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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 432x600, imai kira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8563849 No.8563849 [Reply] [Original]

Old general is at 307 >>8555843

So tells talk about cute stories we have had wearing lolita. Can be anything from some kid thinking you were from a fairy tale to old ladies wanting to take pics with you.

>> No.8563924

I got the cutest story ever.

We were having our annual picnic at the park, and for some reason we had set our picnic stuff up next to a bunch of guys playing soccer (let's be honest we just wanted the eye candy).
So one of the dude's daughters was sitting a few yards away with her dolls, staring at us.

She whispers something to her dad and he comes over to us, with her hiding behind his legs. He says "my daughter is shy, but she loves your outfits! What are you guys?"
We explained, and he smiled and went back to the game, and his daughter went back to her dolls.

One of our comm leaders went over and gave her one of our big pink cupcakes, and the little girl gave her a huge hug.

>> No.8564128

so cute!

>> No.8564188

I could use some advice actually.
I placed an order with Haenuli through email and the beginning of the month, and everything was going fine until they sent me an invoice with the wrong color. They even had it right the first time they emailed back. I've tried correcting them several times but they just sent the PayPal invoice with the wrong color again. And now I haven't heard from them in almost two weeks.
Is there a way to tell if they're on holiday, or are they always this bad at communicating?

>> No.8564218
File: 77 KB, 519x517, plz shut up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid bitch complaining that an Iron Gate OP is selling too high. This is why I hate noobs/summerfags, like can they just shut up.

>> No.8564241
File: 395 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nt5py6Pajr1u4n7h0o1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find these tights?

>> No.8564252

which group?

>> No.8564253

I recently went out in lolita to run some errands (trying to do that whole lifestyle lolita shit rn), and some little girl said "look mommy, a harajuku girl." I nearly died laughing! Such a cutie!

>> No.8564263

>I'm shaking in my Tea Parties
I'm sure you mean your Bodyline replicas, you whore

>> No.8564266

lolita sales in English but comments got deleted.

>> No.8564269

this is what tumblr's "your opinion is always valid!" attitude breeds

>> No.8564290
File: 329 KB, 600x630, 441974-4144-2015-08-19495625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanted to see the dress and bids.

it's on LM and someone has bid already

>> No.8564311

I was on the train heading to a meet-meet-up one day and a lady approached me with her tiny child (maybe no older than 5) behind her and said the kid wanted a picture with me. I was in a really simple, non-print coord, but the girl saw I was reading a book and apparently I looked like I walked off a Disney set. But I took a picture with the little girl and for the rest of the train ride she kept sneaking glances at me and we ended up in a game of peek-a-boo until they had to go.

There's also a little girl, age 3, who lives upstairs from me and comes to visit and pester me weekly. We had an entire slew of meets one month so every time she came to say hi, I was either getting ready or about to leave. One day she came by to find me in pants and demanded that I put on one of my princess dresses. Too much effort, so I just pulled out my accessories instead and let her parade around in my headbows and bracelets.

I love kids. So pure, so innocent.

>> No.8564320

She's also wearing the black socks the wrong way round which is very funny to me.

>> No.8564321

Are friending memes still allowed? We haven't had one for ages and I want some seagull friends.

>> No.8564323

I'll be your seagull friend.

>> No.8564331

>the bidder
>dat feedback
>five negatives

>> No.8564333

Im looking at an auction on y!japan, but it says that if you bid with a bidding proxy, your bid will be deleted. The auction ends in 3 days. Who can I ask to bid for me without worrying about my bid being deleted?

>> No.8564336

Oregon zipcode. Wonder if she's in a comm? I'd love to know the dirt on her.

>> No.8564337

Damn that sucks, hope its just because of shitty lacemarket but doesn't look like it.

>> No.8564343

You can ask tokyopirates, or one of the other shopping services that isn't a 'company'. (I can't remember the names sorry)

>> No.8564350

her first negative was from June. i don't think the messaging system was down then.

>> No.8564373

Since when ? I made one some months ago and didn't have any issue, as well as saw many of those. But that's true that now I just saw those disappearing, so that make sense now. What is the reason BtB threads aren't allowed anymore though?

>> No.8564388

Vendetta and the ban is real. I literally had to sit out for 3 days.

>> No.8564404

A few friends and me were on our way back from a meetup when a boy around age 12 or 13 stopped us and asked "Excuse me why are you wearing those clothes?".
I was a bit annoyed because we already had dealt with a few negative comments that day. So I replied a bit snarky "Because it's pretty."
He blushed and answered with a shy smile "Yeah you're right."

To this day I try to think of this encounter when I'm in Lolita. Made me realize that it was not his fault we had to deal with the idiots before.

>> No.8564429


They have a facebook, I'd suggest posting publicly on there. At least it would get some attention if it's a public comment on their FB, or someone else might see it and alert Haenuli about your issue.

They aren't a big company to begin with, so they might be snowed under a pile of preorders and not checking things properly.

>> No.8564600

I'm pissed I missed out on the white celestial sanctuary socks, I forgot they were going up on the 18th, do you think I can get some on the re-release?

>> No.8564602

Tokyopirates doesn't do auctions anymore.

>> No.8564610

KEK this girl. She used to be famous (still is? idk) for being a gothfag and having a ~goff friend group~. Apparently she is trying to dress Lolita too. I hope she improves because she has a really pretty face, but fuck I can't stand Lolita dress + vynil platforms, fuck.


>> No.8564724

Anyone received their Sheherazade? My SS still hasnt invoiced me and no, I didn't use chibi and tokyopirates. I am getting kinda antsy but don't want to jump the gun yet to ask her

>> No.8564800

People have started receiving theirs, which ss did you use?

>> No.8564809
File: 47 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's frickin adorable

>> No.8564817

Japonica has done it for me before. They read the listing when you give it to them, note that proxy bidders aren't allowed, and bid with a different account.

>> No.8564876

Someone I found on EGL sales when someone else was looking a SS

>> No.8564923
File: 1.82 MB, 245x245, teabags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that meta master race feeling when you just use a fucking cart system to buy shit and it's send out the next day
Bless em

>> No.8564939

jesus christ of course they email me this morning, but thank you anon.

>> No.8564943

what is he doing with those teabags?

>> No.8564992

I'm the girl in the oregon comm, basically i had some reallllly bad unexpected financial problems after I had bid on some stuff and I couldn't pay for it.

>> No.8565001


>> No.8565042

You should have had the common decency to let the seller know though. A lot of people would be understanding.

>> No.8565150

Is that why you're calling us big mean abusive bullies on Facebook, even though you're the one with a bunch of negative feedback?

>> No.8565153


>> No.8565159

lmao so you just bail without a word? Nice buying practices. You deserve all the flak you get on here.

>> No.8565211
File: 42 KB, 750x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the comments are asskissing about how lolitas are mean and so is cgl.

>> No.8565224
File: 540 KB, 500x283, a5c062b945367ba3419f52cbef6be867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buyer didn't pick up package from customs
>didn't contact me
>filed a pp dispute out of nowhere
>wants a refund
>still no contact
>bitch I can't give you a refund because your dispute froze my account
>I got shit I need to buy

>> No.8565231

Lol, Iron Gate is selling cheaper than ever.

