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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 627 KB, 1000x667, college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8651648 No.8651648 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any US colleges that have a high number of lolitas, or just weabs in general?

>> No.8651663

My college shuts down anything that isn't the norm, that's for sure. It's usually like that at schools with higher numbers in Greek life. Been here for three years and haven't met anyone with similar interests besides a few girls wearing cat ears with SNK backpacks.

>> No.8651664

Why don't you pick a school that's good for whatever you're trying to major in instead of a place to sperg out with other weeaboos?

>> No.8651681

>> 8651648

Any art school ever. I'm a freshman in art school currently and almost everyone I've met is into anime or at least video games like Smash and Zelda.

>> No.8651714

Eastern Michigan weeb wise. I'm guessing because of their animation/gaming degree.

>> No.8651715

If you're getting a degree in art or whatever you may as well find a school that suits your hobbies because your degree is going to be useless regardless where you get it.

>> No.8651720

University of Texas has a jfashion club?

>> No.8651722

SF state had a lot of lolitas and every other kind of creative dresser when I was there. So much so that lolita fashion looked "natural" and blended in with the rainbow of what everybody else was doing. People tried to stand out so much that even kinda cringe shit was tolerated. But I'm refering specifically to freshman/people who lived in the dorms. Commuters and upperclassmen (which is a huge overlap) wear san-fransisco-style trying by not trying normal clothes.

>> No.8651733

4chan keeps eating my posts so I hope this isn't here twice.

SF state freshman/people who live in the dorms (huge overlap) were very tolerant and eccentric with fashion. Lolitas just blended into the rainbow. Upperclassmen and commuters generally didn't give a fuck and wore trying-by-not-trying sf style. I was a freshman in 2010, so idk if this is still the case though.

>> No.8651737

Texas schools in general. I have a friend who runs a theatre dept. at one of the Texas universities and he deals with some hardcore weebs.

>> No.8651745

Being into entry level Nintendo games makes you a weeb?

I get they're from Japan but I wouldn't call a casual Nintendo fan a weeaboo when they're not even into anime.

>> No.8651750

Go to college based on what program is gonna benefit you best in your career/life. You'll find a few nerds anyway.

>> No.8651844

I don't see a lot of lolitas here now but I also don't live on campus so maybe it's different in the dorms. I've seen maybe two people in casual lolita in the past year, and maybe a dozen others if that in other J-fashion. I do see a number of people with weeb keychains and T-shirts and bags and things, and the occasional person is cringey weeb clothes or SNK jackets or cat ears or something. The place is crawling with nerds, but most people wear normal clothes.

I haven't sought out any weeb clubs on campus or anything though so I don't know where the weebs congregate.

>> No.8651849

I go to SCAD. Animation is our largest major, it has twice as many students as the second most popular major. As a result, it is crawling with weebs. As for lolitas/jfash. I have seen two itas and one girl dressed nicely in an old-schoolish gothic coord. And one girl who may be attempting gal? I'm not sure.

>> No.8651855
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>seen several posters for my school's anime club scattered around campus
>usually notice students with various anime keychains on their bags
>occasionally walk past someone watching anime on their laptop

>seen the anime club in full cosplay promoting their club outside food areas (they weren't bad, it was just weird to see outside of a con)

>wear an ambiguous powerlevel shirt once
>girl in brightly-colored hair stares in awe and compliments it

>don't see much jfash or lolita
>although I did pass a girl once who was wearing a full Bodyline coord

>go to a large but local convention
>see way too many people with my school's shirt

I don't like it.
These happened within the last.. 2 years or so? Although the ones at the top all happened last week.

>> No.8651967


>> No.8652031

I live/went to college in Connecticut and most of the weebs in the area were pretty entry-level, so they weren't really the kind I wanted to approach about anime. Some of them were ridiculously awkward for their age, like discussing Yu-Gi-Oh yaoi fanfictions in the school library or wearing an Akatsuki cloak on a near-daily basis. This is stuff I'd expect to see in high school and not college.

>> No.8652037

CalState Long Beach, UC Irvine. Although gamefan23 is a CSULB alumni, so take that as you will.

>> No.8652053

Not a lot of lolitas go to my university, though there is a Japanese club there. I wore lolita to a LGBT pride event once though, and a surprising amount of people actually recognized the fashion.

