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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 648 KB, 968x1296, tumblr_ntgqn6pN4X1r2cu46o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8572835 No.8572835 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread in autosage

I don't know how she thought it looked good

>> No.8572842

I get unreasonably petty about tall girls with long legs who would look elegant in a great classic or gothic coord completely shitting themselves up in ugly clothes.

Seriously, fuck you girls.

>> No.8573124
File: 225 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20150823_224404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searching for new stuff in the #lolita hashtag from twitter

>> No.8573141

Seriously though, there's so much wasted potential here.

>> No.8573207
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 11849115_746126538830040_479458569_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying the wig before buying anything else

>> No.8573214
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>> No.8573226
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>> No.8573236
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Snake so rori

>> No.8573243

Is this from Atomic Lollipop? I remember there was a thing with them about modelling with snakes.

>> No.8573247

Is this a replica? Why would she have it made so short?

>> No.8573292

I'm scared it's not and she just has it at her rib cage as that's the only place it will fit.

>> No.8573299


>> No.8573338
File: 101 KB, 342x330, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8573339

I know Anon, I'm actually crying tears of rage...

>> No.8573345

Shit faced ita

>> No.8573347

Firstly it's not lolita and secondly it's so blurred you can hardly see anything.

>> No.8573349

It was tagged as Lolita, I suppose

>> No.8573351
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nteucqV3m11qmd8two1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be so bad if the clothes fit her properly...

>> No.8573354

>tfw a babby giant who wants to be kawaii

is classic really the way to go for tall lolitas? I prefer sweet, but I'm worried it will look bad on me.

>> No.8573356


>> No.8573363

She has a pretty face honestly but if her clothes did fit her better, it wouldn't look as bad. It's a bit nitpick since it's not borderline ita but not a solid coord yet. She should let out the dress or mod it to make it fit her.

>> No.8573364

Behold! The mother of all boob loafs!

>> No.8573368

Are we sure she's even breathing on that photo?

>> No.8573373
File: 10 KB, 236x186, d2f1d5aa9cd1bd331db524480b7811ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you imagine the size of the snake that could wear brand though?

Those spectaters look like they came to support a friend and then had to sit through hours of a fashion show because their friend was last in the line up.

>> No.8573383

Honestly? Yeah. As a fellow tall loli (granted, I only wear goth and classic), you can make sweet work at your height, but I've always felt like really tall girls in OTT sweet or in those crazy Dreamy Baby Room level dresses look bad.

Classic-sweet is a really good alternative, though, or maybe even hime.

>> No.8573397

Awww. The snake is a cutie tho <3

>> No.8573407

The glasses aren't doing anything for her. They just make her face look even tinier.

>> No.8573415

I blame mint for posting this picture. What sort of friend is she if she won't tell the poor girl how bad this looks.

>> No.8573424

I came to post this

>> No.8573662

Somehow I feel like shes not even wearing a petti....I don't think..she needs it..

>> No.8574082

I was even thinking it's a height thing too imo (by looking at the bathroom counter). However I have a feeling she's shorter than 5 foot 8.

>> No.8574220

>rectangle skirt instead of circle skirt
>still too fucking short and not enough fabric
>adds darts to shitty tube blouse

is..is it learning?

>> No.8574224

I just got done getting a bunch of stuff for casual lolita so maybe I'm seeing it this way, but if she just switched the reds here for maybe something more neutral, I think it could be a cute casual coord? Not everyone is trying to look like they're dressing for a brand tea party.

>> No.8574234

She doesn't even look that big. Is that dress just super small?

>> No.8574246

Shiiit. This actually looks cute. I'd feel so trashy wearing it though.

>> No.8574253


It's a man (yes, biologically as well), he's in my comm.
Also that's a nitpick.

>> No.8574260

I want to rip off all of the stupid bows she added. Her designs/mindset is just like Bodyline's.

I also can't wait for her detachable offshoulder thing to ride up to her shoulders all day. She could have just made some elastic cuffs and worn those.

>> No.8574264

wow, found the fatty

>> No.8574266

It looks like a shitty replica, so the measurements might be horribly off.

>> No.8574590

Then It's a pretty good job

>> No.8574609

Shit I couldn't even tell

>> No.8574666

at least it would fit in the chest.

>> No.8574687
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>> No.8574898

I'm not sure if her thighs are freakishly long or her torso is even longer, but her proportions really throw me off.

