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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8613740 No.8613740 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>8603966

>Forever anticipating the perfect Jasper
>Needs more Rainbow Quartz and Sardonyx
>How long will it take between Yellow Diamond's first in-show appearance for there to be cosplay attempts popping up?
>Has anyone even attempted to do a current Greg cosplay?

>> No.8613751
File: 100 KB, 539x810, tumblr_nua0wghKmO1tpmk81o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else think it looks weird when people make Rainbow Quartz's leotard white?

>> No.8613758
File: 58 KB, 768x1280, tumblr_nun4tu5eas1tk6tgzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a really good lars on tumblr! i feel like it shouldn't be a hard cosplay to pull off, but this is the first one i've seen that actually resembles him

>> No.8613761
File: 36 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.831957448_ja4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8613765

not feeling the gold flecks tbh

>> No.8613776

yeah it's not canon, but i think the creator was aiming for a realistic lapis lazuli look.

>> No.8613789
File: 176 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_nufi9u4lci1rzrcamo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faux faceting is the most interesting way to do gems I've seen.

>> No.8613792

looks bad anon

>> No.8613800
File: 13 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.831730743_ghrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i prefer the actual faceted gems, like pic shown. the fake facets just look weird with the different textures. is this some gem crafter trying to promote their own stuff?

>> No.8613823
File: 149 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this Amethyst on a local photogs Facebook, I kinda like it?

>> No.8613827
File: 64 KB, 400x536, garnetgal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8613830
File: 177 KB, 540x551, armorpearl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on fandesigned cosplay? I kinda like this one but don't know how I feel about it

>> No.8613832

the faux wear on the armor looks super weird with how clean the sash and cape are

>> No.8613834

nice self-post.

>> No.8613837

well its crafted well, but i dont like the pink around the waist at all.

>> No.8613846
File: 1.27 MB, 725x1088, rosepearl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this. I actually like this take on Rose's dress- if only she had a fuller wig.

>> No.8613856
File: 113 KB, 540x405, thiswig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the funniest Rose wig I have ever seen.

>> No.8613858

oh sorry, didnt mean to sound like a selfpost. im just happy to see a lars that is actually a tall thin dude. maybe its just me but most of the lars cosplayers ive seen have been short chubby girls crossplaying as him

>> No.8613863

any more of this?

>> No.8613905
File: 241 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_nufi9u4lci1rzrcamo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it was interesting, not necessarily good.
Steven Universe is one of those shows where being slavishly accurate to the canon can look like butts, so I'm always interested in people who are trying other things.

>> No.8613975

im absolutely in love with knight/armored pearl, but i think this couldve been executed a lot better. i dont think the cape and the sash make sense, since itll only get in the way during battle/it can get grabbed super easily. also the armor looks a little too bulky and ill fitting for someone like pearl, who is all about movement and precision rather than being a fully-armored, hard-hitting tank.

>> No.8613978

Agreed. I think this armor would've looked better on Rose, actually.

>> No.8614039

I smiled every time I saw it at Kumoricon, I thought it was hilarious

>> No.8614122
File: 279 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2015-09-15-02-52-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8614127

I'm seconding the self post. This isn't that great at all.

They should focus on making it not lob sided.

>> No.8614242

i like the idea of gold flecks and realistic looking lapis lazuli but that one doesnt really look right to me

the stretch vinyl is pretty cool but i noticed the part where it joins on the other side looks really bad and i dont know if there is a way around that

>> No.8614337

for some reason it really irks me when Pearl cosplayers paint themselves white

>> No.8614343

There's really no way for Pearl cosplayers to win, is there?

>> No.8614346

there will always be someone unhappy with any cosplay

>> No.8614361

Nope. That's why the idea of trying to find a "perfect cosplay" is laughable because someone somewhere will not like something about it.

>> No.8614373

This is the best Rose dress I've seen in a while. It's maybe not 100% perfect, but it looks nice.

>> No.8614648

I went to this con and while the Pearl is super cute and 90% accurate, I HATE this Rose's dress.
It's not badly made but unlike Pearl's costume, the colours AND dress shape/structure is completely wrong.
Why why WHY would you make her dress out of hot pink tulle?? This person csn clearly sew so these choices leave me baffled.
I saw a Rose there with a much more accurate dress and a fuller wig.

>> No.8614649

Sorry rage typos.

>> No.8615452 [DELETED] 

As long its well executed, there should be more of these. And I agree with >>8613978, that armor was better on Rose than Pearl.

Pic related, more fan designs.

>> No.8615455
File: 140 KB, 1280x401, gems_in_okami_style_i_by_edge_chan-d91z0xp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long its well executed, there should be more of these. And I agree with >>8613978, that armor was better on Rose than Pearl.

Pic related, more fan designs.

>> No.8615473

but not all lapis lazuli even has the flecks? like, there's plenty of real lapis lazuli that doesn't have it. if you wanted realism, there's no real reason to include the gold.

>> No.8615480

Lots of lapis is flecked so I get where they're coming from, but imo it looks weird when comboing it with a translucent gem. If you're going for realism, the gem should look opaque.

>> No.8615503
File: 966 KB, 1456x2592, IMAG6370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only tangentially related, but I'd be interested in getting some feedback. I made a set of small jewelry cases into SU-themed birthday gifts for a friend earlier this year. I was in a shop that sells stones/crystals/gems in a mineral-rich region. I didn't know much about SU at the time, so my knowledge of character names was limited, but I tried to find as many pieces I could correlate to a character as possible. I ended up with seven - Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl (I had to get a piece of mother of pearl shell in place of an actual pearl), Lapis Lazuli, Jasper, Peridot, and Rose Quartz. I'd like to continue this as a tradition of gifts to her in the future if she's still into SU by then, and if I can find the gems/crystals I'd need for characters I missed. Do you anons have any suggestions for character groupings or background settings that might work for another case or two?

