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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 720x482, 1432651255013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8590723 No.8590723 [Reply] [Original]

The old LARP thread (>>8565393) is dying, so here's a brand new one.

>> No.8590770
File: 2.78 MB, 4128x2322, 20150901_165657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Torse and mantle, from the Revised SCA Fighter's Handbook, circa 1989.


Sorry for the cellphone pics.

>> No.8590771
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>> No.8590773
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>> No.8590774
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>> No.8590778
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Sorry about the rotation. Hope it helps.

>> No.8590809
File: 25 KB, 320x426, 11943362_10153137045798494_2106067491_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH! torse and mantle, its way easier to find info on it with the english name.

Thank you based gropalope

My new color on my tabard

>> No.8591130
File: 29 KB, 320x426, 11949597_10153137413478494_2130516190_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpalump , and a better version of the shield.

>> No.8591194

Look like a Ghost cover band

>> No.8591200
File: 35 KB, 446x630, leather ebony helm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this helm. Anyone know what its based on?

>> No.8591202
File: 52 KB, 564x821, Leather ebony helm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip, filename doesnt give it away

>> No.8591212
File: 67 KB, 590x960, bugman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a helmet you can make in skyrim

>> No.8591221

Why are these LARP threads so sexy? My thirst is real.

>> No.8591259
File: 231 KB, 1024x640, 9291055613_9fbef23441_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebony helmet in skyrim. Its heavy armor. Like a tier or two down from top armor (not including dlc).

Also, fuck I would love to see someone make stalhrim armor. Shit gives me cosplay boners.

>> No.8591270

Why the fuck is Brisbanes fucking Larp so shitty... Tfw will never find a good larp group.

>> No.8591279

im going to make yngol helm next. need to sell dis 1 first tho

>> No.8591391
File: 216 KB, 404x306, 1332369728380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try finding a great group with an amazing story with enough lore to pound your sweet little ass into oblivion only to have it ruined by a couple of really shitty plot members who end up creeping on the girls (and truing the place into a sausage fest) then proceeding to get all pissy at the rest of the girls and purposefully avoid them.

>that feel when needless drama
>that feel when no plot
>that feel when a good portion of the players leave
>that feel when no justice because they are friends with head LARP guy and get away with it

Haven't went to another larp since.

>> No.8591461
File: 15 KB, 320x426, 11122390_10153137823173494_576951029_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a really shitty place

But sausage fest creeping on girls is always a thing, in every larp.

If you are a male and you tell them to fuck off they will never listen, thinking you are jealous.

if you are a female and tell them to fuck off they will think you are just playing hard to get.

They disgust me.
You know what i like?
Its totally unrelated to anything larp or anything at all but godamn arent they awesome.

So yeah, finished my shield.
Not the best ligth but here you go.

Only thing i need now is a Lambrequin and i'll have a new costume i'll soon post.

>> No.8591595


I'm vaguely reminded of one of Neverwinter Nights 1's vanilla helmets.

>> No.8591608


I like your goat, Freenie.

>> No.8591613

For helmets with a more fitted neck, what would the opening look like?

>> No.8591626

It's a Bouquetin (some kind of ram from the alps)

Everybody goes for the lion,the dragon, the unicorn, the falcon/eagle and the stag.

Nobody ever takes the simple ram.

But ram will fuck you up mang.
have you ever seen a ram give a fuck?

Also it means authority and leadership.

Long live Ghoria.

Hate, Retribution ,Vengeance

i'm not totally sure what you mean by that.

but i think a gorget would be the best solution there.

>> No.8591853

Is it me, or 4chan has some problem ? can't see the last images of the thread.

>> No.8591925

4chan's image service is experiencing issues

>> No.8592184
File: 854 KB, 1243x624, big guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look like this is fixed.

Question of the day :
What was the most... developed thing, you fought/seen in a larp ? something like a elaborate boss npc, or a particulary special PC race with costume.

Here is a guy with urban stilts and polearm.

Now that fought that, I wonder what other things could have been used to make a special npc.

>> No.8592195
File: 56 KB, 960x640, guaranteedreplies4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of reasons

>> No.8592196

>What was the most... developed thing, you fought/seen in a larp ?
the few thousand people on Drachenfest at the final battle

>> No.8592302
File: 106 KB, 792x524, 20130506220422-a8f56875-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being in a huge battle is something but if i have to choose one individual thing that left a strong impression on me...

My first time seeing the Old town at Bico.

>be me
> august 2011
>stoped larping for 6 year
>never been to bico before
> friend ask me if i want to come
> k why not
> sunday we set up the tents
> friend says
''You cant go into old town until its dark and everybody is in costume and the car are gone''
> the sun goes down
> friend bring me for a little tourist tour of bico
> such wonder and amazement

To this day i never felt this level of immersion in a larp.

Imagine going back to playing zelda oot back in the late 90' and finaly going to the marketplace its overwhelming. so much to see, it seems so big at first and look like it never ends.

Nowaday i know the old town like the back of my hand and while still being kinda big by normal larp standart, its not THAT big.

But the feeling of being there is hard to describe.

The year after i did the same time for the gf i had at the moment, seeing the same look of amazement made me feel good.

I always like to do that, helping people discover it like i did.

So if any of you ever come to bico.

Wait until dark to go to Old town if you come on sunday.

>> No.8592448
File: 131 KB, 717x960, 11953288_10153599385869784_7811185018296664670_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also my suit , not over yet but you get the idea.

>> No.8592850
File: 55 KB, 640x512, sharpe's approval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' rad.

>> No.8593059


Looking good.

>> No.8593496

In a weeks time I'll be on my way to Empire. Going to be a busy one trying to stop my Nation flipping out and going in the huff, attending a wedding on Saturday evening and making a play for the Senate.
I am rather hyped about all this.

>> No.8593675

Are you a Marcher? Or is there a non-Jotun reason a nation would be flipping out? I'm pretty excited for the terrible terrible fall out from the Grendal at the moment. So not ready for the event though, still making kit.

>> No.8593681

A lot of people are going daft over giving the Thule the Stonepeaks with its illium mine.
But that's because the vast majority of Wintermark don't look at the situation outside of their own nation.
My characters Hall is from the Stonepeaks, we're having to move and while my character is angry at losing it to the Thule, he understands we needed these peace treaties otherwise we'd be swamped.
And hey, it's only a 3 year peace. We'll get our home back again then.

>> No.8593710

Oh, fair enough. Yeah, illium is gonna be rare as stardust soon, as I have plans for the Broken Shore Bounty...

>> No.8593791

Is anyone else seeing a bunch of broken links in this thread instead of images?

>> No.8593859
File: 2 KB, 253x168, 1315421153683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what broken links?

>> No.8594057


Yeah, the earlier general image hosement left the first ones in the thread perm-destroyed.

>> No.8594129

What's up, faggots.