>> No.8652191

UNLV my friend. Half of our students came from the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese exchange program so we're full of weebs trying to soothe their yellow fever at the presence of their gods. We've got everything you wanted to leave behind in high school but with adults instead of children.

>> No.8652202

>University of Texas
Which one? There's a lot of UT schools in Texas.

>> No.8652226


>> No.8652234

The only one that matters, retard.

>> No.8652252

There's Austin, Dallas, Arlington, San Antonio, and El Paso for the bigger campuses. Any one of them could have a jfashion club on campus ass.

>> No.8652273
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> mfw I used to go to UNLV

>> No.8652292

I go to UTEP op, lets be friends. Havnt checked for a fashion club but I'm a Lolita myself and happy with the local comm. The anime club is alright. They host and cohost a few cons and bunch of them meet on Tuesdays for a few hours hours and watch anime.

>> No.8652297

Clark college in Washington State

One exit away from the annual Kumoricon

Cringefest at the school, I swear

>> No.8652305

There is always that one girl at the center of Cheasar Chaves.
She's cute.

>> No.8652419

UC Berkeley for sure. I know there's more than one lolita hanging out there, and I'm sure I've seen a handful at Cal Anime Destiny and a bunch of local cons as well as out and about the city too.

I imagine all the Bay Area schools have a fair number of lolitas considering their proximity to the Baby/AP stores and the general J-culture in the area

>> No.8652426
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Don't think I've seen any, but I'm sure there are some hanging around Vault of Midnight.

>> No.8652551

You forgot UTPB, stone henge outside of the building for extra weirdness in the desert.

>> No.8652624

It's still better to find a good art school because even if the major is useless in the end, it's still a good idea to get the best education possible. If you go to a community college in some small hick town to major in art, you won't turn out as well as someone who went to SCAD. As you said, you'll most likely end up dirt poor either way, but the more talented you are, the more money you'll make.

I still don't have any respect for fine arts majors. At least major in graphic design or something. You'll still won't be rich but if you're good enough you can make up to 60k a year.

>> No.8652636

Our uni is pretty normal and boring.
A2 has it's fair share of weebs and weirdos, though, like that creepy furfag couple that would hang around the diag a year or two back.

I wish more people were into jfash (or any sort of fashion other than the ~full hipster~ look, really)

>> No.8653203

I also go to college in SF but not at SF State.

There's a girl at my school who wears cat ears and rainbow wigs daily and once told me that I look like Venus Angelic. I'm not even white...
I've also seen a couple of other lolitas at my school but we mostly just wear normal clothes.

The Bay Area also has a pretty large fighting game community and SF State also has an arcade, so I bump into a log of fgc people on CalTrain or BART too.
The fgc isn't really weeby but a lot of people in the fgc also watch anime or read manga.

>> No.8653587

East Coaster here. Going to assume California since it has AP and such while having a large number of video game hq/scenes for League, Smash, Dota etc

>> No.8653608

NYC has a Baby and NYCC though.

>> No.8653850

From my experience everyone at Clemson hides their power level. Just casual gamers mostly.

>> No.8653869

Sup fellow Scaddie

>> No.8653880

I was hoping to find more like-minded weeaboos (read: just non-weirdos) here at Portland State, but the anime club fulfilled every negative stereotype, including disappointing "lolita."

Portland has a decent-sized lolita comm, doesn't it? I'd imagine there are some members who are students here, but I've never seen any on campus.

>> No.8653908

University of Nevada has a pretty small scene, we have an anime club that does a little con in the science building and a lot of weebs are at the Japanese Summer Festival thing, last year I saw an Aoba cosplayer. Otherwise it's just run of the mill people in AOT or Akatsuki jackets and Black Butler shirts.

>> No.8653918


I went to a college based on the strength of a certain program's department. I didn't choose a college because of their attraction to weebs or lolitas.

>> No.8653927


>> No.8653946

I'm at SUNY Stony Brook and I see some asian girls cosplaying from time to time. The only reason I don't approach them is because I'm a guy and only like cosplaying cause its cute.

>> No.8653958

Reno. It's kind of like a sin around here to call it UNR and not Nevada for rivalry stupidness

>> No.8653967

Really? I keep hearing that you guys talk nonstop shit about UNLV at orientation. tbh both school's teams are absolute shit.

>> No.8653973

Yeah we do haha that's why we're "Nevada" and not UNR, we're the land grant school and better blah blah. I'm not a big football follower but yeah we kinda suck.

