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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 95 KB, 579x800, 4199818-waving-finnish-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8581597 No.8581597 [Reply] [Original]

Let's redo this.

Old thread:

>> No.8581650

first for easy con pussy

>> No.8582174

I'm getting anxious because my cosplay isn't ready yet and I have school to attend so my working hours are limited to evenings and weekends..

>> No.8582196

So what are your plans for Tracon? Any panels and/or presentations you're itching to go to?

>> No.8582228


Take photos of good costumes and pretty people. Ignore potato faces. Walk around looking for good stuff to buy and eat. Interact with some people. Avoid taking photos of ugly cosplays.

That's pretty much it.

>> No.8582302

>didn't get tickets to Tracon
>next con I can go to is fucking Frostbite

Need more money and time. At least I have more than enough time to do my cosplay.

>> No.8582412

Why'd you have to make it so clear you ain't taking pictures of uglies? Isn't that a given for anybody? It's obvious people take pics of only those cosplayers they find good/pretty.
Or do you have alternative motives...?

>> No.8582416

Anon's trolling.

>> No.8582437



>> No.8582549
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>> No.8582682


>>8582412 was too dense to realize it was.

>> No.8582921
File: 145 KB, 1066x674, 2015-08-28 22.46.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reminds me...

>> No.8582928


Ooohhh... Dirty!

>> No.8583129
File: 39 KB, 482x564, nooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't let this become a thing in Finland. I've heard enough American horror tales.

>> No.8583134
File: 108 KB, 1023x692, CNaJj56UcAAiYjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was the girl in that Tracon's tacky promo photo? Maybe it's just me but she looks like she is 12-13.

>> No.8583144

I like how everyone reacts to even a little dab of sexual materials around these threads. "It's LEWD, therefore everything about it is WRONG!"

It's quite alright to feel good about oneself every once in a while. Cosplay can help vent that.

>> No.8583712

I don't see anything wrong with that pic. That's a pretty common pose among cosplayers, there is nothing dirty about it. The girl isn't even wearing a revealing costume, either, so what's so "lewd" about this? Everyone knows that con photoshoots are something entirely else than sleazy hotel bedroom sessions. Come on, people.

>> No.8583872


Hush. You have to say you think it's lewd. Otherwise the SJW fatties who are too insecure to wear such costumes will rip your head off. You pervert.

>> No.8583879

I agree about the bad photo choice. Every time you see cosplay mentioned, the example is almost always a girl showing skin in a suggestive pose. Remember when YLE wrote about the NCC finals and they used a photo of Mayo's sexy skimpy costume instead of the Finnish winner? It's only underlining how cosplay is about awkward 3/10 girls trying to feel sexy.

>> No.8583978

What if they DO feel sexy, and enjoy it? Are they the devil itself then? There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy yourself.

>> No.8584039


Totally agree with this. As long as they don't force everyone to think they are sexy or push their ideals on other people. I am totally fine with people feeling good about themselves and dressing the way they want as long as they dont hurt others.

Take a chill pill >>8583879

>> No.8584162

The picture itself isn't that lewd I think but that pose is fucking awkward at least on the leg department. Then again, the Tracon photoshooters don't seem to be anything worth while checking anyways and the promo pic is just one more proof about it.

>> No.8584205
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Hope you guys got your tickets in time. :^)

>> No.8584208

Is it even possible to get job in a con without the circlejerk?

>> No.8584292

Ropecon takes newbies.

>> No.8584316

Anyone going to the J-Fashion Fair tomorrow?

>> No.8584326

So does Animecon and Mimicon.
You just have to start from somewhere.

>> No.8584443

And so do Desucon and Yukicon, so I guess it's pretty safe to assume almost everybody does?

>> No.8584557
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>Is it even possible to get job in a con without the circlejerk?

>> No.8584618

Yes. It's usually special jobs (like board games girl in question) that require some circlejerking. Desucon doesn't take newbies so much as the others though.

>> No.8584654

I got into Desucon instantly, I only started getting to really know people after I had started working there. They do take newbies. Having standards is a good thing.

>> No.8584670

Got inside without any previous contacts whatsoever, so I don't see your point.

>> No.8584688

Cleaning and cloakroom are fairly easy for first timers to get at any con, sleeping halls too. Cosplay staff and info are almost always handpicked by whoever's in charge and they're often friends or have been specifically recommended by someone. It also helps if you're willing to do night shifts or can work during popular programmes since no one wants to do those.

>> No.8584721

>made a promise with a friend that we'll go to Frostbite, it'll be his first con
>made an off-hand mention that I may try to apply for a job there
>he's not too good in social situations, he'd rather hang with me the whole time

Probably gonna get recognized thanks to this, but whatever.

>> No.8584740

How about you go to a mental institution with her rather than a con?

