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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 692 KB, 1366x744, yandyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8591160 No.8591160 [Reply] [Original]

50% of birthday sale. What's everybody buying?

>> No.8591204

for anons that received the sailor JSK already....how was the fit? my bust is EXACTLY 94cm....am i going to look like a potato in it?

>> No.8591209
File: 198 KB, 700x1200, l340-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get L340. But I want to know if anybody has any photos of it being worn. I just found some bad ones

>> No.8591211
File: 153 KB, 500x667, 1385311501665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks good from behind

>> No.8591219

That fabric/lace looks so scratchy....
Why don't you just buy a cheap burando OP from secondhand?

>> No.8591235

my bust is 93 and I got the L and it fits fine (provided I'm not wearing one of my boob maximizer bras, normal tshirt bras it fits nice with a fair amount of room)
Its such a lovely and well made dress I was tempted to buy it again in red

>> No.8591239
File: 141 KB, 700x1200, costume770-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What character is this suppose to be and why is it so damn cute?

>> No.8591251

the MC from the Amnesia otome game

>> No.8591252

you bought the L, anon? so i should be good with a 2L hopefully..

fuck, there's so much cute shit i've been wanting, but didn't want to get b/c the prices were jacked up. and that fucking gaga jsk is finally cheap enough to where i can justify buying it for roomwear, lol.

>> No.8591254

I know it's a cosplay but I think I just want it for the outfit. it's so cute..

>> No.8591263

just sticking to 4 skirts and a pair of shoes. keeping it simple.

>> No.8591264

I bought a new pair of shoes. Nothing else I really wanted to buy, so I did a group order

>> No.8591288

Ordered >>8591239, the sailor JSK in navy, and a pair of school uniform shoes. Wanted more but I couldn't decide

>> No.8591294
File: 176 KB, 700x1000, shoes193-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through the site is awful, slow as hell but I did buy shoes 193 in black.
I'm content with that.

Let's hope there's no BS about them reaching me, though.

>> No.8591299

Completely new to lolita here. I already know to steer clear of Bodyline for the most part, but how are their shoes?

>> No.8591313

Their shoes are fine, they don't really fall apart easily. I've had all of my pairs for a long while and they've gone through many times of me bending my ankle over uneven sidewalks.
They an just a little uncomfortable, so just buy a small par of sole jellies and you'll be fine.

>> No.8591331

I'm a classic/gothic lolita, I wanna try sweet, brand is not going to be just $17.50. Also, I do own brand, but I think this may look nice, I don't even know why you point such a thing in a BL thread.

>> No.8591337

any pictures of this worn in white?

>> No.8591355

Would you guys recommend buying a bodyline pannier? Or where would be better for a cheap one. I need a second one to layer. But this site is so confusing, it looks like the one I want is one size and I have a 69 cm waist

>> No.8591362


Bodyline pettis suck ass. Try Bunny House, they're pretty affordable

>> No.8591388

Thanks. Maybe I'll try bodyline shoes, the dresses and costumes look terrible, too. But that $5 remi outfit is so tempting even though it looks super cheap.

>> No.8591428

You don't need to steer clear of Bodyline in general. Their stuff isn't as good as brand, but a lot of it is decent. Just know what to look for to avoid the crappy pieces.

>> No.8591431

How long is sale? Do I need a code? Thank you lovelies

>> No.8591435
File: 50 KB, 466x799, SherbertChiffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only found another picture and a detail shot. Derp-chan is holding the skirt a bit awkward, but it looks amost nice

>> No.8591439
File: 143 KB, 700x1050, l340-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8591451

I literally cannot deal with Bodyline blouses. They are always uncomfortable in some way or another. I have had to get rid of all of mine.

>> No.8591457
File: 180 KB, 700x1200, acc1085-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a couple blouses and a round headdress that I've been meaning to buy. Just cheap basics. Took forever to get checkout to work though.

>> No.8591480

Bought some things (mostly skirts and one dress) I have been interested in. At 50% off I figured why not take the plunge?

>> No.8591488

I also forgot to add that I bought a lot of basics especially white items which I seem to get stained too often.

>> No.8591489

Really anon? I have bodyline blouses that have lasted me for years. Sadly they both don't seem to be sold anymore. Boo ):

>> No.8591494

is the sale over already?

>> No.8591502

Yeah I have found the lace to be extremely itchy and uncomfortable and the buttons come off fairly easily (not a fatty). I have also found they don't breathe at all so you often get very sweaty in them.

>> No.8591532

Thanks, anon. I just ordered a pair. They really weren't expensive at all so I won't be upset if they don't work out.

>> No.8591565

Does anyone have "greyish pink" shoes?
I'm looking to get pink shoes to match pink Angelic Pretty pieces but the "greyish" part is kind of offputting.
4chin wont let me upload a photo for some reason, but they're shoes273 that I'm looking at.

>> No.8591566

I also have button problems but I have boobs so I thought it was just me. Glad to see I'm not alone on this.

>> No.8591570

Can anyone who owns blouse l527 tell me how forgiving the sizing is? I'd need a 2L but only yellow is left for this size. How is the blouse overall and any worn pics?

>> No.8591580

Can't bear a uniform skirt for $2.50.

I also grabbed a $5.00 lolita tartan skirt, high waist floral skirt, two blouses and a pair of wristcuffs. It was a bit of a splurge but now I can be set for the rest of the year and be happy with that.

>> No.8591598

*beat. Not bear.

I need to go to sleep.

>> No.8591662

Sale is going to end in less than 2 hours and 15 minutes

>> No.8591664



(also no, you do not need a code)

>> No.8591674

how do you know anon? link?

>> No.8591675

Sale was extended a day actually

>> No.8591679

Is everything already marked down -50% on the site? Sorry, I slept through this announcement..

>> No.8591680

It says so on the video on the front page from 9/1 ~ 9/2 (11am) not sure if Japan time or they meant 11pm Japan time but everything is still 50% off so I am guessing when it hits 11am somewhere but better just order stuff now than regret it later

>> No.8591681

Yea it is already marked down. Wrist cuffs are usually $10 USD but now $5 usd and a lot of shoes are half priced and everything else it

>> No.8591682

Oh really? Nvm what I said then glad to know I don't have to feel pressured to get everything right now.

