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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 163 KB, 2189x974, suggestion template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8640650 No.8640650 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread (>>8545483) is autosaging, let's have a new recommendation thread.
Halloween is in a month, what are you gulls working on? Make sure to make at least 3 suggestions before posting your picture! Otherwise, nobody will want to respond to you. Have fun!

>> No.8641072
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I'll respond to others as they are posted.
I've got three conventions coming up for next year and I'm a bit overwhelmed with ideas. I love a challenge so reccomend away!

>> No.8641197
File: 491 KB, 2189x974, Untitled-188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think you would make a good Pearl from SU

>> No.8641280
File: 395 KB, 1985x897, reccomendationthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a bit late to the last thread so I'll give this one more shot.

>>8641072 seconding the Pearl suggestion, but Peridot would be good too.

>> No.8641359
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Annie, Attack on Titan , if you don't mind going blonde.

You could pull off all your choices actually, though I'd really love to see you as Fuu from Rayearth.

Heather Mason, Silent Hill.

>> No.8641397

please cosplay Tsukimi and Sailor Mars.

>> No.8641723
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I think you'd be a cute Peridot! I think you have a really nice face for her. (I'm picky about Peridots, dunno why.) Anyways, I think Celia would be good too!
I think you'd be cute as Eternal Sailor Mercury, but also maybe Colette from Tales of Symphonia. Something is telling me you'd be a cute Pokémon cosplayer, but I can't really say who. Maybe Erika?
Since you like making props, maybe cosplay Palutena from Kid Icarus, I think you'd be cute as her! Other than that, there's a lot of potential for props with Fire Emblem characters, I think you would be cute as Mia or maybe Lyndis.
Please do Tsukimi! Sailor Mars would be really cute too. I can't think of anything else, really. Those are such good ideas!

I think I'll come back and do more suggestions later since this is fun, but I like to cosplay Nintendo mostly. Other than that, I watch some anime and I'd love any suggestions, really. Like it says on the thing though, I'm not cosplaying again until I get to a decent weight.

>> No.8642036
File: 358 KB, 1500x680, Cos Rec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from the last thread! (Hope that's okay.) Thank you guys for all of the suggestions so far!
I think you would make a good Morrigan and/or Cassandra from Dragon Age!
Velma from Scooby Doo, maybe?
Psylocke or X-23 from Marvel comics.

>> No.8642050

It's me, giving some recommendations out now
You would make an awesome Yuuri or Kirari
You would be such a cute Tsukimi
You're face is perfect for lapis.

>> No.8642267
File: 1.69 MB, 2189x974, ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love these threads! i always get so many ideas from the suggestions people give
you'd suit peridot really well! also aveline from dragon age 2
kanako's outfit looks really cute, and the hair color already seems like it suits you! i also suggest mami from madoka magica, you seem like youd suit her a lot!
you look like fetch from infamous to me! also chell from portal
lady eboshi would be really cool, as well as umi from love live
cordelia from fire emblem, maybe? i think you'd really be cool as her! wally also looks like a good choice!
you have a great face for lapis! you could also be a good peridot

>> No.8642649
File: 1.40 MB, 2168x974, reccs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please please do Kanako. She needs so much more love and you'd do her well. Also you'd be a lovely Estelle from Vesperia!
I feel like you would have fun with the ghost designs from Fatal Frame, like Sae or Blinded Woman. You'd also be a great Claire from Resident Evil!
Maybe it's the glasses (or my bias towards horror games) but I'd love to see you as Joseph. Also I second Umi from Love Live
I could totally dig seeing you as Eliwood from Rekka no Ken. Or Sully from FE:A!
Like everyone said, definitely Lapis. I could also dig you doing Miki from Gakkou Gurashi
You have the sweetest eyes. You NEED to do Merrill. Or Charlotte from FE:Fates

>> No.8643221

this is >>8642267 and thank you!! i've actually had my eye on charlotte too, but im waiting until i can actually play it until i make my final decision. i think you'd be really cute as Fio or Cammy from street fighter!

>> No.8643262 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 2194x1080, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would definitely make a good kate marsh

i got nothing else sorry

>> No.8643290 [DELETED] 

oh shit i forgot scully

>> No.8643293 [DELETED] 
File: 520 KB, 2194x1080, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would definitely make a good kate marsh

thats all i got sorry

>> No.8643313
File: 520 KB, 2194x1080, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would definitely make a good kate marsh
i second heather mason
you have a good sonico face

>> No.8643459

oh gosh, please do scully! i've never seen a cosplay of her but you look really similar to gillian anderson. it would be great if you could get someone to do mulder or carry around a little alien toy or something!

>> No.8643722

>i've never seen a cosplay of her but you look really similar to gillian anderson
so many people have said this and i get so happy about it every time

>> No.8643763
File: 3.61 MB, 2186x992, Cos suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are always fun! It's been a while since I last posted in one!
You have a good face for Peridot!
Gosh! You'd be a great Sailor Mars!
Please do Skull Kid, I never see enough of him!
You'd make a really cute Kureha!
I think you could pull off Ibuki really well!

