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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8609667 No.8609667 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a while since we had one of these.
Ruffle Chat, Facebook Groups, BtB, Etc. thread

No singling people out. Blurr names for individual comments. Don't get the thread deleted.

>> No.8609781

It definitely seems like a lot of the facebook groups have slowed down in the last few months. People losing interest?

>> No.8609784

I noticed this too.
I've been too busy to participate, and I feel like most of the interesting discussions were already talked to death.

>> No.8609800

The big sisters mentoring group on Facebook just announced that you now have to be vetted to give advice. Wonder how many complaints they'll get from butthurt itas?

>> No.8609814

I thought it was because it's been to hot to wear lolita lately? Plus university just started. Slow season.

>> No.8609974

What happened to the "this ain't lolita" tumblr? They kind of stopped updating. It's a shame since I really loved the drama.

>> No.8610021

No one will want to do that application at all. Its too much work and no one has the time to answer all that.

>> No.8610099

I'm glad they did this. I might start posting there again.

But people have time to sit there and type essays to answer questions lol. It's like what? 10 questions? A couple coord snaps? That shouldn't take more than 20 minutes if someone knows what they're doing.

>> No.8610144

I've seen that too. Posts are getting less likes/responses, unless they already have a lot and are bumped constantly

>> No.8610150

Summer's ended so maybe a lot of people are finally getting back to school/college/university.

>> No.8610160

Nah. It was like that for almost all of summer too.

>> No.8611379

Why do people feel the need to jam non-lolita characters into lolita clothes for cosplay, while wanting it to be lolita, and then just get mad when lolitas say it's dumb costumey and cosplayer a say it's dumb because it's not canon?

>> No.8611383
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Oops dropped pic

>> No.8611603

I am sick and tired of the same three girls using rufflechat as their own personal Google. Where are the mods? How is "I want my wardrobe to be space themed! Name me all the space prints!" A discussion topic?!

>> No.8611622

I'm just patiently waiting for a Lolita Amino to happen. I tried out the Cosplay Amino for cosplay and I like the idea a lot of a hobby specific social media/forum mobile app. I think a Lolita one would be great.

>> No.8611624

This chick is really annoying. A lot of people tried giving her advice and she just ignored all of them and keeps going on about how she's going to do her cosplay. Beyond help imo.

>> No.8611631

Yes, particularly the girl who ~totally used to be a lolita~

>> No.8611719

Seconding this. Facebook and /cgl/ are nice to find friends in this fashion and all but a Lolita Amino app would be wonderful.

>> No.8611762

I think the main mod has been busy and the others just suck. Reporting bad topics usually helps.

>> No.8611771

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but is there an active Toronto community anywhere?

>> No.8611781

summer is over people aren't sitting around bored to death

>> No.8611788

You're looking for the regular comms thread. And yes, just search facebook.

>> No.8611839

Southern Ontario Lolitas

>> No.8612174

>a bunch of girls give her suggestions and help
>she complains that she can't wear constellation prints because astrology is a pseudoscience and it makes her uncomfortable
>mfw this bitch
Don't be vague about your request and then whine when people trying to help can't read your mind. Some girl even linked her to lolibrary so she could do her own damn research.
>yes I'm mad

>> No.8612184

they still update, they just reblogged some posts and answered some asks yesterday.

>> No.8612188

I cringed at this post. Cosplaying a character that will be wearing lolita? Nope. I hope she ends up not doing it.

>> No.8612203

Recent topics on Rufflechat, I don't even.

>What's everyone's experiences with Bodyline shipping?
>Cosplay lolita
>"Can we shove different cultures into lolita?" "Indigenous tribes of either Africa or native American"
>"Patriotic lolita"
>"Fandom coord"

>> No.8612722

Rufflechat is really "short staffed". It's just full of personal posts the last couple days. I especially want to tell the silver haired, atheist, "I swear I used to be a lolita" chick off. She's posted like 5 personal questions in the last week. They opened up mod applications, but it's been months and they never picked new ones.

>> No.8613135
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Oh her? She's now arguing with the mod about where she should be allowed to post her question lol. What a pretentious bitch.

>> No.8613218

Anyone enjoying the fact that Penny Cohn is finally being ousted as a "cohn-artist" over on Pintucks & lace? Phone is being uncooperative otherwise I would post caps

>> No.8613256

I'm getting them now

>> No.8613274
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>> No.8613276
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>> No.8613277

About time someone called that bitch out

>> No.8613279
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>> No.8613281
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>> No.8613284
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>> No.8614826
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>> No.8614855

>I'm used to the vibe of the old egl LJ community
you mean the one where you'd be directed to the memories/tags/google if you asked a question that was answered a billion times before? honestly now.

>> No.8614871


>> No.8614872

Send it to the mods. Have them tell her she didn't join a fetish group and that they are not welcome.

>> No.8614884

Really? My feed was clogged with Rufflechat and CoF posts all summer, it seems like Rufflechat's only slowed down lately. CoF seems to be picking up again with coord posts from the recent cons.

