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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8576486 No.8576486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Snow season soon how are we finishing up the Summer season?

Fan Expo has it's own thread so what else do we talk about?

>> No.8580448

So what cons are left this year in Ontario?

>> No.8580454

how about your mom?

>> No.8580776

Rude tbh (to be honest)

>> No.8580802

Anons these days, right?

>> No.8581579

other than the jccc halloween festival, what's happening in the fall?

>> No.8582946

This might be a stretch but does anyone remember the 3 older Chinese men in front of the TCC taking pictures of cosplayers for what seemed like the whole weekend of AN? They definitely knew each other and were working together but didn't seem to speak very good English. I feel like I saw them every time I passed by the area.

They took a lot of pictures of my friend and but I totally blanked on asking them for a business card or anything.

>> No.8583612

I heard there is this video game con called the Enthusiast Gaming Live Expo happening in November... my only worry is that it is in the same venue as Unplugged. Maybe these guys are getting the decent section of that place?

>> No.8583703

Hal-con in Oct/Nov.

>> No.8584025

From Otakuthon thread

Does anyone know the AA chick who had the Persona Gold Hand charms?!

>> No.8586269

So Toronto Batman is a confirmed guest for Fan Expo next weekend x.x


>> No.8586750

It looks to have more of a focus on gaming "tournament" than "convention."

>> No.8587317

I remember when he was a guest at Frostcon...

Fan Expo could have gotten much better guests than him like much MUCH better ones.

>> No.8587329

Why are you still here?

The lolita fashion show for FanExpo this year seems pretty exciting.

>> No.8587441

Have you guys seen this?

>Butler/Maid Cafe (Maybe)
are they seriously organizing this in less than 20 days?

>who the fuck is that 5th person even

oh man.

>> No.8587559

Seems like a glorified picnic. I'm going to check it out, as it's an excuse to get outta the house and cosplay in a new location

>> No.8587563

Because I'm Canadian and will be attending FanExpo. Also because I can

Why are you still here?

>> No.8592005

Why is anime north not in iqualiut?

>> No.8593667
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Don't forget your anime sandwiches, /cgl/!

>> No.8593674

I literally cringed.

>> No.8593903

That makes about as much sense as having Zanta as a guest.

>> No.8594010

By the time I saw that they'd crossed off the prices.

>> No.8594199
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>> No.8594245

Next year.

>> No.8595129

You know what? I'm okay with this, because then at least the only people who will have to deal with him are the ones visiting the guest cosplayer tables. Unless he fucks off from his table all weekend, he's basically quarantined in one area and not roaming around screaming that his parents are dead.

>> No.8595143

Then there's Halcon. We have Jessica Nigri this year and it makes me want to barf.

>> No.8596446

Arrived this morning to find that the lounge above the south building entrance is closed off today. It's never been closed off before (including Thursday and yesterday).
It's a great indoor shooting location that several photogs use often.
I also noticed they closed off the doors that connect the skywalk to the mtcc path, which is also new.

>> No.8596759

They shut down the escalators that lead to the south building, line's backed up through the bridge to the north building

>> No.8596822

Not anymore we don't.

>> No.8597009

weird they shut down the lounge, i dont see a particular reason to unless people were trying to sneak in through it somehow.
the skywalk entrance is closed off every year
I was there yesterday (avoiding saturday like the plague!) and might go back tomorrow

>> No.8597149

There's nothing up there except a bathroom and a ballroom that was locked. No access to the bridge or skywalk. Instead of taking the stairs I just took the elevator that was right next to it, which was unguarded and nobody told me to leave once I was up there.

>> No.8597428
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Fuck, why does nothing good happen for the rest of the year?

guess it's time to wait / prepare for AN

>> No.8597621

Cons are the only place I don't have to see hordes of indians for a few days.

>> No.8597687

IS that poster legit? What tim hortons was that at? Does anyone have any video of that? If legit OMFG....talk about using anime to milk the fans money for food.

>> No.8597705

It was the one near Anime North when it was on back in May. Lots of restaurants around the area did similar menus.

>> No.8598502

jnig cancelled lol

>> No.8598703

Who the hell is Toronto Batman?

>> No.8598815

basically a giant douchebag parading in toronto as batman.

>> No.8601882

So FanExpo sucked as usual. Only went Sunday and paid their $40 bullshit to walk around the dealer's room. Anyone do anything fun?

>> No.8602090

I ended up spending over a grand to take the girl I like to fanex only to fuck up any chance I had with her, so no, I did not have fun.

>> No.8602104

>paying a girl to go to a con with you
>actually expecting anything in return
How desperate are you.

>> No.8602145

I did't pay her to go with me, I just paid her way becuase she is completely broke right now.

It not like I was expecting much out of it, like I know she liked me at the time but we are just both to socially awkward to do anything about it. That is until I got drunk and asked her how long she is going to keep on playing games because I don't feel like sitting in the friendzone for ever. She was in the middle of saying "You're not in the friend zone, its just..." when I cut her off to tell her that I didn't care for her excuses and I only invited her to come with me for an easy lay.

Luckily enough she had friends in another hotel that she was able to stay at that night. I honestly don't know why I said that though, like I really just wanted to spend more time with her and didnt even anticipate to have sex with her, I'm too much of a beta for that.

>> No.8602775

>asked her how long she is going to keep on playing games because I don't feel like sitting in the friendzone for ever
>I cut her off to tell her that I didn't care for her excuses and I only invited her to come with me for an easy lay

The fuck is wrong with you? Your chances immediately dried up the moment you said the word "friendzone" to a girl, let alone the rest of the rude shit. If you both supposedly like each other, she's not the one "playing games," neither of you has taken any initiative to ASK THE OTHER ONE OUT.

>> No.8603478

*cringe* at menu

>> No.8603530
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>I cut her off to tell her that I didn't care for her excuses and I only invited her to come with me for an easy lay.

I uh... What?

>> No.8603709

Oh to be young and stupid and terrible with money.

>> No.8604032


For that kind of money you could have got a high class escort to show up. They do hotel calls you know

>> No.8604260

You are the best at women

>> No.8604394

Many things are wrong with me apparently, which is why I fucked up so bad.

I guess that wasn't the right thing to say?

But is there any cosplaying escorts?

Th-Thank you

>> No.8604400
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>I got drunk
>asked her how long she is going to keep on playing games because I don't feel like sitting in the friendzone for ever
>I cut her off to tell her that I didn't care for her excuses and I only invited her to come with me for an easy lay.
>I only invited her to come with me for an easy lay.

Smooth move dude. Fucking smooth.

