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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8586579 No.8586579 [Reply] [Original]

Abunai has come and gone.
Who went, what did you see, what did you like/hate w/e.

The 75 minutes waiting for the CFS was just no.

>> No.8586602

There were too many gulls in that square meter of train just now. Jolly accidental meet tho.

Abunai really needs more/better events with better presentation. (ESPECIALLY presentation, make people WANT to do things!)
There was nothing I really wanted to see or do, so all I saw was my table and beer. That never happened this badly before!

>> No.8586622

I was competing in the CFS, it was even worse backstage. The rehearsels for eurocos took so long that after that long wait and a sad, sad miscommunication barely anyone from the CFS got a chance to practice on stage. Just before nine 'o clock they were still busy sorting out all the forms of the pre-judging. There was also zero order in which contestants were called on stage, they just called names randomly. It was absolutely nerve wrecking.

>> No.8586636

Anyone have pics they want to dump?

>> No.8586641


>> No.8586643


I tought "I'll just have a decent dinner, and after an hour of the planned time, I will show up and check if the show has started yet.." ...nope.

If you hated 75 minutes waiting for CFS, try waiting 65 minutes for Deshima (ie. resulting in 65 minutes less of Deshima). Even they caught the 'Abunai-delay' virus.

But overall, it was fun, if you consider Abunai a convention around Deshima.

>> No.8586644

Oh god, I hope someone filmed it.

>> No.8586765
File: 99 KB, 470x614, geabunaaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess this is a thing now.

>> No.8587737

That opening video was completely embarrassing. That transgender plot and the whole "our language is lacking" was completely unnecessary to the plot and felt incredibly preachy.

>> No.8587882


Speaking of Deshima.. The opening was awesome, but too bad after the opening they started quite weak..
Aside from that, Deshima was quite awesome, altough I still don't get whether they are "A rave with weaboo-music" or "A rave for cosplayers".
Which brings me to the next point. It was quite cool to see people brought clubbing-versions of their cosplays.
Although some were just plain slutty.
And I know it was quite hot and humid (and smelly) in there, but it seems the moment where guys think it's okay to lose their shirts and start to dance in their sweaty stomachs came faster than ever. And an hour in, and girls tought it'd be okay to show bra's (or binders, yes, I know the difference between a bikinitop-that-belongs-to-a-cosplay and a plain bra) as well.
Needless to say, that didn't improve the air quality inside.

Nonetheless, I can't wait for the vid of the epic dancebattle.

>> No.8587910

Wasn't that the guy who had a crush on another guy for years, confessed his love, got shot down and started a fist fight with said guy? That was insantiy.

>> No.8587926

holy crap, want more info!

>> No.8587929
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>> No.8587931

I competing in the CFS as well. Instead of our own music they provided us with terrible other music, ''to save time'' ironically. It really ruined a lot of acts.

>> No.8587933

*competitated, oops.

>> No.8587946


This story gets bigger and bigger everytime someone mentions it.

Guy was harassing underaged girl. Underaged girl had a friend who told him to leave her alone.

Stalker guy got angry, ditched his mobile and glasses to attack girl and friend.

Two stewards or gophers dunno pushed the guy on the ground. They called security. Security took the guy outside called police.

Stalker was banned from the grounds and blacklisted and that's pretty much it.

>> No.8587949


It's exactly what >>8587946 said and not much more. Though I do have to mention that the ones who pushed the stalker to the ground were stewards. Gophers are expected to call for the stewards if they see something that could pose a threat, not take action themselves.

>> No.8587953

Competed, anon. Competitated is not a real word.

>> No.8587956

Would have loved Deshima if only people would learn how to dress for their body type.But music and atmosphere were great.
Dealerroom was big, the bags are allowed policy was awesome made lines a lot shorter.
There should be more food options.
Some gophers were very rude for no reason.
Haven' t been to many events but the j-fashion show was horrible. Just normal clothes not much j-fashion. Way to many big girls wearing super short skirts and shorts, music wasn' t loud enough The comment the girl on stage made thanking everybody for staying and not leaving was just plain weird.
Had a great time with friends and love the atmosphere but I am not going for the events and such anymore.

>> No.8587960

I participated in the group acts, which went well and without too many delay.

Deshima was nice, but the rest of the con was crap. Pretty expensive for a Deshima weekend. What the hell happened to the gameroom? And who decided that nice tournaments like smash would be moved to small rooms in the middle of nowhere, while the Naruto tournament could stay in the gameroom?

Every year I feel like just not going next year, but group cosplays keep convincing me to go.

>> No.8587983

The gameroom was so empty. Usually I spent quite some time there but I only went there to sign up for competitions and for a few hours of beamer games just before the end of the convention. It was way better when 6-hit combo dit it. First the DDR, now the Gameroom. Abunai gets into a fight with people organizing stuff.

The smash competition was horrendous. I was late to the convention so a friend had to sign me on the list. A few of my friends where put on the reserve list. One of them made a 2.5 hour trip just for the tournament, only to hear that the reserve list has been scrapped because of time issues. Even when people didn't show up, they ignored the reserve list and just went to the next guy. Luckily, they did it right during the Smash FFA tournament.

I've also been told that during the MK8 Tournament, the first 20 people where allowed in the room, the rest had to wait outside because the room was too crowded. The room was just way too small. Who would have thought that the Smash and MK8 Tournaments would be popular...

>> No.8587985

That music was so annoying, it didn't fit my costume at all which made me feel awkward as fuck on stage. It would have been so much better if we got to choose or own music. U really had the feeling abunai didn't spend a single bit of effort planning the cfs

>> No.8587989

I see a lot of people complaining about short skirts when it was >35 degrees in the deshima hall

The /cgl/ meetup was nice, the meme's were kept to a minimum

>> No.8588012

You won't hear me complaining about short skirts or bras at Deshima.

Nor about the view on bare butts and visible underwear in the cosplays (not everyone checks their cosplays in front of a mirror before going to a convention).
And you don't even hear me raving about all those cleavage, sideboobs (Hestia anyone?) or occasional nipslip..

Just... pics?

>> No.8588059

One very big improvement this year: the second route to the back of the convention. Goddamn, it was horrible when everyone had to squeeze through the little hallway behind the karaoke. This was so much better.

Opening video was... well, pretty embarrassing. Not as bad as it could've been, I guess, apart from the whole trans thing which was WAY forced and awkward for everybody.

Waiting times for some events were atrocious. I'm happy the cosplay compo at least ran in time. I don't really get why everybody waits in line for these things anyway? There's always room left at the back.

Fashion show was pretty horribly put together. I get that they wanted to minimize the delays by having people walk out directly after each other on the same music, but they really screwed the contestants over with this. The poor lady with the giant ballgown who had to somehow seem graceful while hearing "BABY, BABY SHAKE THAT ASS".... bless her poor soul. On top of that they had no idea who they were even announcing. It was complete chaos.

Food-wise the food court is pretty okay, I really like their pizzas. But they hardly have any lunch options. There's hardly any lunch to be got at the entire con, actually. I don't want to have fries for lunch. :C

The schedule wasn't very spectacular. The Sunday was completely devoid of anything interesting apart from the AMV compo.
I had the most fun late Saturday. Silent library, Tofu Cute's Sugar Rush show and Deshima in a row was good stuff. Tofu Cute are such nice people, ugh. They have too much of my money now.

I was pretty happy with the dealerroom, but a lot of it was the same as last year, there's still a ton of Amuse knockoffs (while they claim to be really strict with bootlegs), and there were some empty tables while someone I know couldn't get a stand. Pretty miffed about that.

>> No.8588064

There wasn't room anymore at the cosplay compo. Some people were denied entrance because of this, so that's why people stand in line.

>> No.8588065

Does anyone know how it was decided who would enter the beginner fashion compo and who would enter the 'expert' fashion compo? Because there was someone in the solo beginner group that already won 2nd prize or so at a (not beginner) compo at abunai last year.

>> No.8588073


Asides the food court, you could also sustain on bento, noodles, taiyaki, sushi and the stuff the maid cafes served..
The food court also served 'chinese' (ie. Dutch Indies) food.
But I'm really hoping for a takoyaki stand and a ramen (not the instant kind) stand, next year.

Oh, and while we're at the AMV compo. I really believe the AMV compo should be split into seperate parts: a moody, emo AMV compo filled with angsty stuff and a funny AMV compo.

>> No.8588075

>>8588059 cont

Relevant to the Dutch thread we just had: I was happy to see a lot of artists! The quality was all over the place. There's definitely a few good ones, though. Like Cyarin. She was so nice in person, I was happy to hear she did well.

