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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 867x960, 12047061_10207679984668612_5389866280892735118_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8631453 No.8631453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whiny sjw thread

>> No.8631455

Isn't Garnet's skin tone a purple/red?

>> No.8631464



>> No.8631657

That's actually a pretty nice blackface. I honestly thought it was two different people.

>> No.8631659



>> No.8631663

Is this "anti-SJW" shit so bad people are actively defending blackface now?

>> No.8631680

That's actually the best-looking 'blackface' I've seen.

>> No.8631687
File: 13 KB, 243x300, black_face1-243x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there! You seem to be confused about what blackface actually is. Let me help you out a little.

>> No.8631690

I don't find "blackface" offensive if when they do it they look pretty/glamorous, Like this one, she looks hot, there's no offence or racism intended in it?

>> No.8631692

My biggest question is: with all this controversy, why chose brown bodypaint and not red/purple? This is intentional to stir shit, 100%.

>don't put this on my dash
It's your responsibility who you follow and what tags should be blocked.

>> No.8631696

I hate those tumblr users who think they can control what others post instead of controlling who they follow or blacklist themselves.

>> No.8631707

I am black and thought they were different people holy shit amazing

>> No.8631744

It's like... her brown make up here is really good, but at the same time Garnet is actually red so either way it's inaccurate.

However, since she's a non-American she probably doesn't understand that she's brownfacing. So the correct thing to do would be to inform her that her make-up is distasteful due to historical and cultural connections.

>> No.8631749

It's only distasteful in America.

Rest of the world does not care

>> No.8631753

America is not the only country with a history of blackface.

Either way, with the way countries are so influenced by one another now brownface is steadily getting more frowned upon, and for good reasons. I don't know about the country where you are from, but over here it would be frowned upon by anyone with a semblance of historical knowledge.

>> No.8631754


that's her response to the shitstorm btw.

>> No.8631755

The cosplayer is trying to be a realistic Garnet, not being a rude blatant racist. There's a clear difference. This is why I hate Tumblr.

>> No.8631757

Anyone with a semblance of historical knowledge should know they are going to piss someone, somewhere off but that doesn't necessarily mean that most people are going to think this is remotely the same thing as real "blackface."

>> No.8631759

I know right, Wall-E is a robot, not a digusting fleshbag.

Fucking robot appropriation.

>> No.8631761

It's a fucking crystal person, not someone of African descent.

>> No.8631762

That one tumblrina that is trying

A friend and I discussed it. Blackface is the cartoony overtly racist caricature. Brownface is the more toned down version, but can still be a problem due to connotations. It's not that hard to understand that it's frowned upon.

>> No.8631763


Looks like you can do blackface and be protected.

>> No.8631765

Pretty sure I am discussing things at general here. The cosplayer's end result looks more African than it does the Maroon that Garnet is.

It's possible to critique someone and for others to make mistakes without going apeshit about it.

>> No.8631767

That is not what brownface means. You don't get to make up/commodore words just so that you can put something in a nice neat box to get your SJW panties in a twist over.

>> No.8631769

I'm not making anything up, I'm just using the word as I've seen it used before. Like, we discussed what we thought the proper meaning of it was, since words naturally develop and whatnot.
Isn't this derailing the actual argument anyway?

>> No.8631771

So basically there is nothing racist about putting black makeup on to look like a black person but someone in a racially tense environment might not want to do it so people don't get reminded of actually racist things? Alright but she's not American.

>> No.8631779
File: 490 KB, 500x201, xEwpWkb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of your stance on painting your skin for cosplay, this is not blackface. Blackface is blatantly and intentionally racist and this is not.

Brownface is a bullshit term and a stupid attempt at SJWs skirting around the word blackface while trying to make it sound offensive to push their ridiculous agenda.

>> No.8631780

Ahahah. Everyone I've checked on saiyng "omg its blackface" has been white. Gotta love SJWs and their inability to let black people talk for themselves.

>> No.8631785

It's a real term, though it doesn't mean what they think it does.

SJWs trying to make everything about African Americans and forgetting that there are non-black non-white people out there.

>> No.8631794

It's fucking cosplaying a sexless crystal gem, jfc.

But no one bats an eye when dark skinned people cosplay pale characters with light hair. Reverse racism is ok bc fuck whitey!!

>> No.8631798

Mostly she just looks like a fucking retard because she didn't paint her skin...y'know..garnet red. Like the gemstone.

>> No.8631802

Underrated post

>> No.8631804

Thank you

>> No.8631806

im black myself and i honestly dont care. the cosplay itself isnt half bad from what i can see. but garnets that redish color, not brown?

>> No.8631807
File: 3.12 MB, 4041x2651, zwarte-piet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgium here
Yeah we didn't care but then you guys showed up and had to ban an awesome child icon, thanks a lot!

>> No.8631808

I'm aware this is bait but no this is fuckin racist.

>> No.8631811

> I'm just using the word as I've seen it used before
On tumblr? Because again, "brownface" does not mean "blackface but not as offensive." Brownface is the blackface equivalent for non-black POCs like latinos.

