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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 365 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nrk3jbfFCH1rothkko4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8593708 No.8593708 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>8540204

> Cosplay Masterpost: pastebin.com/ekZP1fhg
Full of tutorials, links, and helpful info for Homestuck cosplays. If you need any help for Homestuck cosplays, refer to it first. Any contributions are welcomed.

Let's discuss:
> When would you say was the peak of Homestuck cosplays?
> Are you working on any Homestuck cosplays right now?

>> No.8593714

pls stop

>> No.8593744


>> No.8593809

Now that we've come this far I think it's fair to say never.

I don't know if I want to claim it has peaked yet, maybe in sheer numbers but honestly there's still a fair number of cosplays people just... Haven't done that well yet, and as long as there are still people interested in making those and doing it well I think we're fine.

What cosplays haven't we seen done to perfection yet?
>Lord English
>Auto responder
>Mecha horse Rufioh
>Any god tier bards
>Still no perfect GT Dirk either
>Black/white king
>Either of the ^2 sprites

Feel free to add to this list or prove me wrong.
Not to mention the shitload of AUs still in existence, as well as speciesswaps, personal god tiers and lesser cosplayed alternates like Kanayas various outfits.

>> No.8593884

> When would you say was the peak of Homestuck cosplays?
i would say late 2012 to early 2013. in reacent memory katsucon 2015 was a great con for homestuck i thought
> Are you working on any Homestuck cosplays right now?

>> No.8594304

Haven't seen a pic of these two in a long, long time. Damn.

>> No.8594382

Grand Highblood
Caliborn / Calliope (actually bald)
but yeah you pretty much nailed it

>> No.8594426

I want to see good Nepeta cosplays

>> No.8594554

>and as long as there are still people interested in making those and doing it well I think we're fine.

That's the thing, there aren't nearly as many people that are willing to go back and do all of them, let alone do them well. Homestuck cosplay has definitely peaked already. Sure, there will always be new people getting into it and new talent being shown, but a good chunk of the talent HS used to have has already moved on

>> No.8594577
File: 86 KB, 500x667, tumblr_njyd42TybZ1qbjtjgo4_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new or simply not a fan of Yaexrae's?

>> No.8594580
File: 274 KB, 1280x1920, 1435851041787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaexrae is Perfect.

>> No.8594751

Sure, if we're talking sheer amounts of Homestuck cosplayers then yeah, we've peaked, but I don't agree quality-wise.

We know there are people who'd be consider well known Homestuck cosplayers lurking the thread; do you find that there's more interest in your cosplays with more notes on your photosets etc. now or a year or so back?

>> No.8595024

i get more now, but a year ago i was not well known, its only this year really i became a decent and thats when i started getting more followers/notes. so i dont know if im a good example.

>> No.8595052

That Rose is perfect. I always headcanoned her as Asian

>> No.8595053

Notes aren't a good measure, since it's easy for someone with a lot of followers to get a lot of notes. That said, glory days peaked after Cascade and every pause since has eaten away at another chunk of the fanbase. There was definitely more interest a year or two ago compared to now.

>> No.8595445
File: 868 KB, 900x600, tumblr_ntx1rjRx8M1rmf578o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously not entirely, I mean I can only look at myself and say that the reason I'm getting notes now and didn't in 2013 was because I wasn't really cosplaying Homestuck at that point...

Anyway, Mitsuki-Aizawa is proving her spot on the list.

>> No.8595475
File: 431 KB, 1280x1561, tumblr_ntpwh21CqF1spyjvbo10_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this cosplayer a lot on instagram, IMO it's the best execution of the "large fins which doesn't make any sense aside from the #aesthetic" so far but there's just something about them which puts me off.

>> No.8595498

Thoughts on skipping the mask for godtier Roxy? I like the design overall but my nose bridge is very tall and it would probably be difficult to get it to look nice on my face

>> No.8595552

In canon she ditches the mask. Aside from that people will probably disagree with what looks best. I feel like you can do whatever you'd like with the mask, and if you think it wont look good on you then dont worry about it.

>> No.8595635

I think it'd be nice to see a solid mask as opposed to one made out of fabric, such as the ones cape cosplayers use. I know hers is fabric in canon but that's honestly kinda dumb.

>> No.8595680

this has potential but those freckles

>> No.8595856

Her eyes look freakishly large.

>> No.8597176

I mean yeah its like pretty awesome but I hate to be that dick in the butt but no condesce really does the hair right, like i get that her hair is pretty insane but everyone (or so i've seen) just keeps her hair short

>> No.8597665

So where are our drag queen crossovers

>> No.8597833

I know the yaexrae fangirls are going to shit all over this post but I always thought her wig was subpar She put a ton of work into making the rest of the outfit perfect and then just wore a 40" wig with it. I remember seeing some good Consesce wigs before so I know they aren't impossible to make.

>> No.8597840
File: 249 KB, 600x900, tumblr_nqvw2a1khs1r35os0o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a good place where it's hard to balance the "what looks good" with "what is canon" because when I look at Yaexrae I still think it's a good translation of condy into real life. I think it could have been done BETTER though, but I still think that over all her condy is definitely among the best ones out there, looking at the other details she put in and the cleanness.

I would like to see a drag queen type wig for a condy, though.
Anyone got enough to dump? 'Cause I don't.

>> No.8597844
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>> No.8597846
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>> No.8597849
File: 238 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nnfvjml2t21rq8dk5o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to go through the tag but that was just kinda sad.

>> No.8598129
File: 7 KB, 300x300, s1458173-main-hero-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I hear everybody uses Ben Nye's Final Seal to set their body paint, but does anybody know if Urban Decay's All Nighter Setting Spray works as well? I know that it's a bit expensive, but I already have it on hand and I thought that it would be unnecessary to buy another setting spray when I already have one that works just as well, or even better.

>> No.8599187

Can you post some good Condesce wigs?

>> No.8600972

Drag queen?

>> No.8602082

Why the freckles?