How tall are we talking? Personally, I'm only 5'8", and there is no way on earth I could pull of super sweet, it's all so short and looks like I'm an overgrown toddler. Toned down sweet in darker colors is the way to go if you don't want to wear classic, imo.

>> No.8574973
File: 87 KB, 480x640, B39JS215-g-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really comes down to how individual items look on you. Sweet is a very broad category, ranging from simple solid color dresses to crazy pastel glittery prints, with countless different cuts and lengths (pic related is 96cm long). How you coordinate makes a difference too. Going for a natural looking hairstyle/color, and more old-school style of coordination (basically keeping accessories minimal and well-matched) can help you avoid looking awkward and babyish.

>> No.8574974

more like boob pancake
I thought they looked like harry potter with make up

>> No.8574990

Small, round glasses just scream Harry Potter for me.

>> No.8575014
File: 96 KB, 400x600, kyandi!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know someone is going to say it is a nitpick but I am just not feeling this, poorly executed imo

>> No.8575056

As someone who is almost 5'9", I say go for it. Don't let something you can't control hold you back from something you love. Make sweet look good on you! I personally love seeing other tall Lolita's wearing sweet- it makes me feel confident enough to pull it off too. There are underskirts for a reason lol

>> No.8575066

whoa? has she talked before? I've never heard her voice before...

the weird creepy breathiness and kawaii ugu voice reminds me of penus but you know, with a real asian accent and not a fake one

>> No.8575115

"I kinda don't like it" =/= ita

>> No.8575125

Venus has a German accent though, since she's from Switzerland.

I'm shocked she's talking, and actually made something passable. Maybe she'll improve and actually run a decent channel.

>> No.8575277

Are there any full-body pictures of this coord? From this photo is looks like she's straight up wearing a black bodysuit under the dress. I'm sure it's not, but there's just so much black.

>> No.8575323
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>> No.8575348

I think it's just a long-sleeved black top and opaque tights.
She probably did that because it was cold out, but it would look a lot better with a long sleeved cardigan or bolero worn over the dress than a shirt under it.

>> No.8575378

yeah but it's shit

>> No.8575382

How can there be so much bad taste in one group.

>> No.8575392

Yupp, too much plain black underneath the dress, maybe it was really really cold that day?

>> No.8575402
File: 217 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20150823_224641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8575413

At least it's fixable, with ankle socks and a petti and some makeup this could be saved.

>> No.8575428

Leopard shirt girl would be okay if she switched the blouse and did something with her hair.

Classic girl would look better if her hair was a little more styled and she did a makeup thing but I think she's the best out of the group.

"Gothic" girl is pretty normalfag imo.

Far right, remove the jacket and it would be fine. (I would imagine she slipped it on because it's cold??)

>> No.8575446

wtf is the girl to the far left even going for..? that skirt has nothing to do with the rest of the look. in fact, would be an ok jfash outfit if she were wearing a different skirt.

the tall one looks kind of decent. she has a cute face and hair but needs some grooming/makeup. i'd get rid of the head thing and get a better necklace, at least.

the two on the right look like they ran out of money after buying one skirt so they just threw on whatever. though i like far right's shoes.

>> No.8575451

woah, this wasn't even up when i posted mine. great minds etc

>> No.8575541

rofl is this Juli No Fooly?

>> No.8575618


>> No.8575644

Her eyes look like grumpy cat's

>> No.8575687


Oof anon, you have to know how rude that is right?

>> No.8575750

>That bodyline lucky pack dress

>> No.8575753
File: 10 KB, 236x160, 69111afdd547c6e84b40cb6bdabf8de2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not going to happen.

>> No.8575759

Wrong person. That's yumi king

>> No.8575827

Nobody cares.

>> No.8575858

I know her, it's a replica,

>> No.8575865

It's actually not a horrible dress if you take those sad little bows off and wear a decent petti.

>> No.8575869

Calm your bloomers no one called it bittersweet faggot.

This is a normal colorway for sweet.

>> No.8575871

She has a pretty face, wich is rare in a fatty chan, I hope she loses some weight and improves her coords, she could be a really cute lolita one day.

>> No.8575916

It looks like shit.

