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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 99 KB, 500x584, aatp-tricky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8625213 No.8625213 [Reply] [Original]

old thread autosaging >>8620260

btssb fashion show opinions? how many human sacrifices until horror garden? AB reopening on the 22, will new orders ship in time for halloween?

>> No.8625239
File: 110 KB, 960x960, 11987199_1500878880224717_637340375334347851_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not looking forward to the ridiculous cape trend that will follow.

>> No.8625242

Hey, lolitas gotta have something to go with their ugly homemade OTT scepters.

>> No.8625250

I still have no idea what to wear to Rufflecon and it's starting to freak me out.

>> No.8625255

I want those ears from the top picture. And Baby's fashion show looked good, I am digging a lot of the newest prints.

>> No.8625257

Goddamnit I'm starting to fall in love with this print. All those little adorably derpy baked goods meeting their doom cracks me up.

>> No.8625265

if you have any Haenuli, break it out.

or anything by any of the other brands. they are all indie so it would be great to show support.

you can also try out other altfash and see if you meet anyone else who wears it.

>> No.8625274


500 yen Meta to Tenso (unless you pay 11000 and is free, not sure is more). Then usually for 500 grams I pay 1500 to 1700 including 500 yen handling fees.

then, for ca. 500 grams, I have payed 1500~1700 (including handling fee of 500 yen)

Surface airmail can be cheaper sometimes, but is too slow. I always end up paying airmail. At least is cheaper than Baby, who has charged me 2700 yen for a bow... wtf

>> No.8625293

Man, Horror Garden possibly coming out the weekend of 10/18 is bullshit. If my comm's Halloween meet was actually on Halloween and not the weekend before it would arrive on time but there's no guaranteeing that even EMS could get it here that fast.

Guess I'm not doing a new dress for the meet.

>> No.8625301

my comm will be all over it kek

but I got used to being the only old fashioned classic lolita without all the OTT and costume shit in my comm long time ago, so whatever

I'm glad, I don't like anything from the fashion show though, my wallet needs a break for some time.

>> No.8625316

When/how often does closetchild update? Maiden Clothing?

>> No.8625331

Not sure about Maiden Clothing but CC's regular updates are every Sunday and Thursday at 5pm Japan time.

>> No.8625460

You know what a writing prompt is? It's like a phrase or situation that you have to incorporate or start with as a writing exercise, so I'm going to give you some "coord prompts" that maybe will get your juices flowing:

> Coord the oldest main piece (OP/JSK/SK) in your closet

> Coord the piece you have worn the least (if there is a tie, coord the one that has gone the longest time since being worn)

> Pick the brightest/loudest colored blouse you have and the brightest/loudest main piece and try to coord them together.

It's ok if the coords don't work out, but hopefully digging through your wardrobe and putting things next to each other will help you get started.

>> No.8625468
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>> No.8625472
File: 47 KB, 600x800, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F854abd3761eddab08a00432538f159db%2Ftumblr_nv1kctoduL1s0s3nuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need pictures of this dress now, is it Baby's new wedding dress?

>> No.8625473

I'm not feeling it

>> No.8625487

isn't that the Belle/Beauty and the Beast like dress? I wouldn't be surprised if it was a collab for the live-action Disney movie (though I doubt it) but either way it's bound to be expensive.
>tfw i fucking need it

>> No.8625493

Is that a laptop on the print?

>> No.8625496
File: 831 KB, 600x800, tumblr_nv1hhvjzDK1sd87t7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this complete bullshit? Hobo-kei OTT classic nurse? It looks good up until the shoulders end and the dress starts.#

Pic related is really cute though for a steampunky, military thing.

>> No.8625499

I love nurse themes but I'm really not digging this.
The oversized hat, interesting neckline thing, princess sleeves and then overskirt don't mesh at all.
Is that a giant laptop at the front of the print? It doesn't seem very harmonious.

This shot looks like a cover for a vintage shoujo manga, lovely.

>> No.8625509

Those arm suspenders tho

>> No.8625514

Hahahhaa what the fuck

>> No.8625518
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Hahaa, it does. They're not even looking in each other's eyes.

>> No.8625522
File: 13 KB, 236x314, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gorgeous but if true, it might not be what I need.
I will get married within a year and I know I want a Baby dress for my wedding dress. Is it true they accept commissions for wedding lolita dresses?
My dream wedding lolita dress is Marie du Ange.
>pic very related

>> No.8625523

Pic related is wrinkly fabric and plain design. Only nice thing in this pic is her face.

>> No.8625567

>plain design
Oh no. Clearly a military inspired dress needs more fucking frills and print. It's got arm suspenders. What's plain about arm suspenders?

>> No.8625583


I think it may be an old-timey microfiche reader, since I think it's supposed to be an antique pharmacy print. I may be completely wrong though.

>> No.8625599

I was hoping to get some better pics of that star dress but I also haven't been home. Hopefully it's up on YouTube to still watch

>> No.8625630

It's been put on private for now anon! Lolita Updates on FB has most of the pics.

God I'm getting this! But perhaps if they release a JSK version. Sleeves are a tad bit too OTT for me.
>I want that bag the most

>> No.8625643

if it weren't for the odd dress print, I'd say she fits the RPG-kei style people in the "make your own jfash" thread were talking about

>> No.8625655


>antique pharmacy print
>ruined by OTT bullshit

Goddamnit baby, I just want a print vaguely related to what I do for a living that isn't ridiculous.

>> No.8625659
File: 137 KB, 1667x803, 12038631_10152937740446642_648491488988859910_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not getting much buzz, but I'm glad because it's the only one I'm going to jump on in the reserve. I've never really liked too many of Baby's past berry prints, and if there was one that was cute, they ended up shoving in Kumya or something.

The Pink colorway is killing me, If it also comes in Ivory I'll probably be super torn on which one to get. It reminds me of Melty Berry Princess, but I didn't like any of the cuts for that gorgeous print, so I hope this fills the void.