>> No.8602088

because tumblr

>> No.8602105

go ahead and use it.

>> No.8602325

the question i ask myself every time i go through the tag

>> No.8603437

Drag queen wigs tend to be huge. You could probably do something interesting using those techniques.

>> No.8604772
File: 156 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nufr8cLO2u1r35os0o3_r3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8605298

when did pearlgirl and CBC become friends?

>> No.8605313

Sometime right before the disastrous Ancestors CMV, iirc. The dimly-lit portion with CBC, Pearlgirl, and Yaexrae was the only part worth mentioning from that video.

>> No.8605364



why couldnt it be good
>tfw you'll never have a good bnf pile cmv

>> No.8605378

Were they... not before?

>> No.8605382

Aren't all the BNFs friends with each other?

>> No.8605460
File: 341 KB, 664x1000, tumblr_nufr8cLO2u1r35os0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK but I'm glad they are. They make a really cute Ruby and Sapphire.

>> No.8605512

My guess is that it has more to with 1. If you're really active in the homestuck fandom, it's really easy to have a connection with anyone, even if it's one or two levels removed, and 2. The amount of people who are over the age of 18 who still cosplay Homestuck and do it well is so small that they basically have to find each other if they don't want to cosplay alone.

>> No.8605623
File: 200 KB, 900x1200, teapot_by_megelo-d48gs56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for the life of me can't remember her Tumblr where she had more pics but I always liked this Nepeta

>> No.8605630

found another one, she had a really good Equius.
But then they broke and both quit homestuck cosplay iirc. I follow them both on Tumblr but can't remember their damn urls. Last time I checked, the Equius was a homeless trans woman.

>> No.8605633
File: 12 KB, 236x354, nep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic
also *broke up
just got off work, so tired

>> No.8605635 [DELETED] 

annnnd found his Deviant Art
he was a great Eridan

>> No.8605636
File: 193 KB, 900x675, eridan__do_the_creep__by_qpupcosplay-d45lju1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annnnd found his Deviant Art
he was a great Eridan

>> No.8605718

>why couldnt it be good
The film quality is terrible but I liked everything up until 2 minutes in. After that the direction fell apart.

>> No.8605789

or people can become friends with other people

>> No.8605852

What? Anon, that's preposterous. There must be some other juicy reason.

Clearly all the good homestuck bnfs know each other because they all feed off of each others popularity. It's one big conspiracy to keep them famous and let no one else in.

>> No.8605864

Is that not true?

>> No.8605895
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is it true, but the "BNFs" you think you know aren't really BNFs. They're just models tapped by a single true BNF who gives them cosplays and orchestrates the photoshoots and posts for maximum popularity pull.

>> No.8605901

The only question is...who is the alpha bnf? The orchestrator of this vast operation?

>> No.8605911
File: 343 KB, 1280x1707, 1366148232172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sweet, simple anon. Don't you realize that it is the one and only Urchintier who has been pulling the strings this entire time?

>> No.8605924



>> No.8605962
File: 23 KB, 370x300, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open your eyes. the truth has been in front of them the whole time.

>> No.8606163

What is a BNF? Nothing but a miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.8606334
File: 59 KB, 630x300, bnfstonecutters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who controls the Homestuck crown?
Who votes new list peeps down?
We do, we do!

Who keeps the males off the maps?
Who keeps the newcomers under wraps?
We do, we do!

Who holds back the best by far?
Who makes Urchin-Tier a star?
We do, we do!

Who robs photosets of their notes?
Who holds boots on their throats?
We do!
We do!!!

>> No.8606495

I think she's nepitabread. I'm sure I'm still following her ex-gf (the Equius) but she goes through so many URL changes I don't know which account she is anymore.

>> No.8606678

This is the kind of quality content I come to HSG to see.

>> No.8606905


>duct tape dualscar

>> No.8606928
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>> No.8606935
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>> No.8606943
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>> No.8606946
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>> No.8606983

This actually looks kind of nice. I'm seeing a few stray threads that need to be clipped, and the greens between the wig/horns and rest of the outfit don't match, but the gradients are overall consistent and well-done (I'm a sucker for good gradients) and I like the drape on the coat.

>> No.8607032

This is honestly much better than I think anyone was really expecting.

So we've come to that point huh.
Who is this?

>> No.8607374



Ugh why.

Is it that hard to find some blue flats?

>> No.8607501

/r/ing more good Hiveswap cosplay if anyone has any.

>> No.8607659

>Who is this?

Imploder just posted it the other day.

Now that you say that, I haven't seen hiveswap cosplay until now.

>> No.8607699

I've seen a few strideers but they all just look like Daves who dyed the wig black.

>> No.8607852

i saw a few joey's back when the char was first revealed back in what early 2014?

>> No.8607889
File: 106 KB, 500x750, tumblr_inline_npe1drdbD91toy9t2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the ones I've found so far.

>> No.8607890
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>> No.8607893
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>> No.8607897
File: 74 KB, 422x750, tumblr_nrs3w53KSy1r0a2yxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8607899
File: 253 KB, 1024x1546, flashlight_girl_cosplay_by_lavi_deak-d7qr8ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8607901
File: 315 KB, 774x1033, what_are_you_lookin_at__by_dat_cosplay-d7vfl0m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8608200

Why flower crowns? Why? I don't understand. Someone explain.

>> No.8608371

tumblr, that's why

>> No.8608383

people on tumblr find flower crowns sexually attractive. its some kind of fetish i guess. thats the only explanation i can come up with.

>> No.8608936

Requesting some actual good bros. Not that skinny ass with a fake katana that always gets posted.

>> No.8608961

What is this?

>> No.8608962

Is urchintier still around? I'd like to see how she's doing now.

>> No.8609131

SU crossover.

>> No.8609314

>say your prayers as I reckon a lot of people are going to have both SU and HS cosplays or SU/HS crossovers, which is going to be unsealed body paint hell. I'm shuddering thinking about it.

