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[ERROR] No.8613659 [Reply] [Original]

Post music with a "lolita feel"

Example, I love the band Kokusyoku Sumire, their music goes perfectly with lolita.

Anyone have any others?

>> No.8613669

There's also Caccinica which Sachi is a part of. Similar sound to Kokusyoku Sumire but with no accordion and a male vocalist.

>> No.8613673

KS is amazing!
Not quite original but Kanon Wakeshima is great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgmm_gVcIHQ
as are Die Milch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASEvPEVBuZE

>> No.8613682


>> No.8613699

Ali Project! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQlI6UiZraI

>> No.8614437

I do like yousei teikokku, but it took me a little while to get used to yui's vocals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QfrrL1nZOw

>> No.8614458

of course kanon wakeshima

>> No.8614468

Yessss. I love Arika-sama.

>> No.8614553

I think The Pierces have a pretty lolita-ish sound! I'd also suggest Nightwish.

>> No.8614561
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>> No.8614613
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Does anyone know/remember Kana?

>> No.8614678

We talk about her lots, check the archives. She's still active and toured last year or something.
I'm not exactly a fan but I'm glad she's still at it.

>> No.8614682

The soundtrack from Rule Of Rose is one of my favorite to get dressed to

>> No.8614806

Wooow this is fantastic, I get asmr from music and this was like fireworks in the first few seconds!

>> No.8614817

I'm really into Bonjour Suzuki atm. The music has a really soft, pretty sound that suits lolita I think, and she sings in french sometimes too.


>> No.8614989

I understand why most of them are japanese bands, but does anyone have more non-asian recommendations? The music here sounds great but I can't stand their chipmunks voices, too cringey for me.

>> No.8614992

Yeah sure, here's how westerners interpret lolita fashion into music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jd0U4FrhO8

much better than that squeaky chink singing, I agree

>> No.8614996

A lot of classical music works if you're more into classic than gothic.

>> No.8615079

I bet you have only listened to stuff like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. There are many deep voiced female vocalists around anon.
My favourite, Schwarz Stein. Maybe you would like this anon you dislike jmusic squeaky voices, some male japanese voices are really amazing.

>> No.8615088

I'm a goth both in and out of lolita, so take my tastes with a grain of salt I guess. I just don't like kawaii voices much either.

You can't go wrong with classical! This is one of my favourite classical pieces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MIsDcfT5t8

Elend is good if you like funeral-sounding music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRp9_Cwfa7k

Literal funeral music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1-TrAvp_xs

Japanese stuff:

Malice Mizer's Bara no Seidou is one of my favourite neoclassical albums of all time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON0g4u_Qa_Q

Lacroix Despheres is symphonic/power metal but they have a few lovely slower-paced songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvwDMKa8FQw

Dantalian had really good music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht5OzfdTEjQ

So did Umineko! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FlMue9BHp4

>> No.8615099 [DELETED] 


>Schwarz Stein

>> No.8615102

>>>some male japanese voices are really amazing.

>> No.8615108

I was just about to post Dantalian. I love the music in it so much. Excellent tastes.

>> No.8615125

Fine taste, anon.
I'm in part goth, i listen to lots of darker music even if often i don't dress or have a lifestyle 100% gothy.
>Malice Mizer
I have good memories associated with them, a bit bittersweet i admit because i remember the moments with a friend of my past, she wanted to be a gothic lolita with me but we separated and a broken dream remained.
When i listen to MM, i remember of all this... I would like to revive it again.
Another suggestion, of course Kaya!

>> No.8615151


I'd also like to add a lot of Madoka Magica (and Kalafina/Yuki Kajiura) has a lolita feel to it. Also, Stories from Code Geass, though most of the stuff on YT is muted.

>> No.8615156

Are there any more recent versions of Capsule? I'm still listening to them, I love the upbeat twinkly pop that is really listenable. Can anyone recommend anything similar? Bonus points for music box-y chime-y soft pop type things.

>> No.8615178

Aaaah in my glorious (old school) lolita days i used to listen to
>Malice Mizer
>Kanon Wakeshima
>Moon Kana
>Ali Project
>Nana Kitade and Capsule (not really lolita)
>Classical Music (Chopin,Strauss,...)