>> No.8604427

>Spend stupid amounts of money on girl
>Get drunk
>Do something stupid to make the girl you like hate you.

Bro, this is the definition of my life, but atleast you only got burned for $1000 so that's not too bad.

>> No.8604429

she can't deny him if he denies her first! it's flawless logic!

>> No.8604434


Dude you're paying her for sex. Telling her to wear a costume for role playing isn't that much of a big deal...

>> No.8604436

I can salvage this... Right?

At least someone knows my struggle.

Do I have to provide the costume or is there a cosplay escort line?

>> No.8604465


Depends on the escort, if it's kinda generic capeshit or japanese school girl then they'll just get that themselves. If you want something specific you may need to provide the costume but again it depends on the escort herself

>> No.8604495
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Can you salvage it?


>> No.8604505

A Wild Fedora appears!

>> No.8604509 [DELETED] 

Has anyone here ever paid for sex before though? Any stories? Like I said, I am very socially awkward and I really don't know how to do this.

Alright, I think im going to listen to the other Anon and get an escort anyway to ease my pain.

>> No.8604514 [DELETED] 


I'm a high class escort so I can answer questions you have

>> No.8604526 [DELETED] 

What classifies as a high class escort?
What do I do when she comes in? Do I just start taking off my clothes or will she do that for me?
Is it ok to make out with an escort to start the mood or is that a bad idea?
What are the chances of finding a actually cute young asian escort?

>> No.8604535

Anyone from or live close to Toronto? Really getting tired of always cosplaying alone. Wish I had a cute girl troupe that I can go to cons with.

>> No.8604547 [DELETED] 


>What classifies as a high class escort?

High class escort tend to be independent and while cost more money they offer girlfriend experience services which include sex, cuddling and so forth. There's also restrictions as most if not all high class do not allow unprotected sex. Most escorts will clearly state what she will and will not do on their websites.

>What do I do when she comes in? Do I just start taking off my clothes or will she do that for me?

Chat her up like a normal girlfriend and go into making out and so forth.

>Is it ok to make out with an escort to start the mood or is that a bad idea?

It's totally okay, in my experience I tend to start with chatting up to break the ice and then go towards making out.

>What are the chances of finding a actually cute young asian escort?

Pretty normal chance of that, you just got to be careful you don't get bait and switched

>> No.8604592 [DELETED] 

I've never paid for sex as in an escort, but my last relationship was split based around the fact that I bought her things and she gave me sex. It was all good until emotions got involved though.
Also I'm probably the only person at my work who hasn't got an escort yet, so I guess it's pretty normal for guys to get one.

>> No.8604595 [DELETED] 

Solely based**

>> No.8604625 [DELETED] 

How did you get a relationship like that? Is it worth it? I just want to stop being beta and get over my mess up from fanexpo

>> No.8604640

well it's getting close to halloween, so finding a escort and persuading her to wear a costume isn't too far fetched tbh.

>> No.8604655
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I'm a cute boy if that works for you

>> No.8604678
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Any seagulls going to the cosplay picnic on the 26th?

>> No.8605795


What are your cosplay interests? Can we see your work?

>> No.8607095

Which picnic? All I know of is the one day thing on the 19th

>> No.8607483

I think their referring to this one:

>> No.8608449

Yep that;s the one.

>> No.8611571

What's on the 19th?

>> No.8612815

This one


>> No.8613020

Anyone going to the Mississauga Comic Expo at the Mississauga central library on the 26th?

>> No.8613251
File: 443 KB, 655x653, 1433284132225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everage is a guest

>> No.8615731

I'm going to both picnics

>> No.8615733

Well what kind of guests do you expect from a free event???

>> No.8616125

TCAF's a free event and they don't hire out to shitheads.

The problem is that all of these smaller events tend to be run by the same groups of people who only know "_______" shitlord looking to up his or her reputation. Sure, support your community guests, but choose good community guests ffs

>> No.8616841

I'd never list someone with Everage's reputation as a guest on anything.

>> No.8617213

What's so bad about everage? Recently moved and have never heard of this person before.

>> No.8617773

He's known for pushing his foot fetish on his subjects as well as formerly running a foot fetish website called stuck feet. If you look at any of his photo sets his foot fetish clearly shows through as there will be a number of photos of the cosplayer barefoot when it's not necessary at all. His photographs are generally piss poor and his sets are even worse. He regularly shoots in the pool room of a hotel his father owns.

>> No.8617779


>> No.8618047

>>8617213 >>8617773
He used to do low tier/semi-decent photo sets. But now it's just all about the feet and nothing to do with the cosplayer or costume within the photos

>> No.8618062

Don't forget that he does this with girls as young as 13, too

>> No.8618256

>pool room of a hotel his father owns.

Pretty sure it's just the pool in his dad's apartment building. The same building has the brick wall he always uses as a backdrop.

>> No.8618843

Anyone know what to expect from this event? Are the frostcon people good?

I am excited for this, to finally see doujinshi-centric artist's alley and not just art prints/buttons/bookmarks.

>> No.8619003

Frostcon a well-meaning but utterly incompetent, drama-ridden group. They react poorly to nearly everything, always overreach, and constantly involve absolutely nutso people like one organizer's mom.

In short, their events are awful and should be avoided.

>> No.8619029


Don't be fooled, it has little to no actual doujinshi.

>> No.8619224

The pool/hot tub is in the condo he lives in with his father (they don't own the building). The red brick wall is at his friend's house

>> No.8619228

I wonder what day this year Hal-Con will decide to either lock people out or lock people inside. Last year you couldn't leave the building, the year before that you couldn't enter it. Gotta love that management.

>> No.8619656

everyone should watch out for Everage's new protege, Marco aka Poynter Photography as well. He's just as creepy and loves feet/taking pictures of them just as much.

>> No.8619695

honestly i find him to be worst then everage, he is super pushy, doesn't give a single fuck about how the model feels and if you tell him no or to leave he acts like he's the victim. I'm not saying Everage is good, just that marco is worst.

>> No.8619737

hadn't heard about it, info? link?

>> No.8620058

> http://heyevent.com/event/vezwduldukc52a/the-2015-anime-north-jccc-halloween-and-doujinka-festival

I attended this last yr, and it's best described as quaint. You can get an idea of what's it like from this video, but it's a lot smaller than you probably imagined.

>> No.8620542

I can deal with quaint. I'll go there anyway. Does anyone here attend any of the regular non-otaku JCCC events?

