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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 453 KB, 949x1920, 1436485698957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8621172 No.8621172 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is saging

>> No.8621190
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to make a Plan B coord in case the dress I ordered doesn't get here before AWA. Any ideas on how I can jazz it up? I kind of hate it rn but I don't wanna give up on it quite yet.

>> No.8621194

I personally don't like the cardigan or the headpiece, but that could just be my taste. I think bringing in more of the pink could help? Maybe some plain socks/tights, or in the headgear?

>> No.8621197

Would a pink purse be enough ? I have some pink bows I can attatch to the headpiece. Tbh headpiece and cardigan are the parts I like :p

>> No.8621211

I think the cardigan and headpiece are fine, though it's hard to say without seeing them on. I do not like the tights/boots combo, though.
Your bottom half is going to be way too dark/heavy. Balance it out with lacy white tights or OTKs or something.
Unless you have a dusty pink purse that matches the blouse very well, I would try to incorporate more pink via accessories like bracelets and rings.
Also, please make sure you iron your skirt before you wear it.

>> No.8621215

Well yeah ironing is a given.. I haven't worn this skirt in like over a year. Anyway I have some OTKS the same color as the cardigan those should be better yeah?

>> No.8621217

Yes, those would help balance it out much better.
And you might think ironing is a given, but I've seen more wrinkly dresses/skirts in my life than I could ever count.

>> No.8621289


Find some dusty pink roses that match the blouse. Add them in as hair accessories. How are you doing your hair? Are you going natural or using a wig, and what color? Definitely go with the OTKs you mentioned. Go for an ivory or rose purse, too, to balance it out. I actually think this is really pretty in a toned down way, anon.

>> No.8621356
File: 164 KB, 976x696, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't gotten much help in the past two threads so I'm trying again. Thoughts?

Thinking of dropping the gold shoes depending on how they look when they come in the mail.

>> No.8621374

Personally, I think the blouse might be a little too much because it's the same material and color as the sleeves of the dress. I would also change the bag to something with the same color scheme, but a softer shape, if you get what I'm saying.

I've never seen those shoes in person but I think they'll work!

>> No.8621514

i think a white blouse would tie everything together more

>> No.8621581
File: 295 KB, 565x677, recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help coording this. Was thinking brown or gold shoes/bag, any help is appreciated!

>> No.8621953
File: 81 KB, 480x640, B39OJ214-p-480x640_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got no help on this one last thread. It's my first brand dress. What color blouse should I wear, and what kind? Black, brown, or pink shoes?

>> No.8621960

what look are you going for with it? this could go easily very sweet or more subdued.

>> No.8621978

Maybe it's the photo, but I'm a little worried it may end up looking too 'hot' colorwise, not quite pastel, but rather too neon?

>> No.8622067
File: 595 KB, 1600x1200, Coordhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this again because I need help/concrit.
Like I said in the previous thread, I want to go for oldschool sweet.
Might drop the bonnet if it looks bad on the coord, and go for a headdress instead.
My main problem are the shoes because I don't want to end up with a totally different shade of pink. I'm thinking of ordering Bodyline's but I've read/heard that their pink shoes have a really ugly color?

>> No.8622068

not those disgusting tin foil shoes

>> No.8622072

Looking really cure so far! Not much to crit! I'd go for a rectangle headdress (their rose one is nice) only out of personal preference- the bonnet is fine but I hate them because of ageplay associations I can't knock. I don't know about the shoes, I think it varies from style to style (ap's solid/ oldschool pink might vary from dress to dress too- I have oldschool pieces that are baby pink but ott sweet ones that are this bubblegum pink). Maybe someone will provide some pics, some bl platforms I had years ago were a cool toned pink. Luckily for you white shoes are great with oldschool! If you think they'd be more versatile for you wardrobe go with them! Only thing I can say is it would look best with light hair colours, though they did often have dark hair in street snaps anyway.

>> No.8622086


>> No.8622093
File: 250 KB, 1000x911, image1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went out and bought some things (pink otks and this peignoir that i'm not sure about) also decided to include a pic of a purse i do not have yet but should be getting soon. didn't see your comment abt the roses which i wish i had cos i totally almost bought some !! i'm prob gonna wear a brown shoulder-length wig. my natural hair is too thin/short to support a rectangle headdress. i've tried it before--looks bad, man.

>> No.8622097

I'm wanting to go for a more classic look, but sweet is fine if it's easier.

>> No.8622107

I'd go for dark brown shoes, personally.
I prefer darker shoes and pink x brown is cute!
A brown blouse/ bolero would be nice also but your usual white- ivory works too.
I wouldn't go black if I had other options since the lace is brown, not black.

>> No.8622113

Still looking for a bag that matches the shoes and not sure what to do for headwear. Nothing too OTT, if possible.

>> No.8622114
File: 608 KB, 974x579, Invented Knights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic, sorry.

>> No.8622116

Hmm somehow I feel like there are too many bright colours going on for a pale dress. I mean I'd be fine if the dress was burgundy and you had an ivory blouse and navy tights but somehow I feel like it doesn't work. I'll make you something in a bit but I think moss greens, dusty pinks, browns, and burgundy (without the gold) would do it.

>> No.8622123

To me this reply sounds like you think that I'm getting the blouse in navy but I'm getting them in the same red as the tights. Maybe I should have made the text white and put them on top of the blouse pic? It might not change your opinion but I guess I could have been more clear.

>> No.8622125

Sauce on the tights?

>> No.8622127

Ah crap I'm a total idiot! I didn't read the text at all for some reason- it's completely visible. I'm tired and probably thought it was that taobao stock image gibberish. I still... don't know how I feel about it. Maybe because the way I tend to coord things is so different. I'll get back to you in a bit. That shade of brown just looks a bit dirty against the burgundy tights and the gold is bright compared to the dress. I do think a white bow on the burgundy might be a bit stark as well. I'll try visualizing it some more and reply later.
>should stay off threads when I'm tired

>> No.8622128

TejaJamilla on Etsy.

>> No.8622129

Not them but teja jamilla on etsy!

>> No.8622185

Aaah thank you so much for your help! Thb I really love bonnets but I can understand it might look ageplay-ish.
For now l'll see how the pink colors of the JSK and bonnet are when I receive them, and based on that I'll search for a matching pink in shoes. And yesss, I'm thinking about wearing a blonde wig with this! The coord itself has light/pastel colors, a dark wig wouldn't look good imo.
Thanks a lot for your help kind anon! <3

>> No.8623364

Thanks for the advice! I was actually debating between a white blouse or not but I nabbed the last lavender AP one and I'm waiting to see how it looks. Definitely gonna go with white if it's too matchy.

Lol do you have any shoe recommendations?

>> No.8625371

I like dusty pink the best out of the colors you suggested so if the burgundy blouse and plain tights in my wardrobe don't work out when the vest/ skirt set arrives, I'll order the blouse from Glitter Tale in dusty pink and look for matching tights. And I'm definitely going to get shoes in a lighter brown in that case, in the same style.