Also I know I am late but are taxes just for customs or are they for everyone? I live in the States so idk if I have to pay the taxes or not

>> No.8591693


I have those in pink, they're adorable and surprisingly comfortable considering I almost never wear heels (not even in Lolita)

>> No.8591695

has anyone bought L564 (it's the lady gaga face JSK....4chan image upload isn't working)? i want it (god, it's so tacky i love it), but just realized i'm a bit over the max bust (88cm, while i'm 94 cm). it looks pretty stretchy, but was curious about what it's made of and if it will stretch a bit more.

>> No.8591703

sorry, me again. i'm also considering L087 for an easy daytime gothic victorian halloween costume, but i fall frustratingly between sizes, as my waist is a big bigger than the max on the M. does this OP run really roomy? if not, i'd just get the 2L and have to take it in a bit i guess....

>> No.8591705

$55 for shoes and that sailor dress. Not bad!

>> No.8591706

I'm australian and ordered approx 5000Y and paid extra 400Y. Assuming it's a non-waifu tax.

I bought the cameo OP in black, s510(the heeled oxfords) and some high waist puffy shorts. I wanted the gaga dress but then realised it would probably barely cover my ass and I was only buying it to impress my gf.
Sort of regratting not getting s506, but couldn't decide on a colour..

>> No.8591748

L076 is the only one I would recommend. Cotton lace, decent design, and has washed and worn as well as my brand ones, if not better given that I'm not scared to chuck them straight into the machine. I've had my black one since I first got into lolita, so over 5 years and it's started to fade but is still wearable, and the off white one I have had for 4 years which is fine. The buttons and the overall fabric quality aren't quite as nice as some of my brand ones but definitely on par with meta lucky pack blouses. I have had to sew a couple of buttons back on, but this isn't a big deal for me as I generally have to do that eventually for most of my blouses

>> No.8591756

How do you know?

>> No.8591767

FUCK ME so I am on a spending ban right now, and I'm also considering leaving Lolita due to the petticoat being too much for me anymore, and I should not buy anything but the sale ends today and there's things I really wanted that are a reasonable price on this sale. It's not that I don't have the money to get something but I shouldn't spend it, and it seems stupid to buy new Lolita clothes when I don't know whether or not I want to keep wearing the fashion.

Also, slightly related, would the sailor dress work outside of Lolita? Worn without a petticoat? It looks pretty full so I don't know if it would work or not.

>> No.8591774

Fucking bodyline, always having sales when I can't spend any money. Was anything really, really worth it? I mean, were there any horribly overpriced items that got discounted to mega cheap?

>> No.8591789

Did a small group order, all together the three of us ordered five pairs of rockinghorse shoes lmao. This ended up being perfect timing since I was going to place an order soon anyway.

>> No.8591791

Well, I TRIED to buy a pair of boots, 3 blouses, a cardigan, and a bolero, but I don't know if the order actually went through. After going to the Paypal screen and logging in and everything, I was redirected back to the BL website which told me that the order could not be placed. At the bottom of the screen, it showed everything still in my cart. I clicked on the check out button underneath and went to a Paypal screen which told said: "There is a problem with the merchant's PayPal account. Please try again later." So I thought the order didn't go through, but PayPal sent me a receipt for the payment anyway. Is BL going to send me my stuff, refund the payment, or steal my money?

>> No.8591816

I got two pairs of shoes and the l325 skirt in blue because why the hell not, curious about the shade and hoping it will match my Aatp vampire rose otks. The site was super slow though and for some reason I had to refill the shopping cart about 5 times and forgot to order a pair of Ouji pants.

>> No.8591856

I got a redirect back to a blank page on the site, but my order showed up fine when I logged in. If you entered login info, you could check that way, otherwise wait and see I guess.

Ayyy. Time to rock around the Christmas tree.

>> No.8591896

The shoes I want aren't in my size but are still on sale :'( shoes255 if anyone watching this thread has little feet

>> No.8591897

I only want to buy one thing, and it's £3.50. Wish I had a friend I could just get in on their order and give them the money, not sure if I can be bothered for one item.

>> No.8591898

Successfully placed a little order; I'd love to show you but damn pic uploading is down. Got magical cosmetics skirt in black as well as L332 in brown (the sakura print jsk). The stock pics make it look like a real clusterfuck, but after seeing worn pics I figure it might just be worth a shot, at least for 1500y. Otherwise, just a pair of bloomers, a replacement for a favourite hair accessory of mine, and some plain white tights.

>> No.8591900

I think it would work without a petti, sailor dresses like this are also common in rockability.

>> No.8591911

I still want the Mr. Yan pillow case. He so dreamy!!!

>> No.8591923

How mad would you be if you got l183 in a white elephant gift? I'm thinking of a gift exchange this Christmas with my comm. Hehehe

>> No.8591963

I bought the sailor dress especially for casual wear and it looks really nice as a j-fashion-ih dress even without a blouse. Considering buying it in another color since it's so nice.

>> No.8591987
File: 93 KB, 754x394, bodylineorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aha, pics are back, here we go

>> No.8591996

Are BL's knee highs really knee-high? I have average size calves for someone 160cm tall. I'd hate to get them and they be too short.

>> No.8592010

No, they haven't restocked most of their shoes, OPs, or JSKs in forever so it's almost as if the sale was to push their few remaining items out. You didn't miss much

>> No.8592116

yanners announced it on the FB page.

>> No.8592169

I don't know if this is the proper thread but what bodyline wigs are worth buying? Or should I just buy a wig somewhere else?

>> No.8592218

Thanks, I think I might get it then, not right now though, I'll have to hope they do another sale someday because I don't want to pay 50+ for it. Gotta stick to my buying ban no matter how much it hurts lol.

>> No.8592228

I love BL wigs. I have 2 already and have just picked up 4 more in the sale. Definitely worth it!

