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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8560642 No.8560642 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see the issue in the catalog so forgive the new thread.

I've been cosplaying for a while and I'm always self cautious of my nose as when I do makeup tons of little white dots just pop up and they're really easy to see. I thought I had a blackhead problem but I just learned its really Sebaceous Filaments which does explain why blackhead treatments are not working. My other friends don't seem to have the same problem as me so I'm wondering how the hell do I keep this stuff down?

Pic related is how my nose looks like.

>> No.8560672

There's not much you can do about them, they're completely natural.
You can squeeze them or use those Biore strips, but they'll be back in a day or so.
Patting foundation over it helps hide them at least.

>> No.8560674

Just Google it. There's a lot of sites that tell you how to treat it.

>> No.8560680

don't use biore strips they'll just make your pores even more irritated!

>> No.8560684

You can't get rid of it. it's 100% natural and your nose looks fine.

That said, for covering/hiding for cosplay, the best thing you can do is use good quality full coverage foundation or concealer over a silicone based primer.

>> No.8560685

Then how are other people able to get their noses and faces super smooth with makeup while mine just highlight like beacons?

Google does give results but there are way too many and its difficult to separate legitimate methods vs old wive tale BS

>> No.8560694

Use the Mandom charcoal scrub, exfoliate and moisturize regularly, and stop touching your face so much.

>> No.8560705

Not everyone has them, chill out.
Just exfoliate before putting on makeup.

>> No.8560708

Paula's choice, BHA, AHA exfoliants don't bother with home made shit.
I rotate btwn 10%aha 4%bha and 2%bha daily
to use higher amount is usually once a week but i can use it whenever, my skin can take it.
If your skin is sensitive pussy try lower percent aha or bha. Makes night and day difference.

>> No.8560736

my nose looks just like that, what i usually do [probably not the best but whatever] is go on a squeezing spree, wash my face with cold water and dove soap, then wash again with an exfoliating scrub, rinse with cold water, then put a little bit of purpose lotion on. blackheads fucking suck

>> No.8560738

confused is the charcoal scrub an exfoliate or do you have to use the scrub AND exfoliate?

>> No.8560739

1. Same question as OP; how do I minimize sebaceous filaments?
2. Should I buy a moisturizer+retinol combination, or buy them separately?
3. If I'm using retinol cream, should I still be exfoliating?
4. I have pretty decent skin and usually all I do is wash with cold water and use moisturizers+sunscreen, should I start exfoliating?
5. If I start exfoliating, what products should I use and how often is too much? I heard like makeup, exfoliating too often can speed up the aging process on your skin. I've heard anywhere from once per day to once per week for exfoliating.
6. If I have a long face and my glasses tend to hide the bridge of my nose, would contacts be preferable? Also, I have oily skin so my glasses get gross rather quickly.
7. If hair on my face grows quickly, would it preferable to wax over shaving? I don't want a 5' o clock shadow, but I don't want a red upper lip from waxing daily either.
8. I don't have any acne,pimples, or blemishes on my face at all, but I have severe back acne and my legs and upper arms tend to have tiny red dots/pimples. How do I get rid of them?

Sorry for the tirade of questions.

>> No.8560755

As this is a Skincare thread, I'm just going to dump some of my best info for dry or irritated skin.

>Most people have minor lactose allergies, if you have bad skin try cutting it out or getting Lactose free products instead. You should see a change within a week.
>Most soaps and shampoos and some moisturisers contain SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) which makes the oils and dirt mix with water. However if you have bad skin, it can make your skin lose 10x the moisture it should. You can buy products without it. You should see a difference in a few days depending on how often you used said product.
>If you use a lot of products on your skin that never seem to work and you still have bad skin, stop using them for 72 hours and give your skin a chance to recover without them. Slowly re-introduce.
>Any products should be thrown away 3 months after opening.
>If you have itchy rashes, keep a gentle moisturizer in the fridge to use when it's itchy.
>Wear gloves when you craft so you have to was your hands less.
>Avoid washing your hands as often if you can because it dries out skin. Instead carry antibac cream.
>Bite creme works on zits
>Re-read the first 2 points as they're the biggest cause of bad skin.

>> No.8560762

I actually just discovered this like yesterday but I have always washed my face over the sink with all kinds of face stuff and nothing really worked. I washed my face in the shower for the first time (I don't like closing my eyes in the shower) with regular body soap and my face and nose was smooth af. I think all the steam might have helped alot.

>> No.8560765

Blackheads are formed when hormones cause too much sebum (oil) to be produced, dead skin cells get in the way, the pore is impaired or misshapen, and the path for the oil to exit through the pore is blocked, creating a clog. As this clog nears the surface of the skin, the mixture of oil and cellular debris oxidizes and turns, you guessed it, black. But you cannot scrub away blackheads, at least not completely. Using a topical scrub removes the top portion of the blackhead, but does nothing to address the underlying cause, so they're back again before too long. Instead of a scrub, try using a well-formulated BHA (salicylic acid) product. Salicylic acid exfoliates inside the pore lining, dissolving oil and dead skin cells that lead to constant blackheads. Paula's Choice offers a broad selection of BHA products to help eliminate blackheads and provide numerous other benefits.

if you spend sometime reading from people who actually know skin care and not a bunch of 15 years olds with their own remedies

>> No.8560775

Hm. Does #1 apply to skin other than the face?

I drink like two gallons of milk a week.

>> No.8560779
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I use z-pore for my nose/cheeks/chin. It feels kind of filmy/grainy in application, but it does noticeably mask them even before you get to bb cream and foundation.

Like people have already said you can't get rid of them and overuse of Biore strips and the like will only irritate your skin. I've found that that cinnamon + honey scrub works for me, but YMMV.

>> No.8560781
File: 483 KB, 1208x1660, unsatis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ anon do you know how many calories that is

>> No.8560783

Different anon but yes, it applies to all your skin. Speaking from experience here.

>> No.8560790

>Sebaceous Filaments
>not blackheads

Personally, I find hot towels over the nose work pretty good- you want to open up the pores first, let the gunk out, then use the usual cleaners afterwards.

>> No.8560792

Yes, precisely why I'm doing it. I lift and do a lot of conditioning (boxing), but my schedule is super hectic and I've always been a slow eater. So I usually just eat whatever I can and chug it down with milk to get the calories I need.
Ugh. I fucking love milk, but I guess I'll cut down and start exfoliating my back/arms. Hopefully this combination helps me get rid of it

>> No.8560796

I got the Dark Angel from Lush. Wondering how often I should use it per week. I also heard it was good to use after having facepaint on?

>> No.8560798

Considering I give it out as advice because my entire body had awful skin which is now 10x better, I'd say it bloody works.
In my head I've decided they'rea bodybuilder who has lots of milks with protein shakes. And tea, and cereal. And anything other than just damn drinking it.

>> No.8560807

apparently i can't read, my bad.

>> No.8560812

pores can't open or close. it just loosens up the sebum plugs. you can get the same effect with OCM or using any richer lotion (Nivea in the tin is good for this) before your cleansing step

>> No.8560813

fuck off back to /fa/

>paula's shills
here's some better alternatives:
Mizon 8% AHA
Bravura London BHAs
Alpha Hydrox AHAs

>> No.8560817

Put your shitcare up your ass, a perfectly PH balanced aha bha products with reasonable price.

>> No.8560818

Before a big event, or once every couple of weeks, I go nuclear on my face. After a hot shower, I apply AHA for 5-10 minutes and then wash it off, massage jojoba oil into my skin for a good five minutes and rinse it off, then use a clay or charcoal mask. Clears that shit right out.

>> No.8560833

My bad, I just count them separately since I exfoliate with something else (1-2 times a week) but break out the charcoal scrub when things get weird on my face, like if I haven't cleansed it in two days.

>> No.8560842

You can't make them disappear forever. One thing that helped me was the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque, but any bentonite clay mask will do. Apply only to your nose/problem areas as it can be drying. Don't use the Aztec crap, it's too alkaline.

I wouldn't recommend scrubs, BHAs are gentler on your skin and don't cause microabrasions (which can cause acne and irritation, and age you over time).
You shouldn't be exfoliating so much daily.
Squeezing can make your pores bigger over time. Contrary to popular belief, pores cannot open or close. Once expanded, they stay that way forever.
You should also be using a gentle facial cleanser instead of soap. See my comment above re:scrubs, you're being way too harsh with your skin.
1. You can mask it with makeup, exfoliate with BHAs regularly, gently massage the problem areas with a thick lotion or oil to loosen them up.
2. You can buy either, just remember to use broad spectrum sunscreen, otherwise all your work will be for naught.
3. You may exfoliate lightly once a week, just remember to wear good sunscreen and reapply often.
4. Chemical exfoliation might be good for fighting the signs of aging but you'll need to be extra careful (and wear sunscreen).
5. You should use gentle chemical exfoliants. AHAs no higher than 10%, BHAs no higher than 5%. Start low and work your way up, buy from reputable sellers and brands. Depending on the type of exfoliant and its strength you can do it either daily or weekly. up to 5% AHA/1-2% BHA is generally recommended for daily use, anything above you should use once a week.
6. Contacts are tricky and you run the risk of eye infection if you don't handle them properly, but otherwise they're safe. If your glasses make you look better, I don't see why you can't keep wearing them. You can get cute frames from the optician, make sure to get something that flatters your face shape and isn't too small or too big.

>> No.8560854

Are you saying a aha bha product at a good price does not exist?

>> No.8560856

>Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque
After applying the mask and rinsing should anything else be used?

>> No.8560868

7. Waxing often can irritate your skin, but what you can do is get one of those epilating springs with two handles that you roll over your face. They pull all the tiny hairs out from the root.
8. Exfoliation, a gentle moisturiser and switching your soap/shower gel might work. Wear clean clothes and make sure to shower often if you get sweaty easily.
Small correction: If your products don't work, you should switch them out completely. SLS is for the most part harmless unless your skin gets visibly irritated.
>Any products should be thrown away 3 months after opening.
Wrong. Products that are hygienically packaged can be used until their expiration date. This is wasteful and useless.
You shouldn't use body soap on your face. Use a gentle facial cleanser.
Paula Begoun claims that alcohols are bad, which is such trite bullshit. Her products can be good but I wouldn't take her word for anything as her website serves only for shilling her products. Just because it touts itself as expert advice doesn't mean it is advice from experts.

Better sources for skincare:
Official studies
Just your regular moisturizer and whatever else you're planning to put on your face.
Sources: med school, internet, ask me for specific things and I'll link you

My advice: don't be afraid to live your life to the fullest, no matter how many pimples you've got, no matter whether you'll tan or not. Keep in the shade and reapply sunscreen often, but don't slave your life away indoors because you might tan a little if you go outside. Aging is a normal human process, pretty skin at 50 will feel pretty shit if you sacrifice your life to get it. Staying inside all day is equally unhealthy, and you'll still get old at the end of the day.