>> No.8565262

OH god the Baby coat reservation is so cute, I want the Katie one so bad...

>but it's going to be spring here soon
>won't be able to to wear till maybe may next year

>> No.8565328

You do know Lacemarket used to ban people with 4 negatives or more, right?
(Why hasn't this chick been banned, again? Is the banning system even still in place?)

>> No.8565333

don't refund them and give them a negative explaining the situation so they back off.

>> No.8565348
File: 96 KB, 300x428, tumblr_m9qc0k9OM01qztbdqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I wrote this once and my browser flipped out and so I have to start over now, so I'm not even going to rewrite this entire thing.

Anyone know where I can find Lolita artists' works? Especially from the people who did art for the GLB's and especially Imai Kira. I want to make an inspiration folder of their art for when I feel like I'm in a slump. I've never really seen a proper gallery or anything where I could find that sort of stuff, and also all the pictures I have are so small and blurry that you can't even appreciate the art and the details.

>> No.8565362

I was in lolita at a con once, and a little girl was hiding behind her father, staring at me. She had really pretty long blonde hair and a cute dress on.

Her father came over and asked if I would be okay with taking a picture with her.

I said of course and I took the picture and she commented on my silver star clip. I had another in the mail, so I took it off and handed it to her.

I have never seen a little girl so happy. I saw her on her dads shoulders and she had it in her hair.

It made me so happy to see a little girl so happy.

>> No.8565363

There are often threads on here, but you could stop being cheap and buy the art books instead.

>> No.8565365

Anyone know whats going on with Krad? All I see are chicks freaking out and apparently awful communication?

>> No.8565371

Imai Kira has an artbook available on amazon JP, and a website where you can buy prints and such:

The cover artist for the older GLBs, Mitsukazu Mihara also has some artbooks published. If you like them and want to support them, I suggest buying their books!

>> No.8565379

you gave that little girl a beautiful memory anon
>not a tear, there is something in my eye

>> No.8565380

Didn't even think about looking for art books. I guess I'll do that!

>> No.8565384

Is Vierge Vampur going to re-open their webshop? Their blog doesn't seem to translate properly for me so I have no idea what's been going on with them.

>> No.8565394

Their web shop is currently open though?
Works fine for me.

>> No.8565395

I was wearing lolita to a con ball and these 2 little girls came up to me just so excited about my outfit. They gushed over how pretty I looked and their mom took a picture of them with me. They were so sweet. I saw them again when I went to get some food and I heard them say, "There she is again!"
It made me feel pretty good.

>> No.8565414

I wore a very sweet coord to otakon this year, and while chilling in the harbor with friends, I got stopped by a lot of non-goers wanting to get photos of me with their children because they thought I was a princess. it was so sweet, and such a better experience than when I would wear lolita in my own city.

>> No.8565450

I'm gonna try to do it more often, I'll make them if I have to, but I'll give them out to little girls and boys who want them.
>wanna be a kawaii lolita fairy god mother person

>> No.8565468

That's so weird, it wasn't working for me earlier today.

>> No.8565491
File: 403 KB, 1500x486, Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 7.42.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well looks like she hates us

>highest of keks

>> No.8565510

>bad buyer who tried to make excuses for poor buying conduct
>hates us for calling her out instead of taking responsibility for her actions and acknowledging what she did wrong
smh girl

>> No.8565534


Was that before or after your nice trip to socal and Disneyland to meet with your goff friends? :^)

>> No.8565631
File: 37 KB, 540x228, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_tumblr_nsc5q3Dsvv1ubrnvgo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone reserve this IW jsk or the navy version?

>> No.8565820
File: 55 KB, 600x358, julietteetjustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I am doing. I am really hoping to get in a reservation for this.
Glancing over the how to order, is it the same process for a reservation?

>> No.8565908

What we're you selling if you don't mind me asking? I've had a similar experience recently with a seller but I tried to get in contact with them to no avail.

>> No.8565932

is this a fucking higuchi yuko collaboration?????????????????//

>> No.8565936

2nding this. If I don't get it within the hour it goes on reservation will I miss it?

>> No.8565950

posted on Tokyo Pirate's FB page:

"Calling all New York lolitas! (ノ> ◇ <)ノ
Angelic Pretty are considering doing a pop-up shop in New York in the near future! This would mean a short-term shop for lolitas in the area, usually for a couple of months. However, it might mean that they are testing the waters for a permanent shop in future depending on the demand.
Since this is a new area of the market for Angelic Pretty, a member of staff at Angelic Pretty has asked for any information about New York’s Lolita community to help them. She has worked in the San Francisco area before, but has no experience of the eastern part of the US. So, any help would be appreciated! She’ll need to know things like –
1) Approximately, how many lolitas/Lolita groups are in the area?
2) Would you be interested in a pop-up shop? Would you shop there, do you think?
3) Where would be some good areas for a pop-up shop and why (e.g. it’s a place where lolitas might often go/hang-out places/places where similar stores are)?
4) What kinds of things would you be looking for/expecting to buy at the store?
5) Anything you think might be relevant that could help them out!
If you can help with any of these things I’m sure she would appreciate it a lot, and Angelic Pretty would too."

I'm excited!! I live on the east coast so I would definitely hope for an AP store there. I wonder how long it'd take before they'd actually be able to open a new permanent store, though.

>> No.8566007

You guys need to join up and make it worth it for AP to invest in a permanent store there. So literally spend your money there, then if profits are present then AP will consider a store.

>> No.8566010


JetJ reservations generally last for a week. The start and end dates is usually written pretty clearly on the front page. I've never seen a reservation close early due to too many orders,though I've seen leftovers, so I'd say you're safe so long as you get an order in within that one week that it's open.

>> No.8566060

Anyone knows when is the AP brar series going to be released?
at least the name?

>> No.8566151

A black blouse?
>pls be you so we can fix this

>> No.8566152

looks like it

>> No.8566183

Aww, that sounds really nice. I wish AP had luck with Chicago. I heard that they didn't sell well at Acen in the past so they've stopped coming to that con - not that the con was lolita friendly in the first place. It really sucks considering that many people in the comm admitted to having more AP pieces than Baby's when Btssb visited Anime Midwest. I'm still waiting for the day Middle America gets a brand shop. I hope AP's endeavor works out in the East coast than it did in Paris!

>> No.8566230

Taking a British shower.

Is the underskirt part of it and the collar? I hope not.

>> No.8566628


bruh dress

I meant bear dress...

>> No.8566640

If I were to guess, it would be in three or four weeks.

>> No.8566767

Thx for the slumber party guys. It was a wild but fun ride.

>> No.8566772

There was a couple of jfashion relevant posts in there, not much but some.
I want a jfashion mod! I can't help but feel like they're all cosplayers!

>> No.8566789


NYC lolitas, fucking spend all your sheckles on the pop up shop when it comes. I want brand stores to expand in North America

>one day Canada plz
>nope we are much too small

>> No.8566792
File: 15 KB, 508x294, broke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was an amazing thread anon, so sad to see it deleted.

