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8584642 No.8584642 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Discuss status symbol dresses

I think a lot of lolita's have dresses and equally want certain dresses maybe not because they love the print or cut, but because they are considered "status" dresses. For example misty sky is a major example of that in my opinion

What are your opinions and thoughts on this? Do you think this is a real phenomenon? Are there any dresses you own merely for the sole fact of owning them so that you can say you have it? What are some dresses you consider "status symbols"?

>> No.8584648
File: 105 KB, 480x640, AATP Elizabeth Bride of Death JSK 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a real phenomenon but only among dresses which are crazy expensive. sugary carnival used to be a status symbol dress before everyone and their mom got their hands on one. iron gate, elizabeth the bride of death, aatp's gloria are some pretty good examples

>> No.8584649

Anyone with this JSK is doing it for status. The cut is so ugly it's impossible to make it look good. If you're wearing it, then you're wearing it as a walking brag, not because you like it.

>> No.8584651

I definitely think this is a real phenomenon. An example is Puppet Circus, I think; the few times this dress pops up, it goes for thousands of dollars, and the people that actually own it may brag about owning it, but rarely actually wear it.

>> No.8584655

>What are some dresses you consider "status symbols"?

>> No.8584659

CTP is the same except for that one old hag who butchered two CTPs to make one big CTP to fit her fat body

>captcha: pick all the noodles
>pick plate of spaghetti
>other noodles is a plate of noodles on an altar

>> No.8584660

I can confirm that this is a real thing.

Most of my wardrobe is "status" pieces. About 50% of those dresses don't actually fit me, but I keep them so I can do wardrobe posts and talk about owning them to others to show them off.

It would be obvious to anyone looking in my wardrobe that this was the case. I have dresses in too many different styles and colours for it to actually be my taste in clothing.

I'm currently saving up a few thousand so I can get Iron Gate next time it comes up. That's my final "holy grail", unless AP releases some new ultra popular print.

>> No.8584669

The salopette and the skirt are the best cuts IMO. I have the salopette and it's great for casual wear. I don't get why people fight over the OP and the JSK when the cloud print + that cut combined make them look like pajamas.

>> No.8584674

Pics of your wardrobe? You can obscure some defining things if you want to keep your anonymity.

I know a lot of girls hate that some people keep dresses as status symbols without wearing them, but I've never been of that mentality. It's your money; you're free to do as you want with it. The only thing that pisses me off is when people ruin dresses, as in the case of the infamous CTP massacre.

>> No.8584675

Fucking accurate

>> No.8584690

Definitely CDC

>> No.8584708

i'm not that long here. what happened?

>> No.8584711

Not sure if she's referring to it, but there's a girl who shouldn't fit, so she cut the bodice from the skirt and wore it that way. She didn't even try to cover it, you can see a white shirt underneath it. She's standing next to another girl wearing CTP as well

>> No.8584717

Specifically the Navy OP, yeah.

>> No.8584719

>Misty Sky
Only if it's in black or navy and they have other accessories from the set. Even then, it's a venture to say it's super status-y because there's been so many releases of it now.

Lol you're full of shit, take your cheap skirts and leave this thread.

>Puppet Circus
Definitely agree!

>Holy Lantern

>Cat's Tea Party
Ehhh..I think it has more of a cult following than many people wanting it/liking it. Kind of like Twinkle Journey, but even that had a rerelease.

Only in navy, and really, only for the jsk and OP. Bonus points if they have the bag and jewelry.

>Iron Gate
>Cinema Doll
>AP's Gloria (certain cuts and colorways)
>Fuckin Honey Cake
>Midnight Summer's Dream
>original nordic blue Innocent World Lotta

>> No.8584723

Add Chocolate Rosette to that list.

>> No.8584725
File: 72 KB, 960x640, 1412074254355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't just cut the bodice, she took the whole thing apart and added a white panel to it. She totally butchered it.

>> No.8584730

Is Midsummer nights dream still popular though? I saw one for 450 usd BIN on Lacemarket yesterday.

>> No.8584734

which cuts/colorways of AP gloria count as status symbol? I have the back frill JSK in wine, but I just got it because I thought it was pretty.

>> No.8584735

It's probably gone down since the second release. I remember people clawing over it before that.

>> No.8584742

>Gloria frill jsk in wine
Wow anon, enjoy it, I'm jealous.
Essentially the black, wine, and ivory colorways were really popular. The only one that's kind of a flop is the pink.
My friend paid an assload for the black frill jsk secondhand.

>> No.8584745

>Cinema Doll
I would only count the JSK as status-worthy. I see the OP pop more way more often (and at a more reasonable price) compared to the JSK.

>> No.8584751


ok thx a lot.

>> No.8584754

I actually did want to buy some dresses I thought I liked, but ended up realizing that I only liked them because they were popular (like Misty Sky or Day Dream Carnival). Since I have to budget my money I gladly only bought dresses that I'm really passionate about, even though some of them are considered popular (Cinema Doll, Honey Cake).
But I definitely know a person who has almost every status dress I can think of.

