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8596140 No.8596140 [Reply] [Original]

All the juicy beauty secrets that keep us Gulls lookin' lovely

>> No.8596143

How do I get better at making my eyeliner wings even? I can get them to be the same shape but for some reason one will be the longer than the other and if I try to correct one I fuck it up.

>> No.8596146

I do the trick where I line my brush from my nose to my eyebrow and I make a very light tick mark where I want my cat eye to end. I do this on both sides and make sure it looks even before I actually do my liner. Hope that helps!

>> No.8596149


I draw the outside line from the corner of my eye up and then connect the inner corner to it

>> No.8596174


>> No.8596180

Your wing should stop in line with the highest point of your eye if that makes sense? So make a mark there and then just line as per usual. As long as your eyes are even your wings should be even

>> No.8596184
File: 43 KB, 590x266, pattie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I line my eyes in a brown pencil liner first, then trace the outer third and wing with a liquid liner. Blending into the pencil on top of the eye creates a softer effect and tracing the pencil liner makes getting the correct wing easier as lightly done pencil is easy to fix! I learned this from a 1960s makeup tutorial and it is very useful.

>> No.8596285

Any tips on applying under eye concealer without looking noticeable and cakey?

>> No.8596290

I want to try some BB cream. Price doesn't matter, I'm willing to dish out whatever for something good.

I have EXTREMELY pale, non-Asian skin. I wear MAC NW-10 right now, so it really needs to match my skintone and not look yellowish. I also have skin that's very very acne prone. What do you guys recommend?

>> No.8596327


I use skinfood sake peach bb cream and I have pink undertones and combination skin, it's medium coverage

>> No.8596332
File: 211 KB, 640x640, collage_20150905194531539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the effect on a casual day
(There's not a gap, it's my blonde eyelash bases. How does one avoid that btw?)

>> No.8596337

>skinfood sake peach bb cream
A friend of mine has/uses this, I tried a bit and it looked like I smeared fake tanner on myself. It smells nice, though. Like I said though, I'm cool with dishing out cash, right now I use a $70 concealer and MAC studio fix is like $30 so it's not like I shy away from more expensive stuff.

>> No.8596344

I take some black eyeshadow or black gel liner on a small, dense brush, and dab it at the base of my lashes. It fills in those spaces that are impossible to reach with your liquid liner!

>> No.8596346

Maybe if you stopped raving on about how much money you have to shell out on crappy shit-tier things like MAC foundation a qualified makeup artist such as myself might be able to help you.

>> No.8596347

Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion in C02? It's the only one that comes to mind with an outright pink shade rather than just neutral-pink.

>> No.8596354
File: 186 KB, 1600x1128, nw10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that you took that the wrong way, yo. I'm mostly looking for something that doesn't look like a freaking bronzer on me. I think people forget how pale NW-10 is, pic related. I definitely wouldn't refer to MAC as shit-tier, I was actually recommended it by my friend who is a makeup artist. Apparently it's one of the few makeups that comes in extremely pale shades.
Thank you, it can be a neutral-pink, just has to be super duper pale. Also I tried something from Etude House long ago and it made me break out with comedones almost instantly in addition to being too dark .

>> No.8596359

Yo I think you have the same skin tone as me, there are about two drug store foundations that match mine;
rimmel perfect match- lightest porcelain
and covergirl trublend in 1- ivory (almost, not as light but close enough when powdered)
I've never found a concealer light enough. There was this newer rimmel bb cream that actually sort of matches but it's thick and I don't like it that much. I forgot the name, I'll get back to you. I've never had luck with asian brands.

>> No.8596363

I'm also a makeup artist, and the anon who called MAC shit-tier is just bitter as hell. I don't use lots of their stuff personally, but it's definitely not shit. Their color ranges in foundations and the like are better than most brands, and the formula isn't bad. If you're looking for other alternatives though, Dior has a few foundations that go as light as the MAC ones do, and the formula is great. I'd recommend Diorskin Star.

>> No.8596369

Korean BB creams usually come in a pale neutral shade, followed by two to three consecutively darker, yellow shades. Ultra white faces are kind of a trend in Korea. See how freaking pale Precious Mineral Blooming Fit in N02 is on this model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taPmTEndiQc

My face is NC15-20 (usually matches the lightest warm shade for Korean BBs), but the rest my body is more like a N10. This into might not even matter since you've broken out from EH before, but I would say avoid Blooming Fit (lighter coverage) in N02 since it's a slightly yellow peach. Perfect Fit (heavier coverage) is both paler and more neutral though. It's actually slightly darker and pinker (or maybe just pinker?) than my fluorescent legs.

I know Innisfree's BB creams/cushions tend to run paler than most other brands.

>> No.8596398

Dior is much more expensive than MAC here. It's so upsetting. I'm super pale and can't find a highlight tone for my skin. :c

>> No.8596400


>> No.8596426

How pale is NARS' Siberia shade? For reference I'm incredibly pale and typically use Missha Perfect Cover's lightest shade.

>> No.8596440

How the fuck do you STOP concealer under the eyes from creasing?!
So far I've read applying jojoba or argon oil under the eyes.
And also to blot access concealer with a tissue.

Anything else? I have under eye concealer from IT cosmetics, under eye primer from Smashbox, and setting power from Make Up Forever. It always seems to fucking crease though. And I know applying more will make it crease again but I just dont know how to fix it. Makes me look 10+ years older.

>> No.8596478

I suffer from the same problem anon. No fucking clue. Only thing that has helped is that I stopped applying concealer very near my eyes/lashes, you know where the folds start under the eyes, so there wouldn't be any makeup in those folds to crease in first place. Have to bear with a bit of the darkness this way though :/

>> No.8596803

Thank you all so much for your advice. I think I'm going to give Innisfree and possibly the Dior foundation a try.

>> No.8596808

I'm honestly not sure if this is entirely possible. My concealer is pretty good, but it still creases after a few hours. I just rub it back in.

>> No.8596820

I'm pale as a ghost with a pinkish undertone and I found that NARS' Siberia was very yellow.
I use Bare Minerals Bare Skin foundation in the lightest shade and I found that it doesn't have a yellow undertone but you do need to set it with a sheer powder if you want it to be matte.

>> No.8596928

What if your creases are different!? I noticed my crease on the left eye ends higher up than my right one so when my eyes are open the right wing bends a little. Do any of you guys have this problem?

>> No.8596978

Lancôme just came out with an ultra light neutral shade, it's 090. They also came out with some darker shades too. I got a sample, I'm pale af and its the only foundation I've gotten to match my skin.

>> No.8596984

Yeah my eyes are pretty different, I just try to adjust my liner to look even when my face is relaxed.

>> No.8596994

Anyone else pumped for the 21 Days of Beauty at Ulta? What are you planning to pick up? I'm definitely getting some Too Faced lipsticks and the blushes and liner from Stila.

>> No.8597179

How do you find your undertone? Also if I post a pic of how I look with make-up, can ya'll tell if it looks okay or what I should do differently? I don't use makeup often so idk if I look like a clown or not.

Also what can I do to make my eyes pop more under my glasses? I have almond shaped eyes and they disappear behind my glasses and make my pics look shitty.

>> No.8597185

Max Factors palest works for me as a sub to NW10

>> No.8597215

Do any of you pretty ladies have a recommendation for contouring that isn't so...Kardashian? My face is naturally round with full chipmunk cheeks and I look like a toddler. I figured contouring would help. But every tutorial I find just makes you look like an alien from planet Glamazon.

>> No.8597240

I'm really round-faced too, anon, I feel your pain. I've been referring to this tutorial a lot lately:

this one is good for general placement, though I feel like the color choices are a little off:

do you look better with gold or silver jewelry? are the veins on your wrist more blue or more green? are there any colors you avoid because you've found that you look terrible in them? there are lots of ways to find out, just google "skin undertone test."

as for glasses, try something like winged eyeliner or more voluminous lashes?

>> No.8598019

This is a bit of an odd question, but how would I make my own makeup brushes?

All the tutorials I've seen are along the lines of "glue hair on a pencil" or painting prefab ones.

I was thinking of buying dowel rods and carving pretty handles, the brush hair is the issue.

I was thinking of machine sewing the hair together with a tight zigzag before gluing it onto the end, then wrapping some soda can aluminum around it.