>> No.8566806

On a slightly related topic, I want IW to come to the US. Brand stores in SF have done fairly well, and a lot of IW's stuff is toned-down enough to appeal to normies. Do you guys think there's any chance that IW might come to the US?

>> No.8566832

IW is a smaller company than AP/Baby so probably not. AP SF is also struggling a lot and is only open because Baby has a shop in the area from what I've heard.

>> No.8566856

I feel u. I'm in Atlantic Canada and the closest thing I've seen is a J-Fash store that mostly carries marked up Daiso products and in store made skirts and dresses out of bed sheets. It would be cute if the owner knew how to sew properly

>> No.8566887

Wait, really? Damn, I want in on this.

>> No.8566905

Awesome! I just moved to NYC permanently so I'm super thrilled to hear they're even considering it.
I buy way more AP than Baby but I always end up buying Baby socks/accessories just because I want to support them and TR. If AP opened up a physical shop in the area I would be all over it.

>> No.8566922

that sailor one is killing me

>> No.8566932

I will have another reason to move to NYC over San Fran when the time comes.

>> No.8566971

>mfw I hunted the katie lilou coat last year because I missed it and got it for a bit over retail
>mfw I like the ribbons on the pocktes way better on the katie lydia

Baby why do you hate me?

>> No.8567033
File: 122 KB, 481x559, rsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are burando petticoats worth their price tag?
I'm trying to figure out what kind of petticoat I need for pic related, its 92cm in length.

>> No.8567048

AP petticoats have a great shape but you'll still need to stack them for the poof in the photo. The mannequins in AP shops wear about 3 petticoats.

>> No.8567049

Yeeeeep I know exactly what you mean. So close yet so far. I just wish she used better fabric and lace.

>> No.8567103

I want to tell you a secret anon. Look at the picture of the dress. Look at the shadow of the dress on the wall, especially that gap between the sleeve and the bodice.

That dressform is pressed right up against the wall, and the wall is pushing the petticoat out to the sides. The petticoat is a lie.

>> No.8567152


>> No.8567164


>> No.8567185
File: 116 KB, 640x960, kjh54y56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photo might be a lie, but in their fashion shows the models all have incredible poof, so there's definitely petticoat-stacking magic at work.
You can see some of the dense layers under the skirt here.

>> No.8567253

Underskirt is separate. They sell those skirts.

This dress will probably not have any trims on it besides that belt.

>> No.8567277

I thought that AP and Baby had some sort of weird thing where they don't do stores in the same city? Isn't that why there is no more AP in Tokyo Rebel?

>> No.8567283

I just got my first JSK and unfortunately am running into a problem I knew I'd encounter. Actually the exact JSK is this one >>8567185. How do you guys deal with boob loaf? I tried wearing it without a bra and it didn't make it any better. I doubt a sports bra would work either. I'm planning on losing weight for the dress by February in hopes that it'll make my boobs smaller. I'm not overweight but that whole area looks so silly when I put it on. Any tips or tricks?

>> No.8567300

bolero over top!
Or a blouse with a pussy bow or something to add detail in the middle.

>> No.8567311

Speaking of lolita stores in middle America, I heard my city (St. Louis) used to have a shop selling Lolita things next to a teavana but they closed down for some reason. If only it was more profitable.

>> No.8567333

There are both stores in SF. I heard AP USA bitched about Tokyo Rebel so that's why the stopped carrying and changed to BtSSB. Also probably it's not possible to carry them both in the same store?

>> No.8567340

Fashion shows use at least 3 pettis

>> No.8567346

That's what I thought too. Both brands have stores in SF and Paris. If anything, the fact that Baby's NYC store is still going, AP wants in on that market

>> No.8567377


It really depends on how bad and what it is.

- Sportsbra for mild boobloaf, but remember to buy one size down as you want to smoosh your boobs smaller.
- if you're skinny but booby (loose fabric around your waist) you can try a corset or a binder. It adds girth to your waist, so it won't work if you're simply too fat for the dress.
- if the "boob space" part of the dress sits higher than your actual boobs (check where the princess seam bends, it should be at the widest part of your bust), then modify the shoulder straps so that the boob space is actually at your boobs. Alternatively, use a pushup bra to get your boobs up to the boob space (if the shoulder straps cannot be adjusted)
- dress waistline overall too high (not just high in front and in the right place at the back), entire dress is riding up, you may have to face that you're either too tall or too wide for the dress, either sell it off or get it altered.
- Some other anon on here has had good results with specifically an Edwardian corset (the front on those tend to be straight-ish instead of modern corset trying to achieve an hourglass look)

I normally use the bolero only if I don't like the way it looks, the seams can break if they're strained too much so I prefer not to stuff my boobs into them.

I've had weight fluctuations so I've tried most of the above (including selling off a dress --sometimes you have to realise when the dress is just too small). I wanted to note that although losing weight doesn't always take off inches from your bust, it does make you thinner above the bust, this can sometimes fix boobloaf as the jsk straps are now long enough that the rest of the dress is in the right place. So don't be discouraged if you loose weight and inches off everywhere except your bust, try the dress on anyway and see if it looks better.

>> No.8567434

I used to be in that comm! My friend told me about that - they worked at Teavana, but I thought it was just a reseller that asked for some space in the shop to put up a mannequin or two with a dress on it? It was brand, I think.

I don't remember completely, though. Anyone involved in the STL comm remember?

>> No.8567500

Speaking of petticoats, has an you actually noticed a decrease in quality of classical puppets petticoats? All I ever read about it is either "So that's what I heard" or "I bought it from x and it was fine." So I wanna know if it's actually a thing or just a rumour.

>> No.8567513

Is Lolibrary down for anyone else? I need a stock pic for something I'm selling.

>> No.8567522

AP Paris doesn't exist anymore since at least 2 years. They do have Pop up shops every now and then, but only for a few days unfortunatly.

>> No.8567533

I've had to repair my most recent CP petti after almost every time I've worn it, I got it about 2 months back, definite decrease.

>> No.8567554

It's been confirmed to be true

>> No.8567577

Yep. At least for me earlier today as I was trying to look up something.

Well shit, there goes my plans for a new petticoat. Is Dear Celine's petticoats still good, or did they go down in quality too? Those were the "as good as classical puppets" petticoats I remember two years ago.

>> No.8567583

Malco modes petticoats are the best you're going to get. Chiffon is the highest quality, doesn't deflate.

>> No.8567611


How many times has this question been fucking repeated, btw? Search the god damn archives, guys.

>> No.8567756

i think the hard part is finding the right one for cupcake poof? I own a few MM (the same styles candy violet used to sell) and they're definitely best for a-line. I know there is one with cupcake-ish poof, but I don't find them as ideal for OTT coords.

I'm still in the market for a top-level cupcake poof petticoat too. I hear bunny house is good, but it does deflate after a while.

>> No.8567784

There is a pop up on Rue Keller that was doing very well for a while when I lived there. Are they still there? They didn't have a lot of stock and it was very marked up for the few times that I went, but at least it was something. Baby Paris is doing well as usual, but I think the NY store has become the more popular out-of-Japan location for now.

>> No.8567788


Will we ever find the perfect petticoat that actually holds its shape, not deflate, and be massively cupcake big?

