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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 499 KB, 939x825, spirithalloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8600295 No.8600295 [Reply] [Original]

Planning your Halloween costumes yet, /cgl/?

>> No.8600306

I always have mixed reactions to halloween costumes.
I never dressed as a slut for halloween when I was younger because I was fat.
Now that i'm skinny, I kinda want to.
Plus I kinda like some of the costumes.

but at the same time
>muh accuracy
Although I want a chance to show off my cosplays, I don't want them to get ruined.

>> No.8600401

im doing the same thing i do every year. Taking the costumes I was too poor/busy to have done in time for Comic Con, Finishing them to the least acceptable standard and going out to get drunk.

This year its judge dredd. with a €200 helmet and cardboard shoulders, yippie

>> No.8600418

Follow your dreams, anon.

>> No.8600445
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I kinda wanna go as pic, but Halloween is too normie around here and I'd most likely get my head kicked in

>> No.8600450

I might be at a con for Halloween weekend so I'll already be in costume but if I am not, then I dont know yet. Probably still Sailor Mars.

I like tacky, bad quality costumes for Halloween even if I know better. It's still fun. Not for that price though

>> No.8600568

I'm thinking of just going as Red from Pokemon for halloween. It's a cheap and easy costume, and I'm making pokeball cakepops for the family party so it all goes nicely together.

>> No.8600612

I won't have time to make a costume this year, so I bought some cute pajamas off of Ebay (I posted them in that thread). I'm going to be Mama Bear, my infant son will be Baby Bear, and after Halloween we can continue using the costumes as cute fucking PJs.

Next year, though, if I have time to make something, I kind of want to do Nidoqueen and Nidoran.

>> No.8600623
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As far as plans go I have the birthday/halloween party of a friend, Im just going to wear a "fancy cat" coord since I wasnt able to make a themed coord like I wanted.
>Pic related

>> No.8600629

then eat them


>> No.8600633
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>> No.8600638
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I'm thinking about going out as Either Doo-rag or Doo-cloth.

>> No.8600645

You gotta read the situation, it's true.

>> No.8600647

Just a question: what do you guys think of people "cosplaying" for Halloween? Like full on makeup, nice/decent quality costumes ? I probably saw one actual cosplay costume for Halloween walking around that wasn't part of a costume contest event

>> No.8600649
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My friends have a party each year and we agree on a theme. This year it's monsters (specifically ones from different periods).

I'm going with a tengu (bird-faced version) since I have a lot of older Asian-themed costumes that I could repurpose because I have no plans to rewear them at this point.

>> No.8600651
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>mfw found out I work late that day

>> No.8600664

Eh it's fun, why not? Last year I wore my Wang Fire. As long as it doesn't take 2+ hours to get into, just another excuse to wear your cosplays.

>> No.8600673
File: 293 KB, 1125x1500, Suck my diiiiick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be a slutty shark.

But do I want to go with a Yandy costume or do I want to wear lingerie of my shark kigu.

>> No.8600678

That should say over my shark kigu

>> No.8600680

>local con is having con on halloween weekend
>can't wear shitty halloween costume and give out kids to candy bc i'll be at con instead


>> No.8600694

>live in out of the way house surrounded by old people
>no one ever stops to trick or treat
>still go out with decorations and buying candy

The first kid who shows up is going to get, like half of what I buy in candy.

Otherwise I will have to eat it all.

>> No.8600699

Shit this reminds me that I just saw students at the college I teach at walking around in their kigurumis during the day. Was surreal. Wonder what Halloween will look like on campus.

>> No.8600706

Probably a cute maid. I've learned that the best way to get attention on Halloween is to not try to compete with the sexy, but to be the one person in a cute costume instead.

>> No.8600708

>kids to candy

Jesus, anon.

>> No.8600709

>no friends
>lame neighbourhood
>spend halloween at home doing nothing

>> No.8600716

>give kids to candy
We must appease the candy beast by sacrificing the children

>> No.8600718

f u ck

>> No.8600725

>Go as a slut character
Problem solved

On that note, I feel bad for normie ladies costumes, they're so cheap/slutty

>> No.8600742
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easy mode

>> No.8600793

I just got that fox outfit from ops image at a thrift store today.
It was like 5 dollars.

Anyhow, I bought a suit of armor a few years ago and I usually like to wear it in different outfits for halloween. Last year was a rogue and I think this year I'll go battlemage.

>> No.8601167

This thread reminded me of a Halloween store at the mall that NO JOKE has costumes from the early 90's.

It was fucking weird.

>> No.8601195
File: 105 KB, 634x781, article-2467596-18D8A16D00000578-617_634x781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people are prolly gonna think this is stupid but I'm gonna be dexter for halloween in his butcher outfit. Just a female version, not slutty. gonna cover it with blood splatters too.Taking my little sister trick-or-treating so I have an excuse, haha.

>> No.8601236
File: 147 KB, 520x424, damnwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My work allows us to dress up on Halloween so im probably going to go as pic related since being scary is against the rules.
Also just moved to the front of my neighborhood so im expecting to be hit hard by trick or treaters this year.
I have some harem pants from a free! cosplay i did that i was considering making into a generic gene costume but i was worried that someone at work might get offended or something dumb like that.