>> No.8585740

Why people think picking people you know over strangers is circlejerking? I'd rather have things going smoothly and leave responsibility to the hands of someone I know to be reliable than always give it to some new guy that doesn't have experience. New positions will open every year and if you bitch about not being chosen you'll just ruin your reputation.

>> No.8585825

This. This so much.

>> No.8586056

I've gotten to choose con workers to work in a certain are a couple of times and really often I just only get a name list where I'll check which one of them I want them for the jobs. Just by names and nicks. So yeah, if I happen to see a person I know or have encountered before, it's more likely for me to pick that person instead of the ones I know nothing about. Because I at least have a glimpse of understanding of what kind of a person they are. (same goes the other way though, if I've hear you're a douche, I probably don't want to work with you)

So I don't know how many con organizers actually get to see the "work experience" fields that some cons have in their recruiting forms, but I've yet to see one when I've gotten to pick workers.

>> No.8586222

It's circlejerking when it's done with the purpose of "getting your friends in."

It's a rational recruitment decision when your friend is a good choice for the job in question.

I concur with your opinion of it being good for selecting people, but it is easily abuseable for just getting your friends in, regardless if they're suitable for the job or not.

>> No.8586484

This is also true. There are occasions when people let in their friends instead of more capable workers and it's highly unprofessional. It often happens with more inexperienced organizers who don't have the necessary leading skills so they just go with people they are familiar with and hope for the best.

>> No.8586559


>> No.8588207

Wake up, Fingolians and tell us if you have already completed your Tracon preparations.

>> No.8588268


Outfit is finally scraped together and the make-up is decent enough, but still need to find an insivible baby.

>> No.8588382


Invisible baby? What for?

>> No.8588422

Shizuka Joestar

>> No.8588605


Hope everything goes well for you, anon! I'd try to look around for you and take photos. :D

>> No.8588669

lol I probably should've mentioned I wasn't that anon. I just googled "invisible baby" and Shizuka Joestar was one of the first things that popped up

>> No.8588868

This thread is so slow. Tracon is in 5 days, bitches. Update us!

>> No.8589136
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Don't remind me. I still have a ton of shit to do. Why did I ever think making two new costumes was a good idea.. It's never a good idea...

>> No.8589955
File: 27 KB, 480x640, tumblr_njvei78R7T1sgczxqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, anon, me too.
Remind me to kick myself on Sunday.

>> No.8590282

Okay finally we can see all the wcs preli teams in facebook. Not that many suprises there.

>> No.8590327

Link to the page?

>> No.8590332
File: 51 KB, 291x260, CommentPhotos.com_1407266864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BARELY 4 days left!!!!

>> No.8590344

facebook WCSTeamFinland

>> No.8591643

Finns must be dead from stress now

>> No.8591744


Lol nope. Almost done with my second costume, the first one is already finished.

>> No.8591830


Congrats to you, anon!

>> No.8592204

Few teams of WCS are something like wtf and there's actually only three teams I am waiting to see what they have been planning and how they are gonna nail it.

>> No.8592965

I thought we have quite good teams this year. Ok there's few that im not too eager to see but all in all im quite excited

>> No.8593574

2 days until motherfucking Tracon and I am finally done!

>> No.8593712

Less than 48 hours to go until the doors open!

>> No.8593726
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Good luck to everyone who isn't ready yet!

>> No.8593729

God fuck I regret not getting the tickets.

I have the biggest con fever right now.

>> No.8593825

oh wow anon, you finished early!

>> No.8593863
File: 414 KB, 1000x1500, 1437858745957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, I did! Now I can sleep well and not look like a walking zombie during the con.

>> No.8594816

Less than 24 hours till Tracon! Is everyone prepared?

>> No.8594876


>> No.8594946


You poor soul.

>> No.8596824
File: 225 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey come on, don't die Finland thread! So jesmo and yumi won, wcs skits were not as bleh as some years, ilona cried on stage and there was lines everywhere. So no suprises in Tracon.

>> No.8597848

Desperate bump

>> No.8597976

I really liked this con, mostly because I had my best outfit to date and nothing shitty happened. Will post something when I get home. Requesting anything anyone has on the amazing Dalek.

Btw is there a reason all the non-NCC skits were significantly better than any of the NCC ones? The difference was so big that it felt really weird to watch.

>> No.8598033 [DELETED] 

Come on you fucks, share pictures of the sexy bitches.

>> No.8598039


Because performing alone is so much more difficult, you can't do as much alone as with someone else around like in the skit competition. Those great solo performers in the skit competition didn't really shine craftsmanship-wise, which makes them great for the skit competition that doesn't judge the costumes, only the performances.

>> No.8598371

What ever happened to the announced WCS pairs who didn't show up at the competition? I figured that since they had been announced they'd be sure to show but I noticed a couple missing. Anyone know what's up with that?
Also, congratulations to the winners! I personally would have placed the 2nd and 1st place as reverse, but the winners were in no way a disappointment. I'm hoping they come up with a bit more energetic skit for the finals though.

