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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 70 KB, 720x960, 12072535_1224717257545852_517997722489696713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8644406 No.8644406 [Reply] [Original]

Old one in autosage: >>8632596

Fresh off CoF

>> No.8644495

Those tights looks like there is blood on her legs.

>> No.8644528

Did you read the description, though?
>based on real actual pagan witches
>yellow for suicide prevention month

>> No.8644529

To be fair though, that's an unnecessary combo. Lumping in lolita too doesn't help.

>> No.8644530

Doesn't make it any less ita.

>> No.8644537

I think I'd like it more of she did the blouse and tights in the darker cream color of the flowers. Ditched that necklace for something else. And brought in some yellow accessories instead of the mustard yellow color of her blouse.

>> No.8644541
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That's the joke, anon.

>> No.8644612
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>> No.8644616
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>based on real actual pagan witches

>> No.8644617
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Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.8644620
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>> No.8644701
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>> No.8644709

What is this? An ita for ants?

>> No.8644715

I'm having trouble making out what this is
>"normal" OP?
>Weird skirt with ugly af blouse?
>OP with wannabe peignoir thing on top?
>the world may never know
what I do know is that holy fuck this looks atrocious

>> No.8644726

A sissy dress, probably.

>> No.8644739
File: 631 KB, 1046x1280, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably more of a nitpick, but there's so many things wrong that I think it counts.
She says it's based of pippi longstocking, and that " if she was a lolita i bet she wouldnt have cared that much about matching patterns perfectly or badly drawn on freckles. "

>> No.8644744
File: 574 KB, 949x1280, ita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full body shot
She also mentioned in an ask that she's size 14/16 and that AP and Baby fit her fine because they have full shirring

>> No.8644760

No. thats awful and ita
Nothing fucking matches and the yellow beret and the black tights and 50 shades of blue are fucking eye burning.
Also her fucking face pisses me off

>> No.8644762

You can justify every little bit of your coord with backstories and what not. But if it looks like shit, it's shit. This is a fashion ffs. Visually appealing is part of the deal

>> No.8644821
File: 98 KB, 528x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An attempt at gothic.

>> No.8644823


>> No.8644830

"I think this is more lolita inspired" , then its not fucking Lolita. Why the fuck do people post this shit if they know its not lolita?? This is just a shitty outfit lolita or otherwise.

>> No.8644836

I dunno, I'm not OP but I saw it and thought "eugh" - I know some people like to say "if she were skinny this would look fine!" but that's the thing, you have to dress to suit your looks if you give a shit about looking good. What works on a flat-chested girl won't work on a busty girl and vice-versa. The same is true for fat girls and skinny girls.

>> No.8644843

The coord is not ita, but it's boring and horribly unflattering. There was another fluffy girl who wore this dress and it was lovely (with super minimal nitpick). She should look to that for inspiration next time.

>> No.8644861

I'm from /fa/

Trying to learn about this stuff

What is ita?

>> No.8644864

Ita means it hurts to look at.

>> No.8644869

how is this a nitpick?

>> No.8644871
File: 31 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck.
>"Gothic Inspired Otome Lolita"
>Sweet shoes with "gothic"
>Dress looks like she's squeezed into it
>Messy/Unstyled hair
>No makeup
>Necklace that matches nothing but no other accessories.


Stop. She's fat. Stop trying to make fat sound cute.

>> No.8644872

ignore it, i've seen this same question in like 3 other threads now.

>> No.8644899

Yes. Exactly! She's generally a brand ita, but this was particularly unflattering. Why even post it to CoF?

>> No.8644957
File: 279 KB, 806x1280, tumblr_nvjqceC3KS1u2sq9mo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8644960

the trend of wearing salopettes as high waist suspender skirts needs to end immediately.

>> No.8644962


All that tacky editing...

>> No.8645073

I don't think this is a very good coord by any measure, but I do like how she pulled the blue polka dot scarf to match the little circus tent in the print.

>> No.8645097

is that a trend or just big-titted girls wearing them poorly?

>> No.8645135

she said it was a "Gothic inspired otome coord "
please go be vendetta chan to someone else.

>> No.8645527

The scarf isn't loli at all, but if she did the same print in some tights it would be really really cute.

>> No.8645529

Anon wasn't justifying it, she was pointing out what makes it worse than it already is.

>> No.8645597
File: 212 KB, 400x600, 2015-05-09-08.40.43-–-kopio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chek out this hot mess

>> No.8645598
File: 626 KB, 800x1200, DSC_9832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Punk lolita"
Ummmm how about no?

>> No.8645599

>can't tell if self harm scars

>> No.8645603

I fail to see anything even vaguely Pippi-esque about this coordinate. I wonder why, if that really was her inspiration, she didn't put her hair in plaits.

>> No.8645605

could they be anything else? Every time I see someone with these I wonder if it's because of that. I can't think of any other reason someone could have those marks.