>> No.8601244

come with me anon. we can do something fun :)

>> No.8601420

I can't decide between a witch or a vampire in nameless poem. I'm leaning towards vampire because I can't find any decent black witch hats and I'm not that crafty.

>> No.8601429

>be into lolita but been too much of an insecure pussy to wear it outside since loner and no comm
>figure Halloween is my best opportunity to go out undetected
>oh wait, I have no friends and therefore no chance of getting invited to a party
I have no idea if clubs/pubs usually put on Halloween events but even if they did I'd feel uncomfortable going since a drunkard could spill alcohol on my precious $200+ burando and then laugh it off saying `its only $10 Halloween costume!`

>> No.8601445

I kinda want to be Kate bush from the withering heights mv. Also just want to be some sort of generic but cutely made witch or devil or ghost. Or maybe make a witch or devil loli coord, although it would be my first coord I'm determined to find a party to go to this year because last Halloween i was depressed and took zzquill and went to sleep at like 9pm ugh. My sister invited me to her party w Japanese exchange students but its out of town so it might not happen

>> No.8601451

What about Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie?

>> No.8601549

>just moved home after uni
>no friends in the area as of yet
>starting new job next week
>praying to the heathen gods of Halloween that I have friends at work by then who throw a party
I have an old nurse uniform that's fairly slutty, and I was hoping to give body paint a try before braving it at a con, and doing a Frankenstein's monster nurse or something. I'm really excited, past few Halloweens were absolute crap. I also wish I was in the US, where being scary isn't such a big deal. Over here - maybe it's my area - but if you went as something not-scary-related for Halloween, it would be weird.

>> No.8601553

Shit Anon,, that's not a bad idea, I might do the same... maybe I'll do Blue..

>> No.8601951


>> No.8602016
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I've been brainstorming since last year and I haven't set myself down with an idea yet. Weighing some factors like I'll be at work (retail plus costume contest among all the shops), work with the fabrics I have to save money, and something creepy and fun. Bonus if I can wear it for a con or something.

So far:
>voodoo doll
>bunny sea slug
>yarn monster

I can't think much of con material, last year I made Oogie Boogie and that's sorta my con costume now.

Side note: now that I live in an apartment which I'm sure is full of adults and barely any kids, I'm not going to fret about giving out candies... but I'd like to, one of my favorite things about Halloween.

>> No.8602030
File: 335 KB, 746x894, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I'm gonna be in a haunted house. This is a QUICK slap dash of what it'll look like. Yes that's a blowup doll on the back, no it's never been used.

>> No.8602036


>> No.8602050

I'm gonna be a Chinese hopping vampire

>> No.8602084

Is it still okay to do ironic costumes? I'm thinking sexy merlin with a beard and fishnets and all but I dunno ...

>> No.8602108

So far I'm thinking of making that light-up Mabel sweater, or being a spooky scary skeleton.

>> No.8602130

I would go with lingerie over the shark kigurumi. You already have it and it would be way more funny.

>> No.8602217

I was considering going as Papa Ainz since my niece wants to be a pretty vampire and I'm helping her with her costume, I figured she could be Shalltear. But then I heard that in the backstory Shalltear is a walking fetish factory (in addition to being attracted to Ainz) so I'm having doubts.

I could just go as tail-less Demiurge...

>> No.8602223

Will be no-face/faceless from spirited away, costume done and all, absolutely not afraid of it getting damaged since is basucally consists of dark cloth and EVA foam mask with paint.
Don't know how I will see through it though, cannot make hole for eyes, will loot stupid IMO.

>> No.8602232

You mean a jiang-shi?

>> No.8602236

Make holes and then cover them with semi-opaque fabric.

>> No.8602251

My fiance and I were going to be spooky ghosts (innocent bedsheets, but underneath our faces would be horrifying), but we might dress up for our local Renaissance Faire so maybe spooky Renaissance ghosts?

Either way we're giving out candy and scaring children.

>> No.8602480

Last year my friends bailed on me last minute. So, I dressed up in a full witch coord and went out on my own. Even watched Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time in an empty theater room. No regrets. Though, I had one guy run across the street to ask me if I was "Galinda, you know, the bad witch"

>> No.8602508
File: 229 KB, 500x750, 7492214154_3ac91fb140_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for giving me a Ragnarok Online flashback.

>> No.8602579

>I have no idea if clubs/pubs usually put on Halloween events
They do but there's a big risk of it getting trashed by spilled drinks or careless revelers

And if you're thinking about entering a contest (seen some that could win a couple hundred dollars around here) - don't. [Slutty X] wins. Every time.

>> No.8602582

To be honest, I don't do much for Halloween even though I am a cosplayer.

>> No.8602586

ditch the shoes

>> No.8602623
File: 67 KB, 328x439, Sukeban1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to be a girl or guy bancho but I don't really have any plans that day except going to the Final Fantasy concert in San Jose. Maybe a classic White Mage cloak would be more appropriate

>> No.8602639
File: 66 KB, 600x800, dollface_mask_h_01-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good costume I can wear with this mask?