Would that work? How do I shape the fibers for angled brushes?

>> No.8598336
File: 44 KB, 334x235, pucker up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the look of a mountain of clear lip gloss on my lips, but I hate the goop.

Is there any ultra-shiny clear lipgloss that doesn't goop you up?

>> No.8598375

What kind of contouring would you do for a moe, dolly look, if any? The only contouring tutorials I can find are for the mature, defining cheekbones, and it doesn't seem very fitting for the look I'm trying to go for.

>> No.8598516

I have this problem too because of my pesky blonde lashes. I take a thin brush and dab some black eyeshadow on and that seems to do the trick.

>> No.8598523

I can definitely second this, switching to Korean products has been a god send for my pasty ass skin. As someone who doesn't have a lot of money to fork out, I'm using the Holika Holika BB jelly at the moment and I just love it. It's very pale and lightweight, and it doesn't look yellow on me.

>> No.8598540

I have the same problem, but I use a black crayon liner and color in the base of my lashes. Lasts a lot longer and feels more comfortable than peppering my waterline with black eyeshadow.

>> No.8598668

Anyone bought things from Miss A's website? I've seen it recommended in a previous thread.

>> No.8598685

Prep skin with eye cream first. Use a fluffy brush to apply.

>> No.8598687

The only contouring you would need to do is possibly bronzer under your chin and/or around the sides of your face to look slimmer. But if you already have a thin face, you don't need to.

>> No.8598693

Moisturizer your undereye area to prep. Switch your concealer with a highlighting pen (I use the Clinque one but even the Maybelline one for $5 works fine) don't powder, just reapply as necessary.

>> No.8598695

I have very fair skin with pink undertones and my cheeks turn pretty red whenever I get embarrassed, do the slightest bit of physical activity, etc. Am I doomed to wearing heavy coverage foundation to hide this? I don't have acne or acne scars so I don't have any reason to do so other than redness.

>> No.8598698

A green toned primer on your cheeks will tone down the red without heavy foundation

>> No.8598700

Any modifications I need to make for a round face and full cheeks?

>> No.8598706

Any recommendations for a moisturizing foundation that isn't too Dewey/shiny? I have combo skin and the area around my mouth and cheeks gets dry by midday but my nose is always shiny. Money is no object and my skin tone is fair/neutral

>> No.8598801

Tight line

>> No.8598893
File: 51 KB, 960x372, IMG_20150906_204221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about putting on eye shadow? My eye folds are uneven and I have a hard time creating a cut crease since the lids are pretty flat.

>> No.8598948


>> No.8598964

It's actually my eyelashes not my eyelid skin, the skin itself isn't that big of a deal with my eye shape, but thank you everybody who replied! I'll definitely try dabbing on some gel eyeliner to the base of my eyelashes that I can't reach with mascara. I think it also might be useful to learn tight lining, provided I'm not too squeamish.

>> No.8598968

I have, but only once so far. I picked up a few things in some colors I hadn't tried before just to see if they'd suit me before I committed to buying anything more expensive. if you're concerned about a particular brand or item, you can always just google the name of it and see what turns up. otherwise, it is what it says on the tin, everything for a buck.

see >>8597240
I feel like a "dolly" type of look would involve more of an emphasis on highlighting rather than contouring. not an absence of contouring, but more highlight to create that "dewy" sort of look. also perhaps more use of pink-toned blush rather than heavy bronzer.

>> No.8598979

So, I started wearing glasses only recently and I have noticed that my make up gets cakey on the bridge part of my nose. Usually, my make up never gets cakey, and I wear primer before applying make up too. Does anyone have the same problem?

>> No.8598991

Her makeup is terrible but I did get a bit of insight. I never really considered my eyes hooded but I guess they really are. Thank you.

>> No.8599037

yeah, happens all the time to me. I saw a tip somewhere about using eyeshadow primer to help mattify the area where your glasses will sit, but I keep forgetting to try it out as I'm going about my routine.

>> No.8599039

It's why I never wear my reading glasses! I have to take them on and off and they leave these horrible, cakey red lines! I haven't found anything that worked. Also sunglasses.

>> No.8599041

Can someone compare nw10 and Diorskin Star in 010 for me and tell me how they compare.

I just don't like Mac's formula and hope Dior's is better.

>> No.8599046

Thanks! I think I'll try this.

I know right? It bothers me that a little bit gets on them as well. I've never imagined it would be this pain to have glasses lol

>> No.8599320

Recommendation for drug store mascara? Save me from crusty clumpy goop.

>> No.8599475

i like maybelline's great lash BIG with the fat brush.

>> No.8599478

Oh ugh yeah it's embarrassing and I discreetly wipe the nose bit of my glasses off every time. I don't think it would be so bad if they were long distance glasses I had to wear all the time, that would hide it. Even without glasses I get red marks. Almost want fake ones for when I'm not wearing my reading ones to hide it, ugh.

>> No.8600914

Rimmel's stay matte BB is a shade too dark and a tone too warm for me, but I just bought 3 tubes because it's the best I can get.

Can anyone recommend a different BB cream with a matte or velvet finish?
Anything 'dewy' makes me look like I've rubbed a stick of butter over my face within an hour (especially as Australia is coming into Spring/HEAT now.)

>> No.8600925

i do this too.

>> No.8600953

I usually use Maybelline Great Lash, there's a reason it's been around for decades. Although I have also recently tried L'oreal Miss Manga and it was better than expected.

If you can splurge, get a good lash primer to keep mascara from clumping. It helps make drug store mascara go a long way. I also like to lightly apply mascara to the topside (side facing your lids) to brush the hairs and reduce clump.

>> No.8600992

Anyone have tips for applying eyeliner without seeing what you're doing? I'm blind in one eye and have finally learned how to get my eyeshadow even, but still can't put eyeliner on my good eye without it looking like a 2 year old's crayon scribble.

>> No.8601029

Have you tried a normal BB but with a matte finishing spray over the top? It really helps reduce the shine.

>> No.8601099
File: 29 KB, 800x800, original_CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used this Dove Summer Glow gradual tanner before?

I get so little sun as to have a sever Vitamin D deficiency (hueh) and while I was at the pharmacy getting my prescription-strength supplements today (HUEH) I came across this on sale.

I'm naturally olive, but at the moment my skin is more-or-less translucent and quite blotchy as a result. I'd like to pick up a gradual tanner that has those cool, olivey tones rather than orange.. Any suggestions would be great!

>> No.8601122

you could do the card/tape tricks people like on pinterest.

Really not sure I would be able to do eyeliner without seeing it.

>> No.8601156

Just dab the brush on a tissue or something before applying. The mascara's stopper never takes off enough mascara anyways. I heard Maybelline's has a plush one that is supposedly quite light too.

>> No.8601453

can we ask about "what's my face shape" in this thread, since it relates to contouring and such? or should it have its own thread?

>> No.8601511

I always put it on with my eye open, using a felt tip liquid liner.

>> No.8601875
File: 12 KB, 522x522, BelloccioMakeupAirbrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on airbrush tools? This one is $40 on Amazon. Not sure if I want to try this plus foundation, or if I should just stick to my Missha perfect cover BB cream.

>> No.8602462

I have under eye circles and deep lines that run into my cheeks that are genetic, unfortunately. I can at least cover up the under eye circles to a degree, but in bad lighting or without makeup it looks like I haven't slept in weeks. Is there anything I can do to try and cover these up as much as possible or at least decrease the severity of them?

>> No.8602473

same here anon. The only thing I've found that works decently is La Mer's concealer, but it's expensive as fuck. The brush that comes with it is also shit, I use a BareMinerals concealer brush and it does the job. Makes my eyes look pretty bright. I also use creme de La Mer.

>> No.8602479

Welp. I went back and picked it up and slathered some on before bed.

Admittedly I was so pale that any amount of colour would be noticeable, but I'm definitely a couple of shades darker already and now you can't see my gross veins on my chest.

>> No.8602490

I'll look into these. At this point, I'd be willing to pay the price for something that works.

>> No.8602607

This might be strange, but are there any makeup techniques for covering up blemishes on your body? I want to wear lower cut tops, but I have a lot of scarring and red marks around my chest from past skin allergy issues. Concealer for my face seems to rub off. I'm very pale, so these little spots are really noticeable.
Also any skincare techniques to help heal these? I'm really self conscious about it.