>> No.8567812

From Malco it seems that the Michelle petti would be good with a tutu underneath to lift the top part up. Might even just attach it to the petticoat just so I can wear just one elastic band around my waist.
Expensive as hell, though. For a petticoat anyway.

>> No.8567857

I wish we can just have ONE grand petticoat and that's it, no layering, unless for extra poof. I

>> No.8567863

The teashop (before it was Teavana) was owned by a Chinese couple and was the physical from for Mashimaro Girl. They sold Secret Shop and taobao items. They sold the shop around the time they shut down their shopping service.

The owner had a massive breakdown of her health on a trip to China. It was a huge mess, and people didn't get their money/items for months.

>> No.8567865

There were a few secondhand pieces sold for members of the comm, but mostly it was taobao.

>> No.8567882

Does anyone know how soon Antique Beast will ship? This is the first time I've ordered from them.

>> No.8567898

I ordered on the 10th and received my stuff this monday? Tuesday? Pretty darn quick tbh.

>> No.8567901

I reserved the black one!

>> No.8567906

Isn't there already Tokyo Rebel x AP in NYC?

>> No.8567917

They have BABY, not AP.

>> No.8567929

I ordered on the 10th too. Hmm I'll wait a while longer.

>> No.8567961

What services offer immediate or very fast bidding for mbok? I want to snag something with a buy it now option.

>> No.8567964

i just got one item though--- the bat headpiece, what did you get?

>> No.8567996

That's too bad. I wish STL had more lolita-y things to do, but I've only been here for about a year so I haven't seen a whole lot of the city besides my college.

>> No.8568006

Central West End had an adorable cupcake place when I lived there years ago. Probably still is there. The back alley it's in is really scenic/cute for outfit shots.

>> No.8568021

If it's a certain ETC dress, I just submitted a BIN request...

>> No.8568139

Same, in white.

>> No.8568157

Yay bless them for that. But you know what. I bought the re-release of princess wardrobe set and my package is stuck in Paris since a week because they forgot to put the invoice documents on the package. F*ck them!

>> No.8568374

Just got my first IW half-shirred JSK and the boobloaf is awful. I already ordered another one and I was wondering what could I do for making it look better. ( I'm under the measurement limit.) I was thinking of binding but some people say it gives an even worse look with a monoboob. What should I do?

>> No.8568383

i think the problem with IW is that their shirring is so tight. to not have the fabric stretched tightly over your boobs, you'd have to be under the measurements by loads
i can only suggest wearing a bolero or cardigan to cover the boobloaf area, and accessorising elsewhere to draw the attention to other things

>> No.8568425

Am I the only one that pictures a sweet-dominatrix when I read about the new AP "Whip" collection?

>> No.8568439

Yes, you gross sex-freak

>> No.8568440

No, anon, you are never the only one

Yes, because "Whip Collection" sounds so innocent and could not possibly lead to imagining, i dunno, collections of whips

>> No.8568451

>whip collection
I actually thought of Indiana Jones

>> No.8568458

What IS a boob loaf? I see this term thrown around but I don't understand it. What defines a boob loaf for you guys?

Also does anyone here own Dreaming Macaron OP? Can it go over the 88 cm bust and 70cm waist? I am asking because its a fully shirred dress and worried my damn bust won't go over it if I but it

>> No.8568460

Don't buy a Dear Celine petti. It gave a nice poof at first but decreased after a few worns significantly. Not worth the money. On the other Hand my CP is absolutly fine and it's about a year old. So idk about the decrease issue. A friend of mine got hers a few months ago and worn it about ten times, until now they didn't decrease.

>> No.8568463
File: 50 KB, 851x315, 10986963_511363689016589_7265413227385838507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else thinking of getting Peppermint Fox's new release? I'm waiting to see what the cuts look like, but they just announced the release date and I'm pretty excited. Is their stuff good quality? I recall hearing that there were some issues with Crowning Glory, but have things gotten better since that release?

>> No.8568465

how about their underbust jsks? on booby girls will it just look tavern wench?

>> No.8568466

Oh thanks for the heads up, is it on their instagram? I've saved up enough money already. I'm holding out for an op cut or a jsk with proper straps as it's my preference, anyway the quality seemed nice and the brooch is cute.

>> No.8568467

And crowning glory was on some weird cotton that pilled but their releases since have been on chiffon which doesn't have that problem.

>> No.8568470

My understanding of it is that boob loaf is what happens when either your bust is too big to fit whatever dress you have on, or when a dress is cut to accommodate a smaller cup size than what the wearer has, despite actually fitting the bust measurements of the dress (meaning that all the excess fabric on the dress that makes it go up to like 100cm is on the sides of the bust of the dress, not the front, if that makes sense. makes you look kind of barrel-chested). IW is notorious for sometimes causing boobloaf even if you fit the max measurements since their dresses are typically cut for a B cup I think. A boob loaf looks like... well, a loaf. The fabric in the bust is pulled tight or is generally unflattering and it makes you look like you have one giant boob instead of two regular boobs.

I don't have any photos saved as examples, but I'm sure if you went though the ita thread, you could probably see some boob loaf.

>> No.8568471

I'm on their email list and so I just got the email about the release date, it's the 28th. They said that they're posting pictures of the cuts on their facebook page tomorrow.

>> No.8568479
File: 235 KB, 664x489, 11411744_1010040085696977_7924884490852644381_o-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh that makes sense, can it happen if you are under the max size but pull to tie on the back lacing, if it had any of course. I think I might have a boob loaf on my coord since my bf always pulls too hard on the back lacing even tho I can be 5 ~ 10 cm smaller than the max.

Pic related: thats me in a recent coord, is that what a boob loaf is? I am almost 10 cms under the max size but this always happens with all my jsk with back lacing, can it be its because my bf pulls too hard on the lacing, that weird tight looking fabric and boob looks like that?

>> No.8568482

mercator antique shop much?

Maybe lolita general OPs need to link to that petticoat comparison image. Although it doesn't seem like the generals have a pasted first post anymore.

>> No.8568485

I'm really glad they're doing two releases, as I just got back from vacation and won't have any money at the time of the first release. Also, I'm not interested in the sundress, so that's nice.

>> No.8568487

>mercator antique shop much?

anon, what?

>> No.8568488

Yeah, that looks a little boob loaf-y. That's mild though IMO, especially compared to some cases I've seen, so don't worry anon. You should definitely try to keep the back lacing a little looser next time though. Keep in mind that a lot of lolita dresses are cut in a way that can make it look kind of like boob loaf (i.e. not a lot of definition between the breasts), but can still fit. It's only when the fabric starts to pull and is tight (kind of like in your photo) that it's truly considered boob loaf.

>> No.8568491

Thanks anon! Will start keeping the back lacing a bit looser now. I thought my pic was bad but damn gotta go through the ita threads to see the real boob loaf.

>> No.8568496
File: 1.10 MB, 640x853, tumblr_ngj0ztl9G91qbuhibo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't similar at all, anon.

>> No.8568504
File: 492 KB, 613x307, bunnies and crowns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunnies with a constellation laid over the top
I didn't mean it looks exactly the same, but still.