I'm actually so mad Holy Lantern is a popular dress now. I regret not getting it earlier. I always loved it, but wanted to get it later on, now the price has sky-rocketed.

>> No.8584758

>I regret not getting it earlier. I always loved it, but wanted to get it later on, now the price has sky-rocketed.
This is why I don't even take the risk of trying to buy a dress later. I may be unlucky and have the dress go on sale after I buy it for full price, but I'd rather see that than run the risk of missing out on it, only for the prices to shoot up secondhand.

>> No.8584762

Just curious, why? What's the point? I could understand if you actually liked and wore them, but how do you benefit from it?

Imo, Chocolate Rosette is definitely one too. And I think Celestial might be moving up.

>> No.8584773


>> No.8584774

And her fat ass likes to brag about owning it, kek

>> No.8584785

>aatp's gloria
never thought this would reach status symbol levels
when it came out and until a few months after its release, there was no hype at all

Most popular Jane Marple prints are status symbol dresses to me. Only the financially fortunate and well off girls can afford to buy Jane Marple on a regular basis. Owning lots of JM basically screams: look, how much money I own you filthy unworthy peasant!

Same with Btssb/Aatp limited special OTT releases that cost a fortune brand new.

>> No.8584789

I feel like my wardrobe is very status driven. Ironically, I dont even belong to a comm I just love feeling special for owning all these rare pieces. Tbh I love what I have I don't just buy to brag.
Some wardrobe sets of mine:
AatP midsummer night dream in navy
AP Misty Sky jsk in navy
AP Gloria in wine
AP Cinema Doll pink
AP Dream Sky in black (unsure if still a status symbol)

>> No.8584796

It makes sense if OP treats lolita more as a collector's hobby than a fashion hobby.

>> No.8584799

Jane Marple can go really cheap second hand, even popular pieces. Unless you mean the girls who buy up all the new releases?

>> No.8584805

I don't know, I owned CR and wore it frequently. The only reason I sold it (a while ago now) was because I ran into a rough spot financially and the ivory JSK doesn't come up as often as some other colors. Also, Chocolate Rosette is expensive but not totally unattainable. The JSKs go for less than $650 somewhat often.

I feel like status dresses are definitely Iron Gate, PC, CTP, FRM (anymore, at least), AatP's Gloria, and Bride of Death.
Lotta and Misty Sky used to be status pieces, imo, but the re-releases kind of changed that. Also, all of the old sweet lolita status pieces are going for next to nothing anymore.

>> No.8584808

The main thing I love is pretending I have some sort of special skill when it comes to finding bargains.

To that end, I frequently lie about how much I paid for items I own. I told someone I paid $40 for my honey cake bag when I paid over $140. I like to make out that I have some amazing skill at haggling or seeking out low prices, but I don't. I just manage to make enough money to be able to drop loads on lolita. I am actually embarassed by how much I spend on lolita, which ties into me being ashamed of how much money I make and how I make it (not sex trade, before you ask, but what I do is very, very illegal).

I rarely wear any of my dresses. I make sure to wear whatever print I feel is most popular at the time on the rare occasions I do go to events.

>> No.8584811

I bought chess chocolate because I thought it was a status piece. Now it isn't any more, I really do not care for it and wish to sell it, even for a loss.

>> No.8584816

Also, maybe Holy Lantern and Katrina OP for Angelic Pretty and Grazia for IW?

I think anon was referring to prints like British Library, which routinely fetch high sums. Also, yeah, if you can routinely buy new releases from JM, you're obviously very well off.

>> No.8584818
File: 98 KB, 318x319, 1416030978446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like such a tremendous bitch.

I love it.

>> No.8584820

Drug dealing?

>> No.8584823

It was a status piece in the months after release. The replicas brought it down.
You can probably sell it for a good price if you have the legitimate one.

>> No.8584839

>but what I do is very, very illegal
Are you the girl who trims weed stems? Heh

>> No.8584842

Kek, do you sell drugs for brand? Human trafficking? That would make for an amazing story.

Anyway, I guess I'm just someone who doesn't understand wanting to own "status pieces", but then again I don't have the spare cash to drop on something that's "just" popular.

>> No.8584858

i was there at the tea party, she actually added this GIANT piece of blue fabric around the waist, and then sewed the skirt onto that.

It was basically CTP bodice, Blue section, CTP skirt portion. She tried to hide it with the pink sash and wouldn't stop talking about how she altered it in a few hours because she ran out of time etcetc.