I don't consider this derailing because it just highlights how desperate SJWs are to come up with an "offensive" label that they can slap onto something. OP's image isn't technically blackface, so you came up with a new word to point at to "prove" how racist it is. Meanwhile you're taking an act (brownface) that is ACTUALLY offensive and twisting it around/taking it away from non-black POCs so that you can keep being mad. Keep up the good work.

>> No.8631813

lol no it's not bait
I really don't see how it's racist and most of my country doesn't.
Zwarte Piet is an icon that everyone loves and all the kids want to be him. I don't see how that's racism.
Also, he's part of our culture.

>> No.8631814

>non-black POCs
>implying that those exist to SJWs

They couldnt give less of a fuck about different ethnic groups.

>> No.8631819

>Blackface is blatantly and intentionally racist and this is not.
Well I mean blackface wasn't at the time considered offensive either.

Yeah, it's well done, but it's still a shitty thing to do because no, it's not just SJWs who find it offensive. If you claim that only white SJWs find it racially insensitive and uncool, you probably don't have any black friends to begin with.

Anyway, people can do what they want but expect backlash when you do something like this because it IS racially insensitive and when you start defending your right to do it just because it isn't ~blatantly and intentionally racist~ you need to reconsider your moral values and stances on respect.

>> No.8631821

Yep. Didn't a bunch of them get buttmad about non-black people cosplaying Connie from SU? (who is blatantly Indian)

>> No.8631822
File: 1.69 MB, 3648x2736, Laku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too?

This candybar doesn't exist in Finland anymore thanks to USA.
RIP lakupekka, we'll miss you.

>> No.8631823

>Well I mean blackface wasn't at the time considered offensive either.

Different anon but wtf does that have to do with anything? Blackface is an offensive stereotype that boils black people down to a visual and comedic joke. What about this is up for debate?

>> No.8631825

Stupid question but why the hell wouldn't they just change the icon a little bit (like altering the lips), rather than discontinue the whole product??

>> No.8631826

>this is fuckin racist
>I can't understand other cultures because I'm too fucking narrow-minded so I'm going to force-feed them my sheltered American opinions until they relent
fuck off yank

>> No.8631831
File: 12 KB, 320x240, EP065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't forget jynx original skin colour guys.

>> No.8631832
File: 104 KB, 1024x971, mohrenkopf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we can't call these sweets Mohrenkopf anymore. Fuck this shit.

>> No.8631833

Is he seriously banned?
I hear he's still going strong in the NL

>> No.8631835
File: 142 KB, 640x478, 5292836288_3178cbfb6e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here they used to be called 'neekerinpusut' (nigger's kisses)
now they're just 'suukkot' (kisses)
they've kept the original art though

>> No.8631838

>blaming the us
It's not or fault if your country is full of pussies who take other people's opinions too seriously. Like, what exactly are sjws going to do if you don't change this?

>> No.8631839

No I was just pointing out that morals aren't set in stone. Like people need to stop talking about things like they are either horribly, undefendably racist, or perfectly fine and anyone who err on that is just overreacting. Things change. People have always been undeniably sure about how things "are" but they still inevitably change.

>> No.8631844

Has anyone ever cosplayed this?

>> No.8631852

>all traditions are good

>> No.8631857

In my country these are 'beso de moza' (maiden's kiss) haha

>> No.8631869

>cheery folktale figure beloved by children and adults alike

>> No.8631880
File: 147 KB, 852x798, 1389222661794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the "Finns are Mongolians" meme goes too far.

>> No.8631885

jesus fucking christ will it ever end

>> No.8631889

I remember reading something like this. I'm white as wonderbread too, does that mean I'm a PoC as well?

>> No.8631902

In my country they were called 'Negerküsse' (nigger's kisses) now it's 'Schaumküsse' like foam kisses

>> No.8631914

Honestly when it comes to shit like painting your skin a non fictional races colour I would never personally stop someone from doing it but I would defo tell them to take into consideration the backlash of what their actions could create.

So basically just take fucking responsibility for your actions and weigh up if you think it's worth it or not.
>valuing accuracy is okay
>valuing the feelings of others other than yourself is also okay

>> No.8631917

See, I remember calling these nigger boobs. Can't call them that here in the Philippines though

>> No.8631918

There's a difference between being Finnish and being Sami. Perkeleen urpot ja Suomen vajaa peruskoulu. Otherwise, I agree how ridiculous the whole "Finns are Mongolians" thing is.

waiting for "my culture is not a costume post" about Sami

>> No.8631968

>Why can't we just be racist in peace? It's our culture! :'(

>> No.8631976

>Imposing your values on a completely different culture
American imperalism circa 2015

>> No.8631985

>implying I'm American
Racism is not an American invention, friend.

>> No.8631987

You're imposing your values right now though.

>> No.8631989

>On tumblr? Because again, "brownface" does not mean "blackface but not as offensive." Brownface is the blackface equivalent for non-black POCs like latinos.
Well, I am an idiot and learned something new today.

>> No.8631998


Can't be that beloved if it got removed.

>> No.8632001

How exactly are they being racist?