>> No.8602647

The pants I have are black. Plus her outfit its to revealing to wear at work anyway. But thanks for the suggestion anon.

>> No.8602662

I remember back when the Pokemon anime first came out and everyone was Ash for Halloween, or a Pikachu. It was amazing.

>> No.8602677

I'm going to Youmacon. So... Ryuko from KLK.

>> No.8602681

I actually have a jacket like that from peace now! I got it cheap off closet child and it smelt like smoke when I got it, I imagined some delinquent smoking in it.
I need to make a long black skirt.

>> No.8602690

I'd say look at what old porcelain dolls might wear and dirty it up. You may be able to thrift it. If there's a high neckline, try to mimic the black staining on that side of the mask.

>> No.8602696
File: 71 KB, 404x960, halloween_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the last couple years I've been adding more and more to my costume. It started off with just the cape and the mask. Pic related is what I had in 2013. Last year I added some ram horns and got some furry leg warmers to be a little more animal-like. This year I'm loosing the cape and adding a fluffy wig. I'm still trying to think of what to do with my chest and arms. Right now it's just two different shawls overlapping with strings of lights in between them.

>> No.8602750

I'm going to wear my Rocketeer cosplay and go trick or treating because no one invited me to any parties :(. I guess I'll stop by the local comic book store and win the costume contest before I head out and get my free candy.

>> No.8602776

I want to be a witch (jfashion inspired) But I don't know how to go about it.

>> No.8602787

Sigh, my husband wants me to make him a Jack Skellington cosplay because he has the scleras for it. I want to be his Sally because I have the contacts for her secretly awaiting the day I sew her dress…but 2 costumes in 2 months? And Im a perfectionist…should I just try my best amyway?

>> No.8602792
File: 217 KB, 734x773, efe667d0bd4a0ebbd513b106cdb51e48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in charge of taking my lil cousin out and she wanted to be tinkerbell so I'm gonna make her costume but just making a captain hook 'thing' based off of what I have lying around.

>> No.8602796

did you design that? das too koot

>> No.8602822

>bunny sea slug
the fuck?
I think that should be fine...?
This this this
rococo or lolita
...are your shoes bed lifts?
cute AF

>> No.8602828
File: 651 KB, 667x1000, img59140128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would being a japanese kindergartner be weird? Their outfits are cute as hell but I don't wanna be accused of ageplay or something weird.-

>> No.8602830

Yes. I wanted to try and make hooves so I got duct taped some to an old pair of work shoes. I can walk surprisingly well in them.

>> No.8602841

AUSA roll call?

>> No.8602842
File: 29 KB, 640x425, cute-bunny-sea-slug-jorunna-parva-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>bunny sea slug
>the fuck?

>> No.8602850
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>> No.8602854

ask yourself the same thing but with white kindergartners

if that makes you uncomfortable, you probably shouldn't

if it doesn't, dateline nbc is already on the way

>> No.8602857

there isn't a reaction image appropriate enough for how hard i'm rolling my eyes right now.

>> No.8602866

they asked if it would be considered ageplay. idk what universe you're living in where dressing up as a random 5 year old isn't gonna be seen as ageplay

>> No.8602872

i don't know what universe you're living in where more than 10% of the population will even know what the costume is. unless you live in japan. also she asked if it would be weird, not necessarily ageplay.

i'd say it's no weirder than dressing up as 'sexy' sesame street characters or "sexy" fruit.

>> No.8602880


On a side note, does anyone know what kind of lapel/collar that is on the shirt? I can't find any shirts quite like it.

>> No.8602892

if she lives in the west she'll probably just get seen as a sexy school girl w/the skirt, backpack, and shoes, which falls into ageplay for a lot of people

>> No.8602894

Anyone have any tutorials/tips for making spandex leotards? Working Halloween at a comic store and wanna do the superheroine thang

>> No.8603070
File: 143 KB, 640x1152, sexy-bert-and-ernie-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, I think it's more weird dressing up as sexy kids show characters.

Most people wouldn't even know what your dressed up as anyway. I have also seen things on the internet like.."how to dress like kid for halloween"

>> No.8603080

This...why does this exist? I don't understand why every single girl's halloween costume has to be sexy. I remember being in highschool and just getting the guy's version of whatever costume sometimes because I just want to be a friggin skeleton or whatever, why the fuck are you making it sexy?

>> No.8603146

Yeah! Last year she wanted to be Elsa and her mom screwed up hard (bought a generic blue princess dress and a shoulder length wig with no bangs so I'm 100% taking over this year.
My mom always made me really great halloween costumes so i wanna share the love.
I'm glad yall like it tbh.

>> No.8603179
File: 81 KB, 358x500, black-jack[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of doing some version of Blackjack this Halloween. It's pretty simple, and for those with low power levels they'll just think "Dracula Doctor Frankenstein" or something of the like. While those who are familiar with Tezuka's works will instantly get it, so it's a win win for me.

>> No.8603318
File: 45 KB, 391x679, 810O-LbVYrL._UY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking around for one of these Thor Classic costumes, but they only seem to be available in XL/XXL. All the smaller ones are gone.