>> No.8614921

Her questions aren't even "discussion" questions. If she was smart, she could have even phrased the space/constellation one to be one. Like, "What's your favorite space print and why?" instead of "What are all of the space prints?"

Dear god, what were they thinking?

>> No.8614979

haha man i wish i could find that post just to see the list of dresses, that's my main wardrobe theme and i'm curious to see if any dresses/prints were posted that i haven't heard of. it seems as if it was deleted, though

>> No.8614999

use the "astronomical" search tag on lolibrary

>> No.8615001

i've done that before, but i know that a lot of taobao brand releases aren't added to lolibrary, which is why i was curious about the list. it's not a big deal anyways though.

>> No.8615131

He always likes my posts on lolita sales, as soon as he posted in that group I knew he was skeeevy as fuck. He's not even into oldschool, oh and he liked a pic I posted there. I'm blocking him and I was gonna message the mods but hopefully it's already been done.

>> No.8615226

Definitely message then too! If they get more than one message they might actually do something!

>> No.8615265

Did anyone see that rufflechat post about someone asking if using eye contacts after their expiration date is a good idea and when people told her that shit ain't a good idea unless she wants to fuck up her eyes got offended and went on saying "no need for the mean comments :( I was just asking a question!!" Which could of been answered by google in less than a minute.

>> No.8615557

god yes, i typed out a response to it when i got home and she deleted the whole thread

i gave her some advice earlier in the thread before it went to all hell and she got really snippy with me about doctors not going to help her,

like bitch you think we're here to give you sound medical advice? then she made some sprawling reply about how she shouldn't be 'oppressed for trying to get relevant health and safety information'. no one is fucking oppressing you, just go fucking google it GAH

>> No.8615608

The online comm nearest me hasn't posted at all since 2014, and the second closest hasn't posted in a couple years. Should i stay a lone lolita or try to resurrect the local online comm

>> No.8615612

Just put something out there and see. It can't hurt.

>> No.8615617

Do it! Who knows what kind of awesome friends you may make.

>> No.8615790

Message them!

>> No.8615867

Is there a comprehensive scammers list anywhere?
One that includes the Facebook sales pages as well as LJ and Lacemarket?

>> No.8615902

I was laughing like crazy but now I wish I got caps. Plus the chick looked like a emo scene kid from her profile pic which made her "you big meanies :(((" attitude funnier

>> No.8616095

She's one of those bitchy SJWs from RC:U that claims she's part native so she can speak for poc, lol

>> No.8616102

Jesus, that girl irritated me so much. And she had the nerve to get mad when we tried to tell her not to do that...fine then, ruin your eyes for all I care, bitch.

>> No.8616168

I'm so embarrassed I hope he doesn't try to join our comm

>> No.8616197
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>> No.8616198

Is that the Moitié ita?

>> No.8616213

I think anyone who wears that hat is the moitie ita.

It's like the sorting hat but there's only one place it can send you.

>> No.8616267

I messaged the admin with a warning so I hope they see.

>> No.8616423

>very perfect condition

What does that even mean?

>> No.8616428

That doesn't even fit the character ....

>> No.8616449


>> No.8616907

much want buy

>> No.8616942

Are you looking at LJ or FB? Lots of LJ comms are abandoned because everything is done on FB now. Check FB first before "starting a new comm". I can almost guarantee you there is one if this is the case.

>> No.8616958

Try posting in Rufflechat to check if there's a facebook group more active than the LJ (if that's what you're checking)

>> No.8617071

There is a spreadsheet linked in the Rufflechat rules with all the FB comms. Do not post to Rufflechat asking, just check the sheet.

>> No.8617807

She still hasn't done anything to correct her issues huh? I saw that she is going to a local meet soon next month but somehow she hasn't corrected her mistakes with this issue.

>> No.8619630

Sf comm thread
Edgy chan
"I'm not really worried about looking beginner-ish, I think I look pretty good lol I just have no one to talk lolita with!"

>> No.8619712
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Saw this on tumblr...what a mess

>A(non) is not even in lolita
>B is
>This makes A mad and try to make the whole lolita comm hate B

>> No.8619754
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>> No.8619793

I dare someone to say something on his post

>> No.8619971

Ugh, not another one. SF has been getting way too many itas this year.

>> No.8620064
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Yeah but did you see the girl who looks 14 and is trying to become a Japanese Idol?

>> No.8620642
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Can we do something about Creepy Girl?

>> No.8620723

Does anyone know what happened in the OC lolita comm? Like some girl had a meet for this upcomig weekend and some people already asked for the days off and now she just cancelled everything and another girl throwing a fit over it.

>> No.8620725
File: 147 KB, 517x919, 2015-09-19_02.08.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what happen but shit is going down. More caps to come

>> No.8620727
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>> No.8620728
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The girl with the censored green, yellow, orange was the admin and threw this fit just now. Then the other two girls were given the new admin position. Anyone know what was this fall out about?