>> No.8645609

They are, but they're very old. Leave her be, anon. Pick on her outfit, not her past.
>they're only visible because of their raised texture
>probably two-three? years old unless she has great healing powers

does anyone know what this OP is? I want to mutilate it into a cute JSK. Bonus if it actually comes in a JSK.

>> No.8645611

Kinda reminds me of the classical puppet series.

>> No.8645709

She needs different shoes and some nice legwear, but it's really not as bad as everyone's acting imo

>> No.8645766

they are and they have nothing to do with why the outfit is bad, why even mention them?

>> No.8645779

I thought this but was too much of a wimp to say it. I guess I came into Lolita from goth which isn't such a rigid fashion, so maybe I still have that hangover.

>> No.8645792

Ain't nobody want your body anywhere near their business, lady.

>> No.8645797

Then don't post your shitty otome coord to CoF.

>> No.8645923
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>> No.8645931

I am not that poster, but if I don't post myself anywhere, just go out for tea with friends, do you think I will be safe from this thread? I am really torn on the coord I'm wearing. i really want to wear before it gets cold. but the all shoes I have either aren't the right color or aren't the right style to go. unless the new ones I ordered finally show up in time which is seeming less and less likely

>> No.8645932

Wtf are those boots


>> No.8645934
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>> No.8645938

Don't be afraid of the internet fashion police, anon, wear what you like. So your coord isn't perfect, so what? Bad/imperfect coords happen. If someone takes a picture of you while you're out with friends without your permission and posts you here, that's on them (and also incredibly creepy). Relax and just do you.

>> No.8645953

holy shit... this has to be a sissy, right?

>> No.8645959

Every time I see them, they get worse

>> No.8645968

But there isn't anything Otome about it either...

>> No.8645974

kek that facial expression

>> No.8645977
File: 469 KB, 320x173, SNICKER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8646008

It's verrry unlikely you'll get posted here if you don't post your picture anywhere, unless your friends are total cunts. You'll be fine, anon.

>> No.8646045

Is this from Missouri comm?

>> No.8646052

No from ATL

>> No.8646309

when will she improve jfc

>> No.8646322


>> No.8646389

She would have a princess ai poster too...

>> No.8646589

Some tips. These photos typically come from a few places:
- Closet of frills
- Frequently browsed tumblr tags (lolita, lolita fashion, brand names, etc)
- Deviantart for some of the more true ita stuff.

I find pictures of me don't show up on 4chan unless I post to COF, though typically not in ita threads, but nitpicks, who wore it better, etc. They used to show up in ita threads when I had a vandetta-chan in my comm and would usually get called out as "vandetta" or "nitpick" but she'd stalk my tumblr and grab anything new I posted until she lost interest.
Just remember that anyone can be a victim here and try to take it with a grain of salt.

If you want to avoid it: Don't post pictures on places like closet of frills, and if you want to post them on tumblr, I think it's generally safe as long as you keep a tag specifically for your own coords and don't tag spam unless you're 100% confident about your coordinate and photo. It's fun to look back on your old stuff and maybe your friends and followers may enjoy it too (if you use tumblr or any social media for your lolita photos that is). We all came from somewhere, you know?

>> No.8646627

You obviously have never had a rabbit.

Plus, they are obviously old. So, even if they were self-harm scars, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.8646631

its not doing a very good job at preventing suicide because this cord makes me want to die

>> No.8646683

I don't understand. This dude is at rufflecon and he doesn't look bad at all. What is he doing wearing a bedsheets dress here?

>> No.8646740


>> No.8646753


Oh my god, I wasn't even picking on her. I didn't even say the outfit was bad, either. I just said I couldn't tell what they were. I have really gross, super obvious raised self-harm scars and I couldn't tell if the ones on her arms were just wrinkles or scars because they are so faint. Is it so bad to be curious about these things?

I get a lot of shit for mine and I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with her. You guys have your bloomers in a bunch tbh.

>> No.8646851
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>> No.8646862
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>> No.8646915

Why is the old Ita thread still at the top of the catalog? What is going on? I'm so confused

sage for that


fucking yikes man. There's nothing right about this and everything wrong.

I am a real, actual, pagan witch. And I find this coord offensive, tbh.

Holy shit no

This sucks but it doesn't hurt to look at necessarily



She's trying but she's failing

There is no gothic otome. Trust me, I'm gothic and I wish there was. Posting this here isn't vendetta, she truly looks bad.

>> No.8646920

Oh, honey, no. Don't wear a salopette at that height with those boobs. Just don't. Raise the straps so it covers at least half your tits. Please. I promise you'll look better.

Those socks need to go too, bbdoll.

Eyebrows maximum raised

What the fuck is this why is this happenign what's goinga afojaofoan halp miii

>> No.8646923

Girl, you'll be fine. Almost all of these girls posted themselves specifically on CoF, or otherwise to Instagram using the #lolitafashion tag. That's how they get found. Even if you do get posted here, if you look alright aside from your shoes anons will note that specifically and you won't have to feel bad.