>> No.8598399

Inside the Dalek costume was a tiny chair with a bicycle saddle and the guy wiggled his feet on the floor to move around. I heard him say the whole thing cost him like 2000€.
It was fucking awesome.

>> No.8598402

I REALLY liked the 2nd pair too, but it was about time Yumi and Jesmo get to show their stuff in the big league.
I hope to see the 2nd pair again though, that was easily the best performance in years!
Plus, they were super nice and I loved their stage presence.

>> No.8598432

I don't know about the others but this is not the first time Anette cancels her plans. Feels bad for Meri tho because I'm 1000% sure she was ready to go.

And I agree with your opinion at reversing the 1st and 2nd places - And don't get me wrong! They were awesome but I loved Veera's and Tanja's energetic performance more.

>> No.8598497

The winner had a very, very slow-paced and long drawn performance. The costumes were well made, but still - this competition is both costumes AND performance.

>> No.8598568


Who is Tanja and Veera? Any links?

>> No.8598594
File: 50 KB, 356x533, IMG_3698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and oops **Taija I meant. And apparently only Veera has a blog http://walrusvsmanatee.blogspot.fi/

>> No.8599214

I heard their car with all the stage props broke down. So they just didn't cancel their show just because "Anette cancelled her plans".. Don't go spreading fake rumours.

>> No.8599224

But their show suited Otoyomegatari well and I was very amused with the duck hunting part. Or whatever wild animal it was. I'd been happy with either one winning.
But in all honesty, Yumi&jesmo's costumes were insanely well made. Crazy amount of super accurate details.

>> No.8599310

Yeah what happened to Wyper, I was kinda looking foward to seeing the "never seen before"-kinda performance they were talking about

>> No.8599350

Maybe he finally understood he had no place among the other contestants and no shot at winning. Pretty sure I saw him walking around the con tho so he didn't just not show up.

>> No.8599371

Not a chance. He cancelled because he was busy with con staff shifts. Anette&Umi cancelled because their car broke down and they couldn't get their stage props in time.

>> No.8599415

Well.. Firts of all a) who cancels a big competition like wcs over some con work? I'm pretty sure tracon staff would have said that he can go. And b) why the fuck was he allowed to work there??? Wasn't he the asshole who got banned from working for desu?

>> No.8599416

Tracon is starting to turn into närcon w all the shitty and loud outside happenings in the park. Why did we pay double the money if the con itself was shittier than ever?

>> No.8599436

Tracon was nice but not entirely thanks to the arrangements. Like the queues on Saturday morning.... couldn't they have just sent the wristlets to everyone beforehand? Yeah it is a lot of work but seeing people line up for so long was just painful (I was working so did not have to line up but my friends did). Also tge tickets for cosplay competitions. For the sake of everyone, please make a completely different place and line for getting the tickets. Now so many people waited in line of the con tickets twice first to get the wristlet and then for a ticket to the competition.

>> No.8599438


That's what I'm wondering too! He's banned from working at con security (and for a good reason) so why was he allowed to work at Tracon? Cancelling the WCS for con work is super lame.

>> No.8599476

Not quite believing this.

>> No.8599495

Well that's your problem, isn't it?

>> No.8599498

She should just stop trying to compete, it's clear she can't do shit and would probably make a bad skit.

>> No.8599506

Tracon doesn't really give a shit. As long as nobody dies, they consider their con a great success. Seconding the Närcon comparison, the lines were ridiculous and the staff had no idea about anything.

>> No.8599518

I don't think so at all. The lines that formed again (which is undetstandable in such a big con) worked and went on smoothly, majority of the outside stage performances were awesome (esp. the dance group thing), it wasn't TOO crowded or unbearably hot inside except for the short moment it rained on Saturday, cosplay competitions and seatings also went smoothly, announcements were clear, programme was surprisingly versatile, no trash and the outside vendors made sure the local restaurants weren't as crowded.
This is just my opinion though, and Tracon has always been my favourite con, but what do you think made it as shitty as Närcon?
> inb4: you work for Tracon
I don't work for any con.

>> No.8599521

The lines weren't that ridiculous considering it was only a 15-20 minutes wait and you didn't get to stand around when the line was already moving.
I do agree there should be another place for cosplay tickets OR you could get both on one queue trip.

>> No.8599551

I had friends who queued for more than one hour for the cosplay tickets. I think that's ridiculous and a clear mistake from the con organization.

>> No.8599560


Start your own con then. Make con without any waiting in lines etc. I dare you

>> No.8599561

This. A lot of people missed programs they wanted to see because they had to wait in line for tickets and bracelets. I think they even started handing out the tickets late at saturday because I was almost in front of the line and still had to wait 30 minutes before it even started moving.
No surprise there though, I went to see the "ten tracons" panel and the heads of organization didn't really seem serious about anything and the show didn't offer anything to anyone who wasn't part of the circle. Clowns, the bunch of them.