>> No.8560869

it's totally normal to exfoliate once a day something like 2% balanced PH bha, i am not saying i exfoliate like mad man i just rotate btwn aha and bha daily and weekly exfoliants
not everyones skin is the same if someone allergic to aspirin might not respond well to bha

>> No.8560879

I'm aware that not everyone's skin is the same, and pH balance means nothing if you're piling acids onto your face daily.
It may still cause irreversible damage without you even noticing.

>> No.8560880

she doesn't say all alcohol just a certain form of it

>> No.8560883

please refer study those are very safe long term researched acid forms that are very beneficial for the skin you are saying like I put some kind of insane acid peels on my skin

>> No.8560891

I don't see anything wrong with it as long as they exercise
Make sure to change your pajamas and bedsheets regularly!

Oh and if you're having problems with acne, try switching out your pillowcase and towels more often. It might just help.

>> No.8560893

Where did i say that?
I only suggested PC bc of how well it's formulated.
Now I am not going over all suggested Products but let's say Alpha Hydrox skincare, it has a lot of good products as well as products in a JAR.
They also offer some effective over 10% AHA products but for a lot of people putting this amount will be too much.

>> No.8560898

> Products that are hygienically packaged can be used until their expiration date. This is wasteful and useless.
That works, however if you touch the product to get it out of it's container, it should be thrown. Because the bacteria on your hands can grow when in the pot.

>SLS is for the most part harmless unless your skin gets visibly irritated.
Yeah, hence why I said "if you have bad skin" because it may have been used for a long time, without every human every patch testing every product ever, a lot of people might not realise it's giving them issues.

>Small correction: If your products don't work, you should switch them out completely
What about if you've been using something then your skin builds up a tolerance for it? Giving your skin a rest from it can make it work again. Corticosteroid creams for example.

Don't be so aggressive, this is skincare, not war. Somethings work for some people and not others, no need to shit on someone because they use a product/method that works for them and not you. It's not good for their skin.

I'm here to give advice for the extreme cases, not your pretty petty arguments over what pore minimiser doesn't work.

Whats your issue? Why u mad?

You know, I would go live my life to the fullest, but the 2 different types of eczema on my body which I have 100 different prescription creams and drugs for tend to stop me. Not everyone's skin issues are just on the fucking face.

>> No.8560901

All in moderation.

>Side effects of deeper peels can also include pigmentary changes (e.g., PIH for dark-skinned individuals), infections, allergic reactions, improper healing, hypersensivity, disease exacerbation, and those due to improper application
>The best way to prevent complications is to identify patients at risk and maintain an appropriate peel depth that balances efficacy with known adverse events. Patients at risk include those with PIH, keloid formation, heavy occupational sun exposure, a history of intolerability to sunscreens, and uncooperative patients.
>Tolerability of peels may be influenced by many factors, such as peel agents, concentration, depth, skin type, and concomitant use of skin care products. PIH can be exacerbated by sun exposure, so it is important to educate patients and closely monitor their recovery phase. Sunscreens should be used continuously to limit PIH development.


>> No.8560904


Good advice. I'll give that a try next time, though I seem to get better results with the heat/gentle rubbing/cleanser route up to now. Definitely will see how Nivea works on it, as I get the same problem.

>> No.8560915

>Because the bacteria on your hands can grow when in the pot.
That's why I said hygienically packaged. Pots, jars and tubs are generally not it. Doesn't mean they CAN'T be, but it takes some careful handling. Getting disposable applicators or spoons or simply disinfecting your hands before touching the pot can be a lot cheaper than wastefully throwing away products.

Corticosteroids shouldn't be used over longer periods of time as they thin out skin.

>Don't be so aggressive, this is skincare, not war.
I'm not being aggressive, I was just correcting you. I'm not shitting on anyone. Misinformation can be just as harmful for your skin as a bad product.
>Whats your issue? Why u mad?
You're the only one who seems mad here, I've been keeping a pretty even tone throughout my posts. Just because I'm correcting you doesn't mean I have any ill will towards you, not everyone is always right and that's fine.

>You know, I would go live my life to the fullest, but the 2 different types of eczema on my body which I have 100 different prescription creams and drugs for tend to stop me.
Then that doesn't apply to you, obviously. I don't personally know you to tell you what to do, I'm just doling out general advice that might be helpful to some. No need to get upset.

>> No.8560922

>tfw i've never had this
Although that's compensated by the fact that it's huge and fucking ugly

>> No.8560923

>products in a JAR
Nothing wrong with products in a jar if they're handled properly. Popsicle sticks or a simple hand sanitizer should do the trick.
>They also offer some effective over 10% AHA products but for a lot of people putting this amount will be too much.
Then those products are not meant for them. Not everyone needs tampons either, yet they still sell them.

>> No.8560925

Like I said those peels are not something you do at dermatologist, they are gentle 2%bha exfoliants that are safe to use daily with sunscreen.
There are 10%bha and 4%aha you can use weekly and are safe to do so, of course there's gonna be major problem if you do not use sunscreen with it or allergic to some form of it.

>> No.8560929

Let me rephrase this: using them by themselves is fine.
Using them together, at the same time, as your post implied is not good. If that's not what you meant, I'm sorry I misunderstood.

>> No.8560932

Protein shakes are the way of the future. Chug those with water instead of milk.

>> No.8560934

You're the best, thanks.

>> No.8560938

it's not just about handling product with unclean hands, and use hand sanitizer before dipping your finers in a jar, jesus help you
a lot of the precious ingredients are very sensitive to light air etc and die within says or hrs after oppening the jar, there are actual studies that show any more then 10% aha in a product is harmful long term
womanchild pls stop posting

>> No.8560946

I do chug protein shakes with water. Protein shakes 2x a day(Not 4 scoops C'MON, though. I don't want to leave humanity behind like Mr. Priana) , once in the morning and once after working out. I don't think protein shake+water is as calorie dense as milk, though. Though, I can make a muscle gainer shake but it's most likely going to be hella thick and gross. I'd rather just slow cook meals en masse and reheat when necessary. It's pretty difficult to get solid foods down, though. I guess I'll just chug it all down with water or protein shakes instead of milk.

Mfw can't drop work, school, or exercise. I love them all too much. If I could have more time, I'd just make decent meals so I wouldn't feel like dying every time I eat.

>> No.8560969

>a lot of the precious ingredients are very sensitive to light air etc and die within days or hrs after opening the jar
If the jar is kept open, yes. Otherwise no, other forms of packaging (dropper bottles, for example) pose the same risk of those 'precious ingredients' becoming ineffective.
They can't die. The jars are afaik very opaque, so it's up to you to know how to handle them properly. Vitamin C, for example, is very photo-sensitive but just because you use it improperly doesn't mean the product itself is faulty.
>there are actual studies that show any more then 10% aha in a product is harmful long term
cite said studies, please
Also, iirc Alpha Hydrox doesn't offer anything above 15%, which is the current legal limit for OTC chemical peels.
Here the subjects used 12% lactic acid (an AHA).
>Treatment with 12% lactic acid resulted in increased epidermal and dermal firmness and thickness and clinical improvement in skin smoothness and in the appearance of lines and wrinkles. No dermal changes were observed after treatment with 5% lactic acid; however, similar clinical and epidermal changes were noted.

>RESULTS: Treatment with (25%) AHAs caused an approximate 25% increase in skin thickness. The epidermis was thicker and papillary dermal changes included increased thickness, increased acid mucopolysaccharides, improved quality of elastic fibers, and increased density of collagen. No inflammation was evident.

You're the one with the grammar of a fourth grader and eons of butthurt. Sorry.

>> No.8560986

Depends how much water you put with them really. Having nuts and energy dense food on hand for snacks whilst working/studying is also good if it's just calories you struggle with.

>> No.8560991

More questions before I head out to buy since you seem extremely knowledgeable about this.

1. Which BHA exfoliater would you recommend for someone who has never exfoliated before? I kinda have oily skin, I guess. My main concern will be to get rid of sebaceous filaments. Anything low BHA %age so I can get used to it?
2. How often should I apply retinol+moisturizer? I'm thinking exfoliating lightly once a week+using retinol+moisturizer once every other day.
3. Why a spring epilator and not tweezer epilator?
4. Same as question #1, but for the body(back/arms) instead. I think it'd be a waste to use facial exfoliates on the body. But would any BHA/Salicylic acid exfoliator work since body skin is more tough?

>> No.8560992
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I have pores that will fill with very large sebum plugs, and pic related is the best product I've found for (temporarily) removing sebaceous filaments (I know the packaging says "blackhead" on it but that's just a marketing gimmick). You put the sheets on your nose/face, let them sit a little while, then wash/wipe off the sebum. The plugs still come back eventually, but I've found it takes longer and the immediate result is pretty amazing, better than any of the other things I've tried (steaming/cleansing, pore strips, oil cleansing, physical exfoliants, chemical exfoliants). It would probably work even better in concert with some of other things suggested in this thread but it already removes pretty much everything for me.

>> No.8560998

Not sure if this counts as skincare but...

After getting surgery, the skin around my belly button is darker than the rest of my body. I clean it daily, but it still has this dark/dirty look. How would I fix this?

>> No.8561014

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem.

>> No.8561028

y so mad?

>> No.8561034
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4. You can use a physical scrub on your body, like an italy towel, salux cloth or one of those long loofah towels.
3. Mostly the price tbh. You can get them for like a buck on Amazon. From my experience, tweezer epilators are bulkier, noisy, tend to snap the hairs off rather than pull them out from the root and don't really get the smaller ones. This does take a bit of time and practice (and it hurts, though less than an epilator) but it's convenient and effective, not to mention cheap.
2. Don't use retinol at the same time as your exfoliant, it will render both ineffective. Don't use retinol on the days when you exfoliate, sunscreen every day, moisturize twice a day and you're good to go.
1. Despite the shilling, PC products aren't bad. Most of them are really good, though expensive. I'd recommend a 1-2% BHA. Bravura London also have some BHAs, as mentioned above. Before trying a product try running it through cosDNA to see if there's something your skin might disagree with, and make sure to patch test.

>> No.8561040

Exfoliating and vitamin C serum to brighten the area should do. For anything bigger you might have to get a laser treatment.
Here's your reply

>> No.8561055

Should I use spring epilators to remove body hair too? It seems rather difficult to remove large amounts of hair with it.

I'd assume spring epilators would be for facial hairs, and tweezer epilators for body hair.

So far my list is
-New sunscreen
-A moisturizer+Retinol bottle
-2% BHA exfoliant
-Salux Cloth
-Spring epilator

Would waxing or spring/tweezer epilator be more efficient for leg hairs?

>> No.8561063

You might want to try tretinoin/retin A if you haven't already.

>> No.8561068

Yeah, you're right. It doesn't work on longer hair as well, and it's just too tedious to be used on the whole body.

Waxing vs epilator is a matter of preference imo. Waxing is messier, more expensive, less painful but epilators are noisy, can get clumsy and there's a danger of ingrowns if you don't exfoliate before epilating or do it regularly enough after. Epilating hurts less but the pain lasts longer. I'd still choose the epilator because I hate having to buy waxing kits or go to a salon, but whatever you feel most comfortable with.