One thing I noticed is that none of the artists sell acrylic charms. The only one was MadModesty and I'm not even sure she makes them herself. All the others had the laminated paper ones, which seem flimsy and cheap... They only ask for 1-3 euros each, but still, do those even sell?

Because we don't have a separate artist alley, I sometimes have trouble telling which items are made by the standholder and which are bought. Especially the ones with nicer packaging. I know the artist alley peeps are all about fancy packaging, adding beads, etc, which sometimes makes it look almost indistinguishable from official merch. That's great, but I wonder if people realize at that point that they're NOT buying official merch?

Train meet was cool!

J-fashion show was so lacking. I don't get why they didn't just ask some lolitas to do the lolita part. Most of the models that did the lolita part had long stopped wearing it, which was obvious from their wardrobe. And yeah, the casual streetstyles were alright, but not really fashion-show worthy. What was the male gyaru dude even doing on stage?
I liked the music though. All the songs were candy-themed, which was a nice touch.

wtf there was a /cgl/ meetup? I was the one trying to set one up and I had no idea one even ended up happening. When/where was it?

>> No.8588081

I wasn't at abunai this year so I'm not sure, but wouldn't it be better if they'd try to put all the artists together? Like I guess that makes it somewhat of an artist alley but it makes visitors (especially the younger ones) more sure which people are artists and which people are dealers.

>> No.8588082

Oh wow really? We were near the back of the line but were seated halfway the room. Weird. It was worth standing in line for, though. The compo was pretty good this year. Very few cringe-worthy acts.

The bento, sushi and noodles were from the stand next to the bubble tea, right? I didn't like their sushi last year so I didn't get any, and I thought it was really cheap that they served instant noodles.
Maid café and taiyaki are good options but the waiting times make me sad. Can't have 'em all I guess.
I agree takoyaki would be great!

>> No.8588111

Which ones did you think were cringe-worthy?

>> No.8588122

Someone knows what was up with all the maid cafe drama? There being two of them and all? I heard something about one being blacklisted?

>> No.8588129

The Levi/Hanji duet, definitely. Also the Naruto dating one.

>> No.8588165

About Deshima, I've actually walked throughit a few times just before they should start, but the delay is not up to them. The crew was waiting for atleast an hour before they could build up. The previous band was done with breaking up stuff at around eleven.

So I could imagen that they had to shorten up the party due to Abunai. Abunai should also really change their 03:00 policy, and give us audience a longer time span.

Deshima last year was much better because they had the time to build up their sets (and had a longer timespan). This year they did a good job too, eventhough they had to rush it.

Abunai was pretty shitty. If Deshima wasn't there, i wouldn't even come o the con at all.

>> No.8588171

CheeseCake Studio had acrylics. Laminated works as well, sold OK, I gather.

>> No.8588175


I see. I didn't think the Levi/Hanji one wasn't that bad, but I died inside during the rehearshals when they had the mics on at full volume and Hanji started screaming. I found out later that was just the beginning of their act, but RIP my ears.

>> No.8588178

i just made a new girlfriend on deshimasounds.

>> No.8588186

Thoughts on the maid cafes? Loved Neko neko ni's crepes

>> No.8588194

I like Sparkling Potpourri service better. More mature maids also. Feel like a pedo at Neko Ni (; ̄Д ̄)

>> No.8588203

Neko neko ni didn't feel like a real maid cafe to me, it had no atmosphere and felt more like a take-out place with girls in maid uniforms.

>> No.8588243

For both the winners of the beginner solo this was their first comp, so I think they mept things fair enough. The second place told me this was only her 3th cosplay she ever made.

>> No.8588245

Genji is best.

>> No.8588251

All the people in the cfs hated the music choice, we got abunaaid hard.

>> No.8588253

Idk man, Neko has better food, as Sparkling had more cafe exp. So both their good qualities. I wish both could fuse together haha,

>> No.8588277

did anyone say maid cafe drama


>> No.8588292

Oh wow what a bitch move, anyone got more of this?

>> No.8588309

I don't understand how the judging for Eurocos could take that long!
I heard from an other contestant that she was done judging around 4 and she was of the advanced Masquerade..so yea...strange x__x

I thought it was worse last year and I decided also not to enter this year in the hope to see it was improved but obviously not. Dx

>> No.8588316

Heard from people that the cafes were hating on each other lel.

>> No.8588329


Neko Neko Ni was contractually allowed to serve food at Abunai, but not be a maid cafe.
Despite that they marketed themselves as maid cafe on the postes which caused some bad blood.

Neko Neko Ni also employed underage girls as maids which was against the rules. Visitors complained about this because it was downright creepy.

>> No.8588333

I think it was mostly Neko neko ni trying to stir drama. I heard they pissed off people at Koningshof with their bullshit too.

>> No.8588337

I think the hate is more one sided tho, no one is accepting neko neko ni lalw

>> No.8588345

How did they market themselves as a maid cafe when the other cafes pasted their posters over their hahaha

>> No.8588346

I didn't go to the J-fashion show, because I knew it would probably suck. She really said "thank you for not leaving"? That's kinda sad...

>> No.8588347

Not gonna lie, there is more than enough maid cafes already.

>> No.8588352

>Abunai was pretty shitty. If Deshima wasn't there, i wouldn't even come o the con at all.

I found it to be a real improvement compared to last years.

By moving the bagroom they created more room so the narrow hallways weren't a bottleneck anymore. Despite having more visitors than last year it felt less crowded.

This was the first year I was able to visit the game room thanks to the new bag policy. The dealer room was also more open and thanks to that way less crowded.

>> No.8588357

Did anyone go to the games journalism workshop? I missed it but it seemed like it could either be interesting or horribly cringy with the Abunai crowd.

>> No.8588360

NNN's flyers were literally plastered all over the entire con. They even lined a huge fox painting with flyers all around the frame. I honestly see NNN doing this themselves just to stir drama. They managed to piss off Abunai, Koningshof and the other maid cafe all at the same time. I seriously see them doing that.

>> No.8588368

I even saw Nekonekoni passing the other maid cafe with a banner board thing, kek.

>> No.8588373

The easy way to see who likely caused the maid café drama is this: who is the side making the most noise about it?

That's the side the drama comes from. Sensible people don't go shit stirring and making drama. A café that apparently plasters its posters over another stand's isn't going to be the type of people to cause no other drama. Seeing that dumb instagram post, NNN likely put the posters up themselves to make the other cafés look bad.

>> No.8588374

>Neko Neko Ni
>check their facebook
>pictures of the girls in love live cosplay

If they went with that route they should have cosplayed the maid versions at least.

>> No.8588381

They did some love live stuff during Animecon, no idea why they changed from outfits though

>> No.8588383

Saw that too when i was waiting in line for the butler cafe... why couldnt it be hot guys fighting for our affection lal.

>> No.8588386

I would pay good money for something like that.

>> No.8588392
File: 222 KB, 1280x855, fight fight fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even into chicks but I'd pay money to see these maid cafe girls actually duke it out in person. We could have a con version of mud wrestling, €1 per ticket.

>> No.8588395


Jup, just as expected. And yeah she thanked everyone for staying around. No
hating on the bigger girls at least they dared to stand there. The shironuri guy was great. The long lolita outfit was nice. The other outfit was awful whoever made that girl believe wearing a red bra under a white blouse is a good idea is an idiot.
Hyper is shit tho. Stop trying to make gyaru happen. It's not gonna happen.

>> No.8588396


>> No.8588399


Areki from the Butler cafe is cute, and apparently he has a big dong...

>> No.8588405

'sup Areki

>> No.8588406


I am the one who posted that "Dumb Insta post". I did not post it for ppl to hate SP or RR, I am not posting it for to up NNN rep. I posted it as it displeases me to see how much people disrespect each other's work. It's like you spray graffiti over someone else graffiti. You don't. I am speaking for myself as a designer. It just happens that this issue was between 2 cafe's. I would gladly post it again if it was abunai or someone else who pasted their poster over my work too.

There were complaints going back and fort from both sides towards the organization. Either way the owner of SP apologized for their behavior regarding the posters, so I am pretty positive NNN did not do it.

>> No.8588408

I'm starting to think you need to be a whale in order to be part of hyper

>> No.8588410


And has a history of stalking. Have fun with that anon.

>> No.8588411

Exactly, I mean the girl who cosplayed Nozomi from the cafe had the idolized maid outfit. Two others had outfits from the waitress set so that's something...

>> No.8588412

The whole love live thing looked like a trainwreck tbh.