>> No.8599562

Wow butthurt. Maybe they meant that the lines were badly arranged? First of all it was fucking ridiculous to have the same line for the convention tickets and cosplay show tickets, and to speed them up you could make them separate and maybe have at least two lines for the cosplay tickets.

>> No.8599570

Anyone else read miwozord's rant?

>> No.8599572

Lines were ridiculous. First you have to stand in line to get a wristband and suddenly the line was for the cosplaytickets. And when you finally get in you have been standing in line for 2 hours for waiting some tickets. Couldn't even decide yourself where do you wanna sit while watching the competion.

>> No.8599588

Am I the only one who didn't find ANY interesting activities from Tracon? I mean, shit, it has never happened to me before but the panels, shows, music and such were so lame I didn't have anything to do at the actual convention. Also I was thinking that "oh okay well at least I could go to see the cosplay competitions" but after hearing someone had been in the line for an hour and it had not moved, I gave up the idea and just sat outside watching costumes all weekend.

>> No.8599596


>> No.8599604

Link pls.

>> No.8599605

Miwozord cosplay on facebook

>> No.8599610

Grown man whining about people who don't know what cosplay is? Boo fucking hoo seriously.

>> No.8599611

Disappointing, just whining about some bönde.
That said, what's miwo's cred? His costumes suck and can't say his performances are that good either. Is he just connected?

>> No.8599616


>> No.8599642

>Is he just connected?
Sadly, yes. His connections are the only reason why he has creds.

>> No.8599681
File: 932 KB, 400x225, 1439578688723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHEN a con goes well and the only thing to whine about is long queues, you just have to find some nonsense shit to bitch about.
Now, I don't even know this miwo, but having read his so called " rant ", I find you guys simply salty and gossip hungry. After an emotional, wonderful yet tiring weekend at a con, wouldn't you fucking hate it if a normie calls you a clown? That text was prolly just a burst of conidarra emotion, so go back to the holes from which you crawled.

>> No.8599685

Nope, everyone actually thinks it was super uninteresting. Can't you read.

>> No.8599751

Hi miwo

>> No.8599754

That's still your opinion, and your problem.

>> No.8599774

Coming here to bitch about people bitching is no better than what everyone here is doing. Get off your high horse, there's no "you people bitching" when you're here complaining too, not to mention that complaining about someone complaining is twice as obnoxious and hypocritical as hell. If you get so bothered about people bitching then what the fuck are you doing at a place that's known for being bitchy and whiny?

>> No.8599781

No one is complaining about someone complaining, jesus. Someone pointed the 'rant' out and people reacted just as they should. Boring, waste of time, not worth discussing, etc. No one is interested in talking about it so how about you stop trying bringing it up and get your whiny ass elsewhere.

>> No.8599784

What the hell is happening in here

>> No.8599808

Finnish people being very Finnish with dumb meta-wankery.

So, what do you think about the future of NCC in Finland? Anyone good ever taking part again? Närcon horrors? is Starblom looking too much like Elffi htese days? Discuss.

>> No.8599819

isn't that bit too harsh?


>> No.8599822

I'm pretty sure NCC is going to die. Some of the other countries are getting fed up with Närcon too.

>> No.8599825

he sure looked like Elffi on stage.

>> No.8599844
File: 720 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_4015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I thought that too. If this guy isn't channeling his inner Elffi, then I'm a skilled cosplayer with lots of friends.

>> No.8599848

Thankfully he's a lot more talented than Elffi.

>> No.8599855

His show started off nicely but ended up being just walking and lipsynching to recorded words. He could be really good if he keeped on going with the ideas he has.

>> No.8599857

True. I have nothing against Elffi, but Starblom is a great performer and on top of it his costumes are getting better by the con.

>> No.8599858

I was disappointed too. He usually has such good performances and his acting is good but this one was pretty boring.

>> No.8599907

Who won the NCC thing?

>> No.8599952

What did you think about the pair competition and the performance competition? I didn't agree with all the winners.

>> No.8599959

can someone post the results of each competition?

>> No.8599969

is rose shock for real hosting makeup panel in some future con or what was that?

>> No.8599977
File: 722 KB, 1728x2592, IMG_4002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WCS thing was won by the Bride's Story girls.

NCC thing was won by whatever pic related is.

Costume contest was won by the Bling Monster.

Skit contest was won by every SnK cosplayer ever on stage at once.

Pair contest was won by Madoka and Homura in their SSJ4 forms.

Sexiest man alive was split between the old Joseph Joestars

Didn't see the AMV contest.

>> No.8599991
File: 1.18 MB, 2592x1728, IMG_3953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would've put the fire and ice girls above the Bride's Story girls, but I care more about performance in these things, and it's not like I saw the costumes up close.