>> No.8654000

You guys are lucky. All the weebs decided to make UNLV their home, we're full of religious protests everyday, and homeless men sleep in the SU.

>> No.8654056

motherfucking el camino college its sad

>> No.8654125

My Uni is super boring and normal. I get looked at weird when I wear anything colorful. My community college was great, though, and I saw another lolita there once before and complimented her. I think she was wearing an Infanta dress with kittens.

>> No.8654940

Where do you go?

>> No.8654954

Fellow UCB anon here. Where are you finding all these lolitas? I've met maybe 2... Then again, I'm an MCB major and I don't go outside.

>> No.8654964

I go to UPS. I'd gladly trade my boring normeis for your cringe. Least then I wouldn't be one of 5 students with colored hair

>> No.8654965

UT Austin, they have a fb page Japanese Street Fashion Club, where Becky from HLC went (transferred out recently) & another mori girl Miss Kellie went? It looks like from meh to ok quality

>> No.8655005

oh my god. are you on the Savannah campus? who are you? i need jfash friends

>> No.8655009
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Not the other anon, but I'm a lolita who just moved to Savannah.

>> No.8655052

Carnegie Mellon has both a cosplay and lolita club, iirc. A lot of the Midwest cosplayers I know go to UMich, so I assume there's plenty there as well. IU also seems to have a fair number of cosplayers.

>> No.8655065

Ah I'm just starting out in lolita (but I've been lurking in online comms for over a year now). We should get coffee and pretend to be cute southern belles at the Gallery Expresso sometime, they have the most amazing chai latte that tastes like roses
You doing any kind of cool coord for Halloween? I'm doing shironuri

>> No.8655067

Not sure if CMU has a lolita club, but there's definitely a cosplay club. The entire school is also generally dorky, if that's what you're looking for. This is one of the only campuses where showing my cosplay pictures automatically makes me cool to a sizable portion of the population.

>> No.8655069

I live in the deep south (hint: sec football, Greek life everywhere, etc) and there are a surprising number of weebs, nerds, and geeks. It's split between the Smash Bros Bros, the sticky laptop league players, he bearded guys who play magic, and the anime club which is apparently secret or something stupid. Someone invited me but I didn't want to go. Down south there's a lot of nerds that aren't really as open just because there aren't a massive amount, but there's still a decent number.

>> No.8655113

Was gonna say this. Was a Fine Arts major for awhile and it was filled with weabs. But nowadays you're probably gonna run into a lot of SJWs in the art programs and wherever the weabs are. Beware, anon.

>> No.8655115

Off topic but Stony Brook is awesome, looking to transfer there.

>> No.8655126
File: 13 KB, 679x427, NSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo NSA there is a thread on /r9k/ about college as well.

Are you trying to data mine anonymous 4chan users?

>> No.8655132

update, turns out we also have a "Japanese Language and culture club" if that works for you.

>> No.8655141

I'm going into Games Design soon, anyone have experience with wearing lolita to an english college? I mostly plan to wear very casual clothes to college, well my sense of the word, I'll be wearing nice j-fash clothes but in a more casual tone, with toned down lolita coords.

>> No.8655173

I went to a Bay Area art school and it had a pretty large proportion of lolitas for its tiny size. I think someone on campus owned the doge dress.

>> No.8655176

Off topic but Stony is literally one of the most depressed schools ever, all of my friends who went there/most of the student body hates it.

>> No.8655194

Tiny cramped classrooms packed to the brim with students will be your undoing... unless you are always early.

>> No.8655195
File: 7 KB, 259x194, New_College_of_Florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go there, but UCF seems to have a lot. I've seen a surprising amount at my tiny ass college, but they've not been very good so far.

>> No.8655198

Clarification: I was talking about Lolita, but both of them also have a lot of weebs.

>> No.8655201
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Try local colleges and non-sportsy colleges. The kids in my university's nerd club are completely unable to hide their power level. I avoid associating them because they're known for being 80% furry and neckbeard. They're also known for harrassing women, moreso than the greeks.
>mfw they're the biggest club on campus
>mfw want to wear lolita but dont want to be lumped in with them and the campus' one ita

>> No.8655202

You know if you don't look and act as disgusting as them no one will think you're a weeb no matter how frilly and poofy you dress.

>> No.8655203

I'm also a lolita at UCB! But I also never go outside.... civvie here.