>> No.8620737

She sounds like she got posted to btb and threw an tantrum about it. Cancelling a bunch of meets is a shitty thing to do

>> No.8620786

Which secrets and when? And it was really unprofessional that she just did this and idk why the other girl (blue hues stripes) outted the butthurt girl like that on the page. Like couldn't she just of sent a PM instead.

>> No.8620792


>> No.8620793

That Etsy store is full of overpriced amateurishly made items. I get we all can't be awesome bespoke craft wizards, but come on now.

>> No.8620802

Did she delete her shop? Wanted to see what she had in there.

>> No.8620830

search 'alicorndream' on Etsy.

>> No.8621116

Someone really need to set boundaries for her.

>> No.8621268

We've had issues with that mod before, there isn't any drama on btb or anything recent, she's just fucked in the head.

And seriously, making two new girls mods without any input from other mods? Especially Angel Buckley? I mean jeez talk about drama not just on rufflechat but with other local comms too smh

>> No.8621325

I got all of he last caps even the fight between crazy admin girl with another chick who called her a child for doing the shitty thing she did. Sadly they all got deleted on the comm page. I am not very aware what happens in the OC comm but what made the crazy chuck snap? And yea angel is not fit to be a admin and id always needy for meets and always trying to push to find someone to host a dying meet that many won't go.

>> No.8621332

Dunno. You think you can't get any better than perfect.

Then again, Thomas Jefferson did write "for a more perfect union", so...

>> No.8621334

She got pissed off because she didn't get anything from the automatic honey release, kek

>> No.8621336

Thanks, found it now.

>> No.8621340

Angel? Really? That's a shit decision, the woman can't write and has no reading comprehension.

My condolences.

>> No.8621401

Yea she became a mod for the group and its a shitty decision but one no one agreed on.

>> No.8621417

I hope someone will tell the main admin that most everyone doesnt like the idea of Angel being a mod. Sadly i doubt she'll do anything about it.

She snapped because she failed the AH release last night. at least thats what everyones saying.

>> No.8621427

Surely the admins can just remove her and the other girl and tell them to apply if they'd like to be admins.

>> No.8621452

Sadly i doubt that'll happen.

>> No.8621459

This is OT but what Jefferson meant was something closer to approaching perfect, not something better than perfect.

On topic, this OC shit is cray cray

>> No.8621596 [DELETED] 


Jesse has always been nuts. She's a stubborn insufferable weeb. She keeps deleting FBs and making new ones under increasingly retarded names. Rumor had it she was also a cam girl. Never saw solid proof of that but there are apparently pics floating around somewhere

>> No.8621838 [DELETED] 

She's 100% a camgirl, I've seen her profile.

>> No.8622057
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unsure what the motivations are for this but they don't seem genuine

>> No.8622082

No clue, I'm not part of the comm. I'm just speculating

>> No.8622084

>I would really love to see more casual DAILY lolita coordinates and not just over the top outfits
Then why don't you start wearing casual, Kate? All you do is OTT!

>> No.8622136

I smelled bs written all over this. But LACE has done nothing so far and they wsnt to build an image sharing site for daily lolita coords? Girlyhoot will just take all th credit and when it back fires, she will just blame someone else like always. She is just doing this because not everyone agrees with her coords and rather go somewhere where no one can judge her.

>> No.8622141

Is she doing it to seem humble or something? Like ~it's not my fault I get all the likes just because my coords are OTT~
Concrit and voting has its place, even if mediocre coords do get upped for being ott/ worn by a dude/ appearing in news feeds more. To some extent it shoes what is 'good' and 'bad'. And besides, I've gotten decent amounts of likes for simple coords, but I wouldn't take it too seriously if I didn't either since it's about visibility.

>> No.8622180

unrelated but does anyone know what tumblr theme that is?

>> No.8622237

Why is he still a member? He needs to be banned. Where are the mods? This is disgusting

>> No.8622260

I don't get it? More casual coords are there and also OTT. There's all kinds of styles and there's no reason to just move a very active community. Lacebook would be nice and I do wish it was active, but like she said, it's not.

>> No.8622273

But it's about viewing them, not about giving them attention.
Sounds like Kate wants to create a place where her daily outfits can be shared and she won't have to see that they aren't as impressive to others as ott con coords.
May as well just go back to Daily_Lolita. Any coord sharing service is going to have to have an option for people to like or comment on something, so the OTT coords are still going to get more attention.

>> No.8622791

can someone explain the whole "chlamydia-chan" thing?

>> No.8622810

Ugh, no. I rather keep on trying to revive D_L than throwing in with this bs.

>> No.8622822

>"more or less a voting system"
lmao stay sandy

>> No.8622824

>youtube bodyline ita and overall lulcow bawws about getting made fun of by nanonymous(us) for trash "wear to work" coords and shit videos
>gets totally flamed by a parody video by lashy
>proceeds to harass lashy's tumblr in an 'i ain't even mad' manner and then resorts to telling lashy she has the clap since lashy don't give no keks
>she then proceeds to be an ultimate lulcow claiming things like "people with tattoos have worse discrimination than racial prejudices since black people can just bleach their skin and other ignornant shit that makes even the least progressive people wtf
>dramu and bawws continue to ensue

>> No.8622829

seriously tho, that's like any and all online groups. is tumblr not a voting system?

i used to be indifferent to her but damn she's so insecure and attention needing. girl needs therapy.