>> No.8643875
File: 1.79 MB, 2188x980, I may look like a small child, but on the inside I'm a screaming infant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the shitty photo quality. I haven't cosplayed in a while outside of Sci-Fi cons and Ren Faires.
You would make a nice Kat from the Devil May Cry remake.
Please please please do Scully. This is your destiny.
Toko Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa

>> No.8643904
File: 53 KB, 180x256, 180px-Ashley_Model_SSB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty obscure character but please do Ashley from WarioWare.

>> No.8644729

your top right picture really reminds me of chloe from life is strange! but hawke would be a really good choice for you, too!

>> No.8644880 [DELETED] 

>>8641723 Here again!
Please do Merrill! You have the perfect face for her! An Octoling would also be really cool to see. As for a suggestion, I'd say Mami Tomoe from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Filia from Skullgirls!
I second Chloe from Life is Strange.

>> No.8644881 [DELETED] 

>>8644880 Oh shoot, sorry. >>8642036 This is me. My bad!

>> No.8644890

>>8642036 Here again!
Please do Merrill! You have the perfect face for her! An Octoling would also be really cool to see. As for a suggestion, I'd say Mami Tomoe from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Filia from Skullgirls!
I second Chloe from Life is Strange.

>> No.8645143
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This is a tad old but I'm on my phone I can't update it easily - ideas 1 is already done and 2 is started.
I'm looking for more stuff to get into right now as well so suggestions from anything are welcome!

Alice from madness returns!
You'd also make an excellent sera from DA:I
Madoka maybe? Idk you're super cute tho...
You'd be a great lapis but also pearl!!

>> No.8647002
File: 565 KB, 1985x900, asdasdada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd make a super Babydoll from Suckerpunch :D

Your so cute you could pull off so many characters! Anyone from Love Live would suit you!

Your photo with the purple hair reminds me a lot of Ramona flowers.

>> No.8647014

elizabeth from bioshock infinite!

>> No.8647029


>> No.8647648
File: 3.41 MB, 2694x1778, suggestions copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why my file is so big! I apologize.
I used the last thread to confirm some of my plans, so I'm just dumping my random ideas in this one.
Hisako Arato with her glasses!
That Hanayo pic makes me want you as Kanako so badly!
You're so elegant! Tsukimi would be amazing. Maybe Valerie from Pokemon.
Skull Kid would be cool! Maybe Fuu from Rayearth.
You're adorable! I don't know anything about SU but Lapis looks good. Or Clover from 999!
I like Annie the most out of your suggestions. I would love to see you as Wadanohara!
Sakura from Street Fighter!
Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6!
Wow you have a nice face. I think pretty much any of Sakizou's designs would suit you. Maybe Lady Oscar.
Lady looks good!

>> No.8647924
File: 508 KB, 1985x900, I suck at paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsukuyo from Gintama.

Kanade from Angel Beats!

Chloe from Uncharted 2 would be awesome.

You could pull off Kallen from Code Geass.

If you're into fightan, you could do Noel from BB or May from GG.

Yagyu Kyubei from Gintama

Motoko Kusanagi from GiTS!

Utaha from Saekano.

Sorry for both my non-existent paint skills and not including everyone, I just didn't have ideas for eveyrbody.

>> No.8647951

>>8641280 here

You would be the cutest Tsukimi! Mars would be good too!
Lapis or Eli from Love Live?
Def Kate Marsh for sure.
From your list, Asuka. I think you'd make a cute Zelda from Skyward Sword.
Whoa Hawke for sure. You have a good face for it.
Do a Sakizo design PLEASE. They always look so amazing brought to life.
I think you'd make a good Nozomi.

>> No.8647961
File: 1.72 MB, 2188x980, cgladv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for my girlfriend and I. Only recently getting into cosplay but we've had a lot of fun so far. Only done Pokemon characters before, looking to branch out.

Paying my dues:
As people have said, you'd make a great Pearl. Mabel would be cool too.

Could do Emerald Herald or Lucatiel from Dark Souls 2, since you asked for vidya stuff.

Please do Lady Eboshi!!

The world needs more good Skull Kid cosplayers.

You have a good face for Lapis.

Definitely Octoling!

Elodie would be really amazing. Both my gf and I loved that game. Would you do the military outfit or another?

Scully. Please please please be Scully.

Do kenshin! I think you could pull it off well, and you don't see many people cosplaying that anymore.

You'd be a great Lisa-Lisa.

Widowmaker looks mad cool if you could pull it off.

P3 protag would be cool.

Definitely Kazuma.

>> No.8648131
File: 385 KB, 2189x974, cgl suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting in /cgl/. Making recommendations to others is difficult, so I'm sorry for just shouting names at most of you.

You'd make a great Botan from Yu Yu Hakusho.

Videl from DBZ

Asami Sato from The Legend of Korra

Asuka from NGE
Birdgirl/Judy Sebben from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law

Mavis Dracula from Hotel Transylvania


Vivian James

Wendy Corduroy from Gravity Falls

Marceline from Adventure Time

Asami Sato from The Legend of Korra

Vanessa Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb

>no mecha anime suggestions
>posts two EVA pilots
Sinon from Sword Art Online, or Asada Shino if you wanted to wear glasses

Sokka and Toph is absolutely perfect for you two.