>> No.8576058

holy shit thats gorgeous

>> No.8576064

the longer i look the worse it gets

>> No.8576097
File: 14 KB, 444x332, 1434141486007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what under my eyes look like without makeup

>> No.8576466

Holy shit what is Fantastic Dolly even doing
>leopard print
>3edgy5me spiked haadband, shoes and bracelet
>That huge necklace
What a fucking mess

>> No.8576470

>fantastic dolly in black

IMO it's the hardest colorway of that print to coordinate with. Not that I'd pair it with leopard spots, but I'm glad I sold my jsk when I could.
>imagine coordinating without the grey barrette or headband
>fuck those off-grey dots on the print too
Finding shit to match was a nightmare without automatically defaulting to a beret.

>> No.8576514
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>> No.8576534

from the thumb I thought that was a sasuke cosplay

>> No.8576537

He is not trans though? He is born as a man and identifies as one. He just enjoys pretty clothes.

>> No.8576554

The wig, bows, purse, and the excess of black are just... not working. If it's cold why not wear a jacket or coat?

>> No.8576566

this is why I hate tumblr stfu

>> No.8576587

I thought "nitpick" until I saw her weird black bodysuit underneath that thing. This all feels like a blast from the past, too. "Bittersweet" and Sugary Carnival.

>> No.8576589

I swear to god I must have short term memory loss because I thought exactly that earlier.

>> No.8576739

I know, how did I get the wrong person?

>> No.8576749

I've done black layers under sweet before, but the key is balance -- and that's what's lacking here. You need more than just bracelets to give it a flare (wrist cuffs would have worked so much better, and rings, and better bracelets, along with more accessories in the hair to make up for the black undershirt.

The bottom needs to have more color on it to balance out. Or even just better footwear overall. But you can tell this dress is way too short on her, doesn't help at all.

It's more of a nitpick because it's just unbalanced, but it's not painful... unless she's got creepers on, then I'm going to be mad.

>> No.8576850

haha i love those spike headbands. imagine a magical girl summoning one and headbutting someone

>> No.8576856
File: 86 KB, 456x386, 1436296869510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ita trap-chan is prettier than me

>> No.8577043

Her legs look good. *shrug*

No, wait... her legs look GREAT.

>> No.8577089

Any chance you're zinc deficient?

>> No.8577106

What bag is this someone tell me please

>> No.8577388

The makeup is the worst part of the whole sad mess of an outfit. Everything looks so cheap, but it'd be an okayish casual outfit minus the bat things... and it looks like she spent some time doing her hair and makeup too, how unfortunate. It's always sad when someone spends time and money on looking like shit. I hope she learns how to do eyeliner soon.

>> No.8577392

Yes, they do. Sadly, they still can't save the outfit.

>> No.8577702
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>> No.8577791
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>> No.8577800

This has made me realise how much I want a gothic or guro photoshoot/fashion show with all sorts of exotic pets. Snakes, geckos, tarantulas, roaches... Plz someone

>> No.8577804
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>> No.8577811
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>> No.8577817

hOLY shit

>> No.8577820

nitpick, she should just change the blouse and headbow

>> No.8577821

God damn that skirt needs an iron

and that belt...

>> No.8577834

Ita aside I don't think this OP has ever looked good. Not on the AP dress forms and not even on the AP models.
I think it's a really busy and unflattering dress, especially with the weird neck thing.

The JSK is another story, though.

>> No.8577840
File: 218 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ntnwvwR0Sk1us8pkno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They/Them please
>#Lolita#Lolita Coord#Coord#Jasps Selfies

>> No.8577907
File: 237 KB, 500x372, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me think of this for some reason

>> No.8577989

The bridge (is that the word?) of the glasses aren't even touching her nose...

>> No.8577991
File: 15 KB, 500x312, garth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reversed this image on Google to find "their" blog and got a picture of Garth Algar as a result.

>> No.8577992

Is that a fucking Armin cosplay wig?

>> No.8578081

There is not one single element of lolita to be seen here. Not one.

>> No.8578087

itas always use cosplay wigs thinking they can seamlessly move them to lolita. Usually it's madoka or a vocaloid though. This shit is a first.

>> No.8578147

Well she was posting it on Closet of Frills (Already can't remember if CoF or Uncensored) so she must have been aiming for Lolita

>> No.8578156
File: 271 KB, 620x827, %22japancostume%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not described as lolita, but I am pretty sure it is the look she was going for. It is a "Japan costume".

>> No.8578158

That's a petticoat right?

>> No.8578163
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>> No.8578293

This legit looks like some weeb's mom trolling them by uploading a pic of them wearing their daughter's 'Japan costume'
Don't know whether to cringe or kek.