>> No.8623018

Looks like they haven't bothered doing anything. I know the admin is a seagull, I wonder if she's seen it here?

>> No.8623027

To me, it looks like she is trying to sway everyone away from Facebook before they introduce the "dislike" button.

>> No.8623045


>> No.8623606
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ugh this girl is so fucking annoying. she comments on every post on the comm page, constantly asks for holds ("my mom said I can't buy any more expensive dresses this year. can you hold this until next year?"), and she fucking stalked me down and found my Twitter which isn't linked to any of my social media. I've never met her irl but she tried to add me on Facebook and found my Instagram as well.

>> No.8623622
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if she doesn't have the money to afford lolita, then why is she even trying to get into the fashion? both of these dresses were only around $100. did anyone get caps of her post begging for someone in the SF comm to buy her a chess story(?) op? or of her AANI post trying to tell people that they should try out this cool site called etsy :) as if it was some new thing?

>> No.8623630

What is rufflechat? I've been lurking for months and I still can't figure it out.

>> No.8623636

step 1) type "Rufflechat" into your facebook search bar
step 2) enjoy

>> No.8623652

Who the hell thinks anyone would hold a dress until next year unless it was like two weeks until January 1st.

>> No.8623659

What did people put in response to her post begging for that dress?

>> No.8623671

And it's about damn time they had one. Can't wait to start using it.

>> No.8623686
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ugh file got deleted... here's literally the exact picture i posted.

>> No.8623696

How exactly do they think $100 is an expensive dress???

>> No.8623708

I think the dress was Chess Chocolate if memory serves me right, which is even more ridiculous.

>> No.8623719

I'm surprised that 2nd seller is even entertaining her with what they wrote in that reply.

>> No.8623739

How old is she?
She reminds me of myself when I first got into lolita.
I believe she is trying to get people to give her dresses for free, tbh.

>> No.8623896

She never spoke a single word in the few meetups she attended (and handed out Post it notes instead). She is non-verbal and probably has some other kind of disability. I think she grew up with everyone in her family trying to accommodate her and expects strangers to do the same.

>> No.8623900

She is over 18 as far as I know, but she seem to still live under her parents' guardianship due to her disability. I'm trying to think of a way for the mods to get in touch with her parents so they could tell her what is acceptable behavior with strangers and who to contact in case of emergency.

>> No.8623901

..How old is this girl again?
I can't believe she would honestly expect complete and total strangers to go that far out of their way to cater to her.
I could maybe understand "pls hold it until next week when I get my paycheck," but a frickin YEAR?!

>> No.8623909

Kate is only saying this because she's no longer everyone's flavor of the month with her OTT, and now she's jelly because other OTT is being recognized except hers.

However, I would agree that I want a facebook page where photos are displayed chronologically with no fucking comment-bump bullshit. Secondly, there should be a facebook page where everyone goes in expecting constructive crit without the condescending, aggressive vibes from some users because they feel they don't need it, or from other posters who automatically get hostile bc they assume someone won't understand crit spoken in an upfront way.

I wish there could be a rollback to casual lolita, but frankly, when I wear casual lolita I don't want to be posting pictures on the public forums where I know it's gonna get nitpicked bc now people generally expect ALL lolita to be OTT, matchy-matchy, and super dolly. I'm sorry to say this, but I really do think "daily" lolita is dead.

>> No.8623920

>I wish there could be a rollback to casual lolita, but frankly, when I wear casual lolita I don't want to be posting pictures on the public forums where I know it's gonna get nitpicked bc now people generally expect ALL lolita to be OTT, matchy-matchy, and super dolly. I'm sorry to say this, but I really do think "daily" lolita is dead.

You can't post photos publicly anymore without them being nitpicked down to the last thread, even if you are you own worst critic and know precisely what could've been done better. This is the reason why I don't post my photos anywhere except a personal tumblr tag. I'll tag it as the brand or another more widely used tag if it's a great photo of a coord I'm proud of. I think I've posted on CoF three times in the last year.

>> No.8623931

>You can't post photos publicly anymore without them being nitpicked down to the last thread, even if you are you own worst critic and know precisely what could've been done better.

Yeah I know, basically nobody can please anyone anymore.
I remember the last time I posted a casual outfit it got good reception, but on here people were split between it being so casual that it was a different fashion altogether, and people saying it wasn't casual enough.

Idk, my definition of "casual" is being comfortable and not getting stares and questions from strangers in public while still retaining the silhouette. Maybe I should invest in a tumblr, at least then I could have a bit more control over tagging like you said.

>> No.8623945

Or everyone could go back to using the daily lolita comm again.