He looks good at rufflecon?? Post pics! I'm sure he could do an alright job but that coord in this thread is just the worst thing.

>> No.8646927

she dresses so well so wtf happened here?

>> No.8646966

Why the fuck do you keep doing this shit? It's autistic as fuck to think anyone wants to read your comment on every single post made. Yes, I mad.

>> No.8647093
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agreed, its annoying af
ita for contribute

>> No.8647095
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>> No.8647096
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>> No.8647098
File: 247 KB, 774x1032, lolita_cosplay_by_sulaikaandreala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this supposed to be misa or whatever?

>> No.8647099

There's something inherently obnoxious about anyone who thinks they're an "actual, pagan witch". For some reason a bunch of girls in my comm have jumped onto the lol ttly a rl witch u guys bandwagon and they're some of the most annoying people you'll ever meet.

>> No.8647100
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>> No.8647102

reel actual paygan wich tbh
i agree its just a special snowflake thing nowadays

>> No.8647123
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>> No.8647129


>> No.8647130

No she is not
I'd be willing to bet she's in the obese category, especially for someone who's Asian (belly fat has a tenancy to store differently so the 'min' waist size for increased health yada yada is different from others)

>> No.8647295


That's her public outfit when she does ageplay with her boyfriend

Therefore, not Lolita

>> No.8647345

"public outfit"

put it back

>> No.8647385

She's a trans woman that transitioned very, very late in life, hence the unfortunate manface.

>> No.8647456

We have a Pagan Pride Day in my town and 90% of them are batshit special snowflake idiots who I swear get their ideology of the "religion" from Raven Dementia Way. it's like they never grew up out of the "I'm a bisexual pagan mom! You don't understand me!" rebelous phase. Oh and most of them are Juggalos too so Shangrila Is quoted as being their heaven and they spout ICP lyrics like philosophy.

>> No.8647492

This. It's too elaborate to be otome. It's like she's using otome to mean less elaborate lolita like some people do, which it's not.

If you guys want to wear simple gothic coords, then you should make your own style offshoot instead of trying to tack it on to otome.

>> No.8647497
File: 406 KB, 1280x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but anon! If she doesn't post it in lolita groups she won't get attention!! But if she doesn't call it otome then she'll get concrit!!! Know the ways of the attention seeker desu ~

>> No.8647498

that's you isn't it?

>> No.8647508

Then we're just going to have to start concritting otome that ends up on lolita sites.

>> No.8647550

Dude, lose the salt. Nobody was confrontational.

>> No.8647557

Why not just report the 'otome' stuff since it isnt lolita so it shouldnt be on cof?

>> No.8647576

If you pick clothes that are not flattering on you it's not fashionable.
Shitty unstyled hair, saggy lumpy boobs, scabby legs exposed, bare wrists and hands. This is a mess not a nitpick, deal with it.

>> No.8647579

Oh shit I walked right past him at AWA and had to stop and double take because I knew I'd seen him on /cgl/ before. It was like seeing a celebrity.

>> No.8647619
File: 76 KB, 400x600, tumblr_ns6tkomjUN1tp0v2ao1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is more of a nitpick, but i'm screaming at how terribly mismatched those pinks are.

>> No.8647631

Calm down, her pinks match fine you autist.

>> No.8647637

a-are you blind?
the pink in the bolero and shoes match fine but you've got to be crazy to think they match her dress

>> No.8647639

I'm confused, Her dress isn't even pink. It's not supposed to "match" her bolero and shoes.

>> No.8647643

The dress is orange, anon.
Whether or not pink and orange was a good decision is a fair discussion, but her pinks match just fine.

>> No.8647652

I think it's pretty ita personally. The orange dress does not look good with her pinks at all. Additionally, the styles of her dress and other parts of the outfit clash. The dress is simpler, more "traditional" sweet/country. The rest of her outfit is more typical AP-type sweet. It just looks really weird.

>> No.8647688

Looks like dusty rose on my screen. Anyone know what the name of the dress is?

>> No.8647694

It's the Sugary Gingham series by AP. Even though it's listed as "pink", I've seen it in person and it's very much orange.

>> No.8647700

Sugary Gingham JSK, I think.

>> No.8647760

the shoes are so fucking weird and the lopsided pin is bothering me a lot. no clue what's on her head

>> No.8647766
File: 202 KB, 500x600, ap_sugaryginghamjsk_2014 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit it was listed as pink. AP, why?

>> No.8647767

it's more the outfit and wig that feel sissy to me and made me ask that. I've seen plenty of mtf lolitas who look great and not at all like sissies. This one not so much...

>> No.8647770

If we all did this, it would kick out so many lazy lolitas who are shitting up otome.

>> No.8647773

effie trinket lolita?

>> No.8647788


>> No.8647829
File: 103 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the lolita sewing collective group on fb.

>> No.8647851

I think what bothers me the most is the color. Is the baymax print also Orange or did they just choose Orange because Halloween?

