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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8613151 No.8613151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Abunai thread is nearly in autosage. Cosplay and jfashion are both welcome.

>> No.8614086

ouch this is one empty thread.

>> No.8614098
File: 194 KB, 503x711, dramu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the stalker they're speaking of? Is it the Cyarin girl?

>> No.8614274

Is someone planning on going to Osharecon 2016? This year was such an embarrassment that I am surprised that there will even be a next edition.

>> No.8614280

Wellp, they sure managed to pull it over the lulzy dramu edge and into distastefull either way.

I can't wait to hear back from any TomoFair goers in a few weeks.
Why is their website down tho?

>> No.8614282

I'm not sure. I want to believe this year it'll be better...>>8614280

>> No.8614315

with the same organizers? Don't think so.

>> No.8614325

Is it true that the photographer Beethy is from our country? How come they've never been here? Can someone verify?

>> No.8614336


Well his last name is unmistakably Dutch and he lives in Australia. From that point on it's just guesswork or you have to go full stalker mode. My guess would be his parents emigrated before or not too long after he was born but who knows.

>> No.8614355

I think people will go just because they want a J-Fashion event to work.

>> No.8614368

I have no clue who they're talking about but the Cya girl never got in trouble before and I've never heard anything about stolen bento boxes before. I'm really curious who they're talking about, anyone here that knows the story?

>> No.8614370

Oh boy I sure do wonder who they're siding with in the Cya drama...

>> No.8614381


Reading it makes me think this isn't even about the Cya girl. I mean, the Cya girl isn't some heavy stalker that had been banned before right? That or Cyarin and her army made up some really wild rumors to blow this shit up.

>> No.8614389

I want to go, but my friends are doubting. Last year wasn't so amazing. It'll mostly be an excuse to see friends again. And what >>8614355 said. I really want a J-Fashion event because we just aren't welcomed by other cons.

>> No.8614428
File: 33 KB, 592x155, muhcritique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't want critique, but here have some critique on your critique.

>> No.8614433

I kinda wanted to go, but I keep hearing bad stuff about it.

>> No.8614571

It was only the first year. Every first edition of cons suck. You don't know about issues with the venue yet or you don't have critique yet. It wasn't horrible last year, just boring because you ran out of things to do and the sound of the venue was annoying. Not unsolvable things.

>> No.8614695

I'm not sure. I'm waiting for more information. It was kind of basic this year. I love the idea of a con especially for jfashion, but last time wasn't good. It wasn't bad either. I hope they will improve next year.

>> No.8614896

Cyarin fucks anatomy up so bad her art goes right into uncanny valley, I don't understand why she thinks she's too good for critism.

>> No.8614900

She probably thinks that having 200k instragram followers means she's a goddess at art

>> No.8614923

This so much. Her attitude is really annoying. But at least she won't improve like this. I also remember her saying in Q&A's that she doesn't want to go to art school because she doesn't like the way they teach. Totally not because she could never survive there if she can't stand critism, she's such an art goddess she knows better than those mean art schools.

>> No.8614941

She could never survive solely because she seems to draw bustshots 90% of the time.

Tho I wouldn't necessarily disagree with not going to art school because of not liking the way they teach. That's a personal opinion and honestly I wouldn't know if dutch schools are even any good.

Imagine all the angry tweets if she did go though and got her first critique.

>> No.8614954

Oh my god can we stop talking about Cyarin. We get it. You think she's annoying. At this point you are just giving her the attention that you think she doesn't deserve.

> But at least she won't improve like this.
What the hell kind of an attitude is that.

>> No.8614959

Dutch threads generally are dead anyway, we might as well talk about the one artist drama we have.

>> No.8615036

I agree. Why would anyone even cares if she improves, anyway. There are worse artists out there and some people care more about having fun that living up to your expectations. These days people sadly care more about style than technique and sometimes that is what works for some people. She is clearly not aiming for photo-realism. Just because you have an opinion about her work doesn't mean she should have to listen to it. If she loves what she does and if other do to maybe that's okay? I mean I think Michael Bay isn't a very good directer, but he clearly has an audience and he has no use of my criticism because whoever he is selling too doesn't care.

Comments like this just bring me back to high-school. The sort of baseless accusations of what a person might think as a way of making them look bad.

If we can all now shut up about her and post juicy cosplay drama, that would be great.

>> No.8615823

>Stop talking about drama
>Give me more drama

anon wat.

>> No.8615879

Once you find some cosplay drama we'll stop talking about art drama.

Also are the other dutch art anons from previous threads here again? It was pretty fun discussing the state of art in our country.

>> No.8615943

Yes hello I am here.

This might be more of a question for the artist alley thread, but since the dutch market differs from the international one quite a bit I'm curious what you guys think about packaging. Is it worth it to package something more fancily? For example charms in simple plastic vs charms with a printed cardboard slip behind it. Do Dutchies care?
It makes your profit margin smaller, but you might sell more. You could just ask a little more, but then you might sell less. I know there's the people that think "for the same amount of money I could just get the official one". Do you think those people could be swayed by making it look more professional? Or is it just... the cheaper, the more likely people are to buy it. Thoughts? Experience?

>> No.8615950

I was wondering the same, I really like the look of nicely packaged charms, but I wonder if it's worth the effort in the dutch market.

Also anyone else probably getting a tsunacon table on their own? I might be able to get a friend to help me but there's a chance I'll be lonely behind my own table.

>> No.8615959

Yep. I /might/ table with a artist friend but as it looks now I'll be ronery as well. If that happens I'll ask a non-artist friend nicely if they can join me behind my table, though. If only so that I can have bathroom breaks without getting all my stuff stolen.

>> No.8616027

Anyone going to Behind the Mask? Or the Halloween event?

>> No.8616046

Behind the Mask only. Halloween event is too far away.

>> No.8616107

Yeah it just feels safer to know there's someone you can trust to watch your table if you need a short break.

>> No.8616115

Who is that girl from the Cyarin drama anyways? Is she another artist?

>> No.8616202

Does anyone have some nice Dutch cosplay/J-fash pics they want to share?

>> No.8616208

Oh! I only just remembered. Did anyone here go to the Amsterdam fashion walk? How was it? The pictures looked more varied than the Utrecht walk, but overall just far less impressive/well dressed.

Do you guys think a fashion walk in the Netherlands works? Are two too many, or is it nice for people to be able to choose a location if necessary?

>> No.8616308

One fashion walk is enough, at least for now. Maybe two walks when the jfashion comm/comms are more organized. There weren't many lolitas at the Amsterdam walk, I wonder why.

>> No.8616381


Most lolita's went to the Utrecht walk cos it was organised by lolita's. The event wasn't very well known outside the lolita comm. People who did hear about it backed out of fear if it being some undercover loli meet. I liked the Amsterdam walk. Yes outfits weren't that spectaculair ( not all of them ) but the atmosphere was nice, everyone was part of the group and it was organised well. And I have seen at least 5 different styles.