>> No.8561079

Aight, thanks. Hopefully these products along with reducing my intake of milk solves everything

>> No.8561091

i have excoriation. covering up my newer scars with bandaids helps with picking, but i still have about 10-15 1cm dark marks all over my arms and legs and face, i cant stand them and they make me too self conscious. what can i do to heal/fade them and even up my general skintone for less than $50?

>> No.8561126

Oh god I thought that was a g spot vibrator from the thumbnail.

>> No.8561150

The wa that ou appl your makeup also might also make them more noticiable. You have to dab the foundation. something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD5zX-i0Srk

>> No.8561199

I drink 3 glasses of whole milk every day. It actually helps you stay satisfied longer, so you eat less in the long run

>I just laze around all day since it's summer

>> No.8561287

Really? I used to use them for my blackheads, but stopped because it didn't really work.

>> No.8561302

Except exfoliation should not be done before applying make up.

>> No.8561316
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Okay anons, I've never been good at taking care of my skin, I've always just used soap and I've started to find that it's doing more bad than good
I've been wanting to buy some stuff that I can use for like a daily skincare routine for my face, but all this stuff is pretty alien to me.
I try to like read some posts and gather information but, honestly, I'm not very sharp, and I just get really confused
I know this is a lot to ask for but could someone do like a list of what products, brands etc I should buy and in what order I should use them?
I have pretty normal skin, but it gets kinda dry if I wash just like once without moisturizing
I also have some blackheads on my nose and some outbreaks on my cheeks
Again, I know this is a lot to ask for but I'm not really sure how else to go about finding this stuff out
Thanks in advance

>> No.8561339

I moved to college around a week ago and have been outside for hours at a time almost every day since. Because of this, I've been sweating almost an obscene amount and have been drinking ~4-5 bottle of water a day. Now, the skin on my nose is really rough, and my normal skincare routine (face wash, toner, moisturizer) hasn't been doing anything at all for it. Help?

>> No.8561350

...why not? i always exfoliate before makeup and ive never had any problems.

>> No.8561561

There is literally a person in this thread who asked the exact same thing... and the person who answered was really detailed, too.

>> No.8561807


I think this person is asking for a list because all the detail from med school anon confused them. It sure as hell confused me.

>> No.8561821

I use it maybe once a week at most? My skin is drier and I quite like the oils on my face. I definitely use it after makeup though.

>> No.8561837

Anyone have any recs for over-the-counter retinol creams? Currently using ROC

>>mfw I asked my dermo for a prescription cream and he was like 'oh the epiduo I just prescribed for your acne has rentin-A in it :))" and I was too wimpy to ask again and I can't put epiduo on my fucking eyes

>> No.8561845

ALSO a few months back an anon reccomended Etude House moistfull for my under eyes
THANK YOU ANON!! The essence is awesome as part of my routine and I swear I think I've seen some improvements already :D

>> No.8561901

Just rub baby oil on the pores, it gets them out.

>> No.8561970
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Do any of you seagulls use the oil cleaning method for your face? It sounds crazy, but my sister told me about it and she has perfect skin so I've been trying it.

Basically you use only oil on your face, no soap. She told me to apply it liberally before getting into the shower so it can absorb into the pores as the steam opens them, then at the end of the shower rinse your face but don't try and remove the oil. By the time you dry off and get dresses the oil has almost completely absorbed into your skin and your skin thinks it doesn't need to make it's own gross oil.

I have an oily face so I was pretty skeptical but after a two months of breakouts I was ready to try anything.
The first 10 days or so it was terrible my skin was worse than ever but I read that you can't break down and use any soap or face washes so I stuck it out. I'm finally seeing results, no new blemishes and the old ones are healing up. I use plain old olive oil which feels amazing on my skin and as an added bonus is the best makeup remover I've ever used.

>> No.8561988

I do! But a little differently than you. After my shower I wash my face/remove my makeup with hemp seed oil, remove with water and a microfiber cloth, and then I double cleanse with a regular facial cleanser to remove the dirty oil. My skin is super soft afterwards and it's helped a lot with my skin dehydration.

>> No.8562223

I have super oily skin and tbh I use it almost daily. I use dark angels at night when I shower with imperialis lotion, and I use farmacy in the morning/any other time with enzymion lotion.
Getting into this routine has really improved my skin all around. It's still oily, but it's much more manageable and my acne is under control.

>> No.8562254

it depends how sensitive your skin is, i have oily skin and i found it was a little too harsh to use more than every couple of days. i've since switched to herbalism which i like much more.

>> No.8562263

The Tanaka face massage helped a lot with my oily skin that gets irritated by almost everything. I've also noticed that my pores don't clog so easily anymore.

Green tea + compressed cotton masks you can buy from ebay helps too.

>> No.8562270
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Maybe invest in one of these and do it the oldfashioned Roman way.

>> No.8562297

>if your skin is sensitive pussy

>> No.8562301

fucking gross

>> No.8562336

You could try aloe vera (run them through cosDNA just in case but those Nature Republic/Etude House/Holika Holika 92-9% aloe vera gels are good) + mild exfoliation (konjac sponge or an acid). It could very well be roughened from the sun, so don't forget to wear sunscreen (and a hat!).

>> No.8562350

There's always that one Paula's Choice sheep in these threads who believes Beautypedia to be the absolute Word of God

>> No.8562363

You should get a gentle facial cleanser with a pH of 5-6.5. Most of the time the pH is displayed in the description on the packaging or on the manufacturer's website. If you can't find it, try to google some more, check some websites like makeupalley, reviews, etc. If the product is sold on multiple markets they sometimes withhold the information from one group but advertise it for another, for whatever reason.

You also need a good moisturizer, with an SPF or without, whichever you prefer.

I'd also recommend sunscreen, but know that finding the right one takes time and money.

Optional, you can introduce these later on when you've got a good routine going:

Get a gentle exfoliant to help slough away dead skin. If you're feeling intimidated by all the acids, I'd suggest a konjac sponge.

Retinols, vitamin C, niacinimide, don't worry about any of that for now, but you can add them later when you get comfortable with your routine.

For the blackheads (which might be sebaceous filaments as mentioned above), find the advice upthread about removing with oils or a thick lotion, for now.

So, to recap:
>gentle cleanser with a pH of 5-6.5
>konjac sponge (optional, but recommended)
>SPF of at least 15, but 30 and up would be better (in your moisturizer or a separate sunscreen, optional but highly recommended)

You should cleanse once or twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. If you choose to cleanse only once, just rinse your face with cool to lukewarm water in the morning. If you're wearing lots of makeup, it'd be a good idea to do a pre-cleanse with a heavy lotion such as cold cream, Nivea in the tin or an oil before your usual cleansing step.

Apply moisturizer twice a day, or once if your sunscreen doubles as a moisturizer (sometimes piling both on top of each other causes pilling). Exfoliate at most once a day, as necessary, if you choose to do it.

Hope I was more clear this time around.

>> No.8562367
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If we're talking about BHAs, then I'd highly recommend the CosRx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid. Iirc, Korea regulates salicylic acid rather strictly, so CosRx uses the gentler betaine salicylate. I have no problem with using it once a day (I have a friend who uses it twice a day), and those who have tried both PC's and CosRx's BHAs prefer CosRx's. The A-Sol is also pretty popular when it comes to calming acne due to the high propolis percent. (Propolis seems to break me out though while calming my earlier breakout though.)

>> No.8562370

As for product recommendations, I don't know where you live but here's some frequently recommended 'safe' bets:

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser
SebaMed face and body wash
SebaMed facial cleanser
CeraVe hydrating cleanser

CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion
CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion with SPF30

If you live in Europe try La Roche-Posay, Avene, Vichy or other pharmacy brands.

>> No.8562377

Can using physical exfoliators minimize sebaceous filaments?

I'd rather not add chemical exfoliators(BHAs) to my skincare routine if possible

>> No.8562394

Sure! Nothing really minimizes them per se, as they're natural and they're always gonna be there. But you can remove the unsightly sebum whichever way you prefer - oil cleansing, cleansing with a thick lotion, konjac sponge, clay mask, BHAs...

>> No.8562471

Ah, sorry, I scrolled through the thread looking for something similar but I must have missed it..
Could you link it?
Thank you so much anon!
I'm gonna write all of this down and try to get all of this.
I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it <3

>> No.8562650
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Anyone here have facial redness/mild rosacea? If so, what do you use to minimize it?

I just wear makeup all the time but I'd like to know if there's some topical that works well for evening out skintone since some parts of my face aren't red and it looks like I have a white ring around my mouth (pic related, upped contrast to make it more visible)

>> No.8562687


Okay not entirely sure but I have a ton of their products and it's a GREAT brand.

Loving the night moisturizer, cleanser, body lotion, the moisturizing cream is amazing and I don't even have dry skin

Perfect if you want to avoid perfumed products or have acne

-the SPF day moiturizer is a bit greasy tho, since I have a whole bottle I just set it with setting powder and it's fine but not worth purchasing again

>> No.8563105


It really isn't a bad way to clean up. Had a spa treatment once where that's how they did it and my skin felt great afterwards.

>> No.8563137

Can I ask where you guys buy them? I looked it up online and the prices seem to vary a lot depending on the sites theyre sold at.

>> No.8563273

Drugstores. Which country are you in?

>> No.8563286

can anyone recommend a good dark mark fader???

>> No.8563293

does that really work?

>> No.8563403

I have them too. Primer, moisturizer, and a super fine powder under the foundation is what makes skin completely photoshop smooth, but thats a really, really glamourous look unsuitable/practical for day to day life.

>> No.8563419

What's your nightly routine, anons?

>> No.8563459

Doesn't oil clog up the pores even more?

>> No.8563494

I have a couple questions about sunscreens. Mind you I need a sunscreen that is non-comedogenic, a strong SPF, plays nice with makeup, and hopefully is sweat resistant.

So I sweat a lot at work (no makeup), and I'm outdoors for some of that. I apply sunscreen before I leave, but my face feels like the sunscreen is floating on it after a while, especially when sweat starts to bead. Is the sunscreen actually floating off/why does my face feel like the surface tension changes/is gross? It feels like my face is covered in plastic/thick oil, and I hate it.

And the other question about sunscreen is for makeup. When I apply my makeup routine for indoors I don't apply sunscreen, everything goes great. The makeup stays mostly matte except my nose, but it's all and all okay. When I apply sunscreen, I usually do it near the start of a makeup routine, just after face wash but before primer. My makeup never sits right! It looks cakey and gooey and it's just a mess. I wait until everything is dry looking/feeling and I apply the rest of the makeup exactly the same way, but something about sunscreen just...always fucks my makeup up majorly.

In addition to that, sunscreen only lasts so long, but I'm usually outdoors long after that. What I am supposed to do? I can't just apply more on top, so what?

In short: sunscreen, halp.

>> No.8563502

please help me
my entire fivehead has been unlimited black pore works ever since I can remember

>> No.8563506

not necessarily, depends on the oil

>> No.8563528

See that's the thing, it's not really possible, to my knowledge at least.

I don't wear much makeup but what I do wear, and what I can recommend is tints and a tacky concealer (not tacky as in gaudy, tacky as in sticky). For me, the issue is that the sunscreen is ridiculously prone to pilling. Everything else is a dream, it's not shiny or sticky, but the pilling is a nightmare. Just one touch of a finger and it turns into a flaky mess.