Miss me already?

>> No.8594135

Been seeing it all over cgl recently.

>> No.8594151
File: 933 KB, 2448x3264, DSC01083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like gypsies from a dark alley

>> No.8594188

Still mad because we beat your asses within five minutes?

>> No.8594200
File: 3.97 MB, 4320x3240, SAM_2414_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, becuase we beat you in three.
In fact we beat you guys so hard that you were nowhere to be found when we did a group photo of the larpfags

>> No.8594243

It was a difficult decision to make in the MC meeting but we can't fight a war on three fronts. But no one told the senate. So now we are.

>> No.8594666


Who are you again?

Look man, it was dark, I mistook you for this chick I was talking to... I said im sorry! Why do you have to keep bringing it up?

>> No.8594668
File: 2.09 MB, 4128x2322, 20150904_005724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8594670

Somebody stop me from buying belladonna's latex hand, painting it gold and putting it on my helmet as a cimier..

>> No.8594695

You, stop that.

>> No.8594696
File: 10 KB, 300x168, ram helm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I could use some help.

the next helm i make is going to be this(pic related)

Ive gotten a few sketches and shit but making a working pattern eludes me. Anyone mind giving it a shot? I need a pattern for the whole actual skull, which will be mounted on a helm (over it really)

I plan on doing a base coat of gold, and then tooling cool henna patterns all over it, and painting it black so gold henna shows through it.
Should be a cool project!

>> No.8594705
File: 2.87 MB, 480x270, Hungariansanta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-y-y-es sir!

If you want you can go into those halloween shop and they have those ram horn you could use for you helmet maybe.

>> No.8594725

I was thinking about that, but i think itll have to be leather if it is to be legal in our game. a polymer based horn could gouge the fuck out of people regardless of how dope it looks.

>> No.8594745

You crazy son of a bitch. Is this for the bohurt thing you got people to fund you for?

>> No.8594893

There often seems to be a disconnect between the MC and the Senate. And with the Senate with some of the field. The latter is due to a fair amount of folks, at least in Wintermark not really caring about anything outside of their nation. One of my pet peeves with Wintermark.

It could just be because my Hall has a General in it, and we're are good friends with a couple of other nations Senators we pay attention to he wider scale stuff.

>> No.8594942

sometimes when I browse the larp related tumblr sites and see all the shit they post I get the urge to post better shit.
Can you give me a reason why not to do?
I mean apart from the fact that it would be retarded.

>> No.8594964

That was always going to be the case though, with the disconnect. I really struggle with getting my nation involved in politics, to the point of having 4 seats, one is me, a second is one filled with my group's lacky, and no one has any idea who the other two are! I like to think on the whole the generals and senate work well together, but that might just be my experience. The senate does not always do the best things...

>> No.8595022

What nation?

>> No.8595057

Brass Coast.

>> No.8595109

Also, by seat do you mean one on the Senate?

>> No.8595121

Yeah. We have two pretty good generals now.

>> No.8595215

*wonders which Senator you are*

>> No.8595306

I'll never tell. Looking forward to the Broken Wheel festival happening to/around you?

>> No.8595324

Hah, fair enough.

I really should visit the brass coast if I get the chance, would be good to see the festival. Especially now you're camped closer to Highguard.

>> No.8595330

Hahaha, the one place where you should be safe from the Broken Wheel is the Freeborn camp. Last year we played "hug an urizeni", disrupted an Imperial Orc wake, and had a lineage pride march through Highguard. We also dragged the admiral around in a "ship", generally making a nuisance of ourselves. Not sure what's going to happen this year...

>> No.8595345

I did see the ship as it passed through Wintermark. Did get a good laugh out of it

>> No.8595495

Doou still got a gofundme?

>> No.8595974

Yup. wqjhc6p

>> No.8596038

...Are you a troll?
You can't just 'make a pattern' for a complex shape with a lot of rounded curves and angles like a skull. Were you thinking of making it out of metal? I would abandon that plan.

My best suggestion to you, if you're serious, is to sculpt it from clay, make a silicone 4-part mould of your sculpt, and slush-cast it in resin. Google any of those terms you don't know, and look up how fursuiters make resin head bases.

>medium sized curled horns would kill people
Jesus fucking christ anon don't do it. Polymer would break long before it hurt anyone as long as the tips are blunted.

You bit off more than you can chew. I doubt you would be able to mould a leather mask to work with this. I suggest you look through Etsy instead.

>> No.8596534

mate. have you ever worked leather? if you carve reliefs in the back you can get perfect angles, and organic curves are easy as fuck. Its completely possible to make out of leather, even if it is a complex shape.

also, i don't make the rules i just follow them. i also doubt horns made of polymer or leather would hurt anyone but the name of the game is "saftey" and i cant do anything about that.

>> No.8596840


Here's a tutorial that might help. It's for a Skyrim helmet, but you could modify it to have ram's horns instead of deer antlers.


>> No.8597150

Oh no doubt- leather molding is a legitimate technique and making that kind of mask is entirely possible. I am just doubting the anon has the skill or setup necessary to do it based on his post. If the anon wants to get into leather craft, I'd say this is not the project to start with.

If the anon just wants to make horns that may make a better intro project, but his post is talking about a full skull.

>> No.8597188
File: 676 KB, 3000x2110, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped being buttmad long enough to draw you a rough flat pattern. It'll probably be easier if you make the horns separately.
Also you may want to make the horn parts wider and tube them rather than do the two part method.

Again this is a doodle and may not work. It's not to scale.

>> No.8597298
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the annon your refering to is mwah. ill adopt my trip for this.
|I made the ebony helm above.along as multiple other helms, though i lack pictures. ill include a rough draft pic of a helm i had been also working on, but have since finished.

That pattern looks like it will work well. Honestly for the horns though i think ill get an actual pair of goat gorns from a local farm, and sew and mold the leather over it. honestly the horns should be the easiet. Ill also link a picture of a draft i had of the skull. its going to be a difficult project.

Im confident i can manage the eye area. its the snout im having issues with.

>> No.8597302

Here's a pic of the failed pattern. was planning on having this be the front, and add a side to each adjacent edge. didnt work to well.

>> No.8597311
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i forgot the pic...

>> No.8597679

Im a ramen swilling college student so I have no monies. :(

>> No.8597698
File: 98 KB, 720x960, uvjuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you give no effort,
if you got no money
then i got a cheap method,
crack it open throw it in a pan and let it cook,
bitch now thats a real education fuck books,
if you wanna make in college acknowledge all the flavors that be droppin mad knowledge on these pussy ass canned goods,
we got chicken and beef to boost the manhood, anybody want a piece of me will have to get this ramen first

>> No.8597824


>> No.8598058

Don't give that faggot any money even if you had it. Let him get killed on his own penny.