>> No.8602611

I got a free sample of Algenist Complete Eye Renewal and it made a huge difference for my lifelong dark circles and eyebags. It's pricey, but a little bit goes a long way. I've been working on the teeny Sephora sample for 2 weeks. I've tried a bunch of different eye creams, and this is honestly the best I've ever used.

>> No.8602612

I found that a daily bath in ita blood keeps my skin looking young.

>> No.8602629


Try foundation from a theatrical makeup company, Ben Nye is my favorite at the moment. I have really bad scarring on my face and it's the only thing that works for covering it up. It's extremely heavy so you could probably just use it as you would a concealer. Ben Nye also has a few extremely pale shades.

>> No.8605608
File: 19 KB, 124x73, lips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I bet get this effect? Mix the gloss with some water?

>> No.8605616

Foundation on the outside of the lips, gloss on the inside. It wears off really fast though and is only useful for short things like photoshoots

>> No.8605625

I guess I know the general idea but I'm wondering how to apply it? When I do gradient lips I apply some gloss to the center and then spread it out with a Qtip. How do you get to look it less even like in that picture?

>> No.8605629

looks like she has super dry lips and the gloss is settling in the cracks

>> No.8605744

for gradient lips you would get a better result using a lip tint instead of gloss
tbh I've never seen anyone use anything other than lip tints for this look

>> No.8607103
File: 174 KB, 500x500, holika_mt_013_light-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought holika holika's jewel light waterproof eyeliner on a whim with my last roseroseshop order, and I'm really impressed. it's smudgy enough to create a really quick smokey eye for the first minute or so, and then once it sets it doesn't budge, even with really oily lids. I accidentally swiped some on the back of my hand, and it was still there at the end of the day after plenty of handwashing with soap and water and everything else I did. I had to scrape it off with an oil cleanser in the end.

only downside is that they don't have any basic non-shimmery colors. I got black plum, which is very pretty, but now I'm disappointed by the lasting power of my regular black and dark brown pencils. definitely recommend if you're looking for sparkly jewel tones.

anybody have recs for long-lasting eyeliner pencils?

>> No.8607108

I think you'll be impressed. If you want to buy both, I recommend buying them separately so you can get extra free samples. Shipping is always free and the samples are pretty generous.

Also, the free gift wrapping is great. I always get it. TO ME FROM ME

>> No.8607124
File: 142 KB, 960x958, Etude House Play 101 Pencils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought these which certainly lasts long, but it's kind of difficult to get rid of even with makeup remover

>> No.8607172

Glasses. Seriously, I have the exact same problem, but since I wear glasses I just make sure to buy frames that run pretty much exactly over where the edge of them is.

>> No.8607444

How to make super-angular cheekbones look round for sweet lolita?
I have Angelina-esque cheekbones but my normal contour routine just sucks.
I also have a fairly fat face so should I contour as if I were a round face and highlight where my contour shades would be in normie fash?

>> No.8607456

There are plenty of different methods when you search for gradient lip tutorials. Are you specifically going for the strong contrast, high pigment uzzlang lips?

The pic you posted is poorly done imo.

>> No.8609338

Any liptint I use only wants to stain the inside of my lips. Am I screwed?

>> No.8610348

LA Girl Gel Glide pencils are amazing! I think there's almost 20 colours, both shimmery and normal, including a couple of shades of brown. I'm almost certain they're an exact dupe for the Bourjois Contour Clubbing eyeliners too, they perform exactly the same and they're made in the same place so I suspect that they're the same product, but they're heaps cheaper too.

>> No.8610351

I thought Great Lash was shit. Maybelline alone makes other great mascaras, I don't know why it still exists.

>> No.8610369

VDL has really nice gradient tint bars that are super easy to apply. They're more subtle though.

>> No.8610512
File: 52 KB, 500x239, kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I bought two replica eye palettes today thinking they were the real thing, oh my god.

>naked palette and chocolate bar
>$25 for both
>get hype
>hit the internet to check if replica
>god damn it
>if it's too good to be true it probably is

I know better than that too, the differences are so fucking minor.

>> No.8610522

thank you for this, had no idea it existed. I only hit up sephora usually.

Super interested in those Stila convertible colour blushes

>> No.8610549

pics? i have both (real ones though) and i'm interested to see the dupes!

>> No.8611129

>Naked pallettes
I don't really understand the hype for them.

>> No.8611150

I'm not too excited but then again I have a huge stockpile of makeup that I should really get through first before purchasing anything else.

I have been loving all the perks of ULTA's reward program though. I made a big online order recently and tried using a free product coupon that was emailed to me. I called customer service because the code kept showing as expired when it wasn't and they gave me a $15 egift card to use instead. I also received additional points that let me take $8.00 off my purchase that I was able to stack with a 20% off coupon. I most recently received a 5x points bonus offer on Benefit products (my new fave brand) so I'm hoping for some good deals online before I just grab something in store.

I've heard good things about Sephora's program but I don't have a store nearby and if I ever had to return/exchange something I feel it'd be more hassle than it should.

>> No.8614195

Different anon but Mac studio fluid fix foundation made me break out pretty bad, which is a shame because the shade is great. I've heard other people say similar stuff about their foundation

>> No.8614199

I can get some, they look close but compared to online photos of the real deal it's easy to see

>> No.8614216

Anyone have any reccs for "dry" mascara?
I have heroine make long and curl, and I love how it's almost powdery when dry, but it's a bitch to take off.
I also have great lash but hah. It's so sticky. And if I touch my eye, I'll get a mono-lash and have to get a comb out for them.

>> No.8615252
File: 176 KB, 550x550, EtudeHouseRosyTintLips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend one of etude house's longer wear lip products? I was thinking about trying this one out.

>> No.8615259

It's great, really long wearing. The color is bit harsh if you have dry or cracked lips, and the tube is a pain in the ass to squeeze, but the product itself is really nice.

>> No.8615260

You know the 18-hour lipsticks that come with a balm? Those balms are super clear and shiny and last for ages. Not sticky or anything either so you could try those out, you can get them separately sometimes.

>> No.8615271
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, 71O2eGZV1TL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have the same probs w my skin and this is the only bb cream i've tried that has actually worked for me. i have the "clearing" one. the only thing is i can't wear it every day or my skin starts to get dry/flaky, so i save it for the special occasions where i gotta look my best.

>> No.8615428

Why do you even want to make your own makeup brushes? it sounds like an expensive waste of time or really ghetto if you plan to use a soda can. Just buy ELF ones if you're on a budget or do what some people do and use paint and art brushes.

>> No.8615476

Missha Under eye concealer has been my godsend and its under $5

>> No.8615844

Those look very dark and ashy though

>> No.8615846

Eyelash tint in a salon!

>> No.8615850

I wish, would be great for my eyebrows too but I don't even go to the hairdressers. Grew up with a macho mother and a bunch of males, I feel guilty over anything like that.

>> No.8615882

I'm a guy, but I'm trying to give myself the look of weathered and worn traveler. Maybe a survivalist. Dirty face and hands. Think "The Walking Dead" or "Mad Max".

As a guy I don't really know anything about make-up, can you guide my ignorance?!

>> No.8615885

>I'm a guy
>as a guy
>I've a penis btw
>did I mention I'm a guy?
Fuck off and never return

>> No.8615890

I have a square face with high, defined cheekbones and I find applying blush under my eyes and at the top of my cheekbones (like Kimura Yu) helps me look more sweet.

>> No.8615901

No thanks

>> No.8615911

Try coconut butter or oil!

>> No.8615926

Any liquid eyeliner recommendations? I'm specifically looking for ones with a brush tip, not a felt tip, but I don't mind whether it's the pen/marker style or the inkwell style. Preferably drugstore, because drugstore products are expensive enough as it is where I live and I don't want to spend too much on a product that may dry out within a few months.

>> No.8615940
File: 88 KB, 500x500, Etude-House-All-Mascara-Remover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was using Etude House's Mascara Remover (which I think is basically oil) so I'll give coconut butter a shot. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.8616292

>help I have a penis I'm important.
Wrong thread, get out.