It has begun.

>> No.8609586

wasnt nantarakantara the only good bro?

>> No.8609587

>unsealed body paint hell

You clearly haven't been following the SU thread. Regular SU cosplayers on average have way worse bodypaint than HS ones.

>> No.8609613

Yeah, it's really quite faschinating that people are still blaming the HS fandom for the bulk of weeby and obnoxious teens/unsealed body paint. From my experience we're pretty good at looking after "our youngs".

>> No.8610116
File: 34 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mhzfu6rH8W1rwgjqko1_500-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the one who made that post in the other thread. I meant more that the mid teen range that had evacuated HS to SU during the various pauses are the ones that tend to be less experienced ones with the whole paint thing, and that once the upd8 rears its ugly head they're going to want to come back and do a weekend con with SU one day, HS the next, or a HS/SU crossover.

Hopefully the standards will improve in the SU community in the next few months considering the mass of experience of bad painting and unsealed paint from 2011-2014 by HS and Adventure Time (plus countless tutorials on how to apply paint to be con floor friendly).

Trust me, I'm hoping I'm just pulling this prediction from my ass and that I'm completely wrong. People don't want to go to a convention with a costume they've worked their asses off on for it to be ruined by something that should've stopped years ago, and that includes SU and HS cosplayers themselves.

>> No.8611173

I need a sexy Meenah cosplay.

>> No.8611204

Underrated post.

>> No.8611831

I do wish she had gone longer/thicker but her wig was really good looking for something that was wore on the floor.
I still want to see someone make a truly massive one and put it on/attach it to their head for a photoshoot only, I think almost everyone has to compromise in order to be able to wear at cons.

>> No.8611859
File: 1.21 MB, 200x200, tumblr_n8x7k4YFOJ1qfv7oko2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sad. They were super cute.

>> No.8611916
File: 16 KB, 320x320, gaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


something like gaga's wig from the new AHS trailer

>> No.8612423
File: 116 KB, 640x791, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone caption this.

>> No.8612430 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 740x738, 154B843B4E52004B251D69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8612597
File: 519 KB, 1272x1920, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Fdec7795a4337a88f13e56c5d0e39ab6a%2Ftumblr_nujjr3move1qgg53uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8612652

Anyone seen any relatively good Dualscar cosplayers?

>> No.8612675

I kinda liked the one from the group in the last thread, though canon-divergent.
Didn't really find any good photos though.

>> No.8613375
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>> No.8613732
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>> No.8613835

Are you sure you're not thinking of someone else? Looks like this Equius is some Finnish guy.

>> No.8614209

Ooh hold on is this Squigglenaut?

>> No.8614360

Yeah both of those Dualscars are

>> No.8614438
File: 692 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nul06lHTIs1saurdxo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8614454

Ugh are these those dumb "ancestor god tiers"?

>> No.8614490

Are they really that bad? The designs I mean. I thought some of them were pretty cool.

>> No.8614606
File: 350 KB, 2474x1387, ancestorgodtier[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it might just be the execution but everything about >>8614438 just looks really dumpy. It took me way too long to see that the designs were actually different.

But I mean if we look at the designs themselves they're the typical kind of designs which just doesn't translate well into real life. Especially not when you consider the characters wearing them. The most reasonable ones are Dolorosa's and maybe Dualscars. Darkleers might look okay but I've yet to see a good Darkleer to begin with.

Like seriously, try imagine Rufioh's horns going through that hat.

>> No.8614612

I like the designs but everytime they come up in this thread people think the entire concept is stupid. I'm with >>8614606 -- cool as art, not a great basis for cosplay -- but people here seem to hate the very idea of ancestor god tiers, with logic something like "herp derp but why would they be playing sburb"

>> No.8614614

Yeah, like that! Like, a prop/set piece basically. Pushing the limits of what would be considered cosplay, but getting a really great photoshoot out of it.

>> No.8614643

It's valid logic though, like not being into humanstuck because the trolls aren't human. Some humanstuck designs are better than others but on the whole I don't find them that interesting.

>> No.8614654

Well the concept IS dumb. The god tiers are more than just fancy pajamas and these are just so obviously redesigns of the ancestors, without any consideration for what the title might mean. Take Mindfang's tier for example and imagine it on any other character and try and make sense of it.

Ancestor redesigns are a great idea, but do them as redesigns and don't try to contort some bullshit excuse for them.

Yes I mad. The game is kinda an Important Part of the comic.

>> No.8614701

But this is like getting frothing mad at the fact that humanstuck exists, or when anyone draws/cosplays an AU. It may not be your cup of tea but someone out there probably likes it.

>> No.8614750

I always liked isamiaella's Condesce. Her wig was the biggest I've ever seen.

>> No.8614754
File: 129 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mtv86ihqFk1r35os0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swearingsoubrette had a good one too.

>> No.8614767

Well at least Humanstuck AUs are a) an entire alternate universe of itself (and on top of that a VERY common fictional trope) (Fromgilbowithawesome, CBC) or, b) a "swapped" alteration consistent within the established fictional universe (Cancerously), not some weird inbetween thing which doesn't make sense as a universe alteration, a redesign or even an alternate universe alltogether.
Or they just exist out of laziness, which really shouldn't be compared to these.

I mean obviously people are going to do whatever they want, and obviously I'm unproportionally bothered with it, but it really does tick at my spergy brain because there's absolutely no setting where it makes sense. Not even as a costume challange like, say, fancy tiers/dreamers because these designs are still shitty when translated to IRL and there are way better options if that's what you want to do.

>> No.8615254
File: 105 KB, 960x540, 12019892_1516131802010823_8634320286773186283_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8615279

>So much no in such a little frame

>> No.8616076


>> No.8616853 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, haven't cosplayed Homestuck in a while. What's the best way to do Kanaya's red dress? I can make the basic pattern, but how should I apply the red triangles?

>> No.8617792
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>> No.8617794
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>> No.8618541

That is striderbeegod on tumblr as davepeta. I saw that whole sprites group at NDK this year in Denver.