>> No.8592230

What wigs have you bought?

>> No.8592258

Why did I have to find about this sale? Haha, i still have to wait about a week until payday
I ordered their Homura cosplay and 3 wigs for other costumes. I hope they are worth it.
Btw i used their yen prices while ordering and it was 5€ cheaper than using bl's euro prices!

>> No.8592312
File: 1.16 MB, 1585x717, BL Haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the moment I have w074 which looks fine worn but could be a bit thicker and w117 which is absolutely beautiful and nice and thick

This is what I bought in the sale, but the wigs are different colours

>> No.8592319
File: 287 KB, 700x1200, l564-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-requesting info on pic related and L087 fit.

>> No.8592323
File: 144 KB, 844x750, w117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's it worn as is and then worn styled into a bun (the colour I have is lightbrown4)
It's beautiful and honestly I would have bought a second one if I wanted any of the other colours

>> No.8592357

How big do BL's cardigans stretch out? I need one that can fit a 100cm bust but most don't say how much does it stretch

>> No.8592450

Dumb question, how's the quality of their sailor uniforms? Or is it a waste money?

>> No.8592455

They're alright. All the tops have zips through the front which looks a little odd but the quality isn't terrible. If you want one and can get it cheap in the sale it's worth it but don't expect anything super amazing

>> No.8592515

Unicorn and Cinderella Bunny are about the only things. Still not worth it for unicorn imo

>> No.8592604

Not that anon but how is the sizing? I have a really huge head and I'm worried that they won't fit me. Arda wigs fit me perfectly fine for reference

>> No.8592620

They're adjustable so you should be alright, I think my head's pretty average sized and I have to make it a little smaller to stay snug. Maybe pick up one of the like $5 ones in the sale if you're wary.

>> No.8592621
File: 101 KB, 847x768, Untitled-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wanting the Cinderella Bunny JSK for awhile. Glad I got it.

>> No.8592762
File: 44 KB, 251x231, 1436371029505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shoot, just wanted to get a few basic wigs and was in checkout but the site was moving so slow that the order didn't go through before 11AM JST hit just now. So the site cancelled the order and brought me back to the cart page and everything is back up to twice the price. ):

>> No.8592766

Same here anon. Let's cry together since we won't get a great sale like this for a good while.

>> No.8592859

I was feeling the same as you anon wanted those cheap cheap 6$ wigs...

>> No.8593151
File: 120 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm hoping that this is just a USPS fuck up, but I was wondering if any of you had issues with a package being "undeliverable as addressed." The address that I use for Bodyline shipping has been the same for years so I'm suspecting a scanning error or it went on the wrong truck. I just hope to god that Bodyline didn't fuck up writing my address because it's airmail and it took forever to get here. The moment I saw it was out for delivery in the city of Chicago, I knew something was wrong. Do you think they'll figure things out or should a give a call to the post office where my package is said to be and try and get it 56 miles up north where it's supposed to be?

>> No.8593235
File: 473 KB, 960x1280, 2015-09-03-00-18-27_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically i guess bodylines shoes dont fit wide feet. Unless anyone has recommendations for ones that might?

>> No.8593239

I'm pretty sure it's just that style of shoe anon. I have had those in two colors and they are just really tight around the toes because of the straps. All of the other BL shoes i own fit wide feet just fine.

>> No.8593255

Oh okay. My feet hurt where the straps are within like 10-15 minutes. I dont usually wear heels so i was sort of iffy about it. Also, the buckles are such a pain in the butt to undo, how do you do it?

>> No.8593275

Maybe you could poke in another hole a little further down?

>> No.8593292

Oh i've done that before, why didn't I think of that?? I don't know how I'll find a punch that small though.

>> No.8593298

I have the same problem and just use a safety pin. Takes a bit of effort but it works

>> No.8593368

New BL is seriously acting like a scam

>tax added after checkout
>no confirmation emails whatsoever
>order marked as "completed" in less than 12 hours
>but the tracking number doesn't work even though it's been 2 days now

Well I'm pretty sure they just printed the label now to ship a huge batch a few days later. That neat sailor dress for $30 was a cool deal nonetheless.

>> No.8593372

I think that 'completed' refers to the order being complete and ready for sending, not that the whole transaction is complete. I could be wrong though, just speculating.
Also, if you chose air shipping your order won't actually be shipped until the next Tuesday in Japan so your tracking number won't work until then.

>> No.8593387

Their website keeps trying to install nasty viruses and malware onto my computer. Wtf Bodyline!

>> No.8593388

Is the 50% sale over?

>> No.8593393


Yeah, you should probably call them.

>> No.8593395

Seems like it

>> No.8593466

Anon, the buckles have poppers under them. You're not supposed to actually undo them every time.

>> No.8593538

I haven't ordered from bodyline for awhile. How long does it take to ship on average?

>> No.8593539

But it is like 50usd? At least it showed that, I nabbed it.

>> No.8593576 [DELETED] 

Mr. Yan and Venus Angelic got married.


>> No.8593577 [DELETED] 


>> No.8593579
File: 305 KB, 1268x816, whyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wanting to get into lolita for a while and decided now was the time to go crazy.

>> No.8593582 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-03-17-22-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8593584 [DELETED] 

She's talking about her boyfriend she made videos with not Mr Yan!

>> No.8593585 [DELETED] 

She didn't marry Mr Yan. She married her boyfriend, after meeting at disneyland when Mr Yan took her there.

>> No.8593587
File: 421 KB, 773x508, blorder92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I'm really glad I made my order yesterday instead of waiting til today. Even though my order is still processing, I didn't think the sale was going to end that quickly. I wonder if Yanners did a flash sale just to see how many sales they could make after having lost business switching to the new site.

>> No.8593588

holy shit sry
My heart is normally again

>> No.8593651 [DELETED] 

> marrying her Japanese stalker fanboy
> finally has legal rights to stay in glorious nippon
> finally out of the clutches of angry venus momma

You go, girl.