>> No.8616305

I am super pale and i use missha signature complete in no.13 it is the lightest shade bb cream i have found and i have tried etude house, skin 79, holika holika, and hera. My runner up would be the skin 79 bb cream in green but it is more warm/yellow toned.

>> No.8616392

Also chiming to recommend jojoba oil for eye makeup removal. Takes all my mascara off and leaves my lashes really soft after.

>> No.8616409

i've tried this few years ago and the tan it gave wasn't orange which i liked but it stained some of the fabrics i was close to and it overall didn't last that long. but then again the product isn't expencive so if u need to get a natural looking slightly tanned look this is a decent product.

>> No.8617398


>> No.8618116

is there a way to install semi-permanent fake eyelashes?
like, lashes that i could put on and would last for a week or something?
i know that ethisticians can do something similar i think-?? but my sister and i want something we can do ourselves to save money.

>> No.8618411

I sort of stretch my eyelid to apply liner more evenly and don't close it all the way. I don't know how well you'd be able to see with one eye mostly shut, but it might be worth a try. If you don't mind me asking, how did you learn to do eyeshadow on your good eye? It seems like it'd be way harder than liner to master.

>> No.8618442

Use tape.

Opt for a liquid concealer instead! It makes so much of a difference.

>> No.8618536

Oh god, I'm so sorry to hear that. I bought a Kat von D one not long ago for cheap, thought it was fake, and it was actually the real deal. That was possibly the first time I've gotten non-fake western makeup from ebay though... are your palettes any good, at least?

>> No.8618537

With something that close to your eyes I think that it would be safer if you sucked it up got it done professionally.

>> No.8618704

this was a thought i had, but i also figured it wouldn't be that hard to do myself, especially if my sister does mine and i do hers
how much does it usually cost anyway?

>> No.8619236
File: 49 KB, 500x586, storage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you store your make-up brushes and pencils?
I'm sick of my old Tom&Jerry plastic cup I use and I'm looking for inspiration.

>> No.8619560
File: 94 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nmxl8ttjvv1qa08rco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which eyelashes work the best with larme/gyaru? I'd appreciate if someone could post larme/gyaru makeup inspiration. How could I achieve this teary-eye feeling?

>> No.8619572

Does anyone have any tutorials for the blush under the eyes look. I don't know if there's a term I should be using to track things down.

>> No.8619573
File: 143 KB, 700x782, 811_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends on what look you're going for, but if you want a softer look, definitely go for brown lashes. Zipper Eyemazing is a good line of lashes. You can get them on eBay among various other places.

>> No.8619580

Thank you so much!

>> No.8619601

Any tutorials on basic cosplay makeup that isn't for Asian eyes?

>> No.8619626

dumb make-up question
what's the order for putting on stuff with eyelashes and contacts?

is it

>> No.8619639

That's how I do it, yeah.

>> No.8619654

As >>8602629 said, theatrical makeup would be good, but if you're not wanting so much coverage or something you can get matched with at a makeup store I'd check out MAC Face and Body.
I don't personally like Ben Nye creams (difficult to blend for me and creases too easily) but I love Cinema Secrets and RCMA. You can always cut the cream makeup with a lotion or moisturizer to make it less heavy and blend better.

I use a gentle exfoliant every time I shower, put cocoa butter on daily, and use Mederma (scar treatment cream) on my own scars (my scars are from acne on my chest and back). It's definitely improving, I'm at about three months of this routine and I feel like my redness/scars are already less noticeable.

>> No.8619916

You should always put your contacts in first to avoid getting any makeup from your fingers or skin stuck between the contact and your eyeball, but some of the other stuff can be interchangeable. Sometimes I do my eye makeup before my foundation and use the foundation to 'clean up' any wonky eyeshadow/liner. Falsies and mascara should be last ofc.

>> No.8620201
File: 8 KB, 300x218, high_quality_strong_style_color_b82220_kojic_acid_strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have advice on how best to use kojic acid powder? I'd like to know what exactly I should be mixing it with to use for hyperpigmentation on my face.

>> No.8620215

Is this useable on your vagina/butthole?

>> No.8620510
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 05_Wishful_Winking_04__94831.1364518787.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on where I could find this shape/style of lashes other that GLW?

>> No.8621330

A little off topic, maybe better for the room thread, but where could I get a lovely vanity like OP's picture? I'm in UK.

>> No.8621331

I'm really pale and enjoy looking pale, what's the best foundation for pale skin? I use Rimmel liquid foundation and Avon powder in Ivory at the minute but I'd like a more dramatic shade.

>> No.8621338

try bleach

>> No.8621373

I got a pair from Daiso a couple months back. there's also these by NYX:

>> No.8621722
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 11849808_1638367876420303_1117165268_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who's interested jeffree star cosmetics just announced a chocolate brown liquid lipstick that's basically an exact copy of lime crime's salem, minus the controversy. I'm pretty hyped I've had my eye on salem for a while, especially since it's fall, but I'm not comfortable with lime crime.

>> No.8622396

I normally do
contacts>concealer>foundation>power>eyeshadow>eyeliner>mascara>eyelashes but that's my personal preference, I think mascara over false lashes looks crap, and can be clumpy and mess up your falsies.

>> No.8622399

Larme and gyaru are different, you won't get the effect in the photo with a lot of gyaru tutorials. A lot of gyaru lashes will be too dramatic. Like >>8619573 said, brown lashes, and Eyemazing will do you good. I think Dollywink might be a good choice too.

>> No.8622404

Does anyone know of any natural-looking sheer-ish lipsticks with good staying power that are on the cheaper side?
I like the Clinique chubby stick but I'm not sure about its staying power. I need something (a tint, anything) that'll last me at least 8 hours, am I asking for too much?

>> No.8622703

I bought Maybelline Dream BB Cream and tried it. I think it makes my skin look and feel very slightly nicer, but I've only used it maybe 3 or 4 times and I feel like the tube is already half-empty! I'm using it exactly how they do it in youtube tutorials (about a penny or nickel size goop on my wrist, dot it along my nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead, then blend out with a beauty blender) and I feel like I'm honestly getting only barely enough product to cover my entire face lightly... am I greatly misunderstanding how much product to use? Are these tubes of BB cream only supposed to last you 10 uses?
I'm open to other brands but would prefer american brands since asian brands aren't in the ewg skin deep list.

>> No.8622710

ewg is a sham

>> No.8622715

any advice on better sources then? I'd rather overshoot and be paranoid about actually totally safe products than say fuck it and take the risk over something as trivial as makeup.

>> No.8622720

Read the bottom of the post

>> No.8622724

I would if they'd use formatting that makes it readable

>> No.8622729

I use Chanel. They have a truly pale color that doesn't turn orange on my skin. Misha's palest BB cream has worked. You could try using a liquid/cream highlighter to thin out another foundation; I've done that in the past, and it was recommended by my aesthetician friend.

>> No.8622734
File: 104 KB, 599x843, CD2LST6UMAAyBW6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have examples of good "droopy" eye makeup? I've been upping my cosplay makeup game lately and I'm working on a Nozomi cosplay.

>> No.8622740

In my experience, all of the western drugstore brand BBs have been shit. I have been using Missha's perfect cover in no.13 for 3 years now, and my skin has never had any problems from it. Not to mention, I barely have to use any BB to get a good level of coverage on my face (generally 1-2 light pumps, smaller than the size of a penny combined). A 50ml bottle lasts me ~6 months, wearing BB most days.
I understand being safe about your skin, but the Maybelline stuff you were just using is about as "bad" as most Asian brands and shitty to boot.

Seconding Chanel, I used to really like one of their lightest foundations.

>> No.8622741

I'm mostly worried about carcinogens and stuff like that. As far as cancer concerns, the maybelline stuff seems pretty safe from what I can tell.
I'm totally open to Asian brands but have no real idea how to asses their safety in that regard. I haven't seen much research on it.

>> No.8622742

try a gyaru tutorial.

>> No.8622745

high end korean and japanese brands are actually much safer than US brands. their FDA equivalents are actually more strick, while the US still lets companies put lead and mercury in our makeup.

>> No.8622749

Sounds just like those who do their own acrylic nails at home. Yeah, sounds great and $$$ saving. But, it is a really dumb idea because you could permanently damage the nail matrix. Same thing with the eyelashes. Suck it up and pay for it, or go without.

