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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 269 KB, 1600x1066, _MG_5690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8627952 No.8627952 [Reply] [Original]

We see lots of lolita coords with christian themes, I'm curious to see some pagan ones.
Asatru lolita?
Wicca lolita?

>> No.8627981
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>> No.8627989

>Asatru Lolita.

I'd love the shit out of that. While I don't particularly love the JSK in the picture (although I still like it), I adore the Ragnarok OP from AaTP.

Honestly, I just want Medieval/fantasy-esque dresses or coords. Doesn't have to be necessarily Pagan in design.

I do seriously love the cloak in the OP, though. I'd wear the shit out of that outfit to Rennfest.

>> No.8628002
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How about Orthodox Jewish Lolita?

>> No.8628078
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How about fundamentalist Mormon lolita?

>> No.8628247
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Awwww shit nigga

>> No.8628255
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>> No.8628260

I love you

>> No.8628402

Isn't Christianity basically just a Jewish cult?

>> No.8628404
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>> No.8628420

Well. there was that pui pui girl from EGL who was in a fundemalist church somewhat similar to Quiverfull and kept asking for coord advice for that same dress over and over. She also believed in women being totally submissive to their husbands. I think she's got 3+ kids now? Good luck to her.

>> No.8628421

Isn't lolita basically just a cult around clothes?

>> No.8628430

i never see the veil at first so she always looks like she has this weird chain draped over her nose

>> No.8628431

Wonderful shoes

>> No.8628433
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>> No.8628444
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>> No.8628489

Well I mean, pretty much any coord that involves a wig, a long-version dress, and long sleeves is in compliance with Orthodox rules, so at least this makes sense, aesthetically.

>> No.8628525

friendly reminder that mormons are grossed out the FLDS

>> No.8628526

her ball and chain's a total munter too

>> No.8628532

Actually played Orthodox Jewish or Lolita at a convention in Jerusalem, it's fun.

>> No.8628544

I thought it was a drawn on scar and thought she was doing a Lolita version of the undertaker from kuroshitsuji

>> No.8628561

They were all polygamist themselves anyhow. Nasty, how can you have pride in your ancestors when they did that shit?

>> No.8628569

astruar lolita here: I like having small hints sometimes in outfits (EG AATP Ragnarok print) but I think if you go too far like in op it blends into renfaire/costume/not lolita territory.
TLDR: Id love to see a little more imagery in the prints (Ragnarok is blurry as fuck IRL) but I think that going full on looks a bit weird.

>> No.8629083

Definitely. I wouldn't ever imagine wearing something like the OP to a comm event or something, but I'd wear the shit out of it to a renaissance festival.

But, I'd love a print with pastel/light earthy tones of a golden apple grove, with Idunn standing and picking apples with a basket full of them, long golden hair flowing down to about her waist. With mainly a light brown/gold/soft green colorway. Maybe Bragi sitting on a stump playing music nearby. (One may dream, eh?)

(Not Asatruar, but heavily interested and educated in the religion due to an Asatruar SO.)

>> No.8629117
File: 80 KB, 667x1000, PID13457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Celestial Closet collection <3

>> No.8629143


It's funny when you talk to a Mormon and you bring up their past. They're so uncomfortable admitting their past is so fucked up they had to ret con it. Also their logic gymnastics to explain retconning is hilarious.

>> No.8629148


I have it in beige and it's gorgeous. I can't wait to make a Greek themed coordinate with it

>> No.8629190
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The best is when you bring up the Mountain Meadows massacre. Good ol' Mormons.

Some archaeologist just possibly discovered the mass grave from this, too.

>> No.8629283

Anon I would buy the shit out of that.
Im a little put off having more prints come out with astuar imagery thanks to the avenger movies. I can see it now, loki/thor lolitas everywhere, its what every conversation leads to now, I avoid the topic at meets like the plague. They even show up to religious gatherings.

>> No.8629357

Former Mormon here, ask me anything.

had never read this, I knew the Mormon milita was some fucked up shit but hadn't heard that specific story

It's pretty gross, they glamorize the Mormon militia as being valiant soldiers of God protecting their land and families and doing what they had to do, such noble, much honor, very America, etc.

>> No.8629382

Detail shots, please, anon?

>> No.8629452

Scientology lolita anyone? Is it Kawaii, though?

>> No.8629463

Those epaulettes though omg.
Did she make them? Or where can I buy them?

>> No.8629601
File: 140 KB, 261x498, 422351-3131-2015-07-23643152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyyy lmao

>> No.8629629

Ewwwwww. God, fuck that movie. Loki fan girls need to burn.

>> No.8629630
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>> No.8629705
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How about black grandma at church lolita?

>> No.8630382
File: 153 KB, 480x640, OTT Valkyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to see more mythology themed coords if anyone has any.

Pic is from the SF OTTParty - I have another pic with >>8628247 but I need to track it down.
Didn't get to finish my bag/socks but I was planning on more hand-embroidered runes/norse themes...

>> No.8630567


Try again, goy

>> No.8630670

Hory shiet

>> No.8630673

>lolita is not a costume baaaaw

>> No.8630675
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>> No.8630702


I like the breastplate.

>> No.8630877

I feel like single-color pastel sweet gets close, just needs the hats.

I fucking LOVE black church clothes though, even the dudes' clothing is perfection.

>> No.8630984

The breast plate was amazing, it's actual steel and very lightweight. She bought it off etsy for the coord, don't remember the shop atm but I know they do more armor.

There were some more "pagan themed' coords at the party. A beautiful coord with >>8628444 Krad Lanrete Medusa JSK II in red,
this Macabre coord >>8628404, a mermaid one with AP Aqua Princess in mint and an adorable mage in AP Katrina OP in mint.

