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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 101 KB, 582x700, faceless_by_vampynella-d4f5so4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8599547 No.8599547 [Reply] [Original]

I know this could be on Help Thread, but I think this might be large enough thing for it's own thread right? Okay so, I happen to be a burn victim, basically I was in a car accident when I was a kid and that left most of my face really badly burn. I would love to cosplay, but unfortunately my scars are not suitable for any characters and therefore I was thinking of cosplaying someone with a mask or a helmet etc.
I am a woman, but as long as the character isn't a super muscular man (or other really strange body type), the sex doesn't matter.

>> No.8599556

There are characters with scars, you know. Check Katawa Shoujo's Hanako and Black Lagoon's Balalaika.

Personally I wouldn't care about the scars though, no one looks exactly like a fictional character anyway. It isn't even humanly possible so why worry about being a little too short or tall, your face being too long or your skin the wrong colour or having a scar that the character doesn't.

Either way, I'm interested in masked characters as well so I hope we get the thread going.

>> No.8599566


>my scars are not suitable for any characters

Bullshit. If you put in enough effort into the cosplay, you can pull off everything. If we can have god tier black dante cosplays, your scars should pose no problem.

There are also some masked characters in fighting games. Blazblue has the paperbag guy, streetfighter has some.

>> No.8599592
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Hotaru - Natsume's Book of Friends

Miya - Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou

Client 2 - Sonic Communication

Shiruku Kirisaki / Grim Reaper III - The Diary of A Crazed Family

>> No.8599815
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Here are all the ones I can think of! The ones with stars next to them are either relatively simple or purchasable online.

Female characters:
**Princess Mononoke
**Touka from Tokyo Ghoul/ every other ghoul in the series
**Masked Splicers from Bioshock/ Plaster Splicers (practically a closet cosplay aside from the mask)
**Jun the Swan from Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
**Sheik from Legend of Zelda
**Maccha Green from Rolling Girls
**Aligura from Blood Blockade Battlefront
Juliet/ Red Whirlwind in Romeo x Juliet (under-appreciated a+ anime)
Everyone in the Glittering Crux Brigade in Star Driver
Many characters in the Saint Seiya series
Taokaka from BlazBlue
Angewomon from Digimon
Athena from Angelic Layer
Amila from Magna Carta
Cia from Zelda Hyrule Warriors
Many Personas in the Persona series (mostly complicated builds)
Everyone in Gatchaman Crowds (very complicated build)

Male characters:
**Gin from Hotarubi no Mori e (pls watch this 40 minute long anime if you haven't)
**Hei from Darker than Black
**Twelfth from Mirai Nikki
**Link wearing any of the masks from Majora's Mask
Fierce Deity from Majora's Mask
Zero from Code Geass
Masked Man from Mononoke

>> No.8599834
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I always think of Celty from Durarara!! for female characters who don't show their face.
Even if you wanted to cosplay a character with their face showing, honestly anyone who gives you shit for having scars is a dick. I know there are a couple lines of makeup specifically for covering scars and tattoos you could look into if you ever felt like giving it a try.
Good luck, anon!

>> No.8599850
File: 616 KB, 796x595, hanako pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl has burn scars.

>> No.8599852

Phantom Of The Opera? (Though technically he has a half-mask) I also can suggest Yokai, the villain from Big Hero 6.

>> No.8599878
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>> No.8599909
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Hey! If you're insecure and want to do masked cosplays that's totally fine, but here are also some cool characters with facial burn scars!

Balalaika from Black Lagoon. (picture)
Joshua Graham/The Burned Man from Fallout: New Vegas.
Hanako from Katawa Shoujo.
Nice Holystone from Baccano!
Zuko from ATLA.
Chigusa Tsukikage from Glass Mask.
Graham Aker from Mobile Suit Gundam 00.
Mello from Death Note.
Wei from Darker than Black.

>> No.8599931
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GIR from Invader Zim

>> No.8599956

Anything fully armoured, many superheroes and otherworldly villains usually have hidden faces, think wizzro or skull kid (hyrule warriors/zelda), shovel knight, silent hill nurses, doctor doom or madame masque (marvel),samus aran, spiderman/woman, tobi (naruto), even anything requiring pretty big facial prosthetics will do the trick hiding anything you want hidden

alternatively, any sort of mascot costume can do the trick too; there are a lot of good tutorials out there and it's actually not too difficult to accomplish! (imho much easier than most helmets even)

>> No.8599978

mortal kombat has some great masked female characters, along with skullgirls (painwheel in particular)

>> No.8599986
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I almost hate to bring this up OP but have you considered a female Twoface from Batman? Literally a character with half of their face burned.

