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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 198 KB, 500x398, 1414456149268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8619215 No.8619215 [Reply] [Original]

Old one >>8609270

>eyeing Axes Femme Cardigan for a week
>finally payday, let's order it!
>Sale that start at 18th september begins
>"Sold out, will be restocked soon!"

I have really bad luck lately.

>> No.8619242

>Birthday is today woo
>Only have to work for three hours
>Friend is gonna take me out to dinner and we're gonna trek Chinatown afterwards like a couple of weebs

Simple but it makes me happy since I've been stressed with schoolwork and needed something to lift up my spirits.

>> No.8619315

>tfw halloween is barely a thing in this country

I just want one day a year where dressing up is the norm.

>> No.8619327

Just organise a costume party? Why do you need a shitty American holiday (inb4 it's not American, let's be real at this point it pretty much is) to dress up as a slutty nurse?

>> No.8619344
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>tfw same

Some years ago I spend good cash on a gothic-themed costume because my boyfriend's friends invited us to an Halloween themed event.
Nothing about it was halloween-ish. Nobody dressed up in the whole room, aside from 2 fatties and me. No decoration, no halloween themed drinks or food. Nothing.

This year I want to go out on Halloween, but there are barely any events or bars or anything you can do.

>just wish Halloween was celebrated
>Stores having Halloween/Autmn decoration
>Places hosting themed events

>> No.8619393
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>tfw VW still will never rerelease those shoes
>not even eBay can help
>not even knockoffs

>> No.8619394

that image makes me so sad

>> No.8619407

>get a raise from minimum wage to $12/hr
>want that new meta squirrel dress
>don't get fat check for like a month
Goddamn biweekly pay periods...

>> No.8619417

What shoes?

>> No.8619418

This picture gives me bad feels.
Like, who doesn't like free ice cream cake?

>> No.8619577

That terrible sense of dread when you know you're broke af but cant help browsing auctions anyway out of curiosity, expecting your dd to pop up with every page you click.

>> No.8619586

>tfw all the blouses I like on LM are fatty-chan sized

>All the nice blouses in my size are $50+.

>tfw requested to join lolita sales fb pages and CoF and was never accepted

I just wanna have a nice coord, why is this so hard!!! I'm about to buy a stupid infanta blouse with a different theme just BC it would fit

>> No.8619691 [DELETED] 

Is Lolita fashion really that expensive? I thought even the most expensive stuff is only $1000, and you should probably be saving $2000~$5000 anyway in case your house catches fire and you need to replace your bed / fridge / computer.

You never know. It might be a trap of some sort.

>> No.8619703

Most people don't manage to put aside this much, because they either don't earn enough or always have some big thing happening which devours any possible savings (like a car crash).

$1000 for a single dress is extraordinary for lolita, but you don't just need a dress. You need shoes, accessory, headwear, blouses, coats/jackets that fit your dress. A whole outfit can easily be $1000. But who owns just one dress? It's at least 4 or (many) more and you want more blouses, shoes, cardigans etc. to go with them.

And in the end it's just special occasion clothes. Most people can only wear them to special outings. That's quite some cash for a vain fashion hobby.

>> No.8619721
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>tfw your outfit gets reblogged by a plus size lolita co-ord inspo blog

I didn't think I looked that chub...

>> No.8619724

>be plus size
>take inspiration from skinny lolitas all the time
>because I like them they think that I view them as fat

>> No.8619725
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My AP burando is lost somewhere in the mail because of I chose cash on delivery, while shopping overseas. I did have the chance to pay with card, but I chose wrong!

It has ruined my whole week and all I can do is pretend I am annoyed about something else.

At least it is being shipped back to AP, but I fear they will be NO YOU.

>> No.8619743
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>> No.8619773 [DELETED] 

>shopping for cosplay supplies with cosplay bro
>have loads of crafty shit by end of day
>feeling stoked because i got my first Dremel
>gonna drill shit
>driving home at night, see lights by the highway
>looks like a carnival or something
>decide to check it out
>take the nearest exit and drive around trying to find it
>takes forever to locate
>park in gravel lot, only a few other cars there
>me like an idiot feels paranoid about leaving my Dremel in the car, take it in a backpack with me when we go in
>the carnival is almost empty except us
>music and game noises combined with the neon lights in the deserted carnival makes me feel trippy
>play some games, eat fried shit
>workers are tired but chill
>shit there are rides
>shit i can't wear my backpack on the roller coaster
>carnie promises to keep an eye on it
>we ride the coaster while discussing upcoming cosplay
>try to maintain conversation through all the dips and sharp turns
>cracking up by the end
>continue bullshitting about cosplay plans through every ride that's still open
>the same carnie basically follows us ride to ride to operate them
>at some point i forget about my backpack
>having too much fun
>realize the workers all are wanting to go home
>it's really late, they are practically only open for us and a couple other people
>friend and i leave so we don't burden them or ruin what's left of their weekend
>get home before i remember my backpack
>try to locate the carnival, find a number online, anything
>can't even find an advert for it
>probably a travelling carnival, they have to show up somewhere
>can't find info on any carnivals in the area
>can't remember where on the highway we found it
>spend the next day driving around looking for it, going back and forth
>eventually come to terms with the fact that the carnival and my bag are gone
>my fault for being careless
>the whole memory is surreal like a dream
>buy new Dremel
>the memory is priceless anyway

>> No.8619786
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>> No.8619790

anon, always refresh before responding

>> No.8619822

>in senior year of uni
>3.8 gpa
>lost interest in major
>no motivation to get an internship
>want to change major into something i know i'd actually enjoy working in
>feel like a failure because it will take me another 2 - 3 years to graduate and i wasted time & money

welp, time to go on a spending spree on lolita dresses to make me feel better

>> No.8619849

What college and what major? In any case, iktf, if you picked a major just for "muh job prospects", you'll have an extremely unfulfilled life as you get your ass kicked by the people passionate about that field, and when you're 35 you'll wonder why you're nowhere in life and why you hate your job but still put up with it. And then you'll daily consider suicide, but will never do it because your family needs you.

>> No.8619878

Not that anon but I'm doing something for muh job prospects because the thing I like will just have tons of shitty job prospects and is competitive as fuck. So I'm kind of screwed regardless.

>> No.8619881

wow anon, thats dark as fuck.
OP, it's not the end of the world if you get a degree in a field you're not crazy about. I know plenty of adults who majored in one thing and are now leading completely different lives, even when they did like their original field of work/study! Apply for internships outside of your field, go into a job counseling center at your school and ask what other fields you're qualified for with this degree, try to take whatever classes you can in a field you think you would like (Even if it's just 1-2, you can learn enough to fake it til you make it at a job).
I also think it's important to mention that your life/=/ your job. Even if you do go into your major's field, you do not have to be there 24/7. Work enough to enjoy your life and fund your interests - some people are passionate about things that could never be profitable and that's ok, use what you have to make your life the best it can be.

>> No.8619895

I applied for a field I had no clue about and ended up loving it. I used to hate maths and now I'm majoring in the World's Dullest Subject, sexy Finance.

You never know, and you might end up changing your mind halfway through. Some of the people in my class who used to be so into it, subscribed to the Financial Times etc, ended up dropping it in favour of yoga teaching or photography or some other shyte.

>> No.8619914

Anon don't post this, jesus I'm gonna cry
>I want to tell him happy birthday

>> No.8619957

Its ok anonnettes, he's julian mvogo and he actually got a belated bday card from /b/, of all boards... That pic is too real, searched a bit and found this thread: http:// 4chanlog. net/ b/577471
Read and get pleasantly surprised :) (anyone can use google fu better than me please do, these feels won't go away)

>> No.8619982

I can safely say over 99% of all people in all of history did jobs they didn't like but gave them a means to survive
This concept of getting a job you really love is first world problems - career edition

>> No.8620021

>tfw no qt lolita/ouji gf
My comm is small and all the queer girls are taken/not my type.

>> No.8620078

Just need to complain into the void
>tfw feel tall and skinnyfat as fuck
>want to lose weight to fit into lolita fashion better
>there's not a lot of places that'll even get significantly smaller
>tfw you will never be tiny and kawaii
Maybe I can at least take some of the weight off my boobs
>don't want to develop anorexia-chan habits so continue to eat moderately healthy
>become aware that I keep finding excuses to eat garbage/more than I need

I feel like j-fashion made me want to look like a stick. When I was 16 or so I was really lanky like that, but I built too much muscle and ate too much food when I started playing sports and working out. But I think it's at least possible to go back? I'm mad at myself for thinking so stupid like this, but it's not like I've caved to ~society~ or whatever. I just want to look cute in salopettes and otks.
Kind of feel like garbage about the fact that I feel like garbage.

>> No.8620082

Aw. Have fun and happy birthday. Show us your lulzy Engrish finds.

>> No.8620088
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I'm glad that the fine print isn't too fine to read. I wanted to go there in person since it's my day off, but it's pouring out and there's even a flood warning.

>oh well
>at least I'll have one more day left until it's over

>> No.8620113

Same here. There are shitty events on clubs and some children parties in some malls but no one goes dressed up in the streets.
>tfw even the few friends i have didn't nothing for Halloween
>I should do a harajuku fashion walk for halloween
>crosses fingers

>> No.8620129

>making plush
>drop sharpie on almost-finished plush
>hits beautiful ivory minky
>.....in the exact spot that i was just about to sew something over

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

>> No.8620140

We have one dress up holiday here but I really love the creepy halloween vibe. At least it's starting to pick up a bit here in the past few years.

> Working on a meetup for the past 1.5 months
> Need to know how many people will actually be going so I can order places
> Out of 20 who said they will go to the event at the start it seems that only 5 will actually come
> Which means 3 people will actually make it
> Whybother.

>> No.8620148

I'll start celebrating Halloween when the rest of the world starts celebrating Juhannus and Vappu.

>> No.8620166
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I'm so disappointed in my old lolita idol. A few years ago when I discovered her I adored her, and her early kawaii pictures of OTT sweet got me into lolita. Lots of things she talked about were relatable to me, and she seemed genuinely sweet and fun-loving, if a little addicted to shooping her cosplay pics (and later a bit obsessed with Mr. Hiddleston). Of course, I guess she wasn't so well known back then. Then it only went horribly downhill...and now she's a fucking kate slave and ewhore, and she spews so much SJW and efame-crazed bullshit out of her mouth. It even feels like her coords have gotten WORSE over the years, like she's not even trying to look good anymore. It sucks to see your idols turn out to be so toxic. I don't even know what to think anymore.