>> No.8578467
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>> No.8578479
File: 82 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1440581462184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never dreamed someone would wear Milky Cross in the ita way

>> No.8578482

some people need to throw their shit in a garbage bin, there'n nothing remotely lolita to be seen

>> No.8578485

I think that's more of a nitpick than ita. If the wig and makeup was better it probably wouldn't look as bad. But why does the dress look so strange, is that a replica or shitty petty?

>> No.8578486


Muslims proving yet again they cannot into lolita.

>> No.8578487

All the fucking sugar coating in the comments is embarrassing.

>> No.8578490

holy shit, what a mess.

>> No.8578498
File: 19 KB, 415x73, wtfbitchJPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because unless you sugarcoat, this shit happens. I think that people are just afraid that if they don;t absolutely tiptoe around someone wearing a hijab, white knights will tear them a new one

>> No.8578503

Ugh, the hijab isn't even the problem.
The fucking dress, the horrid color combination, the make up, the ugly bow on the hijab.
But I guess people will auto think we dislike her outfit because of the hijab....

>> No.8578504

As far as I know it's the original dress.
I agree the wig created an ita feel imo.

>> No.8578511

it's like everyone loses their balls to say this is ugly as shit just cause she's wearing a hijab. This is tacky as fuck and now in my top 10 list of things that aren't lolita being called lolita of all time.

>> No.8578515


The hijab was not the problem for me either; everything else was. But yeah, SJWs will auto assume that it is a race thing. This is what that commented also implied.

>> No.8578517

Looks more closer to Rockabilly.

>> No.8578533
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>> No.8578535

Her face needs an iron.

>> No.8578545

it looks like an opaque version of a cheap party city petticoat. looks like a troll, or bait it's so badly off the mark.

>> No.8578552
File: 208 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1440585145195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new 'hijabi lolita' has been making atrocities since way back when. She just decided to jump on the trend now.

>> No.8578555

>stirrup leggings

>> No.8578559
File: 68 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1440585920062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8578561

Would venture to say that they tightened the shirring behind them without looking and untucking any ruffles, and it's also smushed against maid-girl's own shitty dress.

The wig, accessories and knee socks give this an ita feel, also the mixing of ivory and white with the parasol.

>> No.8578562

Lolita dresses are knee fucking length !

>> No.8578563

can someone call this bullshit out ? its insulting to actual muslims

>> No.8578568
File: 233 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1440586285808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going up for sale soon...everybody don't jump all at once!:^)

>> No.8578571

The girl in question is actually Muslim...but doesn't wear the hijab regularly. All I've ever seen of her is regular clothes and cosplays (mainly shitty coords though)
It's still jumping on the bandwagon

>> No.8578572

Not true, anon. Lots of dresses have a long length that are mid-shin. It's actually becoming a very popular trend.

>> No.8578576

Her makeup is so bad, and her hijab isn't doing her any favours. She should have picked something in a different colour to her skin, she looks like a fucking foreskin. And the dress looks like something I saw at a carnival when I was younger. She looks thin enough to fit into brand, get a damn underskirt and some thick tights if you can't show leg.

>> No.8578580

I've never understood people who go out and have 'photoshoots' in public places like this. It's one thing if it's an event or whatever, but she's literally going in some random shop to pose with the merchandise.

>> No.8578581

Can we jump AWAY from it all at once? It's blinding me.

>> No.8578587
File: 121 KB, 682x1024, TncWI0jcg_rTdsuHZvC4CB_u0-XeriWF7g_bJsEkDCw-001_zpsdeb7f977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about anon-chan? Doing photoshoots in shops is suupa kowai desu!!

>> No.8578593
File: 73 KB, 639x960, FB_IMG_1440587826027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait...THERE'S MORE! Call now and you can receive a random ass bookstore shot with manga in the background absolutely free!

>> No.8578597
File: 234 KB, 569x640, collage_20150826061032928_20150826061919157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ITA TO POKE HER HEAD OUT OF HER WEEABOO DIMENSION. I kept wondering how no one had ever posted her and swallowed my pride biding my time...waiting...watching

Behold her glory

>> No.8578604

thats floor length anon, its a left over belle cosplay trying to be lolita

>> No.8578607

in no way is that at all lolita

>> No.8578609
File: 316 KB, 1333x2000, FB_IMG_1440585841644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8578626

is this not a cosplay of that one anime with the magical cat girl?