>> No.8620600

I haven't attended anything yet, but I'm registering for their Chado (Tea Ceremony) classes and Japanese cooking workshop this fall. I'll let you know how they are if you're interested?

>> No.8620651



>> No.8621195

I went to high school with Marco ugh....He was cool for a while, but then he started to push his opinions about certain series' and movies on me and my friends, and if we didn't agree with him, he'd get defensive about it, like you weren't allowed to have a different opinion.
On top of that, I would be in the middle of a conversation in the hallway with my friends and he would just walk over, stand there for a while, and then say hey and then would start talking to me alone about things he thinks I would be interested. I've had friends leave because he keeps cutting off my conversations.
Didn't make it any better when I found out we were at the same college together.

From the years I've known him, I can tell you honestly he is not a foot fetish person. That's not his thing. Anything sexual in general makes him uncomf, including the topics of trans people (he was a little transphobic towards me and constantly used my legal name around friends who I didn't want to know it). He just doesn't know any better in regards to the feet thing.

>> No.8621207

I've heard him talking about his foot fetish at a picnic and recently defending creeper comments when a model posted foot shots he took

>> No.8621210

What model, may I ask?

>> No.8621302

So is he a bad guy or just oblivious?

>> No.8621360

arila cosplay. she just posted a video describing how she didn't like the comments

>> No.8621365

I feel like he just jumped on the bandwagon because Tom became one of his close friends, and he realized he can cater to people, maybe get likes that way, and get the benefit of shooting underage girls?
We all know he's going to see this post, so for fucks sake, Marco, put some effort into the editing, and choose flattering photos to upload, instead of taking Tom's entirely lazy route

>> No.8621485

He's not a bad guy exactly. He's just kinda really socially awkward and that makes him super annoying and hard to be around.

>> No.8621578

I've had many of my friends say that he really creeps them out and is too pushy. Also apparently uses some mental disorder as an excuse for not knowing when to fucking go away

>> No.8621624

is he legitimately autistic though? from the stories posted, it sounds like he is tbh.

>> No.8621637

The stories posted?

>> No.8621694

He is autistic. He's never used it as an excuse around me or any of our mutuals before though

>> No.8623086

Since it seems you've known him for a while, when would you say he started getting pushy?

>> No.8623185
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>> No.8623493
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dear God.

>> No.8623510

Are there any good Canadian cosplayers? or at least not cringe worthy ones?

>> No.8623516

Isn't Cifera Canadian? There's also Vickybunnyangel.

>> No.8623519
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>> No.8623568

No. What a stupid question.

>> No.8623651
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Not a foot fetish person, huh? Why list toe sucking as one of your interests?

>> No.8624863


>> No.8625224

>Toe Sucking
Autism levels reaching critical

>> No.8625325

I'm going but I'll only be there earlier in the day.

>> No.8625651

wow im glad i didnt shoot with him

>> No.8625730

Serious question, what relevance does the foot fetish thing have? I mean I don't get the whole foot fetish thing and think it's odd but who the fuck cares? It's not like they're sniped panty shots or something. They're fucking feet, if a girl doesn't want her feet photographed they can like, wear shoes and not take them off lmao.
If there's something I'm missing please enlighten me, because I seriously don't get it.

>> No.8625774

Were you going to?

>> No.8625801

Basically the issue comes from him not being honest about why he is asking about it and going after girls who are usually young. He goes about it by saying it would be cute if you posed like this and there are tons of girls who are not going to be super assertive or are naive. I think there was an issue with these being posted to fetish sites without permission of the girls, which while technically is ok because he 'owns' the photos sucks if you were not aware of the situation.

>> No.8625942

Just take a stroll through his deviantart. Read the comments of his fetish followers

>> No.8626063

Mississauga here!

>> No.8626348
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I wonder if those Lolita brands would ever let Tymoora model for them again knowing she did this shit.
never change tom

>> No.8626584

r u rly a gril?

>> No.8626947

how to ruin your modeling career with one shoot

>> No.8626958

Get out of here Marco.

>> No.8627019
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He is a confirmed foot fetish person
Because you're not telling the models that their pictures are going into creepers foot spank banks. The girls think it's innocent and you're tricking them. But nice try, Marco.

>> No.8627218

This was Fanexpo 2013.I was already surfing CGL way before that, so I had already heard warnings about Tom. But sadly my friend did not.

>she tells me she has a shoot with someone and asks me to go ahead to grab us food and I would be back after her shoot
>I make it back at the end and asked how it went. She said it was okay, but he asked for no shoe/Socks pictures which made sense for the character she was cosplaying.
>"....... What's the photoags name by chance? "
>" Tom Savage or something."
>tells friend he has a serious foot fetish
>he never told her and she was mortified. Went to find him later and yelled at him for being a creep and demanded e remove the pictures.
Always do research on your photographer.

Also photags doing those kind of pictures and not telling their cosplayer/model they are into that stuff is so creepy.

We need more stories in the Canada thread. Anyone else have weirs/creepy encounters?

>> No.8627501

The hilarious thing about these photos that Tom does is the cuffs are always loose af. What's the point of a bondage fetish when the person doesn't even look tied up.

>> No.8628178

Do a shoot that anyone thinks is controversial....ban from community.

The sick toxic lolita community in a nutshell.

Never change lolita bullies never change.

>> No.8628184

I had the lolita community turn on me because I had the audactiy to be plus sized and say I could still do it after they said I couldn't.

The lolita comminity is horific here...are they any better in the states?

>> No.8628190

"Modelling career" like anyone here knows shit about the real modelling industry. There are people who shoot porn that can still get work in magazines and runway. Does anyone seriously think agents give a shit about 4chan?

>> No.8628213

I was gonna do a shoot with blair and looked her up online. Discovered she takes forever to deliver photos, overcharges, and posts pics of plus sized cosplayers on 4chan shame threads.

Glad I didn't waste my time and went with novii!

>> No.8628223

they're both good photographers, Blair is actually really nice. Novii on the other hand is a catty little bitch, watch yourself. Amaleigh is your best bet for good photos and no drama.

>> No.8628407

Does Amaleigh do bookings? Or is it not public, you gotta message them?

'Cause I usually see photographers post before cons or events like "hey, want some photos, book with me for this event, it'll be these prices" but not from Amaleigh, although I still see and know people shoot with them.

>> No.8628627

Since we're on the topic of photoshoots and hopefully moving away from discussing Tom and his fetish...
Hamilton Comic Con is coming up in a week and a half, is anyone looking for photoshoots there? (or before/after)

>> No.8630279

I think if you message her before a con you can book with her

>> No.8630281

Novii? the elitist asshole who only takes pics to get in girls pants? Yah, i'd feel way better going with him!!! -_-

>> No.8630291

HCC is garbage and run by a sexist piece of shit who tries to touch young girls. No thank you.