>> No.8632005

I was about to link you this thread until I realized you made it kek

>> No.8632010

I am rolling at the "I am black and I am okay with this" like there was a council meeting and ya'll the representatives of all the blacks in the west lmao

>> No.8632012
File: 905 KB, 600x900, 1433945139670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weirdest I've seen is probably people claiming that using bronzer and fake tan to make your skin darker is racist. Wonder when tanning and dark circle lenses should be banned from whites.

>> No.8632013

Non-black people titling things "nigger boobs", "nigger kisses", etc and making shitty caricature-like imagery like >>8631835 for the sake of a brand isn't racist to you? Alright.
Would you still think it's not racist or weird if >>8631835 was a yellow candy with slant-eyed mascots and buck teeth titled "Chink Kisses" or something?

>> No.8632015

That's a nice Isabela.

>> No.8632017

like I said upthread, why did it have to be removed if everyone in the country is apparently okay with it? What exactly is the US or SJWs going to do to you? internet harass your entire country?
But of course it's fashionable for whiny babby European countries to blame the US for their country sucking so hard. top fucking kek.

>> No.8632018

Surely you don't think anyone consulted little children on the matter?

>> No.8632021

We used to have slavery in our country but then the SJWs came and apparently slavery isn't okay any more and racist. What the fuck!!! What right do they have, imposing THEIR moral standards on other countries?? I really miss my slave, now I have to wash my own dishes. It sucks.

>> No.8632022
File: 226 KB, 599x820, kina22009MZ_ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8632024

Surely you can understand basic criticism?

>> No.8632027
File: 56 KB, 492x305, anon (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But of course it's fashionable for whiny babby European countries to blame the US for their country sucking so hard. top fucking kek.
>compared to the US

>> No.8632030

Yeah, that shit's not cute either. What is it with Europeans making snacks with racist imagery? What does it bring to the table?
What the actual fuck?

>> No.8632032

Europe has a completely different culture about racism.

>> No.8632043

Asian countries don't care much either. I think it's really only the US that is sensitive to this kind of stuff.

>> No.8632045

This. It's like everyone keeps applying American ideas of what's racist to non-American things. Think outside of the box for once.

>> No.8632048

>Being this shitty at satire

>> No.8632053

It isn't. Bet you never even did any research on Sinterklaas, Zwarte Piet and a nearly 1000 year old tradition.
So please kindly fuck off kk mongool.

>> No.8632057

He is, we are fighting hard angainst halve Gario and his gang of white haters.

We always called them negerzoenen (negro kisses).
Now they are called zoenen.

>> No.8632061

So.. are there any countries that make candies called "honkey kisses" or some shit like that? It seems like it's always asian and black people on this kind of thing

>> No.8632065


>> No.8632067


>> No.8632071

this isn't even a discussion about SJWs and cosplay/egl anymore. it's become a thread debating whether food and a Christmas tradition are racist or not.

>> No.8632072

The caricatures or characters are on there because that's what people associate with the food, it's the origin. Like rice snacks might have a Chinese character on it and coffee might have a Moroccan character on it.

>> No.8632093

I remember when this advert came out there was a shitstorm about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYuXn-1HQIA I don't really think it's much of deal though. Americans keep to calm their butthurt

>> No.8632101

>my friend and I decided on the rules that everyone else should follow
>you should follow these rules because two people you don't know with no qualifications said so, so there

>> No.8632120
File: 77 KB, 600x469, jumbo_shot56885002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irish person here. Please explain pic related to me

>> No.8632126

I'm glad this thread exists. Hopefully it'll contain the whining about sjws and threads will stop getting derailed.

>> No.8632129

he's supposed to be a fairy, not an actual Irish person

>> No.8632138

How long until santa is banned for being an arab stereotype

>Home invasions

>> No.8632141


He's a leprechaun.

>> No.8632143

So is this guy:
How is it any different?

>> No.8632146
File: 349 KB, 500x281, Wubalubadubdub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh unintentional racism

It looks like no one here has seen the last episode of Rick and Morty
Here, lemme help you out there.

>> No.8632151

Explain why this is okay, then. What does this imagery contribute to anything? Why is it good or necessary? Who does it help? Defend its status to me.

I like how you have to say "countries" instead of "people" because you know you'd be talking out of your ass.

>> No.8632152
File: 173 KB, 352x264, black-pete-netherlands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit isn't Blackface.

Pic related. THIS is Blackfacing.
Cosplayers dressing as characters they care about of a different skin tone are NOT.

This shit is getting ridiculous. I feel sorry for Americans, you guys have all the batshits.

>> No.8632153


Except those languages' equivalent of nigger wasn't even considered racist until Americans used theirs like that and decided everyone else's must be bad too.

>> No.8632156

And Jynx is a Pokemon, not a nigerian woman, but they still had to change her skin to purple. Fuck your double standards.

>> No.8632163

The character is white. No one sees a leprechaun and thinks "haha lol typical white ppl", and very few people are seriously racist towards the Irish in this day and age (in stark contrast to blacks and Asians).
Literally that simple. If you can show me fucking "Irishfacing" being a thing the same way blackfacing, brownfacing and yellowfacing a thing, maybe it'll be similar.

