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File: 216 KB, 756x1280, tumblr_lc9byvVvrZ1qcu7l9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8643947 No.8643947 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else started wearing Lolita in a much... less Lolita way? I've been wearing for 6 years and have started to get bored with the same formula. I've started incorporating non-lolita shoes, accessories etc and it's starting to feel right again.

Has anyone else started doing this? I don't mean trying to be 3edgy by wearing skirts with slogan or band tshirts, but just wearing Lolita with things that wouldn't traditionally be part of the style. I know there was an LJ comm for it once, but the idea seems much less popular than it once was.

Pic mostly unrelated, couldn't find something better.

>> No.8643953

I don't know if it counts, but I bought a lolita dress without wearing the fashion itself. I just thought it was so beautiful.

Example of a thing I incorporate: gyaru makeup.

>> No.8644015

I wear lenses, wigs, and ribbons on the daily to work and whatnot.

>> No.8644028

I wear my blouses, capelets, vests and such with non poofy skirts, dresses and pants. Some dresses look good without poof too. My style is pretty victorian and ega though so it's not much of a change.

I'd like to see this more. I mean we do already often see people wear lolita things in non lolita ways but the reactions towards it tend to be very hostile from people who think they need to defend the lolita aesthetic.

>> No.8644034

I just wear near normie looking jsk with a simpler blouse for everyday wear, I might wear a tiered underskirt if the print needs a little proof. I don't call it lolita and strangers don't even ask questions. I've always hated wigs and silly headdresses. I prefer having my hair in braids or updos instead.

>> No.8646444

Can I ask what dress you got anon?

There's a lot of crossover in my wardrobe with regard to most of my shoes and jewelry. Obviously I'm more selective about coordinating these with lolita, but if I'm just going out to dinner and want to look cute without a lot of fuss, I'll throw on a pair of lolita heels and a bunch of rings. It helps that both my normfag and lolita wardrobes are gothic.

>> No.8646487

I know there are people who definitely do it; the reasoning I've heard from friends who do it basically boils down to the fact that it's their clothing, and they paid a lot of money for it. They would rather not let it sit at the back of their closet just to bring out during special occasions (meets, etc) only when they all are, for the most part, perfectly fine clothing wise, just articles you need to be careful about. Also the fact that if you wear an AP jsk to school or wherever not adhering to the rules/guidelines, who tf is gonna know?

I think there are a lot more people who do it than they say, because people try to be lowkey about it because they don't want to get slack for it online, since people can be kinda crazy. Even in ita threads and stuff, I've seen girls wear something casually that clearly was not intended to be lolita or they never claimed it to be lolita in the first place, and gulls basically flock and attack them for daring to wear a skirt outside a strictly lolita outfit. I suppose it's understandable, but people seem to be hyper-sensitive these days to this sort of thing. I guess due to newbs etc who try to pass off non-lolita outfits as lolita. At the same time, I do think people need to chill out.

Anyways I would love to do some lolita a la mode stuff but a lot of the dresses I have are simply too "out there" for normalfagwear imo. I've been searching for dresses that are more classic, victorian, ega-ish lately mostly for the purpose of trying to incorporate lolita pieces into my dailywear. Likewise I have been starting to crossover some normal/non lolita pieces into my coordinates mostly for the sake of convenience.

>> No.8646491

I know what you mean, OP. I personally don't like to ruin perfect brand sets by wearing them too much casually, especially delicate brand tights. I honestly save those for pictures, meetups, or events where I know other lolita will be present. It makes me a little sad I felt I must save my coords just to impress others and ensure them I'm not some ita. Otherwise? No one is going to know the rules wandering around in public and that's what I feel a bit more at ease.

>> No.8646498

I bought non printed items/patterned and minimal frilled jsks to wear for daily, i don't like to dress too normalfag or like a edgy mallgoth with character tees and leggings. Black, dark red, grey, tartans, are perfect for more casual settings, you don't have to worry to snag your chiffon jsk, to stain your dry clean only print and wearing darker colors are less attention grabbing compared to pastels or printed items. I have black AP printed items, but i realized i can't wear them daily, choosing to buy old school/plain lolita or otome is a good choice, also to wear lolita items in non lolita outfits for ex. no petti, oxfords, frilly sweaters... well more otome than lolita.
>is gothic otome a thing?

>> No.8646554

I've been wearing the fashion for 10 years now and I've seen it happen a lot. Specially among the old fag Lolitas, they get tired with the formula and start to mix it up l, its nothing new. That girl Lauren comes to mind.

>> No.8646558

>is gothic otome a thing?

If not it should be

>> No.8646609

I wish gothic otome would be a legit substyle!I saw so few coordinates that would classify as that, i don't like too much regimental stripes, crowns, browns for otome during colder weather and being into darker tastes, "dark" otome would be pretty interesting.

>> No.8646617

Do you ever get remarks about the lenses? Do you wear more subtle ones to work?

>> No.8646727

Wouldn't gothic otome just be otome? With darker colors of course. There's no need to make a separate substyle out of everything. I guess I understand lolita having categories since it relies on strict rules but otome doesn't have those so a whole separate thing is unnecessary.

>> No.8646762

Goth isn't just about colors, its about the cut of clothes, the accessories, and the motifs in the outfit too. Though I get what you mean.

>> No.8646889

I'm not anon but an older lady that I work with wears them and I've seen cashiers at Walmart with huge circle lenses. Usually in blue or green. I assumed it was Main Stream now

>> No.8646945

Same here. One of my main qualms with the fashion's direction - at least in the online sphere - is the wig obsession. It's silly how girls get posted in nitpick threads with one of the main issues being "no wig", even though their hair looks just fine for lolita.