>> No.8584861

I just sold mine for $165

>> No.8584866

I have a few dresses that are considered "status" pieces, i love them, and i wear them when i can, maybe ill bust one out once a month to feel special. But yeah, bragging rights are a bonus of them, but not something i think about when i buy them. I usually like the "it" prints, but hardly ever at first. It's only after i see them in nice coords that i start to think "wow! I didn't realize you could make a coord like that with that dress!" i update my wishlist regularly, so if I'm not feeling it anymore, i remove it, if i like something new i add it. I have a solid fee dresses that consistantly stay on my wishlist.
Some of mine are:
>Vampire requiem (long jsk)
>iron gate
>cats tea party
>Twinkle journey (original)
>Day dream carnival

Some "status" pieces im currently looking for are:
>Honey Cake (ivory OP specifically)
>Re-release Twinkle Journey
>Vampire requiem short jsk
>Puppet circus (not really actively looking though because I'd like to get the cheaper ones off my list first)

But these are the on there because i genuinly like them. There are quite a few status pieces previously mentioned that i absolutely do not like and dont understand their appeal at all. I mean you bet your frilly ass if im going to spend $500+ on a dress, im going to wear it, AND like it!

>> No.8584875

If it's the brown jabot JSK, I'll gladly take it off your hands.

>> No.8584949

I used to do that back when I was in college a couple years ago. I bought so much brand ... College kids are a gold mine.

>> No.8585027

the cdc op was my first dress- i didnt even know it was that popular, i just bought it because i thought it was cute. how popular is it compared to misty sky? i paid ~$700 for the whole cdc set, is that average?

>> No.8585038

omfg no

>> No.8585052

>It would be obvious to anyone looking in my wardrobe that this was the case. I have dresses in too many different styles and colours for it to actually be my taste in clothing.

You say that like it's impossible to have very wide ranging tastes. My wardrobe ranges from preppy to retro to grandma style to chic contemporary to lolita and otome. That said, I don't really get the point of dropping a ton of money on dresses you don't like just for bragging rights. One or two, maybe, but a closet full? There are so many things you could buy with that money that you would like.

>> No.8585152

Why would you spend tens of thousands on dresses that you're too fat for? What a waste of money and a waste of the dresses. Isn't it embarrassing to own them but not be able to wear them because you're too fat?

>> No.8585158

LMAO this thread has turned into bitches bragging about their status dresses.

>> No.8585163

What did you expect? This is a hobby based around wearing and collecting dresses to make outfits.

>> No.8585164

How about nonprint status dresses? The obvious ones are Katrina and whatever OTT things Baby releases, but are there any others?

>> No.8585177

Post three really sought after pieces with a time stamp. This feels like a troll.

>> No.8585184

How is it bragging? Nobody knows who the fuck eachother are it's all anon

>> No.8585203

Some Mary Mag, I guess

>> No.8585309

Maybe you didn't read what the thread was about?
> Are there any dresses you own merely for the sole fact of owning them so that you can say you have it?

>> No.8585328

Petit Fleurs, Antoinette Fleur, Elodie Doll, to name a few. I think to some extent owning MM pieces and being able to fit into them count as a "status" too, because the classic brands tend to be much less forgiving in terms of sizing. Or I could be projecting.

I think a lot of older JetJ pieces also qualify too.

>> No.8585473

you sound extremely salty and jelly lol.

>> No.8585476

>Why would you spend tens of thousands on toys that you don't play with?
>cars that you don't drive?
>stamps that you don't use?
>coins that you don't spend?

They're called collectors, anon. Meaning while you wear out your brand and watch its value decline on your sweaty titties, some people are preserving the items as they are for their novelty and uniqueness.

>> No.8585488

i buy dresses because i like them. bonus points if they happen to be popular. i honestly dont know what dresses are popular and not anymore.

>> No.8585490

So totally true. I own most of the AP status prints mentioned in this thread. When I joined my comm I wore all my status pieces for all the meetups I went to, it bumped me right up to sitting next to the comm leader/queen bee who had established the comm and was well known/efamous. It really sets you apart from the handmade/replica itas and allows you to make friends and connections much more quickly. People are more willing to recognize you're devoted or at least able to enjoy the hobby and won't cheap out on a 200USD tea party or steal their headbow. I fit into all my dresses.

On the lookout for PC and AP gloria, love that flocky gold but dang prices are too high.
Probably most popular cut/color anon, you lucked out.

>> No.8585528

AP Dream Marine is a dream dress of mine but i feel people only think i want it cause it's one of the "it" prints...
I just honestly love it, and it makes me so damn salty seeing other girls wear it when they dont even like it.

>salty-chan is very salty

>> No.8585537

I don't know. I tend to buy what I like. It just happen that I have quite a few of said status pieces.

>Iron Gate
>Chocolate Rosette Navy
>AATP's Gloria
>Vampire Requiem
>Red Bride of Death
>Midsummer's Night Dream
>IW's Grazia Crown

I don't do wardrobe posts though. Too much fuss and I don't want negative attention. I just smile quietly when I see posts like this.

>> No.8585555

I reckon fitting into VM is more difficult than MM.

>> No.8585588

I kind of feel like an ass for owning Misty Sky, despite it being my dream dress when it released the first time. I kick myself, because my preferred colourway and cut was on sale for days before it finally sold out. Just wasn't that popular and everyone was crying pajamas. I figured I could pick it up relatively cheap secondhand in the future, fuck was I wrong. I really regret not buying it then instead of the most recent rererelease.