>> No.8632164

>Explain why this is okay, then. What does this imagery contribute to anything? Why is it good or necessary? Who does it help? Defend its status to me.

No, that's not how it works
You have to defend your feelings
What does it contribute and why should I give a shit?

>> No.8632166

And you see nothing wrong with shitty stereotypes being associated with a race just because of the origin of a food?

>> No.8632167



>> No.8632170

But it is. I'm arguing that there's no need for a thing. If you disagree, explain why there IS a need for it, and what it's good for.
The fact that you're asking ME what it contributes to when I've already called it useless racist shit and implies it doesn't help anyone or contribute to anything is laughable.
I don't care whether you give a shit, no one's catering to you specifically. I'm just pointing out the truth. If you don't like it, come up with an argument instead of just plugging your ears and screaming "No! Muh culture!".

>> No.8632171
File: 89 KB, 640x425, st patricks day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can show me fucking "Irishfacing" being a thing the same way blackfacing, brownfacing and yellowfacing a thing, maybe it'll be similar.

>> No.8632174

>And you see nothing wrong with people using a certain color when making a character for a box of cereal?

It's a very sad day where mankind has nothing else to complain about.

>> No.8632175

Then you're retarded, and it's a good thing you're nobody important. Have a nice day.

>> No.8632177

I'm so tired of these SJW.
I did a simple fake tan for my Korra cosplay 3 years ago when I was almost 16 and I got so much shit for it on tumblr and thousands of notes with more than 80% calling me blackfaceing trash.

I got so much hate mail and threats in my tumblr inbox. It scared me so much I completely deleted my account and all pictures of it off the internet and my computer. It really made me never want to wear the cosplay again. It was my first cosplay and I put so much work into it. I didn't even have to go that much darker but I didn't know I would be ripped to pieces over it.
Fuck all of them.

>> No.8632179

I hate how this holiday is celebrated. It has nothing to do with the origin of St. Patrick and everything to do with cultural appropriation of the Irish and getting shitfaced.

>> No.8632182

You're reading too much into it. I think you're still entirely failing to comprehend that in other countries with different cultures, racism is different. The caricatures are treated as indifferently as Mr. Clean being white instead of Hispanic.

>I like how you have to say "countries" instead of "people" because you know you'd be talking out of your ass.
>assuming all Asian peoples everywhere are identical

You are projecting your own viewpoints onto others. I have to make a distinction because Asian Americans are culturally different from East Asians.

>> No.8632185
File: 1.51 MB, 255x234, 1420345758189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it is. I'm arguing that there's no need for a thing. If you disagree, explain why there IS a need for it, and what it's good for.
There is no need for it, it could change the next day and nothing would happen.

But I am asking, why should the company who is selling the product is still selling regardless of how """""Racist"""""" a certain character is on a cereal box?
If you can't answer this question then you're literally just screaming like a child who wants a toy his mother won't get for him.

>I'm just pointing out the truth.

>> No.8632188

>it's a good thing you're nobody important.

That irony

>> No.8632192

I just wish white people didn't feel such a strong need to overcompensate with reverse racism to show how not-racist they are. Like that Muslim kid and Texas with the clock just took apart a clock and rewired it through a pencil box he didn't actually invent anything and his teacher told him to not take it from the classroom but he did anyway. But now all these companies are like LOOK AT THIS MISUNDERSTOOD GENIUS LET GIVE HIM MILLIONS IN FREE STUFF.

>> No.8632197

Biggest problem with SJWs is they clearly have a lot of passion about the issue but direct it at people who aren't the enemy and never at groups that actually perpetuate hate and violence

>> No.8632202
File: 828 KB, 371x209, tumblr_nqfacqQtBn1ttmfuoo3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinly veiled vent thread for racists and SJWs to chew each other out for a few hours

It's okay to admit something is racist.
It's also okay to admit that racism doesn't always hurt peoples' feelings, subjugate people of that race, and that sometimes people legitimately enjoy poking fun and partaking in those stereotypes.

>>8631453 doesn't offend me, for example. However, that is also not an accurate Garnet because Garnet's skin is clearly an alien red. Therefore, this cosplayer chose black on purpose knowing that it would get more attention by playing on the ~controversial~ aspect of white people painting themselves brown. She's an attention whore for that reason.

>> No.8632203
File: 143 KB, 925x514, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her skin isn't even brown. What a retarded cosplayer.

>> No.8632207

>Like that Muslim kid and Texas with the clock just took apart a clock and rewired it through a pencil box he didn't actually invent anything and his teacher told him to not take it from the classroom but he did anyway.

And meanwhile in California, white students were sent home for wearing an American Flag T-Shirt
This, however, did not make national news or contempt the POTUS to invite them to the White House.


>> No.8632208

Isn't jinx based on ganguro fashion though?

>> No.8632209

Then the cosplayer should be chewed out for not being accurate. This is dumb

>> No.8632215

Wait, not black, but not white? You talkin' about some kinda...gray?

>> No.8632218
File: 330 KB, 648x1134, this is gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leprechauns are fairies

pic related


>> No.8632219

Is there a source these are the same people though? That garnet's lips are so much bigger and her chin looks different than the wall-e, I'm having a hard time believing this.