>> No.8622751

Hey I'm not arguing with that, but I'd like to see some official info on that. It's probably because they're so much safer that they don't have a need for lists telling you which products are safe and which aren't... but I'd still like to be sure about that rather than just taking it for granted.

>> No.8622756

Any suggestions for avoiding lines in foundation around the mouth?
I use primer underneath but everytime I wear a full face of foundation I end up with it quickly forming lines around my mouth if I smile.
I have a round face with chubby cheeks so I can't help it.
Any suggestions would be great!

Also, any tips for eye makeup for hooded eyes and glasses?

>> No.8622757

Sorry, then you're just retarded. Don't expect to be spoonfed.

>> No.8622761

There are lists if you cared to read that post.

>> No.8622763

sure thing saltlord
sorry I'm not willing to spend much effort deciphering a fucking reddit post.

>> No.8622765

Then stop complaining about there not being enough lists. And it's still pretty easy to read, you're just stupid.

>> No.8622768

I'm not complaining... I'm literally asking for help finding them
You sent me one reddit post with shitty formatting and I said I don't follow it... I don't know why you're getting so aggro over this

>> No.8622776

Sorry about the confusion! I'm into gyaru and larme so I was looking references for both, but thank you so much!

>> No.8622780

First anon linked you to the reddit post that gave at least 4 different places where you can look up this sort of information.
I honestly don't understand why you find them so "unreadable." CosDNA allows you to simply put in a product name and then it gives you a list of ingredients and their uses, dangers, etc.
We're trying to help, but we're not here to spoonfeed you, especially when you've got such a shit attitude and seemingly cba to do anything on your own.

>> No.8622784

How can you not find them? It's right at the bottom of the OP post of the reddit linked, no need to even read the other comments, ffs

>> No.8622789

the bottom of the post looked really jumbled. The first two or three sources were readable and beyond that it's just a mess with no indentation

> CosDNA allows you to simply put in a product name and then it gives you a list of ingredients and their uses, dangers, etc.

was the kind of response I was looking for initially, so thank you. I'll look into it.

>> No.8622792

CosDNA was literally at the beginning of the paragraph FFS

>> No.8622794

looking through cosDNA, it seems like it's more focused on irritants and stuff like that, not on whether it contains carcinogens.

>> No.8622798

For instance it lists Titanium(IV) Oxide as totally safe, but from what I've seen it seems controversial. I don't see that they list any sources either.

>> No.8622818

Then check other sites for confirmation. There's no end all be all site that is 100% reliable with all of the information. Most of the "dangerous" but used stuff is controversial because findings have differed and there's nothing to prove it's 100% bad for you.
Just fyi, Titanium iv oxide/titanium dioxide is only really a threat when it's in its powdered form, as inhalation is the main threat. Even then, it would need to be in much larger quantities than are going to be in your cosmetics.

>> No.8622825

Hmm yeah that's what I've been reading about Titanium dioxide.

It's good to cross reference but it doesn't look like cosDNA looks at possible carcinogens at all. I don't have sensitive skin or any allergies that I know of, so that's really all that I'm looking for.

>> No.8622831

Most cosmetics in the EU and Asia don't contain any, and if they do it's heavily regulated.

>> No.8622835

For those of you who are super cautious about makeup: are you this way about everything in your life? Do you avoid eating all processed or treated foods, stay out of chlorinated pools, not use soap or cleaning products that aren't "all natural," etc.?
I understand wanting to take care of your skin and not slather on something that's horrible for it, but most of this is so minimal (and frequently disputed) that it seems pretty pointless unless you're living most of your life as some sort of organic clean freak.
As for the titanium dioxide and several other ingredients like it, the carcinogenic properties were largely taken from a study where they blasted rats' lungs with tons of toxic particles on like a daily basis for a long period of time. The rats then developed some lung tumors, but rats are incredibly prone to lung tumors anyways.
Read more http://www.organicmakeup.ca/ca/titaniumdioxide.asp

>> No.8622837

yeah, >>8622745 said similarly.
Where'd you find out about that?

>> No.8622843

Since wearing makeup isn't vital to my every day life, when I do wear it I try to be extra careful about it, moreso than food or other more necessary things.
And I do try my best to avoid foods that I know or think are bad for me for the most part.

Of course despite my best efforts I know I'm still probably exposing myself to harmful things in other places, but I'd rather do my best than throw up my hands and say "Well, this is just impossible."

>> No.8622859

I never said you should just give up, but it seems silly to obsess over the smallest things. Also, maybe my logic is flawed, but shouldn't you be paying more attention to the things that you do wear/use/ingest every day?

>> No.8622870

I'm looking at starting to wear makeup every day, so that's why I'm looking into it.

Food is really important for health, but I also can't afford to stop eating until I figure out what's good or bad, so it's more inevitable that I end up eating bad stuff sometimes.

>> No.8622879

this is way too micromanaging, you seem like one of those people who wants/needs to know everything about everything. people don't really understand alot about things and what is understood now can change in a few years.

>> No.8622882

Those are great, thank you!

>> No.8622889

I don't think it's bad to want to know everything as long as you acknowledge that you can't.
Of course I can't learn everything, and of course sometimes I'll be wrong about a product... but I'll still strive to be knowledgeable about what I'm putting on my face anyway.

>> No.8622983


The part for Makoto might be helpful?

>> No.8623064

What's the best BB Cream for a newbie and will I need to wear primer underneath.

I'm completely new to makeup so please assume that I don't know any terminology and have no idea of any 'Goes without saying' concepts.

>> No.8623149

>organic clean freak
I see you've met my mum
But seriously, I don't get it either.
There's a difference between knowing what you're eating/putting in your face and avoiding everything with the slightest hint of additives.
And seriously, parabens aren't bad, most of the stuff you're putting on your face is pretty kosher since it's well regulated and you aren't, y'know, eating it.
I'd say organic skin products may actually be more harmful to your skin just by virtue of being harsher.

>> No.8623162

If skincare questions are okay, does anyone have any recommendations for some intense facial moisturizing? Pregnancy absolutely wrecked my skin, it's the driest it has ever been, and nothing I've tried seems to be helping (different methods of exfoliation, cocoa butter, olive oil, different lotions, aloe vera). It feels almost sandpapery. Last time I tried foundation on it, it looked awful.

Related, what would a good makeup routine be for someone with really dry skin? Just in case I can't solve this issue.

Last thing: my eyes droop down at the outside corners. How do I best liven them up and look less sad?

>> No.8623177
File: 144 KB, 1480x1632, 367880_9PEL1_1111_001_web_zoomin_new_theme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any recommendations for liquid liner? I'm looking at Gucci's right now since that's the brand I usually buy my makeup from, but I wanted some other suggestions too. Pic related is $37. My budget is $50, but if it's something amazing, I will pay more.

>> No.8623190

'luxury' brand eyeliners have usually all been a big disappointment for me, but I've had luck with Dolly Wink, Clio Kill Liner, Revlon, Stila and KVD

>> No.8623192

Milani eye tech extreme. It's my favorite drug store eyeliner.

>> No.8623218

I am a big fan of stella.

>> No.8623304
File: 7 KB, 300x300, s1312719-main-hero-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've fallen in love with stila stay all day waterproof liquid eyeliner. I have it in brown, and it makes the sharpest lines I have ever made with any liquid eyeliner.

>> No.8623333

P. Sure Mac has released/is releasing a bb crean

>> No.8623338

Don't get an airbrush unless you're a MUA. There's no point. It's really difficult to do it to yourself too.

>> No.8623346

Urban Decay's is honest to god the best on the market IMO and is only £15

>> No.8623399

To those of you with normal to dry skin but an oily T-zone, what's your favorite medium/ buildable coverage non-powder foundation? I'm using the bareMinerals serum foundation, which is great on my drier areas and I love the brightening effect on my dull skin, but my T-zone needs to be blotted all the time.

>> No.8623432

Seconding this. I've been keeping my eye pencils standing in an old pill bottle for years. Also need some recs for storing brushes when they're drying after a wash

>> No.8623460
File: 32 KB, 319x374, upop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some Lime Crime and Jeffree Star and I really feel like Lime Crime stays better :/ Like.. Weirdo and Black Velvet feel different after they dry. Weirdo smudges more.