>> No.8588413

Tell us more, tell us more. :D~
Nick or Rick is cool, too. Tall guy with the black hair in spikes. All suave and a nice voice. Can't go wrong there.

>> No.8588415

>NNN didnt do it. Im from NNN trust me xD

>> No.8588418

>SP didn't do it. I'm from SP trust me xD

>> No.8588420

The love live cosplays looked better then the shitty maid outfits they posted on their fb.

Doesn't really matter though, the entire cafe seems to be a trainwreck.

>> No.8588424

>it's like you're vandalizing someone else's vandalism
So you're admitting NNN was being obnoxious by spamming their posters everywhere?

>> No.8588425

But now we can counteract his stalking with our own stalking. Stalkee becomes the stalked and such. :)

>> No.8588426

Agreed, the crepes were pretty good in the end. Would buy it again if they weren't served cold.

>> No.8588430

And so the cycle continues outside the con. Is that wrestling idea still on the table?

>> No.8588434

Don't let your dreams be dreams m8.

>> No.8588440

I liked the smaller, bit darker asian butler, he was cute, all serious like. Then i saw him get teased by the short haired butler, also asian. It then i entered fujoshi mode for about 10 minutes.

>> No.8588444

I'd pay big bucks to see cute maids fight to the death. No h..omo

>> No.8588446


I never said anything about NNN nor SP/RR being obnoixous, I am being objective.

Here is how I see what you are trying to say: NNN is being obnoxious, NNN is bad! NNN should cease to exist!

Here is how I see it: Someone pasted their posters over my posters :<

Go complain to the Abunaicon and make sure no other maid cafe gets a place next year, instead of spreading poor rumors.

>> No.8588459


I ended up in bed with a cute maid who turned out to be a trap. Not sure if homo.

>> No.8588462


>> No.8588463


Just curious, how many people were there in the smash bro compo?

And about the naruto compo, I can only guess it was because the consoles are from Namco Bandai and need to be guarded by one of the people representing them.

>> No.8588472

how even?
Tell us more

>> No.8588472,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

32. Like double that amount signed up tho. The competition ended up being 2 stocks omega only which caused weird stuff like Thomau5 being eliminated by some random cause he fell off the stage. Honestly it wasn't a serious tournament, I feel bad for anyone travelling to the con just for it. Literally two days later there was an actual tournament in Eindhoven.

>> No.8588476

No homo, but I would pay top euros to see that..

Even more euros than if someone would kickstart the idea I had after watching the DDR compo: something about Disney-princess-cosplayers doing a DDR compo in heavy mode, naked. Including high-speed-footage if you catch my drift.
Yes, may I need professional help. (or the temperature was getting to me)

>> No.8588478

32. Like double that amount signed up tho. The competition ended up being 2 stocks omega only which caused weird stuff like Thomau5 being eliminated by some random cause he fell off the stage. Honestly it wasn't a serious tournament, I feel bad for anyone travelling to the con just for it. Literally two days later there was an actual tournament in Eindhoven.

>> No.8588481

Deshima sounds + alcohol. See a cute ...person in a maid outfit, invite to after party for more alcochols, end up in bed.

Had a great night, not even mad.

>> No.8588484

I appreciate your point as a designer. You're not helping yourself by saying the owner of SP apologized for their behaviour though because they didn't... They said they are not responsible and that they find the behaviour childish.

So either way, everyone involved is spreading bullshit and taking sides. If you had an issue as a designer, the mature way to adress it is directly to the cafe owners (which you did) but now you come on 4chan to defend yourself and STILL make biased uninformed comments.

I'm an anon commenting on here for drama, I'm not even pretending to be righteous. You are trying to justify yourself and take a higher ground and you're going about it in a very immature way. It's not very professional to do work for someone and then bitch about whatever happened to it with loads of "sarcastic" hashtags. Whatever happened with the cafes you should assess your own behaviour too.

Hypocritical sanctimonious anon out. Never try to defend yourself on here kids, it just makes you look like an idiot.

>> No.8588490

>something about Disney-princess-cosplayers doing a DDR compo in heavy mode, naked. Including high-speed-footage if you catch my drift.

No thanks, the musty deodorant atmosphere in the DDR room makes me flee.

>> No.8588491

Some of these DDR players should stop playing shirtless for fucking 8-9 difficulty songs. I placed high in the heavy tournament while wearing a very hot cosplay with a corset, they can wear shirts too.

>> No.8588495

So you had some cheeky bumsex that night?

>> No.8588496

It's not gay if it's a trap. Everyone knows this, anon.

>> No.8588503
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I would pay big bucks for butler fanservice

>> No.8588504

Indeed. Such an event would have to be outdoors.

>> No.8588505 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 421x240, 1337551260338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm a girl...

>> No.8588511 [DELETED] 

Still not gay, traps are straight regardless of gender. This is basic stuff anon.

>> No.8588514

dear deshimasounds: please stop playing pompompom. xoxo

>> No.8588523

Dear deshima sounds: please stop playing a different genre every 30 seconds

>> No.8588524

Pics, vids, detailed report of the sexings or it didn't happen.

>> No.8588525

Friday disco last year was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse. Glad that faggot japser wasn't there this year.

>> No.8588535

>Someone knows what was up with all the maid cafe drama? There being two of them and all? I heard something about one being blacklisted?

I heard Nekonekoni got blacklisted for violating the rules

>> No.8588548

From whom did you hear that from? And kek.

>> No.8588553

Some pointers
- Neko neko ni isn't blacklisted
- They weren't hired as a maid cafe, but presented themselves as such. They got a warning for that, and everything happening after that was either from an external party or a reaction on that
- Smash competition will always be won by Dennis, or FF, on Abunai! since he hasn't lost in 8 years
- Naruto was chosen instead of the all star game due to impopularity. Naruto games were from Bandai Namco, whom had their own spot in the gameroom
- There was no person jerking of, there was a fight due to a stalker as far as I know.
- The person in the intro video is a member of the staff who came out as trans, so it wasn't fake
- The CFS and Deshima delay are crap, and I still have no idea why. T_T
- The lunch option for visitors has been given as feedback, and I hear they take that seriously

>> No.8588572

The delation of the cfs was just abunai's horrible planning. They planned a stage briefing for cfs participants at 7, and on that time about 5 or so eurocos participants still had to do their entire rehearsels and judging.

>> No.8588575

Every party needs a pooper thats why they invited u
Party pooper, party pooper

>> No.8588587 [DELETED] 


I woke up with a penis the diameter of an axe bottle in my hand.

>> No.8588609

Sounds delightful <3
Invite me next time. One dick in my mouth and the other in my ass, gimme gimme.

>> No.8588611

Wow u are so edgy and cool

>> No.8588618

Only if you are a cute crossplayer.


>> No.8588634

MtF crossplayer, yes indeed. I think we can make something work. <3

>> No.8588641

You're MtF? Me as well. I cosplayed as Arietty and Howl and hosted the crossplay workshop on Saturday.

>> No.8588645

NO. A very firm no. if I hear a con is seperating artists and dealers again I will cancel my table.
1: Animecon did it a few times before and artists sold extremely bad those years. I don't need another con where I literally only sell 2 books and 2 commissions ever again.
2: We still have a very weird mix of good, decent and bad. The moment someone sees bad art or simply cheaply made merch they tend to ignore the rest of the stuff too.
3: When artists are mixed in with regular dealers they tend to have a "stumbled upon you bonus" if you know what I mean. Artists can be a nice breather from normal moneygrabbers and vice versa.
4: How is not knowing who is a dealer and who is an artist ever a problem? Wtf happened anon? Did some goblin artist steal your kid's money?
>Was it me?
>Someone kept coming back for commissions and he was a complete darling.
>10/10 commissioner would draw kawaii battle girls for him every day.

>> No.8588667

I really liked Silent Library and Tofu Cute's Sugar Rush show.

I thought the Jfashion show was a bit plain. It wasn't a bad show, but it felt like a couple of styles were missing and the clothes were a bit too plain. That shironuri guy was awesome as always, though.

I completely missed most competitions for some reason, only at the ending I found out that some were even going on. The price for the bingo being two spekjes could be improved upon next year.

>> No.8588673

The narutard got arrested for 'mishandeling' Jinx crossplayer who was telling his story to the police making suggestive motions that the narutard grabbed him by his throat. No girl got harassed as many stories that go around might say. How I know? Well... first row of the whole scene and just ask the police what had happened.
And honestly the guy looked like a cat that had to go in bath when he got dragged out of the building.

