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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 492 KB, 568x874, fff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8570088 No.8570088 [Reply] [Original]

Help me pick my wedding dress Cgl

not particularly lolita related, but I want to go with a polonaise victorian dress.




In ivory for either? I'm thinking the first one. Also, has anyone ever ordered from them? I know they're full on Victorian, but I figured i'd ask.

I"m in a weird spot where a lot of people want to wear steampunk to my wedding. I want to do strictly Victorian. If I bring it up, they say things like "STEAMPUNK IS FROM THAT PERIOD" And then wear corsets on the outside of their dresses, and bring tardis shit.

how do I say they're wrong without sounding like a total prick.

Pic semi related, another I decided against, but bought for my own bullshit

>> No.8570097

Come one seagulls, everyone knows you don't sleep.

>> No.8570098

Tell them it's your wedding and you're only going to get married once, so please do as you ask.

>> No.8570101

>not a costume
>not jfash

what the fuck is this shit

>> No.8570111
File: 75 KB, 227x450, 1867_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno what part of the era they're basing the ball gown off of, but most of the ones I've seen (mostly 1850s-80s) evening/ballgowns have panniers or hoopskirts for the huge poof, sometimes a train on the skirt, and it was V-necked off the shoulder gowns of silks and such. But I prefer the other (day dress?) gown if we're being honest.

>> No.8570112

>bumping own thread within 5 minutes of posting
Also both dresses are cheap looking in my opinion. What's your dress budget?

>> No.8570120

Technically it's still costume.
About a grand. I worried about that too, But i've heard good things about them, I still have some research to do obviously.

The silver one that i linked is a little too shiny, and I worry it'll come in and be a hot mess. Honestly I'm starting to think i should just go with the pink one. It doesn't have to be a white dress.

I could even pair up some of my Lolita stockings, and gloves.

>> No.8570123

>I"m in a weird spot where a lot of people want to wear steampunk to my wedding
Tell them you're not going to accept anything other than Victorian. Set out strict guidelines you want them to follow and tell them they'll be turned away at the door if they don't comply. Embrace Bridezilla.

>> No.8570128

As the other anon stated, OP, just be firm with the steampunk gang. Reiterate that it's your wedding, not theirs, and you would not appreciate seeing Dr. Who paraphernalia or steampunk attire at your wedding. As much as you probably want to avoid it, that would be a good time to introduce your inner Bridezilla.

>> No.8570136

The first dress is much better imo. The second seems like a costume instead of a period dress.

>> No.8570180

Don't do the second one, it looks ridiculously costumey to me and has completely the wrong skirt shape. First one is classier but is still missing the proper volume and undergarments the shape is supposed to have. To be honest, it also looks like something you'd wear to the renfair. If you're keen on the Polonaise style and are willing to go bigger on the budget, why not poke around on etsy and find someone who is willing to custom-make you a historical gown in a more bridal fabric that doesn't look like a cosplay floral print?

Or just make your own http://www.trulyvictorian.net/tvxcart/

>> No.8570191

Honestly I like the pic you added the best.

>> No.8570439

You should really talk to a good seamstress and consider having one custom made. That way you are in control of the style and quality.

>> No.8570448

Organising something convincingly Victorian for one event sounds incredibly expensive for your guests. Well the female ones.

>> No.8570454

>wear corsets on the outside of their dresses, >and bring tardis shit.

Why are all your guests retards determined to make YOUR wedding about THEIR special snowflake tumblrtardness?

Elope already.

>> No.8570659

>Complains about people wanting to wear Steampunk to their wedding and only wants real Victorian.
>Posts two horrifically, not period accurate monstrosities.

Oh /cgl/ never change, your hypocrisy will never fail to amuse me.

>> No.8570676

tbh both dresses look costume-y and horrifically inaccurate
i think you would be better off comissioning a dress from a period costumer

>> No.8570684

This, but make sure both you and they actually know what Victorian is first.

