover so it wasn't too bad. You could also use a pashmina shawl or a small blanket to put around yourself when you're outside and then fold it up and put it in your bag when you don't need it.

>> No.8659360


Tenleid is a lot shorter than I remember her being.

>> No.8659398

God that photographer is a creep.

>> No.8659400

I'm doing a costume cosplay for halloween. I'm dressing up as a magicians assistant version of a character in itty bitty shorts and no sleeves. I usually just ride the people mover since it's more forgiving than straight up walking. If you gotta walk, get like two of those flowy maxi skirts and ball em up when you get to the building.

>> No.8659876

>Cons after 4pm on Friday

>> No.8659883

I've toughed out the walk before, but if you've got a tiny cosplay the people mover pass is worth it. Only part that sucks is the ren cen platform, but if you stand with the crowd its not too bad.

>> No.8659924

Has anyone ever bought a pre-reg pass off someone else before? I forgot to and i'm on the forum trying to buy one, but I don't know how it even works in the first place.

>> No.8659954

They have heat lamps up there too.

>> No.8659955

theyre not for re-esale

>> No.8660206
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Ahh.. That rave funk, how i've missed you..

>> No.8660776


No. If anything it just put the liberal nail further in "nerd culture."

>> No.8662395
File: 69 KB, 1920x1080, laughingfordays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my god I can't believe this picture was 4 years ago...Nostalgia trip.

>> No.8662724

Looking for a photog that can shoot Friday or Saturday evening. Any suggestions? I've never been and I have no idea who's going.

>> No.8662761

check the facebook page or forums

>> No.8662795

Make sure you plan your people moving now. Friday has a Luke Bryan concert and Red Wings game.. Saturday has an ICP concert.

>> No.8662917
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>Saturday has an ICP concert
Where at?
I love the faces wings fans get when this is going on, so it's not a big deal

>> No.8663032

Let's hope youmacon is better this year than last year.

>> No.8663116

>Red Wings fans
>ICP fans

This is great

>> No.8663179
File: 65 KB, 612x960, 12074840_10153614045535619_2192173797128971238_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP will be at the Fillmore, the country concert will be at Ford Field.

>> No.8663330

Oh man last year had a good moment:
>People Mover was packed with cosplayers
>Stop by Joe Louis
>Droves of drunk Wings fans staring in awe
>One guy tries to get on, can't
>Just stands there flipping everyone off

>> No.8663336

They won't really be interacting with us. If anything the hipsters over at Sgt.Pepperoni's and The Majestic are gonna have to deal with Juggalos.

>> No.8663525

Fucking steam powered giraffe again?!?!?

>> No.8663566


>> No.8663571


I can't even describe what was bad last year, except that it just felt bad. What exactly was it?

>> No.8663575

all of my hotelmates dropped out on me because they had a meltdown and I dont know what to do... has anyone else had this situation before?

>> No.8663583

This is my first time selling in this area: What sells good at Youmacon (For example, in the minnesota area fans are about 3 years behind the pulse, like madoka and SNK were super popular, while I've noticed the east coast is exactly on the pulse)

>> No.8663805

I feel like they didn't try to make it seem as special as it was suppose to be. You'd think they'd go all out for their tenth anniversary, but they didn't.

>> No.8664117

I really hope they got some competent people to put the console gaming together
Last year the halo matches had a huge amount of ping for consoles that are over lan

>> No.8664131

Yeah, it really felt more like a normal Youmacon. I don't know if they hyped it much during the Opening or Closing ceremonies since I had to miss both due to room shenanigans.

>> No.8664135

They better have paid already

>> No.8664241


They didn't do anything special for their 10 year anniversary. For the 3rd year in a row there was no schedule in the actual guidebook. Volunteers were more ego-tripping than ever before. And I personally didn't see my friends as much as I wanted to that weekend. I feel like the last truly awesome Youmacon was 2012 imo.

>> No.8664347

I hope they paid already for their share

>> No.8664608

The gaming room itself was really goofy last year? Putting it in two different rooms made it so cramped and seem really small. I hope they revert it this year.

>> No.8664628

Fuck that. I don't want the arcade room to be combined with the stanky ass computer gaming room.

>> No.8664682

i don't want weebs coming into the arcade room with food and drinks and making a mess on the machines like wild animals. Apparently this was a thing that happened at tsubasacon

>> No.8664686

I actually know the guy helping out with the console gaming this year. I have hopes for it being good but at the same time he fucks around a lot so who knows, it's a mystery.

I stay where there are arcade machines anyway

>> No.8664690

I don't know what it was for me. Last year it just seemed lacking. Not to mention I got like severely ill on saturday. It was also my first time going to youma and it was just--Wow, it didn't live up to my expectations.

>> No.8664696

That's how it was in the previous years, right? Or am I mixing rooms up? Because the arcade room used to be in a bigger area along with the computers for League and shit so it was all together and a lot easier to find and walk around in.