>> No.8603349
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>> No.8603444

>just moved to yurope
>pretty sure its just going to be massive boozefest bar crawl
>need a cute but warm costume

I hate that I left all my cosplay stuff at home. I have absolutely nothing I can make into a costume and the only costume shop in town is horrendously expensive (but they have extremely cute accurate well done 50s clothing so I'll probably drop the cash on those and just use them again for other costume parties). Or be lame and be a cat or something.

>> No.8603454

I'll just be Sadako from the ring since I got a perfect wig recently and will be hosting a Halloween party for our nerdy friends in our barn. will be easy to move around and chill in. I want to experiment with creepy makeup though

>> No.8603731

I'll wear a witch coordinate. It's cute and easy to do. I also don't like to cosplay, don't have time to make another costume, and for a grill the in-store options are pretty limited.
>slutty ____

>> No.8603788

Highfive, anon. I'm in the middle of nowhere and no trick-or-treaters so my Sadako outfit is for a convention in late September. Closest to Halloween I'll get.

>> No.8603833

Do you think a Victorian era dress would look good with it?

>> No.8603855
File: 66 KB, 247x200, 1425845752961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so sad because Halloween is my favorite thing ever, but everyone I know simply don't care about it, so I can't really do anything on halloween. I just dress spoopy and carve pumpkins all alone

>> No.8603865

I'm planning on dressing up as a Warboy this Halloween; it's simple, it's iconic, and it actually works better if you meet someone else at the party wearing the same thing.

>> No.8604123

I'm sure there are Halloween Events that need volunteers. Look at Hospitals and stuff.

>> No.8604295
File: 153 KB, 1080x375, 1439705582945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just say that sexy school girl is ageplay

>> No.8604298

I'll probably dress up as Skullkid. I won't be able to see much with that mask, but I'm sure it's going to be fun either way.

>> No.8604320

Nwyart but it is? School uniforms originally belonged exclusively to girls of middle- and high-school age before they were fetishized. The age group of the girls that wore them was the reason they were fetishized in the first place. It has to do with feeling like you have an opportunity to corrupt something young and innocent. Schoolgirl outfits might be more common than loli and pacifiers and that more extreme stuff, but that doesn't mean it isn't ageplay.

>> No.8604493
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that was the mask used in The Houses October Built. (pic related) Why not do that?

>> No.8604567

Awesome, I was this for Halloween two years ago! It was fun to wear,but I went to a normal fag party in an un-airconditioned apartment so not as good as it could have been. It would be awesome to have a huge group

I was a white kindergartener for Halloween once with a bunch of friends. As long as its done cute and not pervy I don't rly see the problem?

>> No.8604576

Look at patterns for dance costumes, look up sailormoon cosplay tutorials. It's not too hard, pretty much just cutting a body shaped piece of fabric twice and sewing it together. If it's just for Halloween and if you'll be layering stuff over it you can get away with no hemming parts of it too

>> No.8604985

debating work costumes.
Kinda want to do Sheri Lewis with Lambchop to scare my friend afraid of puppets, but not a lot of people remember her anymore.

May just do a 80s costume since I have a super teased wig.

>> No.8605028
File: 25 KB, 480x300, leagueofshadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really fucking easy to do and can be cosplayed but ninja anything is pretty cliche

>> No.8605032

Lambchop! Absolutely do it anon!

>> No.8605033


If you want to be a rank and file goon with an easy yet recognizable costume, >>8603865 might be something you should try out.

Mad Max is a hot item this year, get it while it's =popular=

>> No.8605050

God no.

>> No.8605062

I've been hyped about halloween since September started. I'm going to dress up as a ~classy~ sheep with plushy ram horns + tail and dress shirt + bowtie + dress pants. First part of the night I'll probably just give out candy and then I'm going to go to a Nanowrimo launch party/event with a gal from my writing group & stay up till four in the morning writing the first part of my next novel.

Sounds fucking nerdy (and it is) but I'm pumped to actually do something other than just sit around and watch lame movies all night.

>> No.8605121

I'm thinking of doing like, a cutesy cult party demon or something. But I also want to do a full on horror demon, with scleras and blood and shit.
I originally wanted to do a spider themed shironuri look but that would require me buying things and I already have everything for the demon.

Now I just need to find a reason to leave my house on Halloween. Not to keen on giving out candy. Not like we have many trick-or-treaters anyway, since no one on our street does anything but us. I still want to decorate though, even if no one will appreciate it. But maybe I'll go to a bar and get drunk and makeout with a Spiderman. Then go home, get more drunk and eat candy. Who knows.

>> No.8605155

Wish we could do a meetup for all us poor seagulls with a love for halloween but no plans. :( If all my tentative plans fall through I'll definiately be on /cgl/ making a thread for us to commiserate and post costume selfies on.

>> No.8605204

I dunno about the blowup doll man. Unless it was semi real otherwise you might come off as a butcher that doesnt mind wearing a sex toy as a bookbag

>> No.8605225

Some people get pissy about people wearing lolita on Halloween because it's not a costume. Although of course, if you don't have a comm there'll be nobody who knows that. I'm a lolita who's too tightfisted to spend significant amounts of money on other things, but also doesn't like cheap costumes, so I often do costumes I can use lolita items for but aren't directly lolita.