>> No.8624121

Someone offered her a free dress, she turned it down because it wasn't the style she wanted

>> No.8624418

I would love this honestly. I am always looking for more lolita friends.

>> No.8624473

Haha, this.

>> No.8625453

What a little brat

>> No.8625464

I don't think she's got some hidden intent with this, that's just classic /cgl/ assumptions. I just think that it's a horrible idea, especially when she has no capability of creating a community.

>> No.8625533

It seems like she is at least 21, or so it seems when a mod asked her if she is 21+.
But you know...she never explicitly said "yes I am 21+"

Anon- it may be a good idea to get in contact with parents, but we don't have her full name.

>> No.8625544
File: 225 KB, 479x485, 28747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace yourselves SF. Incoming ita snowflake.

>> No.8625566

Far right looks like a little old lady dressing "hip" back in the 90s.

>> No.8625626

I think it's the hair.

>> No.8625633

i fail to see how they're an ita. the two lolita coords they shared are pretty cute

>> No.8625635

>posts in SF
>doesn't live in SF

>> No.8625640

I was about to say... Why would she post in a comm she's not part of? Houston is nowhere near SF so it's not like people can even say "welcome I can't wait to meet you!" since she's only saving up money to move to SF.

>> No.8625648

because muh nonbinary snowflake
It doesn't belong in an ita thread, though.
Maybe she wants to make some friends in SF before she moves there? New comms and cities are exceedingly uncomfortable.

>> No.8625685

But her lolita coords aren't ita at all...

>> No.8625686

WTF is "alphabetizing things?"

>> No.8625695

He's banned now

>> No.8625725

if you go to photos in CoF you can view them chronologically rather than by most recent comment...

>> No.8625770

Thank you!

>> No.8625913

lol this girl barely comes to meets in Texas anyways, I wouldn't worry about her much.

>> No.8625935

This used to be my favourite activity.
You take things, (in my case it was books) and organise them by name. I would always do this, it's so satisfying to put things in the right order.
>tfw probably have autism or OCD some shit like that

>> No.8626414

But why list it in your introduction though?

>> No.8626424

>still not in SF
she could just as easily post in the group once she's moved to SF...

I'm not like the other girls... I'm also good at putting things in alphabetical order! uwu

Real answer: I think it's part of her whole tumblr "plus size nonbinary" stuff where she's trying to imply that she has OCD without saying it like how tumblrinas put "I HAVE DEPRESSION, OCD, AND BPD. BTW I CAN'T WORK BECAUSE I HAVE ANXIETY SO PLS DONATE USING THE BUTTON IN MY SIDEBAR!!!" in their intros.

>> No.8626425

Quirkiness idk

>> No.8626458

NOPE, just thirsty. Thinking lolita will finally give her the attention she think she deserves. She's asking for 3K on her Facebook to move to California. One of those go fund me pages.

>> No.8626469

We had someone in their comm give their whole transgender life story then added the link to their gofundme at the bottom

>> No.8626479

Not it at all? She knows how to coord lolita at least. Why are you so salty? Do you know this girl from elsewhere?

>> No.8626484

Have you not read the replies? Do you really belong on here?

>> No.8626486

Because someone is clearly a bit autistic? It's not ita, though. The SF comm thinking they're elite or something is funny, though. If you want ita, look at the comm itself.

>> No.8626506

But the SF Comm is pretty good besides all of the special snowflakes. I though another sf snowflake dressed really decent, had nice AP coords... Then they wore fairy kei to a $70 OTT event.

>> No.8626545

I hope they realize that 3k is barely enough for two months of rent in the worst neighborhood of San Francisco and they cannot survive without a high paying tech job.

>> No.8626785

She's not that great at it or her list of interests would be alphabetised in her post.

>> No.8626787

All info has been provided in the comments of the secrets for the past 3 weeks. For a comprehensive blow-by-blow with caps, head over to lolcow.

>> No.8627058

oh god i remember their "kawaii decora boy armin arlert" cosplay from sacanime. shit was so cringe. weren't they at OTTea to just take pics though? it didn't seem like they really participated much beyond being a photog.

>> No.8627167

Krystal was the official photographer for the event.

It seemed that since fairy kei person wouldn't be able to stand out of a beautiful sea of OTT, they threw on an anime shirt and went around like they were a photographer with the event when they were really just supposed to be a guest.

That's not to say that other girls couldn't have brought their cameras to take pictures (many did) but they brought a selfie stick and all of this other cringey stuff.... if they can't get attention one way they will try to get it another way no matter how much they embarrasses themselves.

And don't get me started on their wannabe deerstalkers Haenuli video they want to try and create.

>> No.8627198

I don't get why you'd pay $70 for an event if you're not going to dress up and participate with the other guests...

>> No.8627462

>Down Payment Help

Kek, no one in SF comm can afford a house, not even with a six figure tech job.

>> No.8627472

What an unfortunate body shape/frame.

>> No.8627484

That's the kind of body you get with insulin resistance. She might want to get tested.