>> No.8578633

this looks like the cover of a shitty almost porn fiction, only missing a dandy

>> No.8578640

To quote the post I was quoting...
>Lolita dresses are knee fucking length !

>> No.8578699

Not lolita. But I sort of like it... Kind of a "Traditional muslim doll"-key

>> No.8578713
File: 88 KB, 578x818, ichigomaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Tokyo Mew Mew?
I kind of doubt it, Ichigos outfits both look pretty different, and if this is a cosplay she completely missed the mark.

>> No.8578769
File: 94 KB, 675x900, 4268_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8578778

Are those cutting scars?

>> No.8578781

Looks like it

>> No.8578785


>butt pirates of the Caribbean

>Directed by Roman Polanski

>> No.8578795

is that our majesty?

>> No.8578818

I loled, then felt bad.

>> No.8578893

Pretty sure those are children's books not manga.

>> No.8578907

He's not pretty though

>> No.8578916

>"she completely missed the mark"

Well, YEAH.

>> No.8578918

I immediately saw that it was a dude!
>pretty face
>boob loaf
I'm so disappointed of you seagulls. Thought you were better than that.

>> No.8578930

Man i wish i had those shoes :(

>> No.8578933

His face is pretty cute for a man, though. Get rid of that extra chin and the dude is kawaii. Some of the women in my comm could learn from his makeup game.
No excuse for the outfit, though.

>> No.8578936

She might pull off gothic (or Addams family cosplay)

>> No.8578942

The CoF mods are a joke

"Let's not talk about whether or not this is lolita" bitch, you need to be concerned with whether or not what people post on a lolita group is lolita or not

>> No.8578947

That fabric would make a lovely cushion.

>> No.8579014

Is this a doll dress? It looks really small somehow, but maybe it's just the photo.
That said, the fabric would be cute if it wasn't so damn shiny.

>> No.8579038
File: 128 KB, 679x960, ILDphotobara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8579052

Me too anon..... Me too....

>> No.8579064

My fucking eyes. Holy shit.

>> No.8579075


>> No.8579141

yeah that's 'kowaii' all right...

>> No.8579258

it'd be pretty but i hate slippy cushions

>> No.8579270

Nitpick. The socks are bad but everything else works well enough.

>> No.8579287

The bloomers annoy me

>> No.8579321
File: 106 KB, 960x960, 11899870_10154131594849018_3427436534597705431_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8579384

I was thinking no way Meta could have made this...

>> No.8579409


I agree. Meta is the eclectic aunt of the lolita brands, but this just looks cheap.

>> No.8579410

I like the....idea of it? But yeah I wish there was more cohesion. It's kind of a mess.

>> No.8579411

Oh my god I think this girl is in my comm???

>> No.8579413

Excuse me, this is our one and only queen.

>> No.8579425

I would call nitpick, but there's way too much going on in that picture...

>> No.8579569

I'm not a lolita so it doesn't matter if these are the parts of the outfit you hate but I so so so want that pinafore (could be a dress, looks like an apron) and two pettis (? the mint and coral, are they underskirts?) as the uniform for my bakery! the rest is ugly nonsense but those!

>> No.8579613

The middle curved part between the lenses?
That isn't meant to touch the nose, that is what the nose pieces are for.

>> No.8579624

Ughhh I would really like this if you take away the wig and the orange bow Ughhh so close (maybe not for lolita but a cute outfit nontheless)

>> No.8579647
File: 485 KB, 1031x609, jd49jCV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found in the fringefashion subreddit.

I didn't think a collage could manage to be ita.

>> No.8579677

I used to own this dress and it's much nicer in person. I don't know why it looks so bright and obnoxious

>> No.8579705

To be fair to her, she explicitly stated that she didn't want to go full lolita. Still, those years...

>> No.8579728

Yikes. At least the posters are giving her decent advice.

>> No.8579738


You havent seen bored coord anon then.

>> No.8579772
File: 63 KB, 360x480, tumblr_ntaz09wchW1rynuigo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added kek for wearing socks on the wrong side

>> No.8579775
File: 261 KB, 943x500, Nickie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8579780

It's not a troll.

>> No.8579799

*ears, not years, god damn it

>> No.8579806
File: 132 KB, 540x723, tumblr_ntczeshR0s1thkezfo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wow

>> No.8579816
File: 91 KB, 370x549, hari-peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is her "harajuku" outfit, sooo...