>> No.8632224

"This is still fucking blackface, you shitlords. I don’t care if Garnet’s two aliens, this is still blackface.
And no, Germany is not somehow immune to blackface. Germany has a big problem with blackface in fact, because Germany has HUGE problems with racism. Because the German strategy for dealing with their racist past is to outlaw it and pretend it never happened. So you get shit like this, where people defend racism because “oh Germany is different from the US”. Fuck off.
Blackface is blackface, and blackface is always racist."

>> No.8632225

I don't think it's ONLY the US being sensitive, but the way it should be resolved for European people and European countries should be different. You can't do it the way you'd do it in the US.

>> No.8632229

>it clearly says discussed

Strawman harder.

>> No.8632234

You're the same person who trolled the geisha thread to shit aren't you?

>> No.8632235


The only people german has a problem with are the turks and they earned it over 40 years of misbehaving.
Thus not racism.

Also we dont even have enough negroes for them to be treated as a minority, whether positive or negative.

>> No.8632241

If she didn't do anything with her skin color then she would be attacked and accused of Whitewashing

>> No.8632242

see: >>8631754

>> No.8632243

>why should the company who is selling the product is still selling regardless of how """""Racist"""""" a certain character is on a cereal box?
I can't answer your question because it doesn't make an iota of sense, m8. I literally don't know what you're getting at. Rephrase it.

>> No.8632244
File: 205 KB, 590x1220, white ppl vs black ppl is the new boys vs girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8632245

There's plenty more to complain about on a global scale, but that doesn't change this specific topic's status as something that's not good or worth defending. Just because something could be worse doesn't somehow make it good.
Deal with it.

This is people of the same race as that country's people dressing up as a mythical creature created by that country's people, for the sake of a celebration originating from - wait for it - that country's people.

>> No.8632249

I just copy pasted that from Tumblr because I have no way of doing screen caps right now.

Hope you feel embarrased now.

>> No.8632250

>>>8631453 (OP) doesn't offend me, for example. However, that is also not an accurate Garnet because Garnet's skin is clearly an alien red. Therefore, this cosplayer chose black on purpose knowing that it would get more attention by playing on the ~controversial~ aspect of white people painting themselves brown. She's an attention whore for that reason.
She's German and didn't even know the term blackface existed. I'm going to guess her going with brown was laziness due to not having the correct make-up or just straight up ignorance of "brown looks close enough to maroon".

>> No.8632251
File: 1.02 MB, 1899x821, f843ac58fb2b92b1a553f19f735b011c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure if you're trolling me or not, so I am going to respond anyway.

>Nicki Minaj popping up when you google Asian People

>> No.8632253

This is literally true.
If you are white, your skin is probably too light for this character. Color it pinkish red or magenta.
If you are brown or black, your skin may be okay because the character's skin is based on dark colors. If you don't have the correct tone of skin (like warm vs cool), it may be in your best interest to paint your skin a bit, but not as dramatically as a white person would have to.
That's just how it works.

>> No.8632254

I'm Black and I thought Garnet was Black, especially with her VA.

>> No.8632255

No the leprechaun as depicted in american media is a caricature of Irish immigrant, thanks for whitesplaining my heritage you Saxon cow.

>> No.8632257

That sounds just fine. IMO I think anyone should be able to cosplay Garnet if they get the color right AND if they have a suitable face for it. I'm sorry man, but if you've got thin lips, you're just not going to look good as Garnet. Garnet is almost definitely "supposed" to be black but I don't think that means nobody but black people should be able to cosplay her - It's just that it so happens that most black people have the right features and not a lot of white people do.

>> No.8632258

>Because the German strategy for dealing with their racist past is to outlaw it and pretend it never happened.

This person is a fucking blithering retard.

>> No.8632259

Then explain exactly why this is NOT racist and how the definition of racism is different in these countries.

>> No.8632263

>Racism :the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Please point to the bit where it mentions body paint

>> No.8632265
File: 31 KB, 319x450, angry-hispanic-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying big lips ONLY belong to black people?

>> No.8632266

I'm not American (or Anglo-Saxon), so I wasn't aware of this. In that case, it's probably not all too morally clean, either.
It's not okay, and you wouldn't be wrong to be offended by it. That doesn't change the fact that since the Irish are white, they go through much less racism than races that actually look different from whites do, though.
>inb4 "but I'm NOT offended, and no one else should be!"

>> No.8632267

I want this post and I want to shit all over it because this person doesn't know S H I T about Germany.

>> No.8632269

I was making a dumb joke. You brought up a good point though, I rarely see self described SJWs speak about Asians or any non black minority. Hell there was that one person that called an Asian dude who grew up poor in a shack without regular food "privileged" because he wasn't transexual or something. Which is funny, because this particular SJW was handed $200,000 by their parents after college.

>> No.8632273

I was talking specifically about the white people vs black people cosplaying Garnet thing. I said anybody should be able to cosplay Garnet as long as they have suitable features, and yes, that would include Latino/Hispanic people. I didn't think to mention Hispanic people specifically because I am Hispanic myself.