>> No.8616394

Just lurking so far. I disliked how sandyMcunt I was.
Dutch artscene needs to up their game and maybe expand to France/Germany/UK if possible. I need to hear more stories from Made in Asia and assorted too plz.

Worth it.
Packaging isn't super expensive if you know how to work it.
The plastic wrappers can be bought at 100 for 3 .5 euro tops at a... kantoorhandel. If you can buy pens, paper and drop packages they likely have it. If you have a chinese homestore nearby they might have something cheaper though. Or Action, or Alibaba.
Backingpaper can be a pattern or a white/brown piece of paper with a custom stamp.

It should only add 20 cents pp really.
If you print your packaging, then be sure to include those filthy expensive ink costs.

>> No.8616399

I'm lazy. Drop some good photo's of those walks?

>> No.8616408
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I only have the group picture. I guess the other anons can share more pictures.

>> No.8616420


Be un-lazy and use the hashtag?

>> No.8616427
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Dropping some j-fash pics

>> No.8616430
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>> No.8616435
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>> No.8616437
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>> No.8616472

Nah, I just wanted someone not me to dump cool pics here :^D
Come on anon cut me some slack, I worked 10 hours today and I don't know where to start hashtagging what where. It's not my scene, I don't know shit but I like looking at it.

Thank you picdumper, u da real mvp.

>> No.8616483
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I got tons more, just let me know and I'll post em. I like that the Dutch scene gets bigger and better. And get a decent job lazy j fashion interested anon. One with less hours and more money.

>> No.8616493

please dump them! I didn't go, saving money for Elfia.

>> No.8616513


I found a video of the masquerade and eurocos at Abunai for those who missed it. Unfortunately not all contestants were shown.

>> No.8616625


found this video about the fashionwalk. A bit awkward but it shows the different outfits nicely.

>> No.8617785

To the other lurking artist(s) in this thread, what do you think of ordering from Vograce? I really want to honestly but shipping and possible fees are the one thing holding me back.
Would doing a bulk order with other dutch people be a better choice?

>> No.8617796

I've been thinking of suggesting the same thing, but (not hating or anything) I'm not sure how much I trust random strangers off cgl.
Will the shipping really be that bad, I wonder? I mean, people from the US get it shipping internationally as well. Only thing is we have higher customs fees and a higher chance of getting hit with them. What other options to get charms made do we have? Shipping from any other company would kill us as well, and the charms would be more expensive on top of that.
I'm definitely gonna try doing a small run with them (~50 charms?) so if there's a Dutch thread going when I get them, I'll let y'all know how it went. Might be a while tho.

>> No.8617797

*shipped, derp

>> No.8617863

I wouldn't either trust random anons, I'd be more likely to make a aniway post or something. At least a little more trustworthy.

Also Zap creatives is based in England but people have been saying that lately their quality has been bad so I don't think it's a better option either.

>> No.8618097

What teams are competing in the WCS preliminaries at First Look? I'm still debating whether or not I want to go.

>> No.8619640

Anyone going to Elfia this weekend?

>> No.8619675

Would that be 50p of each design? Because you'll never be able to sell that much of one design without expanding to etsy or something. 10 max if you're prepping for a con.

>> No.8619893

I'll be there on Sunday! It's a bit too far away to go the whole weekend.

>> No.8619901

Nah bub, 50 total. I'm gonna test the waters before ordering a whole ton, but ordering less than 50 feels like a waste of shipping. Still figuring out the designs, if I have enough time I think I'll do ~10 different ones.

>> No.8620946

I'm new to lolita etc. and I'd love to join some Dutch Facebook comms/groups. Can you get accepted in those even if your account is kinda empty friend/picture wise? Or is it really for those with already and establed presence?

>> No.8621074

It's not at all only for those with established presence. What they look at is if you seem to be an actual human being with interest in the fashion and if you're not joining for creeper reasons. If you lack in pictures and friends, I advise that on top of a joining request, you send a pm to one of the mods clarifying your situation. Then it shouldn't be a problem. They're really nice!
Come join us anon, our community is great~

>> No.8621214

So can anyone explain to me what's happening in our lovely comm at this moment. I can tell people are angry at one particular person but it seems to be for more reasons than the secret that was posted earlier today.

>> No.8621229

This fashionwalk was pretty cringe-worthy if you ask me

>> No.8621237

>lovely comm
kek. this has to be one of the fakest comms out there

>> No.8621251

it's about that girl with the bodyline skirt right? she got posted on btb and blamed someone who didn't even know her. so she's just blaming random people and is going all LACE and shit with the bullying. more I don't really know, aside from that she's fat

>> No.8621255

going to both! have my halloween dress ready, only the headpiece and I think I'm gonna wear my new AATP OP to behind the mask. and not sure about headwear for btm though

>> No.8621285

But that post is not about her right, but about Chlamydia chan? Why does she think it's about her?

>> No.8621301

idk, maybe because of the skirt

>> No.8621306

It's definitely about Chlamydia-chan, everything matches. Why she would believe it is about her instead and written by someone she doesn't know is beyond me.

>> No.8621421


>> No.8621865

No, it's about another secret. Not the skirt one.

>> No.8622091

About the dramaqueen that's on an anti-bully rampage. Don't we have rules against her behavior? Throwing around baseless accusations, trying to turn people against another etc. This is clearly harassment.

>> No.8622094

Makes it more confusing. If it's about Rosalynn, I feel even more bad for her now that some loudmouth is creating drama "to defend her". There were no other secret about our community this week, right?

>> No.8622101

Yes most conventions do have such rules, they may sound a bit vague but they cover harrasment and false accusations as being a Disturbance of peace and safety (openbare orde, veiligheid en zeden) and Not adhering to these house rules.

But you have to catch the culprit in the act. Anything that happens outside the convention is not the responsibility of the staff.

And unless there is a court-order or a earlier ban or perma-ban on a earlier convention con-staffs can't do much in legal terms to prevent people of entering, they can in that case only ask to stay away.

If the said culprit comes anyway and behaves than there is still not much what they can do.

>> No.8622131

It's such an awful thing to blow up a situation like. For all we know her victim is only telling her half the truth, or is it simply a personal fight between both parties. We can't throw a drama bomb every time someone says a mean thing.

>> No.8622138

The victim doesn't even know the girl who started the drama. I feel bad for her and Rosalynn.

>> No.8622158

Could anyone else completely tell who it was about from the start?

>> No.8622529
File: 300 KB, 2048x1030, 11794282_809736192459133_7913574722788503154_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of the Utrecht fashion walk from back in July in case people were wondering. Also a video:

>> No.8622554

why that?

>> No.8622894

Nah, all comms are fake.