>> No.8620181
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>tfw you worked really hard on your cosplays but people bypass you to take pictures of horribly done casual crap
>all the galleries posted onto the group page have tons of photos and you are in none of them
>and then there's one of someone cosplaying the exact same character you did but completely worse
>and they're getting a ton of praise for being the best X character there

>> No.8620186

I've had this happen with artists. Looking up to them, finally they start a social media account with more frequent posting... and they support the most SJW bullshit you've seen.

>> No.8620205

Bonus points if you get a ton of pictures taken and maybe 1 shows up online, but you're making a stupid face or it's blurry.

>> No.8620209

I used to follow a great artist from NZ who was in the same fandom as me
>attends a con
>goes full dramacow
>starts spouting SJW shit after meeting her American gf and spending like 2 weeks there
>stops posting and updating and now does exclusively fandomwank
America is cancer

>> No.8620228

The more holidays the better in my option. I always feel so sad for basic Christians that only seem to have Christmas, Easter and the small day-only holidays like Valentines and stuff.

Not religious myself but I still enjoy most the holidays as something traditional rather then belief.

>> No.8620236
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>just dyed my hair pink
>have had unnatural hair colors on and off but pink is my favorite and gives me the most confidence
>I am a mermaid queen bow before me peasants
>run into boyfriends family at the supermarket
>it's his older brothers wife and kids
>they all give me dirty looks and when I wave goodbye I hear the youngest giggling at me

Whatever you little punks I hope puberty rips you a new one.

And in more relevant feels:

>made a big step in the right direction for building up my wardrobe
>got rid of a lot of things that were frumpy and not cute
>can't wait to slowly add to my closet and transform myself into a radiant kawaii goddess and destroy my enemies

>> No.8620237

>Basic Christians
Those are Christian holidays. Most 'quirky' and 'unique' holidays in Europe that aren't that popular in the New World are Christian.

And you don't have to be religious to celebrate a holiday, that's retarded.

>> No.8620274

I meant basic Christian as in not catholic or something with all the special days for saints and whatnot.

"The concept of holidays has most often originated in connection with religious observances. The intention of a holiday was typically to allow individuals to tend to religious duties associated with important dates on the calendar."
Most holidays started for religious reasons even though these days they aren't too religious.

How Jewish holidays work for example
> Some group tried to kill the Jews
> OMG they were saved by god
> Lets eat to celebrate it

>> No.8620280


You know Christmas used to be a pagan holiday, right?

>> No.8620284


>>I am a mermaid queen bow before me peasants

Oh lord you're one of those.

I'm sure your pink hair is very pretty though.

>> No.8620286


You mean Halloween.

>> No.8620290
File: 152 KB, 414x546, tumblr_static_1vwvtcqffsn44wg8kkosogsgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last night
>my poofy petticoat from Brazil was in the US and should have been arriving to me soon
>have a dream about me twirling around in it
>in my dream it's so poofy I complain about how too poofy it is
>wake up
>have an email
>it's from my old post office five states away saying they have an international parcel for me
>seller had sent it to my old address and I didn't catch it
>which is weird because I thought on her website I put my current address as my billing/shipping one?
>call post office
>lady laughs and says she knew that I hadn't been at old address in over a year
>"Haha yeah so about my package..."
>lady says she can't ship it express like how it came but she shipped it to me
>tfw have to wait even longer now
I just want to be poofy.

>> No.8620291


Keep living that denial, it's the first step to acceptance.

>> No.8620307

count your blessings, at least it didn't get sent back or anything.

>> No.8620308

They aren't Catholic either, but Lutheran.
What you're thinking of is basic bitch Bible Belt Christianity, because most countries here have their own local twist on the popular commercialised holiday template that's uniquely their own. Just like we don't go Easter egg hunting, you don't eat mämmi and funnel cakes for Easter.

Blaming religion for your lack of culture/education is kinda lame, and equating being religious to being a Jesus-loving Bible thumper in this day and age whilst vehemently defending every other religion is a concept that's uniquely your own. Maybe Swedish too, but they're already knee deep in Yank cock so it's to be expected.
So were Juhannus and Vappu. There's countless Christian holidays that started out as a mix of local pagan religion + 1tsp Jesus. All the more reason to stop forcing it down everyone's throats.

>> No.8620314


Bro, I'm atheist and I'm all for shoving weird holidays down everyone's throats. More fun, more weird town celebrations, and more bank holidays for me.

>> No.8620327

Sage for OT, but these are some feels that cgl understands better than most
>make new friend
>she's awesome, we share a lot of interests
>someone who's always online, always interested in what i send her
>good friend
>about half a year later
>she turns out to be a huge SJW
>I sometimes tell her stories of other people being cringey, but she always says stuff like "you don't know their story"
>she thinks everything the government does is evil and fascist
>has no idea what she's talking about but will argue to the death when I disagree with her
>views Tumblr as nirvana
>anyone who challenges her is evil evil evil

She's great otherwise, but she's so cringey sometimes. She tried to convince me that people should be allowed to vote in other countries. I didn't talk to her for the rest of the day after that incident.

>> No.8620341
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Agreed Anon!

>> No.8620378


Most people are bad at saving what they should. That much is true.

>> No.8620379


At least you didn't pay for it, then it got lost.

>> No.8620394

>built too much muscle

Why are women so delusional when it comes to muscle.

Unless you were cycling test, you do not have too much muscle.

You might be chubby, with more muscle than an average girl.

>> No.8620395

Went with a friend to his first convention. For the first half of day one he stuck right with me, but once he got used to it he loved it. Now I see he's making his own plans to go to other conventions. (Side note: He invited me to go with him, but I wasn't able to attend the one he's going to.) I'm so happy I got somebody else into this!!

>> No.8620410

Well how the fuck do I get my arms smaller?

>> No.8620413


Lose weight

>> No.8620420

Buddy, unless you're posting from a burando bunker in Syria hiding from Isis, you're kind of in the first world already. And if you're in the first world, I highly recommend you concern yourself with first world problems instead of third world ones. Actually, you do this already; when was the last time you had to worry about being raped using an outdoor street as a restroom, or be concerned that you'd have to walk a mile for fresh water (Californian need not apply)?

>> No.8620443

There's been several studies lately about how the middle class has barely any savings now due to lower income or higher expenses, so it's not that hard of a concept.

>> No.8620458


>> No.8620467
File: 192 KB, 330x332, 1422415423960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mm announces further delays in shipping out fleur antoinette
>sounds like it won't be sent out until mid-october
>tfw it'll probably be too cold here to wear my dream dress/coord by the time I receive it

>> No.8620469

... you know people are allowed to have first world problems, right? We live in a society where we can be picky about what jobs we aspire to do, this isn't the middle ages. If you want to cry about first world problems, go live in the third world or something.

>> No.8620476
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And spending money on stupid crap like overpriced phones, cable bills, eating out all the time. People don't know money management anymore. I managed to build a nice lolita wardrobe with almost all of the major brands with just a 10 dollar a week allowance, babysitting money and a dog walking gig when I was in high school.

>> No.8620478

Yeah because you weren't spending it on anything else.
High schoolers do that often to pay for their phones or cars or whatnot (instead of lolita, but same idea).

Middle class isn't full of high schoolers.

>> No.8620480

because having a phone isn't a necessity.

>> No.8620483

She's probably talking about the people who absolutely need the latest phone, instead of using the one they currently have. Basically what Applefags do (did?) every time there's a new gadget out.

>> No.8620492

Not that anon, but yeah. I feel like a lot of people also spend too much money on their plan and get features they don't really need. Like people who get unlimited minutes when they only really text, or paying extra for data in a city where pretty much every public place was free wi-fi.

>> No.8620520

>I managed to build a nice lolita wardrobe with almost all of the major brands with just a 10 dollar a week allowance, babysitting money and a dog walking gig when I was in high school.
yeah, after not even a full year building my lolita wardrobe (more like nine months, from december till now) I've already managed to get close to 20 main pieces, and only 3 are offbrand. i'm on a super limited amount of funds, too. i'd have bought more if not for that, meaning i probably would have reached 20 main brand pieces by now. saving for burando was way easier than i thought it'd be.
>tfw also goes out to eat a lot. or at least once every other week.

>> No.8620525

>People don't know money management anymore. I managed to build a nice lolita wardrobe with almost all of the major brands with just a 10 dollar a week allowance

You mean while you lived off your parents, ate their food, and contributed nothing bills-wise to the household upkeep? Gee, wonder how you could've accomplished that.

Why are high schoolers always so smug?

>> No.8620526

Some of it can be because of bills. I know a lot of people who have trouble affording anything because they're paying off debt, usually student loan debt. I couldn't afford an apartment for awhile because $900/mo was going right into bills, leaving me with not enough to pay rent anywhere.

>> No.8620532

>tfw also goes out to eat a lot. or at least once every other week.
That's.. not a lot.

>> No.8620533

Yeah, bills are expenses.

>> No.8620546

t-to me it is
>what is treating yo self when it's not lolita

>> No.8620547

Shit like student loan debt makes me so so fucking glad I've managed to stay debt free.

>> No.8620556

First time posting, I hope I am doing this right, I only lurk.

>First year Uni
>No friends since in all new province
>Meet some guy who seems nice and normal.
>Find out he likes anime
>Oh no
>Having good conversation anyways
>Slowly throughout he makes awkward advances towards me
>Oh hell no
>End up driving him home since he lived off campus and I wanted him gone
>He asks me out
>Tell him no and told him I would text him later
>He texts me multiple times when I get back to my room
>Never replied to him again

I feel like a bitch for doing this but he really did start getting strange and was obviously only hanging with me to get a date or laid. Now I have no friends because I am super shy and only a weeby small convention near me.

>> No.8620561

Well was he not attractive or...?

>> No.8620562

Better than turning it into a creeper story.

Small conventions are easier to make friends at, I've found, but good luck anyway.

>> No.8620566

He wasn't unattractive per say, but not my type at all. I started getting weirded out when we were talking about cosplay and he just sliently said to me 'We should maybe do a couple cosplay some time..." Like wtf I just met you.

>> No.8620595

I hate dudes like that. Once in my youth all my tight friends had boyfriends so I felt presure to have one too. I basically agreed to date the first guy who wasn't completely unfortunate looking and had an interest in cosplay/anime. Immediately he started saying he loved me and even when I told him I wasn't comfortable he pushed all this PDA on me. We lasted about three days and he cried when I told him I just liked being single better and it wasn't his fault. I felt bad like for like a minute until I heard all this trash he talked about me after. For some reason the guy you talked about made me think of him randomly. I think you dodged a major bullet gull, lord knows I did.