Also huge kudos to these two for being such lively performers that I totally forgot they were just yelling at the audience with no props and very little choreography. I think they'd have a shot at winning these with more bells and whistles

>> No.8599996

They won last year with that Death Note skit though. Didn't have any props then either, just A+ acting.

>> No.8600012


Ooh, didn't know that. You mean Tracon 2014? Too bad the contest doesn't seem to be on Youtube.

>> No.8600015

it sure seems to be hard to find a foundation that matches your skin tone in Finland

>> No.8600016

Omg I came here for the same thing

>> No.8600081

If you're talking about the tweet, I don't think so. She said that she'd like to host one so now it's just depending on whether or not she was serious and if any con is actually interested in having her.

>> No.8600176

The WCS videos are up in youtube!

>> No.8600186

we're all too pale for any foundation, it would be best not to use any

>> No.8600218
File: 1.17 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG5190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bit of a long shot, but anyone got the Dalek trying to steal my baby from another angle? A bunch of people were taking photos, but poor Shizuka is obscured behind me in all the ones I have.

>> No.8600220
File: 1.00 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG5171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8600222

hi Otto

>> No.8600389

The only thing we have in common is that we both like men and cosplay and our difference is that I have a vagina.

>> No.8600404

link or gtfo

>> No.8600425

oh boy, mommy help making that?

>> No.8600426


I think you mean 40

>> No.8600429

Finally? Teams have been posted for months even before Japan

>> No.8600435

This is why you don't staff and compete at the same time.

>> No.8600439


>> No.8600441

Someone's rustled easily

>> No.8600444


Are we all supposed to be better than this?

>> No.8600449


>> No.8600461

you bored, anon?

>> No.8600471


>> No.8601023

Seems like samefagging yes.

>> No.8601523

Did you all fill the Tracon kävijäpalaute already? My list for negative feedback was too long. Lmao.

>> No.8601672

Are there any good places to get wigs in Finland? I know there's Punanaamio and Butterick's in Helsinki, but is there anything else?

>inb4 buy online
I know it's cheaper that way, I'm just interested in what is available locally

>> No.8601720

to my knowledge there aren't that many places in Finland who sell quality wigs in such prices that ebay can't beat them. Aprilli, Punanaamio and Pilailupuoti are shops I might use for other cosplay stuff but if you have paypal I success you stick to buying wigs online

>> No.8601788

If you are not afraid of used wigs, try Cosplay-Kirpputori on Facebook.

>> No.8601871

I guess there's the winkie winkie or whatever gyaru wig store it is, but their wigs are like 100euros or something

>> No.8601902

There's also the "Cosplay osto- ja myyntipalsta" at Aniki. It's a bit dead these days but there are some good finds occasionally.

>> No.8601904

I sure did. Think I had one or two good feedback to give otherwise all I gathered up was negative. I doubt the organizers will take anything to heart.

>> No.8602059
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>> No.8602071

This was already posted. No one gives a flying fuck about some grown man whining about ppl who don't know what cosplay is.

>> No.8602080

He's been complaining about dumb stuff since Animeunioni forums
When no one still kinda doesn't know who you are despite numerous attempts at attention whoring, I guess you get desperate

>> No.8602116

I guess everyone's now trying to do these victim rants to get more shares and likes.

>> No.8602125

Can we move on from shittalking and maybe share photos?
My camera finally kicked the bucket during the con, so I'd like to see cool pics.

>> No.8602126

I think that ylilauta thread is a bit too much.. Yeah he is whining about stupid pointless shit but he isn't worth making a thread about. Do you have any pics from the con?

>> No.8602129

Well, it's /b/.

>> No.8602164
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 10869447_388356544674633_3445485770801488109_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bii careful of what you wish for.

>> No.8602171


Here's my pictures from saturday, still need to process two photoshoots and sunday's pictures, but I'll upload those to the same album once I'm done.


most of my time was spent on photoshoots and the cosplay competitions so didn't get to shoot nearly as much hallway shots as I would have liked :< but I guess photoshoot practice is always good too

>> No.8602207

wtf is that

>> No.8602225

a pretty inaccurate Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth

>> No.8602233
File: 159 KB, 736x1097, dce1dcc7913efff3edeb327ba9428462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8602274

Thanks, these look great!

>> No.8602278

This is the worst cosplay I have ever seen. There clearly was zero effort, literally. Did anyone even recognize the character?

>> No.8603291


I did. LOL.

>> No.8603468

Anyone coming to Animatsuri in Tartu?

>> No.8603482

wtf is Tartu

>> No.8603517

It's in Estonia I guess.

>> No.8603520

Not the first anon, but Tartu is a big city in Estonia.
Animatsuri is the only con they have there so far, and it's about the size and quality of Kikucon, maybe a bit smaller.

