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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 611 KB, 1411x2000, cosmode314-coverb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8580254 [Reply] [Original]

I thought a separate thread for insane wigs would be nice.

Post pics of gravity defying, restructred, altered, giant, artistic, fucking crazy wigs.

Discuss techniques, products, brands, tutorials.

I find myself thinking about this Usage wig occasionally...

Is this level of structure/neatness main able in a con environment? Is it even possible?

Pic related: I find myself thinking of this Usagi wig sometimes. How!? I've never seen a shaped wig so clean and neat irl. Is even it possible maintain a wig like this at a con or would this be a photo-only kind of thing you can't actually wear out?

In the other pics from the photoshoot the hair looks frozen solid, but still so smooth and sleek. What did they use? Is it all photoshop or?

>> No.8580260
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Always impressed by good yugi/yami cosplayers.

>> No.8580290
File: 361 KB, 780x553, CI_95605_1421205661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I mull over Rose Quartz hair. I keep thinking of how, in theory, someone could produce something accurate and quality but it would cost a shit ton of money... and take a fucking ling time. and probably weigh a ton. I have no desire to cosplay her so I don't plan on trying any time soon soooo I'm just gonna put down some notes..

What ppl are doing wrong/could be doing better:

-lack of structure to create the giant hill in the back, I see lots of rose wigs neglect this completely

-using hair from base wig to make curls (base wig could definitely be short since she has lots of bangs, like how people sometimes attach twin tails to a short for miku) it would be easier to make the curls separately

-people who actually attempt the accurate size for curls usually dont use enough hair and they look like hard tubes.

I'm not really criticizing on people doing other stuff b/c I don't blame them. This hair is REDICULOUS!! It looks like each curl is large enough to fit your hand in and has the thickness of an entire wig, which is why it would be $$$$$ to make a good one

>> No.8580296

The best Mami (PMMM) and Nui (kill la kill) wigs were ones that translated the drills into realistic hairstyles rather than trying to copy the exact 3D size and shape. I feel like this is going to be the case with Rose too.

>> No.8580299
File: 688 KB, 711x1100, jessie_wig_tutorial_by_ryoko_demon-d347kj9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ling time
ya'll know what I meant

Anyway I wanted to add that since her curls are layered, one could use a wired structure (like pic related) going down the back to help create the fullness instead of it being an entire mass of hair. It would reduce the amount of labor as well as the cost (but still be a lot of work)

>> No.8580302
File: 337 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nrpmmxzdsJ1qet9cpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also impressed by this Peridot for being able to get the shape without it looking absolutely shit.

>> No.8580308

I feel the same way, its relatively easier and the amount of skill/time it would take to produce an accurate shape (if even possible) just isn't worth it.

At the same time I feel the overall size and height of her hair is a distinctive aspect of her design and silhouette, but I have yet to see a cosplayer portray it... I haven't seen them all, tho

>> No.8580312

Can I actually request some nice Mami and Nui wig pics? I've considered cosplpaying both of them and much prefer the natural route

>> No.8580339

This. All the crazy Nui wigs that I've seen trying to emulate the original anime look have been pretty hideous, but the more natural ones going for a hime-gyaru look have looked nice.

>> No.8580436
File: 550 KB, 622x900, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh I started the thread with this fucking wig and the more I obsessively stare at it the more it screams photoshop. It looks like they took pics of the curled weft on a flat surface and shooped it in.

Anyone feel free to tell me otherwise, if not I'm gonna stick to that conclusion.

>mfw too good to be true

>> No.8580443
File: 73 KB, 414x622, platinum_the_trinity_on_deck_by_its_raining_neon-d45mx12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my all time favorite crazy wigs.

>> No.8580576

Holy shit! Big applause for managing that size (that must have been a bitch to transport). I admire how she didn't completely glue down the top layers of hair on the pigtails so they still have a bit of naturalish look to them, not completely glued down solid

My only real nitpick is the blunt ends of small pigtails.. the positioning too but i've dealt with that sort of problem before in wig making and I know how aggrivating it can be

>> No.8580639
File: 23 KB, 224x300, tumblr_n912ybXNfa1tzsrxbo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well would an entire wig hold a single curl if it were cut apart (so the weft is flat). Just a hypothetical. I'd like to do Rose Quartz but I don't consider myself fat enough (despite being plus sized) and I'm definitely too short.