>> No.8622939

The anti-bully girl isn't defending one secret, but just is against bullying in general. Apparently she named someone she thinks is a bully but didn't explain anything in public and we all think 'wtf' at her because of hipocrisy. She never even contacted the girl she name-shamed and it's everything she is actually against. I'm so tired of people creating drama, we all know some secrets are stupid especially fat-shaming (sorry I personally never understand that, obv. fat people know they are fat why would you mention it). And yes we do have all kinds of people in our comm, we just have to try to be accepting and be more talking with eachother personally if you really have a problem.

>> No.8622958

The brazil girl posted a big post about being anti-bullying and anti-btb and all. She then named someone, sort of saying that this person x is a bully who bullied a friend of hers and that if people have a problem they should be open and direct about it and not bully. Nobody knows what brazil-girl is talking about and the rest asks her and tells that naming without explanation doesn't help the situation at all, brazil-girl actually created a situation that is backfiring at her even when she had good intentions. Then brazil-girl thinks that the people who tell her that they don't understand and say that she is actually acting weird for someone who is against bullying, that they are only defending this person x (which they aren't). Brazil-girl blocked some people and posted painful frustration-posts while still not explaining her name-shaming whatsoever. Now everyone thinks she's stupid. The end?

>> No.8623040

God, that Brazilian woman is infuriating. She is not helping anyone, not even the "victim" she is defending. She is just trying to get attention for herself. She made eight posts about bullying. Eight! With many use of @unnecessaryhashtags and CAPSLOCK. And in each she pats herself on the back for stopping bullies and saving the bullied while the only thing she did was escalate the situation. How oblivious can a person be? She made it completely obvious who she was talking about. She got personally involved with drama she had nothing to do with. She involved everyone who are friends with her or the people she tagged in her post, while the situation should have been kept private. She's an absolute embarrassment.

>> No.8623092

^Let's not forget she even called herself the loli-police, like she is some kind of law enforcer for bullies. And 'even thought we dress like little girls, we don't need to act like little girls' was a literal statement on her profile.

>> No.8623993

Yeah ti was amazingly embarassing, I don't know why anyone would act like that, but she has a history of shouting out her opinion like crazy anyway, however, last time I checked shouting things on Facebook doesn't help anything.

>> No.8624186

Anyone else remember her claiming she had been in the fashion since 2003, organised the first meet-ups in Brazil only to be bullied out? I think she said it in a response to the kawaii event drama from last year. I thought this claim was ridiculous as she had asked us earlier if an obvious milanoo sockpuppet was real.

>> No.8624190

I found what I was referring to.

>Ik weet dat deze zelfde situatie zich voordeed bij mij toen ik de eerste lolita meet-ups in Brazilië organiseerde in 2003. Letterlijk exact hetzelfde gebeurde. Toen ben ik voor jaren uit lolita gestapt en gelukkig ben ik nu terug. Maar geconfronteerd worden met mensen die denken dat ze overal maar recht op hebben zijn het ergst. Dat is waarom ik zei dat men zich als een aristocraat kan kleden, maar men zich niet moet gedragen alsof ze boven anderen staan.

Also this comment:
>>WHAT?!?!?! LOL Leyla Ummels Cavusoglu, yo hatter be ylliterate XD god damn people, if you're going to hate hate in style god damn lolita wannabe XD So sad how people want to be cute princesses but are willing to forget all manners a soon as they see the chance. Ugh.... Sorry I had to say this in english, too outraged to try to translate XP

>> No.8624207

I yeah I totally forgot about that, I wonder if any brazilians have actual stories about her or if she just made it up out of jealousy or something.

>> No.8624858

I totally missed this, unfortunately she has me blocked on facebook so I'll have to make do with what you guys tell me. Wondering what the brazillian comm thinks of her...

>> No.8624960


>> Anti-bullying
>> Supporting Leyla

>> No.8625699

She has posted more dumb things.

>'Bullying is unexcusable and I won't stand for it. In a trial you won't expose the victim to the perpetrator if you don't have to. Hence my certainty in doing the right thing''

I mean, really? In any trial a person is allowed to know who is accusing them. How would it otherwise be fair?

>> No.8628614

There are so few meets until the end of October. I'm so bored. I want to hang out with you frilly bitches.

>> No.8629050

Well, we could ask in the lolita comm thread?

>> No.8629084

So who's going to FACTS in Gent? Will be pretty big.

>> No.8631772

I've been wanting to go for years, but no one to go with. I also don't have my drivers license yet. Travel expenses cancel out how cheap the tickets are. (Dutch cons take note.)
Don't they have a discount for cosplayers as well? I love that, though I can imagine it's hard to implement.

>> No.8631776

The cosplay discount is about €4, if I remember correctly.
I have the same problems as you though.
We should save up and go with a group of lonely gulls.

>> No.8632698

I could've taken some of you with me, I'm driving ._.
Next year anons.

>> No.8632741

i'm going

not cgl tho, only came here to find a FACTS thread

will probably spend most of my time on the games

>> No.8634288
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Guess who got posted again. I wish people would give her a break.

>> No.8634307

It's a vendetta, it's all from one person. The same person wants to stir shit in the comm.

>> No.8634333

I hope she can ignore the secrets from this person. Everybody else in the comm adores her and loves how she looks.

>> No.8634569

Such a crappy thing to do. That person's attacking her exactly where they know it will hurt. Really hope they will either kindly fuck off or just get thrown out of the comm soon.
Good thing this girl is surrounded by friends and kind people. She is one of the nicest girls I know. She doesn't deserve this.

>> No.8635377

I'm not active in the comm, but who is this?
Don't think she looks massive at all.
Does anyone know who the vendetta chan is and why they are so mean to this girl?

>> No.8635442

That could be pretty fun though! (Or pretty awkward lol)

>> No.8635552

I can not imagine why anyone in the Dutch comm would do this because she's a sweetie, everyone who knows her knows that, so I don't understand (nor that they actually think this is massive or fat). It's a jelly vendetta.

>> No.8635777

It's probably someone who is extremely jealous. The girl in the secret is friendly, has many lolita friends from all over the world, a successful blog/vlog, travels a lot and I wouldn't be surprised if she is temporary part of street fashion europe. Enough reason for a childish jelly vendetta. I think vendetta chan wants to cause drama. I guess we will find out more in the near future.

>> No.8635799

cat bra

>> No.8635837

It's probably this, but I hope it's not her doing this to herself for attention. A friend of mine who was supposedly being cyberbullied and harassed turned out to have been making the messages herself a while ago so now I'm a bit too sceptical about this stuff.

>> No.8635838

Not talking about Kate btw, this wasn't lolita related.

>> No.8635844

yeah that happens, but I don't think she is the kind of person to do that. And wtf this is not Cat, why are you giving a wrong answer (on purpose?).