Would a small tricorn hat be appropriate headwear for this coord? I really can't think of anything else.

>> No.8625427
File: 554 KB, 722x529, halloween coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looking for general suggestions. This is my coord for a Halloween meetup at a haunted amusement park.

>> No.8625471

hey what are those shoes?

>> No.8625541
File: 22 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shoes should I get for this?! I am having the hardest time coming up with a way to coord this. It's a lot more green than I thought it was.

>> No.8625549

I'd go with something like brown oxfords.

>> No.8625551

Not that anon but they are by Miz Mooz. They are really nice, I have them.

>> No.8625796
File: 111 KB, 350x467, nameless poem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got Nameless Poem and I'm kind of lost on how to coord it, I'm usually OTT sweet.
I was thinking a wide brim fedora/bowler hat, but tights????

>> No.8625832


>> No.8625836

Why would you ruin Nameless Poem with a fedora... just why...

>> No.8625848


>fedora hat

Get out.

>> No.8625871
File: 151 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they meant a wide brimmed hat?

>> No.8626406
File: 53 KB, 363x547, infanta-fairy-dance-chiffon-lolita-blouse-inf-216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to find a blouse with sleeves like pic related, but I'm having a hard time finding one in white, I keep finding them in off white.

Any suggestions as to where I can finding such a blouse?

>> No.8626467

I would add a bunch of red accent accesories.

>> No.8627109
File: 361 KB, 862x692, batcoord-inprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like some concrit or advice on this, I'm trying to put together a bat themed coord for my comm's Halloween meetup. I can't decide if the dress works with it or if I should wear a more gothic dress (was also considering wearing Nameless Poem). Also I'm going to go on a hunt for more bat accessories this weekend at normie stores, so thus the lack of bracelets and so on. But yeah, any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

>> No.8627120

You might have too much going on in the neck area with the collar, the cape, AND the necklace. I like the JSK, though. Nameless Poem might lend itself to a simpler, cleaner look, but this JSK could be good if you wanna go OTT.

>> No.8627154

I did... If not that I'm pretty much open to all suggestions. I just don't know how to coord this dress well but I'm in love.

>> No.8627158
File: 218 KB, 1080x1080, 11894421_985718361479642_7189974708200876433_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten some decent concrit on this already, but wouldn't mind some coord suggestions for this dress. (Note that the dress is not underbust)

>> No.8627179

Do you mean princess sleeves? If so, you can find a ton from BTSSB or AP. There are also a lot of indie brands that make them like Lady Sloth.

>> No.8627237


She just wants to be the Supreme.

>> No.8627271

That's kind of what I was thinking on doing, maybe I'll add a ginger-y red wig?

>> No.8627279
File: 3.64 MB, 3672x4896, DSCN0775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I fucked up gulls.
Ordered this bolero from Meta thinking it would match the navy on this jsk, but the jsk's navy is ever so slightly more purple.
Is it salvageable or should I just sell it? I have no other shade of navy in my wardrobe like this and the bows aren't detachable.

>> No.8627283

Honestly I think it looks fine anon. Colors can work together workout having to be a perfect match.

>> No.8627302

Why would you pair more navy with CDC instead of using white/gold accents?

>> No.8627305
File: 197 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nk8uf59tdM1s071muo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been done before and it doesn't look terrible.

>> No.8627314

You might be right anon, I tried it on and it actually looks fine when I take pictures of it.

Well I did have a white bolero but people seemed to have not liked it and one anon said it didn't fit me right.

I like that, sort of what I hope to go for.

>> No.8627359

I just think a white blouse would look better, even a navy one like >>8627305. I dunno, I think boleros look bad with a lot of dresses. You're just covering up the details.

>> No.8627448

I think I look bad in most blouses, coincidentally. Ahah. Guess it's a preference thing.

>> No.8627477

This anon's got the right idea.

>> No.8627480

Maybe that's cause your fat?

>> No.8627526

Even so why should someone wear something that doesn't look good on them?
Also, it's *you're

>> No.8627533

A lot of people don't like themselves in blouses, anon. If she looks more flattering in a bolero, then why not?

Also I'm >>8627359 to clarify. Not sure if you were attempting to sound like me responding back or... ?

>> No.8627542
File: 380 KB, 1180x914, cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know which bag/tights/shoes combo to go for.

>> No.8627545

IMO blouses tend to add bulk to plus size lolitas. Why would you want to discourage anon from doing the right thing even if they are fat?

>> No.8627625
File: 90 KB, 458x675, TB20QRXaVXXXXcyXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!555372357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This more of a fit and look question, here I go:

I have always liked under busted JSKs like pic related, however I have 40DD breasts and can compress them.

Would they look good on a busted person like me or would it end up looking like a boob shelf or busting out?

>> No.8627650

with the dark blouse, I would do left bag, right tights, and top shoes or maybe a light brown for the shoe instead of white?

>> No.8627678

Yeah I'm sorry I don't think that would look good on you.
underbusts often sit at like nipple level, or just below nipple level and I can't see it working for large breasts.

>> No.8627723
File: 77 KB, 800x600, bluefloralcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I should switch the shoes out for some navy but I'm just completely stumped on what to do with this jsk.

>> No.8627732

Sauce on those tights?
>mfw I'm US size 34H and I just ordered an underbust waistcoat

>> No.8627739

They're mu-fish


>> No.8627784

This is the mentality that is turning myself and many others away from modern Lolita.

Not everybody wants to wear exactly the same thing. The first or most popular coord of a main piece shouldn't set such a precedent that everybody has to follow it to look 'correct.'

>> No.8627943
File: 947 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idek tbh

>> No.8628021

I don't even fuckin' know man, I bought it because grey is such a different color but now I don't know how to coordinate it, and I don't know how much "brown" is involved in the "greyish-brown" until it arrives.

>> No.8628023
File: 100 KB, 360x420, meta pintuck pinafore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped image oops

>> No.8628194
File: 1.16 MB, 1114x1008, fuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making my first coord ever for a Halloween meet. I've made a lot of adjustments and this is where I've gotten. The accessories were handmade by me, and aren't necessarily the versions I'm going with, just rough drafts to give the idea of what I was going for.

Con crit? Suggestions? I can make the accessories better, just want to know if the general ideas are okay.

>> No.8628253


If this is a troll coord, this is coming along really great. The peignoir not only looks like bedroom wear with the bottom chopped off, the raschel lace is guaranteed to set off some rage. Only thing I'd change up is to replace the nice shoes with some jelly sandals, if you get yellow ones they'll even match that tacky plastic grocery tote.

(If it's a serious coord... err, maybe you should try being less creative and stick to more conventional coords for a while)

>> No.8628284

What brand is this? I think it's really adorable, anon. I'd probably coord it with tights that match the bow, black shoes (I'm assuming the velvet is black, that's how it shows up on my monitor) and then... some kind of lacy bolero/shawl type thing?

>> No.8628285

Because everyone coords CDC pretty much the same way and it gets boring after a while? I love the way >>8627305 looks. Things don't have to be perfectly balanced to work well. If anything coording this with mostly navy makes the print pop and stand out much more.