The thing that makes her hair a bitch is that, because it's soft and pink you can't make it structured like pic related

>> No.8580641
File: 68 KB, 500x219, tumblr_nsttha03Lj1r35os0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That being said, this is the best Rose Quartz wig I've seen, but it's way too dark

>> No.8580799 [DELETED] 

What an unfortunate body type

>> No.8580824
File: 4 KB, 259x225, 11058301_1469649196690791_8429673450944534694_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste. All that work into it and it's the wrong shade completely. We're never going to see an accurate Rose Quartz.

>> No.8580854
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 11287827_1610295119233429_749630173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH the shade doesn't bother me. I find that bubblegum pink color looks like garbage on a lot of people... something about it doesn't work with a lot of skintones. Pic related is Dustbunny's wig, which looks fine in some edited pics but drowns her out in others.

>> No.8580858

Save the off-topic unnecessary saltiness for your xanga

>>8580639 I'm having a hard time imagining what you're describing in the first sentence :0 can you elaborate a little??

>> No.8580862

I keep re-reading and I don't understand it either, anon. Maybe they mean putting an entire wig into giant drill curls while it's still attached to the cap, then cutting the wig netting apart so so you can sew the curls to another wig?? That is the only thing I can think of.

>> No.8580872
File: 72 KB, 960x637, 10174902_753231161374843_1818149097193685395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron wig always has some hardcore styling.

I think that is shoop. At a guess the photo was taken with the tails lying on the ground and then photoshopped in. I don't think it would be possible to do that if gravity or even throwing the hair was involved.

>> No.8580924

Thanks for posting, that was a personal favorite of mine

>> No.8580932


Soft curling a straight wig into a single curl that goes in one direction. Or, perhaps, half a wig so that you get the right 'sized' curls. Of course, you'd have to be an amazonian woman to pull off curls that massive. So it would be like curling a wig, but your curls are huge and voluminous, but also loose-ish and bouncy?

>> No.8580951

Sorry you are still not being very clear. Do you mean making a gigantic drill curl without the use of any structure underneath? That is impossible unless you stiffen the hair with so much glue it becomes completely unmovable.

^ is why most Rose Quartzes struggle with their wigs. Natural looking curls are too small, honking huge curls are too stiff.

>> No.8580994

I think I know what you're saying! You want to give your entire wig big curls by curing it all into one massive curl then separating it. I can see what you have in mind but there are a few problems

The result of this would end up as waves, the big curves just can't support themselves. Giant sized curlers, for example, are actually used to straighten hair.

(You can check out this Arda video with a girl demonstrating how to curl wigs w/ all sorts of curl sizes anf boiling water, she used a giant curler for one part and it turns out limp and practically unchanged)

Also, from my experience, pulling apart a curl can be a BITCH

Like the other anon said, maintaining large curls is impossible w/out structure, even gluing it solid probably wouldn't hold it well and look paper-y and bad.

It wouldn't hurt to try if you have an extra wig lying around, though, just to see what happens and practice working with the hair. Trial and error is how I learned like 65% of the cosplay stuff I do (the rest is the internet of course)

>> No.8581011

I don't think the color makes the structure not doable, you just need to create one that matches using pink felt on top of the wire or whatever.

The 'hard' look a lot of giant ringlets and drills get is from not layering enough and properly concealing the structure with lots of hair and using too much glue.

I've had success creating a softer outer layer using mildly teased hair, hairspray and very diluted white glue in a spray bottle sprayed and dried multiple times. It's time consuming as fuck

>> No.8581037
File: 74 KB, 500x299, tumblr_ntr1etJFHY1reh1tbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Speaking of Nui...

The costume itself is pretty inaccurate but the wig wins in my book.

>> No.8581644

What method do you use to make your curls? Do you add that outer layer on after the structure is already curled, or do you lay it flat and then add the hair?