>> No.8598284

I think he tried really hard in the last few decades to get killed, clearly he can't do it on his own. So if you want to see him dead, give money to him

>> No.8598473

How to remove rust without compromising appearance? Just got back form using my armor for the first time, and because my area is stupidly humid, I'm getting traces of rust already. Would scrubbing with the abrasive side of a sponge work? Steel wool?

>> No.8598725

Hey man, just knowing folks think its a worthy endeavor helps!

...I think you ate some bad snails, Froggy.

Hungarian is pretty spot on.

high grit sanding blocks, WD40 or a bag of playground sand.

Wax, paint or learn to love scrubbing.

>> No.8598740

Pretty sure I've got some WD-40. Just spray and scrub?

>> No.8598749

Steel wool/low grit for the heavy stuff. high grit to buff it.

>> No.8598816

Alright, cheers!

>> No.8598847
File: 103 KB, 629x255, boobies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35 cents a pack, 3 for a dollar unbelievable pricing thats the future of a blue collar worker
and im talkin bout ramen,
the shit'll fill you up when you're feeling like an africaaan,
come back when you're in the state that im in,
and say hi to my homeboy, ramen

>> No.8598949

stop shitposting.

>> No.8599731
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>> No.8599733
File: 137 KB, 964x644, behind me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8599960
File: 139 KB, 800x777, ts_shieldpack_norman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to try out sword and board for my next big event. I want to make a Norman shield in the style of pic related, but I'm having trouble finding any construction guides. Any of you have one on hand?

>> No.8600019

http://the-vikings.wdfiles.com/local--files/society-guides/Shields.pdf . Starts off as normal round shield, but then gives instructions for turning round pattern into kite.

>> No.8600116

I love these. Many keks.

>> No.8600132
File: 1.79 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_0739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are from a few weeks ago from a game. It wasn't that good for various reasons. And by various reasons I mean mostly because of some players

>> No.8600409

Like Valsh?

>> No.8601401
File: 1.78 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_0613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, Valsh was a cool guy, it's just that these pics begged for texts like these.
You want to see an asshole? here it is.
Total lack of fair game, not admiting the hits and various other problems like going in full bitching mode when he is knocked out

>> No.8601535


Possible, and possible for an anon that has to ask about it on 4chan is two entirely different things.

Also the easy way of doing it, is make a rought shape of what you want. And then draw a pattern from it. Thats probably the best way to approach this.

>> No.8602244


Never feel bad about showing people there not only is better, but they could do it too.

>> No.8602260

my problem most of the time when I'm thinking about this is that I doesn't really have own content. And most of the time I could just reflect on other people's stuff.
And I really don't like doing things on an impulse, so I never started any project like this.

>> No.8602334
File: 174 KB, 1500x1277, 81jcVfFsbuL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a new helmet for my semi cyberpunk semi post apocalyptic wasteland knight. Can't wait for it to ship.

>> No.8602545

I've seen it all over whole site.

>> No.8603776
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>> No.8603779
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>> No.8603780
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>> No.8603787
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>> No.8603789
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>> No.8603791
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>> No.8603793
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>> No.8603798
File: 3.20 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_0217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking through the pictures from this larp... and I'm not sure why am I posting these...

>> No.8603804
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>> No.8603806
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>> No.8603807
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>> No.8603811
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>> No.8603816
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>> No.8603818
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>> No.8603820
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>> No.8603821
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>> No.8603825
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>> No.8603840
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>> No.8603869
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>> No.8603885
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>> No.8603889
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>> No.8603901
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because why not?

''So you're telling me i cant be a princess in exile? but it's written in my background that the organisation did not aprove yet !''

''Okay..okay wich land''

''I dont know yet''

Talking about land i had a pretty nice surprise.
I gave back the lands i got as a Templar to the Temple and i also gave them a forged dagger, so i did not quit with bad feelings, i just did not want to play a templar anymore for various reasons.
i was expecting a simple land for joining Ghoria.
I got awarded half a province.
(it's pretty big)
But there is good and a bad news.

Good news, it is a pretty big province and the rest of the lands in the province are shared between some of my best friends irl wich is pretty nice for internal politics.

Bad news : It's on the edge of the Empire just south of Nasgaroth a.k.a. The fucking cesspool of all the baddies and dark elves of Bicolline.

But, i dont really care.
I'm not a Templar anymore (and somewhat not that much true faith anymore) so i can now maintain cordial relations with them without being suspicious as fuck.

AAAND on another note , the post-apo season is beggining .

with Mad Max being that good, people will probably come play more this year.

>> No.8603911
File: 1.38 MB, 3456x5184, IMG_0410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because why not?
because by jolly, you will experience an aggravated sexual assault soon

>> No.8604031
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>> No.8604041
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>> No.8604897

Does that ring on the necklace mean something or did the guy just think it looked cool?

>> No.8605056

It's symbolism from the Black company books. stating he's a brother. Though i doubt he did anything to earn it.

>> No.8605078

He was playing a priest and the golden circle is the holy simbol of his deity. The god of lore and knowledge likes simple things (and the setting, which is the setting of a hungarian tabletop RPG developed in the mid-early 90s, is not very good).

>> No.8605110

Is it ok to talk about mechanics of a larp im planning and ask for your opinions, or is this just for the looks, props, and outfits?

>> No.8605131

Why the hell not. We definitely discussed things which were way, way more off topic.

>> No.8605162

Ok then,

A modern/next-next-year futuristic 3 way war between a PMC, a Rouge Army, and Eco-Terrorists.
Planning on a semi-open space (think university campus like) or completly open battlefield.
It will have capture points (either small buildings or hills or just a small area) that will act both as respawn point and resource generators.
It is planned to be nerf based combat with knives but nothing over 60cm total length.

Planned player ability point system as follows:

5 Gear Points (gp)
These are used to arm yourself with a gun or with special gear that allows for special abilities and training (to be expanded on)
And 4 Armor Points (ap) these are used to determine your armour grade, allows for more hits before a player foes down.

You can convert ap for gp at rates of 4ap for 3gp or 2ap for 1gp.

Special abilities so far are:

Can deploy, destroy, and move Ballistic Cover ( Cardboard ) that's bullet proof.
This ability can only be used outside of combat.
Can instruct other soldiers to help giving them this ability for that time.
Requesitioning BC from hq costs resource points.

Can stabalize recently fallen soldiers allowing them to respawn in the closest friendly capture point.
Recharging this ability costs resource points.
A medic can only hold a finite handful of charges and must reacha friendly cp or HQ to resupply.

Equipped with a map,a communicator, and binoculars this specialist's role is recon and information sharing for coordination purposes.

Commanders (army leaders) can alocate resource points for respawns and special equipment.

When a player dies he heads back to hq after the fighting in the area subsided.
Respawn is usually wave based from the team HQ. Wave respawn has a set price and will respawn all players that count as dead in the HQ.

That's most of it so far.