>> No.8579818

i laughed out loud


>> No.8579820
File: 381 KB, 552x511, tumblr_myps9nhDTv1sge74eo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap. This is amazing. This person must indeed be bored to churn out quantity instead of quality.

I'll just put down the few that are taking the cake.

>> No.8579822

Omfg she looks like an oversized kid playing dress up in her mom's costume jewelry collection. How embarrassing.

>> No.8579823
File: 723 KB, 974x638, tumblr_n3ddsbRq0M1sge74eo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when there is one tiny bow sewn onto the front of the dress, that doesn't match anything else on the dress...

>> No.8579826
File: 242 KB, 500x448, tumblr_n5ixovBYBy1sge74eo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8579828

holy hell... split hair chan.

>> No.8579832

wait i actually like these two what's the problem?

>> No.8579841

This is a reasonably decent otome coord

>> No.8579855

I like those two a lot.
Fun use of color.

>> No.8579857

Not surprised that she's serious.

I once saw a girl wearing a Leg Avenue petticoat as a skirt at the Richmond Night Market in Vancouver. My facial expression must have alerted my SO, because he turned, saw what I saw, and then asked me, "Is that girl wearing underwear on the outside of her body?" in a teasing voice, which made me only more upset. Was he TRYING to make me laugh at a complete stranger in public?

>> No.8579886

it's funny you say that because in the description she said something like "harajuku style is like if you were allowed to dress yourself as a seven year old!!!"

>> No.8579932

Noop they sure did, it is corduroy and is supposed to have a detachable trim? It is an old winter dress, someone was selling it for like 20usd not too long ago. It was all stained up though.

>> No.8580358
File: 74 KB, 750x1000, FB_IMG_1440428069510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a lolita meet up dressed like this.

>> No.8580384

I don't actually mind the colour combination of the warm black and the paler teal on the far right's stockings. I've never seen it put together before that way.
However, it needs to be put together in a way that doesn't make me want to demolish half my screen.

>> No.8580396

She matches the curtains...

>> No.8580397

oh honey no

>> No.8580412
File: 282 KB, 598x900, Ohjesuswhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god who would think that is even REMOTELY Lolita?

>> No.8580670

>>8574220 Ugh for fucks sake lets see you sew sure the bows are shitty but Yumi has talent

>> No.8580685
File: 91 KB, 600x800, 1404794_10201551514543068_1390927898_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no words

>> No.8580688

If only the left one had the right one's face. What a waste.

>> No.8580692

Oh shit annette is in that horrible pic with the blue creature

>> No.8580716

this literally looks like a shoop

>> No.8580720 [DELETED] 

No, it's just InuAshley

>> No.8580735

The wig isn't doing her any favours, the side locks framing her face make it look even narrower. She might actually have cheekbones and a normal sized forhead behind there, and just a long chin but it makes her look alien.

>> No.8580741

why can I never find this fucking dress anywhere
let me be the neon 80s prom queen trashlita I was born to be

>> No.8580774

Do you expect her to coordinate her facial structure, anon? Why be such a cunt? :/

>> No.8580806
File: 135 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl. I wonder if she'd ever save up for some surgery?

>> No.8580852

Her parents are rich as balls and spoil the shit out of her, she wouldn't even have to save up.
I'm not usually the sort of person to say that someone needs plastic surgery but honestly if I was born with a face like that...

>> No.8580863

that's some gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8580864

So rude anons what is the purpose of this salt

>> No.8580868
File: 725 KB, 579x573, vaginafolds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-tip: don't post a friend (or yourself) on here, even if you're targeting a different person in the picture. Your back-peddling/faked shock at the reactions about the girl's face are everything but subtle.

There's no salt, there's no personal beef, her bone structure is just fucked up. The end, move on, next picture to judge.

>> No.8580869

Idk is it weird I still think she's cute in a strange way?

>> No.8580874
File: 163 KB, 594x591, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No salt, I'm just fascinated by really ugly people.

>> No.8580911

why the long face, horse-chan?

>> No.8580912

Those are both my posts but I can promise you that I have no connection to either girl, cunt-chan

Stop relying on the self-post argument, people, it's way too weak

>> No.8580913

She looks like one of those token bitchy/ugly caricatures that debut in an anime for like one episode...

>> No.8580950
File: 77 KB, 600x902, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No salt. You can't deny that her face has some exaggerated features, that do not give her the traditional "cute" look that goes well with sweet. I was just curious to see what a little modification could do for her. It wasn't malicious.