>> No.8603682

lol! lmao

>> No.8605172

Does anyone know why the shitty tattoo artist had a table at Tracon? Like literally... what is a tattooist doing in a a convention like that.

>> No.8605223

Easy money from weebs who want animu tattoos.

>> No.8605248

Wait, you could get real tattoos in Tracon? Literally where was there enough space for that? When I checked the dealers' room, it was absolutely packed.

>> No.8605266

She didn't make tattoos there as far as I'm aware. Just showed her shitty work and such.

>> No.8605290

quality of her work is varying and really not the best around but as a person se was really nice. would consider getting something really simple if i could actually afford anything

>> No.8605639

Do people in Finland actually take anime tattoos or were they just the usual (flowers, animals, tribal) stuff?

>> No.8605644

I've seen at least 666 ugly pokemon tattoos in Finland

>> No.8605993
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Apparently Hansku has one. An ugly one at that.

>> No.8606089

wow such nardo

>> No.8606393



That photo... I just noticed the advertisement

I wish I had known about this event... I went to Nagoya this summer T_T

And I guess I could have gone there last year as well.

>> No.8607829

Where the fuck have you been living if you haven't heard of the wcs??

>> No.8607935


Ever want to be meido and/or butler?

>> No.8608025

I'll be there Anon! I'm ready for bad cosplay again this year!

>> No.8608059
File: 2.96 MB, 300x413, 1382046241646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! I'm currently in the process of making a bad cosplay.

>> No.8608070

And speaking of cosplays

>need a green greatcoat
>Varusteleka and every other army surplus store I know has let me down

At least I'm only planning on wearing this on Frostbite so I have quite a bit of time

>> No.8608079

UFF is probably your best choice

>> No.8608085

Maybe so. Have to travel to Helsinki for that though. At least I'll have an excuse to go to Punanaamio at the same time too. I need some stuff from there and I don't feel like paying for the shipping

Oh, and I also checked local flea markets and recycling centers and no luck.

>> No.8608102

Any vaahtomuovi users here? I'm looking to go shopping some from Etola, but just to be sure, is vaahtomuovi flexible? Like, it's the same stuff as in mattresses, right?
I don't want to go there and figure that I was a total idiot for thinking that it's the stuff I think it is.

>> No.8608192

Solumuovi is the same stuff as retkipatja, and vaahtomuovi is the thicker, less dense material cheap mattresses are made of.

>> No.8608786

UFF has euron päivät today. Lots of cheap stuff!

>> No.8609038

The cons generally don't allow props to the vendor floor, right?

But is there any sort of limit to it? Say that I have a wooden staff that's like 1 meter long, would that be banned too?

I'm just curious, because I'm planning on doing a character that has staff that can shrink, and that I would carry the full length one on the con area itself and the smaller one on where it wouldn't be allowed.

>> No.8609070

It shouldn't be a problem. Usually the bigger props like huge ass swords which takes a lot of space are not allowed. Or props which blocks your sight on your back / something which could easily poke someone's eye out while turning around.

In my opinion it's ok to have a wooden staff. It doesn't take much space.
As long as you don't start waving and dancing with it and poke people.

If you want to be certain you should just go ask someone from the security in con.

>> No.8609231

Hey what would be the best place/book/whatever to get sewing patterns from in Finland? Something not-so-granny that would be a help with cosplay costume making

>> No.8609305

Try Suuri Käsityö magazines, most libraries have them.

>> No.8609317

For basic and easily customizable patterns I highly recommend Joka tyypin kaavakirja! I'm really nervous about patterning from scratch and the book has helped me a ton. It's usually available in most libraries!

>> No.8609328

Thanks guys! I will look these up!

>> No.8609343

Boo I really was interested in this one but it's literally sold out EVERYWHERE

>> No.8609962

Anyone else disappointed in Tracon?
The lack of interesting program and the misogynistic Powerpuff Girls skit kind of ruined it for me. The afterparty costing 10e was also a big minus.

>> No.8610386
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>> No.8610481

is that you hanna-pirita

>> No.8610507

Yeah I literally went to zero programs because there was nothing that would interest me. First time ever for that to happen.

>> No.8610508

Thought Sunday had better program than Saturday, I felt like it wasn't in very good balance

>> No.8610719


>> No.8610763

the insane feminazi who goes to conventions for the purpose of being offended by everything

>> No.8610855

You don't have to be insane to see that the powerpuff skit was offensive af and was basically making fun of feminism. Reducing an important movement to a joke is counterproductive and really low brow.

>> No.8610862

Clearly you haven't watched powerpuff girl season 3 episode 12.

>> No.8610916

It was literally based on an episode of the PPG

>> No.8610924

Go watch power puff girls episode on that character before you start your feminist-rant. She did wvweything that the charcter in the ep did.

>> No.8610925

Learn to type pls.