What I do to combat this is:
>first draw on my eyebrows, seal them, everything
>then use an orange tint on my dark circles, cheeks and around lips. Cheeks for a light contouring blush, dark circles because it cancels out the greenish-yellowish hue, leaving them purple, around the lips for the same reason
>apply concealer on eyes, any other problem areas
>finally, sunscreen and a light dusting of powder if there's any shine
Usually works well enough, and the tints don't budge or dissolve in the sunscreen.

The problem with sunscreen is, you need to apply a LOT for it to actually work, which just makes you look greasy and sticky, which is not a good look at all. Then you also need to reapply once every few hours and that can be REALLY difficult if you're at school or at work. And you STILL need a hat and sunnies on top of that which you can't wear just about anywhere. I'd get so many looks if I wore my sun hat to uni. So I agree, it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.8563594

Have you tried any make up with SPF included? I have foundation from MAC that is SPF 15. Same for lipsticks. You can use the foundation on your face and neck, and use regular sunscreen on the rest of your body.

Changing topics, does anyone know an effective way to fade white stretch marks? I have them mostly on my hips and my butt, and they make my skin look so gross, and they aren't even that deep. I get really self-conscious when using a bikini (in fact I can count the times I've wore swimwear in the past 6 years or so with one hand).
At least my skin has been very well protected from UV rays

>> No.8563623

I'm a ukfag and use the Bravura London green tea moisturiser which is spf 30 and it seems to be okay with my makeup. It has a very white cast to it though because it has physical sunscreen in it. I usually reapply biore aqua watery at lunchtime by patting it on then mineral powder over the top

>> No.8563694

I buy mine at local drugstores and I actually got a big lot for my birthday lol (best present ever tbh)

You're on the right track looking online

I always bring my phone and check ebay prices before buying in store.
Some places like costco sell the cream and lotion in two packs at a discount but with this stuff it really seems to warrant lots of price checking :P

>> No.8563700

It depends on the oil. Some oils are more comedogenic than others, for example coconut oil. But hemp seed oil, which I use, is very unlikely to clog your pores and can actually be very helpful for acne.

>> No.8563703

Mineral oil is one of the least comedogenic as well, and very cheap.

>> No.8563713


>cereve cleanser
>gentle exfoliate scrub every other day
>sheet mask
>rinse w/filtered water
>Eyes and undereye: caffeine roller, retinol cream, essense, eye cream
>rest of face: cereve night lotion, epiduo
(i have normal acne prone skin)

>cereve cream on hands feet knees elbows upper chest (b/c of my recent sun exposure)
>one of my scented fancy lotions cut with cereve body lotion all over the rest of my body
>i go through a LOT of lotion

I've also been putting cereve cream on my face right before I sleep, it makes my face a little greasy feeling when i wake up but it rinses off just fine

>> No.8563718

I don't have it but your skin looks pretty healthy anon, some people are just red
if you're worried about discoloration i'd see a specialist tbh

>> No.8563729

the 'reapply every two hours' thing aggravates me so fucking much

>> No.8564135

What sunscreen do you use now?

Imo it's best to use a water resistant or sports sunscreen for work, and something more cosmetically elegant like sunscreen that contains alcohol (quick drying and non greasy) for when you wear makeup.

You only need to reapply after two hours of sun exposure. One application per day is usually fine if you're indoors at school and (probably indoors) at work.

If you apply enough of a base makeup for its protection, you'll just look cakey as fuck.

>> No.8564157

My skin is combination (oily T-zone, dry everywhere else) and my routine focuses on intense moisturizing and acne treatment.

Remove makeup with jojoba oil and special waterproof mascara remover (Isehan Heroine Make)
Cleanse with Cerave foaming cleanser
Tone with Gokujun Hyaluronic Lotion
Spot treatments: Acence After Blemish Cream, salicylic acid/tea tree oil treatments for minor blemishes, benzoyl peroxide if I need something gone ASAP
Moisturize with more jojoba oil, plus Tony Moly Intense Care sleeping pack if my skin is especially dry.

>> No.8564384

you and me both anon. (got excited there whoops)

>> No.8564387

I have baby oil, olive oil and rape seed oil (is that what it's called? Or am I restarted?) at home. Is one of those okay if I just wanna try it out, or should I get something else?

>> No.8564393


>> No.8564438

White stretch marks are pretty much healed and faded, you should look up how to specifically fade the appearence of a scar since that's p much what they are.

I've heard people having results with consistent exfoliating but idk the details. Any results would take a long time to notice and may not be the level u want, it might be better to save up for an expensive treatment or something

I'm also covered in healed stretch marks on my thighs and butt, lots of tiny ones that don't look like stretch marks (unless u look close) but in some places they give my skin a weird texture and it looks like I have cellulite. The large ones on my hip were crazy noticeable at first but bow their faded to the point they can only be maybe seen if ur spending way too long staring at my skin

I used to be afraid of wearing bikini bottoms for several years until I started dating a guy who gave no fucks about the marks and likes my ass, so I stopped giving a shit. I still wear nylons for cosplay, I don't want to wind up on cgl just cuz I triggered some baby with my cottage cheese thighs
I just purchased a reasonably priced cellulite cream that had tons of good amazon reviews and I'm gonna see how that works out for me, it was only $11 and had retinol in it

>> No.8564495

Baby oil is mineral oil I think, read the ingredients. And yeh, rapeseed oil is also known as canola oil.

It's sad because I noticed girls, some older than me, still have toddler smooth skin with no nose pore or cheek pores, even without makeup.

>> No.8564498

That's not even the only problem, no matter how much you apply there's always gonna be some new study saying how 'it's not enough!'.
I can barely manage with expensive Japanese sunscreens, I can't even fathom what it would be like with the grease city that is LRP or Bioderma.

>> No.8564555

Any American drug store foam cleansers that you guys can recommend at all? I'm saving up for an Asian skincare haul, but I want something to tide me over until then.

>> No.8564563

Eh, it's tested for 2mg/cm2, 1/4th of teaspoon for your face is only recommended so you can cover all bases since you could apply unevenly. I think I loosely estimated 1/6th of a teaspoon of Biore Sarasara Essence for my face using a scale and a dry sheet mask. Not that 1/6th of a teaspoon fucking exists so I just yolo and squeeze that shit out liberally.

Rather than "not enough", I'm more concerned about sweating it all off in this heat.

>> No.8564661

I just started a couple prescription ance medication and they are working wonderfully. However, as they're clearing the gunk from my pores, they're also leaving holes. What Cani do about this?

>> No.8564664

I know this isn't the most ideal place to ask this but I am at the end of my rope. I have an allergic reaction all over my body. Has been this way since December and it makes it hard to move. I have gotten test done and it isn't any of the normal suspects. (Including gluten which everyone always asks about.) I have checked all medicines and confirmed it isn't them. My dermatologist says it is something I'm eating because of how the rash is. Anyone have any guesses? Seen anything like this? Anything? I have to go to school next week and if I walk outside the akin breaks and... I am no mentally ready for that again.

>> No.8564666

Cetaphil is cheap and gentle but pretty good as a cleanser. I'm not 100% since it's been a while since I looked, but I believe it is also pH 5.5ish which is where you'll want to be, especially for an Asian skincare routine.

>> No.8564667

Hey Anon. Not sure what's your skin type and although American products are usually too harsh for me, I DO recommend Eucerin Sensitive Skin Gentle Hydrating Cleanser.

>> No.8564669

My niece has a really hard time with the water here whenever she visits and gets some weird rashy eczema flare up after every shower. I gave her some polysporin for eczema and it clears it right up but only until her next shower. I had an allergic reaction to a laundry detergent once too which is why i had the cream on hand. You could try some hydrocortisone cream in the meanwhile.

>> No.8564675

That's a good tip, thank you. I had eczema before all this so that could help! I have been using hydrocortisone and steroid creams with little results sadly.

>> No.8564678

I find there's a ton of different concentrations over the counter though you can def get a stronger cream by prescription too. Good luck finding a solution!

>> No.8565028
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So i'll be hitting my 30's soon and I've never dine something for my skin

I've only used neutrogena's oil-free acne wash and i had good results, I've never had acne problems, but it helped me with blackheads, so I might use it again

But what about wrinkles? I know that there is no magic formula to keep your face wrinke-free forever, but i suppose there should be at least one that helps

Which onea have you used and which one do you recommend?

>> No.8565034

You could use your wizard powers, yes?

>> No.8565035

top kek

>> No.8565114

Have you got a good barrier cream/moisturiser as well?

>> No.8565324

Cetaphil or Eucarin are good, standard choices.

>> No.8565336

Is it red and itchy? I had a full body rash as an allergic reaction to poor living conditions once. My skin is hypoallergenic or whatever, and my freshmen roommates were filthy. The girl who I shared a room with would regularly smoke weed in our room when I wasn't there, then light a candle whose scent I was allergic to. She also never cleaned, and would dump the contents of her food take away cartons under the bed because she was too lazy to throw things out. My other roommate kept dusty fabric all over the living area and couch, and would never clean her dishes to the point where we had mushrooms and fungus growing in our sink. I complained so much to my RA and bitched my roommates out so many times, but no one did anything outside of me having to clean everything myself until I just gave up, and it wound up with me having this severe skin rash. It lasted for over a year and my derm perscribed me some steroid cream that worked really well.

>> No.8565376

I use mostly unscented things because of my eczema. I am trying Cerave mixed with a baby oil made of sweet almond oil mostly at the moment.
I'm sorry that happened! Sounds like the worst. I have actually moved places though out this and neither have been on that level at all. No smoking, reasonable dish piles in the kitchen, etc.
I have a prescription steroid cream with little help so far though.

>> No.8565378

Hey guys! I've decided to try out vitamin c serum, since I heard it brightens up your complexion and I have acne scars and hyperpigmentation I want to fade (getting over a nasty bout of cystic acne). Can I get some opinions on it? I decided to buy Belitae since it's in my price range, and I wanted something that's non drying.

>> No.8565383

Yeah, what happened to me was definitely not something that usually occurs lol. Sometimes changing enviornments can cause a reaction, or like that other anon said, the water. Different areas put different minerals and such in their water, I've had a probline with water being too alkaline for my plants before. Also it could be dairy? Sorry, just trying to help you out, I understand the pain of full body rashes, it sucks so much and takes forever to go away.

>> No.8566757

Maybe the water. I didn't move far so I don't know. I appreciate the replies either way!

>> No.8566763

I also have really bad eczema, I wrote this up for anyone with bad skin like mine.>>8560755

Do try cutting out Lactose, and cream wise, get ClobaDerm 0.07% as it works better than most other steroid creams.

>> No.8566824


Start using stuff that doesn't fuck too much with your natural oil.

One small blessing of the curse of oily ass skin is that, in exchange for a terrible battles with your face in your teens, your face is spared some of the ravages of time from about 30-60. There is such thing as TOO much maintenance when it comes to your hair/skin, and I see way too many young women go nuts with the oil-free/astringents/etc and suffer for it later.