>> No.8648141

About the mecha thing, I do like some older series that tie in with other genres (Evangelion has a lot of psychological elements) but shows in the genre are usually quite long and I've fallen out of liking super long shows lately. I'm also not in love with super recent stuff which is what most suggestions are from. I realize how weird it looks though.

>> No.8648148

Well if Gurren Lagann is on your approved list you could make a good Nia Teppelin.

>> No.8648178

Ha, I keep picking it up and dropping it. It's taken me like 2 months for 4 episodes. I'll finish it eventually!
Also, assuming you're still >>8648131, Vash would be cool! Trigun is another thing I keep putting off, haha.

>> No.8648258
File: 1.35 MB, 2189x974, 1406238151458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Donte
Yennefer definitely
Sokka Toph
Leo DaVinci from Ass Creed
Tauriel from LOTR

>> No.8648283

>>8642649 here. These are really fun to do!

I think you'd make a really pretty Lucina from Fire Emblem, actually.
You're super gorgeous. I'd love to see you do Rose from Legend of Dragoon
I think you'd make a great Yennefer, actually. Or maybe Riven from League of Legends?
You're super cute! I'd love to see someone like Mizuki from Aikatsu. Or Yuyuko from Touhou Project~
I literally never see Yakuza cosplay so please do Kazuma. You'd do a great Jin from Tekken as well
You two were born to cosplay Toph and Sokka. Also I could see Yuna and Tidus from FFX! (Also as far as Elodie goes, I was thinking the Military outfit, yeah. Also her coronation dress has been on my list for a while!)
Oh gosh you are so tall! Rider from Fate/Zero would be really cool~

>> No.8648422
File: 1.75 MB, 2100x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be an amazing Cassandra Pentaghast or Leliana from the Dragon Age series!>>8641072
Or Charlie Bradbury from Supernatural :)
You'd be a lovely Sailor Saturn :)
Merrill from Dragon Age 2 would suit you a lot, also Amy Pond from Doctor Who !
You're gorgeous! Asami from Legend of Korra would look wonderful!
I think Chie from Persona 4 would be great for you or perhaps Princess Garnet from Final Fantasy 9
Marian Hawke from Dragon Age 2 is something that I think you could pull off really well!
You'd be an awesome Raven from Teen Titans! (also I love your cosplay ideas!!)
Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier !! :D
Alice from the Madness returns would look amazing!! The costumes are easy to get a hold of online :)
You're so wonderfully diverse! I think you'd look adorable as Bulma from DB
You'd be an awesome Sera from DA:I!!
A Tolkein Lady would look amazing. I think Galadriel would work beautifully!
Natasha Romanova would be A+!! ( Everything you do is amazing though!! I love seeing you at cons )
Persona 3 Protag!!! :D :D :D
There definitely needs to be more DOA cosplayers but I think you could pull off Nathan Drake from the Uncharted games really well
You can never go wrong with superhero doubles. Batgirl/Nightwing would be super cute
Dragon Age 2 protag would be super cool!
Satsuki from KLK ( A+)

>> No.8648434
File: 1.82 MB, 1985x900, 1432856599803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurray for sucking at making decisions lmao
Leliana from Dragon Age
From your suggestions, Natalia from Tales. If you're a LL fan, you could pull of Nozomi Tojo
Chell from Portal 1 or 2
Sailor Mars
Medlie would be super cute!
I love how you look as Olivia! If you've seen any of the Fates characters you'd look really good as Azura. For your suggestions I'd go with Kureha
Ahri would look really good
Pleaaase do Hawke omg
Any of Sakizo's designs would look amazing on you. I could see you doing a really good Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII
Morrigan from Dragon Age
From your suggestions, Persona 3 protag, I think you'd also suit Homura from Madoka Magica.
Hijikata Toushirou
Mugen and Fuu
If youre a LOL fan, spellthief Lux would be cute!

>> No.8648446

OoT Zelda would be so great. This might sound weird but your face shape and lips look really suited for her.

>> No.8648458

You'd look great as Myrcella from Game of Thrones!

>> No.8648525
File: 707 KB, 2189x974, cglsuggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mari Kurihara
You seem like you'd do a good Brock Samson
Definitely some Tuxedo Mask and Sailormoon
Gin Dojima from Shokugeki no Soma
Definitely Mari Makinami
Elizabeth from Bioshock. Lady would be awesome too.
Drow Ranger or Windrunner
Mami Tomoe
If you like Miia, check out Albedo from Overlord.
Doll from Bloodborne seems like your kind of thing

>> No.8648691

Naruko from Yowamushi Pedal

>> No.8648849

From your list, definitely Christine. You'd also make a really pretty Aveline from Dragon Age 2 (aka: my waifu)
I could dig Resistance Caitlyn for you!
I'm always going to be biased towards Calista. But you'd also be a great Tiki from Fire Emblem Awakening!
From your list, Dante. Also Ringabel from Bravely Default!