>> No.8630408

AVOID Blair and Novii altogether. And just go book with Amaleigh

>> No.8630417

Novii takes good photos but is a horrible person, Blair is nice and takes okay photos. They both shoop people without permission and make them look unnatural but I think Blair is worse at it.

>> No.8630421

Both are horrible people once you get to know them and all the drama that is tied to them.

Novii just wants an easy lay and Blair will fat or cos shame you online

>> No.8630437

Going to halcon, already getting ready to be drunk the entire time there because I don't like the community. Ugh please help.

>> No.8630560

ECEE is this weekend.

>Alberta Cons

>> No.8631059

I've never shot with her (though I do like her photos) but I know her from around the London cosplay comm. She's really nice.

>> No.8631287

Nice try there Blair, but you ain't kidding anyone

>> No.8631308

They are talking about Amaleigh.

>> No.8631331

Lmao did she shit on ur burando or something? Why are you so salty?

>> No.8631861

Blair doesn't live in London to my knowledge, lel.


>> No.8632228

>>8631308 >>8631861
And how am I supposed to know where someone lives. Unless someone gives a name, don't really know who someone is talking about

>> No.8632261

Holy shit dude, you'e shitting on her hardcore and now you're claiming that you don't know who she is??

>> No.8632270

That's not what Kiwi is doing. She's saying she didn't know where Blaire lives. That's a pretty acceptable thing to claim. Just because someone pisses you off doesn't mean you know the details of their personal life.

>> No.8632447

Exactly what >>8632270 said. I know of her, just not of her personal details.

>> No.8632483

Blair is okay, but she does have a bad rep in the community for gossip.
Avoid Novii at all costs.

>> No.8632487

are you going to london comic con this weekend? is it normally good?

>> No.8632490

A photographer that charges for shoots badmouthing potential clients and fatshaming is completely unaceptable.

>> No.8632492

Probably why blair is banned from con bravo

>> No.8632498

That's not even true?

>> No.8632502

>A photographer that charges for shoots

Oh no, how dare they.

>> No.8632517

Not about that they charge its that someone who charges badmouths their clients.

>> No.8632548

Just avoid Novii, Everage, Marco, Looking Glass and/or Blair for photography

>> No.8632640

its unprofessional to say the least

>> No.8632643

Any good free photographers out there that anyone knows of?

>> No.8633095

Is anyone attending the picnic tmr? I may stop by if I have time.

>> No.8633178

I'm just getting into cosplay photography, I'll gladly do a free photoshoot with you

>> No.8633180

I was planning on going to Toronto tomorrow for weiss cards so I might stop by the picnic if I have time.

>> No.8633262

What's your page?

>> No.8633270

I just went this evening for the fashion show, and I might come back for Sunday (got some family stuff tomorrow so I can't really make it).

It's, well, it's not great, it really seemed pretty empty. But hey Ron Pearlman will be there if you like Hellboy/Sons of Anarchy! Tbh though $50 is a little much considering that's what I paid for AN y'know? But if you're like me and you're jonesing for a convention to go to, then by all means. I like not having to commute two hours for a change.

I think FCCC had a better atmosphere, and that's coming up next month. It's only one day but I had fun last year.

I thought it was known that Blair hangs around Toronto, but I should've specified, yeah.

>> No.8634708
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EGLX just postponed their show to april citing "bigger and better".

I wonder how their venue feels about that, or any attendees who booked off time, coming from out of town, etc. Or really any of the guests, etc.

Smells like a load of bulllllshiiiiit.

It's also right after PAX East so no one good will be able to show up and all the game announcements will be done.

>> No.8634710

It was garbage. Tiny, shitty comic con trying to one-up Forest City. They promised vendors 15k in attendees. Maybe 500-600 attendees?

>> No.8634757


What sucks is that means we have yet again one less winterish event/convention.

I just really miss Con-G.

>> No.8634773


>> No.8635341

I was there yesterday, it felt like thursday at fan expo, excitement but not really busy. Vendors were saying it was constant though. I got the impression most of the crowd was there for Ron Perlman though.

facebook hardluckphotography

>> No.8635632

Attended the Edmonton comic expo friday and saturday. I'm pretty beat today so I doubt I'll be there for day 3.

did anyone else go?

>> No.8635774

And tell me, O glorious anon, where did you find this information?

Was it deep inside a festering pocket of your ass?

>> No.8636260

>Tiny, shitty comic con trying to one-up Forest City.
Ooooh and how. LCC has been doing sketchy stuff trying to promote, guess it wasn't enough. From the sound of things many things were also quite disorganized.

If it was constant, then I hope it paid off for them at least. Well, let's cross our fingers for FCCC doing well this year, I'm excited about the venue.

Me too man. Con-G was so good.

>> No.8636271

Are there any non-sketchy cons in Vancouver apart from ANIREVO? I'm always away in the summer and then come back for uni in September.

>> No.8636530

My guess is that they pushed it for two reasons:
They weren't selling many tickets and they weren't ready to handle such a large event.

There were tons of questions being asked on the facebook page that weren't being answered, and many of the tournaments didn't have any information. There was very little information about non-tournament stuff even though this looked to be a convention as well as a tournament. They also ran a poll asking people why they weren't buying tickets and pushing bonuses for people who bought tickets.

Imo they should have aimed for a smaller event their first year and worked for a bigger one. Conventions don't get to be "PAX" big overnight, and even FanExpo started as small events. Also $75 ticket fee is pretty steep for a (more or less) first-time event.

>> No.8636573

>First year

yeah no.

>> No.8636810

It's 75 for entering the tournaments or for non tournament BYOC to the LAN event. The non BYOC tickets are between 25-99. Some friends and I were thinking of entering the CSGO tournament but 75 is still too expensive for me.

>> No.8636817

Anyone know anything about why Timoy got kicked out of SOL?

>> No.8636831


That's a large range. What is the actual price ?

>> No.8636891

Considering they also started calling vendors and artists on their personal cell phones and harassing them to sign up, I'd say the show was in serious trouble.

They've clearly bought likes on their Facebook page and they've made silly claims like "Canada's largest gaming event". I'm pretty sure the Canada Cup events are larger, and if you took the gaming sections of FanEx or Anime North and treated them as a subcon or something, those alone would outclass these guys.

Fact is, it's people with a big sponsor thinking they can come in and make money by duping the public. Remember when SuperFanCon did that shit?