>> No.8570709
File: 126 KB, 500x401, white-victorian-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations OP.

Both gowns you have chosen looks like party city garbage and I would suggest you look into more stuff like pic related(especially if it's an outside location)

>> No.8570710
File: 25 KB, 248x393, 5463723_f248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8570739

Can we just turn this into a wedding general? I'm on my phone, but someone post some wedding-y lolita dresses!

>> No.8570758

>only going to get married once
>divorce rate in us is about 50%

>> No.8570775

It's your fucking wedding. Say no steampunk shit and be firm about it. Damn.

>> No.8570784

Oh honey those fabrics are dreadful.
Do yourself a favour and hire a seamstress.

Also your friends/acquaintances sound like petulant children and your reaction to them makes me assume you're like 17. Rethink your life choices.

>> No.8570912
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Did someone say wedding lolita dresses?

>> No.8570915
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>> No.8570917
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>> No.8570927

>I"m in a weird spot where a lot of people want to wear steampunk to my wedding. I want to do strictly Victorian. If I bring it up, they say things like "STEAMPUNK IS FROM THAT PERIOD" And then wear corsets on the outside of their dresses, and bring tardis shit.

>how do I say they're wrong without sounding like a total prick.

Just got married in April. I had some friends who wanted to come dressed inappropriately to my wedding for 'Lolz'. I told them that this was a wedding not a convention. And while that attire might be 'ok' for a con I would rather they respect my wishes and show up dressed properly. Also added that if they did do this it might take the focus off the celebration of the marriage and onto whatever crazy outfit they were going to show up in. Also played the, "My family is super traditional please dont upset my grandma" card. But then again I didnt have a theme wedding to start.

That said anon Victorian/themed weddings are really hard to have unless it a small wedding. Normies dont understand how to put together decent outfits and will show up in Halloween quality outfits. I knew someone who recently did a 1920s wedding and everyone showed up as flappers or gangsters costumes from Halloween Spirit. Ended up kinda tacky. I would only focus on your wedding party looking nice because at the end of the day you guys are the ones in the pictures mostly. Photographers dont take photos of your guests.

>> No.8570954

Tacky as hell. Do it right or don't do it. Get an actual period correct dress made to your measurements and invest in period correct corsetry. Prepare to spend more than you would on a nice wedding gown. And only set a period dress code for your guests if your purpose is to a) make sure you have a very small guest count, and b) want all of your friends and family to snark about what a self-involved ass you are behind your back.

>> No.8570972

That stat is misleading. If you're over 25 and not previously divorced, you're in a demographic with a divorce rate well below 50%. Add in some college education and some other factors and the rate drops even more. People who've had five failed marriages or marry at 19 because they got knocked up or want military housing have much higher divorce rates than people who get married at 26 not because of pregnancy. Who'd have thought.

>> No.8570981
File: 101 KB, 800x579, victorian-ladies-fashion-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP 15/10 made this historical nerd rage so hard. neither of those monstrosities you posted is remotely victorian.

first off, you keep using "victorian"....it does not mean what you think it means. there are several distinct periods of style within the victorian era, and are defined by skirt shape/bustle/hoop size:
(source: Truly Victorian pattern website, http://trulyvictorian.com/history.html )

>Pre-hoop 1840-1855
>Hoop 1856-1869
>Early Bustle 1869-1876
>Natural Form 1877-1882
>Late Bustle 1883-1889

if you can't bother to do 30 seconds of googling to figure out that ZOMG VICTORIAN is actually a bunch of TOTALLY different silhouettes and styles, then you shouldn't even bother trying to have a victorian wedding.

pic related, a victorian fashion plate from godey's lady's book, ca. 1874

>> No.8571056

>doesn't have a good budget
>doesn't know what Victorian actually looks like
>has asshole friends

Maybe don't have a themed wedding? Maybe just use the Victorian era as inspiration? Or postpone the wedding until you do have the money and the research. My boyfriend and I have been together 8 years, but we're too broke for the wedding we want, so we're waiting. Themed weddings are always a disaster anyway because your guests don't care about the theme as much as you do, so they buy things meant for Halloween. Yuck!