>> No.8623464

I use cute coffee cups. I have one with cute bats and one with Sleeping Beauty/Malefecent that I bought at the Disney store waaay back in '97. Those are just MY preference but I imagine you could get pretty floral cups for classic, cute candy/bear theme for sweet and skulls/crosses for gothic. You could even search craft stores for short, but wide vases like in your pic and then decorate with scrapbook stickers or even decopage your favorite charictors on it.

>> No.8623639

I'll look into these two the next time in Sephora. Thanks!

Is it good or just good by drug store eyeliner standards? I don't want something that's just good for its price when I'm looking for a quality product, you know?

The reviews on Dolly Wink look good. Did you just buy it off of Amazon or is there an actual storefront or something?

>> No.8624014

I don't spend much on eyeliner... All I know is I literally can't apply other eye liners I've tried and this one allows someone like me with no makeup skills to apply a decent winged eye liner pretty quickly.

>> No.8624019

Is Too Faced even that great? They got cute looking products, but what is the quality? I just keep hearing lolitas in my comm praising this brand over and over.

Any other cute, but quality makeup brand recommendations would be appreciated, too.

>> No.8624055

i love it

>> No.8624067

I love their eye palettes like boudoir eyes and chocolate bar

>> No.8624332

Chocolate palette is amazing quality. I use it everyday

>> No.8625035

Really? I always have a problem with black velvet feathering really bad after a while. I don't have weirdo but I have queen supreme and it stays put without liner for dayyyyys. I like limecrimes fun colors and aesthetic but I'm wary to buy much more from them. Not so much for the controversy but the whole lack of consistency with their products.

>> No.8625146

There's not levels of difficulty for BB creams. Just look through these threads and try out ones that seem good to you.

No, you don't need a primer.

>> No.8625751


Thanks for the reply. I was told in another thread to say exactly that I'm a noob in one of these threads. I was also told to skip all western BB creams and go straight for the asian ones. Would you agree?

I'm mainly going for the photoshopped look - or at least something to make my skin look clearer and more evenly coloured.

Are BB Creams viable to wear everyday or would that be too expensive/excessive? Seems like they tread the line between makeup and skincare.

>> No.8625761

Chocolate palette is my fav too! I don't use all of the colours though, I wish they sold separate colours from that palette.

>> No.8625779

Drink about two liters of water a day, make sure you're getting enough vitamins and a bit of sunlight, and try the multi-step korean moisturizer routine. I suffer from really dry combination skin, and this has pretty much gotten rid of the dryness.

BB creams aren't that expensive. It will depend a bit on the brand and line, but BBs are generally medium coverage and tend to provide a lot of bang for your buck. I use Missha, and it's about ~20 dollars for a bottle that lasts me months.
You're not going to look photo-shopped unless you do a pretty intense makeup routine, imo, but you will get decent coverage and more even colouring. It covers up the bad redness I have pretty well.

>> No.8625805

hi nw10 buddy
my super 'are you ill?' pale white girl asian bb cream rec list:
skin 79, the one in the orange packaging: this is just a tad dark on me, good for my oily-combo skin
holika holika sweet cotton pore bb cover in #1 soft beige: pretty dang spot on, REALLY nice for my oily-combo skin
skin food vita water foun bb in #0: pretty dang spot on, although i got this more recently and haven't tried it out much so i'm not sure how i like the formula

>> No.8625817

pics of your skin tone/you would help

>> No.8626702
File: 40 KB, 300x400, lindsay-lohan-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fill in my eyebrows without looking like Lindsey Lohan?

>> No.8627478

too faced three way

>> No.8627479

love them and been using too faced with benefit for YEARS

>> No.8627975

Have sharper arches.

>> No.8629493

Does anyone have a suggested primer for oil-based makeup? I can't find any at all.

>> No.8629757

Lip tint the center of your lip, then apply concealer/foundation on outside, then add translucent powder, you now have your choice of covering the whole lip in a clear lip gloss (my preferred way because tbh having cracked foundation on your lips looks fucking gross), or apply a teeny bit of OCC stained gloss in your preferred color just to the center and feathering it out a teeny bit so there is a gradient from the color to the foundation color. Use stained gloss if you don't want the product to get everywhere, shit works well.

Also, my current favorite lip tint are those Berrisome lip packs that peel off. They last SO LONG and the colors are super cute. There's no true red though, which is a bit of a bummer.

>> No.8631622

I'm looking for a good undereye concealer. I have pale skin (Missha #13) and crazy zombie dark circles that are kind of hard to cover. Anyone know a concealer that is both high coverage and in a very light shade?

>> No.8631939

any suggestions for aegyo sal type makeup for a pasty while girl with dark circles?

>> No.8632190

Any tips on how to contour an uneven face? My jawline is misaligned and requires surgery to be fixed, which won't be happening for a while.

>> No.8632431

I'm a flight attendant, and the recirculated air in the too-cold cabin of an airplane has dried my skin out beyond belief. Can anyone recommend a moisturizer that will actually do the job in such circumstances? I've tried a few different ones, but nothing seems to cut it.

>> No.8632455

Maybe something with a shea butter base for a barrier against the dry cabin air? It's supposed to work by sealing in moisture from your skin and stopping it from evaporating.

>> No.8633374

Laura Mercier's hydrating primer and Porefessional are the only two that I know of. They work pretty well with most pan sticks.

>> No.8633435

I can't recommend a specific product but it sounds like you need something with a good occlusive component and to be careful with humectants like glycerin. Humectants attract moisture to the epidermis which is great in humid environments, but in dry air this can actually cause your skin to lose moisture to the environment and dry it out like crazy. You need something that forms a strong barrier between your skin and the air to keep the moisture in, like anon said.

>> No.8633543

I have super pale skin too, and Skinfood's Salmon Darkcircle Concealer Cream works like a charm for me!

>> No.8633939

my skin used to be great but winter is just ending and my foundation keeps going blotchy partway through the day. i've tried primer, moisturizer, exfoliating all the dead skin away, and no matter what i do my foundation just goes all blotchy and it's driving me insane.

>> No.8633961

I've never worn a foundation before so I got a BB cream that fit but now I tanned ;n;
Any advice how to make BB cream darker/more yellow?
If not, good BB creams for light skinned black girl skin?

>> No.8634083

You can't find a cream that comes in a darker shade? You don't have to throw the old one away if you buy a darker one. It's not unusual for people to have a summer foundation and winter foundation.

>> No.8634087

Jesus Christ, why is my email still there from when I posted in BST. I feel like a dumbass.

>> No.8634102

Are you wearing full coverage foundation? Try using a lightweight foundation like a tinted moisturiser or a BB cream while using a concealer to even out skintone. Doesn't have to be perfect.

>> No.8634118

they're all too pink! thats why i got the one i did

>> No.8634164

Make sure your primer is the same base as your foundation. Water-based foundation on silicone-based primer will just kind of slide off. If your skin is prone to flaking (i.e. from retinol), you won't be able to go all day without a reapplication, too. If you're using a brush, you might also have better luck with a sponge or fingers.

>> No.8634181

I've heard of people mixing their BB cream with foundation to get the right color but I've never tried it.

>> No.8636235

I have a major problem, ever since I hit puberty, no matter if I am thin or a bit chubby, I have a double chin. It makes me feel awful but don't have funds to do a tuck in since I am pretty young still. Any hints on how I can use make-up to make it less visible?

>> No.8637105

I went shopping yesterday and decided to try out the Bobbi Brown liquid foundation in the color "00 Alabaster", because my skin is very very light.
The foundation convinced me and I want to get it, but the shop lady who applied it to my face used a brush.

I haven't used liquid foundation in forever and the brush left weird strokes on my face. Do I have to use a brush or will a sponge be sufficient? Or did she just use a bad brush? In this case, what's a good brush?

>> No.8637122

Google 'double chin exercises'! It's like stretches that will help tighten up your under chin area.
Besides that I guess contouring although I'm personally crap at it so can't help you there.

>> No.8640425


I saw a chin exerciser on an infomercial. I don't know how useful it actually is though.

>> No.8640576

Someone earlier mentioned jeffree star makeup, which is vegan. Do you guys have any other vegan recs?