Don't get me wrong, it's amazing to finally own your holy grail dream dress, but I feel like when people see me wearing it, they just roll their eyes in a sort of 'ugh, show off' manner.

>> No.8585591

Not really since VM's sizes are usually 4 cm bigger than MM's.

>> No.8585593

VM also cuts more space for the bust.

Also individual VM pieces don't hold nearly as much prestige as MM ones do. A closet full of VM is impressive, but one or two pieces? Not really.

>> No.8585594

Maybe they count more as rare than status pieces but I do have:

The Moitie Nun Beads Print JSK
H.Naoto Cage Apron JSK
Aatp Queen of Hearts JSK
Metamorphose Nightmare Before Christmas set
JetJ Sphinx OP

I get items cause I like them, not for their popularity, so I have a few old Moitie dresses cause they look now. I really want Iron Gate, but I feel way too guilty if I spent over $1000 on a 9 year old dress that will have a faded print now.

>> No.8585624

True this thread was interesting until it became
>I have x, x, and x dresses
>I'm not doing it for attention I just like them

Like no one needs a list, tell us why you do it, why you think others do it .

>> No.8585631

dear god why

>> No.8585638

i'm ok with whatever you do, as long as it's not poaching. In which case you'd be the scum of the earth.

>> No.8585645

ngl i kind of just want to buy a replica of misty sky, i love it but spending $400+ on a secondhand dress (missed out on the re-releases) with such a simple print seems like a waste to me. and i don't want to worry about getting runs in the chiffon.

>> No.8585648

me too, anon. It's so pretty, and it's up for sale everywhere, but I just can't afford those scalped prices right now.
>I just want seashells

>> No.8585677

Who cares of their rolling eyes. Normies roll theirs with any dress anyway .
I got my MS in my preferred cut and colorway, and even if I'm still trying to coord it in a way that doesn't look like I slapped it into myself just after shower, I love it.
If you love it, love it. There is nothing wrong. Even after so many replicas, even is everyone owned it, if you still love it, good for you.

>> No.8585681

400 is cheap, you know?
before the rererelease it was on 700, up to 900 some places.

>> No.8585684

Thougths on Celestial?
I haven't seen it up much, and I kind of recall it going for 500 or something. I may be confusing it with something else, or it was a stupid buyer.

>> No.8585716

The price went down after the rerelease was announced but honestly most people who wanted it couldn't afford or didn't get it during the MTO. So now the price is at the pre MTO range. About 400-600 depending on the cut/color I'd say.

>> No.8585744

Yes I know, hence the +. Not gonna pay more than $500AUD for a chiffon dress, I don't trust that shit at all.

>> No.8585766

It's clothes though. People who collect vintage clothing usually wear them too.

>> No.8585773

AP would still make fucking bank if they ever decide to do a second round of MTO for Celestial, their prints that had an MTO generally hover at around retail in the secondhand market but Celestial is the exception.

>> No.8585775

>tfw I payed for those scalped prices because I couldn't wait anymore, and it isn't even in my preferred cut

You should definitely get it when the prices drop anon! I just received it in the mail recently, and it's so so beautiful.

>> No.8585950

What color first?
it seems black is the top, then lav, mint and blue.
Do you think it will go up? Not sure if there's going to be rerelease and I will afford it.

>> No.8585971

Out of observation I'd say:

Holy Lantern
Puppet Circus
Misty Sky
One of the many chocolate prints

Elizabeth Bride of Death
Vampire Requiem
St. Mephisto Cathedrale
Midsummer night dream
Tea time nostalgia
Marionette in my closet

Träumerei of Bright Stars
Maria Sister Nun OP
Tea time nostalgia
One of those super frilly OTT $1000+ OPs (such as Scarlet ~Primavera Waltz OP~)

D. Walkure
Hospitality Doll
Vintage Cameo
Twinkle Journey

Grazia Crown

Iron Gate
Holy Queen in blue
Silent Moon

Echelle du Sphinx
La Dame à la licorne
(Petite) Robe de être et le Néant (aka the really expensive skulls dress)
Le Premier Cri de Prophete
Robe de l'agneau/L'Eclat de Croix (Jesus dress)
Le Cadre du Chat
Die Sterntaler

>> No.8586065

I think
There's no mint colorway you're confused. There's already been a months long MTO there's no way AP will rerelease it as a regular release again. Sorry you're shit out of luck. Only way you'll be able to get it now is:
>pay aftermarket prices for it
>buy something super hyped and coveted from a future release at retail price and trade for it
>steal it

>> No.8586085

You forgot the chiffon dresses AP releases such as Dream Marine, Sweetie Violet, Creamy Cookoe Collection or Melty Donut.

>> No.8586121
File: 88 KB, 480x640, favourite ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't favourite ribbon also a grail piece for many, or at least incredibly rare nowadays? There always seems to be vital organs/ firstborns offered whenever it gets mentioned in the dd threads.