>> No.8628291


Navy x grey, or brown x grey would work. If it's more of a taupe-grey I'd say cream would also work.

I'd so a nice high collared blouse, lace or more classic style tights, heeled oxfords, and a school style bag (like Chocolate Rosette bag). Headbow if you want it to be more sweet, beret for more winter/classic. I think an antique gold would make a nice jewelry color.

>> No.8628294

Honestly I think it can look good on larger busts, but it really depends on the dress. It will look better if the underbust cut goes directly beneath your breasts instead of coming partway up. It will help if whatever dress you have has a very defined waist, emphasizing an hourglass shape. I also think going for darker colors in both blouse & jsk looks better on larger girls than going for lighter colors like in pic related.

>> No.8628299

wine, brown, navy, even hunter/emerald green would look nice, anon

You made that bat choker? It's fucking cute, anon. I want one.

>> No.8628304

It's handmade/made it myself and yes the velvet is black.

Any black shoes in particular you'd think would work with this dress? Thank you for the input!

>> No.8628305

Nah, I bought the choker on etsy. Just look up bat choker and it will be right up there.

>> No.8628464
File: 539 KB, 442x592, tumblr_numprkGyx21ro5bwro3_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got this Flappin' dress from Listen Flavor and 1. I love it. 2. It looks like a pajama dress and I'm looking for ways to jazz it up.

I've got a few passable pastel accessories and a mint motorcycle jacket, but I'm kind of stumped on legwear. I guess shiny black leggings and boots wouldn't look terrible, but it's a little basic. Printed tights would be too busy. I'd be incredibly grateful if someone sent some inspo my way.

>> No.8628584

i would like to apologize for this mess and warn others not to make coords when you've just loaded up on cold medicine and are trying to go to bed. embarrassing.

>> No.8628606

Tbh it doesn't look like you have enough to work with to make this look good so I would say less is more. Stick with the blouse, skirt, cream socks and boots.

>> No.8628611

I agree with >>8627650
I think dark brown tights and bag would go well, and lighter brown shoes would compliment the coord well.

>> No.8628636

i think im just gonna give up on trying to make anything look good. i might just be in a bad mood, but i feel like anything i put on my body rn is gonna look like ita garbage. thanks for the advice but i'm kinda done trying for now.

>> No.8628653

Either you're wearing the wrong bra size or you're really fat, so practically nothing will look good on you.

>> No.8628752

From one big boobed person to another, you're going to look like a bar wench in that. Compressing won't work since it'll mean boob loaf.

>> No.8628760


>> No.8628836

You did a good job on making that dress. It's very pretty.

>> No.8628886
File: 109 KB, 250x333, iw_skirt_forestharvest_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to coord this.

>> No.8628938

This blouse isn't off-white? Some anon before said it was...So confused.

>> No.8628943
File: 826 KB, 631x800, coord help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just threw together a simple collage I hope this helps a bit!

>> No.8629007


>> No.8629029

Sauce on the blouse?

>> No.8629039

sauce on bags?

>> No.8629040


Seconding sauce request

>> No.8629041

Thanks! Ordered.

I think some black oxfords would be really cute. And that's a very nicely made dress, anon, good job!

>> No.8629048
File: 57 KB, 577x600, Tiered Skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awhile back I bought a meta skirt from a reseller and I'm kind of at a loss on how to coord it since it's rather plain (and it was a newbie impulse buy). Any help would be appreciated or should I just resell it myself? I was thinking of using a dusty pink...

>> No.8629054
File: 87 KB, 640x771, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having such a hard time figuring out what blouse to wear underneath this, the heart cutout is really throwing me off. I'll put together a proper collage when I get off of work and ask about everything else.

>> No.8629064

I found the image in a lolita updates post which had no link. I asked for one in the facebook post but no one's responded.

>> No.8629099
File: 1.36 MB, 1317x1366, witch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing this coord for Halloween this year. Simple witch with black/red/little bit of gold colors.

Witch hat will have roses, black organza and a gold chain circling it. Getting the cheap eBay jewelry solely because it's just for Halloween.

Can't decide whether to go with just black shoes, or (as an anon on here suggested) to go w/ black/white striped tights and the red shoes for a Wicked Witch of the East vibe. I'm mainly thinking about getting something for overwear, like a capelet (A simple black fur capelet). Would that be a good idea, or should I just leave anything like that out?

>> No.8629227

I love that OP!

>> No.8629231

You can literaly coord it with any color.

>> No.8629274

Thank you. And thank you for putting up with my clear stupidity. I think my fear of being ita is clouding my judgement on stupidly easy things.

>> No.8629279

Maybe dusty pink with brown leather shoes and bag? You could do a lot of different colors with it. A dusty sky blue would look pretty, too.

>> No.8629282

I actually think either the black/white tights with red shoes or just black tights with black shoes would be great. Wicked Witch coord could be super cute and it would set you apart from all of the other witch coords that are going to happen around Halloween.

I'd worry a little about the fur cape though, it might send the coord over into too sweet territory. A non-fur capelet could be cute still, though.

>> No.8629296
File: 163 KB, 1159x577, coord1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My halloween coord for this year. Not pictured is the witch hat I'll be making in the next week or so.

I'm sure it needs something (a bag maybe, more jewelry, maybe a broom) but I can't quite decide.

>> No.8629304

A silver or gold pendant? I like it a lot, nice job anon

>> No.8629316
File: 696 KB, 632x1233, coord1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to plan my first coord but I'm stuck. I had an idea in mind at first but once I started the collage, I got the feeling this would just turn out a huge mess.
Should I have a cross theme going on or would it be too many crosses? I'm not sure about shoes and have no clue about bag.
Begging for advice because I'm a complete noob and my coordinating skills are lacking

>> No.8629329
File: 783 KB, 1000x645, jewelry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a big fan of those shoes

>> No.8629351

Thank you! I'll try that, it sounds super cute. Thank you for helping out with a kinda stupid question.

>> No.8629356

What kind of shoes would you suggest?
>>8629316 and idk why I even put those wristcuffs there, please ignore. I had a short sleeved black blouse as a possibility too and the wristcuffs were to go with it, not this one

>> No.8629544
File: 77 KB, 800x600, bluefloralcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some changes I think I'm happy with but I'd appreciate a second opinion!

>> No.8629664
File: 181 KB, 700x700, gothic lolita coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never worn gothic lolita, so I'm still looking for some nice black shoes that would work with this.

I am thinking about scratching the beret, as another anon here suggested it was too much elsewhere.

I'll take whatever you guys got, and thank you all in advanced, I really appreciate it!

>> No.8629679

A beret and veil together? Looks ridiculous/like shit. They conflict completely

>> No.8629683

Like I said, I was thinking about removing the beret. I just asked for advice and suggestions, that's all.

But thanks for the suggestion

>> No.8629686

pff, you should remove the fucking veil
Nameless poem is a restrained dress that does not go well with floaty veils. It goes best with black hats and berets. What are you thinking.