>> No.8581661 [DELETED] 

What an unfortunately shitty personality

>> No.8581759 [DELETED] 

someone's a tad salty

>> No.8582037

I would layer the outer hair on after curling the structure, since doing it before will make the hair shift when you bend it and fuck with the glue's hold and all sorts of stuff.

BUT doing it first maaaaay work if the hair is waved or crimped and has room to stretch.. using fairly diluted glue so it's not too hard but still stuck on.. you could experiment with small pieces first. If it works you would have to layer smooth hair over after its curled but it could get a lot of the bulk work out of the way.

When i made large drills I did the INside of the drills first and curled the structure as I worked my way down from the top. It was with yarn (ragdoll costume) but same technique could be used for wig fiber as long as you have the structure cut in the accurate pattern.

Doing the inside hair after the structure is curled can be a HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE. This one cosplayer made YouTube video of her process making a Celestia Ludenberg wig and said attempting to do the inside last was so horrible she cried (lol)

For tight curls like Rose having the inside covered might only be necessary for the last few inches, but if there are any gaps it will show if there isn't hair on the inner side.

I've been braintorming methods of cheating that part, like printing a hi-res pic of the wig fiber and gluing it to the inner side haha

>> No.8582063

Honestly I love the color. It's really gorgeous and I think I'd rather have a slightly less-canon color than a cosplayer with a completely accurate wig that's unflattering on them.

>> No.8582569
File: 1.33 MB, 3200x2298, 487803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing keeping me from cosplaying any of Queen Diana or Kriemhield's outfits

>> No.8582824 [DELETED] 

She has a skinny upper body with no tits and fat thighs.

I would kill myself if I looked like her.

>> No.8582829

>good tails
>still doesn't get bun placement right

>> No.8582833 [DELETED] 

Don't let the fact that you don't look like her stop you, anon.

>> No.8582836 [DELETED] 

good for you anon

>> No.8582855 [DELETED] 

Pears are my favorite, anon confirmed for shit taste in ladies.

>> No.8582858

The top wig is a different color than the bottom wig and it's driving me crazy.

>> No.8582861 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8582931

We already hashed this to death in the SU thread. It's shit lighting, she posted photos of 4 identical wigs earlier.

>> No.8583075
File: 161 KB, 640x629, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Xheexhee's wigs. They always look so accurate without looking unrealistic as fuck
She's done three "hardcore" wigs, I'll post the other two under this

>> No.8583077
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>> No.8583079
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>> No.8583086 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 790x719, 1437378892148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not loving DFC
>Not loving thick thighs

>> No.8583114

how... how did she do this....

>> No.8583124 [DELETED] 

You should probably kill yourself. Don't stop yourself just bc you don't look like her <3 (And i doubt you look as good her body is pretty nice imo and you sound fat and salty)

>> No.8583130 [DELETED] 

>using vintage ads to prove your point
You are incredibly retarded.
I am rectangle so idgaf but oh boy are you dumb. Really.

>> No.8583138

Color aside, the top is too big compared to the curls.
No one ever does Nui's curls big enough.

>> No.8583140 [DELETED] 

She probably bound because Peridot is flat as fuck. Ever considered that?
>not liking pears

>> No.8583320 [DELETED] 

Edgelord samefag

>> No.8583326 [DELETED] 

Thick thighs are only good if they're all muscle. Hers look saggy/jiggly. Do not want.

>> No.8583426 [DELETED] 

Fuck of anon
You dont choose what body you're born with
That's decided by genetics
You might as well say that you're gonna kill yourself because you're Asian, or blonde, or maybe because you have a heart condition. Pretty pathetic when you look at it like that.
We only have one life and it is what it is, we have to do the best we can of it.

>> No.8583530

> Turn A

bless you anon let's be friends

>> No.8583580 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 500x375, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F6d5c8801b33108fbee6f462b2683072d%2Ftumblr_nt1e33825b1ry05vdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulldoze the sand out of your vag anon

>> No.8583589 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8584222 [DELETED] 

She should lose some weight or exercise to get all that lard off her thighs.