>> No.8648881

It's >>8642267 again, going to give some more suggestions!!
Your cosplays are so good! I'd love to see an Aloy cosplay, and you'd make a great Isabela from DA2!
Widowmaker!! I'm eventually planning on doing Tracer once I get to play the game. You also look a lot like Snow White from The Wolf Among Us
Persona protag would look cute on you! Nowi from Fire Emblem would be great as well
Johnny Gat from Saint's Row, or Ryu Hayabusa would both look cool!
Connie and Steven look like a really cute idea, especially if you got the weapons to go along with it! Also Finn and Flame Princess would be cute too!
Green Arrow looks like it would be a good match, and your top left picture kind of looks like Thor to me, which would also be cool!
Cendeloro would be such a cool cosplay to see in real life. Also Bebe's human form from Rebellion would look cute on you!
Scout Harding from Dragon Age Inquisition would look cute if you can do fake freckles! Capable is my favorite character from Mad Max, so I've got to vote for her as well haha. And thank you!!
Nabooru would look really great on you! As well as Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins
Saizou from Fire Emblem Fates, or Dante!

>> No.8649015
File: 494 KB, 1985x900, suggestionthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really do anything from shokugeki no soma plz
you are so cute as hanayo, plz do more of her, but kanko is also a great option
tsukimi please
charlotte from FE fates
cosplay my older sister but i still wanna see your finished aloy, it was amazing. cosplay dark haired woman from death parade
you'd be a smokin widowmaker
rin is a good choice or homura from madoka
i think fiora would be really neat to see
cosplay my bf. but tiki is my first choice.

>> No.8649181

Anders would be awesome

>> No.8649232
File: 350 KB, 1985x900, futurecosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins! If you've played Inquisition yet than i think her ballgown from that game would look amazing!
Hanayo from Love Live
Big Sister from Bioshock 2
Tsukimi definitely! So cute
Isabela from Animal Crossing New Leaf would be really cute!
I'm feelin Crona or even Death the Kid maybe?
Merrill or Kate! We need more DA and LiS cosplayers in the world
I think Candeloro would look incredible as a cosplay, I think Homulilly would also translate pretty well
I second the Scout Harding nomination, Margaery would also be good (that dress is so gorgeous)
Hilda from LoZ or maybe Nana Osaki from Nana
Ibuki or Anders. Anders would look really good if you can figure out how to fake stubble (I still have no idea how hah)

>> No.8649238
File: 1.19 MB, 4069x3000, sakkuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(side note) I already put together Sakura hah, but if anyone can suggest any alternative outfits that would be much appreciated!

>> No.8649764

Dear god, you look like Anna Paquin. You would kick ass as Rouge!

>> No.8649786
File: 1.83 MB, 2188x980, suggestions2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've mentioned I don't mind cosplaying males, I just prefer crossplay.

Nonon or Lady
I think you could pull of Satsuki from KLK. Mari and Kurisu would also be good
Araragi and Senjougahara from Monogatari or Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon
Candeloro would be awesome. I think you could also pull off Lucina
Christine Daee
MARI. Also Tachibana best girl.
Brah you would make a really good Gamagoori
Ibuki or Cammy
Mirai pls. Also Sasha from SnK

>> No.8649796

that's the second time ive gotten charlotte in thus thread haha! im glad because I was already thinking about cosplaying her haha! you'd be great as anders or chun li in my opinion!
merrill!! and chloe from we bear bears would be cute!

>> No.8650094
File: 1.65 MB, 1874x987, cosplaysuggestionsform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting now, then I'll go through and suggest for everyone I possibly can

>> No.8650135

Seconding Cassandra. Your face is strong enough for it
If you wanted to take advantage of your sweet face without having to be a sweet character you would make a great Hiyoko from Dangan Ronpa 2
Jill Valentine, especially how she looks in RE5
Mars is a great idea for you. I'm so stuck on that I can't think of anyone new.
I dunno if you watch the pokemon anime but you'd make an amazing Zoey
Emma Swan from OUAT. And she has some great outfits to choose from.
Your eyes really sell the Merrill idea
Ling Xiaoyu is also a great fighting game option for you
The second I saw you I said "Scully" out loud and then saw she was already on your list. And since you're already rocking the look, Bedelia from Hannibal!
If you wanna do some old school anime cosplay you could be Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi easily (is FY old school yet?)
Heather from Silent Hill 3 came right to mind
Damn you are talented. If you want a huge challenge that you'll look amazing in try an Amano-art Final Fantasy character
I dunno why but I wanna say Shego from Kim Possible
I can't believe Peko isn't on the list! Glasses and a good fit for your face/body.
oh my god the Steven and Sadie swap picture killed me I love it please do it
Ser Ulrich in A Knight Tale
You have a real no-nonsense kinda face that makes me think of Tonks from Harry Potter
Rose Quartz omg you'd look amazing
How on earth did you hold that pose in the bottom picture? And I'd love to see you as Utena.
FIRO! I've wanted to put together a Baccano group for forever
I think you look more like Crimson Viper than Cammy, and I think you'd rock that suit
Dawn from Pokemon

And now I'm back at me! >>8650094

>> No.8650184
File: 1.80 MB, 2189x974, 3124324523424234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may also consider doing a generic Jedi or something starwars this year as well. Also I really wanted to do Nagisa over Mami this year but I felt like doing a male version wouldnt be recognizable and I had no clue where to start to make the design less feminine.
Itd be awsome to see a Candeloro!
Dryad soraka would look great
It would be very cool to see someone try and do an Octoling, although I have no clue on how someone would attempt the wig.
Id say with Sokka and Toph or Mugen and Fuu
Im not too familiar with dragon age but i think you could do Anora well.