>> No.8625663


Cleric-lolita please

>> No.8625674

I can fully be immersed with my JRPGs now... dressing for the specialisation I want!

>> No.8625723

Is it me or are those two girls too chubby to be models?

>> No.8625755

I missed the Baby's fashion show? Where can I see it now?

>> No.8625798
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Help me out here gulls. Is this purse loliable or no, do you think?

>> No.8625823

Ew no

>> No.8625825

Oh lord no. I think the big collars and their round cheeks are giving you that impression - look at their legs. Pretty tiny.

>> No.8625826

It's just you. To me they just look absurdly short and baby-faced.

>> No.8625829

Anon, those girls are not chubby.
>inb4 amerifat!
I'm 158cm and 48kg and have spent a good deal of time in Japan. They look like normal people.

>> No.8625858

pain them little squares so they look like chocolate and then yes

>> No.8625860

Thank you! My friend said it was, but i wasn't so sure.

>> No.8625915

Antique Beast is opening at 7pm japan time today.

>> No.8625922

Also melty berry princess in white and pink is currently available in AP san fran website

>> No.8625923

Oh my god same anon, I really want the doofy looking cookie broaches but I have no idea how I would coord it

>> No.8625938

Does anyone care about the Madoka Magica inspired pieces from Liz Lisa?? (release sometime in October)

>> No.8625945


>> No.8625956
File: 317 KB, 882x1139, LIZ LISA Madoka Magica one piece dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From the page: Madoka Magica has recently served as the inspiration for five new fashion pieces. The popular magical girl anime is teaming up with the LIZ LISA fashion brand and the SuperGroupies store to present these new clothes.

The first piece is the rose one piece dress, which comes in pink and brown. This floral-heavy piece features five different colored roses (pink, purple, red, yellow and blue), one for each main character in the anime. An antique appeal is illustrated with its bows and ribbons tied daintily around the piece.

More floral patterns can be seen on the frilly lace at the hem of the dress. This piece goes for 11,100 yen (about US$92).

(there's more on the page, can post if asked)

>> No.8625959

Just thinking of wearing one of these capes and having it mop up the floor as I walk, picking up dirt and hair makes me want to vomit.

>> No.8625964

someone posted about them in the general jfash thread >>8617705

>> No.8625971
File: 1.98 MB, 500x220, bye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this dress just not fit her or something? It looks frumpy and awkward to me.

>> No.8625990

It's cute, but what I want seems to already be sold out. Do they restock things before or after releases?

>> No.8625994

that's a good question, I'm looking around SuperGroupies facebook to see if they talk about restock, but will keep looking to see if find something about it

>> No.8626040

You fucking peasant ita. Real majesty have their cape held by servants.

>> No.8626049

It's not. I mad.

Anyone record the video?

>> No.8626059

I think it's cute, but depends on your style.

Collabs tend to be better when the influence is subtle, but I don't get anything remotely Madoka about this at all.

>> No.8626133
File: 228 KB, 458x550, 92653472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a buying guide for JM?

I don't see overseas shipping on their webpage, so will I need to use tenso if I can't get a SS

>> No.8626153

Thank you! I'll mention it if I find anything too. I looked at SuperGroupies as well first. I think occasionally, both Liz Lisa and SG get restocked, but I'm not positive. SG at least does more than one release if it's popular.

>> No.8626302

I really don't see anything Madoka related to this. I mean it's cute though.

>> No.8626305

It has apples for Kyoko and a teacup for Mami? I guess?

But no, I think that's a stretch, really.

>> No.8626430

The video will be up on BABY's youtube channel in a few days.

>> No.8626491

>Attack on Lolita


>> No.8626494

You will look like a child, not even a bride's maid with this, anon.

Good luck, tho

>> No.8626593

Antique Beast will accept orders soon, but idk how to order from them. Is there any guide somewhere?

>> No.8626596

Seconding this. JM seems to not really be as accessible as other brands. Speaking of which, is there an official seller or store for them that isn't Japanese?

>> No.8626605

I'm starting to love it too, but not on a dress. I want to have a print of it on my wall or make the fabric into a kitchen curtain or something. Too bad it isn't available in that form.

>> No.8626660


As far as I know, none of the brands do commissions for wedding dress.

When people refer to Baby's wedding dresses, they normally refer to some of Baby's special made-to-order-only releases for the really OTT frilly dresses. They're usually not advertised as wedding dresses, but there's often one dress that is completely white and matched with a veil, and some of the other dresses in the same collection are intended as either second or third bridal outfits (for the wedding dinners and such), or you can use them as bridesmaid dresses.

This is where I think you may have gotten confused, *some few of these series are only made-to-order, it sounds like a commission, however, they actually work like a regular release. You cannot go into the store and ask for a dress any time of the year, you have to stalk baby's site, wait for a release of a dress you like, then reserve the dress and pay, and then after a few months they send the dress to you. The biggest difference is that a made-to-order reservation won't have any "leftovers" for sale for those who didn't make an order. (It also goes without saying, they don't make them in custom sizing)

If you don't mind that it's a regular release instead of a special release wedding dress, Juno's Bouquet from earlier this year seems to be a wedding-themed release. There is a veil, hair flowers and one dress entirely in all white, though the dress is somewhat simpler than their OTT releases.

If you want one of the more OTT dresses, you might check out the Princess Henrietta special release, which is still open from AP San Fran store.

If neither are to your liking, you may have to continue stalking baby's site and hope they do release something more OTT this year, or start looking on the secondhand market, or give up and look for an indie brand to make a dress you like.

>> No.8626668

Ooh. I ordered the JSK set through their official web store a few days ago. I actually really like how subtle the design is.
On their official web store, the JSK set got restocked once, so there's a pretty good chance it might get restocked again.

>> No.8626719

Do JetJ not do wedding dresses? I thought they did.
>but it might end up looking like a copypaste print mess or a rag doll kek

>> No.8626741

Didn't JetJ make Kyra's wedding dress?