>> No.8568512

whatever you say, anon

>> No.8568523

>bunny constellations
come on anon, that's stretching it a little. I'm sure AP isn't the first person to draw constellations over a animal/vice versa.

Better tell IW to stop crown prints, AP has them on their prints!

I'll agree with you if it was like, I dunno, cosmic but Mercator? Stretching it a little.

>> No.8568538

>tfw no dominatrix print

>> No.8568546

It looks exactly like that on me with my 95cm bust and 32D

>> No.8568580

How is the quality of new infanta stuff?

How is the fitting of the bodices?Is it still a better idea to spend in burando instead?

>> No.8568620

I have an old Classical Puppets A line petti and it is very poofy on its own. I bought a cupcake petti from the same brand and it barely has any poof - it would work for daily wear but I wouldn't dare wear it for anything else. I'm pretty disappointed with it actually, and need to find a fuller cupcake one now.

>> No.8568669

I have to disagree with the other commenter. That dress very obviously does not fit and it's unflattering. Lolitas tend to be very willing to wear very ill fitting things because of the "one size" and Japanese cuts problems, but they're still objectively very ill fitting. The problem with that dress is it's cut with almost no curve in the princess seams. It only fits properly on a flat chest. So it's not that you're big/too big, it's just cut for a completely different shape. I wear a size 0 and there are more JSKs and OPs I can't wear due to poor fit than those I can, because I have a DD bustline. It's not about measurements, but cut.

>> No.8568683
File: 269 KB, 459x360, 7ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh god some NSFW BDSM shit and dicks
Well her "lolita" style matches her tastes.

>> No.8568690

So i wasn't the only one, kek. And i'm not even into this kinky shit.

>> No.8568706

There's like a dozen motifs in that print...

>> No.8568714

What do you guys think of wearing black shoes in a wine/navy coord (nonprint AP) to "ground" the outfit instead of having absolutely everything match?

>> No.8568717

Oh hey, part of the original edgy tumblr world, from before it became the gross every1islovelies wonderland of today.
Simpler times.

>> No.8568728

I have an 88cm bust and these cuts are super flattering, and not super bar wenchy.

>> No.8568729

Nope. I saw the ones at the Baby store and they're definitely stacked up to give the poof. One petti by itself has the volume of a cheapo Leg Avenue one.

>> No.8568730

Need some advice. I've heard that Baby's black prints tend to run and I'm not sure how to wash the one in question. I have Cherish My Juicy Cherry and am really concerned about the reds/whites. Any help?

>> No.8568733

Works for old school, or if you have black elsewhere in the coord. Navy and black can look bad if the navy is dark and too similar to the black. It has a lot of potential to look unbalanced if you don't have black elsewhere.

>> No.8568737

I really wouldn't size down in sports bras. Its never a good idea to do this when it comes to compression devices.

Just buy one of those binders that trans men use that are made to do compression safely. Buy it in your correct size or you can end up hurting yourself.

>> No.8568744

Still no proof of shipping, no one's tracking number works yet. No one is sure if the UK crowd were legit staff of Krad or scammers. Apparently one of the girls was only 17 or barely 18. Krad manager says that Krad don't hire anyone under 18 so it seems to me that they knew about the UK sellers yet at the same time they're playing ignorant. Still no explanation why the dresses were twice as expensive as they should have been on Etsy.

>> No.8568779

It's mainly the color-scheme that makes them look alike imo.

>> No.8568807

Unforunately this is one of my dream dresses and can't lose anymore inches/cm around my bust. Its good to know the opinions of others so learn better so thanks for your input.

>tfw when from being a fatty-chan to fit this dress and others ones
>big boobs never got smaller

>> No.8568857

I never even noticed the stars, you're reaching so hard, anon.

>> No.8568889

I'm so upset, my post office lost my package between the delivery truck and actual post office.. it had my dream dress in it. has anyone here managed to file a claim against EMS / USPS and win?

I've been chasing these people in circles for weeks. they closed all my claims without resolution. I don't know what else to do.

>> No.8569138

For anyone bordering boob loaf id skip the sports bra and try different bra shapes. I have boob loaf in my unpadded full coverage bra and in a bralette but tshirt bras look fine.

>> No.8569237


Just curious, where does the idea of "grounding" outfits come from exactly? I've never seen it as a fashion rule or a lolita rule at all.

>> No.8569242

It's an oldschool approach. People don't really do it any more now in favour of being all matchy matchy. I think there was a photo of Misako "grounding" her coord and a lot of jimmies were rustled.

>> No.8569260
File: 103 KB, 480x720, 1428833325379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found photo. I can see why it was nitpicked though.

Thanks anon! I'll be doing a lot of walking that day and my black shoes are the most comfortable ones I own. Looks like time for some rethinking.

>> No.8569265


I thought the argument for wearing darker shoes was that the shoes were simply not available in lighter colours. Is the "grounding" principle explained anywhere else except on here?

>> No.8569281

There's an answer on lolita tips that touches on the grounding concept. Can't link but it should come up if you google "lolita-tips grounded".

>> No.8569341

I think it's fine. Imo, being practical is more important than being matchy-matchy sometimes, it's clothes, after all.

>> No.8569365

The 'argument' is just that it's not somehow necessary for your shoes to be the same color as your outfit. That's how people actually wear clothes, in every day life, in high fashion, and in lolita. The archetypal Alice in Wonderland look is a sky blue pinafore dress with black shoes.

>> No.8569387
File: 780 KB, 800x984, loracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@ Voilet Fane anon from last thread.
I got my order today and I am SUPER disappointed. The sewing on the Oracle skirt isn't as bad as yours was, but there are still some catching problems, and she def needs a new machine 'cause I got some of the same bobbin spit that you had.
Also I'm plus sized and gave her my measurements and both pieces don't fit. they are 1 or 2 sizes too small. So I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how to actually pattern for anything larger than her own size.
I'm gonna film my review in about 3 hours, then edit it, so it should be up sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. I'll post it on here when I'm done.

>> No.8569482
File: 429 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat--4153937855108331230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a package from IW and I noticed something peculiar. I ordered two pairs of the same socks in two different colorways and the packages aren't the same. It's some useless detail but I was wondering if anyone noticed that or had a reason. The navy colourway also has a blue round sticker on it tag.

>> No.8569544

The Krad "manager" is part of the same group so she's full of shit as well. The owners of Krad don't speak any English.
But hey since Choke can speak that chingchong language maybe she can find out the truth instead of responding to the complaints about how crappy Lockshop has gotten

>> No.8569556

I love grounded outfits and I hate how matchy matchy lolita is about this.
If they don't have items at their warehouse they ship them to it from physical stores, so this could be the reason why the packaging is different?

>> No.8569601

Please post the video when you're done. I was interested in ordering something from her but now you made me iffy.

>> No.8569629

So "grounding" means to wear dark shoes with a light colored outfit like we did in good old lolita days where we would pink and white with black shoes? Can this be done with any outfit or naw?

>> No.8569669

It might have fallen through the sorting machine, I heard sometimes packages fall under it and get lost that way. Other than that I've never had that happen to me anon, I'm sorry.
Good luck!