>> No.8629689

And sorry if I sounded rude, I am just sick of veils being used where they don't belong (which is most of the time)

>> No.8629690


I've never coorded this dress before and am not very experienced with gothic themes, as I'm typically wearing sweet.

But thanks for the suggestion, I'll probably scratch the veil and just go with the beret.

>> No.8629691

That's understandable, they're overused, which is why I was leery on getting it in the first place.

I could always resell it to a gothic lolita in the future if I cannot find a use for it

>> No.8629694

Nix the veil, the beret and tights look nice.

>> No.8629709
File: 387 KB, 2000x2000, 12006675_1647892305495967_3818181871455038027_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I posted you guys were able to help me pick good shoes for this coord so thank you!!

Any suggestions now that I have it put together? I know I still need tights but I feel like it's missing something else too.

>> No.8629729

God you are so bad at this

>> No.8629732

Do you have any advice or concrit?

This is why I came here, to seek help, so I don't end up posting my coord later on and get ripped to shreds

>> No.8629734
File: 53 KB, 345x437, 152922-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely needs tights, consider lace ones. You have a veil and your headwear is quite ott so consider some nice lace gloves or something (search wedding/ crochet lace gloves on etsy if you can find none), as well as some rings. Alternatively more pearls on your wrists and maybe a corsage.
Accessorise girl.
Long necklace or brooch, the bodice is quite plain. Floral and pearl types, gold tone.

>> No.8629735

It's apparent that no matter what suggestions you get, you're going to shit on nameless poem. You already got advice to ditch the godawful fedora and now you choose a veil... like come on, nameless poem is literally one of the simplest things to coord because you keep it simple... I really hope you learn to coord yourself and stop relying solely on advice from /cgl/, it's not going to help you learn anything about coording yourself

>> No.8629737

it's not that bad except for the veil
Nameless poem + beret, long cross necklace. Plain black or white tights, neat looking black shoes that aren't too sweet, then a plain black bag/ satchel, or I guess some gothic bat bag might work if it's subtle.

>> No.8629739

I apologize, this was one of the first times I came to one of these threads for advice. I'm sorry.

>> No.8629745

definitely lace gloves and a brooch. maybe a few bracelets? extra pearls on the wrists would bring out the pearls in the headdress and necklace. lace tights for sure too. this is looking cute though! good start!

how do you even know this is the same girl that had a fedora in her initial coord? so many people have that dress.

also if >>8629664 just goes with what she's got, minus the veil and plus some nice gothic shoes, it'll be cute as fuck.

>> No.8629751
File: 79 KB, 772x690, 1443065072963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used images I already had on my computer so I'm sure you can find a better bag, necklace, etc. but this is the general idea. I used the beret you had.
Keep your hair simple and neat, like in braids.

>> No.8629752

Girl who was looking for concrit here, I don't know what that other anon is even talking about with a fedora?

Thanks, I'm going to get some nice shoes here shortly for it

>> No.8629754

Thanks anon, this looks great!

>> No.8629755

somebody in the lolita general was asking what sort of hat to wear with nameless poem and listed fedora. I think people assumed they were talking about *tips fedora* trilbys when they meant those wide brimmed hats and people got butthurt.
Just plain neat normie mary janes would be ok. Short boots, whatever. Just nothing with bows.

>> No.8629759

its literally right here >>8625796

>> No.8629766

Oh lel, must have got mixed up since I saw it a while ago. Anyway apparently it wasn't that anon since they sound confused.

>> No.8629771

This dress is gothic as fuck. Please do not try oot sweet

>> No.8629773

I was super confused and started wondering what I had done wrong, then realized I don't like fedoras, let alone own one

>> No.8629775

Not OP but I have this bag saved in my bookmarks. I'm on mobile so I'm not sure if this link works.

>> No.8629776

Anon please learn to read, they said nothing about wanting to coord it sweet.

>> No.8629782

reading comprehension is for fags apparently

>> No.8629804
File: 226 KB, 709x567, pink mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8630352

This is adorable.

>> No.8630366

This is super cute. Would you mind linking to those stockings?

>> No.8630373

simple white tights with a black pattern.
A black hat with a white rose would be cute.
And black shoes.
i'd put together a collage if I wasnt lazy.

>> No.8630490

this is really lovely!

>> No.8630614
File: 29 KB, 641x960, 11701221_805038696281008_7667475021517916768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this set coming in soon from Lief and... I'm having trouble finding accessories in the right color. There's like 8 types of blue grey. I've got a pair of ivory shoes that could go with it but that's it. Any help would be really appreciated.

>> No.8630744
File: 744 KB, 1098x710, Victorian Letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be looking for a stiff beret, just not sure what color. Accessory suggestions would be much appreciated. I'm already looking for gold rings with crowns and other little things like that in the print.

>> No.8630762
File: 1.78 MB, 1224x1825, coord5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this dress. Here are some quick ideas. I think it'd look great with dusty pink or pale green

>> No.8630806

I like the wine blouse, and the white x wine tights.

>> No.8630849

The motif of the red tights don't match the dress at all.

>> No.8630959

So beret girl is definitely not me.
This is the first time I've ever come to /cgl/ for advice lawl

>> No.8630981

A lot of people have been asking for help/talking about Nameless Poem recently for some reason so they probably just thought it was you. Happens a lot when everyone is anonymous.

>> No.8631141

If you mean the middle tights, they're actually white x brown. Could I use those if I got a brown blouse or would that be too much brown in the coord?

There are keys on the pattern above the border print. No clocks though, so I guess it would be a stretch even if I had a clock necklace or something.

>> No.8632577 [DELETED] 

I agree with >>8627120 in that there is definitely too much going on in the neck area. Ditch the bat collar, it's very cute but it's not going to work with that blouse anyway. I'm kind of iffy on the cape, but if you already have it, it's worth a try. Where are you wearing the cuffs?

>overall it's darling tbh

>> No.8632701

Wait, why does a veil not go with it?
Also NP with a beret sounds stupid as fuck...

>> No.8632707
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ffdef77042b60d7540fde9d5b166624f0%2Ftumblr_nu5crkly2q1suftqao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on tumblr, I think the beret goes fairly well, but that's just me.

>> No.8632709

Seconding the stockings link

>> No.8632716

I like it there... but I mean I see why she picked a veil, it's got a religious motif going on. But a beret makes it school girlish... but its not a uniform so it seems off.

>> No.8632778

>beret makes it school girlish
Lolwhat? In what country are you that berets are only for schoolgirls?

>> No.8632834

that's like, your opinion man

>> No.8632846

Can everyone please accept that crosses can just be an aesthetic design and not a ~religious motif~. Maybe in ye olde times they were strictly religious but they've been in general fashion for centuries. And can we accept that berets are general fashion. You put two of my pet peeves together in one whiny post.

>> No.8632883
File: 207 KB, 500x743, sailorop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of petti would you wear with this?