>> No.8580963
File: 58 KB, 600x800, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that a little sister from bioshock?

>> No.8580970

I don't know - it's nice in theory, and I love reptiles, but they're just not very clean animals :( I wouldn't trust them near my brand.

Plus, you know, the bright lights and loud noises of a fashion show would really freak them out.

>> No.8580973

This is actually a really interesting design, and I see what she was going for... but it's not lolita and also her makeup is godawful.

>> No.8580975

I perform with my snakes all the time and they're fine. They're only dirty of you don't actually bathe them regularly. I have 3 snakes, 4ft, 6ft, and 8ft

>> No.8580977

I think this is a great idea!

>> No.8580979

Oh jesus I thought she melted.

>> No.8580983

Snakes are pretty clean, actually. I was thinking more lizards, those fuckers are messier than a toddler in a pile of m&m's. I swear my bearded dragons actually wait to be settled on someone's lap before they shit.

>> No.8580995

Speak for your own reptiles, my leopard gecko has never shit anywhere other than his poop corner since I came home with him. Not sure how great he would look in a gothic shoot though because he's pretty small (9 inches) compared to a beardie.

>> No.8580996

Sadly people are so focussed on the left girls weird face they forget to see the actual ita in this pic.
I mean the one on the right has so casually thrown on her dress, those gd socks with sneakers and that ita headdress, yikes.
Leftie has a very strange and unfortunate face but her coord isn't ita at all, it's quite nice.

>> No.8581000

I think you made her chin freakishly short, now it looks like she barely has a lower jaw.
Her nose those, wow. She would reallt benefit from a nosejob, your nose shoop looks really nice.

>> No.8581017
File: 519 KB, 1280x787, pretty_rave_lolita__motme__by_sapphire_and_ice-d97b4dq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8581021
File: 48 KB, 597x459, peoplebeingrude_o_985517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8581025

I think people are being rude. Like compared to the girl on the right, left girl's face is the least of my concern.

>> No.8581032
File: 74 KB, 400x600, IMG_4229-new-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both. Pointing it out like this isn't very nice but the chick does look like a horse.

>> No.8581043

Snakes are probably the cleanest pets to own unless the owners never clean out the shit from their cages, which is easy enough to do. People get iller from owning cats.

>> No.8581047

People being rude on 4chan? Well, I never!

>> No.8581051
File: 586 KB, 715x594, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another tumblr gem

>> No.8581054
File: 95 KB, 539x960, 11904652_10204663917743417_7404954440242977092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8581059

Good lord they look like a troll.

>> No.8581064

This is actually pretty okay as an ero coord

>> No.8581066

>gender neutral pronouns

>> No.8581077

Maybe if you ignore the bottom of it. At least she's not wearing a bra on the outside.

>> No.8581078
File: 52 KB, 600x800, Boc_NmFCcAA511Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those tags
>that facial expression
>that dirty mirror
why do people post such awful photos

>> No.8581095

Thank you for the feedback! I was thinking the same thing about the chin tbh, so it's good to hear somebody reflect that.

>> No.8581103

Yeah, the clashing patterns is not good, but if she lost the leggings it would okay. Not top tier but certainly not ita

>> No.8581155
File: 484 KB, 500x280, shock-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her face on the right...wtf is she doing

>> No.8581168

>nonbinary poc
Do people even know what these tags mean anymore or they just worn on Tumblr posts like trendy accessories?

>> No.8581183


>> No.8581188


>> No.8581299

no, it's just inuashley

>> No.8581304


Anyways, the real ita post is for the one on the right.

>> No.8581308

80's Ita?

>> No.8581395

well, they're clearly a poc and plausibly nonbinary.

it's far from the dumbest thing i've seen from tumblr.

the they/them nonbinaries are usually fine, it's the bun/bunself neopronoun morons you need to watch out for

are there any pictures of her without hair on her face? i'm curious if >>8580735 is right

>> No.8581401

I'm p sure she's got a lolcow thread

Can everyone triggered by her face go there plz

>> No.8581404
File: 96 KB, 640x960, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F60966e2992d74be8edd95de581252403%2Ftumblr_mnldjnpEIJ1r8ts3co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8581418
File: 358 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F80b3800882fc6a08df19dc089301418f%2Ftumblr_nsy317XZkY1rdza5go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her spelling is as awful as her coords

>> No.8581422

Vampyr is a legit spelling of the word in German, just a little dated.
I doubt that's what she was going for though.