Thought, critism, and opinions are encouraged.

>> No.8605403

What a cute little ruffian.

>> No.8605414

Ok, two handed Katanas AND shields?
Heavy armor and no helmet?
Other than that, not too shabby.

>> No.8605425

they are allegedly professional fencers. Or so they said when people called out on them that they hit others too much on the head/neck

>> No.8605427

Could you translate or summarize what is written on this important looking paper?

>> No.8605434

Well, seems very professional (just in case, that was supposed to be sacasm).

>> No.8605436

yep, it's a certification about the quality beatings we give to others and how we beat the living shit out of people signed by our previous employer.
there is a part where it is listed the various things we can provide:
"beating with a stick, beating, abuse, beating with a stick, kicking, face smashing, kicking in mouths, EPD, etc..."
and at the end a little quote from the previous employer about our great work

It's full with grammar errors in a discworld kind of way

>> No.8605439

let's say that me and a few other guys on the game do HEMA stuff and repedeatly hit each other in the head when we have fencing masks on. But for some reason we don't do this on larps.
Then again we don't call ourselves professional fencers/swordfighters

>> No.8605471
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>> No.8605475
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>> No.8605480
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>> No.8605483
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>> No.8605485
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>> No.8605491
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>> No.8605494
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>> No.8605499
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>> No.8605501
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I still can't understand this dude... and I still don't know what the fuck he played

>> No.8605508
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>> No.8605510

The best way to show them how to figth proprely is to destroy them on the field.
If they can accept after that the fact that they know nothing then you show them.

i'm a terrible swordsman , i was never really good at it, i unlearned all i knew and started fresh and asked some of the best swordsman i know to teach me.

I'm way to aggressive to just stand on the line and defend, i'm better at pike or just going on the sides and being a human cavalry.


a rapist obviously

>> No.8605524
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they aren't the kind of people who realize they aren't that good.
Actually it isn't the whole group but the leaders who bring the rest into shit.
But it's just local drama, not that interesting

>> No.8605533
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>> No.8605536
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>> No.8605540
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Also maybe it's just me but I think this photo needs a brazzers logo

>> No.8605544
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>> No.8605548
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>> No.8605550
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>> No.8605553
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>> No.8605556
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>> No.8605559
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>> No.8605563
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>> No.8605565
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>> No.8605568
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>> No.8605571
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>> No.8605581
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>> No.8605586
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>> No.8605590
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>> No.8605596
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>> No.8605597
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>> No.8605600
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>> No.8605602
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>> No.8605606
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>> No.8605610
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>> No.8605612
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>> No.8605614
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>> No.8605615
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>> No.8605617

the tourist from discworld?

>> No.8605618

he would need a straw-hat and a camera for that

>> No.8605634

hm, you're right

>> No.8605906

LARPers who know Leather:

I have some leather armor on the way, and unfortunately the color is off. I'm considering buying a can of Meltonian "leather spray paint" and going at it with that to get the color I want, but I have misgivings about using paint on treated leather, especially a spray paint of all things.

Am I being a little bitch about this, or will this actually work and not make it look like shit? For the sake of the discussion, the original item is a dark brown (they called it black but it's not) with a tan trim, and I want it all black and I know nothing about leatherworking or staining or any of that sort of thing.

>> No.8605909

And here I assumed he was just a Frodo cosplayer.

>> No.8605940

is it vegetable tanned?
Also how black are we talking about? is really dark brown good or do you want it in a totally nigger version?

he had footwear so that's out of question

>> No.8605951

It's not veggie-tanned.

And super black fits the rest of the ensemble. I'm tasked to portray some godawful dark lord and brown is just not going to cut it with the rest of the design unless it's a brown so dark that it's virtually indistinguishable from black.

>> No.8605991

Sadly I can't help you because I don't have much experience with leather paints. My only idea was that put oil on it and it darkens the leather but won't make it totally black. Plus as far as I know it only works on vegetable tanned leathers

>> No.8606054

Using black polish for boots could do the trick.

>> No.8606069

That's actually my backup plan, though it'll scuff a lot more easily at least I wouldn't worry about severely damaging the leather. I may just go for that route rather than risk using paint.

>> No.8606184

I've been corrected, it is vegetable-tanned.

>> No.8606372


Do you have more pictures of the black and white garb that those women are wearing?

>> No.8606425

Hello there!
Don't use shoe black like >>8606054 is suggesting, it rubs off on everything horribly. Especially if you're running and sweating in it.

Since it is vegetable tanned, does it have a sealing coat over it (a shiny, varnish-like exterior), paint (a layer of paint over the leather) or does it just seem to be dyed (just looks like leather but a different color)?

If it's just dyed it should take black leather dye applied with a sponge perfectly well. If it's been sealed or painted, you'll need paint because dye won't be able to penetrate the leather.

I would avoid the spraypaint, but that's just my personal suspicions. I've never used that brand.

>> No.8606480

Yeah, it's got a sealing coat. What would you recommend for paint brand?

>> No.8606505

I agree with what >>8606425 said.
I'd either use angelus, or fiebings acrylic leather paints. In my experience they are incredibly sturdy, although I have only used them on small items like cuffs and collars, so if you paint a large surface it might crack over time.

Fiebings paints seem to me like they are a smidge higher quality, but I don't think it makes much of a difference.


>> No.8606517

If you have it, I'd recommend using an airbrush to apply the paint. It just goes on much smoother and more evenly that way.
Thin the paint down with distilled water to the consistency of milk before you add it to the airbrush

>> No.8606571

If it is already dyed and sealed, you'd need a leather treatment deglazer, and frankly, it will still look like shit. Trying to overdye it without a deglazer will result it you ruining the leather.

OH GOD NO. Don't do this unless you want to look like a coal miner.

There is the need to mention that leather paint will eventually crack and chip if painted on sealed leather, especially moving/load bearing/impact receiving leather.

>> No.8606573

Follow Esh-Esh's suggestion, she has more leather painting experience than me.
Just be prepared that it will crack and flake eventually- especially on moving parts.

>> No.8606891
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For reference, this is what I'm going to be working with. This is what they called "black".

>> No.8607353
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looks black to me

yes I have. I presume it's for scientific purpose

>> No.8607354
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>> No.8607355
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>> No.8607356
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>> No.8607359
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>> No.8607360
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>> No.8607362
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>> No.8607363
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>> No.8607365
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>> No.8607368
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hope these helps

>> No.8607375

>Equipped with a map,a communicator, and binoculars this specialist's role is recon and information sharing for coordination purposes.
What if.... someone brings a map a communicator and a binocular with him and isn't a tactical specialist? What's the difference then?

Also this is not much rules wise. This is mostly just a start for a skill system. You lack a fuckton of things. Also where does the larp part come in?

>> No.8607547

So spooky

>> No.8607588

Except it's not black, it's dark brown with light brown trim.