>> No.8655213

I'm doing a Slytherin inspired coord, a friend knit me a scarf and I have a cool green eye shaped bag that winks.

My skype is fromflamestoashes if you want to chat.

>> No.8655261

oh neat i'll chat with you!
i don't give a fuck if strangers on the internet know where i go to school

>> No.8655304

Yeah I'm starting to see a lot of people in Lolita and Jfash when I'm in Manhattan. As for Uni/College I'm not too sure since I schedule all my classes as early as possible to avoid people.

>> No.8655422

What really? Why?

>> No.8655425

Academy of Art?

>> No.8655432

I got an early acceptance to Ohio State a few days ago. Mind you, that this is my safety school since I'm also looking at Purdue, CMU, Illinois, Cornell, and MIT. How are the weebs there?

>> No.8655446

A&M has an anime club. They were fun when I went, not sure how it is now. Cepheid Variable is an all around nerd club but I hear they are weird as a group.

>> No.8655447

I'm at San Jose State and idk man I haven't really seen any yet. Hopefully once Fanime comes around they'll crawl out of the woodwork.

>> No.8655495

Oh man, sorry, I should've mentioned that I graduated a couple of years ago hahahaa... ahh...

That would definitely be the reason why.

>> No.8655619
File: 284 KB, 1200x1192, RIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8655667

Ah, my hometown. Pinball Pete's is a magnet for weebs-- played DDR there often in my high school days. UM's a big enough school that I'm sure there's a good number of weebs just bc of the law of large numbers.

>> No.8655677

Any community college. Go in the lobby and there'll be a copious amount of neckbeards that play magic the gathering 24/7 and give you ass-kissing compliments if you wear something other than a sweaty anime shirt.

>> No.8655681


I was wondering how it took this many responses

>> No.8655795

I thought there were at least tons of weebs there. I know at least one girl in the comm goes there, and there's tons of lolitas in south bay.

>> No.8655802

No, but I'm sure there must be a lot there, since AAU is pretty huge! I also know a lot went/go to FIDM.

>> No.8656121

Ha I applied there, got accepted, and visited several times. In the end it narrowed it down to RIT and SCAD, ended up at SCAD. I have several friends at RIT, can confirm it's weeb infested
Sent you a friend request on Skype with a message that says "hello seagull" or something like that

>> No.8656141

Columbia College Chicago. I've seen a lone lolita and I'm absolutely positive some students lurk this thread or 4chan in general. Every day is like a con minus the cosplay due to all the blue, pink and silver hair followed by nerdy shirts, bags and general gear. In fact, not having colored hair and looking "normal" seems to be part of the lesser student body.

>> No.8656341

Don't actually attend the college (yet), but I imagine CU Boulder is nerd infested.

>> No.8656446

SBU is weeb central. They have the heavy influx of international students who weeb harder than your average acne covered white kid, and the long legacy of the Science Fiction Forum.

I majored in comp sci, and the major was littered in dork spaghetti. I-Con was pretty sweet though, until it got canned when all the construction happened. (Off topic, but fuck LI-Con.)

I hope you enjoy spending 5 years there. SBU screws over all transfers because it's become so overcrowded. God help you if you wanna go into comp sci.

Anon speaks the truth, >>8655422. SBU has become too popular. Between the pre-med program and comp sci, and the cheap cost of state tuition, it's become so overcrowded. Limited dorming, overcrowded classes that still fill up quickly, eternal construction, impersonal campus, shitty location. It's such a great bargain though, I graduated with no debt.

>> No.8656447

you must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.8656491

anon could be taking a gap year. or a senior in high school. i was 17 for all of my senior year but a lot of kids had September birthdays and were 18 by the time October rolled around

>> No.8656691

I go to FIDM. There's the girl I mentioned earlier but other than that I haven't met any weebs yet.
Most of my friends wear alt fashion and jfash outside of school though.

I'm surprised you haven't seen any weebs. A handful of weeby kids I met in high school go there, but they're like legitimate "JAPAN IS TEH BESTEST!!! XD" weebs who call themselves weeb trash.

Is it really? All the people I know who went there were dudebros who couldn't wait to smoke weed legally and join a frat so that's my impression of Boulder.
Although one of them does play Dynasty Warriors if that counts towards anything...

>> No.8657428

Literally anything from socal.

>> No.8657780

Any college in Sacramento and Davis, that's why SacAnime does well despite not having a large population region to draw from.