>> No.8586128

Sweetie Violet and Melty Cream Donut maybe, but Dream Marine got an MTO and Cream Cookie Collection isn't that popular, it didn't even completely sell out at release.

>> No.8586146

I spend my money on shit I want, and then do with it what I want. I owe the community nothing. Dresses are not communal property and they are not wasted on anyone.

Your jelly was delicious with my toast.

thx bby

My opsec isn't total shit so I won't be doing this, sorry anon. I would love to prove myself to you, as it would further feed my desire for people to be jelly of my wardrobe, but I'm not gonna risk my income for that when I can just as easily post to CoF without risking blowing my operation wide open.

>> No.8586148

CCC is very popular, the high waist JSK and OP are highly sought after.
The switching JSK is shitty and no one wanted / wants that POS.

>> No.8586150

I smell an RP'er ...

>> No.8586171

>Metamorphose Nightmare Before Christmas set
This is a thing? Holy shit does anyone have pics? How have i not known about this?!

>> No.8586178
File: 770 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mnh209oc191s16tsco1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8586183

Holy shit

>> No.8586187

...that's a she?

>> No.8586204

I would remove Die Sterntaler & La Dame à la licorne from the JEtJ list, those are coveted prints, but not really status symbol tier. I'd add La Fée d'Une Fleur Robe to that list instead

I'd remove these also:
St. Mephisto Cathedrale
Twinkle Journey
Maria Sister Nun OP

Vampire Requiem lost lots of its prestigue since the million re-releases and replicas of it, i'm not sure if it still counts as a status symbol, maybe only certain cuts and colorways.

Something I'd like add
Mary Magdalene:
Rose Basket
Mille Rose
Antoinette Fleur
and their winter coats in general

Fragrant Rose Memories

>> No.8586209

M-my babies for this in blue.

>> No.8586213

Status symbol dresses?

I didn't think there was such a thing, at first I just hunted down dresses on my wish list and eventually it turned into a full blown power-house wardrobe.

I do luv every single one, research & do the coords and wear them with pride, and it feels great.

Conclusion: comm members wants to know more about you when you wear many brands, efame chans might notice you like it or not, idk, I just enjoy the get together side of things.

>> No.8586248

Here's a question: How do rereleases factor into the status dress equation? Vampire Requiem lost a lot of its prestige from rereleases and replicas, but dresses like Misty Sky and Antoinette Fleur have been rereleased again and again but still seem to largely retain their popularity.

>> No.8586267


Of that list of JetJ, I'd say only Cri de Prophete and maybe Robe de etre are actual status dresses. The Jesus dress isn't even particularly valuable now.

>> No.8586282
File: 18 KB, 240x320, nbcdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is google.

>> No.8586413

The more I look at this the more it looks like tiferet is photobombing. The other two are having a conversation and she just busted through that doorway behind them.

>> No.8586543

Sometimes I see people complaining about people owning brand and not deserving it, about how they'll ruin it and stretch it out. Then you have people who say it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, it's just clothes and they bought it fair and square, etc.

I think this picture justifies the complaint. This downsy pig in a wig ruining that dress is just a travesty.

>> No.8586548
File: 240 KB, 600x800, Un Manege de Robe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly agree with you, but Echelle du Sphinx is probably a status dress.

Un Manege de Robe is another JetJ dress that is hard to find and goes for a lot.

>> No.8586577

is it true that there's glitter in the fabric?

>> No.8586583

Holy shit, now that you mention it...
>i want an animated version of this

>> No.8586629

Vampire Requiem become popular among itas, fatties and newfags ever since they could afford the replica or they were able to snag it at the real deal at the re-release. Then a million of horrible coords happened.

The print is mostly associated with tackiness or babbies first halloween ita coord nowadays. I used to own three Vampire Requiem pieces, but I sold all of them, because all the horrible coords ruined the romantic gothic vibe to me and I just started to hate the print.

This happens to many re-releases, also to many AP-rereleases. Chess Chocolate and Midsummer nights dream suffered a lot from replicas on the other hand. Those were the golden days of Oo Jia and chinese rip-offs. Thankfully Oo Jia's popularity faded a little. and I have noticed that rereleases drop much less in value on average nowadays since the replica fade seemed to die off.

>> No.8586844 [DELETED] 

Nope, my dream dresses are all old Moitie stuff and I have all but one of my original dream dresses. I don't care for IG except for the in JSK black x white/white x black colourways. It just seems embarrassing to me to not be able to fit into any of the dresses. I'm more of a collector myself and hardly ever wear most of my stuff, but I fit all of my pieces.

>> No.8586851

Nope, my dream dresses are all old Moitie stuff and I have all but one of my original dream dresses. I don't care for IG except for the in JSK black x white/white x black colourways. It just seems embarrassing to me to not be able to fit into any of the dresses. I'm more of a collector myself and hardly ever wear most of my stuff, but I fit all of my pieces. Most of the status dresses are roomy too, how can you not feel ashamed or embarrassed at all?