>> No.8626761
File: 100 KB, 750x1056, 12052606_953367851397099_2637245410914840979_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is adorable! I like the colors in the yellow colorway but this was a better picture.

>> No.8626764
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>> No.8626791

Luminous sanctuary + dolly cat

copy much?

>> No.8626802
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>> No.8626870
File: 894 KB, 1093x800, wtfdollycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think that the Dolly Cat jewellery is some cheap etsy level shit?

It seems pretty bad even by AP standards.

Pic related.

>> No.8626873

I think AP's plastic jewelry never looked good to begin with, but I agree that Dolly Cat looks even worse. Who thought the plastic chains were a good idea?

>> No.8626905

Did anyone get anything from Antique Beast?

>> No.8626916

Jane Marple pretty much stands for exclusivity and they are even hard to come by in Japan. They don't sell their clothes outside of Asia and I doubt they ever will. Shopping services or Tenso are your only options tbh.

>> No.8626921

I got the iconic bat headdress. My first time ordering so I didn't want to make a huge order without testing the water first.

>> No.8626929

You can order normally using their cart system. Just translate the page and make sure to select the correct country on the first form. Fill out both name fields with your latin name. I also use the remarks field on the second page to write down my entire name and address again. I don't think that's necessary though.

>> No.8626938
File: 387 KB, 563x410, antique hats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this. I already have the bat headdress in both colorways.

>> No.8626940
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I would love if they release an OP based on the homura dress (pic related)

didnt buy any of the liz liza dresses. Kinda liked the blouse though

>> No.8626948

I don't see cats nor crosses stuff

>> No.8627004

Looks fine to me.

>> No.8627045

I bought one of the witch hats. FINALLY.

>> No.8627049

The plastic chain looks better than the gold part of it. Probably was more expensive too.

>> No.8627056
File: 101 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.742301574_acz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ordered from Dream Holic? They're wigs look pretty nice. I've also been considering LockShop since my friend ordered something and liked it, but I've been seeing some mixed reviews lately in regards to shipping.

Holy shit. Cannot unsee. All you need is the cape and shit tier makeup.
>tfw you kind of liked it at first

>> No.8627080
File: 19 KB, 670x131, Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 12.29.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are airmail and SAL just as expensive as EMS with tenso?
Also, why did AP have to go fuck us over by making us do this? Having to pay double shipping plus handling fees fucking sucks; I might as well just be using a shitty shopping service at this point.

>> No.8627093

that feel when you thought madoka was Yuki from Gakkougurashi

>> No.8627100

Probably because they get discount on EMS.

>> No.8627110

No, that's the regular rate for EMS. Are Airmail and SAL really just that expensive from Japan?
I guess I get why people don't want to buy shoes often. A dress, blouse, and a pair of shoes is costing me way more than I anticipated.

>> No.8627138 [DELETED] 

EMS used to be a lot more before Tenso upgraded. Now they have enough volume to get EMS discount. It's a good thing.

>> No.8627146

Maybe the standing model is just really tall, but that dress is super short on her. Looks bad.

>> No.8627149

You and me both, anon

>> No.8627231


Airmail and SAL are calculated by weight, in Japan at least I think EMS is calculated by weight tiers. Below a certain weight it costs so much, and above a certain weight it costs so much more, etc.

>> No.8627275

I just ordered the bat headdress. Couldn't find an option for calculating shipping prices, could any one who have ordered from them in the past share how much did they charge for shipping?
I also picked to pay by credit card, will they send me a form to fill up the card details or did I fuck up and need to re-order via Paypal?

>> No.8627293

Anyone else waiting for IW to start taking orders again since it's Silver Week rn?

>> No.8627296

Did you already pay them? They should send a confirmation email that they got your order, then another one about payment iirc

>> No.8627303

How long does it take for them to invoice you after you got your confirmatipn mail?

>> No.8627307

I got mine within the same day. If you don't get it today, I'd email them.

>> No.8627309

I got an auto response email and that's about it. Google translate tells me that they will send another confirmation email or something along those lines.
I think I'll give it a day or so, since its probably still middle of the night in Japan now.

>> No.8627328


>> No.8627411

When should I get worried about a package? I have a dress coming from Japan and the tracking hasn't updated since the 15th.

>> No.8627424

How frowned upon is it to wear a non-matching petti? I have a fantastic A-line petticoat that my oldest sister bought me some time back-- but it's pastel pink. (And I'm not super into pastel sweet.)

>> No.8627431

Tracking from Japan is weird. Sometimes it won't update again until after it's through customs. I would say give it a little more time before you freak out.

>> No.8627432


If you're doing it right nobody should be able to see it in the first place.

>> No.8627438

Usually it shouldn't be a big deal, if you can see the petti under the dress then in most circumstances you are doing something wrong.

>> No.8627450

Yeah, I know, I wouldn't even plan on wearing it if it was visible while wearing it. I was just wondering if there was some sort of view upon it that I wasn't aware of. Thanks!

>> No.8627457
File: 47 KB, 424x357, needthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recognize the label on this dress?

>> No.8627463

Looks like a Metamorphose tag in terms of size/color but I can't read the writing to confirm.

>> No.8627492

Thank you!

That Nagisa, tho. I agree about Homura.

>> No.8627507

That was as a personal gift. They might accept commissions though as they are a smaller company? Especially if you are a frequent customer

This looks really off to me too. It seems wonky


>> No.8627570

Does anyone have experience with this shop?


They have something listed that's already sold out in all other stores, so I want to try them.

>> No.8627668

I know the feel
>want one related to my hopeful future living

>> No.8627951

I wouldve def jumped all over princess henrietta but I want a white dress, Im really sad to know I was under a misunderstanding of Baby's wedding dresses. I'll defenitively stalk their site and pray to Mana-sama for th to drop a wedding-themed dress.
Thank you for your informative and helpful answer Anon, may the burando gods favor you.

>> No.8627965
File: 176 KB, 595x842, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening.

