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8570393 No.8570393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up, share and discuss.

What is even going on in pic related?

>> No.8570394


>> No.8570400

It's that chick whose making the sweet rebel Documentary. They made like a thing asking for money....it's fucking ridiculous. I'll try to find the link real quick....

>> No.8570401

i cringed so hard at that secret. but im sure someone buys. milkyfawn did have creepy stalkers and fans, why not her, too

>> No.8570403

Here it is!


>> No.8570406

Oh god, but does this also mean that if people just don't give enough money, it won't happen?

>> No.8570408

Prob not, it's still getting made I think....just read the rewards.....ugh....

>> No.8570410

Also check out cringe thread 5.0.....some where near the middle is more thoughts on this secret.

>> No.8570413

I want to know what's up with the skate park one they opened with.

>> No.8570420

Probably about some dumb meet idea I assume.

>> No.8570421

Its on flex fundings so if they do not raise their goal amount, they will keep all the money ppl donated. It's trashy honestly.

You think cause this girl is such a ~lolita expert uwu~ she would know this info on the page is incorrect:
>Moreover, the name "Lolita", as it applies to the community itself, is short for Dolores--Spanish for "Virgin Mary of Sorrows." The name was adopted by the early Lolita community to match the Gothic aesthetic that dominated the fashion at the time, notably dark, melancholic clothing resembling Victorian funeral wear

No one knows where the name lolita came from, there's like 6 different answers and all of them different person to person and it's not even based on funeral wear???

>> No.8570422

Girl needs a therapist not a documentary, sheesh.
If you feel you can't function in 'normal' society when you don't wear lolita you really want to look at the underlying problem

>> No.8570424

I never expected her to have any idea about the fashion outside of the physical clothing, but holy fuckin shit she's thick.

Also flex funding is really shitty. This girl is honestly deluded beyond belief.

>> No.8570426

Yeah, that's weird as shit. I feel the same way when I don't wear my favorite underwear....I have to wear them EVERYDAY. Even if it makes my vag stink...people just don't understand...I know! I'll make a documentary!

>> No.8570427

Can some one please give me money for said stinky vagunderwear doc desu?

>> No.8570431

>$0 raised in 23 hours
But in all honest I can't see anyone contributing to this. Her original following was itas on CoF who wouldn't have the money to throw at this sort of shit, and I don't think there's enough rope in the world to rope other e-famous lolitas into contributing.

>> No.8570434

>Video Skype Call (15 min)
>Contribute $50 and enjoy a personal Skype call with Kate! >Discuss Lolita Fashion and Lifestyle, the progress of Sweet >Rebel, ask questions, and more.

I'm going to puke laughing she actually thinks she's a celebrity.

>> No.8570436

also I derped out on my greentext, welp

>> No.8570438
File: 195 KB, 300x383, 111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone care to tell me what happened with this???

>> No.8570466

I mean, I think she's stupid for thinking she can do this, but in all honesty, if I had to wear male oriented(USA) clothing, I'd feel weird.
Maybe she really just doesn't feel comfortable in anything less than Lolita?
I don't enjoy wearing sleeveless shirts and feel as if everyone is starring at me when I have to.
But then I guess I do suck it up and just pretend it doesn't bother me.

>> No.8570494

some teens in london wanted to do a fashion walk and suggested going to a skatepark. the whole meet was a complete trainwreck

>> No.8570534

Instantly knew this was Kate, even though I hadn't heard about the indiegogo yet.

I want to bet my dream dress she even posted this secret herself to just get more attention.

>> No.8570538

Given her recent antics, it's not completely unlikely.

>> No.8570547

Yeah, her selfposting makes sense. Now people who didn't initially know about it know.

>> No.8570548

seconding, I didn't even know about it until the secret.
I'd advise people against sharing it, even for laughs, because it might eventually get to someone who is stupid enough to donate.

>> No.8570576

i wanted to see it ;a;

>> No.8570596
File: 20 KB, 864x172, 2343232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be interesting

>> No.8570598
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in reference to pic related

>> No.8570618

I hope it gets made. It's an absolute trainwreck and I can't wait to see how bad it'll be.

>> No.8570692
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>> No.8570694

You mean you don't make a documentary about it?

>> No.8570706

Anyone know what all the Frillfest drama is about?

>> No.8570723

Bumping for drama from Frillfest

>> No.8570749


>> No.8570760
File: 126 KB, 465x552, 0TSqSdz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bodyline taxes are causing so much confusion and to be honest, I'm pretty confused as well.

Does anyone know exactly what the implementation of the taxes does? Does it cancel out import taxes?