>> No.8615185

>chubby ugly girls dancing in ugly outfits and ugly wigs to terrible song
Please make it stop, also these wigs should be banned for the sake of everything kawaii jfc.

>> No.8615189

>tfw you press "post" then remember a bunch other songs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMLrGCfFOgk (I think this was linked last time)

As ridiculous as it is, Maplestory has some nice music too from the new-ish maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_e8h-IVBwE

>> No.8615247

Oh I have nothing against japanese singers, just the 'cute' ones, I dislike them a lot. I used to have the biggest crush with Sakurai Atsushi, I still love his beautiful voice.

You hit the nail.

>> No.8615255

All off the top of my head, don't know how on-target any of them will be.

>Curumi Chronicle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkyYQ_RwIxI
>JaccaPoP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuuHLoqgmlo
>spoon+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NahUCKYoZ1A
>Yun*chi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuKEDdmtHEA

I don't really know what "era" of capsule you're listening to so I just assumed more cutesy stuff, they change identity pretty much every album.

>> No.8615264

Capsule and Nakata Yasutaka (the producer) has had a few phases throughout their time of activity - how they sounded when they started is different from how they sounded later on (they used to be very influenced by bossa nova sounds and then Nakata wanted to experiment with electro and more autotune...thus Perfume).

You want to look for "Shibuya-kei" music like Pizzicato Five, Fantastic Plastic Machine, and Coltemonikha (another of his projects). Towa Tei is very much like Capsule's later works (electro, synth-pop). You'll also like Tofubeats (super cutesy).

Spazzkid is pretty good too. His music (well,a remix of it) was featured in that Buzzfeed video about J-street fashion.

If you want something soft, you might like dream-pop and twee

>La Sera
>Plastic Girl in Closet (they're more shoegaze, but their sounds are soft and cutesy and less drone)
>Wild Nothing
>Dum Dum Girls

>> No.8615268


I think fans of Kanon Wakeshima will like Ferri; I wish that her works are easier to find.

>> No.8615305

Classical music (especially wit vocals) is one of my favourite types of music to listen to in Lolita. I went to Charlottenburg and Don Giovanni wearing Lolita, it was a dream. Some of my faves:


>> No.8615325

I think you can't go wrong with soundtracks. European films have good stuff.

Lots of anime songs are also really lolita, albeit weeby, IMO. Or maybe I just like GOSICK a bit too much (dat art nouveau tho).

Also nano.ripe, or maybe it's too upbeat? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3FPNnC48nI

>> No.8615343
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bless u for reminding me I own this. So Good

>> No.8615350

>Someone doesn't particularly like the fake squeaky voice that 90% of female Japanese artists put on.
>Immediately get salty as fuck and treat her like an idiot.

Fucking weeaboos.

>> No.8615381

>implying any of the songs ITT contain squeaky voices

Jumping to conclusions are fun and great cardio!

>> No.8615465


>From Shiki OST- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dixsFSqdjmU&list=RDdixsFSqdjmU#t=1108

>From Death Parade OST

>Zoetrope (Amnesia opening)

Actually I like a lot of yanaginagi's songs which is a mix of sweet, nostalgic and poppy tunes. (though it might fit other j-fashion)

>Tetragon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wEv3Tph32o

>Mnemonic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P0o-Dzsjqk

I was looking for more music and came across this. Don't know what to think of it.


>> No.8615601

Everyone pretty much always listens to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=189QSTKC5no

>> No.8615624

Rasputina (dark, often satirical, history-inspired cello rock; start with Antique High Heeled Red Doll Shoes, My Little Shirtwaist Fire, Saline the Salt Lake Queen, The Year Without a Summer; if you don't like a single one of those, go free)
Grimes (dreamy pop; try Vanessa, Genesis, Oblivion)
Joanna Newsom (she has a harp)
Jenny Hval (dark folk)
CocoRosie (sisters with classical training, traumatic upbringing, and genre-bending tunes; try Werewolf and try not to listen to it forever while crying)
Jesca Hoop (less dark folk, try Tulip, it's her best, a really catchy murder ballad about the Dutch tulip boom; or Havoc in Heaven if you're feeling a bit Journey to the West)
Chelsea Wolfe (gettin dark again)
Fever Ray (watch the music videos for If I Had a Heart and When I Grow Up)

...in retrospect a lot of this might be more suitable for dark mori. i wear goth and classic and music like this suits me well, but it's all fairly witchy shit aside from Grimes (which is fairy shit).