>> No.8664699

What is this?

>> No.8664706

No. This couldn't have been in 2011. No way.

>> No.8664710

I can try to make it, i've never been to one of these meetups i get too nervous

>> No.8664741


I went to my first /cgl/ meetup at ACen. I always expect a bunch of prissy bitchy elitists, but got nothing but really cool people. Probably helped that I didn't cosplay at all (since my cosplays are always low quality due to lack of funds and sewing knowledge), but eh.

>> No.8664776

makes me feel a little better. ill try to attend and trust me i feel you about low quality my cosplays are alright not that bad im just fat although i've been doing diet and excercise to lose weight <3 im not a lazy ass.

>> No.8664903

All the ones I've been to are a lot of fun! I hope you are able to make it and have a fun experience yourself

>> No.8664935

Do we know for sure where and when the cgl meet is?

>> No.8665096

I would also like to know this, every /cgl/ meetup is good fun.

Also plan on doing something Thursday night, maybe just hit up a bar .Makes for a better con knowing people the first day.

>> No.8665158

Thanks! I hope to meet you guys too!

>> No.8665163


Same, actually. Even worse, I think I was at my all-time high weight at ACen, too, so even that isn't much to worry about as long as your hygiene is up to par. I've been "training" for Youma for like 2 months now, since I had a hell of a time getting around ACen and didn't want that to happen again. So, I guess to boil it down, don't worry, stay positive, and keep it up!

>> No.8665167

Hmmm, this sounds good. I have to wait in line con for my badge, so having something to do after sounds pretty good!

>> No.8665169

;v; this makes me really happy, I was totally under the impression that I was going to go and get made fun of but i'm feeling more confident about it now. And trust me my hygiene is god like. I can't stand when I smell others across the con floor so why should they smell me amirite?

>> No.8665189

The video game room had always been one space until last year because they thought it would be a good idea to give more room to Tabletop. It was bad. Plus, the computers are in the back as usual.

It's not like that. They're pretty on point with making sure no one leaves stuff on the tables.

>> No.8665333

Sadly I cannot drink, so a bar meet is ehhh.

>> No.8665357

Then don't just hang out, I doubt anyone will be drunk on Thursday if that is what you're worried about.

I am sure we will walk around, and what not.

>> No.8665370

Seconding >>8658882 - the Frillitia is really chill and wouldn't be snooty or anything if you came in plainclothes or cosplay. Several of the members will be stopping by in costume rather than lolita already, so one more wouldn't be a big deal. There's also a meetup Friday night at the Volt bar if expensive drinks is more to your liking.

>> No.8665524

Expensive drinks? I'm on it.

>> No.8666232 [DELETED] 

What are the chances of there being a qt girl that wants to hold my hand there?

>> No.8667699

I want to go but I've never been out of state (NY, only been to NYCC once). Have any of you been to cons alone? I want to go while I I'm still looking for work but I admit that I am too nervous and sheltered to do it on my own.

Alternatively, I could try and make friends within these 2 weeks but I don't think that's going to happen. I don't know where to start looking and it doesn't help that I'm too shy to look for friends in person. What online places do (or would) you guys even use to make friends? H-Here?

>> No.8668042


Here should work, maybe the Youmacon forums too, especially if you're looking for a room. Stay away from the Facebook groups.

Either way, I've been going for 7 years and I can count the number of actually rude people on one hand. Youmacon's always had a very welcoming feel in my experience, so don't be too afraid!

>> No.8668095
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>Have any of you been to cons alone?
I usually end up wandering around alone most of the time. I've never had a hard time talking to other people or joining groups at Youmacon.

We can meet up if you want, but just to be clear I am a guy.

>> No.8668242

Every year I love the "Detroit is so dangerous!" babbies.

Because walking two blocks down one of the most heavily policed parts of town is certainly going to end up with six muggings and a murder.

>> No.8668267

>LOLZ look at the losers from out of town being concerned for their safety in a notoriously dangerous city!!!!!!

You're not from the area, are you? Detroit IS dangerous. Youma is literally the safest weekend all year. The hotel workers say that they love Youma because it's the only weekend where there's zero risk of getting mugged when walking to their car, which is a common occurrence. Get off your high horse.

>> No.8668304


Downtown Detroit is just as safe as any other city, man. There's like 3 different law forces in that general area, and sure there's gonna still be crime there but it's not like we're on fucking 8 Mile or that little batch of 1 dollar houses. No only is that the HQ of a huge corporation, but three different sports teams, not even the worst city is going to allow that to be a truly dangerous area.

>> No.8668362

I somehow would feel more comfortable if I could find someone here but beggars can't be choosers I guess. It does not seem like there are many people looking in the Youmacon forums anyhow. I probably should know the answer but why are the Facebook groups bad? I don't use it.