>> No.8615507
File: 1.15 MB, 1456x2592, IMAG6365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8615516
File: 82 KB, 640x960, 11902483_510498489115885_4399155424637125038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao self post

>> No.8615523

you're a cute stevonnie! i like your wig

>> No.8615565

I'd never dare going barefoot in an urban area tho... :<

>> No.8615569

It's not like people can magically take their footwear off for a photo, right?

>> No.8615582

Yaaaaassss. I love good fan designs and AU's.

>> No.8615587

Perhaps the other fusions - malachite, sugilite, opal, rainbow quartz, alexandrite, sardonyx... Am I missing any?

>> No.8615592

Sorry, mobile goofed me up.

>> No.8615615


It's probably a girl or fakeboi, anon.

>> No.8615623

Most stevonnie's are literally just people wearing her shirts and shorts and calling it cosplay, but you did a very nice job and you suit her well. I also like your wig.

>> No.8615723
File: 1.11 MB, 500x281, tumblr_nq5nw1vMC41rdiylyo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a bit ambiguous because of the lighting in that scene but I think a very light pink or lavender may be better. There's a bit more wrong with this cosplay besides just that but white does look a little strange

>> No.8616112
File: 47 KB, 480x600, tumblr_nuqzgnPVth1udr71zo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if cosplay WIP or impressionist painting.

>> No.8616215
File: 82 KB, 723x900, 1436755900629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of piggybacking off of this, what color do you think would be good for the shirt? i've used blue in the past but im remaking it. one of the crewniverse drew her with a kind of seafoam green shirt, but im trying to decide if that would look as good as a blue one in real life? thanks!

>> No.8616224

Rose wig tutorial?


>> No.8616262

The yellow diamond attempts are already emerging?

>> No.8616291
File: 120 KB, 400x267, 55731_2915057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you could track down an iridescent organza it might work?? One where the weave is going blue one way and green the other, that way you can get both tones depending on how the lights reflecting. Pic related is kinda what I'm talking about

>sorry if this is terrible advice ive never had to choose sheer fabrics before

>> No.8616302

i was considering that! i have a few yards of fabric that's pretty much like what you're describing, but i already used iridescent fabric for the leotard so i'm not sure if it would be iridescent overload, haha.

>> No.8616371

Very cute! Accurate outfit, fitting body type, good wig. 10/10.

>> No.8616425

I have no problem with the white and interpret it as "white with weird lighting" myself but I do think it looks weird when people use hot pink legwarmers and dark and saturated purple leggings. If youre going to do the white leotard make the rest of the colors paler to match. If youre going to saturate the hell out of everything else use a different leotard color. Cohesion is not a thing that most SU cosplayers seem to understand.

Though there's a lot of really lazy Rainbow Quartz out there in general, so I'm not surprised.

>> No.8616552

Ah wow, thanks so much you guys!! I didn't so much positive feedback <33

>> No.8616558
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>> No.8616563
File: 298 KB, 700x1017, tumblr_nsa01tvLQC1ubx38ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of want to see a blue lapis with light gold freckles. it'd take a really good makeup artist but i think it could look nice.

that gem looks like it's way too far up

>> No.8616565

I hope they're going to sand that

>> No.8616588

It irks me if they don't, Pearl has a white or at least very very pale skin imo.

>> No.8616598

the lapis thing does sound really cool. i kind of want to try that to see how well it would translate into real life

>> No.8617251

Unpopular opinion, but same. it's usually the application more than the concept though. White is hard to make it not look patchy and then the blue tint that everyone does looks shitty af

I've love to see a Pearl with a very light creamy beige, which is how it shows up on my TV anyway, not stark white and without the shitty blue blush that only enhances the patchiness.

I'd rather see unpainted Pearls than Pearls with bad paint tbh

>> No.8617321

yeah, she's like a very pale naples yellow tint

>> No.8617370
File: 603 KB, 500x714, tumblr_nqmjox3eVt1qza1h2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anymore gems as knights cosplays ? this is actually my favorite fan au trend

>> No.8617376
File: 141 KB, 500x729, tumblr_nulmvzv8fY1ug793no4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another view of the one posted above

>> No.8617382

saw her in real life the body paint was so shit and patchy...

>> No.8617383

Oh my god, this art. They both look like dudes in drag.

>> No.8617401
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x1773, tumblr_nqin8iFbS71r0uly6o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cuirass is both impossible and awful.
At least post a good one.

>> No.8617406

it does make sense tho, armor wearr so you put new cloth on it to not look scruffy

>> No.8617426
File: 143 KB, 500x690, tumblr_noibnyQShI1qm3fugo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was the first one in my su tag and I didn't feel like digging , I kinda like the versatility of pearl's design though? tumblr man face aside

this is my favorite rose I'd love to see something like this as cosplay on a good rose

>> No.8617484
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>> No.8617529
File: 624 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n4bcmyIJED1r0l9sdo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8617573

And this looks terrible.
I don't get why people always think freckles are just a straight line, like have you seen a freckled person? Theyre scattered all over the skin.
The one thing she has going is the really nice wig color, but too bad those bangs are styled strangely. Lapis' hair is a huge sidesweep, not whatever this is

>> No.8617588

I think Steven as a sensitive mexican american kid is quite fitting
this kid looks a little too old tho

>> No.8617637

>this kid looks a little too old tho
Compared to what, 20 year old weaboos?

>> No.8617641


I think her wig color is totally off, it looks very desaturated and Lapis' hair seems to vibrant in most lighting.

>> No.8617696
File: 96 KB, 540x540, interestingsapphire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on this concept?

>> No.8617723

oh that's me!! i feel like it looks a little goofy but i'd appreciate any feedback.

>> No.8617753

Pic of the leotard? Not sure how good iridescent fabric will look in that part.

>> No.8617803
File: 179 KB, 500x589, steven universe pearl amethyst kangaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get why people always think freckles are just a straight line
bc they're always drawn like that and nobody ever looks at real people

i love the alternate outfit on this pearl. it gives me a magician vibe, which is appropriate bc sardonyx.

>> No.8617821

Nice mass.

>> No.8617825

Looks great!

>> No.8617826

Pfffsh, they are emerging since YD was revealed.