>> No.8632884


>> No.8633257
File: 113 KB, 540x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno anon, I thought a veil worked pretty fine here

>> No.8633415

Damn this is pretty

>> No.8633452

Except for the fact that the OP in question is based on nun clothing, so the cross as a religious motif is intentional.

>> No.8633520

Recently bought very brown dress, not quite black but still obviously brown. Can anyone give me some ideas/items to go with not quite black? Everything I seem to find is black or chocolate brown

>> No.8633819
File: 483 KB, 700x700, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is my first attempt at coording in lolita.
I'm planning on wearing the bow that came with the skirt as a headbow and some small pink pearl bracelets and rings in order for my arms to not look bare.
I'm also on the lookout for (I think) white tights and pink shoes and possibly a white bolero.
TL;DR How is babby's first coord looking? Any suggestions? I know it's basic, but I'm still a newbie.

>> No.8633901

Make sure your pinks match. They look ok on my monitor but they may look a little different in person. White tights are kind of plain, why not go with otk socks with a pink/ blue bow pattern? All in a all not bad, keep at it anon.

>> No.8633908

You make such a good point about the pinks, the blouse is slightly slightly lighter than the pinks in the skirt in person, but not noticeably unless you're really looking.
The purse matches much more closely.
I actually hadn't thought of bow patterned otks, you wouldn't happen to have any recommendations for shops that may have any? Thank you so much regardless!

>> No.8633919
File: 13 KB, 480x640, B38OJ218-iv1 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me coord rosa mistica in ivory, I am at a total loss, I am open to any suggestions because I am new to classic and literally have no idea What to do with this dress.

>> No.8633921

I don't understand why people do this so fucking often. Plain single colored dress and literally no idea what to do. Not even an idea!
Its really not hard to coord a completely white dress.
Why don't you at least try to do something before you ask? Do you just have 0 ideas on what you could do? Like how is that even possible
How do you get dressed in the morning. "Oh I have this white shirt but I have no idea what to wear with it!!!!"

>> No.8633928

Where is the beret and socks from?

>> No.8633934

Shoe source?

>> No.8633942

Not that anon but Mu-fish on taobao

>> No.8633943

Beret from Mu-Fish, tights from eBay

>> No.8633948

Because I typically don't do classic or dresses with such a neckline so for blouses and shoes I am stumped. I love the looks here and they are always so beautiful I thought I would ask experts for help beforever making something stupid and ugly on my own. I'm just asking for help you don't have to get to uppity about it if you don't want to help me.

>> No.8633995

>can't even quote who they're replying to
The summer never ends

>> No.8634260

I just warn about matching hues because that's an easy mistake for newbies to make. In my experience, two kinds of one color is the most you can do and even then you should pick colors that already exist in the print. As for finding matching socks, Lolibrary lets you search by item type and motif and is your new best friend. Then try Lacemarket for whatever you're looking for.

>> No.8635351
File: 112 KB, 685x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I managed to find a blouse to go with this, now I just need to find another hair accessory to wear and figure out which shoes to use (the ones on the top row are already owned). Suggestions?

>> No.8635540
File: 198 KB, 470x561, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me save this coord. I have no idea what I am doing I never use white and nudes. I'm trying to shoehorn all the black I can.
Also my blouse has a ruffled edge so it should be on top of the skirt and not under like the picture(as if that's going to help)

>> No.8635654
File: 133 KB, 500x666, TB2TD4TcpXXXXa5XXXXXXXXXXXX___175363242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this, and love it, but the hem is far too narrow for a petti. Sigh. What kind of style would this be suited for? Just, gothic, i think.

Calm down, Anon. You can do this. this looks ok so far. Start thinking about accessories and headdressing to pursue a more complete concept.

i vote for the double strap mary janes, the white and pink together is nice since the dress has white/pink stripes. Headgear wise, a small to medium pink bow with some kind of decoration referencing the print?

>> No.8636789
File: 119 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nvda1n0j9y1rmkvceo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this dress to short on me? Should I add an underskirt to it, or do you think it's possible to coord it into something nice despite the length? When I first tried it on/saw pictures of it, I imagined coording it into something a little more classic/elegant, but the length is making me wonder if I should go for something a little more sweet (like something with pigtails and lots of accessories, for example)

>> No.8637745

Oh good idea! Thanks so much anon! It's rare that I coordinate with colors this light so I was a little nervous and not sure where to start. You've given me some great ideas.

>> No.8637992
File: 1.36 MB, 1062x775, tryharder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure where to go from here. What sort of shoes/accessories would work best?

>> No.8638034

i agree with where you're getting at. make it sweet or get an underskirt and do classic. it's really cute though! hope you post coords of the final result

>> No.8638051

you could try using a more deflated/otome petticoat for it. i think it looks good for old school/gothic.

go old school sweet with this. not too many accessories, i'm talking like 2002 or so old school. the ankle socks are cute, otherwise white otks, maybe RHS instead of mary janes although those are pretty cute as well. you could even do a peeking-bloomer look since the dress is short?

>> No.8638052 [DELETED] 

This might not be the right thread for this question but as this thread is full of people looking for advice I'd figure you guys would be best equipped to give me feedback.

I'm making a Lolita advice blog on Tumblr. What sort of resources would you guys like to see? I'm planning on having Taobao, Closet Child, Mbok/Y!Japan tutorials and stuff like comm lists.

>> No.8638058


>> No.8639771

I'm here again to ask for concrit
I've come up with this as the finishing touches for my coord. As it's my first coord I was just of under a budget as I want to get some basics before I begin moving into higher budget items.

Overall the pinks seem to match well which thanks to >>8633901 I made sure to keep extra track of.
Is there anything else I could possibly do? I know it's a very basic sweet coord but it's sort of what I'm going for for my first coord.

I'm mostly unsure about the bolero which I threw in almost last minute as it may be chilly when I wear it and I was unable to spring for a very nice coat atm.

>> No.8639776
File: 830 KB, 700x700, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo dropped sorry

>> No.8639788

Maybe look for a sax bolero instead of a white one? I think the white might look odd over the pink blouse (if the blouse was white and the bolero was pink it would've looked more balanced imo).
Other than that, assuming the shades of pink match well, I'd say you're on the right track. You just need a hair accessory (unless you're thinking about using the skirt's bow as a hair accessory, which should work).

>> No.8639797

I was very unsure of whether to go with a sax or white bolero and I think I ultimately chose white because I believed it might help with the socks and purse being partially white. I can definitely see where you're coming from though and maybe I should get a sax blouse.
And yes I was thinking about using the skirt bow as a hair bow mostly because I dont care for it on the front of the skirt

>> No.8639923


Maybe cream colored or something neutral like brown?

>> No.8639948

Eh I like the pink blouse and white bolero.
it'd be cute if you added a beret to put the bow onto.
The waist bow is kind of big and tends to look weird alone imo.

>> No.8639953

what colour would you reccomend for a beret?

>> No.8640079

Maybe sax blue

>> No.8640149

I'd ditch the bonnet. Yeah, Bodyline's pink shoes are, in my experience, a colder shade when compared to Baby's warm pinks.