Also if you haven't already, start making an active effort in drinking more water. You turn into an ambulatory piss machine, but it's worth it for what good hydration does for your skin.

>> No.8566837

That fucking white ring man, I have it too. I feel somewhat manly when it's showing and infinitely more attractive on a good day. I wish I could pinpoint the cause. Makeup doesn't help even when I try to blend different shades. I'm at a loss.

>> No.8566897

Keep yourself constantly hydrated. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Get plenty of rest and wear sunscreen. Also take multivitamins.

This goes without saying but if you smoke, stop. There are people in my family who are younger than me and smoke like chimneys look like they're in their 40's. I'll be 34 in December and people assume I'm in my early 20's.

Unfortunately the rest comes down to genetics.

I want to say that attitude can play a lot into it as well. When you feel youthful and young, you reflect it and it probably does have some effect on how fast aging creeps up on you. I try not to think about my age much and just go with the flow.

>> No.8566925

1. I'm looking for a tried and true home remedy for treating a red and irritated (but not blistered) sunburn on the face and shoulders

2. I know people get shit for asking about this, so that's why I thought I would ask here: what's the best method(s) for skin whitening? I tan very easily and I got a little darker this summer than I would usually like to be. Anyway I can gradually fade it out? All the methods I have heard are like baking soda and lemon, and I think those are pretty shitty to put on your face.

>> No.8566931

I think I'm semi-allergic to chlorine, or it just dries my skin out a lot, so whenever I stay in a hotel, I end up with acne all over my face, chest, and back. My normal moisturizer doesn't even touch the dry skin I get from the water. What can I do, besides not showering (ew)?

>> No.8567040

>You turn into an ambulatory piss machine, but it's worth it for what good hydration does for your skin.

if your urine is yellow or dark, you are not drinking enough water. drink until it's clearer than lemonade.

>> No.8567178

>I try not to think about my age much and just go with the flow.
No offence but what's the big deal with aging aside from 'men won't like me anymore'?
Who gives a fuck? I'm looking forward to having my own Mrs. Bucket-esque adventures and haunting people with candlelight supper invitations.

>> No.8567223
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>I'm looking forward to having my own Mrs. Bucket-esque adventures and haunting people with candlelight supper invitations.
It's "bouquet".

>> No.8567224

I'm just annoyed at how difficult wrinkles and fine lines make eye makeup

>> No.8567241
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my apologies

>> No.8567268

I was told to use mine once every two-three days so I just use it on the days I shave (which is every 3). It works, but I'm thinking about picking it up, since I removed salacylic acid from my routine completely (to the tune of much happier skin) so it's my only exfoliator now.

>> No.8567329

There are some pretty great Japanese spray-on sunscreens. I use Suncut UV Protect Spray cause it's cheap, throw a bottle in my purse and spray it on top of makeup. It can make my t-zone look a little oily so I pat with my powder compact after it dries

>> No.8567741

aloe vera gel

>> No.8567751

I know this isn't super related, but I'm looking to up my makeup game. I have watched some tutorials on youtube, but it seems everyone has different ways of doing things/someone always says they are wrong. Is there an actual "right way" to do makeup?

>> No.8567774

Hey anons, need some advice here. Due to eczema on my hands leaving scar tissue, I can't get one of my rings off anymore. Tried everything but it won't come off.
I tried the floss method, but I can't get the coverage of floss dense enough to actually compress the skin. And using elastic just keeps going wrong.
I think it's because the ring has a large setting and the setting keeps getting caught on skin or strings or whatever. And the floss also keeps getting caught and shredded by the setting.

Also tried using creams and lubey style stuff to slip it off.

Tempted to ~fall over~ on my arm so it swells a little, go to A&E and have someone else remove it.

>CGL bit
>Need to get ring off for accuracy for cosplay, because I can't get the hand armour to balance right with ring on because the setting is so big.
>Also ring is very obvious under gloves bc of setting and just looks like a lump on my finger.

>> No.8567782

you experiment until you find what works for you. i use a few brushes but i dont use powder to blend things together on a daily basis, for example. try different products, different techniques, whatever is easiest and best for you.

>> No.8567785

1. aloe vera gel. classic
2. exfoliate and use a cream with alpha hydroxy acid, also known as AHA. its usually in anti aging stuff. just wear sunscreen during the daytime or youll get sunburned.

>> No.8567789

Ice/cold water in combination with those other methods?

>> No.8567803

I might try Ice, elevating and elastic method while smother my finger in a lube-substitute tomorrow.
Really push the boat out and see if it works.

>> No.8567948

What about wrapping a warm towel around the ring while you have your hand up?

>> No.8568034

>holy shit I almost forgot about this series

>> No.8568780

You do realize that there is a makeup thread, right?

>> No.8568809

Do any of you use acid peels or something similar? I'm tempted to try them to even out my skintone and get rid of some acne scars.

>> No.8571353
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What can I do about the wrinkles under my eyes?

>> No.8571397

They're natural, even babies have them.

I'm using an AHA and my skin feels soooooooo smooth afterwards. I use a dermaroller too and I think it has been making my acne scars smaller!

>> No.8571907

since it's summer and I sweat in my sleep, the upper part of my back broke out so badly. I kept picking and the zits and now they've all gone to healed brown spots. I wash my back with ivory soap and scrub with a loofah but is there any way to speed up the healing of the spots?

>> No.8571931


>> No.8572008

jesus you have pretty eyes

>> No.8572030 [DELETED] 

Hey when this thread hits its limit the new thread better not use a gross fucking OP image. This nose is haunting my nightmares. Please.

>> No.8572114 [DELETED] 

>gross fucking OP image
>literally a 100% normal nose
>being this retarded

this website is +18.

>> No.8572167

how the hell is your skin so smooth?

>> No.8572175 [DELETED] 

lots of little holes close together like that are so gross

>> No.8572468 [DELETED] 
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Trypophobia is a legit thing.


Tanning helps my back even out, but YMMV. If you can, stay topless or change underclothes often, the sweat + material combo against them exacerbates things.

>> No.8572472

In what form should I get it? Is there some kind of cream or other stuff that you could advise?
All I do is moisturise twice a day and do a peeling and a face mask once a week
thanks friend :^)

>> No.8572494

pore strips don't work for my blackheads because they're like... just under the surface? not on the surface. manual extraction works. i've seen the little vacuum cleaner things for your skin before, do they actually work at cleaning out blackheads?

>> No.8572516

Serum or cream, depends what your skin prefers. Start with a low concentration and see if it helps

>> No.8572535 [DELETED] 

Well, I mean technically whenever we have a Skincare general whoever makes it uses a cute picture of someone with pretty skin or products discussed a lot in here. I think the person who made this thread was a newfag or something to use that image, since Skincare general would usually popup if you browse the board regularly.

>> No.8572537 [DELETED] 

>Trypophobia is a legit thing.
Except it isn't

>> No.8572639 [DELETED] 


Enough people are bitches about porous shit to have a word for it.

If arachnophobia is a thing then so is this.

>> No.8572712 [DELETED] 
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>tl;dr somebody used a picture related to skincare that wasn't kawaii, they're a newfag

People also have a word for "demisexuality", doesn't mean it's a legitimate fucking thing. While I'm certain some people have Trypophobia as a legitimate phobia, I'm nearly positive 99.9% of people who claim to have it merely think "Eww, it looks weird and gross!", which isn't a fucking phobia.

"Ewww spiders are gross, I don't wanna see them!" or "Heights make me a little uncomfortable" aren't phobias. "If a spider gets within my immediate area, I'm going to start hyperventilating." or "Being in high places makes me have legitimate panic attacks" are phobias.

"Ugh, sebaecous filaments are gross, use a new picture OP" is very obviously just somebody being too fucking stupid to realize every human being has a nose like that.

>> No.8573077

I just started using a sulfur mask twice a week, and I'm noticing that I'm getting yellowish pustules around the places where I occasionally get cysts, while I normally never get pustules.

Does anyone know if this is normal? I'm not sure whether it's drawing something out or I'm reacting badly to it

>> No.8573086

That may be the mask "sucking up" all the material deep in your pores. Since you normally get cysts there, the yellow pustules may be the material that would eventually form into cysts. Many times your skin has to look worse before it can get better since you're extracting all that material that was deep in your pores. Give it a few weeks (not sure how long exactly, maybe another anon knows) and if your skin shows no improvement then switch to something else.

>> No.8574375

I've started my skincare routine about a month ago.

I'm thinking of adding retinol cream to minimize wrinkles under eyes
weak BHA exfoliant to minimize sebaceous filaments further
and epson salts to get rid of dandruff in hair

Or should I get more used to my routine before adding more stuff in?

>> No.8574711
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I've heard a lot of good stuff on all these products, would it be a good routine to start? The soap I'd mostly just use on my arms to even out a tan line, maybe twice a month on my face to lighten it. I'm really new to skincare, I've only ever really used sheet masks/clay masks and some foaming cleansers before.

>> No.8575130

I have like ridiculous bags under my eyes. It's been that way for well over seven years and nothing I do help.

Should I just learn to do makeup just enough to hide it, or is there any clear and easy cure?

>> No.8576155

Like that other anon said, that's a good thing. Think of it as your skin pushing all of the junk that was buries deep in your skin that make up those cysts, out. Some people call it a "purge" I believe. With cystic acne, things will get worse before better. Stay strong, anon! And check out hydrocolloid bandages, they will help the process along.

(On a side note, I had severe cystic acne and it took me about...8 months to get better. I think the norm for mild cystic acne is something like...a month or two tops.)

>> No.8576159

Drink water and sleep 8-9 hours a night for starters.

>> No.8576162

Hey guys, dumb question, but what exactly causes cystic acne if it isn't hormone based? I've been hearing conflicting things like things in your diet or vitamin deficiencies, etc. Could it be cause by shitty genes or something?

>> No.8576166

Do you suffer from allergies? Have you been tested for any thyroid issues? Those things can cause eye bags.

>> No.8576216

Diet for sure. Any amount of sugar makes makes a couple of cysts pop up within 2-3 days for me.

>> No.8576334

>hydrocolloid bandaids
These are heaven sent. I pop one on at night and by morning the pimple will either be flat or ripe for picking, both easily covered up with makeup for the day. When I want to dry out a pimple though I put some tea tree oil on a cotton swab and dab the pimple with a light coat.

>> No.8576346

I use OST and it definitely works like a charm. Definitely worth the hype. I dont have acne scars but have heard of it helping those from other people. I do have some pigmentation and in combination with niacinamide it has gone down considerably. Heads up though, Vitamin C breaksdown like a motherfucker. Keep that stuff out of heat and light (stick it in the fridge wrapped in tinfoil even), minimise exposure to open air and try not to bubble through with your dropper when taking some out. Once it oxidizes it isn't really harmful but is ineffective. For that reason, get a smaller bottle, you'll waste less.