>> No.8617828

Well, you gave your best. Its not easy, if not borderline impossible to pull off a cyclops that doesn't looks strange. 9/10

>> No.8617982

Because this is the only way society thinks freckles are cute. Look at even Disney or Dreamworks movies. Same thing. Gawd... I hate seeing this shit because I have actual freckles and they are EVERYWHERE. I have one in my fucking ear for fucks sake.

>> No.8618017

I like the idea, maybe just move the eye down as much as possible

>> No.8618039

This looks so fucking stupid.

>> No.8618054

Oh thank god, I'm not the only one who doesn't like those. They're not creative at all and they don't really take full advantage of Okami's visual style & varied characters...They're all just wearing recolored kimonos. Boring.

>> No.8618060

She cute in general

>> No.8618090

Just some obsessed weeb making those because KIMONOS.

>> No.8618204

Fuck, no you're right
my bad

>> No.8618267

Maybe is cansur?

>> No.8618307

>yfw people cosplay 'sadies song' steven

>> No.8618620
File: 86 KB, 640x616, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie. He looked really, really cute in the outfit. Can't wait for the race to be the first one to cosplay it starts /s

>> No.8618808

Is there going to be an influx of sadies after tonight's episode? Be still, my heart

>> No.8618928

Probably more of an influx of Sadie Song Stevens.

>> No.8619752
File: 109 KB, 456x810, sadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one I have seen so far

>> No.8619765

I was honestly hoping for a cuter costume for sadie. I get that she wasn't supposed to be happy in it, but it was such an ugly outfit, considering that SU can make some great designs

>> No.8619876


>> No.8620002
File: 271 KB, 1024x1024, Cyv8tzJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8620014

o-oh my god. i thought the top right image was a cookie and i was going to say 'aw thats a really cool idea!' but its a real shield..

>> No.8620018

pearl is shown as white, or like an almost peachy white.

>> No.8620025
File: 128 KB, 510x510, Anime_Concept_Sync_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me advice on how to style this wig? it's my first time styling spikey wig. I tried to, and while the tips of the spikes were neat, they were in general kinda sad and sagged. And if i teased them too much, it would show and look ugly. I'll post a picture of what the base wig looks like if anyone would want, but its an inigo from arda. It has been trimmed a bit, but theres still a lot of hair to work with.

>> No.8620026


>> No.8620027

Sue me, but I think the makeup is really nice. Disregarding the fact that it looks a little too green. Wig really needs some help tho

>> No.8620048

not gonna lie, i thought the top right was a cookie as well. i have no idea how it turned out so lumpy if they used an existing shield for a base. jesus.

don't worry about it.

>> No.8620053
File: 92 KB, 480x640, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Ff702c16b48638ed30c8000591eccbee6%2Ftumblr_nuw2flO7Ej1rnyilso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins

>> No.8620066
File: 13 KB, 240x320, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8620130

is that a bikini?

>> No.8620153


>> No.8620174

The new Sadie outfit is really cute and I'm so happy to see an outfit for a character that doesn't require bodypaint that isn't Rose's dress or street clothes. However, I am NOT looking forward to the tumblr ambulocetus influx that will put in no effort torwards this cosplay. I'd do it myself, but my body type is so wrong for the character that I wouldn't look recognizable.
So, I turn to you guys to ask you this: please deliver cute Sadies.. I'm depending on you.

>> No.8620176
File: 131 KB, 600x800, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fa402edf725628e7dd608f10d4c8d3e2c%2Ftumblr_nu4ocmQaSr1uvorf9o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fingers

>> No.8620180


>> No.8620183

Guuuurl, take out your lip ring for cosplay selfies. WIP or not that just kills it.

>> No.8620190

seconding. post some cute sadies, gulls!

>> No.8620197

That is a seriously dirty mirror

>> No.8620373

Those are the most inaccurate fingers I've seen so far. Worse than the nerf darts on wire ones even.

>> No.8620721


why such poor choice in fabric, miwa

>> No.8620798
File: 309 KB, 852x1280, tumblr_nuwgmxV1SZ1t3xgxso2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8620804
File: 70 KB, 700x1051, 14426632278016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edit is kinda crappy
but she'd look so much cooler if she had painted her skin

>> No.8620814
File: 125 KB, 730x1095, yuki_nagato_cosplay_by_k_o_u-d5grqhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's uhh, already wearing a lot of make up: http://k-o-u.deviantart.com/

>> No.8620815


>> No.8620818

Yeah, that's what I said. The SJW crowd on Tumblr wanna murder her for her "blackface". I wanna pick her brain for her magical make-up secrets.

>> No.8620819

They can be mad all day, she looks better than them. Stronger than them, even.

>> No.8620820
File: 70 KB, 253x225, heisenbooper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit
>she fooled me

>> No.8620821
File: 311 KB, 1024x1539, because_i_m_so_much_better__by_k_o_u-d99xvh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's way more obvious on her hands because she's wearing some kind of gloves but the rest of the application is flawless.

>> No.8620824

Well... it is blackface. I can't disagree with that. It's not even the same color as in the show. The makeup application is really good, I just wish she had used a better color than just straight up painting herself brown.

>> No.8620828

I always thought blackface was meant to exaggerate black facial features in a way that's supposed to be comical to racists? Like drawing in giant pink or red lips, or leaving the area around the eyes pale to make them look bigger. I didn't think normal makeup in a darker color counted.

>> No.8620846

That is how it originally started, but this person did change their features, and is essentially wearing a skin tone as a part of a costume, and able to take it off. It's why people harp on people who paint themselves like that. Actual black people can't just take off their skin tone, they have to deal with living with that skin tone, and racist people in general. Very basic explanation of why people are bothered. I already know everyone's just gonna shit on me and tell me to go back to tumblr for typing this, so I'm just gonna skedaddle for now. Hope this was informative.

>> No.8620918

But that's not. Which is why people get mad about people calling out blackface when it's not making fun of a race.

A black person has done the opposite for Pearl and painted herself white.