Ones I've done in the past:
>Vampire: Atelier Pierrot-style slightly sexy gothic with a black or burgundy wig, vampire teeth, dark red circle lenses and appropriately vampy make-up - pale foundation, darker lips and eyes, blood dripping from corner of mouth, etc.
>Witch: lots of things go here, but basically a spoopy all-black coordinate with boots, a witch hat, spiderwebby things and a cauldron. I used green lipstick (rubbed some into my foundation for blusher too) and a grey wig.
>Victorian ghost: all-white coordinates with a longer dress and a general feeling of age.

Things that I haven't done because they don't fit with my wardrobe, but would be easy to pull together for some people:
>Red Riding Hood
>Alice in Wonderland
>Marie Antoinette
>(Creepy) Porcelain Doll: oldschool with a ringlet or curly wig and appropriate make-up.

>> No.8605228

This year I'm foregoing all that and going as a spaceman, because I'm partying somewhere where it'd be easy for clothes to get damaged. I've got invited to another, and I'm considering doing Velma from Scooby Doo since I already have an orange turtleneck and similar hair, but I'm not chubby so it'd probably look weird.

Using lolita for costumes is always weird though, because strangers are impressed by what they think is a high-effort costume, but friends that know you think you're being a lazy cheapskate for just using clothes you already own.

>> No.8605278

Same as you guys.

I quit my job because they're getting rid of my position but giving me 12 weeks pay and I am going to be baby sitting instead... So I can work on cosplay while supervising children so I may be able to get some stuff completed. Maybe just one costume though since my comm almost always has a tea party or luncheon the Saturdays at comma so Halloween I may just wear Lolita if I can't find a friend's room to stash my costume in.

>> No.8605286

You need better friends if they judge you for using what you have in your closet for costumes. I am quite biased, but I would rather use what I have and look decent than spend $50 on a cheap costume that I wear once.

>> No.8605407

I'd be up for a lonely Halloween thread that day/night for all of us to hang out in and just be sad together. I want to dress up but there's no trick or treaters out here, there's no mall or big Halloween event to go to, and I don't think there's a haunted house around for me to volunteer at either.

>> No.8605528


>> No.8605578

It's not like we really have a choice when it comes to mass produced Halloween costumes. Have you ever looked in the women's section at a Halloween store? 95% of it is sexy shit. It's not us making it that way.

>> No.8605750

They don't really judge me, they just joke about how they're unimpressed because I dress like that on regular days anyway. "Another closet costume, anon?"

>> No.8606829
File: 148 KB, 611x670, human experient inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planning to go as a human experiment/lab specimen kinda thing, (pic related) for a uni party that week, then candy corn lolita co-ord on the day as i'll be hosting a halloween party this year, I'm so pumped.

>> No.8606848

Not sure, I might just wear a cosplay. Or I'll go to dinner wearing Nameless Poem with some friends if I can.

I kinda wanna go as a nun, I always thought they were cool, and Bodyline has 2 nice nun costumes now

>> No.8606957
File: 138 KB, 1088x711, haljfvcjgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna do somethin' like this. I'm going for a ghost sukeban girl, and don't know if I should use makeup or a full-body spandex thingy for maximum spookage. They tend to be pretty expensive which kinda steers me away from them and I'm not sure I could make one. I'm also going to a haunted cemetery with some friends for some spoops and I'm not sure if it'd be best in terms of vision...

>> No.8606961

My boyfriend are going to go as Wayne and Garth, but I'll probably just wear lolita to class.

>> No.8606963

Thats going to get so fucked up with drunk college kids. Have fun, anon.

>> No.8606966
File: 17 KB, 450x303, tumblr_m02nustbF31r3a6wk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year my bf and I handed out candy in our kigus, we're still trying to figure out what to do this year! We considered pic related but decided against it because the effort would be better put towards cosplay. I'm leaning towards a cute pumpkin themed witch, since I always wanted to be a witch as a kid but couldn't due to religious parents.

That sounds super cute! I want to do that too but I feel like it's unknown in western culture and I would just look dumb.

>> No.8606967

Good taste, my friends just did a cosplay of them for a joke at xob

>> No.8606974

Stupid phone

>> No.8607014
File: 274 KB, 500x282, tumblr_m7o60uvNg41rnwk8f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay, but have it be something mainstream so your normies friends get it and possibly something you can thrift for saving da monies for the real deals. If you have cosplay talent, then you can make it look legit with little effort and still fuck your normies' costumes up.

A cosplay I've wanted to do that's NOT anime related and normies would get: the Warden from Superjail. I'm too hype for this outfit.
>also sidenote, I get to dress my dog up as Jailbot

>> No.8607063

Best friend wants to be matchy this year, so she's doing Red Queen, and I'm doing Mad Hatter. She wanted me to do Alice, and I wanted to do Rabbit or Knave, so we compromised. It won't be canon at all, but In having a hard time putting it together. Mainly I can't find a short sleeve Victorian blouse in black with a high neck. Want to do a cravat in lace or silk with a pretty brooch. Debating purple skinnies with boots or a purple skirt. Leaning towards pants since this has to be work appropriate.