Vendor/artist tables were $750. They were promising between 6K and 25K attendees when their event back in May had maybe 200-300 people show up (I know because I went!).

You know what's really funny? They clearly didn't tell anyone in advance about this date change. Happy Console Gamer posted a video about attending the con just a couple of days ago, and he was a guest. Clearly didn't get the memo, if one even existed.

The organizers are really shady and seem like kids playing with too much money. No thanks.

>> No.8636894

$60 for weekend attendance. Too much for a first year con, unproven and run by apparent idiots.

>> No.8637153

Only what I read on the comm page. I did hear whisperings in the past about shady behaviour but I didn't know there was strikes against him.

>> No.8637157

I always thought the community wasn't too bad here but then I pretty much coast through and hang out with a few that I get along with. Don't much care about efame or whatever. I'm sorry you got pushed out.

>> No.8637488
File: 71 KB, 720x960, 12047048_852696901512545_6695304973098109580_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bec's cosplay wonderland and Purblind. Nice huge post about how awesome they are for going to a children's hospital. Story about girl who wants to see them the next day before her surgery because she is scared like kid would be.

Thing is, they showed up after when they said they would be there before. Girl was probably so sad having them not be there going into it. but im sure seeing them while half sedated was sooo awesome!

>> No.8637492

ignore their pathetic attempts to degrade you. Chances are they were jealous of your outfits and just wanted to push you out.

>> No.8637511

Not surprising, Bec is late to everything. The world stops for her, didn't you know that?

>> No.8637608
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1423000488655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't talk about Alberta cons here.

>> No.8637667

Speaking of, have you seen that Purblind is joining the lolita comm? She just needs to get her hands on everything, doesn't she?

>> No.8637669

How dare she be interested in things?

>> No.8637679

She's going to bringing her stupid "squat squad" shit into the comm. Does she even know how to be polite and not rowdy?

>> No.8637707

Would it be up to you guys to I guess, teach her the etiquette or have her figure that out herself?

>> No.8637709

Or, like a normal human being, she might not do that while acting as part of the community, the same way people learn how not to be total douchebags in the workplace or school, despite what they might do on their own time?

Jesus Anon.

>> No.8637710


>> No.8637723


>> No.8637725

And you have a vendetta.

>> No.8637838
File: 2.24 MB, 2000x3008, hanoncc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been thinking about trying to gather in a new group of people to help organize a new Guelph convention with the same atmosphere and volunteer-run basis as Con-G.
The thing is, a new convention centre (Hanlon Convention Centre) opened up in guelph on the west end, and its a pretty sweet location - not as great as the place Con-G had, but I'd like to start smaller and build my way up and not be utter shit like GenreCon.

The outside area is sadly surrounded by highway almost like Anime North (but to a smaller scale) and has some really cool locations around it and several inexpensive hotels, a bowling alley, a movie theatre, a few bars, and tons of places to eat, including an asian grocery right next door.

Pic related is inside the convention centre.
What do you guys think?

>> No.8637848

>not be utter shit like GenreCon

What happened with GenreCon?

>> No.8637849

Why not?

>> No.8637859


its just an overall shitty con.

>> No.8637874

Uuuuung that would be really awesome anon.

>> No.8637888

Because Alberta is shit.

>> No.8637910

I didn't think CCEE was that bad. I've seen some great cosplay go on there.

>> No.8638722
File: 56 KB, 337x367, 1311626491256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually criticizing them for charity work?
flush the salt out of your cooch for God's sake

>> No.8638742

They are both fairly nice people. This feels like a vendetta.

>> No.8638753

You can do charity without bragging, but i think this post was about them committing to being there before her surgery but showed up late or something?

>> No.8638776

I saw the post and it certainly didn't come across as bragging.
It still made the little girl's day and I think that's what matters.

>> No.8638790

>stupid "squat squad"
but anon, half the SOL comm has a retarded "squad" thing that they do

it sounds like you just salty tbh (to be honest)

>> No.8638821

I mean you can try, but Con-G worked like dogs to make that shit good. Just don't be the Frostcon fuckos.

>> No.8638831

call anyone who makes fun of you salty. Hey Purblind.

>> No.8638873

just cuck my shit up fam

>> No.8638967

if you do plan to, try to speak to some successful convention chairs about how to start up as it is a really rough process as i've experienced working with a few conventions when they were starting.

>> No.8638995

>>8637838 >>8638821
Can always try to recreate what Con-G had and was. But no other Canadian con has ever had the same community love and support like they did

>> No.8639002

Shut your mouth with the salt and hate

>> No.8640564

that you spidy? fillin my facebook feed with dank memes

>> No.8640724

lol nah

>> No.8641281


1. Look at what PAX is doing, and then do that. Its "enforcer" system is probably the best organized volunteer staff of any convention. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=581&v=nbQeAwnx0ns

2. Ask these guys https://twitter.com/RGroundup.. http://www.retrogamingroundup.com/ They ran Classic Gaming Expo 2014 when the regular organizers couldn't and shared a TON of knowledge on their podcast about dealing with convention centers and hotels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSQ2m3Wm73k

3. Ask these guys https://twitter.com/ctcon_panels.. They organize the panels at Conetticon and present panels at PAXes and other conventons.

4. MAIL BADGES. Lineups for pre-reg is a giant waste of time and labor for both attendees and staff.

5. That is a swank lobby.

>> No.8642097

Glad to see Bec toned down the awful white face makeup and didn't shoop herself to death for once.

>> No.8642196

yea, they must have totally been lying about how the little girl supposedly said "thank you for making my dream come true"

>> No.8642461

I laughed my ass off when she was one of the people saying that the Michonne makeup look was black facing. Bitch, you whiteface on the regular

>> No.8642627

You realize Bec's mixed, right? She's half white, half black.

>> No.8642631

1. PAX's enforcer system takes a lot of money to run. There's cues to take, but it's mostly towards staff behaviour.

2. No comment.

3. These people are garbage.

4. No, don't do this until you have thousands of people. Even 5-10K conventions can kill their lineups in 20-ish mins. mailing out is very time consuming and will provide your staff WAY more stress than simply running a more efficient reg desk.

5. The lobby's okay, but the building is crap. It used to be a cheap second-string cinema and the entire area is sketch as fuck.

>> No.8642651

Yep, and she purposely wears the lightest colour foundation she can find AND photoshops herself to look totally caucasian. It's really quite sad.

>> No.8642740

she always says how much she hates her dark skin.