>> No.8620608

>having guy friends

Good luck with that

>> No.8620609

>staying at parent house for a con 2 hours from home
>they dont know Im into cosplay
>Im unemployed so poor as fuck to stay in a hotel
>Im 25
>they dont know Im going to a con
>tfw suburban useless sheltered cunt I am
>I need them to drive me to con
>The dont know

>> No.8620619

>Family puts a lot of pressure on me to find a good woman and have kids (I'm 23 currently)
>The problem is I am terrible with women and have very little time between other obligations (university clubs, rugby team in which I run half the practices, full course-load of all difficult subjects, full time job already offered after this semester but still need to pursue higher level professional designation in spare time while working)
>have all these ideas of cosplay, never get around to it
>deny every girl who's showed interest in me since like grade 9 because I'm actually boring and have no common interests
>go through bad phase a while back
>tried badly and embarrassingly to ask a girl out
>went exactly how I expected
>couple friends get killed in an accident like 2 weeks later
>started taking steroids and drinking heavily, alone
>got in a few fights
>cos looking more and more like a healthy release
>brother falls off the deep end, recently kicked out of uni and does absolutely nothing all day
>pressure mounting
>just want to dress up and have fun
>only one friend who's kind of interested in doing it with me

I get 3 weeks off a year, how viable is it to learn from scratch how to sew or make armor or whatever for something decent in that time frame? Or is that just asking to wind up in the bad cosplay threads?

>> No.8620700

60% of the people in my company are working jobs they didn't originally major in. This happens really often, you're likely not stuck in your field.

>> No.8620703

as somebody your age who had to stop college because they couldn't afford it anymore, just get the damn degree. go back to school for something else. but finish it. nobody cares what you major in 95% of the time as long as you got one. trust me, i'm in the workforce now. nobodddyyy carresss.

>> No.8620707

>come back from con
>post con depression sets in
> realize I start school shortly
> photog is a scammer
>dog had a seizure
> mom's got cancer
>grandpa is in ICU on a ventilator
>dad is away for work training
>Don't want to bother friends with all my problems
>gained weight
>finally passed 100 lbs
>hit my goal.png
>someone called me fatty chan as a joke
>super self conscious
> haven't eaten all day

A-at least I'm making a new coord for Halloween.

>> No.8620708

>>but she always says stuff like "you don't know their story"

oh so she's nice and is actually capable of empathy and understanding, unlike most of society, and isn't out to be a miserable cunt towards strangers. OMG what a "SJW"

>> No.8620738

Just finish at this stage, you'd be surprised what opportunities a degree of any sort will open up. Something like 75% of STEM degree-holders don't even work in STEM, heck I know of a guy who majored in Music Theory and found his way into Computer Science.

Unless you want to switch to something requiring specific qualifications, in which case finish anyway, and do a second degree.

>> No.8620763
File: 80 KB, 600x1165, asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most popular/famous couple cosplay I've done
>he's an abusive sociopath
>break up, he steals the costume I made for him and puts the pic on his dating profile
>tfw friends ask "why don't you wear that awesome Zelda cosplay again? It looked so good!"

Pic related. It's been over a year and I still have nightmares about him. My relationship with him broke me down. Sometimes I feel like I'm finally over it and then it just hits me all over again.


>> No.8620770
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>absolutely love shironuri
>everytime I try it at home, it just reminds me how bad I still am at makeup
I know it's a small problem, but I just hate it, even mascara goes wrong.

>> No.8620841
File: 1.49 MB, 2089x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon! Didn't find any Engrish stuff but friend bought me these hair clips and I bought these huge ass pork buns for pretty cheap.

>> No.8620875

if it's something that interests you genuinely, go for it! i find it calms me down a lot too, especially if i'm not working towards a set deadline but simply trying something out to learn a skill.
even if you don't have a lot of time you don't have to limit it to those 3 weeks exclusively; if you rush yourself that much and have unreasonably high expectations it wont be a very positive experience for you.
you can always browse cgl, look at and read tutorials on your phone sometimes, try out some little techniques now and again (cut out a freezer paper stencil while you're sitting on the john, try using it on some scrap fabric quickly on your way out the door; the paint will be dry by the time you get home!), figure out what sort of materials and techniques you're comfortable with, even make some completely useless costume pieces like a lone piece of armor or sew boot covers you'll probably just throw out. All of that will help you learn and become more comfortable with things. and remember, if you make something and are really disappointed or insecure about it, there's nothing forcing you to go wear it or take all sorts of pics, and even if you do, cons are swamped with mediocre cosplay. normies will love you regardless and chances are no one here would notice enough to want to post you to cgl

>> No.8620877

whoops sorry for wall of text, mobile wasn't making line breaks happen right

>> No.8620945

I know, but it was the exact things I've been eyeing for months that fit perfectly my wardrobe.

>> No.8620951

>Take individual courses until you are eligible for the master of interest.

Have fun.

>> No.8621024

>tfw feel depressed like everyone else
>can't do anything correctly or on time
>drift off anywhere but can't sleep at night
>spend the few free hours I have "recovering" from work and school, so eating snacks and watching movies in bed
>no time for sewing
>wake up too late to dress cute, but have a great wardrobe
Will getting antidepressants help? I never thought I had any mental illnesses and I think I still might not. But right now I'm making my own life shit and I don't know what to do.

>> No.8621031

If it helps any, just know you're not alone. I think the worst part is he knew how to act kind and unassuming in public or in front of friends/family. In private, it was unspeakable. I'm mostly okay now, but there are still those few things that send me into a panic.

>> No.8621036

to be fair I've saved a fair amount by not drinking, but now I've become known as the resident boring dry-shite so no-one wants to do anything with me anymore.

and I see nothing wrong with people spending money on restaurants or experiences in general, have fun being the boring sheltered girl in the group with nothing to talk about

>> No.8621061

No shit, dummy, I made 300 bucks selling candy in high school, but that only mattered for shit because I didn't have any expenses, so all of my money was spending money. It's not budgeting when you really only have one thing you want/need to spend it on.

>> No.8621062

Look up public transport.

I took a greyhound and then Bart to get to Fanime. It was a hell of an adventure.

>> No.8621066

If you can afford therapy I'd really recommend going. Your body may be reacting to something that's unresolved in your mind, and at the very least they can refer you to a doctor for antidepressants if they feel you need them.

>> No.8621067


She might have a point in one or two cases, but excusing every time somebody acts like a miserable cunt towards YOU, just because they /might / have a good reason is a terrible character flaw.

Trying to force it on somebody else is even worse. It's a matter of scale. If I give somebody a cold, damp rag when they look overheated, I'm nice. If I throw a bucket of water on anybody who might possibly be hot, I'm a jackass.

>> No.8621079

I'm far from an expert of mental illness, so that's why I suggest to go get help from someone who is. They may help (more than the general"There, there" hugbox of the internet anyway), and even then I am reasonably positive they have more than one type of antidepressant so it would be worth it to find the right type and dose.

I mean you can get through it without a professional. I did it, but I also knew what "triggered" it; mine was not just a general pull down of depression. It still sucked though to get out of it.

TL;DR: Talk to someone that actually knows this shit and s/he will be able to answer your question properly

>> No.8621082

If your friends who drink aren't so bad aside from drinking, offer to DD for them. I always appreciated when friends who didn't/couldn't drink would DD for us and we could have a good time. We would buy the DD dinner and go do something of their choice as compensation.

If your friends are actually calling you boring because you don't drink, consider finding some new friends. "You're boring if you don't drink" is a pretty immature mindset. There are plenty of people who don't (or can't) drink who do fun things.

>> No.8621087

anon anyone can get depressed, so many things happen in your life all the time and people can be thrown off because of big changes, constant low levels of stress, seasons, school, etc. try not to think of it as you have to be special to have a mental illness, you just have a problem that is impacting your life negatively which would be good to talk to someone about. they could recommend pills or therapy or whatever but it's good to address it, whatever the plan ends up being. plus, there's always the worry that if you let it sit too long you will start to make bad decisions because you don't feel good. gl and sorry for wording, i am sleep deprived.

>> No.8621090

Nah they're cool, they just don't invite me to things that involve drinking anymore.
I actually genuinely love pubs and it's always nice to have a chat with people, drink or no drink, but when you don't drink people just assume that there's some big reason behind it and stop inviting you for fear of offending your delicate sensibilities or something.

>> No.8621127

>"Why spend money on friends or family when you could have costume-y dresses?"
>"Why pay your cable bills when you could buy lolita?"
>"If you cut every other of your expenses and every other fun thing in your life you could have SO MUCH BURANDO!!"
>being a high schooler who can spend all money on fun things

You don't know anything about bills, loans and real life, do you?

>> No.8621128


That's a little weird. The only time I'd stop inviting people to the pub is if they keep refusing again and again to come (usually 4 times in a row for me)

We have a muslim dude in our work group and he's always a good sport about bars. He won't drink but he'll get a non alcoholic drink and snacks.

Honestly just make it known to your friends you don't want to drink. I really don't like people who stop inviting others because they won't do x activity at x place even if they are being social. It doesn't make sense.

>> No.8621129

>whoops sorry for wall of text,
oh that's alright, thank you for the reply I appreciate it.

>> No.8621333

I went to the dealership to claim whatever the prize was, but there was an additional raffle based on the given serial number - it didn't match with the one for the $2500, however, I've got a $5 gift card from Target. I'm glad they didn't ask me for my SSN, otherwise, I would have noped the fuck out. I had low expectations because of the probability of winning. Yay for consolation prizes!

>> No.8621408

This is like every car dealership scam ever, mine actually mailed people a token to put in their big slot machine for a chance to win $50,000 or a free car.

In the fine print if you "won" you were entered for another chance to win through a raffle.

No one actually wins.

>> No.8621428

>escaped psycho perv abusive boyfriend
>i realized i weigh 121lbs now (am 5"3/5"4)
>feels too big and disgusting
>got pimples on forehead and right on my nose that wont go
>feels stressed bc my hair is too short cant style it and roots are showing 3cm but i have to wait until 1st october
>has no IRL friends,only friend was a whiny spoiled lolita that put her anger on me and i got fed up after her putting me down again last month
>got fever and dry nose yesterday
>have trouble studying bc stressed as fuck
I am fat,ugly,alone,sick,poor and sad
I am a terrible mess right now i am crying since a week...I just want things to get better i feel so lost and lonely...I hate myself i feel disgusting and worthless...

>> No.8621433

How is that fat? I'm 6'3" and 170 dude. Acne can be dealt with via steaming the face and buying a $9-10 toolkit. The other topics I have minimal experience with.

I'm sure you'll fix all your troubles, just take things one step at a time.

>> No.8621449

>have to learn Java coding as a major part of my study
>have trouble really understanding the language, I get the basic parts but I just can't comprehend it when I need to do it myself
>get recommended a series of YT videos
>tfw it all makes sense

I know it's not cgl related but it makes me feel so goddamn happy I can stop feeling anxious because I just couldn't quite get how everything worked.