Unrelated to hatter, but for my second (party) costume I want to carry a lightweight wooden sword on my back under a backpack, and not have any additional visible straps. Attaching something to the pack is a no go as it's just a prop. Any suggestions?

>> No.8607097

Speaking of that, my fiance and I eventually want to be Red Guard Jiang-shi. We're gonna have a friend dress up as the Daoist priest, and have him carry something that plays Cultural Revolution music when he isn't "leading" us with the bell.

>> No.8607100

she's going to be painted up as real as I can, but also the haunted house is going to be pretty dark. But I made a few adjustments and questioning it.

>> No.8607107
File: 392 KB, 1920x1080, costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought about doing an easy one this year. Adult Gohan after removing his Saiyaman suit. It's just his black jump suit with white gloves, boots, and the spiky hair. Shouldn't be too hard to pull off.

I'm thinking I'll get something like the morphsuits (black obviously), and figure up something for the gloves and boots.

Something like pic related.

>> No.8607109

Rusted and Stained nails are always better than "Fresh Blood" effect, because it shows it's been used and will be used again. Use some Vallejo washes to stain the nails and wood.

>> No.8607218
File: 284 KB, 540x345, nugget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On actual halloween I'm going to a Marina and the Diamonds concert and then to a party at a goth club, so I'm probably not going to be dressed as anything in particular.

Nerdy friends of mine are hosting a Halloween party though, and I'm using that as a convenient excuse to make a cosplay of this guy.

>> No.8607230
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, Brave - Kelly Macdonald As Princess Merida Bow & Arrow In Hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it all gets here in time! I just custom ordered the dress and the wig should be coming before the dress even does. I already have brown shoes and I need to fabricate a bow, quiver, and belt for thr quiver. Oh yeah.. Arrows too. Okay. Now I feel in over my head.


>> No.8607273

Im making a Scarecrow costume from Batman TAS ver.2 combined with some minor details from comics.

No Arkham Bamham elements, i just don't like that Scarecrow.

>> No.8607370

A mannequin would work better than a blow up doll

>> No.8607407

Is it a bad idea to do a Love Live cosplay for a normalfag Halloween event?

>> No.8607511

Anon, you and I have the same feelings. I was a kid knowing I wanted to grow up and become a nun. I blame seeing Sound of Music and then Sister Act and rewatching them endlessly. Really bummed out I forgot Bodyline had that nun outfit until after the 50% off sale.

>> No.8607567
File: 47 KB, 600x505, awesomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year I'm embracing the shitty lastminuteness of my costume

>> No.8607626

>painting a blow up doll
if it's a latex doll and you're not using the right paint, you are not going to have fun.

>> No.8607643

Do you think people will get it though?

>> No.8607689
File: 54 KB, 725x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year I was Old Gregg but this year I think in going try my hand at Tim the Enchanter. No plans though, as far as college towns go this ones pretty boring on Halloween. Might just go see Rocky Horror for the umpteenth time.

>> No.8607738

The people I party with on Halloween are pretty nerdy in general. Even if they don't get the exact reference, I'm sure I could just say I'm a Dragon Ball Z character

>> No.8607791

Any suggestions for a reputable eBay store to get a Black Widow costume? Want better than store bought quality. Asked on the eBay thread but no luck.

>> No.8607815


I may also make battle armor like this:

And then just be a generic saiyan warrior or something.

>> No.8607818

I've been getting more and more lazy with my halloween costumes each year, so my partner and I settled on dressing as slutty ash and pikachu

>> No.8607822

it's cute as it is

>> No.8607841

This is cute!

>> No.8607908
File: 931 KB, 236x172, sadkitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wanna cosplay something from RO, but it's just so fucking old and nobody even plays it anymore

>> No.8608094

It's a cheap shitty plastic style one.

>> No.8608398

Oh, thanks for the tip! I'll definitely do that instead. I was worried the blood would look really cheesy too.

>> No.8608399

You kidding? They don't even match anything. They are tacky as fuck as ruin everything about this outfit.

>> No.8608402

Okay weird question for you guys.
Does anyone know where I could find patterns or a tutorial for a good sandwich costume? Been looking for one for a while.

>> No.8608549

The thing is, Hawaii is way fucking hot to be wearing a kigu all night.

My slut shark costume came in and my chest is too big for it though....

>> No.8608560

genderbend michael myers

>> No.8608749

>chest is too big
maximum sluttiness achieved

>> No.8608995

You have a Compositeeffects mask? Where did you get the fucking money?

>> No.8609299
File: 310 KB, 457x467, uniformtie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School uniform. Was planning on building it for nanchatte seifuku.