>> No.8640748

To me it kinda sounds like she just did a half-assed job of blending it into your skin. What was the brush shaped like?

>> No.8640759

i always use a brush and then blend in with a sponge, but you can just use a sponge if you like. brushes tend to not blend as well for me on their own, they end up too streaky.

>> No.8641321

I feel you, anon. I was athletic in high school with bad posture (stuck my neck out) and now that I'm less athletic with better posture I really notice the sort of double chin. It makes me a bit insecure but I see people of all ages with some sort of magnitude so I guess it's not so bad.

I'll search for the exercises! Thanks!

>> No.8642164

she used a brush like pic related. I don't think she ever learned how to do this and was just a saleswoman, but I don't know.

I might try this. My main problem with the sponge is that it soaks some of the make-up and you end up using more of it and since my new liquid foundation is pricey I wouldn't want this. But blending for a nice finish sounds good!

>> No.8642654
File: 208 KB, 900x1200, 1355327367229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which do you seagulls prefer:

beauty blender/sponge

which gives the best "photoshopped" look? which gives the most no-makeup look?

>> No.8642842

If there is a Target near you, I highly recommend you check out that little "deals" section that they have right when you walk into the store. They always have cute little containers for only a $1!

>> No.8644737

Where can I get brushes like pic related for NOT 60 dollars per brush?

>> No.8644984

Maybe this belongs in the stupid question thread but why does military green, navy, varied nudes and other lip stick up colors exist (in general not jfashion related)? Is it just for an alt or gothic look in general or is this the new beauty trend?

>> No.8645018

I think it's just because bolder lip looks are becoming more trendy for normal wear

>> No.8645724
File: 89 KB, 1000x530, artis+brush+usage+chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap, did I really drop my pic on that post??

How can I get brushes like this for cheap?

>> No.8646304

Either there's something wrong on my end or you dropped the pic. Personally, I get the least streaky application with dense, fluffy brushes. Current favorite is the Sephora Pro Mini Airbrush. I smooth it all out with a sponge after blending as well as I can.

>> No.8648030

I need a CC cream really bad right now, and cant decide which one. Max Factor CC Cream or The Face Shop Face It Aura CC Cream? The Max Factor one is about $15. TFS's is $30.

>> No.8648035
File: 41 KB, 740x416, PRINCESS-ETOINETTE-ALL-OVER-POWDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this beautiful piece of plastic, and good fucking lord am I in love. I snagged it for $5 used, and I'm praising the makeup gods.

It's so beautiful and sparkly, as well as smells really nice.

On another topic, does anybody know of a good loose powder foundation? I've realized that powder helps my own flaky skin not look as dry, as opposed to putting on liquid.

>> No.8650963

If you have sephora where you're from, I find their brand High definition black is amazing. It's relatively cheap as well.

>> No.8651039
File: 80 KB, 680x907, anna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if someone asked already, i didn't see it though
Ive never really worn foundation or anything because no matter what i did it looked really cakey and not smooth. i want to start wearing a little light foundation to even out my skintone, i have greyish areas and some are like a reddish brown (no idea why) but i'm scared to buy foundation and it not work out. Poorfag, i can't afford to really waste my money on something i can't use. ive watched tutorials and all but it never really helps. i don't really need heavy coverage, i just feel like it would help to have a little foundation or a bb cream maybe?
also how to highlight and use blush pls
How do i do makeup like pic related maybe? mostly blush
i'm not sure how to apply it like that but its really cute imo

>> No.8651046

This person looks disgusting, I'm not sure why you would want to look like them.

>> No.8651052

i disagree, but okay

>> No.8651184

If you use photoshop you can look like her.

>> No.8652448

Directed to here by /adv/. I hope you can help me out /cgl/!
I'm new to make up and I went to the chemists today to look for a concealer. I honestly just wanted something to conceal my dark circles and blemishes. It ended up being too light. I don't have foundation or anything I could use to change the shade. Is it still salvageable? I'm scared of buying makeup now. Shit was pretty expensive.

>> No.8652459

Why on earth would she take this photo? It's very clearly the 'dick sucking porno' pose, it's not at all kawaii - or was this a 'fun hee hee silly' shot?

Want dem contacts though...source?

>> No.8652588 [DELETED] 

I just bought a tube of Rimmel's Gel blusher because it's wonderful, sparkly magic. But I have absolutely no idea how to apply a Gel/Cream blusher.

Wat do? Deer hoof brush? Round brush? Sponge?

>> No.8652590
File: 154 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_8290[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a tube of Rimmel's Gel blusher because it's wonderful, sparkly magic. But I have absolutely no idea how to apply a Gel/Cream blusher.

Wat do? Deer hoof brush? Round brush? Sponge?

>repost because I goof'd

>> No.8652594
File: 1.86 MB, 540x304, anna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dou you realize this is cosplay? The character is some creepy stalker who loves the MC, the bottle represents her "love nectar".

>> No.8652605
File: 22 KB, 462x264, foundation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could use a piece of advice gulls.
I bought a new expensive liquid foundation, because my former concealer + powder-make up looked cakey and didn't stay for too long. The new liquid foundation looks far more natural and I use translucent matt powder to set it and a fixing spray to fix it. I also use a primer before I put the make-up on.

Now I realized that around my moth (chin and under nose) my make-up looks espacially cakey (like the left on pic related) and on some other spots it looks a little dry and cakey. Am I using too many layers? Maybe too much setting powder? Or should practice applying liquid make-up?

I feel like I can't get a natural look with an even finish without looking like a cake.

>> No.8652607

I've read through all the posts and seen the talk but does anyone know a good full coverage pale foundation? I used to use Rimmel London Stay Matte in light ivory but it seems like they have stopped making it and I can't find it in stock online anywhere.I really want a cover all thick (well not thick but really full coverage you get what I mean) foundation in a light colour. I tried Maybelline's fit me foundation stick in porcelain and as much as I loved the colour and it was fine for everyday use it is a bit too light of a coverage for me when I want a full face of make up for meets or going out at night.

>> No.8652658

Rimell match perfection lightest porcelain is the lightest I've seen and matches my ghostly complexion. Powdering after ups the coverage but it's not too bad. Covergirl trublend in 01 ivory is almost light enough for me as well and is heavier.

>> No.8652690

tbh all i thought of when i read this statement was the tourists who ask a new yorker if he knows where olive garden is and he says no but i can show you a real italian restaurant

>> No.8652718

Bobbi Brown skin foundation in porcelain is pretty brilliant, I'm on my fourth bottle by now. The coverage might not be *quite* as bulletproof as you want it as you want but have a go with layering it or check their other foundations in the same shade. It's the only one I've found so far that doesn't make me look too yellowy or washed out.

>> No.8652723

God that lipstick is dreadful, just give up on makeup altogether

>> No.8652725

I'm >>8652605 and the new foundation I bought is Bobbi Brown. Since I seem to have problems with it, may I ask you how you apply it?

>> No.8652727

That's not me anon, it's just a picture that fits my problem the most, because the left picture looks as cakey as I do.

>> No.8652774

The way I do it is I squeeze a dollop of it on the fleshy part of my thumb, next to the palm (not sure what its proper name is) then apply that gradually with my other hand. Not very professional at all but makes it easy to keep the application quite even.
I've had a look at your pic & have you tried using a different powder?

>> No.8652799

Thanks for the reply anon! No I haven't, I'm only using it for a few days an I'm just trying to pinpoint the problem. But I'll try not using the powder at all and might get a different powder, the current one is a really cheap one.

>> No.8655924

Stipple brush, fingers, just experiment really. I say that a stipple brush would work well here, but otherwise you can just apply and blend with fingers or use a sponge instead to blend.

>> No.8655939

Late to the party but Physicians Formula Eye Booster is amazing, very much comparable to the Kat Von D Tattoo Liner in Trooper but cheaper.

>> No.8655941

Cover your dark circles really well or you'll just look sick. Smile a little and look for where your undereye naturally puffs up and use a small brush to blend your contour powder along that line making it deepest in the middle. Use something super shimmery to highlight, highlights don't really show up on super pale skin unless it's intense shimmer, that's about it!