>> No.8632274

>the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race,
Right here.
Blackface was based upon mocking and exaggerating these perceived differences of black people from white people.
Arguing semantics and playing dumb won't work, sorry.

>> No.8632276

I get uncomfortable about the type of energy SJWs put on the "black struggle." I'm black and have many cousins that are mixed or of a different non-white race. I feel their issues aren't really focused on by SJWs either at times. It gets creepy the lengths some go to to speak for me as a black female. Like damn, calm down a second.

>> No.8632278

Ah okay, I wasn't sure because... you know tone doesn't go very well over 4chan. But yeah you're right, and I never see them discuss Hispanic people either, well, unless it's Mexicans. Mexicans are the only hispanics amirite?
Also, I have no idea why it's so acceptable on tumblr to make shitty Mexican jokes, like the hats and mariachi bands and whatnot. What's the deal with that?

>> No.8632279

>Whiny sjw thread
is it ever

>> No.8632280

Ok so why is that ok to put on a box of lucky charms?

>> No.8632284

In some other cultures, these caricatures are considered as significant as you looking at an image of Mr. Clean, the white male. That's literally it.

Raced based hate crimes are regarded as racist, but caricatures barely register on anyone's consciousness.

>> No.8632287

I want to fiddle Mr Clean's arsehole

>> No.8632288

So you agree racism is bassed on intent. She didnt put on a minstrel show, she was trying to emulate her hero

>> No.8632290

I am so sorry that happend to you.
But Idk how people can shit on someone WHO IS A MINOR and enjoying a cosplay that they put so much work into just get shit on by legal aged adults who are retarded SJW. I seen Korra cosplays where the girls tan themselves with sprays and I have thay exact skin tone naturally and never felt offended being someone who is "PoC" (I hate that term so much). It is usually white people complaining about blackface because of this weird white guilt tumblr puts on them.

>> No.8632291

It's not, and I'm not arguing it is. My entire argument up until this point has been that it's not worth defending some shitty food company using racist stereotypes and caricatures as symbols or mascots just because your nostalgia goggles are glued on too tight and you want to scream about your "culture".

>> No.8632294

>Rephrase it.
Alright, if a certain company is selling a cereal box with a character that is what a minority of the target consumers consider "Racist", then why should a company risk the Net loss of changing the character and printing brand new boxes if the sales are still breaking even and above?

>> No.8632295
File: 22 KB, 261x271, 1397599847127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caricatures barely register on anyone's consciousness
For these caricatures to even be made in the first place, there must be some sort of distorted ideas about a culture or group to begin with. They don't just spring out of nowhere.

>> No.8632297

And here I thought this thread going to be something other than trash

>> No.8632298

>my heritage
fuck off yank
fuck off yank
fuck off yank
you too

>> No.8632302

>why should a company risk the Net loss of changing the character and printing brand new boxes if the sales are still breaking even and above?
Why are you basing the success of the cereal on the character that's considered racist? Is the cereal THAT fucking shitty?
You must have really warped ideas about the "majority" group.

>> No.8632307

I honestly don't think bronzing yourself for cosplay or tanning for cosplay is racist or blackface or whatever, but if you don't understand that caricatures have power when it comes to how people perceive things then you are retarded.

>> No.8632311

india is a part of asia you know

>> No.8632316

Who's "she"? The chick in OP? I'm not advocating the backlash she got (though she should've expected it, who in this day and age thinks it's a good idea to paint their skin to emulate another race and then post it online? ffs), I'm talking about the retarded anons whining that they don't have candy with racist names anymore.
You can get the exact same type of snack at your local grocery store. If you were buying it SPECIFICALLY because it was called "nigger's kisses" or "nigger's boobs", you should examine yourself. You're most likely racist.

>> No.8632318

If you're aware that something you do could cause people to get offended, is it really worth making people around you feel bad?

>> No.8632319

Wtf does India have to do with anything about that post?

>> No.8632323

>who in this day and age thinks it's a good idea to paint their skin to emulate another race and then post it online? ffs)

>> No.8632325


What if you're not aware that people around you are fucking insane thin-skinned freaks?

>> No.8632326

I'm dutch and even I see this is racist. Just get rid of the wig and facepaint, kids only care about the presents anyways

>> No.8632328

Was blackface only ever a thing in America? Because if not, you're retarded and using a dumb "fuck off yank" maymay to deflect basic facts.

>> No.8632329

>There's plenty more to complain about on a global scale

Nah m8, in your immediate life.
Even global problems are as important to you as discovering you don't have milk after you pour a bowl of cereal.
Maybe even less.

>> No.8632332

You should always ask around before doing something you may regret. You can also easily google these things.

>> No.8632335

>Why are you basing the success of the cereal on the character that's considered racist? Is the cereal THAT fucking shitty?

Do you not understand that it still costs money to hire artists, get it checked out by the PR department, make it go through regulation tests, and to make the factory print new boxes.
And don't get me started on the countless advertising billboards, commercials, etc. that would need to be changed.
But no, money just grows on trees when your feelings are involved.