>> No.8620921

>they have to deal with living with that skin tone
>some sheltered white person saying this condescending shit and thinking they're actually being compassionate

>> No.8620925

But what if brown people paint themselves white?

>> No.8620928

>magic gem from outer space
I do believe she needs to work on the color a bit tho, make it more purple. Maybe it's just the filters/shoop.

>> No.8620940
File: 161 KB, 865x1073, tumblr_nm8ltbnWd71s8syr0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you showed the pics to a person who had no idea of any of this 'gems have no race or gender' metainfo that half the fans dont even know, would they think it is blackface?

>I always thought blackface was meant to exaggerate black facial features in a way that's supposed to be comical to racists?
which is exactly what garnet's design has become in this. she's a cartoon stylization of a black woman, hence her big lips and afro. on the face of someone who is not black but is pretending to be, it becomes uncomfortably close to a racial caricature

they already do. skin-lightening creams to 'fix' brown skin, freckles are a billion dollar industry

>> No.8620954

What would people think of doing Sadie's Song Sadie, but after she's dunked her head in the water - so the costume, but her normal hair and natural make-up? Would that be skimping out on the costume, or would it be okay to do it in the slightly more flattering way?

>> No.8620964

Holy shit I ain't even mad, that's some good makeup application. Race debate shit aside , why'd she paint herself brown when Garnet is obv maroon/red/whatever?

>> No.8620970

not even trying being an asshole, I really want to see this, do you have pictures? Is it done well? I want to know how well white bodypaint works on darker skin, I think i've only seen one girl do something like it but it was shooped as well

>> No.8620991

honestly i agree with you. i feel like people on cgl are supporting legitimate blackface because they like that it upsets tumblr, but this is actually racist. im all for garnets painting themselves purple or even a shade of red, but straight up brown edges into actual racist shit

>> No.8620996

i would at least keep the face star.

>> No.8621000

They do. They will be treated shitty by people because of their skintone. Reading comprehension m8.

>> No.8621012
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>> No.8621015
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>> No.8621017
File: 301 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nuw39vUprf1t29kd9o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8621030

Go read the White Man's Burden and then talk about reading comprehension, oh doughy savior.

>> No.8621035

does the fact that she's german make this more or less awkward?

>> No.8621039

The best part is you literally have no idea what I look like. kek.

>> No.8621044
File: 312 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nohghoiR541r22xuzo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8621046
File: 430 KB, 1224x1632, tumblr_nohghoiR541r22xuzo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was honestly really surprised at the wip pics

>> No.8621047
File: 224 KB, 500x747, tumblr_nndt1vjC0L1sg606yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8621048
File: 35 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_nuumcs7mcn1spdt6s_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8621077

>that fat pearl

>> No.8621086

>kek and m8 unironically
>not chubby and white
Choose one.

>> No.8621179

>Rose is skinnier than Pearl
I laughed a little.
The Rainbow Quartz is cute though.

>> No.8621220
File: 408 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_ntfu9sK9q41rvkgego2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a skirt? try harder little girl

>> No.8621643
File: 20 KB, 298x409, Blackface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think on the whole race thing people should just research the subject and why it may be upsetting to some people and if they are still comfortable with doing it then do it. Same goes for anything really. There are also tons of POCs who dont give a shit if someone colors their skin so long as it's not like pic related so really it is up to the individual.

>> No.8621657

Oh looooooordy

>> No.8621668

>that gem

>> No.8621698

This person clearly doesn't know about how kimonos actually work. It looks like a sloppy mash of a hanfu, a men's yukata and a furisode, super fucking ugly.

>> No.8621721

I really like this. I like the rectangle freckles bc they fit the general SU backgrounds aesthetic, as well as look flakey. Super cute, would just choose a different wig.

>> No.8621736

See, if someone wants to do it after knowing what they will inherently and inevitably imply, that's fine. But you also lose any right to complain when the SJWs are out for your blood. Unless they are making death threats or otherwise cross the line, they have every right to criticize the hell out of you.

>> No.8621737

Just because you're ugly doesn't mean the cosplay looks bad.

>> No.8621745

If you mean human white, yeah. If you mean paper white your TV is way oversaturated.

>> No.8621768

I get why some people are offended by the skin coloring thing and definitely those who do it should be aware of the shitstorm they may have to deal with but god damn I hate tumblr's call-out culture bullshit and they need to calm themselves.

>> No.8621858
File: 180 KB, 444x354, tumblr_static_c6qe3kd2pkowowc848oc8soss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human white? Anon...Have you checked your computer or tv settings because..

Even under other lighting she only milkier, slightly ashen, or creme colored. I don't know what human white person looks like her sans paint unless they're albino?

>> No.8622210

I didn't save it but it was a few threads ago and she was posted to the bad makeup thread because it was bad. like it was flaking off and not even.

>> No.8622462

I might be an asshole, but fat Pearl is borderline disgusting.
The character is supposed to look like a lanky and graceful gymnast, not a pudgy lazy american. It's her identity, almost. There are so many chubby characters in the show she could've done instead.

I really like the colors she used, especially for the warmers.

Most people I've seen used fabric cones for Pearl. It turns out the best, imo.

It's easier to make the dress as a sewing newbie than to die all those layers the right shades..
Also that dye color is way off and the gem looks like a disco ball.

>> No.8622480
File: 37 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nuy34qAXOC1rq5vz7o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bored so went through the tag on tumblr. I really like this Lapis, though she needs some contouring or something, her face looks too flat.

>> No.8622484
File: 334 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nuqpruHtcF1rxumlho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl, little bit in love with her. Not sure if it's a wig..? But if it is, should be pulled forward a little.

>> No.8622485

I like the wig shape a lot. Nice to see someone finally do that right.

>> No.8622488
File: 59 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nuwhi46n8O1suyt1mo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really like to see more Jenny cosplays! Anyone got any?

>> No.8622522
File: 306 KB, 1280x722, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F81f6e6955ab9c5037774b8f89e5052a3%2Ftumblr_nupfk6H4CL1qj0s5to5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres one.
It's a cute photo, but her shirt is wrong.