>> No.8577825
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So, for the past five or six months my sides of my face are looking like this and I'm stumped on what to do. On my cheeks I get these tiny, skin-colored bumps that don't come to a head, but can be popped. Along my jaw, hairline and near my chin I get bigger red bumps that turn into white heads.
I've been washing with a green tea face wash and one of those electronic exfoliating brushes, and moisturizing with Cetaphil, but that's all I've been using. I have an alcohol-free toner by Neutrogena but I haven't used it recently. I try to wash my pillowcases pretty frequently. I'm kind of scared to add any more products without any knowledge, but I'm stuck on where to even start.
My skin gets dry pretty easily, especially after putting on makeup, and it seems pretty sensitive but truthfully I can't tell.
If you guys have had similar looking skin and any success with products, or if you can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.8577919

The oil actually cleans out your pore. Coconut oil especially is an amazing natural cleanser.
The great thing is, is once the good oil cleans your face, it stays behind and is absorbed intoyour skin, tricking your face into not making its own oil.

>> No.8577925

Get a extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil from the grocery store. I would not use mineral oil on my face.

>> No.8578043

I'd recommend trying out baby oil (If you're not sensitive to fragrance or vitamin e-- plain mineral oil if you are.) or hemp seed oil, for beginners OCM. Those two are widely regarded as less likely to be comedogenic, unlike coconut oil which is generally regarded to be more likely.

However, with -everything- regarding skin, your experience will vary. Some things that work for others may not work for you, and vice versa. Nothing that breaks people out is universal-- but certain things like pH values and disrupting the acid and/or moisture mantle of your skin is. Essentially, research anything before putting it on your face. Definitely don't blindly follow shit posted on the internet-- like stupid lemon juice + baking soda, or masks with cinnamon in them.

>> No.8578048

Wait don't people say not to use olive oil on your face? Unless it's that olive oil/castor oil mix.

>> No.8578055

Are you 100% sure it's not hormonal? Honestly, cystic acne can just happen for fuck knows why, but hormones seems to be the predominating cause. Diet is possibly an answer, but is highly anecdotal, as is with supplements. I tried diet changes, supplements and any topicals for my cystic acne, and even though my hormones came back normal in a blood test, the only thing that got rid of my cystic acne was the right BC. And, I'm talking "3-5 swollen, headless, hurts-to-move-my-mouth volcanoes on my chin at one time" cystic acne.

Just my two cents, anon!

>> No.8578089

they're called millia

>> No.8578099

??? mineral oil is non comadogenic but olive oil and especially coconut oil are very comadogenic

>> No.8578103


>> No.8578149

So what can you guys tell me about Spironolactone? My derma just gave me a script for that and Duac gel today. I'm kind of leery on the Spiro just because of the list of side effects, given that I'm recovering from a severe vitamin D deficiency plus I saw that it may react with anxiety meds and narcotic pain meds, both of which I take. I just feel like there's a lot she didn't tell me about it, and prescribed the gel even when I told her BP and Clindamyacin haven't done much for my skin in the past. My acne isn't even that bad currently, so I feel like this might be too aggressive? I just have a lot of redness, one or two bumps and a whitehead or two every few days.

>> No.8578162

Try adding a bha/salicylic acid. Cosrx makes a good one

>> No.8578181

I would pop them all for you tbh

>> No.8578213

The skin coloured bumps could be blind pimples? I get them a lot and I also have quite dry and sensitive skin.
I'm a skincare noob so please take this with a grain of salt:

>Stop popping/playing with your skin
It's easier said than done (I know from experience) but if you leave your skin alone you lessen your risk of scarring, and hopefully prevent spreading the damage. I motivate myself to stop picking by looking at pictures of my lolita role models.

>Try to stop using your exfoliating brush
Don't go cold turkey, but give it a break for a little and see if it has a positive effect. Depending on your skin type these brushes can do more harm than good. If you find that it's causing you problems you can always give a konjac sponge a go.

>Try switching out the products you're using
The green tea face wash doesn't sound too bad, but from my experiences the Cetaphil moisturizer is really heavy and oily. I've since switched to using the Simple brand facewash and daily moisturizer and they're pretty good. The facewash is cleansing without overdrying, and the moisturizer is light and effective. The whole product line is designed for sensitive skin, but I would avoid their face wipes.

If you need something more moisturizing I like to massage a few drops of rosehip oil onto my face before bed. I especially like the Sukin line and their Intense Moisturizing Rosehip Night Cream.

>> No.8578219

>don't use the thing that's specifically formulated for the most delicate skins in existence
u wot m8

>> No.8578229

I'm mostly speaking about what works for me personally and how it feels on my face.

I find that mineral, vitamin e and baby oil don't seam to cleans my skin as much a moisterize.

I originally started out using coconut oil since it is an ingredient in a lot of natural cleaning products and I though, 'if it can clean dishes/the house why not my face?'. Eventually I ran out of my favorite brand of coconut oil and went back to my old face wash but within a month I was having terrible breakouts, I grabbed the olive oil out of the pantry out of desperation and actually found it worked better for me than the coconut oil.

I think people get really weirded out to slather oil on their face since we've had acidic, skin drying facial cleansers shoved at us since the age of twelve, but it's a really natural way to combat pimples. I haven't put soap, astringent, or moisterizer on my face in weeks and my skin has never been better.

I think you need to test what oil works best for you. When you rinse your face it shouldn't be slick or feel dirty that means it's just sitting on top of your skin and not cleaning the pores or absorbing into your skin, that's my problem with mineral oil but not with olive oil, other people may have the oposite reaction.

If you do decide to use a vitamin e oil, mineral oil, or baby oil make sure it's not synthetic. Most of the vitamin e oil sold in stores is fake (even the stuff that says 'natural' on it) and it will fuck up your skin worse.

>> No.8578238

Also I'd like to add that olive oil and coconut oil are amazing makeup removers, so if you'd rather clean your skin naturally it's great.
I actually got turned onto this when I worked for an opera and the leading lady used it to get off all the heavy stage makeup she had to wear.

>> No.8578255

anon, vitamin e isn't meant to cleanse your skin, it's an oil you apply to help fade scars and shit.

>> No.8578257

I can understand not wanting to use mineral oil on hair because muh build up and shit but on the face it seems perfectly fine

>> No.8578260

Thanks anon, but as the person who uses oil for literally all their problems in life I already knew that.
>> 8578043 mentioned it and I was trying to cover my bases.

>> No.8578265

Woops, quote fail, sorry. I'm on mobile.

>> No.8578268

Use it and see what it feels like. Like I said, I don't use it personally because it is very slick and I don't like the feeling after I've used it. No one I know who uses oil for cleansing uses it either, of course is fine to put on your skin I just haven't heard of it working amongst the people I know.

>> No.8578269

>skincolored bumps

Welcome to adult life, where we have a nightmare called cystic acne. Has anything in your diet changed within the last five or six months? Sometimes it can be gluten or dairy or sugary drinks causing it. It could also be a vitamin deficiency, do you take any supplements? Or it could be hormones, have you switched birth control within the last five or six months? Shit sucks because this is pretty much going to be a guessing game.

Also stop squeezing them because it actually pushes the acne further down, and can lead to scarring. If you absolutely must, since that shit is very annoying, I understand, lance it and then cover it with a hydrocolloid bandage (Google it, there's entire reddit threads on them). Stop exfoliating every since that contributes to irritated skin, limit yourself to about three times a week with the Clarisonic. Fix your skin care regimine, use the toner, do a basic cleanse > tone >moisturize routine. Read the ingredients on your toner, if it has too many unpronouncable things in it, a quick replacement is Witch Hazel. Thayers makes it alcohol free. Cetaphil is a good, standard moisturizer for dry skin, but if it's not enough try Eucarin.

>> No.8578272

Hydrogen peroxide, should get rid of em
Don't listen to this dumbass

>> No.8578274

Yes, I have had my hormones tested multiple times and it's not them, they're completely normal. I don't have any acne on my chin or around my mouth, or in any of the standard hormon driven areas, so I'm in the process of going through my diet and supplement hell, and my dermatologist put me on some standard antibiotic just to see if we can pinpoint wtf is going on. Thank you though.

>> No.8578277

Is lancing a cyst safe? I've done it a few times to try and foil a really stubborn one but it always feels like a terrible idea.

>> No.8578278

Oh hey, I used Duac for a few years. Loved it, it really helped me out with my spots. I didn't have terrible acne either but it was there, and that shit helped control it.

>> No.8578281

Ok, not face related but do any anons wax their bikini zone? I get horrible red bumps if I shave and ingrown hair if I wax. I've tried exfoliating after, moisterizing and the like but I only ever manage a few days of clear bikini zone at a time with a month of bumps and regrowth in between.

>> No.8578283
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You can purchase sterile needle things for diabetics at your drug store to use. They are a safer size for your skin than say, a sewing pin. You use one to lance the cyst, but DON'T SQUEEZE IT. lance it, and then put a hydrocooloid bandage over it. If you did it right, the bandaid stats to suck up all the junk in the cyst and helps to bring it to a head.

Lancing is fine as long as you are careful and not stabbing and squeezing your face like a lunatic.

>> No.8578286

I would never lance a cyst. Spot treating it with sulfur will usually bring it to a head overnight.

>> No.8578287

This post changed my life

>> No.8578288

That doesn't work for everybody, anon. Especially with deep-lying cysts. But if it works for you, that's aweosme, you're super lucky.

>> No.8578289

As someone who had a picking problem, I understand the need to squeeze and get the cysts out of your skin. So who am I to tell you to knock it off, because sometimes you simply can't stop. The good thing about hydrocolloid bandages (blister bandaids), is that they actively prevent you from picking or squeezing, since you have a bandaid preventing you from touching your skin. They also prevent scabbing, so scarring is minimized. If you get drugstore brands (I personally like Target's best) they come in a big strip that you can easily cut up to whatever size you need. You get more bang for your buck.

>> No.8578291

ugh, meant to quote >>8578287
sorry guys

>> No.8578323
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I looked it up, I don't know exactly if that's what I have. People with millia said they couldn't pop them, and they mostly appeared by the eyes?

I've heard this before, I think I'll try that, thank you.

This is a lot of good advice, thank you! I'll stop with the brush, my acne seems to have only gotten worse since using it. I think I'll also try a different face wash, the tea tree one is pretty strong and might be contributing to the dry skin. My deem mentioned trying out a simpler face wash. Does the rosehip oil cause you any problems? I'm scared of the word oil like everyone else lol

Is it cystic? They aren't painful, just... there. Sorry for the nasty close ups. My birth control hasn't changed in years. I take basic vitamins, b12, d3, a multi. I should probably cut down my gluten intake though, I drink a lot of milk as I work in a coffee shop.
I think I'll switch to witch hazel as a toner too, this one kind of freaks me out, it feels a bit strong.
I'll work on not squeezing so much, I just don't know what else to do when I get nasty, pus-looking whiteheads. But I'll look into the band aids!

Thank you guys so much for all the great advice, I appreciate it more than I can say.

>> No.8578325

I don't remember who told me to buy italy towels but holy shit, the skin on my arms and legs has never been so soft. I've been using them almost daily on my arms for my KP and it's getting better! Also it's very satisfying seeing those skin pills roll off.