>> No.8593655 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 400x400, 55840570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8593660 [DELETED] 

> Getting married at a young age

>> No.8593663

So pissed I missed the sale, the site went down and I didn't check it enough.
Fuck everything, I needed a wig and some blouses and things, but it's not worth it any more with that shipping and tax cost.

>> No.8593670 [DELETED] 

She's a stupid weeaboo.

>> No.8593672
File: 266 KB, 700x384, bodylinebought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some simple things. Really mad I couldn't get the black shoes in the black and white version.

>> No.8593819
File: 200 KB, 534x534, spenttoomuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I got. I'd been wanting Cinderella bunny since 11th grade (and I'm a 2nd year at college now) so it was nice to finally buy it. Hoping the blouses turn out nice.

>> No.8593826
File: 322 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1441279752614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the seifuku and longer wig in black to modify for a cosplay, the shorter one for Halloween, and a couple of bits for lolita. Looking back I should've picked up a maid outfit so I can be Magenta next Rocky Horror night

>> No.8593930
File: 481 KB, 943x517, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for the gingham dress minus the apron.

>> No.8593963

As it got elastics, you prolly could even fit it pregnant.

>> No.8593967

You probably got a virus, it works fine for everyone else.

>> No.8594074
File: 96 KB, 1025x697, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I called USPS and was on hold for 17 minutes. They sent my package to the wrong zip code and have corrected the issue. Thank goodness because I would've ripped all my hair out if they sent it back to Japan. Like hell Bodyline would've reimbursed me for 4 dollars worth shipping.

>> No.8594157

Glad everything worked out alright for you anon

>> No.8594571
File: 1.03 MB, 988x744, yanbirfday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been really wanting l362 and l325 for a little bit, but didn't really want to dish for them.

>> No.8594589

Fantastic, the bs starts.

>never got a confirmation email from BL only my PP receipt
>try to log into the site to see my order status
>log in doesn't work
>ask to reset my password, email never comes
>sent an email to BL with the transaction ID to see if they can at least tell me the order status
>prepared to accept that I probably won't be helped at all

I just wanted shoes, guys.

>> No.8594593

I ordered something and I never got the confirmation email either, but in my account it seems fine. I think if you got the paypal receipt, you're probably fine.

>> No.8594597

Please help! my friend wants to order this as her first dress. http://bodyline.co.jp/en/l129.html how can i tell her it's ita as fuck without hurting her feelings?

>> No.8594599

That's not too bad as long as she has the right makeup, wig and accessories

>> No.8594605
File: 235 KB, 561x800, 355737-874-2015-04-30711563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


those sleeves though

>> No.8594607

Are there any similar that you could point her towards instead?
I hate those sleeves so much

>> No.8594609

Tell her that a JSK is better for a first piece because it is more versatile.

>> No.8594612

Wow, those sleeves are a shame.

>> No.8594614 [DELETED] 

I thought she broke up with that guy because her videos with him say ex-boyfriend in the titles now. Or is this some other guy than the one in her past videos?

>> No.8594617

I've found her some really good deals on used burando. Not to mention, she's going to be paying full price for this since the sale is over. I wonder if she could dye the dress part black, so sleeves are so nasty.

>> No.8594760 [DELETED] 

Same guy, really just to keep her visa so she can stay in Japan. Guess he was the only person there she knows so she went back and married him.

>> No.8594780 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 600x342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Venus
> got married

>> No.8594850

Likewise here. I got the PayPal receipt, no BL confirmation email, but when I login to my BL account the order is all there. Things should work out fine. I ended up spending over $300, so they better.

>> No.8594857 [DELETED] 

It takes 20+ years to get a citizenship through marriage in Japan. It ain't like most places so she has to wait a long time and renew her visa until then

>> No.8594858 [DELETED] 

On her IG, she explained that she said they broke up because of constant bullying and harrassement from other people so she said they broke up to keep their relationship safe. I hope she married him because she really loves him and not for a visa/citizenship.

>> No.8594947 [DELETED] 


Isn't Margaret living with her tho? She said she was in Tokio on her Instagram, when that incident with a Black Diamond member happened.

>> No.8595377
File: 484 KB, 1040x450, imgrc0063127312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who complained about the sale being over? They have a "super sale" because of halloween soon.

>> No.8595382
File: 112 KB, 700x700, costume866-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbf SJW shitstorm.

>> No.8595383
File: 75 KB, 700x700, costume865-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8595402

Well, they answered me and said nothing useful other than "your order is fine."
Thing is that I can't log into my account and it doesn't even send me an email to reset the password.

Guess I'll just have to hope they get here before October ends.

>> No.8595567

Silly anon, it's not cultural appropriation if you're not white~<3

>> No.8595587

I want the dress just for the apron.

>> No.8595606

That's a cute ass costume.

>> No.8595609

Yeah, that's sure why they complained a lot about Kyary wearing some arab outfit.

>> No.8595756
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>> No.8595759
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>> No.8595761
File: 34 KB, 600x600, CKppWIPUkAEIQoS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8595762
File: 44 KB, 599x900, CJZzH_wVAAAnb8Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8595797

Is this on Rakuten?

>> No.8595815

Oh shit I hope it's more than half off. I want that nun outfit.

Speaking of.. where the fuck are the new nun dresses? I checked the cosplay character section, the halloween section, even the lolita dress section. Can't find either one of them.

>> No.8595823


>> No.8595833

The lace is absolute plastic shit, on the dress as well. At least it is easier to replace on the dress. Really, you don't.

>> No.8595845

It's a double buyer points sale

>> No.8595847

Christmas section, some other new dresses were put into the mens section while not even having men sizes

>> No.8595850


>> No.8595852

The sale gives you double buyer points on Rakuten if you buy from Bodyline there

>> No.8595860

oh! thank you

>> No.8595894

Thanks anon!

>> No.8595982

Mr. Yan has a bday party today in poland, event is on the Bodyline fb.

>> No.8596204
File: 66 KB, 780x765, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Yan: "Ladies, please contain your orgasms..."

>> No.8596228

Does anyone happen to know the quality of bodyline's gakuran?