>> No.8588675

Oh shit I didn't know it was that bad.
On that note, any con stories to share? Any weird customers?

>> No.8588679

Deshima got delayed because of the previous band. The band wasn't finished breaking up their stuff until 23:00, and then Deshima still needed to build up their party. So not their fault.

>> No.8588715

I went to that :D it was the panel with the most educational value and information in the whole convention... Lot's of stuff that actually should be heard by most girls at the con.

(I myself rather dream of an FtM threesome, but I guess I have weird fetishes)

>> No.8588723


It was the first time we did that so we were kinda nervous about making a mess of it. Thanks for the positive feedback!

>> No.8588725

Am I the only one who couldn't stop playing the Projectorgames in the game room?

>> No.8588744

Sadly I lack oot customers. Have some "not buying, just being" customer stories instead.

>Animecon back in Almelo times.
>Wheelchair crossplayguy scooting all over the dealerroom as per usual.
>Accidental eyecontact so he skeets over to our table.
>Bestows upon us the tale of his shoes.
>Whips out nail polish, places it on our table full of merch and starts doing his nails.
>A good 30+ minute cockblock and me being too meek to do something.

>Pervert complaining about smut in a labeled sample sketchbook.
>"It's a PG con, there are kids here!"
>There's tiddies everywhere and they screen hentai at this con.
>Keeps coming back to notbuy.

>Guy trying to haggle our prices down and dissing our old businesscards as if he was doing us a favour.

>Some dealer next to us complaining artists should sit somewhere else just because he got a shitty spot and didn't want to ask about those empty tables or some shit.

Visitors this year were fucking fantastic tho. Even those that just browsed a little. Very polite and usually extremely enthusiastic.

>> No.8588755

Other way around, anon, I'm willing to shell out for artists. If there's good original art or fanart then I'm all over that shit. Official merch I can find online or whatever.
MadModesty had rubber charms for example, and I really liked them, and figured she'd made them herself. I asked and she hadn't. Kind of disappointing.
Interesting to hear you prefer the artists mingled in with the rest, though! I always figured artist alleys were the way to go, but I guess if you pay a lower fee as an artist anyway, you might as well be in the dealerroom.

>> No.8588765

Yeah.. my gf complained about "why should I come along? I'm a womens already". (I told her the title was something along the lines like 'How to be the perfect womens')
But then I saw her secretly taking photos of the slides, her way of taking notes.

>> No.8588787

Haha that's great. We're putting the slides up later, still communicating with Abunai about that. Keep an eye on their FB or Twitter or the forums or something.

>> No.8588818

So where can we watch this years abunaicon sextape?

>> No.8588961

>cleavage, sideboobs (Hestia anyone?) or occasional nipslip..
Seconding this, awaiting pics.

>> No.8589905

This girl is so dramatic and unreliable though.

>> No.8590063

Wheelchair crossplay guy wouldn't hurt a fly but I think he has a social problem thing going on too. He's one of many people in the anime community that doesn't know when he's annoying unfortunately :(

>> No.8590265

I don't think you ever left fujoshi mode, anon.

>> No.8590273

I think I enjoyed this year more than last year.

>> No.8590275

Was anyone else bored on friday, especially in the evening? I felt that there wasn't anything to do after the cosplay fashionshow.

>> No.8590293


Just 32? Was it 1 vs 1?

>> No.8590298


Only friday? Saturday wasn't better either.

But hey, most of the time I was in the abdijbar after dealerwork.

>> No.8590354

It was 1v1, on Friday evening. Kinda lame, the animecon tournament had over 100 participants. You can expect something like that on abunai too. Smash only room next year? :p

>> No.8590371

There was this prom / gala / thing.
We danced a little (attempted to, at least). But then it turned into a 'Deshima Light'.

>> No.8590527

Owner of sparkling potpourri hates nekonekoni and told her maids to remove/stick their posters over neko's and whined to the staff about the word maid cafe being in their name and begged the staff to kick them out of the convention.

>> No.8590532

Neko isn't a maid cafe, that's the whole point otherwise it wouldn't be allowed on abunai =v= it's just an addition to the food court

>> No.8590546

Have you seen the tall ass girl from neko neko on sunday though? Screaming and stressing the fuck out and even being rude to costomers. I feel so sorry for the rest of the staff who heard her yelling straight next to them. She was like an airhorn damn

>> No.8590558

>>8590527 Wrong again. Neko Neko Ni is a maid cafe, however, wasn't allowed to be there as a maid cafe due to Sparkling Potpourri already being there.
Neko' ni's alternative was just selling food, which the staff accepted. However, Neko kept advertising, which sparked the response from Sparkling.
SP never asked to remove Neko, however, they did ask to stop flyering as one. From there on out it went downhill

>> No.8590583

Tbh I don't care about either one of them so they can just both fuck off if they can't deal with each other maturely, there are plenty other maid cafes

>> No.8590624

NNN was invited to promote themselves actively, under the condition that they wouldnt be a maid cafe, since SP already was a maid cafe. But they broke the rules.

NNN has shown some odd moves over the weekend towards SP, though not sure if hate or cold business tactics..

- same happened at Animecon though, only there no one intervened.

>> No.8590669


from what I heard, 6-hit was showing diva behaviour and refusing to abide by rules and agreements said beforehand. Even though their GR was awesome, I guess abunai didnt want to deal with that..

>> No.8590692

mebbe tallchick was salty cuz she once tried to apply for SP, but was rejected..

>> No.8590711

>check Cyarin's twitter

Wasn't expecting that (not because her art isn't good) and good for her. It's nice seeing some dutch artists with a decent following. I wonder how much it influences her sales at cons.

>> No.8590714

Ahahaha this is going to be the same as the maid cafe drama, "he said she said" with both sides saying bullshit or being totally biased depending on who they know.

I heard the opposite, that Abunai was refusing to negotiate anything with them and since they're volunteers they said they'd rather just stop and not risk all their consoles and games each year. So there you go.

>> No.8590716

Also goes to show how empty the gameroom was this year... Yeah let volunteers bring all their stuff without insurance but have no games or consoles to offer yourself Abunai, good going. Shame you lost people who actually cared about games.

>> No.8590784

Quite the opposite. SP only asked them not to advertise themselves as a maid cafe, as discussed beforehand. NNN dug their own grave by creating drama and ignoring the rules. SP has been mostly been ignoring all taunts from NNN, including them trying to stir up shit on social media with the accusation of sticking their flyers over their posters.

>> No.8590793
File: 180 KB, 824x602, 9393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can even see the empty spot where the poster was moved, and the leftover tape. Just pointless drama and an attempt to make the other look bad.

>> No.8590797

Guyz.. less maido doramu.. more pics.. and is that vid from the dance battle online yet?

>> No.8590800

I believe its inexperience. He seemed rather nervous. I know 6 hit knows their stuff, but they are arrogant and people know that.
I think it can become just as good, or even better. They just need to listen better.

>> No.8590868

The entire drama about the gameroom was that Abunai didn't want to give 6hit any insurance if their stuff got broken, damage or stolen during the convention. Can't quite call them diva's for that.

>> No.8590918

Twitter isn't her main platform, she's got 200k followers on instagram. Kinda cray cray. I wonder how I never even heard of her up until a few months ago.

>> No.8590923

>she's got 200k followers on instagram

Jesus fuck. I guess her art has a large appeal? Like it's all pretty safe and generally pretty. The way how Loish art appeals to a lot of people I think.

My only thing with her art is how a lot of it is rather.. boring? Like it is drawn well and all! But it just doesn't do anything with me. I like her pencil sketches though.

>> No.8590930

Abunai works with contracts to prevent these kinds of accussations and drama for their Events.. but not for their game room..?

>> No.8590933

Agreed, it does have potential. Abunai did their own gameroom back in Zwolle I believe, before 6hit offered to help out.

- what about 6hit though? Are they out of business, or still hosting at other conventions? MagixButtons pops up more often too, and Tsunacon sometimes hosts a game room at other cons as well. And Gamepit?
...More competition, good for quality..?

>> No.8590967

As far as I know 6hit isn't out of business, they only did Abunai and a few other 1 day cons now and then. I heard rumors about Gamepit being banned from abunai seeing they deleted someone his Pokémon game and abunai had to compensate said person, that and they were selling event Pokémon in the gameroom. At least that's what I've heard.

>> No.8590982

Her art does remind me of Loish in a way. I really like her rendering and atmosphere, but I agree it's pretty safe, almost boring. Her grasp of anatomy isn't so great either, and she doesn't like people pointing that out, lol. She said she doesn't like people asking her to do different things, but when she does post different things (like the white-haired dude the other day) I really like them.
I bought a print of hers and got it signed because I like what she does for what it is. I'm cheesy like that. She improved tons in a pretty short time, which is inspirational and makes me jelly.