>> No.8635847

sorry that was also meant for >>8635799

>> No.8635863

Is it a Dutch person actually? Because of her blog, it could be someone on the other side of the earth.

>> No.8635865

or did you mean Cat is vendetta-chan? That sounds weird, she is quite chubby herself so I don't see any reason why she would do that :S and if so..then there is some weird shit going on.

>> No.8636222

I believe they had some sort of fight. Cat has been sort of weird in her head lately. Though she is usually quiet and shy she seems also capable of lashing out against other people.

>> No.8636233

I just moved to Leiden for University, and I've heard there is a big active loli community in the Netherlands. Are there any cool stores or areas where you can get loli/loliable stuff? I sadly had to leave all my stuff at home because of space issues, but it'd still be fun to see what's around here!

>> No.8637113

In Utrecht there's Summer Tales Boutique who sell really nice handmade stuff as well as some IW.

>> No.8637548

Houten to be precise.

>> No.8638133

Story behind this please?

>> No.8639484

I have nothing Under the Sea themed or anything sea themed in general... How many of you are actually going in the theme to SFE?

>> No.8639532

Sailor is my jam, son! I'm definitely going in theme!

>> No.8639534

I don't have anything either, at least not lolita.

>> No.8639585

I have nothing. For the meet I already had outfits in mind that I had been saving, but it would cost too much to make them sea related and even more to buy whole new outfits.

>> No.8639665

Can I just post a little vent.
I can't post anything on wifi in the train between Venlo and Den Haag. The reason being the "ISP, IP range, or country has been blocked due to abuse."
Did some lolbroek ruin it for the rest of us. Wifi in the train is already horrible enough.

>> No.8639841

Am I too late getting a table for tsunacon to sell art?

>> No.8640726

Did anyone else see the delicious dramu on cosplay nl?

>> No.8641903

Unfortunately, I only saw the beginning :(

>> No.8641908

Also what is the price of a table? I couldn't find it on the site.

>> No.8642020

Where'd you get the idea that you're too late? Registrations haven't closed yet by the looks of it. Also, read the page, it says right there you'll get all the info after you've filled out the application form. That's how you'll know the price of a table.
Fill out that form, anon, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.8642024

Just kind of worried, first time so that's why. I'm getting to used to seeing my american friends needing to apply to tables immediately or else they're gone, sometimes I forgot it's very different here.

I'll apply then!

>> No.8642028

Some dumb cunt did the same at my uni

>> No.8642494

Who's going to Tomofair?

>> No.8642502

Any caps?

>> No.8642678
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Do it anon! It's my first time too. I'm pretty sure there's a few of us in this thread who are trying out at Tsunacon. Exciting stuffs!

>> No.8643880

wich one is better, abunai or anime con? I'm doubting wich one to go to next year.

>> No.8643885

Imagine a row of salty seagull artists at tsunacon.. that would be amazing

>> No.8643889


>> No.8643967

Abunai for the parties, anime for the wank material.

>> No.8644019

me with my bf and 2 friends.

>> No.8644939

No, but you should ask someone who commented on the post. The should have a copy in their mail, that Facebook always sends if you respond to a post.

>> No.8646238

So the Dutchs cons don't have an amazing reputation, afaik, except maybe animecon. Are there any cons near the Dutch borders that are amazing? Do any of you gulls travel abroad for cons?

>> No.8646244

Personally I don't, not so much because I don't want to, but because of the costs. It isn't impossible by any means I know enough people who do so but since I generally go alone, I don't want to invest a lot of money into ending up walking around all lonely.

>> No.8647148

So how's tomofair going?

>> No.8647185

Yeah wasn't Tomofair like really commented on last year? I still see lots of people going though.

>> No.8647208

Anyone else think Juliette and Justine is kind off an odd choice for guest designer for an event in the Netherlands? I only know a few people owning a dress from them.

>> No.8647238
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TomoFair is fun.. really crowded (well, if you didn't pay 2,50 euros for a ticket, you could always get a bunch of free tickets by doing this facebook thing).
I guess it's the entry-level con.
Altough most people were bored after 15 minutes. We tried to stretch it to an hour, but then we left.

At least they had free WiFi.

>> No.8647256


Expensive food, long lines for food... And when you see Survey Corps hijabs, you just know: AoT is the new Naruto.

>> No.8647317
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It's pretty crowded. I like the floor layout a lot more than last year, but once again the stands by the wall are super crowded and difficult to pass by never mind look at. They could've easily moved them to the middle like, one meter more.
More food choice is nice. But pretty friggin overpriced again.

Not many artists. Sadface.

>> No.8647332

I'm sitting out until it actually ends but only because we're going out for dinner at the best place ever with some vendor friends. At least they some form of lectures/workshops last year, I died of boredom after 5 minutes.

>> No.8647517

Some of the paths were really crowded, and with people coming from both directions and weebs not knowing that such places aren't a succesfull place to take pictures and hold conversations for hours, it turned into one gaint clusterfuck.

>> No.8647768

Considering it's primarly an event for lolitas from all over European, it's only you.

>> No.8648648

I think secret 38 is about her.

>> No.8648661

It's a cat in a bra, of course it is about her. People are seriously pissed off because of her behavior. Making secrets isn't the only thing she did.

>> No.8648908

any details?

>> No.8650623

It's not gonna happen, anon. Most of what she's pulled is way too personal. Maybe people will come forward with their stories when she publicly fucks up, until then I think people are too afraid her friend group will gang up on her because of, dare I say it, bullying.

>> No.8650629

>gang up on her.
gang up on them. Dangit.

>> No.8650638

I don't think most will, a lot of people can already tell she has been a bit off. Anaclara by herself would be worse enough. She already thinks of herself as a bully crimefighter...

>> No.8651001


>> No.8651157

Who will go in theme to UtS? I fear Under the Sea will have the same 5 prints be worn by everyone. Regalia had an easier theme and yet people still wore the same prints. I can't even come up with 5 sea-themed prints. I know Angelic Pretty has a few, there is Krad Lanrete's jellyfish dress and a few Taobao brands with sea themed dresses. I don't want to wear pirate or sailor either (neither of which are under the sea anyway, unless they are either swimming or drowning).

>> No.8651286

Oh come on, clearly the theme is sea-related, not specifically everything UNDER the sea.

>> No.8654366

Yeah. NOR is it a must to always obviously wear something for the theme. I mean it's nice but nobody says you have to and you probably won't be the odd one out.

>> No.8654394

Do we even have cosplay in our kleine koude kikkerlandje?
Asides from, you know, game cons

>> No.8654439

Under what rock have you been living?

>> No.8654446

Is anyone attending the putumayo tea party at dokomi next year? I consider joining, but I wonder how many english speaking people will be there?