>> No.8607595

well, at least you will have a personality with it

>> No.8607646

First on foremost, the local community sticks to the mechanics mostly unless the emergent rp is super cool.
I dont see anyone "cheating" like that.

That's also why it will probably be the least costly ability, that and you need more than one person to have to make it really shine.

We will supply the maps and comms anyway.

And lastly this is the first big modern times setting tactical larp here, most dont even have hand held radios.

>> No.8607697

Veterans, if you were to build a LARP ruleset from the ground up how you do it?
The game I'm in is planning rules update over the winter, so I've been going through various rules to compare and contrast in preparation to help.

>> No.8607713

What kind of game you are looking for?

>> No.8607735

Heavy combat focus

>> No.8607783

So most of the flavour gonna be in the weapon and armor proficiencies.
Other than that i have some ideas for abilities.

Mighty Blow- the player declares "mighty blow" with a roar and swings a big one!.
if it connects with a player he is also knocked back/down in addtion to taking damage.
If it connects with a weapon, its rendered broken and cant be used/doesnt do damage.
Perhaps require a two handed weapon.

Dirty trick-reach for the ground and gesture a throwing motion while declaring "dirty trick".
If preformed correctly the other player should momentarily kneel and rub the "sand" out of his eyes.

These are ment to be 1 per engagement.

>> No.8607987

Don't use proficiencies. Proficiency rules are awful and do nothing but punish people who want to play fighters by making them sink points into something.

>> No.8608210

My "personality" is supposed to be the animated, condensed manifestation of the local monarch's sins, given form by a duplicitous necromancer in service to the monarch's scheming-for-the-throne brother. I don't think there's room in that scenario for light brown trim.

>> No.8608272

I already did.

Sadly, I have no time and its kinda dead... for now...

>> No.8608327

Not op, but I did that for my brown armor and it made it much darker, but up close and next to black clothing you can see the brown hues.
Works well enough for me though.

>> No.8608332

>that dog
How common are dogs at events?
I wish I could dress mine in a suit of dog armor and have it be my war beast.
>tfw huge dane mastiff would just run everything over and get banned anyhow

>> No.8608758

Humans are the only species. No magic that requires packet throwing.

>> No.8608914

Depends entirely on the event, some organizers are completely fine with dogs, others are not.

We've banned dogs from our events since they've been a constant pain in the arse. Can't play agressive and threatening around dogs since they might flip out and try to protect their owner.

>> No.8609205

Larp coming up next weekend.
Still sewing the buttons to the new get up.
30 of them.

Seriously, fuck buttons.

>> No.8609493

What type of buttons are they?
If they just have holes and no shanks, you can cheat by simply using a sewing machine and a button presser foot.

That way each button takes like 20 seconds to do. If that.

>> No.8609560

I wonder if you are tundrol or pascador :^)

>> No.8609837

Paradoxically, I think that a larp with heavy combat focus is best served by having minimal mechanics governing combat. Keep Hit Points low and damage very simple--attacks are 1 damage normally, 2 if they've gotten a buff or have invested in a "do more damage" skill, 3 if both. That way people are less distracted by doing mental math and can focus on just fighting.

>> No.8610129

This is what I'm seeing reading rulebooks for Empre and Odyssey. Though those are meant for mass combat correct?
Was it published? I would be very interested to read it

>> No.8610328

I'm not very familiar with either, so I couldn't say for sure. I get the impression Empire is a lot like Drachenfest, in that you have a bunch of different factions coming together to do battle, so it's probably centered mostly on mass combat, but you'd have to get one of the strayans to weigh in on it to be sure.

>> No.8610738

All shanks, I'm afraid. Already doing double wire to save on time.

Afraid I'm not following you.

>> No.8610918

Just a local larp that happens to occur at the same time you mention.
I name dropped 2 factions that are part of it.

>> No.8611236


"professional" never herald any good.
People competent in Hema, fencing, kendo or anything like that don't call themselves "professionnal". Perhaps it is yet another tongue issue, but in mine only dumb ass say "i'm pro" when they are not at a athletic level.

Also, anybody suposed to be good would not hit any part of the body that he is not suposed to. ( well, perhaps the head when people try to feint, or shield their body with it )

how is this armor even authorised ? look like is will cut the foam of any sword hitting it.

Agreed on light rules. No fancy magic, maybe a différentiation between HP and armor.
that can make ranged weapon more dangerous (and stalemate breaking), by making them armor piercing.

>> No.8611693

The game system I play in will have magic of offense and defense, that's just something entrenched in the game now. Frankly I'm ok with it, just worried sbout it overshadowing everything else.
On the archery note, I also love it for breaking stalemates and general ambushing etc, but should the number of arrow available be fixed for a combat, or allowed to be picked up during the fight?

>> No.8611696

Nah, no picking them up in a fight.
If this is the case, then the good guys who pick the one throwed at them and give them back or stack them in a corner before someone step on it would get penalised.

>> No.8611707

Cool, I was actually hoping to hear that.
That could also be a good job for back line mages and people who generally do not want/like getting into combat

>> No.8611877

If you want to limit how much people rely on magic, maybe give players a limited number of buff slots? My larp gives you four, but even then that can be a little much to keep track of, so you might even restrict it to one or two.

I would say you should also allow some ability to use offensive/damaging magic, but perhaps restrict it to touch casting. So you have to either touch the target of the spell, meaning mages can no longer sit back and throw packets from safety, or use a "spellsword" system to cast spells through your weapon.

The way my larp handles dealing damage in combat is through use of "combat styles." Whichever style(s) you're trained in allow you to call higher damage by fighting a certain way--if you have the Twirl style, for instance, you have to spin/flourish your weapon before calling extra damage; Stand style means you have to keep your feet planted; Sneak style means you have to be behind your target's back, etc. It's worked out pretty well, although you have to be careful how you balance the styles, otherwise some end up being far more useful than others.

>> No.8612589

>how is this armor even authorised ? look like is will cut the foam of any sword hitting it.
it's Hungary, that's how. And the their armors fall apart after a few hits. Same with their weapons.

and yes, calling yourself a professional is also makes you look like a retard if you have nothing to back it up. They had nothing to back it up

>> No.8612645

What about Gropey? He gets paid to fence at the museum he works at. Does that make him professional?

>> No.8612653

If it's his primary income source, I would argue yes

>> No.8612654

I'm pretty sure he won't call himself a professional fencer either.

>> No.8613622
File: 55 KB, 720x540, solar4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lot of action on the thread...

Here's a little bump.

but what if i told you i was a professional retard?

But yeah more seriously you can only call yourself a professional if something is your profession as in... this is my source of income.

>it's Hungary, that's how. And the their armors fall apart after a few hits. Same with their weapons.
such is life in the zone

>> No.8613722

Damnit I don't want to go back to my house, I don't want D&D. I just want to LARP

>> No.8613769

>If you want to limit how much people rely on magic, maybe give players a limited number of buff slots? My larp gives you four, but even then that can be a little much to keep track of, so you might even restrict it to one or two.
Or you could restrict it to zero.