Even for meetups, I tend to go for simpler more normiefied coords nowadays. My comm has a lot of OTT sweet/classic (it's getting harder to tell them apart more recently :/ ) girls who are on top of current trends, but they seem to be ok with me taking a more otome-like approach; at least I've never been posted on any of the ita threads.

I really like seeing girls try new things with coords, or not always be matchy. I don't mean the "lolita has no rules" snowflakes, just those trying to tastefully take things into a bit of a different direction, or throwing back to oldschool.

OT: How times change! I remember a few years ago everyone cried ageplay if someone wore ankle/short socks with lolita. Now it's par for the course for a lot of outfits.

>> No.8647302

It sounds like you're talking about the simple gothic dresses BPN and similar used to make back in the mid 2000s.

>> No.8647306
File: 244 KB, 2323x2323, d4a190432552761162b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gothic otome
Like this?

>> No.8647378

wtf? can I buy the whole thing? the page won't translate

>> No.8647381

No, it's just a coordinate image. You click the links under the big photo to purchase the items individually.
If you spend 20,000 yen you get free shipping.

>> No.8647393
File: 111 KB, 1080x1080, 11356014_990980927600066_1118828680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you purchase from Sheglit directly?
Otherwise there's lorinaliddell and atelier pierrot which offer the same free shipping deal.

>> No.8647611
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>> No.8647656

Yeah I could see more like "dark otome" using the same cuts and details as regular, but "gothic otome" to me would have more structural detailing and things more in line with the gothic aesthetic.

i do wish it would be a thing--i love otome but jewel tones and browns are not for me, sadly.

>> No.8647659

I've always purchased Sheglit through Lorina Liddell personally, but I'm curious about buying directly too

>> No.8647673
File: 53 KB, 290x387, tumblr_nsy5k38N6i1tueo0ho5_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VMs coords feel pretty "goth otome" to me.

>> No.8647676
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, CFbVnT3VIAE3hCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Sheglit.

>> No.8647681

Oh come on, that's just classic!

>> No.8647686
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>> No.8647693
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Sure. Was more in reply to >>8647656 and the comment about brown and jewel tones.

>> No.8647696
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>> No.8647702
File: 200 KB, 500x697, tumblr_kz7ozsU2Hk1qawb8zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there a short-lived magazine that revolved around this? Deco A La Mode or something?

I love seeing lolita and lolita brands worn in very-lolita ways.

>> No.8647712
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>> No.8647718
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Looks like you can't.

>> No.8647750

You know, you can do otome in more than jewel tones and browns. Just look at the JM summer collections.

>> No.8647967

I loved Alice Deco! It gave me hope that maybe the wider Lolita community would get over the fear of not being perfectly coordinated, or trying new things, but I guess the fact that the mag failed says a lot about how stubborn people are about the fashion. It's a shame, really.

>> No.8647976

I want more of this! Does anyone have any more scans? This is really what the community needs in my opinion. We can have both a la mode and classic lolita coords alongside eachother. This really gives them so much more versaitility this way.

>> No.8647979

Sometimes people tell me I have beautiful eyes and then I tell them that they're lenses. Other than that, no one has asked if I'm wearing them, because I wear natural colours most of the time. Sometimes I go nuts and put on red ones, but I also put on a harley quinn shirt and some punky stuff when I do.

>> No.8648005
File: 274 KB, 760x1060, 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a thread about this a while ago and it flopped, but since there's a new one and people requested it (I hope that means there's some interest and that I'm not the only one!) I'll post a few Alice Deco mag scans for you guys!

I feel ya's. I would love to see more versatility in the subculture and I think ala mode can live side by side with Lolita peacefully. I think people get stuck on the rules and forget that once you master the rules and have an understanding of the fashion it's okay to experiment. I would like to start experimenting with the clothes more and use pieces in non-Lolita outfits so I can wear what I love more often, but I haven't quite gotten brave enough to give it a go yet, Maybe I'll try it really soon now.

>> No.8648013
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>> No.8648016
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>> No.8648020
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>> No.8648025
File: 589 KB, 768x704, SCAN0660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one dress styled a few different ways. To be honest I sort of love the jean jacket one.

>> No.8648027
File: 697 KB, 765x714, SCAN0664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another "one dress 4 ways" page

>> No.8648031
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>> No.8648032
File: 280 KB, 1154x1648, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this one.

>> No.8648038
File: 982 KB, 760x1080, AD065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few more scans. this time some that were in the magazine but not as Lolita related.

>> No.8648039
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>> No.8648044
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>> No.8648047
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>> No.8648051
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End of dump. Hope this was helpful!

>> No.8648187
File: 102 KB, 900x1300, 1443926204955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good example of how I imagine gothic otome.

>> No.8648536
File: 55 KB, 426x639, 010_426x639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much for the dump! Do you know if it is possible to download these magazines from anywhere any more? I used to have them but deleted them and now am feeling all excited for fashion again, they are relevant to my interests!

>> No.8652313

Isn't the current trend in CoF to wear toned down coords? everyone is tired of OTT, so ppl are doing casual coords.

>> No.8652392
File: 157 KB, 500x688, 1326751363495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a few of these, will post dump.

>> No.8652395
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>> No.8652396
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>> No.8652401
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>> No.8652410

I was actually thinking of getting this dress as well, anon!

>> No.8652415
File: 316 KB, 900x600, 208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drained cherry deserves more love

>> No.8652420
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>> No.8655617

I don't really see how this one isn't just lolita

>> No.8655630

this doesn't look otome to me. It's cute and lady like, but not otome.