>> No.8586862

I just genuinely am not ashamed of my size/ weight. I simply do not care. I care about collecting dresses and owning them. It sounds like you're seriously projecting your own insecurities about your own size.

>> No.8586870

If you could partially rationalise it by actually liking the dresses enough to spend $1000+ on one, then it would be a little bit less stupid, but the fact that you buy them just so you can brag about it and you can't even show them out makes it even stupider. You could probably make a house deposit if you have as many status dresses as you say you do.

>> No.8586885

I can make a house deposit as well as own all these dresses, and I would take care of the necessary stuff before the luxuries, regardless of my financial situation. I have a real job as well as my other income, and my outgoings (dresses aside) are relatively tiny.

Like I said, I make wardrobe posts, and I have been known to let friends borrow my smaller dresses for meets, no need to wear them to show off. Yes, I am an attention hungry weirdo, but I'm cool with that.

>> No.8586891

I have the rerelease JSK in red and the dress really is quite beautiful, it's so sad the print got a bad rep from unfortunate wearers (or maybe I'm part of the problem, god knows).

>> No.8587021

>My opsec isn't total shit so I won't be doing this, sorry anon. I would love to prove myself to you, as it would further feed my desire for people to be jelly of my wardrobe, but I'm not gonna risk my income for that when I can just as easily post to CoF without risking blowing my operation wide open.

Ok, so you're full of shit. Got it. Good on your trolling though.

>> No.8587108

>I kind of recall it going for 500 or something
You may be referring to my auction I had for my Celestial OP. The price was set high because I actually did I trade in the end.

>> No.8587375
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How about this damn jellyfish dress that nobody seems to own except one random anonymous Chinese girl?
Getting your hands on on would be an impressive accomplishment.

>> No.8587412

God, where did this dress go? Did everyone just burn it after they got it? Even the super rare dresses will have worn photos show up in a search.

>> No.8587423

i'm pretty sure this has transcended being a status piece and has become a straight up legend

>> No.8587426

They may have made a very small number of them.

>> No.8587614

Well, in her case, it's also because she adds insult to injury by bragging about how she butchered it any chance she gets.

>> No.8587678

Oh. What did you trade for?
just curious.

>> No.8587683

I used to own a bunch of status dresses but have since sold them off. Sure, I did like them but I like to wear lolita casually and i just didn't have an occasion to wear them. I've since reduced my wardrobe and made it more streamlined, sophisticated and wearable instead of it being an explosion of different styles. It's easier and it actually makes me feel better somehow. I prefer my wardrobe being wearable instead of collectors pieces.

>> No.8587696

Does anyone else feel like they're not as well liked in the comm because no/not many status dresses? I have a fairly large wardrobe and think that I dress well but b/c I have older prints that I actually like vs the flavor of the month it just seems impossible to break into the popular girl's circle...

>> No.8587704

No, on the whole, my wardrobe is comprised primarily of older items, and it tends to go over pretty well. I'm not really sure why you would want to "break into the popular girls' circle" if that's your opinion of them, though. Make friends with people you like.

>> No.8587711

Honestly I'd just like to be friends with everyone. I don't have a negative opinion of them, but that said it's definitely clear that they'd rather be even passingly friendly with those who are wearing status dresses.

>> No.8587765

Why would you want to be friends with them if they're so shallow that they won't give you the time of day based on the print you're wearing? And are you sure that's the real reason?

>> No.8588008

Are there any pictures that show what she did more clearly? This is the only picture I've ever seen of her CTP but I can't really picture what she did to it.

>> No.8588042

There were, but I don't have them saved. She basically took the JSK and broke it up into a top part and a bottom part. Then in the middle she added that white part. All of this to accommodate her ginormous size.

>> No.8588080

Sugar Dream Dome. Did it because I like SDD, not because the prices match exactly.

>> No.8588123


OP is a fixed size while the jsk has shirring. I think this affects the price/availability more than the desirability, more people are able to fit into the jsk

>> No.8588240

You know, I think it would have been fine if she altered it. But she wrecked it, it looks so bad. I sincerely hope she took it to a tailor afterwards to get it altered properly. It might be "just" clothes, but have some respect if you're handling something expensive like that.

>> No.8588348

I have a good guess, disability?

>> No.8589047

...how is disability illegal?

I know how much people make who are on it though and lol m80 it isn't enough to be buying as much as I do every month.

>> No.8589134

oh no anone, she's proud of the altering job she did on it. She still has the dress in that condition last I heard.

>> No.8589178

Ugh anon, this is what I need to do. After a year in my comm, I feel like people kinda like me but I don't really have any status in the comm. I'm planning to just go balls out and begin posting status items, hauls and fancy coords all the time and see where that gets me in the next ~6 months. I think I'll get far TBH.

>> No.8589188


I think she might like faking a disability to get disability money.

>> No.8589209

NTA, but yes, do this. This is key to making the top-quality lolita friends. "Dress for the friends you want," right?

Weed grower/dealer. Who fakes disability. Guarantee it.