>> No.8590992

Selfpost anon from Dutch thread, how many gulls came up to you at Abunai in the end? I'm curious how many we number.

>> No.8591016

But who won with the cosplay acts and stuff? The more I read in this thread, the more I don't mind that I didn't go this year.

>> No.8591068

I'm jelly of her 200k followers lmao.
Though with that amount of following I can't say I disagree with some of her comments, I mean imagine getting stuff like "you should do x" 30 times a day.
Personally I'd mostly like seeing her do more fullbody things or at least less "pretty painted bust shot" drawings.

>> No.8591587

I don't think 6hit really take themselves serious as a group or anything though? They're just a group of guys with lots of games and consoles. Without Abunai I didn't get the impression they'd do it anymore.

Magixbuttons is an actual store so it's smart for them to come up at events like this because advertising.

6hit and Abunai had an argument over reimbursment for damage I think. Abunai doesn't take 6hit seriously either and blamed it on them, so 6hit decided not to do the gameroom anymore because there was nothing in it for them other than risking getting stuff stolen and broken.

>> No.8591612

Abunai's game room in Zwolle was done by Animecon. At least, that's what I remember, bcuz there was a lot of shit in there owned by Animecon back then, and there was a big jpop banner as well.

>> No.8591615

>Tsunacon sometimes hosts a game room at other cons as well.

God why would you do that. I volunteered on the gameroom at Tsunacon, it was horrible. No good experience with 6-hit combo either, they did half the game room but left the minute the convention ended without helping to clean up afterwards. Very unprofessional.

>> No.8591622

That doesn't surprise me about 6hit, but at least if you asked them in person they would never pretend that the word "professional" can be said about them. Unlike some actual con organisers.

>> No.8591670


At abunai 2013 I lost my Pokémon white 2 cartridge in the gameroom after playing in one of the pokemon tournaments, this cartridge had over 560+ hours on it, I thought I lost it forever. Surprisingly enough one of the 6hit members found it, then they went out of their way to track me down during and after the convention and send me back my cartridge by mail without even asking for money for shipping. People can say shit about 6hit all they want, but I think they are pretty decent and cool guys for doing this.

>> No.8591691

To clarify 6 hit is indeed out of business. Most of the group was already starting to feel the whole thing was getting to be more trouble than it's worth and the conflict over reimbursement was the last straw.

>> No.8591694

any cosplay dramu?

>> No.8591702

Other than the 90+ minutes delay? Not much.

>> No.8591707

That was awesome. A shame the corgi game didn't work though

>> No.8591720

So, how would you guys rate the gameroom of 2014 and 2015?

>> No.8591755


Please don't be jealous of her in any way.
Even though artists like Cyarin and Vio have a large amount of followers, they art will improve little, or even not because they already have developed a stuck up attitude.

>Her grasp of anatomy isn't so great either, and she doesn't like people pointing that out, lol.
Artists with that many followers receive compliments and ass-kisses everyday, so of course you can't critique them! They never make mistakes in their art!

Seriously, as an artist myself I never want to become like this. Having a large amount of followers could be nice but for what reason? To get your art exposed? To sell your art easier? I guess, however a lot of people need popularity these days to make them feel confident about themselves and their artwork.
I feel like it's better to work hard for something, and to keep improving and improving, because honestly. Artists with a large amount of followers will barely improve because they keep being patted and no one will ever tell them what they can do to get better because that pisses them off.
Artists of /cgl/, please don't become like that.

>> No.8591784

I want to play stuff I can't do at home. With the exception of both 8 player games, everything is boring. Anime at least has a few arcade machines. I don't remember 2014.

>> No.8591785


3/10 except for projector games the line-up consoles and games they had was shit. Let stand the small room for competitions they had.

>> No.8591825

This so much, Cyarin might have a lot of followers but whenever someone tries to help her improve she instantly goes in defensive mode, it's kinda sad actually.
Also, she reported a random girl that she didn't like from years ago to con security for ''not feeling safe with her around'' and the girl got banned from that part of the dealerroom while seriously having no clue what she did. I found her crying in the hallway. Security treated her like absolute shit and she wasn't allowed to ask what was going on or explain that she was innocent, so she was really scared when I asked her what happend. Great job again abunai.

>> No.8591832

it was a shitty empty mess and abunai should be really ashamed of this

>> No.8591838

Projectorsgames are fun, but the same every year. Skykids is the best game, but after winning it enough times even that gets boring.

>> No.8591842

Abunai did have an artists part in the past (in Enschede) and it failed. Doujinshi and handmade stuff tables will just never be as popular and crowded as the dealers who sell the most popular figures for the best prices, or the bring&buy. Same goes for some other stands like clothing or manga. The only sensible option is to mix everything as much as possible.

>> No.8591846

Abunai was pretty good this year. The dealerroom was great and I bought a lot of stuff (mainly figures, doujinshi and b&b things). The gameroom was notably bad. The cosplay shows on friday and saturday were great. I never stood in line because that's a waste of time, and often you can just walk to one of the front rows and find plenty of empty seats there since everyone'll sit in the back for some reason. And there's no telling how long the delay'll be anyway, it's abunai, that means delays are often more than an hour.

>> No.8591857

Any pictures of the cfs and eurocos? Who won?

>> No.8591891

Can confirm, I'm the male Jinx Crossplayer.
He's been stalking a friend of mine for literally 5 conventions and I told him to just get lost. He got angry and tried to choke me, what a retard.

>> No.8591906

you and your friend are okay, i hope?

>> No.8591909

10 at max.
I hope to see the creative anons as dealers next year. I may not know everything but I'll gladly help out with the babysteps, you know where to find me.

And this exactly.
I still get angry over our Artist Alley experience at Animecon a few years back when they placed us outside the actual dealerroom.
>Er was in ieder geval een goede doorloop, hoho!

>> No.8591913

Prolly in Almelo, I guess. Yea, not a good move, but there wasen't much room as far as I can remember. Not until they got the new dealerroom sorted.

>> No.8591921

a pair of JJBA cosplayers won the masquerade, I believe. that's all the info I've got for you though

>> No.8591938

There were only 2 groups in the group catagory, so I wouldn't really call that winning lel
For the rest of the masquerade:
Beginners was won by a Thranduil. second place was a Godoka.
Advanced was won by some epic armor thing with lights (I really don't know the name sorry) and second place by a Darklaw.
There were only 2 groups so both of them won.
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures

>> No.8592017

Those looking for pictures, the Sushi Times have a ton, including afaik every costume in all the compos. Can't post link because spam. It's on their facebook page.
Eurocos (friday) was won by squirrel outfit, second place was Tiny Tina I think.
Cosplay acts (Saturday) were won by the Zelda group, second place was Love Live dance act.
C4 (Saturday) was won by... um. The two dudes fighting. Mortal combat? Don't shoot me if that's wrong, I know shitall about fighting games. Pretty standard act but they were really good at fake fighting. I personally liked the DBZ act. Cute dancing~

Sadface. Couldn't there be no drama surrounding an artist I like for once? Guess I'll just admire her art from a distance..

Aaggh this is making me doubt over going to Tsunacon... I thought that'd be the perfect try-out con for an art stand. One day, pretty cheap... but they have a separate artist "avenue" (just call it alley ffs).
Do you guys think it's worth trying anyway? Or should I go for a different con? Which ones do you like for artstuffs? Please don't say Abunai is the best option by far, I don't want to wait an entire year.

10 is more than I expected to show up, though. Were they all artists as well, or just people who were interested in your work?

>> No.8592022

Advanced was won by Joyce from Pretzl cosplay with her Lineage 2 costume.
Eurocos was won by Royal icing (MMMC) with a costume of... some animal with a fluffy tail. And second place was a cosplay of a girl from a game.

>> No.8592035

It's not like she didn't make the drama herself.
Some random girl got in trouble with security for nothing, it's a pretty bitch move.

>> No.8592036

Tsunacon is a fun con, but a bit chaotic and messy. They might switch locations after this year. The dealerroom is ok, but also chaotic. Last year a friend of mine (an artist) was "put away" in the corner of the fan and event area. While there were lots of empty tables in the dealer room. I'd say Tsunacon is ok for a try out art stand. (Abunai is the best option btw)
Another good option would be Nishicon. They're dealer (also artist) friendly, affordable, 2 days, and there's a large dealerroom. A lot of the (art) stands that are on abunai are skipping nishicon, so there's less competition, but still a large amount of visitors.