I wonder if I can even do this at this point. The best transportation I found for an idiot like me is a one way $90 greyhound bus ride that takes 20 hours (so full trip is $180). At least that will put me in downtown detroit. Flights to detroit from nyc will leave me in the detroit metro airport which is apparently far away from where youmacon is. I would have to somehow find a ride if I did that and being used to public transportation, that would not end well. Also, cheapest flights seem to be around $200 ($400 full trip) so it's also more expensive. If I'm being stupid and doing it all wrong, please let me know.

I should be clear too then. I'm a guy as well. If I go, and you don't mind either, sure. Would be fun to hang out.

If you meant me, I was talking about being nervous about getting there and staying with other people in a room. While it's true that I didn't think about what you said, there is danger everywhere and >>8668304 makes sense to me so I'm not too concerned about that if I do go. Unless I end up somewhere far from the con.

>> No.8668448

Last month, my black co-worker's car was stolen. It was found several miles away later. Then his friend's uncle was gunned down by teenagers with an AK-47.

>> No.8668650

Detroit is a shit hole and every single day someone dies! Not a single day goes by without at least 2 or 3 people being murdered

>> No.8668831

It is dangerous, every Halloween the skeletons of all the gansters shot by the police rise up from the Detroit River to rattle their bones at innocent white people.

>> No.8668834
File: 143 KB, 493x780, youmathefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this girl retarded? Who is going to check ID's at photoshoots? Who is going to get naked enough in the wintergarden to need ID's checked?

>> No.8669006


Nah man, I wasn't referring to you. Sorry about that. I'm just tired of alarmists like >>8668267 getting their panties in a wad over ACTUALLY NOTHING.

>> No.8669019


It is if you leave the general down town area. Which pretty much ends right when you exit Cobo.

>> No.8669034

So you're not from the area.

>> No.8669040

she's nuts. I can't wait to tell her no when she asks me for ID and see what she does. She's supposedly reported my friends and I for disrupting her photoshoot for several years now and nothing has happened.

>> No.8669044

Also I have no idea what sort of 18+ activity she expects to happen at a photoshoot in an all ages, public area.

>> No.8669051

How did I say anything extreme or alarmist? I simply stated what I know to be the truth and expressed my frustration at those who purposefully downplay the actual safety aspect of being in a notoriously dangerous city for the sake of being condescending to those who want to be cautious.

>> No.8669057

Naw guys it's fine, >>8669006 says it's ACTUALLY NOTHING.

>> No.8669060
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This is a black person, not a mugger, learn the difference.

>> No.8669066
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>> No.8669086

Lol that can happen anywhere, not just in Detroit.

>> No.8669092

Did you know that if you leave the 20' radius of the rencen you will be instantly mugged and/or shot. When traveling to cobo, it's best to form a large pack and put the weakest of the group on the outside as bait.

>> No.8669108

This is true. Our bait, Kenny, was sacrificed last year. Bless his soul. We were able to run away back to the convention safely thanks to him.

>> No.8669116

so many obviously non-michiganders itt
at least its not in fucking flint, then you'd have something to complain about

>> No.8669123

If this con was in Flint there is a very real chance we would all die due to the lead tainted water, but some spooky crime in the heaviest patrolled area of the city on extremely busy nights (sports events/concerts) is the real cause for concern here!

>> No.8669125


Just be smart. Don't wander around downtown. The area between Ren Cen and Cobo is okay, but take the People Mover if you don't want to deal with possible harassment from homeless guys or the weather. Greektown is also safe. Just don't be a dumbass, stay in populated, well lit areas and you're fine. You'd even be okay to walk around nearby the Ren Cen during the day, but there's not much reason to, and you'll probably be hit up by homeless guys, who are harmless but a pain to get away from sometimes.

>> No.8669143

Homeless people will do wierd shit like walk right into your path and nearly body check you. Just keep moving.

There are also some very charismatic scammers along the street; don't listen to their lies.

>> No.8669199

Aye brother you wanna buy my mixtape man I'll take anything you got I rap the word of the Lord!!!

>> No.8669203

If we're talking safety downtown for the most part is pretty safe especially the street the ren cen is on and the riverwalk they're both lined up with cops and heavily patrolled

>> No.8669221

From experience, it's usually pantyshots

>> No.8669263


That's like 1/6th of an hour's work in LA or certain parts of NY.

>> No.8669298
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>> No.8669511

Do you guys know if there is a general preference of what day is best of cosplay on? Like, which day is likely to have to most people cosplaying?

>> No.8669530

Saturday, considering it's spookween

>> No.8670464

Schedule has been changing randomly non-stop.

Who was the dumbass that put the 2 Japanese bands Q&A at the exact same time?

>> No.8670485

Don't miss out on this everyone!!


>> No.8670676

Since the schedule keeps changing can somebody link the new schedule?

>> No.8670879



>> No.8671096

Hey, I ended up not being able to go really last minute. Would anyone be interested in buying my 3 day pass? I'll probably be selling it for $60, but it beats standing in line waiting to get one if you haven't gotten one yet. I'll give out my email if anyone shows interest

>> No.8671107

What is this. There are names and words thrown around that I don't know. Neither the video nor the video description explains much.