>> No.8589223

Haha, thanks anon. This will be my motto from now on.

>> No.8589227

What even is this dress? When was it made? Was it like one of those made-to-order collabs? I regret not buying quite a few of those...

>> No.8589258

Like I said, disability money isn't enough for me to have spent this much on dresses, even with a job. This honestly just sounds like you projecting your unfounded paranoia about welfare fraud.


>> No.8589263

Yeah, disability isn't enough lol. I don't know why people always think this. Sure it's enough to sit around and not do anything all day, maybe play vidya, but not to buy a bunch of status dresses.

>> No.8590143

Yup! IMO, this sounds cheesy, but the glitter on the fabric reminds me of how the ocean sparkles when the light shines on it.

>> No.8591339

This is her, right? Pretty much any time I see her post on Lolita Updates, she tries to shoehorn how she has CTP, kek.

>> No.8591340
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dropped pic

>> No.8591366

Wasn't this at an AP tea party? Mega rude

>> No.8591369

It's like CTP is her only claim to relevancy...

>> No.8592430

Or maybe some people just like things you don't and you should get over yourself?

>> No.8592513

Which is absolutely silly; we all already know about her from her try hard EGL tangents but still looking like an absolute mess. She needn't worry about her relevancy, she was a lolcow from the start.

>> No.8592573

>Do you think this is a real phenomenon?
It definitely is, but I think a lot of people have an inflated idea of how much this actually happens. I also don't think it's as much that lolitas will buy dresses just because they're popular as it is that they might be more on the fence about an item or decently like it, but then decide they need it and it's their dream dress once it's super rare and popular. Also, from my observations the opposite is actually more common. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people in my comm or my internet friends adore the shit out of a dress only to declare it overrated and not that great the second it becomes sought after, whether it's due to the sour grapes and/or special snowflake mentality.
>Are there any dresses you own merely for the sole fact of owning them so that you can say you have it?
No, with anything over $500 I have to really, really want it to get it.
>What are some dresses you consider "status symbols"?
Puppet Circus, Iron Gate, Gothic Arch, Marionette in my Closet Room, Bride of Death, AatP's Gloria, Un Manege, Le Premier Cri de Prophet, Cat's Tea Party, Holy Lantern, too many to list.

>> No.8592580

I just bought Chess Chocolate haha.

I feel like back in the day it was one of the first "everyone's getting every new release and scalping the hell out of it" trends. I was envious as hell then so I'm happy to own it in my favorite cut and colorway now.

>> No.8592585

I live in a very generous state when it comes to social programs and disability here is only $850ish a month, which isn't even enough to cover rent around here on your own unless you're in subsidized housing, which is much harder to qualify for.

>> No.8592586

Kuragehime Collab dress. The Kuranosuke stripe JSK is also ridiculously hard to find and was popular as well.

When the release hit, the white one was shunned as a monster at first. So not many made it out of Japan, so far as I'm aware.

>> No.8592590

Nah, that trend has existed since the dawn of lolita, it actually used to be so much worse waaay back in the day because the brands didn't ship overseas and the community was so much smaller with way less SS to choose from. Imagine the norm being to pay $400-$500 for a solid black basic BtSSB JSK that retailed at $220.

>> No.8592593

So glad I prefer the stripe dress. People offer multiple grand for the other with zero luck.

>> No.8592635

Owning this shit or Un Manege is more impressive than owning the entire holy trinity imo

>> No.8592660

>holy trinity
Sorry for newb question, but what's the "holy trinity"?

>> No.8592666

Puppet Circus/Iron Gate/Elizabeth ~Bride of Death~

>> No.8592671

I genuinely feel bad for fat and/or unattractive girls in lolita. At least with the fat ones, they can always lose weight, but having an ugly face in this fashion must be dreadful.

>> No.8592690 [DELETED] 

I rememer when Sugary Carnival was THE AP dress, even more so than Puppet Circus at the time, and the least you could expect to pay for the OP or JSK in black was like $800.

>> No.8592695

I rememer when Sugary Carnival was THE AP dress, even more so than Puppet Circus at the time, and the least you could expect to pay for the OP or JSK in black was like $650 and it easily sold for $800.

>> No.8592717

The original one was with Lotta, not Elizabeth. Wouldn't Elizabeth be paired with Chocolate Rosette and maybe Misty Sky?

>> No.8592773 [DELETED] 

The third member of the "holy trinity" tends to differ person to person and change over time, I've noticed. I think Bride of death is best because it's been consistently selling for $1000+ and the hype hasn't died down, only gotten worse. Lotta isn't that much at all, especially after the rerelease.

>> No.8592782

The third member of the "holy trinity" tends to differ person to person and change over time, I've noticed. I think Bride of death is best because it's been consistently selling for $1000+ and the hype hasn't died down, only gotten worse. Lotta isn't that much at all, especially after the rerelease, and Misty Sky and CR just aren't at BoD's level, so it's not really fitting to put them together.

>> No.8592832


I thought the holy trinity was considered Cat's Tea Party, Iron Gate, and Elizabeth ~bride of death?