>> No.8658818

Im taking a quick break to take care of family, anon.
As I said, I don't actually attend it. I know a student whose told me the are quite a few weebs, and a lot of people who live in Boulder are closet otaku.

>> No.8660811
File: 25 KB, 308x431, ReveilleVII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean tu

>> No.8663347

I go to Converse. There's surprisingly a lot of high-level weebs here for such a small women's college.
I have only seen one non-ita lolita here unfortunately.

>> No.8663385
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Saw one ita my first week around campus, but everything's so diluted with hipsters to find anyone else. Apparently the anime club is pretty weeby, and the only other anime fans I've found so far have been pretty cringe.

>> No.8663445

Oh shit CSULB? Thats my school.

>> No.8663957
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UC Irvine is a school I'd love to go to after I finish up at CC, does anyone have nice lolita stories?
>mitsuwa, daiso, cute cafes, big green trees, beautiful everything, disneyland is sort of close
>day/weekend trips to SF
>hoping that there's other lolitas my age that appreciate a cute lifestyle as well (my comm is sparse and seems to be just 25+ year olds who only dress for cons and meets and are always OTT)
>actual asian community and culture
>just so damn expensive
I'd have to take a loan out to go, but it would only be 2 years and I'm going to college for free and saving (or trying to) now. Please sway me.

>> No.8663982

There are hella weebs and the occasional loli. The smart ones just stay in hiding. Been meowed at in class once. Never again.

>> No.8664008

h-hey portland state anon
I'm heading there in winter

>> No.8665852

>day/weekend trips to SF
San Francisco is roughly an 8 hour drive away from Irvine though. Probably doable for a weekend but a day trip would be impossible.
(Unless you mean some other SF?)

>> No.8665969

At my university there's a Japan club and then there's a nerd club. The nerd club plays magic and yugioh the whole time and Japan club watches anime and has this horribly boring professor try to teach Japanese. Most of them are sperglords so I avoid them at all costs. The cool people all graduated. Not a single one wears jfashion. Other than that I've seen people wearing those itachi from naruto robes and girls decked out in sailor moon or pokemon gear.

>> No.8666251

Yeah this. I saw a girl yesterday who appeared to be wearing some form of lolita JSK without a petticoat or accessories.

It actually worked surprisingly well, I would've thought it were normal clothes if I didn't know what I was looking at.

>> No.8666542

Yeah I realized that after I posted. At least it's doable.

>> No.8666760

How is Umass Amherst for weebs and lolitas? I know there's an anime club but I'm too scared to go.

>> No.8666794

not tru
I attend csus and theres no lotias on campus

>> No.8666906

i go to a small art school in oakland/sf and i've been finding a lot of people who like anime, but still seem to hide it a bit. there is one girl who dresses in very simple lolita coords daily, but i've only seen her once or twice. emailed the aime club, but i think it disbanded when the main members left.

>> No.8666909

Several lolitas from Chicago comm go there, along with UIC, and a few at University of Chicago. I'm not site how many people would wear it to class considering the amount of time it takes to get ready, but kudos to whoever does it and doesn't care about the stares!

>> No.8666973

>There is always that one girl at the center of Cheasar Chaves.
>that's my neighborhood
Anon, elaborate

>> No.8666977

CCA ayyyy!

>> No.8666990

I went to UCSC expecting a high number of lolitas but all I've seen so far is one guy that dresses arguably in aristocrat lurking in the dining halls. At least our cosplay club is pretty cool.

>> No.8667010

ayy friend who are you!!!

>> No.8667014

I just graduated. Is this Izzy?

>> No.8667037

no i'm a freshman srry ahah

>> No.8667061

Oh cool! There's several lolitas on campus. The girl I mentioned is a sophomore in the fashion department. I've heard of a gothic lolita wandering the Oakland campus. I think there might be some that are international lolitas and so they won't talk to you. What's your major?

>> No.8667078

good to know!! i'm an interior design major, my email is ccohen@cca.edu , it's nice to know this info! thanks so much

>> No.8667096

been around AI Austin, not a student but my friend goes there, more than 90% of students are weebs. One girl wears cat ears where ever she goes and i've only seen one 'meh' lolita there.

>> No.8667099


>> No.8667209

Back when i was at uni I heard that the UC Davis club boasted over 300 reg members a couple years back, I believe that they had a good connection with the student union but that is not a direct correlation. But yea, any college or uni in socal and norcal has tons of anime fans.