>I would say you should also allow some ability to use offensive/damaging magic, but perhaps restrict it to touch casting.
Or you could not.

>The way my larp handles dealing damage in combat is through use of "combat styles." Whichever style(s) you're trained in allow you to call higher damage by fighting a certain way--if you have the Twirl style, for instance, you have to spin/flourish your weapon before calling extra damage; Stand style means you have to keep your feet planted; Sneak style means you have to be behind your target's back, etc. It's worked out pretty well, although you have to be careful how you balance the styles, otherwise some end up being far more useful than others.
That's not the most retarded thing I've ever heard, but it's up there.

>> No.8614103
File: 23 KB, 430x300, 0d1b8e4cadaf23dddcfd659d8d3d8794d4d7a964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.

>> No.8614113

I certainly wouldn't. I was a professional fop, thankyouverymuch.

>what if i told you i was a professional retard?
No one would be surprised

>> No.8614291

>but what if i told you i was a professional retard?
I'm a naive guy, I would believe you

>such is life in the zone
well, at least in the retard part of this Zone

>> No.8614638

>The way my larp handles dealing damage in combat is through use of "combat styles." Whichever style(s) you're trained in allow you to call higher damage by fighting a certain way--if you have the Twirl style, for instance, you have to spin/flourish your weapon before calling extra damage; Stand style means you have to keep your feet planted; Sneak style means you have to be behind your target's back, etc. It's worked out pretty well, although you have to be careful how you balance the styles, otherwise some end up being far more useful than others.

I love the names (twirl style, stand style, sneak style). It sounds like something that a little kid would make up.

>> No.8614640

>sounds like something that a little kid would make up
Well we are mostly really big kids

>> No.8615115
File: 148 KB, 960x556, 10403075_1024907727540428_2572388051039804292_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is the reason why i dont figth anywhere else than Bico and (rip?)Gn de Guerre.

I think i just go to larp for other reasons than combat now.
I'm going to a larp this weekend with disgusting combat system and ...brr...magic, but lot of people i know will be there and it's pretty cheap and on a terrain i really like.

Plus,i already miss dressing up.

You'll make me blush!
But no, i dont make any money out of it sadly.

are you telling me that dressing up and beating each other with fake sword while pretending to be someone else is for kids?!

When the weather is shitty during a larp i sometimes stop and ask myself
''What choices did i make in my life to consider this to be fun? and why do i like it this much anyways?''

(by the way i was going to write ''why do i like it this much nontheless'' but i'm not sure that would be proper way to use this word. english lack so much opportunity to use words that only look good in phrases like in french)

(pic unrelated, this is the story of when the purple knight discovered that his new used car was a lemon and that the guarentee was finished)

>> No.8615145

Some of the names are a little silly, yeah. I think they're trying to keep it pretty generic to encourage players to add their own personal touch to the way they fight.

>> No.8615303

>are you telling me that dressing up and beating each other with fake sword while pretending to be someone else is for kids?!
Yes, damn kid

>> No.8615589

You could hardly call yourself a retarded, if you could make a living out of your retardation, could you?

>> No.8615604
File: 106 KB, 685x600, 11227524_10153156757213494_267658409811890574_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know, some people make a living out of retardation, they call this T.V.
OOOH social commentary watchout !

I'm still waiting on atleast 1000 pics from bico in really good quality, some of them i took myself.

Once i have that i'll have some nice stuff to show you.

Here we have the legend of how a dumb woman killed the purple knigth balloon bird and what he said

''I never hit a woman before but i dont care if i have to do it''

he really loved that balloon bird

>> No.8615606
File: 74 KB, 960x638, 10384451_10202796969899905_4119357377778943731_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The balloon bird in question.

There was a guy during a larp event that still had his clown stuff in the car since he was a professional clown and did a purple balloon bird for the purple knigth.

>> No.8615953

it's the owners of the show who make the money from it, not them. After all, they are retards.

would elbow in the mouth the girl for killing that / 10

>> No.8616082
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It was God's Own Prototype.Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die.

Pretty sure the same thing could be said about Purple.

>> No.8616148
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a sad story indeed, comparable to the story of Corporal Schneckler

>> No.8616174

No no no, those are other people who make the money out of the retards.
They call themselves producers or something.

>> No.8616591
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>> No.8619044

7 more hours 'til larp. Get hype.

>> No.8619057
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i am. and it's actually 13 more hours 'til larp mah boi.

My first fantasy larp since 2005.

Hope there is gonna enough space in the car for my bigass chest.

>> No.8619099

>My first fantasy larp since 2005.
What? Haven't you gone to bico every year?

>> No.8619330
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Yes, but Bico doesnt have ingame magic.

There is races and all that but being an elf or an ork wont give you an extra bonus or anything.

I should have said
''My first larp with a magic system since 2005''

But then again there was magic in the farwest larp and ''magic'' in the sci-fi larp wich was pretty much Xenotechnologies.

So yeah, if there is not enough space in the car for my chest containing my armor, i'm just gonna play something fantasy for the lulz but not being distruptive to other player. shit boi i should make a mage or a hum... i dont know a chinaman

In this tapisserie (pic related) we have the dolphin paradox by Bertin Cumpisser (my pageboy)

''If you were madly in love with the person of your dreams and you had the best sex of your life with it, but everytime you had sex with her/him it became more and more a dolphin.

Keep in mind that you still have amazing sex with it but its slowly becoming a dolphin.

When would you stop having sex with it?
keep in mind that a dolphin vagina vibrate''

>> No.8619336

>says Bico isn't fantasy
>worshiped a made up being through the whole game

>> No.8619366
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you put one number too many there.

Slaanesh is not made up, it's a codeword for muh dick.

>> No.8619368
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>not made up
> it's muh dick
I'm getting mixed signals here

>> No.8619448

>''If you were madly in love with the person of your dreams and you had the best sex of your life with it, but everytime you had sex with her/him it became more and more a dolphin.
What's the downside?

>> No.8619483

some people don't mind, it seems

>> No.8619491

I'm so entirely entertained right now.

>> No.8619590
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This is the story of When Sire Grumback got aproached by a 14 year old (who was secretly a mermaid) and who had tourette syndrome and how we told the story after.

>...And then she looked him directly in the eyes and told him :
''Fuck me''

Nobody knew that girl or where she came from, and just like that she was gone.

>> No.8619815

you aren't taking your meds... again...

>> No.8620023


The googly eyes and the suspect brown/yellow stains at the bottom make this best fun-eral shroud.