So you hate being black until you can get offended by someone 'black facing"

>> No.8642800

Blackface is offensive because it was used to degrade and dehumanize black people. Not liking your own body or complexion is a different set of problems.

>> No.8642807

I think the point is what a huge hypocrit she is. She lauds herself as a "coloured cosplayer" and then goes out of her way to appear very pale. Dumb girl.

>> No.8642884

Not to mention she looks absolutely ridiculous. Why do her so called friends not pull her aside to tell her that shit ain't cute?

>> No.8642932


1) Any volunteer grouping takes money to run. Alot of people hear Volunteer and think, oh free labour. But you could spend easily $100 per volunteer at an event or more. There's no functional show out there that doesn't spend quite a bit of money on its volunteers (and thats not including badges for volunteers which gets them in when they arent working)

2/3) even if you think they are garbage chances are theres something you can learn from everyone with experience (even if its how NOT to do something)

4) Mailing can be a considerable drain early on. I met someone in western PA who was trying to start up a business to handle badges for cons (and help track numbers) and they were going to offer mailing badges and I couldn't help but think, thats going to be a LOT of work...But if you're running it and you can outsource it to someone capable for a decent rate then do it!

5) no comment, never been there, but if its anything like the 4/5 star hotels ive stayed at over the years, the lobbies look wonderful, the details in the rooms tend to suck! (I'd rather stay at a 2/3 star hotel that gives you everything for free including breakfast then a 4/5 star hotel)

>> No.8643184

exactly. Some people just miss the point because they're too wrapped up in the black facing that used to happen and get it confused with makeup looks like fucking retards.

>> No.8643189

Thing is, the people wearing the black face back then were doing it to make fun of black people. Picking on some girl who was just trying to make herself look like her fav character is just stupid, she had no intention of making fun of black people at all.

>> No.8643219

even if the intentions are good, sometimes things are done in poor taste and people should have enough common sense to recognize that tbh.


>> No.8643246

wow fuck off making yourself look like a character with makeup is nothing like that costume. But way to take it to the next level. I believe people like you are what's wrong with this PC world.

>> No.8643316

If you treat your volunteers like dirt, if you see them as unskilled apes who need to spend time earning seniority in "the trenches" before they're allowed to do useful and creative things, if a volunteer is nothing more to you than x hours of labor in exchange for a free badge, then your volunteer staff is going to be surlier, pushier, and less effective in general than it needs to be.

Garbage as in awful human beings or garbage as in incompetent at organizing things? Those are two very different things.

>> No.8643572

So is anyone going to Hamilton Comic Con this weekend?

>> No.8643807

fuck ottawa, what am I doing here

>> No.8644071

is it any good?

>> No.8644113

I wonder if Otaku-Ville is as cringe fest as it used to be.

>> No.8644121

I'm going, just on Sunday though.

>> No.8644123

I'll be there, talking shit and overcharging

>> No.8644199

Sounds just like AN

>> No.8644290

>>8643807 Going to geek market of course!

>> No.8644315

keep doin what you do best

>> No.8644586

No. It's a dealer's room for $40.

>> No.8644635

So just like anything at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, huh?

>> No.8644660

Essentially. FanEx at least has size on its site. Hamilton ComicCon is a fucking joke. "Pay us 40 bucks to go shopping and maybe see some guests who were popular 30 years ago!"

Only person I'd be remotely interested in talking to/getting something signed by is Nichelle Nichols. At least she's a cool lady. Everyone else is whatever.

>> No.8644766

Is it at least a good dealer's room?

>> No.8645087

Is any dealer's room good anymore? Manga/DVDs/figs are all cheaper online. The only thing I've bought lately are artbooks because buying from japan is a little too PITA and about the same price or less after shipping costs.

>> No.8645105
File: 100 KB, 762x960, 12105702_1026285730727668_7105394297169077488_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unfollowed the group notifications and haven't checked in a while... shitty memes everywhere
Pic related, was first post

>> No.8645715

If you've seen one in Ontario, you've seen them all.

Also, no. They have way too many comic book vendors and Big B takes up way too much of the room. It's pretty intended for people over 40.

>> No.8645911

Honestly, I think what Bec does is more like this costume than the other guy. Wearing white face to visit a little black girl in the hospital is basically telling her she can't really be a princess because of the colour of her skin, that having dark skin is bad and needs to be corrected. And that's a really fucked up message to send.

>> No.8646572

Might go on Sunday not in cosplay, I'm just not feeling it.

>> No.8646634

thought she didnt white face noticeably this time, i agree. By lightening her skin a majority of the time she tells any of the people that follow her that her dark skin is wrong and is something that needs to be covered up/changed. shes also one of those girls who never accepts peoples compliments and posts beautiful pictures with the "ugh so ugly" tagline.

>> No.8646706

Dont forget to take pictures of overweight cosplayers to post on 4chan you two faced piece of shit.

>> No.8646826

I don't recall doing this and nobody has offered any evidence, but if you want to believe I would be stupid enough to shit talk a client on here, then that's your problem.

>> No.8646834
File: 30 KB, 456x275, 1443815928677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we all just get along. No one cares about your personal vendettas against other people in the community.

>> No.8647470

Blair you shit talk people on here all the time and when people ask you for evedence you rely on heresay and second hand shit. The word is out on you and im happy people are finally calling you out on your shit.

>> No.8647489

Otafest Aurora in Alberta coming up mid-november.

>> No.8647605

lmao go back to tumblr you fucking pleb

if people didn't care about other's drama then the whole melty/purblind shit wouldn't have gone on as long as it did.

Y'all muthafuckers like drama, no trying to deny it and make this place seem like something it isn't

>> No.8647663

She's still relatively young so hopefully she can grow out of it. But I've heard lots of rumors that she has gotten implants, that she lies about a modelling career... all in all combined with her hypocrisy it just makes me sad for her.

>> No.8647679

Of course, when people try to change that, asshats like you show up, so there's no hope, is there?

>> No.8647765

" I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy..."

>> No.8648177

You seem to have a lot of built up rage. Did your father abuse you as a child?

>> No.8648213


Oh October 3rd?.....i don't know how to feel about this.....

>> No.8648245

This describes like 90% of channers.

>> No.8652175

What's the next con in the GTA?

>> No.8652208

Forest City Comic Con in london (yes thats not hte GTA... close though) on oct 18
I thought I saw a flyer this weekend for another one in the GTA soon, but i cant find the flyer atm

>> No.8652630

I think it's the AN-JCCC Halloween and Doujinka Festival
^ keep in mind, the event is pretty small.

>> No.8652691

I was thinking of going to this but I'm not sure if I would enjoy it. Is it worth the travel to Toronto?