>> No.8571092

The dress on the far right is so lovely!

>> No.8572383

I like the cut of the second dress a lot better but honestly both look like crap quality....
The fabric is way too shiny. Maybe try looking at costumes for professional historical reenactments?

>> No.8572446

Still so ugly every time I see it.

>> No.8572457

At least get something that isn't super shitty

>> No.8572459
File: 29 KB, 333x320, fantasy-marie-antoinette-gown-with-train-and-bows-custom-5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.8572464
File: 26 KB, 658x536, alexbride14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously victorian style anything that isn't super awful is way over your budget..ttp://store.romanticthreads.com/demiviregocu.html

>> No.8572538
File: 846 KB, 764x782, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love something like pic related for my wedding but finding anything like it in this day and age is nigh impossible

>> No.8572689

no need to sperg out anon. we arent all expert fashionistas, jesus.
It's better op came here for advice than to actually wear one of those monstrosities and all you can do is turn your nose up.

>> No.8572879
File: 74 KB, 339x480, T1Nzj6XiRfXXXU3XQ2_042742.jpg_480x480q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked the dresses at elpress for those kind of themes

>> No.8572883
File: 292 KB, 736x1701, 9fbd3b2ee68fae87ff7160fa4143efb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good taste dear it is like a fushion of several elements quite unique really?https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-sprint-us&biw=360&bih=320&tbm=shop&ei=pxXaVYGMGdK3oQSfs6noAQ&q=+victorian+short+sleeves&oq=+victorian+short+sleeves&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...1087.1985.0.2377.

>> No.8572887
File: 6 KB, 234x335, 1209140047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empire waist romanish looking?

>> No.8572896
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>> No.8572946
File: 41 KB, 534x833, a7799709d2a66a6b9c42bf749915fb97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking less Regency and more Edwardian Ballets Russes-inspired with the chiffons and embroidery and a bit lower empire waist
Regency might be a tad easier to find though, I think

>> No.8572950
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>> No.8572951
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>> No.8572954
File: 79 KB, 534x1008, 7177acf5cf2d433c905c809f41de7ec2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These all look so lovely, sadly it's not in vogue anymore and whomever I show it to just tells me I have horrid taste and ought to choose something more 'wedding-y'

>> No.8573067

goddammit, fuck those people

>> No.8573068
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>> No.8573110

first one

>> No.8573119
File: 485 KB, 874x1254, she married 1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the edwardian high waist etc was inspired by the regency period. here's a neo-neoclassical hairdo

>> No.8573543

I love this!
I'v always been a bit..meh on lolita wedding dresses, But I like this one, and I LOVE her shoes.

>> No.8573581

The easiest thing to do is give a guideline of hem length and suggested colors.

Focus on your bridal party and the decorations. These are things you can get nitpicky about by specifying to the outfit of the groomsmen, bridesmaids, and etc.

The audience is something you can't control if it means they have to have any kind of knowledge or do any research; people are incredibly lazy.

>> No.8573583

I forgot to add that you can specify modesty levels and that is about it. But, don't get your heart set on it, because something is going to think their too special to hide their shoulders or make sure the skirt is longer.

>> No.8573687

>sperg out

>google "victorian era fashion"
>literally the first and third links show the breakdown of the era
>second link is images

>> No.8574117

Fuck them if they don't know the fact that it's perfect for spring and beach weddings? And it's not like it's their choice anyway. Not gonna lie I'm mad because these are classics hence always en vogue. This is even less ott than the bustle dresses

>> No.8574129
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>> No.8574238

both are ugly as hell

>> No.8574498

I was coming to post that the two OP posted look like halloween costumes. That awful lace trimmed petti.

If you're going to do it you need to get a quality dress. Maybe try someone who makes clothing for reenactors?