>> No.8650388
File: 1.49 MB, 2189x1080, recommend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's been ages since I posted in here..
Maybe one of Yuko's outfits from xxxHolic, she has some beautiful stuff
Do poi pls, the fandom is super nice to traps anyway so you'd be fine
I really like your Laurent, I'd love to see Anders or Cammy
Junpei Iori pls
I really like that first outfit oh man
Maybe Cullen from DA;I or Kogami from Psycho pass

>> No.8650399

Minako pls
If you like you could pull off Merrill as well so
Gay bears and Peach omg

>> No.8650460
File: 1.41 MB, 2189x974, 1443564780477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm. I would suggest Nico Yazawa

Maybe Tatsumi from Akame ga Kill! ?

How about either Homura or Sayaka's school uniform?

>> No.8650538
File: 1.50 MB, 2189x974, Here-a we go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to do this once before and then fell into Steven Universe hell. Sugilite is already happening and I'm working with some friends who do fursuiting and armor and facial prosthetics/horror makeup stuff for it. It's not happening anytime soon but her deadline is Megacon next year so I figure i've got enough time to slowly work on it.

Aloy is a good choice.

You already cosplayed Ryuuko, have you thought of Satsuki?

Honestly? I think you'd make a pretty boss Haruko from FLCL

You'd make a great Kazuma if you could thin your eyebrows enough

Definitely Mari

Oh man you did Tanaka, I love you. Have you thought of Kanji from P4

>> No.8650548

I absolutely adore Peko but I had put her aside because I didn't think I was cool enough for her! I might go for it though, thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.8650675

>>8648422 here with some more suggestions :)
>>8648434 Myrcella Baratheon would be an A+ choice! You'd look amazing.
>>8648525 Zevran from Dragon Age: Origins for sure dude!!
>>8648849 I did a test for Aveline a little while back actually! I'm looking to get her finished by next year :D
>>8649015 I think you'd make a gorgeous Ciri from Witcher 3
>>8649232 The Pink Snow Bunny outfit is adorable! (For Sakura I mean haha)
>>8649786 It's a bit hard because I can't see your face but Satsuki in her school uniform from KLK would be really cool. Your legs look amazing in the ballpit photo
You kind of remind me of Donna Noble from Doctor Who. I also thing you'd make a great Yennefer from the Witcher games
>>8650184 You have a very youthful face! I think Link from Legend of Zelda would suit you a lot!
>>8650388 You are so super duper pretty!! You'd make a really cute Disney Princess like Merida or even maybe Charlotte from Princess and the Frog if you wanted to go for a comedic character!
>>8650460 The costume is a bit complex but I think you could pull off Anders from DA2 really well :)
>>8650538 I look at you and immediately I see Carol Danvers! You look like you've just come off the cover of a Captain Marvel comic book.

>> No.8650989

I'm not the anon you suggested to be Link, but which Link did you mean? There are about 16 different versions of him.

>> No.8651013
File: 1.68 MB, 1985x900, cosplaysugs002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated it a bit.

Maria from Knights in the Nightmare would be worth the chalenge

Dark Knight Artorias from Dark souls would work well with your height

Lightening from FF13-2 would be a good start for beginner armor

Vanessa from Luminous arc would fit your body type well.

>> No.8651144

>You kind of remind me of Donna Noble from Doctor Who
I get that at least once per con. Maybe it's time I do her wedding dress!

>I absolutely adore Peko but I had put her aside because I didn't think I was cool enough for her!

>> No.8651183

People have been telling me this forever. I might just cave and buy a premade/commissioned suit instead of worrying about patterning one myself.

I would love that and L-girl looks cool but I have a very passionate personal hate for the FF games and have sworn to never cosplay anything from them. Thanks for the suggestion though.

>> No.8651347

>Vanessa from Luminous Arc
DAMNNNNNN those tiddies

>> No.8651688

Considering your size and build I'm sure you get this a lot, but you'd make an amazing Tinkerbell or Nonon Jakuzure.

>> No.8651979

Oh gosh uhm...the Skyward Sword is a really nice design so that one ?

>> No.8652680

P3 protag

>> No.8652720

I haven't watched anime in like 3 years now and I miss it and cosplaying. I feel like I don't have anything to recommend and so I don't want to post my pic... But can anyone recommend good anime with awesome costumes? Prefer elaborate/girly? I want something inspiring to watch...

>> No.8652730

There are more appropriate places for this. Go and find one. If you don't have anything to recommended to anyone, go away

>> No.8654130


>> No.8654202
File: 922 KB, 2189x974, CGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaiki would be great for sure
Kida Masaomi from Durarara maybe?
Clavis would be great, I love death parade!
Uzu would be sweet, those spikes may be difficult though..
Greg from Over the Garden wall?
or Jack from radiata would be great
One of the female characters from Mass Effect maybe? I love the armor, and mass effect armor looks good in EVA foam

>> No.8654205
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>> No.8654778


>> No.8654904
File: 374 KB, 1985x1080, gbdhfbhdflhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is a little outdated, still toying around with all the ideas on the list though. I lost a few pounds and grew an inch, but that's about it.