>> No.8671309

>Aye brother you wanna buy my mixtape man I'll take anything you got I rap the word of the Lord!!!
That guy was funny as fuck though. I'm actually sad I didn't get to listen to his CD, but I heard it was terrible, sincere, and hilarious, all at the same time.

>30 seconds in
>dance group Ikai Ikai Moto
I don't understand this super-weeb stuff at all. First off, none of them are coordinated at all. Secondly, none of them are even attractive.

Their dance group gets the two most important parts of dance groups wrong.

>> No.8671405 [DELETED] 

I was fucking HOPING to find this thread here

Hey Michiganians

How often do people (girls) give up the pussy at this thing?

>> No.8671428


I see you haven't heard of the annual orgy.

>> No.8671431 [DELETED] 






>> No.8671442

If you thought they were the cringiest part of that video, you didn't watch hard enough.

>> No.8671453 [DELETED] 

Details, I've actually always wanted to go to youmacon, I've been bullshitting forever though. Shame on me since I live in the city.

Well I'm not autistic or a manchild. I'm not exactly a normie but I know how to talk to girls/flirt.

Why am I trying to pick up girls at a con in Detroit? Because they are obviously the cutest girls in the fucking city and will know how to have a good time.

I've heard things about the "after hours" stuff that goes down at youmacon. Someone on /vg/ was talking about it in 2013, but he said something about like. A scat party. And I NOPED the fuck out.

But yeah, drunk sex with 18+ girls, if I end up fucking a 16 year old by mistake I will flee to Windsor

>> No.8671456 [DELETED] 

Sorry for coming off as THAT GUY, I just really need some fucking sex and a QT cosplayer would be great.

I-I am generally a pretty cool dude

>> No.8671461 [DELETED] 



>> No.8671472 [DELETED] 

You won't get in to orgy. And I wouldnt suggest it either. While theyre probably more professional and cleaner than others, its still, you know, an orgy.
Anyway, if you apparently know how to talk and flirt, then you wouldnt be asking how easy it is to score there, because you would have done it.
Most cons have a good population of girls who are willing to fuck some guy they just met. I dont understand why people think its different at every con.
Just go to the rave.

>> No.8671504 [DELETED] 

You must be apart of c.o.r.n.

>> No.8671506 [DELETED] 


>> No.8671508

I don't actually want to go to the orgy thing. I'm not about that life.
I was really just curious about the willingness to fuck a guy that just met of the girls there, and as you say, most are pretty willing?

Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, but, in your experience are a lot of the goers drug users or should I just expect to buy/bring alcohol?

Most con goers underage? Don't want to fuck a girl pretending to be 18.

Are passes still available for youma, and if not, how much can I get into without a pass?

>> No.8671516

I'm glad to see im not the only person who doesn't give a shit about any of that video.

>> No.8671521 [DELETED] 


>> No.8671523

Jesus, I'm not telling you how to get conlaid, buddy. It's not difficult. Just be fucking chill and flirt with and be nice and maybe offer alcohol. You don't need a master plan.
You can buy badges at the con, pre ordering is over.
Why is it so hard.for guys to get that if they're just fucking cool and don't act like they desperately want to get laid, they're more likely to get laid?

>> No.8671528


But what if you're ugly?

(The joke is that the reason guys can't get it is because those kinds of guys don't have the right amount of self esteem)

(I know from personal experience)

>> No.8671529 [DELETED] 



>> No.8671533

You're in a place where 90% of the male population (and bout 60% of the female) are ugly, fat, and disgusting. This isn't even an exaggeration. There is not much to choose from for the girls, your confidence is what will get you laid.

>> No.8671537 [DELETED] 

Boys are stupid.

>> No.8671547 [DELETED] 

Lol 90% of the girls at this con are ugly ADHD weebs and the other 10% that are actually cute either have a boyfriend or is really stuck up and won't even look your way but they're all sluts trying to get laid

>> No.8671552 [DELETED] 

Because we want to put our dicks in you? Don't lie, you want to get fucked at youmacon too.

Just give them a xanax and walk with them to their hotel room, it'll be ez. Or have a BBC.

>> No.8671578 [DELETED] 



>> No.8671630 [DELETED] 

watching someone reply to themselves is sad in general
but yeah you're not wrong

>> No.8671643 [DELETED] 

Asspained landwhale not getting any dick spotted

>> No.8671660

Guys in con threads are honestly so desperate it wouldn't be that difficult, I assure you

>> No.8671676

asspained male not getting any closer to his cosplay being finished, actually

>> No.8671691

It's not we're all going to make it bro

>> No.8671861

I dunno if it's the same guy you're talking about, but there's a guy downtown who keeps trying to sell his rap album. He usually approaches people by saying "HEY YOU LIKE STAR TREK?" and then explaining about how he raps about "equations n shit." He's usually all over the place. He was at Youma one year, he comes to Wayne State occasionally, and I remember him once following me around after jury duty downtown. I usually just tell him "nah man I don't like that nerd shit" and see him get all mopey.