>> No.8618547
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 11778143_1144378988924196_450897691_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey and this is Sperocore on Tumblr too!

>> No.8618548

Holy fuck I know all of these people.

>> No.8618564
File: 1006 KB, 3456x5184, Dirk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just did a god tier shoot with some friends and we got all the kids together and this is my Dirk. Any critiques other than the wig if you've seen other pictures? (It kinda got mushed down by the crown bit and looks horrendously unstyled as a result)

>> No.8618573

this is also striderbeegod and the disciple is imaginmatrix on tumblr

>> No.8618584

all these tryhard promos

>> No.8618590

>"Dude, where's my shackles?"

>> No.8618632


You should try to do something with some makeup to look more like a guy. Also, the thumbholes on the gloves are unfinished. It also looks like you didn't attach the 'tiara' to the hood - they're not separate pieces.

>> No.8618635

Alrighty Thank you! I actually ended up making that tiara bit in the hotel room the night before so I can agree that it's certainly not the best. Thank you though! Good stuff to work on.

>> No.8618777

you look like the victim of a bad rhinoplasty

>> No.8618803

Trim your wig, get better contacts, contour, buy the shades, finish your seams, and cut your fingernails.

>> No.8619308


Makeup way too girly

>> No.8619316

Just delightful, anon!

>> No.8619345

Contour around your eyes some more - you need a lot more depth around the sockets.

Everyone has already pointed this out but it really irks me when people pose with their mouths in that forced "I'm a model" selfie way. It looks like you're trying to purse your lips in a feminine way, but you're crossplaying. Instead of the woobie look, try furrowing your brows slightly and closing your mouth to appear more masculine.

>> No.8619387

When you're not in Homestuck, a lot of these winged people look like OCs donut steel

>> No.8620160

Did they...Did they fucking shoop that jem on??

>> No.8620217

Actually it sure looks like they did.

>> No.8620259


It looks like it..it's in all the other pictures though. I can't tell.

>> No.8620734

Why is this so shit?

>> No.8621771


Pretty sure it's really there but photographing weirdly, I've seen it happen with SU cosplays

>> No.8622382
File: 792 KB, 797x1200, meenah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8622401

Should probably have latexed over her belly button and styled her wig better, but pulls her off well

>> No.8622572

could learn how to use a sander as well so they wouldn't have a lumpy ass trident

>> No.8623002
File: 261 KB, 1765x2048, 12015162_966903753348753_9077726681327838785_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8623036

>watermark says retouching
>tons of human skin color ignored

>> No.8623309

nah, anon is right

>> No.8624179

So the whole discussion on the "Ancestor God Tiers" had me thinking about what is appropriate to cosplay as that veers off of canon. I know the Ancestors are really good pallettes to get creative and detailed on but what else is can you do with the other characters? And I've been on this board for at least a year and >>8613375 this is the best Dualscar I've seen so far.

>> No.8624466


I think you hit the nail on the head - why don't we shoot for good basic ancestors before making weird junk designs.

>> No.8624481

So nobody is allowed to make an AU ancestor until we get a perfect canonical one? That's a weird and stupid requirement.

It's probably also worth pointing out that >>8613375 aka the best Dualscar so far is a non-canon design.

>> No.8624499


It's close enough to canon though, junk like those GT designs are pretty far removed.

>> No.8624530

So what though? Who decides that an off-model cosplay is close enough vs "junk?" People can cosplay what they want ffs.

>> No.8624551

Agreed. But also, Homestuck is one of the few fandom you can make a completely AU outfit, and as long as it's still done well, you'll get tons of recognition for it.

>> No.8624651

you sound like you want to cosplay an ugly au design

>> No.8624659

You sound like you must be new if you've missed the massive number of AU cosplays this fandom produces.

>> No.8624689

you must be new if you think all au cosplays are well executed or attractively designed to begin with. if you want to cosplay some fancy god tier that's ugly as sin do it but stop pretending like the "people can cosplay what they want" defense will override how nasty you look.

>> No.8624697

I didn't say anything about it being free from criticism. A shit cosplay is a shit cosplay. A good cosplay is a good cosplay. An AU just adds design to the criteria to judge.

>> No.8624701

Hell yeah, I do.

>> No.8624716

Where did anyone say an AU is a "get out of criticism free" card? You'd the only one slinging around blanket statements about how people should cosplay canon designs before ugly AUs, which is straight up stupid because nobody is cosplaying for your own personal enjoyment. This is the same logic as when people on this board complain that a BNF should have made x cosplay instead of y. Nobody is cosplaying to impress you, so chill.

>> No.8624755

actually i'm a completely different anon, so i've never said anything about that. and i hate to be the one to tell you this, but plenty of people cosplay to impress an audience. that's how you get recognition in the first place.

>> No.8624760

>plenty of people cosplay to impress an audience
Sure but if you hate something (ie ancestor god tiers) there's someone else out there who likes it. So which audience should the cosplayers be catering to?

>> No.8624797

AU =/= redesign =/= character interpretation/design variation
Potterstuck =/= fancy dreamers =/= "I found a purple t-shirt and a leather jacket and now I am Cronus"

With that said, the latter isn't ingerently bad because as a medium Homestuck kinda encourages interpretations and all starter John's not wearing shorts and long sleeve tees are doing it.

>> No.8624799

never said a cosplayer need to cater. if you're going to cosplay an ugly design, by all means, but when people's responses are to talk about how ug it is you can't really get mad or defensive. you made that bed and you have to lie in it and no amount of excuses (cosplay is for fun, you can't tell me what to cosplay, normal designs are boring, the same rhetoric we see over and over from newbies who end up making really bad design choices) is going to cover your ass. some designs are ugly in and of themselves, some designs don't translate well off the page to real fabric, some unholy monsters are both. that's just the nature of the beast. honest question, when was the last time someone actually cosplayed an ugly au and did it well enough that the bad design could be semi-overlooked? because the only thing coming to mind for me is yaexrae's mookietier kanaya. immaculate, but still mookie.