>> No.8647855

Baymax's armor either looks red-orange or straight up red, depending on what render you're looking at. It's not neon-orange like OP's picture though. Looks tacky. It'd probably be better to have grey as an accent color.

>> No.8647947

Not that anon but what are you even talking about?

>> No.8648155

LOLno. i don't know much about death note but i thought the hair looked familiar, plus the word "cosplay" in the filename.

>> No.8648756
File: 1.17 MB, 810x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the unfortunate face she's usually pretty average in coording outfits, it's probably hard to find stuff that fits.
Example from a while back.

>> No.8649147
File: 80 KB, 951x951, 12144906_1662417160674004_6424372992355399944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off COF

>> No.8649180
File: 114 KB, 960x960, 12072587_1679918412254886_5923754567197770281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worse lolita substyle

>> No.8649312

we need to have a massive sugary boners bonfire in which we remove this blight from lolita

>> No.8649347

I opened the picture and I swear to god I could fucking smell her through the screen

>> No.8649382

Those are some angry looking old titties.

>> No.8649465

I hope it's a replica

>> No.8649487
File: 133 KB, 469x475, 734623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8649507

I considered giving this concrit but I have a feeling she's one of the people who asks for concrit then bitches you out if you're honest

this is just fucking sad though, the bodice doesn't fit her at all (is this another yumi king?), there's no sleeves nor anything under it, I don't think this properly fits a petti

>> No.8649565

This is so many different levels of bad.

>> No.8649615

this reminds me of the trendy rocker girl characters in telenovellas

>> No.8649625

Why do we even have Lolita Sewing Collective as opposed to ~*Pintucks and Disgrace*~ if you hos aren't even willing to dish out genuine help? Honestly.

>> No.8649721 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anything from this blog had been posted in a while, but I love itas and their shitty arguments towards this-ain't-Lolita, and how well the mods tend to respond.

>> No.8649728

I went to look at this blog hoping it'd have classic ita type photos and lace monsters, but I think the idea behind this tumblr is just stupid. She literally reblogs everything she doesn't like showing up in the "lolita fashion" tag. People who act like a tag on the internet can be policed need to stop being autistic.

>> No.8649759

Ugh, why can't these people clean their rooms before snapping a picture.

>> No.8649770

the only concrit acceptable for that dress is to burn it, shit aint cute

>> No.8649789 [DELETED] 

Look at you bitches, dissing on these girls like you are any better.
It's just so easy to do it behind anonymity. Bet you fat shits can't even get girls twice as ugly as these.
You fat basement dwellers disgust me.

>> No.8649790
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 1437505161393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol mind telling us which ita you are?

>> No.8649803

and this is why people think we are some kind of weird hookers

>> No.8649804

Chlamydia-chan? Is that you?

>> No.8649813

This wasn't even tagged as lolita...

>> No.8649817

I'm none. I'm just a normal person who can't stand this hipocrisy.

>> No.8649820

>"her pinks don't match!"
>she's wearing a fucking orange dress
i do agree with you that this coord is bad though. the motifs clash as the gingham dress suggests country but she's wearing modern sweet stuff everywhere else. also ugly face.

>> No.8649834

it looks like this picture was taken in one of the dorms actually
i was wondering if she'd end up in an ita thread but i didnt know if she was active in online comms.
i saw it up close and can confirm that this is not a replica. the way she coorded it too when i saw her at orientation was even worse, she wore it with no blouse, black leggings and chunky boots (and poorly applied white eyeliner)
i won't name the college i'm at, but it's in the south so maybe that's why she thought no blouse was ok?
i have seen one decently dressed lolita here and it was not her. she was in an old-schoolish gothic coord. the only other "lolita (wannabe)" other than those two i've seen was a weeaboo dressed in a shitty satin wa coord who grabbed my dress during the club fair

>> No.8649839

i dont know if you've noticed but most of this board is straight girls (i mean i'm sure there are some lesbians like myself but it's probably safe to assume most of the girls on here are straight)

>> No.8649845

yeah sure.

>> No.8649846

Maybe on the rest of the boards, but /cgl/ is known for being one of the few boards that is mostly female

>> No.8649847
File: 291 KB, 628x475, 984681648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet I still don't have a lolita gf...

>> No.8649851

wait, what?

>> No.8649864

/cgl/ is indeed well known as being basically the only female-centric board on 4chan. sure we have trolls who come in asking about how to get grillfriends on occasion, but i think a lot of people here are straight women.

don't necessarily see the hypocricy in ita threads--everyone who posts here knows that if they post a god awful outfit to CoF or tumblr or wherever, there's a high likelihood they'll end up on a thread like this or a nitpick thread.

3/10 i replied to your bait

>> No.8649866

It's not uncommon for people to reply to posts saying "Oh shit, that's me!" A fair amount actually request concrit as well. Sometimes people who dish it out can, in fact, also take it.

>> No.8649872
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Ita based solely on how much she stuffed herself in this. Lose weight or get custom pieces. Jesus.