>> No.8654559 [DELETED] 

There's plenty, and also drama, but it's all on facebook because people don't care about being anonymous anymore. Which is a good thing, I suppose, in a way.

>> No.8654564

There's plenty, and also drama, but it's all on facebook because people don't care about being anonymous anymore. Which is a good thing, I suppose, in a way.

>> No.8654804
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>Anonymous 10/05/15(Mon)09:35:35 No.8650638 ▶
I will keep count of how many girls wear this jetj dress

>> No.8654896

german lolitas can speak decent english (went to a german teaparty and I could communicate fairly well). I'll probably not be going, as germany is still quite far to travel to and it's not worth the 3 hour party

>> No.8655914

My friend and I are planning to go sea-themed.
And tbh I don't care if others will be wearing the same print as I.

>> No.8656239

Generally people in north/west Europe speak English pretty well, especially the younger ones.

>> No.8657583

the rock that is called a fulltime job
I just want the time to make a space marine suit for the glory of the emporer but the money game rediculous

Is it cosplay or lolita that's big here tho? I think my main issue is that I don't know where to look
I was afraid of that, I just cannot for the love of me summon enough interest in social media to actually interact with it so maybe that's why I'm having a hard time finding stuff about it

>> No.8659085

You also have the Aniway forum. It isn't strictly cosplay alone, but it could help keeping a little bit.

>> No.8659314

If you gots the money, you don't gots the time, and the other way around. I know your pain.

Our lolita community is relatively large for how small of a country we are. Our cosplay community seems of alright size as well. I've heard people say our cosplayers aren't very good, apart from a small group that's head and shoulders above the rest. But that's only what I've heard from others. Maybe people more active in that community want to comment on that further.

>> No.8659487

WCS 2016, what does cgl think?

>> No.8659515

I love the choice simply because the guy is so tall it opens up loads of interesting costume combinations. I hope they play on it as an advantage. Also nice to see new people, considering every other pair had at least one person who's participated in international finals already, I think? Marlies & Lidy, Kireus, GirlWonder, Paraluna, and I think EnvoySoldier did something? Not sure about her partner.

Also isn't the guy from the winning pair who did Walpurgis at Animecon? Because that was seriously cool with his height. Speaking as an envious shorty here.

>> No.8660409

I'm also very happy with the choice.
It's a good thing at the WCS to stand out a little.... and I'm sure they do this year. Also Elfmist seems like a very creative guy.

The only thing I might be worried about is that Yaraiya might be a bit overlooked next to Elfmist as he naturally draws the most attention. I really hope they can overcome this and stand great as a team!

>> No.8660518

What is the Dutch lolita comm like?

>> No.8660522

Just signed up for a table at Tsunacon, if I get it it'll my first time tabling.

Wish me luck fellow dutchies.

>> No.8660927

My main language is mainly English, but that doesnt stop me from going to the tea party.

hopefully you do go and have plenty of fun, anon

>> No.8660932

Pretty nice, no lolcows, no big drama, no itas galore. Plenty meets and usually one big tea party hosted by Summertales Boutique yearly.

>> No.8663139

Pretty pleased with the winners.

>> No.8666054

Did anyone go to Firstlook? I heard it was pretty bad, any inside info?

>> No.8666318

I was there and I have some very mixed feelings about First Look (like most people seem to have).

I don't think it was that bad as a gaming convention.
I was a little disappointed that the entire venue was quite small. Also they didn't have too many really interesting games in my opinion. It's a lot of the same first shooter stuff and other things I already played everywhere else. Some of the games I wanted to see were really hard to find or not existent at all.

The real problem was that the cosplay events were handled quite poorly by the First Look organization. They apparently promised a big stage for the WCS prelim but it was packed with computers and screens, which could not be removed.
You could really see that most of the teams had some big trouble managing the small space on stage.
The cosplay ville and it's stage itself wasn't too exciting as well. I felt like the staff of animecon and abunai really tried to make something nice but First Look itself couldn't care less.

So yeah... when you're interested in that particular type of games they show it's a great event but it's probably not a good event for cosplay

>> No.8666351

Did you also got bothered by the amount of 'reporters'?
We got questioned by them quite a lot and they never asked if we even wanted to be filmed. They just showed up en put the camera in front of your face. Some of the questions were also really wierd. Never had that happen before at an Anime convention.

>> No.8666602

Now that you mention it. I was asked some questions by some 'reporters'. but apperently I was lucky as they mostely asked politely, if it was alright to film and also the questions they asked me were quite basic like: "What is cosplay?" "Why do you cosplay".

I only saw only one 'reporter team', which shoved the camera into my face without asking but I gave them a mean look so they didn't ask me any questions.

>> No.8670155

The Dutch comm is nice. The comm members are nice. There is usually one meet each month, sometimes more. Are you a new lolita? It's better to go to a smaller meet the first time. You are more likely to make friends then. The comm is quite big for such a small country. I believe there are 100 active lolitas. We have some really young lolitas, some older lolitas and everything in between (13 year ~ 40 years). Most of lolitas are students. There is no big drama, just small drama from time to time.

>> No.8670680

Does anyone know when Tsunacon sends out emails to confirm if you got a table or not? I mean it's probably after they close registration but I have no idea when that is.

>> No.8674523

Just send them a mail with that question.

>> No.8674544

I'll be in Amsterdam next week and wondering if there are any lolitas interested in going to the zoo Friday?

>> No.8676340

Are you Dutch or travelling internationally?

>> No.8677243

English traveller

>> No.8677817

I most say, Artis isn't really that great. I would rather choose another activity.
But you could of course send a message to the mods of the Dutch Lolitas (official Facebook group).

>> No.8679283

What is Nichicon like? I've been asked to come by some friends, but I have never been there before. Is it worth going to?

>> No.8680985
File: 5 KB, 310x310, loop turner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if this belongs in the help thread but I expect I might be more likely to get help here. Can someone tell me what loop turners (pic related) are called in Dutch? My google-fu is failing me.

>> No.8681425

to keep this thread alive, I went to Cyarine's instagram and everything looks so.. same-y. It's not even bad it's just that nothing really pops out and only the faces ever have any detail.

Also just to keep more dutch artists talk going on, who else is aiming for a table at tsunacon?

>> No.8681609

Me, with a friend. I'm the one in the artist alley thread that dared post the mami charm, if people wanna check that out. Y'all seemed interested in other people's art in the previous thread.

I'm debating what to bring. If what other people say is right, prints hardly sell at all on the Dutch market. But since it's my first time selling, it's a financial risk to invest in a table full of charms and buttons and the like.

>> No.8681684

I saw that and I think it looked pretty good, though I would recommend doing those colour edits since they add a lot, and I think would look way better when printed.

As for items, I'm not too sure either. I mean I'm still waiting to hear if I get a table but I'll probably work on prints as well.
And yeah tsunacon is only a day long too, so I don't want to risk ending up with 50 unsold charms or something.