>> No.8615632

Thankyou so much. I love Shibuya-kei styles, and also a bit of shoegaze(not lolita but I recently got into Warpaint) so I'm going to go ahead and waste a heap of my precious bandwidth!
Thanks too! I have the entire discography, the cutsey stuff is my secret shame, but I kind of love the entire spectrum.

>> No.8615640

>Saline, the Salt Lake Queen
>My Little Shirtwaist Fire
>1816: The Year Without a Summer

>> No.8615641

>death grips
I wear simple pastel sweet lolita on the daily and honestly I feel so bad ass. It's sweet when younger girls on campus come up and talk to me about my clothes (one of them unironically calls me senpai god bless) but I've toughened up to a lot of rude comments and stares at this point. I usually walk around listening to DGs because the aggression kind of resonates in me and I remember not to respond or make eye contact with rude people. I also listen to other sorts of abrasive hip hop and folk but I like to imagine that I'm MC Ride in Sugary Carnival and I'm going to murder anyone who fucks with me.
>random waltzes on youtube playlists
>kyary obviously
>ratboy genius instrumentals

>> No.8615655

and fuck i forgot the most Gothic Lolita song to ever be composed this side of the Pacific:

Gingerbread Coffin

>> No.8616062


Posting some more classic and gothic-appropriate music since you guys liked my previous suggestions.

Chopin's darker pieces are so dramatic and lovely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnWo8PxrOR4

Ditto for Debussy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79UfWizjGiQ

This is kinda silly, but Ragnarok Online has a really damn good soundtrack. This is my favourite RO performed by an orchestra! It'd be nice to have playing during a Halloween tea party or something. The ingame version is cute and spooky, but this version is elegant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8o3So-INyI

More RO music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2arlEBceTU

More from the same composer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2YsOIEMNmY

A couple of Gitane Demone's songs are good but they're mostly just weird and unpleasant. This song is cool though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0xDV-D42D0

Rose Noire is sort of odd, but I like them anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11cjrs9GlPM

Velvet Eden is a pretty cool darkwave band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ztV55V71ss

die Milch is fantastic. I just wish it was easier to find the albums: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlUGwhGTrcA

Lineage 2 has great dark, atmospheric music. You should really listen to the whole soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVwylFgh-As

If you like harder/more intense sounding music, here's a few other suggestions:

Cross Vein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEOKtAZ3CIM Note, her voice is not for the faint of heart! This band is like if Versailles and Kokosyoku Sumire had a baby (listen to the song Moon Addict to see what I mean)

Kamijo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEvrwzKdK_o

The Birthday Massacre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLduzvpj6RE

>> No.8617258

Ah this is so nice!

>> No.8617275

Amberian Dawn's Charnel's Ball is good for gothic lolitas.


>> No.8617934

This is exactly the kindof music I'm obsessed with atm. I'm in love with this band called kero kero bonito, the singer sometimes raps in japanese and their music is so fun and cute, check em out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZDf4vJm5HQ
My favourite shibuya-kei artists atm are baku baku dokin, they're a little less cutesy and a bit more kooky but they're awesome anyway. They have this song called beefsteak about wanting to marry an american so they can eat more meat and grow really strong I think it's cute. Also if you're looking for electro so sweet it'll give you diabetes listen to PC music on soundcloud.

>comes to jfashion/cosplay board
>complains about weeaboos

>> No.8618028

Yura Hatsuki! Can't forget her.

>> No.8618055

I fell in love with Tokyo Karan Koron after hearing the Shokugeki ending.

>> No.8618513

Silent Siren might be up some people's alley. Vocalist has a rather high pitched voice though, in case you're not into that.