>> No.8621456

I know it isnt but i FEEL fat tho. like "not skinny enough. You must be prettier. Stop eating this. No. Move your ass." I know too but everything is so overwhelming right now...I am in tears again tonight. I am a sad loser atm haha
Thanks for responding though you are a cutie.

>> No.8621464

I can understand wanting to look better, but I really think 120 at that height is fine, if not less than where it should be! Maybe work out if you want things to look more defined, supposedly exercise helps with depression and whatnot anyways.

>> No.8621476

Oh and I forgot to mention, don't let your weight become your obsession! Focus on radical stuff like cosplay and your academics so you can afford more cosplay

>> No.8621480

l-link to the videos?

>> No.8621487

Cave of Programming on youtube, the java for beginners set of videos.

They're short and straight to the point videos which is why they work for me. I hope they'll be some use for you too anon!

>> No.8621488

First of all, well done for getting out of that relationship. It must be rough as hell, but you deserve someone better.

Secondly, the pimples will probably go when you're less stressed. Maybe try some nice face masks from eBay or a drugstore, they might help, but even if they don't you might feel a bit better.

I would bet you good money no-one even notices your roots. They aren't as bad as you think.

Could you potentially join a zumba/dance/jogging group? I know they can be expensive, but instead of eating less, they could improve your health and make you feel better, and you could meet more people to hang out with. Get out of the house, doing things with other people, sort of thing.

And as others have said, you're honestly fine. You'll get there.

>> No.8621504

>Have one week window to make large part of cosplay. Seriously only one week to make this part because class starts soon and we will soon no longer have the workspace we need to do this bit.
>Doing group with BF and we're splitting the work 50/50
>Get my part 80% done Sunday night
>"I'll start my part on tuesday"
> Tuesday, and he says wednesday. So I start his bit.
>I'm getting more stressed by the day because not getting it done means the costume won't happen at all without me being yelled/screamed at/blackmailed by someone else bc of needed the workspace.
>I'm upset and he just says I'm being silly.
>We'll have time

>End of week and he only started doing his bit on friday afternoon and I had to do all my half and try and rush his half.
>Not finished the parts
>Not good
>He's insisting i finish the costume
>I explain that it's going to be super stressful now, last time I had to do something like this the emotional stress and hell I was given by the 3rd person made me want to kill myself and I ended up on meds after trying to get through it. Then ended up having the worst depression of my life and didn't leave the house for a month and lost all joy and happiness.

>Know this is going to happen all again just after I start to feel better

>But the costumes need to get done, because they mean a lot to me and not finishing is not an option for various reasons.

>Going to be crying myself to sleep every day and getting 4 hours sleep.
>Yay, this again.

>> No.8621506

Thanks guys i feel a bit better now. You are angels. May your packages always be sent in time without custom taxes or loss

>> No.8621510

In the land of the free and home of the brave, we ain't got them custom taxes

Shame about waiting till 3PM for my mailman though.

>> No.8621513

>Boyfriend is having a rough time with family, work, and health this week
>As a result all he wants to do is stay at home and play videogames
>normally I would be fine with that, we would hangout on the couch with MSGV and eat take-out, buuut
>Tonight our friends are going to a super cool Halloween haunted house thing and asked if we wanted to come
>we said no, but I really want to go as it was my idea in the first place and those things are my absolute favorite things of the whole year
>pretty sure friends will not want to go a second time
>I don't want to go alone as that is zero fun
>want to be good gf, but I can't lie I feel sad
>friends going without me (may already be on their way actually)
>boyfriend clearly does not want to go
>not gonna get another chance this year
>a lot more upset than I want to let on, so here we are.

I always make so many plans for October and they always fall through, it's not anyone's fault but I sure am sad.

>> No.8621519

Do these people know halloween is still 6 weeks away

>> No.8621523


Why lie to begin with? What would happen if you said you wanted to go even though he did not? Would he really restrict you or disapprove of you spending a few hours away?

>> No.8621536


No? Why would he?
He is just sick, tired, and emotionally drained and wants me to hang out with him. You know, like you do for your bff/bf. If I said I wanted to go he would tell me to and then sit at home all alone and sick and even MORE sad. Empathy anon, jesus.

>> No.8621541

I should also follow up with the fact that it wouldn't be just a few hours. It is over two hours away and lasts until something like 1am, so I wouldn't get home until 3am at the earliest.

>> No.8621543

>inb4 someone claims that your empathy towards your bf is some sort of psychological abuse

>> No.8621544

You care too much, I am jealous/impressed

If I try to care too much I feel awkward and out of my element. Teach me.

>> No.8621549

Everything is emotional manipulation and abuse in these threads
Nothing is sacred

>> No.8621552

I think it was last thread someone was going on about oh poor me I cheated on my boyfriend and he'll never find out btw we're planning on getting married

Sad days

>> No.8621553

Go by yourself and tell him you'll give him a bj when you get back

>> No.8621554

I dunno man, once someone has seen your asshole more times than you, you just sort of get over the awkwardness...

Honestly, awkwardness is just really hard to keep up, I am normally the most awkward person ever but I finally hit that point where I don't care much if people like me or not, I am just gonna be me and if they like me then YAY if they don't then it wouldn't have worked out anyway.

in all fairness, some have been pretty bad.

>> No.8621557

Guess I need to start waving my asshole around.

Being serious though, I do hope I reach the point where I just stop caring about how people feel about me.

>> No.8621559
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1396154014795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do most people look at their own assholes?

>> No.8621564

I tried once or twice just to see how it worked

Did not end well

>> No.8621568

Weed helps.

Oh come on! You would be lying if you said you never checked it out in the mirror. If you really haven't, you should! It is a good idea to keep tabs on your own body.

>did not end well
w... what happened?

>> No.8621573

>Everything is emotional manipulation and abuse in these threads
Apart from actual emotional and physical abuse. That's 100% your fault. No matter what. Even as a child. 100% your own fault and you deserved it.

>> No.8621574

I'm not flexible enough and the mirror I used was too high up.

Leg hurt for a few days after that one

>> No.8621576

I never said I haven't seen my own asshole before.

I just wasn't aware other people apparently do it so much that they use it as a measuring system for how close to their SO they are.
>Wow you sure are devoted to your boyfriend
>Oh it's no big deal, our asshole observation ratio is at least 5:1

>> No.8621585

Be fair! That anon could not be at fault for ALL the abuse! How would they even travel the country that fast to yell at so many girlfriends? Maybe three states worth of abuse if they have a fast car or pay for a ton of plane tickets, but nowhere near 100%.

Unless of course they were Santa Clause... I never did trust that fat bastard.

>> No.8621588

You may be overthinking my lighthearted joke a bit.

You gotta do your stretches first anon. Also, may I recommend a hand mirror and laying on your back?

>> No.8621684

I got on vent to go play FFXIV with muh guild and my friends were online saying that they were going to try to go next week instead!


>> No.8621937

It's barely halfway through September, god forbid can't you find another haunted house to go to before Halloween?

That was ridiculous, I'm still mad at that anon.

>> No.8621954


>using 'muh' uniroinically

You need to be 18 to use this site.

>> No.8622211

>read comics, manga, watch anime, play games
>have shitload of figures
>feel like I'll never get accepted bij normies because I'm too different somehow
>feel like I'll never get accepted by "geeky"/"nerdy" people because I'm too normal

>just feel stuff like "if I haven't read all batman comics ever made I'm not a real batman fan"
>"What if I find the perfect guy but ge quizzes me over some obscure DC character and I won't know it.

It's kinda tiring and takes the casual fun out of it. Also it's kinda lonely because it makes me afraid of meeting people with the same hobbies.

>> No.8622220

If the "perfect guy" quizzes and judges you on fandom knowledge (or lack thereof), he's not perfect at all. One less thing for you to worry about.

>> No.8622233

Call him an immature wankstain

>> No.8622320 [DELETED] 

SEND HER TO /pol/.
They don't trust the government and will argue to the death, too.

>> No.8622322 [DELETED] 

You can have guy friends. You just gotta tell them that your vagina is not available, but they can enjoy other hobbies with you if they want.

>> No.8622333 [DELETED] 

>escaped psycho perv abusive boyfriend
There sure are a lot of those aren't there?

Well, the obvious solve to your problem is proper diet and exercise. But I understand that when you feel like shit, you probs can't get started.

Considered joining a walking group? Or maybe support group that also does exercise? You gotta get out of the hole, or you'll stay in it.

>> No.8622337 [DELETED] 

Would it work for a change if you just got a partner who was obvious and blunt all the time, or would that still be manipulation?

>Being serious though, I do hope I reach the point where I just stop caring about how people feel about me.
Well you're on 4chan so you're making good progress Kappa

Maybe not perfect, but still pretty good. Plus you know he has high standards so he's not gonna go off and fuck some casual hussie who can't tell the difference between Hawkeye and the Green Arrow.

>> No.8622365

Thanks anon. It helps to know I'm not alone, but it makes me feel awful that other people have gone through what I did - and some have had it much, much worse.

The worst part for me is that some of my friends STILL defend him. "He was just playing around." "You can't expect a man to act any differently, boys will be boys."

Like you said though, I'm mostly ok now too. I have a really great partner and I feel truly loved for the first time since that awful time in my life. But the damage is hard to erase.

>> No.8622374 [DELETED] 

>You can't expect a man to act any differently, boys will be boys.
That's not true tho. Boys have different personalities. It's a good idea to stick with the ones who are honest with what they like and what they want, and to be honest with them in return.

Damage is difficult to erase, but if you keep confronting it in a safe environment it'll fuck off. Consider having your current BF roleplay as your former BF =)

>> No.8622448
File: 2.31 MB, 360x360, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I hate Pinky Paradise, is there any US based lens shops that anyone is aware of? Probably not.

>order and pay for lenses on the 13th
>they finally shipped on the 15th
>it's stuck in Malaysia no surprise
>it obviously will take over two weeks to get here
>won't have them in time for my event
>had to throw out my other pairs of lenses because they were too old
>tfw I'm going to be lensless

Fuck it I'm upset.

>> No.8622453
File: 2.01 MB, 544x304, g6grzfs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8622455

>consider having your current bf roleplay as your former bf =)
This sounds like a terrible idea, the fuck are you talking about. That's not how you deal with trauma.
And anon knows that not all guys are that way, that's just what their friends are saying. Anon doesn't need to be convinced that "boys are still nice, just be nice to them!" She was in an abusive relationship.