>> No.8671898

I bought his CD once for $5 and it had nothing on it. This is was strange because the CDs had printed labels and a printed flyer packaged with it. The flyer had a non-existent website on it. Obviously he was spending his time and money on printing these labels. He says to pay him whatever you want; apparently he must be convincing more people than I thought to be able to continue do this.

>> No.8672032

One of my friends said he bought an album and it was just random shit, but not as bad as he thought.

>> No.8672052

Being a fucking retard is certainly not going to help you get laid.

>> No.8672162

You guys should check out the youmaidol thing on friday. guaranteed cringe fest.

>> No.8672208

So how much is at the door passes?

>> No.8672228

Checked the site. It's a tad confusing, though the price $60 is alright.

I don't understand if I register at the Rencen then go all the way to Cobo to get my "badge"
That seems kind of fucking dumb, having to give them my money there and then go somewhere else to pick up the pass. Does anything Youmacon related even happen at the Cobo? Sorry for being newfag as fuck, first con.

>> No.8672278

Nah, you go down to Cobo to register/pick up your badge. Cobo does have Youmacon related things like the dealer's room and panels.

>> No.8672304

>Does anything Youmacon related even happen at the Cobo? Sorry for being newfag as fuck, first con.

Youmacon is large enough to require both the RenCen and Cobo spaces; but the "primary" location is RenCen.

>> No.8672307

Ahhh, okay makes much more sense. Can't wait for this. Only fun I'm gonna have this year.

>> No.8672319

In your opinion, where will the most relevant events be held? I'm checking this site but I wouldn't know, and I'm not exactly sure how long the events go on each day. I'm expecting to be doing shit until like 1am

>> No.8672389

Main events are the RenCen. The video game room, tabletop game room, and food court are at the RenCen.

However, the Cobo has more panels, the artist's area, and celebrity autographs and Q&A.

Expect to go back and forth between the RenCen and Cobo during the day if you go to panels often. During the night, more people seem to hang around the RenCen because it's a more comfortable place to relax.

>> No.8672475

Alright, thanks for the info!
Hate that I have to go alone, would be much more fun having people to interact with. ;-;

>> No.8672490


Be sure to get a people mover pass while you're in the reg room unless you want to constantly walk 10 minutes each way between buildings.

>> No.8672497

The entire con will be full of different people to interact with.
Most just as socially awkward as you.
This IS an anime convention after all.
At least it's a place you know you can talk to someone with the same interests.

>> No.8672502

I suppose you are right. Fuck, I'm excited, is /cgl/ meeting up?

That thing fucking scares me, is it expensive?

>> No.8672531


If you don't have the pass, yes. The pass is 6 bucks, though, so as long as you use it 4 times it pays itself. I've used it every year since the con expanded, there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.8672600

so do we have an official meet-up day/location yet?

>> No.8672619


>> No.8672640

Not yet. In the previous thread there was something about meeting at someone's charity party; but I don't think this is set in stone. Might be several meet-ups throughout the weekend.

>> No.8672684

Bad, bad apple.

>> No.8672806


World should not be hers.

>> No.8672808

I never even thought to use the people mover. That's a good idea.

>> No.8673123

>That thing fucking scares me
Don't worry about it too much. Just get off when the main crowd on the train does, and make sure to buy a pass. It's going to be packed to the brim and some people are not going to be very generous with space/props so watch your head.

>> No.8673498

>That thing fucking scares me, is it expensive?
The price isn't bad and like other anons said, after a few goes it pays for itself. They usually sell People Mover passes at registration but I think you can get it in advance through the mail if you really want.

The People Mover is definitely going to be busy as hell at times, and you're going to really want to bring a coat or a sweater for when you're waiting since it'll be cold as hell out there sometimes.

Oh and occasionally you'll get to see the wonder that is drunk Red Wings fans who are either confused by or pissed off at being surrounded by nerds. It's really quite the sight.

>> No.8673858

>/cgl/ meet-up time

Saturday at 4 in the Marriott lobby, by the orange S-shaped, double-sided sofa. Just walk in at the front, move forward, take a left, walk about 40 feet. Sit down on orangey sofa thing.

>> No.8674713

4 why so early, maybe 9?

>> No.8674897

not gonna be there, lolita panel is at 4:30

>> No.8674989

>Saturday at 4
lolita panel is at 4:30

Are you trying to turn this into a sausage fest.

>> No.8675002

It derailed a while back, you know.

>> No.8675066

This, I'll also be at the panel. It's worth moving it a few hours later. It doesn't have to be super late, but maybe six or seven. If it's later we could go to the bar or something.

>> No.8675160

In january because too many fatties were on the thing for the auto show

>> No.8675292

If fatties derailed the people mover you'd think youmacon would do that by thursday night

>> No.8675945

Yeah do 8.