>> No.8649877
File: 584 KB, 740x740, vomit0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat people are disgusting. It is beyond my mind why whales like this get out in the holes, let alone "dressed" like that.

>> No.8649940


>> No.8649995
File: 110 KB, 720x960, 12108794_10207285915923890_1527543514479997559_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8650020

Damn, she ugly.

>> No.8650040

Beige socks would have tied this together better. However this isn't an ita coord. Some makeup would go a long way but you guys are judging her based on her looks, not her outfit.

>> No.8650070

whenever I see these kinds of posts I'm reminded that I'm not actually fat, despite what my mom has been trying to convince me of. So, thanks.

>> No.8650078

I actually kind of love this. I feel like she needs a petticoat.

>> No.8650080

Nitpick. She's learning. Also, way to use a private picture, "friend"-chan.

>> No.8650084

People who do that to people who aren't lolcows are the worst.

>> No.8650092

her boobs are taking up like half her fucking torso, jesus christ. and the dress itself is total shit,

>> No.8650099

what hypocrisy?

>> No.8650141

Not that anon but It's not private it was posted to a coord group. Also she's been a lolita for ages

>> No.8650284
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>> No.8650291
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>> No.8650298

There's some real awful things going on here but I'm mostly angry at the girl with the huge ass scepter, why the fuck bring that to an outside, normal meet?

>> No.8650426

dont fucking encourage that concrit refusing ita bitch
yes i mad

>> No.8650443

go to sleep, tomorrow you have to go to work

>> No.8650445

Holy fuck vendetta chan we get it she goes to your college and you hate her now shut the holy hell up

>> No.8650462

Why even bother posting a comment like this?

>> No.8650467

why you even care?

>> No.8650499

RIP in pieces dress

>> No.8650513
File: 62 KB, 540x720, 12027526_730540753746673_8556662887729756874_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good joke amerifag

in other news, south america is still a joke

>> No.8650517
File: 92 KB, 960x732, 11011067_1033078620059370_6312143668261878395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily lolita page in espanol is always full of itas

>> No.8650519
File: 156 KB, 720x960, 11904678_710986649035417_1084660268655396176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it 2005?

>> No.8650524
File: 65 KB, 640x960, 11110274_10206752700995352_7730153072985359387_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because it's black...

>> No.8650586

I think this dress is from Anna House? If it is, I had that same dress... This makes me glad I sold it.

>> No.8650605


>> No.8650620
File: 122 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nvgva4sEZU1qij1n6o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8650655

Holy shit and I thought this dress didn't fit ME.

I am trying to figure out what the theme of this meet is. Anyone know?

>> No.8650660

tumblr-themed? lmao

>> No.8650695

My guess would be punk theme.

>> No.8650889

i didn't say that she goes to my college

>> No.8650936

Oh, is that you?
I suggest getting surgery, that face ain't gonna look better not even with all the make-up in the planet.

>> No.8650987
File: 274 KB, 1600x900, Group photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8650990

MMM girl in the middle is pretty cute though, if too tall for that dress or those socks.

>> No.8651037
File: 167 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1444065128718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8651044

I can't tell if that is a Sissy or a really unfortunate girl.

>> No.8651082
File: 22 KB, 236x336, d1f9283012fc192cf066b07ea8ece59c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO you sad little ita

>> No.8651150

Digging the socks.

>> No.8651162

This was at least a year ago omg

>> No.8651168
File: 474 KB, 196x181, tTc9cKQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8651169

She has a cute frame and good facial features. Hopefully, she will improve.

>> No.8651179
File: 233 KB, 1000x1778, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair this was one it's giving her stuff away to a girl for Halloween or something... But she captioned it "**** is a Lolita girl now!"

>> No.8651181
File: 334 KB, 1500x1125, Use-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8651196 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8651202 [DELETED] 

I don't know who the fuck you are but your hate for miya has to go. Keep your crazy in your head. Your obsession is creepy.

>> No.8651212

She's gorgeous but damn that coord needs help. Any sauce on the dress, I love that tacky shade of purple.

>> No.8651217 [DELETED] 

you need help

>> No.8651236

Ugh you guys hide behind anon!
>posted by anonymous

>> No.8651249

who is this and why is someone stalking her?

>> No.8651253 [DELETED] 

Hi Miya. You keep trying to defend your ita self. KEK

>> No.8651254 [DELETED] 

If she'd stop posting shitty chords maybe she wouldn't get posted. She posts in cof, no one cares enough to stalk her.

>> No.8651258

It's not great. She's kinda pretty, though.

>> No.8651260 [DELETED] 

Poorfag ita
Can't afford decent shit

>> No.8651264

Oh god it's my local comm. I've never actually been to any of the meets but from what I can tell on facebook some of the girls seem a bit needy.

>> No.8651267 [DELETED] 

Miya from ATLcomm.
Has been Lolita for almost a year, she's usually decent/good, though some of her OTT cords are questionable.