What service are you planning on using for your charms? I want to get them from Vograce but I'm not too sure how durable those are even if they're super cheap to get done. I really like the fact you can have them give your charms packaging with printed backing too though..

>> No.8682506

Lol yeah trust me I'll be working on the colours some more.

I'm planning on Vograce, yeah. I think all other services have high shipping because Europe (save for Zap but they get bad reviews). Considering we'll probably sell less at a lower margin than US folk, I don't think it's worth it for now to make a bigger investment for higher quality charms. We'll see how Tsunacon goes first.

This might be one of those things that's so obscure there is no Dutch name for it. But when googling "loop turner Nederlands" I actually found a few for sale in Dutch online stores, so there's that.

>> No.8682664

I have one from Prym and in german it would be wendel nadel, so in dutch you could call it omkeernaald, but I would go for loop turner and just search for the brand name Prym with it. and just a warning: it's really difficult to use in the beginning, but if you get it, it's really easy.

>> No.8682821

Same, I want to get them packaged there too since it saves the hassle of doing it yourself for a decent price. I also like how packaged charms look.

>> No.8682899

Yup I'm definitely asking them what the fancier packaging costs! I've got RSI so I've got to be careful with fiddly work like re-packaging charms. If I can outsource that, then yes please.

>> No.8682926
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Fancier packaging? Do they have that too? Good luck regardless! I can't wait to see how they turn out.

I want to have packaging done like pic related, I love how it looks.

>> No.8683029

Oh, not fancy, but like, printed cardboard backing. They only do two sizes, both kinda bookmark-shaped, but that's fine by me really.

Do post your charms as well when they come in! I'm curious too! And let's meet at Tsunacon if we both get accepted.

>> No.8683064

Ah okay, That's fine by me though, because I just want to have a cute bg with my website on it. But I just think it adds a lot when you sell them.

And sure! I still need to draw them and all because I've been busy, but tsunacon isn't till February and Vograce is pretty fast. I'd love to trade charms too if we get accepted!

>> No.8684510

Bump because I don't want this thread to die

>> No.8685682

Yes, let's!

I agree wholeheartedly, but we've had a pretty good run now with three threads in a row. I don't think there's a lot to post about anymore.
Might be nice to keep this alive until MGC and the lolita halloween event, to discuss those!

>> No.8686789

>niemand spreekt nederlands
Normaal kom ik hier nooit maar wat een kankerzooi is dit zeg.

>> No.8686824

I'm visiting Amsterdam for a few days; anywhere it's recommended I visit? I can't make it all the way to Summer Tales Boutique, but I've heard there's a fairly large Chinatown. Are there many kawaii shops there?

>> No.8686830

wat verwacht je van 4chan. kom alleen maar voor de roddels

>> No.8686858

Summer tales boutique is not that far by train though!
Sorry I cannot give you any tips, I have only been to Amsterdam 3/4 times or so.

>> No.8686864

Omdat elke keer als men Nederlands gaat spreken, de helft van de posts het woord kanker hebben

>> No.8686950

Engels zou een betere taal zijn met meer kanker.

>> No.8687055

Not really. There are a lot of vintage shops in the 'Negen straatjes'. But that's about it, I think...

>> No.8687058


>> No.8689851

Is anyone here going to MGC?

>> No.8689880
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>dvw vd

>> No.8689883

Alleen de /b/kindjes doen dat, de echte NEDERDRAAD op /int/ is veel beter.

>> No.8690015

Cosplay in Nederland zou ik me dood schamen, in Duitsland is de sfeer iets toleranter en vrolijker.

>> No.8691624

Maybe you should write in English.

>> No.8691700

Not the anon, but I guess he says that NL < GER, because the Germans are more tolerant and less butthurt.

>> No.8692063

This is probably some cheap bait but I'll take it.

As someone, who knows the German AND the Dutch Community very well for a few years I can say this is absolute bullshit.

Both communities are pretty much equal in cosplay (and photography) drama and butthurt.
The only real difference is that Dutch drama is on facebook and German drama is on animexx.

Cosplayers just love drama, gossip and bitching over others. No matter where they live. The tolarance really depends on the people you hang out with.
Maybe you have just been hanging out with the wrong Dutch people?

>> No.8692638

>being this dumb.

>> No.8694274

Did anyone go to the lolita halloween party? What was it like?

>> No.8695189

Saw some pictures on fb, holy shit, did the organiser actually show up in a sweater?

>> No.8695195

yep she did


overall it wasn't too bad, I had fun. best part were the lucky packs, really sweet that everyone got one (there were VIP LP's and normal ones). was a bit chaotic, like we didn't know the schedule of the events. attendees were half weaboo dressed and other half decent. fashion contest was kinda unfair, 3rd and 2nd place weren't really justified, but first place definitely was. workshop wasn't really interesting, making bracelets with cheap ribbon isn't really my thing. location was cute, they held it at christeline fashion's shop location, they really did make an effort to decorate the place.

wouldn't go again next year if it will be at the same location or the same activities.

>> No.8695312

How many people were there?

>> No.8695322

Yes, I'm really starting to question it now, I mean..seriously..what's up with her?

I really had mixed feelings. The food and decorations were fine, but some things like the fashion show (without any comment on what was presented..) and the lack of planning/schedule for the visitors. The people helping out weren't looking very good (at least the cook had some halloween inspired accessories) and the luckypacks and raffle prices were very random from indie designers and a bit of hit or miss. I think they were going for lolita halloween for 'normal' people or something. It sure wasn't glam or sparkly special or anything, just a nice afternoon but I don't think it was worth the price honestly so next time I'll only go another time if it's cheaper.

>> No.8695379

So, uh, what actually happened? What was presented during the fashion show? (I'm seeing some pictures over at loli police's page, are they of the fashion show?) Any deets on the workshop, and the stalls (if any)?

>> No.8695581

It was either girls wearing a Christeline piece or an accessory which they sell I think..or I did not see it because it wasn't presented (with someone telling what was worn), they just walked and of course I get that you have fashion shows where girls just walk, but that's usually when it's clear (which) new pieces are shown. So in some cases it was clear because I knew the item and in some others I didn't really know what or why it was in the fashion show. But I'm not sure what is normal or not, so maybe it's just my point of view.

Workshop was just a table with a bunch of cheap sweet charms and a chain and pliers and some ribbon. It's cute for people who like it or have never done it, but they did the same as their last event I think? And also not very great for those who don't wear sweet lolita. It was 'hosted' by a jewelry-woman who has her own atelier in the same building I think? The cat-shaped bags in the luckypack were from her as well (can someone explain what's so lolita-ish about that? I get that we have odd-shaped bag sometimes..but only really if you have a cat-themed outfit this would make sense..it felt more like they needed to get rid of it).