Everyone agree with this?

>> No.8676248

Official CGL meetup:

Saturday 8:00pm Mariott lobby by the orange squiggle chair

>> No.8676264


Made a Page for it. Look up "/CGL/ Youmacon Meetup" on Facebook for the event page

>> No.8676273

Youmacon is gonna be the first con I've ever been and I was wondering if there was any rules regarding backpacks and bags? I mostly wanna know cause I was probably gonna enter some of the tcg tournaments and I don't want to juggle everything in my hands.

>> No.8676282

Bags are fine, just don't carry guns in them.

>> No.8676285

Youmacon used to not let you carry bags into the game room but they stopped doing that like 3 years ago. You should be fine.

>> No.8676287

Thanks, guys.

>> No.8676289

Nah. I have a power level to hide.

>> No.8676301

dude, you're going to a meetup for it. At a convetion. Not to mention im not advertising the page so non-seagulls dont join?

>> No.8676537
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tfw it's next week and you don't have shit done

>> No.8676594

No image macro to show but my face is contorted to show disgust with myself

>> No.8676632

>Not to mention im not advertising the page so non-seagulls dont join?

What is the point then? If the only people who see are the people in this thread, we're all good. Also, I don't want to know what any of you fags look at until I get there. It's gonna ruin it for me cause I've never met any internet people before.

>> No.8676751

Well I already know that there's going to be a rabid homestuck at this thing thanks to that page

>> No.8676870

I haven't even started my costumes yet. Hopefully I can do it this week and next week.

>> No.8677070
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Prepare for dissappointment (until you get to know us)


You can do it! Just BOLIEVE in yourself!

>> No.8677329


I'm not going to make it; it's right in middle of the masquerade

>> No.8677596
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I wanna go to the meetup but you have to promise to nitpick my costume to my face and not a week later on anon

>> No.8677740

I'll tell you right now it fucking sucks

>> No.8677776

It looks like another year with rain.

>> No.8677795

anyone have the info for that charity party on, i believe, Wednesday next week?

>> No.8678103

Yeah everyone just needs to keep posting in the thread to update where the meetup moves to.

>> No.8678111

I'd rather have rain than snow tbh

>> No.8678326

Rain is nothing.

>> No.8678551

Are any of you rooming with people you don't know?

>> No.8678596

It's just Thursday and there's only a 40% chance of it. It might just end up being cloudy.

>> No.8678732

I'm rooming with a girl I know, one of her friends I've met and then a bunch of her friends I've never met at the Double Tree.

Anyone know if the Double Tree rooms have mini fridges?

>> No.8679075

I did two years ago and we've been rooming ever since, so it was a very nice experience. We had to get two more people to get costs down but at least I can have my own bed

>> No.8679207

I'm too paranoid that if I room with people I don't know, it'll be a horror story tier experience. Or worse, they might steal my things while I'm out at the con.
Maybe I'm just paranoid.

>> No.8679267


This is what i'm afraid of, too. We went from a 4 person room to a two, but I just can't get past this nagging feeling that I'll either get mugged, robbed, or my friend raped. I'd rather spend an extra bit of dosh than run that risk.

Stupid trust issues.

>> No.8679496

do research on facebook and ask around for the person you're rooming with

>> No.8679670

thanks for the warning!

>> No.8679673

cgl meetup. Same place, maybe later than 8? We could meet at around 12 and go to the gameroom or something after?

>> No.8679773

I roomed with strangers at Shutocon. It was definitely an experience
>Walk into the hotel lobby
>See a bunch of grown ups wearing Naruto headbands
>Pray to God that it isn't them

>Get kept up all night because they're playing Cards Against Humanity (we get several noise complaints too)
>One roomie threatened to murder her fiance since she thought he didn't bring CAH
>I may have accidentally converted her to Catholicism later?
>One roomie is tumblr in a nutshell, constantly spouting out shitty memes
>Another is some wannabee famous cosplayer lecturing everyone about vegan diets
>I'm trying to go the fuck to sleep

Repeat for three nights and you got shutocon

>> No.8679839

I'm in the process of finding a random stranger to room with, about to contact this guy with some girl from bleach as his fb profile. Really how bad could it be? I dont mind cringe, I just want a place to sleep/shower

>> No.8679869

>cgl meetup. Same place, maybe later than 8? We could meet at around 12 and go to the gameroom or something after?

Yeah I'm for this as well because 8 pm is right in middle of the masquerade.

>> No.8680754

Believe it

>> No.8681187

That sounds like a really bad time, friend.

>> No.8681196

Midnight is gonna be way too late for a lot of people to be interested. They'll either be too tired or off doing things with their actual friends. Why not just make it 9 or 9:30? Or make it earlier, like 6 or so?

>> No.8681216

Anyone going to strifes party friday?

>> No.8681324

Yeah. My crew and I will be there. First youmacon room party! (Other than our own....)