>> No.8658534
File: 137 KB, 683x1025, spring_coming_by_jackvanjohn-d5uku63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ I want to try and get as "cutsey" of a look as possible for an upcoming costume. In particular I'd like some help with good lashes to buy and a nude lipstick that has a nice colour (I bought a nude lipstick once before that looked fine but turned out to make my lips look really pale when applied). I'm really unfamiliar with "cutesy" makeup especially something that would work for me, so product and technique recommendations would be fantastic. Here's a pic of me http://imgur.com/WaiH8L8 thanks in advance.

>> No.8661716

What are some good foundations others have used for very pale skin?

>> No.8661778
File: 3 KB, 300x300, hehoheho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any recommendations for lipsticks that are cheap but still relatively good? mostly dark reds/matte?

i have trouble with lipstick as it is, does anyone have any good tips for applying lipstick? is matte generally better for pale people/stay on better?

sorry if these are stupid questions, i've been struggling with lipstick for a while now and would like to at least become semi decent at putting it on. half the time i put it on, it looks like pure shit or it's messy looking after five minutes.

>> No.8663085

Is there anything similar to the Kat Von D pressed powder? I love it but I have to go on a stricter budget and I can't justify $35 for it anymore

>> No.8663093

I've heard a lot of good things about ColourPop. They have a whole line of matte liquid lipsticks. I personally haven't tried them but my friend wears a lot of their stuff and they look really nice on her. They're like 5-6 bucks a pop too.

>> No.8663545

>mfw I never learnt how to apply make up except for lip stick/gloss/balm and mascara

Where should I go to learn? What you you recommend for a beginner?

>> No.8663550


I really like Nyx's Snow White! It's more of a cream formula but you can blot it so it's matte.

The best way to apply dark colours is to use a lip liner, then go in with a small lip brush rather than applying straight from the tube. It gives you more control + you can reach the corners of your mouth without getting lipstick everywhere.

>> No.8663580

Do you use a lip liner and primer? Some people also apply translucent powder at the end to help set it.
And NYX does a lot of mattes and dark tones.

>> No.8667315

Pretty sure I ended up getting a dupe BB Cream from an ebay seller I've been buying from for years. I get the same brand all the time but ever since I've gotten my latest bottle, my skin is red and itchy, eyelids flaky, you name it. A few days of not wearing it and my skin goes back to normal.

Kind of disheartened.

>> No.8669679

I'm using Urban Decay's eyeshadow primer potion and it works ok but I feel like a lot of my eyeshadow doesn't stick to it properly.
What's another good one I could get from Sephora?

>> No.8669686

Lisa Eldridge on Youtube is awesome at explaining makeup. The videos she did become Lancome picked her up are the best.

>> No.8669693

>highest point
being asian with monolids, this just can't happen and so when I do it I just look evil as fuck.

>> No.8669695

Exfoliate your face (or in other words after you wash your face use a scrub on it) then after your face is try, moisturize it. If you don't want to spend a bunch of money on a good moisturizer just use Pond's Cream for dry skin. Always moisturize before putting on primer and doing make up! It won't look cakey at all afterwards.

>> No.8669756

Sounds like you need bb cream honey. It's very light coverage that color corrects your skin while still looking like your natural skin. As far as the blush goes just purchase a light blue based pink blush and apply it with a fluffy brush to the apples of your cheeks, going in as lightly as possible and building up to the desired amount of color.

>> No.8670198

Do you find yours flaking off a few hours into wear? Maybe my eyelids are too oily for it, but I'll look into the mirror one minute and my wing is gone.

>> No.8670216

How much lighter is it? It if's only a shade off then try putting it on thinner or blending it out really well. Alternatively you can wait until winter when skin loses tans. Otherwise if the shade's way off, it's not really salvageable but you can pass it on to a friend I guess.

>> No.8670218

K-Palette's One Day Tattoo, there is no better.

>> No.8672454
File: 79 KB, 550x367, Galaxy chic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this just puts a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.8672477

I love it, personally
Agree, it's amazing.

>> No.8672563

What sets you off about it? The color names seem straight to the point. I'm not sure how Asteroid would look but everything else seems to look nice.

>> No.8672731

I'm getting into make up now after years of growing up as a tomboy but I see a lot of mixed palettes, especially ones that have contrasting colors, and I'm curious what people do with them usually?
Does anyone have an example? Because toofaced does it A LOT.

>> No.8672925
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Conchita Wurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, /fit/ here.

I'm doing a pirate for Texas RenFest this weekend and Halloween the weekend after (inb4 sticky, this is a makeup question). My problem is that my beard is kind of patchy and not all that defined. I want to "thicken" it, a la Conchita Wurst, but all the stubble how-to's I can find are for women that do light stubble, not for men that have actual stubble that they're trying to volumize.

I'm at a total loss for this. Would it be like doing eyebrow makeup? Does anybody have any how-to's for men doing beard make-up? I've found some stage makeup, but the set is like $50, which is not the kind of investment that I'm wanting to put into a costume that I'll be wearing twice this year, and then not again until next year, but I will if there are no alternatives.

Pic related, it's Conchita Wurst. I've got 2 how-to's that I've found that don't seem like they're overly helpful for what I'm looking for...

>> No.8672929
File: 115 KB, 473x750, Conchita Wurst 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8672937
File: 3.93 MB, 800x7820, Conchita Wurst 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8672953

if you have Noxema it works really well when you use it as a mask. just slather it on your face and leave for about 10-15 minutes, once you wash it off your complexion will look brighter and feel really fresh. its not the best for sensitive skin tho..

>> No.8673115

I ended up just getting one from smashbox and it works.

This thread is pretty much dead isn't it?

>> No.8673128

I'd say following eyebrow tutorials would be your best bet. They are supposed to help fill out patchy eyebrows and help them be more defined, so the basic purpose is the same.

>> No.8673301
File: 71 KB, 700x700, Stella-Pointed-5119-Anzujaamu-700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any places to buy cheap gyaru eyelashes? (top and bottom) I like pic related but I don't know what shape they have so its kinda hard to find something similar on ebay or bornpretty.

>> No.8673312

Can anybody recommend a lip tint under, say, $10 in a true red, warm red, or darker blood red? I'm looking into the Etude House Dear Darling ones since they come in colors I could use, but better recommendations or a confirmation on these would be appreciated. Lip dryness isn't an issue, I just care that it lasts a long time.

>> No.8673315

I'd try using mascara, actually. You can even out the color of your beard this way if its uneven, and kind of dab at the thinner areas so just little lines and flecks come off the brush and onto the skin. If you use waterproof mascara, you won't need to seal it either.
Alternatively, if you're going for a solid and defined look, head to target and get a cheap dark eyeshadow and a cheap paintbrush sized brush, and just go to town with filling in the whole area. Make sure the color is slightly lighter than your hair, but not too much lighter since you don't want it to look powdery, you just want it to look like a shadow. You need to set this with some sort of setting spray.
Or both methods together if you're super sparse. Just make sure to do a few practice runs and ask a few friends in person whether or not it looks bad.

>> No.8673454


>> No.8673493

Does anyone here shave their eyebrows and draw them on? I'm very seriously considering doing this and I want to know if many other people do it for similar reasons I want to

>> No.8673654
File: 62 KB, 467x700, chola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And what reasons do you want to do that anonorita?

>> No.8673657

not the same anon, but I was considering it for a while. Mainly because one brow is about 0.4 cm higher naturally than the other. Eyebrows are supposed to be sisters not twins but that shit irks me.

>> No.8673672


Do you have a permanent questioning look on your face?

>> No.8674455

My eyebrows are super thick and they are everywhere, they meet in a unibrow and grow all the way over to my temple and very far down on my crease. They're completely straight across and very low on my face. I've been to several different estheticians, waxers, threaders and spent up to $50 on a consultation which is a lot for me and I haven't had success with finding a natural shape that doesn't make me look like a neanderthal man. I physically raise my eyebrows higher on my face all day, if that makes sense, but that's the only way an arch is really noticeable. They make me feel awful about myself and I'm wondering if I couldn't just draw some natural arched ones on that would look better.

Also, I don't have a pretty feminine face where just one masculine feature would look okay, these eyebrows are in combination with a long face and a large nose and cystic acne and I just feel so mannish and horrifying. I have to do something about my face because I hate everything about it lol

>> No.8674457

I meant this as a reply to you