>> No.8578330
File: 296 KB, 800x800, Hot-Selling-Cleaning-Pad-Wash-Face-Facial-Exfoliating-Brush-SPA-Skin-Scrub-Cleanser-Tool-Remover-Silicone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These silicone scrubber things have been a godsend for me. They are super gentle (more like a massage than a scrub) but if I use it every night I never need to exfoliate.

You can get them pretty cheap on eBay, but the more expensive ($5) one from Sephora actually is better. Not a big deal, it just feels a little bit sturdier.

>> No.8578336

Tea tree anything dries me out to hell and back so it might be doing you more harm than good. And so far I haven't had any problems with rosehip oil.

> I drink a lot of milk
I love milk as well, but I find that my skin is worse when I drink a lot. It might just be a correlation and not an actual cause, but who knows.

>> No.8578342

I got one of these from daiso. It wasn't as harsh as I was used to scrubbing, but it works just as well after a while. It's good for foaming up face wash too. It feels clean too, since there's no fabric or hairs.

>> No.8580326

Can't believe nobody has recommender Biore Aqua Rich Watery Essence yet. Rave reviews. It does everything you mentioned, thin, great under makeup, heavy SPF, and you can reapply it over top.

>> No.8580330

Cerave Foaming Cleanser is always the top recommended one.

>> No.8580337

Looks good to me. Make sure you space them out in case one breaks you out, but those are all pretty safe. If you tend to get acne you'll probably need to introduce some actives, since these are all moisturizing, but it's a good place to start. I found my acne didn't really improve with using these sort of products, but my skin tone and texture got super amazing. Also if you find that the lotion is moisturizing enough, the cream in the same line is super amazing.

>> No.8580345

Damn it I suck.

>> No.8580408

Exfoliating before and shaving with the grain us the only way I can do my bikini zone without irritation. I also use a shave lotion rather than a gel/foam. You'll need a sharp, quality razor for that to work well, but it's been effective for me. And don't forget to moisturize after!

>> No.8581729

What about sodium Ascorbyl sulfate? Is that as bad as the lauryl?

>> No.8582349

These look like closed comedones to me. That's not millia.

>> No.8582424

I've been trying to take better care of my skin because it's pretty bad, but I'm yet to see much of a difference. I've been thinking about giving up lactose for a while because it bloats me quite easily, and if there's a chance that it could help my skin then I think I will do it.

But I have to ask, does anyone see any improvement from cutting down on your sugar intake? Or is that just a myth?

>> No.8582933
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anyone have a solution to this? I've had this dark shit on my upper lips for a while now, I think it might be melasma. I want to get it off so badly ;_;

>> No.8582978
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I'm not certain if this is the right place to ask, but I'd love to get into Rohto-products, but I'm not too sure where to get them. Is there a reliable ebay seller etc? Does anyone have any experience with Rohto products?

>> No.8582992

I think you're right, looked it up and that looks exactly like what I have. I'll keep looking into it, I think I'm going to try one of these guys >>8578330, it seems like over/under exfoliation causes a lot of my problems. Maybe it'll help balance me out.

>> No.8583020

>hydrogen peroxide on your face
top kok, would you also recommend lemon juice and baking soda? :^)

>> No.8583084

not much..probably genetic. You can look into things to lessen them but I don't think there is anything that will make them go away. Don't worry though, even my 8 year old niece has them.

>> No.8583126

What is the best way to prevent/get rid of under-eye wrinkles? I'm only 19, but they already started appearing.

>> No.8583156


Honestly? Sleep. You tend to get those bags from being chronically underslept.

Worst case? Some cosmetologists will even use small doses of Botox on em.

>> No.8583175

Sometimes it's genetics. My brother and I have chronic eyebags. It's awful but there's little we can do to get rid of them.

>> No.8583286

Adopted a new routine on Monday, At the moment:

AM: Eucerin Dermo Purifyer Cleanser, Superdrug moisturiser, Biore UV Aqua Rich Smooth Watery Gel

PM: Eucerin again, Bravura London 2% salicylic acid peel, superdrug simply pure hydrating serum

I don't wear makeup so I don't have any to take off, I'm thinking of doing an oil cleanse to get rid of clogged pores but not sure what to use. My biggest battle is clogged pores and cystic acne on the chin. My skin type is oily. Any recommendations?

>> No.8583513

Holy shit, that Kiwamizu bottle is adorable.

Honestly though, you should be safe if the seller is from Japan (or Hong Kong, but you'd have to be more wary).

You could also order from Rakuten and request SAL shipping if you plan on buying a few products.

Exfoliation is usually the key to get rid of them. I had propolis-induced closed comedones that only went away when I started to use a harsh, scrubby cleanser. Imo if possible, try testing to see if anything specific causes them once you get them out of your sight.

>> No.8583540

Hey, can anyone recommend good drugstore brands that are cruelty free? I'm having a hard time finding something decent.

>> No.8585009

Has anyone here tried AHA peel soap from alibaba before?

Which AHA peel soaps do you use/recommend?

>> No.8585056

Retin-A or Retinol creams. They aren't miracles but they do help if used consistently. Eye creams and moisture, eat foods that support collagen production and sunscreen your all the time.

I'm 24 and I have fine under eye lines and I recently started being obsessed with scincare b/c of them. It's better to focus on preventing them from getting worse than making them completely dissapear, treat them well and do all you can to keep them the same

Then later when you can afford it get fillers (yearly I think) to erase them. That's my plan

>> No.8587128

Typically the really cheap ones and then the expensive brands are cruelty free.

Covergirl, maybelline, rimmel, etc arent

>> No.8587137

>Not everyone has them

>> No.8587167

Could be dietary

>> No.8587177

>Retin-A or Retinol creams
Seriously, where do I get these? Which ones do you use? I've tried googling but honestly I'm confused.

>> No.8587544

I have keratosis pilaris and it drives me up the wall. No matter how much makeup I put on, all the smoothing methods I've tried, there are always visible bumps on my cheeks + jaw. Does anyone have any advice on how to reduce them/smooth them out?

>> No.8587590

I've cut out a lot of gluten from my diet (it can be linked to even a mild intolerance) and noticed a difference. My other friend is getting hers lasered and it's working but turns them purple for a while after each treatment .

>> No.8588665
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yess, second to this post!! my skin is pretty healthy and i have a (what i like to think) is a steady routine, but i think i have mild rosacea and my cheeks are always very red and causes any zit i have at the time to stand out/sometimes scar for a few weeks to a little red dot then completely fade away. i do use a tool to pop all my zits, pic related, but sometimes i just randomly break out

>> No.8588668

i just recently purchased e.l.f. undereye hd powder concealer and it helps a lot! might not make a complete difference, but i have wrinkles like yours and it definitely smoothes them out and makes my eyes appear younger!

also, just a tip! don't rub your face/eyes very hard when removing make-up, that's like the main cause of wrinkles (if you didn't know)

>> No.8588693

I have a lot of redness in my cheeks and my nose.
I honestly look like Rudolph, especially when I exercise, get hot, or blush.
I just wear make up all the time as well, but I'd love to hear if there's something I can actually do about it.

>> No.8589521

Question, though I didn't know if it should go here or in make-up.

Anyone else treat thin/short eyelashes? I have them and they are getting worse. I've been getting better at putting on fake-lashes. But, I'd like to save myself some time on occasion.

Has anyone used eye-lash serum? I am just starting a round of miracle-lash, so too early to tell how it is. But, I wanted to ask if any other gull had some thoughts.

>> No.8589547

Lash extensions.

>> No.8590122

Second on lash extensions, the ones u get at a salon. I think they can last several weeks.

I've heard of people getting good results from lateisse but it can mess with your eye color and apparently some women go overboard with it (according to my aunt at least ha)

>> No.8590124

>it can mess with your eye color

>> No.8590126

They are at drugstores! Look in the skincare section with the moisturizers and cleansers. Most major brands (neutrogena etc) have some form of it. ROC is what I'm currently using, I think they sell value sets of that at Costco. I've read dermos say for an over-the-counter cream that one's good.

They are marketed as anti aging products, do google 'line eraser' and 'wrinkle cream', and look for the products that have retinol or retin-a in it.

It's also possible to get a prescription for it!

>> No.8590129

Yeah I'd be careful with Latisse. I looked into it and the side effects/adverse effects can be pretty freaky. If you have light coloured eyes, it can make them brown if you get any in your eyes. It can also make you lose fat around your eyes (so basically gives you wrinkles/makes you look haggard as fuck), darken the skin, dry your eyes out...

>> No.8590134
File: 148 KB, 750x385, eyes-latisse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! It darkens your eye color. Nothing to worr about if you have brown eyes. When it first came out and I saw commercials for it constantly and the disclaimer at the end was so long, it also said it can darken the color of your eyelids..

>> No.8590149

Shitskins have lactose intolerance.

Pure Aryans do not

>> No.8590981

Are those facial washes from dove and stuff worth buying? the cheap ones around 10 dollars?
do they actually help or are they not worth buying? what about the expensive ones for other brands? i've got blackheads for a very long time and want them gone.
Also i've got shiny small bumps on bridge of my nose, anyone know what the fuck this is? it's extremely shiny if you see it from the side in a good natural lighted area.
My skin is so horrid, please help.

>> No.8590995

Did you read the thread at all? Go back and have a look at the recommendations for chemical exfoliants - basically, you need salicylic acid and possibly an AHA as well. Your face wash isn't going to be that great without an exfoliant, and all those shitty plastic microbeads etc actually cause skin irritation and more oil production, acne etc.
Cerave is cheap and decent

>> No.8591002

/pol/ leave.

>> No.8591008


TIL Scandinavians are shitskins.

Thanks for the laugh /pol/

>> No.8591078

Thank you for responding, I'm sorry but could you just say one or two products that work for you?
Is that the ROC serum?
I've been playing a ping pong match with google, one minute one product is good, the next it's bad for me! At this rate everything is bad, so I'd rather just put my faith in cgl, so at least we can all use the wrong product together.

I want to ask my doctor for retinol but honestly I have so many things that I complain about, I'm worried about being a total hypochondriac. Don't want my doctor to dislike me.

>> No.8591115

http://www.amazon.. com /RoC-Retinol-Correxion-Wrinkle-Night/dp/B00027DMI8

This is what I use. I've been using it for a few months. I see improvemwnt with my lines but I've also been drinking more water and taking care of my skin, so I cant say for sure this is the cause. If you have no negative effects, it can't hurt. Occasional mild stinging, but that's normal for this kind if product.

I haven't read the reviews but it's possible a lot of woman were dissapointed in the false advertising a lot of these creams have as a total wrinkle eraser; visible results take a few months to show up and they won't erase deep wrinkles. It's still good for skin, though.
I actually had to explain this to my 63 year old mom who was asking if she could use it to tone down her wrinkles for a wedding u_u I couldn't lie to her

I'm nervous about asking my dermo, I tried but this happened

I was asking for recs earlier cuz I'm almost out but I decided just to buy this brand again for the time being, it works well with my routine.