>> No.8640186
File: 218 KB, 360x420, 120530080039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help coording this? I recently bought it but now I am realizing that it is difficult to find items for the shades of reds and greens in the dress. I haven't received it yet so maybe it will be better irl.

>> No.8640269

Hello everyone! I just got into lolita fashion. I bought this plaid skirt second hand, it's by putumayo. My favorite substyles are punk lolita and pirate lolita. Could you guys help me to coord this skirt into punk/pirate? The skirt is a little on the short side, but I have a black underskirt.

>> No.8640273
File: 12 KB, 236x201, putumayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, drooped the pic

>> No.8640323
File: 167 KB, 279x361, metasq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to match everything perfectly. Honestly, Meta is one of my favorite brands for using interesting colours, and I'm sick of people screaming about pinks not matching perfectly. Ffs, Meta's own styling of it has like three different reds.

>> No.8640551
File: 775 KB, 1000x1000, punkcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Punk is one of the hardest style to make work. Both punk and pirate can be fairly elaborate, so you'll need a strong wardrobe to wear them well. That said, good luck! Punk lolita can be very cute when done well.

>Before anyone critiques my advice coords, they were inspired by old school punk lolita.
>jewelry and such were left out bc lazy

>> No.8640556
File: 91 KB, 488x709, miss-point-vintage-stand-collar-lace-lolita-blouse-yuan-127_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would pic related look good under rosa mistica or victorian letter? both in ivory

>> No.8640560

I wish you the best of luck anon. This is going to be a tough one

>> No.8640569
File: 60 KB, 583x332, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something quick. I also am interested in pairing the dress with light blue or pink together. I wonder how I could make it less basic.

>> No.8640675

I have that blouse in pink, and it's a piece of crap. The collar feels like cardboard. I would definitely look for a different one.

>> No.8640684

how do i make a collage for a coord?

>> No.8640705

I use paint tool sai
Save each item as a picture, open them up, and copy and paste them into a blank picture

>> No.8640819
File: 496 KB, 2400x2400, BeFunky Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help, very open to concrit

>> No.8640824

Is the color for the shoes accurate? If so, the white is too cool for the more ivory-trending dress. I'd also avoid that blouse - the details are both too overwhelming for the dress, and too cheap-looking. Get a nice chiffon blouse instead.

>> No.8640833

what neckline blouse looks best with a high neckline dress? and should the blouse be ivory or stark white? noted about the shoes, should i just try to find a more ivory or would a gold work in place? dont want it to look shoehorned in,

>> No.8641104

I think gold would work, since there's gold in the dress already. But ivory shoes might not hurt, depending on the rest of your wardrobe.

I think what >>8640824 meant about the details being too overwhelming wasn't the neckline so much as the fact that it's a lace blouse with a lace-overlay dress, and that gets too busy very quickly. The cut of the blouse is fine, just find something in chiffon or a nice, thin cotton, some kind of lightweight solid fabric instead of lace.

>> No.8641122
File: 1.48 MB, 1304x1150, Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 9.14.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me choose a blouse, anons. The feathery one would be worn with a black cutsew underneath the JSK.

>stand back I'm going to try ero

>> No.8641253
File: 209 KB, 722x902, 737681915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked up this JSK and I'm in need of blouse ideas. I have the two blouses here, but I'm wondering if there are better cuts/colors to pair with it.

>> No.8642347

I have no idea what she is wearing on top but
I absolutley need it in my life, does anyone have an sauce on this? or is handmade?

>> No.8642353
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 1443251967940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8642429

Drop the boots, just do regular plain stillettos
Replace the shitty bat headband with a regular-size hat or corsage maybe with roses
Bolero & blouse both look cheap especially together
No cross on the choker pls
Random-ass gold ring out of nowhere

>> No.8642444

Also this just isn't a very good dress for ero

>> No.8642473

this looks perfect, is that a shawl?

>> No.8642519

>antique beast
>shitty bat headband
Okay anon lmao.

>> No.8642531

>out of nowhere
The gold ring was to match the gold cross on the choker that you didn't like. And if you read my post, you'd see that I asked for help choosing between either the bolero OR the blouse. The bolero is a cheap piece of shit, but it looks a bit better IRL. The blouse is Atelier Pierrot, retails for like ¥15000.

>OT but "both look cheap especially together"
>how the fuck am I gonna wear princess sleeves over princess sleeves

>>8642519 is not me but I share the sentiment. >>8642444 What makes it "not very good" for ero? I'm nearly 6 feet tall with heels on, so an average-length lolita dress with no underskirt will probably be ero-length on me.

>> No.8642534
File: 40 KB, 250x333, LilyEmblemLaceJabot_beigexchocolat_0__13629.1420091060.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfect, but is that a jabot on your head? If not, my apologies, but I still feel maybe a different headdress would be better.

>> No.8642590

Those blouses look lovely, but I'm not sure if the ivory of the AP one is going to match (what looks like) the white/offwhite lace on the dress...

>> No.8642609

not my pic, i just posted because i wanted help finding out what the garment she is wearing over her dress is refferred to?

>> No.8642737

Could someone please help me with loyal rosette? I have tried so many times to make a good coord but I always miss the mark. I figured this time I switch it up with a black blouse instead. This is my work in progress pic. I think I'd switch the shoes to gold though so the legs don't drown out. And I have a black headbow coming in the mail that I'd like to use instead.
I wish I could get my hands on some matching accessories but that doesn't seem possible right now.

>> No.8642739
File: 231 KB, 991x1600, 20150510_121040-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoopa, dropped pic!

>> No.8642837

sauce on the blouse, source?

>> No.8642854
File: 66 KB, 450x600, 126998_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this in the mail and am really struggling to coord it partly because I can't think of a blouse style that would look good with it. I'd totally love to do something like a vest with it but I'm not sure where to get a good one. Thinking a large crown, but no idea on hair, tights, or the accent colors I should be bringing in (there are a lot to choose from in the print, I just don't want to do too many or ignore an important one). Haven't seen very many coords with the JSK, let alone the skirt.

>> No.8642863

How new are you guys?

Then perhaps you should have asked and not just posted the picture.
If >>8642473 is you then you should have mentioned you dropped the picture.
Yes it is a shawl. She got it from F+F.

>> No.8642902

>asks for crit
>gets crit
>gets mad
ok pal

As for the coord, I think the lace bolero thing would work better, maybe try to find nicer lace tights? Those kind of have the generic fat flower print on them. I looked for those tight that look like laceup boots/garters but I couldn't find them, maybe someone else can.
I think this coord would look cute with those strappy bodyline platforms. The boots are kind of terrible.

>> No.8642938
File: 358 KB, 500x750, product_variety_big_14291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't mad, but it was more like
>asks for specific crit
>gets salt instead of crit, specific crit not addressed at all

Definitely agree about nicer lace tights. I just sort of grabbed whatever I found on polyvore first, to get an overall idea. As for lace up tights, are you talking about something like pic related?