>> No.8581428


>> No.8581440

I won't defend her taste in clothing, but "Vampyre" was probably a very intentional portmanteau of "vampire" and "pyre," as in a pile of wood you set on fire.

Come to think of it, it's rather fitting, yeah?

>> No.8581461

It also follows the "normal word but with a y instead of an i" trend that people like to use when they want something to sound cooler, more exotic, more 'historic', etc. Because regular old vampires are just too mainstream nowadays.

>> No.8581507

Oh jeez. That poor girl. I hope she's getting medical attention. Those cuts can get infection so easily and she looks barely 15.

>> No.8581588
File: 363 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_nti22cWi9b1u23axpo1_1280_i_feel_beautiful_inside_she_says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8581593

This isn't that bad?? She made a solid attempt to do her hair. She needs legwear, different shoes, and better makeup, but she has room for improvement.

>> No.8581608

I know her. I wish she'd style her fucking wigs

>> No.8581657

I wouldn't call this ita, it's pretty unique but not ita

>> No.8581694

That hairstyle almost always looks so unflattering ugh

>> No.8581712

Don't think it's lolita, but I fucking love this outfit for whatever it is.

>> No.8581723

seconding that "pyre" is fitting

the outfit should be tossed on one

>> No.8581776

>corset lacing on a skirt.


>> No.8581851

So are you blind or what

>> No.8581858

How the fuck do you rave in lolita? raves are full of sweat, sex, and ecstasy. And being covered and layered from head to toe makes all the sweating worse?

>> No.8581882

wtf that's a lot of cuts...

>> No.8581900

Don't care about construction, use horrendously cheap and thin material, then nothing of value would be lost with all that sweat and whatever else gets spilled or smudged on it.

>> No.8582025

It may not be your style but it has a theme and matches.

>> No.8582034

I love her features, she looks so delicate.
Do I just have terrible taste or does noone else think she is beautiful?

>> No.8582042

This makes me really uncomfortable.

>> No.8582051

>parents are rich as balls

I wish we could trade lives. I never wanted bunions and TMJ.

>> No.8582053

I also find her pretty, her face is long but her features all work together and i honestly dont find her ugly... I like unique faces!
But either way some people here are just salty and whine like toddlers when someone doesn't fit their personal tastes lol saying someone needs plastic surgery is such a cunt move like damn, no fucks given that this is 4chan I'm still gonna think that.

>> No.8582062
File: 51 KB, 481x960, FB_IMG_1440740638629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an issue with about 80% of the cap one eye girl for fashion or whatever the fuck her shop name is. Super tacky fabric combos to have "nerdy" lolita. This is Blue Justice League Lolita

>> No.8582066
File: 80 KB, 615x960, FB_IMG_1440741346719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marvel Wa-Lolita

>> No.8582078

Isn't this that same bitch with the tacky gold/navy drapery dress that's part of her "Lolita clothing line"

>> No.8582094

Do you mean Monica Latorre? No, that's not her.

>> No.8582099

I saw this earlier too.
Based off the cap I think she was just showing off the skirt she made rather than showing it as a coord, because I think I remember seeing some actual cute coords from her

>> No.8582230

Some people think she is ugly, and say so bc you know, this is a forum where people say things as they please. just deal with it and stop white knighting your friend

>> No.8582260
File: 18 KB, 287x324, strangelandcaptainhowdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like an asshole, but she looks like Dee Snyder to me.

>> No.8582294

I don't know this girl or her name lol, if ya'll are free to call her ugly and say rude shit then I have the same freedom to call you cunts, I don't see how u can possibly have an issue with that

>> No.8582356

Seriously, are you new? This is CGL not a hug box. She looks weird, that's not being salty that's just how it is. I'm sure by now she is aware of the fact that she looks weird. You don't grow up with that face thinking you're a supermodel. Take your whiteknighting somewhere else.

>> No.8582714

I know this girl, she was in my old comm. She's improved her style so much since this but the last time I saw her, her self harm was worse. Part of my thinks she has an eating disorder too - it was a cafe meet and she just ordered tap water.

She's a really sweet girl. I hope she can recover.

>> No.8582733

She's probably just a poorfag. How tacky to just get water when you go to a cafe

>> No.8583764

I actually like this; she obviously achieved the look she was going for.

>> No.8583769

She's heading in the right direction and I love her hair.

>> No.8587135
File: 22 KB, 153x173, 1429579307738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what the fuck are you supposed to be!