Anon, consider therapy. It's grest that you're in a solid and healthy relationship, but I know how hard that shit is to get over, even years after the fact.
Also, your friends suck and I'm sorry for that.

>> No.8622463

>join cosplay group, thought it was just 3 of us
>surprise! nearly got a full group
>super excited
>literally 1 away from full group
>but the con is two months and one week away
>costume is fairly complicated, we all bought from taobao to ensure matching
>custom made, takes best part of a month just for that
>it's short timing to make sure even our costumes all arrive
>everyone who's interested doesn't want to pay for fast shipping on top of taobao fees
>really running out of time to find someone
>so close, yet so far

>> No.8622525

This is interesting because I find the opposite is true.

If I find out people are into videogames I don't even bother mentioning that I play videogames, I specifically avoid it solely because I'll find out they play like 5 games a year and it'll all be garbage that was advertized heavily on TV 24/7 and I can't relate. Now I just say I like to read and play golf as a lie.

Same goes with manga and anime, I just avoid anyone who says they like both. No point in hearing about how "epic" naruto is.

Comics is entering the crust-zone, where only the crustiest and cheeto-dust covered individuals would truly quiz you. 99% of comic "fans" saw the movies.

You're fine and there's no sense of pride or "nerd cred" in these junk hobbies, you'll destroy almost any stranger you meet in terms of knowledge. I find these hobbies are for the degenerates of society and if I knew over 20 years ago when I got into them I'd be in this mess I would've picked fishing instead.

However, I do find it awkward that people make these hobbies their life, like "I'm a gamer" as an identifying part of their personality. It's like dude what

>> No.8622535

I feel like I agree with you too. It's not some cool hobby and I kinda dislike it when people say stuff like "I'm such a nerd/geek" etc.
But I'd still want friends/a boyfriend who's less casual than accidentally seeing the Nolan trilogy on netflix that one time.

You guys are right too.

>> No.8622547

Yeah, I mean, my opinions are pretty jaded.

But I can understand what you're looking for, I've found no luck with people in-person and only online have I find the non-casuals.

The best of times will come when I find another fan of the Duo-R and the FM Towns, don't give up!

>> No.8622559

Maybe see if the rest of the group would be interested in chipping in a few dollars each to help the final member out with faster shipping?

>> No.8622575

I hadn't actually thought of that, that's a good idea. But because we're not all close friends, not sure if everyone would be willing to. I'll talk to the group leader about it. Thanks!

>> No.8622633

>current BF roleplay as former BF
Yeah... no.
Therapists tend to take up that role.

>> No.8622672

It's not uncommon for people to out-nerd me. The graceful thing to say is, "oh, I haven't gotten around to reading that, how good is it?" Or something like that. You can even just say, "I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with that one." It's an easy way to create a discussion and maybe get something new recommended.

>> No.8622913
File: 50 KB, 480x410, anoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have the energy to do school work
>don't have energy to work on cosplay
>don't have energy to job hunt
>I realized getting a gf or a well-paying job wouldn't even fix this
I've resorted to spending money on useless hobby things and those don't even excite me much anymore..
I've become an actual bottomless void. I'm hoping this weird mood goes away soon.

>> No.8622946

>I've become an actual bottomless void

Some squats or glute presses should fix that up.

>> No.8622993

>Consider having your current BF roleplay as your former BF
The fuck kind of weird ass advice is this?

>> No.8623176

Um... I think you misunderstand my situation. I don't really want to associate any memories of my abuse with my current partner. Although I do think that confronting trauma in a safe space can work for some people, I'd rather do that with a therapist than with my current partner. It wouldn't be fair to him to ask that and if it went badly, it could really damage the relationship.

Thanks anon. I've actually been in therapy since I was 16, but I stopped six months ago since I moved to Japan. From what I can tell it's hard to find decent mental health services in this country, especially in English, but I'll do my best to find someone.

>> No.8623179

>mom asks about the frilly dress that came in the mail
>oh no here we go time to explain lolita
>she actually listens to me when I say it's not related to the novel, wants to learn more
>show her my dream dress
>she loves it
I was so fucking worried, but everything went better than expected. I don't dare mention the price because I figure she wouldn't approve of paying so much for one dress, but at least she supports me wearing lolita.

>> No.8623225
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>decent mental health services

Pic related.

>> No.8623241
File: 20 KB, 432x288, 1440982746544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find out one of my favorite video games did a collab with Miho Matsuda
>look it up
>collab was done in 2001

>> No.8623248

Wow, normally I feel old on this board but I was genuinely a child in 2001, who only knew two animes.
Time is strange.

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.8623259

But if you're upset you'll jurt upset him too. If I was sick and wanted to hang out with my bf but he was all bitter and pissy I'd just tell him to go and get his shit together.
You clearly don't want to be there and would rather go to the spookhouse, so why pretend? He'll know you're upset, and he'll feel bad bc It's his fault you're upset. Stop pretending, not cool.

>> No.8623268

>You're feeling down about everything in life right now? Well too fucking bad this is all about ME and you should just MAN UP and deal with it pussy.

What a catch you are.

>> No.8623344

>tfw you find a merry making in the ghost town jsk on mercari that sold for only 6000 yen because the seller didn't know what it was

>> No.8623359

Same here, anon. I was less than 10 years old in 2001 and I watched like 3 animes (Sailor Moon, DBZ, and Pokemon)

>> No.8623547

>tfw you're never in time to get anything from mercari even when it's the first row of items :(
fucking cache apps

>> No.8623557

>Con next day
>Pretty casual con, not too fussed about going
>Get costume out to check it and do any repairs
>Go to do minor repair
>Find hole
>Find another hole
>Shit no
>Find the fasten has been under strain and has ripped through the fabric.
>More holes
>Grommets ripping
>Check photos from last wear
>Good all day, garment worn over this bit hides all but 1 fault
> That 1 fault seems to have appeared just before I took the costume off
>How did I not notice any of this
>Realise its because as soon as I take my costume off at con it goes back into its vacuum bag to keep tidy (Unless it needs cleaning, but in this case I had worn it for 2 hours indoors)
>Hadn't realised the part was so out of shape
>Realise I can't fix this overnight
>Realise I can't fix this
>This is my favourite costume
>Welp, not going to con then (only weather and theme appropriate costume)
>Not too fussed about missing the con. Broken part feels like an ice dagger to the heart.
>I had made it 18 months ago, rushed and did a 7/10 job on it so this was inevitable.
>BF suggests I get in materials to replace part, mostly to distract me from being gutted that this costume is out of action
>Can't buy parts because I can't get a grip on how badly it came apart.

In the last 18 months my sewing has come leaps and bounds and I'm just so shocked that I actually made that and thought it was okay. It looked okay, inside and out, just it wasn't strong and little things weren't perfect, which is why it came apart.
Since then I've made similar bits to this 5 more times and each one since has been done to high standards, because I competed in them. So at least the re-made part will be damn perfect. But this costume meant a lot and it felt like it literally fell apart in my hands.

>> No.8623872

>dream skirt is up for sale on lacemarket in preferred colorway
>will need at least two more shifts worth of tips to afford it
>please dear god don't let it sell before then

>> No.8624688
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>going to a meet up this weekend for the first time in months
>went to a big Lolita event in the meantime
>none of my comm members went to the event even though I know some of them wanted to
>I had a great time at the event
>bought shit ton of stuff, including some nice new dresses, accessoires etc
>I feel like showing off my new purchases and brag about the event
>feel shitty at the same time for the need to brag

I honestly would do this thoguh if I wouldn't know two of my comm members have some anger issues. I don't want weeks of passive agressive tumblr posts and bitching on our comm page because I could afford something they couldn't.
>I'll just surpress my urges to behave kinda shitty

>> No.8624740

What is changing careers. What is transitioning to a new field.

I have 5 different friends who all got their bachelors, then after working for a little while decided their chosen major or focus wasn't for them. They changed careers in their early/mid 20s (some went back to school for it) and now in their late 20s/early 30s are very happy with their work. Maybe you had a shit experience, but that's garbage advice.

>> No.8625053
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>taobao order came in
>cosplay wigs look cute and natural for daily use
>tfw worried about wearing wigs outside of cosplay

People I know will think its strange. I really shouldn't care what they think, but I'm also afraid of growing insecure of my natural, thin hair and depending on a wig every time I go out.

>> No.8625323

>be a size 8 (US) so bit of a fatty-chan
>have friends who are definitely fatty-chans, a lot larger than me
>invite me into cosplay group of cute girls
>we're all a bit fat and/or ugly, we know this, will be ripped apart online, w/e, it'll be fun, beyond caring about what other people think
>however, one of the girls is really cute
>like, really fucking cute, 10/10 body
>feel sorry for her being in this group
>but she did know us previously?
>and we can be like a fatty shield for her from creepers
>feel sorry for all the people who will ask for a photo of her and end up with a photo of all of us
>feel sorry for the younger members who will get their feelings hurt if people don't want their photo, only hers
>mostly feel sorry for her

>> No.8625377

>tfw 4chan is kill

It was fun while it lasted /cgl/!

>> No.8625421

>trying to lose weight
>doing really well, 20lbs shy of goal
>constantly see pics of meets at cute cafes
>cakes and sweets everywhere
>lonely as fuck, don't have any lolita friends
>only see others at meets
>can't go to them because I can't eat the food and don't want to be rude

Almost there, and then I can binge on all the cake I want.

>> No.8625435

>Almost there, and then I can binge on all the cake I want.

So you're going to reach your goal just to gain the weight back in less than a year? Why don't you do something more reasonable for the long term, like making a daily calorie plan that allows for you to have a cupcake and tea with your friends once a week.
You sound like a mess, I'm so sorry.

>> No.8625442

Keep at the hard work, but please remember that having a treat on occasions will not harm your progress, you just have to have the willpower not to overindulge and learn a treat is a treat.


>> No.8625606

What's your major? Why don't you just go to grad school for whatever you're interested in, if they're even slightly related? You could also start with a job in your preferred field, work a few years and know some names, then go to school again for your Master's.

It bugs me that people feel the need to major in things they hate for money. If you are truly passionate about something, you'll find a way to make rent doing it.

>> No.8625608

>be me around halloween last year
>wanting to wear a gothic coord to class (took a while to get together and its oh so cute, i wanted to show it off)
>talk about it with my classmates
>socially awkward classmate says she wants to wear lolita too
>she likes dr who, anime, other general nerd shit
>i kindly encourage her, not thinking anything would come of it
>arrive to class on halloween
>shes dressed ita as fuck, tiny tophat, shitty petticoat, the works
>"check out my costume!"
>spends day hanging out with me because "we match!"
>mfw im wearing moitie and shes in some handmade shit
>im too much of a pussy to tell her to fuck off
>halloween was suffering

it just drives me nuts thinking about it. serves me right trying to encourage people to spread their wings when it comes to fashion.