>> No.8591560

>tfw step-dad worked in hospital
>good relationship with staff in all departments
>hooked me up with a couple of bottles of Latisse for free
>lashes grew to lovely lengths
>naturally had brown eyes so whatev
>step-dad moves to different hospital
>no more Latisse hook ups
>eventually find mascara that makes my lashes look just as long
>eyes now more of a hazel color

I guess it worked out in the end but I was seriously considering ordering bottles online because I liked it so much but didn't want to pay retail price for it. I'm glad I was able to find a mascara that mimicked the length because it's way cheaper and safer for my eyes. I can't explain the hazel coloring as I've always thought I had brown eyes but I believe if I had stayed on Latisse my eye color would be brown today.

>> No.8591644

Oh man, I once had an all over reaction that stumped every one of my doctors. It shouldn't have but then again there were terrible records at the time- I am pretty sure it was due to a school wide TB test (the six prong injection thing) as I got a chance to actually read up on reactions years later (well when I got to University and got hold of medical journals- pre-internet!)
Anyway, what finally helped was a hardcore antibiotic cream. I suspect this was because my skin was raw and this prevented the secondary skin infections. Also I suspect the cream base was soothing. It may still be in my records- it was all handwritten!
I'm currently having some relief from a major epoxy resin allergy with Dermol.It is a heavy duty corticosteroid but as it has a waxy base it is not as drying as other kinds. Still short term but it may help if all you need is a boost to stop the reaction.
I've also been highly reactive to the sun, it was medicine based (Enbrel- so fun!) and I was bleeding from the rash it was so bad. I'd honestly have a harder look at medicines not all reactions are listed- especially newer ones. While a lot of misinformation can be found googling drug and reaction combinations sometimes you can find a decent and new study.
Anyway, allergic skin reactions are nasty and hurt so I feel for you anon.

>> No.8591708

:0 for some damn reason I thought it was a permanent thing

Well hazel eyes are pretty, anon, so I guess you got an okay deal!

Just expanding on the topic, Lateisse might not be the solution for everybody who wants better lashes. Even though I have fairly long lashes I still wear some level of falsies whenever I get dolled up, since my natural lashes aren't full enough for the look I want.
If I had short lashes and made them longer I would still wear falsies.

>> No.8592484
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So, shaving your face. Yay or nay?

I'm getting pretty sick of how the blonde peach fuzz (it might actually be lanugo) cakes and streaks with my makeup. I feel like it will make my skin look smoother and brighter if all the hair is gone.

Should I go for it? Any experiences?

>> No.8592539

I sometimes shave the tiny ladystache I occasionally grow. You can't see it unless you get really close to my face and are looking for it, but it bugs me when I see it. If it's bothering you, go for it. Just be very careful not to cut yourself or irritate your skin too much.

>> No.8592565

I only ever wax my peach fuzz.
You can shave your face but be sure to use shaving cream. I know some girls don't use shaving scream on other parts of their body but please do when it's on your face.

>> No.8593064

If anyone uses sulfur, Amazon has 8.5 oz at 75% off: http://www.amazon.com/Murad-Clarifying-Mask-Salon-8-3oz/dp/B004YQMTX2

I have really shitty skin, and this is my holy grail of spot treatments.

>> No.8594180

I just started a skincare routine last week. My skin is pretty good, but I'd like to give it a shine and even out the color completely.

When should I begin using retinol creams? What retinol products do you all recommend?

>> No.8594251

I wax it using Face Shop's nose pore pack. I just slather it on my cheeks once a fortnight and rip the suckers out.

>> No.8594272


I rec ROC a lot, it's a good drugstore retinol. Refer to


Im just under the assumption everyone here has a mostly drugstore budget like I do...

>> No.8594286
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>always had oily acne ridden skin since age 10+
>tried every treatment/product possible
>at 16 finally find one that helps keep them at bay
>settle for it and kiss my fantasies of being clear goodbye
>19 now, go through rough patch with money, can't afford product anymore
>brace for for inevitable pizza face future
>mfw after days and now weeks of not using said product, my skin is now clearer than its ever been
I guess all my skin needed was time to heal and breathe? It just never occured to me they could go away on their own if I left them be, I was always either scrubbing some ointment into my pores or popping the worst offenders (luckily no acne scars to show for it).

>> No.8594287

1 ounce for $15, damn. My moisturizer, cleanser, and sunscreen come in 12/12/16 oz and they run out pretty quickly.

>> No.8594324

I've super pale skin which is impossible to find foundation for (I mix white foundation and normal together), I'd love to have naturally clear skin.

Problem is that my skin is really translucent and has red blotches (which I assume are scars from previous acne). Everyone I know uses so much foundation when they don't even need it, in my opinion.

Is there a way of getting rid of that or am I doomed to cake my face for life? I see all this lemon and potato stuff online, has anyone tried it?

>> No.8594329

Yeah it expensive.. I only use it on my eyes currently so it's lasted me a while

>> No.8594334

You only need a pea sized amount (maybe less) for your entire face, so it lasts pretty long. If you use too much, you'll peel.

>> No.8594533
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>Get viral stomach infection for ~2.5 weeks.
>Immune system compromised.
>Suddenly every nick, scratch, blocked pore becomes instantly infected.
>Big bright red, incredibly painful sores all over face/neck/shoulders.
>Look like a fucking tweaker.

I've been over it for the past week and have been taking a shit-tonne of various vitamins.
My neck and back feel almost sunburnt from the surface pain though.

>> No.8594768

Sounds like you have post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and you should exfoliate with a vitamin C serum? I would suggest a product but I think commercial vitamin C serums are overpriced when you could DIY it for cheap.

>> No.8594802

Holy shit I'd just hide inside on sick leave if I had that

>> No.8595728

I have some friends who are RNs, can I just get a prescription for the real thing? My insurance should cover it.

>> No.8596914

I recently started a basic skincare routine - I've never had one before, and it feels like I might be breaking out. Is this just my skin getting used to having product applied to it for the first time, or is this a legitimate problem?

I have combination-type skin and I'm using a 2-step cleansing routine with moisturiser at night, and just washing my face with water in the morning.

>> No.8596915

You could probably get away with this, since you have an obvious infection and that's a hazard in just about any workplace environment.

>> No.8596916

It could also be that you just grew out of it. For some people, acne only lasts as long as puberty.

>> No.8596919

Don't do it. DON'T DO IT. The fuzz will grow back sharper and darker-looking.

Definitely go with waxing if it's absolutely essential that you do it.

>> No.8596926

Suncream and staying out of the sun! There is such a huge difference in my family of the people who wear suncream and stay out of the sun, and those who don't. My mother (45) has barely any wrinkles and never tried to tan/wears suncream or spf makeup/moisturiser everyday, but her sister (41) has so many wrinkles, but always sunbathed and used oil when she was younger, and still doesnt wear suncream now

>> No.8597033

You want to use actives, stuff like vitamin c, niacinamide, retinol etc. I suggest reading through this thread

>> No.8597180

It could be that your moisturizer is too heavy for you? Or your cleansing products are incompatible with your skin.

Have you patch tested the products before starting your routine?

>> No.8598103

For those of you who have problems with cystic acne, I have a little tidbit that might be helpful. I get cysts from time to time, and whenever one shows up, I immediately get started on a simple process. It will sound really stupid, and it will be a little painful, but it always works.

Boil some water and fill a coffee mug with it about halfway before adding 1/8 cup sea salt. Stir, then cover the mug to keep the heat in. Dip a washcloth into the water when you're ready, and then heap a teaspoon of coarse sea salt onto the damp area. (I fold the washcloth so that it's a thick, skinny pad before dipping it into the mug.) Now press the salted part of the cloth to the cyst and hold until it's no longer hot. Repeat two or three times.

It will sting some, and turn the surrounding area red for awhile, so I usually do this before bed. I also always apply ice directly after, which helps with the redness.

Without fail, every time I do this, I wake up to find the cyst has flattened and is less painful. It usually has a small head that can be poked open with a sterile lancet in order to relieve the pressure and pain. Some of the redness will have subsided also.

Ymmv, as usual, but thought I'd share. Cysts are fucking awful. They make me feel so ugly and they are so painful. I feel for all of you who experience them.

On another topic, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good retinol cream or vitamin c serum (or both) for acne prone combination skin? I'm 24, have constant acne, and moderate scarring. I've been this way since I was about 14, and the only thing that made a difference was birth control. Unfortunately I can't afford it anymore, as I'm off my insurance now. I've begun trying to establish a better skin care routine, and have found that retinol helps my acne significantly. More than anything, I want to be able to have clear skin that looks healthy so I can for once in my life not have to wear a full face of makeup everytime I leave the house.

>> No.8598111

I found that taking 35,000~50,000 IU of Vitamin and probiotics/yogurt face masks have helped reduced my breakouts significantly

>> No.8598136


Clear or gel based cleansers worsen my acne, as does anything with oil. (Though I have really wanted to try oil cleansing, but am terrified of the consequences). I use cream based cleasnsers with salicylic acid, as well as a moisturizer with salicylic acid, and exfoliate three times a week. This new routine has shown marked improvement, but I'd like to beef it up as much as possible. I've never done masks or serums before, and would really be interested in adding those in if they have any reasonable payoff. I don't use astringent or toner, as they seem to dry me out too much, but would be willing to try one of those again also. I've used Lush products before, but had poor results. Dark Angels scrub gave me terrible, terrible breakouts. I love all of their solid shampoos and bath bombs, though.

Korean and Japanese brands interest me, but I wouldn't even know where to start with those, and would really prefer to stay stateside unless the product is a definite Holy Grail item.

Oh, my skin is too pale for all drugstore foundations with neutral undertones, but pink based foundation makes me look orange. My scars look brownish or tan. If any of that matters.

>> No.8598210
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Of Vitamin D? Hehe.

I'll try the yogurt masks! Thanks!

>> No.8598323

I have heard that zinc supplements and cinnamon pills help with cystic and hormone related acne.

I've been reading this guy's website
and took some advice like green tea, zinc, and low GI diet.

I have hormonal acne myself and have been taking spiro for a month now, the results will be noticeable withing two to six months.

>> No.8600337

I shave all my face and I've never had any problems. When it grows back its just thin hairs like I had them before. I have dark hair so it's more noticeable.

>> No.8600348

Do you guys have any recommendations for moisturizers? I just need something simple that moisturizers.

I recently bought LA ROCHE POSAY EFFACLAR ACNE SYSTEM KIT (sorry for caps I just copy and pasted) and I've been using it for 2 weeks but recently it's been drying me out. For moisturizer I've been using ponds clarant B3 but I don't think it's doing a job for moisturizing.

>> No.8600754

I'll add those to the list too, anon. Thanks! Green tea? Well, geez. I have piles in my pantry. Guess I should make use.

If I ever get on an insurance plan again, I'll see a derm. A lot of people have said Spiro has worked for them, and I am willing to try, but am very apprehensive due to kidney issues I have.

>> No.8600931

This is wrong, though. It's been proven time and time again that shaving does not effect hair growth from the folicle.
If anything, waxing your face is terrible for your skin. You're rapidly stretching and tearing it when you pull the strip back.

I shave my face every night with just Dove bar soap, then slap some Rosehip oil and Vitamin A oil over it as a mask. Faded my scars really well.