>> No.8611065

Haven't seen a single episode of the show but it was pretty clear to me that the skit wasn't making fun of feminism. It was making fun of all the people who think feminism is/should be about women being above men.

Do explain your reasoning though.

>> No.8611147

This, this so much

But let's not continue on this topic, obvious troll is obvious etc...

>> No.8612402

dis thread dyin

>> No.8612415

No new cons, nothing to talk about

>> No.8612422

Yukicon tickets are coming to sale tonight

>> No.8612459

So who actually are taking part in the Cosplay SM thing? I don't know anyone other than Ilona.

>> No.8612463

Hooray. Let's see how much of a clusterfuck it will be this time.

>> No.8612469

I was prepared to get them but suddenly they were a lot more expensive than I imagined...

>> No.8612500

Really, what did you expect? It's in Messukeskus this year, nothing held there is cheap.

>> No.8612628

I think they are still not allowed to talk about it. Apparently they had strict rules about not telling if they are chosen or not, that must be why Ilona is not talking about it nonstop. But then again with the second round of application I think it's obvious everyone who sent in the portfolio, is in. Wish they'd give out some info, it's less than two months to go....

>> No.8612651

Yukicon tickets, round one finished. Did everyone get theirs?

>> No.8612660

Why aren't they allowed to talk about it? Makes no sense. Cosvision is probably just ashamed of not getting enough participants.

>> No.8612663

If that is true, once a again a weird PR decision. Positive buzz in social media by the contestants would really help the event.

>> No.8612733

This. I barely remember the thing even exists because nobody talks about it.

>> No.8612852
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>> No.8612858
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>> No.8612862

I don't get it. Who is this anyway?

>> No.8612865

i'm gonna have nightmares of that face

>> No.8614130

myeh myeh swallow your soul

>> No.8614261

"Kilpailijavalinnat tehdään heinäkuun aikana ja julkaistaan 1.8.2015." I honestly don't know if they forgot to take that text down or if they forgot to announce the contestants

>> No.8614356

>They have no contestants to announce

>> No.8614549

Isn't SM ogranized by the same people that tried to set up "Cosplay Bootcamp"?

>> No.8614619

Pretty much

>> No.8614663

I wonder if they will cancel this thing too.

>> No.8614670

I hope they do, if it's pretty much only Ilona and the Twins there to take part in the competitions.

>> No.8616026

I bet they can't promote it "too early" because they're cooperating with YLE. This is probably gonna be a trainwreck like the NCC-SVT cooperation.

>> No.8617372

No judges or contestants have been announced for SM, no panelists for the Pukuvuoto thing, no details about the after party, no info at all. The only thing I could find from the website are the rules for the competition. They're screwing up the PR pretty badly, yet again. Of course, if you criticize them for this, Rimppu and Miro will come bawwing your way.

>> No.8617509

I fucking want my money back if they are cancelling this shit... I bought the tickets for the lolz and now it seems i havethrown my money into kankkula's kaivo.

>> No.8617536

your money is going to waste bc some anon on cgl said the event is probably going to get cancelled? way to go, you

>> No.8617538

Honestly though, with these organizers, the cancelling is not too far-fetched. Previous track record indicates it.

>> No.8617562

This whole thing seems more and more like a party for them and their friends, not an actual cosplay event.

>> No.8617662

Considering that most likely all their staff is personally invited, instead of a normal vänkärihaku, seems like it.

>> No.8619200

considering that they are working with YLE though, I think they might want to have a staff that they know so they already know how to work as a team. It is now uncommon that workers inform a day before or at the day of the con that they aren't coming to work. with an event that small they can't risk having that happen so why not play it safe

>> No.8619219

Not to mention most of the cosplay staff in every con at least seems to be handpicked by the cosplay organizer. They may go through vänkärihaku but are most likely asked in advance or they themselves ask from the organizer in advance. So nothing too weird going on there.

>> No.8622584
File: 188 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ilona please stop trying to be like Elffi. I don't get why anyone would invite her to be a judge outside of Finland. Or well even in Finland.

>> No.8622774

Her costumes are so bad I have no idea why she gets invited as a judge. Must be all the ass kissing she does.

>> No.8624270

It's surprising how many opportunities you get with the right connections. I'd say the ass kissing is paying off.

>> No.8624849

Here is first ones!

>> No.8626769

Nah, I wouldn't say she's ass kissing, she's just pretty fun to be around. She's just extroverted in a scene where everyone else is super awkward.

Tbh, Elffi's craftmanship is quite shit, he's just good looking and seized the opportunities he got.

>> No.8626876

>Tbh, Elffi's craftmanship is quite shit, he's just good looking and seized the opportunities he got.

Just like Ilona.

>> No.8626950

The SM contestants seem a bit boring. Mediocre craftsmanship and bad or first time performers. At lest those announced. Biitti and AG seem the most interesting.