>> No.8652704

Not really. It's okay, but it's pretty "grade 8 dance".

The problem is that it's run by a bunch of AN nerds at a venue that values cleanliness, so it doesn't really work out as a real party.

>> No.8652755

I guess I'll just go party down town Hamilton dressed up as akarin from yuru Yuri and try to not get my ass kicked. Sounds like it will be a better time tbh.

>> No.8652944

>akarin from yuru Yuri

she's cute, I'd love to go with you!

>> No.8653016
File: 34 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1444153101572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you know I'm a guy.. Right?
I live up to akarin's cuteness though, I promise.

>> No.8653220

This anon's description is pretty accurate.
> Not really. It's okay, but it's pretty "grade 8 dance".

I dunno, if you come to Toronto you might as well make a day out of it to make it worthwhile. You could check out Halloween Haunt at Canada's Wonderland during the day/afternoon and than go downtown to the bars and club to check out girls in costumes.

>> No.8653227

You don't even go here!

>> No.8653257

It's about time I deleted myself from official con groups, con season is over, why are they posting unrelated weeaboo shit.
Looking at you, Otakuthon.

>> No.8653275

>Implying you will ever be cute.

>> No.8653351

got kik/skype?

>> No.8653380
File: 349 KB, 450x400, tumblr_m5s7weKLGT1r00w7f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably cuter in a dress than you ever wi be.
Skype: Nekkomancer
I rarely ever use it though.

>> No.8653399

go on now?

>> No.8653411

So, who wants to buy a new camera for Tom?

>> No.8653475

>I'm probably cuter in a dress than you ever wi be.
P-prove it!

>> No.8653596

As in everage? Is it the happy day when he no longer has one?

>> No.8653603
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, DSC_0592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have one skirt that fits me now but I'll prove you wrong when my akarin cosplay comes in.

>> No.8653610

Oh, please never change Hestia-kun.
Are you using a potatoe to take this picture?

>> No.8653626

I don't have a full body mirror and couldn't get any good shots so I had to resort to using my front facing camera so the quality is shit. Like I said, just wait until my akarin cosplay comes in and then I'll have a cute picture for you

>> No.8653636

>Not taking a cute picture cosplaying as Hestia.
Way to let me down

>> No.8653637

:3 looking forward to it!

>> No.8653656

he's running a gofundme for a new camera

>> No.8653660

I lost weight and my Hestia cosplay is too big now. There was also a faint wine stain on it which bugged the shit out of me.

>> No.8653684

Dont care. Only like you cause of hestia so now you are a nobody to us.

>> No.8653972

it got bumped to april

>> No.8653990

Anyone have photos from the september picnics?

>> No.8653994

>All attendees can now request to have their Admission Badges mailed out to them before the con

God bless.

>> No.8654077

Didn't Blair try to do that too?

I would think she would investigate the money she makes charging and not beg for people to buy her stuff.

>> No.8654556

It's getting sued by FanExpo is why. Their vendor staff head used to work for FanEx/Hobby Star and used their contact list to bug dealers to join up. FanEx considers that a breach of privacy considering how sleazy that is, so they're suing them and that's why the con "moved".

Also it was a pretty big surprise to everyone but the exec staff considering even the guests didn't know.

>> No.8654568

should be interesting to watch how that resolves, considering a list of vendors is available publicly on the website! Contact info for those vendors wouldnt be hard to find.

>> No.8654604

Personal phone numbers aren't. They're specifically kept private. Lots of vendors were called on their personal lines instead of being emailed.

>> No.8654764

ouch, personal lines instead of business lines (for those stores) isn't good. it always bothered me that essentially a first time con was marketing itself as the biggest gaming con in canada

>> No.8654771

so I keep hearing about this Blair alot, who is it?

>> No.8654780

Confirmed. I was a vendor they called and it was on my private line which I only give out when I absolutely have to.

They also gave us no heads up about the date change. and the tables are mad expensive ($745) so fuck that con.

>> No.8654812

4chan shitposter...photog that overcharges and photoshops the SHIT out of her photos.

>> No.8654827

She used to be a dude.

>> No.8654855

so does hestia-kun wear skirts on a regular basis? I need to know for reasons

>> No.8655190

probably he looks like a faggot

>> No.8655437

got a link to her page or anything?

>> No.8655444

Anyone else laughing at this whole Purblind 'drama'?

>> No.8656064

Who isn't? This is not the last time she'll get some sort of comment like that and throw a fit. IMO, she's just as stupid as the sjw who tried to say she's appropriating blind people or whatever. I have no patience for how obnoxious she is and how Bec jumps to her rescue literally every time something like this goes on while she's the one who whitefaces.

>> No.8656072

This whole thing would've been a damp fire if she didn't reply to it and spread the flames...

>> No.8656107


>> No.8656124

It's not, it's one of the largest comic cons there is. if you can't find something you like at ccee you basically don't like comic cons.

>> No.8656145

>ery time something like this goes on while she's the one who whitefaces.
I laughed out loud at her saying the makeup she uses is 'a bit" lighter than her natural skin tone. Girl needs to see a shrink.

>> No.8656176

I'll say. She's a liar, a cheater, and apparently also delusional.

>> No.8656234


Not that I give a damn about Bec or Purblind, but can you faggots keep your piss and vinegar outta here? This is how all Canadian threads devolve and why our community looks like a horse's rotting asshole all the time.

>> No.8656249
File: 210 KB, 500x903, purpitypatry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656255

I really hate Bec. I feel sorry for Cloudbreak Still says shes a lesbian even though theyve been going out for a while now. Also uses him like Purelight did

>> No.8656259

a bit?!?! she uses the lightest color she can find probably.

shes the hugest hypocrite ever but its ok for her to change her skin tone for cosplay because shes half black. retard.

>> No.8656275

She has said she followed a tutorial telling her to find the lightest colour she can. Sometimes she looks whiter than a piece of paper... but apparently still identifies as a poc. Biggest hypocrite ever is right.

>> No.8656308

so she only wants to be black when she can complain about other people trying to be, but when it comes down to it she hates being black?

>> No.8656328

Yep. Apparently looking at her skin in the mirror either makes her cry or makes her angry.

>> No.8656349

and im sure she blames that on everyone but herself.

>> No.8656385

Oh of course! It's the people she went to school with, the guy who didn't want to date her, systematic oppression... girl never stopped to think she might just be crazy.

>> No.8656395

blahblahblah don't you faggots have anywhere else to discuss your hate ons?