>> No.8618524

Agreed. I really love the variety of genres she explores in her music, and I actually think she has a great voice. My fave album of hers is Spade.

>> No.8618575

AKB48 has some nice songs! (yeah, I know..)

>> No.8618649

if you mean their older stuff, try Nagisa Cosmetic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8KQIB0hifs

>> No.8618789

It's vocaloid so I don't know if people are into that, but babuchan's music really fits gothic lolita to me, it's so decadent.

>> No.8618797

Here's some stuff I have bookmarked that youtube hasn't removed yet. Some of them have Nakata in production too.

marino in: the /cgl/ meetup
Melting Holidays
Hazel Nuts Chocolate
Corniche Camomile
Suitcase Rhodes
Frenesi Cupra
Panda 1/2

>> No.8618916

I'm glad people have brought up Curumi and Ragnarok Online's lovely music!

I think some of COLTEMONIKHA's tracks (COLTEMONIKHA is one of Nakata's old side projects) are really fitting for lolita, especially arikui waltz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggYU_72JJLA
and preparation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uchgy7GEnf0

and my personal favorites that i enjoy dancing to in lolita
fantastic fantasy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvqEOXQYvR0
and Party Carronade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-U80KtDG8c

you could also say music box arranges are "lolita"-esque but it seems like people dont like them much because too living-doll

i also really like Luigi Rubino's music, especially for gothic lolita. it's very elegant and sometimes sad or mournful, or just plain pleasant. but always beautiful

I agree with all of those as a fellow Shibuya-kei fan! I also would suggest Serani Poji and perhaps Plus Tech Squeeze Box. Especially Serani Poji.

Favorite Sucrette song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7fqhu3HN5w

favorite Hazel Nuts Chocolate song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XvJb8GiVDQ

>> No.8618966
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All of those are kawaii as fuck. dang.

I want more moe shit.


I was waiting for someone to mention DG.

>> No.8619004
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Wait for it...

>> No.8619479

Darude-Sandstorm is pretty great for all occasions. Perfect for lolita.

>> No.8619753



>> No.8619805
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So rori desu.

>> No.8619819

Fallulah from Denmark
has some dark classic/goth sensibilities:

>> No.8619969

Does anyone have links to downloads of the Die Milch albums ? I will love you forever

>> No.8620006

If people are asking for albums, does anyone have links to theirすみれ詩手帖 (sumireshi techo)? I've been searching for years.

>> No.8620017

Karuki Zamen Kuri no Hana - Shiina Ringo. Some songs on the album are more rock than comtemporary but overall it gives off a otomeish feel.

>> No.8620022
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>> No.8620068

Hmm. I see her name get thrown around mu every so often and I want to like her, but idk. I guess each to their own.


>> No.8620247

In my opinion Birthday Massacre is lolita Music

>> No.8620283


Naw not ridiculous at all. I love a lot of the Maplestory music tbh.

It was posted in a previous thread but I really loved Milis stuff



>> No.8620295


haha this reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn9C0TcO_uk sort of. Trashy white weebs.

>secretly enjoy both songs

>> No.8620302

Thanks for including CocoRosie, I was about to post it!

>> No.8620344
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I'll make my suggestions

Bo En - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12coz7_iffE

Ichiko Aoba - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgxsj6rIraM

Kit Cat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlpNevvqe5M

Cheeky Parade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwfdJ7Fdrw8

Daoko - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dkZhBOowoc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3xehyYXbJw (Girl who sings MeMeMe, her other songs are really enjoyable though as well.)

Tommy February6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTTmYLMgyPU

Cyclops Rocks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9uMI2bjzfg

>> No.8620369

I am loving anteater waltz and fantastic fantasy

More cute stuff:
Humming Urban Stereo
Heinz Kiessling
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCuCaklQ8UE shopping music
Sonic Coaster Pop
Pitcher 56
Small Happiness

>> No.8620403

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgmm_gVcIHQ [Embed]
>had this stuck in my head since I first listened to it
>have had it on repeat since too
I don't know weather to love you or hate you.