>> No.8632336
File: 19 KB, 143x195, niggerwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this thread

>> No.8632339

>Nah m8, in your immediate life.
Considering I live in a third world country that just went through a huge bust on judges and other law enforcement taking bribes, I think I do have a lot to complain about.
Nice projection, though.

>> No.8632340

Do you have any idea the persecution Irish immigrants went through during the 19th and beyond in America?

>> No.8632345


I was not born in the US, so maybe this is the cultural difference. I don't regard "yellow skin / slanted eyes" or "blank skin / large red lips" as racist or distorted, they are simply the truth. Caricatures are exaggerations of the truth for comic effect, but they I don't consider them inherently malicious.

>> No.8632346

*19th century

>> No.8632348

>But no, money just grows on trees when your feelings are involved.
Considering we can agree that a lot of people are buying this cereal to begin with, it's pretty obvious there's an expendable amount of money that can go into something as small as a design change. No one is going to go under and become homeless because you changed your cereal from "Giga Nigga 3000: Chimp Attack" to something less retarded and offensive.
Exaggeration is not a good tool for debate, it just makes you look unreliable and petty.

>> No.8632349

>Considering I live in a third world country that just went through a huge bust on judges and other law enforcement taking bribes, I think I do have a lot to complain about.

That's still not immediate you dense fuck
Politics is not immediate at all, do you have a family?

>Nice projection, though.
Going on /pol/ once and seeing this word doesn't mean you know how to use it.

>> No.8632350

Yeah, it mostly was. :/ My part of the world has no history of blackface, the only blackface we had came directly from America.

>> No.8632351

Yeah, they went through a lot of potatoes.

>> No.8632352

Pretty sure a lot of Slavs were persecuted, too, but most people aren't racist toward the Irish or Slavic people today, whereas there are still sites like ChimpOut dedicated to shitting on black people.

>> No.8632354

>Politics is not immediate at all, do you have a family?
The fact that I or any of my family members can get arrested and thrown in jail because somebody paid somebody else because they just don't like me seems pretty immediate, thanks.
>Going on /pol/ once and seeing this word doesn't mean you know how to use it.
I don't go on /pol/. More projection on your part?

>> No.8632356
File: 44 KB, 400x559, 1417836507483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering we can agree that a lot of people are buying this cereal to begin with, it's pretty obvious there's an expendable amount of money that can go into something as small as a design change.

No, that's not the question.
Remember, your mindset represents a minority of the target consumer base.
I'll repeat the question: Why should the company change their character because a minority of their consumer base is whining about it?

Let us be clear here, and I''m trying to make this as easy as possible for you to understand.
The question is NOT: Does the company have enough money to do this?

>"Giga Nigga 3000: Chimp Attack"
>Exaggeration is not a good tool for debate, it just makes you look unreliable and petty.

Dude, you fucking read my mind.

>> No.8632357

>tfw Mexican and you actually like when people wear Dio de los Muertos makeup because your culture is never seen beyond lol ponchos and sombreros
>tfw you see some white person screaming cultural appropriation

>> No.8632358

>but most people aren't racist toward the Irish or Slavic people today,

Have you ever been to Norway or Sweden? Being Polish there is basically like being Mexican in the US.

>> No.8632361

>I'm dutch
sure, yank.

>> No.8632362

Maybe she thought that Garnet was meant to be black, not purple?

>> No.8632364

>not racist towards slavs
boy are you in for a surprise

>> No.8632367

I'm Northern Irish and although I count myself as British the one time I did go to America it was constant Irish accents and 'top of da mornin to ya' or else people asking me where the alcohol or the gold was.

I was also told by almost every American that they were Irish too because their great great great great great great great grandfathers left nut was Irish

>> No.8632368

Just do it. Fuck those white SJW who think they are the face of "cultural appropriation is the devil!!! NO ONE DO DIA DE LOD MUERTOS NOT EVEN LATINOS/MEXICAN, NO ONE CAN LEARN JAPANESE CULTURE RAAAA I AM A HERO"

They are bascially doing what they are fighting against, taking away culture and traditions and only allowing certain people to do said things, like screw them.

>> No.8632369

>The fact that I or any of my family members can get arrested and thrown in jail because somebody paid somebody else because they just don't like me seems pretty immediate, thanks.
No it's not. It is when it does happen.
That's like me saying I live in everyday fear of a police officer coming in to my room and beating me while I'm sleeping

It doesn't fucking happen.
Do you not understand what "Immediate" means?

>I don't go on /pol/. More projection on your part?
Again, you have no idea how to use that word, please stop while you're ahead.

>> No.8632370

it's basically racial/cultural segregation 2.0

>> No.8632371

its just dark skin tone body paint, real blackface is when they start eating watermelon and singing slave songs and puffin up their lips and shit. she's not making fun of black people, she's just cosplaying someone black. not reinforcing any bad stereotypes there. kissy shitty little sjw needs to slit their throat, that was a great cosplay

>> No.8632373

>No, that's not the question.
Your response to my answer to the question was "BUT THE MONEY....!", and I responded in turn to that. Being condescending at this point and pretending you didn't post >>8632335 is fucking retarded. You literally said the company just magically wouldn't have the money and by just changing the character, they would "risk" something, which is fucking stupid.
>Why should the company change their character because a minority of their consumer base is whining about it?
Because if this minority can effectively be pacified, there's more of a chance that they'll buy the cereal (as opposed to boycotting it in protest or running a smear campaign that will poison the waters). That means profit from both the majority group AND the minority group, which means higher profit overall.
This is not hard to grasp, and at this point I'm not sure why you even bothered asking when it's not hard to figure out this answer.