>> No.8627967

AP IS RE-RELEASING HOLY LANTERN http://www.angelicpretty.com/newarrival/holy_lantern2015/index.htm

>> No.8627969
File: 155 KB, 595x842, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey gulls
holy lantern rerelease this saturday

>> No.8627977

That skirt is going to be mine if I have to sell my soul.

>> No.8627978


>> No.8627983

It's Marui. They're perfectly reliable.

>> No.8627984
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1420242945089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not the regular JSK

>> No.8627985

Too bad they're not releasing the original jsk cut. Both the OP and the cut of this JSK will make everyone look like potatoes.

>> No.8627991



>> No.8627996
File: 449 KB, 1155x931, 1421078512690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...I just want those fucking tights. I don't know if it's worth attempting to fight through the blood.

>> No.8627999

why the fuck when i have little money
i thought this wouldn't happen until after horror garden
>then again it looks like anything is possible now when it comes to rereleases, thank god
>prays for cat's tea party and puppet circus next

>> No.8628000

What is looking at the thread?

Seriously, we don't need 4 posts about this

>> No.8628007

I swore off spending any more on Lolita for the next three months but oh well, wit any luck that JSK is going to be mine.

>> No.8628016

shit, I didn't update the thread before I posted it, sorry.

>> No.8628020
File: 154 KB, 676x673, new 4chan owner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think our new 4chan owner likes lolita fashion? Will he visit us like Moot did?

>> No.8628024

from what I've seen so far this guy is borderline retarded. he's just here to use 4chan to steal personal data the same way he did with 2ch

>> No.8628029

What does he even do with the data? Resell it ?

>> No.8628037

From what I read he had a contract with some business who was his buyer. If you check the Q&A everyone is asking him about this and he's dodging the question over and over

>> No.8628043

>tfw holy lantern is low on your wishlist
i'm able to resist for once. thank fuck
>tfw also your favorite colorway was black but it looks like black x white now in that image
(why though)
>still money saved
>...for now

>> No.8628048

any measurements at all for this?

>will my cow tiddies ever know happiness

>> No.8628080

At this point I think AP is trolling with the cuts they choose to release.

>> No.8628103

At least the OP looks longer than the last one.

Or am I seeing things?

>> No.8628195

Omg yes yes yes. I'm at a loss for words, I'm that excited.

Dumb question, but since the JSK looks wonky, I may go for the OP. Empire waist OPs sit weirdly on my boobs. This cut technically doesn't have a high band that would squash my boobs, so would this cut fit me properly?

>> No.8628201

Tights and socks tend to sell out last on release day. If all you plan to buy are the tights you should be fine.

>> No.8628217

I got a Dream Holic wig in recently and I loved the quality. I think the fibers seem to be higher quality than Lockshop's and are incredibly soft. The only thing that slightly irked me was that the colors in their product photos made the wig seem darker but mine looks lighter in person.

I definitely can't recommend buying from Lockshop though because I had an awful time in terms of customer service and shipping.

>> No.8628242

Where can I get a shopping service for holy lantern? Sorry newfag

>> No.8628263 [DELETED] 

Tenso? It's on AP's shop page.

>> No.8628266


>> No.8628269

Good luck with that, I'd be surprised if her and a lot of others arent booked by now.

>> No.8628279

I want to try it and made a tenso amd AP account, but where can I put my credit card information?

>> No.8628282

Tenshi is already full and I wonder if TokyoPirates are in business again.

>> No.8628289

She is fully booked too.

>> No.8628302

>tfw live in Japan but at work during the release

>> No.8628342

oh shiiit, holy lantern AND horror garden. fuck my wallet.

>> No.8628359

What color way do you think will be the most popular?

>> No.8628381

Check out their recent fashion show- there's several upcoming OTT/wedding-style dresses.

>> No.8628386

Was going to go for the skirt, but it has no zip detail. Why leave out the details?

>> No.8628437

A lot of people disliked the zips for whatever reason. Maybe that is why they changed the cut of the JSK too?

>> No.8628441

Looking at the new navy colorway I'm almost thinking they took inspiration of Oojia.

>> No.8628447

Same. : (
I always loved that JSK style so much...

>> No.8628458

ngl i like navy... hopefully no one else does so I can get it.

>> No.8628468

so.. should i even bother emailing a SS for holy lantern release (i'm thinking CT)? no choice but to try my luck in the bloodbath to come?

>> No.8628473

Chibitenshi is full, TP as well. Good luck.

>> No.8628493

Is there any way to cancel an AP order? I rather cancel the AP sale for Holy Lantern

>> No.8628497

The OP is a sack dress style with waist ties to cinch your waistline. The jsk is an empire. Not really great for busty gals. I've had to drop the buttons down in order for my girls to not be chilling too close to the waistband

>> No.8628500

Could be because zippers rust after washes. Or break a little easily.

>> No.8628539


>> No.8628542

Wasn't sure if this belonged in dumb questions..

How do instore Angelic Pretty reservations work in Japan? Interested in Holy Lantern..

>> No.8628563

I think you have to wait in line and first come first serve, but sometimes they hand out lotto numbers, so even if you arrived there early, there's also a chance you'll be last pick and vice versa.

Sometimes or all the time, to prevent scampers, AP enforces a dress code, so you can only purchase if you're dressed in Lolita.

>> No.8628568


AP doesn't have reservations like BABY/AaTP does. They only have a release date

>> No.8628575

But can you order internationally with them or need an SS?

>> No.8628578


No, especially not sale items.


You need to find the specific shop blog of the store you're going to, or post the exact shop in the Tokyo shopping thread and ask, because sometimes there's one or two stores that will do things differently. Tokyo store in particular is always the odd one out, it's the only shop I've noticed to have reservations for select releases (not all), the other stores have all been walk-in only, and it's the one store that posted the rule about wearing AP (I don't know if you need to wear AP to the other shops).