>> No.8624807

I'm the anon from >>8624716 so just gonna repeat that people can criticize ugly designs all they want. But I still say it's stupid when people like >>8624466 try to speculate on what people "should" cosplay in the first place.

>> No.8624833


I'm just saying, its 2015 and I still don't think I've seen a good GHB or Darkleer (or Dualscar other than that one upthread really).

Why cosplay ugly original designs when there's perfectly good canon ones that nobody has done well?

>> No.8624838

They just aren't popular characters. Simple as that.

>> No.8624844


But here we have people talking about AU-ifying them so clearly someone cares.

>> No.8624845

agreed. people are gonna do what they want regardless of whether it's a smart decision. sometimes that's the only way to learn. i think urchintier is probably the prime example of that. oh my god, did she try.
>commits to an ugly design leagues above her skill level
>no experience to fall back on to make it even slightly passable
>ignores all forms of caution and guidance from other cosplayers
>thinks she'll be received like the messiah reborn
>deletes her blog when she finds 4chan criticizing her
>mfw the sheer amount of tenacity this took is more determination in one go than i've felt my entire life
>and for what

>> No.8624860

I've never seen an AU cosplay of GHB or Darkleer.

>> No.8624896


Are people not discussing the GT!ancestor designs upthread?

>> No.8624917
File: 77 KB, 500x750, 4015cc6dbd8732761835d7c3ea86a475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm just saying it sounds like you're saying it's wrong/stupid/whatever for someone to cosplay what they want to put money and time into cosplaying, just because someone else on this earth hasn't made a GHB cosplay to your personal satisfaction.

IMO there's been a few good GHB and Darkleer cosplays but that is my opinion so I can't say if they're up to your standards.

>> No.8624920

My favorite part about the urchintier saga is that she decided her special brand of puffypaint fancystuck was so successful that she immediately made two more terrible cosplays (Mindfang and GT Jade if I remember correctly).

>> No.8624931

Yes, but not those two characters. The designs that were actually cosplayed were the Signless, Psiioniic, and Dolorosa. Those characters have all been cosplayed well already.

>> No.8624933


Yes, but people were talking about cosplaying the designs as a whole, like in the future.

>> No.8624967


>> No.8625036

That may be true for Darkleer, but GBH and especially Dualscar are definitely popular enough that it's surprising there are so few good cosplays of them.

Any good Darkleers to share? Or hell, even decent ones.

>> No.8625545

Also, Dualscar's canonical design is a fucking abomination with no notion of how the fuck armor works and is clear as mud.

>> No.8625563


Because the canon designs are ugly and also look awkward on average sized people of average proportions. This goes doubly for crossplay.

>> No.8625656

Honestly for canon Orphaner and GHB designs I just turned to that one comic in Paradox Space. I dunno id it's really considered canon but eh, feels like it.

>> No.8625668
File: 108 KB, 582x972, tumblr_n3f1xcl5Uj1tpfqvbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one's not bad. I like the chest piece...the rest is kinda eh though. And definitely not canon.

>> No.8625732

what beautiful dancer's legs they have.

>> No.8626048

the high heel boots were a great choice...

>> No.8626592

Better than expected. I think leatherwork is definitely the way to go with Darkleer, looking at Horuss.

Also is anyone else cringing at the bodypaint threads or is that just me.

>> No.8627691
File: 176 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nuc7bcouHE1tvq8xvo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8627692
File: 560 KB, 600x900, tumblr_nv3pmwTnvO1qe4fcso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8627701


lol 'how I use sealant' oh sweet summer children.

>> No.8628824
File: 362 KB, 596x900, tumblr_nv3wjgYiBG1r35os0o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's HSG's opinion on wearing homestuck to the renfair? Is it inappropriate?

>> No.8628875
File: 128 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nv2bd8gHgn1r61wqao1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather this than a billion "time travelers".
And people are going to whine about Homestuck regardless of where we do it so yknow.

>> No.8628900

Something about her mouth is really bothering me. Why is her upper lip on the left side 3x as thin as the right side? Was her mouth originally closed and she shooped teeth in?

>> No.8628959

I think that's just the underside of her lip that you're seeing. It's a weird angle, so with thin lips likes hers, you're going to see the underside of the lip more on the opposing side when the mouth is open and in 3/4 view.

Either that or shoop, which wouldn't be surprising. (Actually, with how shooped this is, I'm surprised she left the grey splotches on her tank top and didn't fix the areas where her skin color is showing)

>> No.8629128
File: 79 KB, 500x285, tumblr_nulghvIW6f1r61wqao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely shoop. Looks like she thinned the lips a little too much when adding the tooth black.

>> No.8629133


Personally I'm okay with cosplay at a renfaire as long as you can't tell it's cosplay.

>> No.8630316
File: 371 KB, 1000x662, tumblr_nv3wjgYiBG1r35os0o3_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I think something like this fits in very well. I don't see a lot of "hidden" cosplay at my renfaire but it makes me happy whenever I recognize something.

>> No.8631113

Underrated post.

>> No.8631840

That horse looks so gump

>> No.8633764

I agree. Something that fits the theme or at the least, doesn't stand out too much.

>> No.8633815

I really think that Disciple and Signless are the only ones which works as character designs here. Condy is pretty decent but also kinda eh.

Goes to show how much good photography does for canon divergent "for funsies" type cosplays.

>> No.8633874

Our RenFaire here has a cosplay weekend.

>> No.8635580
File: 113 KB, 350x450, 01101_00_prod_406_0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll also ask the help thread, but I figured that we'd have the best concentrated experience with paints.
How many applications (face+neck) can you get from an 8ml container of Kryolan Aquacolour? I've only used creme paints before, so water-activated is a new territory for me.