>> No.8681361

has the exact room number been given out yet?

>> No.8681369


I've always been curious, but a bit to shy to show up. What's it like?

>> No.8681371
File: 50 KB, 636x635, great day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will literally be at the rencen one week from now
>too tired to work on shit but awake enough to browse 4chan

>> No.8681382

lel How would Dave know that before checking in? Unless he's renting an event room

>> No.8681424

just go, dude. $1 gets you in and if you're not comfortable you can just bounce. it's gonna be pretty hype this year. music, booze, and weaboos. what more could you ask for?

are most of you going to attend in costume or get changed back into civvies?

>> No.8681549

I see. I still haven't messaged anyone on the youmacon forums like I was told but I already bought stuff. At this rate I'm not going anywhere.

I just want a place to sleep without worrying about danger like >>8679207 >>8679267
I don't care about noise or whatever.

>One roomie threatened to murder her fiance since she thought he didn't bring CAH
This is exactly what I'm afraid of.

There are two person rooms in the hotels around there?

Anyone looking for a roommate here?

>> No.8681568

>This is exactly what I'm afraid of.
See I honestly have no idea if she was being serious or just dramatic as fuck. But holy shit was it a pain in the ass to be stuck in a room with loud adult weeaboos when you've got a splitting headache.

>> No.8681583


I meant to say that we went from four people goign down to two, but we still have the same room. Though, single bed rooms ARE supposed to only be two, I asked over the phone and the receptionist said we could have 4 in there. I guess it worked out fine, either way.

I'd offer you space, but the aformentioned fear of theft and death. Sorry.

>> No.8681584

Wearing cosplay.

>> No.8681761

Probably just wearing the regular get up.

>> No.8681978

Your taking a risk, but it could work out fine.
My first con ever was rooming with strangers at acen.
>Had a first floor room in the back wing
>Cool people
>A bed all to myself
>So cheap that the guy in charge of the room must have been taking a loss.

Ended up rooming with him again for a night the next year when I got in a day earlier than my friends.

>> No.8681984

If anything youmacon adds to it. Police only focused on projecting the whites kids running around downtown while peoples homes are being burned down a few miles out with no chance of getting aid.

>> No.8682122


That far out they had no chance of getting aid anyway.

>> No.8682588

It's still frightening to just hear that kind of thing.

That's alright, I understand as well. Like I said, I'm also afraid.

I just feel like I would be slightly more comfortable taking my chances with an anon from here than a stranger from anywhere else. Even if I have no good reason for that.

I guess I just have to huh. Where did you find them? Sounds like a good time.

Still listening for anyone here by the way.

>> No.8682594

Well, since somebody mentioned wrestling, I guess one person at least will know who I'm talking about when I say I'm going to be cosplaying as X-Pac. If anyone else knows who that is and sees me, say hi!

>> No.8682624

Will there be anything going on on thursday after pre reg? Will the arcade be open? Badges necessary for entry that day?

>> No.8682644

Thursday is free, no badges needed. I believe a few panels will be going on.

>> No.8682682

Found them through a post on the acen forums.

>> No.8682715

I've roomed with randoms before and it was fine. Just ask some questions before you commit so you know the situation (make sure you will get your own room key!), get the names of the other people in the room and snoop around their profiles, and keep valuables with you or in the car if you're worried about it. if it's really awful you can still bail and go home early or find somebody else at-con to crash with

>> No.8683074

How do I get laid at this con in a Jesus costume?

>> No.8683081

So in the past the game room has been open, but there is some serious shit that went down in the past night that could slow down build it, it'll be a crapshoot if it's open or not.

>> No.8683082

find a Mary Magdalene

>> No.8683092

Will the hatoful boyfriend panel thing be worth it? I'm a huge fan, but I'm reluctant to go to most panels.

>> No.8683132


What happened?

>> No.8683134

Utilize the power of Catholic Guilt

>> No.8683169

So who the fuck am I gunna see Thursday at bad Sonic fanfiction?

>> No.8683194

>tfw I'm wearing MM at Youma

>> No.8683195


I went to the one at Colossalcon this year and enjoyed it. I hadn't played it at that point and the panel convinced me to get it.

>> No.8683229

Turn water into wine and let these weebs drink

>> No.8683239

I'm considering it

>> No.8683430

How much for one day? Just want to go Friday get really drunk at the rave

>> No.8683509

Friday is $30

How bad is the pre-reg line on Thurs? We usually aren't able to pick ours up until Friday but are coming early this year so I'm wondering how long of a wait I should be expecting...

>> No.8683531

Usually pretty fucking long. I'd get there hours early if you want a close spot.

>> No.8683707

second this. I can't imagine it being weebs getting into altercations.

>> No.8683756

What are the busiest days?

>> No.8683770

this is a really stupid question, but friday and saturday.