All the shopblogs are listed on the AP site, under their own page under shoplist. If a release is anticipated to be really huge, they'll usually update with the rules at least the night before. I'm anticipating a "one person, one main piece + same colour headwear" rule at least, and usually there is some stuff about not spending the night on the streets around the shops (the reason for doing a lottery is to discourage people camping on the streets in order to be the first in line to buy a dress).

You can also try chatting up the shopgirls before the release and see what they recommend, I did assume you were not able to do that, so I suggest checking the shopblogs instead.

Other than that, make sure you show up early (definitely before the store opens), join the line and follow the instructions of the shop girls. Lottery instructions aside, sometimes they just want you to make the line in a diferent spot.

>> No.8628589
File: 210 KB, 914x633, Weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck, Frame Cross from 2008 was just stocked on Moitie's site. I guess it was hidden in storage for 7 years.

>> No.8628600

What is this print and who is it by? I'd love this in a JSK

>> No.8628609

I believe that was from BABY's fashion show dude

>> No.8628615

Dumb Newfag Question: Is it safer to get a release through shopping service or to brave it out when it goes online? A [fellow lolita] friend is in Japan and said she can try getting a Holy Lantern OP for me, but if I do that, I won't have money readily on hand to buy one online.

>> No.8628626

It really depends on your timing and luck. Out of the three times I used an SS, only one managed to get the dress I want. I had more luck getting it myself. It just boils down to whether you want to deal with the hassle yourself or not

>> No.8628680

Holy Lantern gets announced and a bunch of newbies are asking the same questions about how to order from AP/Tenso/SS on here and on the FB groups that's been explained over and over again. Holy shit check the archives or google. A bunch of the popular SS are full already and if you need this much spoon feeding you probably wont be able to get much when the bloodbath goes down since it's pretty high on a lot of dream dress lists.

>> No.8628696

I wish it was saturday already. Waiting and hoping for the best, planning coords and imagining utter defeat at the same time, it's just nerve-wrecking.

>> No.8628697

I just ordered my first Lockshop wig last night at the urging of a half dozen girls in my comm that think rainbows fly out Choke's ass. I need it by the 18th of next month. Am I fucked, or do I stand a chance of getting it on time? I've heard some shit about Lockshop not getting orders out in a timely manner. Is that a crapshoot Arda kind of thing where you just draw the short end of the shit stick, or is it a regular problem with them? I'm looking at reviews as we speak but you guys are pretty honest too.

>> No.8628708

I'm hoping it's longer. I'm already pretty short and the original release would have been pushing it.

>> No.8628721

i think it depends. obviously some people get it on time or the shop wouldn't be recommended, or the wigs worn in coord snaps, so often.

however, i got mine from Lolita Collective and they shipped it the morning after i ordered, so i can't speak from experience.

>> No.8628729

Are you going for the OP? I kind of want it if it is actually longer, but not sure I want to risk it being the same length...

>> No.8628788

Posting here because Rufflecon thread died:

Me and a friend are looking for one roomate (possibly two, waiting on someone's reply atm) due to folks dropping out. It would be $75 from Friday to Sunday. Email: ranchu@soupwhale.com

>> No.8628847

I bought a few lucky packs and still haven't received them yet. She said her car broke down so she's transporting everything by bike. Idk if that's still valid.

>> No.8628853

That happened a few years ago with a couple random Iron Gate pieces too. Very strange.

>> No.8628870

I'm going to try and snag the OP later after this release since I don't have funds on such short notice. Oh well. Hopefully this re-release lowers resale price a little.

>> No.8628876

I haven't been in lolita long enough to know this, but related question.

When a piece gets re-released, do prices of the original or the second release tend to get lower secondhand? Or do they usually stay up there for as long as they are popular?

>> No.8628884

close but i do wish it was a little more of a green-blue. that oojia peacock blue color is beautiful, i'd love an actual AP release in that color even if it wasn't HL

>> No.8628885

The original might lower a bit, but it can stay quite a bit above retail depending on popularity. Misty Sky has been rereleased three times and is still going strong. Resale value seems to have lowered from 1k though.

>> No.8628888

The prices usually stay about the same. That being said, usually some people list their first-release when they pick up the second release, meaning there are at least a few more items on the market once a re-release happens.

>> No.8628910 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 595x842, FB_IMG_1443033963267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Lantern is being rereleased

I don't know how to order from AP, I might have to pay someone to do it for me instead.

>sorry if this has already been posted

>> No.8628915


It's been posted like 6 times now jeez just open the thread and control f

>> No.8628920

Tfw I already bought a dress this week and I'm broke, and idk how to order from AP

No joke, if I had all the money, I would pay someone $25-$50 to order it and hold it for me

>> No.8628926

Not sure if I should try for this or Horror. Which one is going to be less of a blood bath?

I would have thought this would be worse, but since they left out the old jsk cut, I'm not sure...

>> No.8628928

>prays for cat's tea party and puppet circus next

Keep praying. AP has never done a re-release of anything with Kira Imai art to my knowledge.

>> No.8628949

My comm is having a Halloween meetup, and I wanted to wear an OTT coord.

I was thinking of making squirrel ears and tails to go with squirrel party, is there any way to avoid looking ita?

>> No.8629012

we can dream, anon
we can dream

>> No.8629021

Anyone ever ordered from Magic Tea Party? I'm thinking if getting one of those cheap skirts for $35 right now

>> No.8629052

I have, I think they're nice. They're probably on par with bodyline quality, maybe a bit better, the materials are a bit nicer. I own a skirt, a button fell off as soon as I got it. Easy fix, but still. Cute for the price.

>> No.8629062


Just embrace it, it's ok to be tacky on halloween

>> No.8629065


>Animal ears/tail

I'm afraid you've caught a fatal case of the weebs. I recommend moving into hospice care to live out your remaining days in relative comfort.

>> No.8629066

Has anyone gotten their Bun Voyage dress yet?