>> No.8669767

Any lolitas/seagulls at NYU? I feel like they're definitely around somewhere. It's a massive school, I can't be the only one. Though, I haven't worn it really around to classes or anything.

Does anyone actually wear full coords to class? I think it's too much of a hassle, especially being in the city, getting to packed classes and such. I see girls posting outfits that they wear to class, but how common is this exactly?

>> No.8670186

I'm not NYU, I'm in a college in uptown West but I haven't really seen full coords anywhere around. I blame public transit and that some people here are asses

>> No.8670221
File: 34 KB, 350x234, miami_university_oxford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Miami University in Ohio. It is kind of nice because we have a huge Greek population which regulates the school harshly. It sounds like a bad thing, but because of that the only weebs I met have been in a Japanese class and they were polite and normal people. They could talk about anime and Japanese culture separately. Nice people all around. No J-fashion though, which sucks. Everyone dresses the same here more or less so that is the cost, I guess.

>> No.8670231

Miami-Ohio is considered a preppy school. People dress well considering a large number of their out of state students are from the Northeast. However, jfashion would probably not be considered preppy.

>> No.8670233

I mean, you would think there would be more weirdly dressed people down here. The village can be a very weird place. I could understand it not being around the upper west side, thats a bit of a more "normie" area.

The other day I did see two lolitas in the NR station by me, one was kind of otome-ish, the other was in a full coord in some Baby print whos name I can't remember. I would have said something to them, but I was all the way across the platform and it would have been weird.

>> No.8670236

Yeah, not saying I am surprised with this development. They wear clothes more expensive than my monthly rent on a daily basis. Just a note on the scene. I am kind of happy anyone on here even knows what the school is, though.

>> No.8670299

Oh I've heard they are weird. One of my friends is in it, and I had another friend that belonged to the Anime club. Apparently the Anime Club always talked about how cult-like Cepheid Variable is. However they do put on the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I think they are in chagre of the Aggie Con.

>> No.8670663

In university of idaho, haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Then again, I'm in the middle of fucking nowhere.

>> No.8670776

There were a few oddballs here and there, but I only ever went to the manga bit so I can't say for the entire club. The cult chatter is true, it was the older members' favorite past time and I had many earfuls of it. I regret never going to a CV meeting to have stories of my own to tell. And yes, they do run Aggie Con.

>> No.8670784

UCSC is in the middle of the forest and you have to hike to go to class. Why would think there would be lolitas there?

>> No.8670822

I'd imagine the odd mori girl though, seems like an ideal location for them.

>> No.8670864

I went to UC Irvine until very recently as a computer science major and I'm just going to tell you straight up you are going to absolutely despise your classmates and it's not that much of a weeab school despite having so many asians (specifically first-generation mainland Chinese and some Koreans, who tend to despise Japan)

However there was a woman in my classes who walked around campus in full lolita get-up in the midst of warm spring and summer weather and pulled it off really well. I just had to stop her and tell her she looks amazing but she was full of spaghetti and not talkative in the least.

Also the game dev club is full of the most talentless hack straight-up autists (and not in a good, productive, dwarf fortress/ulilililia sort of way)

expect fuckshit asshole extremely racist students who will be very openly rude and uncooperative to you at all times and to throw you under the bus in group assignments while those whose faces you don't even recognize will see you in the lab and straight up ask for answers to assignments while pretending to be your long-time friends

>> No.8670873

>Also the game dev club is full of the most talentless hack straight-up autists
I'm talking Chris-chan tier autism. Lots of people with backpacks with shit ton of brony/anime/whovian/whatever buttons attached and a kid who wore red running shoes and ran to and from various locations on campus just like Sonic with arms at his side

Also sincere SJW trigger warning and "safe space" bullshit but I guess a lot of campuses are like that nowadays. I got out right about when they started bringing out straight-up racial segregation which absolutely did not sit well with me (I'm half black)

>> No.8670888

>when they started bringing out straight-up racial segregation


>> No.8670901

I'm at Cal Poly Pomona about half an hour from Los Angeles, and the anime club is terrible. As far as weebs on campus the usual smattering of snk shirts, but I'd say the bulk is contained in the club of 30 or so people. If there are more on campus, they're keeping their power levels well hidden.

As for lolitas, I saw a girl wearing what looked like a lolita print skirt (something with piano keys, looked kind of bodyline-ish), but that was it. I've never seen anyone else wearing the fashion on campus.