>> No.8635640

Aquacolor takes a lot less paint per application than creme paint. I've been able to do multiple face applications while hardly denting the amount in the pot, and I've been able to do arms + torso + face and use less than half a pot.

A conservative estimate would be 10 full face applications. I'd guess maybe 1 or 2 applications per ml of product, though I've never tested this or run out of paint, so I can't give concrete numbers.

>> No.8635706

Thank you! I've got much less anxiety about only getting the 8ml pot now.

>> No.8635981

Kryolans cream base usually give me something like 1.5 ml for face + neck, so an 8 ml would probably last you one make up test and four-five cosplays.
Bigger tubs are creamier and need less paint for each application, it seems.

>> No.8636569
File: 98 KB, 736x1104, c60c67bb85b187ee1a37cff25af37033[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas on how to cosplay characters with tank tops and bare arms (like Equius and Feferi) and wear armsocks?
>eyelash glue?
>spirit gum?
>maybe safety-pinning them to the straps but I'd like something that distributes the stress evenly

>> No.8639190


tl;dr someone tries to rec captaincrunchcosplay to JJ and she drops a Photoshop diss instead
>I'm so vicariously happy

>> No.8639229

that is some top-tier passive shade right there

>> No.8639348

JJ is a passive aggressive cunt, what else is new. post some real drama.

>> No.8639388


The oddest part is that it wasn't even provoked. She could have just said "okay cool" and not bothered.

>> No.8639441

This really isn't anything to write home about.
I hold body paint lectures and when people go "yeah but have you considered [shitty method]? Cosplayer X use it and it looks great!" pretty much every time with different names you get pretty tired of it and start dropping comments about photoshop yourself. Like really, it's not even a burn, it's just painfully obvious to everyone who bothers to look.
I mean I don't even know if CCC is explicit about shopping but if they don't deny it then who cares? Sure their cosplay is really symptomatic of tumblr cosplay culture where actual work doesn't matter as long as you're having fun and it looks vaguely passable, but as long as they're not claiming they're the best who honestly gives a fuck?
What does bother me is that they don't point out that yeah you can do a 20 dollar cosplay (which I personally don't believe either way) but out of cheap, quick and qualitative you can still only have two at most.

>> No.8639467
File: 50 KB, 303x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so thirsty for some good photos of squigglehauts Dualscar I didn't realize how much I wanted it.

>> No.8639547

>To look like captaincrunchcosplay you have to smooth your nasty splotchy makeup out with shoop

Where is the lie though?

She doesn't deny it but there is a lot of lying through omission going on, ie she'll rec products for things that are clearly 100% shoop without saying that she didn't actually use them.

>> No.8639556

Is this samefag or what? These replies have way more shade toward the girl linked in OP than the shade she allegedly threw down. If she looks at a cosplayer's photos based on someone's recommendation for good makeup and sees photoshop, it makes sense to mention that you'll likely need some photoshopping to achieve the same look. It's not like everyone and their damn brother doesn't photoshop their cosplay photos.

>> No.8639583


Didn't say it was a lie. Just that the comment came off as kinda dickish to me.

No samefag. The problem with that though is that it IS possible to look smooth without photoshop, so to just assume it is kinda lame.

>> No.8639589

not samefag. i commented that JJ is a cunt because she has a history of acting like this. it's just her personality. from anyone else, it'd be whatever and not worth a second glance, but from JJ? yeah, it's VERY obvious she's making a deliberate snipe at CCC. look at hammy's reply to the post down there. she knows what's up.

for the record, i don't like CCC. i just think you're in total denial or you've never actually met JJ if you don't realize that she deliberately acts like an asshole. she has no class and never has. that's why she's been infamous on this board for nearly a decade.

oldfag out.

>> No.8639598

Pyropi doesn't go out of her way to be polite to with questions she doesn't like, but that's not what the other anon was saying. She's harsh or low tier passive aggressive but there's nothing "cuntish" about that reply. You are acting like a way bigger asshole by letting old vendetta affect your read of something that barely qualifies as drama.

IMO this kind of shit with Pyropi always comes up here because people can't handle it when BNFs don't sugarcoat things or help every anon in their inbox.
>"If you want to achieve a similar look you’ll probably have to use a good amount of Photoshop on top of whatever makeup you use, but that’s a purely stylistic choice that’s up to you (I prefer a more realistic look myself)."
Is not even a rude way of pointing out that CCC's makeup is half photoshop. Is she supposed to pretend like products x and y will make you look like CCC or what?

>> No.8639603



>> No.8639608

That's a nice Doolscar

>> No.8639612

Oh please.
Yeah, JJ is rude and more often than not overly passive aggressive but that reply really isn't very far out and it's like you said, if it was anyone else no one would have cared. Even if it was a stab at CCC which, looking at all of us being bitter and jelly in this thread, it most likely would have been.
>Recommendation of cosplayer in the context of "I like the way their body paint look" and "would you mind helping me with my body paint?"
>Pyropi thanks for the recommendation but makes it clear she's not interested ("I've seen them on my dash", so she know who they are but isn't following them). She then talks a little about what techniques she thinks they might be using, as well as states that to each their own but that's just not her thing.

I know we're all bitter about CCC receiving more attention than most of us ever will and knowing that there are listfolks chilling in these threads I think it's mostly just a silent agreement not to talk about it because if you do talk about it off anon you'll undoubtedly look like a jelly cunt. So just seeing a well known cosplayer say SOMETHING about this thorn in our side will create some "OOOOOOH MY GOD" even when it's obvious they're not even trying to start shit.

I mean I still think that JJ is overly harsh a lot of the time but each to their own, sometimes it's refreshing and to some people politeness at ignorant questions just isn't a viable response. I've received the blunt end of her "doesn't go out of her way to be polite to with questions she doesn't like" policy (or whatever it is/you want to call it) and while yeah, it was justified, it did make me feel pretty shitty for a good while on account of being someone who at the time looked up to her a lot. But like the only thing that really came out of that was that I personally felt like I didn't want to reply to well intended questions with sarcasm and rudeness, even if they happened to be repetitive and annoying.