In last few months, she got a death/rape/lynch threat over an "ero-coord", after that her and her friend got attack in a way similar to the threats, and got her tires slashed 2 weeks later. Miya opened a police case for her assaults, stalker keep posting pics that's from cof/privately taken/etc on cgl and lolcow, once even stalked her and took her pictures while she worked at AWA.

We think it's a personal vendetta against her because she's Japanese, and speaks the language fluently.

>> No.8651273

YIKES, That's awful! I'm so sorry they had to go through that!

>> No.8651275

Addition to that, the threat got worse when she tried to get away from Atlanta comm.

>> No.8651278

And that Dragon con coord wasn't all that bad either; she got like 700 likes on CoF last time I checked

>> No.8651287

is it the ero-coord withe weird leather "things"and knee-high boots?

>> No.8651293

Ew no,
It's the red one with the corset

>> No.8651294 [DELETED] 

im sure she did....because people care enough to threaten her. whatever.
pics of report or it didnt happen.attention whoring.

>> No.8651298

Its sad because her face is sort of cute in the 3rd pic. if only she had a dress that actually fit her

>> No.8651307 [DELETED] 

Please stop. your obession with her is just pathetic

>> No.8651313 [DELETED] 

Who in the right mind would post reports/claim numbers on anonymous boards. Plus there were more than few witnesses, shut the fuck up

>> No.8651316 [DELETED] 

Explain what you think she did anon. You seem to know something.

>> No.8651363

That guy is a cartoon villain and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

>> No.8651388

First thing I noticed wasn't even that ugly mess of a dress, but how the wig doesn't match her skintone

>> No.8651780
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>> No.8651889
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>> No.8651891

>those shoes

>> No.8651911
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>> No.8652042
File: 169 KB, 515x868, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some fresh ita cringe from the this aint lolita blog. glad to see them posting more again.

>> No.8652048
File: 28 KB, 526x334, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this was great, i'm sick of the rise of tumblr itas trying to pull the underprivileged and oppressed card.

>> No.8652050

oh god, I was just reading it ...
and I can't stop laugh

>> No.8652054
File: 359 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_nvry6rNdCk1td91p1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my...

>> No.8652089

I love that she's claiming her outfit is ero because she didn't even know what ero was until an anon told her about it the other day when that outfit is supposedly months old. She's just trying to seem more knowledgeable than she is and to cover her ass.

>> No.8652093
File: 64 KB, 461x615, zombies007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie Ero lolita

>> No.8652097
File: 686 KB, 677x504, ambassador.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From rufflecon2k15, how is she a kawaii ambassador?

>> No.8652101

There's a difference between ita and super frumpy. But no one knows what ita means anymore apparently

>> No.8652102

>thought that was Asherbee

>> No.8652103

I actually really dig the frumpiness in the right coord. Maiden aunt-kei

>> No.8652124

Sleepwear-kei? Pajama-kei? Bedsheet-kei?

>> No.8652143

I'm a little teacup.... girl needs a better pose.
Also she's hella frumpy, but not ita. Sort of mori-ish.

>> No.8652162

is she pregnant??

>> No.8652231
File: 178 KB, 303x466, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is ita or cringe.

>> No.8652235
File: 94 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nvr4j0RDJc1s72bwwo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there! I´m a girl who is in love with Hetalia,SnK,Love Live! and RPG Horror Games~ I'm a Lolita and also a history freak~~ Nyo!Prussia She's my babe New to the fandoms of Steven Universe and Versailles no Bara/Rose of Versailles

So today I´m turning 17 and my mom bought me the OP replica of the Cosmic Series by AP that was in a cosplay/lolita store in my city ;; I´m so excited about it because it´s so pretty <3 Going to try human Sapphire with this dress *^*

>> No.8652261

It wouldn't be that bad if she wore an kind of petticoat?
She looks like a deflated balloon

>> No.8652281

w2c you

>> No.8652288

I hate "fandom" people. I mean I am a fan of things (and a lot of the same things fandom people are into) but why are they all so obnoxious and terrible 90% of the time?

>> No.8652319

That's Anna house. Its only like an extra $20 to get a custom dress which I'm sure she did. She just didn't measure herself right. I've gotten custom sized things from there and they fit me perfectly

>> No.8652329


>> No.8652352

w h a t

>> No.8652371
File: 129 KB, 686x960, 10527824_829388560473258_3730943400156296469_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i came across her facebook page and all of her coords are terrible

>> No.8652374
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 11403015_867472069998240_4332489686301361206_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652377
File: 60 KB, 746x960, 12003389_902780739800706_4616560182545381177_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she also does shironuri.

>> No.8652389

It looks like she tried to exfoliate with a belt sander

>> No.8652406
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 10407621_741850675893714_7872426704898737812_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has three different facebook pages....

>> No.8652576

Reminds me of Grimes.