Christ, when did brand get big enough to accommodate that size?

>> No.8627516

Because you want everyone to think you are quirky and special! It's a subtle way of pointing out how you are different from everyone else and making people assume you have some type of disorder for snowflake brownie points.
I used to tell all my friends about how good I was at alphabetising and organising things... when I was 7...

>> No.8627563
File: 702 KB, 616x724, zd;dfjb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit

>> No.8627571

A-adora. WHERE!?

>> No.8627572

Even the goths gave up on the goth name concept decades ago.

>> No.8627573

I don't think it's actually Adora. They mention benig 'fluffy' which I think is a euphemism for being overweight/obese.

>> No.8627574
File: 21 KB, 599x337, B4tosOpCEAA7z4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8627579
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 1440909650348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not trying to associate lolita with cosplay at all...
>Simply cosplaying a character who is wearing lolita


She's not a stupid skank

But she's simply a stupid skank.

>> No.8627596

She looks underweight tbh. Look at those hands and shoulder blades in the mirror.
I'm going to hazard a guess that the profile pic is not of her.

>> No.8627599

an awful one that's hard to read

>> No.8627601

I don't dress in lolita, I'm just a gay guy who appreciates lolita and enjoys all the forum and users (including dramas :P)

and even I know she's a fucking ita

>> No.8627602

>Lolita name
The fuck?

I think you're right.

>> No.8627606

Here's another one. More fits into the description

>> No.8627609
File: 27 KB, 460x460, 11221578_10153361158714724_4581690988909126004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry forgot pic.

>> No.8627614

She looks fine. Maybe because she is a similar size to me, but that isn't all that large.
Not sure if lolita is going to be the right style for her though.

>> No.8628792

Is it me or are these two completely different people

>> No.8628827

Because they are. She's used Adora's photo as a profile pic. Fucking creepy.

>> No.8628904

that's true. i liked the permalink bar, mostly.

>> No.8628939

I think thats Adora bratbrat profile pic. they stole her picture.

>> No.8628941

maybe if she wouldnt steal other peoples photos and pretend to be them. Happy she doesnt go to any meetups. sounds sleezy anyways

>> No.8628954

I love Adora. Was this person trying to pass themselves off as her or just using some e-famous person as her pic. I can see using an animated person or obvious movie or tv celebrity, but that is just creepy.

>> No.8629620
File: 112 KB, 640x548, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what is with all of these "lolita as an identity" people? If you don't have a petti and can't afford shoes and a blouse you aren't a lolita.

>> No.8629628

What are you talking about? That chick isn't claiming to be a lolita, she is talking about the things she is having difficulty with...

>> No.8629632

She needs to get a McJob.

>> No.8629644

She says she wants to wear it out in a few weeks and all she has is a skirt. She's making excuses for not having anything else.

>> No.8629655
File: 47 KB, 460x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you can't afford
You know, cosplay can be a very expensive hobby, and I don't much appreciate snobs like you looking down on others because they don't have your budget. She says she LIKES lolita fashion, but she says can't BE one because she can't afford the costume. I say she's still one at heart.

>> No.8629663
File: 21 KB, 224x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8629666

shes not talking she's excusing her way out of being held responsible for having a bad coord, lol.

>> No.8631915

>she fucking stalked me down and found my Twitter which isn't linked to any of my social media. I've never met her irl but she tried to add me on Facebook and found my Instagram as well.

Holy shitballs that is creepy

>> No.8632599


What an odd way to list the Sleipnir JSK

>> No.8634576
File: 108 KB, 484x391, 9384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no words for this.

>> No.8634578

Oh dear, I just saw that too.

>> No.8634601

>lolibrary link is an imgur

>> No.8634604


where is this?

>> No.8634622

SF Facebook group

>> No.8634639

Story time?

>> No.8634754

Bitch where?

>> No.8634755

oooh ok, as a goth she looks good? I don't know many goths but isn't this standard?

>> No.8634769


>> No.8635109 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 605x605, 1975194_10153123482284724_5605075505793699117_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just used her photo for some reason, if you look at the rest of the photos on their profile,it reveals their true form. Pic related

>> No.8635841
File: 308 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20150927_205859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8635842

Haha, I came here for this, bless you anon. What a whiny bitch

>> No.8635846
File: 219 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20150927_210254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it backfired...

>> No.8635855 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 510x422, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8635857

>can't afford to buy $30 shoes
So what is she wearing on her feet now, cardboard boxes? Honestly if you're on such a tight budget that you can't even afford normal high street fashion prices then lolita simple isn't for you. Come back when you're found a better job or a sugar daddy or whatever. I'm not going to waste my energy feeling sorry for this people like this.

>> No.8635860


>> No.8635864
File: 50 KB, 510x422, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting because I missed a name

>> No.8635867

lol i was about to post this on the cringe thread

>> No.8635874
File: 8 KB, 466x72, lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this is probably why she(?) got posted to BtB in the first place. Take your insecurities elsewhere bruh

>> No.8635878

Haha, I caught it almost immediately but I couldn't delete it right away

>> No.8635879

...and its gone. on screenshot the last part of it

>> No.8635882

What racist/insensitive stuff did she post in the first place that her fb response was to?