>> No.8596234

Is it even too bad to wear when actually cooking and baking? I don't want it for fashion purposes, so I don't expect the lace to be decent quality.

>> No.8596303

Where is your tracking? I can't find Mine

>> No.8596586

Go to this link (assuming you're logged in, if not it will bring you there).
Under "Recent Orders" click View Order, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Track your Order"

>> No.8596627

Okay, I logged onto my BL account and the order didn't show up, so I emailed BL about it. They said that the order didn't go through because of the heavy traffic during the sale and refunded my payment. God dammit.

>> No.8597068

what's bodyline/mr yan official fb page ?
Anyone pls :(

>> No.8597072


>> No.8597091
File: 2.73 MB, 720x430, ed87acb309a517aedf784a307f6afc7c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi gulls! I ordered the sailor dress and two pair of shoes with air shipping, do you know if they send it in a single package? Or the three things in different packages?

>> No.8597212

I have it in black and it is pretty nice. It doesn't have any lace, just chiffon frills. But chiffon goes all the way up and covers the neck so you have to rip it and make it a square neck otherwise I find it pretty stupid. it also looks good and oldschoolish with a blouse underneath. I can post pics if anyone interested.

>> No.8597221


>> No.8597275

i realized it was because i was on mobile. moble cuts off the table after order status. thanks though

>> No.8597395

In;b4 I don't know how to in;b4

>> No.8597400

I just noticed i didnt pay shipping during the sale and i only paid 8% sales tax. Did things keep getting caught in customs so they got rid of the import tax thing?

Ive gotten two shoe boxes in a bag before while other anons got their two shoes sent separately in bags. It might depend where you live

>> No.8597408

Please do!

>> No.8597420

It depends on what shipping you chose and the weight of your items. Anything over the weight limit for the parcel will be split into multiple parcels.

>> No.8597740
File: 63 KB, 700x1200, 2354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My payday didn't come until the Friday following the 50% sale so I picked up this Mami cosplay for £10, I'm just going to alter the bust when it arrives and I'm hoping it'll be possible to mix a small amount of brown dye with the skirt to make the colour slightly more accurate. First time ordering a cosplay from bodyline so no idea of what the quality will be like but if it's bad it's no real loss at £10.

>> No.8597830

I received a costume from them recently and it wasn't too bad. It feels like they used polyester fabric, so be prepared for that just in case when it comes to dying that skirt. Annnd the white fabric on mine turned out to be a tiny bit thin, so you may have to wear something underneath the top. Good luck! Post pics when it arrives!

>> No.8597907
File: 966 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m6ritlJGyC1ry7wi4o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My country customs are hyper shitty, and I only can import two packages. Honestly, it's my fault because I should have planned it before buying, but the sale was so tempting.
I'll calculate the weight and hope it comes in two or even one package. Thanks again anonettes!

>> No.8598369

Ah, thanks for the advice! My tracking still hasn't updated yet but when it arrives I'll be glad to post a pic and review when it does.

>> No.8599497

Check how many tracking numbers you got and you'll know straight away

>> No.8599524

These taxes are different. Eurofag here. I'm worried my 5000¥ order that it'll be caught in customs.

>> No.8599696

is this up on the site anywhere yet?

>> No.8600788

>Did things keep getting caught in customs so they got rid of the import tax thing?
No but they had problems with getting the custom fees % for every country right, it was too much of an hastle so they removed it.

>> No.8600794
File: 145 KB, 700x1200, costume889-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, only the japanese one.

>> No.8601761

Finally sent BL a message about my order from the sale because I went for EMS because I was having package troubles the last few months and didn't want to deal with another lost package. They replied saying ALL packages were delayed and would be sent out next week.

>> No.8601800

well that's disappointing, oh well.

>> No.8601887
File: 35 KB, 300x300, costume646-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone have some pics of Bodylines Senbonzakura cosplay (646)? I'm tempted to buy it's so cheap but the color seems way off.

>> No.8601893

Would you like to sell me just the apron?

>> No.8601910
File: 1.79 MB, 360x202, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gdi yandy man

>> No.8602475
File: 100 KB, 700x1200, costume646_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see on their photo with model, it is actually a greyish light purple and not pink.

>> No.8602934

Gdi, I went for AIR but I was still hoping it'd get here by the end of the month, but I doubt it now
>why do I keep coming back

>> No.8603580

Thanks for the update, it's been over a week already and I was starting to get worried.

I kind of expected BL of all brands to be able to handle the sudden rush...

>> No.8603679

Well, gotta take into account the sale was both for domestic and international customers. Twice as many orders in a 48 hour period.

>> No.8603736

wow that girl does not know how to pose

she's not imitating the original pose very well, and if they're doing it for catalog purposes, you still can't see the costume because of the huge fucking sleeve...

>> No.8605349

This is my first time shopping on Bodyline. If I buy a costume and choose the Air mail, will it arrive in time?

>> No.8605367

Depends on what your definition of 'in time' is and your location. In my experience, airmail usually takes 3-4 weeks to reach Europe, for instance, but it might be different somewhere else.

>> No.8605381

I'm in the US and I was hoping for it to arrive by mid-October. But 3-4 weeks should be enough time if its the same. Thanks!

>> No.8605405 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 640x640, qurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to see where my package is
>have to make an account with BL

gdi yan

>> No.8605408

The first of my 3 packages has got to the UK, it got hit by customs, £13
I'm dreading the other 2 coming through... I can't afford the charges at all... *sigh*

>> No.8605412
File: 125 KB, 640x640, qurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making an account to access tracking number
Thank you, Bodyline!

>> No.8605417

What was the point to paying customs to Bodyline if it's going to get hit with customs anyway?

>> No.8605420

I know... I'm so mad and upset, it's a major setback in my finances

>> No.8605422
File: 512 KB, 400x192, imdone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've reset my password and found my number, but it's not showing up on Japan post nor USPS. Fucking bitch.

>> No.8605424

Can't you dispute it or something? Show them that you already paid customs?