>> No.8569742
File: 7 KB, 450x407, msp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would an a-line skirt/dress look if the petti under it is too short? Like this?

>> No.8569744

Related to JetJ reservations,
i just ordered the set, had my account sent up before hand. I selected pay by creditcard, entered my info and then it sent to a page that I believe said something like confirmed and to check email.
I didn't receive any email about reserving it and it's been about 12 hours and Obviously my card didn't show the change just yet. Should I be worried? Also I wasn't charged shipping will they invoice me for the shipping, charge it automatically or ask me for it in December?

>> No.8569785

Yes, it creates a 'lampshade' effect where the skirt just sort of falls flat.

>> No.8570135


I'm not asking if people normally wear random shoes with random clothes, though. I'm asking where this term "grounding" came from, as I've truly never seen it used like this anywhere except on here (it's a different rule in normal fashion). Is it a fashion rule like "a pop of colour"? A lolita rule? Did lolita tips invent it?

Hence why I said the explanation for old school lolita coords were simply that the shoes were not available in different colours. I've never seen "grounding" used as a way to explain the shoes in old school coords before this year.

I'm just asking about the term, by the way, not trying to argue about anything.


Sorry anon, it doesn't come up even with different conjugations. Thank you for the source though, maybe I'll find it when I have time to look for it.

>> No.8570221

Any estimates for when AP`s new alice print will go up now that whip collection has been released? I've never ordered directly from AP before and I'm scared of the blood bath. Will I need an SS to get my desired cut/colorway? I just couldn't afford the after market.

>> No.8570222

Some of my dresses do this even with cupcake pettis, how do I fix it?

>> No.8570238

It's not a pop of color sort of thing, it's more like wearing dark coloured (especially black) shoes in a coord with lighter colors.

Copypasta from lolita-tips
>If you were to do the dark pink shoes it will look more grounded because you’ll have the darkest shade at the bottom and it won’t be as noticeable as if you had the lighter shade on the bottom.

>> No.8570252

Working on editing it now. It's gonna be a long one, hope you guys don't mind. but there was a lot to talk about. especially since I bought two garments and two necklaces and there was something wrong with each of them.

>> No.8570253

only if you're going for oldschool

>> No.8570270

Probably within the next month, they never announce it until mid-week the week of release. Since the scans came out a while ago, most SS are probably full.

>> No.8570276

Please link when you're done. I was interested in the "drink me" collars but now I'm not sure...

>> No.8570302


Ah, thank you.

I do know what it is in lolita, that's why I said it's different from normal fashion, where it's normally suggested to "ground" an outfit that looks too light with something heavier, eg a beige-coloured dress with a rough denim jacket, instead of lolita's very specific light-coloured outfit + darker shoes. It looks like lolita-tips might have adapted it in a very specific way for lolita fashion.

>> No.8570318


Wear the petti around your hips. If that doesn't work, get a longer petti.

>> No.8570319

Wear your petticoat lower.

>> No.8570331

I thin you can't go that horribly wrong with collars.

That's so sad because they do bring interesting designs. But you really need to give every item the utmost attention if you charge $200.

>> No.8570332


so it sold for $1,431 and that one girl didn't win it

>> No.8570346

>most SS are probably full

>> No.8570347 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 500x667, 1440222784493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it is ok for a blue board but this chick bears an uncanny resemblance to "real indn agendered" Emma... Is it her?

>> No.8570353

Review is rendering now. it's a 42 min long video (it was an hour before I edited it). it's gonna take an hour to render then maybe 30 min to upload on youtube.

I think just a collar would be fine, there's not really too many ways to fuck that up.

I know. I love the designs and prints and the whole aesthetic, but the execution was just so damn bad.

While i'm waiting I'm gonna email them back to work out a solution.

>> No.8570367

Fuck that's a lot of money

>> No.8570387

Secrets out everyone!

>> No.8570432

I've tried having my petticoat sit lower on my hips but it gets to the point that if I lower it any more, it will start to peek out from the skirt. And yet it still has that "jellyfish" look to it.
I don't understand why or how to fix it...

>> No.8570504
File: 403 KB, 633x424, videoreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review is uploaded.
The thumbnail is being a butt, but oh well.

Also I emailed her with a laundry list of every thing I mentioned in the video and she offered me 30% money back, but I'm gonna sleep on it and email her back later. I kind of feel sorry for her, but the products speak for themselves.


>> No.8570517

>42 minutes
have you heard of editing.

>> No.8570522 [DELETED] 

did you read my comment before >>8570353
it was hour long condensed to 40 min. I ordered FOUR things!

>> No.8570529


did you read my comment before >>8570353 ?
it was hour long condensed to 40 min.
I ordered 4 items and there was something wrong with each of them.

>> No.8570530

You need a fuller petticoat, then.

>> No.8570533

Read her posts, it was originally an hour long.

>> No.8570535

My intention isn't to be rude, but nobody's going to sit through a 42 minute review. I'm not saying your review isn't valid or anything, just that it'll be overlooked.

>> No.8570539

Dude its 4 damaged item 40 minutes for 4 items is about 10 minutes for each one. Its the same amount of time a one piece brand dress gets just to unbox the thing and show the details. Plus this review is very informative for others who will want to buy from the company later.

>> No.8570541

Then they can read the description box. That's why I took the time to fill it out.

And if they care or are curious enough then they can watch the video. I understand it's long. I tried to condense it more, but there was just so much info.

>> No.8570543

That means that likely your petti isnt really for that dress, and so chances are those were not actually cupcake dresses but A line.

>> No.8570555

Why the fuck are you bitching about things like the clasp is on the 'wrong' side and showing how bad you are at putting on a necklace? No one wants to watch that, and these arent issues.

>> No.8570557

This, no wonder the video is so fucking long. Cut to the chase.

>> No.8570559

#1, >>8570539 is not me. different anon.
#2, what's the point of and extension chain if the clasp can't go into the chains. it kind of is an issue.

>> No.8570563

Read the description box if you just want the gist. And also, youtube has a speed function. you can fast forward or scrub until you get to what you want to see (the defects)

>> No.8570579

has anyone else had their paypal activities limited because they received too much money in their account?
what sort of documents did you upload to verify your identity, and how long did it take?

>> No.8570605

You are rambling a lot. And why are you mentioning cgl? I'm about 5 Minutes in, and most of those could have been cut out. I really think you should re-upload a shorter version if you want to reach more people.

>> No.8570705

Chances are it can get into the chain, the chain is just not huge so it can miss it. I have had necklaces like that before, it just means you try a few times. Not worth spending 10 minutes on.

>> No.8570729

Why are you mentioning the other girl? Why mention cgl at all? Why are you rambling about how fat you are again and again? You need to learn how to edit your words, and pick out what is important. No one cares about your personal issues, just say things like the skirt wasnt made big enough (it isnt 3 times your waist either) and that the sewing was shit. Leave out things you do not know, such as the necklace issue, reasons why the bow is different, and stuff like brand skirts cost 90$. Focus on the stuff you know and what you have, which is what is good/bad and cut out anything that repeats (how many times did you say loose threads?), is found in another piece or is just petty.No one cares about the rest. This should be a 10-15 min video max, not 40 minutes.