Stalls were two tables, one of Medusa Couture, who I felt very bad for because she came all this way for only a small group of people. And only two people bought something I think.
The other one was from a local comm girl who makes necklaces and bracelets and took commissions at her table. That, and Christeline's atelier/shop was open of course. I don't know why there weren't any more, maybe because there was no space or because people weren't interested in being a vendor?

I don't exactly how many people were there. Maybe like 25-30.

>> No.8696715

Are there any other three-day long conventions in Holland like Abunai and Acon?

>> No.8697637

Thanks for the write-up anon. There were plenty of people curious about this. It's about what I expected. I feel bad for Medusa Couture as well...

Abunai and Anime are the only three day ones afaik, unless you count Elfia and Castlefest. There's a few two day ones like Nishicon and Dutch Comic Con but that's it.

>> No.8697698 [DELETED] 

I've noticed is a lot shorter than we were told before. I'll spend more time in the train than it's open. Why the change?

>> No.8697701

I've noticed BTM is a lot shorter than we what we were told before. I'll spend more time in the train than I'll spend at the event. Why the change?

>> No.8698799

ah so if I wanna party with geeks, it'll just be acon and abunai then?

>> No.8698983

maybe ask the organization?

>> No.8699427
File: 26 KB, 220x192, Nobunaga Concerto 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright everyone.

I'm a Dutch student from Leiden who's looking for a gf. Imo I'm a 6-6.5/10.
If someone's interested in a date in Leiden (maybe go to the Jumbo and sit in the park/at the central station), that would be awesome.

>> No.8699446
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 11707546_963335397062378_3202239523831115059_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there more people here who had shit with this girl? I heard she backstabbed a lot of people by telling them they're her friend but telling shit about them to others and only use them by let them make her cosplays. And she is a cheating bitch who got at least 2 relationships at the same time and starts kissing other people because they are the other part of "her ship"

>> No.8699488


oh hey, I know that girl (sort of). she is/was (?) a best friend of an ex-friend of mine and I vaguely picked up some of those stories too. didn't really get involved much, as I don't cosplay. don't really know from who you heard the stories, but if it's this girl's 'best' friend, she ain't trustable either with her bawling about her 'sickness'

>> No.8699490

You surely put a lot of thought into that date

>> No.8699503


I heard it from about 10 different people and she tried things (like flirting while she was in a relation ship and trying to get me against a friend) to me as well but I didn't bait

>> No.8699513

which school and which bachelor/master?

>> No.8699573

Leiden uni, Political Science. Thinking about switching to HBO Informatica next year, not sure tho.

Are you interested? I don't really care if you're fat or not desu, it would be nice to have had a first date in my life.

>> No.8699591

I tend to go by my personal rule of no contact with people directly from 4chan.

Also depending on your interests it shouldn't be impossible finding a nice girl in Leiden.

>> No.8699613

I see. Too bad I'm not Chad Thundercock, otherwise I would have stood a chance.

And I don't think so, I'm average and I'm a Moroccan Dutch guy, so in women's eyes I'm a 5/10 or less. I barely have any hobbies, so it's impossible to find a nice girl in Leiden as I'm a boring introvert.

Thanks for considering though, really appreciate it!

For the girls who are interested: post a pastebin link with your skype and I'll add you :)

>> No.8699626

>Moroccan Dutch guy
yeah that's struggle number one

Also going on date with people you find on a 4chan board about clothes and drama doesn't seem like the best idea in the world

>> No.8699742

Do dutch people go on real dates? I was under the impression they just get drunk and make-out

>> No.8699753

are you joking

>> No.8699797

I need a serious response senpai.

>> No.8700612

>I see. Too bad I'm not Chad Thundercock, otherwise I would have stood a chance.
/r9k/ pls go

>> No.8700732

no I´m not joking. I asked my dutch friends and they said they ´´scharelen´´ before it turns into a relationship. I´m from a culture where we go out on dinner dates and they said that is awkward and too serious if you´re not in a relationship yet. Maybe it´s because all of my Dutch friends are in their early twenties.

>> No.8700733

Usually you have a friend or aquiantance who you kind of like. You either make a move ("scharrelen') or you ask them how they feel about you and a relationship. Dinnerdates or for couples here mostly, or maybe for tinder dates, idk

>> No.8700777

Southern neighbour here, probably responding to troll but...
some relationships start by being both drunk because you're too shy to admit you like eachother.
Others start by one person asking the other person out on a date, like dinner and movies or something. You don't have to say date, just say something like "hey wanna go to the movies with me sometime?" Just ask a grill, it's not that hard.

>> No.8700801

thank god yes there are a lot of people who really go on dates. Be an awesome person and just ask the one you like if he/she/they want to do something!

>> No.8700805

Maybe your Dutch friends are just a bit immature? "Scharrelen" is basically fucking around without a real romantic relationship (may or may not include actual fucking) and is most commonly done by older high school students and younger college students who want to get ass without having to put in any effort towards a relationship. I have never seen a successful relationship develop from "scharrelen". People who are older or just not into fucking around with strangers definitely do go on dates, it's totally normal.

>> No.8700810

>whiny /r9k/ beta virgin
Yup, sounds like you're gonna die alone. The only Dutch women that are into Moroccans are into assertive douchebags who belittle them, not pathetic virgins who have to beg for dates on 4chan.

>> No.8700880

My offer still stands desu ;_;

>> No.8700892

Maybe you should go to cons so you can casually meet people with the same hobby and get to know them before asking them out on dates? 4chan is not the best place for this.

>> No.8700895

Yeah but I know from experience that doesn't just work either for types like me and him lol

>> No.8701077

All of my sublings and friends got succesful relationships by scharrelen

>> No.8701083


>> No.8701299

Maybe not totally the same but I have a Turkish Dutch boyfriend. We met through mutual friends and we had the same interests (games, anime etc).
I think if a girl likes you, being maroccan is not a problem. Don't give up hope anon, but do not come off as despirate. That is a gaint turn-off

>> No.8702268

As long as you don't act like a nektas pauper (you know, those guys with bontkraagjes, petjes and a big mouth) you should be alright.
These guys give the Morrocan community a bad reputation, unfortunately you'll get tainted by the same brush.
Many people can look past that though.
Girls will notice you are a nice guy if you are nice to them and treat them with respect.
But first you need to meet girls, ones that are willing to give you the time of day, I get your struggle.
Go to some cons, have fun and meet people.
Maybe you'll find your girl there?

>> No.8702886

hey, moroccan guys can be pretty cute in my opinion, don't worry that much. i'm not sure if i'm looking for a bf right now but if you wanna talk drop your skype here.