>> No.8622804


Really? I feel like the only think that sets this Lapis apart from any other sloppy Lapis is the nice photoshoot location.
Her top is extremely ill-fitting to the point of it becoming a low-cut v-neck. If her boobs had any support they're be visible cleavage.

>> No.8622820


that steven... RIP

>> No.8622841


Kind of crossing a line though, imo. I definitely don't think she was attempting to mock black women, but it's still in bad taste. Not to mention, Garnet is red, and this girl painted herself a realistic black skin tone. I don't think she was intentionally doing anything offensive, but it's still crossing a line n

>> No.8622849

That Steven looks like Martin Short...

>> No.8622960

miwa pls clean your room a lil before you take a pic at least gosh

>> No.8622972
File: 136 KB, 338x600, pearl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8622973
File: 83 KB, 316x238, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really like this skin colour of lapis?? I always think its really saturated and wanna go for a less vibrate tone, but I've been seeing a lot of lapis' do it and nobody says anything

>> No.8623051

WHY OH WHY can't people get a simple thing like sock length right? I know I seem salty, but I've seen so many super good Pearls that have ruined their 90% perfect costumes with knee high socks when they're supposed to be ankle high.
Props she got the colour right, people usually fuck up that too.
Otherwise I like this, though staff needs to be bigger.

>> No.8623072
File: 57 KB, 711x960, FB_IMG_1442783056184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8623080

Do some sit ups holy shit dat flab
Also you should really focus on craftsmanship... A lot of your recent cosplays have been shit

>> No.8623082

Fucking GROSS
Do people literally just not know how to do sit ups? Or at least tighten your muscles while sitting/walking, fuck
This is why I don't go to the beach

>> No.8623094


>> No.8623104

she's shaped really funny...

>> No.8623136

its making me so angry at how much cleaner shed be if she just trimmed her seams in the organza ish fabric

>> No.8623156
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, lapisskin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saturated aqua is accurate. Lapis's skin is shown as two different colors: one is the darker blue when her gem is still broken and the other is the aqua. She's also rarely shown in natural light like pic related which is probably why cosplayers use so many different colors for her. In the screenshot you posted the skintones are blown out or in deep shadows because of the bright light.

>> No.8623261
File: 67 KB, 528x960, nice hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8623279

Construction looks nice. If anything, I'd recommend that she push the colours on the hammer towards desaturation - more of a desturated reddish-orange and purpley-blue. I'm curious what the balance on it is like, since she looks like she's gripping the hammer high up on the handle to keep it upright.

>> No.8623374
File: 122 KB, 540x808, rosequartz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress is pretty good. I hate the wig.

>> No.8623391

I think I might be fatter than her, but damn my gut is nowhere near that bad. cgl is the best workout inspo.

>> No.8623511


>> No.8623558

Looks like she's wearing padding

>> No.8623603

it's a lace front. She should pull it down and bit and tweeze the hairline to make it a bit more natural.

I couls be wrong but isn't connie's hair black?

>> No.8623604

sorry in advance I realize this seems really nitpick-y , but it's a simple cosplay.

>> No.8623777

Nah, it's dark brown - like REALLY dark. It looks black or lighter brownish sometimes though. Depending on the show's lighting of course.

>> No.8624037

That Sour Cream needs to learn how to cut bangs, holy shit.

>> No.8624155
File: 395 KB, 989x1280, tumblr_nuy2hbXUJL1tdjgqro6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8624351


Legit question here that I want to discuss with gulls. It got brought up to me by a friend and it made me think, "huh."

How come when we see someone paint their skin to dress up like a brown/black character (even if it's without malicious intent), we tend to find it a bit offensive, but, when a male crossplays a female or vise-versa, no one finds anything wrong with it?

I don't condone blackface, this is just a point that was brought up to me that kind of made me think. Why are we okay with one but not the other?

>> No.8624385

Because there is a historical and cultural context regarding blackface and racism that produces a kneejerk reaction in some people (if you're from the US). "Blackface" existed to stereotype and make fun of black people, and you have the added problem that darkening your skin this much for cosplay very rarely looks good and instead looks like a joke. Trying to make your skin look like a black person's is almost always a bad idea.

On the flipside, it's mostly SJWs who get up in arms when non-black people cosplay garnet without darkening their skin. Which is pretty stupid considering a white girl dressing as a maroon gem isn't stopping a black girl from doing the same thing (if anything the black girl will get more attention because she'll look better). I've also seen people get buttmad when white girls cosplay asian-looking cartoon characters, or when white girls even tan their skin naturally. Basically if a white girl is doing something that can be considered racist if you squint, tumblr will be sure to jump all over them.

>> No.8624386

Because white people have a history of donning blackface to mock or promote racist stereotypes of black people, whereas males dressing as females hasn't had a history of promoting hatred towards women. Hell, men used to be the only ones able to be able to act in plays, so there's a precedent of men portraying women in a non derogatory manner. There isn't much non-offensive precedence for a white person painting themselves brown

>> No.8624391

what the others said here is basically it but its funny because ive also seen a bunch of POC get mad at the sjws for attacking white people over this. If youre thinking about doing a cosplay like garnet or whatever then i guess just read about peoples opinions and facts on this more and then decide for yourself what you wanna do

>> No.8624438


But the cosplayer in question isn't trying to mock anyone. In fact, she's actually showing her appreciation and love for the character by trying to portray them accurately (the fact that Garnet is red aside).

Also, males dressing as females hasn't promoted hatred against women, but transgender/homosexual men who put a lot of effort into crossdressing and attempting to pass for women are subject to violence/discrimination.

So, if a girl who realistically attempts to apply makeup in order to accurately portray a character of a different race is racist and derogatory to black people, isn't a serious crossplayer who puts hard work into a crossplay derogatory to trans women?

>> No.8624447


I can see why. Tumblr has a crazy culture of jumping down people's throats and shaming them for making racist/sexist/homophobic remarks, even if it's a mistake.