>> No.8625661

You can always ask for a payment plan and put some money down on it, or even see if the seller will do a hold! It never hurts to ask, anon!

>> No.8625672

>tfw could've been me
Almost dated a guy I barely knew in high school because I was a huge wimp and didn't want to hurt his feelings after he asked me out. Wannabe popular girls tried to convince me to date him too. Ended up rejecting him after much deliberation, and thank god- turned out he was practically going down the roster of girls in our class and asking them out because he was a desperate weirdo. The wannabe girls had already turned him down and wanted me to look like an idiot by dating him. He actually got into a week-long relationship with my friend, texted her about his pubic hair, then broke up with her and faked ~hurt~ and ~drama~.

>> No.8625677

Are you at least a 5/10? Having your life together is super attractive at that age.

>> No.8625682

That sucks, anon. Take care of yourself.

>> No.8625706

What is it a cosplay of? Avoid the problem next time by not relying on other people when it matters- they'll let you down half the time.

>> No.8625710

You're not a bad girlfriend because you want to hang out with your friends. Just go, even if he doesn't want to. He isn't your owner.

>> No.8625746

I know a guy who actually did this, his never brushed his teeth. I remember he exclaimed proudly when he suckered a girl of equal "charm" that he finally started brushing his teeth and showering after she became his girlfriend.

They're both equally awful people still in a relationship somehow, she goes on facebook with anime memes such as "One does not simply understand anime" and other garbage. Can't wait until she craps out like 12 kids and they live off child support.

>> No.8625775

>when u natural hair look like a rhapsody wig
>when no1 like rhapsody wigs anymore

i crie

>> No.8625804

People always compliment my hair but lately it's getting really thin and I think I might even have a bald patch. I'm a gril in my early 20s.
I really don't even know what to do. It's not hair damage or meds or diet or anything, the only thing is could be is stress, and I can't fix that. I don't have many things going for me looks-wise so this is upsetting.

I still do anon, it's okay.

>> No.8626992

I still like 'em too.

>> No.8627099

It sounds like CGL has warped your perception of what is grotesquely fat. 8 isn't rail thin but also isn't unhealthy, and depending on the cosplay you could look hella cute. It's all about how well you dress yourself and which costumes you've picked - some of the cutest cosplayers are curvy girls in corsets. Stop mentally putting yourself/your friends down and go enjoy your cosplay group.

>> No.8627306

Thanks anon, took care of myself with froyo, and my car broke down on a busy road
There's no place to go but up from here

>> No.8627322

>Once in my youth all my tight friends had boyfriends so I felt presure to have one too

Fuck, that brought back memories of me being lonely in high school and all my friends had their own friend groups outside high school. And I didn't because sheltered. On top of that, I didn't have a bf, and all my school friends did, so I was thirsty as fuck for one. Essentially, that could have been me too if a 2/10 neckbeard asked me out back then.

Both my ex and current bf keep asking me why I didn't have a bf in high school and it's because I was legitimately not cool.

Fuck high school, really. It was horrible. I don't get people who say it was the best time of their life.

>> No.8627324

>have bad social anxiety
>and no I don't mean teehee socially awkward, I mean my-life-flashes-before-my-eyes-when-I-have-to-talk-to-two-or-more-strangers
>my mouth just goes on autopilot and I don't know what I'm saying
>had to do a presentation today
>stutter constantly
>nobody's even listening to me because it sounds so painful and tiring
>later that day have a class in the auditorium
>lecturer starts playfully teasing me throughout the lesson, thinking he's funny
>give stupid answers because I can't fucking banter under stress and there's 200 students looking at me
>later that day asked to explain a legal document and can't even manage to string together two sentences without just going blank
>don't have any friends at school which just makes things worse
I feel so humiliated, kill me already
I envy those people who always look calm and speak fluently

>> No.8627416

It's all practice to me.

I can't raise my arms up though no matter what, they shake like a leaf. Need a podium.

>> No.8627420

>Trying to organize birthday party
>Nobody is coming
>Need at least 10 people for the venue to give us a discount
>Will have to cancel it, most likely

This shit happens every year, why do I even try... And I was looking forward to try out a new coord on my birthday too....

>> No.8627421

Yo where at I'll come.

I can get another dude to come too, I'll just tell him there's food involved

>> No.8627428

Most likely, I'm very far away...

Now I just discovered that a friend is having his birthday party on the same day, so most people are going to his party instead. I was not invited. My friends suck.

>> No.8627430

Ah I live in Ohio.

Too bad really, sorry to hear you're not invited to a "friend's" birthday party, what kind of crap is that?

Do you still have people to spend the day with?

>> No.8627434

Yeah, at least I have my family and if I dine at home I'll get to eat my favourite food....

>> No.8627436

Well what are you gonna eat?

Gotta do something cool on your birthday!

>> No.8627443

FWIW I rarely if ever have a party on my actual birthday because for the last few years it has been on a weekday, so, that's always an option.

>> No.8627446

Well do something fun instead of moping around, that's for sure.

I dunno if I would call those people your friends if you're not invited to a party, though.

>> No.8627456

Spaghetti with tomato sauce!

I was planning to celebrate it at midnight of the day before, since it falls on a weekday as well. For the past couple of years it has been on a weekend, so this is a change.

>> No.8627459

Spaghetti? Ughhh I can't stand spaghetti, I always gag on noodles, doesn't matter what kind my gag reflex isn't having it.

I'm surprised you didn't have a dual-birthday party celebration with your friend though, we used to do those back in the day.

>> No.8627466

>tea dying things that I need to turn into other things in the next 9 days
>knock on door
>another thing I need to tea dye arrives
GOOD. I have broken all of my nails and I'm a prune at this point but at least I will get the rest of it done in one batch.

>> No.8627469

I guess we're not close enough friends...

On any case, I don't have dual parties anymore. This one year, back in middle school, I had a party with another girl and people started asking me why I was there and told me to go home because I had not been invited. And it was my party as well. Those fuckers.

>> No.8627471

What the hell kind of luck do you have?

Jesus, you need to find some good friends anon.

>> No.8627476

>want to post to cgl about event
>by posting it, it will point to me or another girl
>theres so much drama i still want to stay out of it
>most go on cgl or know too much insider info to deny it but still have an anti 4chan comm

>> No.8627499

>First time in a few years that I'm doing a costume for the love of source rather than any other reason (FoTW, group, sponsors, look-a-like)
>Been slowly working on it for a year now and my normal turnaround is 2 months
>Everything is okay apart from the top
>Top has appuie on a stretch fabric
>Struggling to find fabrics to match the center front bit with applique
>Unless they're from the US and cost $30
>I know I'm learning about using these stretch fabrics as I'm not on attempt 3 for this top
>Most costumes come out okay in the first or second attempt, it just feels like this costume won't go right.
>Only happening now I'm doing a costume for love

>> No.8627514
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You have a lot going on anon. Keep your mind busy with a hobby and just try to live your life. I understand not wanting to bear your woes to your friends. My dad's in the hospital too and I post updates on Facebook with his account linked so his friends know what's going on but when my friends try to get me to talk about my feelings I keep it really short so I don't bore them. I know they would listen and be sympathetic but I would rather tell strangers on the internet anonymously for some reason.

There might be some feels threads on /adv/ you could talk about your feelings more if you want.

I hope these hugging dogs put a smile on your face.

>> No.8627594

>requested rufflecon off in January
>clearly on the schedule. She clearly went out of her way to make sure I did not have a single day off I requested.
>in the final interview process with another job anyway, they are just checking my references.
Can't decide if I want to quit now to give my max notice and maybe win a few extra days off before rufflecon, or maybe even be asked to stay and win more money + rufflecon off,
or wait till I have a yes with the new job and just not show up for my current job rufflecon weekend.
I hate my current job to the point I think about jumping off the balcony in a serious way when I am there, but I don't have enough of a safety net that I would not have to ask my parents for money if somehow this job did not work out and I could not find something for a long period of time.

>> No.8627615

What weren't you invited? That's so shitty.

>> No.8627621

anon... a size 8 isn't fat, what the hell gave you that idea?
Seriously, stop with self pity and disgust, it's so damn annoying, you aren't even fat.

>> No.8627622

Thank you anon, I really appreciate it
> I'm using the pic as my phone background

>> No.8627728

>Go to con
>Have a blast first day
>Take a ton of pics with bf who cosplays
>Take some solo pics wearing fairy kei
>Pretty much run around booths and get bombarded for photos
>Don't get a chance to really shop

>Next day of con
>Neither of us dress up
>Start actually shopping booths
>Bf gets all butt mad cause I didn't say hi to some hambeast at a booth
>Have nervous breakdown
>2nd day pretty much ruined
>Try to have a good time and shop
>Can't hold it together
>Just leave all huffy
>Awkward ride home

God. I want to dump his lame ass but at the same time I don't. Mostly because I need another place to live first. All my friends are booked up too. Plus I'm still waiting on a couple of dresses from taobao... and stuff from eBay.

>> No.8627747
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the reason your bf got annoyed was retarded but so are you
>waah my bf got mad at me
>lets have a nervous breakdown in response
>i wanna get away from my bf
>oh none of my friends can put my ass up and I have shit in the mail so I'll stay
grow the fuck up

>> No.8627755

>what the hell gave you that idea?
cgl probably

>> No.8627787

In American sizes?
I'm a healthy weight and can't even wear American size 0 because it's usually so big in the waist and hips.
We don't even have the equal to size 8 where I'm from.

>> No.8627793

Where you from?
22 inch waist and you're complaining it's too big? Fucking bullshit.
I would say are you 12 but seriously are you 6?

>> No.8627799

>I hate my current job to the point I think about jumping off the balcony in a serious way when I am there
what is your financial situation like? if you will not become homeless due to lack of income, i recommend quitting sooner rather than later, just to save yourself the stress on your body.

>> No.8627804


It's not just anon. There's a reason why 00 and 000 exists now, which is sort of bullshit but that's all I can fit into, but there you go.

And 22 inch is not a standard. Size 0 varies everywhere, and it's been getting bigger over the past 5 years because I know I stay at relatively the same weight.

>> No.8627812

Where are you from. What is your weight and height?

>> No.8627814

You ruin your entire second day for something that stupid?

Are you both underaged?

>> No.8627815

This. Used to be a US size 4 when I was 18. 5 years later, 5kg heavier with way more hip/thigh and I'm a size 0-2. What gives?

>> No.8627889

this. I talk to myself so often it's silly. It's because I always want to talk to people, but I always think of better things to say later. So I have something like a script in my head. If I'm doing something that, say, I know someone might respond to rudely, I prepare something to say in case they do, instead of standing there staring and stuttering.