>> No.8639620
File: 308 KB, 960x720, tumblr_nvff6m6R7x1r2b74ro5_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Name Fan

Unrelated but I like this Cronus' face, such a shame the rest of their cosplay is made entirely out of questionable choices,

>> No.8639633

>knowing that there are listfolks chilling in these threads
>didn't want to reply to well intended questions with sarcasm and rudeness, even if they happened to be repetitive and annoying.

Let's play a new game, HSG. What are some of the worst questions you've seen or received about cosplay.

>> No.8639634

"Should I seal makeup?" JFC in the year 2015.

>> No.8639640

>"Where can I get a lace front for 15 bucks or less?"

>> No.8639651

i forget who but a long time ago a BNF was asked if cosplaying grimdark rose was blackface

>> No.8639652

>"How do I make a Rose ballgown cosplay?" End of question.
>"I want to make horns but I don't have any clay, what household objects can I use, also how do I attach them without the headband showing, I am using my own hair"
>"Tell me what fabric and pattern you used to make your cosplay, also where to buy them and step by step instructions"
>"I am brand new at sewing and want to make a Mookie design but I only have a month and $50, please tell me how I can do this"

I could do this forever.

>> No.8639748

Agreed. CCC can do what she thinks is acceptable for cosplay, and tumblr can fall in love with it. That's fine. Tumblr will be tumblr. Nothing you can do about it.

But the fact that she says she almost never spends more than $10 on any cosplay without mentioning photoshop or finding things in her closet is just misleading.

>> No.8639785

This. It really grinds my gears when cosplayers write tutorials about how you can use cheap facepaint or garbage fabric and look great. It's one thing if you want to be a cheapass and do your own thing, but don't try to get other people to follow in your footsteps. This reminds me of that time the tutorial on using fabric paint as bodypaint got popular.

>> No.8639803

Wasn't there one girl who made a "easy tips on how to look good in homestuck cosplay" thing a while back with stuff like "you probably shouldn't use 3D glasses with the lenses pop out also invest in proper body paint" and people just LOST THEIR SHIT.
Who was that anyway I think they cosplayed the Handmaid.

>> No.8639834

maybe after 'nearly a decade', you should let it go

>> No.8639839

The best thing about that was that she was speaking from experience. She tried the fabric paint thing once and said it was awful.

>> No.8639844

Do you have the link to the OP?

>> No.8639870

OP was deleted. Here's a repost. http://jmcosplays.tumblr.com/post/124986234303/kumashiro-these-are-just-some-tips-i-thought

>> No.8640291

"how can i cosplay dave?"

>> No.8640360


"How can I attach horns"

Literally last week

>> No.8640493

maybe after 'nearly a decade', she should think about improving herself as a person. just my onion

>> No.8640558
File: 839 KB, 756x1134, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait which of you bitches asked this golden nugget: http://captaincrunchcosplay.tumblr.com/post/130153298428/how-did-you-do-your-porrim-tattoos-just-makeup

Is she really trying to claim pic related is makeup? Terrible shoop aside, you can see the folds in her tights so how did she "makeup" on top of that?

>> No.8640581


Just remember to keep things civil, gulls.

>> No.8640586

Also I suppose that is what she does for videos/cons so it probably isn't lying through her teeth as much as it isn't... Accurate to what she's presenting.

>> No.8640605

I don't know, I would consider it lying if the only photos you post of your cosplay are 100% shoop but then when someone asks you about said cosplay you claim to use makeup. It's skeezy to tell your followers that they can look like >>8640558 with makeup since that's obviously impossible.

>> No.8640636

Yeah. Over all she's pretty harmless. Bad enough for us to shit talk here, but there's no need to go tumblr on her ass.

>> No.8640640

why did they feel the need to randomly shove ccc's blog in pyropy's ask box? reminds me of the time i was on co homestuck thread and someone said ccc was meh and "no shes the best hs cosplayer here see for yourself *link*"

>> No.8640646

also i should have taken a screen shot of that. regret.

>> No.8640659


maybe it was ccc all along

>mfw I keep reading ccc as cbc

>> No.8640672

I just clicked the asker's blog, and the one piece of content they have on their blog was from 2013. HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS.

>> No.8640680

ccc=cbc? hmmm. we must go deeper.
both have 3 letters. three...just like a triangle.
both start with c and both end with c.
coincidence? i think not.
x-files theme.mp3

>> No.8640692

Both are also Homestuck cosplayers...

Homestuck also has three letters, plus another three, plus another three. Three sets of three. Like a triangle. Interesting.

>> No.8640694

but anon, we already determined that urchintier was the string puller this entire time earlier in this thread

>> No.8640697
File: 534 KB, 500x345, truth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8640782
File: 115 KB, 391x576, confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, don't you see, Urchintier's master plan runs even deeper. She's left clues for us buried within the names of the homestuck BNFs. There is something she wants the loyal keepers of the list to do, but first we must decode the mystery.

>> No.8640784
File: 153 KB, 800x900, tureBNFlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated the BNF list to reflect these startling findings

>> No.8640797

We need a new level: urchin tier

>> No.8640805

I kinda miss Heaven, at least my distaste for her wasn't just salt and jelly but like serious stuff like scams.

We had one but then we renovated the list with pictures and got rid of that and shit tier.

>> No.8640818

It seems that everyone is ignoring the obvious connection.


CaptainCRUNCHcosplay? CowbuttCRUNCHIES? CRUNCHanon makes the list????

>> No.8640827

What a quandary, what a quagmire, what a crunch...

Crunch has six letters. That's three times two. Three... like three sides of a triangle.

>> No.8640834
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>> No.8640865


illuminati confirmed

>> No.8640889
File: 96 KB, 800x600, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8640898


>> No.8640951

wait, didn't we do this last thread?

how the fuck do we keep ending up back here?

bloody hell, half life 3 confirmed

>> No.8640961

Any simple question already answered in a blatantly advertised FAQ. Bitch, you didn't even bother to look.