>> No.8632375

>It doesn't fucking happen.
You say that until it actually happens to you. :^)
>Again, you have no idea how to use that word, please stop while you're ahead.
I'm implying that you post on /pol/, so you're assuming I do too because _____. If I'm wrong, correct me or bitch elsewhere.

>> No.8632387

Straight outta Belfast here and that's the impression most people have, not just Americans. I'm studying in Germany right now and here's the comments I've got so far:
>but you don't SOUND Irish (as in, not the typical west Irish accent they're probably thinking of)
>but why is your English so bad
>I thought the Irish were ginger? (I'm a boring aul brunette)
>*drinking motion with their hand* hahahaha
And sure I can take it all in stride but when some ignoramus from Podunk, Alabama starts lecturing me on how I don't know DA STRUGGLE of someone once having asked her if she was from China when she's Korean (hint: nobody gives a fuck) I want to glass a cunt

>> No.8632388


wait for Spectre, there's going to be a shitstorm even thought the extras are actually mexicans.

>> No.8632391

He's an Irish mythological creature, not a caricature of an Irish person or a person in the first place.

>> No.8632394

so is Zwarte fucking Piet

>> No.8632395
File: 44 KB, 250x250, 1385077962203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your response to my answer to the question was "BUT THE MONEY....!"
I was saying that if they were to change the character it would be a RISK because changing everything that has the character costs MONEY.
I DID NOT say that the company didn't have enough money, I DID say that changing the character costs MONEY, therefore it would inherently be a RISK to change it because the minority consumer base will most likely NOT be worth the loss of all the costs above >>8632335

Dude, I'm sorry you're not grasping this concept, and part of me thinks you're doing this intentionally, but I'm really trying my hardest to make you understand corporate economics.
If a company can make a higher profit by pandering to their minority consumer base, then this would happen all the time, but there's always going to be a minority consumer base, and it's too much money to pander to them all while still holding down all the jobs your company makes and still keeping a profit.

>> No.8632396

>most people

People making cliche jokes and trying to liken themselves to you in order to seem more exotic is annoying, but not the same thing as being profiled, followed around stores, being less likely to get a job as a college graduate than a high school drop-out of another race, having your job application rejected because your name sounds too "ethnic", etc.

>> No.8632399
File: 19 KB, 88x22, sadangel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's just cosplaying someone black
she's cosplaying a magenta space rock

>kissy shitty little sjw needs to slit their throat

>> No.8632404


>> No.8632405

>If a company can make a higher profit by pandering to their minority consumer base, then this would happen all the time,
It DOES happen all the time. That's what >>8631835
and other assorted dumbfucks are whining about.
>but there's always going to be a minority consumer base, and it's too much money to pander to them all while still holding down all the jobs your company makes and still keeping a profit.
Yeah, no. Most people don't complain about your cereal or whatever being "offensive" if there isn't something substantial behind it.
Feel free to ignore the people who complain that blue is a boy's color and it alienates girls from buying whatever it is you're selling, but if you make a caricature of a certain group into your mascot, it's not ludicrous to simply change it if you're not out to get attacked with picketing, smear campaigns, boycotting, etc no matter how much you want to pretend it is.

>> No.8632406

>she's cosplaying a magenta space rock
This made me laugh way too much. Why couldn't she paint herself that way? Girl, it isn't that hard to be accurate in that sense.

>> No.8632412

It literally takes 5 seconds to google Zwarte Piet and it says on his wikipedia page and a bunch of other sources that his face is black from soot, not that he's an African person. No one in this thread has done any fucking research.

>> No.8632416

Yes, that was my point.

>> No.8632418
File: 22 KB, 619x321, ss+(2015-09-25+at+03.43.59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You say that until it actually happens to you. :^)
Until then, you have no immediate danger or problems

>I'm implying that you post on /pol/, so you're assuming I do too because _____.
Here's a picture with the definition of "Projection"
And here's the post you claimed that I projected an idea in case you needed that spoon-fed to you as well.

If you're implying that you take politics as immediate problems, then you're the problem I was talking about.

>> No.8632419

>the character is white

Thanks for admitting your shitty double standard. At least you are honest.

>> No.8632420


Actually you're kinda off, There's a whole religious problem in Ireland/Northern Ireland so all that you listed can actually happen if they think you're from a different religion, So what I was referencing in my original post was very offensive because they just threw me in with the opposite religion which is what many people tend to think 'Irish' people are but I don't see any sjw commenting on those things happening


I never realized other countries do it, But it seems America is the most ignorant to me, I once saw someone on Tumblr mention that sjw only cared about poc people when there were riots and stuff happening in Belfast and there was nothing being commented on that, Pretty sure they got attacked for being racist!!11!!