>tl;dr: i try too hard

>> No.8627930

Omg anon do you have pretend conversations in your car? Because I do. I will randomly think of a question an interviewer may ask when I apply for my graduate program and just have a five minute conversation with myself. I don't ask their questions out loud though. I tried practicing my two-week's notice but that of course flew out the window.

>I always think of better things to say later
This so much. Anyone have advice on how to improve this? I usually just say the first thing that comes to my mind but then hindsight sets in.

>> No.8628012

>be me
>have YouTube channel with a decent number of subs
>get message on tumblr from fan saying she's thinking of killing herself
>write back telling her not to do that and to ask for help from those around her
>no reply back
>tweet at her
>no reply
>tweet again
>no reply
>tfw one of your fans might have committed suicide

I'm checking twitter and tumblr every five seconds in case she messages me again but I'm just so fucking scared. I know there's nothing I can do but I also know that if she is dead I'll blame myself regardless. This day sucks ass.

>> No.8628014
File: 67 KB, 367x448, 1439623393875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normie older brother goes Japan trip for fun because he's loaded
>He doesn't know any Japanese and going there has been my dream trip since I was a 10 y/o weeb
>Says he'll get me something for my birthday that was back in early summer b/c he didn't before
>Send him small list of characters and series I like and exact address of Tales of Shop b/c huge Talesfag
>A month later I hear from his girlfriend's friend that he couldn't "find anything" for me but bought a bunch of Sailor Moon things for another friend of his
>He never told me or messaged me himself

I feel shitty and bratty for being disappointed, but I'm still kind of upset.

>> No.8628031


Born and raised in murrica, and currently 5'3 and 100 lb.

I'll still wear size 0, but most of the time it flops around me because it's oversized. It's ridiculous.

>> No.8628053

Tbh it kind of is, I'm a 6 right now and am disgusted by how big my waist is. I am super stressed and having trouble sleeping and eating is making me bloated. Normally I'm a 4 which still is big compared to the cutest lolitas

>> No.8628085

>pretend conversations in your car?
not that anon but I have fucking pretend conversations in my buildings elevator, probably since I don't drive and It takes forever to get up to my floor...I never run into people.

Except the time I was practicing giving my 2 weeks notice and it opened up on my floor and someone was waiting and I was yelling at myself in the elevator.

>> No.8628113

Don't feel shitty, he is an ass. There are places literally everywhere to get gifts(personal experience) he was just being lazy.

>> No.8628131

I know how that situation can really suck but, if you were here, I'm sure she wouldn't want you to feel guilty for it.

>> No.8628192

I had a nervous breakdown because the voice in my head says, wow, you're such an asshole, you don't even deserve to be here.
I am retarded and I need to go back to therapy.

Also, I don't have family I can go stay with, I stopped talking to then ages ago because of years of abuse. That's not an excuse for my behavior, it's just that I really have no where to go if my relationship ends and it doesn't have to until I'm finally ready to leave, which I am not bc like I said, I want to get the things I paid hundreds of dollars for. If I leave right now, I'd have to get my lawyer friend to intervene. I'd rather just collect my things and then move out.

No but I feel like I'm still mentally 18. I think he's slightly better than me only because he has a better job than I do so I'm constantly jealous.

>> No.8628206

Was thread delete?

>> No.8628218

This sounds so much like me. I have hypothyroidism, you should get checked it's super common.

>> No.8628239

Eeey- I live in Ohio, if all my friend flake on me for my birthday can I count on you too anon? XD

>> No.8628358

>I'm trying to get into the fashion
>Been posted on cgl number of times
>brain warped on what looks good on me anymore
>Having serious trust issues with anyone in comm
>affecting rest of my life
>fucking cgl

>> No.8628395
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>parents say they "like" my lolita hobby but they are openly resentful about me spending my money on it
>no gifts or money from them is basically ever lolita-related; they hate it so badly
>it's literally one of the only passions that prevented me from suicide during grad school, no joke
>they think it's worthless but it's the only thing barely keeping me happy while I live at home and await starting my new job
>can't wait to move out but they have reverted to treating me like a 16 year old girl while I live here
>and also as a personal maid/cook
>they monitor every small item delivery I order (not their money but again that resentment)
>chide me about "saving money" that I don't have
>they're fucking terrible at money themselves which makes me extra salty when they say it

>> No.8628398

>found out I could go to Rufflecon a week ago after I bought my ticket in advance
>it's right in time for my birthday
>had to break it to parents what I was going to do and how far I was going to drive
>stepdad has a meltdown and mom sits on the couch with a traumatized stare like I told her a relative passed away
>melodrama ensues
>had to give them a list and repeat details about my travel agenda and accommodations like babby's first convention
>they try to guilt me out of it i.e. scare tactics and "how dare u wan fun!"
>tell them I don't want shit for my birthday except to go to my convention with my friends
>they mentioned giving me my half of a $350 insurance refund a few weeks ago (before they knew about the con of course)
>I ask politely to use my share for this as a birthday gift instead of getting me worthless 'As seen on TV' trinkets or a cake

>> No.8628403
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>stepdad looks at me wide-eyed when I say "check" and demands I get my car serviced "for the trip"
>cars typically always have something needing "replacement" so this is clearly a jab at the jugular to end my plans
>service man tells stepdad my tires are a bit cupped
>talks stepdad into new tires bc lol what motivation would a car service man have to sell brand new fucking tires?!1!
>stepdad then says we have to replace the tires
>brand. new. fucking. tires. aka $400+
>"Okay but I don't necessarily have to do that this year, by next year I should have enough saved at my job to replace them myself, and I'd like my check share like you guys promised, please."
>they didn't have to fucking do that at all
>it's literally just a guilt tactic to make me not want to go anymore

And you know what, if my parents were fiscally responsible people I'd listen. I'd take them seriously. But they're awful at money and they think these mind games have fucking worked on me past the age of 20.
My dad is a tax evader (owes the IRS big time), my parents sold their house (100k) and in less than a year have used up that saving renting out this shitty apartment while they "look for a house." Since they're so broke my retired mom had to start working at Wal Mart because otherwise we literally fight over food because my mom herself has outstanding bills to pay plus a bad shopping habit.

Like fuck, I ask for ONE fun thing on my birthday post-graduation (I didn't get shit then except for a dinner and a bracelet), and they treat me like I'm some spoiled piece of garbage for HOLDING THEM TO THEIR WORD.

>> No.8628418

Even when I talk to myself I just end up repeating one phrase or word over and over again when I can't think of what to say. I'm hopeless, like an old man.
>yeah well basically what I meant to say was...
>basically what I meant to say was...
>[five minute silence]

>> No.8628452

get out asap.

i mean, go to the con, that shit's not refundable, but then save your money and get away. your health and sanity are more important than lolita.

>> No.8628465
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>losing weight steadily
>like actually becoming smaller. pants that were tight now baggy and fall down
>still feel fat
>staring at my ryoko cosplay for youma
>feel nothing but shame at my body despite dropping a good 15-20 lbs of fat

>> No.8628633

Yeah sure dude

What is it with step dads? Only the most beta of males will take 2nd place and they're all SO fucking weird.

Get out and make sure not to abide by anything you are not legally obligated to do. Also make sure you have no joint-accounts for anything financially related to them. If things end badly and they steal money using your personal information only for you to find out at a later date sue them the instant you discover it. These cases happen with deadbeat parents far more often than you'd think.

>> No.8628648

>sleepy, late at night
>bid on a Vampire Requiem item
>price seems reasonable
>win auction with no contest
>feels good man
>it's Vampire Nocturne

fuck i overpaid

>> No.8628651

>What is it with step dads?
step-parents in general are more likely to mistreat or abuse their spouse's children. it's called the Cinderella Effect.

>> No.8628652

You deserve this for mistaking vampure requuem. There barely look alike. If it was Vampire Prelude yeah, but Vampire Nocturne?

>> No.8628661

yeah i know. never shop while sleep deprived.

it was just OTKs still in the package, with the print not visible, and i had money to drop and needed gothic socks... oh well.

>> No.8628664

>In American sizes?
This confuses me to hell as someone in the UK.
I go to american stores and I can fit in a size 2 in some and size 8 in others. What hell is with the USA sizes?

>> No.8628666

it's vanity sizing, and unique to each manufacturer. kind of like lolita shoes, with the added fuckery of wanting to make people feel thinner than they are.

men's sizing is a bit more standardized, since pants and dress shirts use measurements. even then you better try it on first.

>> No.8628674

Hey, we've all been there at some point. I've lost about 20lbs lately and at first it was all fine and dandy and eventually I kinda felt like I was back at the start. Eventually it went away for me, I just remembered all I went through to get where I am and focused on what I still need to do to get where I wanna be.

Just push through this and don't hesitate to look for help of you feel like you need it.

>captcha was donuts
>could you not?

>> No.8628675
File: 103 KB, 500x317, 1417330788829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I planned on going to a con a long time ago and it'll happen in a bit more than a week but I'll have an exam soon after so I'll probably have to revise during the weekend of the con. Fuck this shit. College this year is bullshit anyway.

Goods feels now: if I can't go to this con, at least I'm 100% sure to go to the one after, which is bigger and right before the winter break. Also, not cgl related but Persona 5's release has been delayed so I have more time to save money and get a cheap ps3 and play it as soon as possible, yay!

>> No.8628689

also going to two cons in that time frame.

also struggling with school.

are you in the northeast US?

>> No.8628694

>finally found a dream dress
>can't find it anywhere


>> No.8628704

Like the other anon said about vanity sizing, but also American women have this weird obsession with not knowing their own measurements.. Somewhat? Or they'll know their measurements but wouldn't want to buy something that announces it (ie. Pants with a 30" waist is admitting that your waist is 30", whereas "size X" could be anything)

>> No.8628717

>I want to dump his lame ass
Am I missing something or was the only shitty thing your BF did the part where he got annoyed at you not saying hi to someone? Echoing everyone else - if that's enough to send you into a breakdown, you need to get your shit in gear. Also it's pretty skeezy to stay with him for the sole purpose of having somewhere to live so that you can spend your free cash on taobao clothing. You sound like you're mentally sixteen.

>> No.8628769

>tfw holy lantern rerelease
>tfw can't get SS, no way I'll survive online bloodbath
>tfw I don't want to pay double retail on the secondhand market

gonna have to resort to replicas I guess, or hope the navy jsk will get under retail some day, haha.

>> No.8628808


Step dads aren't beta, because modern human evolution is more readily shaped by memes (Dawkins sense, not ayy lmao sense) than genes. To subvert and raise somebody else's child to resent them and their ideals overwhelms the fact that you don't share genetic material.