>> No.8592052

Nishicon is the same day as a lolita event I'm helping organize, so that's a no go unfortunately.
Tsunacon is supposed to have a separate artist alley this year. I guess they didn't do that previous years, then? They seem keen on getting more artists in. They told me I'm already guaranteed a nice spot while I haven't sent them any info about myself at all. Sounds like the artist alley is pretty empty so far...
Also, their communication is horrible. They keep saying they'll send me an e-mail with information but I still haven't gotten it.

>> No.8592180

Most were artists, haha. And I forgot to shove our new doujinshi into every single seagull's face, so OOPS.

Seconding >>8592036 , as long as your total table and travel costs don't go over 100 euro it could make for a decent first experience! Otherwise you could try TomoFair but that may be too short notice. We sold halfway decent without commissions there last year, I think.
Abunai and Animecon are better for a second date since 3day cons need more prepping imho.

>> No.8592208

Nishicon is in haarlem during fall right? Hmm maybe I'll try it out. I might be able to get some charms and prints done by then.

>> No.8592237

Wait. Was it you who's Jinx wig became one big cotton candy, which Lea (from cosplay repair point) was, miraculously, able to fix?

>> No.8592262

No, it was only once in Haarlem, in 2012. Since then it is in Zoetermeer (on a horrible location).

>> No.8592266

Yikes, I think it would be easier to concentrate on tsunacon then halfheartedly go to Nishicon?

>> No.8592299

Yeah we're doing fine, he did damage some of my cosplay but I'll fix that soon.

Yeah that's me, the dude damaged my wig and she did an amazing job getting it back to life, hope I can repay her sometime in the future.

>> No.8592347


She has a page where she asks for donations every once in a while. She pays for all the supplies out of pocket and barely leaves the CRP all weekend. I think she deserves quite a bit of support.

>> No.8593258

Not Jynx but the CRP has saved my butt quite a few times in the past, might donate too.

>> No.8593285

Wheelchair crossplay guy is a really nice guy, he's just socially awkward but aren't most people at an anime con?
>tfw I know him from the first time I've been to abunai

>> No.8593317

I don't think I have ever seen this guy and I've been going to cons for 6 years. Anyone got a pic?

>> No.8593339

Nishicon was in Haarlem twice; 2011 and 2012.
Since then it's Zoetermeer, the location is decent, not horrible. I actually like it better than Tsunacons current location.
(but Abunai has a way better location).

>> No.8593341

I don't have a pic of him and even so it doesn't feel right to post him on 4chan
I'm sure you've seen him around, he's in a wheelchair and usually cosplayed as a school girl. He's often outside smoking or in the dealerroom. He's very social and talks to almost everyone at the con.
Oh! I've seen him without cosplay once, he's got a mighty cool beard when he's not cosplaying!

>> No.8593383

Cyarin is such a entitled little bitch I absolutely can't stand her. It doesn't matter how awful her anatomy is or that half of her characters have awkward derp faces, ofcourse her thousands of followers tell her she's such a great artist. If someone tells her she still needs to learn stuff that absolutely can't be true and they must be bullying her! Such a brave little Loish tryhard she is, having to stand up against all those meanies of the internet telling her how to improve.. ;_;

>> No.8593399

That aside, she looks fuckable though. Dem redheads.

>> No.8593421

It's not just a random girl though. She has some serious problems and is lies all the time and stalks her aside from con stuff.

You don't know their situation so it seems reasonable to report if she doesn't feel safe.

>> No.8593450

Does she has proof for this? I know this girl too outside of cons and she seriously has no clue what is going on. She's been falsy accused of stalking Cyarin multiple times but she never gets any proof or response when asking what's going on. So please stop accusing her of such things before you hear both sides. She hasn't made contact with Cyarin for years and also doesn't want to. She also told me that when she did had contact with Cyarin years ago Cyarin was the one who kept bothering her and cyberbullying.
I'm just a friend of her that found her crying in the hallway, so I don't know the entire story, but I think it's really stupid that everyone just blindly follows Cyarins word that this girl is evil while she was just there to have a fun day with her friends like everyone else.

>> No.8593462

Seems like you don't know the situation either.

>> No.8593464

Welp. I regret ever starting about Cyarin. The thread was going so well, too.
Judging u >>8593399

>> No.8593479

Maybe not, and I am hearing it from 1 side but I doubt she would report her for no reason. She is really bothered and it's not like security just trusts any report. I am sure they do some research. Otherwise the con staff was just shit.

Not really accusing anyone but it still seems reasonable to report someone you don't feel safe around.
>So please stop accusing her of such things before you hear both sides.
Did you ask Cyarin then?

>> No.8593485

Well, con staff was shit. I reported this incident to them and abunai actually apologize for this towards the girl because the security guard handled the situation completely wrong. The security guard did pick up the girl without ever questioning the accusions and told her that she wasn't allowed to tell her part of the story. Abunai told us that this wasn't meant to happen and the scurity guard was completely wrong by just trusting Cyarins report. And reporting for just ''feeling unsafe'' if someone you don't like from years ago is one visitor at an almost sold out con is just exaggerating. There are more than enough people I don't like at cons yet I wouldn't just report them to security to get them out of my face. This girl got reported for doing nothing but just being at Abunai, playing Cyarins trigger card by walking by. The girl that got reported is just as scared and bothered by these false accusions as Cyarin pretends to be.

>> No.8593528

>Not accusing
>''She has some serious problems and is lies all the time and stalks her aside from con stuff.''
anon plz.

>> No.8593542

Does anybody have the DBZ dance video from the masquerade?

>> No.8593557

I found a video of the winner, but not of the DBZ act yet...

>> No.8593559

Yeah I found a couple already. The Naruto and Zelda ones are in someone's terrible vlog.

>> No.8593686

Yeah he's really nice, I've danced with him at Deshima a few times. My post came out more harsh than it should have, he's just weird but adorable like most confolk lool

>> No.8593731

weird and adorable does sum him up nicely!

>> No.8593874


2014 and 2015 were both ok'ish, but nothing special.

I liked the idea of a separate DS lounge and compo room though.. - though the latter needs to expand next year.

Compo room had Dio. Everybody loves Dio.

>> No.8594012

I was suprised by the acts. First few acts, meh...
Then that dance act which took second place. I don't care for those, but it was one of the few I have seen in a while that was pretty decently performed and synchronized. Much better than 90% of the acts I usually see.
Followed by some acts that seriously made me fall asleep untill they announced the C4 thing. I just could not keep my eyes open. Luckily they anounced this with more enthousiasm so my attention got back to the stage.
Next, three very good acts. There was really a big gap between what was before and the three last acts. Any of them could win, but I liked this one the most. Mostly because this was pretty well performed compared to so many fighting acts I have seen before.

>> No.8594778

I was in the dance act, so thank you!
We came together to practice about 4 times before the con, I'm glad it paid off. During the act rehearsals we were still a mess, we went to the mirror room near the pool to practice some more and then the act went well.

>> No.8594974

Are there any pictures of the J-Fashion show? I'm curious how bad it looked.

>> No.8594978

Half of them were fat girls in normie clothes calling themself ''gyaru'' so there's not much to see.

>> No.8596475

People say you should hear the story of both sides but did someone ask Cyarin what was going on? No. I don't know what happened, and if you have personal issues with Cyarin, fine, I understand. But don't hate on her just because everyone does? I know she can't take critique very well, but she doesn't critiquize others either? She just happened to be person that prefers positive feedback. I've seen her supporting lot's of other artists, from starters to professionals. She follows artists, likes their work, etc. In fact, she encouraged lot's of people. And honestly, she has a lot of shit to deal with. We're all human. She's a human too. She has feelings.

>> No.8596492

It's not about her art it's about her making false accusions over some years old salt, which got so far that a girl with no bad intentions got in trouble with security. I really could care less about her art, and I don't have personal issues with her but it's just not okay to just report someone to security because you don't like them with zero evidence of ''stalking''. If walking in the same room as Cyarin counts as stalking then she is the one with serious problems, not the girl that got arrested.

>> No.8596499

You don't have to ask for her side of the story because she'll tell everyone anyway. She's a next lvl attention whore crying everytime she gets a little critic or art theft, I wouldn't be surprised if she made that stalker story way heavier than it is just to get some extra asspats.

>> No.8596526

> She just happened to be person that prefers positive feedback

Doesn't she want to improve? I'll guess she'll always stay an awful artist then.