>> No.8605456

I'm not sure how to prove I have... Or if I even did

>> No.8605458

Is it unusual to have been waiting nine days for my order to be shipped?

>> No.8605468

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.8605477

Short answer: right now, yes. All orders from the past little while (around the sale) have been temporarily delayed, will only be sent out this coming week. Next time at least skim the thread; half the discussion has been around this exact thing

>> No.8605492

How's bodyline, cosplay wise?
I'm looking at the sailor moon cosplays but all the reviews I can find are from 2011

>> No.8605506

better than halloween shops, but evidently not as good as handmade/commissioned. i'd say avoid the wigs though

>> No.8605523

does Bodyline have a Mako cosplay or is this the closest I can get?

>> No.8605699

Is it true they only ship on Tuesday? I bought on day one.:. Come on bodyline.

It still asked you to pay customs? I only had to pay 8% sales tax and no shipping

>> No.8605707

If you only paid for air shipping, yes, they only ship out on Tuesday. The page says so when you select air shipping so I don't know why you're surprised.

>> No.8605715

> birthday sale
>miraculously found $50 in my paypal
>it's a sign

>> No.8607537

I actually bought this a while ago and was pleasantly surprised by it! While it's not exactly accurate color wise (or with certain details like the skirt cute, the sleeve prints, etc.) the fabric is SUPER nice and soft. It was a total bitch to iron but I actually really like the costume. With a little touching up it would be really great!

The main downside with the one I got is the nylons were moldy. So I just washed the whole costume to be safe.

>> No.8608326

I bought a pair of shoes during the 50% off sale, I did get an email confirming my order went through when I placed it. However, they've never sent me a tracking number. Should I continue to wait the normal 3ish weeks it usually takes their packages to show up, or should I bother them about it?

>> No.8608340

Sorry for being a giant newfag, I've bought some other brand dresses second hand and I've bought from Taobao twice now.

The bodyline skirt is only available thru their rakuten site. What SS should I use to buy from their rakuten site? Can I use something like Japamart or Japanico? They seem like they only serve for auction sites but they mention Rakuten.

>> No.8608430

maybe fromjapan? i've usd them and if you're just buying 1 or 2 things, they're damn cheap.

>> No.8608434
File: 190 KB, 700x1200, l325-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon, thanks!!

>> No.8608438

What's with people not bothering to even read the thread? Ctrl+f people.
All packages from the 50% off sale are delayed. Don't worry about it.

>> No.8608441

Meant to add on here your tracking number is now in your account on the website.

>> No.8608476

I read the thread about packages being delayed, do you think if I use AIR for an order I want to place tomorrow, would it arrive by October 5th?

>> No.8610115
File: 344 KB, 1040x450, clearance-sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seifuku clearance sale or something started.

>> No.8610130

I guess it depends on your luck and where you live, but I wouldn't bet one it. I think the very fastest I've had a BL package come in (USA) was about a month from purchase to arrival.

>> No.8610242
File: 169 KB, 700x1200, pan078-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered pan078 the other day and it should be here within the next week or two, so if you guys are interested I can write up a little review once it gets in?

I know bodyline pettis are supposedly really shitty but this is for cosplay rather than lolita so

>> No.8610246

What is this exactly? All the prices seem to be the same..or am I missing something?

>> No.8610249

It says it's for shoes, accessories, and punk.

>> No.8610379

in fact i just looked, and a bunch of shit jumped up 1000 yen. wtf yanners those skirts are not worth 5000 yen.

>> No.8610416

I saw it for sale in a shop once and almost bought it, it looked really nice

>> No.8610544

You might get lucky but really it's been a total gamble lately, my last two packages I bought through the new site didn't get charged, but the three before that did. It's just a waiting game until they arrive unfortunately.

>> No.8610801

No clue what you are talking about as most skirts are $5-$10 besides the ew ones but nothing 5000yen besides full cosplay uniforms.

>> No.8611116
File: 588 KB, 985x671, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the skirts on the top row were previously 4000 yen, 3000 yen, 4000 yen, and 5000 yen respectively. they're now all 999 yen more expensive. i'm not talking about uniform skirts.

>> No.8611140

Wow, u stupid.
These are Lolita and they were on sale last weekend for Yanners bday.
Squeeze out the salt out of your cunt.

>> No.8611177

I'll warn you that the lace on cinderella bunny is straight up beige, whereas that blouse is white.

>> No.8611179

dude, i'm not salty, just commenting on general price increases....

wtf anon, you sound sandy.

>> No.8611224

>don't even live in the continental u.s.
>my motherfucking bodyline package is in new jersey

>> No.8611232

are you drunk?
I don't know what Mr.Yan thinks this shit is worth but the blouse l364 is up to ¥4,999 when I bought one a year ago at regular price for ¥3,499. Like maybe if the fabric was soft I could see the price but it's really stiff.

>> No.8611296

I guess people buy them at prices like this still. People bought the unicorn dress for $100. I guess he'll just try to get as much as he can.

>> No.8611776

It depends where you are in the U.S. California here and once shipped mine usually only takes 5 days. I've only bought during non sale times though so I didn't have to wait long for air mail.

>> No.8611779

If your from Hawaii, you're probably screwed or they fucked up. I've only had it get here directly or come from California.

>> No.8612562

no, i'm from puerto rico. i've ordered from bodyline before, though, and the packages have arrived safely. i hope this is just an error, since it's happened before (USPS said package was in US Virgin Islands, but it was here all along), it's just... really stressful, since it's a big order.

>> No.8613630

Anyone else's tracking not working?

>> No.8613763

yes because nothing's been shipped out you dumb fuck

>> No.8613941


I bought that one. It's a good base petti for layering, I quite like it. However since the layers are very close together it gets kinda hot so yeah

>> No.8614139

Mine isn't working either.

>> No.8614204

Their tulle is nice and stiff for a while, then it goes completely soft; even faster if you try to wash it, heavens forbid. I couldn't revive it with any amount of starching. Still okay for layering or casual wear, though.