This Garnet cosplayer wasn't trying to hurt anyone. She just did something out of ignorance, and people need to calmly and respectfully explain to her that what she did is considered offensive by a lot of people. Not have a bunch of melodramatic teenagers telling her "omg .... im literally gagging this is the worst thing ive ever seen??? you are the hitler rape of 9/11?????"

>> No.8624460

how do you know she did it out of ignorance? i feel like anyone that's not a child has at least a slight understanding of racism and how painting your skin actually brown can be harmful. she's obviously a teenager or young adult and saying she must have done it out of ignorance is assuming things, unless there's actual proof she somehow didn't have a clue that painting your skin brown could offend some people. and if she knew it was going to be offensive and did it anyway, i can't really feel any pity for her.
>waah i painted my skin brown and all these SJWs are after me!! who knew this would happen???

>> No.8624467

For example I learned about blackface only after I started browsing Tumblr around 2 years ago, and I'm not a teenager anymore, nor was I then. Maybe my location (Scandinavia) has something to do with it, maybe not. Point is, everyone just doesn't know everything.

>> No.8624476

You're missing the point. OP asked why people get up in arms about cosplayers darkening their skin, and the above anons explained why the reactions from some people are like this. Yes when you logically break it down like this an consider that the cosplayer did it in a tasteful way and is European to boot, it makes sense. However for as many people who recognize that this is a grey area, other people out there are going to take offense to anything that looks blackface-ish. Your crossdressing example doesn't make sense because there has never been a large movement to belittle crossdressers by actually crossdressing. There's no historical context there.

She's European. Blackface is a piece of American history, so if she isn't in the habit of hanging around the cosplay community or tumblr I could see how someone might somehow miss the memo. You'd have to be pretty sheltered from the internet though.

>> No.8624482

Legitimate trans women =/= people putting on blackface for a costume. No one is legitimately 'transracial' and can say that painting their skin brown is helping them pass for the race they truly are. Like >>8624476 said, there's never been millions of deaths and slavery tied to crossdressers/trans people. Blackface is tied back to a horrible time in the world's history (not just America, but a large portion of it took place there), so it makes sense that it upsets a lot of people.
Also, how can you say that she painted her skin out of 'love for the character and trying to portray her accurately' when she didn't even do the right color? The logic behind that argument is flawed. Why didn't she just go with red paint, which would actually match Garnet, instead of painting herself to look like a black woman?

>> No.8624517


Take into mind the fact that she isn't from America. America is incredibly politically correct compared to ... a LOT of the world. Things that we regard as being sinfully racist usually aren't considered quite as bad. In fact, a lot of minority groups outside of the U.S. don't even take "casual racism" as a problem. My family came from a civil war and genocide in the middle east, so they really don't give a fuck when people make racist/ignorant comments about their ethnicity. Come to think, white Americans throw a bigger fit over my dad getting "randomly selected" at TSA than he EVER has.
So, basically, what we might consider to be a grave social sin here is just "meh" in other countries.
Now, Germany actually DOES do blackface, but, afaik, black Germans (which make up an incredibly small percent of the populations) don't care nearly as much as black Americans.

So basically, she probably knew that it could be conceived as offensive, but, where she's from, it's minor.

>> No.8624534


Fun fact, I've actually met a transracial kid. It was a pretty interesting case! I'm from outside Detroit, and there was a white ginger kid who grew up in the city. I believe they lived with a black family, went to an all-black school, and grew up in urban black culture. They actually got lawyers involved to let them identify as black in school, etc.

>> No.8624542


>> No.8624543

Yeah, I wasn't using the word in the traditional sense, where an adopted child grows up in a different culture and sees themselves as from that culture. That's actually a legitimate phenomenon, and I don't doubt those kinds of cases. My point was of the kind like that lady from Washington state or whatever a few months ago that tried to pass for black, teach black history courses, and join black groups even though she was the whitest woman ever and had been raised in a white household. I'm blanking on her name right now, though.

>> No.8624546

>there has never been a large movement to belittle crossdressers by actually crossdressin

A lot of American media presents men in dresses/makeup as being the butt of a joke. I can't even remember all the times when I watched cartoons as a kid, and it was supposed to be funny to see a man wearing dresses and makeup.

>> No.8624581

This is still nowhere close to the historical permanence of blackface. Yes you still get "lol a man in a dress so funneh" jokes that are offensive, just like you get jokes that make fun of every other group under the sun. If you want to get really nitpicky though, most crossdressing jokes' punchlines are about how this particular man is really bad at dressing as a woman (not that ALL crossdressers are terrible at it). Whereas blackface performers depicted their characters in a really stereotypical, slapstick way.

TBH I am not really sure what your argument is here... are you saying that people SHOULD be offended by crossplaying?

>> No.8624582
File: 231 KB, 1872x1053, eddie-cantor-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isn't blackface, that's cosplay. opera singers do it as well, if you've never seen Aida.
This is blackface, and the person portraying the 'negro' character usually has to act over the top for it to work as well.

Blackface = vaudeville theatre
Tanning and makeup = not blackface

Stop mangling words just so you'd have something to complain and whine about.

>> No.8624590

just like big women beating their scrawny husbands have been the butt of a joke yet neither are being 'belittled' by the media. people find humour in the absurd and unusual, as they always have. that has nothing to do with what we're discussing right now, and it's a terrible example.

>> No.8624597

>They actually got lawyers involved to let them identify as black in school, etc.
....Why? I'm curious, literally what did they gain from doing this? Aren't those identifiers solely for statistics (which are now wrong), and also for special consideration when applying to schools/programs?

>> No.8624603

Yes, you're right that the black minstrels are the premiere and worst version of black face, but even accurately portraying a black person's skin with respectable intent is considered black face nowadays for the reasons mentioned in >>8620846.

You can disagree with that, but we're not mangling words to make our arguments. This is the paradigm of our culture right now.

>> No.8624866

okay, yeah I know the show has a lot of color changes throughout so I couldn't be 100% sure. girl; is a cutie tho!