>> No.8596593

I went to Abunai with the girl who got in trouble with the security guards and I can confirm she had no intentions of "stalking" or "bullying" which she was accused of. She wanted to have fun like everybody else, but she and Cyarin just happened to be at the same con. Well, just ignore each other, right? Apparently this was too difficult for Cyarin. We only walked by her stand to get to other stands. I wasn't there when it actually happened because we were literally just getting to the restaurant. But what I do know is that we couldn't stop her from crying, she was really shocked that the security guards accused her without any evidence. Those 2 haven't said a word to each others in years. It's really sad that the security guards wouldn't let her tell her part of the story. From what she told me, she was treated as if she were a criminal.The security guards shouldn't have done anything unless there was a real sign of conflict. Or they could've nicely asked her to take an other way to other stands unless she wanted to check out a stand close to Cyarins. It's really sad from both Cyarin and the security guards to make a girl that had no bad intentions at al look like a criminal.

>> No.8596629

>just because everyone else does

I think the point is kind of that everyone just praises her and that she can't handle anyone opposing her.

>> No.8596683

didnt see it mentioned here so i thouhgt id mention it that creep merdummy/gerjan was at the con on staturday while he didnt have s aturday ticket so he was kicked out
ah satisfaction

>> No.8596832

As I said, I don't know what happened, if this story is really true, that's terrible and I will apologize for picking up for Cyarin. You know why I commented something pro Cya? Because I used to dislike her a lot, I thought she didn't deserve her followers, etc. I'm very envious, so it's only natural for me to do so. However, let's say she did something kind one day and it sort of opened my eyes. I felt so bad for disliking her. I really love her atm 50% for her art and 50% for the person (I think) she is. I do not know her personally, so maybe it's true what everyone says. And again, I'm very sorry for picking up for her if that's the case. But somehow I still believe there's a misunderstanding.

>> No.8596851

What did she do to make you change your mind completely like that?

>> No.8596882

Nothing special, I just saw her interacting with other artists and supporting them. It's the way she did it, like not dramatic being like: LOOK I AM KIND TOWARDS NOOBS. She just did it. It's hard to explain tbh, but it made me realize that she was actually kind. When people approach her, she's very friendly as well. I've been attacked by artists that way waaay more untalented and popular than her, just because they thought they were awesome. For such a popular artist, she communicates a lot with her fans imo.
You don't have to agree with me or even understand me, but that's just how I feel about her atm

>> No.8597618

God I'm glad I didn't go. Why are our (Dutch people) standarts so low?

>> No.8597655

Because of the Dutch "everybody's a winner" culture (also known as 'zesjescultuur').

>> No.8597673

Isn't zesjescultuur more like "average is good enough" rather then everyone being a winner? The idea of giving people awards for attending school and shit like you see in some countries is more "everybody's is a winner".

Not disagreeing with you though, just wondering about the correct translation.
I think most people don't like the be upfront either in fear of getting ostracized by others. I mean yeah you can tell the fat girl her outfit looks like shit but nobody does because then you're the mean person.

>> No.8597685

Ah, the old Irish saying - 'Feck it, it'll do'

>> No.8597703

Except that she's really rude to her fans because she won't get off her high horse

>> No.8597706


Not that I don't believe you (I do) but do you have any examples?

>> No.8597979

I feel like "avarage is good enough" perfectly describes current Dutch cosplay, J-fash and cons.

>> No.8598054

I don't fully agree, we have a more of a "it's just for fun" mentality (with a few, really outspoken exceptions), which makes use indeed more relaxed about details.
But I don't see why that's a bad thing, as long as it aren't competition cosplays we're talking about.

How relaxed our J-fashion department is, depends more on who the organisation is of the meet/show/event.

>> No.8598056
File: 124 KB, 594x565, cya1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not taking the time to screencap every single time she cries that people are rude and mean to her when someone nicely gives her some constructive critism to help her because somehow she's that delusional that she actually thinks her anatomy and facial constructions are good.

>> No.8598114

Eh to be fair in this case I'm siding with Cyarin for the most part, people asking for requests, free stuff etc can be really annoying.

She could tone down the passive aggressiveness though, and just keep it at "I don't do requests" and not getting into it further.

>> No.8598117

Fuck you for thinking this is rude. At worst it's a misunderstanding. I'm sure she has to deal with a lot of requests from people who have no intention of giving her a dime for her time and so she went into auto response mode. She didn't even say it in a rude way.

>> No.8598145

No but she has to cry about it on her twitter inmediately

>> No.8598147

As a foreigner who's been living in NL a few years now, I think it's a combination of "doe maar normaal" and being super direct and not caring what other people think. It's a weird juxtaposition. It's really hard to stand out over here because "the masses" are SO AVERAGE and you get tutted at for being showy and standing out, and people aren't afraid to call you out on it. So there seems to be this weird concensus among the dutch that everything is ok as long as it's average because fuck it, it's not worth standing out anyway, and why would you because no one else makes the effort?

I don't know, I doubt that makes any sense. It's really hard to explain. Just that everything here is so "normal" and even though "normal" as a concept makes little sense, this is the most palpable I've ever experienced it.

>> No.8598276

I would not say this applies to cosplay. Just go to conventions abroad and compare the average cosplay on the "top conventions" (AnimeCon, Japan expo, MCM, F.A.C.T.S). The Dutch cosplay scene is actually pretty good, even if you look at the hallway cosplay.

I think people just put less effort in things at Abunai because, well, it is Abunai. I also do way more stuff to prepare for AnimeCon than Abunai or Nishicon. I don't even bother to go Tsuna anymore.

>> No.8598301

Eh, a lot of people deal with beggars trying to hint for free commissions. It's better to make it clear early that you are not a charity in order not be asked for free handouts. Looking at as a whole I find her comment very mild, it is just saying clearly that she not going to draw what people just throw at her. Complaining on twitter is something else, but I don't think she was rude to begin with.

>> No.8598310

In English that's called 'tall poppy syndrome'.
Can't be bad because they'll laugh at you and ostracise you, can't be good because they'll find you showy and conceited.

>> No.8598370
File: 154 KB, 1280x853, 11792064_10156043870870074_8309367378001934865_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me and my friend lol
There were apparently supposed to be at least two more groups but they didn´t show up, so us and that other group were both like WOW, WHAT A CHALLENGE
It was pretty dumb

>> No.8599466

Giving out two prizes for groups, with only two contestants, was a bit dumb. Second place was the same as last place. But it makes sense if there were more sign ups, that didn't show up.

>> No.8599479

Cyarin was rude here, and it seems weird to make an issue out of what is clearly a miscommunication. If you want people to like both the art and the artist, this might not be the smartest action.
This fan naively suggests a drawing idea, which is pretty common and harmless. Cyarin semi-jokingly (smiley) replies that she can be hired for a specific drawing. Discussion over.
The fan, who is a bit clueless, notes that it was a suggestion and a paid commission wasn't intended. Discussion over.
Then Cyarin answers a question never asked. Which is actually rude, since you put words in peoples mouth. The question "can you draw this and that for me for free" was never asked.
The statement of not doing free art and requests should be a stand alone post, not a personal answer to a question never asked.
The fan (who might not be a fan anymore) decides to also be direct and honest and explains how she thinks the answer was rude.
Cyarin decides she doesn't want to understand how someone can see it as rude, and replies with a "not rude."
Then later makes a post out of it, calls the fan suggestion a request, and the fan explaining how it was rude a rant.
I get how artists are fed up with people wanting art and commissions but don't want to pay, but to make such an issue out of this post seems like a huge waste of time. Or I might just not get why people like creating drama out of nothing.

>> No.8600032

While I don't think she was being overly rude (that tweet was really unnecessary though) I do think that the person's original intent didn't seem too pushing. I mean it didn't come across as a suggestion and subtle request at most. I've gotten those too. They're nothing special, I think if you're in art circles a lot of people probably made suggestions too towards a fellow artist.
Someone with the size of a following as she does, she should have just ended it at "you can hire me for that".

>> No.8601111

Wait, what? He just showed up and sneaked in? I saw him walking in the dealer room but figured he got a ticket after all, despite his whining on fb.

>> No.8601941

For people who went to sell at cons before, do you need some sort of licence to sell or doesn't it matter?