>> No.8614233

Do you know what kind of fabric it is? I'm thinking about dyeing it a more accurate color.

>> No.8614263

Mine aren't working either.
they were all supposedly being shipped today, keep up.

>> No.8614474

when anon posted it was still monday here and would've still only been first thing in the morning tuesday there. if you're expecting bodyline to ship out and update the tracking numbers online for every customer out of the hundreds whose orders have been delayed by 10am you're either adorably naive or a fucking idiot

>> No.8614577
File: 9 KB, 717x280, sixyearslater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8601761 Here
So my EMS package tracking finally updated today, I'm hoping the best for all of us. It's completely ridiculous that they weren't prepared for the influx of orders to the point that they had to wait almost two weeks to get orders out, but I guess that's bodyline for you

>> No.8614584

topkek @ file name anon

>> No.8614616
File: 89 KB, 400x685, costume903-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Yan what drugs are you on

>> No.8614692

I emailed BL today about my sale order and they said all packages will be the day after tomorrow??

>> No.8616072

I got two e-mails (I made two orders), both in Japanese (even though I ordered off the overseas site) saying my orders have shipped. Both of my tracking numbers still aren't working so I guess they need a bit more time. At least it looks like packages are finally starting to move out!

>> No.8616114

>made an order during the birthday sale
>sprung for ems because I'm impatient even though the cost of shipping was more than the order
>order just shipped yesterday

>> No.8616128

Also got the shipping email. Does this mean everyone's package is shipped or is this still sale people sale one

>> No.8616134
File: 28 KB, 491x457, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life would be easier if everyone followed the Bodyline FB page for updates and info

>> No.8616191

So apparently my postal box service in the states got eight separate packages from Bodyline... WTF?! Prepare yourselves, girls...

>> No.8616236

Yeah, I ordered 3 pairs of shoes a few days before the sale and only one of them showed up. It's great.
>mfw they're the ones I ordered for my friend and not mine

>> No.8616661

The good shit

>> No.8616674

thankfully, it moved from new jersey to florida, which means i'll be getting it. i'm glad, since i almost opened up a claim.

>> No.8619867
File: 404 KB, 1300x500, halloween-sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I love the halloween design they put on their Rakuten.

>> No.8620785

Bodyline's sale had me like
But by the time I had added all my shit into the basket - the sale had ended.

>> No.8621407

Anybody got costume767 that can take pictures of it? I've read good things but haven't seen any pictures of it on.

>> No.8622542

I got that clock dress everyone talks shit about for casual wear. I think with a cardigan and brown flats I could wear it to work.

>> No.8623087
File: 42 KB, 456x349, 501lEAvd1r0bxo4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8591987 here, my tracking number just finally started working/updating now for the order I placed during the sale, there's hope for us using AIR shipping after all!

>> No.8623321
File: 585 KB, 700x1200, costume613_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the new product pictures, I hope they continue like this.

>> No.8623352

>look at these beautiful detail shots of our wobbly unpressed seams!
amazing. i love bodyline and all its business practices

>> No.8624098

Ordered almost three weeks ago and my tracking still isn 't working. They say on their facebook page that all packages should have been sent by now so this is kind of ridiculous.

>> No.8624100

Good lord, is that made of plastic?

>> No.8624997

Is there worn pics of the sailor dress yet? I've only managed to find one on instagram.

>> No.8625184

Dude, it's fine. I used to have it and wore it to work too. Normies don't give a shit.

>> No.8625210

Nah, some very shiny wannabe satin.

>> No.8625226
File: 118 KB, 960x702, tumblr_nu5ymzZ4nu1s3pcexo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the Innocent World replica?

>> No.8626126

How reliable is the free/cheaper AIR shipping to the US? About how long can I expect to wait? Will it actually arrive?
Never ordered from Bodyline before and even though it's relatively cheap, it's money I'd rather not be losing.

>> No.8626155
File: 77 KB, 640x479, bodyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from CoF a bit back

>> No.8626160

It'll come it might take up to a month or more to get to you though.

>> No.8626165
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>> No.8626170
File: 94 KB, 517x919, 11825833_670965299671693_172658151595616239_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8626214

Mine's working too, finally! Mine's in Tokyo, fingers crossed it gets here in October.

>> No.8626224

Thank you so much! That second one that was posted was the one I had seen on Instagram.
It actually looks really good in real life, I think I might get it.

>> No.8626234

There's this video too. I'm waiting for it in the same colourway, so exited!

Yep, mine is working too, like Yan said, it showed on saturday/sunday. I actually "like" that it takes a lot to arrive, because I have to do a lot of shitty paperwork with my country customs, so I have more time.

>> No.8626249

Waiting's not a big deal. Thanks for the reassurance.

>> No.8626488

My tracking was working until it left Tokyo, now all 4 come up as "Product Not Trackable"
It's happened before so I'm not too worried but if it's not here within the next week I will be

>> No.8627234

Stupid question but probably more valid here than anywhere else, how often would you expect Bodyline to restock the skirts? I am looking for a specific color which is sold out of a fairly popular skirt (l303) and am wondering if it's worth it to wait around and see if it's in stock or just make an order now while the 20% off sale is up.

>> No.8627508

Anon, bodyline almost never restocks. You're better off trying to find it secondhand if you have your heart set on that colorway.

>> No.8627513

YAN YOU FUCKING DICK MY ITEMS ARE ALREADY SHIPPED AND YOU'RE JUST REFUNDING ME NOW? FOR AN ITEM THAT IS STILL IN STOCK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? This had better be a mistake or I'll...be mildly annoyed.

>> No.8627624

Alright. The other colors are kinda... gross so I'll poke around and make my order now instead of waiting.

>> No.8627715
File: 241 KB, 700x1200, l087-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay anons....i need some fit advice on L087 (pic related) aka the cameo dress everyone gushes over. i'm a 94 cm bust and a 82 cm waist, so i'm guessing the 2Lwould work better for me? i'm worried that the bust on the 2L will be way too big.....or does the back shirring go tight enough that i could lace it down a bit?

any thoughts on color? i love the black, but recently saw some photos of the red and it's also way pretty.