>mustard yellow button-up sweater (goodwill)
>mustard yellow crochet cross-strap bag (goodwill, daily wear)
>white collared riding button-up (need to sew on a missing button...goodwill)
>pleated grey/plaid skirt (need to take it in an inch somehow, with hand sewing...goodwill)
>blue ralph lauren socks
>brown shoes that resemble loafers
>dark red ribbon neck tie, if it comes in time
>black cat ear hairclips, if they come in time, because I am a tasteless ita (bells and ribbons)

Will normalfags think it is a costume at all? My issue is I need something bike-friendly and inexpensive.

I went as a secretary last year and got really good responses.


Moe as fuck.

>> No.8609472

Going full animu and being a maid. My plan is
>black dress with a light petti
>white half-apron
>bow around neck
>stockings or high socks
Not sure if I'm gonna do a lacy headband. I don't really like them. It'll be fine without, right?

>> No.8610211

Caught between wanting to commission a bunny suit or just trying to learn to do boning/fitting like that myself.

inb4 slutty > It's Halloween who curr

>> No.8610214


Yeah I'm not feeling the shoes. They're cute but they don't really click with the outfit. I think black mary janes would be perfect.

>> No.8610229
File: 726 KB, 1600x1205, stingraypose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Lord Stingray, but I feel like I could never do a cosplay because of my limited skills and unsuiting figure. Now I'm wondering if I could do some shitty female version for halloween. I usually hate the genderswapped cosplays, but it is halloween, so...

>> No.8610272
File: 74 KB, 780x574, 1421694885269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8610291

I'm going to be something cute this year, after being gorey last year and scaring small children.

I'm either getting a rilakkuma jumper dress and going as a bear, re-using a fairy costume from rennfest (fantasy weekend) or just wearing my korilakkuma kigu.

(Coming back from the con I bought the kigu at, I went into a Whataburger with it on, and the couple sitting behind us at the booths told me that their kid (like 4 year old boy) got wideeyed and excited at the "big walking bear", and was too shy to talk to me. Maximum cuteness feels.)

>> No.8610346
File: 304 KB, 540x540, Screenshot_2015-09-12-23-28-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to go with either something Jojo or MGSV related, but since my dad isn't working right now I need to save as much money as possible. I have pic related from a few years back, I would just need a new wig and to fix the dress a bit.

>> No.8612135
File: 63 KB, 240x240, main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm finally going to make a GeGeGe no Kitaro costume. Hopefully someone will recognize me. At least it'll be cute and comfy. I was thinking about making daddy eyeball a hair clip so i can pin it into my wig.

>> No.8612148

I'm getting ready for the people who will inevitably show up on Halloween day in my local fabric store, needing help with making their costume from almost scratch for a party "in 3 hours at 9pm"

>> No.8612170
File: 649 KB, 1628x1678, foxweddingvocaloid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discovered the Onibi series a few days ago, would love to do a pair outfit of Miku and Gumi from the song The Fox Wedding. Its pretty simple, but if the mask, makeup and blood is done right, would be cool.
(Pardon the derpy fanart)
Its not my favorite song from the series, but the other songs have early Higurashi-tier character designs, really disappointing.

>> No.8613931
File: 154 KB, 730x1095, do_you_understand_my_pain_by_pikaripeaches-d4x914u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onibi series is fucking god tier. Good taste anon. I'd love to cosplay from one of Masa's PVs but I don't have any cute girl friends to go with me. Maybe someday I'll try the demon Miku or whatever they call her, I don't remember.

>> No.8615027

Anon, im was also thinking of the same thing. I also was thinking of cosplaying as either as Kagome Higurashi or Yukako Yamagishi but...
>might have work in Halloween eve
>dark, short and chubby for Yukako and Kagome
>idk who else I know that celebrates Halloween


>> No.8615065

I don't go trick or treating any more, but I usually cosplay for the night while handing out sweets to the kids that come round.

This year I'll be Hiccup and hand out fish shaped candy

>> No.8615070
File: 63 KB, 353x800, gay ass costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to be a ram, but i haven't decided on a colour scheme yet. i'm really struggling and haven't gotten any further than "white curly wig", but i feel all white with black hooves and fingers would be too... boring looking. do any gulls have ideas?

>> No.8615836
File: 301 KB, 361x466, Screenshot 2015-09-16 00.57.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession...
If I had enough income, I would love to be in a suit as either Rilakkuma or Korilakkuma for halloween.
God damn, I don't know anyone who makes these suits other than taobao or aliexpress.

>> No.8615872

Is it bad that I use Halloween as a day to make a super fucking awesome costume for the sole purpose of shaming all the shit costumes the normies bought out of a bag? It feels kind of like revenge for all the shit-talking the Cosplay Community gets from the normies on a regular basis.

>> No.8615930
File: 380 KB, 885x1291, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just going to do a lazy slutty demon/succubus because my friend is just having a small party and I already have horns for it. The dress I was going to buy for it sold out though so I don't know what I am going to use for it any more so may as well put some actual thought into it so what do people think features are that should be included in a succubus outfit? Also does anyone have any tutorials for demon wings? All the ones I have is for angel wings or fairy wings. I think dark stockings over a wire frame could work but if there are better options out there.

>> No.8615941

If you're in the Netherlands, I'll cosplay with you Anon.