I have some antaina shoes very similar to those bodyline platforms, and I LOVE them, but I use them in about half my coords, so I wanted to try something different. I asked about the boots here >>8639712 and apparently they were worth trying in that thread, I dunno.

>p.s. I'm not your pal, buddy

>> No.8643025

Shoes are modcloth, stockings I think I randomly googled (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/49/e7/f3/49e7f325793a72dae2ce73cb84c25f81.jpg)) Can't seem to find the sauce

and completely unrelated, but I kinda owe all my fashion skills to /cgl/. You guys helped me Git Gud

>> No.8643031

Honestly I love that warm brown color and the shoes you have going. Maybe pick some floral acessories to go with it in the blue or pink color you want

>> No.8643048

Sorry anon I'm not even her but you sounded mad as fuck in the original post. Calling expensive brand stuff cheap doesn't really help your cause tbh.

I think those tights would be pretty cool but not with the long boots.
I'd like to see a better picture of that feather blouse but I just think it's the kind of thing you'd have to see worn

Do not fucking coord this with black that's disgusting sorry anon.
Stick to Jewel tones or white.
As it is it looks like you dressed in the dark and couldn't tell the dress was actually dark green/brown/navy and thought it was black.
Gimme a few minutes and I'll collage something

>> No.8643085

you a right and im sorry im an ignorant newfag. could I trouble you if you know what this item is called from fan plus friend?

>> No.8643087

I think they meant that I sounded mad here >>8642531 but we're all a little salty here let's be real.

Tried to find a worn pic of feather bolero, but they're all either poorly lit or at an angle that shows like one sleeve. I already own both blouses, so I guess I'll just try them on when the dress gets here and see what I prefer.

Or brown. Browns would be good if you're trying to use mostly a neutral color. Maybe brown shoes, white blouse, and find socks and a beret/headbow/not that fedora that match each other and one of the jewel tones in the print.

>> No.8643095

I can't tell if this is black or navy, but you could do a vest in whichever color it is, grey to match the frames, or royal blue to match the trim. Then get an accessory or two to match the vest. Look into Palace of Princes' guide thing to find good sauce for vests.

The only thing I would recommend specifically besides that is to use silver for any jewelry/metal bits. Other than that, it's a skirt, you can basically wear any blouse style you want with it (but you might want to pick one based on your vest). And don't worry about ignoring important accent colors or something, just focus on a couple that you like and can match/coord together well.

Tl;dr narrow it down a bit/figure out more of what you want from this coord before posting next time.

>> No.8643097

Browns would work too yeah!
I'm trying to do a wine/white coord but finding nice wine shoes is tough.

>> No.8643121
File: 1.56 MB, 1687x931, Loyal Rossette coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A white Blouse and a Wine beret/purse would work too.
I couldn't decide on socks I liked them all a lot.

>> No.8643122
File: 402 KB, 776x1000, spoopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at an impasse with this coord. It started as a Halloween coord, and I was going with something subtle and slightly guro. I was going to try and figure out a way to stain my hands red, stain my mouth and teeth red, and possibly make my feet look bloody and frostbitten. Make up was going to be pale, and I'd wear frothy white contacts to complete the dead spooky little girl look. Think little English girl ghost wandering the bog for centuries.

Anyway, my comm is not hosting a Halloween meet and now I'll be out of town that weekend for work. The closest meet to Halloween is an outdoor festival, and I'd rather not wear the invisible shoes I was going to make for hours around a festival.

Could anyone suggest shoes? I was thinking white rocking horse shoes would work alright. Would that alone complete the coord in your opinion, or should I pursue the guro loli look in my head?

>> No.8643133

I think some plain black mary janes would look really good.
Some white ones would work too but black ones make me think of school girl shoes and it works for your look imo.
Like the really old school type ones with a chunky platform.

>> No.8643146

I searched f+f and couldnt find it, is it an older release?

>> No.8643160
File: 287 KB, 500x600, 07251747_53d2198fb4512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would very much appreciate sock/tight recommendations. One's that are mostly brown would be appreciated because I plan on wearing a brown blouse, shoes and accessories.

>> No.8643164

It's from year ago or so so they probably don't sell it anymore.

>> No.8643204

I love this coord anon!

Sauce on the dress? I love the cut of it, it's adorable

>> No.8643225
File: 24 KB, 600x900, 449999-6779-2015-08-28464156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was feeling old school chunky shoes too! I'm glad we're on the same page.

Thank you! The dress is AatP's Innocent Rosier. I absolutely love it, the lace underneath the sleeves is my favorite thing ever. I'm wearing a Malco Modes 578 petti underneath. I like the shape much better with a petti.

>> No.8643307

I like the idea of using browns! Would it be awful to do brown blouse, wine socks and headpiece, brown shoes?

Love this, thank you! Could you give me more info on those socks please? Thanks!

>> No.8643329

They're all innocent world socks available on the website I think.
I think that would be too many dark colors btw.
but honestly it's just personal preference at that point.

>> No.8643428

Do you know of anything that looks remotely similar? cant find a stock pic anywhere and need help identifying it, if I cant i need to find a similar design stock photo

>> No.8643528

Ahh yes, I'm still trying to master the art of color balancing...but I'm so grateful for all your help!

>> No.8643739

THIS. Nuns don't wear fucking berets.

>> No.8643742

Why, because it's black? The cut and collar don't resemble a habit at all.

>> No.8643745

Nuns also wear a ceremonial headpiece, but I don't believe those are very Lolita

>> No.8643747

Fucking this

>> No.8643862
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Many nuns I see today don't wear the habit around their necks like they did back then, and the cut looks more like pic related.

>> No.8644167
File: 49 KB, 440x330, nun pizza with left salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is the concept of a nun-inspired lolita coord too much for y'all, or does it have to be a nun costume before you accept it as nun-esque enough and then immediately tear it apart for being too costumey?

>>8632707 and >>8633257 both look fine, and they both definitely look nun-inspired without looking like pic related or something.

>> No.8644228

What's the name of the headpiece? also the capelet?

>> No.8644231
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Still very new to lolita. Could use a second opinion before I make a fool out of myself online!

>> No.8644242

Those coords are just gothic lolita, anon

>> No.8644246


>> No.8644502
File: 64 KB, 691x960, 11665741_796537317131852_7854087295700957283_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this one look good in ivory with victorian letter or rosa mistica?

>> No.8644504

I understand completely what you mean when you say brooch but I'm confused on how to wear one. Can you give me some examples?

>> No.8644522
File: 41 KB, 426x750, tumblr_n0mpymHftV1r3ex10o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm not the anon you're talking to, so don't get down their throats. But the gothic lolita theme of NUN collars derives from what actual NUNs wear. That being said berets or other solid, non transparent/flimsy headdresses go best with Nameless Poem which is a very structured dress with clear lines. And Nameless Poem's cut is more schoolgirl and youthfull than say Atelier Boz's nun dresses.

It's a pretty picture. Not a pretty coord.

>> No.8644526

Very balanced and pretty coord! I think the wig would look cute in a low side ponytail.

I think both blouses have potential. I'd go for a flowy chiffon one first, though.