>> No.8599990

>this is my fetish

If you've ever played Monster Hunter, there's a lot of good armor to choose from, but it can be really complicated to make. Amon from Legend of Korra isn't too bulky, and could probably be pulled off fairly well by a woman with a binder. Sentai characters (think Power Rangers) would work well. The Sram or the Xelor from Wakfu would work, and I think both are adorable. Painwheel from Skullgirls. The nurses from Silent Hill.

You have a pretty good range of options, I think.

>> No.8600005
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>> No.8600042

i somehow doubt OP has exactly half of her face scarred, anon

>> No.8600048

I never thought she would but she could work what scars she does have into the makeup

>> No.8600051

I did a Team Magma once with half my face covered and some burn makeup. Might try that.

>> No.8600313

Paper bag guy is actually from Guilty Gear, not Blazblue.

It might me a little more helpful if you described the placement of your scars.

Maybe one of the Personas from the Persona series just because they have a theme of not showing their actual faces going on?
Princess Mononoke is a classic.
If you're comfortable showing some skin, Capcom vs. SNK's fem!Vega (when Demitri uses midnight bliss on him).

>> No.8600456
File: 1.70 MB, 2136x1490, Lucatiel_of_Mirrah_artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tall are you ? If you are average or above average height, you should totally do Lucatiel of Mirrah from dark souls 2 video game.

>> No.8600463
File: 811 KB, 755x668, Lucatiel_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under that mask, her face is disfigured as she is slowly turning into an undead. With a bit of make up, I am sure you could make it work.

>> No.8600600
File: 350 KB, 825x1280, san&noh-face3129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>**Princess Mononoke


>> No.8600686

what are you implying anon
it would indeed be a nice pair cosplay

>> No.8600690

You could do monokuma/the pink rabbit from the second game from dangan ronpa, if you wanted to wear clothes that were half/half like a lot of people do and then used a mask of their face instead of just using a wig.

>> No.8600698


>> No.8600710

>what are you implying anon
>it would indeed be a nice pair cosplay

No implications. You're right on the money.

Caught this pair at Animefest in Dallas this past weekend.

>> No.8600727

Would you mind taking a picture of your burns op?

>> No.8600729
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>my scars are not suitable for any characters
>I am a woman
>as long as the character isn't a super muscular man

Hmmm... idea?

>> No.8600732
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Zechs Marquise and Maximillion Pegasus

Lucy from Elfen Lied (the mask and laboratory escape also remind me of Mewtwo...)

>> No.8600749
File: 39 KB, 300x225, 300px-Quaithe_Amok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quaithe from A Song of Ice and Fire wears a mask. You could go with the red version from the books for creative liberty or how the designed her from the show. If you're into armor, you could also do The Hound from the same series.

Nepeta (Godtier) from Homestuck might be an option as she wears a small mask and you would be covering your skin with theatrical makeup.

Depending on what area of your face you want to cover, you could also do Lucina from Fire Emblem. Gerome from the same game also wears a mask but it covers a little less of his face.

Finally, I know a lot of characters from Naruto and Natsume's Book of Friends wear masks. I think everything else I can think of has been mentioned.

>> No.8600792
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Thought of a few more!
The Minotaur from Tekkonkinkreet (i beg you)
Lan Fan from Full Metal Alchemist
Elsium from Soul Calibur
Canti from FLCL
Shino from Fuse: Teppou Musume no Torimonochou
Shun from Shinsekai Yori

>> No.8600859
File: 2.77 MB, 2587x2950, FLCL_canti_just_do_it3141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canti from FLCL

Seconded! Just DO IT!

>> No.8600875

mah nigga

>> No.8600898

Boba Fett and Captain Phasma

>> No.8600960

Oh god. Is this from the otome game where you date physically handicapped girls at some special academy? Even if it's just random OC on DA, I just imagine how funny it'd be if someone did a cosplay from that game and someone recognized it.

OP, I think it's fun to do masked cosplay because of the anonimity. I think I'm too butterfaced to cosplay so that's why I stick to masked ones. Other than the ones mentioned, I've always wanted to do the white cat mascot from azu manga daioh and make that head from Nichijou.

>> No.8600982
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There's always Nakigitsune from Touken Ranbu.

>> No.8601371


Yes its from katawa shoujo and for a while it was a pretty popular cosplay theme.

>> No.8601412
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Plenty of people have done cosplays from Katawa Shoujo, it's not exactly new

>> No.8601855
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Clear from DRAMAtical Murder wears a gas mask most of the time.
But if you want to cosplay more obscure character, I can suggest Graham from Shamanic Princess (pic related). He wears a half-mask though.

>> No.8605081
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Rakshas from berserk would be cool

>> No.8610389
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Tokyo Ghoul has a lot of masked characters.