>> No.8615947
File: 1.00 MB, 500x225, 84621759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...play it. Feeling old now.

>> No.8615952

I still play it too. That famous Saber cosplayer I don't remember her name is doing an RO Knight cosplay. DO IT, DO IT NOW.

>> No.8615962
File: 168 KB, 382x814, gay ass edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe not white? idk :V

I thought about maybe suggested the
mane" or w/e the fuck you call it could be speckled (like with black, maybe)?? but it's a ram.. so I went with creams/browns and all that shit.. idk

>> No.8615965

I'm sorry, I butchered that entire post.

*suggesting *"mane"

I'm not sure if I explained it properly. I'm tired and need to sleep. lmao

>> No.8616127

i like the idea of speckled black (or even dark grey), anon, but i dont think i can get that in my shitty little town. i really appreciate the cream-brown colour scheme though!

>> No.8616181

Jake from state farm.

>> No.8616184

I figured that maybe white with black speckles might look cute. Maybe, since it just for Halloween, you could create a solid white mane and add splatters with Rit dye, maybe? I've never done anything like that before, so I'm not sure. If it's fur though, I'm pretty sure that would work.

>> No.8616447

i was thinking about dressing in all grey and calling it a sexy stone.

i-is it even funny?

>> No.8616450

My boyfriend and I are going to hopefully have a halloween party this year. We want to dress up as Pokemon trainers for it and because we have a Siamese cat we are going to dress the cat up as a Meowth.

>> No.8616454

Honestly I'm just planning on finishing Peridot and walking around Downtown Disney during the day and maybe pulling something out of my closet and call it a witch costume at night so I can score some sweet sweet candy.

>> No.8616469

YES, I FUCKING LOVE LORD STINGRAY. I've thought about doing this before. But I always get stuck on what I should do with the mask.

>> No.8616525

If you don't want to cover, get some white contacts. I also prefer the white top

>> No.8616849


Normalfags might recognize Kagome. Take a white dog plushie with you and have the necklace on it.

Honestly, I just want to fulfill my dream of dressing like a japanese schoolgirl because I'm a dirty little weeb.



>> No.8617077

The Micheals I work at is letting me go all out for the week of halloween this year b/c nomally we're only allowed to dress up on halloween. I have persmission to wear generic fantasy elf stuff (including ears and red contacts) all week as long as it doesnt interfere with me doing my job ofc so it cant be too OTT but I'm excited none the less.
On halloween itself im wearing lone wanderer costume minus the prop guns. It needs to be finished for shadocon anyways I might as well finish it a week early.
Halloween night I have a gothic coord with a witch hat/broom for a little get together with my friends.

>> No.8617501
File: 1.83 MB, 1500x994, Konachan.com - 118525 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be kinda lazy this year and do a cute witch. I'll probably try a little bit on the hat though to make it kinda fancy. Does anyone have any pics of fancy witch hats? I tried google but came up with shit

>> No.8617676

Unfortunately, I'm in the US. Maybe someday I'll have a cute friend to cosplay with.

>> No.8618145

I'm going to be with my lolita comm this Halloween so I'm just going to be wearing a witch themed coord all day. If we weren't having a meet i probably would have just handed out candy or gone to a party in a cheap bodyline cosplay. My bf wears lolita too so we're going to twin our coords! Mine is going to be witch themed and his will be vampire themed but both with the same dress.

>> No.8618276
File: 17 KB, 295x355, Batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel bad for the girls who want superhero costumes. They don't look like the comic book versions - it's usually just the male character costume in pink with a tutu. It's not just adult costumes either. Even the childrens and toddlers' versions are like that.

>> No.8618340

Considering going as a Warboy but I don't know if my BF will be low enough

>group of like six dudes
>all painted white (yes, sealed)
>armed with silver spray cake decoration
>yelling WITNESS MEEEE and chroming up before slamming shots

gonna be a good time

>> No.8618355

>moves to Europe
>gee why does everyone just use it as an excuse to get drunk and not trick or treat like us NORMAL people
Maybe because we don't celebrate your retarded holiday?
I feel sorry for Irish people having their holiday destroyed by dumb retards

>> No.8618363

m8 that poster did nothing to question why everyone was drinking

nobody in USA trick-or-treats over age 13 anyway, we just drink heavily

>> No.8618423

I went as Pris one year for Halloween.

I was asked if I was a sexy raccoon.

>> No.8618723
File: 142 KB, 262x588, riskyraccoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprisingly, Spirit has several sexy raccoon costumes for sale.

>> No.8620084

I feel your pain anon :'(

>> No.8620090

And here it is!!!!

>> No.8620742

I'd love to be a harpy, but I can't sew for shit.

>> No.8621130
File: 461 KB, 500x500, Harpy_Twins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no harpy gf

>> No.8621175
File: 71 KB, 618x459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a slumber party so I'll prob just wear a kigu or get some cute holiday pajamas...... But I'm so tempted to answer the door like this when my friends arrive like tray and all.

>> No.8621908

if the anon who posted the candy corn leggings pic in the (now pruned) halloween decor thread is here...

THANK YOU! found the leggings at kohl's today and they are so fucking rad.