You would make a great Drake from Uncharted!

You'd make a great Tinker Bell from Peter Pan or even Peter Pan himself. I also see Catherine from the game!

I see Katherine from Catherine (maybe because of your glasses), but please do Anora!

Yukiko from Persona 4 would be super cute on you! Maybe Shadow Yukiko if you want something more extravagant.

You would make a PERFECT Sailor Mars!

>> No.8655303

I'm surprised this thread is so dead with Halloween coming up

>> No.8655668
File: 2.13 MB, 2189x974, COSPLAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'll take a shot at this! I'd prefer female suggestions. I'm a short chubby girl who wants to try her hand at cosplaying, so suggestions would be insanely helpful!

Included some random pictures of hairstyles I've had over the past 2 years. I have a habit of growing my hair out and chopping it all off, apparently.

I'm also in the process of putting together a Mabel Pines cosplay for Halloween, so any tips and suggestions on that are also appreciated!

>> No.8655678

>Make sure to make at least 3 suggestions before posting your picture!

>> No.8655696

Sadie from Steven Universe

>> No.8655717

Well, shit. Guess I somehow missed that. Ah well in that case:

I agree with the Pearl suggestion! Same goes for Peridot, too. To me, both characters have similar models, so I feel like you could pull off both or one or the other just fine!

Tsukimi and Lady Eboshi would look great on you. Same goes for Sailor Mars! You've got such nice hair, I'm envious.

I'm leaning towards suggesting Coraline, but I also like Adorabeezle as well.

>> No.8655721

Never thought of cosplaying Sadie before. Thought about getting my boyfriend to cosplay as Greg with me as Rose, since he's insistent on having long hair. Haha, the only problem is that he's super tall and towers over me.

>> No.8655793 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 2189x974, ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm open to other characters as I want to know who people think I would suit.

Lapis, definitely.

Please cosplay young Joel from TLOS. Please.

Tinkerbell or Yata

Pochacho in her overalls outfit!


Mugen and Fuu or Sokka and toph

Asuka, hands down.


Please do Joseph.

>> No.8655798 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 2189x974, ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm open to other characters as I want to know who people think I would suit. Also paint fucked up my image so i deleted the other one oops.

Lapis, definitely.

Please cosplay young Joel from TLOS. Please.

Tinkerbell or Yata

Pochacho in her overalls outfit!


Mugen and Fuu or Sokka and toph

Asuka, hands down.


Please do Joseph.

>> No.8655800
File: 1.11 MB, 2189x974, SuggestformeWITHRIGHTPICTURE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm open to other characters as I want to know who people think I would suit. I fucked up the picture the first time in paint.

Lapis, definitely.

Please cosplay young Joel from TLOS. Please.

Tinkerbell or Yata

Pochacho in her overalls outfit!


Mugen and Fuu or Sokka and toph

Asuka, hands down.


Please do Joseph.

>> No.8656179

Mabel, or grenda maybe?

>> No.8656802


>> No.8658087

Susan Pevensie from Chronicles of Narnia!

also, BUMP-desu

>> No.8658498


>> No.8658984


>> No.8659287
File: 231 KB, 960x1280, 1444496282558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's me. My wife used to do cosplay commissions and now has her own online clothing line for casual cosplay. I know I need to have something recognizable or pop culture savvy but my company does dabble heavily in consumer electronics and caters to pc gamers. What does /cgl/ think I can pull off?

>> No.8659301
File: 794 KB, 1985x900, Untitled-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsukimi from princess jellyfish
seconding sadie
kotori from love live
handsome jack from borderlands
togami from dangan ronpa
asami from legend of korra
rintarou okabe from steins gate

>> No.8659303

>Make sure to make at least 3 suggestions before posting your picture! Otherwise, nobody will want to respond to you

>fucking doubleposting
>this is why we hate outsiders

>> No.8659312

i screwed up by missing this thread and received the proper thread to respond to and thought to repost. my bad, first time posting in this thread.

my lady is proposing a headless horseman from sleepy hollow

im thinking vincent from ffvii

or some silly DIY cosplay since last year's winners seemed to be a popularity contest rather than actual good cosplay (3rd place was a well-done ghostbuster and 1st was a lame-ass Joker)

>> No.8659313
File: 1.77 MB, 2189x974, cgl suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you would make an adorable inkling from splatoon!
Rashid from street fighter 5
Ginko from Yurikuma!
i was about to suggest feferi then i saw the picture rip.. i think that you would make a good chiho from maou sama
make Kamille from zeta gundam
do koichi from jjba

>> No.8659344

not three suggestions for yourself-three suggestions for other people, like literally everyone posting before you has done

>> No.8659387

Just do Ginko bc the world needs more YKA cosplayers

>> No.8659396

Mint. the world needs more TMM cosplayers,

In terms of sailor moon, I think you'd make a cute dark lady.