>> No.8629070


I thought someone asked her about this at PMX and she said she would be up for it? Of course it needs more than her ok to happen, but maybe some anons who went to her panel can confirm? I honestly think it could happen if the buyers are vocal enough.

>> No.8629077

... yet

>> No.8629088

How do I convert to alice's shoe sizes?

>> No.8629124

Is lacemarket not working for anyone else? I keep getting errors saying the DNS lookup failed.

>> No.8629135

It's working just fine for me

>> No.8629136

it's working for me, clear your cache/cookies maybe?

>> No.8629140

are you FUCKING kidding me, I the jsk is my dream dress but I can't have it in that ugly ass empire waist cut

>> No.8629145

"DNS lookup failed" suggests that the error is not on due to the site you're browsing but something with your pc's interaction with the Domain Name System (that is the service that translates your human readable link to an IP address).

>> No.8629176
File: 10 KB, 225x225, icancounttopotato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to ask this correctly but; does anyone have special lolitas in their comms?
If you do, how do you interact with them?
What would you suggest when interacting with someone who has a disability which severly affects speech, among other things?

>> No.8629180

Thanks. I tried clearing my cache/cookies and whatnot, but it just won't work. It's weird, it was working fine like two hours ago.
Polite sage

>> No.8629191

>"I don't know how to ask this correctly"
>meme mocking a downs syndrome child
Hahaha well anon, if you were looking for a right way, I don't think that was it.

But in all seriousness, I think this is something you should google, as people are all going to have different opinions on what to do. Best just to be patient and if you're not comfortable dealing with them alone maybe just try to take a back seat or stick closely to a friend who is more comfortable? I've never encountered a lolita who actually had something 'majorly' different about them like downs, but yeah.......

>> No.8629193

>What would you suggest when interacting with someone who has a disability
treating them like human beings, maybe?

>> No.8629194

I haven't had someone in my comm personally with a cognitive disability, but I can give you some pointers that they taught me in school and just life experiences. Don't talk down to someone, chances are they feel like they know exactly what their talking about. It's okay to clarify what they've said, say something along the lines of, I didn't quite catch that, did you mean ____? Just communicate with them, because you may be surprised about the amount of knowledge they have about something, especially since they're obviously into the fashion. Hope this helps in some way.

>> No.8629195

Treat them as normally as possible. Got to play it by ear, disabilities affect people in different ways.
>mfw people probably think I am my comms "special" lolita because I am socially retarded

>> No.8629212

at least half of my comm is "autistic"

>> No.8629224

I'm sure people have been plenty vocal about it for years. I'm not sure why they haven't rereleased pieces with her work if she's willing to give the OK, but that is the main thing these holy grail tier items have in common.

>> No.8629256

i ordered one recently and got it in 2 weeks so you should be fine unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.8629275


We don't have any active special needs people in our comm, but I staff the local convention scene and you'd be surprised how many people just drop their special needs family members off like we're some kind of daycare. We get everything from screaming Tourette's fits, to severe Downs, to even unattended people with physical AND mental handicaps. Most of them are harmless, and depending on the disability they may not realize that something they're doing could be wrong. Each case is different, and sometimes you can't go about treating someone like they're "just anybody else" because you don't know them, and you don't know what could set them off.

Lets be real though for a sec, if someone was so mentally handicapped that they couldn't function as an adult, they probably aren't going to be doing things like meetups or even dressing in Lolita unless someone did all the dressing for them (and then I'd almost want someone to do a welfare check because using someone with a diminished communicative/mental capacity as a doll seems super sketch to me, it's not like many people will take them seriously when they say no). I know of a number of lolitas with aspergers, some of which are even comm mods, but aspergers is very high functioning. They can hold conversations like anyone else and unless it's combined with another medical issue they don't usually have heavy speech impediments. People with aspergers are usually very good at adapting and learning social cues so as to appear more neurotypical. The high functioning end of the autism spectrum is the end of the spectrum you're more likely to see at a meet, not someone that I'm sure you probably associate with chest slapping and drooling all over her Bodyline.

tl;dr if someone with a severe mental handicap comes to a meet, they'll probably have someone with them that knows how to handle them. If someone in your comm has a minor mental handicap you probably won't be able to tell. Stop worrying.

>> No.8629281

Does anyone remember that indie brand that used to sell those popular bunny hats for? They were pretty high quality and I think the brand was from Australia (I could be wrong)

>> No.8629299



>> No.8629338

Checked my credit card and they didn't post my AP order. Can I basically go back to AP to fix it or no chance of me being able to pay it?

>> No.8629344

It can take a couple weeks for them to charge your card.

>> No.8629348

Thank you!
The best thing for an Aspie is to treat them normally. But be aware they can have sensory overload issues. Lots of the social stuff is due to having to deal with the sensory crap being flung at them, as they don't have as good filters. Touch, noise, visual stuff can be uncomfy, and they can get social'd out. I also know a lot of Aspies in and out of lolita.

>> No.8629362

Yes! Thank you so much anon

>> No.8629459

I get the same thing. Both on my work computer, and now at home on my laptop. Weird that it's not working in two different locations for me but others are able to get on it.

>> No.8629473

if you want to buy a Lockshop wig, I'd recommend buying from Lolita Collective since they ship out pretty quickly (only problem would be if you have customs, since they ship from USA?)

>> No.8629476

Does anyone have a tutorial for how to turn a massive bow from the front of a bodyline skirt into a head bow?
I'm not very crafty and I'd rather not ruin the bow so any tried and true methods would be appreciated.

>> No.8629490

I guess since Holy Lantern was announced everyone forgot about Nightmare Factory haha. It's still available on their website.

>> No.8629492

oh opps that comes out on the 25th, not today.

>> No.8629498

It's down for me too. I'm on chrome if it matters.

>> No.8629500

Run a skinny headband through it. It's not that hard.

>> No.8629515


well this is even worse than the other sweet rebel trailer

>> No.8629519
File: 94 KB, 636x848, AdBnlqQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly looks like a parody of herself at this point. How can she not realize how utterly ridiculous she appears?