>> No.8601986

While I agree that she's easily "triggered" for lack of a better word, I definitely don't find her rude. I talked to her for a while at Abunai and she was very kind, wanted to know what my art page was, let me know which prints sold well, even told me where she got her prints made. She's just not so great at dealing with the less positive comments, I guess. That or she just interprets them wrong.
Maybe she's turned a bit sour from all the people that steal her art, ask for freebies, etc. I know it's a common thing with a following that big and people will say "just deal with it", but I can imagine that that shit gets to you after a while. I know it would to me.
Thing is, with that many followers... you get a lot of asspats, but the moment you take one misstep people will ALWAYS be watching, and you'll always get torn down for it as well. It's a lot of pressure, and it only goes to show that she's still human that she doesn't always handle it perfectly.

About the whole stalking thing: if someone had bothered/stalked me years back, I still wouldn't be comfortable with them years later either. If stuff did go down years ago, I'm definitely siding with Cyarin for going to security.
On top of that, if they banned the girl from the dealerroom too soon/without proof, that's on security's head, not on Cyarin's.

>> No.8602039

I'm the friend of the girl that got in trouble and I know what happend 3-2 years ago. (went to the same school as both)
Cyarin was actually the one bullying and cyberstalking back then. They were once really good friends but got in a fight, and Cyarin being the more popular one send her friends to hate on that girl that was still a weeaboo back then and thus easy target. Cyarin talked a lot of shit about her behind her back making her lose a lot of people except for a few loyal friends (including me). She even got multiple mails about how she should kill herself etc.

So I really don't get why everyone is saying that it's okay for Cyarin to do this because ''she's uncomfortable'' guess what? The other girl is scared of Cyarin and has been avoiding her for years now, she didn't even know Cyarin had a table at Abunai till I told her while we were there.
How do you think it would feel getting security send after you by someone you really want to forget about?

> Oh Cyarin is triggered, this girl must be bad, could be no doubt about that. Poor Cya

Why does everyone just settle with this? Do you even know the girl this is about? I've known both girls and I honestly can't believe why everyone just follows Cyarin on how bad this girl is. (and Cyarin saying this girl got mental problems is really just the pot calling the kettle black, seriously) All I know is that this girl is just a really kind and helpful cosplayer.

And yeah, security did ban this girl without any proof and they later made honest excuses to her because it was a mistake, but who was the one that went to security without evidence in the first place?

>> No.8602043

he was wearing a white wristband (weekend/sunday) mustve gotten it through some backdoor ways

>> No.8602051

I applaud for this post.
>Cyarin decides she doesn't want to understand how someone can see it as rude, and replies with a "not rude."
Imho she really has an 'it's always someone else's fault!!' attitude but well... A lot of people have that nowadays. Confronting yourself with your shit behavior is too difficult and blaming others while crying in a corner, getting asspats from your followers is waaaaaay more easy kek

>> No.8603151

You don't. You can just sign up for a booth, stating what you want to sell.

>> No.8603317

You need to buy a ticket and a table, and you'll get a dealer ticket/badge. Contact the con you want to sell or check their website. You don't need a license to sell. (Unless you're a commercial seller in which case you still don't need a license but you do need to keep track of income and handle taxes, but that's not usually needed for handmade items, art and doujinshi.)
The largest two cons have dealer room spots sold out pretty quickly, and are more expensive. It's easier and cheaper to get a table at other cons. I know Tsuna and Nishi have spots atm, and if you sell art, doujinshi or handmade a dealer table doesn't cost much.
Another option is to join a circle, or just share a table with one, or with a fellow artist.

>> No.8603564

Thanks for all the info anon! I was looking at Tsunacon's tables for my first time selling, and it seems like right now they only have tables up for dealers and not what they call 'ambacht'? Or am I reading it wrong?

>> No.8604005

Good to know, was interested in this as well.
At what amount (annually, I guess?) would I need to start worrying about taxes and stuff? Wouldn't want to anger the belastingdienst.

Tsuna has registrations open for both dealers and artists/"ambacht". They told me dealer applications are nearly full, but the artist avenue has quite a bit of room left. The application form is for both, I'm pretty sure. Just don't fill out a kvk number and specify what you want to sell and they should understand you're ambacht, right?

>> No.8604132

I see, I got kind of thrown off because it seemed like it was only for dealers. I'll fill it out tomorrow then!

>> No.8604918


You should give TomoFair a try.. They allow virtually anybody who does something remotely related. Last year, there was even a big tool shop who was showcasing / selling Japanese woodcrafting tools.

>> No.8605645

Is Tomofair any good though?

>> No.8605764

For selling shit? Yes. Loads of people and cheap to rent a stall.
For being a visitor at it? No, not at all. Shitty gymroom, nothing else to do besides buying stuff, no trained personnel on site in case of an emergency, bunch of arrogant jackasses when it comes to the staff and so on. Pass.

>> No.8605846

While I'd love to give Tomofair a try, it's so soon that I wouldn't be able to get anything decent done. I'd rather not rush it and just take my time for Tsunacon.
Agreeing with other anon that it'd probably be good for selling, but as a visitor it's pretty shitty.

>> No.8606153

Tomofair would be nice some other time then, I agree I'd rather focus on Tsunacon rather then rushing for Tomofair.

>> No.8607839

drama at cosplaynl again
one guy posts something that actually has a good message about cosplayers being bullied and people just start fucking flooding the entire topic with bullshit
what a suprirse
but it seems that he wasnted to promotoe his own company? dunno topic was deleted anwayas

>> No.8607859


What was the actual message that you think is good? Yeah, bullying and harassment are bad, no shit.

The bullshit you mention mostly came from fatties that somehow feel entitled to having their picture taken at cons even when their cosplays just look like shit and they're very unpleasant people to be around. Boo hoo.

The guy clearly had never been to a convention and has no idea how this community works. A whole bunch of insecure teens are crawling up his ass because they feel "bullied" (are unable to grow any sort of thick skin) and now he thinks he can actually make some money here.

Con organizations don't want this guy. The average congoer doesn't want this guy. Cons don't have the staff to enforce a "no-bullying" policy and guess what? 99% of "bullying" happens on facebook anyway. Ugh.

>> No.8607922

Seconding vending vs visiting.
I sold pretty decent last time. Decent being breaking even excl commissions.
I'm still considdering going there as dealer but I would have to solo a table and lord knows I am fucking horrible without someone around to tollerate/save me.
>Something about all those weeby hormones in a gym, man

>> No.8608150

Protip: mix Beerenburgh with orange juice (50-50), and have a glass every half hour. It makes all those teenage weebs (hormones smell man) in a gymhall bearable.

(odd.. almost no pictures in this topic)

>> No.8608170

I would join you but it's too soon for me to being able to provide enough stuff to sell when it's happening.

>> No.8608851

I believe due to the post on Cosplay NL Anigenda wants to start something about cosplay bullying. But no surefire plans yet!

>> No.8608990

What is that? Another weaboo community trying to make a name for itself?

>> No.8609027

So, no. They're a foundation where most of the Japan-related conventions and organisations gather. Where they gather to discuss their own going-ons and what they can do to help others.

Personal shit like the bullying happening on facebook is pretty much out of their area, so don't expect too much out of it.

>> No.8609907

Seconding this. The only non-facebook bulling/harassment I experienced in real life, came from non-cosplayers.

The only useful thing anybody could do at a con max, is placing those 'cosplay not consent' boards. Not because I think it will make people stop harassing, but because it's nice to point at something when they give the 'I didn't do anything wrong' or 'then you shouldn't dress that way' bullshit.

>> No.8610668

Preventing bullying is not a staff task, mainly because 99% of it takes place outside conventions.

Visitors however should report (sexual) harrasment and such. Then they can take action towards.

>> No.8611326

I prefer to keep Tumblr away from cons. We have security for that.

>> No.8613159

>We have security for that.


>> No.8613200

Yeah, just look at how great they handled that Cyarin thing. Top kek

>> No.8613249

This, regardless of what girl was the one who started it, they should have never handled it so roughly considering Cyarin didn't have any prove the girl did anything bad enough to get dragged away like that .

>> No.8613441

>checking aniway to see if someone's selling interesting figures
>all those overpriced secondhand figures that aren't even popular

Do people really not understand that if you had your 1/8th scale for 2 years on your shelf, one that isn't in demand, you should lower the price more then just 10 euro?

>> No.8614181

Errm tbh I think they did great. People started to fight. The steward in question saw them throw punches. They immediately took action and put that person to the ground.
Even professional security agreed with this situation.

>> No.8614284

Your comment is completely true and is an excellent example on how stewards/security should act at a convention. See a problem that could cause harm to other visitors and take swift, decisive action.

However: what you're talking about has nothing to do with the Cyarin thing. Which is the focus point of >>8613249

>> No.8614420

We were talking about the Cyarin thing that happend on saturday in not the fight on friday.