Cut out the austism and if you must rate it make an overall rating instead of breaking it down for every small thing. You do not need to justify the rating, that is the point of the rest of the review.

Now for the refund, dont settle for 30%, that isnt enough for stuff you cant even wear or sell. You basically will have to trash both of them.

>> No.8570742

Agreed. I'd ask for a full refund and return the items to her.

>> No.8570768

nothing will ever shock me again after that $14k Baby dress.

>> No.8570839

Yea, most SS are probably full. It is possible to get it on the site but you have to know when to refresh the page and whatnot

>> No.8570933
File: 97 KB, 640x641, 1438536511176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the other VF-anon and I thank you for the very detailed review. It makes me sad that you've gone through the same shit like me but on the other hand, it's also a relief for me being not the only one.

The necklaces look lovely. Compared to the failures of the garments this is just a nitpick, gladly.

The bow on the skirt looks awefull (at least my items look like the stockphotos) and I wonder how you can not melt/seal the ends of it?
Sadly you skirt isn't suitable for Lolita at all because of the lack of volume. This is really not what you would have expected from the stock pictures.

To be honest I didn't tried on my dresses because I was too afraid to destroy them. I am not sure if they fit me right.

>I still find loose threads on my items.

You say you sew but I don't see how you can alter it easy way. You should either return the goods and get a full refund or full exchange of the items. At least I can resew and fix my stuff.
Your review should be more 3/10 you are too generous with 5/10.

>I'll get my wisdom teeth out next week

>> No.8570975

I'm so sad. I wish I'd seen the scans earlier. So there is a method to it, and it isn't just luck of the draw? That makes me feel slightly better. I just wish there was a guide for noobs to this.

>> No.8571050

It's still worth a try to asking a SS but if it was anything like Dreamy Planetarium, spots were full by second day the scans were released

>> No.8571070

Looks like Baby updated Stardust Fantasia with more color schemes. I was torn between the red and the sax but I am really glad that I went with the sax

>> No.8571251

I contacted tokyo pirates but I'm not holding out much hope now.

>> No.8571269

I like the infanta halloween print really, but I cannot buy it until I know what AP is doing for halloween.

Are there any more photos around?

>> No.8571331

meh. That's just the way I review. I like to explain how long it took from the beginning of the ordering process to me receiving the items. in case someone else asks "how long does it take for this brand to ship" or "how fast did they get back to you, because i'm still waiting", questions I usually see in cgl general threads.
It's not just a review of the items, but my experience as well.

As for the necklaces, no, I can't get the hook into the chains. I've tried putting the necklace on SO many times and to each no avail.

>You say you sew but I don't see how you can alter it easy way.
If I rip the shirring panel out and add a longer piece of elastic and then add one more skirt panel it would work. But that would be basically remaking the entire skirt. So yeah, not easy, but it can be done. I might also buy similar ribbon and redo the front.

>I'll get my wisdom teeth out next week
Good luck. It's been almost 3 weeks and my lip is still numb.

>> No.8571334

It's always noon on a saturday for all print releases on AP Japan (accessories and non print can be random). Find out when that is in your local time, and check the day before to see if there is a release date for what you want. If there is, be there that day (online) at exactly that time.

Have an account already and log in.

Only open one tab/window (multiples will drop your cart), only log in with that account on one computer/device.

look at a guide for the check out process so you know the screens, use google translate if you have to; it's built into chrome.

Know what your preferred colorway looks like in Japanese so you don't have to type it in. (Tip: you only need to memorize the first character most of the time.)

If you are doing your first purchase, just buy a dress. Don't try to get socks or the head bow. Get them in a 2nd transaction afterwards, because you can always wear a plain headbow if you at least get the dress.

>> No.8571363

Thank you anon, this gives me hope.

>> No.8571402

Did you ever get your email?
I am hoping to put in a reservation this week.
Never have ordered from JetJ before.

>> No.8571412

A couple months ago I went out in an amazing classical coord and was stopped by an old couple. The man commented about how nice it was to see someone dressed so nicely for fun. The woman called me a doll and couldn't stop asking questions and squealing over the coord. She kept tugging on her husbands arm in joy. That night I got home And started crying while taking my op off because the couple reminded me of my grandparents who passed away. My grandma used to call me doll so it was really sweet to see them.

>> No.8571446

Bless your soul anon, that's one of the most heart warming tales I've read on 4chan. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.8571467

anyone know what the name of this dress is? I can see it's from meta based off the swans but I'm not having much luck on lolibrary


>> No.8571491

It's actual Rose Melody.


>> No.8571496

It's also a replica of a Meta print, you can tell from the swans (it's Meta's logo)

>> No.8571497

Yes and no. It's not an exact replica of Meta's designs, but that's kind of Rose Melody's MO. They make items that are suspiciously similar, with a few details changed. In this case, they added chandeliers and roses.

The dress in the Tumblr post? Rose Melody. Not Meta.

>> No.8571498

To be specific, it's a replica of Meta's Swan Embroidery. though iirc I don't believe Meta had a black x blue version but I may be mistaken.

>> No.8571503


That's the skirt Meta did with their swan embroidery. The same motif has been used on bags and a tartan version of the skirt (as well as in smaller form on their school/sailor series), but never on a JSK that I'm aware of.

>> No.8571504

they replicated the swan logo exactly. meta's used the same gold embroidered swan logo on other items and dresses, too.

>> No.8571505

there was a jsk
an anon on cgl has also posted photos of it in black x gold before, said they got it from closet child or somewhere like that.

>> No.8571507

Yes. But not the *item*. Meta has never done that style of dress. Rose Melody rips off the prints and adds their own clipart style extras, but almost never the tailoring of the final piece.

So if you want the dress in that Tumblr post, you're not going to find it from Meta. Is my point.

Rose Melody did the same to a few AP designs and a Strawberry on the Shortcake print (the screenprint carousel castle dress).

>> No.8571508

>>8571505 adding
it has a jsk in white x gold too, i've seen it in wardrobe posts on egl now that i remember.

>> No.8571509

I stand corrected. Was there a bustle version like in the Tumblr photos?

>> No.8571515

huh. bummer that it's not actually meta! I guess it makes sense though since imo I did think it was a bit uncharacteristically gothy of them to make a colorway like that. it also explains why I wasn't getting anything on lolibrary or google.

but thanks for all the links guys, i guess i'll check out the original and rose melody.

>> No.8571516

I've never seen it with a bustle, but it does appear Lolibrary doesn't have all the stock photos and versions listed, so who knows if a bustle version did exist

>> No.8571519

It's a shame the wayback machine doesn't work for most of Meta's updates. It'd be easy to check by year based on the photos that ARE on Lolibrary, but the archives often just pull up 404 pages.

>> No.8571520

yeah, the black x blue colorway there reminds me a lot of Moitie and less of Meta

glad to help!

>> No.8571585

Why did you make it private, I wanted to watch your review.

>> No.8571602

Did anyone ever find out what happened to Lor and her bf? I know they broke up, but I heard that she threw some sort of Facebook fit also, and also that he just left for vacation/work someplace far away and didn't tell her? Where is the truth.

