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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 229 KB, 987x1849, australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8613664 No.8613664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Sydney Comic Con plans
> EB Expo!
>Progress photos!
You can find it all here on: Australia Cosplay General 42

Serious question. Why do nearly all Australia threads get deleted?

>> No.8613667

>Serious question. Why do nearly all Australia threads get deleted?

because you're a bunch of cheeky cunts m8

>> No.8613675
File: 33 KB, 493x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Janitor hates us.
Regardless of that, I really don't feel we need a thread constantly. It's just the same 'drama' people bitching about every thread.

>> No.8613759

Yeah can this not exist?

>> No.8613804


Because it always ends up to be just a bunch of salty girls hating on all the girls who are popular.

>> No.8613811

would you say, we're a cheeky nandos ?

>> No.8613923

No shut up

>> No.8613926

That's a UK meme and doesn't count toward Australians faggot.

>> No.8613932

Yes and the popular girls read the salty comments and laugh a mighty laugh

As they say dont hate the player hate the game

>> No.8613973

Because the Australian cosplay scene on 4chan is basically a bunch of dumb sluts or dumb faggots in high school who have nothing better to do than gossip because they're bitches.

>> No.8613976

obviously you are part of the problem then

>> No.8613992

Can we start a Benjamin Cincotta roasting cunts on mcc thread? I literally live for his comments these days.

>> No.8614006
File: 30 KB, 470x313, qDqwwLRiApCfyT7PKirB0ctif8pJoqnW2ZTBTxqPx5cKVgPpWFjxepIq0LlRN6jVw1xYwbcgRvOtW-Z7U2kO0H6LVkyp_JsgElSLyC10inNnJc2mkVcS7lCBeg=w470-h313-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just in Australia you know. Doesn't make it unique. But wait coz straya

>> No.8614084

That guy speaks the fkn truth on mcc,luv what the kunt says

>> No.8614171

No I'm not.

Not once have I ever talked shit about Kayla Erin/Jamie/whoever the fuck you guys like to gossip about because if I have a problem with someone, I take it to their face or at least via inbox where they know full well who I am unlike the majority of these cowards who lack the balls required to do something like that.

I'm just calling it how it is, that's all.

>> No.8614266 [DELETED] 

Any of you girls want to earn some easy cash, email me: throw.4w4y@hotmail.com

>> No.8614303

I am not in high school ... i'm in primary ... so there!!!

>> No.8614365

Oh yes, much unlike every other country general thread.

>> No.8614394

mate we can't even keep a prime minister for a full term these threads are the only form of consistency in our lives.

>> No.8614477

i lel'd

>> No.8614486 [DELETED] 

most of the shit posting is kayla erin though, so there's that.

>> No.8614548 [DELETED] 

I remember the talk being about Jamie's ask.fm and Mangelas bum achne before the thread 404'd :^) kek

>> No.8615113 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1080x792, Screenshot_2015-06-09-10-56-14~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bum acne

>> No.8615648 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 640x480, 234354354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think 10x worse than this, and also running down the back of his legs.
Whenever he wears revealing cosplays and short asf skirts you can see everything, he doesn't even try to cover it up with skin coloured stockings or anything. Pretty nasty if you ask me.

>> No.8615679 [DELETED] 

that is one flat ass

>> No.8615808

oooh shit got deleted

>> No.8615812

why did the Mangela butt acne shit get deleted?

>> No.8615860

fuck yes do it!

>> No.8615894

Either mangela or someone whose friends with him got offended. I'd be laughing if he makes a bitch post on fb

>> No.8615896

>or someone whose friends with him
I didn't realize he had friends

>> No.8616000

Well someone actually gives a shit about him. otherwise who would be deleting comments about him and bum acne

>> No.8616009

I just assumed it was that one rule for cgl about not posting about specific people, I mean it's rarely followed up on but in the Australia threads it seems to be followed up on more often

>> No.8616029

jack hates beethy, you heard it here first.

>> No.8616117

its cause the mods hate australians

>> No.8616121

where's the melbourne con calendar again?

>> No.8616157


>> No.8616505
File: 609 KB, 1080x1408, IMG_20150917_062049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8616864

What does everyone think happened between Kiara and Katyuska?

Aren't they supposed to be best friends?

>> No.8616932

Guys I need your advice. My best friend is a cosplayer and since she's started dating her photographer (which I hate) I never get to see her because she's always too busy and doesn't have time for me. She always tells me to grow up when I say I miss spending time with her and she tells me to stop being a sook and stuff. She always seems to have time for him and never any time for me. She treats me like shit and it makes me really sad and depressed and I don't know what to do. She only comes to me when she needs something. Aaron booked her a room with him down in Sydney for a convention and I asked if I could come and she told me to get lost. Should I still be friends with her? I had a best friend before her and I gave her up for my new best friend but now I regret everything. What should I do?

>> No.8616941

kiara goes through a best friend faster than her bfs

>> No.8616968

No, ditch her. She's a bitch. To be fair you did do the same thing to your old best friend. You ditched her for someone new. That's exactly what she's doing to you. Why do you let someone speak to you like that? Tell her to get lost the next time she tries to speak to you.

>> No.8617036


calling bullshit, stop shitstirring

>> No.8617052

I really like her though. I just want her to like me back

>> No.8617067

If this is legit, well fuck It as if you feel entitled to her attention. Grow up. And if you're a guy which I'm assuming grow a set and deal with it. You can still be friends with her even if there's friction with her photographer partner.

Useless pleb