>> No.8656434

go back to tumblr pleb

>> No.8656631

Not above anon but I agree that the salt content in this community is a bit high.

>> No.8656680

She would never take responsibility. Personally I consider her to be a racist, as she clearly sees white skin as being superior and more desirable.

>> No.8656840

Bec and "purblind" are both in the school if "its only wrong when someone else does it."

Bec is doing "skinchanging" and "purblind" is being an abelist who refusesbto change her cosplay name.

Both of these famous cosplayers are seriously conteovertial and next time I see they are guests at a con im gonna boycott it for social responsibity.

>> No.8656872

Me too! I wont go if they will be.

>> No.8656881

Didn't she choose that name when she was pretending to be blind to get more attention? I can see why they're friends, a pair of hypocritical liars.

>> No.8656932

Guys I have Bells palasy so I can't move a majority of the muscles in the left side of my face, so does this make me a disabled cosplayer?
I actually don't wear skirts but I can start if you would like me to.

>> No.8656985

She has a drivers lisence....not blind.

>> No.8657099
File: 2.46 MB, 320x320, 021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you guys actually met Purblind? I've shot with her a few times, and trust me, she can't see a couple feet in front of her without her glasses on. If that's not legally blind I don't know what is.

>> No.8657139

the thing that pisses people off is that she makes it seem like shes blind when shes just seeing impaired. Most people think blind= can't see, doesnt matter what the actual definition is. She can see -with her glasses-, so technically shes not always blind, because she can see when she wears them.
She tried to play off of people's pity by them thinking that she can't see. not just not see without glasses. Most people i know with glasses cant see a couple of feet infront of them, so this is a stupid invalid argument.

>> No.8657262

Legally blind in Canada means you can't see "a couple feet in front of you" WITH glasses. Purblind is just an attention whore.

>> No.8657280

shes so privileged she probably doesnt even realize that shes not actually disabled.

>> No.8657342

I don't think she nor Bec have any idea how hypocritical they are. That would entail having some modicum of intelligence.

>> No.8657408

The thing that gets me is that they don't practise what they preach. At least the pervy photogs proudly do what they do without pretending its ok only when they do it.

>> No.8657430

can we talk about how gross finch is?

>> No.8657434

Her body isn't too bad. That face, though... yikes.

>> No.8657443

shes got a mad case of the Medusas

>> No.8657450

Purblind has described her vision as so bad that it's difficult to play computer games (ex: League). That sounds terrible, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

>> No.8657454

Isn't that just her making excuses why she doesn't actually play league... lol

>> No.8657469

Hello Purblind...trying to redirect the thread are we? Read it just fine I see.

>> No.8657472

Ugly? Only if you are obsessed with asians and round faced lolibitches.

Finch is a real woman and I would proudly make her my arm candy.

>> No.8657480

fucking lawl.

hey granny peko

>> No.8657545

I don't know if you're Phin or Colin or one of the other straight guys she has white knighting for her... but come on,nice tits for sure but that face is busted up.

>> No.8657803

what did she do? refuse to send you a nude?

its obvious you got something against her or you wouldnt have brought her up out of the blue

>> No.8657805

I didn't, it was likely purblind. I just speak truth.

>> No.8657834

Purblind refusing to change her name is completely unnaceptable and a major insult....shes like the washington redskins of cosplay.

>> No.8657843

Don't feel too special, she doesn't refuse anyone nudes so long as they pay attention to her.

I don't think she ever expected to get called on it. Most liars don't.

>> No.8657949

>shes like the washington redskins of cosplay
I laughed way to hard at this

its obvious that she has white knights trolling 4chan for her, or is herself. Fucking stop, you and antonio are like the only people that come on here to defend themselves.

>> No.8657977

but what would she do without all those pity likes?

>> No.8657983

She needs to stop cosplaying young characters. She has all her wrinkles shooped off and looks like she got a bad botox job. Give it up Kristy, we all know you're pushing 40.

>> No.8657990

So some white knights gonna tell me why bec painting herself white is TOTALLY different than blackface? Or how about it being fibe because shes mixed?

Seriously? Cuz it seems just like a hate crime to me.

Also purblind stop bashing finch and change your fucking name.

>> No.8657995

Bec is the micheal jackson of cosplay....just wants to be white.

>> No.8657997

She paints herself white AND bashes people for skintone painting?

You are joking right? No one is that stupid.

>> No.8657999

She posted about blackface and when someone politely asked her how all her skin tone altering pics were any different she answered that it is because of lighting and the photographers.

>> No.8658000

Bec is.

>> No.8658004

Can someone please screengrab that?

That is a huge fucking lie and any con that considered inviting her as a guest would getl cruicified if that got out

>> No.8658010

She photoshops her pictures herself to give herself a lighter skin tone. Look at Nathan's picture of her as Sonico and then the version she posted. Two totally different skin tones. What a dumb bitch.

>> No.8658022

And this woman is invited as a GUEST to cons????

>> No.8658030

Boggles the mind, eh? Someone once unliked her page because of the makeup and she basically threw a facebook temper tantrum. I guess denial gets you pretty far in this community.

>> No.8658032
File: 387 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-10-09-14-00-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8658038
File: 38 KB, 308x295, screenshotbec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8658041


>> No.8658047

But of course the biggest impact is made by the whiteface makeup and photoshop effects. What a liar.

>> No.8658048

How long till that gets deleted?

>> No.8658051

But guys! She got bullied so thats why shes allowed to whiteface and other ppl arent

>> No.8658054

I got bullied because of my freckles so that means I can paint my whole body the colour of a freckle to hide them, right?

>> No.8658055

I got bullied by PoC most of my life, dont see me trying to get attention from it.

>> No.8658059
File: 421 KB, 1356x2048, 11922911_854390458009856_2914088755513504283_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite, she literally has three different skin colours in one photo.

>> No.8658066

so she clued in and finally stopped just whitewashing her face, now she does her neck and boobs too. This is so bad, you can see the color defference between her arm and chest so obviously (and thats not from lighting)

>> No.8658071

It's not even a human colour that she is painting herself, her face looks like the colour of a corpse.

Yet her feet are chocolate. Yeah, that's totally just lighting, Bec.

>> No.8658082

What the fuck is wrong with her feet

>> No.8658083
File: 718 KB, 965x1310, becdreamland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made this shot look like shit and didnt even say that she edited it in the description. I would be pissed if i was the guy who took the pic

>> No.8658088

That's her actual skin colour (probably plus summer tan?) I am guessing.

Didn't most of us learn at like 16 that increasing contrast doesn't make a picture cuter?