>> No.8620907

Why is chain the worst kind of armour?
It's easily the most uncomfortable, heavy shit that offers fuck all in terms of stopping any kind of blunt trauma and requires more maintenance than pretty much anything else unless you fork out for riveted shit which is even more heavy and uncomfortable than the butter crap. Not to mention that is holy fuck expensive in comparison to pretty much anything else.

>> No.8621053

>unless you fork out for riveted shit which is even more heavy and uncomfortable than the butter crap
Are you some kind of retard?

>> No.8621460

Yes, he is

>> No.8621601

>offers fuck all in terms of stopping any kind of blunt trauma

So, just like literally every form of armor in existence, then?

>> No.8621776

Anyone going to the St Ives medieval faire?

>> No.8622178
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Planning on attending a futuristic larp.
Any tips on making a futuristic looking power armor kit other than "use eva foam"?

>> No.8622258

Anyone here have any experience with SCA events?

I know its not Larp but figured some of the armor stuff for hardsuit fighting might crossover a bit.

>> No.8622823
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Yes. Many of use are SCA. We talk about it all the time.

What qualifies as hardsuit to you? Im not saying this to sound macho, but the baton combat of SCA is only a few steps down for ACL, and most HEMA and Adrian Empire harnesses need some tweaking to make legal, usually the helmet.

Got a pic of your rig? Also, you won't be fighting your first event. You'll need to go to a few practices and learn the rules, then get authorized (basically a drivers license with card and everything).

Being so much bigger, we have to be a lot more careful.

>> No.8623132

Working on a setup right now this isn't my first event but it will be my first one doing hard suit. I'm going to be going to some fighter practices before hand of course and I know enough people that talking to someone to get the OK wouldn't be terribly hard.

I'm just looking for advice for a setup mostly something not awful I can get up and running fast while I spend time working on a real suit. The main thing I'm worried about us the helmet though since I don't trust my smiting abilities when it comes to that.

>> No.8623169

Don't try and jerry-rig. Im sure your local group has loaner.

Where are you located?

>> No.8623209

Arizona and I have full access to a machine shop and a very well equipped Forge. So I'm not really going to be jerry rigging it that much compared to most people it's probably just going to be a bit ugly lol.

>> No.8623226

Are you an armourer who hasmade SCA grade armour before? Do you know the conventions of combat and rules of the list enough to ensure you will produce equipment that is both safe, legal and passes the ten foot rule (I dont know if your kingdom follows it, but dont dress like the road warrior please)?

Firstly, 99% of modern armouring is cold work. Forget the forge.

Secondly, have you ever made real armour before? How long do you have to work? Do you have a local who has made proper armour willing to help you? Do you have the money for materials and accept the fact that you will waste a bit of it before you get a feel?

I suggest you get on the Armour Archive forums, and look through the patterns page.

>> No.8623242

I'm familiar with most of the requirements my household has a group of fighters already so I'm not entirely lost on this. I have some experience with armor and making baskets and such just still don't trust myself with things like a helmet. Main thing I need to out together for myself is a breast plate and spinal protection since my house has loaners for the rest.

>> No.8623249


You're a member of a household, with metal working experience, loaner kit, have been to practices...

Do you have a question or something? Also, you do not need a back or breast, only kidney and cervical spinal protection, which should be covered by your gorget.

>> No.8623254

Back from a game!I NPC'd it because I didn't relish the idea of getting into my spider suit at the current temperatures here (which was the right choice, as it turns out).
High point from the event:
>be spooky satyr fae who has two of the player's souls
>not actually the person who took the souls, the players gave their souls to another monster who then gave them to me
>be big horrible monster with two faces and giant horns
>players begin sassing me immediately, trying to bargain for their souls
>explain I will happily trade their souls back to them in exchange for two other souls
>be quite reasonable, all things considered
>players tell me that someone gave me their life savings already as a gift and is that not enough for me?
>Turn around, there's 20 platinum (a fuckton of money) in the dirt
>Ask them what possible use fae like me could have for their metal disks
>Dumb mortals decide to get so edgy and tell me that "some men will trade their souls for that much money."
>I say, "Great, I have 20 platinum here, who will sell me their souls?"
>Staff members out of game on sidelines start choking down their laughter
>Infuriating mortals decide to resort to threats
>They tell me they'll spread my true name around if I don't give the souls to them. If I return them, they will let me wipe their memories of it
>wtf mortals you don't just tell people other people's true name goddamn
>Ask them why the hell I shouldn't just wipe their memories now with my fantastical fae powers
>"Uhhuhh because we already told another fae your true name
>Well them my true name has already been goddamn scrawled on every single magic bathroom wall from here to the 7th plane
>Mortals lose their shit because they've shot themselves in the foot
>Mortals decide to attack me
>Fine, fight back a little bit, raise some undead minions, you know, let them think they're doing something
>Mortals 'defeat me' and put me in a circle to dispell me
>Rift back to the wyldwood, kekking all the way

>> No.8623292

Im with Gropes. Do you actually have a question or need help?

>> No.8623672

Anyone have experience with the calimacil bastard swords? By the system I play in most of them are technically in the one handed range but my bastard length rob stark seems poorly balanced to be using in one hand. Is this average for calimacil or am I just missing something?

>> No.8624033

Back from the event, the highlight reel

>End up in the city, straight to the barracks to don the watchman uniform, buddy and I made sergeant just for dilligence, the rest of the watch trickled in hours later/the following morning
>Playing incredibly disinterested/unmotivated guards, only in it for cushy jobs and good pay
>Gate duty, combined with holding a census, gathering taxes and abusing our station
>Get the duke to start dicing with us, dice personal and political secrets out of him
>Dice the duke for a plot of land and win, land now held by buddy
>Duke is a pretty swell guy, starts calling me Margrave, people now believe I am despite holding no such title
>Shittalking religious fanatics threatening the city, stomping them and bravely retreating when their superiors show up
>Generally be in the back of the line during skirmishes, "protecting the lord"
>Who done it mystery about an artefact theft, while everyone was dicing and nobody wanted to go, groaning and dodging until he started guilting us. Rolled dice, and the guy who rolled lowest (yours truly) had to see to it. The look on the victim's face was priceless, keep in mind he also had come to the barracks because every guard station in the city was empty, because dicing.
>Musical performance in the tavern, getting the Not!Aeranal Elves dancing, and the dwarf stripping
>Shittalking the army of religious fanatics that have conquered the city's keep in the morning, despite there just being 4 guards, while everyone else is still asleep.
>Shittalking long enough for people to trickle in to reinforce us

>> No.8624254

the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.8624256

buy a high-altitude pilot suit and work from there

>> No.8624258

I don't own one but a few of my friends have bastard sword lenght (that is, by calimacil standard) weapons.
The trick is, every calimacil weapon is actually one size smaller what the name suggest. Their two hander size is actually a hand and a half.
And everything under that is more or less can be used in one hand.
No problems with point of balance with their weapons, all of them are good.