>> No.8635883

she'll probably just keep hopping lolita groups until she finds one that will agree with her anyways.

>> No.8635884

That thread was a fucking repetitive mess

>> No.8635885
File: 13 KB, 518x171, waa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>8635841

She took down the secret, but now she's super butthurt on her page

>> No.8635887

If the fashion growing more means more whiny babbies who flip out when people talk about them online will join, no thank you
I don't understand how these people function. has no one ever said anything negative about them in their lives? Or do they just think it's different cause it's online?

>> No.8635889
File: 15 KB, 478x94, lis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her "lolita fashion for everyone group" just posted this.

>> No.8635890

>one person was mean to me
>fuck all lolitas I don't even want to know them
I hate girls like this, they're part of the problem. Good riddance.

>> No.8635892

>implying her local comm has to like/respect her lol

>> No.8635896

Not what I was talking about. In the secrets, people used a thing where she said "I'm against PC stuff, fuck off" basically, and people kept calling her a racist/saying she was a bitch. What did she say then?

>> No.8635897
File: 335 KB, 640x640, XnMBOyA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will not be politically correct to spare someone's feelings
> Political correctness was created because too many people are becoming pussies and get offended about everything

> Gets offended that she was posted to BtB

>> No.8635899

It was about blackface in cosplay that garnet cosplay that had a thread in cgl. she was fine with it.

>> No.8635904

Sorry anon, I misread your post!

>> No.8635964

Exactly what I was thinking. If the existence of /cgl/ and BtB keeps away crybabies like this, good!

>> No.8636000

Just in time for Halloween

>> No.8636020

I just saw a girl in lolita on my ig twerking with her ass bent over a bed. Some how this rustled my jimmies. I'm not sure why...

>> No.8636066

Maybe it's because you never wanted to see a girl in your comm doing that ever. Kind of the equivalent of accidentally stumbling upon a video of someone you work with doing porn.

>> No.8636071

She's not even in my comm at all but good lord.. Like I feel lolita girls need to represent in a certain way and that is just not it. I ate saying that because it sounds like I expect females to be dainty etc but I don't..

>> No.8636119

You're being stupid. There is no certain way that lolitas need to act. It's just clothing.

>> No.8636159

Like I said I didn't want to say it that way because you are correct but, to me twerking with your ass over a bed like that on camera is just really not how someone needs to be fucking representing themselves. Lolita or not.
> inb4 you are slut shaming

I am not slut shaming I am just saying its cringeworthy to do that/bad representation of your character. Yes it may be funny/for fun but you are in full blown lolita fashion with your ass dangling off a bed twerking. WTF--just no.

>> No.8636252

Phil and another dude who's a sissy were perma-banned for creeping on comm members and new members were warned about them. It's enough to avoid them/not talk to them, stun guns are a bit much.

>> No.8636259

Reminds me of that girl a way while back begging for free dresses, and when someone did she refused because it wasn't brand. She seriously thought "I'm poor so I deserve you to hand it over to me for free"

>> No.8636601
File: 279 KB, 1074x724, Untitledddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her comment made me laugh

>> No.8636695

Agreed, its incredibly trashy.

>> No.8636713

Why do people bother posting about them getting posted on their Facebooks, and then proceed to give the direct link too.

>> No.8636723


>> No.8636733

So she doesn't want to associate with the site yet posts a direct link to the post here>>8636601

>> No.8636738

Because they love the attention it gets them.

>> No.8637514

my local community just finished hosting a pretty big meet with our neighboring states! We got over 70 beautiful lolitas to come and gather in Oklahoma City. It was so awesome and I'm glad it's finally over! It was so much work. I can't wait till next year!

>> No.8637523
File: 528 KB, 819x408, wtff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8639357

how does she not realize that it's really creepy to use a stranger's selfie on your fb

>> No.8639362

She probably thinks she's just being an adoring fan like those people who use their favorite cosplayer's pictures as icons.

>> No.8639365 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 1004x352, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay classy gurl

>> No.8639427

The purple haired fat chick isn't her either

>> No.8639433

>those fucking comics

>> No.8639740

I've got size 10 U.S. feet, and I find Lolita shoes just fine. If your feet are that size you have no excuses.
>jimmies rustled

>> No.8639768
File: 185 KB, 982x621, redditwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the lolita subreddit would just get active with good lolitas and decent advice. Otherwise we just get gems like this. I wasn't even sure if I should post it to the cringe thread instead.

Is there a reason lolitas don't like reddit?

>> No.8639838

It's tiring. The few lolitas who actually post there all want to be molly coddled. An ounce of criticism makes OPs delete their post, but not before the critics themselves get downvoted for telling them the obvious (like that posing in gothic lolita while spread out on an actual gravestone is tasteless).