>> No.8570774

>Contribute $500 and enjoy a Skype meet and greet with Kate over tea and macarons
Sooo....someone gets to watch Kate eat tea and macarons while she scrambles her webcam through her wardrobe. Hooo leee foook.

>> No.8570780
File: 69 KB, 450x450, 1421197856100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus does she actually think that someone's going to pay for that?

>> No.8570781

That's so fucking pretentious of her I have no words. I wouldn't even pay that much for Midori or Misako, who does she think she is?

>> No.8570785

It could work if she actually sent a box of fancy tea and macarons to the person beforehand, but we all know she's not going to put in the effort. Also at $500 she really ought to be giving out at least a secondhand brand skirt or something, goddamn.

>> No.8570787

Well. Here's the thing. Creepy fans only spend lots of money when they can get something special/exclusive/personal. They aren't going to just throw money at something like this.

Not several hundred dollars at a go, anyway.

>> No.8570792

Exactly, I mean, something like this as a whole should be $100 MAX. Macarons and tea bags are not that pricey, and a Skype call is free.
The same goes for handmade little trinkets.

I might not be so grossed out with this if she could have at least priced these fairly. She's completely oversold these 'rewards.'

>> No.8570793

She'd make a killing on used bloomers, especially when you take into account her condition.

>> No.8570795

Poor Isaki. Just because you don't want photos of you floating around the interwebs, doesn't mean that you can get them taken down. No one needs your permission to screencap your cringy videos and post it to BtB.

>> No.8570796

eeeeuw anon stop

>> No.8570805

Of course it doesn't idiot, it's just a way to earn more money for Yan.

>> No.8570809

It's like Isaki is meticulously searching for secrets about herself on btb. But didn't try to get the one with her conversation with hello batty down.

>> No.8570820

Wtf is this, is this like next lvl Kate? Is she planning to make her life even more ridiculous now people get to know the real her better after last incident? I mean she might be talking to people like " I'm just having fun with these low-lifes or something" but actually she likes this stupid stuff -.- come ooon. Please let there be no one who pays for that stupidity. You know, except for her and her time actually (I have something better to do woth my time, at least posting on 4chan isn't taking as much time as setting up a thing to get money with this sort of stuff). OR someone just made this all up. It's all ridiculous either way..

>> No.8570824


>> No.8570919

I keep trying to find reasons not to hate her, but then she pulls stupid shit like this and I remember that she's my least favorite kind of person: efame whore. If she wanted attention so bad why not go camwhore like charlotecharms or some shit. She's not that ~unique~ or ~interesting~ to the rest of the community, she's just another spoiled brat with a huge wardrobe and delusions of grandeur.

>> No.8570926

anyone know who the two SF girls are in secret 32? I'm part of the SF comm and don't know anything about it?

>> No.8570947

sounds like the miller twins. one of them is really grating but the other I haven't had any issues with

>> No.8570955

Basically, anon thinks she's doing the ridiculous pricing-reward situation to attract attention to herself, now that she's been outed as having self-posted (possibly repeatedly) to promote LACE.

>> No.8570966

This wk's secret = whinge fest of Lolitas with too many wardrobe/likes.

Sounds like butthurt.

>> No.8570967

It's a roughly 8% tax, for what? I haven't a clue.

>> No.8570979

are those dog collar things belts? where day from
>no I can't read

>> No.8570983

Out of the loop, is this the same Kate that wore those ugly glasses in every photo?

>> No.8570988

Aetherland. They're sock garters.

>> No.8570989
File: 24 KB, 250x250, 1435309953954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I wonder how much of the shitposting about her nerd glasses was her trying to garner attention for her mediocre coords.

>> No.8570991

I'm tempted to ay $15 just to see how bad her illustrations are.

>> No.8570994

Don't do it yet anon, I want to see how long it stays at "$0USD raised".

>> No.8571004

I bought some black ones last month and the leather quality isn't great. I wouldn't have paid that much for them if I had known that.

>> No.8571009

Yeah, I have no idea about the quality. I've just seen a lot of HLC and NOLA lolitas wear them.

>> No.8571035

It makes me wonder what her husband thinks about this.
Like if random men on the internet decide to donate for those Skype calls.

>> No.8571039

no anon don't even do it for kicks... let's try and go black ocean on this shit

>> No.8571083

Me too anon. Gave her the benefit of the doubt for the longest time, was certain that gulls were overreacting with their hate, was told "she's really nice in person!!", met her in person and surprise, she's completely full of herself.

If I liked her enough to worry about her I would, she definitely needs a therapist.