>> No.8627824

This is an 18+ webite. Please leave.

>> No.8627835

colour-wise every picture i've seen of the red one makes it look obnoxiously bright, even in otherwise nice lighting, so i'd definitely suggest the black

>> No.8627840

>implying you've never been this done with bodyline's shady business practices
especially if anon was led to believe their order was ready and shipped and then something gets fucked up and potentially cancelled, i'd be pretty fuckin mad too

>> No.8627846

hey anons, I haven't placed an order with Bodyline since the website updated. can we still use the yen trick?

>> No.8627875

Yes and no. It doesn't lower the prices any but depending on where you live the exchange rate might be better. I'm in AUS and paying in yen instead of USD saved me about $80

>> No.8629222

mfw my order was too big and got split into 2 orders with 2 tracking numbers
mfw only one has left japan

please dont tell me theyre gonna arrive weeks apart...

>> No.8629674
File: 13 KB, 487x298, sale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised nobody posted it yet.

>> No.8629816

Has Yandy Man been watching Cinderella Girls or what

>> No.8629892

>i'm a 94 cm bust and a 82 cm waist, so i'm guessing the 2Lwould work better for me?

me again.....does anyone know if the bust on this is going to look dumb/too big on me?

>> No.8629930

Yes, get the 2L

>> No.8629932

It still works pretty well in England but remember that it adds tax on at the end.

>> No.8629963

that's what i figured...thanks anon. here's hoping i can lace it down a bit.

>> No.8629972

I'm sure you will be able to, let us know how it goes!

>> No.8631290

Finally received my packages. Only one of them was updating from japan but both arrived together.

I also went through and added a review for all my items on the web page. It says it needs to be approved does this mean that Yan makes sure theyre all good? Ive seen some 4s pass but does it allow bad reviews or do they just get deleted?

>> No.8631296

I've seen a ton of bad reviews all over the site, so I assume they just filter for spam

>> No.8631398

US anon here, changed the currency to yen and saved about 10 bucks. Not a lot but any bit helps.

>> No.8633987

It's been a week since my trackings updated. I got refunded for one of my shoes but I still have two tracking numbers. I ordered two other things

>> No.8635437

Has anyone tried washing the military sweets OP in the washing machine? Or should I dryclean it? I'm worried about the hardware and trims.

>> No.8635555

Do bodyline not mark packages down anymore?

>> No.8637194
File: 53 KB, 720x960, BL Shoes 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the thread is about to sage, but how reliable is bodyline's contact? Are their shoes really Ai*tai*na shoes? Pic attached is the awful damage.

At first I thought it was just dirt, but it's like tiny scuff marks? It's gross, they also smell like spraypaint.

>> No.8637290

They told me they automatically mark down their packages at 1/4 value now, I hope that's true.

>> No.8637522

Mine weren't. I got hit with customs on 2 4000 yen orders (eurofag)

>> No.8638321
File: 202 KB, 700x1200, costume565-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What character is this?

>> No.8638366

It's someone named Sakuno Uryuu from "Love is Pure White" or something. I recognized her as a Dollfie Dream I've seen before.

>> No.8638372

That's the finish flaking off.
If the uppers are leather, there is not much you can do, as this often means the finish of the leather itself is damaged, and the material is possibly dry rotted.
If they are a synthetic it could be a bad batch of paint or poor surface prep before the paint was applied.

They are repairable, but it depends on how much you like them, and how much you paid, as the process is a bit labor intensive.

>> No.8638431

They're bodyline shoes. This is the bodyline thread. all their shoes like this are PU.

>> No.8638505

That's because german customs don't trust in the stated prices of orders from asia because to many try to cheat like this, kek.

>> No.8638512

*european, not german but it is the same either way.

>> No.8638578

Yeah, sucks no matter where you are from :/ wtf europe are you afraid of a little commercial competition.

I was greedily eyeing up the IW oddment pack b but it wouldn't be worth it once you add in the customs. Best sticking to auctions and secondhand.

>> No.8639408

Thank you! I was having a hell of a time figuring it out and even asked a bunch of friends. But no one knew.

>> No.8639415

That's totally normal for bodyline, especially airmail.

>> No.8639426

Asia? German customs are bloody nazis about packages from any country! You have to visit the office at working hours (seriously, who has time for that shit?) to show an invoice even if it's pasted on the side of the package. If you choose to send the invoice you have to wait 2-3 weeks to have it processed and lose your tracking number.
If you leave your package at customs too long because you're a normal person with a normal job and can't get off to wait in the customs office for 2 hours while you actually have to work, you have to pay for storage too.

>> No.8639474

I've got 8 packages coming in the mail from the sale; first one got delivered today! I'm debating doing a haul video along with the usual blog posts or just giving in to the temptation to open it right away.

It's all costumes and shoes.

>> No.8639515
File: 132 KB, 700x1200, costume625-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this from a cosplay of Litchi Hikari Club. Somebody buy it?

>> No.8639621

Airmail or EMS?

>> No.8639729

I put in an order last week and got an e-mail that my EMS package is on its way this morning, so it looks like they're finally getting their shit together.

>> No.8640460


>> No.8640654


4 packages arrived today. Only 3 more left to go. It looks like a lot but realistically everything together was only around $200.
Hope people actually read the reviews I put up on my blog for all this because I've got a lot of work ahead of me!

>> No.8640657
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, 20150929_151110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic because I'm an idiot.

>> No.8640715

My packages are still stuck in Pre-shipment and I ordered using Air Mail. I know there was a huge delay in packages, but damn. Is it really worth it to contact Bodyline about it for an update? I need my stuff before the end of October...

>> No.8640763

You maybe should try contacting them, i ordered something via airmail last week and it already got shipped on friday and is about to arrive in my country next week.

>> No.8640796

I'm still waiting for my packages to arrive and I'm starting to worry. I'm sure they're fine but because my tracking isn't working anymore I'm like panicking

>> No.8640853

I contacted them. In a few days it will be one month since I made my order...