>> No.8624876

Ok I have a question i'm not even choosing a side on this debate, but isnt Garnet red? Was it a paint mistake or what? I just want to know why she chose brown. The color choice doesn't make much sense if she was trying to be accurate. overall it's a great cosplay./

>> No.8624885

that's what i'm most confused about too. you can't even say she chose the paint color to be most accurate to the character- it's brown, when garnet is red in season 1 and purple in season 2. she's never straight up brown. why didn't she just go with red or purple paint?

>> No.8624926

The only reason I can think of to explain her choosing brown paint is that maybe she used fan art for reference instead of looking up caps from the show? It's a lame excuse and would be lazy as all hell, but I can't think of another reason. Unless ofc she was trying to get a rise out of people.

>> No.8624971

this pose is both disgusting and kind of in character


there are a lot of movies where white guys put makeup on their faces to play asians. are those acceptable because they don't fit your vaudeville definiton?

>> No.8624977

IMO it isn't even in character. Maybe fandom's version sure but the only thing Jasper ever did in canon was beat the shit out of people and boss other people around. There's nothing even vaguely sexual or trashy about her.

>> No.8624988
File: 261 KB, 593x331, tumblr_n4v9ylbbWy1t5u6j6o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think for the same reason that people up this thread have been confused about what colour skin to paint pearl, or whether or not you remember mr burns as having grey or blue hair. you get what the colour choice is supposed to represent, and remember that, instead of what the actual colour is.

>> No.8624995
File: 34 KB, 580x333, beachparty-stevenuniverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to the stylized black people. g is much redder but could plausibly pass as a realistic skintone

>> No.8625034

It's really a lose/lose situation. Half the people you ask will get pissy if you try to 'erase' the fact that she's 'black coded'.

>> No.8625049
File: 1.45 MB, 1752x1280, 1442663227801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think pearl's issue lies in lighting and color differences. sometimes she's painted completely white and sometimes she's a pale yellow/cream, like in your picture. here's a comparison of garnet with the cosplayer- not only did she lose all red tones and go completely for brown, but she made her way darker. i don't see how this is staying true to the character at all, since garnet is never shown to be true brown, like the pizza family.

>> No.8626131
File: 166 KB, 799x586, military_lapis_by_anyapanda-d99tug4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8626141

it's a nice costume, but i cant forgot what another anon said a while ago that lapis is against the military-like homeworld and that it's really out of character for her to be wearing a military uniform

>> No.8626185

Sexy military Jasper or Peridot would be much more in character. Although I'm not sure either of them would be particularly good at the sexy bit.

>> No.8626186

definitely. id love to see a military styled peridot and jasper in this style

>> No.8626192

Fat pearl is never ok

>> No.8626193

ugh this would be so great if she wasn't fat

>> No.8626203

she looks average, anorexia-chan. relax.

>> No.8626217

Yeah, maybe in america

>> No.8626220

gtfo fat apologists

>> No.8626228

Where do you think most of this board is from, bruh. Besides, why are you trying to troll with a cosplay that's average at best? Her paint is splotchy as hell.

>> No.8626241

same fag. also she looks like she's 135 at most. chill.

>> No.8626260
File: 97 KB, 503x895, tumblr_nv1tnjwSiP1rfx5fto2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fandom can escape the bunnygirl costumes.

>> No.8626275

she's cute as hell though so i aint complaining.

>> No.8626282

I agree. Besides the cardboard(?) ears its a cute costume and could pass for 'Jamie's fantasy' or something like that

>> No.8626577
File: 31 KB, 234x328, redcape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww it's so cardcaptors-ie

>> No.8627252
File: 109 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nmigufTYIv1uqwkyvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8627490

Is there a joke here that I'm missing?

>> No.8627816
File: 491 KB, 1049x620, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems a bit too much...

>> No.8627832

it's not extremely overpriced, especially considering how labor intensive they are to make and how they have to be based on the customer's hands exactly. it doesnt look like they fit really well around the wrist area, though, so i would make them $35-40, considering labor while factoring in the fact that they dont seem to fit perfectly

>> No.8627838

I hate making arm socks. Getting the right colored material with a low level of shine is a pain, and sewing them so the seams aren't lumpy is frustrating. $50 not to deal with that is reasonable.

>> No.8627844

what's with the horns?

>> No.8627865


ugh, get off of here, Tumblr fags,
It's not racist, they're just doing a character.
You people are the only one seeing it as racist.
Being racist is when you're intentionally trying to stereotype a race or races, but people doing cosplay aren't because it's a costume, made to look accurate and true to the character they love

>> No.8627870

tumblr, that's what. Just be glad she doesn't have huge goat ears too

>> No.8627874

0/10 bait harder next time. the thread finished talking about this a while ago

>> No.8628122

>Has good cosplay
>Admits self-post
>gets no hate

>> No.8628147

Ah yes my favorite cosplay: Blue chick surprised by her period.

>> No.8628295


Thoughts? Her photos looked really nice so I decided to take a look at her makeup tutorials but the makeup seems really splotchy... She doesn't seem to try to go for a lot of great coverage.

>> No.8628805

>Using eyeshadow for lips
>No instructions on eyeliner

Good basics, poor quality otherwise.

>> No.8628921


>> No.8629131
File: 188 KB, 1280x721, tumblr_nv56484n5P1rt29kmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8629137
File: 855 KB, 914x1280, tumblr_nv3n2o7fYv1qzdhkvo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8629170

that shield is cool, but it looks so tron-like to me. i like it, though

>> No.8629185

I didn't realize how starved I was for a male Steven until I saw this. Not that he looks particularly accurate but it is so much better than all the shitty female ones I've seen.

>> No.8629800

this art is awful

>> No.8629831

this probably should be asked in the help thread but ill just ask it here anyways.
Im gonna be making some gems for the first time and im wondering if using nail polish to color them would be a good idea. or would that just come off as too glittery?

>> No.8629839

Are they being top coated or bottom? I find underneath coating the glitter gets phased out by the transparency. I know some nail polish is matte finish but that might not be practical. Have you considered the shimmer option for nail polish? Or was that what you were referring to? Shimmer has a lot nicer finish than glitter filled ones.