>> No.8683912

Lol what about all the people who keep demanding youmacon be moved to the summer, but never go to MME

>> No.8684066
File: 271 KB, 386x534, zac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushing to finish prints and sticker for last minute table
>wanna put together a shitty Sans costume to appeal to the Undertale crowd and match my friend's Papyrus
>Sitting here doing nothing instead

>> No.8684387

Less than a week. Have you finished your cosplay?

I haven't.

>> No.8684417
File: 9 KB, 240x320, gottagofahst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going fahst

>> No.8684421
File: 43 KB, 390x694, finalposition_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask a guy who works for YOUMACON2015 anything..

>skype jake_1453

(pic isn't me, just some girl that works with me at the con)

>> No.8684465
File: 336 KB, 400x300, ME IRL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet someone over skype group
>they seem cool
>priv chat them
>they start dropping their spaghetti
>start being gross
>tfw they know what my lineup and general con sched is

life is suffering

>> No.8684509

Can I scare them off for you

>> No.8684517

So o cant find my email with my tickets. I purchased paying with paypal. Is there a way to resend the email with my passes? I gotta print them boys out

>> No.8684621
File: 8 KB, 1147x70, 56dcb7a919[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigga

>> No.8684639

Okay last year I had this qt who was sitting alone in the lobby eyeing me. Question is how do I approach this if it happens again? Just go up and say hey and maybe ask if she'd like to walk around?

>> No.8684644

depends, who are you?

>> No.8684693

You have to go up to the desk yourself with an ID to get your badge, they don't let you print them at home for obvious reasons

>> No.8684725


They say several times on the forums as long as you have the email you can get the badge.

>> No.8684729

How clocked out is Morgan these days? He was pretty shitting back when I was on staff but when I see him anymore he seems like he is really out of it.

>> No.8684746
File: 42 KB, 182x180, tumblr_inline_n9rjfs6TMv1r3369k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit.

I know who this is, GET BACK TO WORK YOU FUCK.

>> No.8684766

Make sure to surround yourself with other people and tell them to not leave you alone with this person

>> No.8684952

How easily can I sneak in/much can I do without a pass?

I'm fucking broke. Really just wanna go and party with you fuckers.

>> No.8684967

Well that's dumb, but you still can't print it at home.

You only need the badge to get into the panels/game room/artist's alley
you can just bum around everywhere else
iirc there's a 'game room only' pass

>> No.8684977

Sounds pretty good, what about the "rave", think I could find my way into that?

>> No.8684982

Probably not, they usually have two num nuts sitting by each side of the door checking for badges pretty seriously
but seriously though, the 'rave' has been shit pretty consistently so I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.8685068

A nerd who's great at annoying other nerds by acting stupid

>> No.8685155

i haven't been to any of the youma raves yet. are they really shit?

is it on Friday or Saturday night?

>> No.8685194

They mostly just play dubstep or other electronic stuff
I just want anime op remixes and am disappointed every year

Also, we need to solidify a meetup time.

>> No.8685335

Not a fan of dubstep. But it being an anime con, some remixes would be nice. For some reason, i imagine theyd have a big screen playing shitty naruto amv's.

>> No.8686730


They posted the rave dj schedule, I hope you enjoy generic trash!

Friday night

12am: Raven (Top40s/EDM)
1am: FIRR (Pop/Mashups)
2am: Recca (Electrohouse)

Saturday night

11pm: Super special mystery Guest DJ! Who could it be??
12am: Protocollie (Tech house/House/Disco)
1am: Oddy (House)
1am: dJ-rK (DnB/Drumstep)
2am: Skellie LaFleur (Hardcore/Happy Hardcore/Chiptune)

>> No.8686863
File: 1.32 MB, 5075x4500, 1444108142731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boyfriend and I room with random girl and her fiance last year for Youmacon
>Seemed pretty nice at first, which is why we went with them
>Meet them at the con, they dress in neon rave fur, ears and tails
>They buy 10 different Vincent Valentine figurines from the dealers room and scatter them throughout the hotel room
>Saturday night I pass out with my boyfriend drunk, random girl and her fiance start having sex in the bed next to me and my boyfriend
>Fiance man whispers "Scoo...scoo...scoo" to the girl while doing it
>My boyfriend woke up during this, hearing it all

>> No.8686873

I'd be expecting some Perfume or even Kyary, for christ's sake where's the Japanese music at a JAPANESE culture convention?? They don't even have K-Pop on their set lists and that's super popular with con kids.

>> No.8687138

I'm pretty sure instead of getting anime/Japanese focused DJs they just go, well, we got that radio station that we stick in a corner.

A few years ago I remember someone was playing off a YouTube playlist, so I don't expect much of the rave ever.

>> No.8687350

Be honest does anyone even like the rave/dance? Is it even any fun to any of you?

>> No.8687366

Y'know, I never go to it. It just feels like awkwardly dancing around to music I don't even care about for hours on end, surrounded by the kind of people I find disgusting.

Though alcohol probably helps a lot.