>> No.8652726
File: 181 KB, 1080x1081, IMG_20151006_083709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used a fucking baseball cap for the bonet

>> No.8652735

I'm laughing so hard. I wish there was a poorfag lolita tumblr or something of these. It's different from being ita, in my opinion. It's like getting a dollar store blouse and kids bracelets and it never fails to look terrible.

>> No.8652738
File: 9 KB, 95x104, 1444102913165-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8652739


I gotta say, the baseball cap looks like it makes a decent kokoshnik-ish headwear.

Almost everything else about their outfit is pretty bad, though.

>> No.8652744

Somehow lolita is the only hobby that attracts so many sjws, isn't it?
Like, do people who wear Chanel or other high fashion brands have to deal with people complaining about elitists?
"I don't want you to represent the community", "The community is so unwelcoming!".
Bitch, I don't care, it's a vain fashion hobby revolving around dresses. There is no rule that we have to like each other.

>> No.8652771

That was the first thing I thought when she said it was custom. She was just delusional about her measurements or didn't do it right.

>> No.8652879

You clearly haven't seen how many the hobby of vidya has.

>> No.8652979

If that skirt was shorter (personal preference) and that shirt was tucked I'm tighter that would be a cute af normie outfit

>> No.8652997

what's so wrong with this? the girls on the side are cute as fuck imo, same with tall centre girl. left's piercings and non-matching pinks are a bit meh, and legwear adjustments are needed on most of them. pls educate me

>> No.8653006

now that would be a truely terrifying halloween costume
other lolita halloween ideas:

>> No.8653209

what's wrong with her leg???

>> No.8653222
File: 938 KB, 400x289, 1440753531382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>introducing yourself in the ita thread

I shiggy diggy do

>> No.8653225
File: 1.77 MB, 312x234, XXTZF7W.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>introducing yourself in the ita thread

>> No.8653228

>being this much of an idiot

>> No.8653240

No anon, its alright, just let them take the bait. It makes them feel better.

>> No.8653543

Were you trying to greentext?

>> No.8653698

I hate the world tumblr 'pagan/wiccan witch thing' because I bet 90% of these special snowflakes didn't even spend a year and a day studying before they joined. And they post things about 'oh join me in hell 'cuz witchcraft hehehe' when in wiccan/pagan beliefs hell doesn't even exist.

>> No.8654364

I think this would be so cute actually if she didn't do it so badly.

>> No.8654507

I doubt they practice, either. I was pagan/wiccan for awhile, and though I'm an atheist now I still enjoy conducting some of the rituals because they give me a spiritual feeling.

>> No.8654527

Poster is quoting that girl from somewhere and fucked it up, retard. Fuck off to >>>/x/ with your selfpost conspiracies, I rarely see a coord good enough to be a selfpost here

>> No.8654615
File: 120 KB, 800x600, 78945782335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>based on pippi longstocking

Uhm...the actual fuck?

>> No.8654620

Okay, but how is this ita?

>> No.8654701 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 960x960, 12141596_991135010930210_3995169771099602564_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8654711
File: 28 KB, 240x180, 2150826753_1100f8eb88_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8654715

Your vendetta is no longer amusing

>> No.8654716
File: 152 KB, 640x426, 3557823131_a40cc203c2_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8654718

now this is an ita!! wow

>> No.8654721
File: 83 KB, 533x800, 3558634304_0d0d478298_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8654732

literally nothing matches. the bows and ribbons and whatever are literally 7 different shades of blue and pink, the black and white shirt ruins any hope of the coord being saved by anything. she claims it's a fashion statement but bitch, ignoring basic rules on how to look good =/= making a fashion statement

>> No.8654733
File: 151 KB, 955x957, 208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8654735

Vendetta or not, the wings are stupid af

>> No.8654858

didn't this already get posted in this thread, then deleted for being world's most obvious vendetta, along with various ATL comm dramu?

>> No.8654865

this belongs in the ita thread


wtf is that

>> No.8654867
File: 167 KB, 640x449, 4064985959_23ab6e1b92_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ITA squad ever.

>> No.8654887

Your constant vendetta posts just make you look like a petty child.

I know you're trying to hurt her, but you're really not doing anything other than outing yourself as an obnoxious drama whore. Everyone is sick of these posts. Can you not?

>> No.8654927

Please stop posting this same girl over and over, damn anon. You should seek a therapist about your obsession with her.

>> No.8654967

My eyes aren't bleeding. Not ita enough.

>> No.8655124

Oh, I know those girls! They´re from Argentina.
And they´re incredibly tacky.

>> No.8655130

Was this intentionally bad?

>> No.8655211

Go away Lana.

>> No.8655216

I-I like it. None of it is good, but it looks like some ita rebel cosplay shot.

>> No.8655389

this isn't ita though. Get rid of the black but otherwise no?

>> No.8655424

this would look so much better with a different shade of purple, it cheapens the whole thing
pretty ok other than that

>> No.8655454

no. no. ok, no. that's just an excuse to be lazy and uncoordinated. ree. reeeeee.