>> No.8639854

There are a couple reliable Lolitas in the sub, but I think it's the slow response times and inundation of newbies that makes it shitty. The fact that so many newbies are part of the sub means that bad advice gets upvoted, and good criticism gets downvoted.

>> No.8640187

I browse reddit, and I've said this before, but I hate the bullshit voting system. It creates this fake atmosphere where people only say what they think people want to hear/what will get them the most upvotes rather than what their real opinion is.This creates real problems for the lolita community. It already happens on facebook discussion comms to an extent with people trying to get likes.

>> No.8640207

I'm thinking of making an alternate account just for lolita. I know I will get downvoted to hell but I will try to leave unsugarcoated replies and maybe actually help some noobs. On the other hand, that might be a massive waste of time and nothing will change.

>> No.8640213

I was thinking the exact same thing anon

>> No.8640242

Most likely a massive waste of time. Unless a large number of reasonably experienced lolitas migrate in at the same time, nothing would change because of the overwhelming number of itas messes who post and vote on the regular.

>> No.8640303

Agreed. I can count on one hand the regular users that are actually experienced/good Lolitas. Unless there's a large influx, the newbies and itas will just continue to dominate.

My suggestion would be to help contribute better content instead of trying to clean up messes. If more people post good coordinates, maybe others will learn by example/osmosis.

>> No.8640307

Or they'll have the reverse-elitism effect that happens on other forums (ie: good lolitas get harassed or insulted for having nice outfits, because BRANDWHORES! EVIL! RICHBITCH!)

>> No.8641637

These are my exact thoughts when I find out that ADF still hasn't gotten removed from my comm's fb group. I don't know why the fuck they accepted him in the first place.

>> No.8641651

That happened in my comm too.

>> No.8641719

/r/lolita should just rename itself /r/ita or /r/shittybrolita

>> No.8641919

This tbh.

>> No.8641977

Oh please do tell us more about this Youtube channel videos he has been planning since he joined the community? I would like to know more about the details and who he has gotten to fund and arrange his project for him.

>> No.8642121

To be honest this makes me more tempted to post a coord of mine, just so that I can experience the jelly and get accused of being a rich brandwhore for once in my lolita career.
>tfw so many great lolitas with amazing wardrobes in my comm
>which is awesome, but I do feel like a filthy peasant at times

>> No.8642136

Do it and post caps of results.

>> No.8645440

Saying such vile things without reason is more likely to garner hate for oneself rather than the object of harassment. Doesn't B realise this?

>> No.8645745

What's it even over? Did B piss in A's cornflakes one morning or what?

>> No.8648743
File: 112 KB, 989x629, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl won't stop using the local comm as her personal diary and it's so annoying - is there a polite way to tell her to cut it out or what? Her posts never encourage discussion or anything, they're just pointless.

>> No.8648941

>mfw I always bring pepper spray to meets
Stun guns? A bit excessive

>> No.8648945

God, that's fucking annoying. I hate it when people write like that, it's so juvenile and attention hungry. We have the biggest fucking brand ita in our comm who is constantly messaging me and everything ends with LAWL or XDDDD, and sometimes :333 even when it's a straight up plain, non-joking statement.

>> No.8649001

exactly what do you all consider ita?

>> No.8649007
File: 479 KB, 1014x1920, 1420700714654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8649010

I thought "fluffy" meant fat, not... crunchy looking.

>> No.8649013

is that a boy or a girl

>> No.8649025

>doesn't even know how to reply to a post yet
>has "anon" in the name field
>doesn't know what an ita is

Don't ask retarded questions, just lurk more.
How do you think any of us learned anything?

>> No.8649029 [DELETED] 

i do know what a ita is its obviously you

>> No.8649035 [DELETED] 

and damn why you gotta be a bitch

>> No.8649095

This was the clunkiest non-sentence I've ever read.

>> No.8649117

Stop posting and lurk more, dumbass

>> No.8649144 [DELETED] 

Such a nice attidude

>> No.8649206

because you're a retard

>> No.8649390
File: 333 KB, 1380x965, 2015-10-04_16.01.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People seriously like to make arguments about everything now huh?

>> No.8649391
File: 164 KB, 638x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on Rufflechat.
> looks into a camera like I'm on an episode of The Office

>> No.8649397

well this is awkward

>> No.8649404

i love how misinformed tumblr shit is.

as someone who's partially blind in one eye, it doesn't do shit except to fuck your depth perception. plus, people don't use them for ~disabilities~ they use them for injuries. hell, they were originally made for people who lost eyes so they wouldn't get disease/flies, or gross people out.

>> No.8649421
File: 266 KB, 493x333, acBB1Rq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just need to gtfo the internet

>> No.8649430

Posted the wrong fucking image but you guys get my point

>> No.8649630

why does there have to be some many bitches in this fashion

>> No.8649671

Because fashion hobbies always attract salt and cattiness. Just look at /fa/. They're dudes and therefore supposed to be less bitchy, but they're super salty like us.

>> No.8649678

thats true