>> No.8670908

Ethnic "safe spaces"

i.e., put all the "people of color", as they call us, into their own little sequestered box away from everybody else. Ostensibly for our own good. East asians (the majority of the student body) were 50/50 on being considered "of color" or not.

It's the most condescending, fucktarded, hypocritical bullshit ever and I couldn't fucking believe they were actually treating 2.5% of the student body like that.

Also a chris-chan tier violent tranny that meowed at me while I was working in the lab, but I guess that's the shit I get to put up with for going with computer science. My housemate was into "social ecology and psychology" and was a total normalfag bro and couldn't tolerate my bullshit either (being completely and utterly uninterested in his taste in everything but not really having anything against him)

>> No.8670909

Anon probably meant 'you can't do/say/breathe x, that's whitewashing/cultural appropriation/what have you', I'm guessing

>> No.8670966

I went to Cal State San Bernardino and was friends with some people in the anime club. They networked with other anime clubs, including Cal Poly Pomona's. I do remember they were notoriously the worst one they contacted. Full of smelly, fat, and awkward guys and barely any girls. I also heard CSULB had a maid cafe which sounds cringey.

When I was at CSUSB, there was one other lolita that I knew, but neither of us wore lolita on campus. Otherwise the school is filled with people into mainstream stuff.

>> No.8670983


I went to one meeting of CV and never again

>> No.8671016

> always talked about how cult-like Cepheid Variable is
Universities are full of cults or culty groups.

Mine had "safe space" meetings at an unspecified location and time with strict ground rules for privacy, ostensibly for the protection of questioning or closeted students (which was bullshit everybody fucking knew who the campus trannies were) and to discourage victims from blowing the whistle on the sexual predators that ran it who had a thing for vulnerable transgirls and refused to take "No" for an answer despite paying a shit ton of lip service about "rape culture" and how important consent is.

>> No.8671135

Your academic reasons should probably out-weigh your weeb reasons, especially because your weeb reasons can be feasibly met by almost any other UC/CSU closer to either SF or LA.

Like that other anon said, the weeb culture isnt particularly huge in UC Irvine despite all the Asians. I feel like UCI has a lot more baby girls/ricers than nerd Asians, and all the nerd Asians are like engineers instead of weebs

>> No.8671157

Near the bay area, known for being counter culture, ideal photoshoot location, the list goes on. Also a 15 minute walk with 2 mild hills isn't a hike, anon. Get in shape

>> No.8671360

Late original anon but I am! I am graduating this quarter though and moving to LA for a job

>> No.8672015

My friend had a lolita in her dorm a few years ago who I actually happened to buy something from around that time, which is how we found out. I don't know about these days, though.

Lolitas hang out in the village/soho all the time though? I definitely hang around there the most. We're around it's just a needle in a haystack kind of thing.

Anytime I see lolitas when I'm not wearing it though I feel weird to just walk up and say something though, so I get it.

>> No.8672132

Any lolitas/people who dress in jfash (or even cosplayers) in Savannah who wanna hang out on Halloween? I'm going to SCAD and dressing in shironuri for halloween and the only lolitas I've seen here were itas, with the exception of one old-schoolish lolita who doesn't seem to even live near my dorm. I just want someone else who's dressed up to hang out with on Halloween so I'm not dressed up and aimlessly wandering around.

>> No.8672135

New College of Florida, but be warned that it's full of Tumblr and SJWs.

>> No.8672207

Everyone I know who went to art school is making more money than I or most of my friends in the comics, film or gaming industries.

>> No.8672548

I'm going to University of Miami and I have a friend going to Gulf Coast. I've been in a mainstream school for about 11 years now so I'm not really sure what to expect.

>> No.8672583

there seems to be a fair amount of people who are interested in lolita here but I haven't seen a single good one yet.

>> No.8672584

I actually found a lolita on tinder in the area a couple days ago

but yes, a lot of weebs at UCF

>> No.8672591

A little surprised SAIC hasn't been named yet. Maybe no one goes on cgl.

>> No.8672855

The Savannah lolita comm is having a meetup on Halloween I think

>> No.8672903

We are. I mean everyone's pretty nice even the badly dressed ones.
I don't go to meets but I'll go if the anon looking to hang out isn't also badly dressed.
There's also just a general fall meet up coming up.