>> No.8655455

successful b8 detected

>> No.8655494
File: 490 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nvgv7fNSXN1qij1n6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8655589

I think I saw those at Target. I doubt they're still available though.

>> No.8655622

i want to make the second chapter to that ita comic thing I did ages ago from this.

>> No.8655639


>> No.8655643

Oh gosh stop calling people ___chan. It's awkward

>> No.8655645

Those lights have to go
They don't work there

>> No.8655646

Take that back!!

>> No.8655650

are you blind or her?
Frumpy, ill fitting everything, beige purse, claire's headband, cankles accentuated by short socks, only thing tying in with blouse is the wall. Mentally paste her into a well dressed lolita comm, the ita becomes obvious.

>> No.8655655
File: 35 KB, 436x310, 24yo57q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8655693

This is a cringe that goes both ways. This Ain't Lolita is the pinnacle of tag-policing autism.

>> No.8655709

I love this.

>> No.8655726

Tiny ass picture but all I'm seeing is a bunch of cute casual old school lolitas.

>> No.8655739

a lot of gulls suggested something like it so i mean, ya'll asked for this tbh.
besides, i don't think it's a bad idea. i'm sick of the tags being flooded with shitty "nymphets" and etsy trash.

>> No.8655748

have been witch for many years and they annoy the fuck out of me too

>> No.8655753
File: 127 KB, 594x411, grimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but I can't. The face is similar, and sometimes Grimes makeup looks dumb. I still love her and her music, though.

>> No.8655758

The girls in my comm who are calling themselves witches aren't even pagan/wiccan, they actually throw a fit when people assume they're wiccan. I don't even know anymore.

>> No.8655779

It's so sad because I'm convinced bittersweet can be done (and distinguishes from any old sweet print in black or gothic print in a light colourway) it's just annoying that anyone who can coord decently and afford the best pieces to do it with usually don't. Same with wa lolita.

>> No.8656201
File: 40 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1444317402647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8656205

full boob cleavage so rori

>> No.8656230


>> No.8656247

for real. we can't have the "lolita" tag because of the book, ddlg bullshit, and nymphet garbage, but one hopes that "lolita fashion" would actually contain mostly....y'know, what it's supposed to be.

>> No.8656297

KEEP THAT THING THE FUCK AWAY FROM BERUSAIYU NO BARA. I swear to god if "new to fandom" people start to push their trans head canons on this I'll blow them up.

>> No.8656298

She looks like a beginner but at leasts the items, save for headband and purse, are solid and with some help she could look fine.

>> No.8656304

I feel the exact same way anon.

>> No.8656305

I couldn't think of creating this coord even if I tried. Damn, that's a bad one.

>> No.8656313

This is not to snark at you or to comment on that picture, but an honest question. Why are people so against black as an accent with sweet coords?

>> No.8656316


Anon, Rose of Versailles is old as shit. I highly doubt any new age weebs are going to pay that much attention to it.

>> No.8656319

What's bad about it? Not saying it isn't, but I just started and I can only tell it's bad when it's insanely obvious.

>> No.8656325

The colors? That coat? The awful wig? Idk where to start. She's a cute girl but idk. There are some coords where I just feel like maybe the person is bad at putting together outfits in general and it carries over to lolita.

>> No.8656329

>the tiered long sleeved blouse under what appears to be an OP
>that unflattering blonde wig
>a black vest on top of a black overskirt on top of a generic super sweet dress that has no black in it
>random black, white, and red hat + corsage thing

There are just so many different elements going on, and it's baffling how she saw this dress, and then decided to put all this stuff on it that does not, and will never match it.

It looks like she wanted to add black to the dress, which, sure, if you know what you're doing, can work. And then she decided, "Hey, red matches with black," and then, "white matches red/black, too!" and forgot about the base colour of the dress (pastel pink).

>> No.8656338
File: 373 KB, 700x525, 2150826753_5c579a3d34_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8656340
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>> No.8656369
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 10349694_1648577945400096_1888506890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8656384

was this at an actual lolita meetup or at an oktoberfest?

>> No.8656540

I-I think it's cute ;-;

>> No.8656773

lolita or not it's gross

>> No.8656836
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 12074623_999295566787915_5767958561285563984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8657206
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 109912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8657478

This looks better than 90% of her outfits.

>> No.8657897

Such a pretty face :( I finally reach some "ok" weight but im ugly af and too old for lolita i guess (29)

>> No.8658758

did she have a stroke? what is wrong with her posture and face ?!

>> No.8658985

I don't see what's so ita about these. They're just kinda sub-par outfits, not good but not actively painful to look at.

>> No.8659006
File: 133 KB, 540x720, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m5blxcdbxp1ry1uy0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this is awful.

>> No.8659135

Sure she could improve, but for now, she's ita.

>> No.8659371

She's like that in every picture, this is actually her best one yet

>> No.8659410


>> No.8661548

i have this dress...