>> No.8640976

i get so many asks about commissions when my faq clearly states i dont do them. like ima trust some random preteen from across the country.

>> No.8641228


My favorite is when people ask how to make characters I've never heard of from properties I have no experience in, and don't even bother including a reference picture.

>> No.8641233


"((.I couldn't find this on your cosplay help tag.)) I just got a wig, and my hair is super thick, and longer than the wig I'm using, but I can't get my hair is any way to where the wig fits correctly."

the entire tumblr is cosplay. the cosplay help is 50% of the posts. they didn't even need to find the clearly marked tag.

>> No.8641963

Happy Halloween everybody!

I would say something about pauses but, y'know.

>> No.8641980
File: 57 KB, 640x469, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went looking for this and
>anon asks for fit HS girls
>someone posts CCC's condy
>first post, second reply is someone bemoaning the lack of swole equiuses
>second post first reply is essentially just "fair enough but you chose a shitty photo"

>> No.8642110
File: 56 KB, 540x304, tumblr_inline_nn6vcuxYDl1rj9q7w_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the word CRUNCH appears THREE times in all of homestuck
>pages 6390, 8285, 9435
>only spoken by characters who speak in RED text
>red is THREE letters
>add 3 to the page numbers = 63(1)90, 82(1)85, (1)9435
>6 3 19 08 21 8 5 19 4 3 5 run through a letter cipher is f c S H U h e S d c e

>> No.8642133

Do you guys think there will ever be something like homestuck again?
Like, it had an enormous fanbase, churned out a shitton of fanart,cosplays(good and bad) and it was just everywhere. You couldn't escape it
Even tho SU has gotten homestuck's leftovers and is the currently the most popular, it's just not as big as homestuck was.

>> No.8642149


>What is My Little Pony

>> No.8642156

>shit I completely forgot about that
I should've mentioned popular on tumblr

>> No.8642168

I don't really see why tumblr has anything to do with a fandom's popularity, - tumblr only became a big player in 2011-2012, ie just in time for Homestuck. There have been tons of all-consuming fandoms before Homestuck (My Little Pony, Hetalia, Naruto, Harry Potter, etc), so if it continues to be a big social media player then of course another will come along.

>> No.8642187

Yeah, but what about the map on the back of the Declaration of Independence?

>> No.8642332

Key recipe for a successful fandom:

Harry Potter
Attack on Titan
Steven Universe

>Big, diverse cast (or big cast with room for interpretations of diversity)
>Source media is an ongoing series (webcomic, book series, anime etc.)
>Visually distinct, even in cosplay and other styles
>Easily accessible (either to get into or to get ahold of)
>Easy for fans to include themselves in the fictional universe (classpect, gemsonas, house sorting etc.)
>Setting/set up is a meeting point of the incredible and the ordinary
>One specific front figure, often worshipped by the fans (Hussie, JKR, Rebecca Sugar, etc)

>> No.8642490

ayy u found it
does this mean that hussie is actually urshintier???

>> No.8642543

next thread title: MSPA generally illuminati

>> No.8643090

you forgot
>easy to ship everything
homestuck exploded in popularity because of shipping and the quadrants

>> No.8644008

Wow it's not nearly as good as I remember it.
Lotsa valid stuff but also lots of stuff I'd change around.

>> No.8644076

I mean bear in mind this was over two years ago. Fandom has changed back then and anyway if I remember correctly the thing that got peoples' panties into a twist over was about how "elitist" this list was because how dare you tell johnny mcpoor he shouldn't use halloween makeup or 3d glasses.

>> No.8644512

Right, this too. Shipping is what fuels fanfics after all. Homestuck also had quadrants (and also that weird leprechaun shipping thing that Hussie brought up once and then never again) so there are multiple ways to ship, with tons and tons of characters to ship.

>> No.8644658
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>> No.8644665
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>> No.8644670
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>> No.8644674
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>> No.8644678

She's pretty, it's a shame she labels herself as non-binary

>> No.8644681

Who is she, again?

>> No.8644697

She had some decent HS cosplays, I believe her tumblr used to be faygofuckyourself

>> No.8644708

In the past 3-5 years, do you Homestuck cosplay has gotten better, worse, or been about the same? Are the current greats as good as the greats from conventions past?

>> No.8644718

I just remember she had terrible teeth and shooped herself to hell.

>> No.8645259

Hmm are you sure you're not confusing her for someone else?

>> No.8645418

i dont know about better but i dont think you see as many true disasters as you did back in the day.

>> No.8645640

>Oh look a cute Rufio
>Looks closer
>Sees cargo pants
>Sees hot topic gloves
>Sees bracelets
>Sees button down shirt

Wh.... what

>> No.8645651
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IMO the average quality is better than it was.

>> No.8646752

I'm also disappointed.

>> No.8647016

Probably worse, but only slightly so. That is, I'd say when Homestuck's interest was at its peak, that was when you saw the greats, but also when you saw it at its worst. Now, since both groups have moves onto other things, I'd say the only ones left are just the average and maybe some who are bad. So overall worse now, but not terribly so.

>> No.8647143

>that was when you saw the greats
IMO there were more top tier people but a lot of "the greats" in 2012 were only great in comparison to how terrible everyone else was. People used to worship the ground Cifera walked on, but looking at her costumes now I don't know why I was as impressed as I used to be.

>> No.8647342

Next thread we need to post old cosplays that were considered amazing at the time to revisit them.

>> No.8647409

Sounds good to me.

>> No.8647410

I remember her Megido horns looking kind of weird. I still think she was great though.

>> No.8647414
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>> No.8647415
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>> No.8647416
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>> No.8647420

And now, we move onto the new thread.


>> No.8647451

She never claimed to be the best one. It was literally us people, in this exact thread, who put her in that position lol.

>> No.8647615

I never said she claimed to be the best...? Try reading again.

>> No.8648598