>> No.8631010


What is the name of the gray dress that she's wearing with the Viking runes? Sorry for being a noob.

>> No.8631012

Haute Couture is a costume, but there are ready to wear things as well.

People can wear HC things, but they are more artistic representations of the RTW fashion. Same is for lolita. You can create a more artistic piece to wear, but it's not something you would wear every day like a simple coord.

>> No.8631015

This is insane and I love it

>> No.8631024

Lolita so OOT I can no longer hate it. wtf, that is amazing work.

>> No.8631139

woops meant to reply to >>8630673

>> No.8631154

>Former Mormon here
what were the circumstances that led you to get out?

>> No.8631157

this is insane holy shit major fucking props to her because you know this shit is mostly handmade

>> No.8631227


Of for the love of all that's holy, do they really?? To religious gatherings? How insensitive and tacky can they be.

>> No.8631240


Dem shoes! They're so historically inspired by the actual era her dress is based off of, I love it so much.

>> No.8631244

>astuar imagery thanks to the avenger movies
Ugh, I used to have a girl on my fb (not sure if she deleted me by now bc I never kissed her ass over her mediocre cosplays) who called herself 'Girl Loki' who clearly only talked about asatruar because she got it from the movies. Pretty sure she only cared about showing off her anvil necklace though and nothing else.

I mean I'm not saying picking up an interest from a movie is bad, it's just kind of pathetic to develop a set of beliefs from it. It would be like someone picking up judaism or christianity because they watched The Passion.

>> No.8631246

Probably the best coord I've ever seen, holy fuck, I am stunned.

>> No.8631282


Sleipnir, by Ergi. It's an indie brand.

>> No.8631617
File: 199 KB, 683x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mage girl? She was adorable! I adored her coord but didn't get a chance to talk to her

>> No.8631623


I got so many stories... Ill deliver one.
We had a small gathering at my local university, it was a mixed society so we had all different folks coming together. Now the society chair comes to me and my friend and introduces two girls to us. The society head informs us that these girls are freshers, and that they are inspiring astruar, and that perhaps we could talk to them? I can see in the bastards eyes hes desperate and happy to off load the problem as he skips away, leaving me and my buddy to suffer.
We enjoyed a wonderful evening of deeply philosophical questions like: What cake would loki like best? What offerings should they make to get him to 'come to them at night' wink wink. Can they dedicate to more than one god, because like Thor is hawt too. Who the fuck are Angrboða and Sigyn? Fuck those guys.

If this was a one off I wouldnt have been bothered, but these people have invaded almost every space we had online and in the real world.

The Ragnarok print got brought up at a meet before, and a friend from my comm mentioned that I would be pretty hype for it, the topic was picked up by others at the meet and it quickly devolved into avengers talk.

TLDR: I hate avengers, well I hate the fans anyways.

>> No.8631695

I'm not Astruar myself (not really a religious person in general) but I love the Eddas and I'm not entirely sure whether I find the people who think Loki is some hawt shmex gawd to be hilarious or depressing. I've had some of them accuse me of making the Svaðilfari/Sleipnir story up just to mock them. I'm sorry you have to deal with this nonsense.

>> No.8631704

I think I know this girl. She's swedish,right?

>> No.8632133



>> No.8632204
File: 158 KB, 500x359, 1428551955109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kindred meeting interrupted by people who believe in "godspouses", obviously to loki
> "i'm having his godchild uwu he loves me"

>> No.8632300

>I've had some of them accuse me of making the Svaðilfari/Sleipnir story up just to mock them

Eyebrows: Maximum Raised

Seriously how stupid can people be? I'm not Astruar either, just someone with a deep interest in mythology, but damnit does that ever rustle my jimmies.

>> No.8632341

Is it appropriate to ask for Viking and/or Nordic mythology coords? Other than that one girl at the OTT tea party.

>> No.8632500

I legit want this to be a thing. All the fabulous hats!

>> No.8632503

Norse mythology, anon, not Nordic. Norse =/= Nordic

>> No.8632506

Shit, I'm sorry ignore my stupidity.

>> No.8632555

It's ok, anon, everybody fucks up sometimes.

>> No.8632651

this is beautiful. although I'm just here because I like looking at others doing lolita, I'm actually considering buying that one.

>> No.8633645

still fucking waiting for this, KL.

>> No.8633761

I own the white one you replied to and it is really nice irl. You can easily wear it as a non lolita dress. I haven't seen the blue one irl but I bet it looks just as nice.

>> No.8634096

Oh jesus christ

I'm an Avengers fan, but also Pagan, and I could not think of anything more disrespectful and cringing.

>> No.8636749

I honestly thought this was a hover loli for a minute. It needs to be one.

>> No.8637896

i love this coord down to the Kalevala Koru necklace

>> No.8637924


What the fuck is going on what/where was this meet these are all amazing.

>> No.8637945

SF's OTT tea party!

>> No.8638203

Shit man it looked amazing. Is there any more info? How much were tickets, did everyone dress well, was it a top-loli only event? Was it open to everyone?

>> No.8638227

There were 70ish tickets. It was about 75 dollars, and originally had a cap of 50 people that sold out in two days. There were a couple of questionable coords (someone wore fairy kei) but other than that everyone brought their A game.

>> No.8639501

i love this thread i love this thread

>> No.8639507


I'd love to, but it's at my parents' place atm. When I go back in two weeks or so I'll grab it and get shots though! And because this thread will probably be dead by then, I'll probably start a details thread. I can't keep promises, but I'll really try with this.

>> No.8639915


Me too.

>> No.8641190

I like the cape.

>> No.8645575

>mfw I didn't recognize the word ''asatru''
>I am Scandinavian
>I had Nordic History as a subject in elementary school