>> No.8620411

Totally, a lot of songs on the Madoka Magica OST have a lolita-feel to it-- for multiple substyles, too.

For example, this one gives me a gothic vibe:

But, I adore this music box version of one of the songs:

>> No.8620629


>> No.8620663

no idea what she is singing about i think i'm in love

>> No.8620674


oh cocorosie did that cover of surfer girl that's really endearing

>> No.8620902

I personally adore the All about lily chouchou soundtrack
Very classical modern vibe

>> No.8622539

>not posting the best song

>> No.8623216


>> No.8623238

Aw shit, I didn't know there was a music box version of that one!

>> No.8624187

I secretly love this shit.

>> No.8624193 [DELETED] 

>Emilie Autumn
Holy shit, that blasted me right back to my freshmen year. Man, I use to love her.

>> No.8624201

>Emilie Autumn
Holy shit, that blasted me right back to my freshmen year. Man, I use to love her.


>> No.8625752

Hannah Fury is really good. I listen to her a lot when getting ready for meet ups.

>> No.8626117

I hate to sound like a noob but is there anyway to download this stuff without just ripping individual tracks from youtube? I've never really been able to get into a lot of Japanese music for this reason.

>> No.8626125

Still rustles my jimmies to see those chopped JSKs.

>> No.8626239

downloading japanese music isn't any different from downloading any other kind. this tumblr has a lot of good stuff though: http://miusiq.tumblr.com/

>> No.8626408

What the fuck.

>> No.8626413

This sounds like music that would be an opening for a girl's television show, like Bratz.

>> No.8626419
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you're a saint, thank you

>> No.8626457

More music like this please? Omg I'm so in love!

>> No.8626518

I'll try to post things from my personal library so it will mainly be gothic lolita-esque.

LUCI'FER LUSCIOUS Violenoue (basically female Mana, they did any interview together too):
Noriko Mitose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--QYlPZPRRQ
Iruma Rioka (anyone remember her?):
Annabel (Rozen Maiden ending, but most of the Rozen Maiden OST works):
Fiona Apple:
Nick Cave:
David J & Jill Tracy (covering Bauhaus):

>> No.8626669

You may also like Kahimi Karie, she is another french-inspired artist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Dbz4BpiPmU

>> No.8627771


I agree absolutely. I love her dynamics, and the fact that it's a little goth, a little pop, and a little metal all in one. Their new album was a little hard to swallow at first, but it's really grown on me. Superstition is eerie and pretty awesome to drive to.

>> No.8627775


I wish I could hug you for even just mentioning Nick Cave! Fuckin' awesome taste.

>> No.8627913
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When I'm rockin my EGA.

>> No.8627915


>> No.8627921
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For us Gothic Lolitas.

>> No.8627931

Fuck boys, get burando.


>> No.8627939

Yes! Burzum is a part of my everyday listening.

>> No.8628026
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>> No.8628084

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.8628250


>> No.8628325

>racist band
>calling others a pleb
You must be 18+ to use 4chan.

>> No.8628337

How in gods name are they in any way racist?

>> No.8628372

Correct me if I'm wrong, but M8l8th is a NSBM band, and have racist themes quite often.

>> No.8628396

>calling others a pleb
Wut. Huh, I didn't know the common pleb trash listened to NSBM, I though it triggered them too hard. It scares away all the faggots, so I guess that's a good thing.

>> No.8628405
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>Post music with a "lolita feel"
You weren't even on topic

>> No.8628413


>> No.8628419
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I don't need to conform to your gay ass classic shit, cunt.

>> No.8628501

Was expecting this to be cringey because of the Hot Topic-sounding name but they remind me a lot of Aural Vampire who I like. Thanks for the rec!

>> No.8628507

How have I never seen this before, omg
Me and bf were trying to do the dance for their song Wannabe for like 30 minutes

>> No.8628719

Try looking up chiptune/chiptek or whatever the genre is called. 'she' is great.

>> No.8628810


>> No.8628839

None of your music fits the gothic, military or aristo aesthetic very much. I mean in the end it doesn't matter what you listen to but it does seem rather off topic.

>> No.8628857

Uri Nakayama makes me think of otome or country-themed lolita.