>> No.8672914

Also, I saw this random person dressed up in lolita/shirounuri who looked like a mime but was just standing around with a parasol not moving panhandling downtown.
Please don't let that be you anon because that was cringy as fuck.
I walked past just staring and a homeless guy stopped me and said "You see that over there? Please don't ever become like that girl over there".

>> No.8674815

They are but I'm not gonna be wearing lolita so I feel it would be inappropriate to show up to my first meet dressed in something that is not lolita. And it's at night and I'm looking for something to do during the day. I will be at SCAD's masquerade though

>> No.8674820

nah that's not me. i haven't worn shironuri out yet, saving it for halloween because its a style that's too OTT for daily wear. also i don't own a parasol

>> No.8674907

I go to school in Wisconsin and there is fucking nothing here. fleece jackets and leggings everywhere. I'm so desperate for variation I'm considering joining the fucking anime club

>> No.8675237

The SCAD Masq is generally pretty fun! Me and a friend will be going as Notepad and Clock from DHMIS.

>> No.8675335
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>in 2015

>> No.8676902
File: 30 KB, 300x300, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_BSU_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I've seen a group of 5-7 friends who are clearly weebs, but they stay out of trouble and theres no sign of an anime club, so I think I'm safe. I saw this one girl in a salo in August, but I haven't seen her since.

semi-off topic but: https://mobile.twitter.com/BasedNas/status/642463535604350976?p=v

>> No.8677228

There's a gaggle of weeb/nerd clubs at my uni run by surprisingly competent people.

>> No.8681708

It's something I've wanted to do for a while but never had anyone to do it with. Plus it's easy since most of my stuff is in storage for moving.

>> No.8681724

SCAD masquerade tomorrow boy oh boy. See all you SCAD gulls there. i'll be in shironuri

>> No.8684523

lol i was looking for this. Good weeby times were had there. I miss it.

>> No.8684528

Where do you go? A few people go to UWM and there's a Madison & Appleton comm?

>> No.8684942

How sad? Go into detail.

>> No.8686194
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Fuck you. That club is not that bad.

They've got some socially awkward members, but a majority of the people that participate in the club's activities are really trying hard to break the "kneckbeard/fedora"stereotypes associated with most animne clubs. They kick out creepers from what I've seen.

If you're willing to call out people on their bullshit, the club is great. They do a free trip to SakuraCon every year, and have a community cosplay sewing machine. Give them a shot in Winter!

>> No.8686218

>huge Greek population which regulates the school harshly
How does that work?

>> No.8686223

I've seen a few roaming lolis at University of Washington Seattle. A LOT of SnK backpacks and shirts. Yesterday I saw what looked like casual cosplayers or J-Fashionistas at a thrift shop/
UW also has an anime club, a cosplay club, a fashion club and 2 other Japan-related clubs so it's a pretty great place to be a dork

>> No.8686231

She wears black usually and a beret with glasses on. I always thought she was kinda cute.

>> No.8686322

chloe y/n??

>> No.8686504

Well, the social environment is also important, and if you're looking at two or three schools that all look equally good academically, you might as well choose from the one with the best social environment.
>tfw there's only 8 universities in my country and only two of them are relevant for what I want to study

>> No.8686524

Yumi King attends UW

>> No.8690144

I actually attend Cal Poly Pomona and it's my last quarter there. I signed up for the anime club my freshman year but never attended any meetings, and after hearing all this (which I suspected was true), it makes me happy I never got involved with them. There was this one overweight weeb girl in my Math class 2 years ago that hangs out at the "nerd corner" by the Panda Express in the food court that I heard has extreme anger issues.

I'm a landscape architecture major, so I don't really leave my studio unless I'm getting something to eat. In my year I was considered the weeb since no one else was into anime.

>> No.8690199

I'm at the private near sj state.
Generally no one here is into looking different, so even though a lot of people are into anime etc, the only people I see in jfash are the actual Japanese exchange students.

>> No.8690265

a large portion of the pittsburgh comm goes to the university of pittsburgh? I don't go to school there but live in the area and just walking around i've seen a handful of people dressed from weeby to actually nice jfash

>> No.8691748

Earlham college is decently weeby

>> No.8691959

I went to Towson U. in Maryland and I never saw Lolitas, there but there were tons of weebs/nerds. I was an art major but even outside of the art building I saw them, a group of them always congregated in this one dining area. I wonder if they still do.......