Of course, that implies that the step father actually wants to be a father. There are many cases where they only care about the mother and the children are just add-ons they don't care about or even resent

>> No.8629078

No, I'm French. Are there cons soon in the US? It seems like there are cons very often there, but it's a big country so I'm not surprised.

>> No.8629086

And you sound like a bitter bitch.

>> No.8629090

>being realistic

You sound like a fat failure.

>> No.8629306

They're right though, binging after a diet is entirely counter-intuitive.

>> No.8629309

>been hella depressed/stressed from new job
>new job that makes much more money than I'm use to
>has a tiny mental breakdown
>drops nearly a grand on lolita and lingerie

>> No.8629311

>FB showing page response rates and times
>Looks bad if you have a low response rate
>Most the pages on my page are guys like "sexi pics" and "Nice cosplay hun xx"... you get the picture.
>Facebook doesn't account for these. If you don't reply to them it counts it as ignored.
>tfw my page has a shitty response rate because I have to ignore so many gross messages.
>I reply to all decent messages but they don't make a difference to my response rate.

>> No.8629320

sexy pics nice cosplay hun xx

>> No.8629325

Then reply to the creepers. Tell them "thank you for your time but I don't want this kind of commentary on my photos."

>> No.8629342

I feel you, anon.
>Struggling to work overtime and commute to school part-time
>Exercise and general time outside except for commuting stop completely
>Weight starts to slip, force myself to hit the gym 3x a week as well
>A few months in wreck leg at gym sitting down after a workout like wat
>Find out after five days of agony that meniscus may have literally flipped a shit
>Trying to face the idea of keeping up my impossible seeming schedule while in heaps of pain and on ugly crutches for the next three months
>Shop til I drop online erry night now to deal with the stress / pain
I feel like such a failure of an adult right now, I know some of you gulls are flawlessly busting your asses out there getting paid. But hey, at least I got my weeby ita junk in the mail.

>> No.8629359
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>> No.8629375

>In community college
>All my friends are in top-tier schools, working great internships, some are even getting married
>Here I am, 20 and I'm still not transferring until next semester. Even then, not even to a good school because I couldn't find it within me to care
>No plans or hope for the future, feel like I'll never transition into becoming an adult
>In High School, I was always known as the intelligent one. I would tutor all my friends(some are in ivies now), get good grades, and was going to be Valedictorian for my year. Then Junior year hit and I had medical complications and had to drop out. I ended up going to continuation school and after that, things were simply never the same.
>After that, didn't try in school at all; just simply graduate on time. Once I'm in CC, classes are a joke and I can't decide my major. Become even more lazy and can't be assed to attend classes and get dropped from some.
>Going to take 3 years to transfer; I'll graduate a year later than everyone I know. Even worse, after not using my brain since Junior year, my intelligence has probably degraded into subhuman-territory.

Drinking all my memories away isn't going to take away this feeling of failure and inadequacy, but working hard now isn't going to make me stop being a loser. Why even try? Why did everything had to get fucked up so badly.

I feel that I can still give life my all and become average, but I've missed so many opportunities in my youth and wasted so much time with pointless bullshit that it feels too late.

>Mfw talking with friends whose lives are on a perfect track and these feelings of jealous well up

mediocre mediocre mediocre mediocre is the only word I can use to describe my life

>> No.8629384

Fuck you anon, I'm a size 6 too. Don't drag me down with you, I look amazing.

>> No.8629395

>works a shitty part time job at fast food place
>finally has enough money to fund a cosplay I've been wanting to do for years
>suddenly, my dog becomes sick
>his surgery is $1,300
>have to choose between my best friend and cosplay, god damn
>goodbye dream cosplay

feels like shit, but oh well looks like it's back to saving for another 6 months. At lest dog is going to be ok

>> No.8629400

Yikes, defensive much? Depending on anon's height and how she carries her weight a size 6 may look very unflattering on her, or she may just be more suited to a smaller size/not carry the weight as well as you, o pudgy princess.

>> No.8629403

I'm not sure what to make of this post. On one hand I live the complete opposite, where I was a mediocre high school student and left CC with a 3.98 and honors into a top 10 school. While still transferring my 2 years worth of credits just fine. So I have some understanding of mediocrity.

On the other hand, I feel like you reap what you sow. It doesn't matter how smart you felt as the high school level, the truly intelligent thing is working hard when it matters. Wasting away 3 years on mediocrity is far from intelligent, regardless of your lack of direction and focus.

>> No.8629405

TBH anon, saving a bunch of money by going to community college is pretty smart. You'll still have job prospects without the huge debt. Who cares that it won't carry super special name recognition. I went to a top tier school and seriously, after your first job post-graduation nobody cares.

>> No.8629407

>have huge falling out with best friend
>blocked, unfriended, uninvtied from my 12th birthday party
>we're still in the same fandoms
>keep running into them
>is a fucking adult so ignore them and give them space
>they keep trying to play victim saying "i'm their abuser"
>people who never met me now hate me because rumors

Cutting ties with the bitch would be much easier if they weren't always trying to start shit with me.

>> No.8629409

>Wanted to go to school for art since I was a wee little thing
>got into my dream school
>holy fucking shit
>it's $30,000 a year without boarding/supplies/other needs
>oh shit
At least I can say I got in right?

>> No.8629428

How am I being defensive? I hate self pitying bitches who cry about their size and weight when they're not even fat to begin with. She needs to stop being such a baby about this shit and either lose weight if it bothers her so much, or learn that it is her body and it's not going to look like everyone else's. Constantly crying about her size is so annoying, when you have other people in the thread that are that size as well. Is she implying that I should cry about being fat or whatever as well, since I'm also a size 6? Because that is the tone she is putting off by doing shit like that. I'm not even fat, I'm just a size 6, that's pretty standard. Not my fault she doesn't hit up the gym regularly.

>> No.8629429

not that anon but AnimeUsa is Halloween weekend in D.C

>> No.8629433

>$30,000 a year
>My art school was $60,000 a year

hahahahahahah kill me

>> No.8629435

I'm well aware of how stupid it was, and that I'm certainly not the sharpest crayon in a box of knives. I'll be transferring to a state university to try to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering with 3.6-3.7 gpa. Though, I have like 8 withdrawals for non-attendance so there's a chance I won't even get accepted to a mid-end state university. I just wish I could overcome myself and strive once more-- I want have dreams and try to accomplish them again.
I hope. It's more than just prestige though; it's also opportunity, isn't it? Like if you had to choose an engineer from Berkeley or Stanford as opposed to one from Long Beach or Fullerton. Once I'm at LB, all I can do is hope to form connections with the local community to get a job.

>> No.8629437

It's ok anon. It's better than stringing him along in the long term and forcing yourself to be "friends" and being awkward af. You saved yourself from unnecessary drama for the future.

>> No.8629440

holy shit I'm so sorry anon.
I'm never going to complain again.

>> No.8629441
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>12th birthday party.

Assuming that by 'adult' you genuinely mean 18+, why is she still so fucking salty?

>> No.8629447

Wait, you have a 3.6-3.7?

You're fine.

Furthermore, >>8629405 is entirely correct. No one will care once you have work experience and employers look at who can get the job done, doesn't matter if they're from Cal or Stanford. If you can get the job done right, then you're golden.

>> No.8629450
File: 11 KB, 410x397, 1437122809342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on a super cute print in which the main piece of fabric is teal with white stripes which come down into rain drops above bunnies with umbrellas.
>Know that someone from /cgl/ is going to say "Hurr! It looks like cum!" at least once.

You guys ruin everything.

>> No.8629455

Thank you anon!
The new job gave me an offer today, pending on a reference from my current job .
I'm so anxious that my current boss will fuck this for me.
I don't know if I should quit now or latter, it is only a weeks notice now and I feel kind of bad I will be fucking my coworkers over..

>> No.8629457

If he fucks it for you, can't you sue for slander?

>> No.8629496

yeah sorry jokes don't translate as well through text

honestly they just found out by spouting bullshit on tumblr gets them asspats. honestly them getting into stupid tumblr culture should have been a warning sign for me.

>> No.8629513
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bless you, anon.

>> No.8629545

I believe it. I'm 5'3" and fluctuate between 112-115 pounds and I can fit a size 2. My weight has not changed in a long time and most my old clothing says size 4, and some even went all the way up to a 6.This is why I have trust issues with shopping online at American stores.
Vanity sizing is shit.

>> No.8629559

>tfw saving money= holding off buying lolita for a few months
>was previously told off by parents for buying too much
>they don't know that most purchases were reservations combined with recent orders that ended up arriving at the same time
>still living them and paying $1000 a fortnight for living expenses/ bills , etc.
>really need to start saving to move out

non-cgl related

>anxiety with answering phone calls
> gradually getting better with practice at work
>dad has GAD and paranoid about bill
>asks me to ring on his behalf
>him yelling in my ear and not explaining properly about reason for ringing
>mfw the operator records the conversation over a stupid question/inquiry

>> No.8629631

Make an alternate print where it's white with a light blue pouring down?

>> No.8629661

this. I feel you, anon.

>> No.8629665

I'm the anon you replied to, and yes, I always have pretend conversations. Anywhere, really; my car, my room, and in my head. I'm probably crazy. It has its pros and cons; pros, I'm usually prepared for conversation or insults. Cons, I often play out whole events in my head and the reality rarely lives up to it.

>> No.8629731

been in this exact situation. I keep hoping not saying a word about it will make the shit stop, but I keep ending up being "called out" for shit I never did. probably going to drop my name/identity and just ditch tbh

>> No.8629832

> spend most of life with ed and ed tendencies until 16
> recover
>18 now, starting to relapse back into old habits, just wanna be tiny..
>am slowly becoming anorexia Chan.

Feels bad man. At least I'm fitting brand better...

>> No.8629853

I know in my head I'm doing well in weight loss. I just can't see it coming off and that's disheartening.

>> No.8630091

binging constantly after a diet is going to fuck you up, a one day binge isn't going to gain back all the weight.

>> No.8630313

and this is why I don't believe anyone who cries abuse over the internet without visible bruises

>> No.8630869

>still living them and paying $1000 a fortnight for living expenses/ bills , etc.

2000$ a month? Was that a typo, or are you living in a mansion and eating caviar?

>> No.8630988

I am trying out lolita fashion for the first time ever. My blouse came today and I tried it on with my dress. It looks really good! The blouse is a bit tight so I might need something else - I already have some other items coming, they just need to show up so I can have a full coord... but I wasn't expecting to look that decent. I don't know, I've dressed in normal fag clothes all my life. It's so different and I love it!