>> No.8659429
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Hideo Kojima

>> No.8659636
File: 1.35 MB, 2189x974, 1443564780477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mind is empty of ideas

>> No.8659639

>Make sure to make at least 3 suggestions before posting your picture! Otherwise, nobody will want to respond to you.

>> No.8659647


>> No.8659649


>> No.8659656
File: 1.59 MB, 2189x974, 1443564780477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8659660

Suggestions for OTHERS, you ludicrously brain-dead idiot.

>> No.8659662

jesus what is wrong with the most recent posters. you have to give recommendations toward three other posters in this thread, not more of your own

>> No.8659667

oh shit im srry
ok.. im fixing it... and im sorry im new here

>> No.8659702
File: 2.27 MB, 2189x974, 1443564780477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#4 Stocking Anarchy
It suits you a lot
Number 6
Totally Disgust
Number 1

>> No.8659703

fixed... please accept my apologies

>> No.8659714

Frodo the Hobbit from Lord Of The Rings

>> No.8659718

frodo would be good, or hiccup from how to train your dragon

>> No.8659724

the only problem.. im 6.00 feet tall

>> No.8659756

nomore suggestions..?

>> No.8659767

please leave; I am not joking, you'd be doing yourself and everyone here a huge favor.

>> No.8659800

Anything Elijah Wood has ever done.

>> No.8659835

Jet from Avatar, Nightwing, Shiba from Naruto. Seems like you're looking for cool characters but you've got a young look so I'd stick to cute/young characters for now.
Mint, splatoon girl, Mako from Kill la Kill, you're seriously giving me classic 80's Rogue from x-men feels, too.
Sadie from Steven Universe, Raven from Teen Titans.
Oh man, you'd make the cutest Kiki. Thirding Sadie as well.
#3 and #4 are great ideas!
I think you could really pull off Samus and Tank Girl, or Faith from Mirror's Edge, FemShep.
Netflix Daredevil, Data from Star Trek TNG,
Power Girl!

>> No.8659949

You should try Aradia if you're still into homestuck

Sidenote, you've got an adorable smile.

>> No.8660586

Hmmm. Since you said you're pretty tall, perhaps Wirt from Over The Garden Wall? Technically, he's played/voiced by Elijah Wood. Also, maybe Norman Babcock from ParaNorman?

>> No.8660832


>> No.8660867

If you want to do a girl version of Hawkeye, then why not just do Kate? Shit like this, and people doing "girl loki" and "girl iron man" piss me off when Sif Loki and Rescue exist. Especially bad is when those same people complain about there not being enough female comic characters.

>> No.8660874

"There are barely any female Avengers for me to be!!!"

Wasp founded the god damn Avengers. At least learn to Google if you're not gonna read anything.

>> No.8660918
File: 1.93 MB, 2189x974, suggestionchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nic from Gansta.

Sailor Uranus would be a good look for you, I bet!
Please go for Yumiko!!!

Nozomi from Love Live if that's something you're into!

Lulu would probably be really awesome for you!

Araragi Kyomi from Monogatari series.

>> No.8660923

Didn't mean to say Uranus for >>8648258
but for >>8650538 !!

>> No.8662204
File: 624 KB, 880x1200, 6cc0543b-203c-452c-9d62-f30e0e1a9574..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8662421

I'd love to see you do Mint, but you'd also be a cute Cammy from Street Fighter. Or maybe Nia from TTGL

From your list, Ginko. You also be a great Kirari from Cinderella Girls

You're so cute! What about Hanayo from Love Live?

Lapis from Steven Universe. You'd be a fantastic Naoto from Persona as well.

You have A+ tastes anon. Juri and ABA are good choices for you! Sniper Wolf is always a good option too.

>> No.8663415

Oh shit, yeah! My friends want to do Metal Gear again so I might actually go for Sniper Wolf! Thank you!

>> No.8663424

You have really interesting features. I think you'd suit Pearl from SU?
That picture with the dog is making me really uncomfortable dude. You'd make a good Boker Dewitt .
Little Sister from Bioshock maybe?
>Making at least 3 kind of suggests that you do a little more. We're all here for the same reason so it'd be nice of you to contribute a little more than the expected minimum.
You'd be a really cute Squirrel Girl
I think you could pull off a great Danaerys from GoT
I'm getting a Juri from Street Fighter vibe from you. Or even Poison
Leliana from Dragon Age: Origins?
Your brows are so strong! I feel like I HAVE to suggest Satsuki from KLK

>> No.8663436

yeah, but its the last pic I had of my dog, he got hit by a car about a month later and I didn't have many pics, he liked to come up to you and just stand right next to you, I thought it was cute how calm he was being. but yeah, not the best pic :/ and bill look into booker, it'll give me a reason to play the bioshock games

>> No.8664038
File: 277 KB, 503x544, 1438922527666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip anon's dog

>> No.8664990

I'd feel like you'd make a great Rei/Sailor Mars! Also seconding Satsuki!

Understandable. Kinda feel like a dick for not making any suggestions in my initial post, but that's my fault. Now I know what to do next time!

Never thought of cosplaying as Squirrel Girl though! It'd be fun going as Doreen.