>> No.8644987

>wide sleeves
>ankle length
>no waist (secured with belt)
>very loose for modesty
>no contracting cuffs
>no collar points
Totally the same thing.
Honestly it's getting so boring to see people only coord this dress with more little crosses. It could look punky and cool with boots and a Boz cape but no one is adventurous enough to step outside the box.

>> No.8644998

>you sounded mad as fuck in the original post.
Late to this, but that anon wasn't me (the original critiquer).

>> No.8645036 [DELETED] 

Also the reason it's a bad dress for ero doesn't have to do with the length. It's how wide the straps are & the dress being too sweet - you will just look like an ita who forgot her blouse. You need a dress with skinnier straps or something that was specifically meant to be worn blouseless like that Radiant Candlelight JSK.

And yes, brand items can look cheap/unsuitable for a coord. I don't know about you, but that blouse reminds me of the puffy shirt from Seinfeld, and besides thick cotton with big ott princess sleeves, shirring and a huge jabot just isn't sexy - not that Ero is just "slutty lolita". To me it's more like how.. uh, "regular" lolita is inspired by 1800s Europe, and Ero would be like the old west - like saloon girls and stuff. Idk I'm getting off-topic here, so anyway what I meant when I said the bat headband was shitty was that What the fuck do bats have to do with the rest of this coord? Just because it's "expensive brand stuff" doesn't mean it automatically matches everything that's the same color. And another thing, maybe I'm being a moralfag but don't you think it's just a little bit in bad taste to wear a cross with an Ero coord? It doesn't even match the gold ring. Also speaking of the choker, how the fuck are you going to wear it with either of those blouses?

Basically this coord is tacky as fuck especially the huge-ass stripper boots, and you getting so defensive over it after asking for crit is too.

Oh yeah and by the way:
>wearing a cutsew under the bolero because of boobwindow
Fucking hilarious. Also wow this was a long post

>> No.8645074

The reason it's a bad dress for Ero doesn't have to do with the length. It's how sweet the dress is & how wide the straps are, you will look ita as fuck if you do Ero with it.

Brand items can look cheap/unsuitable for a coord. Heavy opaque cotton with ott princess sleeves and a big ruffly jabot isn't sexy, unless you're into that I guess, and what I meant when I said the bat headband was shitty was that bats don't have anything to do with the coord at all. Just because it's "expensive brand stuff" doesn't mean it automatically matches everything that's the same color. I "didn't like" the choker for 2 reasons, the first one being I think it's in bad taste to wear a cross with an Ero coord, and the second one being how the fuck are you going to wear a choker with either of those blouses?
This coord is tacky as fuck and both of you are, too, for getting so defensive after asking for criticism (it's like I'm really on CoF!)

By the way:
>wearing a thick jersey fabric cutsew under the bolero because of a tiny amount of boobwindow
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.8645128

The anon before said "BASED on," not "IS" a nun outfit, and it doesn't have to be completely identical for someone to see how Nameless Poem was INSPIRED by their outfits. The collar is called a nun collar (Boz's nun OP has a pointed collar too, though not a nun collar particularly) for a reason, and the rest of the dress is a solid black.

That being said, I've actually wanted to try an inquisition-esque coord with a Boz cape, high black boots, a top hat and a giant gaudy cross with Nameless Poem, but that will probably end up in the ita thread.

>> No.8645137

Please do it. I used to think this board was just being dramatic when they said western lolitas were too boring and matchy matchy but I completely see it now. Everyone plays it safe rather than being creative.

>> No.8645208

I'll probably try it after saving enough to get my dream Boz cape

>> No.8645214

I'm more complaining that people think it can only be coorded with religious related pieces.

>> No.8645228

Gonna jump into the Nameless Poem debate for a moment because whythefucknot.

NP has always struck me as a Victorian/Edwardian little girl's mourning or burial dress, not a nun.

>> No.8645307
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I agree, save for the nun collar. The silhouette has more of a youthful look, so a beret is going to look better with NP than a fucking veil. Also, I hate the look of those tacky cross print tights with it.

>> No.8646443

They're both from Antique Beast, you can find them on their website pretty easily. I don't know the actual names though.

>> No.8646610
File: 3.03 MB, 2008x2560, 15-10-02-15-41-14-924_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to get some concrit for this coord I'm working on.
I'm still working on decorating the bag, and the shoes unfortunately are a tit bit darker than the blouse irl. I also havent tried on the otks yet and idk if my legs are gonna look good in them.

So I'm wondering if I should forget the red blouse and do white instead with short white ankle socks? I'm planning to wear a straight blonde wig!

>> No.8646712

I mean, if the red is only slightly different from the blouse, I think the shoes are fine--it looks like there are a couple of different reds in the print, so it should balance out. I do think crew socks would look super cute if the OTKs don't look right on your legs, though. This is looking cute! I really like the red blouse, to be honest

>> No.8646734

I think the red blouse is fine, but maybe add some cuffs or accessories in white? I also think the bag looks fine, maybe add some more white or a longer ribbon behind the bow so it doesn't look too plain but also not too cluttered.

>> No.8646737

Thank you for your help!! I normally don't do colorful blouses so this is a bit out of my comfort zone

>> No.8646748


The shoes are good. They match the strawberries.

As for the blouse+socks, it does generally look more balanced if it's short sleeves + short socks, long sleeves + long socks. So if the OTKs look good, go with the long blouse. If they don't, then yeah, crew socks + short sleeved blouse, and then you can add some hand decorations (wristcuffs, jewellery, gloves)

>> No.8646757

You don't think wristcuffs would be too busy? I have a pair from bodyline that have little strawberries sewn on them, do you think that would be ok?
As for the bag, I'm hoping to snag some large white eyelet lace at Walmart tomorrow to trim the bag (maybe 2 layers to add some dimension) and then a simple white bow in the middle?

>> No.8646761

Ugh, I'm so fat right now that short sleeve looks awful on me. If the otks don't work out I was thinking of wearing solid white knee highs with lace trim and red rhs to bring more of the red up?

>> No.8646797

Google Drawings

>> No.8647518

Thanks for the vest tip, I think I'll try to do something in the royal blue since I think that will add some nice color. The skirt color is a bit in the middle of blue and black which has confused me endlessly, but the trim is black so I can use that for the blouse color and shoes.

>> No.8647531


I think solid white socks can be cute, but I don't want to mislead you. I've seen solid-coloured legwear get picked on a lot for being cheap-looking or maybe not being lolita enough. I don't think it's a big deal for a normal lolita meetup though.

If really short sleeves look bad on you, you can try 3/4 sleeves, at least it doesn't look as mismatched as long sleeves + short socks.

Your best best is probably to try on everything and see what works the best.

>> No.8647747

Thank you so much for all your help!! I really appreciate it, and I'm feeling pretty confident with this coord!

>> No.8652169
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Alright so I recently bought my first dress and now I'm having trouble trying to coordinate it. I'm not sure if I should play on the reds and whites more or if black would even be okay to put with it. Any advice or help would be really appreciated!