>> No.8571604

I've decided to refilm it. I'll post it again later today.

>> No.8571611

why do you feel such a need to pry into Lor's personal life?

>> No.8571613

why does it matter? that has nothing to do with the fashion or the community.

>> No.8571647

It sold for more than that. And the other anon said that Iron Gate was lowering in price kek

>> No.8571658
File: 50 KB, 591x596, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this for real?

>> No.8571661

>most English speakers pronounce "community" "cuh-munity"
>have to fight myself to use a different vowel in "comm"
>have to fight myself to not pronounce "community" weirdly just so it uses the same vowel as "comm"

being autism is suffering. i know i will slip up and say "cum" one day.

>> No.8571671


Most? Where are you from?

>> No.8571675

>88cm bust
>giving chesty girls advice on how a dress will look on them

>> No.8571689

It looks like she was using a matching bag though.

>> No.8571694

What, this?
All too real, my friend.

>> No.8571696

holy shit I thought it was just bait when I saw it on btb
but damn...............................

>> No.8571698
File: 509 KB, 1434x787, Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 7.05.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that nobody put any money out even when she announced it on her fb

>> No.8571703

I wonder if this is the beginning of her burnout

>> No.8571714

That video got dark fast.
She still is a scene/emo kid on the inside.

>> No.8571720
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1418842326045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Registering for an AP account, do I translate my name into nip? also what do I put when it asks for phonetics?

>> No.8571721

What the fuck is wrong with the Janitor today? Why does the cringe thread keep getting deleted?

>> No.8571724


Leave it in English for both fields.

>> No.8571734 [DELETED] 

Thank you!
I am now ready to face the blood bath.

>> No.8571748

I'm trying to input it in english for the phonetic field but when I try and go to the next page it says:
Please have your name (phonetic Say) is entered in katakana ※.
Please enter your name (phonetic-name) is in katakana ※.

>> No.8571761


Shit, sorry. Just checked my own profile and it looks like I converted it from English to katakana or something.

http://japanesetransliteration.com/ might have been the site I used. Otherwise just search for English to katakana.

>> No.8571765


Might have been http://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/e2k.cgi, actually. Either should work, I think.

>> No.8571770
File: 443 KB, 1514x1080, the_best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I was about ready to give up.

>> No.8571771

wow, you would think maybe even her own friends would've donated like a dollar or something?

>> No.8571782


Just general curiosity. But since when has something's irrelevance to the community caused information to be off limits to cgl? And besides, Lor is a prominent figure in the lolita community. So it kind of does pertain to lolita.

>> No.8571783

I bought something secondhand last week and when it came in the seller gave me an AP shopping bag with it. TBH I was really happy even though the shopping bags are basically just garbage, but I've never bought direct from AP yet and I've just never received one in any other secondhand sales.

But now I have a handful of shopping bags, what do you guys even do with them? I've seen some people tack them up on the wall like posters and I know some people like to use them for carrying stuff around (like bringing items to swap meets)

>> No.8571794

I save them for when I sell items to "wrap" the items in.

>> No.8571795

I keep a lolita scrapbook! I put pictures of meets in it, and also dream dresses, etc. It's my personal account of my lolita journey so far. So when i get brand bags, I just clip out the logo from the bag and glue it onto the page. If it's small enough, I will keep it intact and just glue one side of it to the page so that it acts as a little pocket where I can keep purikura, polaroids, disposable camera snaps, etc.

>> No.8571797

i'm tired of offtipic gossip tbh

especially when janitors rabidly delete on-topic gossip as it is

>> No.8571812

Yes, I am now ready for the blood bath. Tokyo pirates just emailed back saying they can't accept online orders currently, so its all down to me now.
Wish me luck gulls, I'll be fighting on release day with the rest of you for once.

>> No.8571838

her boyfriend dumped her and moved away.
she turned into a 12 year old and started posting immature crap all over facebook.

she is now unfriending people who disagree with her behavior

the end

>> No.8571840

I don't think that's the problem though. I stack 2 victoriangirldress pettis with an off brand short petti to create a cupcake shape. It works for all my other dresses but I have just 2 that make the weird shape
( both bodyline, so it might be the cut? But no one else seems to have the same problem with those dresses)

When I stack the same pettis on brand, it looks fine

>> No.8571853

I too have an 88cm bust, and I can't even close the zipper on a dress cut like this. It really depends on your cup size, and big ones certainly don't look good.

>> No.8571860

Two things:
1. Bodyline skirts/dresses are often not cut very well so some things you can't get "perfect". Sometimes less petticoat is better when the shelf happens because it can mean that you are over-stuffing the middle/top part because it's not full enough.

2. Well cut brand dresses are way more forgiving of the wrong petticoat than bodyline and offbrand things which don't have exactly the right shape. That's how people get away with malco modes and VGD petticoats under brand and it looks ok-ish.

Long story short, you should get a lolita specific petticoat or two.

>> No.8571862

what are you trying to get?

>> No.8571871
File: 72 KB, 457x574, 10857997_10153469831692350_7613009569569072780_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.8571912

I've never, ever heard someone say 'cuh-munity'. I'm guessing it's a regional thing for you..

>> No.8571922

Wait, how do you say it? I'm not that anon but I've never heard it said any other way than "cummunity".

>> No.8572005

Kind of a specific request: Is there such thing as a cinnamon roll print? Maybe other unusual pastries if there isn't?

>> No.8572058

Makes sense, thanks anon!

>> No.8572153

Yaasss, lolibrary is up. Oh baby I missed you so ~

>> No.8572250

Are VM's measurements accurate? I exactly match the measurements and height they supposedly tailor for and I have a short torso, but their stated bodice lengths (32 cm to the top of the waistband? 36.5 to the skirt?) would be awkwardly short even on me. Who can actually wear their stuff?

>> No.8572263
File: 416 KB, 593x338, reviewredo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refilmed my review. instead of 1hr turned to 40 min, it was 40min editted to 20min. better?


>> No.8572339

New Thread >>8572337

Do you mind reposting this? I wouldn't want it to be forgotten here.

>> No.8572366

first thing - as long as you put the payment down as a payment for goods or services you will be covered by paypal. btssb never invoices overseas orders, and instead just instructs you to this

second - how much did you pay for the pieces? i assume she charged you extra for the amount of fabric she'd have to use, and if so you're pretty rightfully miffed about them not even using the extra panel your measurements need.

>> No.8572382

>first thing
didn't know that at the time. I've only worked with brands that have sent an invoice that were super professional and even had their shop logo on their business account etc.
>second thing
it said in the video. skirt $90, jsk $165. she didn't charge me extra. If i would have know that it was only gonna be two panels and that it needed more, she could have mentioned it and i would have even been fine being charged a bit extra for "plus size", but there was not a mention of it.

>> No.8572455

Im pretty sure got my email.. but its weird because i got it before i sent the payment. which is why i felt like it wasn't it.

>> No.8572736

Different anon, but I say it kind of like ka-mmunity. Same sound as in commune or common.

>> No.8573059

Another tip: You can save your credit card number so you don't have to type it in.

Doing so requires you to purchase something, but you can buy something cheap like socks or a novelty item.