>> No.8584240

More cool wigs, less responding to the troll.

>> No.8584460 [DELETED] 

>all of that lard
What lard? Her thighs aren't even big
I think you might be in need of glasses anon

>> No.8584468 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1000x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look big here

>> No.8584472 [DELETED] 

I pity you. You're getting that angry about some women's thighs on the internet. Why so salty anon? What went wrong in your life to make you like this?

>> No.8584497 [DELETED] 

So you admit they're fat?

>> No.8584506 [DELETED] 

They're healthy.
Not even big, just the right size to be expected for her stature.

What, were you expecting thigh gaps?

>> No.8584543 [DELETED] 

Could we stop feeding this very obvious bait

>> No.8584580 [DELETED] 

Guys, shut up, this is getting old. How can you not see that this is either bait or vendetta?

>> No.8584662

Stop deep-throating the bait and filling the thread with redundant OT shit

Omfg I live this wig!! I've been dying to know how she acheives this texture... but I can't figure it out! Just lots of teasing??? I need fluffy wigs!

>> No.8584678 [DELETED] 

When I first saw this photo I thought she had a rockin' body. Like solid 10/10, most people at conventions look like shit in skin tight suits.

I pity >>8580799, get the salt out of your cunt

>> No.8584685 [DELETED] 


>> No.8584686

At a guess, she texturized the hair by teasing it and then heat locking it into place. If she combed it out afterward, the hair would still be crimped and fluffy.

>> No.8584703

No, Yeah, that is exactly what they did, don't be stupid.

>> No.8584722

If I remember right, she combined two wigs + teased the fuck out of them, and brushed the outer-layer smooth.

I want to touch that wig, man.

>> No.8585189 [DELETED] 

A 5'6" woman can weigh 150 pounds and be considered "healthy", but that doesn't mean she isn't fat. Fatness is not subjective to health.

>> No.8586050 [DELETED] 

I am starting to wonder if the troll is just making counter-arguments to sucker more people into posting. This many people can't be falling for this bait.

>> No.8587208 [DELETED] 

Are you implying that a 150-pound woman at 5'6" with no muscle isn't fat?

>> No.8587277 [DELETED] 

I'm implying that I'm amazing the janitor hasn't already deleted this stupid argument that has no place in a wig thread. Give it a fucking rest.

>> No.8587632
File: 125 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just came up on my feed. Love it.

>> No.8587633

That's beautiful!

>> No.8588020

does this person have a fanpage? i totally need to follow them.

>> No.8590164

I'm dying to pick up this teasing art.

Fellow wig people, how would you describe your teasing technique?
What tool do you use, comb, wide comb, brush?
Do you go up up up or up down like ratting? Hairspray before or after?

I known this is a shit technique but I've teased wig fibers once by rolling them around roughly in my hands and roughly wide-combing them apart (the fibers were cheap and plentiful, and it fit the aesthetic of the wig). This worked well with the cheap fibers w/out heat. The Arda fibers combed out too neatly w/out heat, but with heat they took it too well and they looked fried!

>> No.8590170

Adding more thoughts about teasing

I can imagine some people wouldn't like this look but fucking god I love this texture!! It probably has amazing staying power, i'd love to be able to make a wig like this!

It looks like he maybe crimped the hair? Anybody got any ideas?

>> No.8590171
File: 46 KB, 570x677, a290c6b92296bc5bf34e38f6b347743b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh forgot the pic

>> No.8590215

TBH that looks like yaki hair to me. It'll probably make your life easier if you just start with that kind of textured fiber if the goal is to make a wig like this.

For teasing, I like my teasing comb, although I use a fine toothed comb too. Technique-wise it depends on what I want - if I'm teasing to get an extreme shape I just back comb and then heat set. If I'm tetxuring hair, I'll partially dread it, heat set it, then comb it back out.

>> No.8590250
File: 198 KB, 640x480, spongebob_funny_face_by_evanthebehemoth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTH that's so fucking obvious I can't believe I didn't realize that thanks anon