>> No.8627142

That's so true, they would make a perfect team.

>> No.8627396

I have to wonder why there are people who actually think Ilona's craftsmanship is good. Her costumes are often very inaccurate and messy. Don't know about her personality, but her costumes are really bad.

>> No.8627441

She'd be better if she didn't make several new costumes for almost every event. Her costumes are rushed and it shows.

>> No.8628512

Or maybe she just doesn't know how to do a good costume?

>> No.8628922

Ilona is going to cosplay Bride Saber at FCC so i'm going to end my life
not really, but PLEASE Ilona, don't fuck Saber up i beg you

>> No.8628942


>> No.8629004

Not as bad as Hootti, though.

>> No.8629154

She made that one Saber already and it didn't look that bad? Chill.

>> No.8629786

But she did make a bodysuit cosplay before and it was horrrible. Bayonetta, does it ring a bell? Half of the details were gone. So I don't wonder if she simplifies yet again.

>> No.8629847
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>didn't look that bad
Do you actually think this looks good? Especially on WCS level? There's a reason why she doesn't have many photos of that costume, it looks poor even from a distance. Ilona's "success" has nothing to do with her cosplay making skills. Her costumes are bad but she knows how to kiss ass and fake interest.

>> No.8629991

This. Ilona I know you'll read this, so could you for once really make an effort with your costume, please? I hope you win, because you know how to represent our country and i've heard people really like you outside of Finland, but your costumes are really, really not that good.

>> No.8630017


Relaa-anon, the hero we need but don't deserve.

>> No.8630079

I heard Finland is a very drama free country and clearly if the only person you guys drama about is Ilona, Finland is a wonderland.

>> No.8630094


We're relatively drama-free. There's only a few bitter mediocre cosplayers who like to come here and try to raise hell about some more well-known people in the scene(mostly Ilona because Fia doesn't cosplay much anymore and Elffi hasn't visited a Finnish con for a while). It's pretty harmless, if you compare it to American style of lolita drama.

>> No.8630096

I still think the Ilona discussion here borders on unhealthy obsession. I'm not saying to stop the gossiping since this is cgl, but aren't there any other people to talk about? Who have less than stellar costumes or whatever.

tl:dr some people posting here probably have a satanistic Ilona hate altar at their homes

>> No.8630131

More like the Ilona's friends whiteknighting her is ridiculous. She makes bad costumes. Deal with it. Not everyone thinks she's the best Finnish cosplayer. She's not very popular behind her back around the scene.

>> No.8630132

Hi Ilona.

>> No.8630145


Neither of those, sorry.

You just come off as petty and delusional. Also Ilona is rather uninteresting. She will keep doing her costumes with the same skill level no matter how much you guys urge her to change.

I'd much rather gossip about the ugly fatties in Finnish cosplay scene.

>> No.8630156

>ugly fatties
...well there's Ilona.

>> No.8630158

Why does this need a tl;dr exactly? It's not a long rant or anything.

>> No.8630162

There's no gossip about nobodies unless you can dig something up.

>> No.8630245


It's not like you dig gossip about Ilona either, just "SHE WILL MAKE A CRAPPY COSTUME AGAIN I'M SURE OF IT"

>> No.8630265

Jesus, calm down Ilona.

>> No.8630318

Those sleeves look ok but jesus, if that breastplate looks so horrible from that far then i can't imagine what i looks like from near

>> No.8631796

>Friend tries Tsundr for whatever reason
>gets several matches
>is convinced that most of those HAVE to be trolls because there's no way there's this many girls in Finland who're into anime/manga/cosplay

He's pretty funny sometimes.

>> No.8631829

>there's no way there's this many girls in Finland who're into anime/manga/cosplay
Is he foreign because it's pretty well known that there's more girls into it. Anime scene of Finland is nothing like comic scene in USA.

>> No.8631842

Even the western comic scene is nowdays almost 50/50 here. Does he live in a bubble?

>> No.8631888

So now all the contestants are in fb. Only nine for solo and like three of them are total neverhöörds. And just five groups. Oh god it's gonna be bad.

>> No.8631909

9 isn't that bad for a competition in Finland though, isn't the basic preliminary count in every convention about 10 or less?

>> No.8631911

There's three types of cosplayers in Finland.
>Can't pose and can't make costumes
>Can't pose but can make costumes
>Can pose but can't make costumes

>> No.8632086

Or simply most of the Finnish female cosplayers are not photogenic and looks like potatoes.

>> No.8632822

...Or the Finnish cosplay photographers aren't really all that good and/or everybody is so socially awkward that they let their friends do all of the photographing.

>> No.8634855

Hi, just a basic question. Are there any cosplay or anime conventions during March?

>> No.8635183

Tampere kuplii in Tampere talo, 16.3.-20.3.2016

>> No.8640341


They're everywhere. It's already too late.