>> No.8592845

Gothic arch doesn't seem as popular anymore though. I've seen the skirt in BxW float around on Lacemarket for weeks without a bid.

It's a shame though since the print is so gorgeous.

>> No.8592846

If you or one of the other collectors in this thread has decent condition MM they would sell, let me know. I own literally two jsks and I want to own something good. 68-70 cm

>> No.8592849

What are you looking for, anon?
There are a few MM pieces up on LM now.

>> No.8592857

I have been looking at them on LM for quite a while but the sellers seem so weird. Like "message me or I won't sell to you even if you win" "don't buy this I listed it for a friend" etc. I was afraid to buy anything because of all the weird listings I've seen on LM.

>> No.8592867

i'd buy if the prices for gothic prints would go down. MMM is still listed as hella expensive

>> No.8592874

I've never heard someone refer to the Holy Trinity without PC and IG.

I sold my black/navy one for $400 within minutes of listing it and recently saw the JSK go for almost a grand. I've seen the IG skirt repeatedly relisted at prices as low as $350-$400, same with lots of other super popular pieces, you can't really judge a print's popularity by the skirt.

>> No.8592935

>"don't buy this I listed it for a friend"
I hate this shit so much. I get listing shit specifically for another person in situations like your auction expires then someone finds it after and you end up selling to them, or the high bidder backs out and you sell to the second in line, but listing for your friends for the sake of extra feedback is just a douche move and not cool.

>> No.8592936

wait, Elizabeth is worth money / a status dress? Since when? Mine's been sitting in my closet since I got it because it boob loafs on me...

>> No.8592952

Misty Sky and CR both sell for $1000+, especially CR.

>> No.8592970
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>dem trips
I think the Holy Trinity is officially declared, my friends.

>> No.8592973

Only for specific versions of CR, and MS has gone down quite a bit in value after the last rerelease.

>> No.8592984

>people actually falling for this bait

>> No.8592985

Don't all cuts of CR go for $1000+? Even the salopette is worth that much

>> No.8592986

Not to put you down, but what rock have you been living under? Both JSKs in every colorway have sold for $800 minimum for a while, and the past year they've been going for over a grand on auctions. I've seen a few end up at $1500~. It's AatP's most sought after piece along with Gloria and Marionette in My Closet Room, which are also roughly a grand these days, depending on the version. Elizabeth seems to consistently go for the most, though.
Not with the same consistency as Elizabeth, plus every JSK version of it goes for that much, which isn't the case with Chocolate Rosette and Misty Sky. Also, I've seen Elizabeth go for as high $1,800 once and $1,500 on multiple occasions. I've never seen the other two come close to that.

>> No.8592990


Ha. It was up for made-to-order with no bloodbath. There's not even the possibility of it selling out. It didn't cost as much as the wedding-style dresses Baby makes, either, so it's not even out of people's price range.

Basically nobody has it because everyone hated it when it came out. EGL's most complimentary comment were probably the ones going "okay, the pearls are detachable but that dress is still fug". Right now it's only ever hyped up by some unknown anon on cgl.

Owning this shit is impressive all right, it says you have more money than taste....

>> No.8592996

I just searched on LM and Google, and it would seem CR typically sells for $500-$850 the past year with few bid wars. Price definitely seems to depend on the version, the red and green are the only ones I saw reach $900, while brown is hundreds less.

>> No.8593000

>Owning this shit is impressive all right, it says you have more money than taste....
You're not the all holy overlord of what constitutes as good taste, get over yourself.

>> No.8593002
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AP katrina is a status symbol to me.

and to answer op, i only went for misty sky navy OP because it was the most popular. not sure if people still think it's a relevant dress... i wish it was more of a status symbol. but 3 releases brings it down a lot.

>> No.8593004

even at its peak the salo was going for $600-700 (from yja).

>> No.8593005

Also, the ones I saw that did go for a grand went for $600-$800 way more often. I only found a couple versions of CR that sold that high that were recent enough to matter.

>> No.8593011

Nah, I've seen it go for $1000 several times

>> No.8593022

I didn't even notice the trips. I already considered this an appropriate "holy trinity" but now it's solidified.

>> No.8593074


Just saying, it was easy to get and not outrageously expensive. The main reason you can't find it anywhere isn't because it's special, it's because nobody wanted this dress in the first place.

It doesn't help that the only worn photo I've seen is in bondage. Great taste there.

>> No.8593088

A couple I haven't seen mentioned yet:
>AaTP Lost Paradise
Definitely JSK II is, and I don't think I have seen the OP in the secondhand market
>BtSSB Angel's Whisper in the Holy Night

Could just be personal bias/taste, but when I see someone wearing either of those it really stands out,

>> No.8593096


>only worn photo I've seen is in bondage


>> No.8594664

The La Biblioteque OP, too.

>> No.8594779


I didn't save it. It was posted to cgl maybe a year ago. Might not be in the archives anymore. Sorry to let you down, anon.