>> No.8629522

This is honestly disgusting. Could she find a worse way to represent the fashion then talk about how much of a special snowflake and nonconformist she is?
This documentary isn't anything about lolita. It's just about her

>> No.8629531

I feel her and get it, but I don't know what makes her or the producer (?) think this will interest people. These are literally the thoughts of tons of people I know. IDK what this will bring to the table. I'm curious how much money she's making off this, if any.

>> No.8629539

As Carly said, "I'm just very special and I want people to know it"

>> No.8629592

I tried it and it seems to be back up now.

>> No.8629608

>Misty Sky has been rereleased three times
That would mean it had been released a total of four times. Why do people always get/say this wrong?

>> No.8629611

Everything that comes out of her mouth sounds like such pseudo-intellectual weed-wisdom bullshit. God, I can't stand it; she's trying to be oh-so deep and insightful or whatever and she sounds like what a middle school philosophy class would sound like.

>> No.8629613

Well she went to college. Going to Pitt is kinda of elite.

>> No.8629618

I'm pretty sure this is scripted? This doesn't sound like her from her other videos

>> No.8629623

I can't roll my eyes any harder at this.

>> No.8629625

The cringe is real.

>> No.8629637

You're joking right?

As for the trailer itself, it's even more cringey than the last one.

>> No.8629641

>"Kinda of elite"

You didn't go to college yourself, did you anon?

>> No.8629648

Was meant for >>8629613

>> No.8629688

Wait...this isn't a parody?

>> No.8629699

Just wait till Carley comes out with the original.

>> No.8629707

Just do it. It's Halloween. Be as ridiculous as you want.

>> No.8629708

Kate is the banksy of lolita jesus christ

>> No.8629750

Seconding the shipping question. How much does it tend to cost? I'm sure it changes depending on weight, but I'm trying to get an idea of how much more I should expect. Considering getting a bonnet and capelet from them.

>> No.8629758

Last time I ordered the bat headdress, and shipping was 1200Y.

>> No.8629795

lmao I watched the whole thing and I still have no idea what she was trying to say
>I savour my food
>the past is meaningless
>I didn't finish school in 4 years, get laid, or work out
Like none of those things are related
At least her wig was way nicer than the chopped up scene kid one.

>> No.8629801

I ordered just the bat headdress and got charged 5300 in total for it (shipping to Germany). So 1500 just for shipping.

>> No.8629815

Has anyone used White Rabbit Express as an in-store shopping service? Surprisingly, it's not for Holy Lantern. I was wondering what sort of rates they charge for waiting in line.

>> No.8629834

Thank you! That's a lot cheaper than I expected - then again, the bat headdress is going to be much lighter than a bonnet and capelet, ha.

>> No.8629842

Motherfucking innocent world oddment packs wtf

I thought these usually sold in the winter? Will they do winter oddment packs too?

>> No.8629844

Looks like it'll be impossible for me, seeing as I don't have any AP items and I'm in Tokyo.

>> No.8629867

Buy something from Closet Child maybe?

>> No.8629868

News says they are the last ones. I wish I had someone to go all in with me on a B pack.

>> No.8629869

I just saved up enough for some of the Halloween releases and can't afford to drop that much on one atm. I wish they would give some warning with them.

>> No.8629885

Aw poor thing. I don't usually give a shit about her/follow her drama very closely, but this just makes me feel bad for her. Like she seems to have a hard time even eating cake? I want to give her a hug

>> No.8629917

I'm fairly sure this is leur getter.

>> No.8629924

I bought a skirt and two blouses. The blouses were Bodyline quality and the skirt had a very obvious defect in the back that was pretty much impossible to fix. Would not recommend, although I've heard their velveteen stuff is nice.

>> No.8629927

Where did you get this news?

>> No.8629937

There's a girl in my comm, I think she's autistic, who pretty much gets dumped on us by her handler. We can't "just treat her like a normal person" because she clearly isn't. I don't want to be held responsible for her if she ends up hurting herself or another person and I wish her handler would either come to meetups with her orange her stop going. None of us were trained to manage someone who is pretty much a child in an adult's body who can hardly function by herself. I've heard she's even been sexually harassing comm members, which is pretty scary because she doesn't understand "no" and I'm worried that she might get violent at some point.

I understand that when someone has Aspergers or something else relatively mild you can just treat them normally, but that isn't always the case...

>> No.8629943

*make her

>> No.8629968

What was the defect?

>> No.8629969

If she is shitting up your meets by making others uncomfortable, can you just not invite her, kick her out? If it was a man she would already be gone.

>> No.8629976

I don't know, I guess nobody wants to be the ostraciser.
>If it was a man she would already be gone
If she was a man people would be crying homophobia or transphobia or whatever any time someone said they make her uncomfortable. My community is way too tolerant.

>> No.8629982

I want to buy one and have it sent to Tenso because I don't want to pay customs on 50000 yen. (britfag) Will IW ship to Tenso even though it's for overseas customers only?

>> No.8629985

Im sure if you ask the girls they might be willing to do so

>> No.8629990

I ordered from their previous sale and never got an invoice so it does make me a little worried.

>> No.8629997

I once heard that they'll ask you to show them a photo of you wearing AP if you don't wear any (the girl who wrote this wore ETC if I remember correctly).

>> No.8629998

Oh lord, she's like an edgy 15 philosopher

>> No.8629999

Because they're talking about re-releases not releases you sperg

>> No.8630001
File: 393 KB, 1116x627, reservation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Reservation" category

>> No.8630024


There are two stores in Tokyo, one is in La Foret. The other is in Shinjuku.

>> No.8630027

>clearly missing the point
Misty Sky has only been rereleased twice and released once. It's come out 3 times, not 4.

>> No.8630031

Rubs me the wrong way that someone is probably getting paid to look after her, and then dumping her with you and your comm.
your doing for free what people get paid for. Really, i feel bad for you that you have to deal with that

>> No.8630043

Why is Holy Lantern a magnet for newfags and itas?