>> No.8629850

You could do all the main team fusions with a picture of Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst and Rose. That'd give you Sardonyx, Sugilite, Rainbow Quartz, Opal and Alexandrite.

>> No.8629851

>Not that he looks particularly accurate
Das me. How might I improve?

>> No.8629854

find fountain of youth
become child

>> No.8629855

I mean, other than regress my age by about a decade

>> No.8629857

>they taped it on

>> No.8629858

Gonna don my Spanish gear, and go to the land of La Florida

>> No.8629862

What lipstick is that? I love the shade.

>> No.8629872

As somebody who must be subconsciously sexualizing Jasper because I keep on having sex dreams about her (why?), I agree with this. I see her as probably being even more asexual than your typical gem.

>> No.8629878


>> No.8630119
File: 280 KB, 1024x1638, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8630120

>holy shit day flab
>Sadie cosplay
Anon hate to break it to you but

>> No.8630123

holy shit

>> No.8630126

I think her expressions for the "just say yes" scene made her seem pretty aggressively sexual.

>> No.8630127

i have so many questions. peridot pajama day?

>> No.8630202
File: 94 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nr4rg6pn051r5vxr8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that she is supposed to be giving off a creepy vibe, but I would draw the line at saying it's anywhere close to lol-this-beer-is-my-penis levels.

>> No.8630370

Off topic, but you're 3 minutes into the latest beatdownboogie video.

>> No.8630419

I didn't realise North Korean concentration camp survivors browsed this board.

>> No.8630828

influx of teeny peridot cosplays when?

>> No.8630835


Shield Steven is cute! CUTE!!

>> No.8630839

Aw man. This scene turned me on so much...BUT I'm straight...between this and RhandiMask's fanart, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON ANYMORE ASDFLKSDLFK

>> No.8630843

what are you referring to?

>> No.8630857

The most recent episode.

>> No.8630858

so any advice on makign a good rainbow quartz cosplay? specifically he wig?

>> No.8630862

i think the point is to show lapis if she was actually supportive of the military

>> No.8630878

4chan is 18+, please return to tumblr where you belong

>> No.8630905

her proportions look kinda dumb now.

>> No.8630921

i think she's really cute in the episode, but i know its just going to mean more lazy peridot cosplayers who see this as a way to not do the limbs. besides, no one's going to have her correct proportions unless they're an actual child

>> No.8630936

She was so adorable, and I'm really excited that the plot ball is rolling again.

>> No.8630943

Me too, I'm glad to see them come back to the gems. I like Sadie, but that episode was so lackluster. I think it's canon now that Peridot is really young, or whatever the gem equivalent of a child is?

>> No.8631046

well now cosplayers dont have to worry about fabricating her arm and legs now.
cant wait for even more laziness!

>> No.8631063

It looks fucking amazing.

>> No.8631075

I hope she gets some sort of new limb extenders in the future and a new outfit

>> No.8631089

>New outfit
Speaking of this, why didn't she get one in this episode after she got poofed?

But.... pro-homeworld gems don't wear military outfits....

>> No.8631098

Anyone want to post some Peridots to celebrate? Or Amethysts, she was pretty great in this episode

>> No.8631108

A gem has to decide to get a new outfit I guess. I'm sure she will the next time she is poofed

>> No.8631198

Maybe Homeworld gems don't have as much freedom to pick random outfits as they like and are expected to return in the same uniform look every time they regenerate. When the Crystal Gems dropped down on Earth, they no longer had that restriction and explored their new freedoms with gleeful abandon.

>> No.8631199

I don't think she's ever been poofed before. So it's probably because she didn't really know you can do that, and she reformed immediately after being released by the bubble.

>> No.8631200


Eh. I'd wager I'm not too far off the dot, I'm pretty tiny and have really short legs.

>> No.8631203


Man, everything but the hair is done amazingly.

>> No.8631346
File: 1.15 MB, 1198x1194, 018462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting some peridots from the #peridotcosplay on instagram

>> No.8631349
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>> No.8631353
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>> No.8631354
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>> No.8631356

ill save the rest for whenever a new thread is started

>> No.8631357


its amazing how these people look at themselves in the mirror and say "yup, this looks good!"

>> No.8631406

She was so cat like, it was so cute... I'd totally do a Purridot..

>> No.8631415

would you do a punypurridot?

>> No.8631449

Of course. Or maybe instead of her normal enhancements they'd be like, robo paws and a electrical plug as a tail.

>> No.8631536
File: 465 KB, 1266x1920, stylishandillegal crystal gem peridot steven universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8631538

That's better than a lot of the ones I've seen. Not a fan of the star hair but I guess it would make sense for her to change her hair to not-a-diamond if she officially switches sides,

>> No.8631569

the main problem is that real lapis isnt see thru. Not that kinda stone.
But pyrite-gold freckles on a lapis cosplayer.. omg. that sounds so cute..

>> No.8631572

thats maybe theres Spanks under that spandex suit.. look how big the bum and how high up it goes but the belly doesnt match for that level of adipose..
blackface or not that girl got great lips; in general and perfect for the cosplay

>> No.8631795
File: 73 KB, 540x360, tumblr_null0bsl1b1rmwerjo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8631799

Sometimes you get a point when working on something and you know it's not that great but you'd rather wear it than nothing.

>> No.8631816

i love this homeworld group. there are some minor things that could be changed, but they all look really well put-together

>> No.8631903
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>> No.8631908
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>> No.8631922


New thread

>> No.8632157

not the ones we've seen yet

>> No.8632161

i actually laughed out loud at sapphire's face

>> No.8634717
File: 445 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150926_155715_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people really like this skin colour of lapis
Yes, I adore Lapis blue skin tone it's so refreshing an a good body paint can really tie a costume up together nicely.

>> No.8635538
File: 687 KB, 1024x768, 1442810936175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, cute as fuck, reminded me of this.

Also, did anything come from that Female Bodybuilder who wanted to cosplay as Jasper?

Like she wasn't overly tall but she actually had the muscular arms and juicy thighs, she was spot on rocking bod for Bara-Waifu.