Although there is another trick: weapon lenghts should be always compared to the guy who is using it.
A good rule of thumb is if you place one end of your weapon on the ground straight upwards and the other end doesn't go above your hip it is a one handed weapon. if it's between the hip and armpit then it's a hand and a half. If it's above the armpit then it's a two hander.
But that's just a rule of thumb a lot of things depend on the actual weapon and sometimes on your personal preferences.

>> No.8624284

That's a pretty good idea.

>> No.8624289

I stole the idea from STALKER. the exoskeleton here looks like it was built from a high-altitude pilot suit... or at least looked similar to mine

>> No.8624410
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Found something closer to what i was thinking and a lot cheaper.

Offroad motorcyclists' body armor.

>> No.8624428

how is that cheaper?

>> No.8624435

All the pilot suits were 100 dollars or more.
This one you can net for 30 to 60

>> No.8624452
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don't buy new ones.
Go to military surplus stores and find an old one. It always looks better if it's used, not that shiny and new.
Also this way you can even get it really cheap if it has some damage on it, which in your case isn't a problem.

This way I got mine for the equivalent of 4-5 usd

>> No.8624477

Won't lie, would offer blowjob to

>> No.8624485

I knew someone who wore one of those for a character- it looked really cool. Very Mass Effect.

>> No.8624535
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it's a good suit but has it's problems. One of them is that it's one size smaller than me. The other is that nearly all the zippers are shit and missing parts.
One day I will modify it to look like some kind of exoskeleton but I have so much other stuff to do that I don't know when that will be

>> No.8624549

>one size smaller than me

>> No.8624568
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it's not a good thing when you wear it. Can't really straighten myself in it, and on the limbs int really shows that it's smaller. Also there are balloons in it that distorts the feature too but necessary for a G-suit

>> No.8624589

Honestly, I'm not worried how you survive a weekend in it. I just have a fetish is all

>> No.8624620

I would sa you have a weird fetish but this is 4chan so I guess it's pretty tame compared to the others

>> No.8624626

It's more a general fetish for post-apoc

>> No.8624703

I would say that I post more postapoc pics when I get home but right now I don't have net there...

>> No.8624718

I'll just work with what's already posted then.

>> No.8624731

I started a new LARP thread here >>8624727

>> No.8624733
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i bougth like 20 calimacil to sell them back this summer and i have to say that the bastard ones are really badly balanced, i would not used them with only one hand. (or use them at all to tell the truth, but that migth be only my preference for shortswords) the one i'm using rigth now is the Solin 2 and its a charm to use.

dont forget that you live in a ex urss country, old military stuff migth be easier to come by.

aigth, now we just need to make a tankgirl porn and you'll be happy i guess.

>> No.8624737

ehh... I just started one too...

>dont forget that you live in a ex urss country, old military stuff migth be easier to come by.
old SOVIET stuff is easier but I'm pretty sure he has an easier time to get old US military stuff.

>> No.8624765

SO which are we using?
>aigth, now we just need to make a tankgirl porn and you'll be happy i guess.
Mad Max would be good too

>> No.8624767

>SO which are we using?

It doesn't really matter. Just pick one.

>> No.8624772

Goddamnit you pack of rabid faggots

>> No.8624773

''Witness me!''
*cumshot ensues*

Well, since Hungarian did not post a link to his thread...i guess we will use the other one.

>> No.8624780

yep, the other one was the first so I deleted mine

>> No.8624923

>but that migth be only my preference for shortswords) the one i'm using rigth now is the Solin 2 and its a charm to use.

Ah yes, you're the one who snatched up all the solin 2s I got one of the last ones on amazon as a loaner. Its nicely balanced and handles well, but its reaaaally short for the local bofferfag meta and most of my friends who've used it complain about the length.

>> No.8624932

well... i got the solin on Amazon.ca

But yeah i got other weapons on Amazon.com.

But the other solin i got i sold it to a friend who will probably never use it, she only wanted it for...i dont know she dont figth.

I kinda want to buy it back now.

>> No.8625416

> there's 20 platinum (a fuckton of money) in the dirt
>Great, I have 20 platinum here, who will sell me their souls?
Jesus fuck, I'm in SoMN and we just saw platinum for the first time ever last month. Between our entire chapter we have maybe 10 platinum.

>> No.8625446

We have lots of 20+ year players with buttloads of OCS's.
The person who put up the money is actually my husband, and he's been playing for 15+ years and is a healer who doesn't carry potions so he doesn't spend money on anything ever.

I've never had more than 7 gold or so to my name. Wylderkin problems.

>> No.8625470
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People often want physical money , they underestimate how much ressources are worth and are ready to exchange ressources for half their worth in real solars.

I actually only have 40ish Solars at Bico.
I ask to be paid in Peasants or victuailles (food used to maintain armies on the march) its ALWAYS useful and in demand.

But starting next year i am offering a land to a guy in exchange of his merchant services.

I am not a merchant at all and this guy is a mercantile genius, if he offer his sword in vassalage to me i can make him a baron wich makes him happy and makes me happy because i ensure his service and taxes.

Another thing to exchange is services.

Yes i will send my mens and figth for you or yes i will give you ressources you really need at the moment, but when i ask for something back in return, you better deliver.

>> No.8625641

>I ask to be paid in Peasants
What sort of shitty medievalism is this? Peasants have the legal right to work their lord's land they aren't slaves in a Roman villa.

>> No.8625664

Except that slavery is permited in Ghoria, how else would you build a powerful kingdom so fast ?

They all had their chance to join the holy crusades, if they were cowardly enough to stay behind, they must find another way to serve the one god.

but more seriously, peasant is a ressources that you put on your land so your land produce its speciality. you need to train peasant to have soldiers, need to train peasant to have merchants and skilled workers... it's pretty much the most basic ressource of the game. if i attack an enemy kingdom i will try to kill peasants and farms, its what is worth the least but what hurts the most in my opinion.

Slaves is actually another ressource but i never had them myself so i'm not totally sure what is the difference.

>> No.8625671

The whole point of maces and hammers is to fuck up armor all day erry day.

>> No.8625852

You know what i'd like?

Thinking about the airship we could build at Aeon made me want some kind of Guns of Icarus larp.

>> No.8626521

ahaaaaa I was looking for your post! Sup you sexy beast!
You guys and your dicing...more like dicekeep...amirite
But most importantly, we got a ship!
Also....gonna miss the duke so much.....

>Not!Aeranal Elves
Are you just using kind words here or are we talking about different things?

>> No.8626607

Military fag here
You should form your berrett to give it a better look
let it soak in warm/hot water and fold it/ or just shower with it and pull it to the side

>> No.8626615
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I'm not the guy on the pic, i do have a beret also and its already formed.

I also shaved it.

>> No.8626701

Doesn't matter what you do with it, berrets look shit.

>> No.8629580
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They've discovered our secret.