The re-release is announced and suddenly all these people want to buy it, but they have never even bought a new AP release before?

Everywhere is full of dumb questions about shopping services, AP's website, tenso etc

>> No.8630045

Hey, I'm not complaining. I've gotten really great deals from people trying to sell shit to afford it

>> No.8630051

Nice quads

>> No.8630052

>calls them a sperg
>is a moron who can't into reading comprehension

>>8630027 is correct

>> No.8630058

I find that it happens with rereleases of big stuff especially since it brings out people who think they could at least try to get something that eluded them. With AP they are in for a shock.

>> No.8630059

Yeah I am going in expecting to get nothing, ha.

>> No.8630060

Holy Lantern is known for being a status dress and hella expensive It's their only chance to get something so popular for cheap.
And honestly, Holy Lantern is gorgeous.

It's not even only newfags asking, I had to do some online research on tenso and the AP registration because I never bought an online release even though I've been in the fashion for 3 years.

>> No.8630062

I was wondering the same thing, anon. Using Tenso isn't rocket science. Tbh I wish people would stop helping these idiots so there's a better chance for us to get HL faster.

>> No.8630064

I think those who already used tenso and AP and have their credit card saved have a major advantage anway.

>> No.8630067

Hopefully all the Chinese lolitas want Holy Lantern, so they can send angry emails when the site crashes and it sells out.

A MTO would be nice (with the original JSK heh), although it is unlikely. AP probably wants to keep milking this every year like they do with Misty Sky...

>> No.8630069

I don't normally keep up with AP so when a release actually strikes my fancy I tend to only notice it after it has been long sold out. I think Holy Lantern is beautiful (if ridiculously short) so I wouldn't mind getting my hands on it and a rerelease might be my best chance at that. Then again, this looks like it's going to be a bloodbath and I'm probably not going to bother with it. Would be just my luck that in the 0.001% chance I do get it, it's going to be butt-length or something.
>tfw made a Tenso account for a different AP release several months ago but ended up not going for it, so now Tenso keeps spamming me about deals for "first time customers"

>> No.8630075

hopefully this release is a bit longer for others but I am 4'11 with stumpy legs sooo nbd for me
shorter is more flattering on me

>> No.8630081

well they did do a MTO for misty sky this year so there might be a chance if enough people demand it.

>> No.8630085

There was no MTO for Misty Sky, it was just a regular rerelease.

>> No.8630087

>Misty Sky
>being this new

>> No.8630089

srsly if Misty Sky was MTO do you think people would still sell it for $700? Cosmic was MTO at one point, maybe you're confusing both chiffon prints.

>> No.8630100

I have always bought secondhand because none of the current releases have interested me that much. I would say I am relatively new (been in to lolita since 2013) and Holy Lantern is the dress that actually got me actively interested in the fashion. So for me I guess I am catching up on old releases in the second hand market and have had no need to buy new ones directly from AP.
In saying that though, the directions are pretty straightforward. Make a Tenso account and make an AP account. It's not that hard. No need to ask questions when there are lots of tutorials on how to do so online.
I think "how to handle big releases when ordering from AP" would be better information to pass on to people who have never done it before.

>> No.8630106

Nope. Just a rerelease. I don't really blame people though but damn, it's not that hard to google stuff

>> No.8630108

What color are the star buttons for the lavender and wine Holy Lantern colorways for the sepcial set/OP? I'm having trouble telling from pics.

>> No.8630117

Does anyone have any reccomendations for a wig shop with fairly quick shipping?

>> No.8630161

Quick shipping to what country?

>> No.8630167

Got a dress of off FB sales. Dress was obviously damaged, so, I asked for a partial refund. Told her to send it to me as a gift. This girl is claiming that she can't send money through Paypal; she wants me to invoice her. Is it even possible? Should I just invoice her and be done with it, or, should I be afraid of a chargeback?

>> No.8630170

Hell no, don't invoice her. Open a Paypal claim if you doesn't give you the partial refund.

>> No.8630172

if she doesn't*

>> No.8630178


>> No.8630183

lol no, this is the parody anon. pretty accurate tho.

>> No.8630191

That's bull, you just find the transaction, click "refund" and enter the amount to refund to the buyer. There's no reason for you to have to invoice her.

>> No.8630199

I dunno if they have anything lolita-style but last time I ordered from epic cosplay my package got to me in two days.

>> No.8630222 [DELETED] 

i just ordered my first oddment pack! i don't have much IW, but really hoping for some good daily wear staples. google shows me mostly older packs, but what kind of stuff did people get in the last oddment round?

>> No.8630228

new thread >>8630227

>> No.8630231

Oh I know. It really did take me a second to realize that it wasn't Carly lol

>> No.8630241

Holy shit this parody is awesome.

>> No.8630261

Thanks guys. It just struck me as very sketchy. I told her to refund me through her transaction history. We'll see how that goes

>> No.8630412

Arda wigs, they have great quailty for the price. You can also choose different shipping methods if you need it sooner.

>> No.8630483

deets on deals because i'm curious

>> No.8631028

Ahhh man I'd offer, but I just joined in on one with a girl from my comm.Maybe ask your comm too?

>> No.8631038

are these really the last ones? for this year i assume?

>> No.8631055

Yeah, next ones should be New Years LP's

>> No.8631235
File: 36 KB, 444x260, embarrass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never bought an online release even though I've been in the fashion for 3 years.
seconding. i've been in since 2011-ish, but i've never bought straight from AP because i just never had the money for anything but secondhand tbh, and AP doesn't make much that i would want to buy anyways. most dresses i want are long past too. i would be in on this release if it wasn't THIS FUCKING SATURDAY like damn AP i just started a new job but i get my check on wednesday. why this

>> No.8633223 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 909x1211, _DSC0082_mh1443241059241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone please suggest hairstyles for this coord?
Id like something kinda Larme-kei but I dont know if it would be suitable.
Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.