>> No.8571086

Someone should ask for an example and if she does commissions, that's a good way to look at her art

>> No.8571105
File: 483 KB, 509x597, 4Y9gew7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell did these two ever do to you anon?

>> No.8571116

How does she even own so much brand? Is her job really that good?

>> No.8571121

sorry I just posted a reply to the wrong picture. I actually meant the secret about Kate but it's discussed in the cringe thread already.

>> No.8571123

I think thats the only people who would pay that much for a skype call.

Can some richanon get a fat male friend to wear a fedora and pretend to fap mid-call with this girl while making creepy breathing sounds and whispering lewd things? Bonus points if they consistently push in their face to make multiple chins.

>> No.8571125

>yeah baby let me watch you eat those macarons
>hmmm show me those clothes girl

>> No.8571141

>fat thirsty neckbeard

IMO, if that would happen she would make up some excuse as to why she can't carry on the call. She'd run to LACE and protest about creepy and entitled men who think they're owed something, but still find a way to pocket the guy's money.

>> No.8571158

does she even have a job apart from that "modelling" gig

>> No.8571163

Didn't you hear about mint's chimp out?

>> No.8571164

Wasn't she a real estate representative or some shit? I remember seagulls having a kerfluffle awhile back because she wore lolita to a house showing and took pictures of the house's rooms with herself "modeling" in them.
It was kinda pathetic.

>> No.8571167

Who wants to place bets that the backlash from this will be shown in the movie as an example of "cruel, online harassment" that they had to overcome to make this crappy documentary?

>> No.8571171

>the entire thing is bait
we've been set up

>> No.8571172

Sounds like vendetta tbh

>> No.8571177

>Contribute $1000 for a truly immersive Lolita experience. Men and women who pledge will receive a full Lolita coordinate, with each item personally selected by Kate, as well as a full Lolita makeup tutorial and special private tea date with Kate via live Skype video call. Enjoy a color portrait illustration of your new Lolita look, as well as a special goodie bag with some of Kate's favorite products and treats.

She'd better be mailing out brand at that price. Chances are that she'll be sending out Taobao brands or Bodyline though.

>> No.8571192

I'd be surprised if this didn't happen, actually.

>> No.8571211

To be honest, I do that myself too. It's way easier for people to separate the fashion from the book, if you give the noob a "logic" explanation (doesn't matter wich one) of why it's also called lolita, and not just 'we don't know'.

However, funeral wear? The writer needs some fashion history lessons.

>> No.8571221

Lol wut?

>> No.8571232

I've been throwing that around after an Italian friend explained the disambiguation of the name to me. It's interesting how people have picked up on it and I wonder if that was because of me... I'll elaborate on this a bit more as it isn't explained very well.
Mater Dolorosa was Latin for "Our Lady of Sorrows" which is one of the names given to the Virgin Mary.
Lola is the shortened name for Dolores and the suffix -ita means small and cute.
Therefore, Lola+ita = lolita= our sweet little lady of sorrows.
It's because of the gothic roots but taking apart the name is much more interesting.

>> No.8571233

She threw an enormous screaming tantrum

>> No.8571234

But thing is, the name lolita for the community and fashion never started from the named Dolores that means "Virgin Mary of Sorrows". That's completely incorrect since the name Lolita is just a nickname from the word Dolores/Lola like how we get the name Dick from Richard. Plus the fashion was never to resemble Victorian funeral clothing. There's literally 6+ other solid theories on where we got the name but picked one they made up cause it's edgier and attracts stupid ppl to give them money who don't know anything about the fashion.

>> No.8571239

I was in the same toilets when she Was punching the doors and saying that she'd kill herself. Holy shit.

>> No.8571244

wait what the shit

>> No.8571245

I usually say that the name lolita came from the Victorian/Rococo era when the name lolita was just a nickname for cute children or how it was a cute name nickname for girls with the name Doloras or Lola which also mean little cutie (in Spanish when we add "ita" it's so add the cuteness or show affection or even explain how small something is depending on the context). So they are kinda on the mark but just not in the right place.

>> No.8571246

nice fanfic m8

>> No.8571248

When can we start submitting secrets for next week? I already made one.

>> No.8571270

I think she just spends any money she has on brand, and doesn't have to pay for anything else. I never got the impression she had a steady job or a good one. It'd be easy to have her closet if you had no overheads.

>> No.8571274

Does Kate have any hardcore fans though? She's amassed a small following by being incredibly fame thirsty but I'm not sure if anyone is really that into her. I've never heard anyone talk about her as a role model or even just as a popular lolita they really like.

>> No.8571278

Because she's not the KA

>> No.8571280

Usually Thursday or friday