>> No.8703943

Awesome, didn't expect that.
My skypename is 'theyassin469' (without the ' ' of course)

>> No.8704012

All I know from her is that one moment she can be nice to you, and the other moment she is a total bitch. From what I can remember is that she seemed to be involved in a fuss within the cosplay comm, however I don't know the details.

>> No.8704440

yas aub

>> No.8704509

Hey, I know her. Sorta. Not very well though, everything in your post is news to me.

>> No.8706541

Who's going to Behind the Mask?

>> No.8706544

I'm going! I finally found the right mask that matches my coord, haha

>> No.8708499

Different subject.

What do we think about the dutch cosplaygroups ? First time abunai and I saw a lot of group cosplay couples. are there many groups in NL ? I really liked those MMMC guys. Also saw a bunch of girls dressed as tekken characters who really looked good.

>> No.8708505

I'm going but I have no clue what to wear. Nothing in my wardrobe fits the theme.

Also, who managed to grab tickets to Under the Sea? What days are going? Is VIP worth it?

>> No.8708598

I got a GA ticket for Saturday.

>> No.8708633

I'm going! This time I know what to wear, normally I'm clueless around this time before a meet-up.

Both days, I've got a VIP & TP ticket. I already have an idea for the TP outfit, still no idea for the Saturday. I think VIP is worth the price, especially when go to the event for shopping. Then you have more chance to get the clothes/accessories you want. I went to a few bigger events and I was always very happy with the goody bag.

>> No.8708718


I am going vip!

>> No.8708856

I'm so happy people set up an unofficial under the sea teaparty. I would have gotten a ticket for uts, but having to buy a weekend ticket for if you just want to go on sunday...

>> No.8710143

There are some cool groups indeed. MMMC is indeed one of them.
With the Tekken group I guess you mean PRISM. They seem more distant than they really are, nice to chat with.
I also like Sugoi-cos. These girls seem to have a lot of fun when you see them on stage. Rumour is that abunai screwed them over last year and reversed the judges decision because they won too much which made them stop going on stage there. Too bad because they are always funny.
Barring the duo groups or thing that last only a year, did I miss one?

>> No.8711208

Is there any easy way to find people or groups to go to cons with? I used to go with my ex but our relationship ended and none of my friends are into anime or cosplay..

>> No.8711309

I know some of my con friends have used forums to get people to join our "group" (a bunch of Ace Attorney cosplayers). After that they usually join the Facebook chat group we set up.

>> No.8714204

What's with all those people lately who think they can get cosplayers/geeks for some random program.

>> No.8715082


>> No.8715106

Are there any lolita's doing something special for International Lolita Day in december? I'm new so I don't know anything about meets and such.

>> No.8715779

>>doing something on Sinterklaas
I don't think there will be meets.

>> No.8717562

Who went to Nishicon?

>> No.8717680

How long does it take for Tsunacon to get back at an email?
I've send one almost two weeks ago, got the automatic "we received it" mail but haven't heard anything since.

>> No.8718330

I went yesterday. I didn't really do anything there but had fun seeing friends again.

>> No.8718795

I went to nishicon today, but holy fuck that was just terrible. The only decent part was the merchandise hall, and that was mostly the same as tomofair.
The main stage was cringeworthy, I don't know how it was yesterday, but this was just terrible and the fucking show host went apeshit violent at one point about how some volleyball cosplayers were throwing a ball inside the hall.
The maid cafe girls were pretty cute but the food was just storebought cheap and that was pretty disappointing.
The event rooms were just depressing and some of the people were huge attention seekers.

I don't know if anyone saw the Kurumi clock cosplaying girl, but she was hella adorable though.

I thought tomofair was bad, but for that price, I figured you couldn't expect much. But seeing as nishicon cost like 7 times as much, I was expecting it at least to be better, but it was maybe even worse.

>> No.8719111


I was there both days. Sunday was lazy boring day, I missed the show host drama that everyone was talking about. Saturday was a bit better. Liked the j-fashion show, lots of models wearing all kind of styles and I like the fact that they have those little acts. Didn't see many good cosplayers. Concert was mwah. Maybe I am getting old but the whole con had a playground feel to it.

>> No.8720964

I don't know, but I'm getting a little tired of Tsunacon being unable to send a simple fucking e-mail. I've asked them if they could mail me three times through facebook now. Each time they tell me someone will get back to me soon. I've received nothing.
I've filled in the form. I just want some information about tabling. How hard can it be??

>> No.8720970

Oh god that's exactly why I emailed them too. I filled in the form and nothing. No email about information or them even receiving it.
So I've send an email to make sure they even got my form at all, and nothing.

I know it's not a huge con but SOMEONE must be checking those emails right? Like I have to know if I should start producing work for merchandise and prints and shit.

>> No.8721013

Exactly. I know a friend of mine (who is a dealer, not an artist) applied right when it opened and she got a reply one or two weeks later. And I KNOW they check facebook messages (as good as) daily, because they reply pretty quickly. So what gives? I assume they just need to send out some pdf with information. I don't get it.

>> No.8722200

I'm so annoyed, I mean there's fuckall information on the site itself, I don't even know how much a table is etc.

I mean it's mid-February, it's only 3 months away and we don't even know if we're allowed to table yet. Or even if there's a deadline to when applying closes and results are send out.

>> No.8723155

Come on guys, you have not paid attention to their organization unless you have never been there before: All they do is take as much money for a little effort as possible.

Compare it to other 1 day conventions: there is more to do on those with less visitors and for a lower price. For 20 euros you get:
a dealerroom
a gameroom with the latest games of last millenium
3 rooms with workshops, each with a maximum capacity of 20 people
A large room for their cosplay comptition of whatever it should be, with a 300 people max limit
some food corner which has a line so long that it is better to go to the city, eat there and go back, twice..

They have like 2000 visitors, but I do not see it spent on the convention.
But, fuck it, I will go again this year.

>> No.8723167

Are you talking about Tsunacon?

>> No.8724712

Soooo did anyone here go to Behind the Mask? What did you think?

>> No.8724800

I found it really nice! I loved the dance workshop, the guy who taught us was really nice. the food was nice too. only downside was the stairs of the location, I found them quite scary (but I'm not fond of stairs anyway)

>> No.8725026

It's been two weeks and Tsunacon still hasn't replied to my email.

What's wrong with their organization? I'm trying to get a table, don't even know when they'll decide, nor do they give any information about the specifics or costs.

Get your shit together Tsunacon

>> No.8726169

Is this just Dutch lolita related or also cosplay?

>> No.8726988

>>8720964 and >>8721013 here, I messaged them on facebook again and finally got an e-mail. Apparently they sent one before but I never received it? Anyway, I just got an registration form. No information package or anything. Apparently there isn't one for artists lol
Tables are 25 each if anyone wants to know. No idea if that's for one or two people. I guess I'll just have to e-mail them again!

>> No.8727109

Advice for first time in Netherlands for 2016 Animecon?