>> No.8665196
File: 1.27 MB, 1632x864, suggestion cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would make a great Kyouko from Working or maybe even Ami from ToraDora

Finn from Adventure Time would get you all the ladies. You've got that face.

Suzuka Dairenji from Tokyo Ravens definitely. You have the perfect face for her!

Look into main characters from recent Kamen Rider series. You look like you'd be perfect for one of them.

Arashi Nikaido from OniAi

>> No.8665598
File: 529 KB, 2189x977, Honey_Pop_Sequal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z!

Rule 63 Adam Jensen from Dues Ex: Human Revolution!

Frodo - LOTR, really anything Elijah Wood

>> No.8667054


>> No.8668920


>> No.8668949

wow you are pathetic

>> No.8668950
File: 527 KB, 1985x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon for asking suggestions f&f Love Live characters, i honestly adore the SIF game.
Thank you for your help!

Celia and Peridot!
Super Sonico and Kirari would make you look so cute!
1 and 2 please!
You'd totally do great with Marie
You'll do great with both
2 and 4 would look so cute on you!
Please do Annie!
I say Scully does well with you.
Please do Coraline and Lisa Lisa!
Please do Fujiwara no Mokou! I also believe that Revy and Salior Mars would do great!
Please do Hoss or Thorin!

>> No.8668953

* for love live characters
My phone likes to correct everything.

>> No.8669068

yeaah!! Blackwall!!

>> No.8670000
File: 503 KB, 2519x974, hime hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protagonist from P3. 100%
Well you look a lot like Nicolas, could be a great cosplay
I think Margaret suits you
Giorno. Or Bruno.
Jupiter if you're not taking suggestions but if you like JoJo I think you would make a nice Jolyne
Midorima, for sure
#3 looks really cool
I love me some Kamen Rider, would you consider Kivala?
Do Nappa
I think #4 would suit you. If you're going JoJo I think Yasuho could be nice too.

I've never cosplayed before but I already have all the team kits from Yowamushi Pedal so I was primarily thinking of one of the characters from it. I'm also open to other suggestions though.

>> No.8670271

Kivala is a dream cosplay of mine! Maybe when I get a bit better at foam sculpting. Getting the figuart soon hopefully.

>> No.8670982
File: 1.25 MB, 2189x974, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm open to other stuff, especially suggestions from Idolm@ster or Love Live since I don't even know where to start with picking a cosplay from those

I think Kotaru would be the best choice for you out of all the ones you've picked
Nozomi would be your best bet out of all the Love Live girls. If you want a suggestion from another idol anime, there's tons to choose from in the Idolmaster series and if you picked some of them and asked for advice I'd be willing to help you narrow them down.
I actually think that Chiaki Namami from SDR2 would suit you pretty well
I'd go with 4!
You should cosplay some iteration of Spider-Man! Or an Elijah Wood character as others have said.

>> No.8671596

You'd make such a good Jupiter.

I'd love to see you as Fukawa or Terra!

Hoss Delgado would be a riot! I feel that you'd pull of Zangief pretty well, too. Perhaps maybe Star Lord?

Raven! If you're going to do Owari, perhaps you should one day do an Asahina cosplay, as they're so similar.

>> No.8673144

Thanks! I was thinking in the back of my head of either planning on doing Yasuho, she's one of my favorite Jojo characters! I also agree that you'd do great with Kotaru!

YES! You should definitely do Kivala if you can! I'm also a fan of KR.

Thanks! I haven't gotten into Idolmaster yet, but I will very soon, they're so cute!! I also agree with the other anon, you'll do great as Raven!

>> No.8673256
File: 2.08 MB, 2189x974, 1443564780477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chun-Li from Street Fighter
Chiaki from SDR2
Hoss Del Gado!
Mariah defiantly
Ishigaki, you've got the hair style
Undine from Undertale

apologies about the messiness in pic

>> No.8674985

You should do Sebastian Castellanos!!

>> No.8676830

Lose weight before you cosplay then come back

>> No.8677379

This bitch too. The only thing you can cosplay is the blueberry girl from Willy wonka

>> No.8677730

Fatties pls go

>> No.8677841


Samefag pls go

>> No.8677864

Star Wars cosplays are gonna be a big deal for the next few years. That mask looks like a bitch to make though.

I think you've got a good face for Raven.

Oh man you'd make a great Thorin.

>> No.8681237

pls no dierino

>> No.8681345
File: 1.43 MB, 2189x974, cosplaysuggest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd be good as #3

Ebina! Or outside of your suggestions, I think you'd make a really pretty Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite.

#3 or #9


omg you'd be such an adorable Sadie. You suit Terra well too! You'd also be a really cute Lain from Serial Experiments Lain.

You'd be great as ABA! Also Sailor Mars.


Mint or Utena! You'd also be great as Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier or as Himari from Mawaru Penguindrum.

Ginko and #2! Also outside of your ideas I think you'd be good as either Homura or Kyoko, Satsuki from Kill la Kill or Fang from FFXIII.

>> No.8681350

Oops, meant Juri for >>8659313 but you'd be a great Utena too.

>> No.8681502

The world definitely needs more Dandy. Try to get a few good years of lifting before attempting Little Mac or Gohan though.

>> No.8685508