And shoujoskip for general lolita vibes.

There's only one on JPS.

>Pitcher 56
Mah nigga.

>> No.8628868
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I think my taste in music isn't particular lolita but these evoke a melancholic or whimsical feeling to me.

>> No.8628883

Get a jpopsuki account, it's the asian music equivalent of what.cd. You can only get in by invite but it's easy to convince someone to give you one if you visit /mu/ or /jp/.

It's also very easy to buy songs/albums from amazon jp, you just need to make an account and buy an e-giftcard directly on the site.

>> No.8629073

10/10 image

>> No.8629200

Band Ja Nai Mon
Princess Chelsea (so, obviously not aesthetically, but her music is so dreamy)
Izumi Makura
Petite Meller

>> No.8633131

Thanks for this info

>> No.8633513


>> No.8637846

I've been listening to the Final Fantasy Pray albums. All the music is beautiful, but I'm especially loving Au Palais de Verre right now.


>> No.8637879


Ew. Why does the west always have to hypersexualize everything. Kawaii culture was supposed to be the opposite of that.

>> No.8639664

He's got a good point. You can go far by just being well dressed and well spoken.

>> No.8641153

polite bump

>> No.8641361

Love solfege:


This entire album:


Akiko Shikata


Bonjour Suzuki:


Random soundtracks:


>> No.8641855

what about emilie autumn?
particularly enchant and opheliac album. and fight like a girl album too tbh.

>> No.8646769

polite bump

>> No.8647911

I'm a Touhoufag (more into music rather the games)i found something that has that "gothic lolita" feel, this vocalist Ai Ohsera has an amazing voice, not that high pitched japanese girl voice typical of many jmusic pieces.


Yura Hatsuki, she sings many songs with a "lolita" feel if we can call it like that.
Here my favourites:


>> No.8647920

Ugh, not her. Her music sucks and is really try hard and she always looks like she really needs a shower.

>> No.8647926

This thread should be archived.

>> No.8647929


>> No.8647930

because i'm too lazy to listen to all this shit right now

>> No.8648062

This song from the rhythm game Cytus. This is the full version though.


>> No.8648409
File: 42 KB, 350x441, aHR0cDovL2Fzc2V0cy1zMy51c21hZ2F6aW5lLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzL2Fzc2V0cy9hcnRpY2xlcy83MDM1NC12b2ljZS1hbHVtLW1lbGFuaWUtbWFydGluZXotcmVsZWFzZXMtaGF1bnRpbmctZG9sbGhvdXNlLXNpbmdsZS13YXRjaC10aGUtbXVzaWMtdi9wcm9tby8xMzkyMDY2OTMwX21lbGFuaWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if american music counts but melanie martinez is one of my favorite artists + i love her outfits



>> No.8648419

God I just listened to her album on Amazon Prime the other night and thought "oh I've heard of her let's see what she's all about." When I saw the titles I thought oh boy, here we go, it's Marina and the Diamonds with a goddamn dd/lg blog

But it was a fucking emotional roller coaster and I loved every second of it

>> No.8648436

Love Kana. This is/was one of my favorite songs of hers. I was obsessed with it in high school, ten years ago. My normalfag weeb friends made fun of it all the time. Couldn't blame them. Her music videos and vocals are odd, but fuck did i love them anyways


>> No.8648442

>Das Kabinette
Woah this is good. I've never heard of them, thanks anon!

>> No.8650463

hello fellow 2hufag. I care equally that about the games and the music but I wasn't sure if I should link Touhou music here. Great music choices, I liked em all.

>> No.8651237

Not a Touhou fag but I found these some years ago and still like them:


>> No.8651352

well, there's MC Melody Doll

>> No.8651357

Melanie Martinez

>> No.8651650

Some songs are good, some not. Her voice is a bit hard to listen at times, a bit grating plus she seems like her show persona is all fake and pretentious.
Thank you anon!You can link them if they have that lolita feel in my opinion. Not many Touhou arranges have that, i just love electro music especially if japanese.
Thank you anon!I will listen to them right now.
Ugh, am i the only one that i dislike her songs and vids?